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Chapter I



The concept that students must acquire the know-how required for success in their

studies has gained in their studies has gained an increasing number of adherents among teachers

and administrators. These- know - how consist of students attitudes towards school. Their

study habits and skills make them interested to study and do important school activities including

school work and homework. Their study skills are the consistent pattern behavior that makes

them do the work in their classes. Skills are the efficient techniques required for their school


Reading is the fundamental of education. Formal education begins with teaching

students to learn how to read. The skills in reding is usually introduced during pre-school

period. Parents from various walks of life Introduce the skill to their children at the age of


Reading is usually thought during pre- school course up to the highest level of

education. Student who finished kindergarten are usually capable of reading. However, the ones

who do not have the same opportunity may be left far behind.

Elementary pupils are on the process of earning and building skills in reading. Pupils at

this level have faced the factors affecting their reading skills in various aspects in which the

researchers would want to determine through the insights of the respondents- teachers.

Statement of the Problem

The study dealt with the strategies of Selected Teachers as Reading Motivation of

Students in La Fortuna Colleges.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 sex;
1.2 age
1.3 civil status;
1.4 year of teaching?
2. What are the factors affecting the reading skills of the pupils?
3. How do these factors affect the academic performance of the pupils?
4. What are the suggested motivations given to solve or lessen the problem?

Significance of the Study

The researchers believed that in every difficulty experienced by elementary teachers in

reading skills of elementary pupils has corresponding motivating factors and conducting of this

study will be important to the following:

School Administrator . For them to support the needs of the students who have low

skills and ability in reading.

Teachers in Reading . For them to provide to the questions they have in mind even

those topics that have never been discussed before in the classroom to become an excellent

teachers and communicators. The findings of the study are important to them because they will

gain insight concerning the development of the students s reading skills and will be their basis

for their proposed activity in school

Students who failed in Reading Subject . For them to know the recommendations

offered by the researchers in order to overcome barriers in reading. And motivate them to study


Elementary Pupils . For them to get a lot of benefits from the study try their best to

improve and further develop their skills in reading both English and other languages as well as

identification of difficulties in reading and improvement of instructional material will help the

pupils build their skills in reding.

Elementary Teachers. The outcome of this research will identify some factors that

contribute to the factors affecting pupils in reading which they can be used as foundation for

further improvement of teaching instruction in reading.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aimed to identify strategies adopted by Teachers as Reading Motivation

The respondents of this study were the elementary teachers of La Fortuna colleges, The

main tool in obtaining data were questionnaires, prepared and carefully organized by the


Figure 1

. Paradigm of the Study


Good study habits

READING MOTIVATION Provide variety of good

Better or improved
Materials academic performance

Provide regular reading time

for their

Children at home

Silent and oral reading

Theoretical Framework

Deciding which teaching methods to use, given the wide assortment available, is not easy.

Which method is the best for teaching a certain body of information or learning process Weston

and Cranton (1986) believe that the selection of teaching methods and strategies is one of the

most complex part of teaching, yet it receives the least attention in instructional planning. It may

receive little attention because educators, unless taught otherwise, assume that the way they were

taught is the best way to do it. They select strategies with which they are familiar and

comfortable, without much thought as to whether those strategies are the most appropriate way

to teach the material. For educators who are aware of the many teaching methods available to

them, and who wonder which is the best, there are several factors they should consider.

First, the selection of method depends on the objectives and type of learning you are

trying to achieve. If you want to present facts and rules, a lectures with handouts or a computer

tutorial may be appropriate. If you want to mold attitudes, case studies, discussion or role-

playing may work the best. If their goal is to motivate the learners, gaming would be a good

choice. If they want to encourage creativity and reading skills, the best approach might be

problem- based learning or individual projects.

Definitions of Terms

For a better and clearer understanding of the study the following are defined


English language it is a second language among Filipinos, it is the language brought to

the Philippine by American and become the International Language.

Factors it is anything that motivates someone to move emotionally or to bring about a


Affect is anything brought about by a cause or agent power to bring about result.

Language expressing thought and feelings, the totality of words and methods of

obtaining words used by the people.

