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Taiwan Invitational
Mathematics Competitions


answer keys
Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity
Competition 1999
Individual Contest
Section A.
In this section, there are 12 questions. Fill in the correct answer in the space provided at the
end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.
1. Find the remainder when 122333444455555666666777777788888888999999999 is divided by
2. Find the sum of the angles a, b, c and d in the following figure.

c b

3. How many of the numbers 12 , 22 , . . . , 1999 2 have odd numbers as their tens-digits?
4. The height of a building is 60 metres. At a certain moment during daytime, it casts a shadow of
length 40 metres. If a vertical pole of length 2 metres is erected on the roof of the building, find
the length of the shadow of the pole at the same moment.

5. Calculate 1999 2 19982 + 1997 2 19962 + + 32 2 2 + 12 .

6. Among all four-digits numbers with 3 as their thousands-digits, how many have exactly two
identical digits?
7. The diagram below shows an equilateral triangle of side 1. The three circles touch each other
and the sides of the triangle. Find the radii of the circles.

8. Let a, b and c be positive integers. The sum of 160 and the square of a is equal the sum of 5 and
the square of b. The sum of 320 and the square of a is equal to the sum of 5 and the square of b.
Find a.
9. Let x be a two-digit number. Denote by f ( x) the sum of x and its digits minus the product of
its digits. Find the value of x which gives the largest possible value for f ( x) .
10. The diagram below shows a triangle ABC. The perpendicular sides AB and AC have lengths 15
and 8 respectively. D and F are points on AB. E and G are points on AC. The segments CD, DE,
EF and FG divide triangle ABC into five triangles of equal area. The length of only one of these
segments is integral. What is that length?


11. How many squares are formed by the grid lines in the diagram below?

12. There are two committees A and B. Committee A had 13 members while committee B had 6
members. Each member is paid $6000 per day for attending the first 30 days of meetings, and
$9000 per day thereafter. Committee B met twice as many days as Committee A, and the
expenditure on attendance were the same for the two committees. If the total expenditure on
attendance for these two committees was over $3000000, how much was it?

Section B.
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in the space provided after
each question. Each question is worth 20 points.
1. The diagram below shows a cubical wire framework of side 1. An ant starts from a vertex and
crawls along the sides of the framework. If it does not repeat any part of its path and finally
returns to the starting vertex, what is the longest possible length of the path it has travelled?

2. In the diagram below, BC is perpendicular to AC. D is a point on BC such that BC = 4BD. E is a
point on AC such that AC = 8CE. If AD = 164 and BE = 52, determine AB.



3. When a particular six-digit number is multiplied by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively, each of the

products is still a six-digit number with the same digits as the original number but in a different
order. Find the original number.
Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity
Competition 1999
Team Contest
1. (a) Decompose 98 + 7 6 + 54 + 32 + 1 into prime factors.
(b) Find two distinct prime factors of 230 + 320 .
2. The cards in a deck are numbered 1, 3, , 2n 1. In the k-th step, 1 k n, 2k 1 cards from
the top of the deck are transferred to the bottom one at a time. We want the new card on the top
to be 2k 1, which is then set aside. After n steps, the whole deck should be set aside in
increasing order. How should the deck be stacked in order for this to happen, if
(a) n=10;
(b) n=30?
3. (a) Express 1 as a sum of trhe reciprocals of distinct integers, one of which is 5.
(b) Express 1 as a sum of trhe reciprocals of distinct integers, one of which is 1999.
4. (a) Show how to dissect a square into 1999 squares which may
have dierent sizes.
(b) Dissect the first two shapes in the diagram below into the ten or fewer pieces which can be
reassembled to form the third shape.

Figure (1)

Figure (2)

5. The diagram below shows a blank 5 5 table. Each cell is to be filled in with one of the
numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, so there is exactly one number of each kind in each row, each column
and each of the two long diagonals. The score of a completed table is the sum of the numbers
in the four shaded cells. What is the highest possible score of a completed table?
1999 IWYMIC Answers
Part I
1. 6 2. 540 3. 400 4.
3 1
5. 1999000 6. 432 7. 8. 13

9. 90 10. 10 11. 190 12. 14040000

Part II
1. 8 2. 16 109 3. 142587

(a) 43165005 = 3 5 13 41 5399
(b) 1361
(a) 111571531319919
2. 1314733253574549554351939111721
(a) 258122024
(b) 12233445199819991999

4. (b)

Figure A
Figure B

3 5 4 2 1
5 1 2 3 4
5. 17, for example 2 4 5 1 3
1 2 3 4 5
4 3 1 5 2
Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity
Competition 2000
Individual Contest
Section A.
In this section, there are 12 questions. Fill in the correct answer in the space provided at the
end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.

1. Find the unit digit of 17 2000 .

1 1 1 1 1 1 2
2. The sum of four of the six fractions , , , , and is equal to . Find the
3 6 9 12 15 18 3
product of the other two fractions.
3. Find the smallest odd three-digit multiple of 11 whose hundreds digit is greater than its units
4. Find the sum of all the integers between 150 and 650 such that when each is divided by 10, the
remainder is 4.
5. Find the quotient when a four-thousand-digit number consisting of two thousand 1s followed by
two thousand 2s is divided by a two-thousand-digit numbers every digit of which is 6.
6. Find two unequal prime numbers p and q such that p+q=192 and 2p-q is as large as possible.
7. D is a point on the side BC of a triangle ABC such that AC=CD and CAB = ABC + 45 .
Find BAD .
8. Let a, b, c, d and e be single-digit numbers. If the square of the fifteen-digit number
100000035811ab1 is the twenty-nine-digit number 1000000cde2247482444265735361, find the
value of a+b+c-d-e.
9. P is a point inside a rectangle ABCD. If PA=4, PB=6 and PD=9, find PC.
10. In the Celsius scale, water freezes at 0 and boils at 100 . In the Sulesic scale, water freezes
at 20 and boils at 160 . Find the temperature in the Sulesic scale when it is 215 in the
Celsius scale.
11. The vertices of a square all lie on a circle. Two adjacent vertices of another square lie on the
same circle while the other two lie on one of its diameters. Find the ratio of the area of the
second square to the area of the first square.
12. Ten positive integers are written in a row. The sum of any three adjacent numbers is 20. The first
number is 2 and the ninth number is 8. Find the fifth number.
Section B.
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in the space provided after
each question. Each question is worth 20 points.
1. E is a point on the side AB and F is a point on the side CD of a square ABCD such that when the
square is folded along EF, the new position A of A lies on BC. Let D denote the new position
of D and let G be the point of intersection of CF and AD. Prove that AE+FG=AG.



2. Twenty distinct positive integers are written on the front and back of ten cards, one on each face
of every card. The sum of the two integers on each card is the same for all ten cards, and the
sum of the ten integers on the front of the cards is equal to the sum of the ten integers on the
back of the cards. The integers on the front of nine of the cards are 2, 5, 17, 21, 24, 31, 35, 36
and 42. Find the integer on the front of the remaining card.
3. Given are two three-digit numbers a and b and a four-digit number c. If the sums of the digits of
the numbers a+b, b+c and c+a are all equal to 3, find the largest possible sum of the digits of the
number a+b+c.
Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity
Competition 2000
Team Contest
1. E is the midpoint of side BC of a square ABCD. H is the point on AE such that BE = EH. X is
the point on AB such that AH = AX. Prove that : AB BX = AX 2 .
2. Four non-negative integers have been entered in the following 55 table. Fill in the remaining
21 spaces with positive integers so that the sum of all the numbers in each row and in each
column is the same.



3. For n 1 , define an = 1000 + n 2 . Find the greatest value of the greatest common divisor of an
and an +1 .

4. Five teachers predict the order of finish of five classes A, B, C, D and E in an examination.

Guesses First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Teacher 1 A B C D E
Teacher 2 E D A B C
Teacher 3 E B C D A
Teacher 4 C E D A B
Teacher 5 E B C A D

After the examination, which produces no ties between classes, it turns out that each of two
teachers guesses correctly the ranks of two of the classes but is wrong about the ranks of the
other three. The other three teachers are wrong about the rank of every class. Find the order of
finish of the classes.

1 1 1
5. Find all triples (a, b, c) of positive integers such that a b c and 1 + 1 + 1 + = 2 .
a b c
6. Each team is given 50 square cardboard pieces and 50 equilateral triangular cardboard pieces.
Using as many of these pieces as faces, construct a set of dierent convex polyhedra. Two
polyhedra with the same numbers of vertices, edges, square faces and triangular faces are not
considered dierent.
2000 IWYMIC Answers
Part I
1. 1 2. 3. 231 4. 19950
166 667
5. 1998 terms
6. (181, 11) 7. 22.5 8. 5

9. 101 10. 321 11. 2:5 12. 10

Part II
2. 37 3. 10800

83 82 2 79 21
103 1 82 2 79
2. 79 103 1 82 2 3. 4001
2 79 103 1 82
0 2 79 103 83

(2, 4, 15)(2, 5, 9)(2, 6, 7)(3, 3, 8)

4. CDAEB 5.
(3, 4, 5)
Using all the pieces, we construct the following set of ten convex polyhedra.
Each is represented in two dimensions by what is known as its Schlegel diagram.

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity
Competition 2001
Individual Contest
Section A.
In this section, there are 10 questions. Fill in the correct answer in the space provided at the
end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 6 points.
1. Find all integers n such that 1 + 2 + .. + n is equal to a 3-digit number with identical digits.
2. In a convex pentagon ABCDE, A = B = 120, EA = AB = BC = 2, and CD = DE = 4. Find
the area of the pentagon ABCDE.



3. If I place a 6 cm by 6 cm square on a triangle, I can cover up to 60% of the triangle. If I place

the triangle on the square, I can cover up to of the square. What is the area of the triangle?

4. Find a set of four consecutive positive integers such that the smallest is a multiple of 5, the
second is a multiple of 7, the third is a multiple of 9, and the largest is a multiple of 11.
5. Between 5 and 6 oclock, a lady looked at her watch. She mistook the hour hand for the minute
hand and vice versa. As a result, she thought the time was approximately 55 minutes earlier.
Exactly how many minutes earlier was the mistaken time?
6. In triangle ABC, the incircle touches the sides BC, CA and AB at D, E and F respectively. If the
radius of the incircle is 4 units and if BD, CE and AF are consecutive integers, find the length of
the three sides of ABC.
7. Determine all primes p for which there exists at least one pair of integers x and y such that
p + 1 = 2 x 2 and p 2 + 1 = 2 y 2 .

8. Find all real solutions of

3x 2 18 x + 52 + 2 x 2 12 x + 162 = x 2 + 6 x + 280 .

9. Simplify 12 24 + 39 104 12 + 24 + 39 + 104 into a single numerical value.

10. Let M = 101010101 where the digit 1 appears k times. Find the least value of k so that
1001001001001 divides M ?
Section B.
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in the space provided after
each question. Each question is worth 20 points.
1. Given that a and b are unequal positive real numbers, let A = and G = ab . Prove that
(a b) < A .

the following inequality holds: G<

8( A G)

2. Find the range of p such that the equation 32x 3x + 1 = p has two different real positive roots.
3. The four vertices of a square lie on the perimeter of an acute scalene triangle, with one vertex on
each of two sides and the other two vertices on the third side. If the square is be as large as
possible, should the side of the triangle containing two vertices of the square be the longest, the
shortest or neither? Justify your answer.
Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity
Competition 2001
Team Contest
1. Fill in the numbers 1 to 16 on the vertices of two cubes, one number on each vertex with no
repetition, such that the sum of the numbers on the four vertices of each face is the same.

2. Arrange the numbers 1 to 20 in a circle such that the sum of two adjacent numbers is prime.
3. The figure in the diagrm below is a 2 3 rectangle, with one-quarter of the top right square cut
off and attached to the bottom left square. Cut the figure along some polygonal line into two
identical pieces.

4. A 11 cell said to be removable if its removal from an 88 square leaves behind a figure which
can be tiled by 21 copies of each of the two figures shown in the diagram below. How many
removable cells are there in an 8 8 square?

5. The four-digit number 3025 is the square of the sum of the number formed of its first two digits
and the number formed of its last two digits, namely, (30 + 25)2 = 3025. Find all other four-digit
numbers with this property.
6. P is a point inside an equilateral triangle ABC such that PA=4, PB= 4 3 and PC=8. Find the
area of triangle ABC.

4 3 8

7. The fraction has an interesting property. The numerator is a single-digit number 1 and the
denominator is a larger single-digit number 4. If we add the digit 6 after the digit 1 in the
numerator n times and add the digit 6 before the digit 4 in the denominator n times also, the
166 6 1
fraction = has the same value. Determine all other fractions with this property,
66 64 4
except that the added digit does not have to be 6.

8. There are seven shapes formed of three or four equilateral triangles connected edge-to-edge, as
shown in the 2 5 chart below.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10
For each of the numbered spaces in the chart, find a figure which can be formed from copies of
the shape at the head of the row, as well as from copies of the shape at the head of the column.
The pieces may be rotated or reflected. The problem in Space 1 has been solved in the diagram
below as an example.
2001 IWYMIC Answers
Part I
1735, 1736,
1. 36 2. 7 3 3. 40 4.
1737, 1738

5. 5:24 6. 13, 14, 15 7. 7 8. 3

9. -4 10. 15

Part II
1 One vertex on side a, one vertex on side b and two
2. 2 < p < 2 3.
4 vertices on side c

10 16 9 15

3 5 4 6

7 1 8 2

14 12 13 11

2. 3.

4. 4 5. 2025, 3025, 9801

2 1 4
6. 28 3 7. , ,
5 5 8


Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity
Competition 2002
Individual Contest
Section A.
In this section, there are 12 questions. Fill in the correct answer in the space provided at the
end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.
1. On each horizontal line in the figure below, the five large dots indicate the populations of five
branches of City Montessori School in Lucknow: A, B, C, D and E in the year indicated. Which
City Montessori School, Lucknow had the greatest percentage increase in population from 1992
to 2002?
1992 Population in
0 50 100 150 thousands
2002 A B C D E
( a + 2b) + ( a 2b)
2. If x = , what is the numerical value of bx2 ax + b?
( a + 2b) ( a 2b)

3. To find the value of x 8 given x, you need three arithmetic operations: x 2 = x x , x 4 = x 2 x 2

and x 8 = x 4 x 4 . To find x15 , five operations will do: the first three of them are the same; then
x16 = x 8 x 8 and x15 = x16 x . What is the minimum number of operations (multiplications and
divisions) will be needed to find the value of x 1000 ?
4. Let P(x) = x4 + ax3 + bx2 + cx + d where a, b, c and d are constants. If P(1) = 10, P(2) = 20, P(3)
= 30, what is the value of P(10) + P(-6)?
5. The diagram below shows the street map of a city. If three police offcers are to be positioned
at street corners so that any point on any street can be seen by at least one offcer, what are the
letter codes of these street corners?


6. ADEN is a square. BMDF is a square such that F lies on AD and M lies on the extension of ED.
C is the point of intersection of AD and BE. If the area of triangle CDE is 6 square units, what is
the area of triangle ABC?


7. If the 18-digit number A36 405 489 812 706 44B is divisible by 99, what are all the possible
values of (A, B)?
8. Ten people stand in a line. The first goes to the back of the line and the next person sits down so
that the person who was third in the line is now first in line. Now the person on the first in line
goes to the back of the line and the next person sits down. This process is repeated until only
one person remains. What was the original position in line of the only remaining person?
9. In triangle ABC, bisectors AA1, BB1 and CC1 of the interior angles are drawn. If ABC = 120 ,
what is the measure of A1 B1C1 =?

10. For how many different real values of k do there exist real numbers x, y and z such that
x+ y y+z z+x
= = =k?
z x y

11. L is a point on the diagonal AC of a square ABCD such that AL = 3 LC. K is the midpoint of AB.
What is the measure of KLD?

12. In triangle ABC, A = 36 , ACB = 72 . D is a point on AC such that BD bisects ABC. E is

a point on AB such that CE is perpendicular to BD. How many isosceles triangles are in figure?


Section B.
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in the space provided after
each question. Each question is worth 20 points.
1. There are two distinct 2-digit numbers which have the same units digit but different tens digits.
The quotient when one of them is divided by 9 is equal to the remainder when the other is
divided by 9, and vice versa. What is the common units digit?
2. Solve for x, y and z if
( x + y )( x + z ) = 15
( y + z )( y + x) = 18
( z + x)( z + y ) = 30

3. In triangle ABC, D is the point on BC such that AD bisects CAB , and M is the midpoint of
BC. E is the point on the extension of BA such that ME is parallel to AD and intersects AC at F.
Prove that BE = CF = ( AB + AC ) .
2 E


Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity
Competition 2002
Team Contest
1. Let m, n and p be real numbers. If a = x m + n y p ; b = x n + p y m ; and c = x p + m y n , what is the
numercial value of a m n b n p c p m ?
bx + 1
2. Let f ( x ) = where a and b are constants such that ab 2.
2x + a
(a) If f ( x ) f ( ) = k for all x, what is the numerical value of k?
(b) Using the result of (a), if f ( x ) f ( ) = k , then find the numerical value of a and b.
3. Prove or disprove that it is possible to form a rectangle using an odd number of copies of the
figure shown in the diagram below.

1 1 1
4. Find all integers x y , positive and negative, such that + =
x y 14

5. Four brothers divide 137 gold coins among themselves, no two receiving the same number.
Each brother receives a number of gold coins equal to an integral multiple of that received by
the next younger brother. How many gold coins does each brother receive? Find all solutions.
6. In ABC, AB = BC. A line through B cuts AC at D so that inradius of triangle ABD is equal to
the exradius of triangle CBD opposite B. Prove that this common radius is equal to one quarter
of the altitude from C to AB.
7. Two circles of radii a and b respectively touch each other externally. A third circle of radius c
1 1 1
touches these two circles as well as one of their common tangents. Prove that = + .
c a b
8. Robbie the robot is locked in a solar panel and must get out through the hatch located at the
centre of the panel, marked by . Locked in with him are other dummy robots under his
control. Each robot is mobile, but it can only move along a row or a column directly toward
another robot, and can only stop when it bumps into the target robot, stopping in the empty
space in front. In each scenario, four moves are allowed, where a continuous sequence of
motions by the same robot counts as one move. Robbie is denoted by R.EXAMPLE


As an example, C-D-A-B and R-D-A is a two-move solution to the above scenario.

Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Scenario 3 Scenario 4


Scenario 5 Scenario 6

Scenario 7 Scenario 8
2002 IWYMIC Answers
Part I

1. C 2. 0 3. 12 4. 8104

5. B, G, H 6. 6 7. 1 8. 5

9. 90 10. 2 11. 90 12. 7

Part II
1. 5 2. (1, 2, 4) and (-1, -2, -4)

1 4
1. 2.
(b) a = 8 b =
9 solutions: (15, 210), (16, 112),
3. Yes 4. (18, 63), (21, 42), (28, 28), (13, -182),
(12, -84), (10, -35), (7, -14).

5. 1201241 or 884441 or 1121681 or 963281

5th Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-City Competition

Individual Contest Time limit: 120 minutes 2004/8/3, Macau

Team: _______________Contestant No._____________ Score: _________________


Section I:
In this section, there are 12 questions, fill in the correct answers in the spaces
provided at the end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.

1. Let O1 , O2 be the centers of circles C1 , C2 in a plane respectively, and the circles

meet at two distinct points A , B . Line O1 A meets the circle C1 at point P1 , and line
O2 A meets the circle C2 at point P2 . Determine the maximum number of points
lying in a circle among these 6 points A, B, O1 , O2 , P1 and P2 .


2. Suppose that a, b, c are real numbers satisfying a 2 + b 2 + c 2 = 1 and a 3 + b3 + c 3 = 1 .

Find all possible value(s) of a + b + c .


3. In triangle ABC as shown in the figure below, AB=30, AC=32. D is a point on AB, E
is a point on AC, F is a point on AD and G is a point on AE, such that triangles BCD,
CDE, DEF, EFG and AFG have the same area. Find the length of FD.


4. The plate number of each truck is a 7-digit number. None of 7 digits starts with zero.
Each of the following digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 can be used only once in a plate,
but 6 and 9 cannot both occur in the same plate. The plates are released in ascending
order (from smallest number to largest number ), and no two plates have the same
numbers. So the first two numbers to the last one are listed as follows: 1023567,
1023576, ..... , 9753210. What is the plate number of the 7,000 th truck?

5. Determine the number of ordered pairs ( x, y ) of positive integers satisfying the
equation x 2 + y 2 16 y = 2004 .

6. There are plenty of 2 5 1 3 small rectangles, it is possible to form new

rectangles without overlapping any of these small rectangles. Determine all the
ordered pairs ( m, n ) of positive integers where 2 m n, so that no m n
rectangle will be formed.

7. Fill nine integers from 1 to 9 into the cells of the following 3 3 table, one number in
each cell, so that in the following 6 squares (see figure below) formed by the entries
labeled with * in the table, the sum of the 4 entries in each square are all equal.

* * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * *


8. A father distributes 83 diamonds to his 5 sons according to the following rules:

(i) no diamond is to be cut;
(ii) no two sons are to receive the same number of diamonds;
(iii) none of the differences between the numbers of diamonds received by any two
sons is to be the same;
(iv) Any 3 sons receive more than half of total diamonds.
Give an example how the father distribute the diamonds to his 5 sons.

9. There are 16 points in a 4 4 grid as shown in the figure. Determine the largest
integer n so that for any n points chosen from these 16 points, none 3 of them can
form an isosceles triangle.


10. Given positive integers x and y , both greater than 1, but not necessarily different.
The product xy is written on Alberts hat, and the sum x + y is written on Bills hat.
They can not see the numbers on their own hat. Then they take turns to make the
statement as follows:
Bill: I dont know the number on my hat.
Albert: I dont know the number on my hat.
Bill: I dont know the number on my hat.
Albert: Now, I know the number on my hat.
Given both of them are smart guys and wont lie, determine the numbers written on
their hats.

Answer: Alberts number =__________, Bills number =____________.

11. Find all real number(s) x satisfying the equation {( x + 1)3} = x3 , where { y} denotes
the fractional part of y , for example {3.1416.}= 0.1416..


12. Determine the minimum value of the expression

x 2 + y 2 + 5 z 2 xy 3 yz xz + 3x 4 y + 7 z ,
where x , y and z are real numbers.

Section II: Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed
solution in the space provided after each question. Write down the question
number in each paper. Each question is worth 20 points.

1. A sequence ( x1 , x2 , , xm ) of m terms is called an OE-sequence if the following two

conditions are satisfied:
a. for any positive integer 1 i m 1 , we have xi xi +1 ;
b. all the odd numbered terms x1 , x3 , x5 , ...are odd integer, and all the even
numbered terms x2 , x4 , x6 ,... are even integer.
For instance, there are only 7 OE-sequences in which the largest term is at most 4,
namely, (1), (3), (1,2), (1,4), (3, 4), (1, 2, 3) and (1, 2, 3, 4).
How many OE-sequences are there in which the largest terms are at most 20?
Explain your answer.
2. Suppose the lengths of the three sides of ABC are 9, 12 and 15 respectively. Divide
each side into n ( 2) segments of equal length, with n 1 division points, and let S
be the sum of the square of the distances from each of 3 vertices of ABC to the
n 1 division points lying on its opposite side.
If S is an integer, find all possible positive integer n, with detailed answers.
3. Let ABC be an acute triangle with AB=c, BC=a, CA=b. If D is a point on the side BC,
E and F are the foot of perpendicular from D to the sides AB and AC respectively.
Lines BF and CE meet at point P. If AP is perpendicular to BC, find the length of BD
in terms of a , b, c , and prove that your answer is correct.
5th Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-City Competition

Team Contest 4th August, 2004, Macau

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

1. In right-angled triangle ABC , A = 30 , BC = 1 , C = 90 . Consider

all the equilateral triangles with all the vertices on the sides of the triangle
ABC (i.e., the inscribed equilateral triangle of ABC ). Determine the
maximum area among all these equilateral triangles? Justify your answer.
5th Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-City Competition

Team Contest 4th August, 2004, Macau

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

2. Below are the 12 pieces of pentominoes and a game board. Select four
different pentominoes and place on the board so that all the other eight
pieces cant placed in this game board. The Pentominoes may be rotated
and/or reflected and must follow the grid lines and no overlapping is










5th Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-City Competition

Team Contest 4th August, 2004, Macau

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

3. Locate five buildings with heights 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 into every row and every
column of the grid (figure A), once each. The numbers on the four sides in
figure A below are the number of buildings that one can see from that side,
looking row by row or column by column. One can see a building only
when all the buildings in front of it are shorter. An example is given as
shown in the figure B below, in which the number 5 is replaced by 4, under
the similar conditions.


