Determination of High Temperature Deposits by Thermo-Oxidation Engine Oil Simulation Test

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Designation: D 6335 98 An American National Standard

100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Test Method for

Determination of High Temperature Deposits by Thermo-
Oxidation Engine Oil Simulation Test1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6335; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 2.1.6 pumpthe gear pump that controls the flow rate of
1.1 This test method covers the procedure to determine the sample through the depositor rod casing.
amount of deposits formed by automotive engine oils utilizing 2.1.7 pump inlet tubethe tube connecting the reactor
the thermo-oxidation engine oil simulation test (TEOST2).3 An chamber to the pump.
interlaboratory study4 has determined it to be applicable over 2.1.8 pump outlet tubethe tube connecting the pump to
the range from 10 to 65 mg total deposits. the depositor rod casing.
2.1.9 reactor chamberthe reservoir that contains the bulk
NOTE 1Operational experience with the test method has shown the of the sample throughout the test. It has a drain valve for
test method to be applicable to engine oils having deposits over the range
from 2 to 180 mg total deposits.
removing sample at the end of the test and an inlet valve for
adding gases to the sample. The chamber contains a magnetic
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the stir bar well in the bottom in which a stir bar is placed to mix
standard. the reactor contents.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the 2.1.10 rod o-ringsthe o-rings that seal the outside of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the rod and the depositor rod casing to prevent sample leaks.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 2.1.11 side nutthe fitting creates a seal to prevent sample
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- leaking from the front holes of the depositor rod casing.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2.1.12 thermocouple lock collara fitting that tightens on
the thermocouple to ensure the thermocouple is at the correct
2. Terminology
depth when placed inside the rod.
2.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 2.1.13 rod depositsthe mass in mg of the deposits col-
2.1.1 ceramic isolatorthe fitting that compresses the lected on the depositor rod.
o-ring into the depositor rod casing and isolates the depositor 2.1.14 filter depositsthe mass in mg of the deposits
rod casing from the voltage applied to the depositor rod. collected on the filter cartridge.
2.1.2 depositor rodthe steel rod on which the deposits are 2.1.15 total depositsthe rod deposits plus the filter depos-
collected. It is resistively heated through a temperature cycle its.
during the test.
2.1.3 depositor rod casingthe sleeve that surrounds the 3. Summary of Test Method
depositor rod and allows the flow of specimen around the 3.1 A sample of the engine oil at a temperature of 100C
outside of the rod. that contains ferric napthenate and is in contact with nitrous
2.1.4 drain tubethe tube connecting the outlet of the oxide and moist air is pumped at a set flow rate past a tared
depositor rod casing to the reaction chamber. depositor rod. The rod is resistively heated through twelve, 9.5
2.1.5 end capthe fitting to tighten the ceramic isolators min temperature cycles that go from 200 to 480C. When the
down onto the o-rings at the ends of the depositor rod casing. twelve cycle program is complete, the depositor rod rinsed of
oil residue and dried and the gross rod mass obtained. The
sample is flushed from the system and filtered through a tared
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-2 on Petroleum
Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.09.0G
filter. The mass of deposits on the rod plus the mass of deposits
on Response of Base Oil to Oxidation Inhibitors. on the filter is the total deposit mass.
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 1998. Published March 1999.
TEOST is a trademark of the Tannas Co. (Reg. 2001396). 4. Significance and Use
The Development of Thermo-Oxidation Engine Oil Simulation Test (TEDST),
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE No. 932837), 400 Commonwealth Dr.,
4.1 The test method is designed to predict the high tempera-
Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. ture deposit forming tendencies of an engine oil. This test
Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters. Request RR:


