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The Recruitment and Selection Procedure of the company determines the level of achieving

organizational goals in the long run. As per definition it is stated that which is all about selection

of right people for the right job at the right time. Although it sounds quite simple but it is also not

an easier job to a person with his ability and skills that may satisfy the core competency for the

job so that his degree evaluate of willingness to pursue a job becomes positive. Effective

Recruitment and Selection Procedure determines not only the right candidate for a right job but

also a long-term accomplishment of organizational goals. The aim of the company is to achieve

overall organizational goal not only by way of fulfilling the targeted top line but also employee

satisfaction towards various position of job to the maximum level.

Human Resource Management is the process of recruitment, selection of employee, providing

proper orientation and induction, providing proper training and the developing skills, assessment

of employee (performance of appraisal), providing proper compensation and benefits,

motivating, maintaining proper relations with labor and with trade unions, maintaining

employees safety, welfare and health by complying with labor laws of concern state or country.

Human resource management is the process of proper and utilization of available limited skilled

workforce. The core purpose of the human resource management is to make efficient use of

existing human resource in the organization. The Best example at present situation is,

construction industry has been facing serious shortage of skilled workforce.

Human Resource refer to the individuals or personnel or workforce within an organization

responsible for performing the tasks given to them for the purpose of achievement of goals and

objectives of the organization which is possible only through proper recruitment and selection,
providing proper orientation an induction, training, skill developments, proper assessment of

employees (performance appraisal), providing appropriate compensation and benefits,

maintaining proper labor relations and ultimately maintaining safety, welfare and health concern

of employees, which is process of the human resource management.


Human Resource Planning: In the human resource planning function, the number and type of

employees needed to accomplish organizational goals are determined. Research is an important

part of this function because planning requires the collection and analysis of information in order

to forecast human resources supplies and to predict future human resources needs. The basic

human resource planning strategy is staffing and employee development.

Job Analysis: Job analysis is the process of describing the nature of a job and

specifying the human requirements, such as skills, and experience needed to perform

it. The end product of the job analysis process is the job description. A job description

spells out work duties and activities of employees. Job descriptions are a vital source

of information to employees, managers, and personnel people because job content has

a great influence on personnel programs and practices.

Staffing: Staffing emphasizes the recruitment and selection of the human resources for

an organization. Human resources planning and recruiting precede the actual selection

of people for positions in an organization. Recruiting is the personnel function that

attracts qualified applicants to fill job vacancies. In the selection function, the most

qualified applicants are selected for hiring from among those attracted to the

organization by the recruiting function. On selection, human resource functionaries are

involved in developing and administering methods that enable managers to decide

which applicants to select and which to reject for the given jobs.

Orientation: Orientation is the first step toward helping a new employee adjust

himself to the new job and the employer. It is a method to acquaint new employees

with particular aspects of their new job, including pay and benefit programmes,

working hours, and company rules and expectations.

Training and Development: The training and development function gives employees

the skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively. In addition to providing

training for new or inexperienced employees, organizations often provide training

programs for experienced employees whose jobs are undergoing change. Large

organizations often have development programs which prepare employees for higher

level responsibilities within the organization. Training and development programs

provide useful means of assuring that employees are capable of performing their jobs

at acceptable levels.
Performance Appraisal: Performance appraisal function monitors employee

performance to ensure that it is at acceptable levels. Human resource professionals are

usually responsible for developing and administering performance appraisal systems,

although the actual appraisal of employee performance is the responsibility of

supervisors and managers. Besides providing a basis for pay, promotion, and

disciplinary action, performance appraisal information is essential for employee

development since knowledge of results (feedback) is necessary to motivate and guide

performance improvements.

Career Planning: Career planning has developed partly as a result of the desire of

many employees to grow in their jobs and to advance in their career. Career planning

activities include assessing an individual employees potential for growth and

advancement in the organization.

Compensation: Human resource personnel provide a rational method for determining

how much employees should be paid for performing certain jobs. Pay is obviously

related to the maintenance of human resources. Since compensation is a major cost to

many organizations, it is a major consideration in human resource planning.

Compensation affects staffing in that people are generally attracted to organizations

offering a higher level of pay in exchange for the work performed. It is related to

employee development in that it provides an important incentive in motivating

employees to higher levels of job performance and to higher paying jobs in the


Benefits: Benefits are another form of compensation to employees other than direct

pay for work performed. As such, the human resource function of administering

employee benefits shares many characteristics of the compensation function. Benefits

include both the legally required items and those offered at employers discretion. The

cost of benefits has risen to such a point that they have become a major consideration

in human resources planning. However, benefits are primarily related to the

maintenance area, since they provide for many basic employee needs.

