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Prof J Pereyra

MSc, BSc Hons, PDBA, Cert Arq

T: +44 1273 297984 | M: +44 7825957894 | E-MAIL: [email protected]
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J Pereyra Public Key

Saturday 10 July 2010

My Books for Sale

Choose any book from my catalogue below for only £15 + £5 P&P, any of them.

If you find the Author and Title of the book you are looking for; send me an e-mail or
text message with the ISBN number to confirm the edition

and any other question you may have. Then, upon confirmation, buy it with your
credit, debit card or Paypal account, using: PayPal
Abbott, A F

Ordinary Level Physics

Adams, John N

Understanding Law

Adcock, Dennis



Akehurst, Michael Barton

Akehurst's Modern Introduction to International Law

Alberts, Bruce

Molecular Biology of the Cell

Alberty, Robert A.

Physical Chemistry

Allen, Franklin

Corporate Finance

Allen, M. J. (Michael John)

Textbook on Criminal Law

Allen, Michael

Cases & Materials on Constitutional Law

Allen, Trevor

The Lake District

Alley, Peter

Resedit Complete Bk Dsk

Alspach, Ted

Photoshop 4 Complete

Anderson, David Ray

An Introduction to Management Science

Anderson, Ian

Combinatorics of Finite Sets

Anderson, John David


Andrews, Geoff


Aquino, Tracey

Essential Evidence

Arksey, Hilary

RSI and the Experts

Armstrong, Michael L.

How to Be an Even Better Manager

How to Be an Even Better Manager

Ashford, John R.
Statistics for Management

Ashworth, Andrew

Sentencing and Criminal Justice

Asquith, Ros

I Was a Teenage Worrier

Atkins, P W.

Molecular Quantum Mechanics

Atkinson, Laurence

An Introduction to Numerical Methods with Pascal

Atrill, Peter

Management Accounting for Decision Makers

Austin, Brian

Web Page Design in Easy Steps

Azhashemi, Masoud

Operations Management in Context

Azumaya, Gorō

Azumaya Algebras, Actions, and Modules

Baggerman, Lisa

Web Design That Works

Bailey, Stephen Kemp

Smith and Bailey on the Modern English Legal System

Bakich, Michael E.

The Cambridge Planetary Handbook

Balanyá, Belén

Europe Inc
Barden, Leonard

Play Better Chess

Barham, Kevin

The International Manager

Barnes, J. G. P. (John Gilbert Presslie)

Programming in Ada

Barnes, Rachel


Barnes, Stephen

Essential Business Studies

Barrow, Michael

Statistics for Economics, Accounting and Business Studies

Barrows, Alison


Barry, Norman P.

An Introduction to Modern Political Theory

Barton, Di

GCSE Science

Battie, David

Sotheby's Concise Encyclopedia of Porcelain

Baynes, John W.

Medical Biochemistry

Bckroyd, Peter

AQA English GCSE Specification A

Beatty, Richard W.
175 High-Impact Resumes

Begg, Carolyn E.

Database Systems

Begg, David



Begg, David K. H.



Bell, Derrick A

Ethical Ambition

Bell, Emma

Business Research Methods

Bennett, Jacqueline

AS Media Studies for OCR

Bermingham, Vera


Besanko, David

Economics of Strategy

Betts, P. W.

Supervisory Management

Bilton, Tony

Introductory Sociology

Binder, Kate

Photoshop 4 Complete
Birkhoff, Garrett

A Survey of Modern Algebra

Birks, David F.

Marketing Research

Birney, Bill

Microsoft Windows Movie Maker Handbook

Black, Ken

Business Statistics

Blanchard, Kenneth H.

The One Minute Manager

Putting the One Minute Manager to Work

Bloy, Duncan

Crimnal Law

Criminal Law

Blundell, Jonathan

Active Sociology for GCSE

Bonds, Ray

An Illustrated Guide to Modern Tanks and Fighting Vehicles

Boone, Barry.

Java 2 Certification Exam Guide for Programmers and Developers

Boresi, Arthur P.

Advanced Mechanics of Materials

Born, Guenter

Inside the Registry for Microsoft Windows 95

Bott, Ed
Using Microsoft Office 2000

Bowker, Julian

AS Media Studies for OCR

Bowman, Judith S.

Practical SQL

Bown, Geraldine

The Successful Manager

Are You Ready to Manage?

Are You Ready to Manage?

Boyce, William E.

Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Elementary Differential Equations 5th Ed.

and Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value ProblemsCharles W.

Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems

Bradley, A W

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Bradley, A. C.

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Bradney, Anthony

How to Study Law

Brady, Catherine

The Successful Manager

Are You Ready to Manage?

Are You Ready to Manage?

Bratton, John
Human Resource Management

Brause, Rita S.

Writing Your Doctoral Dissertation

Brealey, Richard A.

Principles of Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance

Breithaupt, James

A-Level Physics

Bresler, Fenton

The Duckhams Guide to Motoring and the Law

Bresler, Fenton S.

Law Without a Lawyer

Bride, Mac


Brostoff, Jonathan


Brown, Michael Harold

The Developing Brain

Brown, Ray

Home Buying for Dummies

Brown, Robert F.

