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Siemens PLM Software

Relief area machining for large

stamping dies using T-cutter tools
NX CAM 9: How to cut the underside of ledges using the fixed contour
boundary drive method

Answers for industry.

About NX CAM
NXTM CAM software has helped many of the worlds learning manufacturers and job shops produce
better parts faster. You can also achieve similar benefits by making use of the unique advantages NX
CAM offers.

This is one of many hands-on demonstrations designed to introduce you to the powerful capabilities in
NX CAM 9. In order to run this demonstration, you will need access to NX CAM 9.

Visit the NX Manufacturing Forum to learn more, ask questions, and share comments about NX CAM.

Hands-on Demonstration: Relief area machining for large stamping dies
using T-cutter tools
You can now cut the bottom side of a ledge with the top side of a T-cutter using the Fixed Contour
Boundary Drive Method. Ledges may be flat or contoured. This is a common application in the
automotive industry used when machining relief areas in large stamping dies.

Do you have a question?

Post your questions or comments at the bottom of this Tech Tip article in the NX Manufacturing Forum.

1. You will need access to NX CAM 9 in order to run this demonstration.
2. If you havent done so already, download and unzip T-Cutter Undercut part.7z.
You will find the .7z file attached directly to this Tech Tip article in the NX Manufacturing Forum.


1. Open T-Cutter Undercut.prt in NX.

2. Click Create Operation.
3. Select mill_contour in the Type list.
4. Select Fixed Contour.
5. Specify the following:

Geometry: MCS_MILL

6. Click OK.
7. Click Specify Part.
8. Set the Type Filter to Face.

9. Select the five faces on the underside of the ledge.

10. Click OK.

11. Be sure the Drive Method is set to Boundary and click Edit.
12. Click Specify Drive Geometry.
13. Select Curves/Edges in the Mode list.
14. Select Open in the Type list.
15. Select User-Defined in the Plane list.

16. Select the bottom face of the part to define the plane.
17. Click Reverse Direction so that the vector points up, toward the ledge.

The vector direction of the boundary plane is important because it will determine the direction of the
engage and retract arcs. A vector pointing up toward the bottom side of the ledge will cause the arcs to
engage and retract into the part rather than wrapping around the part. Be sure the vector points up.

18. Click OK.

19. Select Left from the Material Side list.
20. Select the six curves defining the outer edge of the ledge.

21. Click OK.

The boundary projects down to the selected plane.

22. Click OK in the Boundary Geometry dialog box.

23. Select Profile from the Cut Pattern list.
24. Click OK.
25. In the Projection Vector section of the dialog box, select Tool Axis Up from the Vector list.

26. In the Options section, click Edit Display, select 3D from the Tool Display list, click OK.
27. Orient the part to a Top view.
28. Click Generate.

Notice that the tool does not cut under the ledge.

29. Click Edit in the Drive Method section of the dialog.

30. Expand the Offsets section of the dialog.
31. Type -0.3000 in the Boundary Offset box.

32. Click OK.
33. Click Generate.

The tool now cuts under the ledge.

34. Click Edit Display, select None from the Tool Display list, click OK.
35. Click Non Cutting Moves.

You can now create a linear extension before and after the engage and retract arcs.

The new options are available for the four ArcEngage and Retract Types:

36. In the Open Area section of the dialog box, select Arc-Normal to Tool Axis from the Engage Type
37. Key in 0.2500 in the Extend before Arc box.
38. Key in 0.5000 in the Extend after Arc box.
39. Click the Retract tab.
40. In the Final section of the dialog box, select Arc-Normal to Tool Axis.
41. Type 0.6000 in the Extend before Arc box.
42. Type 0.3000 in the Extend after Arc box.
43. Click OK.
44. Click Generate.

45. Click OK to complete the operation.

46. Close the part without saving.

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