(English) Letter On Revision of The Vincentian Liturgical Calendar

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Rome, 8 March 2017

To all the members of the Congregation of the Mission

To all the Daughters of Charity
To all members of the Vincentian Family

Dear Confreres, Sisters, and members of the Vincentian Family,

May the grace and peace of Jesus be always with us!

It recently came to our attention that the information on the updated Vincentian
Liturgical Calendar was never communicated to you. Apparently, the letter to be
translated was lost between one office and the other of the CM General Curia. We
regret the delay in sending you this information, which you should have received last

1. Therefore, I am sending you now the updated Vincentian Liturgical Calendar. The
Vincentian Liturgical Calendar is approved for the Congregation of the Mission and
Daughters of Charity. It is not restricted to the Vincentian Family.

2. The change of date, from 15 March to 9 May, for celebrating the solemnity of Saint
Louise de Marillac was communicated to you last year.

3. Another change of date is the celebration of the memorial of Saint Francis Regis Clet.
It is moved from 18 February to 9 July. The reason for this is to unite the memorial with
that of other martyrs of the same category in the universal calendar. As the calendar is
proper, we have the privilege to mention first the name of Saint Francis Regis Clet,
followed by Augustini Zhao Rong and companions.

4. On 28 July, you will find the name of a saint who is not a Vincentian. In fact, in the
universal calendar the memorial of Saint Peter Chrysologus falls on 30 July. However, in
order for us to maintain the date of 30 July for Saint Justin De Jacobis, we had to insert
the name of Saint Peter Chrysologus on another date in our calendar. This occurs only
when we have a memorial that coincides with that of another saint in the universal

5. You will observe that some of the memorials have become optional memorials in the
present calendar. However, they are obligatory memorials for the country of origin of
the Blessed/Saint. This does not mean that others may not celebrate these memorials.

Congregazione della Missione Curia Generalizia via dei Capasso,30 00164 Roma
Tel: +39 06 661 30 61 Fax: +39 06 666 38 31 Email:[email protected]
6. It was suggested that we remove the feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul (25
January) from our proper calendar, because it is a universal feast. However, it was
accepted that it remain on our calendar because we already have prayers approved for
this feast of the Congregation.

7. Where the names of martyrs are not mentioned in the officially approved document
of the Vincentian Calendar (for example 26 June), we have the freedom to mention all
the names in the Ordo.

Thank you for your attention to these changes. May God bless each of us as we continue
celebrating the Jubilee Year marking the birth of our charism.

Your brother in Saint Vincent

Toma Mavri, CM
Superior General

Congregazione della Missione Curia Generalizia via dei Capasso,30 00164 Roma
Tel: +39 06 661 30 61 Fax: +39 06 666 38 31 Email:[email protected]

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