Introduction to Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering

Brown, Rosemary

Good Non-Retirement Guide 2001

Brownsword, Roger
Understanding Law

Brunskill, R W

Houses and Cottages of Britain

Bryman, Alan

Business Research Methods

Bryon, Mike

How to Pass Advanced Numeracy Tests

Buchanan, David A.

Organizational Behaviour

Burd, Barry A.

Java 2 for Dummies

Burda, Michael C.


Burden, Richard L.

Numerical Analysis

Burgess, Graham

The Mammoth Book of Chess

Buttery, Helen

International Contract Design

Buttrick, Robert

The Interactive Project Workout: Reap Rewards From All Your Business Projects

Cadenhead, Rogers

Teach Yourself Java 2 Platform in 21 Days

Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 24 Hours

Cady, Glee Harrah.

Protect Your Digital Privacy!

Caldwell, Susan

The Usborne Guide to Playing Chess

Cannon, Tom

Corporate Responsibility

Card, Richard

Law for Accountancy Students

Criminal Law

Casey, Patricia

Social Function in Psychiatry

Cavadino, Michael

The Penal System

Chapman, Colin

How the Stock Markets Work

Chapman, Steve

Revise AS Sociology

Revise A2 Sociology

Characters, Giles

Cartoons: 50th Annual

Charles, Prince of Wales

HRH The Prince of Wales

Charman, Mary

A Level Study Guide: Law

Chase, Kate J.

The IRQ Book

Chatfield, C

The Analysis of Time Series

Child, Dennis

Psychology and the Teacher

Child, John


Clarke, Oz

Oz Clarke's Essential Wine Book

Clegg, John

Criminal Litigation

Coad, Peter.

Java Design

Cobham, David P.

Business Information Systems

Coles, Joanne

Law of the European Union Revision Workbook

Conley, III, John D

Visual Basic 5 Development

Connolly, Thomas Edmund

Database Systems

Console, Luca

Diagnostic Problem Solving

Coolican, Hugh

Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology

Cooper, Geoffrey M.
The Cell

The Cell

Cooper, John

Practical Marketing Planning

Cooper, Professor Gail

European Women in Business and Management

Corbett, Peter

Understanding Business Accounting and Decision Making

Corduneanu, C.

Integral Equations and Applications

Coussey, Mary

Making Equal Opportunities Work

Cox, David

Business Accounts

Coxall, W. N.

Contemporary British Politics

Craig, Daivd

Hard Times for These Times

Craig, P. J.

EC Law

Craig, P. P. (Paul P. )

EC Law

EC Law

Cramer, Duncan

An Introduction to Statistics in Psychology

Crawford, Roger

GCSE Information Technology

Crimp, Margaret

The Marketing Research Process

Croft, Anthony

Engineering Mathematics

Crosby, David

Business Letters I Made Easy

Cross, Rupert

Criminal Law

Crossman, Gareth

Your Rights

Crowder, David A.

Teach Yourself the Internet

Cullis, John G.

Public Finance and Public Choice

Curtis, Graham

Business Information Systems

Curwen, Peter J.

Principles of Microeconomics

Curzon, L. B.

Teaching in Further Education



Dancey, Christine P.
Statistics Without Maths for Psychology

Danesh, Arman

Mastering Linux Premium Edition

Danesh, Arman.

JavaScript Interactive Course

Daniel, A B


Darbishire, Charley


Davidson, Patricia S.

The Shopaholic's Guide to Buying Online

Davidson, Professor Marilyn

European Women in Business and Management

Davie, Bruce F.

Computer Networks: A Systems Approach

Davison, Robert

Engineering Mathematics

De Búrca, Gráinne

EC Law

De Rouffignac, Peter Danton

Presenting Your Case to Europe

DeChant, Bernie

Creating Killer Interactive Web Sites

December, John.

HTML 3.2 and CGI Unleashed

DiPrima, Richard C.

Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Elementary Differential Equations 5th Ed.

and Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value ProblemsCharles W.

Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems

Dickens, Charles

Hard Times for These Times

Dignam, Alan

Company Law

Dignan, James

The Penal System

Dobson, Ann

Managing Meetings

Doherty, Michael

Jurisprudence:The Philosophy of Law

Dominiczak, Marek H.

Medical Biochemistry

Donne, John

The Love Poems of John Donne

Dornbusch, Rudiger






Dowling, Nick
Database Design & Management Using Access

Dranove, David

Economics of Strategy

Drazin, P. G.

Nonlinear Systems

Drury, Colin

Management and Cost Accounting

Costing: An Introduction

Duggleby, Julia.

How to Be an Online Tutor

Duncan, Ray

Advanced MS-DOS Programming

Duncan, Tom

Electronics for Today and Tomorrow

Dunn, Kennneth

A-Level Physics

Eckel, Bruce.

Thinking in Java

Eckstein, Robert

Webmaster in a Nutshell

Ed, Timothy Blakemore LLB LLM Cert

Law for Legal Executives

Eddy, Sandra E.

