Inventions Katrina Barnett 4 Library Media/Reading Invention Convention, Book Talks Using QR Codes/aurasma

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Unit Plan: Inventions

Title: Inventions

Creator: Katrina Barnett

Grade Level: 4th

Subject: Library Media/Reading

Big Ideas: Invention convention, book talks using QR codes/Aurasma,

SS5H3 The student will describe how life changed in America at the turn of
the century.
b. Describe the impact on American life of the Wright brothers (flight), George Washington
Carver (science), Alexander Graham Bell (communication), and Thomas Edison (electricity).

S5CS1. Students will be aware of the importance of curiosity, honesty,

openness, and skepticism in science and will exhibit these traits in
their own efforts to understand how the world works.

S5CS2. Students will have the computation and estimation skills necessary for
analyzing data and following scientific explanations.

S5CS5. Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly

ELA5R3 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it
correctly in reading and writing.

ELA5W2 The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres.

ELA5W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing.

21st Century:

Standard 1: Teaching for Learning

Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and
learning and who model and promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple
literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and
implement instruction that engages students' interests and develops their ability to
inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.

Standard 2: Literacy and Reading

Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment.
Candidates are aware of major trends in children's and young adult literature and select
reading materials in multiple formats to support reading for information, reading for
pleasure, and reading for lifelong learning. Candidates use a variety of strategies to
reinforce classroom reading instruction to address the diverse needs and interests of all

Standard 3: Information and Knowledge

Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital,
and virtual collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety
of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies
to generate knowledge to improve practice.

Essential Questions: Why do people invent? Why is there a need for

inventions? How does my thinking need to change in order to think as an

Students will Know: Inventions are needed for change and innovation in the
world. How to use thinking skills to create an invention of their own

Students will Understand: Inventions are needed for progress. Criticism can
be helpful. It is OK to risk being different and see things in a novel way. I can feel proud
when I develop my own invention.

Students will Do: Participate in INTERACT simulation of INVENTIONS. Teams

will meet a challenge and have to solve it each week. Keep an inventors log. Research
Inventors that have made a difference and why. Learn characteristics of an inventor.
Create an invention

Research-Based Instructional Strategies: Direct instruction, cues,

questions, activating prior knowledge, flexible/strategic grouping,
hands-on learning, modeling, collaboration, graphic organizers,
accountable talk.


Day 1
1. Read The Crow and the Pitcher, discuss the saying: Necessity is the mother of invention.
2. Complete KWL chart on inventions
3. Discuss inventive thinking. Students complete Creative Challenge #1 (invent something with
paper clips).
4. Use timeline of discuss inventions through the ages. Hand out An Amazing
5. Classifying Inventions handout. St. decide what is the most important invention ever invented.
6. Make half folders for journal.
7. Make folder to keep work in.front cover must represent the unit.
8. Using Padlet students will respond to the following Journal assignment: Why do people invent?
Day 2
1. Discuss inventive thinking. Students complete Creative Challenge #2 (create using popsicle
2. Students share what they have done with the sticks
3. Write a short story using the same theme as The Crow and the Pitcher. The story will be
written using the online tool, Quill. This is an interactive writing and grammar will give students
immediate feedback on their writing.
4. Video, inventors
5. Journal/Efficacy folder: Pass out spiral notebooks. Brainstorm with students, after revisiting our
KWL, a list of things to learn about inventions. Students will write a paragraph in their journal
about things they would like to learn about and choose one specific idea to go in depth.

Day 3
Computer Lab: Inventor Webquest


Multiple Assessments and Rubrics:


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