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Regional Studies, Vol. 41.9, pp.

1253 1269, December 2007

What Kind of Local and Regional Development

and for Whom?

Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS), Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK.
Emails: [email protected] and [email protected]
Department of Geography and Environment, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, UK.
Email: [email protected]

(Received November 2006; in revised form April 2007)

PIKE A., RODRI GUEZ -POSE A. and TOMANEY J. (2007) What kind of local and regional development and for whom?, Regional
Studies 41, 12531269. This paper asks the question, what kind of local and regional development and for whom? It examines
what is meant by local and regional development, its historical context, its geographies in space, territory, place and scale and
its different varieties, principles and values. The socially uneven and geographically differentiated distribution of who and
where benefits and loses from particular forms of local and regional development is analysed. A holistic, progressive and sustainable
version of local and regional development is outlined with reflections upon its limits and political renewal. Locally and regionally
determined development models should not be developed independently of more foundational principles and values such as
democracy, equity, internationalism and justice. Specific local and regional articulations are normative questions and subject to
social determination and political choices in particular national and international contexts.

Local Regional Development

PIKE A., RODRI GUEZ -POSE A. et TOMANEY J. (2007) Quelle sorte damenagement du territoire et pour qui?, Regional Studies 41,
12531269. Cet article pose la question suivante: quelle sorte damenagement du territoire et pour qui? Il cherche a` examiner ce
que lon veut dire par amenagement du territoire, son historique, ses orientations quant a` lespace, au territoire, a` lendroit et a`
lechelle, et ses differentes formes, principes et valeurs. On examine la distribution socialement irregulie`re et geographiquement
distincte des gens et des emplacements qui profitent ou perdent des formes particulie`res damenagement du territoire. On esquisse
ici une version de lamenagement du territoire a` la fois holistique, progressive et durable, tout en reflechissant sur ses limites et sur le
regain politique. Des mode`les de developpement, determines sur les plans local ou regional, ne devraient pas etre developpes inde-
pendamment des principes et des valeurs de base, tels la democratie, lequite, linternationalisme et la justice. Des articulations
locales et regionales specifiques sont des questions normatives et dependent de la determination sociale et des choix politiques
dans des contextes nationaux et internationaux particuliers.

Local Regional Developpement

PIKE A., RODRI GUEZ -POSE A. und TOMANEY J. (2007) Welche Art von lokaler und regionaler Entwicklung und fur wen?
Regional Studies 41, 1253 1269. In diesem Beitrag wird die Frage gestellt: welche Art von lokaler und regionaler Entwicklung
und fur wen? Untersucht werden der Begriff der lokalen und regionalen Entwicklung sowie ihr historischer Kontext, ihre
Geografien in Raum, Gebiet, Ort und Mastab sowie ihre verschiedenen Varietaten, Prinzipien und Werte. Analysiert wird
die gesellschaftlich ungleichmaige und geografisch differenzierte Verteilung hinsichtlich der Frage, wer von bestimmten
Formen der lokalen und regionalen Entwicklung wo profitiert oder verliert. Es wird eine ganzheitliche, progressive und nachhal-
tige Version der lokalen und regionalen Entwicklung beschrieben, und es werden U berlegungen hinsichtlich ihrer Grenzen und
politischen Erneuerung angestellt. Lokal und regional bestimmte Entwicklungsmodelle sollten nicht unabhangig von grundlegen-
deren Prinzipien und Werten wie Demokratie, Gleichheit, Internationalismus und Gerechtigkeit entwickelt werden. Spezifische
lokale und regionale A uerungen sind normative Fragen und unterliegen einer gesellschaftlichen Determination sowie einer poli-
tischen Auswahl in bestimmten nationalen und internationalen Kontexten.

Lokal Regional Entwicklung

PIKE A., RODRI GUEZ -POSE A. y TOMANEY J. (2007) Que tipo de desarrollo regional y local es necesario y para quien?, Regional
Studies 41, 12531269. En este ensayo planteamos la cuestion de que tipo de desarrollo regional y local es necesario y para quien.
Analizamos que significa exactamente desarrollo local y regional, su contexto historico, sus geografas en el espacio, territorio, lugar y

0034-3404 print/1360-0591 online/07/91253-17 # 2007 Regional Studies Association DOI: 10.1080/00343400701543355
1254 Andy Pike et al.
escala y sus diferentes variaciones, principios y valores. Estudiamos tambien la distribucion socialmente desigual y geograficamente
diferenciada de quien se beneficia y quien sale perjudicado de los diferentes tipos de desarrollo local y regional y donde ocurre.
Describimos una version holstica, progresiva y sostenible del desarrollo local y regional con reflexiones sobre sus lmites y renovacion
poltica. Los modelos de desarrollo determinados a nivel local y regional no deberan crearse sin tener en cuenta principios y valores
fundamentales tales como democracia, derechos, internacionalismo y justicia. Las articulaciones especficas a nivel local y regional son
cuestiones normativas y estan sujetas a determinaciones sociales y opciones polticas en contextos nacionales e internacionales.

