LVN Pictures Case Digest

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LVN Pictures, Inc. vs.

Philippine Musicians Guild and Court of Industrial Relations


Respondent Philippine Musician Guild is a duly registered legitimate labor

organization. LVN Pictures Inc., Sampaguita Pictures Inc., and Premier Productions
Inc. are corporations duly organized under the Philippine laws, engaged in the
making of motion pictures and in the processing and distribution thereof. Petitioner
companies employ musicians for the purpose of making music recordings for the
title music, background music, musical numbers, finale music and other incidental
music without which a motion picture is incomplete.

95% of all the musicians playing for the musical recordings of said companies are
members of the Guild. The guild has no knowledge of the existence of any other
legitimate labor organization representing musicians in said companies. Premised
upon this allegations, the Guild prayed that it be certified as the sole and exclusive
bargaining agency of al musicians working in the aforementioned companies in their
respective answers, the latter denied that they have any musicians as emplyees
and alleged that the musical numbers in the filling of the companies are furnished
by independent contractors.

The lower court sustained the Guilds theory. A reconsideration of the order
complained of having been denied by the Court en banc, LVN Pictures, Inc. and
Sampaguita Pictures, Inc. filed these petitions for review for certiorari.

Issue: Whether the musicians in question (Guild memembers) are employees of

the petitioner firm companies.

Ruling: Yes

The Court agreed with the lower courts decision, to wit:

Lower Court resorted to apply RA 875 and US laws and jurisprudence from which
said Act was patterned after. (Since statues are to be construed in the light of
purposes achieved and the evils sought to be remedied). It ruled that the work of
the musical director and musicians is a functional and integral part of the enterprise
performed at the same studio substantially under the direction and control of the

In other words, to determine whether a person who performs for another is the
latters employee or an independent contractor, the National Labor Relations relies
on the right to control test. Under this test an employer-employee relationship
exist where the person for whom the services are performed reserves the right to
control not only the end to be achived but also the manner and means he used in
reaching the end. (United Insurance Company, 108, NLRB No. 115). Notwithstanding
that the employees are called independent contractors, the Board will hold them to
be employees under the Act where the extent of the employers control over them
indicates that the relationship is in reality one of employement.

The right of control of the film over the musicians is shown (1) by calling the
musicians through call slips in the name of the company; (2) by arranging
schedules in its studio for recording sessions; (3) by furnishing transportation and
meals to musicians; and (4) by supervising and directing in detail, through the
motion picture director, the performance of the musicians before the camera, in
order to suit the music they are playing to the picture which is being flashed on the

The musical directors have no such control over the musicians involved in the
present case. Said musical directors control neither the music to be played, nor the
musicians playing it. The film companies summon the musicians to work, through
musical directors. The film companies through the musical directors fix the date, the
time and the place of work. The film companies, not the musical directors, provide
the transportation to and from the studio. The film companies furnish the meal at
dinner time.

It is well settled that an employer-employee relationship existswhere the person

for whom the services are performed reserves a right to control not only the end to
be achieved but also the means ot be used in reaching such end The decisive
nature of said control over the means to be used, is illustrated in the case of Gil,
in which by reason of said control, the employer-employee relationship was held to
exist between the management and the workers, notwithstanding the intervention
of an alleged independent contractor, who had, and exercise, the power to hire and
fire said workers. The aforementioned control over the means to be used in reading
the desired end is possessed and exercised by the film companies over the
musicians in the cases before us.

Wherefore, the order appealed from is hereby affirmed, with cost against petitioners

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