Teachers. A person employed in an official capacity for the purpose of guiding and
directing the

learning experience of students or students in an education institution

School it is an educational institution which formal instruction is given also the

instruction itself.

Students . A person engaged in a course of study, especially one in secondary levels

Interest. Attention with a sense of concern, lively sympathy or curiosity also the power

to excite hold such attention

Learning. Knowledge obtained by study or from institution , scholarship erudition

Learning environment. It is where the students obtaining their knowledge and learning

particularly a classroom.

Reading. It is a multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension,

fluency, and motivation.

Writing-. It is the representation of language in a textual medium through the use of a set

of signs or symbols known as writing system.

Medium Of Instruction-. It is the language used in teaching. It may or may not be the

official language of tertiary. In Philippines English is the medium of instruction.

Strategy of Teaching-. A guidelines used by the teachers in teaching by which

sufficient numbers of specific examples are presented to the learner to enable him to arrive at a

definite rule of principles.

Education. It is the systematic development and cultivations of the natural powers, by

inculcation, instruction and training in an institution of learning, the knowledge and skills

resulting from such instruction and training.

Teacher. A person employed in an official capacity for the purpose of guiding and

directing the learning experiences of students in an educational institution.

Strategies. It is the science of planning and directing large scale of students, skills in

managing and planning especially in ways of teaching students.

Curriculum Planners. They are the groups who can use the findings of this study to design a

course that will make students prepared to cope with the demand f reading skills,

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and studies tat had been reviewed by the

researchers to increase the knowledge and deepen their insights about the topic of this study.

Foreign Literature

According to Poet, Williams Witt and Atwood (2001) reading comprehension also plays

a great role in word meaning acquisition during reading process. Reading means many things

to many people . It can be one of the most rewarding, preoccupation , of the individual his

horizons and making it possible to partake of means accumulated experience and achievements

through the ages. It is an active dialogue between the author and the other reader and it is the

basic tool for earning in all learning in all subjects, It also plays a vital role in ones success in

school. Reading is one of the most important skills un English than an individual must need to

master. It is atoll subject for t is prerequisite of all learning areas. It serves as a gateway to

every child to learn the learn the different subject because a child has difficulty in reading, he

may encounter also difficulties in all subject areas.

Further, Berk (2000) postulated that technology becomes an advance pupil and students

have become addicted to this modern facilities or gadget. Many of them prefer to play video

games, text, chat in the internet rather than reading. Too much engagement caused pupils to

have poor level of reading and comprehension.

Comprehension is reading with understanding . It is decoding meaning from the printed

not only in single words and sentences but also of the interrelationships among the sentences in

discourse. One of the many problems of the pupils is how to improve their reading speed and

comprehension skills, Pupils cannot answer questions about the subject matter he has read or

he cannot tell what he had to read. It is necessary therefore for the teachers to provide as

many opportunities to develop the reading skills of the pupils.

Teachers must acquire the know-how required for success in schools. This know how

consist of the students attitudes toward school, their habits and study skills. Study skills are the

efficient technique required by their school work. They include reading listening, speaking,

writing , information management research, test taking and evaluation skills.

The students reading remedial help should be provided with remedial exercise .elements

and appropriate their guide level can be provided with developmental or enrichment exercises

which will enable them to become more proficient in the skills they have already acquired on

which will help them learned new study skills.

In reading skills in subject areas, highly specific reading skills are needed for each

subject. Take time, therefore, to review the study skills that are especially important in the

subject matter area, In science classes to follow directions, and in English classes, to

appropriate description, to understand the significance of figures of speech and to be aware of

style and the propose activity in reading subject.

