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Interpretations, Mindset and Models
Conceptual Design
Mogens Myrup Andreasen
Claus Thorp Hansen Philip Cash

Conceptual Design
Interpretations, Mindset and Models

Mogens Myrup Andreasen Philip Cash
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Management Engineering
Technical University of Denmark Technical University of Denmark
Kongens Lyngby Kongens Lyngby
Denmark Denmark

Claus Thorp Hansen

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Kongens Lyngby

ISBN 978-3-319-19838-5 ISBN 978-3-319-19839-2 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015941342

Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
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Judging by the cover, this book is about conceptual design. And indeed if you
are looking for a comprehensive system-level perspective of conceptualization
as a driver for successful product development this is a book you should read. It
presents conceptualisation methods used in design and product development and
clearly underlines its importance in the context of the design process and well
developed products.
But while you read this book you will find much more, a much deeper thinking
and extensive study of design itself. This is a book about the essence of design,
about creating the new and making of the better. It is about fostering changes
through questioning the existent, the needs, and the methods we use, question-
ing the technology we create and use, and the future we want to shape. This book
is a driver for thinking and rethinking about design, the nature of design and the
importance of design in shaping our lives.
Presented thoughts and reasoning are built on direct evidence, on over 40 years
of experience, thinking and questioning, systematic inquiry about design research
and practice, methodology and models, processes and outcomes. This invaluable
experience based on discussions with hundreds of PhD students and selecting
thousands of design research papers, who I am honoured to say were in large num-
bers published in Design Society conferences, emanates from every chapter and
In the end, conceptualisation is an essential part of product development. No
matter whether one perceives it as the most important or just one of the steps in
successful product development, it has to be executed with understanding beyond
the just the product lines and profit margins. This book argues and presents a clear
case for the need to understand the impacts of decisions through the products
life cycle. A well-reasoned framework of thinking with evidence from different
domains brings the book closer to many readers from various fields.
Regardless of whether the reader is a student; researcher or experienced design
practitioner the book offers a tuned and practical viewpoint, not only on conceptu-
alisation, but also on designing with all the complexity involved.

vi Foreword

The book will contribute to educate students in the multidisciplinary nature

of design in a structured way. It will also serve as a reference for practitioners
working engineers, designers, and managers dealing with product development.
It will have practical consequences in everyday work of many but the book will
also be a reference point for all who think about design and search for unanswered
questions or new answers about design and designing.
As a well-designed product the book is clear, memorable, relevant, and impact-
ful and will become a central station on the way towards understanding design.

Zagreb, Croatia, 2015 Prof. Dorian Marjanovi


This books origins lie in design methodology, especially the work of Hubka and
his articulation of design science and theory. In my youth, I had the privilege of
working with Hubka and was one of the first believers in the fundamentals of
design science that also influence this book. Over my career, I have worked to
build these ideas into the teaching and research at the Chair of Engineering Design
at the Technical University of Denmark. First, established in 1952 it is now flatter-
ingly known as home to the Copenhagen School of design research.
Fundamentally, this book builds on and synthesizes many years of research and
crystallizes these for the reader based on my, and my co-authors, extensive teach-
ing experience. Throughout, the Design Society and its conferences have allowed
us to establish a strong network from which we have found inspiration and insight
into many aspects of this book, e.g. design behaviour, reasoning, understanding
of value and mindset, socio-technical design, staging of teams, and many more.
Fundamentally, we think that these dimensions are the prerequisites for using
methods and executing successful, professional design work.
Throughout the writing process, my guiding star has been the question: what
to tell the students? be they candidates, researchers, professionals, or anyone
wishing to understand and work in design. The writing process has been influ-
enced by many inspirations and has been forged in constructive conflict and dis-
cussion with a close group of valued colleagues. In particular, I have drawn much
insight from the Summer School of Engineering Design Research, where I have
spent many years in dialogue with PhD students and design scholars.
It is my core belief that effective design comes from professional, structured
understanding, and skill, in the same way that a musician must understand and
have insight into music. However, in both cases, the player needs the instrument,
the understanding, and practice in order to hone their skills. As in music, not every
piece should be played in symphony but also in playful jam sessions where we
realize our own creativity. In its nature design is to play, to imagine, and act on our
imagination. I hope to capture these attributes in our interpretations, mindset, and

viii Preface

Over the last decades, design has grown as a research field, as a profession,
and as a science with hundreds of new papers and books each year. In this book,
Iaim to bring this expanding field back to its fundamentals, explaining the totality
of design in conjunction with its core concepts: conceptualization, synthesis, and
reasoning. Thus I (and my co-authors) offer the reader a new, more cohesive world
of thinking, concepts, models, and methods that equip them to tackle all manner of
design challenges. All our experience and research leads us to believe this world is

Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Mogens Myrup Andreasen


Ken Wallace played a unique role in the crystallization of this books core con-
cepts, as mentor, and patient discussion partner, thank you Ken! Thanks to Tim
McAloone and Anja Maier for giving valuable hints for the books structure.
Thanks to Mario Storga, Seppo Suistoranta, Christian Weber, Nathan Crilly,
Boris Eisenbart, Lucienne Blessing, Jaap Daalhuisen, and to K&P insiders Tom
Howard, Martin Ravn, Jakob Parslov, Hans Peter Lomholt Bruun, Jakob Bejbro
Andersen, and Jonas Torry-Smith for discussions and support. We would also
like to extend a special thanks to master student Daniel Barreneche for his highly
appreciated help in finalizing the manuscript.
Many of the people we quote have shown a unique graphical style, which we
would like to preserve, although it might give the book an old-school flavour. It
should be especially eye-catching for those who know our history.


1 Introduction: Conceptualization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Argumentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Practice, Research and Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 This Books Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Part I Conceptualization

2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization: Setting the Scene. . . 13

2.1 Describing Conceptualization: Peeling an Onion . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Change and Development in Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Knowledge and Technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.4 Industrial Product Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.5 Conceptualization and Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.6 Understanding The Conceptual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.6.1 The Need for The Conceptual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.6.2 What Is a Concept?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.6.3 Concepts in the Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.6.4 Concepts Relativity and Meaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.6.5 Concepts Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.6.6 Product Concept or Just Concept?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.6.7 Summing up Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.7 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.7.1 The Designers Situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.7.2 Needs and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.7.3 From Here. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

xii Contents

Part II The Design Machinery

3 Designers and Their Knowing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.1 Dimensions of Knowing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.2 Designers and Their Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.2.1 Design Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.3 Models, the Designers Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.3.1 Phenomenon and Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.3.2 The Model and Modelling Techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.3.3 Model Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.3.4 Capturing the Unknown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.3.5 Defining the Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.3.6 Communicating Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.3.7 Models for Insight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.3.8 Models for Managing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.3.9 Creative Use of Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.4 Methods and Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.4.1 What Is a Method?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.4.2 Methods Origins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.4.3 Methods Formulation and Application. . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.4.4 What Makes a Good Method?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.4.5 Mindset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.5 Competences and Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.6 Design Philosophy and Principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.6.1 Design Philosophy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.6.2 Design Principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.7 Perceptions of Design Activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.7.1 A Cybernetic Understanding of Design. . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.7.2 A Coordination Understanding of Design. . . . . . . . . . 67
3.7.3 Textbooks Mapping of Knowledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.8 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4 Staging Conceptualization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.1 The Role of Staging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.2 Staging and Its Challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.2.1 Key Challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.3 The Design Space and Staging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.3.1 Staging: Agenda, Motivation, and Roles. . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.3.2 Staging: Mental Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.3.3 Staging: Actors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.3.4 Staging: Competences and Knowledge. . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.3.5 Staging: Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.3.6 Staging: Methods and Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.3.7 Staging: Staging Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.3.8 Staging as Innovation of the Organization. . . . . . . . . . 81
Contents xiii

4.4 Teamwork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.4.1 A Community of Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.4.2 Design Dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.4.3 The Teams Collaboration Dynamic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.4.4 Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.4.5 Interaction and Integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.5 Interacting with the Surroundings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.5.1 Use of Specialists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.5.2 Users in the Design Activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.5.3 Focus Dimensions in User Involvement. . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.5.4 Boundary Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.6 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

5 The Design Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

5.1 The Design Process Composition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.2 Factors Influencing the Design Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.2.1 Chain of Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.2.2 Stumbling Blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.2.3 Design Entities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.2.4 The Right Progression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.2.5 The Company Identity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.2.6 Design Strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.3 Literatures Models and Industrys Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.3.1 Industrial Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.3.2 Creating a Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.4 The Encapsulation Design Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.4.1 It Is not Only About the Product!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5.5 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Part III Design Process

6 Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.1 Exploration: What and Why. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.1.1 The Importance of Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.2 Our Exploration Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.2.1 The Five Feed Chains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
6.3 Feed Chain: Need Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
6.3.1 The Need Satisfaction Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
6.3.2 What Is a Need?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.3.3 Need Identification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
6.4 Feed Chain: Perceptions of Preferences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
xiv Contents

6.5 Feed Chain: Task Perception and Formulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

6.5.1 Task Experience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.5.2 Team Identity and Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.6 Feed Chain: Problem Formulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.7 Feed Chain: Technology and Idea Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
6.7.1 Research and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6.8 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

7 Concept Synthesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

7.1 Synthesis: From Dream to Proposal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
7.1.1 The Challenges of Concept Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
7.2 Theories on Ideation and Conceptualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
7.2.1 Creative Thinking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
7.2.2 Systematic Thinking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
7.2.3 Visual Thinking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
7.3 Strategies for Conceptualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
7.3.1 Cognitive Strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
7.3.2 Search Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
7.3.3 Systematic Strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
7.4 Models of Conceptual Design Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
7.5 The Concept Synthesis Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
7.6 Concept Synthesis: Goal Formulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
7.6.1 User Needs and Actors Interests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
7.6.2 Articulating Goodness and Value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7.6.3 Formulation and Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
7.7 Concept Synthesis: Ideation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
7.7.1 Create. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
7.8 Combine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
7.8.1 Organizing the Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
7.8.2 Visualise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
7.8.3 Complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
7.9 Concept Synthesis: Evaluation and Choice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
7.9.1 Making the Evaluation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
7.9.2 Evaluation Criteria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
7.9.3 Organizing Concept Decisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
7.10 The Module Concept Synthesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
7.10.1 The Milestone Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
7.10.2 Reflecting on Concept Synthesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
7.11 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

8 Product Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

8.1 Understanding Products Nature and Synthesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
8.2 The Nature of Product Synthesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Contents xv

8.3 Differences and Identities in Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

8.3.1 A General Foundation: Systems Theory . . . . . . . . . . . 197
8.4 Domain Theory and the Three Ways of Spelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
8.5 The Activity Domain: How the Product Is Used. . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
8.5.1 The Activity System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
8.5.2 Designing an Activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
8.5.3 Models in the Activity Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
8.5.4 Spelling an Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
8.6 The Organ Domain: How the Product Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
8.6.1 Models in the Organ Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
8.6.2 The Organ Domain as Concept Inspiration. . . . . . . . . 210
8.6.3 Spelling the Organs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
8.7 The Part Domain: How the Product Is Materialized . . . . . . . . . . 212
8.7.1 Conceptualization and Models in the Part Domain. . . 215
8.7.2 Spelling the Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
8.8 Product Synthesis: A Three-Domain Progression . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
8.8.1 Top Down or Bottom up?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
8.9 Product Modelling: The Products Chromosome. . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
8.9.1 Applying Product Synthesis Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
8.10 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

9 Product Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

9.1 Expansion to a Complete Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
9.2 The Nature of Product Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
9.2.1 Integrated Product Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
9.2.2 Use of Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
9.2.3 Conceptualization in Product Development. . . . . . . . . 233
9.3 Game Rules for Conceptualization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
9.4 The Product Development Machinery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
9.4.1 Types of Product Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
9.5 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