D 6335
method can be used to screen oil samples or as a quality 5.21 Glass syringe 100 uL.
assurance tool. 5.22 Tannas one piece cartridge filters (optional, see Note
5. Apparatus 5.23 Flow meters Capable of measuring 0 to 10 mL of air
5.1 Thermo-oxidation engine oil simulation test (TEOST) per min.
test instrument.5
5.2 Balance, capable of weighing to the nearest 0.1 mg. 6. Reagents and Materials
5.3 Vacuum source, hand held, floor model, or house 6.1 Nitrous Oxide (N2O)USP compressed gas cylinder,
vacuum. medical grade.
5.4 Magnetic stirrer and stir bars. 6.2 Moist AirHydrocarbon-free air regulated to 103.4 kPa
5.5 Digital timer. (15 psig) before the flow meter and then bubbled through 30
5.6 Petroleum and temperature resistant o-rings. mL of water in a 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask.
5.7 Ceramic isolators. 6.3 Ferric NaphthenateSix percent iron content in min-
5.8 Polypropylene filters.6 eral spirits.
5.9 Plastic Filter holder.6 6.4 HexaneIndustrial grade.
5.10 Plastic petri dishes, for filter storage.6 6.5 Low Deposit Reference OilCG-1 reference oil7 is a
5.11 Filtering flask1000 mL. petroleum oil capable of generating total deposits in the 20 to
5.12 Graduated filter funnel - 500 mL with Luer lock fitting. 30 mg range. The acceptable deposit range of a specific lot is
5.13 Graduated cylinder 150 mL. provided by the supplier of that lot.
5.14 Beaker (2) 25 mL, 600 mL. 6.6 Intermediate Deposit Reference OilCF-1 reference
5.15 Graduated cylinder 10 mL. oil7 is a petroleum oil capable of generating total deposits in
5.16 Erlenmeyer Flask 50 mL. the 50 to 60 mg range. The acceptable deposit range of a
5.17 Adjustable hex wrench. specific lot is provided by the supplier of that lot.
5.18 Pipe cleaners 3 3 304.8 mm (12 in.). 6.7 Pump Calibration FluidTPC7.
5.19 Steel wool 4/0 (ultra fine).
5.20 Brass brush 0.22 caliber. 7. Calibration
7.1 The TEOST instrument is calibrated by performing the
Available from Tannas Co., 4800 James Savage Rd., Midland, MI 48642.
6 7
Items 5.8, 5.9, and 5.10 are not needed if 5.22, the optional Tannas one-piece The reference oils and pump calibration fluid can be obtained from Tannas Co.
cartridge filters, are used. 4800 James Savage Rd., Midland, MI 48642.

FIG. 1 Thermo-oxidation Engine Oil Simulation Test (TEOST)