Local Regional Desarrollo

JEL classifications: O1, R5, R58

INTRODUCTION determination and political choices in particular

One of the biggest myths is that in order to foster economic
national and international contexts.
development, a community must accept growth. The truth
is that growth must be distinguished from development:
growth means to get bigger, development means to get WHAT IS LOCAL AND REGIONAL
better an increase in quality and diversity. DEVELOPMENT?
Definitions are a critically important and deceptively
difficult starting point for understanding what is
This local government association in the United States meant by local and regional development. These are
holds a specific interpretation of the kind of local and complex and intertwined with conceptions of what
regional development it considers appropriate and valu- local and regional development is for and what it is
able. Particular interpretations differ from place to place designed to achieve (PIKE et al., 2006). Referring to
and evolve over time. To grasp the form and nature of conceptions of development, WILLIAMS (1983,
local and regional development, the basic understand- p. 103) noted that very difficult and contentious politi-
ings of what it is, what it is for and, in a normative cal and economic issues have been widely obscured by
sense, what it should be about must be addressed. As a the apparent simplicity of these terms. Local and
contribution to reflections on the history of the regional development has historically been dominated
region and the chronology, purpose and future of by economic concerns such as growth, income and
regional studies (PIKE , 2007), this paper seeks to ask employment (ARMSTRONG and TAYLOR , 2000).
the question: what kind of local and regional develop- Development can even be wholly equated with this
ment and for whom? First, definitions are examined relatively narrow focus upon local and regional economic
to understand what is meant by local and regional devel- development (BEER et al., 2003, p. 5). For STORPER
opment, to establish its historical context and to explore (1997), local and regional prosperity and wellbeing
the where of local and regional development in space, depends upon the sustained increases in employment,
territory, place and scale. Second, the nature, character income and productivity integral to economic
and forms of local and regional development are inves- development.
tigated to reveal its different varieties, principles and Rooted in dissatisfaction with mainstream approaches
values in different places and time periods. Third, the and critiques of orthodox neo-classical economics in the
objects, subjects and social welfare dimensions are 1960s and 1970s, alternative approaches began to ques-
addressed in order to illustrate the often socially tion the dominant economic focus of local and regional
uneven and geographically differentiated distribution development on firms in a national and international
of who and where benefits and loses from particular economic context (GEDDES and NEWMAN, 1999).
forms of local and regional development. Last, a holistic, Taking a particular normative position, more local,
progressive and sustainable version is outlined and even community-level (HAUGHTON, 1999; REESE ,
reflections offered upon the limits and political 1997), and socially-oriented approaches emerged as
renewal of local and regional development. The argu- part of alternative economic strategies in the UK and
ment is, first, that one needs to consider the basic prin- USA, often challenging national frameworks through
ciples to get a better analytical purchase on the question new institutions at the local and regional level, such as
of what kind of local and regional development and for enterprise boards, sectoral development agencies and
whom?, and, second, locally and regionally determined community associations, and contesting capital
models of development should not be developed inde- locally through promoting restructuring for labour
pendently of more foundational and universal principles (COCHRANE , 1983; GOUGH and EISENSCHITZ , 1993;
and values such as democracy, equity, internationalism, ZEITLIN, 1989; also BINGHAM and MEIR , 1993;
justice and solidarity. The specific local and regional FITZGERALD and GREEN LEIGH , 2002).
forms and articulations of such principles and values Building upon the pioneering experimentalism of
are normative questions and subject to social the 1980s and stimulated by growing concerns about
What Kind of Local and Regional Development and for Whom? 1255
the character, quality and sustainability of local and and SHENTON, 1996). The notion of development
regional development, the often dominant economic as sustained increases in income per capita is a relatively
focus has broadened in recent years in an attempt to recent social and historical phenomenon evident since
address social, ecological, political and cultural concerns the 18th Century and closely associated with modernity
(GEDDES and NEWMAN, 1999; MORGAN, 2004). itself (CYPHER and DIETZ , 2004). In generalized terms,
Unequal experiences of living standards and wellbeing a post-war era of developmentalism discernible up to
between places even at equal or comparable income the 1970s has given way in a highly geographically
levels has fuelled dissatisfaction with conventional econ- uneven and contested manner to an emergent and
omic indicators of development (SEN, 1999). The uncertain era of globalism (Table 1).
post-development critique (GIBSON -GRAHAM , 2003) This periodization contextualizes the evolution of
and recent research on alternative concepts working conceptions of development. In each era there are dis-
with broader, more social versions of the economy tinctive theoretical and ideological frameworks, devel-
(LEYSHON et al., 2003) have further increased the opment definitions, theories of social change, agents of
range and diversity of approaches to local and regional development and specific forms of local and regional
development. Reducing social inequality, promoting development. Significantly, what constitutes develop-
environmental sustainability, encouraging inclusive gov- ment changes over time, shaped by critique, debate,
ernment and governance and recognizing cultural diver- experience and evaluation. Second, development defi-
sity have been emphasized to varying degrees within nitions are geographically differentiated, varying within
broadened definitions of local and regional development and between places over time. However, critique of the
(HAUGHTON and COUNSELL , 2004; KEATING, 2005). linear stages model of development as modernization
Often uncertain moves toward notions of quality of toward developed, industrialized and advanced
life, social cohesion and wellbeing are being integrated country standards of living and norms suggests that the
or balanced, sometimes uneasily, with continued con- increased diversity of approaches and pathways of devel-
cerns about economic competitiveness and growth. opment are not necessarily proceeding towards the same
Broader understandings provide new opportunities singular destination (RANGAN, 2007). Third, the histori-
to think about and define local and regional develop- cally dominant focus upon economic development has
ment. What local and regional development is in broadened, albeit highly unevenly, to include social,
the present. What it can or could be in terms of ecological, political and cultural concerns. Last, the
future visions. And, normatively, what it should be national and, increasingly, supra-national development
in the sense of people in places making value-based focus has evolved multi-scale understandings to incor-
judgements about priorities and what they consider to porate differing meanings of the local and the regional.
be appropriate development for their localities and Advanced, developed industrial countries, economies
regions. No singularly agreed, homogeneous under- undergoing transition from central planning, and
standing of development of or for localities and countries formerly considered as developing have
regions exists. Particular notions of development are been reincorporated into a much more global develop-
socially determined by particular groups and/or inter- ment question than hitherto:
ests in specific places and time periods. What constitutes
as globalization and international economic integration
local and regional development varies both within and
have moved forward, older conceptions of the broad struc-
between countries and its differing articulations change ture of world economic geography as comprising separate
over time (BEER et al., 2003; DANSON et al., 2000; blocs (First, Second and Third Worlds), each with its own
REESE , 1997). Incremental and, sometimes, radical developmental dynamic, appear to be giving way to
shifts occur, shaped by practice, experience, assessment another vision. This alternative perspective seeks to
and reflection. Debate and deliberation can transform build a common theoretical language about the develop-
conceptions and practices of local and regional develop- ment of regions and countries in all parts of the world,
ment. Models can be imposed and contested. Inno- as well as about the broad architecture of the emerging
vation can incorporate formerly alternative approaches world system of production and exchange . . . it recognizes
into the mainstream. Changing government agendas that territories are arrayed at different points along a vast
during political cycles can recast local and regional spectrum of developmental characteristics.
(SCOTT and STORPER , 2003, p. 582)
development policy. However, as argued below, local,
regional and national interests determine local and As its boundaries shift beyond the national, where local
regional development in specific and particular con- and regional development unfolds has become a central
texts, albeit in relation to broader economic and politi- question.
cal processes.
Given this potential for geographical differentiation
and change over time, considering the evolution of
Where is local and regional development?
definitions and conceptions of local and regional devel-
opment can anchor its main themes and dimensions in However defined, development is a profoundly
their historical context (PIKE et al., 2006; also COWEN geographical phenomenon and does not unfold in a
Table 1. The eras of Developmentalism and Globalism
World framework Developmentalism (1940s 1970s)

