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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: __Kellie

Grade Level Being Subject/Content: Group Date of Lesson: 2/27/17
Taught: 2 Math/Money Size:

Lesson Content
What Standards (national
or state) relate to this MACC.2.MD.3.8 Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and
lesson? pennies, using $ and symbols appropriately.

Essential Understanding
How do you find the total value of a group of dimes, nickels, and pennies?

Objectives- What are you

teaching? SWBAT find the total value of collections of dimes, nickels, and pennies.
SWBAT sort and draw different coins.

I am teaching this objective because students need to know the difference between
various coins and what their values are so when they go to buy something, they know
which coins they can use to make their purchase and be able to add up to the correct
amount. If the students go to make a purchase and do not know how much money they
have, they might not have enough to buy what they want.

Evaluation Plan- How will

you know students have Formative: I will present different coin combinations under the elmo, with both sides of
mastered your objectives? the coin possibly being presented. I will have the students write down the total value of
the coins presented on a piece of paper. We will do this for three separate coin
combinations and they will turn this in to me. I will grade their papers while they are
working on their packet to see who needs more help. I will also be checking their share
and show problems on page 338 before allowing them to move on with the rest of the

Summative: I will grade their overall math packets to see which coin specially or which
problems they need additional help with to plan for my next lesson which is about
quarters and combining it with pennies, nickels, and/or dimes.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: __Kellie
Grade Level Being Subject/Content: Group Date of Lesson: 2/27/17
Taught: 2 Math/Money Size:

What Content Knowledge

is necessary for a teacher The teacher needs to know the value of a penny, dime, and nickel. The teacher also
to teach this material? needs to be able to count by 1s, 5s, and 10s.

What background
knowledge is necessary for The student needs to know how to count by 1s, 5s, and 10s, as well as, be able to
a student to successfully recognize that the coins are all different and have different values. I will ensure students
meet these objectives? have this previous knowledge by briefly going over how to count by 1s, 5s, and 10s and
by going over each individual coin and its value. All of my learners should be able to
recognize each of these coins because everyone has been in America long enough to
have seen these coins. All of my students also should know how to skip count by 1s, 5s,
and 10s as we have gone over this at the beginning of the year.

What misconceptions
might students have about Children may think that the value of a coin is related to its size. Students may also get
this content? dimes and nickels confused because they are the same color. Students may misrecognize
the back of the coin as a different value (for example they might think the back of a
nickel is a back of a dime.)

Lesson Implementation
Teaching Methods
I will first be doing direct instruction to introduce the coins and their values. I will then
have the students work together as an entire class to sort themselves according to the
coin they pick out. Then they will be working with a partner to draw and sort the coins in
their bags. Then I will be doing direct instruction to model a problem. Then the students
will be independently working.

Step-by-Step Plan Time Who is

5 min e? 1. Have the supplies student pass out the bags of coins to
Teacher partners. Have the paper passer pass out math packets to
each of the students and have them write their names on
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: __Kellie
Grade Level Being Subject/Content: Group Date of Lesson: 2/27/17
Taught: 2 Math/Money Size:

their packets. I will show the students under the elmo the
different coins, what they look like on each side, their names,
and their values. We will also go over how to count by 1s, 5s,
7 min and 10s.
Students 2. Have the students randomly pick a coin out of their bag
without looking and without anyone seeing what they picked.
They will then look at the coin the picked and place it back in
the bag. Then, without talking the students will try to work
together to sort themselves according to what coin they had
into three different corners of the room. They will have 5
minutes to attempt to sort themselves. After 5 minutes we
5 min will reveal if everyone sorted themselves correctly.
Student 3. Then students will randomly pick out coins from their bags
and draw what they picked in the circles on page 337 of their
math packet. Sort the coins. Put the coins that are alike in
the same circle on the page. Then draw the coins inside the
circles. Make sure you are drawing only the coins you picked
3 min and that you do not put them back inside your bag.
Both (drawings of the coins should be a circle with a 1, 5, or 10 in it
no cent symbol)
4. Ask How are a dime, nickel, and penny alike? How are they
3 min different? Does the size of a coin show the value of the
Teacher coin? Explain. Write 10 on the board and ask What could
we tell someone about this? Discuss that they are counting
the number of cents as they look at the coins.
5. Model how to count dimes by 10s under the elmo, nickels by
5s, and pennies by 1s. Look at a group of 3 dimes and 3
nickels. Ask the students to explain how the counting of the
cents differ between the two groups. Show 2 dimes, 2 nickels,
7 min and 2 pennies and have the students count by tens, fives,
Student and ones to get the final answer of 32 cents. Make sure to
describe how to count on to find the total value. (Ex I count
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: __Kellie
Grade Level Being Subject/Content: Group Date of Lesson: 2/27/17
Taught: 2 Math/Money Size:

by tens for the dimes: 10, 20; then I count by fives for the
nickels: 25, 30; and finally I count on by ones for the
pennies: 31, 32.
6. Have the students find the values of different coin
20 combinations presented under the elmo, with both sides of
min Student the coin possibly being presented. Have the students write
down the total value of the coins presented on a piece of
paper. We will do this for three separate coin combinations
and they will turn this in to me. I will grade their papers while
they are working on their packet to see who needs more help.
I will also be checking their share and show problems on page
338 before allowing them to move on with the rest of the
7. After they are able to move on from the share and show, they
will complete pages 339 and 340 independently. Once they
complete these packets they will be able to go to different
centers (listed below) or I will challenge them to play the coin
game with a partner where they take the coins out of the bag
and make a combination and have their partner count and tell
them what the total value of the coins are. They will also have
the opportunity to play a coin game (up to 4 students) if they
can control the noise level. They also may be allowed to go
on the computer and through ThinkCentral, they may be
allowed to do Fast Math, Mega Math, Destination Math, or
Animated Math Model.

What will you do if a student struggles with the content?

If a student struggles with content, we will go over each individual coin and
practice counting just that coin. Then we will slowly start to combine the
different coins to find the total value.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: __Kellie
Grade Level Being Subject/Content: Group Date of Lesson: 2/27/17
Taught: 2 Math/Money Size:

What will you do if a student masters the content quickly?

They will either go to different centers (listed below) or I will challenge them to
play the coin game with a partner where they take the coins out of the bag and
make a combination and have their partner count and tell them what the total
value of the coins are. They will also have the opportunity to play a coin game
(up to 4 students) if they can control the noise level. They also may be allowed
to go on the computer and through ThinkCentral, they may be allowed to do
Fast Math, Mega Math, Destination Math, or Animated Math Model.

Meeting your students If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural
needs as people and as backgrounds of your students?
learners Around the world different currencies are being used to purchase items. The
students will be able to get familiar with the currency of America and know the
names of different coins and their values.

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
The students need to be able to know the value of the different coins if they
want to make purchases at stores around their community.
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional
challenge during this lesson (enrichment)?
I will challenge them to play the coin game with a partner where they take the
coins out of the bag and make a combination and have their partner count and
tell them what the total value of the coins are. They will also have the
opportunity to play a coin game (up to 4 students) if they can control the noise
level. They also may be allowed to go on the computer and through
ThinkCentral, they may be allowed to do Fast Math, Mega Math, Destination
Math, or Animated Math Model.

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional
language support?
I will have a student who speaks the same language as this student translate
for them if need be. I will also allow them to write in their native language if
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: __Kellie
Grade Level Being Subject/Content: Group Date of Lesson: 2/27/17
Taught: 2 Math/Money Size:

necessary. I will also have the coins translated into Spanish for the students if

Penny centavo
Nickel - nquel
Dime - moneda de diez centavos
A and K may need to go to the back of the room for additional support from my CT. They
will be working of first grade math problems.
S, J, C, JK, JS will have a para help them (potentially two teachers/aids) and they may
leave for small group instruction.

Fake coins, math packets, loose-leaf paper, elmo

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