Pulmonary Drug Delivery

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International Journal of PharmTech Research

CODEN (USA): IJPRIF ISSN : 0974-4304

Vol.4, No.1, pp 293-305, Jan-Mar 2012

Pulmonary Drug Delivery System

Karhale Ashish A1., Chaudhari Hiralal S1., Ughade Prajkta L1.,
Baviskar Dheeraj T1., Jain Dinesh K2.

Department of Pharmaceutics, Institute of Pharmaceutical Education, Boradi,
Shirpur, 425 428 (M.S.), India,
College of Pharmacy, I.P.S. Academy, Rajendra Nagar, Indore, 452 012,(M.P.),India.

*Corres. author: [email protected]

Contact No:- +91 9595887842

Abstract: Pulmonary drug delivery is primarily use to treat conditions of the airways, delivering locally acting
drugs directly to their site of action. These routes of drug delivery may give the advantages like small amount of
drug, less adverse reaction and rapid onset of action. The human respiratory system is complicated organ system
these system consist of two reagions conducting airways and respiratory region. The airway further divided in to
many folds such as nasal cavity, nasopharynx, oropharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. The
respiratory region consists of respiratory, bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveolar sac. Pulmonary drug delivery
may show that many molecule are absorbed through the deep lung in ton the bloodstream naturally with high
bioavailability and without the need for enhancer used by other noninvasive route. In these inhalation therapy most
common device use such as nebulizer which consist of two types such as Jet nebulizer and Ultrasonic nebulizer,
Metered dose inhaler (MDI), and Dry powder inhaler(DPI). Pulmonary drug delivery is used for management of
COPD and Asthma only but due to advancement in application nowadays Pulmonary drug delivery is useful to
treat Diabetes, angina pectoris, cancer, bone disorders, tuberculosis, migraine acute lung injury and others. We also
describe here the various evaluation parameter for pulmonary drug devices. In these review we study the
pulmonary disease, different devices use on it, and there application with its evaluation parameter.
Key Words:- Pulmonary, lungs, Inhalers, asthma, COPD, Apllications.

penicillin was investigate. steroids had been introduced

INTRODUCTION in between 1950s for the treatment of asthma and
nebulizers were enjoy widely use. In 1956 the
Pulmonary route was use to treatment of
pressured metered dose inhaler (pMDI) was placed,
different respiratory diseases from the last decade. The
over the last 5 decades, helped by the advances in
inhalation therapies involved the use of leaves from
molecule design and drug discovery the pMDI was
plants, vapors from aromatic plants, balsams, and
risen to become the major stay for the asthma
myhrr. Through, around the turn of the 19th century,
treatment 1. It may found that certain drugs taken by
with the invention of liquid nebulizers, these newer
pulmonary route are readily absorbed by the alveolar
treatments developed into valid pharmaceutical
region direct in to blood circulation. Pulmonary route
therapies. In the 1920 s adrenaline can introduce as a
having many advantages over other routes of
nebulizer solution, in 1925 nebulizer porcine insulin
supervision for the treatment of particular disease
was use in investigational studies in diabetes, and in
states, specifically lung associated bigger protein
1945 pulmonary delivery of the newly revealed
Karhale Ashish A.et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2012,4(1) 294

molecules may degrade into the gastrointestinal 4) Alveolar region:-

situation and are excreted through the first pass This is also referred to as the respiratory airways,
metabolism into the liver which can be transferred peripheral airways or pulmonary region,
through the pulmonary route if deposited in the Comprising the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts
respiratory passage of the lungs 2. and alveoli.


The term pulmonary can be misleading since
some authors use it with reference to the whole
1) Lung regions:- lung, while others control its use to the alveolar
The respiratory tract starts at the nose and terminates region. In this chapter pulmonary refers to the
deep in the lung at an alveolar sac. There are a number whole lung. The use of upper respiratory tract
of schemes for categorizing the various regions of the
respiratory tract.
(i.e. NP plus trachea) and lower respiratory tract
is also common place.
2) Nasopharyngeal region:-
This is also referred to as the upper airways, which Pulmonary epithelium:-
involves the respiratory airways from the nose down The lung contains more than 40 different cell
to the larynx. types, of which more than six line the airways.
The diversity of pulmonary epithelia can be
3) Tracheo-bronchial region:- illustrated by examining its structure at three
This is also referred to as the central or conducting principal levels.
airways, which starts at the larynx and extends via the
trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles and ends at the
terminal bronchioles.