Foreign Studies

Cognitive skills are not fixed but can influenced through investment in pre school

training, education in school, and significantly, parental efforts. The most effective period for

cognitive skill investment to parents is early on in the life of their children (Cunha et al. 2006)

previous studies have found appositive association of parents reading to their children and the
childs subsequent reading skills, language skills and cognitive development, children who and

read to more frequently at an early age enter school with larger vocabularies and more

advance comprehension skills (Mol and Bus, 2001)

Research has found that reading story books to children is one of the mot important

activities for developing the knowledge required for eventual success in reading. Reading in

pre-schoolers has been found to be related to language growth. Emergent literacy and reading

achievement (Bus at al., 2000) In addition, reading to children also stimulates them to read

books themselves ad further develop their cognitive skills (Caoy et al., 2006)

Teodorothy (2001) explained that the teacher should always develop the study skills of

the students to make them interested in school. Study skills, too, can be taught effectively only

after identifying their students are of weaknesses and levels of achievements by means of

appropriate tests. In addition to testing, the teacher can repeat request the students to prepare a

product, such as an outline or a report and then the strength and weaknesses of the product.

According to Theodorothy, students needing remedial help should be wielded with

remedial exercises. Those whose level of achievement is appropriate to their grade level can be

provided with development or enrichment exercises which will enable them to become more

proficient in the skills they have already acquired or which help them learn new study skills.

As pointed out by him, information on how to teach various types of study skills such as

reading skills, speaking skills, information, management skills, writing skills, test-taking skills

and evaluating skills, is provided in the remainder of the chapter two points to keep in mind

when teaching students to develop their knowledge, are hold frequent but short practice period,

and second provide students with immediate feedback on their progress during the practice


Local Literature

According to Alcantara (2000) reading is considered to be one of the most prominent

skills among students and teachers are required to do their academic reading in English, It is

obvious that reading is one of the most important activities in any language class, both also

source of information and extending ones knowledge of the language. The man difference in

the attitude to reading in recent years has bent e emphasis on provident guidance for students

in developing their reading skills and using some strategies rather than merely expecting it to

develop with its own accord.

Guansing (2001) states that the success in affecting learning. The experience of

successful teachers shows that anything done in the most efficient and effective way is

accomplished by certain methods of techniques. Anything done without techniques will entail

much waste of time, energy, and interest on the part of the teacher and the learner.

According to Serafin (1997), a teacher should be enthusiastic about his subject. An

instructors enthusiasm is a crucial factor in student motivation. If a teacher becomes bored or

apathetic, students will too. Typically, an instructors enthusiasm comes from confidence,

excitement about the content and genuine pleasure in teaching.

According to Serrano (1991) there are teachers who are not dedicated to their sworn duty,

they are lazy or so busy moonlighting that when they come to their classroom, they do not have

anymore interest left for their students. The result is poor teaching which the end results of these

is students failure to their subjects because the students under these teachers got bored they
dont enjoy their stay in the classroom, they become confused disorganization even host tile or in

different, they create all sorts of troubles and shenanigans in the classroom. They quarrel with

their classmates and friend to dislike the subjects. Under this circumstance, learning becomes

distasteful to the individual. It makes him feel unwanted and his alternative is to leave the subject

or the school as a whole, may be for good, only to find out next school year that he has grown

too old for the grade or year level.

According to Somalons (1999) developing students s reading skills means teaching

them to learn to read, to listen , to speak , write, to take tests, and evaluation skills. He stated

that a students attitudes are his views on the importance of school activities including class work

and home worked to his life goals. His study habits are the consistent patterns of behavior t he

used to do the work for his school works.

The writers believed that every teacher has the responsibility of teaching all her students

how to be successful in school as they possibly can be. The science teacher, for example, cannot

excuse herself from teaching her students how to read the text for her course because she feels

that teaching reading is the job of the English teacher. The consensus that seems to be gaining

ground is that any teachers who gives an assignment must be ready to help her students acquire

the reading skills that they need to do the assignment properly.

At times as pointed out by Somalons that some teachers wonder why the students in their

classes do not seem to be making any significant progress in their class work. One Probable

factor behind this situation is that such teachers, along with teachers of the preceding grades,

failed to help their students acquire the needed attitudes toward school and develop reading

skills. Teacher must realize that the acquisition and application by students of these skills

constitute an important pathway to both successful learning and effective teaching.

As pointed out by Tanchioco (1996) before you can help improve students reading

skills , you must find out what their present attitudes are. You can learn about your students

attitudes toward school by observing their acti8ons and conversation. You should

administrators inventories which can be either teacher mode or commercially prepared or as

teacher. You may which to use open ended questions and to confer with individuals students.