Teach Yourself XML

Elliott, Steven
Inside 3D Studio

Ellis, John

Corporate Strategy and Financial Analysis

Ellis, Juanita

The E-Commerce Book

Else, Peter

Principles of Microeconomics

Elzen, Boelie

Scientists and Rotors

Euwe, Max

A Guide to Chess Endings

Evans, Tim

Building an Intranet

Evans, Tim.

Sams' Teach Yourself HTML 4.0 in 10 Minutes

10 Minute Guide to HTML

Ewing, K D

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Ewing, K. D.

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Exley, Helen

Wisdom for Our Times

Eyre, E C

Mastering Basic Management

Faires, J. Douglas
Numerical Analysis

Falk, Bennett.

The Internet Roadmap

Farrell, Michael

Statewatching the New Europe

Feldman, David Henry

Civil Liberties and Human Rights in England and Wales

Fenwick, Helen

Source Book on Public Law

Fiell, Charlotte

Designing the 21st Century

Fiell, Peter

Designing the 21st Century

Fill, Chris

Marketing Communications

Finn, Glen

Healthy Business:

Fischer, Stanley






Flanagan, Cara

A Level Questions and Answers: Psychology

Fletcher, Clive


Foley, James

Computer Graphics

Folland, G. B.

Fourier Analysis and Its Applications

Foster, Nigel G

Blackstone's Ec Legislation: 1998-9

Foulis, Ian

Letts Explore "Of Mice and Men"

Fowkes, Charles

The Love Poems of John Donne

Fraizer, Colin

Java API Reference

Frank, Juhan

Accretion Power in Astrophysics

Frankfort, Henri

The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient

Franklin, Derek.

Flash 5!


Las Moradas Filosofales

Fullerton, Johanna

Diversity in Action

Furmston, Michael P.
Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmstons Law of Contract


Smith and Bailey on the Modern English Legal System

Galloway, Les

Operations Management in Context

Gannon, Paddy

KS3 Science: Revision Guide - Levels 3-6

Garling, D. J. H.

A Course in Galois Theory

Gazely, Alicia M.

Management and Cost Accounting

Geary, Robert Charles

Elements of Linear Programming

Geary, Roger

Essential Criminal Law

Gerow, Joshua R.


Giles, John R.

Introduction to the Analysis of Metric Spaces

Giles, Marianne

English Law for General Certificate of Secondary Education

Gillespie, Andrew

Advanced Business Studies

Gillett, Philip

Calculus and Analytic Geometry

Glyn, Patricia.

Footing with Sir Richard's Ghost

Gold, Jeffrey

Human Resource Management

Goodman, Danny

JavaScript Bible

Goodman, David

Manoeuvres in Moscow

Goodstein, David L.

Feynman's Lost Lecture

Goodstein, Judith R.

Feynman's Lost Lecture

Goodworth, Clive

The Secrets of Successful Business Letters and Reports

Gookin, Dan.

More DOS for Dummies

Goor, A. J. van de

Computer Architecture and Design

Gorlen, Keith E.

Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C₊₊

Gorman, Gerry

Work Out Business Studies GCSE

Gowar, N. W.

An Invitation to Mathematics

Gowar, Norman William

An Invitation to Mathematics

Graham, Douglas

Building the Corporate Intranet

Gralla, Preston.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Protecting Your Child Online

Grant, Robert M.

Contemporary Strategy Analysis

Gravelle, Hugh


Gravells, Nigel P.

Land Law

Green, Christopher

New Toddler Taming: A Parents' Guide to the First Four Years

Greenfield, Peter

Introduction to Computing

Gregory, Derek

Statistics for Business

Griffith, J A G

The Politics of the Judiciary

Griffiths, Alan

Applied Economics

Applied Economics

Grimes, Richard

Professional DCOM Programming

Grimes, Roger A.
Malicious Mobile Code: Virus Protection for Windows

Gross, Christian

A Programmer's Introduction to Windows DNA

Group, Ziff-Davis Development

How to Program Java

Guengerich, Steve

Building the Corporate Intranet

Guides, Rough

The Rough Guide to Saxophone

Gullberg, Jan


Gunston, Bill

An Illustrated Guide to Modern Fighters and Attack Aircraft

Hadley, G

Linear Programming

Hague, Paul N.

How to Do Marketing Research

Hahn, Harley

Harley Hahn's the Internet Complete Reference

Haile, Darrell

Azumaya Algebras, Actions, and Modules

Haines, Charles Reginald

Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Elementary Differential Equations 5th Ed.

and Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value ProblemsCharles W.

Halborg, Al

Hall, Marty

Core Web Programming

Hall, Wendy

Hypermedia & the Web

Hammen, Constance L.

Abnormal Psychology

Hampshire, David

Buying a Home in Spain

Hannagan, T. J.

Management Concept and Practices

Management Concept and Practices

Haralambos, Michael


Harber-Stuart, Colin


Hargreaves, Ian

Tomorrow's Politics

Hargreaves, Martin

Engineering Mathematics

Haring, Lee

Verbal Arts in Madagascar

Harland, Madeleine

Healthy Business:

Harley, P. J.
An Introduction to Numerical Methods with Pascal

Harper, W M


Harpwood, Vivienne

Tort Law

Law of Tort

Harris, D. J.