Fig 1: Different regions of the human respiratory tract

Karhale Ashish A.et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2012,4(1) 295

Fig 2: Pulmonary Epithelium

The bronchi:- Alveolar macrophages account for ~ 3% of cells in the

These are lined predominantly with ciliated and alveolar region. These phagocytic cells scavenge and
goblet cells. Some serous cells, brush cells and Clara transport particulate matter to the lymph nodes and the
cells are also present with few Kulchitsky cells. mucociliary escalator.

The bronchioles:- Ciliated cells:-

These are primarily lined with ciliated cuboidal In the trachea bronchial region, a high proportion
cells. The frequency of goblet and serous cells of the epithelial cells are ciliated such that there is a
decreases with progression along the airways while the near complete covering of the central airways by cilia.
number of Clara cells increases. Towards the periphery of the tracheobronchial region,
the cilia are less abundant and are absent in the
The alveolar region:- alveolar region. The ciliated cells each have about 200
This is devoid of mucus and has a much flatter cilia with numerous interspersed microvilli, of about
epithelium, which becomes the simple squamous type, 12 m in length. The cilia are hair-like projections
0.10.5 m thick. Two principal epithelial cell types about 0.25 m in diameter and 5 m in length. They
are present: are submersed in an epithelial lining fluid, secreted
Type-I pneumocytes: Thin cells offering a very short mainly from the serous cells in the sub-mucosal
airways-blood path length for the diffusion of gases glands. The tips of the cilia project through the
and drug molecules. Type-I pneumocytes occupy epithelial lining fluid into a layer of mucus secreted
about 93% of the surface area of the alveolar sacs, from goblet cells. The cilia beat in an planned fashion
despite being only half as abundant as type-II cells. to propel mucus along the airways to the throat.
Type-II pneumocytes: Cuboidal cells that store and
secrete pulmonary surfactant.
Karhale Ashish A.et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2012,4(1) 296


This is of minor significance for particles >1 m.
Particles smaller than this size are displaced by a
sequentially bombardment of gas molecules, which
Mechanisms of particle deposition in the airways may results in particle collision with the airway
Effective resistance mechanisms may have walls. The chances of particle deposition by diffusion
involved may reduces the burden of external particles increases with the particle size decreases. Brownian
enter the airways, and clearing those it may achieve diffusion is also more common in regions where
something in being stored. Therapeutic aerosols are airflow is very low or absent, e.g. in the alveoli.
two-phase colloidal systems in that the drug is Another method of deposition, that of interception, is
contained in a dispersed phase they may have a solid, of important for fibers but it may not for drug
liquid or combination of the two, based on the delivery. Generally:-
method and formulation of aerosol generation. Particles bigger than 10 m will have impact in the
Evidently for effective therapy, the drug must have upper airways and are rapidly removed by
obtain able to the lung in aerosol droplets or particles swallowing, coughing and mucociliary processes.
that deposit in the specific lung region and in The particles in the size range 0.55 m may break
sufficient quantity to be effective. The respiratory away from impaction in the upper airways and may
resistance mechanisms of mucociliary clearance and deposit by sedimentation and impaction in the lower
phagocytosis by macrophages may act upon TB and A regions. If the aerosol particle size is
insoluble particles. Aerosol particle dissolution they between the 3 and 5 m then deposition it mainly
may slow and the drug may then subsequently to be occur in the TB region. If the particles are smaller
subject to enzymatic deprivation before it reaches to than the 3 m then appreciable deposition in the A
its specific site of pharmacological action. Aerosols region is likely to occur.
for pulmonary drug delivery are transported from the
Physiological factors affecting particle
Inertial impaction deposition in the airways 3
This is the main deposition mechanism for Lung morphology:-
particles >1 m in the upper tracheo-bronchial Each successful production of the
regions. A particle having a large momentum it may tracheobronchial tree produces airways of falling
not able to follow the altering direction of the diameter and length. Every bifurcation results in an
inspired air as it transferred the bifurcations and it increase possibility for impaction and the decrease in
will show result to collide with the airway walls as it airway diameter is associated with a smaller
continues on its original course. displacement necessary a particle to make contact
with a surface.
Description of particle deposition mechanisms at
an airway branching site 5 Inspiratory flow rate:-
Impaction it mainly occurs near the bifurcations, When the inspiratory flow rate increases they
certainly the impaction of particles from tobacco enhance deposition by impaction in the first few
smoke on the bifurcations may be one cause why generations of the TB region. The increase in flow
these sites are often the foci for lung tumors. The not only increase particle momentum but also result
prospect of inertial impaction will be dependents in an increase in turbulence, mostly in the larynx and
upon particle momentum, thus particles with higher trachea, which itself will enhance impaction in the
densities or larger diameter and those travelling in proximal tracheo-bronchial region.
airstreams of higher velocity will show superior
impaction. Co-ordination of aerosol generation with
Sedimentation:- inspiration:-
By the settling under gravity the particles may The energy of aerosol particles generated from
deposited. It becomes highly important for particles pressurized metered dose inhalers (p MDIs, is largely
that reach airways where the airstream velocity is govern by the pMDI formulation rather than the
relatively low, e.g. the bronchioles and alveolar subjects IFR. pMDI aerosol droplets will be
region. The fraction of particles depositing by this travelling at velocities of 2,5003,000 cm s1. A
mechanism it may dependent upon the time the failure to co-ordinate actuation of the p-MDI during
particles use in these regions. the early on phase of the inspiratory plan will result
Karhale Ashish A.et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2012,4(1) 297

