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[G.R. No. 121106. February 20, 2002]


On January 17, 1962 and December 5, 1969, petitioner Durisol obtained industrial
loans from respondent Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) amounting to
P1,213,000.00 and P2,698,800.00, respectively. As security therefor, petitioner
executed a mortgage on two parcels of registered land located in Polo (now
Valenzuela), Bulacan, covered by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. 29906 and

After petitioner defaulted in the payment of the loans, DBP instituted on August 21,
1970 a petition for the extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgage.In the meantime, the
foreclosure sale was held, wherein DBP emerged as the highest bidder. On October
9, 1973, the corresponding certificates of sale were issued to DBP.

Petitioner, however, filed a complaint for annulment of the extrajudicial foreclosure

before the then Court of First Instance (CFI) of Valenzuela, Bulacan, docketed as
Civil Case No. 605-V. The CFI rendered judgment upholding the validity of the
foreclosure. Petitioner appealed to the Court of Appeals, which affirmed the
decision of the CFI. The decision of the Court of Appeals became final on April 30,

Respondent DBP, thus, filed a motion for execution, which was granted. The writ,
however, was returned unserved because petitioner was not found in the address
stated in the record. An alias writ of execution was issued against petitioners
president, Rene Knecht, but the latter refused to comply with the order to
surrender the titles. Hence, on motion of DBP, an Order was issued on April 4,
1990 directing the Register of Deeds of Bulacan to cancel the seven titles and to
issue new ones in lieu thereof. Accordingly, new certificates of title were issued to

Thereafter, DBP sold the lots covered.

More than four years later, or on September 2, 1994, petitioner instituted before the
Court of Appeals a petition to annul the trial courts decision dated January 10,
1989 and Resolution dated April 4, 1990, alleging for the first time that the trial
court had no jurisdiction over the case. Petitioner prayed that the certificates of
title issued in the names of all private respondents, except DBP, be annulled and
that TCT Nos. T-167751 and T-167752 and T-187023-187027 be reinstated.

On January 20, 1995, the Court of Appeals rendered the now assailed decision
dismissing the petition for annulment of judgment. Petitioner Durisols subsequent
motion for reconsideration was likewise denied for lack of merit.

Hence this petition.

Issues: (1)Does the trial court had jurisdiction over the petition for issuance of new
duplicate owners certificate of title; and

(2) Is petitioner estopped from challenging the courts lack of jurisdiction?

Ruling: 1. Yes. Petitioner argues that the then CFI had no jurisdiction when the
case was remanded to it by the then IAC because as a cadastral court, the CFI had
limited jurisdiction.

It should be noted, however, that when the CFI took cognizance of the remanded
case, the distinction between the CFI acting as a land registration court with
limited jurisdiction, on the one hand, and a CFI acting as an ordinary court
exercising general jurisdiction, on the other hand, has already been removed with
the effectivity of the Property Registration Decree (PD 1529). The amendment was
aimed at avoiding multiplicity of suits. The change has simplified registration
proceedings by conferring upon the designated trial courts the authority to act not
only on applications for original registration but also over all petitions filed after
original registration of title, with power to hear and determine all questions arising
from such applications or petition.

2. Yes. Rule 47, Section 3 expressly provides that a petition for annulment of
judgment based on lack of jurisdiction must be filed before it is barred by laches or
estoppel. Hence, it has been held that while jurisdiction over the subject matter of
a case may be raised at any time of the proceedings, this rule presupposes that
laches or estoppel has not supervened. Thus:

This Court has time and again frowned upon the undesirable practice of a party
submitting his case for decision and then accepting the judgment, only if favorable,
and attacking it for lack of jurisdiction when adverse. Here, the principle of
estoppel lies. Hence, a party may be estopped or barred from raising the question
of jurisdiction for the first time in a petition before the Supreme Court when it
failed to do so in the early stages of the proceedings.

Note: The regional trial court, formerly the court of first instance, is a court of
general jurisdiction. All cases, the jurisdiction over which is not specifically
provided for by law to be within the jurisdiction of any other court, fall under the
jurisdiction of the regional trial court.

But the regional trial court is also a court of limited jurisdiction over, among
others, cadastral and land registration cases. All proceedings involving title to real
property, or specifically land registration cases, including its incidents such as the
issuance of owners duplicate certificate of title, are matters cognizable by the
regional trial courts. It has been ruled that the regional trial courts have
jurisdiction over all actions involving possession of land, except forcible entry and
illegal detainer.

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