Mathematics for Business, Management, and Economics

Harris, Philip R.

Managing Cultural Differences

Harrison, Jamie

GP Tomorrow

Harrison-Barbet, Anthony

Mastering Philosophy

Mastering Philosophy

Hart-Davis, Guy


Hausman, Robert E.

The Cell

Hawking, S. W.

A Brief History of Time

Hawkridge, Caroline

Understanding Endometriosis

Hayes, Mike

Operations Management
Haylock, Derek

Numeracy for Teaching

Haylock, Dr Derek W

Numeracy for Teaching

Head, Antony

Corporate Finance

Headquarters, Inc Al-Anon Family Group

Al-Anons Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions

Heather, Ken

Modern Applied Economics

Hedrick, P. W.


Heinle, Nick.

Designing with Javascript

Helstrom, Carl W.

Probability and Stochastic Processes for Engineers

Heuser, Harro

Functional Analysis

Heywood, Drew.

Inside Windows NT Server 4

Hickman, Craig R

The Future 500

Hille, Einar


Hillyard, Paddy
Statewatching the New Europe

Hingston, Charlotte

The Lake District

Hingston, Peter

The Lake District

Hobbs, Ashton

Visual Basic 5 Development

Holborn, Martin


Holding, Helen

Mastering Database Design

Holdsworth, B K

Mathematics GCSE Grade Booster

Holland, James F.

Learning Legal Rules

Hollensen, Svend

Global Marketing

Hollick, P N

Criminal Law

Criminal Law

Holmes, Elizabeth

Newly Qualified Teachers

Holmes, Rhonda


Holyer, Andy
Internet Uk in Easy Steps

Holzschlag, Molly E.

Special Edition Using HTML 4

Homer, Alex

Instant HTML Programmer's Reference Html

Hooper, David

A Guide to Chess Endings

Horsefield, Dan

Visual Basic 5 Development

Horstmann, Cay S.

Mastering C++

Horton, Ivor

Beginning Java 2

House, Pat

Cyber Rules

Howard, Keith A.

The Management of a Student Research Project

Howarth, David Armine

Textbook on Tort

Howitt, Dennis

An Introduction to Statistics in Psychology

Hubbard, J. R. (John Rast)

Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Programming with Java

Huczynski, Andrzej

Organizational Behaviour
Hudson, Alastair.

Equity & Trusts

Hudson, Kurt

MCSE NT4 Server in the Enterprise Exam Cram

Humphrey, J.

Looking After Corporate Health

Hunt, D Trinidad

Learning to Learn

Hunt, John

Java and Object Orientation

Hurford, Christopher

The Anthology of Popular Verse

Hutt, Michael D.

Business Marketing Management

Ibanez, Ardith

Creating Killer Interactive Web Sites

Icke, David

Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster

Illingworth, Valerie

Dictionary of Computing


Mastering Management

Inc, Sybex

HTML Complete

Ince, D.
Software Engineering

Innes, Jocasta

Conran Beginner's Guide to Decorating

Isaacson, Eugene

Analysis of Numerical Methods

Ivamy, E. R. Hardy

Mozley & Whiteley's Law Dictionary

Jackson, Hilary

Making Equal Opportunities Work

Jackson, Peter

How to Do Marketing Research

Jacques, Ian

Mathematics for Economics and Business

James, Glyn

Modern Engineering Mathematics

James, Jennifer

Law for Accountancy Students

James, Mary

The Essentials of Aqa Science Double

James, Robert C. (Robert Clarke)

Mathematics Dictionary

Jamil, Tanvir

Complementary Medicine

Complementary Medicine

Jardine, Jim
Physics Through Applications

Johnson, Gerry

Exploring Corporate Strategy

Johnson, Marc

Javascript Manual of Style

Johnson, Marcus

Javascript Manual of Style

Johnson, Spencer

The One Minute Manager

Jones, Daniel L.

Dylan Thomas--the Poems

Jones, Michael A

Textbook on Torts

Jones, Philip R.

Criminal Law

Jones, Tanya

AS Media Studies for OCR

Jordan, D. W.

Mathematical Techniques

Joseph, Michael

The Complete Photography Course

Joyce, Paul

Essential Strategic Management

Kalbag, Asha

The Usborne Complete Book of the Internet & World Wide Web
Build Your Own Web Site

Kandola, R. S.

Diversity in Action

Kaufeld, John.

Access 97 for Windows for Dummies

Kay, Dave


Kay, William J.

The Bosses

Keane, Adrian

The Modern Law of Evidence

Keene, Raymond

Manoeuvres in Moscow

Kelejian, Harry H.

Introduction to Econometrics

Keller, Herbert Bishop

Numerical Methods for Two-Point Boundary-Value Problems

Analysis of Numerical Methods

Kelley, Al

C by Dissection

Kelly, David

English Legal System

Kelly, Gerard W.