D 6335
procedure found in Section 8-16 for both a low and a high temperature controller to set the temperature of the reaction
deposit reference oil. The results shall be within the repeat- chamber to 100C.
ability limits established by the supplier of the reference oils. 9.6 Connect the gas tubing to the reaction chamber, and set
7.2 The calibration should be performed a minimum of the flow meters for the moist air and N2O to 3.5 mL/min. These
every three months, as recommended by the instrument manu- are allowed to flow to purge out the lines before the test begins.
NOTE 2Be sure the valve on the reaction chamber is pointing up to
7.3 If the repeatability is not within the established limits, allow the gases to enter into the chamber.
the instrument setup steps in Section 8 should be performed.
Then the reference oil should be rerun. 10. Sample Preparation
10.1 After thoroughly mixing the test sample, use a gradu-
8. Setup of the Test Instrument
ated cylinder to measure 116 mL of the fluid and pour it into a
8.1 Pump Speed CalibrationThe pump speed should be 600-mL beaker. Use a syringe to add 193 L of the 6 % ferric
calibrated using the instructions found in Annex A1. It is napthenate solution to the 116 mL of test fluid. The resulting
recommended that this calibration be done every three months. concentration of iron in the test fluid will be about 100 wt ppm.
8.2 Thermocouple DepthThe thermocouple depth setting 10.2 Use a magnetic bar and stirrer to mix the oil and ferric
(distance from tip to locking collar) should be determined naphthenate thoroughly for 5 min.
using the procedure in Annex A2. The depth setting should be
checked daily and should be redetermined whenever a new 11. Procedure
thermocouple is installed. 11.1 When the reaction chamber is 100 +- 5C, pour the test
8.3 Power AdjustmentsThe procedure for making power sample into the reaction chamber. Using the speed dial on the
adjustments is given in Annex A3. It is recommended that the right side of the instrument, set the stir bar speed to 50. The
power adjustments be made by a qualified instrument techni- sample temperature should reach 100C in approximately 15
cian. min.
8.4 Verify that the temperature program shown in Table 1 is 11.2 Set the pump speed to 999, using the dial on the front
entered. When verifying the temperature program, always panel of the instrument. Allow the pump to flush out 10 mL of
press RETURN when assured soak is displayed. fluid into the 10 mL graduated cylinder placed at the open end
of the pump outlet tube. When flushing is complete, set the
9. Assembly of Apparatus pump dial to 000 to stop the pump. Discard the 10 mL of oil.
9.1 Assemble the TEOST system by placing the reaction 11.3 Use hexane to rinse off an unused rod, both on the
chamber in the bolt seats on the TEOST platform with the drain outside and down the center. Clean each of the three sections of
and gas inlet tubing facing the right side of the instrument. the rod with 4/0 steel wool by stroking (up and down action)
9.2 Connect the pump inlet tube to the outlet connection of each section 20 times while turning the rod. Rinse the rod with
the reaction chamber and the inlet connection of the pump. acetone inside and out. Using a pipe cleaner soaked in acetone,
Finger tighten the connections. clean the interior of the rod. Repeat the interior cleaning with
9.3 Connect the pump outlet tube to the outlet connection of a clean pipe cleaner through the rod in the opposite direction.
the pump, and place a 10 mL graduated cylinder directly under Dry the rod with a vacuum while holding the rod between the
the open end of the pump outlet tube. thumb and index finger. Handle the rod as little as possible to
9.4 Place the lid containing the thermocouple on the reac- avoid adding mass from oils on the skin and be sure not to set
tion chamber, making sure that the thermocouple is touching the rod down until after a mass is taken. Take extra care not to
the bottom of the reaction chamber.
9.5 Wrap the heating jacket around the reaction chamber
and secure it with the provided straps. Connect the heating
jacket and the thermocouple to the labeled connections on the
back wall of the instrument. The connectors shall be inserted
and twisted to obtain a proper connection. Use the reactor

TABLE 1 Temperature Program

Program Mode Value
Set point 0 200C
Time 1 1.15 min
Set point 1 200C
Time 2 1.00 min
Set point 2 480C
Time 3 2.00 min
Set point 3 480C
Time 4 4.00 min
Set point 4 200C
Time 5 1.15 min
Set point 5 200C
Time 6 0 min
Cycles 12.00
FIG. 2 Diagram of Depositor Rod Assembly


