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SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD4/CIR/P/2016/119 November 1, 2016

All Credit Rating Agencies Registered with SEBI

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Sub: Enhanced Standards for Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs)

1. SEBI constituted a committee on Strengthening the Guidelines and Raising

Industry Standards for Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs), which included
representatives from all the CRAs. The objective of the Committee was to
deliberate upon measures and guidelines to bring about greater transparency in
the policies of the CRAs, enhance the standards followed by the industry
and,thereby, facilitate ease of understanding of the ratings by the investors.

2. With a view to implementing the recommendations of the said Committee, the

guidelines as annexed to this Circular are being issued. These guidelines cover
the following broad areas:

I. Formulation of Rating Criteria and rating processes and public

disclosure of the same.

II. Accountability of RatingAnalysts

III. Standardisationof Press Releasefor rating actions.

IV. Functioning and evaluation of Rating Committees/Sub-Committees.

V. Disclosure of ratings in case of non-acceptance by an issuer

VI. Disclosure in case of delay in periodic review of ratings.

VII. Policy in respectofnon-co-operation by the issuer.

VIII. Strengthening and enhancing the relevance of Internal Audit of CRAs,

viz.appointmentand rotation of auditors and scope of the audit.

3. The CRAs shall effectively implement these guidelines within 60 days from the
date of issue of this circular.

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4. The CRAs shall at all times observe high standards and fairness in conduct of the
business and any act of omission or commission in contravention of the
provisions of clauses 12 and/or 23 of Code of Conduct , as specified under Third
Schedule of the SEBI (Credit Rating Agencies) Regulations, 1999, in letter or
spirit, may result in violation of the provisions of section 12A of the Securities and
Exchange Board of India Act,1992 and SEBI (Prohibition of Fraudulent and
Unfair Trade Practices relating to Securities Market) Regulations, 2003.

5. This circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 11 (1) of

Securitiesand Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with the provisions of
Regulation 20of SEBI (Credit Rating Agencies) Regulations, 1999 to protect the
interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and
toregulate, the securities market.

Yours faithfully,

Surabhi Gupta
Deputy General Manager
Market Intermediaries Regulation and Supervision Department
Tel. No: 022-26449315
Email id: [email protected]

Encl: Annexure

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Annexure A
1. Operations Manual/ Internal governing document:

A. TheOperations Manual/ Internal governing document, formulated by the CRA,

shall, inter-alia, cover operating guidelines, criteria, policies and
proceduresrelated to the rating process.
B. The contents of the Operations Manual/ Internal governing document, as well
as any changes to the same, shall be communicated to employees promptly,
and training of employees on the same shall be conducted at regular intervals.

2. RatingCriteria, Rating Process and their Disclosure:

A. Rating 'Criteria
I. Each CRA shall frame detailed rating criteria, include the same in its
Operations Manual/ Internal governing document and disclose the same on its
website. At the least, the followingratingcriteriashall be formulated by each

Criteria on:
a) Default recognition and post-default curing period (Instrument-wise
definition of default to be followed by all CRAs is provided in Annexure-
b) Financial ratios (Explaining how a CRA analyses various financial ratios
including adjustments made to financial statements for the interpretation
of financial ratios)
c) Consolidation of companies
d) Parent support/group/government support
e) Manufacturing, trading companies, and services sector
f) Banks and financial institutions
g) Securitization transactions
h) Public finance
i) Infrastructure ratings

II. Each criteria shall be reviewed periodically by the CRA and the periodicity for
such review shall be disclosed on the CRA's website. While disclosing the
revised criteria on their website, CRAs shall also provide a reference/
hyperlink to the original criteria (before revision), so as to enable investors to
discern the changes made to the same.

III. The criteria shall be placed on the CRAs website in a user-friendly manner in
order to facilitate easy and ready access of the same by investors.

IV. Press Release, related to rating action, shall provide a reference/ hyperlink
tothe specific criteriaapplied for the rating.

B. Rating Process and Policies

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I. CRAsare mandated to have in place a proper rating process and disclosethe
same on their website.

II. The following shall also be specified in the Operations Manual/ Internal
governing document of CRAs:

a. Basic Minimum information required for conducting the Rating Exercise

b. External entities (bankers, auditors etc.) that need to be contacted
c. Mode of seeking information from external entities. CRAs should
endeavor to obtain such information/confirmation in writing.
d. Policy regarding internal approvals and timelines at each step of the
Rating Exercise
e. Policy regarding monitoring and reviewof ratings, including the
timelines within which such review is to be completed

III. Each CRA shall frame detailed guidelines on the following, include them in its
Operations Manual/ Internal governing document and disclose the sameon its

a. General nature of compensation arrangements with rated entities

Policy for appeal by Issuers against the Rating being assigned to its
b. Policy for placing ratings on credit watch
c. Guidelines on what constitutes non-cooperation.
d. Gift policy
e. Confidentiality policy
f. Policy on outsourcing of activities
g. Policy on provisional ratings
h. FAQs on ratings
i. Disclosure on managing conflict of interest

IV. Any change in the rating process or policies shall be disclosed on the CRA's
website, while also providing a reference/ hyperlink to the original provision/
process/ policy, to enable the investors to discern the changes made to the

C. Accountability of Rating Analystsof CRAs:

I. Roles and responsibilities of the rating analysts of CRAs shall be clearly laid
out in the CRAs Operations Manual/ Internal governing document.

