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LESSON PLAN Helena Wallace

Date: Class: Spanish Unit: unit 2

Personal Pronouns
Can I identify all 10 personal pronouns in Spanish
I know all 10 personal pronoun and I exchange them in a Spanish

Students will be able to:

Know all 10 personal pronouns in Spanish
Know how to place them correctly in a verb box
Know how to substitute the noun in a sentence by its
DO-NOW: Student will have a worksheet in English to review personal
pronouns. They will exchange the worksheet with another student and
then correct mistakes as the teacher goes through the material.
MINI- Students will look at childrens books that have a Spanish and an
LESSON: English version.
As they read it (or attempt to read) the Spanish version, they will
identify personal pronouns by comparing sentences in English.
Give students about 10 minutes to get as many as they can and then
come together as a classroom. Ask each team of students to write the
English version as well as the Spanish translation of the pronouns on
the board for later use.
MAIN Show students a video that discusses the pronouns in Spanish
After the video, go over the concepts that where covered and teach
students how to place the pronouns in a verb box in the correct
position. Write these on notebooks.
Give student a set of laminated cards that have the personal pronouns
and let them practice placing the cards in the correct place.
(kinesthetic activity)
Go back to the board where the students wrote the pronouns and look
to see if all you have are pronouns and if they have its correct
After that, give them another worksheets to practice replacing
pronouns in sentences and reading them aloud, first with their
partners and then have each student read a sentence to the classroom
(teacher evaluation of students oral skills)
Ticket out-the-door:
Give students a pronoun worksheet, where they have to substitute the noun
of a sentence with the pronoun. (This time the worksheet will be in Spanish.)
LESSON PLAN Helena Wallace
Date: Class: Spanish Unit: unit 2
Show students a preview of tomorrows lesson and the next step for the
pronouns verb conjugations-
Informal assessment:
Teacher will collect the worksheet that has the English pronouns to
make sure all students know what to do with pronouns in English
(this will help identify students that need some extra support)
Teacher will go around the room and observe students as they take
turns with cards.
Formal assessment
Teacher will assess the ticket out-the-door worksheet to find students
that did not understand the concept and did not ask for help in class.
Some students will receive a typed version of the video so the can follow
along with what is happening on the screen.
When the students move on to children stories, the teacher will work
individually with some students that she already know will need a little more
on-on-one help.
Language Comparisons
Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of
language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
MLI.INT1B Comprehend simple, culturally authentic reading
MLI.INT1C Understand simple instructions. MLI.CCC1B Apply
previously learned skills from other subjects
MLI.CCC3 The students compare basic elements of the target
language to the English language. The students: A. Recognize
similarities and differences in sound systems, writing systems,
cognates, gender, and level appropriate idioms.
MATERIALS Pronoun worksheet in English and Spanish
Laminated cards with pronouns
Childrens books in Spanish and English
Computer and Smartboard

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