10 Product Life Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

10.1 The Lifecycle: Where Innovation Happens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
10.1.1 The Design Process Paradox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
10.2 The Nature of a Products Lifecycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
10.2.1 A Typical Lifecycle Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
10.2.2 Actors and Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
10.2.3 The Expanded Business View: Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
10.3 Between Product and Lifecycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
10.3.1 Actor Roles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
10.4 Design of, and for, the Lifecycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
10.4.1 Mode of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
xvi Contents

10.4.2 Lifecycle Identification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

10.4.3 Product Life Synthesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
10.5 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262

Part IV Reasoning About the Good Product

11 Function Reasoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

11.1 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
11.2 Functions for Linking Task and Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
11.2.1 Other Types of Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
11.2.2 Link Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
11.3 Understanding the Core Elements: Activities and Organs. . . . . . 274
11.3.1 Products and Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
11.3.2 The Core of Everything: Mode
of Action and State Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
11.3.3 How Activities Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
11.3.4 How Organs Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
11.4 The Function Network and Product Composition. . . . . . . . . . . . 282
11.4.1 Horizontal and Vertical Causality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
11.4.2 The Function/Means Tree: A Hierarchy
of Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
11.4.3 Supporting Function Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
11.4.4 Structural State Transition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
11.4.5 Flow Pattern Reasoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
11.4.6 Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
11.5 Creating the Part Structure: From Function to Embodiment. . . . 290
11.5.1 The Embodiment Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
11.5.2 Part Structure Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
11.5.3 Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
11.6 Cross-Disciplinary Function Reasoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
11.6.1 Function Reasoning as a Common Ground. . . . . . . . . 297
11.7 Function Reasoning During Synthesis:
Design Type Dependency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
11.7.1 Function Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
11.7.2 Designing a New Product. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
11.7.3 Incremental Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
11.7.4 Platform-Based Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
11.8 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304

12 Property Reasoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

12.1 The Property Design Challenge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
12.2 Talking About Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Contents xvii

12.2.1 Issues and Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

12.2.2 Function Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
12.2.3 Relational Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
12.2.4 Allocated Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
12.3 Linking Characteristics to Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
12.3.1 Properties Dependency on Behaviour. . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
12.3.2 Properties Composition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
12.4 Linking Issues, Properties, and Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
12.4.1 Property Decomposition Patterns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
12.5 Trade-Offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
12.5.1 Function Trade-off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
12.5.2 Institutionalized Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
12.6 Property Reasoning During Synthesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
12.6.1 Designing a New Product: Into the Unknown. . . . . . . 334
12.6.2 Incremental Design: Learning from History . . . . . . . . 336
12.6.3 Platform-Based Innovation: Distributed Properties. . . 337
12.7 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340

13 Dispositional Reasoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341

13.1 Designers Dispositions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
13.1.1 Industrial Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
13.2 Dispositions Link Products and Life Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
13.2.1 Dispositions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
13.2.2 Dispositional Relationships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
13.3 Design for X: Actor-Oriented Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
13.3.1 Dispositions: A Theory Behind DFX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
13.3.2 Staging DFX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
13.4 DFX Methods and Links Between Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . 354
13.4.1 Design for Manufacture and Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
13.4.2 Design for Cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
13.4.3 Design for Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
13.4.4 Design for Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
13.4.5 Design for Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
13.5 Dispositional Reasoning During Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
13.5.1 Designing a New Product. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
13.5.2 Incremental Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
13.5.3 Platform-Based Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
13.6 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368

14 Good Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

14.1 Effects of Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
14.2 Good Products: The Idea with and Idea in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
xviii Contents

14.3 Stakeholders for Goodness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372

14.3.1 The Users Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
14.3.2 The Manufacturers Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
14.3.3 Societys Perception. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
14.3.4 Lifecycle Actors Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
14.4 The Designers Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
14.4.1 What Is Necessary? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
14.4.2 What Is Important?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
14.4.3 What Is Decisive?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
14.5 Goodness in Practice, Research, and Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
14.5.1 What Is Good Practice?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
14.5.2 What Is Good Design Education? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
14.6 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388

Appendix: List of definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391

Chapter 1
Introduction: Conceptualization

Conceptualization is the process of creating something previously unknown or

unseen: a new product. It is the core synthesis activity of design. In this book
we do not try to spark wild ideas for new products, instead we aim to provide
a process for, and deep understanding of, conceptualization. This takes us from
exploration of human needs and opportunities to the goals, design processes, and
reasoning required in creating good products.
To achieve this aim we explain the strengths and weaknesses of current design
methods with respect to human ingenuity and cognition, and provide a deep
insight into how designers use models and methods. We distil these insights into
what we call mindset, articulated as models and heuristics throughout this book.
This chapter gives a foundation for this book, outlining our objectives and
philosophy, as well as what we see as the books role in practice, teaching, and


The purpose of this book is to empower the designer. Design is the key factor
influencing products, services, systems, and activities in the modern world and
is fundamentally linked to our welfare as a society. As such, any design should

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 1

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_1
2 1 Introduction: Conceptualization

at least satisfy the needs of the user. We address this by exploring the nature of
design, enabling the reader to go beyond current textbooks methods by creating a
rich mindset for understanding and staging design.

This book is about the nature of conceptualization, written for those design-
ers, educators, and researchers who want a deeper understanding of the
nature and application of design.

Our objective is to support the reader in understanding and practicing design

whether as a designer, educator, or researcher. As such, we bring together the
often-fragmented knowledge on design and enriching this with an understanding
of fundamental design phenomena, theories, models, and concepts. Throughout,
we highlight heuristics guiding how this knowledge can be used in practice, as
well as explaining what this means for creating good products. We consider design
activity from two perspectives as illustrated in Fig.1.1 (Andreasen and Ahmed
Design in the broadest sense describes innovating or improving the means
(either material or immaterial) for addressing human needs. Design is a social
behaviour that is staged and celebrated in a community of practice. Central to all
this is the designer, a denominator for the more or less central actors in the design
activity, see Fig.1.2. The prefix for these actors can be engineering, industrial,
graphical, and so onwe do not distinguish as all designers build on the same
fundamental principals.
Considering our broad view of the designer, you might ask, what products are
we interested in? The professions mentioned above produce: engineered prod-
ucts, styled products, services, work spaces, complex systems, and design results
related to industrial, public, and private sectors. Our aim is to explore the core of
design and thus support all of these product types at a fundamental level. This also
allows for many new, interdisciplinary, and non-engineering situations.
It is our experience that design methods only give a sparse insight into actual
design, whilst giving the impression of rationality, which is not at all present.

Fig.1.1The two dimensions of design activity: actual designing and reflective improvement
1.1Argumentation 3

Fig.1.2This books use of designer relating to many types of actors

Therefore, we focus on providing a deeper understanding of design. This philoso-

phy means we aim to supply the reader with the proper mindset, i.e. an internal-
ized understanding of basic design phenomena, e.g. goal formulation, evaluation,
coordination, sketching, etc. All of these phenomena build on conceptualization,
which is at the core of the design effort. This mindset thus helps the designer cre-
ate a more effective conceptualization strategy. We deal with this foundational
understanding in Part I of this book.

Conceptualization strategy ensures that the selected concept has a strong

rationale, builds on the best available knowledge, and leads to successful
business and need satisfaction.

Building on this core strategy, design is fundamentally teamwork. Designers act

in self-organizing, self-propelling teams that interface with the organization and
wider technical and professional contexts. We call this the design machinery and
discuss it in Part II. This deals with the staging of conceptualization.
Just as conceptualization cannot be separated from its staging, it can similarly
not be treated without understanding the total design process and product lifecy-
cle. Thus, our discussion of design merges the following dimensions:
The cognitive, creative processes of the human mind, which generate ideas,
understand value, and lead to decisions.
The evolutionary process of gradual identification, clarification, concretization,
and detailing of the design.
The expansion of scope from ideas and concepts to composed, multidiscipli-
nary product designs, leading to launch, lifecycle, and new business.
4 1 Introduction: Conceptualization

Fig.1.3Our Encapsulation Design Model: a framework describing the design process

These dimensions lead to the model of design we use as the guiding frame-
work for this book, see Fig.1.3. The backbone of this model is the sequence
of design results: Task>Concept>Design>Business>Use. These are cre-
ated via the sequence of activities: Exploration>Concept Synthesis>Product
Synthesis>Product Development>Product Life Synthesis. This progression
describes an expanded view of design that includes wider contextual activities and
ends with the product lifecycle. In particular this last element is where the need is
satisfied, new business is created, and side effects or environmental impacts are
observed. We discuss these five stages in detail in Part III and call our framework
the Encapsulation Design Model.
This model challenges the designer to see the design process as both a causal
sequence of activities and, in the opposite direction, a layered means for judging
the goodness of a product. In this way the designer must consider need satisfaction
and product life, business value, design quality, and so on.

Design should be imagined backwards (starting from product life) and

arranged forwards (starting from exploration).

This dual perspective is synthesized in the Link Model illustrated in Fig.1.4. On

one side the model shows the user perceiving a product through its use and need
satisfaction; while on the other side it shows the designer imagining the users
need situation and value perception in order to identify design goals. This links
the designers reasoning from goal to product use and from product use to goal.
We deal with this dual perspective in Part IV, where we talk about designing the
good product.
1.2 Practice, Research, and Education 5

Fig.1.4The Link Model showing the users value perception and the designers reasoning

1.2Practice, Research and Education

This book provides value for practitioners, students, and researchers in different
ways, which we briefly outline here.
Design practice determines education and research aims, as well as provid-
ing the major channel through which design impacts society. Therefore, this book
takes its point of departure from the scene of conceptualization and the articula-
tions of concepts in society. When we talk about conceptualisation we refer to the
phenomena encountered in practice. As such, practice provides the foundation for
our insights and allows us to draw together our research and education experiences
into a cohesive whole for the reader, as illustrated in Fig.1.5.
With respect to design research we build on the founding idea of design
methodology as the science of methods that are, or can be, applied in design
(Roozenburg and Eekels 1996). Our early research on conceptualization developed
from Hubkas Theory of Technical Systems (1973), a general theory of technical
entities structure and behaviour. Design research has matured since these early
efforts, giving rise to todays repertoire of design theories, methods, and com-
puter support. Hubka and Eder (1996) saw design science as a system of logically
related knowledge which should contain and organize the complete knowledge
about and for designing. They distinguished between object knowledge, i.e. state-
ments on the nature of technical artefacts, and process knowledge, i.e. statements
on the design process. The limitations of this encyclopedic approach are broken
by Horvths (2004) structure of engineering design science. Here, he links design
research and design practice into the whole of design science. However, at the heart
of our understanding of design is that methods without consideration for the design-
ers situation or mindset are doomed to failure (Blessing and Andreasen 2005).
6 1 Introduction: Conceptualization

Fig.1.5Design science seen as four interrelated worlds (Andreasen 2008)

Natural science has, in all its forms, a common research paradigm studying
natures laws. Design research is about the designers cognitive behaviour, the
team, and organization, as well as understanding users, organizations, society,
etc. Thus, design research today covers a much broader palette of research para-
digms than its origins in engineering researchs natural science approach. Design
science comprises many overlapping and conflicting approaches and concepts. A
reason for this apparent lack of precision compared to real sciences is that many
basic concepts are mental constructs, whose interpretation is necessarily embodied
in researchers models and theories. One example of such a theory is this books
Domain Theory. We highlight this theory because of its productivity and value in
teaching, research, and practice (Andreasen 2011).
Finally, design education is an enormous challenge where we again see a split
between natural science and more holistic perspectives. We again take a synthe-
sis approach. This book deals with both the technical insight necessary for master-
ing product synthesis (i.e. transforming human needs, ideas, and technologies into
satisfying and valuable products) and the wider considerations of human ingenuity
and staging design. Although design methodology provides the procedural support
for design we must also consider how the designer bridges these stepping stones
via their understanding, mindset, and creativity. This stepping stone idea of design
is illustrated in Fig.1.6.
Ultimately, our ideas for design education build on our experiences teaching
the Design and Innovation program for Bachelor and Masters students at the
Technical University of Denmark (McAloone etal. 2006), see the lead author
working hard in Fig.1.7. This program integrates design thinking (e.g. creativ-
ity, product synthesis, innovation), social, and reflective competencies (e.g. socio-
technical systems, design research) and technical mastery.
1.3 This Books Structure 7

