Coupled Pendula: Background

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Coupled Pendula

6. Coupled Pendula

Simple harmonic motion

Simple pendulum
Coupled pendula

Aim of the experiment

To Study the normal modes and resonance of coupled pendula.

Apparatus Required
Coupled pendulum set up
Stop watch


Two identical pendula each a light rod of length l supporting a mass m and coupled
by a weightless spring stiffness k and of natural length equal to the separation of the
masses at zero displacement.

Fig. 1

The small oscillations are restricted to the plane of the paper.

If x and y are the respective displacement of the two masses, then the equation of
mx mg k ( x y ) (1)
and my mg k ( y x) (2)

Coupled Pendula
Writing natural frequency of each pendula 02 , we have
x 02 x
( x y ), (3)
y 02 y ( y x)
Adding (3) and (4) we have ,

y 02 ( x y) 0
x (5)
Subtracting (4) from (3) gives :
y 02 ( x y) ( x y) 0
x (6)
Substituting X x y in (5) and Y x y in (6) respectively, we obtain the following
two equations :
X 02 X 0 (7)
Y 02 Y 0 (8)

The equation (7) and (8) are equations of simple harmonic motion with natural angular
frequencies 0 and 1 02 respectively.
Case I : In-phase mode :
Now if Y 0, x y at all times and the motion is completely governed by equation
(7) and frequency of oscillation is the same as that of either independent pendulum and
spring has no effect. This is due to the fact that both the oscillations are oscillating in
phase and the spring is unstreched/uncompressed all the time and hence always
maintaining its natural length. See Fig (2).

Fig. 2

Coupled Pendula
Case II : Out-of phase mode :

If X 0, x y for all time, then the motion will be completely described by

equation (8). The frequency of oscillation in this case is greater than that of natural
frequency of independent pendulum because the spring is either stretched or compressed.
The pendula are always out of phase. See Fig (3).

Fig. 3

The above two modes of coupled pendula are called the normal modes of vibration.
The frequencies 0 and 1 02 are known as the normal frequencies. In
normal mode all components of the system oscillate with the same normal frequency.

Any arbitrary oscillation of the system is actually a linear combination of these two
normal modes.
In the following we shall study one such oscillation called Resonance.

Case : III : Resonance

In Resonance we set the system in motion by displacing the right hand mass a
distance, x 2a (or left hand mass a distance y 2a ). See Fig (4).

Coupled Pendula

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

The general solutions of the equations (7) and (8) are the following :

X x y X 0Cos(0t 1 ) (9)

Y x y Y0Cos(1t 2 ) (10)

Where ,
12 02 . For resonance we choose amplitude X 0 Y0 2a and
phases 1 2 0 , the displacement of the right pendulum is given by:

Coupled Pendula
x ( X Y ) aCos0t aCos1t

(1 0 )t ( 0 )t
2aCos Cos 1 (11)
2 2

Similarly the displacement of left pendulum is

y ( X Y ) aCos0t aCos1t

(1 0 )t ( 0 )
y 2aSin Sin 1 t (12)
2 2
Figure (4) shows that our initial displacement x 2a and y 0 at t 0 is a
combination of inphase mode and out of phase mode in equal proportion. The plots
of the displacements of individual masses with time for different modes are shown in
Fig.5. It can be seen from eqn. (7) and (8) (or from the plot) that the energy of one
oscillator is transferred to the other repeatedly. Complete energy exchange is only
(1 0 )
possible when the masses are identical and the ratio is an integer, otherwise
(1 0 )
neither will ever be quite stationary.
In each plot we find that there are two frequencies involved. One is the higher frequency
(low time period) of oscillations of individual masses. We call this frequency as
( 1 )
c 0 . This slow variation of amplitude at half the normal mode frequency
difference is the phenomenon of beats which occur between two oscillations of nearly

equal frequencies. We call this frequency as beats frequency B 1 0 .The
second one is the lower frequency by which the amplitude of oscillation varies. This is
seen by taking the envelope of the amplitude at various times.

In phase time period , T0
Out of phase time period , T1

Time period for coupled oscillator, Tc ;
0 1
Time period for the beats TB
1 0
Or, Tc 2
T0 T1

Coupled Pendula
And TB 2
T0 T1

The degree of coupling is defined by

2 02 T02 T12
1 02 T02 T12

1. The two pendula are uncoupled. Set the timeperiod of oscillation of each single
separated pendulum equal by properly adjusting the small screws on top and the
masses at bottom. This should be done by measuring time for 50 100
2. After coupling the two pendula with a spring both are impelled equally in the
same direction and the time period of oscillation T0 is measured for
100 oscillations.
3. The connected pendula are impelled equally in opposite directions and the
time period of oscillations T1 is noted down for 100 oscillations.
4. One of the pendula left in rest, the other impelled and `the time period of
oscillation of the coupled oscillations (Beats oscillations) Tc is measured for 100
5. The time period TB for beats is measured by observing one of the pendula
becoming stand still 5-6 times.
6. The value for Tc and TB are calculated and compared with the measured values.
7. The degree of coupling is to be calculated .
8. The steps 2 to 7 are repeated for pendula coupled with another spring of different

Observations & Calculations

Least count of the stop watch :

Before Coupling : Spring 1

Time period of pendulum 1 :

Time period of pendulum 2

Before Coupling : Spring 2

Time period of pendulum 1

Time period of pendulum 2

Coupled Pendula

After Coupling

Measured Values of Time Period Calculated Values

Degree of
2T T 2T T Coupling
In Phase mode Out of Phase mode Coupled mode Beats Tc 0 1 TB 0 1
T0 T1 T0 T1 T02 T12
(sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) 2
T0 T12
Sl. No

(sec) (sec)

T0 T1 Tc TB
1. 1. 1. 1.
Spring 1

Spring 1

2. 2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3. 3.

Av. T0 = Av. T1 = Av. Tc = Av. TB=

T0 T1 Tc TB
1. 1. 1. 1.
Spring 2

Spring 2

2. 2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3. 3.

Av. T0 = Av. T1 = Av. Tc= Av. TB=

Coupled Pendula
Results :

Spring 1
1) Calculated Tc = whereas measured Tc =

2) Calculated TB = while measured TB =

3) Degree of coupling =

Spring 2
1) Calculated Tc = whereas measured Tc =

2) Calculated TB = while measured TB =

3) Degree of coupling =

Error Calculations :

Maximum possible error in TC :

TC T0 T1 (T0 T1))

TC T0 T1 T0 T1

T0 T1 T , n No.of Oscillations & t Least count of the stop watch

TC 1 1 2
TC T0 T1 T0 T1

Maximum possible error in TB :

TB T0 T1 (T0 T1 )

TB T0 T1 T0 T1

TB 1 1 2
TB T0 T1 T0 T1

Coupled Pendula

1) The independent pendula should be adjusted first with the help of moving masses to
have approximately equal oscillation time periods.
2) Amplitude of oscillations should be kept small, i.e the angular amplitude should be
kept below 100.
3) Time should be noted for large no. of oscillations, i.e 100 or more.
4) Spring should be kept at its natural length. It should not be too loose either
otherwise a sag will be produced in the spring.

Questions & Discussions :

1) Do you agree with the equations of motion (1) & (2) for the system shown in Fig. 1
or the apparatus you are using ? If yes, justify, if no give reasons.
2) Identify sources of errors creeping in this experiment and discuss the remedies.

Reference :
The Physics vibrations and waves, H.J. Pain


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