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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

1999, 38, 4443-4448 4443

Iron Removal Process for High-Purity Silica Sands Production by

Oxalic Acid Leaching
F. Veglio` ,*, B. Passariello, and C. Abbruzzese
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo, Universita degli Studi di Genova, via Opera Pia 15,
16145 Genova (Albaro), Italy, and Istituto per il Trattamento dei Minerali (C.N.R.), via Bolognola 7,
00138 Roma, Italy

In this article, a leaching study, carried out on a quartz sample to obtain high-purity silica
sands, has been presented. A leaching process by using oxalic acid to remove low iron content
from the ore under study and to obtain a material suitable for fiber optic production has been
evaluated. A characterization study has been carried out to establish the location of the iron
impurities on the ore: 77 g/t was the maximum iron contamination, whereas, a final iron content
<10 g/t (as Fe) has to be achieved for the application considered. The effect of the grinding
process on the iron extraction yield has been established; the maximum iron extraction yield
obtained with the ore as-is was about 45-50%, whereas extraction yields greater than 80-90%
can be obtained after grinding the ore in different experimental conditions. An empirical model
was evaluated to correlate the iron extraction yield obtained after 3 h of leaching at 80 C, with
3 g/L of oxalic acid and 10% (w/v) of ore concentration, as a function of the average particle
diameter of the ore after grinding. An iron extraction yield of about 98-100% can be obtained
with an average particle diameter of about 20 m. A schematic flowsheet of the process has
been proposed considering the obtained experimental results and the results obtained in the
literature for the waste treatment aspects. The experimental results have shown the technical
feasibility of this process for the production of high-purity silica sands.

1. Introduction MA2M-CT90-0014, BRE2-CT92-0215, BRPR-CT96-

0156) in which important industrial partners have been
Processes for the purification of industrial minerals, involved.1,7
such as quartz sand, feldspars, and kaolins, contami-
nated by iron are essential to render these raw materi- Oxalic acid reacts with surface Fe(III) ions to form
als used both for traditional industrial applications complexes.8,9 Once the surface complex has formed, the
(ceramics, papermaking, etc.) and for more advanced dissolution mechanism differs depending on the iron
applications that ensure a higher value-added compo- mineral concerned. In magnetite,8 where both ferric and
nent, such as optical fibers and the production of pure ferrous species are present on the surface, the mecha-
silicon.1 nism involves the reductive dissolution of surface Fe(III)
Several techniques are available for upgrading quartz ions, and an autocatalytic process, involving the forma-
by partial removal of iron, e.g., flotation, heavy-media tion of ferrous oxalate, has been observed. This catalytic
separation, or magnetic separation, but these seldom effect has also been studied on the hematite,10,11 cou-
reduce the iron to an acceptable level.2,3 Other tech- pling the study with a systematic thermodynamic
niques available are based on the use of H2SO4 or HCl. analysis12; a positive influence on the iron extraction
These are generally costly and have a considerable kinetics was then observed in leaching tests by using
impact on the environment.1 In this scenario the use of quartz sands in the presence of ferrous ion.13
oxalic acid as leachant agent in the iron removal process In this research a final stage of study is necessary
from industrial minerals holds potential interest.2,4-6 (which is not the object of this article) on a pilot-scale
The chemical reactions can be summarized as follows: organic, acid-leaching plant, which also includes a
wastewater treatment unit 7,14 to ascertain the market-
Fe2O3 + 6H2C2O4 ) 2Fe(C2O4)33- + 6H+ + 3H2O ability of such a system and to assess plant and process
(a) scale-up problems. For these reasons, this aspect forms
the subject of an EU Contract (BRPR-CT96-0156) of
2Fe(C2O4)33- + 6H+ + 4H2O ) 2FeC2O42H2O + which the design and construction of a pilot unit for the
3H2C2O4 + 2CO2 (b) removal of iron from quartz sands already upgraded to
some extent by flotation is the main objective. The iron-
Fe2O3 + 3H2C2O4 + H2O ) 2FeC2O42H2O + 2CO2 removal process is necessary to obtain a raw material
of greater value added, for the manufacture of optical
fibers and the production of silicon, markets of consider-
The interest in this kind of process is indicated by able interest for the EU.
several industrial projects financed by EU (contracts In this ambit, the purpose of the work reported here
is the removal of iron from a floated mineral (noted as
* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. FL) originating from the Santa Florinas mines (Sar-
Universita degli Studi di Genova. dinia, Italy) and the performance of some experimental
Istituto per il Trattamento dei Minerali. tests in lab-scale reactors to reduce the iron content of
10.1021/ie990156b CCC: $18.00 1999 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 09/28/1999
4444 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 38, No. 11, 1999