Fig.1.6Methodological stepping stones bridged by the designers creative mind

Fig.1.7Left Professors Boelskifte and Andreasen preparing the Design and Innovation pro-
gram. Right Teaching situation from the program (Courtesy Torben Lenau)

1.3This Books Structure

This book contains four parts, summarized in Fig.1.8. Part I sets the scene of
conceptualization. This deals with the influences, conditions and possibilities
affecting conceptualization, as well as the ecological, ethical, and legislative con-
siderations in which we operate. The concepts role is explained and we explore
how this can be developed or expanded to meet the requirements of the design
Part II deals with the design machinery composed of: (1) the designers,
their competences, and skills, (2) the staging of the design activity, and (3) creat-
ing products. Here Chap. 3 starts with design practice and explores how design-
ers carry strategies, models, and methods into the design activity. Chapter 4 then
discusses how design is staged, focusing on the frame in which a team is acting.
Finally, Chap. 5 combines these elements to discuss creating products, as well as
how to establish a teams design process. Here, we also start to explain the key
factors influencing the creation of effective procedures and mindsets.
8 1 Introduction: Conceptualization

Fig.1.8The four parts and 14 chapters in this book

Part III deals with the design process based on our Encapsulation Design
Model (Fig.1.3). As such, the five chapters sequentially explain the steps from
Exploration to Product Life Synthesis. Exploration describes the initiation and
clarification of the concept from a number of perspectives. This feeds into concept
synthesis, which is at the heart of this book, and describes the fundamental ele-
ments: creativity, systematic thinking, and visualization. Next, product synthesis
explains how the product design is created by building on Domain Theory, which
sees the product as a system of activities, organs, and parts. Finally, product
development and product life synthesis examine the ideas of Integrated Product
Development and linking the product design and its lifecycle explicitly at the con-
ceptualization stage.
Finally, Part IV deals with reasoning about good products. Design is not
about simply assembling a jigsaw but rather realizing the desired product behav-
iour. More technically: design determines the characteristics of a product, which
realize the desired functions, properties, and value. The first three chapters in this
part each examine one aspect of this logic, building on the Link Model: Function
Reasoning, Property Reasoning and Dispositional Reasoning. Finally, Chap.
14 brings all of these together in order to discuss what makes good design, both
in terms of a good product and good design practice.
Throughout the book we use many terms related to design and conceptualiza-
tion that have specific meanings here and more general meanings in everyday lan-
guage. As such, a summary of the terms used can be found in the Appendix.
References 9


Andreasen MM (2008) Consolidation of design research: symptoms, diagnosis, cures, actions?.

Unpublished presentation at Design Societys board meeting, Eltville.
Andreasen MM (2011) 45 years with design methodology. J Eng Des 22(5):293332.
Andreasen MM, Ahmed S (2006) Thoughts on design research consolidation. Unpublished pres-
entation at DSs advisory board meeting, Heraclion
Blessing L, Andreasen MM (2005) Teaching engineering design research. In: Clarkson J,
Huhtala M (eds) Engineering designtheory and practice. In: A symposium in honor of Ken
Wallace Engineering Design Centre, Cambridge, pp 3241
Horvth I (2004) A treatise on order in engineering design science. Res Eng Des 15:155181
Hubka V (1973) Theorie der Maschinensysteme (Theory of machine systems). Springer, Berlin
Hubka V, Eder WE (1996) Design science. Springer, Berlin
McAloone T, Andreasen MM, Boelskifte P (2006) A Scandinavian model of innovative product
development. In: Krause F-L (ed) In: Procedings of 17th CIRP design conference the future
of product development. Springer, Berlin, pp 169278
Roozenburg NFM, Eekels J (1996) Product design: fundamentals and methods. Wiley, Chichester
Part I
Chapter 2
Change, Development, and
Conceptualization: Setting the Scene

From a design perspective, our society is a result of the incremental develop-

ment of numerous societal systems into a complex web over thousands of years.
Societal and human demands are met by our efforts to develop new knowledge
and technologies, and deploy these in products and systems. Our focus here is on
this transition into products and systems via more or less industrialized design
processes. In exploring this we take an onion peeling approach to gradually dig
down from the fundamental nature of developing societal systems to our final
focus on conceptualization and design. We explore how the creation of influential,
sustainable, and valuable products requires the designer to empathically and tech-
nically understand the wider societal context and consequences of their actions.
Thus, we close this chapter by outlining the designers role and challenges in this
context, mirrored by what we see as the role of this book.

2.1Describing Conceptualization: Peeling an Onion

In order to understand the role of conceptualization and the nature of concepts we

must first take a broader look at our society and its development. In doing this we
consider societal change, development, and innovation to better understand design,
and thus conceptualizations, role. Thus, let us start peeling the onion (hopefully
with fewer tears than in the real activity).

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 13

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_2
14 2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization

Our society is characterized by numerous interacting and interwoven systems

that support our life, industry, and development. At the heart of these (from an
engineers perspective) are complex technological systems that form the basis for
new product development, as well as the context in which these products will ulti-
mately be used. The dominant driving force for change in these systems is human
need, curiosity, and ingenuity. This is reflected in the competitive nature of human
civilization, with individuals, groups, companies, and states all vying to better
their peers in terms of, e.g. esteem, power, safety or health. From a design per-
spective we can reduce these drivers to the more neutral concepts of need and
intention. We do not mention innovation here because it is the result of develop-
ment, not a driver for it.
Human design activity is the machinery through which products are devel-
oped. This normally takes place in companies and relates to the creation of tools,
products, equipment, plants or complex systems, all embedded in the wider con-
text of the market, society, and the environment (Hales and Gooch 2004) (see
Chap. 9 for more discussion and illustration of this idea). Here, products can be
one-of-a-kind, variant, series or mass-produced. Thus, the market forms the basic
arena for design, with economy as the frame, technology as the fuel, and the per-
ceived need for innovation (tied to the fundamental drivers noted above) as the
Although this industrial setting might seem limited, the heart of all design
efforts is the kernel concept. This articulates the core idea, the response to the
need and intention, the proposal for the products realization, and the process of
creating new business and need satisfaction. As such, when we deal with concep-
tualization we deal with the core of all design activities.

Creating a concept. Two designers were tasked with generating new con-
cepts for an insulin injection device (an insulin pen) manufactured by
Novo Nordisk. Novo Nordisk sells insulin and related products to diabetes
patients worldwide. As part of the treatment schedule patients must regularly
measure their blood sugar level and inject themselves with insulin.
As a first step the designers defined the current need, technological, and
market situation to create an initial mission statement: The need for discre-
tion in injection and the devices appearance, as well as the need for easy
storage outside the home, are fundamental elements defining a products
position on the market. The key means for satisfying these needs are: mini-
mal weight and size, and reduced time and complexity of injection. These
should be integrated with user friendliness and safety.
In navigating between the companys existing products, competitors prod-
ucts, and the designers own ideas, a concept emerged from a combination of
these. This was called the Minimalistic device. It had the following charac-
teristics as is illustrated in Fig.2.1:
2.1 Describing Conceptualization: Peeling an Onion 15

Fig.2.1Left Concept proposal for a minimalistic device. Right Mock-up for showing
the finger grip

Attributes: a prefilled device with half the length of similar products, e.g.
FlexPen. The short length was achieved by detaching the dosing mecha-
nism from the prefilled cartridge, which is now stored side-by-side.
Target group: type 1 diabetic who needs rapid-acting insulin at his
Positioning: small, low weight device that fits in a pocket and supports
one-handed operation.
To allow themselves maximum freedom the designers separated their tech-
nical solution from the products raison dtre, i.e. the idea in and the idea
with the product. Here, the use activity is key to the patients and must be
logical, simple, and safe.
The idea with the product: discretion is satisfied by the small size of the
device without sacrificing quality or safety in the operation and dosing.
The idea in the product: the dosing mechanism is detached from the car-
tridge and dosing is achieved using the same mechanism as in the existing
Important questions for this concept (and in general) are: does it address the
need, intention, and task, and is it tractable? In this case the designers felt
the concept was satisfactory, although the assembly/disassembly required
for use was not ideal. Other engineers at Novo Nordisk considered manufac-
turing, sales, and business perspectives to judge the concept. This resulted in
mixed feedback and the concept was added to the companys idea bank but
not progressed further (Courtesy of Jonas Mrkeberg Torry-Smith and Jacob

Based on these considerations our onion peeling takes us through the following
layers, illustrated in Fig.2.2: change and development in society (Sect.2.2),
knowledge and technologies (Sect.2.3), industrial product development
(Sect. 2.4), and conceptualization and design (Sect.2.5). Finally, we reach the
core and explore the nature of conceptualization in Sect.2.6.
16 2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization

Fig.2.2From societal systems to conceptualisation and design in four layers

2.2Change and Development in Society

In childrens books we find exciting illustrations depicting the nature and com-
plexity of our societys systems, e.g. Fig.2.3. These show the anatomy of our
society with many interwoven systems supporting daily life and linking to larger
systems such as trade, fabrication, finance, health care, education, transport,
etc. Any new product that is conceptualized is based on activities and technolo-
gies belonging to these systems. Further, once the product is realized it will itself
become part of these systems.
From this complex interaction between societal systems we can distil out a
number factors relevant to design and conceptualization.
First consider societal needs. Typically societal systems are partially public,
e.g. traffic signals, and partially private, e.g. cars. Public systems serve general
societal needs while private elements serve individuals needs. At the societal need
level key drivers are societal necessity and industrial possibilities. Individuals
2.2 Change and Development in Society 17

Fig.2.3A cross-section of a city street with communication, energy, and many other systems

needs, on the other hand, deal with how people live their lives in the context of the
wider societal systems. This includes leisure, education, and all other personally
important systems such as health, food, or media streaming services.
At a higher level still, all of these systems exist with respect to economic, envi-
ronmental, and political structures. Here, economy defines how systems emerge
and develop. In both large and small projects financing is a critical factor. Those
involved in the development of new systems often experience economy as an iron
ring of limitations. In particular, designers are constrained by national economic
considerations such as productivity, societal costs, and export value. As with
economic factors the environment affects the scope of designers activities. The
pressure from a growing population, consumption of natural resources, and the
damaging effects of human activity and need satisfaction are serious conditions
that cannot be ignored. Further, as with all human endeavour politics affects how
we realize our goals. Government and public institutions are involved in the crea-
tion and maintenance of public systems, and set the game rules for societal and
individual initiatives via legislation and regulation. Finally, consider knowledge
and technology. Technologies are, on one hand, the machinery of economy, and
on the other hand, the core of any societal system. Thus, the topic technology
forms the next layer of our onion.
Although these individual factors form something of a schoolmasterly list
interesting things happen when we consider the tensions between them.
Such a field of tension is democracy, power, and knowledge. The development
of new systems and technologies is in the hands of companies deciding economy,
politicians who formulate infrastructure and investments, and engineers and other
carriers of technological knowledge. Ultimately, it is engineers and designers who
develop and utilize technologies (Jrgensen 2008). However, it is by no means a
given that these three entities will work together or are in line with what an edu-
cated citizenry might actually want or need.
18 2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization

Another example tension is consumption, technology, and environment. Since

the 1960s, environmental considerations have invaded our consciousness. The
explosion in technology and consumption of products has produced a situation
where humanity is actively damaging our planetary environment and driving it
rapidly towards unsustainable conditions. Here, technological development (and
its facilitation of population growth, etc.) can be seen as a major contributor to this
problem while at the same time posing one of the most viable solutions.