Tanchioco expressed the view that the teacher should remember to help students sustain

proper skills throughout the year. Show them that it is important t for them to develop their

study skills to assure their learning success show to them also that their level of achievement is

continually important to you by inspecting their work having conferences with them about their

progress, meeting with some of them who have special difficulties, and [praise their

accomplishment. If students have failed, make them see that they are in a temporary slump and

discuss dhow they can help themselves to improve.

Local Studies

According to Santos(2002) reading is thinking and is usually requires a good del of

effort and concentration.

Moreover, Alejandro (2005) readers should have a specific purpose and positive

attitude each time they read something. reading information, enjoyment ,m and knowledge is

rather different from comprehensions.,

According to the study conducted by Pascual (2006) on the development of the listening

study skills of the study, it was found that one techniques the teacher can use to improve

students listening skills is to give them brief dictate a brief passage pertaining to her subject

matter and then check to see what the students have actually written.

The study of revealed that by providing dictation drills on students areas of listening

difficulty throughout the years, the teacher can help focus their attention on specific English or

Pilipino sound and speech patterns, dictation exercises can be taped for students to use in the

learning laboratory during their study periods. After each dictation however, it was found that

the students should have the opportunity to compare and then the students listen to those sections

which he did not comprehend.

It was likewise found that to help the students become more efficient listeners introduce

them to the following guidelines.

a. Persuade yourself that it is important to listen to the speaker,

b. Look at the speaker while he or she is talking

c. Try to ignore any distracting mannerism he or she may have; and

d. Concentrate on what the speaker is saying..

Justification of the Study

The following literature and studies are related in the sense that they are focused about

the factors affecting the reading skills of the pupils. There has been emphasis on the

development of the reading skills and justification for this is not difficult to find. We will have

access to literature or periodicals or scientific and technical magazines or newspapers written

in the language they are learning.

All these related literature helped the present investigators while they were in the process

of formulating this research design and constructing their instrument for gathering data . an

assessment has ever been conducted in La Fortuna colleges ., hence, there is no other study

duplicated by the current investigations.



This chapter presents the research method, source of data, data gathering instruments that

will be used in the investigation.

Research Method

The method used by the researchers in this study was descriptive method using

questionnaire-check list. Descriptive research is defined as the fact finding with adequate

interpretation and the true meaning of the data collected are reported from the point of view of

the objective and basic assumption of the research. (Calderon, 1993)

According to Tan, the method used was concerned ascertaining the condition, which

prevail in a group of cares chosen for the study. It deals primarily with data gathering procedures

and instrument to secure information (Barrientos-Tan, 2005)

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in the elementary department of La Fortuna colleges A map

provided by Cabanatuan City Municipal office shows the exact location of the target elementary

school of this study.

Population and Samples

The respondents of the study are fifteen (15) selected elementary teachers, from LA

Fortuna colleges who were chosen through random sampling Random sampling is a sampling

technique that selecting a group of subject for the study from a larger group, a non- probability

type of sampling that the selection of the respondent was handpicked or by draw lots

Research Instrument Used

The instrument used was questionnaire-checklist and distributed from the selected
respondents. The questionnaire check-list composes of three parts .

The following are given considerations in the formulations of the questionnaire checklists
used in the conduct of this study, as follows:

Part I. Socio-Demographic Profile of Respondents in terms of: age, sex, civil status, and

years in teaching.

Part II. Factors affecting the reading skills of elementary Pupils.

Part III effects on the Academic Performance of the Pupils

Part Motivating Factors to develop reading skills of the pupils

Response Mode: The responses to each item statement were evaluated accordingly to the range

as shown below

Ranges Verbal Interpretation

4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Moderately Agree
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers of this study asked permission from the Office of the Principal of

Elementary Department of La Fortuna colleges - Cabanatuan City, to allow them to float the

questionnaires, to the target respondents, and answered by them. The researchers had personally

administered the questionnaire -checklist and they have 2 days intervals for retrieving the

questionnaire to the respondents of this study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers summarized and analyzed the responses of the respondents upon

gathering the questionnaires.