Political economy State regulated markets Self-regulating markets (m

Keynesian welfarism Schumpeterian Workfaris
Social goals Social entitlement and welfare Private initiative via free
Uniform citizenship Identity politics versus cit
Development Industrial replication Participation in the world
(model) National economic management (Brazil, Mexico, India) Comparative advantage (C

Mobilizing tool Nationalism (post-colonialism) Efficiency (post-developm

Debt and credit-worthine
Mechanisms Import-Substitution Industrialisation (ISI) Export-oriented Industria
Public investment (infrastructure and energy) Agro-exporting
Education Privatization, public and
Land reform Entrepreneurialism, sustai
Geographical First World (freedom of enterprise) National structural adjust
Variants Second World (central planning) Regional free trade agree
Third World (modernization via developmental alliance) Global economic and env
Local and National spatial policy Supranational and devolv
regional Economic and social focus institutions
dimension Growth redistribution Economic competitivene
Broadening of developm
Timeline 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s
Markers United Nations First Development Second Develop- Oil crises (1973, Debt Crisis/The Lost
(1943) Decade ment Decade 1979) Decade
Bretton Woods Korean War (1950 Vietnam War (1964 New International Debt regime (supervised
(1944) 53) 73) Economic Order state/economy
Marshall Plan (1946) Non-Aligned Move- Alliance for Progress Initiative (1974) restructuring) (mid-
Cold War (1946-) ment (1955) (1961) 1980s)
UN Conference on Neo-liberalism
Trade Develop- Reaganism, Thatch-
ment (1964) erism
Cold War ends (1989)
Institutional World Bank and IMF Eurodollar and Group of Seven (G7) GATT Uruguay Round
developments (1944) offshore dollar forms (1975) (1984)
GATT (1947) market Glasnost and Perestroika
COMECON in Soviet Union (mid-
(1947) 1980s)
US$ as world IMF and World Bank
reserve currency Structural Adjustment
Single European Market

Source: Adapted from MC MICHAEL (1996).

1258 Andy Pike et al.
spatial vacuum devoid of geographical attachments or remain integral to the reproduction and exercise of
context. The inevitably social process of local and political power:
regional development is necessarily spatial (CASTELLS,
1983) and requires an appreciation of the geographical The global media and markets that shape our lives beckon
us to a world beyond boundaries and belonging. But the
concepts of space, territory, place and scale. Space is
civic resources we need to master these forces, or at least
an integral constituent of economic, social, ecological, to contend with them, are still to be found in the places
political and cultural relations and processes, and their and stories, memories and meaning, incidents and identi-
geographies condition and shape in profound ways ties, that situate us in the world and give our lives their
how such processes develop (HARVEY, 1982; MARKU- moral particularity.
SEN, 1987). As specific spatial scales, the local and (SANDEL , 1996, p. 349)
the regional are particular socially constructed spatial
scales not simply containers in which such processes Territorial boundaries form defined areas, evolving and
are played out (HUDSON, 2007; SWYNGEDOUW, changing over time (PAASI , 1991), within which
1997). Spaces are causal and explanatory factors in particular definitions and kinds of local and regional
economic growth not just receptacles for, or manifes- development are articulated, determined and pursued.
tations of, its outcomes (SCOTT and STORPER , 2003). While the current phase of accelerated international
At a time when the spatially unbounded and economic integration means that localities and regions
relational character of localities and regions continues face ostensibly similar development questions, this
to be debated (ALLEN and COCHRANE , 2007; ALLEN does not situate local and regional development on a
et al., 1998; MAC LEOD and JONES, 2007; LAGENDIJK , homogeneous or uniform geographical plane. Devel-
2007; MASSEY, 2004), it is important not to lose sight opment is concerned with specific and particular
of the territorially embedded nature of their develop- places. From Hackney to Honolulu to Hong Kong,
ment and agency. While flows of ideas, people and each place has evolving histories, legacies, institutions
resources remain integral to territorial development and other distinctive characteristics that impart path
processes (HIRSCHMAN, 1958), the expression of dependencies and shape inter alia its economic
localities and regions in which different kinds of devel- assets and trajectories, social outlooks, environmental
opment may or may not be taking place in specific time concerns, politics and culture (AGNEW, 2002;
periods is often as territorially bounded units with par- MARTIN and SUNLEY, 2006). Such particularities can
ticular administrative, political, social and cultural forms be both shared and different and can be materially and
and identities, albeit those boundaries are continually symbolically important to defining local and regional
being reworked and constructed anew at different development. The geographical diversity of places con-
spatial scales. Within such territories, states and other ditions how and why definitions of local and regional
quasi- or non-state institutions associations of development are to a degree contingent and vary both
capital, labour and civil society engage to differing within and between countries and over time (SEN,
degrees and in different ways in local and regional devel- 1999). Local and regional development definitions are
opment and its government and governance. Even in an inevitably context-dependent (STORPER , 1997):
era of more globally integrated economies and more Economic development is not an objective per se. It is a
complex, multi-layered institutional architectures, means for achieving well being, according to the culture
locally and regional rooted understandings and agency and the conditions of certain populations. Nevertheless

Table 2. Scales, socio-economic processes and institutional agents

Scale/level Socio-economic process Institutional agents

Global Trading regime liberalization International Labour Organisation (ILO), International Monetary Fund
(IMF), World Trade Organization (WTO), inter-governmental
organizations, nation states
Macro-regional Information and communication technol- European Union, Member States, regulatory bodies, private sector
ogy network expansion providers
National House price inflation Central Banks, building societies, borrowers
Sub-national Transport infrastructure expansion Public transport bodies, private companies, financial institutions
Regional University graduate labour retention Universities, Regional Development Agencies, employers, training
Sub-regional Labour market contraction Employment services, trade unions, business associations, employers,
Local Local currency experimentation Local Exchange Trading Systems, households
Neighbourhood Social exclusion Local authorities, regeneration partnerships, voluntary groups
Community Adult literacy extension Education and training institutions, households, families

Source: Adapted from PIKE et al. (2006, p. 37).