Short-Cut Math

Kendall, Philip C.
Abnormal Psychology

Kent, Penelope

European Union Law

Kent, Peter

Poor Richard's Web Site

Keynes, Roger

The Developing Brain

Kim, Sang H

The Art of Harmony:

Kimmel, Paul

Visual Basic 5 Development

King, A. Hyatt

Accretion Power in Astrophysics

Kirk, Roger E.



Yoga Pure and Simple

Kitchin, Rob.


Kittel, Charles

Introduction to Solid State Physics

Klerks, Peter

Statewatching the New Europe

Knapp, James (James R. )

Nortel Networks
Knobel, Lance

International Contract Design

Koch, Richard

Selecting Shares That Perform

Koffman, Laurence

The Law of Contract

Korper, Steffano

The E-Commerce Book

Kreyszig, Erwin

Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Körner, T. W.

Exercises for Fourier Analysis


Mastering Management

Ladd, Eric

Using HTML 3. 2, Java 1. 1, and CGI

Ladd, Eric.

Using HTML 4.0, Java 1.1, and JavaScript 1.2

Laing, Roger

Web Design

Lalic, W G M Susan

Your Chess Questions Answered

Lamacraft, Jane

International Contract Design

Lambert, Rosemary
The Twentieth Century

Lammle, Todd.

CCNP Switching Study Guide

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide

Lane, Peter

Practical Marketing Planning

Lawrence, Peter

Insight into Management

Lee, Bruce

Jeet Kune Do

Lee, Michael

MCSE Test Success

Lee, Min

Chambers Book of Facts

Lee, R. Alton

Insight into Management

Lee, Rick J.

Romeo and Juliet

Lee, Robert E.

Blackstone's Statutes on Public Law, 1997-98

Lee, Simon (Simon F. )

Learning Legal Skills

Lemay, Laura

Teach Yourself Java 2 Platform in 21 Days

Lenderman, Teddy.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Perfect Wedding

Leonhard, Woody

Using Microsoft Office 2000

Lewis, Beverly

Play Better Golf

Lewis, Philip

Research Methods for Business Students

Light, W. A. (William Allan)

An Introduction to Abstract Analysis

Lindley, D. V. (Dennis Victor)

New Cambridge Statistical Tables

Little, Peter

English for the Office

Little, Simon



Statewatching the New Europe

Lofthouse, Stephen.

How to Fix Your Finances

Lomax, Paul.

Learning VBScript

Lorber, Robert

Putting the One Minute Manager to Work

Lovell, Alan

Business Ethics and Values

Lowe, David Allan

Hypermedia & the Web

Lowe, Doug

More Word for Windows 6 for Dummies

Lowery, Joseph

Fireworks 3 Bible

Lowry, John

Company Law

Lucey, T


Lumsden, Andrew

The Developing Brain

Lyon, Hugh

An Illustrated Guide to Modern Warships

MA, Brendan Greene LLB

Law for Legal Executives

Mac Lane, Saunders

A Survey of Modern Algebra

MacDonald, Elizabeth

The Law of Contract

Macartney-Snape, Sue

The Embarrassing Parents

The Appalling Guests

Macionis, John J

Magazine, Telegraph

The Embarrassing Parents

Mahoney, John J.

Letts Explore "Of Mice and Men"

Malanczuk, Peter

Akehurst's Modern Introduction to International Law

Male, David K.


Malhotra, Naresh K.

Marketing Research

Mann, Anthony T

Visual Basic 5 Development

Mann, Scott

Linux System Security

March, Peter R.

Directory of Military Aircraft of the World

Marsden, Kathryn

Good Gut Healing

Marshak, Ronni T.

Customers. Com

Marshall, Hugh

Letts Explore "Of Mice and Men"

Martin, E. A.

A Dictionary of Law

Martin, Jacqueline
A Level Study Guide: Law

Martin, Jacqueline Briggs

<<The>> English Legal System

Martin, Stewart

Letts Explore "Of Mice and Men"

Marusich, Carmen.

Internet Commerce for Dummies

Mather, Victoria

The Embarrassing Parents

The Appalling Guests

Mathers, Todd W.

Windows NT Thin Client Solutions

Matthews, Martin S.

FrontPage 98

Mauer, Lowell

Visual Basic 5 Development

McDermott, Michael C

The Essence of International Business

McDonald, Skipper

Building the Corporate Intranet

McDougall, Julian

AS Media Studies for OCR

McDuell, Bob

A Level Questions and Answers

McElroy, Mark W.
GCSE Chemistry

McFarlane, Nigel

Instant Javascript

McGrath, Mike

Linux in Easy Steps

McKendrick, Ewan

Contract Law

McLaney, Eddie

Management Accounting for Decision Makers

Business Finance for Decision Makers

McLaney, Edward J.

Business Finance for Decision Makers

McLaughlin, J

The Deciding Factor

McLean, Ephraim R.

Information Technology for Management

McLean, Ian W.

Windows 2000 Security Little Black Book

McMillan, Mike

Visual Basic 5 Development

McPhee, Nancy

Big Book of Insults

Mertin, Stewart

Letts Explore "Of Mice and Men"

Meyer, Bertrand
Reusable Software

Michael, Dennis

English Law for General Certificate of Secondary Education

Miles, Robert H.

