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MATE LESSON PLAN: The Perfect Rectangle

Name of lesson, your name: Kelli Holden

Grade Level: 4th
Classmates in your group (if applicable): Brittany Modlin
Common Core State Standards Goal:
CCSS.Math.Content.4.MD.A.3: Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles
in real world and mathematical problems.

Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice:

CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4: Model with mathematics

Mathematical Goal of Lesson:

The students will know how to find the area, perimeter, length, or width when given one
to work with and be able to apply the concepts in real-world settings.

Materials List: Square Tiles, graph paper, colored pencils/markers

- Put up a picture of a rectangle on the board with the length labeled 3cm and width
labeled 5 cm
- Have students find the perimeter. Ask 2-3 students how they went about finding the
- Have a student tell me how we would find the area of the same rectangle
- Have students find the area
- Explain that our task for today is to be able to figure out the lengths and widths of a
rectangle when the area is given to us, and to also be able to use that information to
determine our perimeter.
- Discuss with students what counts as a different rectangle.
- Ask if there are any questions

- Students will work in partners to determine 4 different ways to determine the lengths
and widths of a rectangle with an area of 24cm2 and then use those lengths and
widths to determine the perimeters of the rectangles they created.
- They should be able to explain how they came up with their numbers
- Students will be given square tiles as well as graph paper to use to help them
Strategy Assessing Advancing
Direct Modeling: Picture Explain to me what you are If student gets stuck on coming
Representations drawing. up with another rectangle, ask
them what would this
Show how are you using the rectangle look like if its
graph paper to solve the flipped.
problem. If the student is drawing out
one rectangle, ask them what
times what equals 24

Direct Modeling: Using Explain/Show to me how you If student gets stuck on coming
Manipulatives are using the square tiles to up with another rectangle, ask
solve the problem. them what would this
rectangle look like if its

Derived Fact: Basic How did you know those two When student comes up with
Multiplication facts (Factors numbers would give you an one rectangles ( 6x4) ask them
of 24) area of 24. if you flip it (4x6) will it be the
same rectangle-ask students
what property is that?

- Tell me what lengths and widths they came up with and how many groups of students
came up with the same lengths and widths.
- Pick a few groups to share how they went about solving the problem?
- Ask each group how was their strategy helpful?
- Ask each group what might be a drawback of using their strategy (more time
- Explain how your strategy could be used to solve another similar problem?
- Give them an exit slip problem

Anticipated Strategy Names

.Direct Modeling: Picture


Direct Modeling: Using


Derived Fact: Basic

Multiplications facts (Factors
of 24)

Exit ticket: students will individually solve at least two different rectangles with the area of
12cm2, and find the perimeters of the rectangles.

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