Labor Relations: The term labour relations refers to interaction with employees

who are represented by a trade union. Unions are organization of employees who join

together to obtain more voice in decisions affecting wages, benefits, working

conditions, and other aspects of employment. With regard to labour relations, the

personnel responsibility primarily involves negotiating with the unions regarding

wages, service conditions, and resolving disputes and grievances.

Record-keeping: The oldest and most basic personnel function is employee record-

keeping. This function involves recording, maintaining, and retrieving employee

related information for a variety of purposes. Records which must be maintained

include application forms, health and medical records, employment history (jobs held,

promotions, transfers, lay-offs), seniority lists, earnings and hours of work, absences,

turnover, tardiness, and other employee data. Complete and up-to-date employee

records are essential for most personnel functions.

The primary responsibilities of a human resource manager are:

To develop a thorough knowledge of corporate culture, plans and policies.

To act as an internal change agent and consultant.

To initiate change and act as an expert and facilitator.

To actively involve himself in companys strategy formulation.

To keep communication lines open between the HRD function and individuals and

groups both within and outside the organization.

To identify and evolve HRD strategies in consonance with overall business strategy.

.To facilitate the development of various organizational teams and their working

relationship with other teams and individuals.

To try and relate people and work so that the organization objectives are achieved

effectively and efficiently.

To diagnose problems and to determine appropriate solution particularly in the human

resources areas.

To provide co-ordination and support services for the delivery of HRD programmes and


To evaluate the impact of an HRD intervention or to conduct research so as to identify,

develop or test how HRD in general has improved individual or organizational



Recruitment (hiring) is a core function of human resource management. Recruitment refers to

the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs (either

permanent or temporary) within an organization.

Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or

outside of an organization) for a job opening in a timely and cost-effective manner. The

recruitment process includes analyzing the requirements of a job, attracting employees to that

job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring, and integrating the new employee into the


Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up to

the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization. Selection then

consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post.

Selection is the process of selecting a qualified person who can successfully do a job and deliver

valuable contributions to the organization.


1. Attract and encourage a good number of candidates to apply for the organizational


2. Create a talent pool of prospective candidates that enables the selection of best candidates

to suit for the organizational need.

3. Determine present and future organizational requirement taking into consideration of

personnel planning and job analysis activities.

4. Links the employers with the potential employees.

5. Increase potential candidates pool at less cost.

6. Increases success rate of selection process by reducing the number of under qualified or

overqualified job applicants.

7. Reduce the probability of leaving the organization only after a short period of time, once

recruited and selected.

8. Meet the organizations legal and social obligations maintaining its workforce


9. Determine the appropriateness of the candidates by identifying and preparing potential

job applicants.
10. Increase organizational and individual effectiveness regarding application of various

recruitment techniques and taping different sources of recruitment concerned.


Planned: Needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy.

Anticipated: Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can

predict by studying trends in internal and external environment.

Unexpected: Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.


1. Recruitment Planning:

The first step involved in the recruitment process is planning. Here, planning involves to draft a

comprehensive job specification for the vacant position, outlining its major and minor

responsibilities; the skills, experience and qualifications needed; grade and level of pay; starting

date; whether temporary or permanent; and mention of special conditions, if any, attached to the

job to be filled
2. Strategy Development:

Once it is known how many with what qualifications of candidates are required, the next step

involved in this regard is to devise a suitable strategy for recruiting the candidates in the


The strategic considerations to be considered may include issues like whether to prepare the

required candidates themselves or hire it from outside, what type of recruitment method to be

used, what geographical area be considered for searching the candidates, which source of

recruitment to be practiced, and what sequence of activities to be followed in recruiting

candidates in the organization.

3. Searching:

This step involves attracting job seekers to the organization. There are broadly two sources used

to attract candidates.

These are:

1. Internal Sources, and

2. External Sources

4. Screening:

Though some view screening as the starting point of selection, we have considered it as an
integral part of recruitment. The reason being the selection process starts only after the

applications have been screened and shortlisted. Applications are screened against the

qualification, knowledge, skills, abilities, interest and experience mentioned in the job

specification. Those who do not qualify are straightway eliminated from the selection process.

5. Evaluation and Control:

Given the considerable cost involved in the recruitment process, its evaluation and control is,

therefore, imperative.

