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Sabina Exconde vs Delfin and Dante Capuno

101 Phil 843 Civil Law Torts and Damages Liability of Parents

Dante Capuno was a 15 year old boy who was a pupil of Balintawak Style of the Case: Sabina Exconde vs Delfin Capuno
Elementary School. In March 1949, he attended a boy scout parade for
Dr. Jose Rizal. While they were inside a jeep, he took control of the Facts and Procedural History:
wheels which he later lost control of causing the jeep to go turtle
thereby killing two other students, Isidoro Caperina and one other. Dante Capuno, son of Delfin Capuno, was accused of double homicide
Isidoros mother, Sabina Exconde, sued Dante Capuno for the death of through reckless imprudence for the death of Isidoro Caperina and
her son. Pending the criminal action, the mother reserved her right to Amado Ticzon on March
file a separate civil action which she subsequently filed against Dante
and his dad, Delfin Capuno. 31, 1949.

ISSUE:Whether or not Delfin Capuno, as the father of Dante is liable After trial, Dante Capuno was found guilty of the crime charged and,
for damages. on appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the decision. Dante Capuno
was only 15 years old when he committed the crime.
HELD:Yes. The civil liability which the law imposes upon the father,
and, in case of his death or incapacity, the mother, for any damages Sabina Exconde filed the present action against Delfin Capuno and his
that may be caused by the minor children who live with them, is son Dante Capuno asking for damages in the aggregate amoun of
obvious. This is necessary consequence of the parental authority they P2,959.00 for the death of her son Isidoro Caperina.
exercise over them which imposes upon the parents the duty of
supporting them, keeping them in their company, educating them and Defense said that only the son should be held liable since at the time
instructing them in proportion to their means, while, on the other of the accident, the son was not under the control, supervision and
hand, gives them the right to correct and punish them in custody of the father. The defense was sustained by the lower court
moderation. The only way by which they can relieve themselves of and they only convicted Dante Capuno to pay the damages claimed in
this liability is if they prove that they exercised all the diligence of a the complaint.
good father of a family to prevent the damage which Delfin failed to
prove. Issues: W/N defendant Delfin Capuno can be held civilly liable, jointly
and severally with his son Dante, for damages resulting from the
death of Isidora Caperina caused by the negligent act of minor Dante
On the other hand, the school is not liable. It is true that under the Capuno.
law, teachers or directors of arts and trades are liable for any
damages caused by their pupils or apprentices while they are under Holding:
their custody, but this provision only applies to an institution of arts
and trades and not to any academic educational institution. Yes. Lower court erred in relieving the father from liability because the
case came under Art 1903 of the Spanish Civil Code paragraph 1 and
JUSTICE J.B.L. REYES Dissenting: 5, which provides: The father, and in case of his death or incapacity,
the mother, are liable for any damages caused by the minor children
Delfin Capuno should be relieved from liability. There is no sound who live with them. xxx Finally, teachers or directors of arts and
reason for limiting the liability to teachers of arts and trades and not trades are liable for any damages caused by their pupils or
to academic ones. What substantial difference is there between them apprentices while they are under their custody.
in so far as, concerns the proper supervision and vigilance over their
pupils? It cannot be seriously contended that an academic teacher is The law above only applies to an institution of arts and trades and not
exempt from the duty of watching do not commit a tort to the to any academic educational institution, which Dante Capunos school
detriment of third persons, so long as they are in a position to exercise is.
authority and supervision over the pupil. The law also provides that the father (or the mother, in case of his
incapacity or death) is imposed with the damages that will be caused
by the minor children who live with them.

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