Assign 3 - Ans Fall 2014

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ENGR 2104: Dynamics

Fall 2014
Assignment 3: Final answers

1. When the driver fully applies the brakes of a light truck

traveling at 45 km/h, it skids 10 m before coming to a
stop. How far will the truck skid if it is traveling at 90
km/h when the brakes are applied?

Answer: D=40 m

2. The crawler crane is moving with a constant speed of 3

km/h when it is suddenly brought to a stop. Determine
the maximum angle through which the cable of the
wrecking ball swings.

Answer: =6.22o

3. A thin circular rod is supported in a vertical plane by a

bracket at A. Attached to the bracket and loosely wound around
the rod is a spring of constant k=40 N/m and undeformed length
equal to the arc of circle AB. A 200-g collar C, not attached to
the spring, can slide without friction along the rod. Knowing
that the collar is released from rest when =30, determine:

(a) the maximum height above point B reached by the collar

(b) the maximum velocity of the collar

Answer: (a) Maximum height=0.292 m (b)vmax=2.39 m/s

4. The mass m (m = 4 kg) is released from rest onto the top of the
uncompressed spring of stiffness k (k = 100 N/m) by removing the
supports shown. Determine:

(a) the maximum compression of the spring

(b) the maximum velocity acquired by the mass

Answer: (a) Maximum compression=0.7848 m (b)vmax=1.962 m/s

5. The sphere at A is given a downward velocity v0 of magnitude 5
m/s and swings in a vertical plane at the end of a rope of length l = 2
m attached to a support at O. Determine the angle at which the
rope will break, knowing that it can withstand a maximum tension
equal to twice the weight of the sphere.

Answer: =14o

6. The 0.5 kg collar C starts from rest at A and slides with negligible
friction on the fixed rod in the vertical plane. Determine the velocity
v with which the collar strikes end B when acted upon by the 5 N
force, which is constant in direction.

Answer: V=2.32 m/s

Hint: U12=mgh+ Fx dx +Fy dy=0.5(9.81)0.2 + 5cos(30)
(0.2) 5sin(30) (0.2)

7. A baseball of mass 0.4 kg has a horizontal speed of 35 m/s when it

is struck by the bat B. It then travels upward at an angle of 60 from
the horizontal and reaches a maximum height of 50 m, as indicated.
Determine the net impulse exerted by the bat on the ball.

Answer: Fxt=21.23 Ns, Fyt=12.53 Ns 50 m

B 60

35 m/s

8. A mother and her child are skiing together, with the mother holding the end of a rope tied to the childs
waist. They are moving at a speed of 7.2 km/h on a flat portion of the ski trail when the mother observes that
they are approaching a steep descent. She decides to pull on the rope to decrease the childs speed. Knowing
that this maneuver causes the childs speed to be cut in half in 3 s and neglecting friction, determine:
(a) the mothers speed at the end of the 3-s interval,
(b) the average value of the tension in the rope during that time interval.

Answer: (a) vmother=8.51 km/h, (b) Tavg=6.67 N

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