in near total particle impaction in the oropharnygeal Shape:-

area. Particles which are non-spherical will have at
smallest amount one physical dimension which is
Tidal volume:- superior than the aerodynamic diameter. Ecological
An increased IFR will usually be connected with fibers 50 m in length can reach the A region
an enlarge in the volume of air inhaled in one breath, because they align with the inspired airflow. Such
the tidal volume. Obviously an increase in tidal materials then impact in the airways by a procedure
volume will result in penetration of aerosol particles of interception with the airway walls.
deeper into the TB and A regions and a better chance Density:-
for deposition inside these regions. Particles having densities less than 1 g cm3 (unit
density) may have a mean physical diameter larger
Breath holding:- than the aerodynamic limit. Most micronized drugs
Increasing the time between the end of for inhalation will contain particle densities around 1,
inspiration and the start of exhalation increase the although materials created by freeze-drying or spray-
time for sedimentation to occur. Breath-holding is drying methods are likely to be appreciably less
normally used to optimize pulmonary drug delivery. dense.

Disease states:- Physical stability:-

Bronchial obstruction as seen in different Therapeutic aerosols are often inherently actually
pulmonary disorders may associated with the larger unstable since they have a high concentration of
local airflows and turbulence and this will result in particles and their close immediacy may lead to
localized deposition in the larger airways of the mutual repulsion or other inter-particulate reactions.
trachea-bronchial region. The bronchoconstriction of Aerosol particles generate by DPIs may be
asthma has a more influence on exhalation than hygroscopic and, during their passageway throughout
inhalation and thus deposition by sedimentation may the high humidity environments of the airways, may
be superior than normal. enlarge in size and thus have a greater chance of
being prematurely deposited. It be supposed to not be
Pharmaceutical factors affecting aerosol assumed, however, that the uptake of water vapor
deposition 4 will always occur.
Aerosol velocity:-
The aerosols formed by nebulizers and dry Pulmonary delivery devices:-
powder inhalers (DPIs) are transported into the lung Current inhalation devices are separated into
by entrainment on inspired air. In difference, pMDIs three different categories, the refinement of the
generate aerosol droplets with velocities greater than nebulizer and the evolution of two types of compact
the inspiratory airflow and therefore the aerosol will portable devices, dry powder inhaler (DPI) and
have a greater affinity to impact in the oropharyngeal metered-dose inhaler (MDI).
Marketable devices do not lead to monodispersed
particles and frequently the size distribution is 1) It is needle free pulmonary delivery.
extensive and the particles may show varying shapes. 2) It requires small and fraction of oral dose.
Consequently a number of terms are used to 3) Low concentration in the systemic circulation are
adequately characterize an aerosol sample:- associated with reduced systemic side effects.
The geometric standard deviation (GSD) is defined 4) Rapid Onset of action
as the size ratio at 84.2% on the cumulative 5) Avoidance of gastrointestinal upset
frequency curve to the median diameter. This 6) Degradation of drug by liver is avoided in
assumes that the sharing of particle sizes is pulmonary drug delivery 6,7.
Lognormal. A monodisperse, i.e. ideal aerosol, has a
GSD of 1, although in practice an aerosol with a DISADVANTAGES OF PULMONARY DRUG
GSD of <1.22 is describe as monodisperse while DELIVERY
those aerosols with a GSD >1.22 are referred to as
polydispersed or heterodispersed. 1) Oropharyngeal deposition gives local side effect.
2) Patient may have difficulty using the pulmonary
drug devices correctly
Karhale Ashish A.et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2012,4(1) 298

