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Author/s or
Title Source/Type Year Notes and Findings
1. What is Takepart Participant 2017 While consensus among nearly all
climate Media scientists, scientific organizations, and
change? Internet governments is that climate change is
Article happening and is caused by human
activity, a small minority of voices
questions the validity of such assertions
and prefers to cast doubt on the
preponderance of evidence. While the
latter is generally true, decades of data
and analysis support the reality of
climate changeand the human factor in
this process. In any case, economists
agree that acting to reduce fossil fuel
emissions would be far less expensive
than dealing with the consequences of
not doing so.
2. Climate Commodity E. C. Thomas 2007 Climate change can be mitigated in
change and its Online many ways, such as improving the
impact on efficiency of energy - intensive devices,
India Internet vehicles and buildings, all of which
Article involve direct and indirect gas emissions.
Developing countries like India must
adopt new energy - efficient
technologies. Fuel - efficient vehicles,
hybrid vehicles, and affordable and safe
public transport need policy support in
the form of lower taxes and promotion of
usage. The government can mandate
that buildings integrate green
technologies such as solar photovoltaic
systems, which are particularly relevant
in a country with plentiful sunlight.
3. Top 10 ways David Suzuki David Suzuki Getting involve in government
you can stop Foundation environmental policies will ensure that it
climate is applied. On your part use energy
change efficient electrical appliances, choosing
renewable source of power, eating
organic foods, segregate waster, use
public transport instead.

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