Macro Organizational Behavior

Miller, Mitra

Building the Corporate Intranet

Miller, Phillip

Inside 3D Studio

Millichamp, A H

Finance for Non-Financial Managers

Mills, Dick

The Tropical Aquarium

Minasi, Mark

Mastering Windows NT Server 4

Modahl, Mary

Now or Never

Moll, Richard

The Lure of the Law

Moncur, Michael G.

Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours

Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript 1. 3 in 24 Hours

Montgomery, Douglas C.

Design and Analysis of Experiments

Moran, Robert D.
Managing Cultural Differences

Morgen, Sharon Drew

Sales on the Line

Mortensen, Lance.


Mozley, Herbert Newman

Mozley & Whiteley's Law Dictionary

Muder, Doug


Mullins, Laurie J.

Management and Organisational Behaviour

Management and Organisational Behaviour

Management and Organisational Behaviour

Mullis, Alastair


Munro, Colin R.

Studies in Constitutional Law

Murphy, Raymond

English Grammar in Use with Answers

Murray, III, William H

Borland C++ Handbook

Myddelton, D R

Understanding Business Accounting and Decision Making

Financial Decisions

Myddelton, David Roderic

The Economy and Business Decisions

Myers, David


Myers, Stewart C.

Principles of Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance

Myles, Margaret F.

Textbook for Midwives

Nash, Iain


Navarro, Ann.

Mastering XML

Negrino, Tom

JavaScript for the World Wide Web

Neibauer, Alan R.


Newman, Gerald

Online Marketing Strategies

Niederst, Jennifer

Web Design in a Nutshell

Nugent, Neill

The European Business Environment

Nuttall, Jon.

An Introduction to Philosophy

O'Donnell, Jim
Using HTML 3. 2, Java 1. 1, and CGI

O'Donnell, Rory

The European Business Environment

O'Driscoll, Kevin

Top 1000 Really Useful Web Sites

O'Sullivan, John

After Marx and Engels - Essays in the Dialectic

Oates, David

The International Manager

Oates, Wallace E.

Introduction to Econometrics

Odum, Eugene Pleasants


Oja, Dan

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts

Okabayashi, Kensuke.

Manga for Dummies

Oliphant, Ken


Oliver, Gordon

Marketing Today

Orlow, Sanford M.

Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C₊₊

Osborne, Sandra

Windows NT Registry
Osterburg, James

Azumaya Algebras, Actions, and Modules

Owen, Richard

Essential European Community Law

Padfield, Colin Frank

Law: Made Simple

Palmer, Joan

Dog Breeds Identifier

Pappas, Chris H

Borland C++ Handbook

Pareigis, Bodo

Categories and Functors

Park, Andy


Parnell, Tere.

LAN Times Guide to Building High-Speed Networks

Parpworth, Neil

Constitutional & Administrative Law

Parsons, June Jamrich

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts

Parsons, Richard D.

KS3 Science: Revision Guide - Levels 3-6

KS2 Maths

GCSE Mathematics Revision Guide

GCSE History
GCSE: Double Science: Biology: the Revision Guide: Higher Level


Creating Killer Interactive Web Sites

Pendrill, David

Advanced Financial Accounting

Penner, J E

The Law of Trusts

Penner, J. E.

Mozley & Whiteley's Law Dictionary

Perkins, Graham

Killer CVs & Hidden Approaches

Perkins, Martin

Advanced Mathematics

Advanced Mathematics

Perkins, Patricia

Advanced Mathematics

Perkins, Patricia Elaine

Advanced Mathematics

Perlis, Sam

Theory of Matrices

Perminov, O. N. (Oleg Nikolaevich)

The Beginner's Guide to Turbo Pascal

Peterson, Larry J.

Computer Networks: A Systems Approach

Petruzzellis, Thomas
Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics, and Laser Cookbook

Philip, Jones

Public Finance and Public Choice

Phillips, Estelle

How to Get a Ph. D

Phillipson, Gavin

Source Book on Public Law

Pike, Mary Ann

Using the Internet

Pinksterboer, Hugo

The Rough Guide to Saxophone

The Rough Guide to Clarinet

Plexico, Perry S.

Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C₊₊

Pogue, David

Mac OS 9

Pohl, Ira

C by Dissection

Poulsen, Erik B.

FrontPage 98

Pressman, Roger S.

Software Engineering

Software Engineering

Price, Michael

Outlook 2000 in Easy Steps

Priestley, H. A. (Hilary A. )

Introduction to Complex Analysis

Pritchard, David Brine

The Right Way to Play Chess

Pyros, Gregory

Inside 3D Studio

Rabey, Gordon P.

In Charge

Rabinovitz, Lauren

The Complete Letter Writer

Radcliffe, Mark F.

Economics: Student Workbook & Reader

Raine, D. J.

Accretion Power in Astrophysics

Rainer, Kelly

Information Technology for Management

Rathbone, Andy.

Windows XP for Dummies

Rayner, Philip

Media Studies

Rees, David

GCSE CDT-Design and Realisation

Rees, Ray


Reidy, John
Statistics Without Maths for Psychology

Reinhardt, Robert

Flash 5 Bible


Web Design

Richard, Md Gerber

Vibrational Medicine

Richards, Paul G.

