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MapInfo basic skills

Version 1.0



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Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.

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2008-12-19 HUAWEI Confidential Page1, Total53

Document Title Security Level:

Revision History

Date Version
Pages Section Description Written By
2008-06-14 1.0 Creation (Silver)
Cheng zhiyin

2008-12-19 HUAWEI Confidential Page2, Total53

Document Title Security Level:

1. Export site and link information to MapInfo.......................................................................4

1.1 Export site information from pathloss.................................................................................4
1.2 Export link information from pathloss ................................................................................4
2. Import site and link information to MapInfo.......................................................................5
2.1 Import site information to MapInfo.....................................................................................5
2.2 Import link information to MapInfo ....................................................................................7
2.3 View after importing site / link information to MapInfo.....................................................7
3. Common skills.....................................................................................................................8
3.1 View site name ....................................................................................................................8
3.2 Change site style................................................................................................................10
3.3 Change link style ...............................................................................................................14
3.4 Search site .........................................................................................................................17
4. Create site..........................................................................................................................25
5. Create link .........................................................................................................................32
6. Create legend.....................................................................................................................42
7. Export Site / link information to goggle earth...................................................................48

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1. Export site and link information to MapInfo

1.1 Export site information from pathloss

Pathloss gr4 file:


Start pathloss, to open file lengend(2008-6-9)

Click File->MapInfo Export->Site (mif) , and then save the file

Save the file as legend(2008-6-9)_sites.mif

1.2 Export link information from pathloss

Click File->MapInfo Export->Link (mif) , and then save the file

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Save the file as legend(2008-6-9)_links.mif

2. Import site and link information to MapInfo

2.1 Import site information to MapInfo

Open MapInfo, clickTable->Import

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Open the file exported from pathloss legend(2008-6-9)_sites.mif , click Open

After clicking Open , please clicks save , and save the file as

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2.2 Import link information to MapInfo

Refer to 2.1

2.3 View after importing site / link information to MapInfo

After 2.1 and 2.2, we have successfully import the file
Open the file legend(2008-6-9)_sites.TAB and legend(2008-6-9)_link.TAB , then
we can see the topology as below
Step1: open legend(2008-6-9)_sites.TAB
Click File->Open

Click Open

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Click Open

Step2: open legend(2008-6-9)_link.TAB

Refer to opening of legend(2008-6-9)_sites.TAB

3. Common skills

3.1 View site name

Click layer control in the main tool box

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And then tick the box as below, after that, we can see the site name now.

Click OK

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3.2 Change site style

Click layer control in the main tool box

And then tick the box as below, we can change site style now.

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Click select table in the main tool box as below

Double click any one site

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Click the button below

Then now we can select the shape style and color as we like as below

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Change site shape style:

Change site color

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3.3 Change link style

Click layer control in the main tool box

And then tick the box as below, we can change link style now.

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Double click the line connecting sites

Click the button as below

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Change the line style

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Change the line color

3.4 Search site

3.4.1 method 1
Click Query->Select

Click Assist

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Window after clicking Assist

Click the button of Columns, and chose site_name

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Click the button of operator, and chose =

In last, inputting the site name, we can search the site needed to be found

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Click the button of OK

Click the button of OK

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Click the item as below

The site to be found

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3.4.2 method 2
Click Table->Maintenance->Table structure

Click OK (view / modify table should be chosen lenged_2008_6_9_sites)

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Tick the box as below, and click OK

Press Ctrl + F

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Click OK

Input the site name we to need to find as below

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Click OK, then we can find the site

4. Create site
Site name list:

site list

Click File->Open

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Chose open Micorsoft Excel(*.xls)

Open site name list

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Click Open

Tick the box as below, and click OK

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Click Open and chose Site_name as Name

Click Open

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Click Table->Create point

Chose X / Y coordinates

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Click OK

Click File->Open

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Click Open and chosesite list.TAB

Click open, then we can view the site now

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5. Create link
Link information list

link information

Click File->Open

Click Open, and chose open Microsoft Excel (*.xls), and chose to open link list.xls

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Click Open

Tick the box as below

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Click OK, and chose the item as below

Click OK

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Click Table->Maintenance->Table Structure

Click Table Structure and chose site list as below

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Click OK, and select Indexed SiteA_long, siteA_lat,siteB_long,siteB_lat, click "Table is


Click Projection, select projection to be WGS84

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Click OK

Click Tools->Run MapBasic program

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Click Run MapBasic program, and chose to open COGOLINE.MBX

Click Open
Click Options->Show Mapbasic window

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Click Show Mapbasic window and type "Update [filename] set

obj=createline(siteA_long,siteA_lat,siteB_long,siteB_lat), then Enter(please pay attention
to file name )

Click close all

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ClickSave all

Open site list.Tab

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Clickopen, then we can view the link as below

To view the link information

Click the main tool box as below

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Double click the link, and then we can view/modify the link information now

6. Create legend
Step 1:
Click Map->Create Legend

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Click Create Legend

Click Finish

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Double click the window

Site legend:

Link legend:

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Click window->New Layout Window

Click New Layout Window

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Click File->Save workspace

Click Save workspace

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Double click Topology.WOR

Then we can open the topology as below

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To view the topology, click the item as below

7. Export Site / link information to goggle earth

Step 1:
Click Tools->Tool Manager

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Click Tools->Tool Manager

Click Add Tool

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Edit the tool

The tool for transferring MapInfo to Google earth:


Click OK

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Select Autoload

Click OK, then we can see the button for transferring the file to Google earth in the main

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Minimize the window; ensure that all topology are within the window

Click Mapinfo2Google->Convert map window to KML file

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Click Mapinfo2Google->Convert map window to KML file

Save the file, then we can open the topology via Google earth now!!!
[The remaining of this page is left blank intentionally]

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