What Kind of Local and Regional Development and for Whom? 1259
the well being target is not the same for people living in varying priority in different localities and regions over
New York or in Maputo; only who is living in time. Geographical unevenness means such distinctions
New York or Maputo could fix what they want to may be questions of degree, extent or compromise
achieve in the medium and long term. rather than binary opposition. Absolute development
(CANZANELLI , 2001, p. 24) means an aspiration for geographically even development
The particular attributes of places shape whether, how within and across localities, regions and social groups;
and to what degree specific local and regional develop- relative development suggests uneven development. Con-
ment definitions and varieties take root and flourish or necting to the question of local and regional develop-
fail and wither over time. ment for whom, whether by default or design, relative
Together with space, territory and place, Table 2 development prioritizes and privileges particular
demonstrates how economic, social, political, ecologi- localities, regions and/or interests and social groups,
cal and cultural processes relevant to local and regional often exacerbating rather than reducing disparities and
development work across and between different scales inequalities between them. Substantive differences exist
through the actions of particular agents. While focusing between absolute development of or relative develop-
on local and regional development here, each scale cannot ment in a locality or region (MORGAN and SAYER ,
be considered separately from its relations with pro- 1988). Encompassing traditional top-down and more
cesses unfolding at other levels and scales (PERRONS, recent bottom-up approaches (STO HR , 1990), autonomy
2004). Phenomena and processes that may seem describes where the power and resources for local and
somehow external or beyond the control or influence regional development reside. Different emphases may
of particular localities and regions can have profound range from strong, high priority and/or radical to
impacts. Each scale and level is mutually constitutive: weak, low priority and/or conservative. Exogenous,
localities cannot be understood as neatly bounded indigenous and/or endogenous forms of growth may
administrative territories, and places are intrinsically constitute the focus. State, market or civil society may
multi-scalar, constituted by social relations that range provide the institutional lead. Inter-territorial relations
from the parochial to the global ( JONES et al., 2004, encompass differing degrees of competition and/or
p. 103). cooperation (MALECKI , 2004). Measures include inter-
ventions focused upon hard infrastructure, such as
capital projects, and/or forms of soft support, for
WHAT KIND OF LOCAL AND REGIONAL example training. The objects of local and regional devel-
DEVELOPMENT? opment may be people and/or places and the subjects are
the themes upon which development is based. The rate
In common with the preceding discussion about of development may seek to balance fastdevelopment to
definitions, no singular meaning exists amongst the address pressing social need with a slow, perhaps more
different kinds of local and regional development deter- sustainable, outlook. Large and/or small-scale projects
mined by different people and groups in different places may be combined. The spatial focus distinguishes the
at different times. Indeed, recent years have witnessed a particular geographical scale of development efforts.
growing range and diversity of approaches internation- Views of sustainability may be relatively strong or weak.
ally (BEER et al., 2003; FITZGERALD and GREEN LEIGH
2002). The character, form and nature of local and
regional development evolve in geographically uneven Table 3. Distinctions in local and regional development
ways. While recognizing the historical context of the
uneven emergence of globalism (Table 1), thinking Dimension Distinction
about the possible kinds of local and regional develop-
Approach Absolute Relative
ment encourages the consideration of its different var- Autonomy Local, regional National, supra-national
ieties and the principles and values utilized in its Direction Top-down Bottom-up
determination. What local and regional development Emphasis Strong Weak
is for and is trying to achieve are framed and shaped Focus Exogenous Endogenous/indigenous
by its definitions, varieties, principles and values. Institutional lead State Market
Inter-territorial Competitive Co-operative
Varieties of local and regional development Measures Hard Soft
Quantity/quality Extent Nature
Building upon the definitions of what is meant by local Objects People Places
and regional development and encountering a growing Rate Fast Slow
diversity of approaches, distinctions can be drawn about Scale Large Small
its different types and nature. Table 3 provides examples, Spatial focus Local Regional
Subjects Growth Equity
although this list is not exhaustive and does not imply that
Sustainability Strong Weak
similar action cannot be taken at other territorial levels.
Specific dimensions might be different or receive Source: Adapted from PIKE et al. (2006, p. 39).
1260 Andy Pike et al.
Connected to the recent moves toward broader greater, qualitatively better, more sophisticated and less
perspectives discussed above, an increasingly important easily imitated and more sustainable forms of local and
distinction in the kinds of local and regional develop- regional development. The low road suggests not
ment is between its quantitative extent and its qualitat- necessarily quantitatively less but qualitatively worse,
ive character. The quantitative dimension concerns less sophisticated and more easily replicated and less sus-
numeric measures, for example a per capita growth tainable development locally and regionally. While pro-
rate of gross domestic product (GDP), an increase in viding one way of thinking and evident in international
productivity, a number of jobs created or safeguarded, policy debates, the high and low road distinction may
new investment projects secured or new firms estab- be a question of degree, varying amongst the economic
lished. Notwithstanding issues of data availability and activities in localities and regions and changing over
reliability, quantitative approaches focus objectively on time. Distinguishing between high and low roads is
the absolute or relative change in indicators over problematic for developing and transition countries
specific time periods within and between localities and peripheral localities and regions whose relatively
and regions (MC CANN, 2007). The qualitative dimen- low wages and weak social protection may be perceived
sion relates to the nature of local and regional develop- as advantages within an increasingly competitive inter-
ment, for example the sustainability (economic, social, national economy, despite their potential contribution
environmental) and forms of growth, the type and to undercutting social standards in a de-regulatory
quality of jobs, the embeddedness and sustainability race to the bottom (STANDING, 1999). What are con-
of investments, and the growth potential, sectoral mix sidered appropriate, bad, good, failed or successful
and social diversity of new firms. Qualitative approaches forms of local and regional development are shaped by
focus upon subjective concerns informed by specific principles and values socially and politically determined
principles and values of local and regional development in different places and time periods.
socially determined in context within particular
localities and regions at specific times. Depending
Principles and values
upon the context, the sustainability of growth may be
evaluated in terms of its ecological impact; the Principles and values shape how specific social groups
quality of jobs might be assessed by their employment and interests in particular places define, understand,
terms and conditions, relative wage levels, career pro- interpret and articulate what is defined and meant by
gression opportunities, and trade union recognition local and regional development. The worth, desirability
and the extent to which each form of development and appropriateness of different varieties of local and
contributes to the enhancement of citizens capabilities regional development may be collectively held unani-
(SEN, 1999). Although efforts have been made recently mously, shared with a degree of consensus or subject
to quantify such factors, the approach still remains fun- to contest and differing interpretations by different