The costs generally incurred in a recruitment process include:

(i) Salary of recruiters

(ii) Cost of time spent for preparing job analysis, advertisement

(iii) Administrative expenses

(iv) Cost of outsourcing or overtime while vacancies remain unfilled

(v) Cost incurred in recruiting unsuitable candidates

Sources of Recruitment:

The eligible and suitable candidates required for a particular job are available through various

sources. These sources can be divided into two categories:

Internal Sources of Recruitment:

Internal sources are the most obvious sources. These include personnel already on the pay-roll of

an organization, i.e., its present working force. Whenever any vacancy occurs, somebody from

within the organization is upgraded, transferred, promoted or sometimes demoted. This source

also includes personnel who were once on the pay-roll of the company but who plan to return or

whom the company would like to rehire.

1. Promotions: The promotion policy is followed as a motivational technique for the employees

who work hard and show good performance. Promotion results in enhancements in pay, position,

responsibility and authority. The important requirement for implementation of the promotion

policy is that the terms, conditions, rules and regulations should be well-defined.

2. Retirements: The retired employees may be given the extension in their service in case of
non-availability of suitable candidates for the post.

3. Former employees: Former employees who had performed well during their tenure may be

called back, and higher wages and incentives can be paid to them.

4. Transfer: Employees may be transferred from one department to another wherever the post

becomes vacant.

5. Internal advertisement: The existing employees may be interested in taking up the vacant

jobs. As they are working in the company since long time, they know about the specification and

description of the vacant job. For their benefit, the advertisement within the company is

circulated so that the employees will be intimated.

Benefits of Internal Sources of Recruitment:

1. The existing employees get motivated.

2. Cost is saved as there is no need to give advertisements about the vacancy.

3. It builds loyalty among employees towards the organization.

4. Training cost is saved as the employees already know about the nature of job to be performed.
5. It is a reliable and easy process.

Limitations of Internal Sources of Recruitment:

1. Young people with the knowledge of modem technology and innovative ideas do not get the


2. The performance of the existing employees may not be as efficient as before.

3. It brings the morale down of employees who do not get promotion or selected.

4. It may leads to encouragement to favoritism.

5. It may not be always in the good interest of the organization.

External Sources of Recruitment:

1. Press advertisement:

A wide choice for selecting the appropriate candidate for the post is available through this

source. It gives publicity to the vacant posts and the details about the job in the form of job

description and job specification are made available to public in general.

2. Campus interviews:

It is the best possible method for companies to select students from various educational

institutions. It is easy and economical. The company officials personally visit various institutes

and select students eligible for a particular post through interviews. Students get a good

opportunity to prove themselves and get selected for a good job.

3. Placement agencies:

A databank of candidates is sent to organizations for their selection purpose and agencies get

commission in return.

4. Employment exchange:

People register themselves with government employment exchanges with their personal details.

According to the needs and request of the organization, the candidates are sent for interviews.
5. Walk in interviews:

These interviews are declared by companies on the specific day and time and conducted for


6. E-recruitment:

Various sites such as,, and are the available electronic sites on

which candidates upload their resume and seek the jobs.

7. Competitors:

By offering better terms and conditions of service, the human resource managers try to get the

employees working in the competitors organization.

Benefits of External Sources of Recruitment:

1. New talents get the opportunity.

2. The best selection is possible as a large number of candidates apply for the job.

3. In case of unavailability of suitable candidates within the organization, it is better to select

them from outside sources.

Limitations of External Sources of Recruitment:

1. Skilled and ambitious employees may switch the job more frequently.

2. It gives a sense of insecurity among the existing candidates.

3. It increases the cost as advertisement is to be given through press and training facilities to be

provided for new candidates.

Factors affecting recruitment

There are internal and external factors that affect recruitment. These are listed as below:

The following trends are being seen in recruitment:


In India, the HR processes are being outsourced from more than a decade now. Acompany may

draw required personnel from outsourcing firms. The outsourcingfirms help the organization by

the initial screening of the candidates according tothe needs of the organization and creating a

suitable pool of talent for the finalselection by the organization. Outsourcing firms develop their
human resourcepool by employing people for them and make available personnel to

variouscompanies as per their needs. In turn, the outsourcing firms or the intermediariescharge

the organizations for their services.

Poaching / Raiding

Buying talent (rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by the

organizations today. Poaching means employing a competent and experiencedperson already

working with another reputed company in the same or differentindustry; the organization might

be a competitor in the industry.