1 2

12 5 11

4 3


Figure A

3 2 1 2

3 1 3 4 2 2

2 3 4 2 1 3
9 8
3 2 1 3 4 1

1 4 2 1 3 2
1 2 3 2

Figure B
5th Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-City Competition

Team Contest 4th August, 2004, Macau

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

4. Let | x | be the absolute value of real number x . Determine the minimum

value of the expression | 25n 7 m 3m | where m and n can be any
positive integers.
5th Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-City Competition

Team Contest 4th August, 2004, Macau

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

5. There are m elevators in a building. Each of them will stop exactly in n

floors and these floors does not necessarily to be consecutively. Not all the
elevators start from the first floor. For any two floors, there is at least one
elevator will stop on both floors. If m=11, n=3, determine the maximum
number of floors in this building, and list out all the floors stop by each of
these m elevators.
5th Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-City Competition

Team Contest 4th August, 2004, Macau

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

6. In a soccer tournament, every team plays with other team once. In each
game under the old scoring system, a winning team gains two points, and in
the new score system, this team gains three points instead, while the losing
team still get no points as before. A draw is worth one point for both teams
without any changes. Is it possible for a team to be the winner of the
tournament under the new system, and yet it finishes as the last placer under
the old system? If this is possible, at least how many teams participate in
this tournament, and list out the results of each game among those teams?
5th Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-City Competition

Team Contest 4th August, 2004, Macau

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

7. Determine the smallest integer n satisfying the following condition: one can
divide the following figure into n ( n2 ) congruent regions along the grid

5th Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-City Competition

Team Contest 4th August, 2004, Macau

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

8. A polyomino is a figure formed of several unit squares joined along

complete edges. Now one can only construct rectangle with at most 10
pieces of polyominoes where overlapping or gaps are not allowed, and
satisfying the following conditions:
a. the linear dimension of each piece, with at least one square, must be
an integral multiple of the smallest piece, under rotation or reflection
(if necessary);
b. each piece is not rectangular;
c. there are at least two pieces of different sizes.
The diagram on the left is a 9 4 rectangle constructed with six pieces of
polyominoes while the diagram on the right is a 13 6 rectangle constructed
with four pieces of polyominoes, but it does not satisfy the condition (a) stated
above (namely the scale is not integral multiple).

Construct 10 rectangles with no two of them are similar and follow the rules
stated above.
2004 IWYMIC Answers
Part I

1. 4 2. 1 3. 8 4. 7206351
9 2 7
(2, 2), (2, 4), 11, 13, 18,
5. 0 6. 7. 4 5 6 8.
(2, 7) and (4, 4) 3 8 1 19, 22

9. 6 10. 16, 8

21 3 33 3 5 1 57 3 69 3 75
11. 0, , , , , 12.
6 6 2 6 6 8

Part II
1. 17710 2. 3, 5, 15, 25 and 75 3.

1 4 3 5 2
3 1 2 4 5
2. 3. 2 3 5 1 4
5 2 4 3 1
4 5 1 2 3

(1, 2, 4), (2, 3, 5), (3, 4, 6), (4, 5, 7),
4. 15 5.
(5, 6, 1), (6, 7, 2), (7, 1, 3), (1, 2, 8),
(3, 4, 8), (5, 6, 8), (1, 7, 8)
B - - - - - - - -
C - - - G - - --
D - - - H - -
6. 10. E - - - I - 7.
F - - - J
G - - -
H - -
I -
2005 Kaohsiung Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 2005/8/3 Kaohsiung

Section I:
In this section, there are 12 questions, fill in the correct answers in the spaces
provided at the end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.

1. The sum of a four-digit number and its four digits is 2005. What is this four-digit
number ?


2. In triangle ABC, AB=10 and AC=18. M is the midpoint of of BC, and the line
through M parallel to the bisector of CAB cuts AC at D. Find the length of AD.


x + y + xy = 8,

3. Let x, y and z be positive numbers such that y + z + yz = 15, Find the value of
z + x + zx = 35.



4. The total number of mushroom gathered by 11 boys and n girls is n 2 + 9n 2 ,

with each gathering exactly the same number. Determine the positive integer n.


2005 Kaohsiung Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

5. The positive integer x is such that both x and x + 99 are squares of integers. Find
the total value of all such integers x.


6. The lengths of all sides of a right triangle are positive integers, and the length of
one of the legs is at most 20. The ratio of the circumradius to the inradius of this
triangle is 5:2. Determine the maximum value of the perimenter of this triangle.

Answer: ____________

7. Let be the larger root of ( 2004 x ) 2003 2005 x 1 = 0 and be the smaller root

of x 2 + 2003 x 2004 = 0 . Determine the value of .

Answer: ______________

1 1
8.Let a be a positive number such that a 2 + 2
= 5 Determine the value of a 3 + 3 .
a a


9.In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle with AB=5 such that the semicircle on AB as
diameter cuts CD at two points. If the distance from one of them to A is 4, find the
area of ABCD.



2005 Kaohsiung Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

n 1
10 n 10 10
10.Let a = 9 n 1 where n is a positive integer. If a is
9 9 9 9
an integer, determine the maximum value of a.

Answer: ____________

11. In a two-digit number, the tens digit is greater than the units digit, and the units
digit is nonzero. The product of these two digits is divisible by their sum. What is
this two-digit number?

Answer: ____________

12. In Figure, PQRS is a rectangle of area 10. A is a point on RS and B is a point on

PS such that the area of triangle QAB is 4. Determine the smallest possible value
of PB+AR.




2005 Kaohsiung Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Section II:
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in the space
provided after each question. Write down the question number in each paper.
Each question is worth 20 points.

1. Let a, b and c be real numbers such that a + bc = b + ca = c + ab = 501 . If M is the

maximum value of a + b + c and m is the minimum value of a + b + c . Determine
the value of M+2m.

2. The distance from a point inside a quadrilateral to the four vertices are 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Determine the maximum value of the area of such a quadrilateral.

3. We have an open-ended table with two rows. Initially, the numbers 1, 2, , 2005
are written in the first 2005 squares of the first row. In each move, we write down
the sum of the first two numbers of the first row as a new number which is then
added to the end of this row, and drop the two numbers used in the addition to the
corresponding squares in the second row. We continue until there is only one
number left in the first row, and drop it to the corresponding square in the second
row. Determine the sum of all numbers in the second row. (For example, if 1, 2, 3,
4 and 5 are written in the first row, at the end, we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 7, 8 and 15
in the second row. Hence its sum is 48.)

2005 Kaohsiung Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest 2005/8/3 Kaohsiung
Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

1. The positive integers a, b and c are such that a + b + c = 20 = ab + bc ca b2.

Determine all possible values of abc.

2. The sum of 49 positive integers is 624. Prove that three of them are equal to one

3. The list 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, consists of all positive integers which are neither
squares nor cubes in increasing order. What is the 2005th number in this list?

4. ABCD is a convex quadrilateral such that the incricles of triangles BAD and BCD
are tangent to each other. Prove that ABCD has an incircle.


5. Find a dissection of a triangle into 20 congruent triangles.

6. You are gambling with the Devil with 3 dollars in your pocket. The Devil will play
five games with you. In each game, you give the Devil an integral number of
dollars, from 0 up to what you have at the time. If you win, you get back from the
Devil double the amount of what you pay. If you lose, the Devil just keeps what
you pay. The Devil guarantees that you will only lose once, but the Devil decides
which game you will lose, after receiving the amount you pay. What is the highest
amount of money you can guarantee to get after the five games?
7. A frog is sitting on a square adjacent to a corner square of a 5 5 board. It hops
from square to adjacent square, horizontally or vertically but not diagonally.
Prove that it cannot visit each square exactly once.

n 4n +15n 30n + 27 is a prime number.

4 3 2
8. Determine all integers n such that

9. A V-shaped tile consists of a 2 2 square with one corner square missing. Show
that no matter which square is omitted from a 7 7 board, the remaining part of
the board can be covered by 16 tiles.


10. Let a0, a1, a2, , an be positive integers and a0 a1 a2 an 1 such that

(1 1 )+(1 1 )++(1 1 ) = 2(1 1 ).

a 1 a 2 a n a 0

Find all possible solutions for (a0, a1, a2, , an).

2005 IWYMIC Answers
Part I

1. 1979 2. 4 3. 15 4. 9

5. 2627 6. 72 7. 2005 8. 4 7

9. 12 10. 81 11. 63 12. 2 2

Part II
1. 499 3 2005 2. 3. 24046868

1. 112 and 154 3. 2059

5. 6. 16

8. 2 10. (24, 4, 3,2) and (60, 5, 3, 2)

2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 2006/7/12 Wenzhou, China

Team:________________ Name:________________ Score:______________

Section I:
In this section, there are 12 questions, fill in the correct answers in the spaces
provided at the end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.

1. Colleen used a calculator to compute , where a, b and c are positive integers.
She pressed a, +, b, /, c and = in that order, and got the answer 11. When he
pressed b, +, a, /, c and = in that order, she was surprised to get a different answer
14. Then she realized that the calculator performed the division before the
addition. So she pressed (, a, +, b, ), /, c and = in that order. She finally got the
correct answer. What is it?

2. The segment AB has length 5. On a plane containing AB, how many straight lines
are at a distance 2 from A and at a distance 3 from B?

3. In triangle ABC, D is a point on the extension of BC, and F is a point on the

extension of AB. The bisector of ACD meets the extension of BA at E, and the
bisector of FBC meets the extension of AC at G, as shown in the diagram
below. If CE = BC = BG, what is the measure of ABC ?


4. The teacher said, I have two numbers a and b which satisfy a + b ab = 1 . I will
tell you that a is not an integer. What can you say about b? Alex said, Then b is
not an integer either. Brian said, No, I think b must be some positive integer.
Colin said, No, I think b must be some negative integer. Who was right?
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest

5. ABCD is a parallelogram and P is a point inside triangle BAD. If the area of

triangle PAB is 2 and the area of triangle PCB is 5, what is the area of triangle


x y z
6. The non-zero numbers a, b, c, d, x, y and z are such that = = . What is the
a b c
xyz (a + b)(b + c)(c + a )
value of ?
abc( x + y )( y + z )( z + x)


7. On level ground, car travels at 63 kilometres per hour. Going uphill, it slows
down to 56 kilometres per hour. Going downhill, it speeds up to 72 kilometres
per hour. A trip from A to B by this car takes 4 hours, when the return trip from B
to A takes 4 hours and 40 minutes. What is the distance between A and B?

8. The square ABCD has side length 2. E and F are the respective midpoints of AB
and AD, and G is a point on CF such that 3 CG 2 GF. Determine the area of
triangle BEG. D C



9. Determine x+y where x and y are real numbers such that (2 x + 1)2 + y 2 + ( y 2 x) 2 = .
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest

10. A shredding company has many employees numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on along the
disassembly line. The foreman receives a single-page document to be shredded.
He rips it into 5 pieces and hands them to employee number 1. When employee n
receives pieces of paper, he takes n of them and rips each piece into 5 pieces and
passes all the pieces to employee n+1. What is the value of k such that employee
k receives less than 2006 pieces of paper but hands over at least 2006 pieces?

11. A convex polyhedron Q is obtained from a convex polyhedron P with 36 edges

as follows. For each vertex V of P, use a plane to slice off a pyramid with V as its
vertex. These planes do not intersect inside P. Determine the number of edges of

12. Let m and n be positive integers such that m 174 + m + 34 = n. Determine the

maximum value of n.
Section II:
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in the space
provided after each question. Each question is worth 20 points.
1. There are four elevators in a building. Each makes three stops, which do not have
to be on consecutive floors or include the main floor. For any two floors, there is
at least one elevator which stops on both of them. What is the maximum number
of floors in this building?
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest

2. Four 24 rectangles are arranged as shown in the diagram below and may not be
rearranged. What is the radius of the smallest circle which can cover all of them?

3. Partition the positive integers from 1 to 30 inclusive into k pairwise disjoint groups
such that the sum of two distinct elements in a group is never the square of an
integer. What is the minimum value of k?
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest 2006/7/12 Wenzhou, China
Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

1. The teacher said, I want to fit as large a circle as possible inside a triangle whose
side lengths are 2, 2 and 2x for some positive real number x. What should the
value of x be? Alex said, I think x should be 1. Brian said, I think x should be
x = 2 . Colin said, Both of you are wrong. Who was right?
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest 2006/7/12 Wenzhou, China
Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

2. A triangle can be cut into two isosceles triangles. One of the angles of the original
triangle is 36. Determine all possible values of the largest angle of the original
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest 2006/7/12 Wenzhou, China
Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

3. There are five Tetris pieces, each consisting of four unit squares joined edge to
edge. Use the piece shaped like the letter L (the first one in the diagram below)
and each of the other four pieces to form a shape with an axis of reflectional
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest 2006/7/12 Wenzhou, China
Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

4. A domino consists of two unit squares joined edge to edge, each with a number on
it. Fifteen dominoes, numbered 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 35, 44,
45 and 55, are assembled into the 5 by 6 rectangle shown in the diagram below.
However, the boundary of the individual dominoes have been erased. Reconstruct
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest 2006/7/12 Wenzhou, China
Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

5. A lucky number is a positive integer which is 19 times the sum of its digits (in
base ten). Determine all the lucky numbers.
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest 2006/7/12 Wenzhou, China
Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

6. Alice and Betty play the following game on an nn board. Starting with Alice,
they alternately put either 0 or 1 into any of the blank squares. When all the
squares have been filled, Betty wins if the sum of all the numbers in each row is
even. Otherwise, Alice wins.
(a) Which player has a winning strategy when n 2006?
(b) Answer the question in (a) for an arbitrary positive integer n.
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest 2006/7/12 Wenzhou, China
Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

7. Prove that 1596n +1000 n 270 n 320 n is divisible by 2006 for all positive odd
integer n.
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest 2006/7/12 Wenzhou, China
Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

8. From the list of positive integers in increasing order, delete all multiples of 4 and
all numbers 1 more than a multiple of 4. Let S n be the sum of the first n terms in
the sequence which remains. Compute [ S ]+ [ S ]+ ..... + [
1 2 ]
S 2006 .
2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest 2006/7/12 Wenzhou, China
Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

9. ABC and PQR are both equilateral triangles of area 1. The centre M of PQR lies
on the perimeter of ABC. Determine the minimal area of the intersection of the
two triangles.



2006 Wenzhou Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest 2006/7/12 Wenzhou, China
Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

10.For a certain positive integer m, there exists a positive integer n such that mn is
the square of an integer and m n is prime. Determine all such positive integers m
in the range 1000 m<2006.
2006 IWYMIC Answers
Part I

1. 5 2. 3 3. 12 4. B

5. 3 6. 1 7. 273 8.
9. 10. 32 11. 108 12. 104

Part II
1. 5 2. 3. 3
1. C 2. 72 , 90 , 108 , 126, 132


114, 133, 152, 171, 190, 209, 228,

4. 5.
247, 266, 285 and 399

(a) Betty

6. (b) If n is even, Betty can use the 8. 2013021

same winning strategy. If n is odd,
Alice has a winning strategy.
9. 10. 1156, 1296, 1369, 1600 and 1764
2007 Changchun Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 2007/7/23 Changchun, China

Team:________________ Name:________________ Score:______________

Section I:
In this section, there are 12 questions, fill in the correct answers in the spaces
provided at the end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.

1. Let An be the average of the multiples of n between 1 and 101. Which is the
largest among A2, A3, A4, A5 and A6?
2. It is a dark and stormy night. Four people must evacuate from an island to the
mainland. The only link is a narrow bridge which allows passage of two people
at a time. Moreover, the bridge must be illuminated, and the four people have
only one lantern among them. After each passage to the mainland, if there are
still people on the island, someone must bring the lantern back. Crossing the
bridge individually, the four people take 2, 4, 8 and 16 minutes respectively.
Crossing the bridge in pairs, the slower speed is used. What is the minimum time
for the whole evacuation?
3. In triangle ABC, E is a point on AC and F is a point on AB. BE and CF intersect
at D. If the areas of triangles BDF, BCD and CDE are 3, 7 and 7 respectively,
what is the area of the quadrilateral AEDF?

4. A regiment had 48 soldiers but only half of them had uniforms. During
inspection, they form a 68 rectangle, and it was just enough to conceal in its
interior everyone without a uniform. Later, some new soldiers joined the
regiment, but again only half of them had uniforms. During the next inspection,
they used a different rectangular formation, again just enough to conceal in its
interior everyone without a uniform. How many new soldiers joined the
5. The sum of 2008 consecutive positive integers is a perfect square. What is the
minimum value of the largest of these integers?

6. The diagram shows two identical triangular pieces of paper A and B. The side
lengths of each triangle are 3, 4 and 5. Each triangle is folded along a line
through a vertex, so that the two sides meeting at this vertex coincide. The
regions not covered by the folded parts have respective areas SA and SB. If
SA+SB=39, find the area of the original triangular piece of paper A.

5 5
3 B



7. Find the largest positive integer n such that 31024-1 is divisible by 2n.

8. A farmer use four straight fences, with respective lengths 1, 4, 7 and 8 units to
form a quadrilateral. What is the maximum area of the quadrilateral the farmer
can enclose?

9. In the diagram, CE=CF=EF, EA=BF=2AB, and PA=QB=PC=QC=PD=QD=1,

Determine BD. C


10. Each of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 is used once to fill in one of the
boxes in the equation below to make it correct. Of the three fractions being added,
what is the value of the largest one?

11. Let x be a real number. Denote by [x] the integer part of x and by {x} the decimal
part of x. Find the sum of all positive numbers satisfying 25{x}+[x]=125.

12. A positive integer n is said to be good if there exists a perfect square whose sum
of digits in base 10 is equal to n. For instance, 13 is good because 72=49 and
4+9=13. How many good numbers are among 1, 2, 3, , 2007?

Section II:
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in the space
provided after each question. Each question is worth 20 points.

1. A 44 table has 18 lines, consisting of the 4 rows, the 4 columns, 5 diagonals

running from southwest to northeast, and 5 diagonals running from northwest to
southeast. A diagonal may have 2, 3 or 4 squares. Ten counters are to be placed,
one in each of ten of the sixteen cells. Each line which contains an even number
of counters scores a point. What is the largest possible score?
2. There are ten roads linking all possible pairs of five cities. It is known that there
is at least one crossing of two roads, as illustrated in the diagram below on the
left. There are nine roads linking each of three cities to each of three towns. It is
known that there is also at least one crossing of two roads, as illustrated in the
diagram below on the right. Of the fifteen roads linking all possible pairs of six
cities, what is the minimum number of crossings of two roads?

3. A prime number is called an absolute prime if every permutation of its

digits in base 10 is also a prime number. For example: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 (31),
17 (71), 37 (73) 79 (97), 113 (131, 311), 199 (919, 991) and 337 (373, 733)
are absolute primes. Prove that no absolute prime contains all of the digits 1,
3, 7 and 9 in base 10.
2007 Changchun Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest 2007/7/23 Changchun, China

Team: ________________________ Score: ________________

1. Use each of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 exactly once to fill in the

nine small circles in the Olympic symbol below, so that the sum of all the
numbers inside each large circle is 14. Write down the correct number in each
small circle.
2007 Changchun Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest 2007/7/23 Changchun, China

Team: ________________________ Score: ________________

2. The diagram below shows fourteen pieces of paper stacked on top of one
another. Beginning on the pieces marked B, move from piece to adjacent
piece in order to finish at the piece marked F. The path must alternately climb
up to a piece of paper stacked higher and come down to a piece of paper
stacked lower. The same piece may be visited more than once, and it is not
necessary to visit every piece. List the pieces of paper in the order visited.
2007 Changchun Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest 2007/7/23 Changchun, China

Team: ________________________ Score: ________________

3. There are 14 points of intersection in the seven-pointed star in the diagram on

the below. Label these points with the numbers 1, 2, 3, , 14 such that the
sum of the labels of the four points on each line is the same. Give one set of
solution, no explanation needed.
2007 Changchun Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest 2007/7/23 Changchun, China

Team: ________________________ Score: ________________

4. Mary found a 3-digit number that, when multiplied by itself, produced a

number which ended in her 3-digit number. What is the sum of all the distinct
3-digit numbers which have this property?
2007 Changchun Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest 2007/7/23 Changchun, China

Team: ________________________ Score: ________________

5. Determine all positive integers m and n such that m2+1 is a prime number and
2007 Changchun Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest 2007/7/23 Changchun, China

Team: ________________________ Score: ________________

6. Four teams take part in a week-long tournament in which every team plays
every other team twice, and each team plays one game per day. The diagram
below on the left shows the final scoreboard, part of which has broken off
into four pieces, as shown on the diagram below on the right. These pieces
are printed only on one side. A black circle indicates a victory and a white
circle indicates a defeat. Which team wins the tournament?
2007 Changchun Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest 2007/7/23 Changchun, China

Team: ________________________ Score: ________________

7. Let A be a 3 by 3 array consisting of the numbers 1, 2, 3, , 9. Compute the

sum of the three numbers on the i-th row of A and the sum of the three
numbers on the j-th column of A. The number at the intersection of the i-th
row and the j-th column of another 3 by 3 array B is equal to the absolute
difference of the two sums of array A. For Example,
b12 = ( a11 + a12 + a13 ) ( a12 + a22 + a32 ) .
Is it possible to arrange the numbers in array A so that the numbers 1, 2,
3, , 9 will also appear in array B?

a11 a12 a13 b11 b12 b13

a21 a22 a23 b21 b22 b23

a31 a32 a33 b31 b32 b33

2007 Changchun Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest 2007/7/23 Changchun, China

Team: ________________________ Score: ________________

8. The diagonals AC and BD of a convex quadrilateral are perpendicular to each

other. Draw a line that passes through point M, the midpoint of AB and
perpendicular to CD; draw another line through point N, the midpoint of AD
and perpendicular to CB. Prove that the point of intersection of these two
lines lies on the line AC.
2007 Changchun Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest 2007/7/23 Changchun, China

Team: ________________________ Score: ________________

9. The positive integers from 1 to n (where n>1) are arranged in a line such that
the sum of any two adjacent numbers is a square. What is the minimum value
of n?
2007 Changchun Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest 2007/7/23 Changchun, China

Team: ________________________ Score: ________________

10. Use one of the five colours (R represent red, Y represent yellow, B represent
blue, G represent green and W represent white) to paint each square of an 88
chessboard, as shown in the diagram below. Then paint the rest of the squares
so that all the squares of the same colour are connected to one another edge to
edge. What is the largest number of squares of the same colour as compare to
the other colours?
2007 IWYMIC Answers
Part I

1. A5 2. 6 3. 18 4. 12

5. 2133 6. 108 7. 12 8. 18

1 7
9. 10. 11. 2837 12. 992
19 8

Part II
1. 17 2. 3

1. 861743295 2. BMJKLAMDENGHIJNF
3 2
11 14 7 4
4 2 9 10
14 10
13 9
14 12
12 13
5 6
10 12 5 6
3 8 6 1 3
8 9 13
4 7
7 8 11
14 13

12 13 11 13 11
4 1 8
1 5 6 5
2 6 2
3 1 3
10 9
5 3 12 9 10
6 7 14 12 9
7 4 2
11 10 8 7 4

4. 1001 5. (2,7) or (4,13)

6. C 7. Not possible
9. 15 10. 24, B B G R R G Y Y
World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 2008/10/28

Team:_____________Name:________________ Score:______________

Section A.
In this section, there are 12 questions, fill in the correct answers in the
spaces provided at the end of each question. Each correct answer is
worth 5 points.