Fig 3: Air jet nebulizers

3) Drug absorption may be limited by the physical that patients learn how to organize exhalation and
barrier of the mucus layer. inhalation with actuation of the device. By using the
4) Various factors affect the reproducibility on drug spacer device it may solve the problem moderately
delivery on the lungs, including physiological and the bulky size of the device can be prevention for
pharmaceutical barrier. patients who have need of use of MDIs outside their
5) The lungs are not only accessible surface for drug homes. In near the beginning 1990, attempts were
delivery complex but also delivery devices are actively made to reformulate MDIs as a result of the
required to target drug delivery. mandatory ban on the use of propellant
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which have been
RECENT TECHNOLOGIES OF PULMONARY concerned in the depletion of the Earths ozone layer.
DRUG DELIVERY Optional propellants, such as hydrofluoroalkane 134a
Nebulizer: Nowadays the many physicians are (HFA-134), have be extensively investigated for their
mostly use nebulizer for the treatment of acute potentials to change CFCs since 1990.
asthma in an emergency care unit or for treating
patients with severe asthma at home. In jet
nebulizers, an aerosol is prepared by a high velocity
air stream from a pressurized source directed against
a thin layer of liquid solution. Ultrasonic nebulizers
include the vibration of a piezoelectric crystal
aerosolizing the solution. The nebulizer can transport
more drugs to the lungs than MDI or DPI, the most
common disadvantage of nebulizer are lack of
possibility, higher costs of drug delivery as a result of
the larger need for assistance from healthcare
professionals, and the need for higher drug doses to
achieve a therapeutic result 8.

Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI): These are the most Fig 4: Metered-dose inhalers
common device for administration of aerosolized
drugs. In this technique, a medication is mixed in a
canister with a propellant, and the preformed mixture
is expelled in exact measured amounts upon
actuation of the device. Correct use of MDIs requires
Karhale Ashish A.et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2012,4(1) 299

Powder Inhaler (DPI): Dry powder systems use drug and potential for condensed dose through enhanced
single or its blends with a suitable carrier, mainly as dispersibility.
lactose, for delivery to the lungs. The three main
factors Drug, Carrier, and device may affecting the act
of pulmonary delivery of drugs. Unlike MDIs, delivery
of medication with a DPI require minimum patient DRUG DELIVERY DEVICES
coordination and collaboration of breathing following
1) Cascade impactors
actuation of the device. In addition, DPIs are small,
Cascade impastos determine the aerodynamic
portable devices that can be easily carried in a purse or
activities of aerosol particles by size-separating the
pouch. There is also not require to use spacers. In
dose in impactor plates. Cascade impactors give up
addition, DPIs are devoid of environmentally injurious
valuable aerosol parameters such as the fine particle
CFC propellants, as normally necessary in MDI
fraction (FPF) mass median aerodynamic diameter
formulation. Since both MDI and DPI have been
(MMAD). In vitro particle sizing data obtained from
exposed to afford comparable efficacy in delivering
impactors plan first at scheming the quality of the
the similar drug and in view of the mandatory ban of
pharmaceutical product and next at provide an analysis
CFCs use in MDIs by the United Nations, it is not
tool for product improvement. It is projected that
shocking that DPIs have become increasingly
outcome from cascade impactors forecast human lung
significant as a pulmonary drug delivery system over
deposition data as particle aerodynamic size
the precedent decade. The aerosol drug delivery is
determines aerosol deposition in the human respiratory
undergo dramatic changes in both inhaler device and
tract. In wide-ranging the FPF thoroughly
formulation aspects 10. There is a rapid move from the
overestimates whole lung authentication in humans.
traditional propellant-driven metered dose inhalers to
Dimensions in cascade impactors are prepared at room
the high presentation liquid atomizers and dry powder
temperature and at low absolute humidity, which is not
inhalers. The inhaler devices are particularly attractive
representative of human airways ambient
as dry powders. Because of dry powder show the
greater chemical stability than the liquids are use in
atomizers. On the other hand, formulation and
e2) In vitro:-
production of dry powders for inhalation can be
In this respect, in vitro models for pulmonary drug
difficult and challenging due to the potential physical
delivery studies propose another as it convey up fewer
instability of the powder.
moral questions but also because they allow a fast
screening of drugs. In both cellular models, it is
significant that epithelial cells form a tense monolayer
in order to characterize the natural epithelial barrier.
Monolayer tension and reliability are classically
assessed by measuring Trans epithelial electrical
resistance (TEER) and potential difference crosswise
the monolayer. Monolayers of lung epithelial cells
permit the categorization of drug transport and
evaluation of potential drug and formulation toxicity.
Drug transport is classically calculated in the apical to
basolateral direction, and vice versa, in order to ensure
for active transport mechanisms.