Law of Contract

Richardson, Ronny

MS-DOS Batch File Programming

Riddall, J G

Land Law

Rinzler, Carol Ann.

Heartburn & Reflux for Dummies

Robins, L. J.

Contemporary British Politics

Rodgers, Bill

Office 2003 Bible

Rogers, Glenn


Roitt, Ivan Maurice


Rosenthal, Morris.

Build Your Own PC

Rosenthal, Robert

Essentials of Behavioral Research

Rosnow, Ralph L

Essentials of Behavioral Research

Ross, Caroline


Rowbotham, Frank

Operations Management in Context

Rudin, Walter

Principles of Mathematical Analysis

Rudinger, Edith

Understanding Stress

Rushby, Nick

Guide to Good Programming Practice

Russell, Kate

101 Tips for Employers

Ryan, Nick

Database Systems Engineering

Sadler, John Edward

GCSE Chemistry

Salamon, Michael J.

Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice

Salas, Saturnino L.


Salmon, Gilly

Sandoval, Judith Hancock de

Art and Time in Mexico

Sangster, Alan

Frank Wood's Business Accounting 1

Sather, Andrew

Creating Killer Interactive Web Sites

Saunders, Dave

The Complete Photography Course

Saunders, Mark

Research Methods for Business Students

Sawyer, Ben.

Creating Stores on the Web

Schaedel, James

Fundamentals of Finite Mathematics

Schels, Ignatz

Access 97 in No Time

Schmidt, Richard Penrose

Advanced Mechanics of Materials

Schmuller, Joseph

Sams Teach Yourself UML in 24 Hours

Schnyder, John E.

Teach Yourself XML

Scholes, Kevan

Exploring Corporate Strategy

Schuh, Frederik

The Master Book of Mathematical Recreations

Scott, Millie

English Law for General Certificate of Secondary Education

Seely, John

Romeo and Juliet

Senn, James A.

Information Systems in Management

Seybold, Patricia B.

Customers. Com

Shakespeare, William

William Shakespeare

Romeo and Juliet

Shanley, Mark

Economics of Strategy

Sharp, J. J.

The Management of a Student Research Project

Sharp, John A.

The Management of a Student Research Project

Sharratt, Nick

The Illustrated Mum

Shaw, Malcolm N. (Malcolm Nathan)

International Law

Shelley, J

Fun Web Pages with JavaScripts

Shufflebotham, Robert

Photoshop 6 in Easy Steps

Sidebottom, Omar M.

Advanced Mechanics of Materials

Siebel, Thomas M

Cyber Rules

Silbey, Robert J.

Physical Chemistry

Silva, Michael A

The Future 500

Simpson, John

Just XML

Singleton, Susan

The Legal Guide to Online Business

Siyan, Karanjit

Internetworking with NetWare TCP/IP

Slapper, Gar

English Legal System

Sloman, John

Economics: Student Workbook & Reader


Smith, Dan

Database Systems Engineering

Smith, Dori

JavaScript for the World Wide Web

Smith, Paul

Looking After Corporate Health

Smith, Peter K.

Smith and Bailey on the Modern English Legal System

Mathematical Techniques

Snaith, Paul.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to C++

Snell, Ned

Sams Teach Yourself to Create Web Pages in 24 Hours

Solomon, Christine

The Word for Windows 2.0

Sommerville, Ian

Software Engineering

Spainhour, Stephen

Webmaster in a Nutshell

Speed, Brian

Higher Level Mathematics

Speh, Thomas W.

Business Marketing Management

Spencer, John


Constitutional & Administrative Law Nutcase

Spencer, Maureen


Constitutional & Administrative Law Nutcase

Spenik, Mark

Visual Basic 5 Development

Spicker, Paul.

Social Policy

Spiegel, Murray R.

Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Vector Analysis

Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Advanced Calculus

Stallings, William.

Business Data Communications

Stanley, Timothy S.

Batch Files and Macros Quick Reference

Stephenson, G

Worked Examples in Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers

Steves, Rick

Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door 2007

Stewart, Ian

Another Fine Math You've Got Me into

Stewart, James Michael

MCSE NT4 Server in the Enterprise Exam Cram

Stewart, Ken

Physics Through Applications

Strebe, Matthew.

Firewalls 24 Seven

Stromberg, Karl Robert

Introduction to Classical Real Analysis

Sudjic, Deyan

Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, James Stirling

Taggart, James H

The Essence of International Business

Tate, Steven

Windows 2000 Essential Reference

Taylor, Peter

Investors in People Explained

Taylor, Stephen

People Resourcing

Teague, Jason Cranford

DHTML for the World Wide Web

Teich, Albert H

Technology and the Future

Templar, Richard

The Rules of Management

Temple, Peter

First Steps in Bonds

Templeman, The Right Honourable Lord

Learning Legal Rules

Thackwray, Bob

Investors in People Explained

Thayer, Rob

Visual Basic 5 Development

Thomas, Dylan
Dylan Thomas--the Poems

Thompson, Brian

Textbook on Constitutional & Administrative Law

Cases & Materials on Constitutional Law

Thompson, Claire


Thomson, Laura

PHP and MySQL Web Development

Thornhill, Adrian

Research Methods for Business Students

Thornton, Grant

101 Ways to Run a Business Profitably

Thurrott, Paul B.