Table 1. Chemical Composition of the Florinas Sample FL for Different Granulometric Classes
sample (m) as-is ore +500 +250-500 +180-250 +125-180 +90-125 +53-90 -53
abundance (%) 100 3.7 37.8 36.3 15.2 5.3 1.4 0.3
SiO2 99.10 98.0 98.3 99.2 99.0 98.5 97.5 94.2
Al2O3 0.40 0.76 0.57 0.14 0.21 0.35 0.77 2.27
Fe2O3a 110 130 90 81 107 186 341 -
K2O 0.33 0.63 0.47 0.13 0.19 0.40 0.81 1.87
Na2O 0.13 0.085 0.11 0.105 0.08 0.067 0.12 0.21
CaO 0.18 0.27 0.15 0.39 0.34 0.26 0.26 0.34
MgO 0.0042 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002 0.0012 0.0056 0.0028 0.043
sum 100.14 99.75 99.60 99.97 99.82 99.58 99.46 98.93
a Composition in g/t.

this quartz ore from an initial Fe2O3 value of 110 g/t to 2.3. Analytical Measurements. A Perkin-Elmer
a final iron content of <10 g/t for optical fiber applica- 6500 ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) instrument was
tions. A further target value is <1 g/t for silicon used to determine iron, aluminum, etc., in the liquid
production. samples taken during the leaching and the mineral
The leaching operation, performed with oxalic acid as characterization studies.
the leaching agent, has been carried out in a lab-scale Solid samples, after filtration and washing, were
slurry reactors. With this objective various preliminary brought into solution by treating 0.5 g with HF and
experiments were conducted to ascertain the main HClO4 at high temperature. The process was taken to
operating conditions that must be adopted in the leach- dryness and the residue was then redissolved in 20 mL
ing treatment. For these reasons, chemical and miner- 1:1 HCl, warmed, and brought to volume. A comparison
alogical characterization of FL, preliminary tests to between the iron extraction yield calculated from the
ascertain the reproducibility of the leaching conditions, measures in solution + material balance, and the metal
and leaching tests to assess the effect of the grinding extraction yield calculated from the leach residues
process (ore size distribution) on the iron extraction demonstrates a substantial accord of the experimental
yield (IEY) and on the aluminum extraction yield results in terms of iron extraction yield. When the iron
(AlEY), have been performed. Very low levels of iron extraction yield is approximately 100%, the measures
in the solid residues can be given as <5 g/t for the iron
must be reached in the ore after leaching to permit its
content in the quartz sand.
use for fiber optic applications.
3. Results
2. Materials and Methods
The main objective of the characterization study was
2.1. Ore. The silica sand (noted as FL) comes from to ascertain the iron-bearing minerals in the Santa
the Florinas quarry located in the north of Sardinia, Florinas ore tested by flotation (referred to as FL as-
Italy. Table 1 shows the chemical analysis of the ore in is). On the other hand, the main objective of the leaching
the different size fractions. study was to ascertain the main operating conditions
2.1.1. Grinding Process and Particle-Size Analysis. in lab-scale tests, for iron removal, with particular
The FL material was adopting various particle-size reference to the particle-size factor, which is of funda-
distributions. The FL was ground under different mental importance regarding the type of reactor to be
experimental conditions; dry grinding in an agate adopted in the design and construction of the pilot
laboratory mill was carried out for different periods of leaching unit. (This task is in progress and it is not
treatment to obtain different size fractions for the lab- considered in this phase of the experiment.)
scale leaching studies. Particle size analysis was per- 3.1. Characterization of the FL Ore. The results
formed using Tyler sieves and a Helas laser granulom- of particle-size distribution of Florinas FL are reported
eter. in Table 1. The sample exhibits a modal distribution,
with maximum abundance of particle-size classes be-
2.1.2. X-ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Mi- tween 500 and 125 m.
croscopy Analysis. The apparatus used was a Siemens
The results of quantitative analysis of the Florinas
D-500 Diffractometer. Operating conditions were: 40 FL sample, for different size classes, are reported in
kV, 40 mA, slit 1, monochromator with curved graphite Table 1. The diffractometric spectra (data not shown)
crystal. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses of the Florinas FL sample shows that quartz is the main
have been performed by a Philips model 505 coupled component with small quantities of plagioclase and
with microanalysis (energy dispersive system, EDS). k-feldspar. Figure 1 shows a particle of quartz covered
2.2. Leaching Tests. The leaching tests were carried by small feldspar particles as an example. The micro-
out in a column and a stirred reactor. Column leaching analysis carried out by SEM showed that the main iron
tests were conducted percolating the leaching agent impurities are located on the feldspar particles (white
through a packed-bed column by using FL as-is ore. small particles in Figure 1).
Further leaching tests were conducted in a 2-L reactor 3.2. Leaching Tests. 3.2.1. Column Leaching Tests.
with thermostat. Various amounts of mineral (FL as-is Column leaching tests were performed to verify the
or FL ground to various sizes) were treated with 500 possible application of this kind of reactor to reach the
mL of oxalic acid solutions at a temperature of 80 C. targets required for fiber optic production, in terms of
In both cases 0.5-mL samples were taken every so often iron extracted, by using FL as-is ore. Figure 2 shows
and diluted to 2 mL to monitor iron extraction during the iron extraction yield that can be extracted in the
the course of the process. These experimental conditions tested experimental conditions. The maximum yield was
were adopted according to previously reported tests.2,4,5 obtained after 4 h of operation and is about 50%.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 38, No. 11, 1999 4445