3) Continuous cell cultures 11

Continuous cell cultures are supplementary
Fig.5: Dry Powder Inhalers
reproducible and easier to utilize than primary cell
cultures but they frequently do not have the
differentiated morphology and the biochemical
Advantages for Dry Powder Inhalers (DPIs):
characteristics of the original tissue. There are a small
Larger drug available for pay loads per puff.
number of cell lines resulting from alveolar epithelial
Blending is not require for it. Enables use of small,
cells. A549 is a type II alveolar epithelial cell line that
flow-rate independent inhalers, The particles readily
originates from human lung adenocarcinoma. It can be
disaggregate despite their small size. Enables
very helpful in metabolic and toxicological studies but
improved lung deposition, de dose decrease variability
it is less interesting as a drug delivery model because
A549 cells do not form stretched monolayers.
Karhale Ashish A.et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2012,4(1) 300

4) Primary cell cultures 12 pigs have been generally used as an animal form of
The majority primary cell cultures used as allergic asthma and infectious diseases (e.g.,
models for pulmonary drug delivery and convey tuberculosis) since the airway anatomy and the
studies consist of alveolar epithelial cells. Type II respond to inflammatory stimuli are similar to the
pneumocytes for primary culture can be removed from human case. The dissimilar mammals do not show to
the lung of different species. Human cells are the present related mucociliary clearance and alveolar
mainly representative of the clinical circumstances, but macrophage morphometry. In large mammals, the rate
they are less available than cells from other mammals. of mucus permission in millimetres per minute is
Human type II pneumocytes are removed from normal elevated compared with small rodents. Though, huge
lung tissue of patients undergoing partial lung mammals also have longer airways than minute
resection. In culture, the cells experience segregation rodents and thus, worldwide, the bronchial permission
into type I-like cells, as indicated by morphological of inhaled particles is comparatively slow in humans
and histochemical change. In premature stages of the (> 24 h). By contrast, bronchial clearance of particles
cell culture, the cells create elevated levels of is relatively quick and early in rats and mice. The
surfactant protein C and little levels of caveolin 1, a number of macrophages per alveolus and the alveolar
marker of type I pneumocytes, and on the other hand at macrophage volume are superior in human and canine
later stages. On day 8 of culture, the cells form a tight lungs than in small rodents lungs.
monolayer consisting mainly of type I cells and some
interspersed type II cells, with TEER > 2000 cm2 7) Passive inhalation:-
and potential difference > 10 mV. During passive inhalation of aerosolised drugs,
animals are kept awake and allowed to breathe
5) Air-interface cultures normally. Aerosolised drugs are delivered using an
Air-interface cultures (AIC) are models that permit aerosolisation chamber in whole body, head-only or
aerosol particles to place straight onto semi-dry apical nose-only exposure systems. The devices most
cell surface. Drug deposition and dissolution take frequently used for generating aerosols are nebulisers.
place in a small volume of cell lining fluid, a Passive inhalation is principally used in the mouse and
circumstances that mimics more directly deposition on less frequently in larger animals (rat, guinea-pig, dog ).
the lung surface in vivo. The AIC show greater This method is more representative of drug delivery to
similarity to airways epithelial morphology, with the human lungs than intratracheal instillation of large
superior glycoprotein discharge, more prominent volumes of liquids. The drug concentration in the
microvilli and the construction of a pseudo stratified aerosol is determined by sampling the test atmosphere
layer of columnar cells, while the liquid-covered and quantifying the drug in the sample.
culture created a monolayer of cells.
8) Whole body exposure system:-
6) In vivo In whole body aerosol exposure system, animals
Before new drugs are deliver to the human lungs, are placed in a sealed plastic box that is connected to a
animal studies need to be passed out. The morals of nebuliser or a generator of dry powder aerosol.
any animal experiment require to be accepted by an Although this system allows a less stressful pulmonary
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. drug administration to an important number of
Experiment perform in an animal model can afford animals, there is potential drug absorption across the
information on drug declaration, metabolism, skin after deposition on the animal fur, from the nasal
assimilation and kinetic profile as well as on drug and mucosa and from the gastrointestinal tract.
rats and guinea-pigs) are frequent formulation
acceptability. So, non-human primates are use only in 9) Head-only or nose-only exposure systems:-
advanced research. By contrast, small rodents (mice, In the head-only or nose-only exposure systems,
models for preliminary studies on pulmonary drug the animal is attached to the exposure chamber and
delivery because they can be used in large numbers. only the head or the nose is in contact with the aerosol.
Mice have been used less often for assessing The systems can be designed for delivering drugs to
pulmonary release of systemically performing drugs one or to several animals. Compared with the whole
because pharmacokinetic studies are not optimally body exposure system, the head-only or nose-only
perform in mice. Owing to its small size, one mouse exposure systems offer several advantages. Skin
can offer only one blood sample at a time (1 ml whole exposure to the drug and its uptake by the transdermal
blood sample is withdrawn by cardiac puncture and route are avoided. The low volume of the
mouse euthanasia must be done at each time point of aerosolisation chamber reduces the amount of drug
the plasma drug concentrationtime curve. Guinea- needed to generate the aerosol. Potential drug
Karhale Ashish A.et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2012,4(1) 301

