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Resolution No.



Resolution of the ________ Tribe

(Authorizing the Southwest Intertribal Court of Appeals to act as the Tribal Court of Appeals
for the ____________ Tribe)

WHEREAS, pursuant to Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution of the _______________ Indian Tribe,
the Tribal Council has the authority to represent the Tribe and act in all matters that
concern the welfare of the Tribe (cite to proper Tribal authority); and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the ___________ Tribal Code (the Code), the Tribal Council established a
tribal court system (cite to tribal law, if applicable); and

WHEREAS, the Tribal Council has determined that there is a need for an appellate court to hear
appeals from the trial level of the tribal court; and

WHEREAS, the Southwest Intertribal Court of Appeals (SWITCA) is an independent, voluntary

court of appeals available to tribes located in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and west
Texas, at no cost to tribes; and

WHEREAS, SWITCA follows its own formal Rules of Appellate Procedure; and

WHEREAS, the ______________ Tribe can withdraw this authorization at any time in the future by
Resolution, provided proper notice is given to SWITCA and there is no pending appeal
before SWITCA; and

WHEREAS, the Tribal Council finds that it is in the best interests of the Tribe to authorize SWITCA
to act as the ______________ Tribal Court of Appeals.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the __________ Tribal Council hereby authorizes
SWITCA to act as the ______________ Tribal Court of Appeals in accordance with the
laws and procedures of the ______________ Tribe and grants it full appellate jurisdiction
with all authority as established in the Code and the SWITCA Rules of Appellate

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ___________ Tribe hereby adopts the SWITCA Rules of
Appellate Procedure, to the extent consistent with tribal law, and in the event of any
inconsistency, tribal law shall govern.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all decisions rendered by SWITCA, on behalf of the

______________ Tribe, shall be final, binding and enforceable.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ___________ Tribe hereby authorizes SWITCA to publish
the appellate decisions made on behalf of the __________ Tribe in its regular report of
case decisions that may be cited as authoritative precedent in any other case pending in
the __________ Tribal Court or any appeal from that Court to SWITCA.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED by the Tribal Council of the ______________ Tribe that it hereby
authorizes the Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, to sign any and all
documents needed to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

The foregoing resolution was, on ___________, 2012, duly adopted by a vote of __ for and ___
against by the Tribal Council of the ______________ Tribe.

Chairman of the Tribal Council

Secretary of the Tribal Council


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