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G.R. No. 162852, December 16, 2004
First Division, YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.
Facts: The case arose from the Annual ITR filed by Phil. Journalist Inc. (PJI) which
presented a net income of P30,877,387.00 and the tax due of P10,807,086.00. After
deducting tax credits for the year, PJI paid the amount of P10,247,384.00. On August 10,
1995, RDO No. 33 of the BIR issued Letter of Authority for Revenue Officer de Vera, Jr. and
Group Supervisor Gapasin to examine PJIs books of account and other accounting records
for internal revenue taxes. From the examination, PJI was told that there were deficiency
taxes, inclusive of surcharges, interest and compromise penalty. Revenue District Officer
Concepcion invited PJI to send a representative to an informal conference for an
opportunity to object and present documentary evidence relative to the proposed
assessment. On September 22, 1997, petitioners Comptroller, Lorenza Tolentino,
executed a "Waiver of the Statute of Limitation Under the NIRC". Revenue Officer De Vera
submitted his audit report recommending the issuance of an assessment and finding that
PJI had deficiency taxes. The Assessment Division of the BIR issued Pre-Assessment
Notices which informed PJI of the results of the investigation. Thus, BIR Revenue Region
No. 6, Assessment Division/Billing Section, issued Assessment/Demand to PJI. On March
16, 1999, a Preliminary Collection Letter was sent by Deputy Commissioner Panganiban to
the PJI to pay the assessment within ten (10) days from receipt of the letter. On November
10, 1999, a Final Notice Before Seizure was issued by the same deputy commissioner
giving the petitioner ten (10) days from receipt to pay. Petitioner received a copy of the
final notice on November 24, 1999. By letters dated November 26, 1999, petitioner asked
to be clarified how the tax liability of P111,291,214.46 was reached and requested an
extension of thirty (30) days from receipt of the clarification within which to reply. PJI filed
a Petition for Review with the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA); CTA granted the petition and the
deficiency income, value-added and expanded withholding tax assessments issued by the
BIR declared cancelled, withdrawn and with no force and effect. The Court of Appeals
(CA) disagreed with the decision of CTA.

Issue(s): Whether or not the requirements and procedures laid down in the RMO are only
formal in nature and did not invalidate the waiver that was signed even if the
requirements were not strictly observed.

Decision: The NIRC, under Sections 203 and 222, provides for a statute of limitations on
the assessment and collection of internal revenue taxes in order to safeguard the interest
of the taxpayer against unreasonable investigation. Unreasonable investigation
contemplates cases where the period for assessment extends indefinitely because this
deprives the taxpayer of the assurance that it will no longer be subjected to further
investigation for taxes after the expiration of a reasonable period of time. A waiver of the
statute of limitations under the NIRC, to a certain extent, is a derogation of the taxpayers
right to security against prolonged and unscrupulous investigations and must therefore be
carefully and strictly construed.23 The waiver of the statute of limitations is not a waiver of
the right to invoke the defense of prescription as erroneously held by the Court of
Appeals. It is an agreement between the taxpayer and the BIR that the period to issue an
assessment and collect the taxes due is extended to a date certain. The waiver does not
mean that the taxpayer relinquishes the right to invoke prescription unequivocally
particularly where the language of the document is equivocal. For the purpose of
safeguarding taxpayers from any unreasonable examination, investigation or assessment,
our tax law provides a statute of limitations in the collection of taxes. Thus, the law on
prescription, being a remedial measure, should be liberally construed in order to afford
such protection. As a corollary, the exceptions to the law on prescription should perforce
be strictly construed.

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