Social complexity and concepts. Right-turn accidents. Denmark is a country
of cyclists (despite the less than Hawaiian weather) with a large percentage
of the population preferring to cycle rather than drive. This has a positive
impact on health and environment but comes at a price. The risk of being
killed in an accident is five times higher for a cyclist than a car driver. In
particular, the popular press has focused on accidents where right turning
trucks cut-off and run over cyclists. There are about 50 such accidents per
year and although the number is not large they have severe consequences for
the cyclist, with about five cyclists killed annually.
Analyses of these right-turn accidents identified a variety of causes: wrongly
adjusted truck mirrors, poor visibility, cyclists behaviour, inappropriate road
signs, and poor driving of the truck. The lack of a common cause means that
it has been hard to effectively tackle this type of accident. However, because
of their prominence in the press a private company arranged a competition
looking for ideas to solving the problem. Over 1500 solutions were submit-
ted, with the top three being: (1) to supply the truck with a light that acti-
vates with the right-turn signal and shows the trucks blind spot on the road,
warning the cyclist, (2) to colour the cycle path where the cyclist and lorrys
blind spot interfere, again warning (3) to automatically detect the cyclists
position in the danger area and alert the truck driver. These ideas were based
on an ideal situation with responsible, considerate behaviour from all actors.
However, in order to produce these solutions different actors must take
responsibility and invest in them, e.g. in legislation for trucks or new training
for cyclists. Key weaknesses are that not all trucks and not all crossings will
be equipped with these concepts, and not all cyclists will understand them.
For the problem-solving, conceptualizing designer, balancing potential
effects against investment is key. In particular, increasing the probability of
positive effects and reducing negative effects. One example of a good con-
cept, balancing these issues, is a Dutch proposal that builds on the idea of
forcing the cyclist and truck into perpendicular positions for the right turn,
as illustrated in Fig.2.4.
The strength of this concept is that it clearly indicates its special design for
right turns. Both cyclists and drivers have to be alert; neither have special
rights. However, the required investment is high and space-consuming, and
has not yet been analysed for its efficacy in accident prevention. Further, to
2.2 Change and Development in Society 19

Fig.2.4A Dutch proposal

for a lane layout to better
position right turning
cyclists and trucks

be a good solution, the stakeholders must accept it. In this context the pro-
posal has clear advantages for cyclists and it is hard to imagine right-turn
accidents with the new layout.

Just as in this case, real-world design problems are complex, with many actors and
related systems. They are not clear: there is a need to do something but the diagnosis
is weak, and the many actors have different value systems making it difficult to sat-
isfy them all. Finally, for most actors it is easier if someone else solves the problem.

2.3Knowledge and Technologies

Human knowledge is the result of cultural development and is composed of scientific

discoveries, industrial advances and innovations, and human ingenuity and experience.
Social and technological aspects are interwoven in a socio-technical totality, where a
web of technologies orchestrates our daily lives. This makes us highly dependent on
complex organizational, mechanical, and industrial systems. Underpinning all this are
state changes, i.e. something changing from one state to another, often more valuable
or practical. In Chap. 8 we discuss how state changes form the core of new product
creation but it is sufficient here to acknowledge their importance.
We observe an endless number of natural changes: flowers grow, we get old,
mountains are eroded, etc. In response to this, humans have used tools to inter-
vene and bend nature to our will from our earliest history: catching fish, hunting
animals, farming grain, building shelters and houses, using fire. Key to this human
intervention is the use of tools or, more generally, technology.

Definition: A technology is a combination of material devices, procedural

prescriptions, and intentions that are interwoven with humans work and
social activities, articulating and structuring humans behaviour and life in
society (after Jrgensen 2008).
20 2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization

When settlers moved west in the European colonization of North America they
were dependent on that periods encyclopaedias, which for example explained the
technology of soap making. Thus, our definition highlights the inseparability of
the social and material realms, and points to how technologies define our lives.
Ultimately, technology is executable; a device processes something, i.e. a state
change happens (Arthur 2009).
Everywhere in the systems mentioned above we find technologies; agriculture,
communication, transport, energy, health care, education, trade, and so on. Design
aims to satisfy human needs but also takes its starting point in, is created by, and
realizes its lifecycle through this web of technologies.
Technological development has its origin in science, is synthesized in design
activities, and is managed through the technologies deployment and service.
However, it is also thought provoking to remember that many inventions are cre-
ated without scientific insight. An example is the steam engine, which sparked the
creation of new scientific fields to explain and optimize it, including thermody-
namics, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and the theory of mechanisms. Based
on this we might ask: what are the factors influencing the creation of knowledge
and technology?
Scientific discoveries: these are widely believed to be the main driver for tech-
nology development but in many cases industrial and entrepreneurial contribu-
tions are just as important.
Industrial development: competition and market demand drives develop-
ment and especially incremental change in the industrial sector. Many develop-
ments here are simply seen as new products despite actually representing new
Technology markets: technologies have value and thus there is a market, need,
and competition. Technologies can be purchased, licensed, or developed based
on demand.
Societal systems: developing and maintain societal systems drives a huge
demand for new technologies. A good example is our capacity for producing
innovative military technologies.
Further to these, knowledge and technology development themselves provide a
catalyst for further development. We hope in technology to make our lives bet-
ter, to get us out of predicaments, to provide the future we want for ourselves
and our children writes Arthur (2009). The real challenge in the development
of societal systems and technologies is not the act of creation but to manage
the consequences of our actions without shying away from new possibilities
through fear or ignorance. Here, there are few objective truths and the risk of
paralysis and shortsighted, partial decisions is high. As such, we have an obli-
gation to understand our design efforts and their potential consequences but
also to challenge the current status quo and develop new things. Thus, knowl-
edge and technology are both the core of, and the means for, new product
2.4 Industrial Product Development 21

2.4Industrial Product Development

Industrial product development includes all the activities from ideation to launch,
takes into account the whole product lifecycle, and incorporates the material cycle
from raw supply to recovery and reuse. Product development describes a totality,
independent of the type of product being developed, e.g. new, incremental or plat-
form based.
In our onion metaphor the product development layer deals with a companys
efforts where the following factors are key:
Needs and demands: companies operate in arenas determined by their cus-
tomer offering (consumers, public institutions, other companies) and thus face
competition. Even a supplier of sub systems has to understand and respect the
ultimate goal if they are to compete. As such, recognizing and interpreting
needs is the main driver for new development.
Company path and resources: typically, a company is largely determined by
its path, i.e. its past products and experiences, and choice of new strategic direc-
tions. Here strategy should balance ambition, resources, competition and finan-
cial limitations.
Technology market: technical knowledge and mastery is the fuel for product
development whether it is available internally or brought in from the technology
Competition: despite the many me too products, competition drives compa-
nies to reflect on and strive for better customer-oriented features and qualities,
for customization, and for more dynamic responses to the changing market.
Surroundings dynamic: all product types react to technology development
and market changes through organizational change and striving to be agile and
Conceptualization and design: the core of product development. These are the
predominant activities in launching competitive products and thus form the final
layer of our onion.
Based on these we can define product development from two perspectives, the user
and the company.

Definition: Product development (user perspective) is the creation and

launch of products with new or different functions and/or properties, which
offer new or added value to the customer/user.
Definition: Product development (company perspective) is the use of
exploration, design, manufacture, and marketing/sales to launch new, prod-
uct-based business utilizing the companys resources.
22 2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization

Although products satisfy human needs these are not ease to observe, articulate
or quantify. For the observer they are mental constructs based on interpretation of
unsatisfactory situations. When products are developed their role as need satisfier
should be predictable. Thus, the designer must be aware of new needs and need
interpretations, and be able to translate these into the product and the business (see
Chap. 6 for more).
Above, we saw the role of technologies and their relation to societal, industrial,
and users needs. Here, we see an evolution of general technologies in all systems,
e.g. the increasing range of cars or efficiency of mobile networks. Similarly any
single product also evolves, with contributions from different companies and occa-
sional breakthroughs by innovative products. This gives a performance S-curve,
through characteristic phases from introduction to growth and finally to maturity,
where new technologies oust the old.
Companies development processes normally follow a path or historical route
paved by past products and technologies, and directed by strategic plans for the
future. This builds on the, often incremental, steps between product generations,
with reuse forming a basic building block for product development. However,
judging a paths viability and redirecting via strategy are not easy.

Coloplasts path. Coloplast A/S is the worlds leading supplier of intimate
healthcare products (Fig.2.5). The idea for core product area, ostomy bags,
originated from a nurse in 1954: to attach a bag to the patient with an adhe-
sive ring. The development included both Coloplast, at that time a plastic
foil producer, and health professionals. The companys product development
in this area follows a characteristic incremental pattern, where knowledge
from every new launch is followed up and leads to innovations in materials,
adhesives, and use. At the same time, the company grows internationally to
develop sales channels, healthcare networks, and professional quality assur-
ance. The company today is characterized by systematic development of net-
works and communication with patients, with the motto to create solutions
that enable people to do more.

Fig.2.5Ostomy product from Coloplast A/S and its production facilities (courtesy
Coloplast A/S)
2.4 Industrial Product Development 23

For each project the designer must understand its link to these evolutionary pat-
terns or risk being left behind. We must answer: what is the history and evolution
of the relevant technologies? Where are the companys products and technologies
on their S-curves? What is the companys path in terms of history and future strat-
egy? And finally, how is the progression of the project related to the changing per-
ceptions of need and market?
Although we introduce product development as a single, well-defined phenom-
enon it actually concerns the design process, strategic reasoning and designers
skills, independent of project size. Further, project size, complexity, and cost all
influence the organizational setting in which these activities take place. In order
to deal with this we discuss three general types of product development in this
book: new product design where there is little prior domain knowledge; incre-
mental design where company path and gradual improvement are dominant; and
platform based design where product family and modularization are key.

2.5Conceptualization and Design

Finally, we come to the core of our onion: conceptualization and design. This is
dominated by a number of factors that we introduce here and explore throughout
this book.
Design practice: the designers knowledge, ability to learn and approach to
design work. These are applied in the context of the task and project, and inte-
grated to form a teams community of practice.
Designers and their knowledge: the designer is the carrier of knowledge, com-
petences, and skills. Ultimately progress comes from the designers cognitive
Design process, methods, and staging: practice is structured by the use of
methods and shared design processes, in conjunction with the designers own
skills. These are brought together in the staging, i.e. the coordination of a teams
knowledge, tools, and communication.
Design reasoning: creating new products takes more than just planning and
design knowledge. Design builds on fundamental reasoning about functions,
properties, and the final product.
Design education and research: design is not a science but is subject to scien-
tific study from which key insight and direction can be drawn (indeed this forms
the basis for this book).
This short sketch of design sets the scene for a general discussion of conceptual-
ization before we explore these elements further in specific chapters. In particular,
we come back to our onion metaphor to highlight that each layer influences and is
influenced by the designers work, summed up in Fig.2.6. Conceptualization links
to and influences each layer, while also reacting their influence in the formulation
of goal and task. Going forward we need to understand what makes up a concept
and conceptualization, and where this takes place.
24 2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization

Fig.2.6Conceptualization and its influence/influenced by relationship with the wider world

2.6Understanding The Conceptual

A concept is an on the way solution and thus partial and intermediate in its
nature. Creating a concept is challenging because it must simultaneously answer
the need and project goal, how the project can be realized, and combine multiple
design entities. A concept mirrors the designers understanding and interpretation
of the design situation. This means clarity and precision in this understanding is
critical because the concept is a point of no return.