For the socio-demographic profile of the respondents the following statistical tools were


a. Frequency Distribution. Is a statistical procedure that involves listing all possible

measures of variable and tallying each datum on the listing (Burns and Grove, 2005).

This was done by categorizing and tabulating the frequency of each occurrence.
b. Percent. This was utilized by the researchers to get the proportion of a part of the

whole. The researchers used the following formula (Calderon et al, 1993):
Percentage (%) = X 100
Number of Population

For the description of measures for the factors affecting reading skills of the pupils and

its effect to academic performance the following were used:

C. Weighted Mean, the following nominal equivalences to the coded values were

The formula for finding the weighted mean were

WM =

In which WM = weighted mean

TWF = Total products of weight and their respective frequencies
N = Number of Population

d. Ranking. These statistical treatments were utilized to discuss positional advantages.

Ranking is the placement of an item in category of more or less than the same item. It simply

says that one is higher than the other, Five (5) is the highest and one (1) is the lowest.

The degree of responses treated and categorized as follows:

For the factors affecting reading skills of the pupils and its effect to academic performance

and the suggested solutions to develop reading skills of the pupils the responses to each item

were evaluated Likerts Scale as shown below:

Verbal Interpretation Ranges Weight

Strongly agree (SA) 4.21-5.00 5

Agree (A) 3.41-4.20 4

Moderately agree (MA) 2.61-3.40 3

Disagree (DA) 1.81-2.60 2

Strongly disagree (SDA) 1.00-1.80 1

Chapter 4


The data gathered and organized are shown and reflected on the tables presented in this

particular chapter.


Respondents Personal Profile

To understand the knowledge and competency of the participants to become respondents in

this study, their profile are presented below.

The following table presents the distribution and percentage of the demographic profile of

the respondents as to age sex, civil status and years in teaching


Profile of the Respondents



20-30 4 26.67
31-40 6 40
41-50 2 13.33
51-60 3 20
Total 15 100%
Male 3 20
Female 12 80

Total 15 100%
Civil status:
Single 4 73.33
Married 11 26.66

Total 15 100%
Years in Teaching:
5-10 5 33.33
11-15 4 16.67
15-20 3 20
21-30 3 20
Total 15 100%

Age . As to ages of the respondents ranked first were the 41-40 years old with a

frequency of 6 or 40 percent, second were the 20 -3 0 years old with a frequency of 4 or 26.67

percent, followed by 51-60 years old with 3 or 20 percent, the last is 41-50 years old with a

frequency of 2or 13.33 percent.

As can be derived in the findings, majority of the respondents are already in their late age

brackets. This late age brackets of the respondents are a clear manifestation that they are at the

right age which they have already acquired wisdom and knowledge regarding their responsibility

being a teachers or second parent of the pupils

Sex. The table 1 shows that majority of the respondents were female with a frequency

of 12 or 80 percent , followed by males with a frequency of 3 or 20 percent

Female dominates teachers Females can be reflected of a person who has strong personality

and they can withstand the pressure brought about with their line of duty and responsibility as

teachers and second parents of the pupils and can make smart decisions that triumphs of

judgment as what they eventually become as molder of the children.

Civil Status. As shown on the table, There are more teachers-respondents are married

with a frequency of 11 or 73.33 percent ,and 4 or 26.66 are still single

Based on findings most of the respondents are married, and married person can be described

as person with strong personality and has quality of good decision making regarding their line

of duty and responsibility or in the nature of their profession. The consolidated data indicates

that respondents-teachers are more females This only proved that teaching professions is a

female dominated vocation. Teachers has the higher level of understanding and experience.

These means that the responsibility involves being accountable for ones own behaviour within

the context of the family that successful marriage depends upon the mutual assumption, sharing,

and division of responsibility in the family.

Years in teaching. As can be seen from the table most of the teachers- respondents

has long period of service and has frequency of 5 to 10 years in teaching with a frequency of

5 or 33.33 percent , followed by those who have were 11-15 years with a frequency of 4 or

26.67percent and those who have 16-20 and 21 -30 years in teaching both has a frequency

of 3 or 20 percent experiences in teaching.