Many big organizations use Internet as a source of recruitment. E- recruitment isthe use of

technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise jobvacancies through worldwide

web. The job seekers send their applications orcurriculum vitae i.e. CV through e mail using the



Once the recruiting effort has developed a pool of candidates, the next step in the HRM process

is to determine who is best qualified for the job. This step is called the selection process. The

enterprise decides whether to make a job offer and how attractive the offer should be. The job
candidate decides whether the enterprise and the job offer fit his or her needs and personal goals.

The process also seeks to predict which applicants will be successful if hired. Success, in this

case, means performing well on the criteria the enterprise uses to evaluate employees.

Selection is the process of selecting a qualified person who can successfully do a job and deliver

valuable contributions to the organization.

1.Preliminary Interviews- It is used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the

minimum eligibility criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic and family

background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during preliminary

interview. Preliminary interviews are less formalized and planned than the final interviews. The

candidates are given a brief up about the company and the job profile; and it is also examined

how much the candidate knows about the company.

2. Receiving applications: after passing the preliminary interview the candidate is asked to

fill the standard application form. The application form generally consists the information about

the age, qualification, experience etc. of the candidate on the basis of which the interviewer gets

the idea about the candidate and this information also helps in formulating questions.

3. Screening of applications: after receiving the applications the screening committee screens

the applications. Only the candidates who qualify the criteria of the screening committee are

called for the interview. Usually the candidates selected for interview are four to six times than

the number of posts. Interview letter is sent to them or they are called telephonically.

4. Employment test: after getting the interview letter and before going to the interview there is

one more step and that is the employment tests. These tests are done to check the ability of the

candidate. These tests vary from organization to organization and change as per the need of the

particular job. these tests are intelligence tests, aptitude tests, trade tests, interest test, personality

tests etc. these tests must be designed properly otherwise they will not good indicator of one

5. Employment interview: the candidates who qualify the above tests are called for the

employment interview. This interview is done to get more information about the candidate, to

give him the actual picture of what is required from him, to check the communication skill of the

candidate etc. for senior position post; a panel is prepared who take the interview. At the end of

interview of each candidate the members of panel discuss about the candidate and give him the


6. Checking references: before selecting the employ the prospective employee generally look

out for the referees given by the candidate. To check about the candidates past record,

reputation, police record etc.

7. Physical examination: The organizations generally prefer medical examination to be

incurred of the person to avoid time and expenditure spend on the medically unfit person.

Sometimes the organization may ask the candidate to get them examined from the medical


8. Final selection: after all these steps the candidate is selected finally. He is appointed by

issuing appointment letter. Initially he is appointed on probation basis after finding his work

satisfactory he is appointed as permanent employee of the organization or otherwise he may be



The main objective of selection process is to hire people having competence and commitment

towards the given job profile. But due to some reason the main purpose of effectively selecting

candidates is defeated. These reasons are:

1. Perception or the Halo effect : Many a times the interviewer selects a candidate according to

the perception he has or he made up while talking or looking at the individual. This way he does

not see through the caliber or the efficiency of the individual and many times it leads to the

selection of the wrong candidates.2:

2. Fairness : During the selection process the interviewer does not select the individual on the

basis of his knowledge and hence the right type of the candidates is not selected.3:

3. Pressure : The people from the HR department and also have a lot of pressure from the top

management and from other top class people for selecting the candidates they want. This ways

the purpose of effective selection process of effective selection process is defeated as they have

to select that individual whether or not he is capable of the job.that is being offered.


Someone should have the authority to select.

There must be sufficient number of applicants from whom the required number of employees to

be selected.

There must be some standards of personnel with which a prospective employee may be


Hayakawa Electronics India Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 29 July 2008. It is

classified as Subsidiary of Foreign Company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Delhi.

Its authorized share capital is Rs. 195,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 182,700,000.It is

inolved in Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components

There are over 6 Directors/Officers that holded positions at Hayakawa Electronics India Private


According to Hayakawa Electronics India and as per the information it has reported to registrar

of companies in Delhi its last Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Tuesday 15

September 2015 and Its balance sheet was last filed on Tuesday 31 March 2015 .

Hayakawa Electronics India Pvt. Ltd. is specialist in providing very competitive high quality

interconnect and contract assembly solutions to the Blue chip OEM'S worldwide.They supply

cable harness assembly customized to customer's requirement with highest quality standard.