2.6.1The Need for The Conceptual

Conceptualization describes the manipulation and combination of ideas. Concepts

are at the core of a product, elucidating its utility and value. Thus, just as with a
product, concepts have to be designed, drawn, and described so that others can
understand and build on them.

Edison. Cartoonists symbol for a creative idea is Edisons incandescent
bulb. In reality Edison and his staff were the first product developers, using
a systematic, professional approach to create not one, but hundreds of ideas
and products. Fundamentally, Edison was a businessman, excelling at creat-
ing products from other peoples ideas and inventions through experimen-
tation and holistic thinking. One example was his experiments on adding
sound to moving pictures. The concept was to record the sound on a steel
wire and then (with difficulty) synchronize it with the pictures. Although
rudimentary, efforts such as these paved the way for the incremental devel-
opment of the modern film industry. Edison was so eager to test his idea that
two staff members were asked to act.
2.6 Understanding The Conceptual 25

In everyday language ideas and innovation are almost overwhelmed with jargon
and are imagined as almost mystical abilities in the popular consciousness. This
mysticism and jargon typically drown out the majority of the actual work done in
product development! As such, we focus on the real activities and design work that
are responsible for producing new products.

The challenge for conceptualization is to create products by rethinking or

imagining new situations and needs, and subsequently to translate these into
new products with functions, utility, need satisfaction, excitement, and lead-
ing to a new level of sustainability.

Our society is flooded with new products, systems, and services, all begging for
our attention (and money). These can range from seemingly identical products to
true innovations, with many seemingly superfluous. Thus, we must consider the
argument for creating a new product, does it have a compelling reason to exist or
raison dtre? A precondition for this creative argument is conceptualization and
professional design work.

2.6.2What Is a Concept?

Design literature traditionally talks about ideas, principles and solutions: ideas are
sudden initial thoughts, imaginations or visions; principles explain how things
work; and solutions address problems with utility and value. None of these words
is useful for describing the proposals created in during design. Hence we must add
concept to our design vocabulary.
The design process is initiated by need perceptions, intentions, and ideas.
During the process there is normally a strong desire to stop and check alternatives
and answer the following:
Are these design proposals good answers to the need, intention, and task?
Do these proposals differentiate us from existing solutions or lead to really new
Do these proposals represent the best possible use of available knowledge and
Are they tractable in the actual organization?
A design proposal at this stage, able to answer all of these questions, is what we
call a concept. Thus, concept selection is a bottleneck in the development activity,
where concepts are considered from two perspectives: do they contain the right
answer, and can they be realized?
26 2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization

Definition: A concept is a design proposal that is detailed enough to justify

if it is a good answer to the task and intention, and show a high probability
of realization and success.

This definition is preliminary. We need a deeper understanding of concepts nature,

content and function before we can define them fully at the end of this chapter.

2.6.3Concepts in the Literature

Most authors refer to a design entity called concept. In the widely used book
of Pahl and Beitz (2007) the design process is prescribed as four phases: clari-
fication of the task, conceptual design, embodiment design and detailed design.
Here the concept is the final output from the conceptual design phase. This phase
is made up of establishing a function structure, searching for solutions and com-
bining them into variants. Finally, the best variant is selected to give the concept.
In order to call something a concept in Pahl and Beitzs world it must describe:
Is the task clear enough for us to create a design from this foundation?
Do we need more information on the task or context?
Can we reach our formulated goals within the economic frame?
Although the concept seems to concern clarification of insight, it is defined by the
designs characteristics. Pahl and Beitz (2007) recommend that designers exam-
ine very carefully whether novel or more suitable paths may not be open to him.
To that end he should have recourse to abstraction, which means ignoring what
is particular or incidental and emphasizing what is general and essential. The
output from the concept phase is a final concept variant, where the solution prin-
ciple and key embodiment features are determined. At an even more detailed
level French (1985) sees a scheme as the output from of the concept phase. This
describes solutions for the main functions as well as for cost, weight, and the main
dimensions to be determined. Similarly, Roozenburg and Eekels (1996) state that
in the concept phase broad solutions are to be generated and evaluated to pro-
vide for a suitable point of departure for embodiment design and detail design.
Here, selection of concepts is based on criteria related to use, visual impres-
sion, production, etc. Therefore, we can see that concepts must be more than just
All of these authors focus on the concept as a foundation for embodiment and
detailing, while our definition sees the concept as both the answer to need/inten-
tion and foundation for a tractable design and successful launch. We also see con-
cepts described as complete solutions in a preliminary state. This is in contrast to
our more open interpretation where concepts can be partial and related to the reuse
of known solutions.
2.6 Understanding The Conceptual 27

2.6.4Concepts Relativity and Meaning

Concepts contain differences that matter, i.e. they are superior to existing prod-
ucts in some way. A strong, innovative concept is one that sets a new agenda,
reference or trend: since the appearance of this product we wouldnt dream of
returning to the old ones. However, the majority of new products are variants
or incremental improvements, and it is normal for new products to be based on
previous or competitors products. Here, the basic need satisfaction, use activity,
principles, and functionality are known. In this context a product concept need not
be described fully in all dimensions because the involved designers can fill in the
gaps based on past products or experience, Fig.2.7.
As we noted above the hype surrounding innovation leads to the belief that a
concept should describe a new principle, invention or idea based on a new physical
phenomenon. This is seldom the case in practice and is not necessary for innova-
tion. Many design scholars use the word principle to articulate a designs basic
(technical) mechanisms. For example, there exist many kinds of corkscrew, with
differences in the pulling mechanism or in the choice of materials, handgrip, etc.
As such, users experience and perception of goodness goes far beyond the simple
underlying principle.
In our preliminary definition we focused on the concept as the designed, speci-
fied, and modelled entity. However, the observers interpretation and perception
are just as important. These bring the concept into a context and add value to it,
leading to the following heuristic.

The concept is not just in the device but also in the meaning users give to
the device and the context they use it in.

Fig.2.7A concept based

on past products where the
designer supplies the missing
28 2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization

Based on this we might ask: can we create a new concept just by bringing known
products into a new context and establishing a new meaning? The answer is yes,
although an established, successful product can lose its meaning and purpose
when faced with a new or changed context.

2.6.5Concepts Composition

When a new product is launched several things can change. For example, new
use activities are established that demand new systems and services, which lead
to a new business strategy. When launched a product enters a unique lifecycle
where it serves the user, creating several design entities: the product, new busi-
ness, use activity, and product lifecycleincluding several life activities (Hansen
and Andreasen 2010). These are illustrated in Fig.2.8 with respect to our
Encapsulation Design Model. Each activity is an interaction between lifecycle
systems, service, and actors. The use activity describes a cycle of activities in the
hands of the user (see Chap. 10).
Central questions are: what belongs to the design project and what design enti-
ties need to be created? In the ideal world we would be able to manage every
aspect of the task from company staging to resource allocation, sales, and distribu-
tion. Further, although the core result is the product and its use activity, we might
also consider certain systems encountered during the lifecycle. The real goal of
a project is to create a certain business result characterized by market share, cus-
tomer identity, time span, or sales income. Thus, when companies strive for inno-
vation they often innovate in multiple dimensions. For example, they might shift to
a service business, change their product assortment accordingly, and create a new
service delivery strategy.

Fig.2.8Product development leading to various design entities

2.6 Understanding The Conceptual 29

Innovation can point to a wide range of dimensions, not just in the product.

In Fig.2.9 we illustrate a certain totality of design entity dimensions with respect

to management, product planning, product development, and lifecycle concerns.
Development projects can cover one or more of these dimensions. Although our
focus is on new product development projects, in reality it might be relevant to
create several developments in parallel with the product. Figure2.9 shows an
example plot for a project with rather substantial innovation activities. From this
we can see that when we discuss what belongs to the design project we must con-
sider this meta level, i.e. the level at which we get a complete picture of what
needs to be innovated.

A product design activity is often followed by several other innovation activ-

ities; the designer needs to consider a meta-level view to identify and inte-
grate these dimensions.

These development dimensions both influence the design activity and are influ-
enced by the design/concept. We treat these alignment aspects in Chap. 13 on dis-
positional reasoning.

2.6.6Product Concept or Just Concept?

Product development projects contain many different conceptualized entities

(Olesen 1992). At the core is the product concept, created early in the design

Fig.2.9Dimensions and levels of development related to industrial activity

30 2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization

activity and characterized by function, use, utility, and the actual design solution.
The background and reason for the development project (and the product concept)
comes from a meta-level concept that has been perceived or developed at a higher
level in a company or organization, e.g. a new business idea concerning market,
manufacture, and finance. The actual project may be one component of this meta-
level concept. Finally, the product concept is normally composed of partial con-
cepts, i.e. concepts that form part of the argumentation for the product and its
realization, e.g. product structure, supply, production, distribution, sales, and use.
The conceptual core can be linked to one or more partial concepts. This apparent
expansion in the use of the word concept should be understood broadly.

A product concepts argumentation might rely on its own basic idea or on

related partial concepts (dealing with, e.g. ideas for realization, distribution,
and lifecycle).

When we discuss the flow and logic of the design process (Chaps. 510) we will
further explore the product concepts composition.

When creating a concept it is important to remember how it can be com-

posed, i.e. combining both meta-level and partial concepts related to the
products composition.

2.6.7Summing up Concepts

The idea of composing concepts might give the impression that they are sim-
ply jigsaws to be assembled. However, life is not so simple, their composition is
dependant on many factors. One dimension highlighted by Andreasen and Hein
(1987) is clarification of: intention and goal interpretation, need, user behaviour,
application, competition and market, available technology, and knowledge. This
clarification is related to the arena of conceptualization.
Another dimension of knowledge is the insight related to the product. Initially
the product is based on assumptions concerning functionality and properties, its
ease of production and assembly, and its reliability and robustness. The design
activity should lead to factual insight into these aspects, outlining technological
concerns as well as the risks associated with launching the product.
Although ideas are popularly thought to be valuable in and of themselves, this
is not the case in reality. The value of an idea is dependant on its ability to deliver.
As such, ideas need conceptualization to create value. This value grows as the
product is synthesized and prototypes produce justified functionality and proper-
ties. A characteristic example is patents. Patents can describe solutions with no
justification in the real world; instead they are built on imagined applicability and
2.6 Understanding The Conceptual 31

importance. Thus, once a patent has demonstrated its applicability in the hands of
a producer its market value is increased.
The arena of conceptualization is the complex of evolving systems and tech-
nologies that serve our society. Our onion metaphor points to design as the core
of innovation and development. In order to ensure vitality and value in the design
activity we have to focus on the kernel: the concept. Here, the aim is to ensure you
are doing the right thing based on valid understanding of the need and the effects
of the product. Conceptualization, the nature of the product to be designed, and
the nature of the need to be satisfied, points to the requirement for ideas and the
combination of meta-level, relational, and sub-system concepts. Here, the aim is to
ensure you are making the best use of knowledge to create the best possible prod-
uct. Together, these point to a designers dilemma: how to balance efforts to clarify
the arena and efforts to create the product? Based on our discussion in this chapter
we are now able to go a level deeper in our definition of a concept.