Figure 1. Photo by SEM of the FL sample as-is: particle of quartz

covered with small particle of feldspar (marker, 100 m). Figure 3. Cumulative size distribution of the FL ground ore
obtained at different grinding times.

The same experimental conditions were also held

constant in the preliminary leaching tests with the
ground FL material, namely 100% < 45 m. The results
of these tests indicate the following: (1) The iron
extraction rate in the first few minutes is very high; as
indicated in Figure 2, yields larger than 40% are
obtained in just 5 min leaching by using FL as-is; with
ground FL the yields exceed 80% for the same leaching
(2) Yields of 45-50% are obtained after 20 h under
the above conditions and approximately 40% after 3 h
by using FL as-is. In any case, despite the excess of
oxalic acid used in the iron complexing-reducing proc-
ess with the FL as-is, yields of better than 50% cannot
be achieved. In this case the iron content of the material
after careful washing should be about 30-35 g/t, which
does not meet the target level required for optical fiber
manufacture (<10 g/t as Fe). Higher extraction yields
Figure 2. Iron extraction yield vs time of the FL as-is and ground are obtained with the ground FL, and Yields of about
in the preliminary leaching tests. Leaching in stirred reactor: Ore 100% are achieved after 3 h treatment (see Figure 2).
concentration 10% (w/v); temperature, 80 C; oxalic acid concen- (3) Reproducibility is good, considering the quantity
tration, 3 g/L; 400 rpm. Column leaching tests: solid/liquid ratio,
0.77 kg/L; temperature 70 C; oxalic acid concentration, 6 g/L;
of material used in relation to the volume of leaching
specific flowrate, 0.90 kg/m2 s. solution.
3.2.3. Effect of Grinding on the Leaching. Tests on
The results of these experiments show the capacity various particle sizes were necessary to establish the
of the packed-bed reactor to be used as an iron- maximum degree of liberation of iron from the silica
extraction system, but the iron-extraction yield does not matrix and to choose the reactor types that could be
agree with the required target conditions (Fe < 10 ppm). used for the pilot plant design: fixed-bed or percolation
This limit could be caused by the hindered contact of reactor or mechanically stirred reactor. Hence, because
the oxalic acid with the iron present in the crystal the preliminary tests showed that the leaching process
lattices of the ore. For this reason, a grinding process rate is high under the tested conditions, the extraction
has been considered to verify if the target values limit is about 45-50% on the FL as-is, and the grinding
imposed in this work for the FL sample can be obtained process has a markedly positive effect on extraction, the
in these conditions. influence of mineral particle size on the iron-extraction
3.2.2. Preliminary Leaching Tests in Stirred Reactor. process has been assessed in wider and more controlled
Preliminary leaching tests in stirred reactor were run experimental conditions. Various FL fractions were
on small quantities of the FL as-is material to assess produced for this purpose under diverse operating
the main conditions required for this process and to conditions by varying the grinding time (5, 10, 20, 30,
determine the relevant degree of reproducibility. The 40, 50, and 60 min). The leaching conditions were
main experimental conditions involved were (tests car- selected as reported above.
ried out twice): Mineral concentrations, 10 wt % (50 g The particle-size classes were analyzed by means of
+ 500 mL of leaching solution); temperature, 80 C; a laser granulometer to determine the size distribution
oxalic acid (OA), 3 g/L; pH, value corresponding to the of each class. Figure 3 illustrates the cumulative
OA concentration, 1.8; mixing, 300 rpm; leaching time, particle-size distributions of the FL classes thus ob-
from 15 min to 20 h. tained, compared with the FL as-is material. Figure 4
4446 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 38, No. 11, 1999

Figure 4. Average ore particle diameters and related standard

deviations of the size distributions shown in Figure 3 for different
grinding times. Figure 6. Aluminum extraction yield vs time in the leaching
tests: effect of the grinding time. Ore concentration, 10% (w/v);
temperature, 80 C; oxalic acid concentration, 3 g/L; 400 rpm.