II. Analysts shall be responsible for undertaking the rating process and adhering
to the timelines as specified in the Operations Manual/ Internal governing

D. Standardization of Press Releasefor Rating Actions

I. CRAs are mandated to issue a Press Release after assigning a rating. With a
view to harmonizing the format of the Press Release, it has been decided that
all CRAs shall follow a standardized template, which is attached as
Annexure-A2. It may be noted that this template specifies the minimum

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information that must be covered in the Press Release. CRAs can include
additional information, while maintaining the basic format of the Press

II. While the Press release for the initial rating of bonds, debentures, etc. shall
disclose information about the rated amount of the instrument, the subsequent
Press Releases shall also disclose additional details of the rated instrument,
viz. coupon, maturity date, etc.

III. Each CRA shall assign a ratingOutlook and disclose the same in thePress

IV. Press Releaserelated to review of rating shallalso carry the rating transition/
history of all instruments of that issuer, rated by the CRA in the past 3 years,
irrespective of whether the instrument is currently outstanding or not.

V. The ratinghistory, Press Releases and Rating Reports, including those ratings
which have been withdrawn, shallbeavailable on the CRA's website.

3. Functioning and Evaluation of Rating Committees/Sub-Committees

A. Each CRA shall define theobligations, responsibilities, areas of conflict of

interest, etc. of rating committee members in its Operations Manual/ Internal
governing document.The following shallbe specifically set out in the Operations
Manual/ Internal governing documentof each CRA and disclosed on itswebsite
I. Eligibility for becoming committee/sub-committee members
II. Composition of committee/sub-committee
III. Minimum quorum required
IV. Duties of committee members
V. System of voting and recording of dissent.
VI. Managing conflict of interest in the rating committee/sub-committee.

B. Persons who have business responsibility shall not be part of the Rating
Committee. However, the MD/ CEO may be a member of the Rating Committee
if the majority of the Rating Committee members areindependent.
("Independent" would mean people not having any pecuniary relationship with
the CRA or any of its employees).

C. Minutes of each case discussed at the committee shall be maintained and

signed (digitally or manually) by the Chairperson. Standard format for the
Minutes of Rating Committee Meeting is placed at Annexure-A3.

D. The process of discussion of case by circulation must be avoided, unless there

is urgency in taking a rating action.

E. Chairperson(s) of eachrating committee/sub-committee of the CRA shall, on an

annualbasis, undertake a review of the decisions taken by the Committees in
that year, which would, inter alia, include:

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I. Ratings assigned by the rating committees/ sub-committees including ratings
assigned based on best available information in cases of non-cooperation by
the issuer.
II. Sharp changes in ratings.

The review report thereof shall be placed before the Board of the CRA.

4. Disclosures:

A. In case of rating notaccepted by an issuer

I. Each CRA shall disclose on its website details of all ratings assigned by
them, irrespective of whether the rating is accepted by the issuer or not,
even in case of non-public issues. Details disclosed shall include the name
of the issuer, name/ type of instrument, size of the issue, rating and outlook
assigned, etc.

B. In case of delay in periodic review

II. Each CRA shall promptly disclose on its website details of all suchratings
where the review became due but was not completed by the due date, as
per the timelines specified in the CRAs Operations Manual/ Internal
governing document. Details disclosed shallinclude the name of the issuer,
name/ type of instrument, size of the issue, date of last review, reasons for
delay in periodic review, hyperlink to the last Press Release, etc.

5. Policy in respect ofnon-co-operation by the issuer

A. In case of non-cooperation by the issuer (such as not providing information

required for rating, non-payment of fees for conducting surveillance), inline with
the existing Regulations, the CRA shall continue to review the instrument, on an
ongoing basis throughout the instruments lifetime, on the basis of best
available information, in accordance with the rating process and policies set
forth in its Operations Manual/ Internal governing document.
B. In such cases the credit rating symbol shall be accompanied by Issuer did not
co-operate; Based on best available information in the same font size.
C. The rating action(s) in such cases shall be promptly disclosed throughpress
release(s),which shallmention, atleast, the following:

I. Date of Press Release

II. Details of Instrument
III. Rating Action and Indicative/updated rating based on best available
IV. A brief write-up on the non-co-operation by the Issuer/ Borrower and the
consistent follow-up done by the CRA for getting the information.
V. Hyperlink/ reference to the applicable "Criteria"

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VI. Limitations regarding information availability (shallhave a suitable caveat
cautioning the investors/lenders /public)
VII. Rating History for last three years
VIII. Name and contact details of the Rating Analyst(s)

D. In case an issuer, having not co-operated with a CRA in the past, approaches
another CRA for rating, the new CRA shall, in its Press Release, disclose the
aspect of non-co-operation.