Definition: A concept is a proposal for a products composition and issues

that is detailed enough to justify it as a good answer to the task and inten-
tion. Further, the task and intention are justified with respect to the concep-
tual need satisfaction and the knowledge required, i.e. the probability of
successful realization, need satisfaction, and success in the widest sense.

Note that this definition highlights the arena, the concept itself, and the knowledge
accompanying the concept.


This chapter has led us through a breakdown of societys systems to this books
focus: conceptualization and design. Understanding the conceptual means
rethinking or imagining new situations, needs, and possibilities, and accepting the
double task of clarifying the situation and conceptualizing the design. This leaves
the question: how do the designers see and experience their situation? We will
approach this by first explaining a brief history of design to give a foundation for
understanding the rest of this book.

2.7.1The Designers Situation

The designers role and situation have changed radically since the days of the lone
craftsman, where one person cared for all aspects of the design and sale of a prod-
uct. Today we face disintegration: design is separated from production, marketing,
32 2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization

and sales. However, the designer still retains their key integrating role. Cantamessa
(2011) describes this progression in three major steps, illustrated in Fig.2.10:
19691979: Fig.(2.10a) the Fordish era toward the end of the American cen-
tury of innovation and technological enthusiasm. Products were feats of engi-
neering and/or aimed at mass production in large, integrated firms. The Fordish
paradigm of mass production and mass consumption is coming to a close.
19791999: (Fig.2.10b) the customer-centric post-Fordish era where products
compete to win customers attention and money. A new paradigm emerges:
design is focused on the customer and their perception of the product.
1999today: (Fig.2.10c) the yet to be named era where firms move from sup-
ply chain to ecosystems, from products to systems, platforms, product-services,
business models, and policies. This again moves into a new paradigm where the
customer and innovator are blurred.
The message we draw from this progression is that we face an era of design where
a designers tasks are immensely expanded in scope and challenge. These point to
key features of future design situations (McAloone etal. 2007). Design is becom-
ing a globally distributed activity, with the attendant temporal, spatial, and cul-
tural challenges. In this context, designers are increasingly expected to show social
responsibility, taking into account sustainability and ethics, and requiring the
designer to understand both lifecycle and product. Building on this holistic under-
standing there is also a shift towards services as key deliverables, not just products.
Ultimately, these expanded responsibilities require designers to understand the
context, complexity, and business potential of their and their colleagues actions.

Fig.2.10Three phases of development in the twentieth century

2.7Conclusion 33

2.7.2Needs and Challenges

This progression in the design landscape and our initial discussion of conceptu-
alization reveal a number of needs and challenges for the design practitioner,
which we seek to address in this book. In particular there are specific needs
related to the three groups of readers and their situation. In design practice meth-
ods and reasoning are becoming ever-more complex, with reliance on computer
support always increasing. As such, there is a renewed need to better understand
the logic behind design thinking and design practice. In design education diver-
sity of design fields is a significant problem. As such, we go back to the core of
all design, building on fundamental design reasoning and conceptualization
(Andreasen 2011). Finally, in design research there is a similar need for consoli-
dation and support in applying research to practice (Andreasen and Ahmed 2006;
Andreasen and Wallace 2011).
In conceptualization key challenges stem from handling the many composed
elements related to need, context, intention, possibilities, etc., which all feed
into the good solution. This can only be tackled by reasoning about function-
ality, properties, need satisfaction, and value across the whole product lifecycle.
The challenge for the individual designer is to balance the demands of struc-
tured planning and methods against the individual and teams efforts to: stage the
design activity to best realize their abilities, knowledge, and creativity; design the
design activity to best realize strategy, procedure, and creative effort; maintain
creativity and personal, entrepreneurial goals; and maintain transparency with
respect to ecological, ethical, and legislative demands.

2.7.3From Here

Bearing these needs and challenges in mind, and considering the fundamentals
of conceptualization described in this chapter, our next step is to look at how we
might answer some of these issues. Part II takes us into the design machinery
where we will explore the designers competences and skills, the staging of the
design activity, and the creation of new products.


Andreasen MM (2011) 45 Years with design methodology. J Eng Des 22(5):293332.
Andreasen MM, Ahmed S (2006) Thoughts on design research consolidation. Unpublished pres-
entation at DSs advisory board meeting, Heraclion
Andreasen MM, Hein L (1987) Integrated product development. Institute of Product
Development, Technical University of Denmark Copenhagen. IFS (Publications)/Springer,
Berlin (Facsimile edition 2000)
34 2 Change, Development, and Conceptualization

Andreasen MM, Wallace K (2011) Reflection on design methodology research. Key note speech
at ICED 11 Copenhagen (Unpublished)
Arthur WB (2009) The nature of technologywhat it is and how it evolves. Penguin Press,
Cantamessa M (2011) Design but of what? (Chap. 20). In: Birkhofer H (ed) The future of
design methodology. Springer, London
French MJ (1985) Conceptual design for engineers, 2nd edn. Design Council, Springer, London,
Hales C, Gooch S (2004) Managing engineering design, 2nd edn. Springer, London
Hansen CT, Andreasen MM (2010) On the content and nature of design objects in designing. In:
Marjanovic D etal (eds) Proceedings of the 11th international design conference DESIGN
2010. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb and
The Design Society, pp 761770
Jrgensen U (ed) (2008) I teknologiens laboratorium ingenirfagets videnskabsteori (In the
laboratory of technologiesthe science of engineering). Polyteknisk forlag, Kbenhavn
McAloone Tim C, Andreasen MM, Boelskifte P (2007) A Scandinavian model of innovative
product development. In: The future of product development (ISBN: 978-3-540-69819-7),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 269278
Olesen J (1992) Concurrent development in manufacturingbased upon dispositional mecha-
nisms. PhD thesis, Technical University of Denmark
Pahl G, Beitz W (2007) Engineering design. A systematic approach, 3rd edn. Springer, London
(1st edn, 1977)
Roozenburg NFM, Eekels J (1996) Product design: fundamentals and methods. Wiley, Chichester
Part II
The Design Machinery
Chapter 3
Designers and Their Knowing

Designers knowing is shaped by their education, training, experience, and research.

In order to empower the designer we must be conscious of both what they know and
what they do when they design. Professional and branch knowledge relate to technol-
ogy, product, and market insights; our focus is on design knowledge, which concerns
operation in the design activity. Designers generate and use a rich spectrum of models
for creating solutions, insight, and predictions. These are often integrated into meth-
ods with the aim of rationalization, transfer of experience, and increased productivity.
Thus their use is not just a question of knowing the method, but also possessing the
correct mindset. This mindset is related to background, context, and method validity,
and is key to transforming a method from a series of instructions into a truly produc-
tive means of design. In doing this the designer brings to bear their knowledge, skills,
and abilities in design methods as a powerful actor in the design team.

3.1Dimensions of Knowing

In many situations all that is needed for a designer to be creative is pencil and
paper. However, situations in practice are typically much more complex, involv-
ing many aspects of design knowledge. As such this chapter aims to answer
what is needed for designers to create previously unknown and unseen things,
based on the following questions: what do we understand by practice and how
is it composed; and what underpins designers knowledge and the efficiency and
effectiveness of their work? In answering these questions we will move closer to
understanding the mechanisms behind design and design knowledge, i.e. one part
of the design machinery of Part II. Figure3.1 gives a foundation for this explora-
tion by showing a rough articulation of the various aspects of design knowledge.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 37

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_3
38 3 Designers and Their Knowing

Fig.3.1Key knowledge
elements in design

Figure3.1s knowledge elements can be broadly grouped into three areas. Design
knowledge is generally related to the rationalization and empowerment of design-
ing. It is based on education and research inputs. Professional knowledge reflects
education determined by the specific demands of industry and engineering domain.
It is based upon education and experience. Finally, Branch knowledge concerns
technology, market, specific products, and the customer. This knowledge is almost
exclusively based on experience and is not normally shared between companies.
The distinction here is ambiguous. Some professions are supported by rich
design knowledge and highly developed design theories, e.g. ship design, aircraft
design, and the food industry. Other professions are characterized by highly devel-
oped professional knowledge and craftsmanship. However, all professions build on
fundamental design knowledge. As such, we focus on these foundational elements
in this chapter.
Section3.2 explores designers and their practice.
Section3.3 examines how designers create and use models to support this prac-
tice in models, the designers language.
Section3.4 builds on these models to discuss methods and tools.
Section3.5 explores how competence and skills affect method use in design.
Section3.6 brings these elements together by looking at design philosophy and
Section 3.7 closes the chapter by discussing how the design process is influ-
enced by the designers perceptions of design activity.

3.2Designers and Their Practice

Practice, in the pursuit of craft or profession, is core to our ideas of design. In

industry the concept of benchmarking is seen as best practice. Benchmarking
tries to determine if a procedure (method, technique) has consistently given results
superior to those achieved with other means. This implies a type of comparative
practice, which develops by experience, learning, and negotiation as new means
3.2 Designers and Their Practice 39

Fig.3.2Teamwork in an
educational situation, where
the students start developing
their understanding of
practice, courtesy Torben

are compared to old. However, in reality much of this progression is reliant on the
designers and their ability to articulate their practices, Fig.3.2. This is particularly
important in industry where design is often erroneously seen as an art or craft
rather than knowledge that can be learned.
At the core of this book is the idea that design can be learned and constitutes a
way of thinking similar to the sciences or humanities. This is also recognized by
Cross (2006) who describes the values in each culture as (emphasis added):
In the sciences: objectivity, rationality, neutrality, and a concern for truth.
In the humanities: subjectivity, imagination, commitment, and a concern for justice.
In design: practicality, ingenuity, empathy, and a concern for appropriateness.
Elaborating this, Cross (2006) describes three designerly ways of knowing, to
which we add a fourth point.
Designers tackle ill-defined problems.
Their mode of problem-solving is solution-focused.
Their mode of thinking is constructive.
They use languages to both read and spell design entities, allowing abstract
requirements to be transformed into concrete objects.
Designers show common traits in their skills and capabilities. In order to char
acterize these common designerly approaches (Kleinsmann etal. 2012) used
a design game to interview 55 designers with experience in design and/or design
management. From this she identified six images of approaches:
Design as product driven: focuses on the actual product to be designed. A
multidisciplinary team is formed to meet the complexity of demands and inte-
grate all knowledge needed, while using designerly approach.
Design as solution driven: focuses on the wicked problems within the product
or system to be designed. An engineering design team is formed to solve the
problems encountered in a designerly way.
40 3 Designers and Their Knowing

Design as value driven: focuses on creating value for the end-user. Contextual
complex problems, with diverse stakeholders, are reframed to create better
value for people within the particular context.
Design as business driven: focuses on innovation as a strategy for a sustain-
able company. The designerly approach strengthens the product portfolio and
business development.
Design as experience driven: focuses on (social) innovation through the facili-
tation of a stakeholder dialogue. Through co-designing experiences value is cre-
ated for all stakeholders.
Design as vision driven: focuses on the designers personal style. The designer
is invited to make his statement through the design.
Kleinsmanns images show the range of designers beliefs, strategies, and
approaches, which we also think reflect differences in their mental processes and
reasoning. The images common elements are articulated in the list of character-
istics above. Throughout this book we explore this confrontation between struc-
tured, systematic work patterns and the designers cognitive approaches.

3.2.1Design Practice

Although all design builds on common principles it is still possible to identify

typical design practices from the finished products. For example, Scandinavian,
German Bauhaus, and American product styles are distinctly recognizable.
Further, aircraft designers claim to be able to see different designers fingerprints
in the final planes. In spite of the different images and fingerprints we find it inter-
esting to try and understand how a design practice is realized in teams and depart-
ments of companies.