1. Starting from the southwest corner (0,0) of a 55 net, an ant crawls

along the lines towards the northeast corner (5,5). It can only go east or
north, but cannot get pass the four broken intersections at (1,1), (1,4),
(4,1) and (4,4). What is the total number of different paths?
(0, 5) (5, 5)

(0, 0) (5, 0) Answer

2. The positive integer a 2 is a divisor of 3a2 2a+10. What is the sum of

all possible values of a?

3. Let a, b and c be real numbers such that a + b + c = 11 and

1 1 1 13 a b c
+ + = . What is the value of + + ?
a + b b + c c + a 17 b+c c+a a+b
World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 2008/10/28

Team:_____________Name:________________ Score:______________

4. Let x be any real number. What is the maximum real value of

2008 x + x 2000 ?
5. How many ten-digit numbers are there in which every digit is 2 or 3, and
no two 3s are adjacent?
6. On a circle, there are n (n > 3) numbers with a total sum of 94, such that each
number is equal to the absolute value of the difference between the two
numbers which follow it in clockwise order. What is the possible value of n?


7. If the thousands digit of a four-digit perfect square is decreased by 3 and

its units digit is increased by 3, the result is another four-digit perfect
square. What is the original number?

8. Each segment of the broken line A-B-C-D is parallel to an edge of the

rectangle, and it bisects the area of the rectangle. E is a point on the
perimeter of the rectangle such that AE also bisects the area of the
rectangle. If =30, =24 and D=10, what is the length of DE?


World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 2008/10/28
Team:_____________Name:________________ Score:______________

9. Let f ( x) = ax 2 c , where a and c are real numbers satisfying 4 f (1) 1

and 1 f (2) 2 . What is the maximum value of f (8) ?

10. Two vertical mirrors facing each other form a 30 angle. A horizontal
light beam from source S parallel to the mirror WV strikes the mirror UV
at A, reflects to strike the mirror WV at B, and reflects to strike the
mirror UV at C. After that, it goes back to S. If SA=AV=1, what is the
total distance covered by the light beam?

11. Let n be a positive integer such that n 2 n + 11 is the product of four
prime numbers, some of which may be the same. What is the minimum
value of n?
12. ABC is an equilateral triangle, and ABDE is a rectangle with DE passing
through C. If the circle touching all three sides of ABC has radius 1,
what is the diameter of the circle passing through A, B, D and E?


A B Answer
World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 2008/10/28
Team:_____________Name:________________ Score:______________

Section B.
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in
the space provided after each question. Each question is worth 20

1. In the expression [ 2008 + 2008 + 2008 + ... + 2008 , the ]

number 2008 appears 2008 times, and [x] stands for the greatest integer
not exceeding x. What is the value of this expression?

World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 2008/10/28
Team:_____________Name:________________ Score:______________

2. In the triangle ABC, ABC=60. O is its circumcentre and H is its

orthocentre. D is a point on BC such that BD=BH. E is a point on AB such
that BE=BO. If BO=1, what is the area of the triangle BDE? (The orthocenter
is the intersection of the lines from each vertex of the triangle making a
perpendicular with its opposite sides. The circumcenter is the center of the
circle passing through each vertex of the triangle.)



World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 2008/10/28
Team:_____________Name:________________ Score:______________

3. Let t be a positive integer such that 2t = a b 1 for some integers a and b,

each greater than 1. What are all the possible values of t?

World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest Time limit: 60 minutes 2008/10/28
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________________ Score: _________________

1. The fraction is in the lowest form. Its decimal expansion has the form
0.abababab The digits a and b may be equal, except that not both can be 0.
Determine the number of different values of p.

World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest Time limit: 60 minutes 2008/10/28
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________________ Score: _________________

2. Cover up as few of the 64 squares in the following 88 table as possible so that

neither two uncovered numbers in the same row nor in the same column are the
same. Two squares sharing a common side cannot both be covered.

6 4 5 7 7 3 3 5
4 8 4 3 6 7 5 1

3 1 5 7 7 7 6 2

7 5 5 8 8 4 2 3
4 5 6 5 8 1 7 3

3 3 3 6 1 8 8 3

1 7 3 2 3 6 4 8

1 6 2 2 4 5 8 7
6 4 5 7 7 3 3 5
4 8 4 3 6 7 5 1
3 1 5 7 7 7 6 2
7 5 5 8 8 4 2 3
4 5 6 5 8 1 7 3
3 3 3 6 1 8 8 3
1 7 3 2 3 6 4 8
1 6 2 2 4 5 8 7
World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest Time limit: 60 minutes 2008/10/28
ChiangMai, Thailand

3. On the following 88 board, draw a single path going between squares with
common sides so that
(a) it is closed and not self-intersecting;
(b) it passes through every square with a circle, though not necessarily every square;
(c) it turns at every square with a black circle, but does not do so on either the
square before or the one after;

(d) it does not turn at any square with a white circle, but must do so on either the
square before or the one after, or both.


World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest Time limit: 60 minutes 2008/10/28
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________________ Score: _________________

4. Consider all abc boxes where a, b and c are integers such that 1 a b c 5 .
An a1 b1 c1 box fits inside an a2 b2 c2 box if and only if a1 a2 , b1 b2 and
c1 c2 . Determine the largest number of the boxes under consideration such that
none of them fits inside another.

World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest Time limit: 60 minutes 2008/10/28
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________________ Score: _________________

5. Initially, the numbers 0, 1 and 4 are on the blackboard. Our task is to add more
numbers on the blackboard by using the following procedures: In each step, we
select two numbers a and b on the blackboard and add the new number
cabab on the blackboard. What is the smallest number not less than 2008
which can appear on the blackboard after repeating the same procedure for
several times?


World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest Time limit: 60 minutes 2008/10/28
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________________ Score: _________________

6. Given a shaded triangle as below, find all possible ways of extending one of its
sides to a new point so that the resulting triangle has two equal sides. Mark the
points of extension on the space given below.


World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest Time limit: 60 minutes 2008/10/28
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________________ Score: _________________

7. ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, with AB=AD. The diagonals

intersect at E. F is a point on AC such that BFC=BAD. If BAD=2DFC,
determine .



World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest Time limit: 60 minutes 2008/10/28
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Team: ________________________________ Score: _________________

8. How many five-digit numbers are there that contain the digit 3 at least once?


World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest Time limit: 60 minutes 2008/10/28
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Team: ________________________________ Score: _________________

9. Among nine identically looking coins, one of them weighs a grams, seven of
them b grams each and the last one c grams, where a<b<c. We wish to determine
whether a+c<2b, a+c=2b or a+c>2b using only an unmarked beam balance four


World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest Time limit: 60 minutes 2008/10/28
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________________ Score: _________________

10. Determine the sum of all positive integers n such that
n(n 1) n(n 1)(n 2)
1+ n + + = 2k for some positive integer k.
2 6


World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest Time limit: 60 minutes 2008/10/28
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________________ Score: _________________

2008 IWYMIC Answers
Part I
1. 34 2. 51 3. 4. 4

5. 144 6. 141 7. 4761 8. 12

9. 122 10. 2+ 3 11. 132 12. 21

Part II
1. 45 2. 3. 3
1. 63
6 4 5 7 7 3 3 5
4 8 4 3 6 7 5 1
3 1 5 7 7 7 6 2
7 5 5 8 8 4 2 3
2. 4 5 6 5 8 1 7 3 3.
3 3 3 6 1 8 8 3
1 7 3 2 3 6 4 8
1 6 2 2 4 5 8 7

4. 5 5. 2047

6 7

6. 7, 5 4 7. 2


53 31 61 59

8. 71 67 10. 36
73 43 41 47

2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Individual Contest

 Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
 Remember to write down your team name, your name and ID
number in the spaces indicated on the first page.
 The Individual Contest is composed of two sections with a
total of 120 points.
 Section A consists of 12 questions in which blanks are to be
filled in and only ARABIC NUMERAL answers are required.
For problems involving more than one answer, points are
given only when ALL answers are correct. Each question is
worth 5 points. There is no penalty for a wrong answer.
 Section B consists of 3 problems of a computational nature,
and the solutions should include detailed explanations. Each
problem is worth 20 points, and partial credit may be
 You have a total of 120 minutes to complete the competition.
English Version
 No calculator, calculating device, watches or electronic
devices are allowed.
 Answers must be in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
 All materials will be collected at the end of the competition.
2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 8th July 2009 Durban, South Africa
Team: Name: ID No.:
Section A.
In this section, there are 12 questions. Fill in the correct answer in the space
provided at the end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.

1. If a, b and c are three consecutive odd numbers in increasing order, find the value
of a 2 2b 2 + c 2 .

Answer :
n(n + 1)
2. When the positive integer n is put into a machine, the positive integer
is produced. If we put 5 into this machine, and then put the produced number into
the machine, what number will be produced?

Answer :
3. Children A, B and C collect mangos. A and B together collect 6 mangos less
than C.
B and C together collect 16 mangos more than A.
C and A together collect 8 mangos more than B. What is the product of the
number of mangos that A, B and C collect individually?

Answer :
4. The diagram shows a semicircle with centre O. A beam of light leaves the point
M in a direction perpendicular to the diameter PA, bounces off the semicircle at C
in such a way that angle MCO = angle OCB and then bounces off the semicircle
at B in a similar way, hitting A. Determine angle COM in degrees.


Answer :
5. Nineteen children, aged 1 to 19 respectively, are standing in a circle. The
difference between the ages of each pair of adjacent children is recorded. What is
the maximum value of the sum of these 19 positive integers?
Answer :
6. Simplify as a fraction in lowest terms
(24 + 22 + 1)(44 + 42 + 1)(64 + 62 + 1)(84 + 82 + 1)(104 + 102 + 1)
(34 + 32 + 1)(54 + 52 + 1)(7 4 + 7 2 + 1)(94 + 92 + 1)(114 + 112 + 1)
Answer :
7. Given a quadrilateral ABCD not inscribed in a circle with E, F, G and H the
circumcentres of triangles ABD, ADC, BCD and ABC respectively. If I is the
intersection of EG and FH, and AI = 4 and BI = 3. Find CI.
Answer :
8. To pass a certain test, 65 out of 100 is needed. The class average is 66. The
average score of the students who pass the test is 71, and the average score of
the students who fail the test is 56. It is decided to add 5 to every score, so that a
few more students pass the test. Now the average score of the students who pass
the test is 75, and the average score of the students who fail the test is 59. How
many students are in this class, given that the number of students is between 15
and 30?
Answer :
9. How many right angled triangles are there, all the sides of which are integers,
having 200912 as one of its shorter sides?
Note that a triangle with sides a, b, c is the same as a triangle with sides b, a, c;
where c is the hypotenuse.
Answer :
10. Find the smallest six-digit number such that the sum of its digits is divisible by
26, and the sum of the digits of the next positive number is also divisible by 26.
Answer :
11. On a circle, there are 2009 blue points and 1 red point. Jordan counts the number
of convex polygons that can be drawn by joining only blue vertices. Kiril counts
the number of convex polygons which include the red point among its vertices.
What is the difference between Jordans number and Kirils number?
Answer :
12. Musa sold drinks at a sports match. He sold bottles of spring water at R4 each,
and bottles of cold drink at R7 each. He started with a total of 350 bottles. Not all
were sold and his total income was R2009. What was the minimum number of
bottles of cold drink that Musa could have sold?
Answer :
Section B.
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in the
space provided after each question. Each question is worth 20 points.

1. In a chess tournament, each of the 10 players plays each other player exactly
once. After some games have been played, it is noticed that among any three
players, there are at least two of them who have not yet played each other. What
is the maximum number of games played so far?

2. P is a point inside triangle ABC such that angle PBC = 30, angle PBA = 8 and
angle PAB = angle PAC = 22. Find angle APC, in degrees.

3. Find the smallest positive integer which can be expressed as the sum of four
positive squares, not necessarily different, and divides 2 n + 15 for some positive
integer n.
2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest

 Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
 Remember to write down your team name in the space
indicated on the first page.
 There are 10 problems in the Team Contest, arranged in
increasing order of difficulty. Each question is printed on a
separate sheet of paper. The four team members are allowed
10 minutes to discuss and distribute the first 8 problems
among themselves. Each student must solve at least one
problem by themselves. Each will then have 35 minutes to
write the solutions of their allotted problem independently with
no further discussion or exchange of problems. The four team
members are allowed 15 minutes to solve the last 2 problems
together. Each problem is worth 40 points and complete
solutions of problem 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are required for full
English Version
credits. Partial credits may be awarded.
 No calculator or calculating device or electronic devices are
 Answer in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
 Problems that required numerical answer must be filled in by
Arabic numeral only.
 All materials will be collected at the end of the competition.
2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest
Time limit: 60 minutes 8th July 2009 Durban, South Africa
Team: Score:

1. The cards 1 to 15 are arranged in a deck, not in numerical order. The top card is
placed on the table and the next card is transferred to the bottom of the deck.
Now the new top card is placed on top of the card on the table and the next card
is transferred to the bottom of the remaining deck. This process is repeated until
all 15 cards are on the table. If the cards on the table are now in their natural
order, 1 to 15, from top to bottom, what was the fourth card from the bottom in
the original deck?

2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest
Time limit: 60 minutes 8th July 2009 Durban, South Africa
Team: Score:

2. Find the smallest positive integer with at least one factor ending in each of the
digits 0 to 9 i.e. at least one factor ends in 0, at least one factor ends in 1, , at
least one factor ends in 9.

2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest
Time limit: 60 minutes 8th July 2009 Durban, South Africa
Team: Score:

3. Place the digits 1 to 6 in each of the rows and columns as well as the two
diagonals such that no digit is repeated in a row, column or diagonal.

2 1

5 1

2 1

5 1

2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest
Time limit: 60 minutes 8th July 2009 Durban, South Africa
Team: Score:

4. We have indicated the positions of three parking areas (indicated by the letter P)
and seven squares (the shaded areas) on the map of this small town centre. Some
of the streets only allow one-way traffic. This is shown by arrows which indicate
the direction of traffic up to the first side street. Can you find a route that begins
at one of the parking areas, passes through all the squares and ends at another
parking area? Make sure that you do not visit any point, including intersection
areas, on your route more than once.



2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest
Time limit: 60 minutes 8th July 2009 Durban, South Africa
Team: Score:

5. In the diagram below, draw a continuous path that begins and ends at the same
place and runs through every square exactly once without crossing itself, so that
between two consecutive circles on the path, if those circles are the same colour,
then they must be joined by one straight line segment and if they are different
colours, then they must be joined by two straight line segments which form a right
angle. (You may only move horizontally or vertically.)

2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest
Time limit: 60 minutes 8th July 2009 Durban, South Africa
Team: Score:

6. Let an = 2 n+1 n+1 n for all positive integers n.
2 2 2 +1
Prove that a1 + a2 + + a2009 < 1 .
2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest
Time limit: 60 minutes 8th July 2009 Durban, South Africa
Team: Score:

7. Find all the possible ways of splitting the positive integers into cold numbers
and hot numbers such that the sum of a hot number and a cold number is hot and
their product is cold.

2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest
Time limit: 60 minutes 8th July 2009 Durban, South Africa
Team: Score:

8. The diagram below shows how a regular octagon may be cut into a 11 square
and four congruent pentagons which may be reassembled to form a square.
Determine the perimeter of one of those pentagons.

2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest
Time limit: 60 minutes 8th July 2009 Durban, South Africa
Team: Score:

9. A game of cards involves 4 players. In a contest, the total number of games

played is equal to the total number of players entered in the contest. Every two
players are together in at least one game. Determine the maximum number of
players that can enter the contest.

2009 Durban Invitational World Youth
Mathematics Intercity Competition
Team Contest
Time limit: 60 minutes 8th July 2009 Durban, South Africa
Team: Score:

10. Which of the numbers 2008, 2009 and 2010 may be expressed in the form
x 3 + y 3 + z 3 3 xyz , where x, y and z are positive integers?

2009 IWYMIC Answers
Part I

1. 8 2. 120 3. 60 4. 36

5. 180 6. 7. 4 8. 24

9. 612 10. 898999 11. 2017036 12. 207

Part II
1. 25 2. 142 3. 13

1. 5 2. 270

2 6 3 1 4 5 4
5 1 6 3 2 4 5 1
1 2 4 6 5 3
3. 4 3 1 5 6 2
6 4 5 2 3 1 6 2
3 5 2 4 1 6
7 3

Let m be the smallest cold number.

5. 7.
Then all the multiply of m are cold.

8. 2+ 2+2 2 9. 13

10. 2008, 2009

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Individual Contest

z Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
z Remember to write down your team name, your name and
contestant number in the spaces indicated on the first page.
z The Individual Contest is composed of two sections with a
total of 120 points.
z Section A consists of 12 questions in which blanks are to be
filled in and only ARABIC NUMERAL answers are
required. For problems involving more than one answer,
points are given only when ALL answers are correct. Each
question is worth 5 points. There is no penalty for a wrong
z Section B consists of 3 problems of a computational nature,
and the solutions should include detailed explanations. Each
problem is worth 20 points, and partial credit may be
z You have a total of 120 minutes to complete the
z No calculator, calculating device, watches or electronic
devices are allowed.
z Answers must be in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
z All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 27th July 2010 Incheon, Korea
Team: Name: No.: Score:
Section A.
In this section, there are 12 questions. Fill in the correct answer in the space
provided at the end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.
1 1 1
1. Real numbers p, q, r satisfy the equations p+q+r=26 and + + = 31. Find the
p q r
p q r p r q
value of + + + + + .
q r p r q p
2. At a charity dinner, each person consumed half a plate of rice, a third of a plate
of vegetables and a quarter of a plate of meat. Overall, 65 plates of food were
served. What is the number of people at the charity dinner ?

3. How many triples (x, y, z) of positive integers satisfy xyz = 32010 and
x y z < x + y?
4. E is a point on the side BC of a rectangle ABCD such that if a fold is made along
AE, as shown in the diagram below, the vertex B coincides with a point F on the
side CD. If AD = 16 cm and BE = 10 cm, what is the length of AE, in cm ?

A B Answer cm
5. What is the smallest four-digit number which has exactly 14 positive divisors
(including 1 and itself), such that the units digit of one of its prime divisors is 3?
6. Let f ( x) be a fourth-degree polynomial. f (t ) stands for the value of this
polynomial while x=t. If f (1) = f (2) = f (3) = 0 , f (4) = 6 , f (5) = 72 , whats
the last digit of the value of f (2010) ?
7. A square ABCD circumscribed a circle and two semicircles each with radius 1
cm. As shown in the diagram, the circle and two semicircles touch each other,
and two sides of the square touch the circle also. Find, in cm2, the area of the
square ABCD. D C

Answer cm2
8. Let p and q be prime numbers such that p 3 + q 3 + 1 = p 2 q 2 . What is the
maximum value of p + q ?
9. The sum of n positive integers, not necessarily distinct, is 100. The sum of any 7
of them is less than 15. What is the minimum value of n?
10. P is a point inside triangle ABC such that ABP = 20 , PBC = 10 ,
ACP = 20 and PCB = 30 . Determine CAP , in degree.
Answer !
11. A farmer has 100 pigs and 100 chickens. He has four yards each having square
shape and forming together 2 2 grid. Farmer wants to distribute his animals
into the yards in such way that first row has 120 heads, second row has 300 legs
and first column has 100 heads, second column has 320 legs. How many
different ways of doing this?

Answer ways
12. An animal shelter consists of five cages in a row, labelled from left to right as
shown in the diagram below. There is one animal in each cage.
Red Silver Brown White Gray
Wolf Lion Fox Cow Horse
The five animals are indeed a wolf, a lion, a fox, a cow and a horse, and their
colours are indeed red, silver, brown, white and gray. However, none of the
labels matches any of the animals (For instance, the wolf is not red). Moreover,
no animal is in or next to a cage whose label either matches its type or its colour.
If the horse is not in the middle cage, what is the colour of the horse?
(NoteWrite R for red, S for silver, B for Brown, W for white and G for Gray.)
Section B.
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in the
space provided after each question. Each question is worth 20 points.
1. Point A and B lie on the sides of a square, segment AB divides the square into two
polygons each of which has an inscribed circle. One of the circles has radius 6 cm
while the other one is larger. What is the difference, in cm, between the side length
of the square and twice the length of segment AB ?

2. A small bag of candy contains 6 pieces. A medium bag of candy contains 9 pieces.
A large bag of candy contains 20 pieces. If we buy candy in bags only, what is the
largest number of pieces of candies which we cannot obtain exactly?

3. There is a list of numbers a1 , a2 , , a2010 . For 1 n 2010 , where n is positive

integer, let Sn = a1 + a2 + L + an . If a1 = 2010 and S n = n 2 an for all n, what is
the value of a2010 ?
International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest

z Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
z Remember to write down your team name in the space indicated on
the first page.
z There are 10 problems in the Team Contest, arranged in increasing
order of difficulty. Each question is printed on a separate sheet of
paper. Each problem is worth 40 points and complete solutions of
problem 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 10 are required for full credits. Partial
credits may be awarded. In case the spaces provided in each problem
are not enough, you may continue you work at the back page of the
paper. Only answers are required for Problem number 4, 8 and 9.The
four team members are allowed 10 minutes to discuss and distribute
the first 8 problems among themselves. Each student must solve at
least one problem by themselves. Each will then have 35 minutes to
write the solutions of their allotted problem independently with no
further discussion or exchange of problems. The four team members
are allowed 15 minutes to solve the last 2 problems together.
z No calculator or calculating device or electronic devices are allowed.
z Answer must be in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
z All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Score
1. Solve the following system of equations for real numbers w, x, y and z:
w + 8 x + 3 y + 5 z = 20

4 w + 7 x + 2 y + 3 z = 20

6 w + 3 x + 8 y + 7 z = 20
7 w + 2 x + 7 y + 3 z = 20.

ANSWER: w= x= y= z=
International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Score
2. In the convex quadrilateral ABCD, AB is the shortest side and CD is the longest.
Prove that A >C and B >D.

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Score

3. Let m n be integers such that m3 + n3 + 1 = 4mn . Determine the maximum

value of m n .

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Score
4. Arranged in an 88 array are 64 dots. The distance between adjacent dots on the
same row or column is 1 cm. Determine the number of rectangles of area 12 cm2
having all four vertices among these 64 dots.

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Score
5. Determine the largest positive integer n such that there exists a unique positive
8 n 7
integer k satisfying < < .
15 n + k 13

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Scroe
6. In a 99 table, every square contains a number. In each row and each column at
most four different numbers appear. Determine the maximum number of
different numbers that can appear in this table.

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Score
7. In a convex quadrilateral ABCD, ABD = 16 , DBC = 48 , BCA = 58 and
ACD = 30 . Determine ADB , in degree.

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Score
8. Determine all ordered triples (x, y, z) of positive rational numbers such that each
1 1 1
of x + , y + and z + is an integer.
y z x

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Score
9. Assign each of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 into
one of the fifteen different circles in the diagram shown below on the left, so that
(a) the number which appear in each circle in the diagram below on the right
represents the sum of the numbers which will be in that particular circle and
all circles touching it in the diagram below on the left;
(b) except the number in the first row, the sum of the numbers which will be in
the circles in each row in the diagram below on the left is located at the
rightmost column in the diagram below on the right.


43 40 21

41 60 50 25

36 62 58 45 35

25 32 45 44 27 36

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Score
10. The letters K, O, R, E, A, I, M and C are written in eight rows, with 1 K in the
first row, 2 Os in the second row, and so on, up to 8 Cs in the last row. Starting
with the lone K at the top, try to spell the words KOREA IMC by moving from
row to row, going to the letter directly below or either of its neighbours, as
illustrated by the path in boldface. It turns out that one of these 36 letters may not
be used. As a result, the total number of ways of spelling KOREA IMC drops to
516. Circle the letter which may not be used.