D 6335
touch the center area of the rod where the deposits are formed. chamber heater control, and remove the reaction chamber
Weight the rod to 0.1 mg and record as the initial mass. heating jacket.
11.4 Slide the pre-weighed rod into the clean depositor rod NOTE 4Caution: The reactor and the reactor heating jacket are hot.
casing with an even amount of the rod protruding from either
12.2 Place a 25 mL beaker beneath the connection between
end. Slide a new petroleum and temperature resistant o-ring
the depositor rod casing inlet and pump outlet, and remove the
over each end of the rod, and slide them up to the depositor rod
pump outlet connection, making sure to catch any oil that drips
casing. Place the ceramic isolators over each end of the rod
with the thin portion pointing toward the end of the rod. Place
12.3 Carefully remove the depositor rod casing drain tube
the nuts on the end, and start to secure them, but do not tighten.
and rinse it with hexane into a 600 mL beaker.
Align the rod in the depositor rod casing until the shoulder
12.4 Loosen the hex screws on the bus bars. One hex screw
between the deposit area and the bus bar connection areas of
will need to be removed on the top bus bar and the others
the rod can be seen through the inlet or outlet connections of
loosened to get the depositor rod casing out of the bus bars.
the depositor rod casing. When this is achieved, the securing
12.5 Place the depositor rod casing in the 600-mL beaker.
nuts may be tightened with a wrench.
Remove residual oil and loose deposits by squirting hexane
11.5 Place the depositor rod casing/test rod assembly verti-
into the casing containing the rod.
cally in the bus bars, and slide the overtemp thermocouple in
12.6 Remove the securing nuts, ceramic isolators and
the bottom of the rod at the same time. Slide this in as far as it
o-rings from the assembly. This should be done gently so that
will go without bending it (be sure the rod has not shifted
the deposits on the rod are not disturbed.
within the depositor rod casing). Make certain that the larger
12.7 Carefully remove the depositor rod from the casing by
connection on the depositor rod casing is at the top. Connect
pulling it straight out so that the deposits remain intact on the
the top end by placing the rod into the indentation of the bus
rod. Return the depositor rod casing to the 600 mL beaker.
bar and swinging the cap over the rod. Insert the hex screw to
12.8 Hold the end of the rod with the thumb and index
begin the securing process. The top of the rod should be
finger, and rinse the inside and outside of the rod with hexane
approximately 2 mm above the top of the circular bus bar cap.
into the beaker. Rinse the rod well, especially the deposit area.
Tighten all four hex screws. The gap in the bus bar should be
Oil will sometimes become trapped in the crevices of the
the same on both sides of the depositor rod for the top and
deposits, which adds unwanted mass to the rod.
bottom bus bars. A solid contact between the rod and the bus
12.9 After rinsing the rod, use a vacuum or very low
bars is all that is required.
pressure air to completely dry the inside of the rod.
NOTE 3Do not over tighten. NOTE 5Do not use a dry air source to dry the rod.
11.6 The open end of the pump outlet tube can now be 12.10 Carry the rod between the thumb and index finger to
connected to the input connection of the depositor rod casing. the balance and weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg. Do not set the rod
The drain tube may now also be connected to the outlet down before weighing. Leave the rod on the balance for a
connection of the depositor rod casing and finger tightened. minute to make sure that all of the solvent has been removed.
Use a wrench to tighten the end caps on the two open fronts of A loss in mass indicated that further drying is needed before a
the depositor rod casing. The unit assembly should now be final mass can be recorded. When a constant mass is obtained,
complete. record the value and place the rod back into the plastic tube.
11.7 Set the pump dial to 999 once again to complete the 12.11 Place the 600-mL beaker under the drain pipe of the
fluid flow through the entire system. When the system is reaction chamber, and turn the valve to allow the oil in the
completely filled with test fluid and the oil is flowing out of the reaction chamber to drain. Thoroughly rinse the depositor rod
drain tube back into the reactor, set the pump dial to the setting casing with hexane, and remove it from the beaker.
determined from the pump speed calibration to give a flow rate 12.12 Disconnect the pump inlet tube from the pump but
of 0.49 mL/min (0.40 g/min flow rate with TPC pump leave is connected to the reaction chamber. Allow the reaction
calibration fluid). chamber to cool, then rinse it thoroughly with hexane and drain
11.8 Place the depositor rod thermocouple down the center into the beaker.
of the test rod. A caliper may be used to ensure proper depth of NOTE 6Caution: Do not use hexane when the chamber is hot. Fumes
the thermocouple as determined by the thermocouple depth are flammable.
calibration. Be careful to prevent bends in the thermocouple,
12.13 With the 25-mL beaker from 12.2 beneath the pump
which may slightly change its depth within the rod.
outlet tube, set the pump speed to 999 and empty the oil from
11.9 Turn on the main heat switch on the front panel of the the tube and pump into the beaker. When the oil is completely
instrument to start the test, and press the START/STOP button exhausted, set the pump to 000. Remove the pump inlet tube
on the controller. from the reaction chamber and flush it with hexane into the
600-mL beaker.
12. Test Completion 12.14 Add the oil in the 25-mL beaker to the contents of the
12.1 The instrument will indicate that the test is finished 600-mL beaker, rinsing the 25-mL beaker with hexane.
when MAN (for manual) flashes on the control display. Test 12.15 Rinse the reaction chamber with hexane from where
time is 1 h, 54 min. When the test is complete, turn off the main the pump inlet tube was connected and drain it into the 600-mL
heat switch, set the pump dial to 000, turn off the reaction beaker.