damentally qualitative. Research has tended to concen- interests within and between places over time. Rather
trate, however, on the success stories of high- than narrowly and simply rational and technocratic cal-
productivity and/or high-cohesion forms of growth, culations, principles and values of local and regional
neglecting other less desirable, but widespread, types development frame value judgements and raise norma-
of growth (SUNLEY, 2000). tive questions about values, ethics and opinions of what
Quantitative and qualitative dimensions of local and should be rather than what is (MARKUSEN, 2006).
regional development can be integrated but are not What could and should local and regional development
necessarily complementary. Localities and regions can mean? What sorts of local and regional development
experience development in quantitative terms but does a locality or region need and want? What kinds
with a problematic qualitative dimension, for example of development are deemed appropriate and inap-
inflationary and short-lived growth, increased low propriate? What constitutes the success or failure of
quality jobs, disembedded inward investors and/or specific kinds of development for a locality or region?
failing start-up firms. Similarly, localities and regions How should these normative questions be addressed?
can witness qualitative development that is quantitat- Principles and values of local and regional develop-
ively problematic, for example low level, weak (but ment reflect the relations and balances of power
perhaps more sustainable) growth, insufficient (although between state, market, civil society and are socially and
potentially good quality) jobs, too few new investments politically determined within localities and regions. Prin-
and new firms. ciples might reflect foundational (HARVEY, 1996) or uni-
In grappling with the dimensions of growth, high versal beliefs held independently of a countrys levels of
and low roads to local and regional development development such as democracy, equity, fairness, liberty
have been identified to describe causal relationships and solidarity (SEN, 1999). Individuals and institutions
between high or low levels of productivity, skills, with social power and influence can seek to impose
value-added and wages in relation to the relative levels their specific interests and visions of local and regional
of sophistication of economic activities (COOKE , development but these may be contested (HARVEY,
1995). The high road equates with quantitatively 2000). It is, then, critical to ask whose principles and
What Kind of Local and Regional Development and for Whom? 1261
values are being pursued in local and regional develop- advantaged by particular varieties of local and regional
ment. Particular varieties of the political settlements of development. The objects and subjects of local and
government and governance of local and regional devel- regional development work across sometimes overlap-
opment are central to how such questions are framed, ping levels and scales (Table 4). This distinction
deliberated and resolved (HALL and SOSKICE , 2001; can help reveal policy implications intended or other-
also COOKE and CLIFTON, 2005). Such social agency is wise and the geographical impacts of spatial and non-
not wholly autonomous or independent to act and spatial policies (PIKE et al., 2006).
decide its own course of development, however. It is cir- The social welfare distribution of who and where
cumscribed by the structural, institutional and historical benefits and loses from particular varieties of local and
context in which it is embedded and the constraints this regional development is geographically differentiated
creates in any consideration of what development is, and changes over time. The distribution of social
could or should be about. The social and political deter- power and resources within society shapes the econ-
mination of the principles and values of local and regional omic, social and political inequalities and experiences
development is a geographically uneven process and prin- of local and regional development (HARVEY, 1996).
ciples and values can differ between places and change The relationship between economic efficiency and
over time. Particular geographically rooted constructions growth and social equity is a recurrent normative
of development condition the social use of resources issue (BLUESTONE and HARRISON, 2000; SCOTT and
with potentially different economic, social, ecological, STORPER , 2003). The greater focus on local and
political and cultural implications, for example whether regional development accompanied by an emphasis on
places seek to address internal social needs or external efficiency at the sub-national level has often been at
markets (WILLIAMS, 1983). Such heterogeneity and con- the expense of the redistributive capacities of nation
tingency underpins the range and diversity of different states (CHESHIRE and GORDON, 1998). Still, though,
approaches to local and regional development. Elsewhere, too little is known about the extent to which social
however, localities and regions may seek convergence cohesion is a result or cause of economic growth
toward more mainstream and orthodox approaches, for (PERRONS, 2004).
example liberalizing their economies, promoting compe- KUZNETS (1960) nationally focused work argued
tition and reducing the role of the state. The principles that further economic growth tended to generate
and values that shape social aspirations may reflect per- inequality at low income levels. RICHARDSON (1979)
ceived economic, social and political problems and injus- saw regional inequalities as a problem in the early
tices, for example concerning the allocation of public stages of a nations growth that could be ameliorated
expenditure, the actions of local or trans-national firms, by redistributive regional policies, while HIRSCHMAN
ecological damage or the relative degree of political
autonomy. Development in this specific context may
then be defined as a fairer allocation of public funding Table 4. The objects and subjects of local and regional
(MC KAY and WILLIAMS, 2005), greater regulatory development
control over the power of firms (CHRISTOPHERSON
Level/scale Objects Subjects
and CLARK , 2007), upgraded environmental standards
and enhanced political powers. People Individuals Education and training
Households Homecare services
Families Childcare
Neighbourhoods Neighbourhood renewal
LOCAL AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Spaces, places Communities Community
FOR WHOM? and territories regeneration
Villages Rural diversification
Definitions and kinds of local and regional development Localities Strategic partnerships
are closely related to the question of local and regional Towns Market town revival
development for whom? Answers to this question Cities Growth strategies
concern the objects and subjects of local and regional City-regions Local authority
development and the social welfare dimensions of the collaboration
Sub-regions Spatial strategies
uneven and geographically differentiated distribution
Regions Regional economic
of who and where benefits and loses from particular var- strategies
ieties of local and regional development. The objects of Sub-nations Economic development
local and regional development are the material things strategies
to which development action is directed. The subjects Nations Regional development
are the themes upon which development is based. Macro-regions Economic and social
Each provides a means of discerning the implications cohesion
International Aid distribution
of specific forms of local and regional development
Global Trade liberalization
and policies. Social welfare analysis reveals how specific
social groups and/or institutional interests may be Source: Adapted from PIKE et al. (2006, p. 49)
1262 Andy Pike et al.
(1958) indicated that greater initial inequality may rep-
resent the natural path towards equality. For Kuznets, as
income levels per capita increased, a critical threshold of
income is reached and further economic growth and
higher average per capita income tended to reduce a
nations overall income inequality (Fig. 1). The knife-
edge dilemma between growth and equity remains
central to current debates:
some analysts hold that development policy is best focused
on productivity improvements in dynamic agglomera-
tions, (thereby maximising national growth rates but
increasing social tensions), while other analysts suggest
that limiting inequality through appropriate forms of
income distribution (social and/or inter-regional) can
lead to more viable long-run development programmes.
(SCOTT and STORPER , 2003, p. 588)

