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To an Air Jordan collector, happening to buy a fake

pair of these shoes must be the worst and theres no way
he can let it go. Indeed, Air Jordan is not just for wearing
when playing sport or joining a basketball game, it now
becomes a spiritual symbol and a unique hobby. When it
becomes a hobby and has so much meaning to you, its
hard to accept that youre unlucky to be tricked to buy
counterfeit. In fact, this exploding counterfeit industry is
increased so rapidly that the government cant control
them all.
However, youre not the alone in this severe battle.
When policies are not strong enough to protect the cus-
tomers, we are the ones who protect ourselves. Thats
why I find it important to share my own experiences in
figure out the fakes to help people have the right choic-
es. The more awareness people get about this, the less
fakes counterfeiters cant consume which support a lot
for original products, especially Air Jordan shoes. These
are some easy ways to spot a fake pair of Jordan shoes
that I have gained based on my own experience that
might helpful for you. Not really complicated but
requires you to pay a little bit more attention to the items
youre about to pay money for.
1. Price Firstly, pay attention to the style of num- 5. The reciept is important
First thing first, if you find a very good to bers showing in this tag. It is corresponding When youre purchasing in other sites not
be true price for a pair of Jordan shoes, you with the style-number from a reputable site sell- the main site of the brand, remember to ask for
must be suspicious immediately. We cant ing Air Jordan? Visually, theyre may look the the receipt of the selling transaction.This step
deny the truth that all Air Jordan are in high same but therere still small details that is appar- is quite important because it can verify how
demand and have reputation among sporty ently different. If you find out these different much we can trust this seller. Im not only the
brands. Buying one cheap Jordan is just like details, these shoes are most likely fakes. For Air Jordan fan but also fall in love with all
picking a fake smart phone or an unreal luxury example, this is a inside tag of an official Air kitchen equipment. Whenever I bought one
Sennheiser. Therefore, lets be real and aware Jordan X. The tag is usually glued into the shoe. new appliances, (like the high pressure cooker
that go for a cheap Jordan may be the easiest Apply this way to recognize easily and remem- that Ive just bought) in another site to have a
way to steal your money without hard effort. ber to ask for photos of the tag when youre sell- good deal, I always ask for receipt when
2. Where do they come from? ing online to see if this tag is real or not. Also, receiving. Or ask the seller to provide the back-
Besides the price, take notice of where see if the titles "100% Authentic" or "guaran- ground information, about the place he bought
theyre shipping from is important, too. If teed authentic or your money back" are included or some information related to the original. If
theyre come from overseas, theres a chance in the description part? If not, the shoes are most he doesnt reply, youd better turn off this link
of counterfeits. Most of counterfeits are pro- likely fakes. The auction might only state "Au- and try another site. People now realize that
duced in Asia, especially China; and Air thentic" in the title and be suspicious immedi- selling online need more verification and if the
Jordan is not the exception. We have to admire ately! sellers are honest enough, they will provide
that the skills of making fakes is getting more 4. The shoe box that information before we ask.
and more sophisticated and they may look Every reputable brand comes with profes- 6. About the sellers
exactly as the right ones. Dont be tempted sional boxes which are accompanied when pur- Anyway, basic way is still learn more about
about the outside and look at the tag to know chasing a pair of shoes. Thats also a point to the seller before deciding to buy. Does this
the place producing them. If you can avoid recognize a fake. Before purchasing, look for a seller have any good feedback? Or do previous
purchasing a pair from Asia, you will abso- sample box of authentic Air Jordan in prestige customers continue to buy items from this
lutely reduce the probability of receiving a website or blog specializing in review. Or seller. Commonly, people who are specializing
fake pair of Jordan shoes. checking by seeing the colorway included in the in shoes, they do a lot of reviews while selling
3. The inside tag description whether it matches the color in the them. If possible, follow these sellers to have
The inside tag holds a lot of clues to show shoes youre choosing, and if the numbers are good sites as well as not being confused when
you a real authentic. the same as the ones of a real box. choosing an authentic.

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