D 6335
13. Fluid Filtering 13.7 Remove the filter cartridge from the filter assembly and
13.1 To assemble the filter cartridge, stack five polypropy- weigh. Return the cartridge to the filter assembly and dry for 5
lene disks in the plastic filter holder, screw the top and bottom min more and reweigh. Repeat until the mass of the cartridge
parts together, and tighten to seal. The use of five disks is constant. Record this mass as the final filter mass.
compensates for the gaps and passages that may occur in the
14. Cleaning
14.1 The TEOST apparatus components need to be cleaned
NOTE 7Optional one-piece filter cartridges8 may be used. If so, start
of the oil residue remaining from the test before another test is
at 13.2.
run. This can be done by rinsing the components with hexane.
13.2 Record the tare mass of the filter cartridge as the If the components are to be used right away, then an air source
preclean filter mass. Attach the top of the filter cartridge to the or vacuum can be used to facilitate the drying. The reaction
Luer lock connection of the filter funnel and the bottom to the chamber, the pump inlet tube, the pump outlet tube, and the
filter flask. Connect the vacuum source to the side arm of the depositor rod casing drain tube shall all be cleaned prior to use.
filter flask. The vacuum should be off. See Fig. 3. 14.2 In addition to rinsing with hexane, the inner walls of
13.3 Pour 5 mL of hexane through the system ten times ( a the depositor rod casing shall be scrubbed to remove any
total of 50 mL) to remove any solubles from the filters. It may deposit residues. Use a .22 caliber brass brush to scrub the
be necessary to apply vacuum briefly to break the vapor lock. inside of the casing, and then wash it again with hexane.
Turn the vacuum on and allow the filters to dry for 15 min.
13.4 Weigh the filter cartridge. Repeat drying and weighing NOTE 8The brush will need to be replaced occasionally due to the
wearing of the brass bristles.
the filter cartridge until constant mass is reached. Record this
mass as the postclean filter mass. 14.3 The pump inlet and outlet tubes both have finger nuts
13.5 When the postclean filter weight is established, con- on each end. The fittings are sealed with petroleum and
nect the filter cartridge to the filter system again, and slowly temperature resistant o-rings. New o-rings should be used for
pour the contents of the 600-mL beaker through the filter with every other run to ensure the seal. The depositor rod o-rings
the vacuum on. Rinse down the sides of the funnel with about should be replaced every run.
10 mL of hexane, and then add 100 mL of hexane through the
filters in 10-mL aliquots. This should be done with the vacuum 15. Calculation
off to allow the hexane to percolate through the filters and 15.1 Rod DepositsThe rod deposits are obtained by sub-
ensure a thorough rinse. Once again, turn the vacuum on briefly tracting the initial rod mass from the final rod mass and
to remove vapor lock and to keep the hexane flowing through recording to 0.1 mg.
the filters. Rod deposits 5 Final rod mass 2 Initial rod mass (1)
13.6 When filtering is complete, allow the filter cartridge to
15.2 Filter DepositsThe filter deposits are obtained by
air dry for 15 min.
subtracting the postclean filter mass from the final filter mass
and recording to 0.1 mg.
The filter cartridges can be obtained from Tannas Co., 4800 James Savage Rd.,
Midland, MI 48642. Filter deposits 5 Final filter mass 2 Postclean filter mass (2)
15.3 Total DepositsThe sum of rod and filter deposits
equal the total deposits.
Total deposits 5 Rod deposits 1 Filter deposits (3)

16. Report
16.1 Report the filter deposit mass, the rod deposit mass,
and the total deposit mass, all to the nearest 0.1 mg.