reactivity with excreta is avoided. Variable durations treatment of COPD titropium inhalers are present in
of animal exposure are possible in one single test. market.

10) Direct intratracheal administration:- 2) Recent role pulmonary delivery inpatients on

Dry powders can be delivered intratracheally ventilators
using a powder-insufflator or by generating a powder Nowadays to improve inhalation coordination of
aerosol. Although intratracheal administration is a patient devices are mostly used like Baby mask. This
simple method of pulmonary drug delivery, small mask is attached to spacer for small tidal volumes and
changes in the method can lead to significant low inspiratory flow rates infant and young Childers.
differences in site of drug deposition within the lung We can easily give medication to child up to 2 years
and, thereby, in systemic drug absorption. Deposition by using baby mask this is recent advancements in
of the solution in the trachea, central and peripheral applications of pulmonary drug delivery.
lobe sections was assessed after tissue grinding using
albumin as a slowly diffusing marker. The use of a 3) Pulmonary delivery in cystic fibrosis
simple micro-syringe led to the deepest administration Nowadays cystic fibrosis is very common disease
within the lung and to the highest bioavailability when .Pulmonary delivery played an important role in the
the instillation was followed by the administration of a treatment of CF for decades. The main aim of aerosol
3 ml air bolus. A spray-instillator, producing 25 30 system is to deliver drugs to infants and childrens.
m solution droplets, led to more central deposition The following drugs are given by pulmonary route for
and lower bioavailability. Advantages of intratracheal management of cystic fibrosis.
administration of drugs include the perfect control of I) N-Acetylcysteine
the drug dose delivered, the absence of drug losses in The mucolytic agents N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
the instrumentation (except for liquid and powder have been used by pulmonary route to help in sputum
aerosols), the bypassing of nasal passages and the clearance. It will help to liquefy tenacious secretions
possible targeting of different regions within the and make their clearance easier. Recently newer
respiratory tract. mucolytic agent, nacystelyn, has been developed for
delivery via a dry powder inhaler.
11) Intranasal administration:- II) Recombinant human deoxyribonuclease aerosol
Intranasal administration is mostly known for Nowadays deoxyribonuclease is given by
local drug delivery to the nasal mucosa but it can also pulmonary route. Recombinant human
be used for intrapulmonary drug administration in deoxyribonuclease aerosol many used to liquefy
mice . Intranasal administration is performed on the secretions in CF patient.
anaesthetised mouse kept in a vertical position. With III) Tobramycin-spray dried
the help of a micropipette, the solution is deposited on Tobramycin powders containing Nanoparticles for
a nostril and is simply aspirated in respiratory airways pulmonary delivery. Tobramycin is commonly used to
during breathing. Use of a small volume of solution treat patients with CF. Overall, evidence suggests
restricted drug administration to the nasal cavity but improved lung function and probably reduced
that the use of a larger volume of solution allowed a hospitalization when tobramycin is part of
deeper administration to be reached in lung upper maintenance therapy in CF .
4) New use of pulmonary delivery in diabetes
CURRENT APPLICATIONS OF Diabetes is deficiency of insulin secretion or
resistance. The most common form of this therapy is
twice-daily subcutaneous injections of insulin. This
1) Application of pulmonary drug delivery in type of treatment is painful and as a result encourages
Asthma and COPD1314 non compliance by up to half of the diabetics. Various
Asthma is a chronic lung that disease is companies are working on insulin inhalers than any
characterized by inflammation and narrowing other insulin delivery option. Insulin inhalers would
of airways. Asthma causes recurring period so work much like asthma inhalers. The products fall into
wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and two main groups the dry powder formulations and
coughing. For treatment of asthma advances had done solution, which are delivered through different
in drugs such levosalbutamol inhalers which show patented inhaler systems. E.g. Novel pMDI
greater efficacy as compare tosalbutamol. COPD formulations for pulmonary delivery of proteins 15-20.
means chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. For the
Karhale Ashish A.et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2012,4(1) 302