Figure 5. Iron extraction yield vs time in the leaching tests: effect

of the grinding time. Ore concentration 10% (w/v); temperature
80 C; oxalic acid concentration 3 g/L; 400 rpm. Figure 7. Iron extraction yield after 3 h of leaching vs average
ore particle diameter: dotted line represents the empirical model
indicates the average diameter and the standard devia- (1).
tion of the relevant distributions, as a function of
grinding time. The results of the leaching tests on these Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the maximum IEY and
particle-size classes are shown in Figures 5 and 6. (In AlEY trends, respectively, for each particle-size fraction
terms of IEY and AlEY, respectively). The following as a function of the ore particle average diameter. In
points emerge from examination of the experimental both cases, the experimental results have been fitted
results. by means of an optimization program, with the following
1. As expected, as the grinding time increases, the empirical models:15
mineral-particle diameter decreases. Grinding also re-
sults in the monomodal distribution of the FL as-is B
becoming bimodal (Figure 3). The average diameter and IEY ) A + (1)
the standard deviation of the distributions tend to
decrease with grinding time (Figure 4). D
2. In the FL fractions subjected to the longest grinding AlEY ) C + (2)
time there is an increase in the final process yield from dp
42 to 43% to about 100% (Figure 5). Furthermore, the
maximum iron extraction yields, obtained with the where IEY and AlEY are the iron and aluminum
various particle-size fractions, always occur after at extraction yields, respectively, after 3 h treatment, and
least 2-3 h treatment. The initial iron extraction rate dp is the average particle diameter. A, B and C, D are
does not seem to be markedly influenced by the grinding the model parameters obtained by fitting the experi-
process (Figure 5). Similar results have been obtained mental data shown in Figures 7 and 8, respectively, with
considering the AlEY (Figure 6). eqs 1 and 2.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 38, No. 11, 1999 4447

tially, a part of the liquor leach could be recycled to the

leaching section because the oxalic acid used in the
leaching tests is in great excess. For these reasons,
further tests on the filtration, washing, and possible
reuse of the liquor leach are in progress to obtain a
complete material balance of the process and to design
the main equipment of the pilot plant.

4. Conclusions

The FL quartziferous sand has been characterized

from the chemical and physical aspects. The parameters
determined in each case were particle-size distribution,
chemical and mineral forms present, and iron content.
The iron content of the FL floated sample is about 77
g/t (as Fe).
Leaching tests with oxalic acid were also run to assess
the extraction rate and maximum yields obtainable both
with the FL as-is fraction and with this material ground
Figure 8. Aluminum extraction yield after 3 h of leaching vs under various experimental conditions. The results
average ore particle diameter: dotted line represents the empirical indicate good reproducibility of the experimental condi-
model (2). tions (considering the low iron content of the FL). In
the case of no grinding, the maximum yields attainable
are 40-45% after about 3 h treatment with 3 g/L oxalic
acid, T ) 80 C and an S/L ratio of 0.1 (10 wt %). Yields
greater than 85-98% are needed to attain the target
values for fiber optic application. Hence, the study has
been tailored to assess the effect of grinding on libera-
tion of the iron and on the possibility of its removal by
the leaching agent. The experimental results permit an
initial rough indication that a particle-size distribution
with an average diameter of about 20 m would be
needed to obtain the target values. This ore size
excludes the possibility of using column leaching for this
process. With this size distribution the yields obtained
in such cases varied from 80 to 100% after 3 h treatment
under the conditions indicated earlier. A schematic
flowsheet of the process has been proposed considering
the experimental results obtained and the results
Figure 9. Schematic flowsheet of the iron removal process. obtained in the literature for the waste treatment
aspects.7,14 The experimental tests were able to find the
The parameters of models 1 and 2 obtained by main process conditions for the pilot plant design, which
regression analysis are: A ) 38 ( 4; B ) 790 ( 90; C ) is the main goal of the project under study.
3.4 ( 0.9; D ) 85 ( 17.
According to the results given in Figure 7, to attain
the an average FL particle size of about 20 m is Acknowledgment
necessary iron-extraction target values, although aver-
age diameters and standard deviations of distributions This work was carried out by the financial support of
alone do not appear sufficient to describe and character- E.U. (Contract BRPR-CT96-0156) under the supervision
ize unequivocally a particle-size distribution. of Dr. C. F. Bonney (Mineral Industry Research Organ-
The maximum AlEY obtained after 3-4 h of treat- ization, UK). The authors would like to thank Mrs.
ment ranges from 10 to 11%. From this analysis it is Antonietta Esposito for her helpful collaboration during
possible to observe that in these experimental conditions the leaching tests.
no large AlEY can be obtained, although its dissolution
is related to the IEY (data not shown).
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