17. Precision
17.1 Interlaboratory study test results are shown in Table 2.
17.2 The precision of this test method as determined by the
statistical examination of the interlaboratory study test results
is as follows:

TABLE 2 Interlaboratory Test Results

Oil Sample Average Total Repeatability Reproducibility
Deposit (mg) (mg) (mg)
AROP 124 51.79 9.90 13.40
AROP 125 26.72 8.46 9.68
AROP 126 10.75 7.14 11.01
AROP 127 64.63 10.66 23.30
AROP 128 48.13 12.03 20.36
AROP 130 40.23 12.04 13.13
FIG. 3 Diagram of Vacuum Filtration System


D 6335
17.2.1 RepeatabilityThe difference between successive ing in different laboratories on identical test materials, would,
test results obtained by the same operator with the same in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of the test
apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test method, exceed the following values in only one case in
material would, in the long run, in the normal and correct twenty:
operation of the test method, exceed the following values in Reproducibility 5 4.774 ~X0.33!, where X is the mean of two values
only one case in twenty:
Repeatability 5 3.058 ~X0.33!, where X is the mean of the two values 18. Keywords
17.2.2 ReproducibilityThe difference between two single 18.1 deposits; engine oil; oxidation; pyrolysis; TEOST;
and independent results, obtained by different operators work- thermal decomposition; thermal oxidation


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 The pump is designed to control the desired flow. The A1.2.12 After ten drops have been collected, replace the
flow rate is 0.49 mL/min or 0.40 g/min using the TPC reference 25-mL beaker with the 50-mL beaker, reweigh the 25-mL
oil. This pump speed calibration is designed to accurately beaker, and record the mass.
establish the flow rate of the TEOST by using weight measure- A1.2.13 Repeat A1.2.9-A1.2.12 for each of the following
ments (accurate to 6 0.0001 g) in place of volumetric setting: 800, 200, 700, 300, 600, 400, 500, in that order.
measurements (accurate to 6 0.1 mL). Recommended calibra-
A1.2.14 Calculate the oil mass of the ten drops for the 900
tion time is every three months.
speed by subtracting the empty 25-mL beaker mass from the
A1.2 Procedure: 25-mL beaker with the ten drops of fluid. Record this as the oil
A1.2.1 Clean and set up the TEOST system from the reactor mass.
chamber complete to the pump outlet tube. Position the end of A1.2.15 Calculate the oil mass of the ten drops for the 100
the pump outlet tube over a 50-mL beaker. speed by subtracting the 900 speed beaker mass from the 100
A1.2.2 Pour 100 mL of TPC oil into the reactor chamber, speed beaker mass.
and heat the chamber to 100C. The reactor chamber shall be A1.2.16 Repeat A1.2.15 for all of the speeds.
at 100C before continuing the calibration.
A1.2.17 Calculate the mass per minute for ten drops of fluid
A1.2.3 Weigh a clean, dry 25-mL beaker to 0.0001 g.
at the different pump speeds by dividing the mass of ten drops
A1.2.4 Set the pump to 999 using the pump control.
of oil by the time (in minutes) to deliver the ten drops.
A1.2.5 Flush 10 mL of fluid through the pump into the
50-ml beaker. Example:
A1.2.6 Set the pump to 900, wait for about 10 s, replace the weight of ten drops ~g! / time for ten drops ~min! 5 flow rate ~g/min!
50-mL beaker with the 25-mL weighed beaker and begin (A1.1)
timing with a stopwatch as the first drop of fluid reaches the A1.2.18 Make an XY plot of pump setting (y-axis) versus
bottom of the beaker. flow rate (x-axis). Using linear regression, determine the
A1.2.7 Continue timing until approximately ten drops have correlation, slope, and intercept. The correlation shall be at
been collected. The exact number of drops is not critical since least 0.999 and the intercept shall be 0 6 50, or the calibration
the sample is weighed; however, catching the drop as it reaches shall be performed again.
the bottom of the beaker gives proper timing.
A1.2.19 Use the following equation to determine the pump
A1.2.8 After the last drop reaches the bottom of the beaker,
stop the timer, replace the 25-mL beaker with the 50-mL setting:
beaker, reweigh the 25-mL beaker and record the mass. Y 5 mX 1 b (A1.2)
A1.2.9 Set the pump to 100 using the pump control.
A1.2.10 Again replace the 50-mL beaker with the 25-mL
Y 5 pump setting,
beaker, and begin timing with the stopwatch when the first drop m 5 slope,
of fluid has reached the bottom of the beaker. X 5 0.40 g/min, and
A1.2.11 Continue timing until ten drops have been col- b 5 intercept.
lected. Stop and record the time when the tenth drop has
A1.2.20 Use this setting for calibrations and sample runs.
reached the bottom of the beaker.