As can be elicited in the findings most of the teachers-respondents were in the service for a

long time and had enough experience and knowledge to handle their responsibility as an

effective teachers and molder of the children.

II. reading motivation

The table below presents the factors affecting the reading skills of elementary pupils

in La Fortuna Colleges.



1. Lack of study habits 4.27 Agree 1
2. Lesser intellectual capacity of the pupils 3.73 Agree 4
3. Inadequate reading Materials 4.20 Agree 2
4. Lessen encouragement 2.47 Moderately Agree 7
5. Consumes much time in playing rather than 3.93 Agree 3
6. Too much use of cell phones n text messaging 3.60 Agree 6
7. Lack of attention of the parents 3.67 Agree 5

The table shows that lack of study habits with 4.27 weighted mean and verbally

interpreted as agree got the highest rank followed by Inadequate reading Materials with 4.2

weighted mean verbally interpreted as agree, followed by Consumes much time in playing

rather than reading with a weighted mean of 3.93 ; Lesser intellectual capacity of the

pupils(3.73); Lack of attention of the parents, (3.67) and Too much use of cell phones n text

messaging(3.60) all were verbally interpreted as Agree the last factors that affect reading skills

of the pupils was Lessen encouragement with a weighted man of 2.47 verbally interpreted

asModerately agree

It was found out that there are factors that affect the learning process and academic

performance of the pupils like reading skills or standing in class of the pupils were lack of

study habits inadequate instructional materials also poor school facilities. It was recommend

that the teachers should use varied teaching standards and should attend seminars for the

preparation of teaching devices for effective teaching in reading Cristobal (2000) believe that

since the teachers, as well as the school guidance counselors and school administrators are the

substitute parents of the pupils in school they cannot deny the fact that the pupils under them

are their responsibilities especially in terms of education. This means that these should teach

their pupils to acquire good study habits like spending at least 2 hours of studying their lesson at

home before going to bed at night to read their books, lectures and other learning materials and

study their lessons and assignments before starts of classes instead of going texting through their

cellphones. In this way, the researchers stressed that the pupils will develop a good study




1. Difficulties in spelling 3.73 Agree 3
2. Difficulties in the recognition of words 3.8 Agree 2
3. Lack of comprehension among pupils 3.93 Agree 1
4. Pupils couldnt read complete sentence well 3.4 Moderately Agree 6
5. Pupils couldnt construct simple sentence 3.67 Agree 4
6. Not interested to learn 3.13 Moderately Agree 7
7. The pupils get failing grades 3.6 Agree 5

The table shows that lack of comprehension got the highest rank with 3.93 weighted

mean and verbally interpreted as agree, followed by difficulties in the recognition of words with

3.8 weighted mean, Difficulties in spelling, got the 3rd rank with 3.73 weighted mean, followed

by 3.67 weighted mean which was the Pupils couldnt read complete sentence , The least was

Not interested to learn with 3.13 weighted mean and verbally interpreted as Moderately agree.

From the above data it can be seen that lack of comprehension affects the learning

ability of elementary pupils , thus teachers and parents should teach and guide the children while

reading and help them to comprehend what is written on the reading materials.

As based on Berk (2000) study ,comprehension is reading with understanding . It is

decoding meaning from the printed not only in single words and sentences but also of the

interrelationships among the sentences in discourse. One of the many problems of the pupils is

how to improve their reading speed and comprehension skills, Pupils cannot answer questions

about the subject matter he has read or he cannot tell what he had to read.

