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Scrum Summary Sheet

Scrum Flow



y Sc
Product Dail

Sprint Sprint
retrospective goal
Release Product Potentially shippable
Planning Backlog Sprint product increment
1 Backlog Sprint planning
2 meeting


Backlog Grooming &

Process Inprovements

2012 v1.1

Scrum Summary Sheet


Empirical Process Control CORE: Product Vision Kickoff Meeting

Scrum believes in making decisions Product Owner Proposed by the Product Owner and Scrum projects start with a Kick-off meeting
based on observation and accepted by the team, it is a one where the product vision is decided upon by
experimentation rather than detailed Responsible for assessing viability and sentence aim for the product. the Product Owner and the Stakeholders
upfront planning. ensuring delivery of the product funding the project.
Decides on the product vision, release dates
and is the voice of the customer
Self-Organization Product Backlog Release Planning
Prioritizes items in the Product backlog
As opposed to the traditional according to business value 1 A list of requirements that, when The Release Planning meeting is used to
command and control style of 2 turned into potentially shippable decide on the duration required for iterations
Ensures transparency and clarity on the product functionality, will deliver the
management, Scrum believes that the Product Backlog items 3 and meetings of a sprint cycle as well as a
knowledge workers of today have lot 4
product vision. Owned and prioritized release plan for multiple sprint cycles.
more to offer than just their technical Provides acceptance criteria and Inspects by the Product Owner but may be
expertise and deliver greater value deliverable to validate them appended to by anyone.
when self-organized.
Sprint Planning
Scrum Master Each sprint begins with a planning meeting
Acts as a guardian for the team and protects that is time-boxed to eight hours for a one-
them from external interference Sprint Goal month sprint. The Sprint Planning meeting
Proposed by the Product Owner and accomplishes Objective Definition & Tasks
Does not get work done but only facilitates the
Scrum believes that product accepted by the team, it is a one Estimation.
team and removes their obstacles
development is a shared value sentence aim for the current sprint.
creation process that needs all the Ensures the team follow and implement Scrum
stakeholders working and interacting practices Daily Scrum
together to deliver greatest value. Acts as a motivator and a coach to the team 3 The Daily Scrum meeting is a short time-
Sprint Backlog boxed meeting (generally 15 minutes) for
Acts as a change agent, ensuring smooth and
the Team members. Each Team member
effective change process The Sprint Backlog is a subset of the
Prioritization answers the following questions:
Product Backlog that a team commits
Delivering the greatest value in the Scrum Team to in a particular sprint. It is a list of 1) What did I do yesterday?
shortest amount of time requires Typically a small team of 6-10 members with no decomposed and estimated tasks that 2) What will I do today?
prioritization and selection of what will further sub-division of teams only the team can modify. 3) Whats in my way?
be done from what needs to be done.
Cross-functional and self-organizing and enjoys
complete autonomy during a sprint
Sprint Review
Blocks List
Members are generalists across domains and Sprint Review is for the Team to present the
Time-boxing List of obstacles and pending decisions end-deliverable of the sprint to the Product
Specialists in at least one area
Time is treated as a limiting faced by the team and maintained by the Owner and Stakeholders. The done backlog
Equality maintained among all members of the team Scrum Master. items can either be accepted or rejected by
constraint and time-boxing is used
as the rhythm to which all work and Responsibility of the work lies with the whole team the Product Owner.
contribute to.
ANCILLARY: Product Increment Sprint Retrospective
The potentially shippable deliverable of The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for

$ the team at the end of each sprint that
satisfies the acceptance criteria and is


the Team to inspect the previous sprint and
identify potential improvements that can be
Support done. implemented in future sprints.

2012 v1.2

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