Local and regional development grapples with this

uneven shift from the more equity-focused, donor-
recipient model toward growth-oriented policies and
their potential to reinforce rather than ameliorate
spatial disparities (PIKE et al., 2006; also DUNFORD,
2003) (Fig. 2).
Inspired by broader notions of local and regional
development, social welfare analysis has widened to Fig. 2. Models of local and regional development policy
address questions of equality. Ways have been sought Source: Adapted from PIKE et al. (2006, p. 106)
to utilize the experience and participation of women,
and these methods have altered the underlying defi-
nitions, principles and varieties of local and regional concerned with competing visions of the good
development (AUFHAUSER et al., 2003; HUDSON, society (GALBRAITH , 1997). In an allegedly post-ideo-
IZ EK , 1997), there is a
logical or post-political age (Z
2007; REES, 2000; RO NNBLOM , 2005; SEN, 1999;
SCHECH and VAS DEV, 2007). Similarly, recognition tendency to reduce such issues to technical questions.
of ethnic and racial minority interests has helped However, it has been stressed that a clearer understand-
design varieties of local and regional development that ing and analysis necessitates a greater awareness of the
tackle discrimination, promote positive role models, values that underpin local and regional development
raise educational aspirations, and increase economic in any given society. Apparently neutral questions,
participation (BLACKBURN and RAM , 2006). The het- such as what works? and what are the successful
erogeneity of places helps rather than hinders the models?, remain imbued with politics. Indeed, nar-
framing of distinctive and context-sensitive approaches rowly short-term and/or pragmatic approaches can
to local and regional development. limit the search for effective public policy and under-
Ultimately, the central question what kind of local mine enduring and potentially more sophisticated and
and regional development and for whom is sustainable responses to local and regional development
concerns. For this reason, then, answers to the question
of what kind of local and regional development and for
whom require one to annunciate explicitly the prin-
ciples and values that should underpin local and regional
development. In short, one needs to bring the norma-
tive dimension back into the discussion (MARKUSEN,