The table presents the suggested solution of the respondents to develop the reading

skills of the pupils

Table 4


1. The teachers give some enjoying activities to the 4.13 Agree 4
pupils to read
2. Teachers encourage the pupils to read aloud the 3.67 Agree 7
lessons in the class.
3. The pupils be encouraged to read books and other 4.53 Strongly 1
reading materials Agree
4. Teachers encourage the pupils to participate in the 3.93 Agree 5
reading program
5. The teachers provide vocabulary words in all subjects 3.87 Agree 6
6. Parents advise their children in doing their 4.2 Agree 3
assignment particularly reading
7. Parents advise their children to lessen or minimize 3.60 Agree 8
the use of cell phones
8. Teachers practice the pupils in their dictation lesson 4.23 Strongly 2
in some subjects. Agree

Table 4presents the suggested solutions of the respondents to develop the reading skills

of the pupils . ranked 1 with the weighted mean of 4.53 was The pupils should be encouraged

to read books and other reading materials followed by Teachers should practice the pupils in

their dictation lesson in some subjects. With a weighted mean of4.23 both interpreted as

strongly agree followed by Parents should advise their children in doing their assignment

particularly reading ( 4.2); The teachers must give some enjoying activities to the pupils to

read (4.13); Teachers should encourage the pupils to participate in the reading program(3.93);

The teachers provide vocabulary words in all subjects(3.87); Teachers should encourage the

pupils to read aloud the lessons in the class.(3.67) and Parents should advise their children to

lessen or minimize the use of cell phones(3.60) all were interpreted asAgree
This means that the teachers should encouraged pupils to read books and help excel in

the class and parents should provide guidance to their children. It is necessary therefore for the

teachers to provide as many opportunities to develop the reading skills of the pupils. Teachers

must acquire the technical know-how required for success in schools. This know how consist

of the students attitudes toward school, their habits and study skills. Study skills are the efficient

technique required by their school work. They include reading listening, speaking, writing ,

information management research, test taking and evaluation skills.

Chapter 5


This chapter present the summary of findings based on the data gathered from the

respondents, the conclusion arrived at, and the recommendations offered.


This study sought to investigate the Factors Affecting the Reading skills of the

elementary Pupils as Perceived by the teachers of La Fortuna Colleges

The study used the descriptive method of research; Descriptive research is defined as the fact

finding with adequate interpretation and the true meaning of the data collected are reported from

the point of view of the objective and basic assumption of the research. The instrument used to

collect the data was questionnaire-checklist that was administered to the respondents.

The respondents were the selected fifteen (15) elementary teachers involved in the study

from the subject ,school ,La Fortuna colleges , elementary department who are chosen through

random sampling.

In analyzing the data, the statistical tools used were the descriptive statistics such as the

frequency, weighted mean and the ranking system, the study covered this second semester

School Year 2016-2017.

Specifically, it answered the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex ;
1.3 civil status;

1.4 years in teaching?

2. What are the factors affecting the reading skills of the pupils?
3. How do these factors affect the academic performance of the pupils?
4. What are the suggested motivation given to solve or lessen the problem?


I. Profile of the Respondents

Age . In the 41-40 years old , there were 6 or 40 percent, second were the 20 -3 0

years old with a frequency of 4 or 26.67 percent, followed by 51-60 years old with 3 or 20

percent, the last is 41-50 years old with a frequency of 2or 13.33 percent.

Sex. The female respondents has frequency of 12 or 80 percent , followed by males

with a frequency of 3 or 20 percent

Civil Status. There are more teachers-respondents are married with a frequency of 11

or 73.33 percent ,and 4 or 26.66 are still single

Years in teaching. Most of the teachers- respondents has long period of service and

has frequency of 5 to 10 years in teaching with a frequency of 5 or 33.33 percent , followed by

those who have were 11-15 years with a frequency of 4 or 26.67percent and those who have

16-20 and 21 -30 years in teaching both has a frequency of 3 or 20 percent experiences in



Factors Affecting The Reading Skills

Most of the respondents agreed that lack of the study habits affects the reading sjkls of

the pupils and less encouragement from the parents was the least affect and verbally interpreted

as moderately agree.

Effects On The Academy Performance Of The Pupils

Most of the teachers perceived that lack of comprehension got the highest rank with

3.93 weighted mean and verbally interpreted as agree, , The least was not interested to learn with

verbally interpreted as Moderately agree.

