Home Assignment - 2

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214E The resistance wire of a 1000-W iron is 15 in. long and has a diameter of D=0.08 in.
Determine the rate of heat generation in the wire per unit volume, in Btu/h ft 3, and the
heat flux on the outer surface of the wire, in Btu/hft 2 , as a result of this heat generation.

216 In a nuclear reactor, heat is generated uniformly in the 5-cm-diameter cylindrical

uranium rods at a rate of 7107W/m3. If the length of the rods is 1 m, determine the rate of
heat generation in each rod.

222 Starting with an energy balance on a cylindrical shell volume element, derive the
steady one-dimensional heat conduction equation for a long cylinder with constant thermal
conductivity in which heat is generated at a rate of g.

246E A 2-kW resistance heater wire whose thermal conductivity is k=10.4 Btu/h ft F
has a radius of r0=0.06 in. and a length of L=15 in., and is used for space heating. Assuming
constant thermal conductivity and one-dimensional heat transfer, express the mathematical
formulation (the differential equation and the boundary conditions) of this heat conduction
problem during steady operation. Do not solve.

259 Consider the base plate of a 800-W household iron with a thickness of L=0.6 cm, base
area of A=160 cm2 , and thermal conductivity of k=20 W/mC. The inner surface of the base
plate is subjected to uniform heat flux generated by the resistance heaters inside. When
steady operating conditions are reached, the outer surface temperature of the plate is
measured to be 85C. Disregarding any heat loss through the upper part of the iron, (a)
express the differential equation and the boundary conditions for steady one-dimensional
heat conduction through the plate, (b) obtain a relation for the variation of temperature in
the base plate by solving the differential equation, and (c) evaluate the inner surface

262E Consider a steam pipe of length L= 15 ft, inner radius r 1=2 in., outer radius r 2=2.4
in., and thermal conductivity k=7.2 Btu/h ft F. Steam is flowing through the pipe at an
average temperature of 250F, and the average convection heat transfer coefficient on the
inner surface is given to be h =1.25 Btu/h ft 2 F . If the average temperature on the outer
surfaces of the pipe is T2=160F, (a) express the differential equation and the boundary
conditions for steady one dimensional heat conduction through the pipe, (b) obtain a
relation for the variation of temperature in the pipe by solving the differential equation, and
(c) evaluate the rate of heat loss from the steam through the pipe.
268 When a long section of a compressed air line passes through the outdoors, it is
observed that the moisture in the compressed air freezes in cold weather, disrupting and
even completely blocking the air flow in the pipe. To avoid this problem, the outer surface of
the pipe is wrapped with electric strip heaters and then insulated. Consider a compressed
air pipe of length L=6 m, inner radius r 1=3.7 cm, outer radius r2=4.0 cm, and thermal
conductivity k=14 W/m C equipped with a 300-W strip heater. Air is flowing through the
pipe at an average temperature of -10C, and the average convection heat transfer
coefficient on the inner surface is h=30 W/m 2
C. Assuming 15 percent of the heat
generated in the strip heater is lost through the insulation, (a) express the differential
equation and the boundary conditions for steady one-dimensional heat conduction through
the pipe, (b) obtain a relation for the variation of temperature in the pipe material by
solving the differential equation, and (c) evaluate the inner and outer surface temperatures
of the pipe.

283 Consider a large 3-cm-thick stainless steel plate (k=15.1 W/mC) in which heat is
generated uniformly at a rate of 5 10 5W/m3 . Both sides of the plate are exposed to an
environment at 30C with a heat transfer coefficient of 60 W/m 2 C. Explain where in the
plate the highest and the lowest temperatures will occur, and determine their values.

286 A 6-m-long 2-kW electrical resistance wire is made of 0.2-cm-diameter stainless steel
(k=15.1 W/mC). The resistance wire operates in an environment at 30C with a heat
transfer coefficient of 140 W/m2C at the outer surface. Determine the surface temperature
of the wire (a) by using the applicable relation and (b) by setting up the proper differential
equation and solving it.

292 Consider a large plane wall of thickness L=0.05 m. The wall surface at x=0 is
insulated, while the surface at x = L is maintained at a temperature of 30C. The thermal
conductivity of the wall is k30 W/mC, and heat is generated in the wall at a rate of g= g 0e
W/m3 where g0=8 106 W/m3. Assuming steady one-dimensional heat transfer, (a)
express the differential equation and the boundary conditions for heat conduction through
the wall, (b) obtain a relation for the variation of temperature in the wall by solving the
differential equation, and (c) determine the temperature of the insulated surface of the wall.

2100 Consider a cylindrical shell of length L, inner radius r 1 , and outer radius r 2 whose
thermal conductivity varies linearly in a specified temperature range as k(T)= k 0 (1 +T)
where k0 and are two specified constants. The inner surface of the shell is maintained at a
constant temperature of T1, while the outer surface is maintained at T 2 . Assuming steady
onedimensional heat transfer, obtain a relation for (a) the heat transfer rate through the
wall and (b) the temperature distribution T(r) in the shell.

2125 Consider a steam pipe of length L, inner radius r 1 outer radius r 2 , and constant
thermal conductivity k. Steam flows inside the pipe at an average temperature of Ti with a
convection heat transfer coefficient of h i . The outer surface of the pipe is exposed to
convection to the surrounding air at a temperature of T 0 with a heat transfer coefficient of
ho. Assuming steady one-dimensional heat conduction through the pipe, (a) express the
differential equation and the boundary conditions for heat conduction through the pipe
material, (b) obtain a relation for the variation of temperature in the pipe material by
solving the differential equation, and (c) obtain a relation for the temperature of the outer
surface of the pipe.

2128 Consider a large plane wall of thickness L=0.4 m and thermal conductivity k=8.4
W/mC. There is no access to the inner side of the wall at x=0 and thus the thermal
conditions on that surface are not known. However, the outer surface of the wall at x=L,
whose emissivity is 0.7, is known to exchange heat by convection with ambient air at T
25C with an average heat transfer coefficient of h=14 W/m 2 C as well as by radiation with
the surrounding surfaces at an average temperature of Tsurr =290 K. Further, the
temperature of the outer surface is measured to be T 2 = 45C. Assuming steady one-
dimensional heat transfer, (a) express the differential equation and the boundary conditions
for heat conduction through the plate, (b) obtain a relation for the temperature of the outer
surface of the plate by solving the differential equation, and (c) evaluate the inner surface
temperature of the wall at x=0.
2137 Heat is generated uniformly at a rate of 2.6 10 6 W/m3 in a spherical ball (k=45 W/m
C) of diameter 30 cm. The ball is exposed to iced-water at 0C with a heat transfer
coefficient of 1200 W/m 2
C. Determine the temperatures at the center and the surface of
the ball.

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