Definition: Design practice is a work pattern based on the type of prod-

uct to be designed, the companyits past design activities and future
aspirations, and an understanding of which approach leads to the highest
probability of success.

Thus it is possible to describe common design knowledge elements linked to the

realization of design in practice as illustrated in Fig.3.3 (Andreasen 2009, 2011).

3.3Models, the Designers Language

Models are both tools and the documentation of the design results. Indeed, it is
hardly possible to imagine design without some form of models being used!
Modelling describes the activity through which designers utilize models, i.e.
artefacts created in this activity. Models have multiple applications in design.
3.3 Models, the Designers Language 41

Fig. 3.3Staging of industrial practice with respect to theories, ideas, and experiences
(Andreasen 2011)

However, before we go on, let us clarify that design researchers are interested in
modelling of design, i.e. creating theories or frameworks that explain designing;
while designers are interested in modelling in design, i.e. creating and applying
models to support the design activity. It is this second perspective that we focus on
here, as illustrated in Fig.3.4.
The figure above shows the following phenomena:
Something is being modelled: the phenomenon or object. This is either physi-
cally present or situated in a designers mind as a mental model.
The model articulates the attributes of the phenomenon or object through its
composition, representing what is modelled.
Creating the model builds on theory or vision of the phenomenon or object
combined with a suitable way of modelling.
Applying the model results in a simulation of the phenomenon or object
(Roozenburg and Eekels 1996). Results are then generated and consequences
derived in a more or less active process, e.g. inputting data verses reading a
Models shape the designers knowledge and are core to the articulation of the
product and the design process. This is achieved via a wide range of models, both
complete and intermediate.

3.3.1Phenomenon and Model

The product does not exist during the design process, only finally material-
izing during production. Thus, designers deal with the product as articulated
through models. In this way models form a type of design language (Tjalve and
42 3 Designers and Their Knowing

Fig.3.4Describing the modelling activity (Maier etal. 2014)

Andreasen 1975), with different models being applied for different purposes in
the process, e.g. defining, synthesizing, communicating, clarifying, justifying, and
documenting for manufacture. As models represent something they share certain
characteristics with this something, Fig.3.5. The something can be a phenom-
enon, i.e. an observable episode or articulation of an activity or operation, or an
object, i.e. an operand entity created during design, e.g. a part description. As
such, we can define a model:

Definition: A model is a human creation that carries attributes similar to the

modelled phenomenon or object.

Models are normally described as representing, reproducing or visualizing, with

definitions focusing on the models being in some other form or using a different
conceptual or representational system. Thus, a model is a translation into another
language, one of representation. This is normally coupled with simplification
or reduction of complexity, i.e. models are partial. Models can be assessed with
regard to, e.g. goodness, accuracy, relevance, profitability, clarity, or productivity.
A clarifying discussion is given by Vermaas (2014).
The attributes related to the model can be both the characteristics shared with
the object/phenomenon and the models own articulation of its properties, i.e. its
explanative power (German: Aussagefhigheit). A core characteristic of models is
similarity, which relates to appearance, behaviour, and composition. This rela-
tionship between the model and the phenomenon is seen as a theory, see Fig.3.4
(Tomiyama 2006), i.e. the modeller either makes assumptions or builds on known
theories about the nature of the phenomenon. When a sketch is shown to designers
they often see or reason about things that are not explicitly illustrated, for exam-
ple, how the sketched object might be assembled, based on their own assumptions.
3.3 Models, the Designers Language 43

Fig.3.5a A model has characteristics in common with, or similar to, the object and is thus able
to illustrate certain properties shared with the object b e.g. a pair of pliers is modelled as a beam,
allowing shear forces and bending moment to be calculated, inspired by Samuel and Weir (1999)

3.3.2The Model and Modelling Techniques

As defined above models are created to represent something. Thus a huge pal-
ette of model types is available, with no constraint on the medium: both model
and object may be steel, clay, paper, etc. As such, the modeller may master many
specific modelling languages, e.g. mathematics, logic, Simulink, Systems Theory
or Entity Relation modelling. Further, depending on the language used this can
dominate the modelling activity. Thus, phenomena are often decomposed as a
chain of models with each transformation based on different theory as illustrated
in Fig.3.6. Here a phenomenon is transformed into an information model via, e.g.
object orientated modelling. However, it is important to realize that these tools do
not tell us about the nature of the design phenomena but rather the nature of infor-
mation structures.

The step of phenomenon modelling comes before any information structur-

ing considerations.

Fig.3.6From a design phenomenon to a computer model (Duffy and Andreasen 1995)

44 3 Designers and Their Knowing

3.3.3Model Applications

Models are typically applied in key satiations to support the progression of the
design process as exemplified in Fig.3.7. Based on this we can distil common
model applications.
Capture the unknown: supporting ideation and synthesis.
Define the design: supporting the specification of the design such that its char-
acteristics can be translated into other types of models and the specification of
the products manufacture.
Communication: supporting the design activity between team members, stake-
holders, specialists, users, and others. Here models can act as boundary objects,
i.e. translators, or for self-communication, i.e. supporting a dialogue between
mind and design.
Obtain insight: giving insight into the phenomenon through simulation, e.g.
manipulating the models parameters to observe the designs behaviour under
different conditions.
Manage: supporting the management of the design activity by, e.g. describing
an ideal sequence of operations or helping facilitate coordination. As above the
models parameters can be supplemented with, e.g. operation time and resources.
Although models may simultaneously serve a number of the roles outlined here
they are all mediated by their application in the design team. Further, they all con-
tribute to the gradual design progression, helping to synthesize, navigate, and
make decisions leading to the final design (Maier etal. 2014). We will explore
each of these roles in the following sections.

Fig.3.7Examples of mechatronic models and their purpose (Buur and Andreasen 1989)
3.3 Models, the Designers Language 45

3.3.4Capturing the Unknown

Generating ideas and concepts based on perception of need, opportunity, intention,

and task formulation means to create something unknown. This unknown may be
a lack of known principles or a gap in our understanding of how the product will
meet the use activity. Further, this unknown points to the endless possibilities con-
fronting a designer. The designer explores the unknown based on imagination,
and the ability to foresee and predict, coupled with theoretical and experimental
insight, and supported by models. Initially models are simple and quick to pro-
duce, e.g. sequences of sketches articulating how the product interacts with ele-
ments in context. These sketched models allow the designer to read, interpret, and
imagine how it might work, etc. Further, models allow prediction of the solutions
properties, e.g. size, weight or speed, based on subjective experience, interpreta-
tion, and adding imagined details to the solution.

Physical models: Handpresso. We use the design of the Handpresso here and
in two further examples on conceptualization Fig.7.1, and design, Fig.9.10.
Here we will focus on gaining early insight into the products functional-
ity and the projects tractability. Handpresso is a portable device for mak-
ing espresso coffee using standard coffee capsules. The inventor worked out
different concepts: with a hand pump, with an electrical motor, and with an
external energy source. Some of the physical models used for clarification of
functionality are shown in Fig.3.8. Note how off the shelf components are
used, giving the designer a good and early feeling of the embodiment and

Fig.3.8Early models of the Handpresso concept, supporting the designers imagination

of functionality and tractability (Courtesy Nielsen Innovation, France)
46 3 Designers and Their Knowing

Fig.3.9A sequence of sketches made for a designers self-communication and supporting the
imagination. Courtesy Thomas Ulrik Christiansen

Ideas start as mental models supported by a mental image, i.e. our brains abil-
ity to visualize imagined things and situations (Fig. 3.9). In this way sketching
activity is often experienced as a direct conversation between the brain, the hand,
and the pencil. Early models can also take other forms, such as 3D clay or foam
sculptures, which can also be used to facilitate this reflective dialogue. Early mod-
els have no formalization as long as the designer finds them supportive. However,
externalization and communication become important in teamwork, making
choice of coding and understanding critical (see communicating design below).

3.3.5Defining the Design

Design describes a gradual concretization and detailing of a product as illustrated

in Fig.3.10. Here, each part and assembly is documented such that the produc-
tion can be planned and performed. There are many different types of models used
for articulating criteria, for capturing use, form, functionality, for clarifying spatial
layout and interfaces, etc. Each of these models constitutes one step in the gradual
definition of the design but few are related to the structure of the parts. In particu-
lar, computer aided design supports later stage part definition but is not generally
helpful in the early phases where geometries have not yet been defined.
3.3 Models, the Designers Language 47

Fig.3.10Independent processes of concretization and detailing (Buur and Andreasen 1989)

Definition of the design is strongly supported by representing the design as

a system (explored further in Chap.8). When the design is defined as a system
model it serves as a framework for bringing together other types of partial models,
e.g. providing a structure for mapping product related knowledge to the products
life phases. Special types of models are used to define and communicate the final
design for production, e.g. assembly drawings and bill of materials. In this way
models are key to design communication.

3.3.6Communicating Design

Cooperating in teams, dialogue with management, and interaction with users and
other stakeholders all demand effective communication of the design. Models are
central to such communication activities, which can be principally illustrated as in
Models represent a coding, where something is articulated as a result of the
chosen representation and the receivers ability to de-code this, e.g. their ability to
read and interpret the model. The model contains a message and is created in a
certain medium. Further, the communication can be disturbed by noise in, e.g. the
aspects of the model not related to its purpose or loses in the transfer through, e.g.
misunderstandings as illustrated in Fig.3.12.
48 3 Designers and Their Knowing

model showing the role of

Fig.3.12Coding a standard
mechanical drawing
and de-coding with a

Models in communication. In Denmark pavements are traditionally a com-
bination of concrete flagstones and smaller pave stones. Laying these
is time-consuming and hard on the craftsmens knees. In order to solve
this a machine was proposed that would allow a standing work position.
Figure 3.13 shows from left to right the original work situation, interim
experiments on sliding mechanisms, and the final experiments with real
craftsmen. Through these models and experiments the designers ideas and
the professionals tacit experiences were combined. Figure3.14 shows a
CAD drawing of the final machine design. Courtesy Andreas Lolle and
Steffen Nielsen.

Fig.3.13Models and experiments leading to a concept for a paving machine

3.3 Models, the Designers Language 49

Fig.3.14CAD drawing of
the final machine concept

Creating the best model in the actual situation is influenced by a number of aspects
initially identified by Tjalve etal. (1979):
The object to be modelled, its context, and/or its different perspectives, e.g. use,
functional units, or part structure.
The property to be illustrated by the model. This is related to the objects prop-
erties, e.g. aesthetics and complexity.
The purpose of the communication, e.g. defining, showing ideas, embodiment,
or verifying certain aspects.
The receiver of the model, e.g. the designers themselves, colleagues, clients,
etc., or communication with a computer.
Similarly, the communicating model to be produced is determined by the follow-
ing characteristics:
The code chosen for visualization, e.g. three-dimensional image, symbolic rep-
resentation (mathematical terms, electrical or mechanical symbols, etc.) or just
using language.
The medium used, e.g. conversation, graphics (photographs, movie, video,
computer display, etc.) or three-dimensional materialization (paper, cardboard,
wood, etc.).
The level of abstraction and the number of details.
Models are not just a translation or representation, but a way of seeing the world
and making it visible and tangible. Models facilitate both individual thinking and
50 3 Designers and Their Knowing

interactive communication, Henderson (1999): The visual culture of engineers is

not made up of school-learned drafting conventions but rather the everyday prac-
tices of sketching, drawing, and drafting that construct their visual culturea vis-
ual culture that in turn constructs what and how designers see.