E. The Rating Agreement, signed between the CRA and its client (issuer/
borrower),shall have an additional clause stating that -

"The client (issuer/ borrower) agrees to disclose the history and status (non-
cooperation, non-payment of fees etc.) of previous rating relation with the
earlierCRA(s) to the new CRA along with reasons for non- cooperation,, etc. if

6. Internal Audit of CRAs:

For strengthening and improving the relevance of the internal audit of CRAs, as
envisaged under Regulation 22 of the SEBI (Credit Rating Agencies) Regulations,
1999 and Circular SEBI/ MIRSD/CRA/Cir-01/ 2010 dated January 06, 2010, it has
been decided to implement the below mentioned additional norms for the Internal

A. Eligibility ofAuditors for conducting the Internal Audit of the CRA

I. The audit firm shallhave a minimum experience of three years in the financial

II. The internal auditor of a CRA shall declare that

a) The firm has not been employed by other CRAs for any other services
(such as statutory audit, taxation, consultancy/ retainership etc.) in the
past two years, and
b) The partners/ firm do not have any association with any other CRA.

III. The audit team must be composed of, at least, a Chartered Accountant
(ACA/FCA) and a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA).

B. Rotation of InternalAuditors

I. An auditor shall be appointed for a maximum term of five years, with a

cooling-off period of two years.

C. Scope of the InternalAudit

The scope of the internal audit shall be expanded to include the

followingadditional checks:

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I. CRA and its employees, who are associated directly or indirectly with the
rating business, have complied with the regulations and code of conduct.

II. CRA has defined processes for operations that have been followed during
the rating exercise.

III. Rating analystshave adhered to their roles and responsibilitieslaid down in

the Operations Manual/Internal governing documentand processes disclosed
on the CRA's website, during the rating

IV. Policyinrespect of non-cooperation by the issuer, including procedures to be

followed for the same, have been complied with.

V. CRA has frameda policy for default recognition, consistent with regulatory
guidelines, and is adhering to the same. At a minimum, it shall be checked
ifanyirregularities/ delays/ defaults in debt servicing had been indicated by
any of the below mentioned entities and suitable action with regard to the
same was taken by the CRA:

a) The issuer/ borrower

b) The Companys statutory auditor
c) The borrowers bankers, during interactions with the CRA
d) Debenture Trustees

Cases where there are deviations to the checklist shall be documented by

the auditor as part of the audit report submitted to the board.

VI. Review of ratings has been carried out as per the review policy of the CRA.

VII. Dissents, if any, have been recorded for each committee meeting, as stated
in the Operations Manual/ Internal governing document.

VIII. CRA has complied with the timelines for publication of press release/ rating
rationale for the ratings assigned, as set out in its Operations Manual/
Internal governing document.

IX. The PressReleases issued are broadly in line with the standard template as
placed at Annexure-A2.

X. Verify the rating disclosures made by the CRAs on their website.

XI. Comment on the conflict of interest, if any, arising due to composition of the
rating committee and participation in the rating committee meetings.

D. Action on the Internal Audit Report:

I. Upon receipt of the internal audit report, the Compliance Officer of the CRA
shall provide detailed comments on each of the observations therein and
place the same before the Board of the CRA.

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II. The final action taken report, including the comments/ recommendations
made by Compliance Officer and the Board of the CRAas well as the
corrective steps taken by the CRA, shall be submitted to SEBI within 2
months from the date of receipt of the internal audit report or 1 month from
the date of Board Meeting of the CRA, whichever is later, in the following

Sr. Observations Remarks by the Comments of Corrective

No. of the auditor Compliance the Board of actions
Officer the CRA taken

7. Modification in format of Annexure IV under Clause 6.2.2 of SEBI Circular

CIR/MIRSD/CRA/6/2010dated May 3, 2010:

The format of Annexure IV under Clause 6.2.2 of SEBI Circular

CIR/MIRSD/CRA/6/2010 dated May 3, 2010, providing the format for disclosure of
Movement of each credit rating that has moved by more than one notch over last
six months is modified. The revised format is placed at Annexure-A4. All other
provisions of the aforesaid Circular remain unchanged.