2010 IWYMIC Answers
Part I

1. 803 2. 60 3. 336 4. 10 5

5. 1458 6. 2 7. 3 + 2 + 3 + 6 8. 5

9. 50 10. 20 11. 341 12. W

Part II
1. 12 2. 43 3.
12 12
1. w = 8 x = y = z = 8 3. 1
5 5
4. 84 5. 112
1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 19 28 28 28 28 28 28
4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 2 11 20 28 28 28 28 28
7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 28 3 12 21 28 28 28 28
0 0 0 10 11 12 0 0 0 28 28 28 4 13 22 28 28 28
6. 0 0 0 13 14 15 0 0 0 28 28 28 28 5 14 23 28 28
7. 30
0 0 0 16 17 18 0 0 0 28 28 28 28 28 6 15 24 28
0 0 0 0 0 0 19 20 21 28 28 28 28 28 28 7 16 25
0 0 0 0 0 0 22 23 24 26 28 28 28 28 28 28 8 17
0 0 0 0 0 0 25 26 27 18 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 9

1 1
(1, 1, 1), ( , 2, 1), (2, 1, ), 3
2 2
1 3 1 1 3 7 14
(1, , 2), ( , 3, ), (3, , ),
2 2 3 3 2 9
8. 9. 10 6
1 3 1 2 1 2
( , , 3), (3, , ), ( , , 3) 13 2 12 8
3 2 2 3 2 3
2 1 1 11 5 15 4
and ( , 3, ).
3 2

10. The letter which may not be used is the third A in the fifth row from top
Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Individual Contest

z Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
z Remember to write down your team name, your name and
contestant number in the spaces indicated on the first page.
z The Individual Contest is composed of two sections with a
total of 120 points.
z Section A consists of 12 questions in which blanks are to be
filled in and only ARABIC NUMERAL answers are
required. For problems involving more than one answer,
points are given only when ALL answers are correct. Each
question is worth 5 points. There is no penalty for a wrong
z Section B consists of 3 problems of a computational nature,
and the solutions should include detailed explanations. Each
problem is worth 20 points, and partial credit may be
z You have a total of 120 minutes to complete the
z No calculator, calculating device, watches or electronic
devices are allowed.
z Answers must be in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
z All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes 20th July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team: Name: No.: Score:
Section A.
In this section, there are 12 questions. Fill in the correct answer in the space
provided at the end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.
1. Let a, b, and c be positive integers such that
ab + bc + ca + 2(a + b + c) = 8045,

abc a b c = 2.
Find the value of a+b+c.
2. There are two kinds of students in a certain class, those who always lie and those
who never lie. Each student knows what kind each of the other students is. In a
meeting today, each student tells what kind each of the other students is. The
answer liar is given 240 times. Yesterday a similar meeting took place, but one
of the students did not attend. The answer liar was given 216 times then. How
many students are present today?
3. The product 1!2! 2011! 2012! is written on the blackboard. Which factor,
in term of a factorial of an integer, should be erased so that the product of the
remaining factors is the square of an integer? (The factorial sign n! stands for the
product of all positive integers less than or equal to n.)
4. B and E are points on the sides AD and AC of triangles C
ACD such that BC and DE intersect at F. Triangles
ABC and AED are congruent. Moreover, AB=AE=1 and
AC=AD=3. Determine the ratio between the areas of the E F
quadrilateral ABFE and the triangle ADC.
5. A positive integer n has exactly 4 positive divisors, including 1 and n.
Furthermore, n+1 is four times the sum of the other two divisors. Find n.
6. Jo tells Kate that the product of three positive integers is 36. Jo also tells her
what the sum of the three numbers is, but Kate still does not know what the
three numbers are. What is the sum of the three numbers?
7. Two circles A and B, both with radius 1, touch each
other externally. Four circles P, Q, R and S, all with the P
same radius r, are such that P touches A, B, Q and S
externally; Q touches P, B and R externally; R touches S A B Q
A, B, Q and S externally; and S touches P, A and R
externally. Calculate r. R

8. Find the smallest positive common multiple of 7 and 8 such that each digit is
either 7 or 8, there is at least one 7 and there is at least one 8.
9. The side lengths of a triangle are 50 cm, 120 cm and 130 cm. Find the area of
the region consisting of all the points, inside and outside the triangle, whose
distances from at least one point on the sides of the triangle are 2 cm. Take
= .
10. Find the number of positive integers which satisfy the following conditions:
(1) It contains 8 digits each of which is 0 or 1.
(2) The first digit is 1.
(3) The sum of the digits on the even places equals the sum of the digits on
the odd places.
11. A checker is placed on a square of an infinite checkerboard, where each square
is 1 cm by 1 cm. It moves according to the following rules:
z In the first move, the checker moves 1 square North.
z All odd numbered moves are North or South and all even numbered moves
are East or West.
z In the n-th move, the checker makes a move of n squares in the same
The checker makes 12 moves so that the distance between the centres of its
initial and final squares is as small as possible. What is this minimum distance?
Answer cm
12. Let a, b and c be three real numbers such that
a (b c ) b ( c a )
= =k >0
b ( c a ) c (b a )
for some constant k. Find the greatest integer less than or equal to k.
Section B.
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in the
space provided after each question. Each question is worth 20 points.
1. The diagonals AC and BD of a quadrilateral ABCD intersect at a point E. If
AE=CE and ABC=ADC, does ABCD have to be a parallelogram?
2. When a=1, 2, 3, , 2010, 2011, the roots of the equation x 2 2 x a 2 a = 0 are
(1 , 1 ), ( 2 , 2 ), ( 3 , 3 ), L, ( 2010 , 2010 ), ( 2011 , 2011 ) respectively.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Evaluate + + + + + +"+ + + + .
1 1 2 2 3 3 2010 2010 2011 2011
3. Consider 15 rays that originate from one point. What is the maximum number of
obtuse angles they can form? (The angle between any two rays is taken to be less
than or equal to 180)
Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Team Contest

z Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
z Remember to write down your team name in the space indicated on
every page.
z There are 10 problems in the Team Contest, arranged in increasing
order of difficulty. Each question is printed on a separate sheet of
paper. Each problem is worth 40 points and complete solutions of
problem 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 are required for full credits. Partial credits
may be awarded. In case the spaces provided in each problem are not
enough, you may continue your work at the back page of the paper.
Only answers are required for problem number 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
z The four team members are allowed 10 minutes to discuss and
distribute the first 8 problems among themselves. Each student must
attempt at least one problem. Each will then have 35 minutes to write
the solutions of their allotted problem independently with no further
discussion or exchange of problems. The four team members are
allowed 15 minutes to solve the last 2 problems together.
z No calculator or calculating device or electronic devices are allowed.
z Answer must be in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
z All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

1. Find all real solutions of the equation x 2 x + 1 = ( x 2 + x + 1)( x 2 + 2 x + 4) .

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

2. A domino is a 12 or 21 piece. Seventeen dominoes are placed on a 58 board,

leaving six vacant squares. Three of these squares are marked in the diagram
below with white circles. The two squares marked with black circles are not
vacant. The other three vacant squares are in the same vertical column. Which
column contains them?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(For rough work)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ANSWER: Column____
Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

3. Place each of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 into a different vacant box
in the diagram below, so that the arrows of the box containing 0 point to the box
containing 1. For instance, 1 is in box A, B or C. Similarly, the arrows of the box
containing 1 point to the box containing 2, and so on.

0 8

C 15

0 8

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score
4. The diagram below shows a 58 board with two of its squares marked with black
circles, and the border of two 34 subboards which contain both marked squares.
How many subboards (not necessarily 34) are there which contain at least one of
the two marked squares?

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

5. Three avenues, of respective widths 15 m, 14 m and 13 m, converge on Red

Triangle in the outskirt of Moscow. Traffic is regulated by three swinging gates
hinged at the junction points of the three avenues. As shown in the diagram below,
the gates at A and B close off one avenue while the gate at C is pushed aside to
allow traffic between the other two avenues through the Red Triangle. Calculate
the lengths of the three gates if each pair closes off one avenue exactly.

15 m
13 m

B 14 m C

ANSWER: Gate at A=____m, at B=_____m, at C=_____m

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

6. Let f ( x) be a polynomial of degree 2010 such that f (k ) = where k is any
of the first 2011 positive integers. Determine the value of f (2012) .

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

7. A cat catches 81 mice, arrange them in a circle and numbers them from 1 to 81 in
clockwise order. The cat counts them One, Two, Three! in clockwise order. On
the count of three, the cat eats that poor mouse and counts One, Two, Three!
starting with the next mouse. As the cat continues, the circle gets smaller, until
only two mice are left. If the one with the higher number is 40, what is the number
of the mouse from which the cat starts counting?

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

8. In triangle ABC, BC=AC and BCA=90. D and E are points on AC and AB

respectively such that AD = AE and 2CD = BE. Let P be the point of intersection
of BD with the bisector of CAB. Determine PCB.

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

9. Paint 21 of the 49 squares of a 77 board so that no four painted squares form the
four corners of any subboard.

(For rough work)

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score
10. Arie, Bert and Caroline are given the positive integers a, b and c respectively.
1 1 1
Each knows only his or her own number. They are told that + + = 1 , and are
a b c
asked the following two questions:
(a) Do you know the value of a+b+c ?
(b) Do you know the values of a, b and c?
Arie answers No to both questions. Upon hearing that, Bert answers Yes to
the first question and No to the second. Caroline has heard everything so far.
How does she answer these two questions?

ANSWER: (a) (b)

2011 IWYMIC Answers
Part I
1. 2012 2. 22 3. 1006! 4.
3 + 17
5. 95 6. 13 7. 8. 7888888
9. 1182 10. 35 11. 2 12. 0

Part II
1. Yes 2. 3. 75

1. 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 5 8 4

12 13 10 11
2. 6, 3.
2 6 7 3

1 14 9 15

4. 250 5. 7, 8 and 6
6. 7. 7

8. 45 9.

10. Yes to both questions

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Individual Contest
Time limit: 120 minutes

Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
Remember to write down your team name, your name and contestant
number in the spaces indicated on the first page.
The Individual Contest is composed of two sections with a total of
120 points.
Section A consists of 12 questions in which blanks are to be filled in
and only ARABIC NUMERAL answers are required. For problems
involving more than one answer, points are given only when ALL
answers are correct. Each question is worth 5 points. There is no
penalty for a wrong answer.
Section B consists of 3 problems of a computational nature, and the
solutions should include detailed explanations. Each problem is
worth 20 points, and partial credit may be awarded.
You have a total of 120 minutes to complete the competition.
No calculator, calculating device, watches or electronic devices are
Answers must be in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
Team: Name: No.: Score:

For Juries Use Only

Section A Section B Sign by
No. Total Jury
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3

Section A.
In this section, there are 12 questions. Fill in the correct answer in the space
provided at the end of each question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.

1. Determine the maximum value of the difference of two positive integers whose
sum is 2034 and whose product is a multiple of 2034.
2. The diagram below shows a semicircle sitting on top of a square and tangent to
two sides of an equilateral triangle whose base coincides with that of the square.
If the length of each side of the equilateral triangle is 12 cm, what is the radius
of the semicircle, in cm?

Answer cm

3. A four-digit number abcd is a multiple of 11, with b + c = a and the two-digit

number bc a square number. Find the number abcd .

4. The area of the equilateral triangle ABC is 8 + 4 3 cm2. M is the midpoint of BC.
The bisector of MAB intersects BM at a point N. What is the area of triangle
ABN, in cm2?
Answer cm2
5. There is a 26 hole on a wall. It is to be filled in using 11 tiles which may be
red, white or blue. No two tiles of the same colour may share a common side.
Determine the number of all possible ways of filling the hole.

6. Let N =19 28 37 46 55 6 4 73 82 91 . How many perfect squares divide

7. How many positive integers not greater than 20112012 use only the digits 0, 1
or 2?
8. The diagram below shows four points A, B, C and D on a circle. E is a point on
the extension of BA and AD is the bisector of CAE. F is the point on AC such
that DF is perpendicular to AC. If BA = AF = 2 cm, determine the length of AC,
in cm.



Answer cm

9. There are 256 different four-digit numbers abcd where each of a, b, c and d is
1, 2, 3 or 4. For how many of these numbers will ad bc be even?
10. In a plane, given 24 evenly spaced points on a circle, how many equilateral
triangles have at least two vertices among the given points?
11. The diagram below shows a circular sector OAB which is one-sixth of a circle,
and a circle which is tangent to OA, OB and the arc AB. What fraction of the
area of the circular sector OAB is the area of this circle?

12. An 8 8 chessboard is hung up on the wall as a target, and three identical darts
are thrown in its direction. In how many different ways can each dart hit the
center of a different square such that any two of these three squares share at least
one common vertex?
Section B.
Answer the following 3 questions, and show your detailed solution in the
space provided after each question. Each question is worth 20 points.
1. What is the integral part of M, if

M = 2012 2013 2014 (2012 2 3) (2012 2 2) (20122 1) 2012 2 ?

2. Let m and n be positive integers such that
n 2 < 8m < n 2 + 60( n + 1 n ) .
Determine the maximum possible value of n.

3. Let ABC be a triangle with A = 90 and B = 20 . Let E and F be points on
AC and AB respectively such that ABE = 10 and ACF = 30 . Determine


Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Time60 minutes
Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
Remember to write down your team name in the space indicated on every page.
There are 10 problems in the Team Contest, arranged in increasing order of
difficulty. Each question is printed on a separate sheet of paper. Each problem is
worth 40 points and complete solutions of problem 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 are required
for full credits. Partial credits may be awarded. In case the spaces provided in
each problem are not enough, you may continue your work at the back page of
the paper. Only answers are required for problem number 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
The four team members are allowed 10 minutes to discuss and distribute the first
8 problems among themselves. Each student must attempt at least one problem.
Each will then have 35 minutes to write the solutions of their allotted problem
independently with no further discussion or exchange of problems. The four
team members are allowed 15 minutes to solve the last 2 problems together.
No calculator or calculating device or electronic devices are allowed.
Answer must be in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
For Juries Use Only
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Sign by Jury
Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

1. A positive real number is given. In each move, we can do one of the following:
add 3 to it, subtract 3 from it, multiply it by 3 and divide it by 3. Determine all
the numbers such that after exactly three moves, the original number comes back.

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

2. The average age of eight people is 15. The age of each is a prime number. There
are more 19 year old among them than any other age. If they are lined up in order
of age, the average age of the two in the middle of the line is 11. What is the
maximum age of the oldest person among the eight?

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

3. In the diagram below, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are placed one
inside each hexagon, so that the sum of the numbers inside the four hexagons on
each of the three sides of the triangle is 19. If you are allowed to rearrange the
numbers but still have the same sum on each side, what is the smallest possible
sum and what is the largest possible sum?

5 6
9 2
1 3 8 7

The smallest possible sum is

The largest possible sum is
Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

4. There are 2012 evenly spaced points on a line. Each is to be painted orange or
green. If three distinct points A, B and C are such that AB = BC, and if A and C
are painted by the same color, so is B. Determine the number of all possible ways
of painting these points.

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

5. Consider the four-digit number 2012. We can divide it into two numbers in three
ways, namely, 2|012, 20|12 and 201|2. If we multiply the two numbers in each
pair and add the three products, we get 2012+2012+2012=666. Find all other
four-digit numbers which yield the answer 666 by this process.

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

6. Let n be a positive integer such that 2n has 8 positive factors and 3n has 12
positive factors. Determine all possible numbers of positive factors of 12n.

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

7. Use straight and circular cuts to dissect a circle into congruent pieces. There must
be at least one piece which does not contain the centre of the circle in its interior
or on its perimeter.

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

8. A machine consists of three boxes each with a red light that is initially off. After
putting objects into the boxes, the machine may be used to run a check. For each
box, if the total weight in that box is strictly less than the total weight in each of
the other two boxes, the red light of that box will go on. Otherwise, the red light
will go off. Use this machine twice to find a fake ball among seven balls which is
heavier than the other six. The other six are of equal weight.

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

9. The diagram below shows all five pieces which can be formed of four unit
squares. They are called the I-, L-, N-, O- and T-Tetrominoes.

(a) Use three different pieces to construct a figure with reflectional symmetry.
Pieces can be rotated and reflected when used. Find five solutions.
(b) Use three different pieces to construct a figure with rotational symmetry.
Pieces can be rotated and reflected when used. Find one solution.
(A figure consists of 12 connective unit squares joined edge to edge. Two figures are
considered the same if one can be transformed into the other by rotation or


Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

10. The digits in base 10 have been replaced in some order by the letters A, B, C, D,
E, F, G, H, I and J. We have three clues.
(1) The two-digit number AB is the product of A, A and C.
(2) The two-digit number DE is the product of C and F.
(3) The two-digit number BG is the sum of H, I and the product of F and G.
Here A, B, and D are nonzero. Which digits may be represented by the letter J ?

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Individual Contest
Section A. (5 points each)
Correct Answers:

1. 678 2. 3. 7161, 9361, 9812 4. 4 cm2

5. 1458 6. 672 7. 4757 8. 6 cm

9. 160 10. 536 11. 12. 196

1. Determine the maximum value of the difference of two positive integers whose
sum is 2034 and whose product is a multiple of 2034.
Let the two numbers be x and y. From y = 2034 x, we have xy = 2034x x 2 . If this
is divisible by 2034, then x2 is divisible by 2034. Now 2034 = 232113. Hence
23113 = 678 must divide x, so that 678 x < 2034 . It follows that the only
possible values for x are 678 and 2 678 = 1356. The corresponding values for y are
1356 and 678 respectively. Hence x y = 678 and its maximum value is 678.
ANS 678

2. The diagram below shows a semicircle sitting on top of a square and tangent to
two sides of an equilateral triangle whose base coincides with that of the square.
If the length of each side of the equilateral triangle is 12 cm, what is the radius
of the semicircle, in cm?
Solution A
Let the triangle be ABC and let O be the centre of the
semicircle. Let r be the radius of the semicircle. With the
sides of the triangle as bases, the heights of triangles OAB, r O
OAC and OBC are r, r and 2r respectively. Their total area is
equal to the area of triangle ABC. Since the height of triangle 2r
ABC is , we have and . B C

3. A four-digit number abcd is a multiple of 11, with b + c = a and the two-digit
number bc a square number. Find the number abcd .
Since the two-digit number bc is a square number, and , we have
. Since abcd is a multiple of 11, by trying possible digit d, we
ANS 7161, 9361, 9812
4. The area of the equilateral triangle ABC is
8 + 4 3 cm2. M is the midpoint of BC. The bisector
of MAB intersects BM at a point N. What is the
area of triangle ABN, in cm2?
NM AM 3 BM 2 + 3
We have = = . Hence = and
BN AB 2 BN 2 B N M C
= 2 + 3 . Denote the area of the triangle T by [T].
[ ABC ] BC [ ABC ] 8 + 4 3
Then = = 2 + 3 . It follows that [ ABN ] = = = 4 cm2.
[ ABN ] BN 2+ 3 2+ 3
ANS 4 cm2
5. There is a 26 hole on a wall. It is to be filled in using 11 tiles which may be
red, white or blue. No two tiles of the same colour may share a common side.
Determine the number of all possible ways of filling the hole.
The top left space can be filled in 3 ways and the bottom left space can be filled in 2
ways, so that the first column from the left can be filled in 32=6 ways. In moving
from column to column, we must retain at least one colour used in the preceding
column. If we retain both colours, the only ways is to reverse the positions of the two
tiles. If we retain just one colour, the tile with the repeated colour must be placed in a
non-adjacent position, and the remaining space is filled with a tile of the third colour.
Hence there are 3 ways to fill each subsequent column. It follows that the total
number of ways is 635 =1458.
ANS 1458
6. Let N =1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . How many perfect squares divide
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

The prime factorization of N is 230 313 55 73 . Its largest square factor is
230 312 54 7 2 . Its square factors are the squares of the factors of 215 36 52 71 .
Their number is (15+1)(6+1)(2+1)(1+1)=672.
ANS 672
7. How many positive integers not greater than 20112012 use only the digits 0, 1
or 2?
The first few numbers are 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 100, 101 and so on. These are
just numbers in base 3. The base 3 number 20112012 can be coverted to base 10 as
2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2
+ 6 + 18 + 57 + 174 + 528 + 1584 + 4755
6 19 58 176 528 1585 4757
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
6 18 57 174 528 1584 4755
Including the number 20112012 itself, there are 4757 positive integers which use
only the digits 0, 1 and 2.
ANS 4757
8. The diagram below shows four points A, B, C and D on a circle. E is a point on
the extension of BA and AD is the bisector of CAE. F is the point on AC such
that DF is perpendicular to AC. If BA = AF = 2 cm, determine the length of AC,
in cm.
Solution D E
Let G be the point on AC such that FG = AF = 2 cm.
Then GD = AD and DAG =DGA. Sine ABCD is a
cyclic quadrilateral, DCG =DBA. Moreover, A
DGC =180 DGA
=180 DAG F
=180 DAE =DAB. B
It follows that triangles DGC and DAB are congruent, so C
that GC = BA = 2 cm. Hence AC = AD + DG + GC + 2 +2+2 = 6 cm.
ANS 6 cm
9. There are 256 different four-digit numbers abcd where each of a, b, c and d is
1, 2, 3 or 4. For how many of these numbers will ad bc be even?
Note that ad bc is even if ad and bc are either both odd or both even. The former
occurs when all four numbers are odd. The number of this case is . The latter
occurs when a and d are not both odd, and b and c are not both odd. The number of
this case is . Hence there are possible numbers.
ANS 160
10. In a plane, given 24 evenly spaced points on a circle, how many equilateral
triangles have at least two vertices among the given points?
24 23
There are = 276 pairs of given points. For each pair, we can have an
equilateral triangle on each side of the line joining them. However, some of these
2276 = 552 triangles have been counted 3 times, because all three vertices are
among the given points. There are 24 3 = 8 such triangles. Hence the final count is
552 2 8 = 536.
ANS 536
11. The diagram below shows a circular sector OAB which is one-sixth of a circle,
and a circle which is tangent to OA, OB and the arc AB. What fraction of the
area of the circular sector OAB is the area of this circle?
Let C be the centre of the circle and let the extension of OC A
cut arc AB at a point P. Let D be the point on OB such that
CD is perpendicular to OB. Let CD = r. Then OC = 2r and
CP = r, so that OP = 3r. Hence the area of the sector is P
1 3 C
(3r )2 = r 2 while the area of the circle is r 2 . The
6 2
desired fraction is . O D B


12. An 8 8 chessboard is hung up on the wall as a target, and three identical darts
are thrown in its direction. In how many different ways can each dart hit a
different square such that any two of these three squares share at least one
common vertex?
There are 7 pairs of adjacent rows and 7 pairs of adjacent columns, so that the
number of 2 2 subboards is 7 7 = 49. The three darts must all hit a different
square of some 2 2 subboard, and the square they miss can be any of the 4 squares
in the subboard. Hence the total number of ways is 4 49 = 196.
ANS 196
Section B. (20 points each)
1. What is the integral part of M, if

M = 2012 2013 2014 (20122 3) (20122 2) (2012 2 1) 20122

The required answer is 2012.
By using the inequality ( N 1)( N + 1) < N , we arrived that

(20122 1) 20122 < (20122 1)(20122 + 1) < 20122 ,

It follows that
(20122 2) (20122 1) 20122 < (20122 2) (20122 ) < 20122 1 ,
(20122 3) (20122 2) (20122 1) 20122 < (20122 3) (20122 1)
< 20122 2
Repeating the same process, we conclude

M = 2012 2013 2014 (20122 2) (20122 1) 20122

< 2012 2014

< 2013
This implies the integral part of M is less than 2013.
And Conversely,
20122 2012 ,

