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Domain Expertise
Consulting Expertise
Software Development
Billing, CRM, ERP
GIS Product Development
Internet of Things
Web & Mobile
Software Quality Management
Microsoft Solutions
Microsoft Cloud
Systems Integration
Big Data & Analytics
Machine Learning & IoT
Centres of Excellence
Engagement Models

To sustain growth, leaders across energy & utilities are prioritising four
imperatives; transform the utility network, improve generation
performance, improve operational excellence and reinvent customer

Meanwhile, its the end of the line for single, top-down energy giants
acting as the sole power provider for entire markets. New technology,
alternative power sources, deregulation and empowered customers are
reshaping the energy landscape and redefining the role of the energy
Jason Barrett
Having been at the forefront of these industry trends for over a
VP Business Development
decade, ProArch is pleased to be supporting energy and utilities
companies to adapt rapidly and harness technology to manage the
data that is powering this revolution.

Core Billing Mobile Workforce Management

Financial Accounting Analytics (Meter Data, Revenue & Social)
ProArch IT Solutions have been Meter Data Management Payment Gateway/Remote Payment Systems
supporting Energy & Utilities AMI/AMR Integrations Asset Management
and associated product Cash Register Systems Works Management
Capital Credits Utility Customer Relations
companies for over ten years
Outage Management - Email & SMS Campaign, Notifications & Alerts
Prepaid Metering - Feedback & CSAT Indices
- IVR & Chat

Whether you are a utility & Business Process Consulting

Over the years, we have matured our delivery energy business or associated Management Consulting
framework to deliver value using our proven product house, we work with you Functional Consulting
methodologies, frameworks and assets to to anticipate the future, champion
Product Strategy
innovation, and unlock new
ensure successful outcomes. potential in the industry. Goto Market Strategy
Revenue Generation
ERP for Utilities with multi device support
From customisation of pre- Application for Board Meetings
developed platforms to full-cycle B2C Portal for Utility Customers
custom software development, we Document Imaging System
deliver reliable and cost-effective Meter Data Management System
solutions that match your unique Outage Management System
We have experience with GIS product development
and maintenance since 2007 where we helped our
customers in developing Custom frameworks &
tools for data conversion and also, tools for testing
custom integrations

Outage management
Field Services
Asset Management
Project Tracking System
Data Conversion
INTERNET OF THINGS Analysing data and monitoring processes across
the asset value chain
Conducting secure operations while gaining
We leverage IoT to Connecting devices is already central to the future of utilities,
providing control and savings to utility businesses as well as insights leading to improved reliability
modernise consumers. This is driven by the rollout of smart meters and Extending life of assets and enhancing personal
infrastructure, improve ever-increasing innovation in smart grids, all of which productivity & safety
depend on reliable, resilient connectivity.
operations, enhance
Through IoT, ProArch supports energy companies to achieve
transform businesses greater flexibility to accommodate new energy sources, Monitor and track the health of assets
better management of assets and operations, greater Improve productivity and monitor supply chain
for consumer-focussed reliability, enhanced security, better customer service, and Use predictive maintenance to reduce material,
value addition. enablement of new business models and services. labour energy costs (reduce OPEX and CAPEX)

Focus on IoT as a driver for creating new sources
of revenue streams based on new products and

The IoT is reshaping products and services

for the home. Smart home products create
a huge opportunity for partnerships
among energy and utilities companies
looking to win.
UX and UI is all about keeping it simple,
We have been at the forefront of mobile app development since 2010.
because the easier you make it for your
Weve built a Center of Excellence facility for Mobile technologies to
help our engineers stay on the leading edge of technology and provide
consumer, the greater your desired
the highest level of service possible for iOS, Android and Mobile Web results will be.
Supported by a robust ERP system, Billing ProArch operates across an entire gamut of
and Customer Care represents the most services across ERP, CRM and Billing including the
implementation of Customer Information Systems
We provide a wide range of IT services
fundamental and critical function for (CIS), support and maintenance, as well as legacy across ERP, CRM and Billing including
every Utility, spanning rate management, modernization in regulated and deregulated
metering, billing, payments, credit and industries. consulting, project management,
collections, and customer relationship software development, system and
management. operational support integration, and
legacy upgrades.