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Annexure-A1: Instrument-wise definition of default

Facilities Rating Scale Proposed Definition of Default

Fund-based facilities & Facilities with pre-defined repayment schedule
Term Loan
Working Capital Term Loan
Working Capital Demand Loan Long Term
(WCDL) A delay of 1 day even of 1 rupee (of
Debentures/Bonds principal or interest) from the
scheduled repayment date.
Certificate of Deposits (CD)/ Fixed Short Term/ Long
Deposits (FD) term
Commercial Paper Short term
Packing Credit (pre-shipment credit) Short Term Overdue/unpaid for more than 30
Buyers Credit Short Term Continuously overdrawn for more
than 30 days.
Bill Purchase/Bill discounting/Foreign Short Term Overdue/unpaid for more than 30
bill discounting /Negotiation days.
Fund-based facilities & No Pre Defined Repayment Schedule

Cash Credit Long Term Continuously overdrawn for more

than 30 days.
Overdraft Short Term Continuously overdrawn for more
than 30 days.

Non fund-based facilities

Overdue for more than 30 days from
Letter of credit (LC) Short Term
the day of devolvement.
Bank Guarantee (BG)(Performance/ Amount remaining unpaid from 30
Short Term days from invocation of the facility.
Other Scenarios
When rated instrument is Non-servicing of the debt (principal as
rescheduled: well as interest) as per the existing
repayment terms in anticipation of a
favourable response from the banks
of accepting their restructuring
application/ proposal shallbe
considered as a default.
Rescheduling of the debt instrument
by the lenders prior to the due date
of payment will not be treated as
default, unless the same is done to
avoid default or bankruptcy.
Curing Period 90 Days for Default to Speculative
Grade and generally 365 Days for
Default to Investment Grade
*For bank loan ratings, default recognition will need to be in line with the RBI guidance

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Annexure-A2: Standard Template for Press Release (Minimum
Information be disclosed)

Name of the Company

Date of Press Release

Details of Instrument
Name of the Date of Coupon Maturity Size of the Ratingassigned,
instrument issuance rate Date issue along with Rating

Rating action (assigned/upgraded/downgraded) for the instrument.

Detailed Rationale justifying the Rating Action/ rating assigned.

List of key rating driversfor the Rating Action i.e. factors justifying favourable
assessment (strengths) and factors constituting risk (weakness).

Detailed description of key rating drivershighlighted above.

Analytical approach (wherever applicable) taken by the CRAto assign the rating.

Hyperlink/ reference to the applicable "Criteria" for rating the instrument.

About the Company:Factual details of the company along with the major financial
information for the last and current financial year.

Status of non-cooperation with previous CRA (if applicable): Reason and

comments on status of non-co-operation with the previous CRA (if applicable).

Any other information:

Rating History for last three years:

Chronology of Rating History for
Name of
the past 3 years (Rating Assigned
Instrument Current Rating (Year T)
and Press Release Date) along
(NCD/ Bank
with Outlook/ Watch, if applicable
Loan/ Non-
Fund based Type Date(s) & Date(s) &
Amount Date(s) &
facilities/ (long Rating(s) Rating(s)
Outstan Rati Rating(s)
Commercial term/ assigned assigned
ding (Rs. ng assigned
Paper etc.) Short in Year in Year T-
Crores) in Year T-1
S.No term) T-2 3


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Note on complexity levels of the rated instrument:

Name and Contact Details of the Rating Analyst(s):

About CRA:

CRA Disclaimer:

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Annexure-A3: Summary Record of the Rating Committee Meeting (RCM)

A. Preliminary Information

Date of the RCM

Names of all the persons attending the RCM
Name of rating committee members present (only rating committee members
will have voting rights)
Name of the Chairperson of the meeting
Any other special invitees (if any)

B. Information Relating to Rating Decision

Following information/details of each rating decision shallbe captured:

Name of the rated issuer/entity

Rating exercise i.e. whether its a fresh rating or review/surveillance case
Rating outcome i.e. rating assigned, along with rating outlook and special
rating symbol, if any.
Summary of key issues discussed during the rating committee.
Dissent (if any) by any RCM member

C. Authentication and Maintenance of Rating Committee Summary

The summary of the RCM shallbe approved/signed by the Chairperson either

manually or digitally.
The approved/ signed summary shallbe maintained either manually or

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Annexure-A4: Movement of each credit rating that has moved by more
than one notch

Rating Movement by more than one-notch between Apr-Sep / Oct -Mar

Date of
S.No Name of the Issuer Rating post revision Notch Difference Change
Rating prior to revision- AAA category
Rating prior to revision- AA category
Rating prior to revision- A category
Rating prior to revision- BBB category
Rating prior to revision- BB category
Rating prior to revision- B category
Rating prior to revision- C category

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