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Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu empowerments



(Egyptian: n-f-n-nsw), also known as Ankh-af-na-khonsu, was a priest of the

Egyptian god Mentu who lived in Thebes during the 25th and 26th dynasty (c. 725
BCE). He was the son of Bes-en-Mut and Ta-neshet.

Meaning of the name

"A translation of the name might be close to the following: Ankh is both a tool and a
symbol meaning 'new life.' eternal life The line af is always part of another word that
provides force strength. The word, na is generally used as a preposition, such as 'to,
for, belonging to, through, or for the reason that.' Khonsu was the adopted son of Amun
and Mut from the Theban triad. His name comes from a word meaning, 'to cross over' or
'wanderer' or 'he who traverses.' So, his entire name may be translated as 'the truth that
has crossed over.'

The Stela of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu

The Stela of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu (Cairo A 9422 [formerly Bulaq 666])is a painted,
wooden offering stele, discovered in the 1858 at the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut at
Dayr al-Bahri

It says:

"...has left the multitudes and retorts those who are in the light, he has opened the
dwelling place of the stars; now then, the deceased, Ankh-af-na-khonsu has gone forth
by day in order to do everything that pleased him upon earth, among the living."

Cairo Stela A 9422: Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu is the figure standing on the right.

The Obverse Side

The Front of the Stele contains the following:

Nuit frames the curved top. She is the Goddess of the Night Sky.

Hadit, the winged solar disc, with the inscription, the great god, Lord of the sky.

Horus, the hawk-headed solar god, sits on his throne. The inscription reads, Ra-hoor-
khuit, chief of the gods.

Ankh-af-na-khonsu stands prior to Horus. His inscription reads, The deceased, priest
of Mentu, Lord of Thebes, the justified one for whom the doors of the sky are opened in
Karnack, Ankh-f-n-khonsu.

The Altar, which contains offerings, shows bread, beer, cattle and fowl.

The main body of text is a prayer to Ra-Hoor-Khuit. According to more modern

interpretation, it says:

The words spoken by the Osiris (i.e. the deceased), the priest of Monthu, Lord of
Thebes, the one who opens the doors of the sky in Karnack, the justified Ankh-f-n-

"O High One, may He be praised, the Great One of power, the spirit of great dignity,
who brings fear of himself to the gods, who shines forth upon his throne

Make open the way for my soul, my spirit, and my shadow, for I am equipped so that I
might shine forth as an equipped one, make open the way for me to the place where Ra,
Atum, Kheper, and Hathor are."
The deceased, priest of Monthu, Lord of Thebes, the justified Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, the son
of the man with the same titles, Bes-en-mut, and the son of the musician of Amun-Re,
the mistress of the house Taneshi."

The Reverse Side

The reverse side, which is covered with hieroglyphs, is the following prayer:

Words are spoken by the Osiris, priest of Monthu, Lord of Thebes, the justified Ankh-

"O my heart of my mother (two times), O my heart while I am upon earth, do not rise up
against meas my witness, do not oppose me in the tribunal, do not be hostile against
me in the presence of the Great God, Lord of the West.

Although I have joined myself to the earth in the great western side of the sky, may I
endure upon earth."

Words spoken by the Osiris, the priest of Thebes, the justified Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu

"O Unique One, who shines as the moon, may the deceased, Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu, go
forth among your multitide (this to the outside)O deliverer of those who are in the
sunshine, open for him the Netherworld (the Daat)indeed the Osiris, Ankh-ef-en-
Khonsu, shall go forth by day to do that which he wills upon the earth and among the

priest AnkhefenKhonsu, and was discovered near his coffin ensemble of two
opened Egyptian Museum of Cairo where it remains today.

This point of contact depicted a scene of the enthroned hawk-headed sun-god

Horus with the priest making offerings before him; - above them are a falcon-
winged solar disk, and the surrounding image of Nuit, goddess of the heavens,
framing the whole composition.



Crowley claimed he heard a disembodied voice talking to him, claiming that it
was coming from a being Crowley named as Aiwass the Minister of Hoor-Paar-


The Thelemic pantheon includes a number of deities, focusing primarily on a

trinity of deities adapted from ancient Egyptian religion, who are the three
speakers of 'The Book of the Law': Nuit, Hadit and Ra-Hoor-Khuit.