(20122 1) 20122 > 2012 2012 = 2012 ,

(20122 2) (20122 1) 20122 > 2012 2012 = 2012 ,

(20122 3) (20122 2) (20122 1) 20122 > 2012 2012 = 2012 ,

Continuing the same process, we have

M = 2012 2013 2014 (20122 2) (20122 1) 20122

> 2012 2012

= 2012
In summary, the integral part of M is 2012.
Marking Scheme
........................................................................................................ Showing
M is at least 2012...................................................................................... 5 points
........................................................................................................ Showing
M is less than 2013 ................................................................................... 13 points
........................................................................................................ Correct
answer ....................................................................................................... 2 points
2. Let m and n be positive integers such that
n 2 < 8m < n 2 + 60( n + 1 n )
Determine the maximum possible value of n.
When divided by 8, n2 leaves a remainder no greater than 4.
Hence if 60( n + 1 n ) < 4 , then there will not be a multiple of 8 between n2 and
n 2 + 60( n + 1 n ) . It follows that we must have 60( n + 1 n ) 4 .
Hence 15 = n + 1 + n > 2 n , so that n 56 .
n +1 n
When n = 55 or 56, 60( n + 1 n ) < 5 , and the remainder when 552 or 562 is
divided by 8 is no greater than 1. Hence the desired multiple of 8 cannot exist either.
60 30
For n = 54, 60( 55 54) = > 4 since 30 30 = 900 > 880 = 4
55 + 54 55
4 55. Now 542 = 2916 so that 542 + 60( 55 54) > 2920. Since 2920 8 = 365,
we can take m = 365. It follows that the maximum value of n we seek is 54.
ANS 54
Marking Scheme
........................................................................................................ Show that
60( n + 1 n ) 4 .................................................................................. 11 points
........................................................................................................ Solve the
inequality .................................................................................................. 7 points
........................................................................................................ Correct
answer ....................................................................................................... 2 points
3. Let ABC be a triangle with A = 90 and B = 20 . Let E and F be points on
AC and AB respectively such that ABE = 10 and ACF = 30 . Determine
Note that FC = 2AF. Let D be the midpoint A
of BC and let G be the point on AB such F
that GD is perpendicular to BC. Then G
triangles ABC and DBG are similar, so that
= . By symmetry, D
GCB=GBC= 20 , so that GCF= 20 also. Hence CG bisects BCF so that
= . Since BE bisects ABC, = . Now
1 1
= = = = = .
It follows that CG is parallel to EF, so that CFE =GCF = 20 .
ANS 20
Marking Scheme
........................................................................................................ Draw the
correct auxilary line CG ........................................................................... 3 points
........................................................................................................ List
equations of ratios of lengths.................................................................... 6 points
........................................................................................................ Prove
that CG is parallel to EF ........................................................................... 9 points
........................................................................................................ Correct
answer ....................................................................................................... 2 points
Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

1. A positive real number is given. In each move, we can do one of the following:
add 3 to it, subtract 3 from it, multiply it by 3 and divide it by 3. Determine all
the numbers such that after exactly three moves, the original number comes back.
The operations of adding 3 and subtracting 3 are inverses of each other, as are the
operations of multiplying by 3 and dividing by 3. If the same number is obtained after
three operations, we can also achieve the same result by performing the inverses of
these operations in reverse order. Sine the number of operations is odd, we cannot
perform only additions and subtractions, nor can we perform only multiplications and
divisions. Let the given number be x. We consider two cases.
Case I: Only one operation is multiplication or division.
By symmetry, we may assume that this operation is multiplication. There are three
Subcase I(a). The multiplication is the first operation.
The last two must both be subtractions. From 3x 33 = x, we have x =3.
Subcase I(b). The multiplication is the second operation.
If the first operation is addition, then the third operation cannot bring the number
back to x. Hence after two operations, we have 3(x 3). If the third operation is
addition, we have 3(x 3) + 3 = x and we get x = 3 again. If the third operation is
subtraction, we have 3(x 3) 3 = x so that x = 6.
Subcase I(c). The multiplication is the third operation.
The first two operations must both be subtractions. From 3(x 3 3) = x, we
have x = 9.
Case II. Only one operation is additon or subtraction.
By symmetry, we may assume that this operation is subtraction. There are three
Subcase II(a). The subtraction is the first operation.
The last two operations must both be multiplications. From 3(3(x3)) = x, we
have x = .
Subcase II(b). The subtraction is the second operation.
If the first operation is division, then the third operation cannot bring the number
back to x. Hence after two operations, we have 3x3. The third operation must
also be multiplicaiton. From 3(3x 3) = x, we have x = .
Subcase II(c). The subtraction is the third operation.
The first two operations must both be multiplications. From 3(3x) 3 = x, we
have x = .
3 9 27
In summary, the possible values are , , , 3, 6 and 9.
8 8 8
, ,
ANS , 3, 6 and 9
Marking Scheme

Let k be the count of wrong/missing answers, .

(If the contestant missed the condition positive, and get answers
, they only counts as one wrong answer.)

2. The average age of eight people is 15. The age of each is a prime number. There
are more 19 year old among them than any other age. If they are lined up in order
of age, the average age of the two in the middle of the line is 11. What is the
maximum age of the oldest person among the eight?
Note that the total age of the eight people is 8 15 = 120. The sum of the ages of the
two people in the middle of the line is 22. There are only three ways of expressing 22
as a sum of two prime numbers.
Case I. 11 and 11.
Because 19 appears more often than 11, the oldest three must all be 19, so that none
of the youngest three can be 11. Their ages must add up to 120211+319 = 41, but
the sum of three prime numbers less than 11 is at most 7+7+7=21. This case is
Case II. 5 and 17.
The ages of the youngest four must be among 2, 3 and 5. By the Pigeonhole Principle,
two of them are of the same age. Hence the oldest three must all be 19, and we have
the same contradiction as in Case I.
Case III. 3 and 19.
The the oldest three cannot all be 19. Hence there are at most three people who are 19.
Now the ages of the youngest four must be among 2 and 3, so that exactly two of
them are 2 and the other two are 3. The age of the oldest person is therefore
1202223319 = 53, which happens to be a prime number.
Thus the only possible age of the oldest person is 53.
Marking Scheme
........................................................................................................ Write out
all possible case of the age of middle two people .................................... 4 points
........................................................................................................ Case I
.................................................................................................................. 8 points
........................................................................................................ Case II
.................................................................................................................. 12 points
........................................................................................................ Case III
.................................................................................................................. 12 points
........................................................................................................ Correct
answer ....................................................................................................... 4 points
3. In the diagram below, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are placed one
inside each hexagon, so that the sum of the numbers inside the four hexagons on
each of the three sides of the triangle is 19. If you are allowed to rearrange the
numbers but still have the same sum on each side, what is the smallest possible
sum and what is the largest possible sum?

5 6
9 2
1 3 8 7
Each number is counted once except for the three at the corners of the triangle.
To minimize the constant sum, we put 1, 2 and 3 there. Since 1+4+7123 = 6 and
6 3 = 2, the minimum sum is 19 2 = 17. The diagram below shows that the value
may be attained.

5 8

9 4

1 7 6 3

To maximize the constant sum, we put 7, 8 and 9 there. Since 7+8+9147 = 12

and 123 = 4, the maximum sum is 19+4=23. The diagram below shows that the
value may be attained.

5 2

1 6

9 3 4 7

ANS The minimum sum is 17 and the maximum sum is 23

Marking Scheme
........................................................................................................ Minimum
sum............................................................................................................ 20 points
........................................................................................................ Maximu
m sum........................................................................................................ 20 points
4. There are 2012 evenly spaced points on a line. Each is to be painted orange or
green. If three points A, B and C are such that AB = BC, then if A and C are
colored by the same color, so is B. Determine the number of all possible ways of
painting these points.
Let these points from left to right be . WLOG assume that is green.
If not all points are green, we consider the minimum such that is orange,
then is green. Since , must also be orange. We have
the following lemma:
Lemma 1:
If is green, is orange, then for every that satisfy ,
points are all orange.
Proof of Lemma 1:
We prove it by induction on .
When , Weve already proved that both and are both orange.
If the lemma is correct for , that is, all points are all orange.

When , we have to prove that and are both orange.

Since , and is green, , so by

induction hypothesis, is orange. So must be orange too. Since

, and both and are orange,

must be orange too. So the lemma also holds at .
By induction, the lemma is proved.
Back to the original problem, we consider the following 2 cases:
Case I. , then by lemma 1, well have are all orange, and
can be green or orange.
Case II. , then by lemma 1, well have are all orange, and
since either the midpoint of or would be one of orange points,
we must have is orange.
In conclusion, all possible solutions are of form OOOGGG, GGGOOO,
OGGGO, GOOOG, where O stands for Orange, and G stands for Green. The
first 2 cases both have 2012 possible solutions, so there are in total 2012 2+2 = 4026
ANS 4026
Marking Scheme
........................................................................................................ Prove
lemma 1 or its equivalent ......................................................................... 28 points
........................................................................................................ Show
solution of the form OOOGGG ...................................................... 4 points
........................................................................................................ Show
solution of the form OGGO ................................................................ 4 points
........................................................................................................ Correct
answer ....................................................................................................... 4 points

5. Consider the four-digit number 2012. We can divide it into two numbers in three
ways, namely, 2|012, 20|12 and 201|2. If we multiply the two numbers in each
pair and add the three products, we get 2012+2012+2012=666. Find all
other four-digit numbers which yield the answer 666 by this process.
Let the number of 1000a+100b+10c+d, where a is a non-zero digit while b, c and d
are any digits. Then 100ab+110ac+111ad+10bc+11bd+cd=666. Note that d0 as
otherwise 100ab+110ac+10bc / 6 (mod 10). We consider six cases.
Case I. ad = 6.
Then 111ad = 666 so that all other terms must be 0, which means b=c=0. Hence we
have 1006, 2003, 3002 and 6001.
Case II. ad = 5.
Then we have either 511b+551c+10bc =111 or 155b+115c+10bc =111. We must also
have b =c =0, but the equation is not satisfied.
Case III. ad = 4.
We have three subcases.
Subcase III(a). a = 4 and d = 1.
Then 411b+441c+10bc = 222, which forces b = c = 0. The equation is not
Subcase III(b). a = 1 and d = 4.
Then 144b+114c+10bc = 222, which forces b = 0 or c = 0. The equation is not
Subcase III(c). a = d = 2.
Then 222b+222c+10bc = 222. We have either b = 0 and c = 1 or b = 1 and c = 0,
yielding 2012 or 2102.
Case IV. ad = 3.
If a = 3 and d = 1, then 311b+331c+10bc = 333. Hence one of b and c is 1 and the
other is 0, but the equation is not satisfied. If a = 1 and d = 3, then 133b+113c+10bc
= 333 so that b + c1 (mod 10). The equation cannot be satisfied.
Case V. ad =2.
If a =2 and d =1, then 211b+221c+10bc =444 so that b+c4 (mod 10). The equation
cannot be satisfied. If a=1 and d=2, then 122b+112c+10bc = 444 so that b + c2
(mod 5). The equation cannot be satisfied.
Case VI. ad =1.
Then a = d =1 and 111b+111c+10bc =555. This is only possible for b =0 and c =5 or
b =5 and c =0, yielding 1051 and 1501.
In summary, apart from 2012, the other numbers with the desired property are 1006,
1051, 1501, 2003, 2102, 3002 and 6001.
ANS 1006, 1051, 1501, 2003, 2102, 3002 and 6001
Marking Scheme
........................................................................................................ Each
wrong/missing answer .............................................................................. -6 points

6. Let n be a positive integer such that 2n has 8 positive factors and 3n has 12
positive factors. Determine all possible numbers of positive factors of 12n.
Note that 8 = 7 + 1 = (3 + 1)(1 + 1) = (1 + 1)(1 + 1)(1 + 1). Since 2n has 8 positive
factors, it is either the 7th power of a prime, the product of a prime and the cube of
another prime, or the product of 3 different primes. We consider these cases
Case I. 2n = p7 for some prime p.
We must have p = 2, but then 3n = 3 26 has (1 + 1)(6 + 1) = 14 positive factors
instead of 12. This is impossible.
Case II. 2n = p3q where p and q are different primes.
Suppose q = 2 < p. If p = 3, then 3n = 34 has 4+1=5 positive factors. If p > 3, then 3n
= 3q3 has (1 + 1)(3 + 1) = 8 positive factors. Neither is possible. Suppose p = 2 < q. If
q = 3, then 3n = 22 32 has (2 + 1)(2 + 1) = 9 positive factors. This is also impossible.
If q > 3, then 3n = 22 3q has (2 + 1)(1 + 1)(1 + 1) = 12 positive factors, which
satisfies the given condition. Hence 12n = 24 3q has (4 + 1)(1 + 1)(1 + 1) = 20
positive factors.
Case III. 2n = pqr where p, q and r are different primes.
By symmetry, we may take r = 2 and q < p. If q = 3, then 3n = 33p has (2 + 1)(1 + 1)
= 6 positive factors. If q > 3, Then 3n = 3pq has (1+1)(1+1)(1+1) = 8 positive factors.
Neither is possible.
In summary, we must have n = 48q for some prime q > 3, and it has 20 positive
ANS 20
Marking Scheme
........................................................................................................ Consider
factorization and write out the relation with the number of divisors.
...................................................................................... 8 points
........................................................................................................ Case I
.................................................................................................................. 8 points
........................................................................................................ Case II
.................................................................................................................. 8 points
........................................................................................................ Case III
.................................................................................................................. 8 points
........................................................................................................ Existence
of such n.................................................................................................... 4 points
........................................................................................................ Correct
answer ....................................................................................................... 4 points

7. Use straight and circular cuts to dissect a circle into at least two congruent pieces.
There must be at least one piece which does not contain the centre of the circle in
its interior or on its perimeter.
The diagram on the right shows a six-piece dissection in which
every piece contains the centre of the circle on its perimeters.
Thus it is not a solution. However, it is a good first step towards
a solution.

The diagram below shows the second step of two different twelve-piece dissections
which satisfy the problem.

Marking Scheme
........................................................................................................ Correct
answer ....................................................................................................... 40 points
8. A machine consists of three boxes each with a red light that is initially off. When
objects are put into the boxes, the machine checks the total weight in each box. If
the total weight in one box is strictly less than the total weight in each of the
other two boxes, the red light of that box will go on. Otherwise, all red lights
remain off. Use this machine twice to find a fake ball among seven balls which is
heavier than the other six. The other six are of equal weight.
Label the balls 1 to 7. In the first weighing, put balls 1 and 2 in the first box, balls 3
and 4 in the second box and balls 5, 6 and 7 into the third box. The red light of the
third box cannot go on. There are three cases.
Case I. No red lights go on.
Then one of ball 5, 6 and 7 is heavy. In the second weighing, put ball 5 in the first
box, ball 6 is in the second box and put two of the other five balls in the third box.
Again, the red light of the third box cannot go on. If no red lights go on, then ball 7 is
heavy. If the red light of the first box goes on, then ball 6 is heavy. If the red light on
the second box goes on, then ball 5 is heavy.
Case II. The red light of the first box goes on.
Then one of balls 3 and 4 is heavy. In the second weighing, put ball 3 in the first box,
ball 4 is in the second box and put two of the other five balls in the third box. The red
light of either the first box or the second box must go on, and the heavy ball can be
Case III. The red light of the second box goes on.
This is analogous to Case II, with one of balls 1 and 2 being heavy.
Marking Scheme
........................................................................................................ Consider
put 2, 2, 3 balls into each box and explain the result ............................... 24 points
........................................................................................................ Consider
put 1, 1, 2 balls into each box and explain the result ............................... 16 points
9. The diagram below shows all five pieces which can be formed of four unit
squares joined edge to edge. They are called the I-, L-, N-, O- and

(a) Use three different pieces to construct a figure with reflectional symmetry.
Find five solutions.
(b) Use three different pieces to construct a figure with rotational symmetry. Find
one solution.
(a) Five constructions are shown in the diagram below, using the combinations
TIN, LON, LIT, LNT and NIL For some combinations, there are other

(b) A solution is shown in the diagram below, using the combination ION.

Marking Scheme
...................................................................................... Correct answer of (a)
..............................................................................................3 points each(15 max)
...................................................................................... Correct answer of (b)
..............................................................................................25 points

10. The digits in base 10 have been replaced in some order by the letters A, B, C, D,
E, F, G, H, I and J. We have three clues.
(1) The two-digit number AB is the product of A, A and C.
(2) The two-digit number DE is the product of C and F.
(3) The two-digit number BG is the sum of H, I and the product of F and G.
What digit is replaced by the letter J ?
Note that none of A, B and D can be 0. We have
10 A + B = A2C (1)
10 D + E = CF (2)
10 B + G = H + I + FG (3)
Consider (1). If A = 1, 10 10+B = C 9, which is a contradiction. If A=2. 20+B = 4C.
We have B =4 and C6, or B = 8 and C =7. If A=3, 30+B =9C. We must have B =6 and
C =4. If A = 4, 40 +B =16C. We must have B =8 and C = 3. Suppose B = 8. Then H
+I 7+9 = 16 and FG 79 = 63. By (3), 80 80+G = H +I+FG 16+63 = 79, which
is a contradiction. We now have two cases.
Case 1. B = 4.
Then A = 2 and C = 6. Now (2) becomes 10D + E = 6F. Hence E is even. We have
two subcases.
Subcase 1(a). E = 0.
From (2), F = 5 and D = 3, so that only the digits 1, 7, 8 and 9 are left. Now (3)
becomes 40 = H + I + 4G. The only solution here is G = 8 and {H, I} = {1, 7}.
Subcase 1(b). E = 8.
From (2), F = 3 and D = 1, so that only the digits 0, 5, 7 and 9 are left. Now (3)
becomes 40 = H + I + 2G < 40, which is a contradiction.
Case 2. B = 6.
Then A = 3 and C = 4. Now (2) becomes 10D + E = 4F. Again E is even. We have
three subcases.
Subcase 2(a). E = 0.
From (2), F = 5 and D = 2, so that only the digits 1, 7, 8 and 9 are left. Now (3)
becomes 60 = H + I + 4G < 60, which is a contradiction.
Subcase 2(b). E = 2.
From (2), we have either F = 3 and D = 1 or F = 8 and D = 3. Neither is possible
as we already have A = 3.
Subcase 2(c). E = 8.
From (2), we have two possibilities. If F = 2 and D = 1, then (3) becomes 60 =
H+I+G < 30, which is a contradiction. Suppose F = 7 and D = 2, so that only the
digits 1, 5, 8 and 9 are left. Now (3) becomes 60 = H + I + 6G. There is a
solution G = 9 and {H, I} = {1, 5}.
In conclusion, there are two solutions:
A = 2, B = 4, C = 6, D = 3, E = 0, F = 5, G = 8, {H, I} = {1, 7} and J = 9.
A = 3, B = 6, C = 4, D = 2, E = 8, F = 7, G = 9, {H, I} = {1, 5} and J = 0.
ANS 0, 9
Marking Scheme
........................................................................................................ List all
case of (A, B, C) ....................................................................................... 8 points
........................................................................................................ Prove
cases for B=8 is impossible ...................................................................... 8 points
........................................................................................................ Case 1
and solution 1............................................................................................ 12 points
........................................................................................................................... Case 2 and
solution 2..................................................................................................................... 12 points
Thailand 1st Elementary Mathematics International Contest 2003 (TEMIC)
September 8, 2003
Rose Garden Aprime Resort, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.

1. M sold some apples and received an amount of money. If M had sold 10 more
apples for the same amount of money, the price of one apple would be 2 baht
less than the original price. If M had sold 10 less apples for the same amount of
money, the price of one apple would be 4 baht more than the original price.
(Note: Baht is the Thai Currency)

a) How many apples did M sell ?

b) What was the price of one apple?

2. Bag A has twice the number of beads in bag B. 12% of beads in bag A are
removed and transferred to bag C. 20% of beads in bag B are removed and
transferred to bag C. After removing and transferring beads, there are now 488
beads in bag C which is 22% more than the original number of beads in bag C.
How many beads were there in the bag A at the beginning?

3. City P is 625 kilometers from City Q. M departed from City P at 5:30 a.m.
travelling at 100 kilometers per hour, and arrived at City Q. Fifteen minutes
after M left, N departed from City Q and arrived at City P travelling at 80
kilometers per hour. At what time did M and N meet together?

4. Alan has 80% more stamps than Billy. Billy has of the number of Charlie's
stamps. If Billy gave 150 stamps to Charlie, then Charlie would now have three
times the number of Billys remaining stamps. What is the total number of
stamps they have altogether?

5. A boat is 50 kilometers away from the port. The boat is leaky, so water flows
into the boat at the rate of 2 tons per 5 minutes. If there were 90 tons of water in
the boat, the boat would sink. If there is a pump in the boat, pumping out 12
tons of water per hour, what should be the minimum speed of the boat in km/h
to avoid the boat from sinking?

6. X is a 2-digit number whose value is of the sum of its digits. If 36 is added
to X, the result will contain the same digits but in reverse order. Find X.
Thailand 1st Elementary Mathematics International Contest 2003 (TEMIC)
September 8, 2003
Rose Garden Aprime Resort, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.



Given; ABCD is a rectangle

DE = 6EC
What is the ratio between the unshaded area and the shaded area?

8. Find all 2-digit numbers such that when the number is divided by the sum of its
digits the quotient is 4 with a remainder of 3.

9. Calculate the result of 12 - 22 + 32 42 + + 20012 - 20022 + 20032.

10. A



In the figure above, EB

= 1
and the area of the shaded part is 42 cm2. Find the
BD 2
area of ABC.
Thailand 1st Elementary Mathematics International Contest 2003 (TEMIC)
September 8, 2003
Rose Garden Aprime Resort, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.

11.A, B and C worked together and received a total wage of 52400 baht. A
received 125% of B's wage, but 90% of C's wage.
(Baht = Currency of Thailand)

a) Determine who received more: B or C?

b) What is the difference between the wages of B and C?

12. There are 20 red marbles, 30 white marbles and some blue marbles in a box. If
you draw one marble from the box, the probability or chance of drawing one
blue marble is . How many blue marbles are there in the box?

13. When 31513 and 34369 are each divided by a certain three-digit number, the
remainders are equal. Find this remainder.

14. Fill in all the numbers below into circles A, B, C, such that all numbers in
circle A are divisible by 5, all numbers in circle B are divisible by 2, all
numbers in circle C are divisible by 3.

1749, 3250, 7893, 2025, 1348, 2001, 112, 102, 48, 2030, 930, 207, 750, 1605

15. Fill the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 into the boxes

, so that the expression will produce the largest
product. (Each digit can be used only once)
Thailand 1st Elementary Mathematics International Contest 2003 (TEMIC)
September 8, 2003
Rose Garden Aprime Resort, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.

(TEAM Contest)
1. On quadrilateral ABCD, points M, N, P and Q are located on AB, BC, CD
and DA, respectively. The ratios of distance are as follows:

AM : MB = 3:5
BN : NC = 1:3
CP : PD = 4:5
DQ : QA = 1:8

What is ratio of the area of MBNPDQ to the area of ABCD?

2. Peter had 144 books and donated them to four schools. When Peter checked the
number of books given to each school, he found out that the difference of the
number of books between School A and School B was 4; between School B and
School C was 3; between School C and School D was 2.
School A had the most number of books, but received less than 40 books.
(a) In how many ways could Peter allot the books to School B and School D,
according to all conditions?
(b) How many books will School B and School D each get?

3. The area of quadrilateral ABCD is 6174 cm2. Points E and F are the midpoints
of AB and CD, while G and H are the points on BC and AD respectively, such
that CG = 2GB and AH = 2HD. What is the area of EGFH?

4. How many trailing zeros are there in the product of 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x . . . x 2003?

(Example: 10200000 has 5 trailing zeros)

5. Alloy M is composed of 95% bronze, 4% tin and 1% zinc. Alloy N is composed

of bronze and tin only. If alloy M is mixed with alloy N in equal proportion, a
new alloy is formed, which has 86% bronze, 13.6% tin and 0.4% zinc.

What is the percentage of bronze in alloy N?

(Note: alloy is a mixture of metals)
Thailand 1st Elementary Mathematics International Contest 2003 (TEMIC)
September 8, 2003
Rose Garden Aprime Resort, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.

6. An uncovered tank of water has the capacity 43.12 m3. The inner diameter of
the tank is 2.8 meters. The walls and the base of the tank have a uniform
thickness of 10 cm. If it costs 80 baht per square meter to paint the tank,
calculate the cost of painting the total surface area. (Note: Baht is the Thai
currency) (Given = and answer to 2 decimals places.)