Building upon this analysis of definitions, geographies,
Fig. 1. The Kuznets inverted-U hypothesis varieties, principles, values and distributional questions,
Source: Adapted from CYPHER and DIETZ (2004, p. 54) the following outlines the normative version of holistic,
What Kind of Local and Regional Development and for Whom? 1263
progressive and sustainable local and regional develop- A politically progressive local and regional develop-
ment (PIKE et al., 2006). Development is defined as ment is underpinned by critiques of capitalism and a
the establishment of conditions and institutions that belief in the need to challenge the social injustice of
foster the realization of the potential of the capacities uneven development and spatial disparities (HARVEY,
and faculties of the human mind in people, communities 2000). This approach is potentially holistic. It empha-
and, in turn, in places (SEN, 1999; WILLIAMS, 1983). sizes the role of the state together with civil society in
Local and regional development should be part of tackling local and regional disadvantage, inequality
more balanced, cohesive and sustainable approaches. A and poverty. The inclusion of social actors, such as
holistic approach interprets close relations and balanced trade unions and community associations, can serve to
integration between the economic, social, political, eco- broaden the focus of local and regional development
logical and cultural dimensions of local and regional beyond narrowly economic concerns and propose
development (BEER et al., 2003; PERRONS, 2004), not- alternatives (PIKE et al., 2002). While their narrow,
withstanding the potential trade-offs and conflicts theoretical economic efficiency in allocating resources
involved (HAUGHTON and COUNSELL , 2004). It con- is recognized, institutionalism and socio-economics
nects directly to SEN s (1999, p. 126) view of a broad reveal how markets are underpinned by frameworks of
and many-sided approach to development which: institutions and conventions (POLANYI , 1944; also
MARTIN, 1999). As SCOTT (1998, p. 102) argues
involves rejecting a compartmentalized view of the process superior levels of long-run economic efficiency and
of development (for example, going just for liberalization performance are almost always attainable where
or some other single, overarching process). The search for certain forms of collective order and action are
a single all-purpose remedy (such as open the markets or brought into play in combination with competition
get the prices right) has had much hold on professional and markets (also RODRI GUEZ -POSE and STORPER ,
thinking in the past. . . . Instead, an integrated and multi- 2006; WADE , 2003). Progressive local and regional
faceted approach is needed, with the object of making development seeks to tame and regulate markets to
simultaneous progress on different fronts, including differ- ameliorate their tendencies toward instability and
ent institutions, which reinforce each other. unequal economic, social and spatial outcomes that
may undermine aspirations for balanced, cohesive and
The holistic approach sees development as necessarily sustainable local and regional development. In opposi-
broader than just the economy and encourages wider tion, regressive forms of local and regional development
and more rounded conceptions of wellbeing and are often characterized by wasteful inter-territorial
quality of life. It attempts to move beyond the narrow competition, zero-sum notions of places developing
economism of desiccated indicators (MORGAN, 2004, at the expense of other places and an understanding of
p. 884) like GDP and income per head to develop new development as a harsh meritocracy in which unfet-
metrics that better capture broader conceptions of local tered markets are relied upon to much greater degrees
and regional development (BRISTOW, 2005; GEDDES to arbitrate the realization of the potential of people,
and NEWMAN, 1999; SEN, 1999). Earlier, less developed communities and places.
versions of holistic thinking may start by recognizing the Progressive local and regional development is based
parallel contributions and potential for integration of upon a set of foundational, even universal, principles
economic, social, cultural and environmental policy and values such as justice, fairness, equality, equity,
without an explicit local and regional focus and beyond democracy, unity, cohesion, solidarity and internation-
the immediate realm of local and regional development alism (HARVEY, 1996). Such ideals are often forged in
but with the potential to contribute to its goals. Critics place and can connect local, particular, struggles
may question the practical feasibility of such an appar- militant particularisms in a more general, geo-
ently all-encompassing approach. HIRSCHMAN (1958, graphically encompassing common and shared interest
p. 205), for example, argued that its very comprehen- (HARVEY, 2000; WILLIAMS, 1980). In establishing the
siveness . . . can drown out the sense of direction so principles and value that define what is meant by local
important for purposeful policy-making. Institutions and regional development, public discussion and social
and policies may struggle to intervene and shape such a participation within a democratic framework are
wide and complex set of relationships in order to integral. SEN (1999, p. 153) maintains that:
develop localities and regions. The challenge to integrate
the often dominant concerns of economic efficiency It can be argued that a proper understanding of what econ-
omic needs are their content and their force requires
with social welfare and environmental sensitivity is cer-
discussion and exchange. Political and civil rights,
tainly formidable. Yet, without questioning dominant especially those related to the guaranteeing of open discus-
conceptions and seeking to understand the relations sion, debate, criticism, and dissent, are central to the
between broader dimensions of local and regional processes of generating informed and reflected choices.
development, more balanced, cohesive and sustainable These processes are crucial to the formation of values
development of localities and regions may remain and priorities, and we cannot, in general, take preferences
beyond reach. as given independently of public discussion, that is,
1264 Andy Pike et al.
irrespective of whether open debates and interchanges are wellbeing and quality of life (HAUGHTON and
permitted or not. The reach and effectiveness of open dia- COUNSELL , 2004; MORGAN, 2004) and incorporating
logue are often underestimated in assessing social and pol- understandings of the relations between the economic,
itical problems. social, ecological, political and cultural dimensions of
development. Sustainability is potentially progressive if
Democracy, then, suggests opportunities for the defi- it prioritizes the values and principles of equity and
nition of social and economic problems, although long-term thinking in access to and use of resources
there are clearly substantial geographical variations in within and between current and future generations.
its practice. While democratic institutions are import- Sustainable development seeks to recognize distinctive
ant, their relationship with development outcomes is structural problems and dovetails with local assets and
not simple but reflects the degree to which opportu- social aspirations to encourage the kinds of local and
nities for participation are taken up. As SEN (1999, regional development that are more likely to take root
p. 159) puts it: The achievement of social justice and succeed as locally and regionally grown solutions
depends not only on institutional forms (including (HIRSCHMAN, 1958; STORPER , 1997). Heightened
democratic rules and regulations), but also on effective recognition of such context sensitivity has promoted
practice. diverse and sometimes alternative approaches to local
The universal values central to the progressive and regional development. This connects to the recog-
approach are neither fixed, nor are they simply the nition of the leading role of the state in more holistic,
products of relativist definitions of development deter- programmatic and systemic forms of local and regional
mined by particular places in specific time periods. Such policy:
introspective and narrow understandings may only fuel
inter-territorial competition and zero-sum interpret- environmentally sustainable development implies a more
ations of development. Instead, the specific local and important role for the public sector, because sustainability
requires a long-term intergenerational and holistic
regional forms, articulation and determination of prin-
perspective, taking into account the full benefits and
ciples and values are normative issues subject to varying costs to society and the environment, not only the possi-
degrees of local and regional social determination, bility of private profitability.
shaping and struggle within their particular national (GEDDES and NEWMAN, 1999, p. 22)
and international contexts (STANDING, 1999). They
are normative questions for localities and regions of Depending upon the circumstances and aspirations of
what their local and regional development should be particular localities and regions and often very real con-
about. KEATING et al. (2003) argue that political and straints (MAINWARING et al., 2006), balances and com-
social agents instrumentalize and utilize territorial iden- promises inevitably emerge from considerations of
tities to provide socially rooted frameworks for such sustainable development when connected to holistic
politics. Formalized institutions of state and civil and progressive principles.
society adapt and mould such interests. Based upon Critics may see a utopian and infeasible wish list in
their specific interpretations of concepts and theories, this particular normative approach. But the principles
localities and regions attempt to find and reach their and values of holistic, progressive and sustainable local
own particular syntheses of distinctive models of and regional development are being explored and put
local and regional development conditioned by cultural into practice by international, national, regional and
values, institutions and prevailing modes of social and local interests (PIKE et al., 2006). The International
political mobilization. Drawing upon the post- Labour Organisations local development framework
development critique (GIBSON -GRAHAM , 2003), this focuses upon human development and decent work