Thelema draws its principal gods and goddesses from Ancient Egyptian religion.
The highest deity in the cosmology of Thelema is in fact a goddess, Nuit (see
She is the night sky arched over the Earth symbolized in the form of a naked
She is conceived as the Great Mother, the ultimate source of all things.
The second principal deity of Thelema is the god Hadit (see right), conceived as
the infinitely small point within a circle, complement and consort of Nuit.
Hadit symbolizes manifestation, motion, and time.

He identifies himself as the point in the center of the circle, the axle of the
wheel, the cube in the circle, "the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in
the core of every star," and the worshiper's own inner self.
Hadit has been interpreted as the inner spirit of man, the Elixir Vitae.
When juxtaposed with Nuit in 'The Book of the Law', Hadit represents each
unique point-experience.
These point-experiences in aggregate comprise the sum of all possible
experience, Nuith.
Hadit, "the Great God, the lord of the sky," is depicted on the Stele of Revealing
in the form of the winged disk of the Sun, Horus of Behdet (also known as the
However, while the ancient Egyptians treated the Sun and the other stars as
separate, Thelema connects the sun-god Hadit with every individual star.

Hadit is the Fire of Desire at the Heart of Matter (Nuit).

The combination of the upward-pointing triangle of Hadit and the downward-
pointing triangle of Nuit forms the Star of Spirit (the Hexagram). The union of
the infinitely small Hadit and the infinitely great Nuit causes an explosive rapture
which leads to samadhi.

His symbols are our Sun, the serpent, the Fire Snake, the star Sothis, the planet
Pluto, the Will, the winged globe and the hidden flame.

The third deity in the cosmology of Thelema is Ra-Hoor-Khuit, a manifestation

of Horus.
He is symbolized as a throned man with the head of a hawk who carries a
He is associated with the Sun and the active energies of Thelemic magick.
Other deities within the cosmology of Thelema are Hoor-paar-kraat (or
Harpocrates), god of silence and inner strength, the brother of Ra-Hoor-Khuit,
Babalon, the goddess of all pleasure, known as the Virgin Whore and Therion,
the beast that Babalon rides, who represents the wild animal within man, a force
of nature.

helema's theology posits that all manifested existence arises from the interaction of two
cosmic principles: the infinitely extended and omnipresent space-time and the atomic
Principles individually expressed from Life and Wisdom. The interaction of these two
gives rise to the principle of the consciousness that governs existence. In the book of
law, divine principles are embodied by a trinity of ancient Egyptian divinities: Nuit, the
goddess of infinite space; Hadit, the winged serpent of light; And Ra-Hoor-Khuit
(Horus), the Solar Lord, Hawk Head of the Cosmos.

The Theemic system uses the divinities of diverse cultures and religions as divine,
specific and archetypal personifications of the cosmic forces. The "Thelemic Doctrine"
holds that all the various religions of mankind are based on universal truths; And the
study of comparative religion is an important task for many thelemites.

With respect to the concepts of the individual soul, Thelema follows the traditional
hermeticism in the doctrine that each person possesses a soul or "Body of Light" that is
arranged in "layers" or "envelopes" that surround that physical body. Thelema considers
that each individual also has its own personal "Augoeides" or "Holy Guardian Angel";
Which can be considered both as the "higher self," and as an independent, sensitive,
divine being. With regard to the concepts of the other life, life itself is considered as an
ongoing process, with death as an integral part of the whole. The mortal life dies in
order that the mortal life may continue. The Augoeides, however, are immortal and not
subject to life or death.

Parallel to Buddhist doctrine, the Body of Light is considered subject to

metempsychosis or reincarnation, after the death of the body. The Body of Light is
generally considered to evolve in wisdom, consciousness, and spiritual power through
cycles of metempsychosis in those who devote their lives to spiritual advancement; To
the point that their fate after death can ultimately be determined by the will of the

Thelema incorporates the idea of the cyclical evolution of Cultural Consciousness as

well as personal consciousness. History is considered divided into a series of "aeons,"
each with its own dominant conception of divinity and with its own "formula" of
redemption and progress. The current current is called the Eon of Horus. The previous
Aeon was that of Osiris, and before this the Aeon of Isis. The Neolithic Aeon was
dominated by the idea of maternal divinity, and its formula involved devotion to Mother
Earth, in exchange for the food and shelter She provided. The Classic / Medieval Aeon
of Osiris was dominated by the Fatherly Principle, and its formula is that of self-
sacrifice and submission to God the Father. The present Eon of Horus is governed by
the principle of Childhood, the sovereign individual; And its formula is that of growth,
in consciousness and love, towards self-realization.