(Hint: Remember to include all surfaces)

7. There are three numbers: 3945, 4686 and 5598. When they are divided by X,
the remainder is the same for each. What is the sum of the X and the common
8. ABCD is a rectangle, with AB = 4 cm. The area of rectangle ABCD is equal to
the area of the semicircle with radius AB. Find the length EG. ( = 3.14)


9. In a box of 12 different colored crayons, one of them is black. In how many
different ways can the teacher give these crayons to a student so that the student
receives at least one black?
(Note: A student may receive from 1 12 crayons)

10. How many seven-digit numbers contain the digit '7' at least once?
2003 EMIC Answers
(a) 30 20
1. 2. 400 3. 9:05 4. 2010 5.
(b) 8 3
9 23,35,
6. 26 7. 8. 9. 2007006 10. 21
19 47,59
(a) C
11. 12. 225 13. 97
(b) 5600

2030 1348
14. 2025 102 15. 764218539
1605 48
2001 1749
207 7893

(a) 1
1. 2:3 2.
(b) 34, 35

3. 3087 4. 499

5. 80 6. 11414.40 or 11415.20 or 11414.86

7. 69 8. 1.72

9. 2048 10. 4748472

India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Individual Contest
Time Limit 90 Minutes 10th September 2004 Lucknow, India
Team _________________ Contestant No. ____________ Score __________
Name ________________________________

Q1. There are 5 trucks. Trucks A and B each carry 3 tons. Trucks C and D each carry
4.5 tons. Truck E carries 1 ton more than the average load of all the trucks. How
many tons does truck E carry?

Q2. Let A = 200320032003 2004200420042004 and

B = 200420042004 2003200320032003.
Find A B.

Q3. There are 5 boxes. Each box contains either green or red marbles only. The
numbers of marbles in the boxes are 110, 105, 100, 115 and 130 respectively. If
one box is taken away, the number of green marbles in the remaining boxes will
be 3 times the number of red marbles. How many marbles are there in the box
that is taken away?

Q4. Find the smallest natural number which when multiplied by 123 will yield a
product that ends in 2004.

Q5. Peter has a weigh balance with two pans. He also has one 200 g weight and one
1000 g weight. He wants to take 600 g of sugar out of a pack containing 2000 g of
sugar. What is the minimum number of moves to accomplish this task?
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Q6. It takes 6 minutes to fry each side of a fish in a frying pan. Only 4 fish can be
fried at a time. What is the minimum number of minutes needed to fry 5 fish on
both sides?

Q7. John and Carlson take turns to pick candies from a bag. John picks 1 candy,
Carlson 2 candies, John 3, Carlson 4 and so forth. After a while there are too few
candies to continue and so the boy whose turn it is, takes all the remaining
candies. When all the candies are picked, John has 1012 candies in total. What
was the original number of candies in the bag?

Q8. There are five positive numbers. The sum of the first and the fifth number is 13.
The second number is one-third of the sum of these five numbers, the third
number is one-fourth of this sum and the fourth number is one-fifth of this sum.
What is the value of the largest number?

Q9. In a class of students, 80% participated in basketball, 85% participated in football,

74% participated in baseball, 68% participated in volleyball. What is the
minimum percent of the students who participated in all the four sports events?

Q10. Three digit numbers such as 986, 852 and 741 have digits in decreasing order. But
342, 551, 622 are not in decreasing order.
Each number in the following sequence is composed of three digits:
100, 101, 102, 103, , 997, 998, 999.
How many three digit numbers in the given sequence have digits in decreasing
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Q 11. In the following figure, the black ball moves one position at a time clockwise. The
white ball moves two positions at a time counterclockwise. In how many moves
will they meet again? C


Q12. Compute: 12 - 22 + 32 - 42 + .. - 20022 + 20032 - 20042 + 20052.

Q13. During recess one of the five pupils wrote something nasty on the blackboard.
When questioned by the class teacher, they answered in following order:
A: It was B and C.
B: Neither E nor I did it.
C: A and B are both lying.
D: Either A or B is telling the truth.
E: D is not telling the truth.
The class teacher knows that three of them never lie while the other two may lie.
Who wrote it?
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Q14. In the figure below, PQRS is a rectangle. What is the value of a + b + c?


9 T

S c R

Q15. In the following figure, if CA = CE, what is the value of x?


32 36
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest
Team Contest

Date- 10th September 2004 Place Lucknow, India

Team ______________ Name __________________________Score __________

T1. There are three people: grandfather, father and son. The grandfathers age is an
even number. If you invert the order of the digits of the grandfathers age, you get
the fathers age. When adding the digits of the fathers age together, you get the
sons age. The sum of the three peoples ages is 144. The grandfathers age is less
than 100. How old is the grandfather?

Answer : ____________________________________________________
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest
Team Contest

Date- 10th September 2004 Place Lucknow, India

Team ______________ Name __________________________Score __________

T2. Three cubes of volume 1 cm3, 8 cm3 and 27 cm3 are glued together at their faces.
Find the smallest possible surface area of the resulting configuration.

Answer : ____________________________________________________
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest
Team Contest

Date- 10th September 2004 Place Lucknow, India

Team ______________ Name __________________________Score __________

T3. A rectangle is 324 m in length and 141 m in width. Divide it into squares with
sides of 141 m, and leave one rectangle with a side less than 141 m. Then divide
this new rectangle into smaller squares with sides of the new rectangles width,
leaving a smaller rectangle as before. Repeat until all the figures are squares.
What is the length of the side of the smallest square?

Answer : ____________________________________________________
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest
Team Contest

Date- 10th September 2004 Place Lucknow, India

Team ______________ Name __________________________Score __________

T4. We have assigned different whole numbers to different letters and then multiplied
their values together to make the values of words. For example, if F = 5, O = 3
and X = 2, then FOX = 30.
Given that TEEN = 52, TILT = 77 and TALL = 363, what is the value of TATTLE?

Answer : ____________________________________________________
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest
Team Contest

Date- 10th September 2004 Place Lucknow, India

Team ______________ Name __________________________Score __________
T5. If A = 1 2 + 2 3 + 3 4 + .. + 98 99 and
B = 12 + 22 + 32 + .. + 972 + 982 ,
what is the value of A + B?

Answer : ____________________________________________________
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest
Team Contest

Date- 10th September 2004 Place Lucknow, India

Team ______________ Name __________________________Score __________

T6. Nine chairs in a row are to be occupied by six students and Professors Alpha,
Beta and Gamma. These three professors arrive before the six students and decide
to choose their chairs so that each professor will be between two students. In how
many ways can Professors Alpha, Beta and Gamma choose their chairs?

Answer : ____________________________________________________
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest
Team Contest

Date- 10th September 2004 Place Lucknow, India

Team ______________ Name __________________________Score __________

3+ 3 + 3 + ... + 3
T7. Compute:
1 1+ 2 1+ 2 + 3 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 100

Answer : ____________________________________________________
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest
Team Contest

Date- 10th September 2004 Place Lucknow, India

Team ______________ Name __________________________Score __________

T8. How many different threedigit numbers can satisfy the following multiplication

Answer : ____________________________________________________
India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest
Team Contest

Date- 10th September 2004 Place Lucknow, India

Team ______________ Name __________________________Score __________

T9. There are 16 containers of various shapes in the 4 4 array below. Each container
has a capacity of 5 litres, but only contains the number of litres as shown in the
diagram. The numbers on the sides indicate the total amount of water in the
corresponding line of containers. Redistribute the water from only one container
to make all the totals equal.
8 9 13 10

8 1 2 3 2 1

8 2 2 3 1 2

10 3 1 2 4 3

14 2 4 5 3 4

8 A B C D
Show your answer by writing the new number of litres in each of the containers in
the diagram below.

India 2nd Elementary Mathematics International Contest
Team Contest

Date- 10th September 2004 Place Lucknow, India

Team ______________ Name __________________________Score __________

T10. How many possible solutions are there in arranging the digits 1 to 9 into each
closed area so that the sum of the digits inside every circle is the same. Each
closed area contains only one digit and no digits are repeated. Draw all the
possible solutions.

Answer: _______________________________________________________
2004 EMIC Answers
1. 5 2. 0 3. 100 4. 748 5. 1

6. 15 or 18 7. 2004 8. 20 9. 7 10. 120

11. 7 12. 2011015 13. C 14. 47 15. 44

1. 84 2. 72

3. 3 4. 66

5. 641949 6. 60

7. 5 8. 4
3 2 3 2 1 2 2 4 2 1

2 2 5 1 2 2 3 4 1 2
9. 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4
3 3

2 5 0 3 4 3 4 0 3 4

5 4 8 7 8 4
9 3 7 6 6 2 3 9
2 1 5 1

7 3 9 6 9
6 2 8 4 4 2
3 1
5 1 7 5
PEMIC PROBLEMS Individual Contest

1. The numbers 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, , where each number is three greater than the number
preceding it, are written in order in a book, one hundred to a page. The first group of one
hundred numbers begins on page 526. On which page will the number 2005 be located?
2. The numbers a, b, c, d, e, f and g are consecutive non-zero whole numbers arranged in
increasing order. If a + b + c + d + e + f + g is a perfect cube and c + d + e is a perfect square,
find the smallest possible value of d?
(An example of a perfect cube is 8 because 8 = 2 .)
(An example of a perfect square is 9 because 9 = 32.)

3. If each large ball weighs 1 times the weight of each little ball,
what is the minimum number of balls that need to be added to the
right-hand side to make the scale balance? You may not remove
balls, but only add small and/or large balls to the right-hand side.

4. The different triangular symbols represent different digits from 1 to 9. The symbols represent
the same digits in both examples. Find the two-digit number represented by ??.
5. The following table shows the number of mathematics books sold over a period of five days.
Find the number of books sold on Tuesday.

MATHEMATICS BOOKS Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 115

Wednesday & Thursday 85
Tuesday & Thursday 90
Monday & Friday 70
Thursday & Friday 80

6. Fractions in the form are created such that a and b are positive whole numbers and a + b =
333. How many such fractions are less than one and cannot be simplified?
(Cannot be simplified means that the numerator and denominator have no common factor)

7. Four friends were racing side by side down a dusty staircase. Peter went down two steps at a
time, Bruce three steps at a time, Jessica four steps at a time, and Maitreyi five steps at a time.
If the only steps with all four footprints were at the top and the bottom, how many steps had
only one persons footprint?

8. In the diagram, there are two touching circles, each of radius 2 cm.
An ant starts at point A and walks around the figure 8 path ABCDEFCGA in
that order. The ant repeats the figure 8 walk, again and again. After the ant
has walked a distance of 2005 cm it becomes tired and stops. The ant stops
at a point in the path. What letter point is it? D F

9. A basket and 16 potatoes are placed in a straight line at equal intervals of 6 meters, with the
basket fixed at one end. What is the shortest possible time for Jose to bring the potatoes one
by one into the basket, if he starts from where the basket is and runs at an average speed of 3
meters per second?

10. A sequence of digits is formed by writing the digits from the natural numbers in the order that
they appear. The sequence starts:

What is the 2005th digit in the sequence?

11. While B is riding a bicycle from Point X to Point Y, C is driving a car from Point Y to Point X,
each at a steady speed along the same road. They start at the same time and, after passing each
other, B takes 25 times longer to complete the journey as C. Find the ratio of the speed of the
bicycle to the speed of the car.

12. Ten whole numbers (not necessarily all different) have the property that if all but one of them
are added, the possible sums (depending on which one is omitted) are: 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89,
90, 91, 92. The 10th sum is a repetition of one of these. What is the sum of the ten whole

13. A sequence of squares is made of identical square tiles. The edge of each square is one tile
length longer than the edge of the previous square. The first three squares are shown. How
many more tiles does the 2005th square have than the 2004th?
14. Lucky, Michael, Nelson and Obet were good friends. Obet had no
money. Michael gave one-fifth of his money to Obet. Lucky gave
one-fourth of his money to Obet. Finally, Nelson gave one-third of
his money to Obet. Obet received the same amount of money from
each of them. What fraction of the groups total money did Obet
have at the end?

15. Each of the numbers from 1 to 9 is placed, one per circle, into the pattern shown. The sums
along each of the four sides are equal. How many different numbers can be placed in the
middle circle to satisfy these conditions?
1. In parallelogram ABCD, BE = EC. The area of the
shaded region is 2 cm2. What is the area of parallelogram A D

ABCD, in cm2?

2. Refer to the diagram at the right. The length of one side of F
the large square is 4 cm and the length of one side of the
small square is 3 cm. Find the area of the shaded region, in

3. The circle below is divided into six equal parts.

Suppose you paint one or more of these parts black, how many different patterns can you
form? Any rotation of a pattern will be counted once.

4. Let n = 9 + 99 + 999 + + 99999 9, where the last number to be added consists of 2005
digits of 9. How many times will the digit 1 appear in n?

5. A merchant had ten barrels of oil which he arranged as

a pyramid, as shown. Every barrel bore a different
number. You can see that he had accidentally arranged 8 9
them so that for each side the numbers add up to 16. 4 7 0
Rearrange them so that for each side, the numbers add
up to the smallest sum possible. The sum must be the
3 5 2 6
same for all three sides.

6. Find a route from a top cell to a bottom cell of this puzzle that gives 175 as a total. When your
route passes any cell adjacent to zero, your total reduces to zero. Each cell may be used only


Arrange the digits 1 9 in the circles in such a way that:

1 and 2 and all the digits between them add up to 9.
2 and 3 and all the digits between them add up to 19.
3 and 4 and all the digits between them add up to 45.
4 and 5 and all the digits between them add up to 18.

8. During a recent census, a man told the census taker that he had three children all having their
birthdays today. When asked about their ages, he replied, The product of their ages is 72. The
sum of their ages is the same as my house number. The census taker ran towards the door and
looked at the house number. I still cant tell the census taker complained. The man replied,
Oh, thats right. I forgot to tell you that the oldest one likes ice cream. The census taker
promptly wrote down the ages of the three children. How old were they?

9. Digits of the multiplication operation below have been replaced by either a circle or a square.
Circles hide odd digits, and squares hide even digits. Fill in the squares and the circles with the
missing digits.

10. Donuts are sold only in boxes of 7, 13, or 25. To buy 14 donuts you must order two boxes of 7,
but you cannot buy exactly 15 since no combination of boxes contains 15 donuts. What is the
largest number of donuts that cannot be ordered using combinations of these boxes?

2005 EMIC Answers
1. 532 2. 1323 3. 5 4. 86 5. 40

6. 108 7. 20 8. F 9. 544 10. 7

11. 1:5 12. 97 13. 4009 14. 15. 3

1. 8 2. 12

3. 13 4. 2002

0 0
8 6 7 8
4 9 5 5 9 3
1 7 3 2 1 6 4 2

6. 7. or 4,9,5,8,2,6,1,7,3

1 6
6 7
8. 3, 3 and 8 9. 1 1 2
+ 9 6
1 0 7 2

10. 44
Indonesia Elementary Mathematics International Contest (INAEMIC) 2006

Individual Test Problems

Bali, May 26-31, 2006


* Write down your name on the answer sheet.

* Write your answer on the answer sheet.

* Answer all 15 questions.

* You have 90 minutes to work on this test.

1. When Anura was 8 years old his father was 31 years old. Now his father is twice as
old as Anura is. How old is Anura now?

2. Nelly correctly measures three sides of a rectangle and gets a total of 88 cm. Her
brother Raffy correctly measures three sides of the same rectangle and gets a total of
80 cm. What is the perimeter of the rectangle, in cm?

3. Which number should be removed from: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 so that the

average of the remaining numbers is 6.1?

4. The houses in a street are located in such a way that each house is directly opposite
another house. The houses are numbered 1, 2, 3, ... up one side, continuing down the
other side of the street. If number 37 is opposite number 64, how many houses are
there in the street altogether?

5. There are 6 basketball players and 14 cheerleaders. The total weight of the 6 basket-
ball players is 540 kg. The average weight of the 14 cheerleaders is 40 kg. What is
the average weight of all 20 people?

6. How many natural numbers less than 1000 are there, so that the sum of its first digit
and last digit is 13?

7. Two bikers A and B were 370 km apart traveling towards each other at a constant
speed. They started at the same time, meeting after 4 hours. If biker B started 12 hour
later than biker A, they would be 20 km apart 4 hours after A started. At what speed
was biker A traveling?

8. In rectangle ABCD, AB = 12 and AD = 5. Points P, Q, R and S are all on

diagonal AC, so that AP = P Q = QR = RS = SC. What is the total area of the
shaded region?

9. In triangle ABC, AP = AQ and BQ = BR. Determine angle P QR, in degrees.

10. In the equation below, N is a positive whole number.

A numbered card is placed in each box. If three cards numbered 1, 2, 3 are used, we
get 2 different answers for N , that is 2 and 4. How many different answers for N can
we get if four cards numbered 1, 2, 3, and 5 are used?

11. A mathematics exam consists of 20 problems. A student gets 5 points for a correct
answer, a deduction of 1 point for an incorrect answer and no points for a blank
answer. Jolie gets 31 points in the exam. What is the most number of problems she
could have answered (including correct and incorrect answers)?

12. Joni and Dini work at the same factory. After every nine days of work, Joni gets one
day off. After every six days of work, Dini gets one day off. Today is Jonis day off
and tomorrow will be Dinis day off. At least how many days from today they will
have the same day off?

13. In a bank, Bava, Juan and Suren hold a distinct position of director (D), manager (M)
and teller (T). The teller, who is the only child in his family, earns the least. Suren,
who is married to Bavas sister, earns more than the manager. What position does
Juan hold? Give your answer in terms of D, M or T.

14. The following figures show a sequence of equilateral triangles of 1 square unit. The
unshaded triangle in Pattern 2 has its vertices at the midpoint of each side of the
larger triangle. If the pattern is continued as indicated by Pattern 3, what is the total
area of the shaded triangles in Pattern 5, in square units?

15. There are five circles with 3 different diameters. Some of the circles touch each other
as shown in the figure below. If the total area of the unshaded parts is 20 cm2 , find
the total area of the shaded parts, in cm2 .

Indonesia Elementary Mathematics International Contest (INAEMIC) 2006

Team Test Problems

Bali, May 26-31, 2006


* Ten minute discussion in the beginning to distribute problems to team members.

* No more discussion or exchange of problems allowed after the ten-minute discussion.

* Each student must solve at least one problem.

* Write down your team name on the sheet.

* Write only your answer in the box on the sheet. No explanation is needed.

* After 10-minute discussion, you have 50 minutes to work on this test.

Name : ........................................................................
Team : ........................................................................
Country : ........................................................................

1. Four different natural numbers, all larger than 3, are placed in the four boxes below.

The four numbers are arranged from the smallest to the largest. How many different
ways can we fill the four boxes?

Answer :

Name : ........................................................................
Team : ........................................................................
Country : ........................................................................

2. The number 22 has the following property: the sum of its digits is equal to the
product of its digits. Find the smallest 8-digit natural number that satisfies the given

Answer :

Name : ........................................................................
Team : ........................................................................
Country : ........................................................................

3. A number X consists of 4 non-zero digits. A number Y is obtained from X reversing

the order of its digits. If the sum of X and Y is 14773 and the difference between
them is 3177, determine the larger of these two numbers.

Answer :

Name : ........................................................................
Team : ........................................................................
Country : ........................................................................

4. ABCD is a parallelogram. P, Q, R, and S are points on the sides AB, BC, CD and
DA respectively so that AP = DR . The area of parallelogram ABCD is 16 cm2 .
Find the area of the quadrilateral P QRS.

Answer : cm2

Name : ........................................................................
Team : ........................................................................
Country : ........................................................................

5. Adi has written a number of mathematical exams. In order to obtain an overall

average of 90 points/percentage, he needed to score 100 points/percentage in the
final exam. Unfortunately, he achieved only 75 points/percentage in the final exam,
resulting in an overall average of 85 points/percentage. How many exams did he
write altogether?

Answer :

Name : ........................................................................
Team : ........................................................................
Country : ........................................................................

6. Annisa used 120 unit cubes to make a parallelepiped (rectangular prism). She painted
all six faces of the parallelepiped. Once the paint had dried, she disassembled the
cubes and found that 24 of the cubes had not been painted on any face. What is the
surface area of the parallelepiped?

Answer : square unit

Name : ........................................................................
Team : ........................................................................
Country : ........................................................................

7. A number of unit cubes are arranged to build a tower-like shape as shown in the figure
below. Note that there is a hole across from the left to the right, from the top to the
bottom, and from the front to the back. How many unit cubes are there altogether?

Answer :

Name : ........................................................................
Team : ........................................................................
Country : ........................................................................

8. When 31513 and 34369 are divided by the same three-digit number, the remainders
are equal.
What is the remainder?

Answer :

Name : ........................................................................
Team : ........................................................................
Country : ........................................................................

9. Place any four digits from 1 to 5 in a 2 2 square so that:

(a) in the same row, the digit on the left is greater than that on the right, and
(b) in the same column, the digit in the top is greater than that at the bottom.

The diagrams below show two different ways of arranging the digits. How many
different ways are there in total?

Answer :

Name : ........................................................................
Team : ........................................................................
Country : ........................................................................

10. Peter uses a remote control to move his robot. The remote control has 3 buttons on it.
One button moves the robot 1 step forward, another button moves it 2 steps forward
and the third button moves it 3 steps forward. How many different ways are possible
to move the robot 8 steps forward?

Answer :

2006 EMIC Answers
1. 23 2. 112 3. 5 4. 100 5. 55

6. 66 7. 52.5 8. 24 9. 55 10. 5

11. 17 12. 50 13. T 14. 15. 10


1. 6 2. 11111128

3. 8975 4. 8

5. 5 6. 148

7. 164 8. 97

9. 10 10. 81
International Youth Mathematics Contest 2007
Hongkong Elementary Mathematics International Contest (HEMIC)

Individual Competition
Time allowed : 1 hour 30 minutes

Hong Kong : 29 July 2 August 2007


 Write down your name, team name and candidate number on the answer
 Write down all answers on the answer sheet.
 Answer all 15 problems. Problems are in ascending order of level of
difficulty. Only NUMERICAL answers are needed.
 Each problem is worth 6 points and the total is 90 points.
 For problems involving more than one answer, points are given only when
ALL answers are correct.
 Take = 3.14 if necessary.
 No calculator or calculating device is allowed.
 Answer the problems with pencil, blue or black ball pen.
 All materials will be collected at the end of the competition.
1. The product of two three-digit numbers abc and cba is 396396, where a > c. Find the
value of abc .

2. In a right-angled triangle ACD, the area of shaded region is 10 cm2, as shown in the
figure below. AD = 5 cm, AB = BC, DE = EC. Find the length of AB.


3. A wooden rectangular block, 4 cm 5 cm 6 cm, is painted red and then cut into
several 1 cm 1 cm 1 cm cubes. What is the ratio of the number of cubes with two
red faces to the number of cubes with three red faces?

4. Eve said to her mother, If I reverse the two-digits of my age, I will get your age. Her
mother said, Tomorrow is my birthday, and my age will then be twice your age. It is
known that their birthdays are not on the same day. How old is Eve?

5. Find how many three-digit numbers satisfy all the following conditions:
if it is divided by 2, the remainder is 1,
if it is divided by 3, the remainder is 2,
if it is divided by 4, the remainder is 3,
if it is divided by 5, the remainder is 4,
if it is divided by 8, the remainder is 7.

6. A giraffe lives in an area shaped in the form of a right-angled triangle. The base and
the height of the triangle are 12 m and 16 m respectively. The area is surrounded by a
fence. The giraffe can eat the grass outside the fence at a maximum distance of 2 m.
What is the maximum area outside the fence, in which the grass can be eaten by the

7. Mary and Peter are running around a circular track of 400 m. Marys speed equals
of Peters. They start running at the same point and the same time, but in opposite
directions. 200 seconds later, they have met four times. How many metres per second
does Peter run faster than Mary?

8. Evaluate 22007 ( 22006 + 2 2005 + 22004 + ...... + 23 + 2 2 + 2 + 1)

9. A, B and C are stamp-collectors. A has 18 stamps more than B. The ratio of the
number of stamps of B to that of C is 7:5. The ratio of the sum of Bs and Cs stamps to
that of As is 6:5. How many stamps does C have?