Suggested Solutions To Develop The Reading Skills

Most of the respondents agreed that The pupils should be encouraged to read books

and other reading materials , Parents should advise their children to lessen or minimize the use

of cell phones verbally interpreted as Agree


In the light of the foregoing summary of findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. As can be derived in the findings, majority of the two groups of respondents are already in their

late brackets. Majority of the teachers-respondents are male, married acquired long years in


2. That most of the teachers respondents strongly agreed that the pupils are affected by

some factors in their reading skills capability primarily the lack of study habits and less

encouragement from the parents is the least factors

3. That the most of the teachers perceived that lack of comprehension affects the

learning ability of elementary pupils , thus teachers and parents should teach and guide

the children while reading and help them to comprehend what is written on the reading


4. That the teachers should encouraged pupils to read books and help excel in the class

and parents should provide guidance to their children. It is necessary therefore for the

teachers to provide as many opportunities to develop the reading skills of the pupils, It is

important that the parents should monitored their children using modern tech gadgets

like cellphones .


Based on the findings presented the following recommendations are hereby offered:

1. That Every elementary teachers should attend the Seminars and training for the
development of teaching strategies in relation to the pupils reading skills and
development .
2. The elementary teachers should consider modifying elements of their responsibilities,
task and jobs to obtain better results with their preferred style of teaching
3. Parents should find ways to work closely and collaboratively with their childrens
teachers in order to maximize benefits that their children can have
4. Pupil should encourage to use school library and have good study habits that should be
observed by parents
5. Parent should provide their children with variety of good reading materials.
6. Teachers should encourage their pupils to use dictionary so tat it will be easy for them to
recognize and understand the meaning of some difficult words while reading.
7. .Other studies related to this study be conducted as an off shoot of the current study.



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Name: (Optional) ___________________________________

Directions: Please put a check mark(/) on the blank provided

after each items applicable to you.
1. Profile Of Respondents
1.1 Age

1.3 Gender

1.4 Civil Status

1.5 Years in Teaching

5-10 years
11-15 years
16-20 years
21-30 years

Direction: Please put (/) check mark to choose any of the number to the space provided to
best express your honest opinion by using the following Scales:
Scale Verbal Response

5- Strongly agree
4- Agree
3- Moderately agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly disagree
2. What are the factors affecting reading skills of the pupils

FACTORS 5 4 3 2 1

1. Lack of study habits

2. Lesser intellectual capacity of the
3. Inadequate reading Materials
4. Lessen encouragement
5. Consumes much time in playing
rather than reading
6. Too much use of cell phones n text
7. Lack of attention of the parents
3.How do these factors affect their reading skills?

Affect 5 4 3 2 1

1. Difficulties in spelling
2. Difficulties in the recognition of
3. Lack of comprehension among
4. Pupils couldnt read complete
sentence well
5. Pupils couldnt construct simple
6. Not interested to learn
7. The pupils get failing grades

3.What are the suggested reading motivations given and adopted to develop the reading skills of
elementary pupils??

Reading motivation 5 4 3 2 1
1. The teachers give some enjoying
activities to the pupils to read
2. Teachers encourage the pupils to
read aloud the lessons in the class.
3. The pupils be encouraged to read
books and other reading materials
4. Teachers encourage the pupils to
participate in the reading program
5. The teachers provide vocabulary
words in all subjects
6. Parents advise their children in
doing their assignment particularly
7. Parents advise their children to
lessen or minimize the use of cell
8. Teachers practice the pupils in their
dictation lesson in some subjects.

Elementary Department
La Fortuna Colleges
Bitas Cabanatuan City

Dear Madam:

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

We, the undersigned are conducting a research entitled Reading Motivation as Perceived by
the teachers of La Fortuna colleges , to fulfill the partial requirements n our studies

In this connection ,please allow us to distribute questionnaire to the teachers in your department
rest assured that all information that will be gathered will be treated confidentially.

Thank you and God bless you.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by:


Dear Respondents:

Yours truly are conducting an undergraduate research study entitled |Reading Motivation for
the Elementary Pupils as Perceived by the teachers of La Fortuna Colleges , to fulfill the
partial requirements n our curriculum.

In this connection, may we humbly request you to answer the questionnaires attached herewith.
Your honest answer to the questions will be treated to strict confidentiality.

We are anticipating for your kind response to this request.

Thank you very much.

Truly yours,


Noted by:



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