Great Digital Media with Windows XP

Tiernan, Ralph

Tort in a Nutshell

Timings, R L

Science Background to Engineering

Tittel, Ed

MCSE NT4 Server in the Enterprise Exam Cram

Tittel, Ed.

NT Server 4 in the Enterprise

Tomes, Anne E.

Operations Management

Tomlinson, Mike
Statewatching the New Europe

Torasso, Pietro

Diagnostic Problem Solving

Travis, Brian E.

XML and SOAP Programming for BizTalk Servers

Turban, Efraim

Information Technology for Management

Tyrer, Peter J.

Social Function in Psychiatry

Tyson, Eric

Home Buying for Dummies

Uglow, Steve


Ullman, Chris

Instant HTML Programmer's Reference Html

Underdahl, Brian.

Internet Bible

Vaitilingam, Romesh

The "Financial Times" Guide to Using the Financial Pages

Valongo, Kye

Free Stuff on the Internet

Van Zwanenberg, T. D.

GP Tomorrow

Van der Linden, Peter

Not Just Java

Vaughn, William R.

Hitchhiker's Guide to Visual Basic & SQL Server

Volkman, Victor R

Windows Programming with Shareware Tools

Wade, E C S

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Wadeley, Alison

A-Level Psychology

Wadham, John

Your Rights

Walker, P. L.

The Theory of Fourier Series and Integrals

Wall, Stuart

Applied Economics

Applied Economics

Wallington, Peter

Blackstone's Statutes on Public Law, 1997-98

Walter, Scott.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to JavaScript

Ward, Harold

Statistics for Business

Warfel, Kathy


Waters, C. D. J. (C. Donald J. )

Quantitative Methods for Business

Watkin, David

A History of Western Architecture

A History of Western Architecture

Watson, Denzil

Corporate Finance

Weatherill, Stephen

Cases and Materials on EC Law

Weatherill, Steve


Weaver, Robert F.


Webber, Frances

Statewatching the New Europe

Weightman, Jane

Introducing Organisational Behaviour

Weinman, Lynda.

Designing Web Graphics.3

Weir, Alan J.

Lebesgue Integration and Measure

Weir, Tony

A Casebook on Tort

Weismann, Elizabeth Wilder

Art and Time in Mexico

Welling, Luke

PHP and MySQL Web Development

Wells, Nicholas E. J.


Wells, Peter

Guía Básica de Vídeo Digital

Westfall, Ralph L.

Information Technology for Management

Wetherbe, James C.

Information Technology for Management


Mastering Management

White, R. E. (Robert E. )

An Introduction to the Finite Element Method with Applications to Nonlinear


White, Simon

Fireworks 3 Bible

Whiteley, George Crispe

Mozley & Whiteley's Law Dictionary

Whittle, Peter

Prediction and Regulation by Linear Least-Square Methods

Prediction and Regulation by Linear Least-Square Methods

Willet, Edward

Office 2003 Bible

Willett, Edward F.

Office 2003 Bible

Williams, David H.

Corporate Strategy and Financial Analysis

Williams, Mike

BASIC V for the Acorn Archimedes

Williams, Sara Lou

Lloyds TSB Small Business Guide

Wilson, Jacqueline

The Illustrated Mum

Wilson, Robin J.

Introduction to Graph Theory

Wilton, Paul

Beginning JavaScript

Wingate, Philippa

The Usborne Complete Book of the Internet & World Wide Web

Winsor, Janice.

Jumping JavaScript

Winston, Wayne L.

Operations Research

Wolfmeyer, Lynn Jay

Fundamentals of Finite Mathematics

Wonnacott, Ronald J.

Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics

Wonnacott, Thomas H.

Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics

Wood, Frank

Frank Wood's Business Accounting 1

Frank Wood's Business Accounting 1

Business Accounting 1

Woods, Adrian

Essential Strategic Management

Worsley, John C.

Practical PostgreSQL

Wright, Len Tiu

The Marketing Research Process

Wright, Steve

Instant HTML Programmer's Reference Html

Wyatt, Allen

Office 2003 Bible

Wynkoop, Stephen.

Special Edition Using Microsoft SQL Server 7.0

Yardley, David

Introduction to Constitutional and Administrative Law

Yevich, Richard.

DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 Version 7.1 Certification Guide

Young, Margaret Levine


Zander, Michael

The Law-Making Process

Zwass, Vladimir.

Management Information Systems

van der Linden, Peter

Not Just Java

(Title only:)


Using the Internet

The UK Economy

The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers

The Occult Connection

Surface Modelling by Computer

Introduction To Algebraic Theories

Human Resource Management

Corporate Finance

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Camping Guide to Europe 2006/07

Business Letters II Made Easy

A World in Crisis?

Award of Garden Merit Plants

An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations for Science Students

About Our Schools

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