Empowering CRM solutions through analytics ERP solutions across the following modules:
and integration between:
Multiple services support
Infrastructure Systems Provisioning systems
Customer Data Asset management
Energy Distribution and Consumption Inventory management
Energy Trading Vendor management
Compliance and Incident Management Core billing & accounting solutions: Order processing
Emergency Preparedness Logistics
Consumer Information System Resource management
Business Information System HR & Payroll system
Capital Credits Debt management
Work Management Budgeting system
Customer Service Portal
Alerts & Reminders
Cash Register
Automated Approval System
Fleet Management System

Manage and automate delivery of

secure, reliable, and high-quality
applications. Implement complete IT
Metrics driven processes
quality management and establish
Technical Reviews at each milestone
consistent, repeatable processes for 100% code reviewed
managing requirements, tests, and Threat modeling, Security testing
Performance, Scalability and Reliability testing
business components with ProArchs
Continuous Integration Automated builds, Gated check-ins, Self-testing
SQM Centre of Excellence Automated Unit Testing

Our international team has developed software quality strategies and delivered software testing programmes for multiple Energy & Utilities projects across
the US. We deliver quality assurance for clients operating in markets with increasing competition, changing legislation, tough sustainability targets and
emerging technologies. Our work ensures that any roll out of new IT infrastructure, application or large-scale projects is robust enough to handle market
complexity and continuous regulatory change.

As a Microsoft Managed Partner (top 2% globally),

we enable power and utilities companies to drive
transformation through digital technology.

With Microsoft and our associated services, power and utilities get
the world-class partnership they want, with the modern productivity
platform they need: - global reach and the security to protect their
assets, operations, data, and people.

Architecture and Design Services

Audits and Assessments
Advisory Services
Systems Administration and Management
Implementations, Migrations, and Upgrades
Troubleshooting and Remediation
Health Check and Platform Optimization
Microsoft Volume Licensing Agreement
MICROSOFT CLOUD Superior security with cloud infrastructure: - We
deliver the security features of Microsoft Azure
helping Energy & Utilities companies to protect

The first steps that an critical information and strengthen their security
organization takes towards a approach.
cloud strategy are critical to

ProArchs group of industry-

leading, Microsoft badged
experts will provide you with Cloud Assessment and Migration Design Planning
the expertise that you expect Virtual Networks and Connectivity
from an elite partner. IaaS Migrations
Cloud Service Architecture
Our experienced Microsoft team
Azure Storage / StorSimple Migrations
defines the notes from the field and
Azure Website Migrations
best practice guidelines from an
extensive history of cloud architecture Azure Application Services
and migration services. Azure Active Directory
Identity Management (SSO, MFA)
SECURITY Security is no
longer a
We go beyond traditional application testing to empower you to build Technology
security into your software at every stage of your software
development life cycle (SDLC). Issue, it's a
We offer application testing and remediation expertise, guidance for Boardroom
structuring a software security initiative, training, and professional services for a
proactive approach to application security.

Data Privacy & Protection
PCI Compliance
ASV Scanning
Vulnerability Assessment
Penetration Testing
Infrastructure Advisory
Network Infrastructure Design, Deployment & Hardening
Cloud Security
Smart Grid Security

ProArch has a long and distinguished history in energy sector application security and vulnerability
assessment. Weve worked with large investor-owned utilities (IOUs), rural electric cooperatives, and
Smart Grid vendors serving electric utilities.

Systems Integration plays an important role in making We improve energy & utility system integration and reliability, achieving operational efficiencies,
applications built using heterogeneous technologies and enabling new customer services with integration solutions and consulting services. Our
work together seamlessly, as well as integrating clients come to us for expert guidance in Operations and Information Technology (OT/IT)
business-critical legacy applications with newer system integration, strategy and delivery.