10. What is the smallest amount of numbers in the product 1 2 3 4 ... 26 27 that
should be removed so that the product of the remaining numbers is a perfect square?

11. Train A and Train B travel towards each other from Town A and Town B respectively, at
a constant speed. The two towns are 1320 kilometers apart. After the two trains meet,
Train A takes 5 hours to reach Town B while Train B takes 7.2 hours to reach Town A.
How many kilometers does Train A run per hour?

12. Balls of the same size and weight are placed in a container. There are 8 different colors
and 90 balls in each color. What is the minimum number of balls that must be drawn
from the container in order to get balls of 4 different colors with at least 9 balls for each

13. In a regular hexagon ABCDEF, two diagonals, FC and BD, intersect at G. What is the
ratio of the area of BCG to that of quadrilateral FEDG?



14. There are three prime numbers. If the sum of their squares is 5070, what is the product
of these three numbers?

15. Let ABCDEF be a regular hexagon. O is the centre of the hexagon. M and N are the
mid-points of DE and OB respectively. If the sum of areas of FNO and FME is
3 cm2, find the area of the hexagon.

~ End of Paper ~
International Youth Mathematics Contest 2007
Hongkong Elementary Mathematics International Contest (HEMIC)

Team Competition
Time allowed : 1 hour 30 minutes

Hong Kong : 29 July 2 August 2007


 Write down the team name and the name and candidate number of each
team member on the answer sheet.
 Discussion among the team members is allowed.
 Write down all answers on the answer sheet.
 Answer all 10 problems. Problems are in ascending order of level of
difficulty. Only NUMERICAL answers are needed.
 Each problem is worth 20 points and the total is 200 points.
 For problems involving more than one answer, points are given only when
ALL answers are correct.
 Take = 3.14 if necessary.
 No calculator or calculating device is allowed.
 Answer the problems with pencil, blue or black ball pen.
 All materials will be collected at the end of the competition.
1. Town A and Town B are connected by a highway which consists of an uphill and a
downhill section. A cars speed is 20 km/hr and 35 km/hr for the uphill and downhill
sections respectively. It takes 9 hours from A to B but 7 hours from B to A. What is the
downhill distance (in km) from A to B?

2. The houses on one side of a street are numbered using consecutive odd numbers,
starting from 1. On the other side, the houses are numbered using consecutive even
numbers starting from 2. In total 256 digits are used on the side with even numbers and
404 digits on the side with odd numbers. Find the difference between the largest odd
number and the largest even number.

3. As shown in the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram with area of 10. If AB=3, BC=5,
AE=BF=AG=2, GH is parallel to EF, find the area of EFHG.




4. Find the two smallest integers which satisfy the following conditions:
(1) The difference between the integers is 3.
(2) In each number, the sum of the digits is a multiple of 11.

5. A four-digit number can be formed by linking two different two-digit prime numbers
together. For example, 13 & 17 can be linked together to form a four-digit number 1317
or 1713. Some four-digit numbers formed in this way can be divided by the average of
the two prime numbers. Give one possible four-digit number that fulfills the requirement.
(Please be reminded that 1317 and 1713 in the example above do not fulfill the
requirement, because they are not divisible by 15.)

6. How many prime factors does the number 2 + 22 + 23 + + 215 + 216 have?

7. A pencil, an easer, and a notebook together cost 100 dollars. A notebook costs more
than two pencils, three pencils cost more than four erasers, and three easers cost more
than a notebook. How much does each item cost (assuming that the cost of each item is
a whole number of dollars)?
8. There are 8 pairs of natural numbers which satisfy the following condition:
The product of the sum of the numbers and the difference of the numbers is 1995.
Which pair of numbers has the greatest difference?

9. A land with a dimension 52 m 24 m is surrounded by fence. An agricultural scientist

wants to divide the land into identical square sections for testing, using fence with total
length 1172 m. The sides of the square sections must be parallel to the sides of the
land. What is the maximum number of square testing sections that can be formed?

10. Find the total number of ways that 270 can be written as a sum of consecutive positive

~ End of Paper ~
2007 EMIC Answers
1. 924 2. 8 3. 3:1 4. 37 5. 8

6. 108.56 7. 2 8. 1 9. 30 10. 5

11. 120 12. 311 13. 1:5 14. 710 15. 18


1. 70 2. 97

3. 5 4. 8999990002

5. 6. 5

Pencil : $55
7. Easer : $26 8. 998 997
Notebook : $19

9. 312 10. 7
Elementary Mathematics International Contest
Individual Contest Time limit: 90 minutes 2008/10/28
z Write down your name, team name and candidate number on the answer
z Write down all answers on the answer sheet. Only Arabic NUMERICAL
answers are needed.
z Answer all 15 problems. Each problem is worth 1 point and the total is 15
z For problems involving more than one answer, points are given only when
ALL answers are corrected.
z No calculator or calculating device is allowed.
z Answer the problems with pencil, blue or black ball pen.
z All materials will be collected at the end of the competition.

1. Starting from the central circle, move between two tangent circles. What is the
number of ways of covering four circles with the numbers 2, 0, 0 and 8 inside, in
that order?
8 8 8

8 0 0 8

8 0 2 0 8

8 0 0 8

8 8 8

2. Each duck weighs the same, and each duckling weighs the same. If the total
weight of 3 ducks and 2 ducklings is 32 kilograms, the total weight of 4 ducks
and 3 ducklings is 44 kilograms, what is the total weight, in kilograms, of 2
ducks and 1 duckling?

3. If 25% of the people who were sitting stand up, and 25% of the people who were
standing sit down, then 70% of the people are standing. How many percent of the
people were standing initially?
4. A sedan of length 3 metres is chasing a truck of length 17 metres. The sedan is
travelling at a constant speed of 110 kilometres per hour, while the truck is
travelling at a constant speed of 100 kilometres per hour. From the moment when
the front of the sedan is level with the back of the truck to the moment when the
front of the truck is level with the back of the sedan, how many seconds would it

5. Consider all six-digit numbers consisting of each of the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

and 5 exactly once in some order. If they are arranged in ascending order, what
is the 502nd number?

6. How many seven-digit numbers are there in which every digit is 2 or 3, and
no two 3s are adjacent?

7. The six-digit number abcabc has exactly 16 positive divisors. What is the
smallest value of such numbers?

8. How many five-digit multiples of 3 have at least one of its digits equal to 3?

9. ABCD is a parallelogram. M is a point on AD such that AM=2MD, N is a point on

AB such that AN=2NB. The segments BM and DN intersect at O. If the area of
ABCD is 60 cm2, what is the total area of triangles BON and DOM?
10. The four-digit number ACCC is of the four-digit number CCCB . What is
the value of the product of the digits A, B and C?

11. ABCD is a square of side length 4 cm. E is the midpoint of AD and F is the
midpoint of BC. An arc with centre C and radius 4 cm cuts EF at G, and an arc
with centre F and radius 2 cm cuts EF at H. The difference between the areas of
the region bounded by GH and the arcs BG and BH and the region bounded by
EG, DE and the arc DG is of the form m n cm2, where m and n are integers.
What is the value of m+n? A E D


12. In a chess tournament, the number of boy participants is double the number of
girl participants. Every two participants play exactly one game against each other.
At the end of the tournament, no games were drawn. The ratio between the
number of wins by the girls and the number of wins by the boys is 7:5. How
many boys were there in the tournament?
13. In the puzzle every different symbol stands for a different digit.

What is the answer of this expression which is a five-digit number?

14. In the figure below, the positive numbers are arranged in the grid follow by the
arrows direction.
1 2 3 4 5 ...
Row 1 1 2 6 7
2 3 5 8
3 4 9
4 10
For example,
8is placed in Row 2, Column 3.
9 is placed in Row 3, Column 2.

Which Row and which Column that 2008 is placed?

15. As I arrived at home in the afternoon. The 24-hour digital clock shows the time
as below (HH:MM:SS). I noticed instantly that the first three digits on the
platform clock were the same as the last three, and in the same order. How many
times in twenty four hours does this happen?

Note: The clock shows time from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.
2008 Thailand Elementary Mathematics
International Contest (TEMIC)

Team Contest 2008/10/28 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

1. N is a five-digit positive integer. P is a sixdigit integer constructed by placing

a digit 1 at the right-hand end of N. Q is a sixdigit integer constructed by
placing a digit 1 at the lefthand end of N. If P =3Q, find the five-digit
number N.

2008 Thailand Elementary Mathematics
International Contest (TEMIC)

Team Contest 2008/10/28 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

2. In a triangle ABC, X is a point on AC such that AX=15 cm, XC=5 cm,

AXB=60 and ABC = 2AXB. Find the length of BC, in cm.

15 X 5

2008 Thailand Elementary Mathematics
International Contest (TEMIC)

Team Contest 2008/10/28 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

3. A track AB is of length 950 metres. Todd and Steven run for 90 minutes on this
track, starting from A at the same time. Todd's speed is 40 metres per minute
while Steven's speed is 150 metres per minute. They meet a number of times,
running towards each other from opposite directions. At which meeting are they
closest to B?

2008 Thailand Elementary Mathematics
International Contest (TEMIC)

Team Contest 2008/10/28 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

1 1 1 1 1
4. The numbers in group A are , , , and . The numbers in group
6 12 20 30 42
1 1 1 1
B are , , and . The numbers in group C are 2.82, 2.76, 2.18 and
8 24 48 80
2.24. One number from each group is chosen and their product is computed.

What is the sum of all 80 products?

2008 Thailand Elementary Mathematics
International Contest (TEMIC)

Team Contest 2008/10/28 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

5. On the following 88 board, draw a single path going between squares with
common sides so that
(a) it is closed and not self-intersecting;
(b) it passes through every square with a circle, though not necessarily every
(c) it turns (left or right) at every square with a black circle, but does not do so
on either the square before or the one after;

z 9 z z z
(d) it does not turn (left or right) at any square with a white circle, but must do
so on either the square before or the one after, or both.

9 {
9 {

2008 Thailand Elementary Mathematics
International Contest (TEMIC)

Team Contest 2008/10/28 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

6. The diagram below shows a 77 checkerboard with black squares at the corners.
How many ways can we place 6 checkers on squares of the same colour, so that
no two checkers are in the same row or the same column?

2008 Thailand Elementary Mathematics
International Contest (TEMIC)

Team Contest 2008/10/28 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

7. How many different positive integers not exceeding 2008 can be chosen at most
such that the sum of any two of them is not divisible by their difference?

2008 Thailand Elementary Mathematics
International Contest (TEMIC)

Team Contest 2008/10/28 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

8. A 777 cube is cut into any 444, 333, 222, or 111 cubes. What is the
minimum number of cubes which must be cut out?

2008 Thailand Elementary Mathematics
International Contest (TEMIC)

Team Contest 2008/10/28 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

9. Place the numbers 0 through 9 in the circles in the diagram below without
repetitions, so that for each of the six small triangles which are pointing up
(shaded triangles), the sum of the numbers in its vertices is the same.

2008 Thailand Elementary Mathematics
International Contest (TEMIC)

Team Contest 2008/10/28 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Team: ________________________ Score: _________________

10. A frog is positioned at the origin (which label as 0) of a straight line. He can
move in either positive(+) or negative() direction. Starting from 0, the frog must
get to 2008 in exactly 19 jumps. The lengths of his jump are 12 , 22 , , 192
respectively (i.e. 1st jump =12 , 2nd jump = 22 , . . ., and so on). At which jump is
the smallest last negative jump?

0 2008

2008 EMIC Answers
1. 36 2. 20 3. 90 4. 7.2 5. 504231

6. 34 7. 101101 8. 12504 9. 8 10. 60

Row 9,
11. 11 12. 6 13. 89250 14. 15. 96
Column 55

1. 42857 2. 10

3. 7 4.

5. 6. 1584

7. 670 8. 71

0 9

9 5 0 4
2 3 6 7 6 3

8 4 7 1 1 5 2 8

10. 9
2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Individual Contest
Time limit: 90 minutes 2009/11/30

z Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
z Write down your name, your contestant number and your
team's name on the answer sheet.
z Write down all answers on the answer sheet. Only Arabic
NUMERICAL answers are needed.
z Answer all 15 problems. Each problem is worth 10
points and the total is 150 points. For problems involving
more than one answer, full credit will be given only if
ALL answers are correct, no partial credit will be given.
z Diagrams shown may not be drawn to scale.
z No calculator or calculating device is allowed.
z Answer the problems with pencil, blue or black ball pen.
z All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
2009 Philippine Elementary Mathematics International Contest Page 1

1. Find the smallest positive integer whose product after multiplication by 543 ends
in 2009.

2. Linda was delighted on her tenth birthday, 13 July 1991 (13/7/91), when she
realized that the product of the day of the month together with the month in the
year was equal to the year in the century: 137 = 91. She started thinking about
other occasions in the century when such an event might occur, and imagine her
surprise when she realized that the numbers in her two younger brothers tenth
birthdays would also have a similar relationship. Given that the birthdays of the
two boys are on consecutive days, when was Lindas youngest brother born?

3. Philip arranged the number 1, 2, 3, ... , 11, 12 into six pairs so that the sum of the
numbers in any pair is prime and no two of these primes are equal. Find the
largest of these primes.

3 5
4. In the figure, of the larger square is shaded and of the smaller square is
4 7
shaded. What is the ratio of the shaded area of the larger square to the shaded
area of the smaller square?

5. Observe the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . Starting from the third number,

each number is the sum of the two previous numbers. What is the remainder
when the 2009th number in this sequence is divided by 8?

6. Ampang Street has no more than 15 houses, numbered 1, 2, 3 and so on. Mrs.
Lau lives in one of the houses, but not in the first house. The product of all the
house numbers before Mrs. Laus house, is the same as that of the house numbers
after her house. How many houses are on Ampang Street?
2009 Philippine Elementary Mathematics International Contest Page 2
7. In the given figure, ABC is a right-angled triangle, where B = 90, BC = 42 cm
and AB = 56 cm. A semicircle with AC as a diameter and a quarter-circle with BC
as radius are drawn. Find the area of the shaded portion, in cm2. (Use = )

8. A number consists of three different digits. If the difference between the largest
and the smallest numbers obtained by rearranging these three digits is equal to
the original number, what is the original three-digit number?

9. The last 3 digits of some perfect squares are the same and non-zero. What is the
smallest possible value of such a perfect square?

10. Lynn is walking from town A to town B, and Mike is riding a bike from town B
to town A along the same road. They started out at the same time and met 1 hour
after. When Mike reaches town A, he turns around immediately. Forty minutes
after they first met, he catches up with Lynn, still on her way to town B. When
Mike reaches town B, he turns around immediately. Find the ratio of the
distances between their third meeting point and the towns A and B.

11. The figure shows the net of a polyhedron. How many edges does this polyhedron
2009 Philippine Elementary Mathematics International Contest Page 3
12. In the figure, the centers of the five circles, of same radius 1 cm, are the vertices
of the triangles. What is the total area, in cm2, of the shaded regions?
(Use = )

13. There are 10 steps from the ground level to the top of a platform. The 6th step is
under repair and can only be crossed over but not stepped on. Michael walks up
the steps with one or two steps only at a time. How many different ways can he
use to walk up to the top of the platform?

14. For four different positive integers a, b, c and d, where a < b < c < d, if the
product (d c) (c b) (b a) is divisible by 2009, then we call this group of
four integers a friendly group. How many friendly groups are there from 1 to

15. The figure shows five circles A, B, C, D and E. They are to be painted, each in
one color. Two circles joined by a line segment must have different colors. If five
colors are available, how many different ways of painting are there?

2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Time60 minutes 2009/11/30
z Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
z Remember to write down your team name in the space
indicated on every page.
z There are 10 problems in the Team Contest, arranged in
increasing order of difficulty. Each problem is worth 40
points and the total is 400 points. Each question is printed
on a separate sheet of paper. Complete solutions of
problems 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are required. Partial credits
may be given depending on the solutions written down. Only
final answers are required for Problem number 4 and 10.
z The four team members are allowed 10 minutes to discuss
and distribute the first 8 problems among themselves. Each
team member must solve at least one problem. Each will
then have 35 minutes to write the solutions of the assigned
problem/s independently with no further discussion or
exchange of problems. The four team members are allowed
15 minutes to solve the last 2 problems together.
z No calculator or calculating device or electronic devices are
z Answer in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
z All papers will be collected at the end of the competition.

English Version
2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Team Score
1. Below is a 360 table. Each row is filled with digits following its own particular
sequence. For each column, a sum is obtained by adding the three digits in each
column. How many times is the most frequent sum obtained?
Row A 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 4 5
Row B 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Row C 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Answer times
2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Team Score

2. All surfaces of the T-shape block below is painted red. It is then cut into
1cm 1cm 1cm cubes. Find the number of 1cm 1cm 1cm cubes with all six
faces unpainted.

Answer cubes
2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Team Score
3. Kiran and his younger brother Babu are walking on a beach with Babu walking
in front. Each of Kirans step measures 0.8 meter while each of Babus step
measures 0.6 meter. If both of them begin their walk along a straight line from
the same starting point (where the first footprint is marked) and cover a 100
meter stretch, how many foot-prints are left along the path? (If a footprint is
imprinted on the 100 meter point, it should be counted. Consider two foot-prints
as recognizable and distinct if one does not overlap exactly on top of the other.)

Answer foot-prints
2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Team Score
4. Four 2 1 cards, shown on the right in the following figure, are to be placed on
the board shown on the left below, without overlapping and such that the marked
diagonals of any two cards do not meet at a corner. The cards may not be rotated
nor flipped over. Find all the ways of arranging these cards that satisfy the given
1 4

2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Team Score
5. Water is leaking out continuously from a large reservoir at a constant rate. To
facilitate repair, the workers have to first drain-off the water in the reservoir with
the help of water pumps. If 20 pumps are used, it takes 5 full hours to completely
drain-off the water from the reservoir. If only 15 pumps are used, it will take an
hour longer. If the workers are given 10 hours to complete the job of draining-off
the water, what is the minimum number of water pumps required for the job?

Answer water pumps

2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Team Score
6. As shown in the following figure, we arranged the positive integers into a
triangular shape so that the numbers above or on the left must be less than the
numbers below or on the right and each line has one more number than those
above. Let us suppose aij stands for the number which is in the i-th line from the
top and j is the count from the left in the triangular figure(e.g. a43=9). If aij is
2009, what is the value of i+j?
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10

2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Team Score
7. In the figure below, the area of triangle ABC is 12 cm2. DCFE is a parallelogram
with vertex D on the line segment AC and F is on the extension of line segment
BC. If BC = 3CF , find the area of the shaded region, in cm2.



Answer cm2
2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Team Score
8. In the figure, the diameter AB of semi-circle O is 12 cm long. Points C and D
trisect line segment AB. An arc centered at C and with CA as radius meets
another arc centered at D and with DB as radius at point M. Take the distance
from point M to AB as 3.464 cm. Using C as center and CO as radius, a
semi-circle is constructed to meet AB at point E. Using D as center and DO as
radius, another semi-circle is constructed to meet AB at point F. Find the area of
the shaded region. (Use = 3.14 and give your answer correct to 3 decimal


Answer cm2
2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Team Score
9. The following figure shows a famous model, designed by Galton, a British
biostatistician, to test the stability of frequency. Some wooden blocks with
cross-sections in the shape of isosceles triangles are affixed to a wooden board.
There are 7 bottles below the board and a small ball on top of the highest block.
As the small ball falls down, it hits the top vertices of some wooden blocks
below and rolls down the left or right side of a block with the same chance, until
it falls into a bottle. How many different paths are there for the small ball to fall
from the top of the highest block to a bottle?

Answer paths
2009 2009
Philippine Philippine
Elementary Elementary
Mathematics Mathematics
International International
Contest Contest

Team Score
10. In the following figure, assign each of the A F
numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to one of the six
vertices of the regular hexagon ABCDEF and its
center O so that sums of the numbers at the
vertices of the rhombuses ABOF, BCDO and B E
DEFO are equal. If solutions obtained by O
flipping or rotating the hexagon are regarded as
identical, how many different solutions are

2009 EMIC Answers
1. 4663 2. 24/4/1986 3. 23 4. 6:5 5. 5

6. 10 7. 1715 8. 495 9. 1444 10. 3:2

11. 15 12. 13. 24 14. 15 15. 240

1. 12 2. 66
3. 251

4. 4,

5. 5 6. 119
7. 4 8. 28.659
9. 64
1 4 2 3 3 2 1 4 1 6 3 4

7 5 6 6 5 7 5 6 7 7 6 5 7 2 5 5 2 7

3 2 4 1 4 1 2 3 4 3 6 1

1 5 4 2 1 4 2 3 5 3 2 6

10. 6 7 3 3 7 6 6 7 5 5 7 6 4 1 7 7 1 4

2 4 5 1 3 2 4 1 6 2 3 5

1 5 2 4 1 6 5 2 3 4 2 5
7 3 6 6 3 7 7 4 3 3 4 7 6 1 7 7 1 6

4 2 5 1 2 5 6 1 5 2 4 3
International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Individual Contest
Time limit: 90 minutes
z Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
z Write down your name, your contestant number and your
team's name on the answer sheet.
z Write down all answers on the answer sheet. Only Arabic
NUMERICAL answers are needed.
z Answer all 15 problems. Each problem is worth 10 points
and the total is 150 points. For problems involving more
than one answer, full credit will be given only if ALL
answers are correct, no partial credit will be given. There
is no penalty for a wrong answer.
z Diagrams shown may not be drawn to scale.
z No calculator or calculating device is allowed.
z Answer the problems with pencil, blue or black ball pen.
z All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Individual Contest
Time limit: 90 minutes 27th July 2010 Incheon, Korea
1. A computer billboard is displaying the three words : IMC 2010 INCHEON. A
malfunction causes the initial letter of each of the three words to be shifted to
the end of that word every minute. Thus after 1 minute, the billboard reads MCI
0102 NCHEONI, and after 2 minutes, it reads CIM 1020 CHEONIN. After how
many minutes will the original three words reappear for the first time?
2. What is the sum of the digits of the number 102010 2010 ?
3. By the notation d n , we mean an n-digit number consisting of n times of the
digit d. Thus 53 =555 and 43958136 =444999998333333. If 2 w3x5 y + 3 y5w2 x =
53728z 5173 for some integers w, x, y and z, what is the value of w + x + y + z?
4. A man weighs 60 kg plus one-quarter of his weight. His wife weighs 64 kg plus
one-fifth of her weight. What is the absolute difference between the weights of
the man and his wife in kg?
5. In quadrilateral ABCD, AB=6 cm, AD=4 cm, BC=7 cm and CD=15 cm. If the
length of AC is an integer number of cm, what is this number?

6. The speed of the current in the river is 1 km per hour. A man rows a boat at
constant speed. He rows upstreams for 3 hours, and rows downstreams for 2
hours to return to his starting point. What is the distance, in km, between the
starting point of the boat and the point at which the boat turns around?
7. In the quadrilateral ABCD, AB is parallel to DC and AD = BC. If eight copies of
this quadrilateral can be used to form a hollow regular octagon as shown in the
diagram below, what is the measure of BAD, in degree ?


8. Let abc , def be two different 3-digit numbers. If the difference
abcdef defabc is divisible by 2010, what is the largest possible sum of these
two 3-digit numbers?
9. What is the average of all different 9-digits numbers where each consists of the
digit 5 five times and the digit 4 four times?
10. ABCD is a rectangle with AB=4 cm and BC=6 cm. E, F, G and H are points on
the sides AB, BC, CD and DA respectively, such that AE=CG=3 cm and
BF=DH=4 cm. If P is a point inside ABCD such that the area of the quadrilateral
AEPH is 5 cm2, what is the area the quadrilateral PFCG, in cm2?



