Unit Network Infrastructure Maintenance SA

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Unit Network

Infrastructure Maintenance

Standard Service Agreement (SA)

University of Michigan
Information and Technology Services (ITS)

July 1, 2012

1.0 Overview
2.0 Purpose
3.0 Service Rates
4.0 Terms of Agreement
5.0 ITS Responsibilities
6.0 Unit Responsibilities
7.0 Performance Measures
8.0 Problem Resolution
9.0 Upgrades
10.0 Security
11.0 Accountability
Appendix A - LAN Maintenance Service Rates
Appendix B - Responsibilities Diagram
Appendix C - Account Information
1.0 Overview

This Service Agreement (SA) is between Information and Technology Services (ITS) and a University of
Michigan Unit (henceforth referred to as Unit) on the Ann Arbor Campus. Under this SA, ITS agrees to
provide the Unit, Network Infrastructure Maintenance to include data switches, routers, access points,
hubs, Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs), firewalls, and other identified and agreed upon components
at the service rates and for the duration specified.

This SA also covers performance, reliability and other topics pertinent to maintenance; in particular, it lists
the key responsibilities of ITS and the Unit.

2.0 Purpose

The purpose of this SA is to establish a cooperative partnership between the Unit and ITS by clarifying
roles, setting rates and expectations, and providing mechanisms for resolving problems.
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3.0 Service Rates

Service rates are presented in Appendix A and are reviewed annually. Any revisions will be made by
ITS and presented to the Unit prior to SA renewal
4.0 Terms of Agreement

This SA agreement is effective from the date it is signed until the agreed upon expiration date. At the
end of this period, the SA may be renewed. As with the original SA, renewed SAs are signed
agreements that reflect terms and conditions agreed upon by both the Unit and ITS. Any changes or
modifications to this SA must be submitted in writing to the signers of the SA 90 days in advance of
the proposed implementation. Changes or modifications agreed to by both the Unit and ITS will be
signed and attached to the SA as an addendum.
5.0 ITS Responsibilities

5.1 Provide services for equipment covered by this agreement and/or as identified and
agreed upon in this document. ITS will retain spares for all products listed in this
agreement (with the exception of UPS batteries or EOL (end-of-life)). ITS reserves the
right to substitute similar equipment, as a temporary solution, in situations where
maintaining exact spares is not practical.
5.2 Provide and maintain the necessary materials and electronic components to operate the
Unit Network Infrastructure.
5.3 Provide configuration and Network Infrastructure Administration support necessary to
repair and maintain the Unit Network Infrastructure hardware and software covered by
this agreement.
5.4 Provide operational support for the following procedures:
Changing operational state of the Unit Network Infrastructure
Maintenance/Repair service
5.5 Provide the Network Administrator, via email, 48 hours notice of scheduled, non-
emergency outages due to maintenance. These are typically scheduled daily between
5:00 and 8:00 a.m.
5.6 Monitor 24 hours/day and 365 days/year (24 x 365), supported protocols to the
backbone interface of the Units network up to and including the extension to the first
hub or switch, which must be accessible at the fiber patch panel access (FPPA) point.
5.7 Monitor 24 hours/day and 365 days/year (24 x 365), network interfaces on
uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) that support the Unit network switches. Provide
notification in the event that a UPS is activated, (input power is lost or degraded and
system switches to battery power), deactivated, (input power is restored), or
unreachable. Provide notification to the Unit Network Administrator when batteries
degrade to the point of needing replacement.
5.8 Provide maintenance on the station cabling as installed by ITS, or an approved U-M
vendor which met ITS installation specifications, and was not vandalized, removed, or
modified during remodeling and/or construction. In the situation where the cabling was
installed by non-ITS personnel (including non-approved U-M vendor) and service is
required, additional charges may be assessed.
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5.9 ITS will provide Preventative Maintenance (clean & vacuum) yearly on each Unit
switch covered in this agreement.
6.0 Unit Responsibilities