According to Thelmica doctrine, the expression of the Divine Law in the Aeon of
Horus is "Do your will". This "Law of Thelema" should not be construed as a license to
indulge every passing whim, but as the divine mandate to discover one's True Will or
true purpose in life, and to achieve it; Let others do the same in their own way. The
"acceptance" of the Law of Thelema is what defines a thelemite; And the discovery and
realization of the True Will is the fundamental concern of all the Thelemites. Achieving
"Knowledge and Conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel" is considered an integral
part of this process.

Aratos' term poikilos, applied to the Dog (constellaton), is equally appropriate to Sirius
now in the sense of many-colored or changeful, and is an admirable characterization, as
one realizes when watching this magnificent object coming up from the horizon on a
winter evening. Tennyson, who is always correct as well as poetical in his astronomical
allusions, says in The Princess:

The fiery Sirius alters hue

And bickers into red and emerald;

this, of course, being largely due to its marked scintillation; and Arago gave Barakish
as an Arabic designation for Sirius, meaning Of a Thousand {Page 128} Colors; and
said that as many as thirty changes of hue in a second had been observed in it.
[Montigny's scintillometer has marked as many as seventy-eight changes in a second in
various white stars standing 30 above the horizon, though a somewhat less number in
those of other colors.]

Sirius was worshiped, too, as Sihor, the Nile Star, and, even more
commonly, as Sothi and Sothis, its popular Graeco-Egyptian name,
the Brightly Radiating One, the Fair Star of the Waters; but in
the vernacular was Sept, Sepet, Sopet, and Sopdit; Sed,1
[According to Mueller, this Sed, or Shed, of the hieroglyphic
inscriptions appeared in Hebrew as El Shaddar.] and Sot, the Seph
of Vettius Valens. El Shaddai, I am God all-sufficient; from shadah, to
shed, to pour out. I am that God who pours out blessings, who gives
them richly, abundantly, continually.

The Silver Platinum Ray of Zapharel

Founder: Stephen LoveringThe Silver Platinum Ray of Zapharel (also known as The
Silver Platinum Ray of Seraph Zapharel) wasfounded by Stephen Lovering. The
following is from his manual:The Silver Platinum Ray is a high frequency energy that
has been shared with us by Seraph Zapharel, amember of the Seraphim. The Silver
Platinum Ray comes from Source and can be used as a personaldevelopment tool and
also to help others.The Ray often has a cool feel to it and can help us to clear blocks
and issues that hold us back fromwalking our true path. Releasing blocks and realigning
our energy centres can help bring us tocompleteness and oneness and enable us to lead a
happier and more contented life.By receiving the connection to the Silver Platinum
Ray you will start an ongoing process of realignmentand releasing and over time this
process will enable you to follow your inner guidance and direction.Once you have
received the Star of Zapharel you will start an ongoing and often subtle series of
energeticchanges and clearings that over time will bring harmony and peace in
relationships with others both inromantic relationships and friendships and working
relationships. Issues carried during this lifetime andprevious lifetimes will be healed and
cleared and you will feel less burdened and more at ease with thoseclosest to
you.Zapharel is a member of the Seraphim which is closest to Source. He has chosen
to share this Ray with usto enable us to clearly work towards a world where we exist in
peace and harmony and can be more easilyable to clear blocks and realign our energy to
work in harmony with all around us. So often people are keento be able to heal others
yet forget that they need to heal themselves to become a pure and strong channelof
energy. The Silver Platinum Ray will assist us to do this and be able to work more easily
with others.Even if we work often with energy healing systems our own channels can
become blocked and thereforethe energy does not flow as easily as it could and should
do. The Ray of Zapharel will help to increase thisflow and deepen your connection with
Seraph Zapharel and Source.
This connection is unique as you are able to receive the Silver Platinum Ray on an ongoing basiswithout
having to ask your teacher to reattune you. Once you have received the intial connectionfrom your
teacher you will be able to receive ongoing booster attunements simply by asking to receive them!

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