Directors of Hayakawa Electronics India Private Limited are Teruhisa Mishima, Mitsunobu

Sakaguchi, Tian Loy Chong, Masahiro Hayakawa and Izumi Kobayashi.

The objects for which the company is established are:

To carry on the business o importing,eporting,buying,selling, re-selling, manufacturing,

distributing, whole-selling, stocking or otherwise to deal in all types, specifications and varieties

of electrical and electronic parts, components, appliances, equipment, stores of all kinds,

including wires and wiring harness for applications as diverse as automobiles, computers, office

automations, medical and industrial equipment as well as home appliances and other related

products and to provide services including sales support to the head office, subsidiaries,

associated and related companies including branches in he field of sales management an

technical services & to act in the capacity of commission agent, manager or consultant and to

perform other functions relating to the buying and selling.

Current status of Hayakawa Electronics India Private Limited is - Active.


CIN : U32109HR2008FTC053420

Company Status : Active

RoC : RoC-Delhi

Registration Number : 53420

Company Category : Company limited by Shares

Company Sub Category : Subsidiary of Foreign Company

Class of Company : Private

Date of Incorporation : 29 July 2008

Activity : Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components
Authorised Capital : 195,000,000

Paid up capital : 182,700,000


1.Wire Harness for Consumer /White Goods Insdustrial

2. Office Automation Flexible Flat Cable

3.Interconnect Solutions
4.Contract Assembly

5.Wire Harness


Hayakawa International Singapore was established in August of 1994 and had become full
operation in the year of 2000.

HIS started out as an International Procurement Office (IPO), purchasing raw materials for our

global factories. During the last few years, we had expanded in another division of Sales, offer a

comprehensive range of high quality wire harness, FFC and FPC. providing a broad range of

services spanning from sourcing to procurement, distribution, warehousing and just in time

delivery to the customers in the region.HIS future goal is to expand its operation worldwide and

be well known company, at the same time broaden domestic service globally.

HIS had achieve ISO 9001:2000 at the year of 2005, and is continue advancing its way to serve

customer better.

Today, Hayakawa's network of strategic located its manufacturing facilities and office supply to

customers worldwide, with a comprehensive array of wiring system for applications as diverse as

automibiles, computers, office automation, medical and industrial equipment as well as home


HEIPL will be the leading and dominant force in the wire harness industry.

HEIPL will be the leader in introducing the best-priced products with the highest



Provide products and services that exceed relability and customer requirements.

Provide employees with a work environment that encourages excellent performance,

commitment, growth and development.

Deliver better than average return on investments to shareholders through honest and

dedicated efforts.

Conduct business affairs with professionalism and utmost competence, integrity and


Seek alliance for business advancement and innovation within the company.

Commit to perform corporate, social and environmental responsibilities.


The main objective for undertaking this project are:

To study the recruitment and selection procedure followed in Hayakawa Electronics

India Pvt. Ltd.

To study the various sources of recruitment followed in Hayakawa Electronics India

Pvt. Ltd.

To learn what is the process of recruitment and selection that should be followed.

To develop practical knowledge with theoretical aspects.

To know about the importance of recruitment and selection.

To know about the role of recruiter.




Recruitment policy of Hayakawa consists of :



Sources of recruitment

Recruitment plan

Job specifications


Mode of selection

Selection committee

Final selection


Recruitment strategies of the companies are:

At least 50% of the vacancies occurring during a year at induction level/grades are

filled up through direct recruitment from external sources.

Recruitment of executives from external sources will be made through

advertisement .

Higher managerial grades/positions such as ASSISTANT MANAGER,MANAGER, SENIOR






Hayakawa promotes the employees from one department to anotherwith more benefits and

greater responsibility based on efficiency and experience.


Hayakawa has structured system where the currentemployees of the organization refer their

friends and relatives for some position inthe organization.



Advertisements of the vacancy in newspapers and journals are a widely used source of


Hayakawa uses Internet as a source of recruitment. E- Recruitment is the use of technology to

assist the recruitment process.


Recruitment for managerial positions is done through interview.


Educational qualification and experience

Their role in the organization in respect of their position, job responsibility,

keyareas of performance.

The pay structure along with the various facilities offered by the company.


Main sources of recruitment here are:

Newspaper Advertisements

Internal employee reference

Recruiting IT Management trainees


Initially HR specialists conduct the PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW to

eliminateunqualified job seekers based on the information supplied in their


Then HR specialist conducts different types of SELECTION TESTS, depending on

the job to determine the applicants ability, aptitude and personality.


