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Guidelines and Instructions

Who Shall File Basis of Tax

This return shall be filed in triplicate by the following: For the purpose of the amusement tax, the term gross receipts embraces
1. Franchise grantees sending overseas dispatch, messages all the receipts of the proprietor, lessee or operator of the amusement place. Said
or conversations from the Philippines, except on services involving the gross receipts also include income from television, radio and motion picture
following: rights, if any.
a) Government of the Philippines - for messages transmitted by the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines or any of its political Penalties
subdivisions and instrumentalities; There shall be imposed and collected as part of the tax:
b) Diplomatic services - for messages transmitted by any embassy and 1. A surcharge of twenty five percent (25%) for each of the following
consular offices of a foreign government; violations:
c) International organizations - for messages transmitted by a public a. Failure to file any return and pay the amount of tax or installment
international organization or any of its agencies based in the due on or before the due date;
Philippines enjoying privileges and immunities pursuant to an b. Unless otherwise authorized by the Commissioner, filing a return
international agreement; and with a person or office other than those with whom it is required to be
d) News Services - for messages from any newspaper, press filed;
association, radio or television newspaper, broadcasting agency, or c. Failure to pay the full or part of the amount of tax shown on the
newsticker services to any other newspaper, press association, radio return, or the full amount of tax due for which no return is required
or television newspaper broadcasting agency or newsticker services to be filed on or before the due date;
or to bonafide correspondents, which messages deal exclusively with d. Failure to pay the deficiency tax within the time prescribed for its
the collection of news items for, or the dissemination of news items payment in the notice of assessment.
through, public press, radio or television broadcasting or a newsticker 2. A surcharge of fifty percent (50%) of the tax or of the deficiency tax, in
service furnishing a general news service similar to that of the public case any payment has been made on the basis of such return before the
press. discovery of the falsity or fraud, for each of the following violations:
2. Proprietors, lessees or operators of cockpits, cabarets, night or day a. Willful neglect to file the return within the period prescribed by the
clubs, boxing exhibitions, professional basketball games, jai-alai and Code or by rules and regulations; or
racetracks. b. In case a false or fraudulent return is willfully made.
Provided that cooperatives shall be exempt from the three percent (3%) 3. Interest at the rate of twenty percent (20%) per annum, or such higher rate
gross receipts tax. as may be prescribed by rules and regulations, on any unpaid amount of
tax from the date prescribed for the payment until the amount is fully
When and Where to File paid.
The return shall be filed within twenty (20) days after the end of each 4. Compromise penalty.
quarter, provided, however, that with respect to taxpayers enrolled with the
Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS), the deadline for e-filing and e- Attachments Required
paying the tax due thereon shall be five (5) days later than the deadline set above. 1. Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source, if applicable;
Any person retiring from a business subject to percentage taxes shall notify the 2. Duly approved Tax Debit Memo, if applicable;
nearest Revenue District Office, file his return and pay the tax due thereon within 3. Copy of Certificate of Registration issued by Cooperative Development
twenty (20) days after closing his business. Authority for cooperatives and from the National Electrification
The return shall be filed with any Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) within Administration for electric cooperatives;
the territorial jurisdiction of the Revenue District Office where the taxpayer is 4. For amended return, proof of the payment and the return previously filed.
required to register/conducting business. In places where there are no AABs,
the return shall be filed with the Revenue Collection Officer or duly Authorized Note: All background information must be properly filled up.
City or Municipal Treasurer within the Revenue District Office where the All returns filed by an accredited tax representative on behalf of a
taxpayer is required to register/conducting business. taxpayer shall bear the following information:
A taxpayer may, at his option, file a separate return for the head office and A. For CPAs and others (individual practitioners and members of
for each branch or place of business or a consolidated return for the head office GPPs);
and all the branches or place of business except in the case of large taxpayers a.1 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); and
where only one consolidated return is required. a.2 Certificate of Accreditation Number, Date of Issuance,
and Date of Expiry.
When and Where to Pay
Upon filing this return, the total amount payable shall be paid to the B. For members of the Philippine Bar (individual practitioners,
Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) where the return is filed. In places where there members of GPPs):
are no AABs, payment shall be made directly to the Revenue Collection Officer b.1 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); and
or duly Authorized City or Municipal Treasurer who shall b.2 Attorneys Roll Number or Accreditation Number, if
issue a Revenue Official Receipt (BIR Form No. 2524) therefor. any.
Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of this form refer to transaction period and not the
Where the return is filed with an AAB, the lower portion of the return must date of filing this return.
be properly machine-validated and stamped by the Authorized Agent Bank to The last 3 digits of the 12-digit TIN refers to the branch code.
serve as the receipt of payment. The machine validation shall reflect the date of TIN = Taxpayer Identification Number
payment, amount paid and transaction code, and the stamped ENCS
mark shall show the name of the bank, branch code, teller's code and teller's
initial. The AAB shall also issue an official receipt or bank debit advice or credit
document, whichever is applicable, as additional proof of payment.

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