6.1 Submit an Appendix C data to ITS with an authorized signature and charge account
information. Provide the name of the person who will be the contact for ongoing
6.2 Maintain their network(s) such that it does not compromise the performance or integrity
of ITS Network Infrastructure. In consultation with others, as necessary, handle
violations of the Universitys Proper Use Policy, violations of system security, and all
other applicable policies by service users.
6.3 Provide support to the users of this service. Including, but not limited to the following:
First level network support for service users
Distribution of operating system software specific to the Unit network and
assistance with installation of user network adapters
Distribution of applicable documentation for this service
Documentation covering security and the proper use of this service
Firewall configuration
6.4 Track user data and administer services, including IP addresses and DNS services,
resolve conflicts between users, and correlate IP addresses to individual machines.
Provide ITS with electronic access to IP and address information 24 x 365.
6.5 Notify ITS of any change regarding the Network Administrator at least one week before
the change occurs. Notification needs to include the name and appropriate contact
information; all informationto include: the email, pager, and phone contact
information for the Network Administrator and designate; the identification of which
listed contact methods should be used by ITS to contact unit designates and which
Administrator/Designate should be contacted during business and/or non-business
hours--must be submitted through the use of the Network Information Change Request
web site (http://www.itcom.itd.umich.edu/backbone/umnet/netinfo.html).
6.6 Provide the Security Administrator, as appropriate, contact information by submitting
that information through the NICR site.
6.7 Give ITS at least two (2) hours advance notice of a change in the Units network
configuration that could potentially change the state of connectivity of the equipment
covered in this agreement. If the Network Administrator is not sure if there will be an
impact, he/she will contact the UM NOC for advice. Notice must be given either by
calling 647-8888, or sending email to [email protected]. The Unit will be
responsible for any incremental charges resulting from the Units failure to notify ITS.
7.0 Performance Measures

7.1 Network Technical Performance

If a Units network compromises the performance of the UMnet Backbone, ITS will
take appropriate action to restore performance (if possible), or take other action, up to
and including disconnecting service to the Unit network (or a piece of the network), if
necessary, to maintain the integrity of the Network.

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7.2 Network Maintenance Performance

7.2.1 Normal Business Hours -

Provide the following service in the event that an outage or degradation occurs
impacting the entire network or a large portion of the network, (this is
dependent upon a number of factors including the number of attached users and
the resources being accessed), during normal business hours, (i.e., Monday
through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding University holidays and
season days):
(a) Priority maintenance/repair service, characterized by:
A response within 30 minutes of the UM NOC notification or the
Units call, to provide information to the Unit on specific steps that have
been/will be taken to resolve the problem.
An on-site visit, if necessary, within two (2) hours of the response
[i.e., the maximum on-site response time will be two and a half (2 1/2)
hours]. An update will be provided to the Unit Network Administrator if
on site and a best guess ETR will be provided based on available facts.
ITS will continue to provide the Unit with updates every two hours
during an outage.
If an outage is identified within the agreement service hours ITS will
resolve the outage even if the repair time extends beyond the service
agreement hours.
Conduct monitoring via SNMP POLLING at one minute intervals.
(b) Provide all time and materials required to restore service.

Non-Business Hours -
Provide the following service in the event that an outage or degradation occurs
on the entire network or a large portion of the network, (this is dependent upon a
number of factors including the number of attached users and the resources
being accessed), during non-business hours:
(a) Priority maintenance/repair service, characterized by:
A response within 30 minutes of the UM NOC notification or the
Units call, to provide information to the Unit on specific steps that have
been/will be taken to resolve the problem.
An on-site visit, if necessary, within two (2) hours of the response
(i.e., the maximum on-site response time will be two and a half (2 1/2)
Conduct monitoring via SNMP POLLING at one-minute intervals.
(b) Provide materials only. Labor will be charged at the rates listed in Appendix
(c) For those SA customers with extended coverage (24x7), Time and Material
charges are generally covered.
7.2.2 Provide service during normal business hours, and within eight (8)
business hours, to repair a circuit problem affecting one or more workstations.

