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Juvenile delinquency Adults criminal actions

Accused of a delinquent act. May be charged with Accused of a


Infraction the minors crimes. Case presented are formal


believed to have committed Both are entitled to be made aware court.

are of less serious nature.of the charges and to have legal Focus on
punishments or

Cases are decided by representation.

penalty that will make it

judge alone. The lawyers in criminal court have

less to commit similar

Focus to rehabilitate the right to question and cross examine crimes again in
the future.

the minor. witnesses.

Both juvenile and adult defendants

are protected from self-

Topic Outline

I. Positive effects of Juvenile Delinquency

A. Challenge the future for everyone involved.

B. Challenge the efforts of government agencies, families, educators, etc.

II. Negative effects of Juvenile Delinquency

A. Loses ground academically.

B. Loses freedom while being incarcerated.

Sentence Outline

I. The juvenile who commits a crime also suffers effects that he or she is
probably unable to predict and may even have future consequences on
the adolescents college and career choices.

II. Effects of juvenile delinquency on the victims.

A. Whether the crime involves theft, vandalism, or violence, the victim

always suffers loss.
B. The victim may incur expenses related to lost wages, health care, or
psychological care in addition to the cost of replacing damage or
destroyed items.

III. Effects on the Families.

A. The upheaval and trauma of having a family member who is a juvenile

delinquent can create instability for the other relatives.
B. The family has to cope with the needs of the child who is in trouble and
raise large amount of money to pay for lawyers.
C. The family has to face the ethical issues of responsibility to the victims of
the childs crime.
IV. There is a correlation between juvenile delinquency and drug use, gang
involvement, alcohol abuse, and sexual behavior. All of these issues
challenge communities by making neighborhoods unsafe and costing
large amounts of public money to be spent on law enforcement and school

V. The prevention of delinquency requires identifying at-risk individuals and

their environments before delinquent activity and behavior occur, and
then removing such risk factors or strengthening resistance to the risk
factors already present. The most logical starting place for prevention is
the family.

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