11. Narrow vegetable spring-rolls of length 8 cm are supposed to be made by rolling

8-cm bean sprouts inside 6 cm 8 cm rice papers into cylinders. Instead, the
workers are provided with 6 cm bean sprouts. So they roll the rice paper the
other way and get wide cylinders of length 6 cm. For either kind of spring rolls,
there is an overlap of 1 cm in order for the rice paper to stick. What is the ratio
of the volume of the 8 cm spring roll to the volume of the 6 cm spring roll?
12. The largest of 23 consecutive odd numbers is 5 times the smallest. What is the
average of these 23 numbers?
13. The digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are to be written in the squares so that every
row and every column with three numbers has a total of 13. Two numbers have
already been entered. What is the number in the square marked ?

14. In a test given in four subjects, each of five students obtained a score of w, x, y
or z in each individual subject, as shown in the table below. The total score of
each student had been computed, as well as the class total for each subject
except for one. What was the class total for Biology?
Students Anna Gail Mary Patty Susie Class Total
Algebra w z w z y 416
Biology w x y y z ?
Chemistry x y y w x 428
Dictation y w z z x 401
Individual Total 349 330 349 326 315

15. What is the largest positive integer n which does not contain the digit 0, such
that the sum of its digits is 15 and the sum of the digits of 2n is less than 20?
International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Time60 minutes
z Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
z Remember to write down your team name in the space indicated on
every page.
z There are 10 problems in the Team Contest, arranged in increasing
order of difficulty. Each problem is worth 40 points and the total is
400 points. Each question is printed on a separate sheet of paper.
Complete solutions of problems 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 are required.
Partial credits may be given. In case the spaces provided in each
problem are not enough, you may continue you work at the back
page of the paper. Only answers are required for Problem number
2, 7 and 10.
z The four team members are allowed 10 minutes to discuss and
distribute the first 8 problems among themselves. Each team
member must solve at least one problem. Each will then have 35
minutes to write the solutions of the assigned problems
independently with no further discussion or exchange of problems.
The four team members are allowed 15 minutes to solve the last 2
problems together.
z No calculator or calculating device or electronic devices are
z Answer must be in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
z All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Team Score
1. Pat is building a number triangle so that the first row has only one number, and
each subsequent row has two more numbers than the preceding one. Starting
from 1, the odd numbers are used in order in the odd-numbered rows. Starting
from 2, the even numbers are used in order in the even-numbered rows. Thus her
triangle starts off as follows.
2 4 6
3 5 7 9 11
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Determine the row number in which the number 2010 will appear in Pats
number triangle.

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Team Score
2. In a faulty calculator, only the keys 7, , , and = work. If you press 7 after 7,
you will get 77, and so on. As soon as an operation key is pressed, the preceding
operation, if any, will be performed. When the = key is pressed, the final answer
will appear. Find a sequence of key pressing which produces the final answer

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Team Score
3. A square is divided into three parts of equal area by two parallel lines drawn
from opposite vertices, as shown in the diagram below. Determine the area of
the square, in cm2, if the distance between the two parallel lines is 1 cm?

Answer: cm2
International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Team Score
4. John and Mary live in the same building which has ten apartments on each floor.
The apartments are numbered consecutively, with 1 to 10 on the first floor, 11 to
20 on the second floor, 21 to 30 on the third floor, and so on. The number of
Marys apartment is equal to Johns floor number, and the sum of their
apartment numbers is 239. Determine the number of Johns apartment.

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Team Score
5. Three couples went shopping in a mall. The following facts were known.
(1) Each person spent a whole number of dollars.
(2) The three wives spent $2408 among them.
(3) Lady A spent $400 plus half of what Lady B spent.
(4) Lady C spent $204 more than Lady A .
(5) Mr. X spent four times as much as his wife.
(6) Mr. Y spent $8 more than his wife.
(7) Mr. Z spent one and a half times as much as his wife.
(8) The three couples spent altogether $8040.
Determine the three husband-wife pairs.

Mr. X - Lady
Answer: Mr. Y - Lady
Mr. Z - Lady
International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Team Score
6. A nine-digit number contains each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 exactly
once, and every two adjacent digits of this nine-digit number form a two-digit
number which is the product of two one-digit numbers. Determine this nine-digit

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Team Score
7. Sixteen students, labelled A to P, are writing a five-day examination. On each
day, they write in four rooms, with four of them in a room. No two students are
to be in the same room for more than one day. The published schedule, as shown
in the diagram below, contains smudges, and unreadable entries are replaced by
Xs. Replace each X by the correct letter.
Room Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
1 A B C D X G I P X X X M X H I X X G X X
2 E F G H X X X N D F X O X E J X B X J O
3 I J K L C E L X X H L P A X K X A X X M
4 M N O P D X K X X X K X B X X X C F X X

Room Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

1 A B C D G I P M H I G
2 E F G H N D F O E J B J O
3 I J K L C E L H L P A K A M
Answer: 4 M N O P D K K B C F
International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Team Score
8. A 14 alien spaceship is going to land on a 77 airfield, occupying 4 of the 49
squares in a row or a column. Mines are placed in some of the squares, and if the
alien space ship lands on a square with a mine, it will blow up. Determine the
smallest number of mines required to guarantee that the alien spaceship will be
blown up, wherever it lands on this airfield. Show where the mines should be

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Team Score
9. All but one of the numbers from 1 to 21 are to be filled into the squares of a
4 5 table, one number in each square, such that the sum of all the numbers in
each row is equal to a number, and the sum of all the numbers in each column is
equal to another number. Find all possible values of the number which is deleted,
and find a way of filling in the table for each number that was deleted.

International Mathematics Competition,
25~29 July, 2010, Incheon, Korea,

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Team Score
10. Each of the six pieces shown in the diagram below consists of two to five
isosceles right triangles of the same size. A square is to be constructed, without
overlap, using n of the six pieces. For each possible value of n, give a

2010 EMIC Answers
1. 84 2. 18079 3. 15 4. 0 5. 12

6. 12 7. 112 8. 1328 9. 506172839 10. 8

11. 100:147 12. 33 13. 4 14. 424 15. 5511111

1. 46 2. 777 7 77 = 34

3. 13 4. 217

Mr. X Lady C,
5. Mr. Y Lady A 6. 728163549
Mr. Z Lady B

Room Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

1 A B C D B G I P C G J M C H I N D G L N
7. 2 E F G H A F J N D F I O D E J P B H J O
3 I J K L C E L O A H L P A G K O A E I M
4 M N O P D H K M B E K N B F L M C F K P

21 4 5 15 10

20 3 6 14 12
8. 12, 9. 11,
1 18 16 7 13

2 19 17 8 9
n=1, 2, 3, 5 and 6:

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Individual Contest
Time limit: 90 minutes
z Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
z Write down your name, your contestant number and your
team's name on the answer sheet.
z Write down all answers on the answer sheet. Only Arabic
NUMERICAL answers are needed.
z Answer all 15 problems. Each problem is worth 10 points
and the total is 150 points. For problems involving more
than one answer, full credit will be given only if ALL
answers are correct, no partial credit will be given. There
is no penalty for a wrong answer.
z Diagrams shown may not be drawn to scale.
z No calculator or calculating device is allowed.
z Answer the problems with pencil, blue or black ball pen.
z All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Individual Contest

Time limit: 90 minutes 20th July 2011 Bali, Indonesia

1. For any two numbers a and b, a b means a + b .
Calculate: 1 2 3 L 2010 2011.

2. Suppose 11 coconuts have the same cost as 14 pineapples, 22 mango have the
same cost as 21 pineapples, 10 mango have the same cost as 3 bananas, and 5
oranges have the same cost as 2 bananas. How many coconuts have the same
cost as 13 oranges?

1+ 2 4 + 5 2011 + 2012
3. A girl calculates+ +L + and a boy calculates
3 6 2013
1 1 1
1+ + +L + . What is the sum of their answers?
2 3 671

4. What is the first time between 4:00 and 5:00 that the hour hand and the minute
hand are exactly 10 apart?

5. Two squirrels, Tim and Kim, are dividing a pile of hazelnuts. Tim starts by
taking 5 hazelnuts. Thereafter, they take alternate turns, each time taking 1 more
hazelnut than the other in the preceding turn. If the number of hazelnuts to be
taken is larger than what remains in the pile, then all remaining hazelnuts are
taken. At the end, Tim has taken 101 hazelnuts. What is the exact number of
hazelnuts at the beginning?

6. In how many ways can we pay a bill of $500 by a combination of $10, $20 and
$50 notes?

7. The least common multiple of the numbers 16, 50 and A is 1200. How many
positive integers A have this property?
8. In the figure below, = = = and = = = . If the
area of ABC is 360 cm2, what is the area of QRS, in cm2?


9. In a 23 table, there are 10 rectangles which consist of an even number of unit

1 2 3 1 2 2 3
a a a
b b b
1 2 3 1 2 2 3
a a a a a
b b b 1 2 2 3
b b
How many rectangles are there in a 69 table which consist of an even number
of unit squares?

10. Find the smallest positive common multiple of 4 and 6 such that each digit is
either 4 or 6, there is at least one 4 and there is at least one 6.
11. We have two kinds of isosceles triangles each with two sides of length 1. The
acute triangle has a 30 angle between the two equal sides, and the right triangle
has a right angle between the two equal sides. We place a sequence of isosceles
triangles around a point according to the following rules. The n-th isosceles
triangle is a right isosceles triangle if n is a multiple of 3, and an acute isosceles
triangle if it is not. Moreover, the n-th and (n+1)-st isosceles triangles share a
common side, as shown in the diagram below. What is the smallest value of
n>1such that the n-th isosceles triangle coincides with the 1-st one?


9 1

12. When the digits of a two-digit number are reversed, the new number is at least 3
times as large as the original number. How many such two-digit numbers are

13. In the quadrilateral ABCD, AB=CD, BCD=57, and ADB +CBD = 180.
Find the value of BAD.

14. Squares on an infinite chessboard are being painted. As shown in the diagram
below, three squares (lightly shaded) are initially painted. In the first step, we
paint all squares (darkly shaded) which share at least one edge with squares
already painted. The same rule applies in all subsequent steps. Find the number
of painted squares after one hundred steps.
First step

15. The rows of a 20114024 chessboard are numbered from 1 to 2011 from bottom
to top, and the columns from 1 to 4024 from left to right. A snail starts crawling
from the cell on row 1 and column 1 along row 1. Whenever it is about to crawl
off the chessboard or onto a cell which it has already visited, it will make a left
turn and then crawl forwards in a straight line. Thus it follows a spiraling path
until it has visited every cell. Find the sum of the row number and the column
number of the cell where the path ends. (The answer is 3+2=5 for a 45 table.)

1 2 3 4 5
Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Time60 minutes
z Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
z Remember to write down your team name in the space indicated on
every page.
z There are 10 problems in the Team Contest, arranged in increasing
order of difficulty. Each question is printed on a separate sheet of
paper. Each problem is worth 40 points and complete solutions of
problem 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 are required for full credits. Partial credits
may be awarded. In case the spaces provided in each problem are not
enough, you may continue your work at the back page of the paper.
Only answers are required for problem number 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
z The four team members are allowed 10 minutes to discuss and
distribute the first 8 problems among themselves. Each student must
attempt at least one problem. Each will then have 35 minutes to write
the solutions of their allotted problem independently with no further
discussion or exchange of problems. The four team members are
allowed 15 minutes to solve the last 2 problems together.
z No calculator or calculating device or electronic devices are allowed.
z Answer must be in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
z All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
Elementary Mathematics International Contest

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score
1. There are 18 bags of candies. The first bag contains 1 piece. The second bag
contains 4 pieces. In general, the k-th bag contains k 2 pieces. The bags are to be
divided into three piles, each consisting of 6 bags, such that the total number of
pieces inside the bags in each pile is the same. Find one way of doing so.

1st pile

Answer: 2nd pile

3rd pile
Elementary Mathematics International Contest

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

2. There are eight positive integers in a row. Starting from the third, each is the sum
of the preceding two numbers. If the eighth number is 2011, what is the largest
possible value of the first one?

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

3. O is the centre of a circle. A light beam starts from a point A0 on the circle, hits
a point A1 on the circle and then reflects to hit another point A2 on the circle,
where A0 A1O = A2 A1O . Then it reflects to hit another point A3 , and so on. If
A95 is the first point to coincide with A0 , how many different choices of the
point A1 can there be?

Answer: different choices

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

4. The capacities of a large pipe and four identical small pipes, in m3 per hour, are
positive integers. The large pipe has a capacity of 6 m3 per hour more than a small
pipe. The four small pipes together can fill a pool 2 hours faster than the large
pipe. What is the maximum volume of the pool, in m3?

Answer: m3
Elementary Mathematics International Contest

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

5. The boys in Key Stage II, wearing white, are playing a soccer match against the
boys in Key Stage III, wearing black. At one point, the position of the players on
the field are as shown in the diagram below. The ball may be passed from one
team member, in any of the eight directions along a row, a column or a diagonal,
to the first team member in line. The ball may not pass through an opposing team
member. The goalkeeper of Stage II, standing in front of his goal on the right, has
the ball. Pass the ball so that each member of the white team touches the ball once,
and the last team member shoots the ball into the black team's net.

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

6. A palindrome is a positive integer which is the same when its digits are read in
reverse order. In the addition 2882+9339=12221, all three numbers are
palindromes. How many pairs of four-digit palindromes are there such that their
sum is a five-digit palindrome? The pair (9339, 2882) is not considered different
from the pair (2882, 9339).

Answer: pairs
Elementary Mathematics International Contest

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

7. Place each of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 into a different vacant box in the diagram

below, so that the arrows of the box containing 0 point to the box containing 1.
For instance, 1 is in box A or B. Similarly, the arrows of the box containing 1
point to the box containing 2, and so on.

Answer: 8
Elementary Mathematics International Contest

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

8. On calculators, the ten digits are displayed as shown in the diagram below, each
consisting of six panels in a 32 configuration.

A calculator with a two-dimensional display was showing the subtraction of a

three-digit number from another three-digit number, but the screen was
malfunctioning so that only one panel of each digit was visible.
What is the maximum value of the three-digit difference?

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score
9. Six villages are evenly spaced along a country road. It takes one hour to ride on a
bicycle from one village to the next. Mail delivery is once a day. There are six
packets of letters, one for each village. The mailman's introductions are as
(1) Ask the Post Office van to drop you off at the village on the first packet and
deliver it.
(2) Ride the bicycle non-stop to the village on the second packet and deliver it.
(3) Repeat the last step until all packets have been delivered.
(4) Phone the Post Office van to pick you up.
The mailman is paid 20000 rupiahs an hour on the bicycle. Taking advantage that
the Post Office has no instructions on how the packets are to be ordered, what is
the maximum amount of money he can earn in a day?

Answer: rupiahs
Elementary Mathematics International Contest

20 July 2011 Bali, Indonesia
Team Score

10. How many different ways can 90 be expressed as the sum of at least two
consecutive positive integers?

2011 EMIC Answers
1. 2011 2. 13 3. 1342 4. 420 5. 205

6. 146 7. 15 8. 40 9. 645 10. 4464

11. 23 12. 6 13. 57 14. 20503 15. 4025


The first pile consists of 324, 169, 121, 64, 16 and 9,

1. the second pile consists of 256, 225, 144, 49, 25 and 4
and the third pile consists of 289, 196, 100, 81, 36 and 1.

2. 240 3. 72

4. 72 5.

0 5 1
6. 36 7. 3 4 2

7 6 8

8. 529 9. 340000

10. 5
Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Individual Contest
Time limit: 90 minutes
Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
Write down your name, your contestant number and your
team's name on the answer sheet.
Write down all answers on the answer sheet. Only Arabic
NUMERICAL answers are needed.
Answer all 15 problems. Each problem is worth 10 points
and the total is 150 points. For problems involving more
than one answer, full credit will be given only if ALL
answers are correct, no partial credit will be given. There
is no penalty for a wrong answer.
Diagrams shown may not be drawn to scale.
No calculator or calculating device is allowed.
Answer the problems with pencil, blue or black ball pen.
All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
1. In how many ways can 20 identical pencils be distributed among three girls so
that each gets at least 1 pencil?

2. On a circular highway, one has to pay toll charges at three places. In clockwise
order, they are a bridge which costs $1 to cross, a tunnel which costs $3 to pass
through, and the dam of a reservoir which costs $5 to go on top. Starting on the
highway between the dam and the bridge, a car goes clockwise and pays
toll-charges until the total bill amounts to $130. How much does it have to pay
at the next place if he continues?

3. When a two-digit number is increased by 4, the sum of its digits is equal to half
of the sum of the digits of the original number. How many possible values are
there for such a two-digit number?

4. In the diagram below, OAB is a circular sector with OA = OB and AOB = 30 .

A semicircle passing through A is drawn with centre C on OA, touching OB at
some point T. What is the ratio of the area of the semicircle to the area of the
circular sector OAB?


5. ABCD is a square with total area 36 cm2. F is the midpoint of AD and E is the
midpoint of FD. BE and CF intersect at G. What is the area, in cm2, of triangle

6. In a village, friendship among girls is mutual. Each girl has either exactly one
friend or exactly two friends among themselves. One morning, all girls with two
friends wear red hats and the other girls all wear blue hats. It turns out that any
two friends wear hats of different colours. In the afternoon, 10 girls change their
red hats into blue hats and 12 girls change their blue hats into red hats. Now it
turns out that any two friends wear hats of the same colour. How many girls are
there in the village? (A girl can only change her hat once.)

7. The diagram below shows a 7 7 grid in which the area of each unit cell (one of
which is shaded) is 1 cm2. Four congruent squares are drawn on this grid. The
vertices of each square are chosen among the 49 dots, and two squares may not
have any point in common. What is the maximum area, in cm2, of one of these
four squares?

8. The sum of 1006 different positive integers is 1019057. If none of them is

greater than 2012, what is the minimum number of these integers which must be

9. The desks in the TAIMC contest room are arranged in a 6 6 configuration.

Two contestants are neighbours if they occupy adjacent seats along a row, a
column or a diagonal. Thus a contestant in a seat at a corner of the room has 3
neighbours, a contestant in a seat on an edge of the room has 5 neighbours, and a
contestant in a seat in the interior of the room has 8 neighbours. After the contest,
a contestant gets a prize if at most one neighbour has a score greater than or
equal to the score of the contestant. What is maximum number of prize-winners?

10. The sum of two positive integers is 7 times their difference. The product of the
same two numbers is 36 times their difference. What is the larger one of these
two numbers?

11. In a competition, every student from school A and from school B is a gold
medalist, a silver medalist or a bronze medalist. The number of gold medalist
from each school is the same. The ratio of the percentage of students who are
gold medalist from school A to that from school B is 5:6. The ratio of the
number of silver medalists from school A to that from school B is 9:2. The
percentage of students who are silver medalists from both school is 20%. If 50%
of the students from school A are bronze medalists, what percentage of the
students from school B are gold medalists?
12. We start with the fraction . In each move, we can either increase the
numerator by 6 or increases the denominator by 5, but not both. What is the
minimum number of moves to make the value of the fraction equal to again?

13. Five consecutive two-digit numbers are such that 37 is a divisor of the sum of
three of them, and 71 is also a divisor of the sum of three of them. What is the
largest of these five numbers?

14. ABCD is a square. M is the midpoint of AB and N is the midpoint of BC. P is a

point on CD such that CP = 4 cm and PD = 8 cm, Q is a point on DA such that
DQ = 3 cm. O is the point of intersection of MP and NQ. Compare the areas of
the two triangles in each of the pairs (QOM, QAM), (MON, MBN), (NOP, NCP)
and (POQ, PDQ). In cm2, what is the maximum value of these four differences?




15. Right before Carol was born, the age of Eric is equal to the sum of the ages of
Alice, Ben and Debra, and the average age of the four was 19. In 2010, the age
of Debra was 8 more than the sum of the ages of Ben and Carol, and the average
age of the five was 35.2. In 2012, the average age of Ben, Carol, Debra and Eric
is 39.5. What is the age of Ben in 2012?
Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

Time60 minutes
Do not turn to the first page until you are told to do so.
Remember to write down your team name in the space indicated on every page.
There are 10 problems in the Team Contest, arranged in increasing order of
difficulty. Each question is printed on a separate sheet of paper. Each problem is
worth 40 points and complete solutions of problem 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 are required
for full credits. Partial credits may be awarded. In case the spaces provided in
each problem are not enough, you may continue your work at the back page of
the paper. Only answers are required for problem number 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
The four team members are allowed 10 minutes to discuss and distribute the first
8 problems among themselves. Each student must attempt at least one problem.
Each will then have 35 minutes to write the solutions of their allotted problem
independently with no further discussion or exchange of problems. The four
team members are allowed 15 minutes to solve the last 2 problems together.
No calculator or calculating device or electronic devices are allowed.
Answer must be in pencil or in blue or black ball point pen.
All papers shall be collected at the end of this test.

English Version
For Juries Use Only
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Sign by Jury
Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

1. Each of the nine circles in the diagram below contains a different positive integer.
These integers are consecutive and the sum of numbers in all the circles on each
of the seven lines is 23. The number in the circle at the top right corner is less
than the number in the circle at the bottom right corner. Eight of the numbers
have been erased. Restore them.

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

2. A clay tablet consists of a table of numbers, part of which is shown in the
diagram below on the left. The first column consists of consecutive numbers
starting from 0. In the first row, each subsequent number is obtained from the
preceding one by adding 1. In the second row, each subsequent number is
obtained from the preceding one by adding 2. In the third row, each subsequent
number is obtained from the preceding one by adding 3, and so on. The tablet
falls down and breaks up into pieces, which are swept away except for the two
shown in the diagram below on the right in magnified forms, each with a
smudged square. What is the sum of the two numbers on these two squares?
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 3 5 7 9 11 2012

2 5 8 11 14 17 ? 2012 2023 2683

3 7 11 15 19 23
4 9 14 19 24 29
5 11 17 23 29 35

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

3. In a row of numbers, each is either 2012 or 1. The first number is 2012. There is
exactly one 1 between the first 2012 and the second 2012. There are exactly two
1s between the second 2012 and the third 2012. There are exactly three 1s
between the third 2012 and the fourth 2012, and so on. What is the sum of the
first 2012 numbers in the row?

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

4. In a test, one-third of the questions were answered incorrectly by Andrea and 7
questions were answered incorrectly by Barbara. One fifth of the questions were
answered incorrectly by both of them. What was the maximum number of
questions which were answered correctly by both of them?

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

5. Five different positive integers are multiplied two at a time, yielding ten products.
The smallest product is 28, the largest product is 240 and 128 is also one of the
products. What is the sum of these five numbers?

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

6. The diagram below shows a square MNPQ inside a rectangle ABCD where
AB BC = 7 cm. The sides of the rectangle parallel to the sides of the square. If
the total area of ABNM and CDQP is 123 cm2 and the total area of ADQM and
BCPN is 312 cm2, what is the area of MNPQ in cm2?



Answer: cm2
Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

7. Two companies have the same number of employees. The first company hires
new employees so that its workforce is 11 times its original size. The second
company lays off 11 employees. After the change, the number of employees in
the first company is a multiple of the number of employees in the second
company. What is the maximum number of employees in each company before
the change?

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

8. ABCD is a square. K, L, M and N are points on BC such that BK = KL = LM =
MN =NC. E is the point on AD such that AE = BK. In degrees, what is the
measure of




Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

9. The numbers 1 and 8 have been put into two squares of a 33 table, as shown in
the diagram below. The remaining seven squares are to be filled with the
numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9, using each exactly once, such that the sum of the
numbers is the same in any of the four 22 subtables shaded in the diagram
below. Find all possible solutions.

1 1 1 1

8 8 8 8

1 1 1

8 8 8

1 1 1

8 8 8

Taiwan International
Mathematics Competition 2012
(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Elementary Mathematics International Contest

25 July 2012 Taipei, Taiwan

10. At the beginning of each month, an adult red ant gives birth to three baby black
ants. An adult black ant eats one baby black ant, gives birth to three baby red ants,
and then dies (Also, it is known that there are always enough baby black ants to
be eaten.) During the month, baby ants become adult ants, and the cycle
continues. If there are 9000000 red ants and 1000000 black ants on Christmas
day, what was the difference between the number of red ants and the number of
black ants on Christmas day a year ago?


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