5) In migraine 11) In acute lung injury

Ergotamine is drug of choice for migraine. Many Drug given by pulmonary route plays very
years ago, ergotamine via metered dose inhaler was important role in acute lung injury. Major
used successfully to treat migraine headache21. complication of acute lung injury is Hypoxemia and it
is often difficult to manage. Mediators such as nitric
6) Angina pectoris oxide and prostacyclin can improve oxygenation by
Angina pectoris is not a disease itself it is increasing blood flow through ventilated areas.
symptoms of myocardial ischemia it is arises as a Prostaglandin E by continuous aerosol via a ventilator
result of imbalance between oxygen supply and has also been shown to improve oxygenation.
demand of myocardium. Nitroglycerine. Is drug of
choice for angina pectoris has been given generally by 12) Application of pulmonary drug delivery as a
sublingual route Isosorbide aerosol has also been surfactant aerosol
reported useful in hypertensive crisis. In United States In respiratory distress of premature infants and
inhalation therapy for angina-pectoris is very well neonatal surfactant plays important role. There
accepted 21. continues to be great appeal for the use of surfactant in
adults because of the apparent success in neonates, but
7) Role of pulmonary delivery in vaccination its use should not become practice until well controlled
While there was moderate interest in aerosol trialsdocument clinically meaningful efficacy.
vaccination 1520 years ago, progress to ward 13) Gene therapy via pulmonary route
application has been modest seen. Nearly 100 vaccines This is new research in application of pulmonary
are approved in the U. S. About half of these prevent drug delivery .Main aim Gene therapy given by
respiratory infections, yet all are currently injected pulmonary route is treatment of cystic fibrosis. There
Recently inhaled measles vaccine given by nebulizer. are many problems to be overcome before clinical
As far back as the 1960, influenza experts tested applications are practical. Some of these are safety,
aerosol flu vaccines18. successful transfer of sufficient genetic material to
appropriate tissue, adequate gene expression,
8) In emphysema maintenance of expression over time, and efficacy of
Emphysema is most popular respiratory disorder expression.
due to deficiency of Alpha 1 antitrypsin uncontrolled
neutrophil elastase deficiency formed which leads to 14) Application of pulmonary drug delivery in
lung destruction and the formation of emphysema. cancer chemotherapy
Now a days recombinant AAT (rAAT) given Cancer is one of major disease which takes death
intravenously(IV) is very well accepted treatment. of people. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer
Early evaluation of aerosolized AAT documented deaths globally, and inhaled chemotherapy seems a
adequate alveolar fluid AAT and penetration into the logical approach to treat lung cancer. Aerosol delivery
lung inter stitum. Neutrophil elasticss inhibitor, of the anticancer agents difluoro methyl ornithine and
secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor, has also been 5-fluorouracil reduced lung tumors in mice 50 %and
considered for protection against elastase in CF and 60 %, respectively. Interleukin-2 stimulates immune
patients with AAT deficiency. function in cancer patients, but injections cause fever,
malaise, and local swelling 23.
9) Recent use of pulmonary drug delivery intrans
plantation 15) Delivery of pentamidine by pulmonary route 24
Inhalation route play a role very important role in Protozoan Pneumocystis carinii(PCP) is major
transplantation. Acute and chronic rejections are major cause of Pneumonia in Patients with acquired
problems compromising transplant and patient immunodeficiency syndrome . Aerosol pentamidine is
survival. Aerosolized cyclosporine is useful for not only useful in treating mild PCP and, but also for
reducing the risk of acute rejection. 21 prophylaxis against PCP.

10) In Pulmonary arterial hypertension 16) Delivery of Amphotericin by pulmonary route

This is new use of pulmonary route in2004, the
FDA approved Ventavis (iloprost), an inhaled Now days Amphotericin aerosol has been
treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension. In successfully used to treat various infections. Such use
pulmonary arterial hypertension, severe restriction of should not become clinical practice without good
blood vessels results in early death.22 randomized controlled trials. Ribavirin aerosol has also
been used for treatment or prophylaxis following bone
Karhale Ashish A.et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2012,4(1) 303

marrow transplantation but controlled trials are needed pulmonary embolism. This pulmonary therapy is
to better clarify efficacy. noninvasive because it is needle free.