7.3 User Perceptions of Network Performance

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ITS and the Unit acknowledge that performance and performance measures are affected by many
factors that may be difficult to define and/or anticipate due to the nature and uses of the underlying
systems and clients. Further, we recognize that perceived response time by users is a critical
performance measurement. Therefore, in cases where the perceived response time by users becomes
an issue, problems will be resolved by the procedures outlined in Section 8.0, Problem Resolution.
8.0 Problem Resolution

To help determine the existence and scope of a possible problem, the Network Administrator may call
647-8888, or send a message to [email protected]. Similarly, ITS staff will contact the Unit
Network Administrator by phone or pager to address any infrastructure problem being caused by the
Unit network.

When performance measures do not meet the standards specified in this SA, the Unit and ITS will
jointly work to:
Identify the cause of the problem.
Resolve the problem as quickly as possible.
If after eight (8) hours, the problem is not resolved, the problem will be escalated to the on-
call Manager and the appropriate outage process will also be invoked.

ITS will own the problem until it is resolved or if the problem turns out not to be Unit network related,
the problem will be articulated to the Unit and transferred to the appropriate party.

If resolution is not achieved within the timeframes listed in section 7.2, the Unit may request to contact
the ITS On-Call Manager or the ITS Operations Manager. This request must be made through the UM
NOC (7-8888 or [email protected]).

If resolution is not achieved within 24 hours, the Unit and/or ITS may escalate the problem to the
appropriate ITS Project Manager (PM). If a resolution is not achieved within 72 hours, the Unit
Director and the ITS Director of Operations, signers of the Service Agreement will be notified.

9.0 Upgrades

Evaluation and installation of software upgrades and/or patches (especially timely security patches) to
the Unit Network Infrastructure components are covered under this SA at the discretion of ITS. This
maintenance will be made with a minimum disruption of service and coordinated in advance with the
Unit Network Administrator. Hardware upgrades to the LAN are not part of this SA.
10.0 Security

ITS will take appropriate steps to provide physically secure access to the routers and connecting
cables. At times, ITS will use a network sniffer to look at packets on the backbone to troubleshoot
problems. These packets will be used for no other purpose.

11.0 Accountability

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ITS warrants that all reasonable measures within its resources shall be taken to ensure the
performance, availability, and integrity of the Unit Network Infrastructure covered in this agreement.
ITS assumes responsibility for the hardware and software that it provides to execute this SA, as well as
for the actions of ITS staff. ITSs liability for damages is limited to hardware replacement or repair,
software fixes, and corrections to U-M staff errors.

The Unit agrees to maintain their network such that they do not compromise the performance or
integrity of the UMnet Backbone nor violate security or other applicable policies. The Unit also agrees
to have all service performed by ITS engineers and technicians. The Unit assumes responsibility for
any misuse of their network by users, will remedy such situations, and will be responsible for any
expenses related to misuse by persons who use the Unit network

In cases of a natural disaster due to the act of God, (i.e. lightning, electrical storm, tornado, hurricane,
hail, ice, snow, sleet, earth movement, flooding, nuclear hazard), or University provided services that
fail, ITS is not financially responsible for replacement of components listed in this SA. ITS will assist
the Unit in replacement of components and restoration of services per the Time and Material schedule.
In addition, ITS will assist the Unit with restitution under the direction of the Universitys Risk
Management organization.

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Network Maintenance Service Rates - Hardware and Software
Repeaters & Switches

The agreement covers all supported repeater and switched hardware and software components of the
network up to the jack, and excludes any mini-hubs, the network interface cards (NICs), and line cord.