Legacy Integrator for .NET & COBOL Program

Integration of MDMS systems with CIS & Billing
Integration with AMI/AMR Systems
Utility Analytics Platform
Remote Payment System
Transaction Processor Service
Multi-speak Service
BIG DATA & ANALYTICS We advise leading utilities on their
big data adoption strategy. We
We help Energy & Utility companies to turn knowledge into power by using big data and
assess tactical business needs and
analytics to better understand and shape customer usage, consumption patterns, evaluate Business Intelligence (BI)
forecasting, improve service levels and availability, and detect and prevent energy theft products, after which we establish a
robust BI system that supports
competitive differentiation.

Enterprise Analytics Customer Engagement Analytics

Revenue Protection Analytics Customer Segmentation
Dynamic Pricing Analytics Customer Service
Energy Forecasting Sentiment Analysis
Asset Management Revenue Collections
Operational Analytics Call Center Operations
Asset optimization
Demand Response Events Where were using the neuro-learning
Machine Learning & IoT One of the primary ways were using machine
learning is to better fit demand response events.
is in a lot of our areas in
forecastingWhen you take a look at
We go through a process to determine what the our risk management optimization
customers baseline is and how they actually centre, we have put a lot of time and
Machine learning and the Internet of energy into the algorithms and
performed. Were using machine learning to come
Things (IoT) are two of the hottest up with a better baseline. developing the basis for how all of the
terms out there today for utilities. Both data and the logic tie together.
have the power to create an This is a system which were just now starting to
increasingly autonomous grid that can bring up that would enable customers to participate
eventually handle billions of endpoints with us in operating the grid so that its an
on utility networks. We can help you interactive platform.
Outage Management
maximise the benefit of these
disruptive innovations and leverage the We want to be able to identify outages
faster and even predict them, and then prevent
connection between the two of them. Customer Engagement them from happening or fix them faster. We want to
Were going to have to mine of all this data manage our resources more effectively at the same
That were going to get from adding devices onto the time. Thats the whole effortto reduce downtime
distribution system. This will help us know how the and improve reliability at a lower cost. Thats where
customer behaves, and how their structures behave. machine learning and the automating of devices are
What are their wants and likes for different services going to have the biggest impact on us.
and offerings that we might be able to offer in the
future? Those are just all opportunities for machine

These are some of things our customers

are talking about. Are you maximising the
benefits of Machine Learning & IoT?
Please get in touch to find out.



Whether its a SmartApp that combines Our Software Engineering CoE is focussed on DevOps brings to the table increased Agility,
prompts and financial incentives to engage radically improving the way that software is significant reduction in risk and faster defect
consumers with their energy use or an developed from approach to process to tooling. identification this accelerates root cause
energy PAYG solution for remote top-ups, analysis and defect fixes. Subsequently, there is
our CoE works with you to reimagine the The small, agile teams of our Engineering CoE a major decrease in regression challenges
possible. attack new opportunities quickly, creating affecting the QA cycle and as a result, testers
technologies that improve software reliability, are allowed to focus their efforts on new
Our Energy & Utility subject matter experts security and performance in order to increase the functionalities.
have been at the vanguard of SmartApp productivity of developers.
We support your business to use existing tools
innovation over the last decade. The CoE and best practices multiple times, across
provides a forum for great minds to come We bring this culture of continual improvement to
various applications, environments and teams
together and support you to stay ahead our client engagements, always challenging the
to get the most from your flavour of DevOps.
during this period of industry change. status quo for improved software performance.


Deployment of on and offsite Full assignment of delivery National Outsourcing Shared accountability for
consultants to manage deep accountability to our global Association (NOA) award delivery, where we plan
dive analysis across Business, teams either on an ongoing winning team extension and review development
Process and Technology with basis or fixed project term. model for globally distributed milestones collaboratively,
agreed timelines, deliverables Ideal for well scoped projects agile development. We whilst managing the day
and desired outcomes for and ongoing assignment of seamlessly extend your in- to day work on your
your IT agenda. non core functions. house capability. behalf.

Realise a Technology Edge Access specialist tech-talent Increase your dev capacity Access our industry experts
Reduce costs Leverage our innovation hubs Ramp up and down flexibly Outsource the project and
Improve productivity Reduce cost of development Access the global talent pool retain visibility & control

For more information please contact:

Jason Barrett
VP Business Development
ProArch IT Solutions
+44 (0) 7973115088
[email protected]

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