17) Delivery of Gentamycin by pulmonary route 22) Recent use of pulmonary delivery for bone
For chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa(PA) disorders 29
infections in CF gentamycin given by pulmonary route Disease such as osteoporosis and Pagets disease of
play as important role. It was observed daily bones can be treated by pulmonary delivery. The
inhalations of gentamicin delays the acquisition of predicted increase in the number of patients with
chronic PA infections and decreases disease osteoporosis and the lack of ideal therapies dictates the
progression in children with zanamivir, made by GSK, need for better treatments. Clinical evidence from a
was the first inhaled anti-viral medication approved by variety of other peptides and proteins indicates that
the FDA in1999. For treatment of flue dose of dry pulmonary delivery is safe, efficient, well tolerated and
powder inhalers is twice daily for 5 days24. preferred by patients so pulmonary route is better
option to treat bone disorders. Following are drugs
18) Diagnostic application pulmonary drug delivery used to treat osteoporosis are the naturally occurring
peptides calcitonin and parathyroid hormone, which
Pulmonary drug delivery is not only useful for regulate bone metabolism.
therapeutic purpose but also for diagnosis purpose. For
example, inhalation of aerosols of methacholine and 23) Current use of pulmonary delivery of opioids as
histamine is responsiveness in asthma. pain therapeutics 30
To avoid pain associated with inject able pain
19) Nicotine aerosol for smoking cessation killer Pulmonary opioid delivery is better alternative.
As we know that smoking is injurious to health. It Early clinical studies involving in haled opioids were
is very difficult to aces such habit. From ancient times focused on treatment of dyspnoea and not pain
people smokes cigarette and get addicted with management, but theyshowed that inhalation of
smoking. Primary reason for cigarette smoking is various opioid compounds is safe, even in severely ill
Nicotine addiction, and nicotine replacement is patients. The advent of specialized and efficient
appealing as a means of reducing cigarette use to pulmonary drug delivery systems has facilitated the
ultimately achieve cessation. evaluation of inhaled opioids, such as morphine and
fentanyl, for management of severe pain associated
20) Inhaled drug delivery for tuberculosis therapy with surgery or malignant disease. Studies are going
on to introduce new molecules for management of pain
Tuberculosis is most infectious diseases cause by trough pulmonary route Studies with efficient
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Administering drugs by pulmonary delivery systems, designed for systemic
the pulmonary route to the lung sallows higher drug drug applications, conclusively show that inhaled
concentrations in the vicinity of these lesions. opioids are rapidly, completely and reproducibly
Supplementing conventional therapy with inhaled absorbed into the bloodstream. Thus, the pulmonary
antiTB therapy may allow therapeutic concentrations route has excellent potential for treating non-
of drug to penetrate effectively into lung lesions and invasively severe pain in the postoperative setting and
treat the resident mycobacterium. in malignant disease.

21) Pulmonary delivery of lower molecular weight CONCLUSION

Heparin 28
As discussed in this review, the pulmonary drug
Now days, low molecular weigh the parins is better
delivery field is truly one of the mostly popular areas
as an alternative to un fractionated heparin because of
in todays applied pharmaceutical research and its
improved pharmacokinetic profiles and reduced cost of
development. Certainly, still at this time, the more
therapy in the treatment of deep vein thrombosis and
information is collected the more related question
pulmonary embolism . Low molecular weight heparins
marks are surfacing covering the area of lung
are given by subcutaneous and intravenous routes.
physiology and diseases, lung deposition, intelligent
Administration of an anticoagulant drug directly to the
inhalation devices, delivery of biopharmaceuticals.
pulmonary circulation would be ideal for the treatment
Absorption enhancement, controlled drug release in
of pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary formulation of
the lung and, last but not least. As more efficient
LMWH will allow direct administration of the drug
pulmonary drug delivery devices and sophisticated
into the lungs, and consequently this formulation is
formulations become may available, physicians and
likely to reduce the mortality from an attack of
health professions will have a choice of a wide variety
Karhale Ashish A.et al /Int.J.PharmTech Res.2012,4(1) 304

of device and formulation combinations that will target increase clinical effectiveness and patient compliance.
specific cells or regions of the lung, avoid the lungs Some of the key determinants for successful dispersion
clearance mechanisms and be retained within the lung of pharmaceutical powders suitable for inhalation are
for longer periods. The more efficient, user-friendly reviewed with an emphasis on the practical
delivery devices may allow for smaller total significance.
deliverable doses, decrease unwanted side-effects and

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