Wireless Access Points

This agreement covers all supported access point hardware and software components of the network
up to and including the access point antenna. Due to the wide variety of antennas, there may be added
time to get the antenna repaired or replaced. Wireless network interface cards (NICs) for computers
connecting to the network are not covered by this agreement. Due to Wireless Access Point locations,
we will only respond to problems during business hours listed in section 7.2.1. Wireless Access Points
that fail during non-business hours will be repaired or replaced during the next business day.

Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs)

The agreement covers monitoring for all supported UPS hardware and software components.
Supported hardware replacement and battery replacement can be done on a Time and Material basis.


The agreement covers all customer-owned, ITS supported firewall hardware (generally Cisco Pix
equipment) and software components.

Total Hardware and Software Maintenance Prices

1. The price calculations are based on Cisco SmartNet list prices plus a 30% administrative cost.
2. For equipment that is not covered under SmartNet contract, costs are calculated as:
a. $50 per device per month for 8 x 5 coverage
b. $5 per device per month for 8 x 5 coverage (monitoring and replacement) for Wireless
APs; also for UPS (monitoring and notification) and Power Panel (monitoring,
notification, and some replacement) devices.
c. Server monitoring is available for $10 per device per month.
3. An option is available to provide 24 x 7 coverage on all SA covered devices for an additional
20%; a Unit may selected to have all devices (with the exception of AP devices) be covered on
a 24/7 basis; or the Unit may select individual devices to be covered on a 24/7 basis. If all
devices are selected, the cost would be 20% of the calculated total SA yearly cost; if individual
devices are selected for 24/7 coverage, a 20% additional device cost (SmartNet + 30% admin +
20% 24/7 cost) will be assessed.
4. For devices that have reached End-of-Life (EOL) date, ITS will provide best effort repair
service (techs will repair or replace equipment from ITS spares inventory); it is expected that
the Unit will replace with new equipment within 90 days of ITS using spare inventory. For
devices that have reached EOL (or will meet during the first six months of the fiscal year (July-
Dec), the SA cost will be assessed at 40% of the last vendor contract list price; this charge will
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cover 24 x 7 monitoring of the device and temporary replacement (of same or similar
equipment) as appropriate. Note: any maintenance (repair/replacement) will be handled only
during normal business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST); no 24x7 coverage option is available on
End-of Life equipment.

Labor Rates:

If a problem is found external to SA components and services, (equipment or software that is not
covered in this agreement), the Unit network Administrators will be contacted to inform them of the
extent of the problem. The Unit will be billed at the hourly rate for the time spent in troubleshooting
the reported problem. Hourly rates are based on the ITS Data Network and Video repair rates (see
rates at http://www.itcom.itd.umich.edu/rates/labor.php for details).

Normal Business Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday-Friday, excluding University Holidays, see
specific rates on the ITS Service page (http://www.itcom.itd.umich.edu/rates/labor.php).

Off Hours Support: Overtime, Seasonal Days, or Holiday as applicable per ITS Data Network and
Video repair rates (see http://www.itcom.itd.umich.edu/rates/labor.php). There is a minimum charge of
two labor hours for all call outs outside of the normal business hours.

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LAN Infrastructure Maintenance

LAN Installation

Copper or
Fiber Ethernet
LAN Infrastructure Maintenance
LAN Installation


Outlet Second Floor



First Floor

Fiber Ethernet to
Backbone Router


Typical Network

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Account Information

UNIT NAME: _______________________________

YEARLY SA COST: _______________________________

MONTHLY SA COST: _______________________________

BILLING ID: _______________________________

ITS SERVICE ORDER #: _______________________________

BILLING TYPE/CODE: _______________________________

BEGINNING DATE: _______________________________

EXPIRATION DATE: _______________________________

CHART FIELD NO. (OR LEGACY ACCT. NO.): _______________________________

UNIT AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: _______________________________

DATE SIGNED: _______________________________

SA MANAGER: _______________________________

TERM OF PAYMENT: _______________________________

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