Ability Test : This assist in determining how well an individual canperform tasks related of the


Aptitude Test : This assist in determining a persons potential to learn in a given area.

Personality Test : This test is given to measure a prospective employees motivation to function

in a particular working.

Interest Test : This test is used to measure an individuals activity preferences.

Medical Test : This test reveals physical fitness of a candidate.

Then HR specialists conduct the EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEW.


1. One-to-one interview

2. Sequential interview

3. Panel interview

Edwin Flippo defines Recruitment and selection process as "A process of searching for

prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an


According to Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006), Human Resource Management theories

emphasize on techniques of recruitment and selection and outline the benefits of interviews,

assessment and psychometric examinations as employee selection process. They further stated

that recruitment process may be internal or external or may also be conducted online. Typically,

this process is based on the levels of recruitment policies, job postings and details, advertising,

job application and interviewing process, assessment, decision making, formal selection and

training (Korsten 2003)

Hiltrop (1996) was successful in demonstrating the relationship between the HRM practices,

HRM-organizational strategies as well as organizational performance. He conducted his research

on HR manager and company officials of 319 companies in Europe regarding HR practices and

policies of their respective companies and discovered that employment security, training and

development programs, recruitment and selection, teamwork, employee participation, and lastly,

personnel planning are the most essential practices (Hiltrop 1999).

As discussed by Jackson et al. (2009), Human resource management approaches in any business

organization are developed to meet corporate objectives and materialization of strategic plans via

training and development of personnel to attain the ultimate goal of improving organizational

performance as well as profits.

Work of Silzer et al. (2010) was largely concerned with Talent management, and through their

work they were successful in resolving issues like whether or not talent is something one can be

born with or is it something that can be acquired through development. According to Silzer et al

(2010), that was a core challenge in designing talent systems, facing the organization and among

the senior management.


The study will be conducted to achieve the aforesaid objectives including both exploratory and

descriptive in nature and involve personal interviews that will be based on the questionnaire

format. A Research Methodology defines the purpose of the research, how it proceeds, how to

measure progress and what constitute success with respect to the objectives determined for

carrying out the research study.The research process that will be adopted in the present study

consists of thefollowing stages:-

RESEARCH DESIGN: Exploratory Research

A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information

needed to structure or solve the problem. It is the overall operational pattern or framework of the

project that stimulates what information is to be collected from which source and by what

procedure. Onthe basis of major purpose of our investigation the EXPLORATORY RESEARCH

was found to be most suitable. This kind of research has the primary objective of development of

insights into the problem. It studies the main area where the problem lies and also tries to
evaluate some appropriate courses of action.



Primary Data is the data that is collected first hand by someone specifically for the purpose of

facilitating the study.

The data required for the study has been collected from-

QUESTIONNAIRE survey among the officials employees.

PERSONAL INTERVIEWS with the company representatives regarding

Recruitment and Selection.

Advantages of the Primary data collection method:

Primary data can be collected from a no. of ways.

Primary data is current and it can better give a realistic view to the researcher about

the topic under consideration.

It is relatively cheap and no prior arrangements are required.


Secondary data refers to the information gathered by someone other than the researcher
conducting the current study. Such data can be internal or external to the organization and

accessed through the internet or published information.

Secondary sources of data provides a lot of information for research and problem solving.

The secondary data has been collected from:

Internet, websites

Organizational Reports

Business magazines


Journals on e-learning Industry.

Advantages of Secondary Data:

Time saving

It provides a larger database than what would be possible to collect on ones own.
Sampling Method:

Survey was done by Questionnaire Method

Sample Area:


Sample Unit:

Officials and Employees of Hayakawa Electronics India Pvt. Ltd.



Q1. Since how many years have you been working with this organization?
a. 0-5 Years
b. 5-10 Years
c. 10 to 15 Years
d. More than 15 Years

Q2. Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and candidate
specifications in the recruitment process ?
a. Yes
b. No

Q3. How well are the organizations affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the
selection process?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent

Q4. Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and Selection process.

a. Yes
b. No

Q5. Does HR provides an adequate pool of quality applicants ?

a. Yes
b. No

Q6. Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent

Q7. Does the HR team act as a consultant to enhance the quality of the applicant pre-screening
a. Yes
b. No

Q8. How would you rate the HR departments performance in recruitment and selection?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent

Q9. Does the HR Department is efficient in Selection Policy of the employees ?

a. Yes
b. No

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