view rejects any notion of one-size-fits-all models (CANZANELLI , 2001). Further international examples
and underpins the growing variety and diversity of amongst many others under development and
local and regional development approaches. Yet, while experimentation (BEER et al., 2003; SCOTT, 1998)
reflecting particular and specific local and regional include alternative economic strategies based
aspirations, needs and traits, such locally and regionally upon local currencies (LEYSHON et al., 2003),
determined models or resolutions should not be devel- sustaining local and regional economies (HINES, 2000;
oped independently of the more universal values out- MITCHELL , 2000; PIKE et al., 2005), labour-oriented
lined above. Such local and regional resolutions are investment funds (LINCOLN, 2000), international fair
shaped by the balance, dialogue, power and relations trade and local development (AUDET, 2004), localizing
of local and regional interests, sensitive to their specific food provision through public procurement
contexts, and mediated through multi-layered insti- (MORGAN, 2004; RICKETTS HEIN et al., 2006),
tutions of government and governance (MORGAN, gender-sensitive approaches (AUFHAUSER et al.,
2007; RODRI GUEZ -POSE and STORPER , 2006). 2003), public sector dispersal (MARSHALL et al., 2005;
The third guiding principle is sustainability. MYUNG -JIN, 2007), mobilizing community engage-
Sustainable local and regional development is holistic ment to formalize undeclared work (WILLIAMS, 2005)
in encouraging broader notions of inclusion, health, and ecological modernization by encouraging local
What Kind of Local and Regional Development and for Whom? 1265
development through de-manufacturing and recycling and practices suggest a particular normative view of
(GIBBS et al., 2005). While not exhaustive, these what local and regional development should be about.
examples provide concrete cases of at least some Yet, there are limits to what local and regional devel-
elements of the present approach. opment can achieve. Broadened understandings of local
Holistic, progressive and sustainable local and and regional development are necessary but not suffi-
regional development is not a one-size-fits-all template cient for more evenly distributed territorial develop-
or universal model. Neither is it a plea for local and ment, wealth and wellbeing across and between
regional relativism and voluntarism in definitions of localities and regions. The macroeconomics of growth
development driven solely by local and regional inter- and the extent and nature of the engagement of national
ests in splendid isolation. Instead, this approach outlines states within the international political economy raise
guiding principles informed by the kinds of universal fundamental questions concerning the problems and
values discussed above that may influence the social prospects for local and regional development:
determination of definitions, geographies, varieties,
how, in a prospective global mosaic of regional economies,
principles and values for local and regional development
individual regions can maximise their competitive advan-
that are geographically differentiated and change over tages through intra-regional policy efforts while simul-
time. A holistic, progressive and sustainable approach taneously working together collaboratively to create an
is but one answer to the fundamental question of effective world-wide inter-regional division of labour
what kind of local and regional development and for with appropriate built-in mechanisms of mutual aid, and
whom. especially with some modicum of collective assistance
for failing or backward regions.
(SCOTT, 1998, p. 7; also HUDSON, 2001)
CONCLUSIONS AND THE LIMITS AND Despite the changed context, nation states remain inte-
POLITICAL RENEWAL OF LOCAL AND gral in recognizing the plight of lagging territories and
REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT framing local and regional development, for example
through regulating inter-territorial competition at
Understanding local and regional development requires
the international, national and sub-national levels
an engagement with its most basic nature. What it is,
(GORDON, 2008; MARKUSEN and NESSE , 2006;
what it is for and, in a normative sense, what it should
RODRI GUEZ -POSE and ARBIX , 2001). Yet deep
be are critical starting points. This paper has addressed
concerns linger about the technocratic character of
the fundamental question of what kind of local and
quasi-governance, especially at the regional and local
regional development and for whom? Issues of defi-
levels, its problems of accountability, coordination and
nition were reviewed to examine what is meant by
transparency (ALLEN and COCHRANE , 2007;
local and regional development, its historical context
SKELCHER et al., 2000; PIKE , 2002; 2004; BLACKMAN
and the importance of its geographies of space, territory,
and ORMSTON, 2005) and the ways in which, interna-
place and scale. Definitions of local and regional devel-
tionally, devolution has largely failed to reduce local and
opment have broadened to include economic and
regional disparities and, under particular conditions, has
social, environmental, political and cultural concerns.
even served to exacerbate them (RODRI GUEZ -POSE
Definitions are socially determined in the context of
and GILL , 2005).
historically enduring themes, principles and values,
The potential constraints and limits suggest the need
incorporating geographical differentiation and changes
for the political renewal of local and regional
over time. Geography matters as a causal factor in
local and regional development. Territories evolve as
defined areas in which particular definitions of local in the absence of discussion on the goals and purposes of
and regional development are constructed and economic development policy, we will remain in a
pursued. Places shape the geographical diversity, period of policy formulation which favours interventions
unevenness and context of local and regional develop- targeted toward either reducing the costs of doing business
ment. Economic, social, political, environmental and or improving the competency of firms. Such emphases
cultural processes influence local and regional develop- will ensure that theory is invoked to justify current
practice, further diverting attention from the deeper
ment across, between and through different scales.
underlying bases of economic deprivation.
Different kinds of local and regional development (GLASMEIER , 2000, p. 575)
connect to socially determined and normative prin-
ciples and values that differ geographically and change Politics explicitly recognizes the normative choices
over time. Distinguishing the objects, subjects and about what local and regional development should be
social welfare aspects of local and regional development about, where and for whom. Such choices are not
helps understand the often socially and geographically simply objective and technical assessments. They are
uneven distribution of who and where benefits or wrapped up in specific combinations of universal and
loses from particular forms of local and regional devel- particular principles and values that require institutional
opment. Holistic, progressive and sustainable principles mechanisms of articulation, deliberation, representation
1266 Andy Pike et al.
and resolution. As SCOTT (1998, p. 117) argues multi-level institutional structures operating across a
Successful development programmes must inevitably range of scales. This agenda may be criticized as
be judicious combinations of general principle and utopian or too reformist and insufficiently radical in
localized compromise, reflecting the actual geography its approach. But it is important to recognize the prac-
and history of each individual region. Like THOMP- tical difficulties that confront those seeking to transform
SON s (1963) understanding of social history, political public policy that occurs when rationality and power
practice forges the functional and geographical shape collide (FLYVBJERG, 1998). Aspirations for local and
of the institutions of coordination and collective order regional development are beset with potential problems
for local and regional development (SCOTT, 1998). but not having a vision of what one wants local and
Achieving answers to the question of what kind of regional development to do and to look like would
local and regional development and for whom? in make such a task even harder.
the manner of KEATING et al.s (2003) distinctive
locally and regionally determined syntheses involves
Acknowledgements Earlier versions of this paper were
compromise, conflict and struggle between sometimes presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of
opposing priorities. Success, failure and develop- American Geographers, Chicago, 711 March 2006; the
ment in localities and regions are framed and shaped Annual Symposium of the Economic Geography Research
by processes and politics of government and Group, Cambridge University, 2021 April 2006; the
governance. Regional Studies Association Conference, Leuven, 79 June
A renewed politics of local and regional development 2006; the Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical
hinges upon the questions of who governs and how Society/Institute of British Geographers, London,
power is exercised in deciding what varieties, insti- 30 August1 September 2006; the Regional Studies Association
tutions and resources frame, address and answer the Annual Conference, London, 21 November 2006; Institute
questions of what kind of local and regional develop- of Regional Studies, Monash University, Melbourne,
13 February 2007; the Symposium on Regions and Regional-
ment and for whom? Parochial and introspective
ism in the Asia-Pacific, FIAP, Flinders University, Adelaide,
approaches developed at the expense of other 21 February 2007; and the Annual Meeting of the Association
people, classes and places are rejected (BEYNON of American Geographers, San Francisco, 1721 April 2007.
and HUDSON, 1993). Instead, potential exists in The authors thank the participants in these events for their
international inter-governmental coordination and comments. The authors would also like to thank Neill Marshall
national and decentralized decision making structures and the two anonymous referees for their constructive advice
coordinating and integrating their relationships within and criticism.

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