Market Report Final

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Macroeconomic Overview

U.S. Markets
Once again, the Trump rally takes
hold and markets climb to new all-
time highs. Small cap stocks gain
the most as the Russel 2000 index
gains over 5.5% on the week and
continues to be the top gainer YTD
and NASDAQ, Dow , and S&P all
up over 3%. We are seeing the same trend continue week to week with positive sentiment on the expected
fiscal stimulus driving the markets. The Strong dollar is beginning to slow U.S Exports to Britain and the euro-
zone, shrinking profits of those with more exposure and we have seen an increase of imports from China. On
the horizon, we still expect a December rate hike and also
expect more earlier in the coming fiscal year and consumer
sentiment and fiscal stimulus expectations have already had
a positive effect on spending and loan demands. The Fed will
likely have to raise rates faster to keep up with inflation.

European bank stocks rallied
around the news out of Italy that
it is taking steps to salvage their
banking sector after the Italian
Prime Minister resigned. The
German DAX with the most
exposure in banks gained the
most with the French CAC index
following 2nd ending the week up
little over 5%. The ECB has announced to lower the size of the bond repurchases but extend the quantitative
easing process to the end of 2017 or as long as it takes to reach its target of 2% inflation. Throughout Europe
especially in Germany, Spain, Italy, and France, they all showed signs of increasing business activity pointing
towards the progress being made in the Eurozone economy.
Chinese exports strengthen over the month of November supported by the weaker yuan relative the dollar
despite the outlook of the U.S trade relations being strained under the trump administration. The Chinese
currency is still being propped up which is seen by Chinese foreign currency reserves continue to be reduced.
WTI Crude and Brent Crude both end above $50 per barrel; $51.50 and 54.33 respectively. The price of oil
has remained between the upper 40s and lower 50 dollars per barrel since OPEC capped oil production 2
weeks ago.
Precious metals including gold and silver mostly flat on the week. Gold ends the week down to $1,160.2 per
oz and Silver ends also down to $16.93 per oz.
Looking Forward
On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve is expected to raise short-term rates; inflation and housing data will
be released thursday but the focus will mainly be on interest rates. Also, US retail sales and industrial
production data will be released on Wednesday.

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