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Date: February 06, 2017

Topic: Bread and Pastry Production

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. define Swiss Roll;
2. enumerate and identify the needed ingredients in preparing Swiss Roll;
3. state the procedure in baking a Swiss Roll;
4. perform the accurate steps in baking a Swiss Roll, and
5. observe and practice good working habits in baking.


Topic: Preparing Swiss Roll
Instructional Materials: Cartolina, marker, baking tools and equipment, ingredients
in preparing Swiss Roll, tape, tissue paper, manila paper
Reference: Bread and Pastry Production NCII by Romie B. Lacaden, p. 300


A. Preparatory Activities
1. Maintenance of Classroom Order
2. Short Prayer
3. Greetings
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Checking of Assignments

B. Review of the Past Lesson

1. What are the basic types of cakes?
2. What is the difference between foam-type cakes and chiffon-type cakes?

C. Motivation
Title: Unrolled and Rewind
The students will be grouped into three having two representatives. Each
group will be given one tissue paper. The first representative will unroll the entire
tissue paper using only one hand. Once the first player finished, the second player
will now roll back the tissue paper on the same tissue core. Be noted that when
the tissue paper of any group has been cut, the game is over. The winner will be
based upon the amount of tissue paper left.

D. Presentation of the Lesson

1. Teaching Strategies
1.1 Guessing Game
1.2 Brainstorming
1.3 Discussion and Demonstration

2. Lesson Proper
2.1 Pre-activity
Distribution of Materials
Discussion of Procedures

2.2 Activity
With the same group of students, the teacher will show pictures of needed
ingredients used in preparing Swiss Roll. The students will need to guess
whats on the picture because only a portion of it is open. The group that will
raise their flag first will have the chance to answer. They will repeat it until all
pictures are shown.
2.3 Analysis
1. What are the ingredients shown in the pictures? Enumerate them.
2. Give the role of these ingredients in baking base on your own opinion
3. Base on the given ingredients, what basic type of cake can be made?
Explain your answer.

2.4 Abstraction
Swiss Roll is a type of cake in which all the baking process can be
applied to. As a result, cake has a light and foamy texture. It can be done
within 45 minutes and commonly serve with fillings.

2.5 Application
Two or more students will re-demonstrate the procedure in
preparing Swiss Roll.

Directions: Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct word listed inside the box.
1. An example of Chiffon-type cakes that is rolled and commonly serve with
fillings. ____________
2. Preheat the oven for ___________.
3. In a small bowl mix the ____________ flour and baking powder.
4. In a separate bowl add the sugar and 3 pcs. _____________, mix using hand
mixer until fluffy.
5. After mixing the ___________, add it on the liquid mixture and also add the
50g. sugar.

Sifted Swiss Roll

180C egg yolk

Egg white
Key to Correction

1. Swiss Roll
2. 180C
3. Sifted
4. Egg white
5. Meringue

V. Agreement
Directions: No hairnet, apron and mask policy. Bring the following ingredients:
3-4 pcs. Eggs
2.5 tsp. Vanilla
85g. Sugar
70g. Water
25gt. Vegetable Oil
85g. Cake Flour
tsp. Baking Powder
VI. Remarks
____ No. of students who reached the mastery level.
____ No. of students who needs remediation.


Criteria Highly Very Satisfactory (2) Poor

Satisfactory (1)
Each member highly Most members highly No one participated in
Teamwork participated in the participated in the the activity.
activity. activity.

Speed Finished the activity in Finished the activity. Do not do the activity.
the fastest time.

Accuracy The entire numbers are Almost all the numbers No numbers are
accurately answered. are accurately answered. accurately answered.

Behavior The members did not The members rarely The members display
display disruptive display disruptive disruptive behavior
behavior during the behavior during the during the activity.
activity. activity.

Prepared by: Iza May M. Encio


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