D 6335


A2.1 The depth of the thermocouple is critical in obtaining A2.2.5 Place the thermocouple into the top of the rod until
correct results for the test. The thermocouple relays the the lock collar rests tightly on top of the depositor rod.
temperature information to the temperature controller. If the A2.2.6 Allow the temperature to stabilize and record. (A
thermocouple is too shallow or too deep, the hottest portion of chart recorder is helpful, but is not required).
the depositor rod will be hotter than the set temperature and
A2.2.7 Repeat the temperature measurement while moving
could result in higher deposit levels.
the lock collar up the thermocouple in increments of 5 mm for
A2.2 Procedure: the first 50 mm. From 50 to 80 mm move the lock collar in 2
A2.2.1 Clean and set-up a complete TEOST system and mm increments. Record all temperatures and the respective
place 100 mL of TPC oil into the reactor chamber. thermocouple positions.
A2.2.2 Pump the fluid through the rod casing at 0.49 A2.2.8 Plot thermocouple depth versus temperature, and
mL/min continuously throughout the measurement. view the graph. Choose the nearest 2 mm to the hottest point
A2.2.3 Set the temperature controller to the manual mode, for the actual setting.
press start, and set the output for 50 % (the manual light should A2.2.9 Use a caliper to set the distance from the tip of
be illuminated solidly). thermocouple to the lock collar to the depth determined in
A2.2.4 Tighten the lock collar on the thermocouple 25 mm A2.2.8, and use for calibrations and sample runs.
from the bottom, and measure with a caliper.


A3.1 The power output to heat the depositor rod through on the main heater switch. Using the up arrow/yes key, increase
the bus bars is controlled by the phase firing board. The the output percentage to 10 %. The output voltage can be
adjustments are made by the BIAS and SPAN potentiometers adjusted by increasing or decreasing the BIAS to a level of
located on the phase firing board. Typically, the power adjust- approximately 6.0 (+0.0/-0.5) VAC. Now increase the percent-
ment will only be made when the depositor rod temperature is age to 60 % and use the SPAN to achieve a 34 (+0.0/-0.5) VAC.
consistently too high or too low and cannot be shifted by Since the BIAS and SPAN are dependent on each other, when
changing the PID settings on the programmable control. one is changed, the other is affected. Because of this, repeat the
10 and 60 % settings two more times.
A3.2 To adjust the power, the TEOST shall first be set up
as if to make a sample run. Use a mineral oil for the test fluid. A3.4 Now temperature can be brought into the picture
Remove the back panel of the TEOST unit. The phase firing along with the voltage. Table A3.1 displays the percent settings
board is located below the ventilation fan. At the bottom left and corresponding values that should be set. Keep in mind that
side of the board, locate the BIAS and SPAN potentiometers. this table is only a guide and that different instruments will
When adjusting these, be sure to use a non-conductive screw- produce different temperature results.
driver. Using a quality digital voltmeter (for example: Fluke
brand 79) on the AC voltage setting, connect the test leads to
the test jacks located on the bottom right side of the TEOST as
TABLE A3.1 Guide for Power Adjustments
viewed internally from behind.
% VAC Temperature
NOTE A3.1Make certain that the digital voltmeter is not a true RMS 10.00 6(+0/-0.5) N/A
voltmeter. A voltmeter of this type will give approximately twice the 20.00 9.50 80C
normal voltage reading in this application. 30.00 14.50 150C
40.00 20.00 250C
A3.3 Set the programmable control to MANUAL, and 50.00 26.00 310C
60.00 34(+0/-0.5) 385C
press start. The Manual light should be lit, not blinking. Turn

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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