3.3.7Models for Insight

Design projects are high risk because of, for example, misinterpretation of need
and market, or misfit between product and customer expectations. Designers incre-
mentally reduce and clarify these risks as they progress and concretize the solu-
tion. Thus, models provide a means for giving insight into situations that cannot
wait for this incremental clarification. Modelling is a substitute for true clarifica-
tion when the product does not yet exist, when it is too expensive or time-consum-
ing to create a prototype, or when the act of modelling directly supports the search
for solutions. In this way models become a means for buying insight.
The question how does a model actually model? is difficult to answer gener-
ally because of the many types of model. Fundamentally, a models characteristics
can be manipulated and/or interpreted to reflect the phenomenons/objects behav-
iours and properties. This can be through physical laws or through apparent simi-
larities between the phenomenon and the model.

Modelling use. Tjalve (1979) used models to choose between design alterna-
tives, as shown in Fig.3.15, for a piece of laboratory equipment. Here (a)
shows one of four possible spatial arrangements for the functional units and
operators workspace. Later in the design process (b) was used to commu-
nicate the selected concept. This was modelled in 1:1 plastic foam together
with an operator simulating the job in a real time. In this experiment the
operator felt that the concept was oppressive and subsequently helped iden-
tify key design changes for the final product (c).

Fig.3.15Various models of a new laboratory device, from sketch to final product

(Tjalve 1979)
3.3 Models, the Designers Language 51

3.3.8Models for Managing

Project-oriented design activity is modelled in the design process showing the

planned activities, their relationships, and timing, as well as the allocation of
teams, personnel, and tools. Companies add activities based on the nature of the
company and task to create procedures, see Chap.9. These procedures are then
fitted to the specific project and can be used as the basis for time and resource
plans. This model thus provides a means for comparing the actual activities and
progress to the plan, supporting coordination and helping improvement via reflec-
tion and deviation analysis.
All the model types mentioned above can be used to support design manage-
ment. System models or models showing the designs parts, functional units, etc.
support composition activities. Interaction and interfaces between the designs
elements can be captured and manipulated in design matrices (Eppinger and
Browning 2012). Finally, design relationships can be used to manage the links
between the tasks in a project. These clarify the transfer of design information and
design dependencies in a design matrix that supports the scheduling of a project.

3.3.9Creative Use of Models

Designers again and again face situations that can be seen as problem-solving
but which can also be seen as issues to be scrutinized, reframed, and envisioned.
Here designers use models to support exploration and structuring of a problem or
to help find solutions. The models used here are diverse and often invented by the
designers themselves. As such, although these support teams in developing shared
understanding and force designers to consider new perspectives, they can be of
limited use in communication outside of the team. In particular, the exploration of
new perspectives and fostering shared understanding highlight the power of model
making, and that models, just like new products, are invented and applied in inter-
mediate steps throughout the design process.

Time should be made in a project to allow designers to create and use


Sketching is an important tool for creating many types of models and ideas, fast,
rough, and dirty. Unfortunately, in design education the sketching process is
treated mostly as a skill, rather than a powerful tool to structure design problems
and to develop solutions, Restropo (2004). The use of models for conceptualiza-
tion is treated in details in Chap.7.
In the 1990s our team at DTU aimed to create a Designers Workbench
(Andreasen 1992; Svendsen 1994; Jensen 1999; Mortensen 1999). In doing this
52 3 Designers and Their Knowing

we realized that a core challenge was creating a design language or way of artic-
ulating the synthesis and modelling of a design. This language aimed to support
the designers cognitive operations as well as the computers handling of the for-
malized information. We asked: What should govern such a language: the design-
ers cognition, the modelling, the methods or the computers requirements? We
found then, as now, that although models as discussed above are key, they work in
conjunction with methods and tools. In this way they can adapt to and effectively
support synthesis throughout the design process. We think it is important to get
deeper insight into a designerly way of modelling to maintain the power we see
in the use of models: the drawings surprising ability to let the designer see things
not explicitly on the page, the early models role in linking mind, hands, and eyes,
and the models role in supporting synthesis.

3.4Methods and Tools

A companys design practice is composed of a set of tools (for information han-

dling, calculations, and graphics) and methods (for monitoring the design pro-
cess and solving design sub-tasks). Despite this central role method/tool selection
is often neglected in practice. This is in contrast to research, where methods and
tools are dominant. As such, this section aims to extend our understanding of
methods and how they can be used effectively in design.

3.4.1What Is a Method?

Methods are at the core of many human activities: in the sciences: controlled
experiment, classification, and analysis; in the humanities: analogy, metaphor,
and evaluation; and in design: modelling, pattern formulation, and synthesis
(Cross 2006). Methods represent a continuum from precise calculation with dis-
tinct numerical solutions to simple modes of reasoning where solutions are fuzzy.
Further, Araujo (2001) found that the words method and tool are used synony-
mously. Roozenburg and Eekels (1996) see methods as composed of rules, with
many design methods being of a heuristic nature because they aid in finding
something, but there is no guarantee that it will be found and by everyone. In
contrast an algorithm is a sequence of operations leading to a result, e.g. the deci-
sion support method weighted criteria is formulated as an algorithm but at its
core it is heuristic. This leads to our definition of a method.

Definition: A method is a goal-oriented rationalization or simplification of

engineering work in the form of a standardized work description.
3.4 Methods and Tools 53

Methods can originate from work practices or be created by designers or research-

ers. Some methods make seemingly impossible tasks more feasible by supporting
creative work, while other methods simply make tasks more rational. In design,
there is a broad spectrum of methods of very different nature, validity, and appli-
cability. To reduce confusion we make a distinction between engineering methods
and design methods, even if they overlap in reality:
Engineering methods originate in engineering insight into an artefacts nature.
They are normally analytical and calculation based, giving a single metric output
or set of parameter values as a result of different inputs/conditions. For this type of
method it is possible to rigorously prove that the result matches reality with a cer-
tain precision. These methods typically build on an actual model and parameteri-
zation of a phenomenon. Thus, the validity of the result depends on the designers
ability to model and judge the methods applicability.
Design methods are normally synthesis and clarification oriented. They cre-
ate a staging for creative activities or structured search, classification, discussion,
evaluation, and decision-making. This type of method typically has few mecha-
nisms for obtaining results and can sometimes have a very low probability of suc-
cess. The application of design methods is critically dependent on the designers
known-how, mindset, and interpretation of how the method should be used. It is
difficult to rigorously validate this type of method due to the many uncontrolled
influencing factors.

Design method application
When designing a service the Customer Activity Cycle is an important
model of the products lifecycle elements and their potential service need.
Figure3.16 shows a situation where an ideal model of a ships lifecycle is
on the table and various stakeholders identify possible services and network-
ing set-ups. The method describes the application of the model and staging
the situation.
Fig.3.16Design method
application: customer
activity cycle, courtesy
Tim McAloone
54 3 Designers and Their Knowing

In the Delft Design Guide we find the following classes of design methods (van
Boeijen etal. 2013):
Creating a design goal: for strategy and vision, design specification, and prob-
lem definition.
Creating product ideas and concepts: for concept mapping, function analysis,
scenario writing, morphology, etc. (see Chap.7).
Decisions and selection: for managing value and weighing objectives, etc.
Evaluation of product features: for simulation, testing, concept selection, and

3.4.2Methods Origins

The earliest methods aimed to support engineering design details such as strength
and cost, while later methods aimed to generally improve design work and educa-
tion (Jones 1992). A recent, collection of design methods can be found in the men-
tioned Delft Design Guide by Boeijen etal. (2013). A dominant area in design
research is Design Methodology, i.e. the study of the work procedures design-
ers follow (Roozenburg and Eekels 1996). Design Methodology gives us models
of design, methods, and techniques and a system of concepts and corresponding
Design methods may have their origin in practice and experience (e.g. weighted
criteria for evaluation), in understanding of human cognition (e.g. brainstorm-
like methods), in understanding of an artefacts nature (e.g. morphology), in
understanding cooperative teamwork, or in combinations of these (e.g. House of
Quality). The method itself is normally articulated via verbal instructions related
to a tool in the form of a scheme/model or to the staging of actions. As we shall
see the formulation of this instruction is critical to the application of a method in

3.4.3Methods Formulation and Application

A condition for using a method is that the user can come to the same insight as
the method creators interpretation of the use situation. Araujo (2001) illustrated
this expected understanding of the designers situation as shown in Fig.3.17. This
shows that beside the methods instructions there are a number of other critical
elements (Andreasen 2011):
Interpretation and understanding of the task.
Interpretation of the context, judging appropriateness, and timeliness of using
the method.
3.4 Methods and Tools 55

Fig.3.17Understanding the designers situation when executing a method (Araujo 2001)

Imagining and planning the use of the method based on knowledge, experience,
and skill.
Understanding the theory related to the phenomenon to which the method is
applied, translating its concepts into the methods language and models.
Understanding the use of the method and proper procedure to undertake when
designing, judging the validity of the method and its results.
In practice it can be difficult to clearly isolate a method from a designers wider
practice. However, in any activity the goal, the result, the designers knowledge,
and the activity itself reflect the domain, e.g. designing a pump, as illustrated in
Fig.3.18. Although methods are key to design, design is not simply a sequence of
methods, raising the question: What makes a good method?

Fig.3.18Methods use in practice separating the method application and domain activity
56 3 Designers and Their Knowing

A method should always be understood in combination with the design

activity it will support. The result of the method is rarely the result of the
wider activity.

3.4.4What Makes a Good Method?

As noted above it can be difficult to isolate specific methods in practice. This has
prompted significant study into the deficiencies of design methodology revealing
three main issues (Cantamessa 1997; Araujo 2001; Birkhofer etal. 2005; Badke-
Shaub etal. 2011):
Difficulties in defining the performance of methods.
Difficulties in how methods are presented and formulated.
Difficulties in applying methods in a wider process.
Many of these issues stem from an erroneous belief that methods are rational
machines for producing results. Thus, when a method does not give the expected
results the problem is attributed to the method itself (Jensen and Andreasen 2010).
Andreasen (2011) sums this up by stating that even if designers often attribute
their results to methods (also in situations where it is obvious that the method is
not doing the work), we can only get proper explanations of their use by under-
standing how the designers talk and feel about methods, individually and col-
lectively. As such, methods cannot be seen as rational machines, instead they
must be carefully understood in context. Thus, when a designer masters a method
it simply becomes one part of how we always do it. Daalhuisen (2014) states
that a method works, when or because it extends the ability to design, enhances
reflection on designing, and enhances learning to design. The robustness, flex-
ibility, and execution of a method lie with the designer and cannot be transferred
through a verbal instruction only. Similarly, Badke-Schaub etal. (2011) advocate
a designer centred methodology as well as methodology support in an indi-
vidually and situation-oriented manner to meet the demands of the user, and thus
increase design performance.
Validation relates to the actual effects and productivity of a method but also to
a methods theoretical background. The results from applying a method depend
on its timely and appropriate use. Here, appropriateness is not just a matter of
the method and thus can only be truly judged retrospectively. The relationship
between theory and methods, i.e. how methods build on theory, is a matter that
only indirectly affects the methods quality through the abilities of the designer.
A typical example is this books use of Domain Theory (Chap.8). Based
on this we have created powerful methods for modularization and platform
approaches (Hvam etal. 2008; Harlou 2006). The theory itself is model based
and is composed of concepts and mental constructs that cannot be proven or
3.4 Methods and Tools 57

falsified. Its truth comes via its support of the designers mindset and thus their
successful application of the methods.


When we look at design process models, which are generally seen as methods,
it is evident that the model only contains a small percentage of the understand-
ing necessary for completing the design. The same is true for most design meth-
ods descriptions: they only describe the machinery of the method, not the basic
understanding of the actual phenomenon or the why dimensions. This, in part,
contributes to the over-optimistic belief that methods can be used directly by
simply following the instructions, and even more optimistically that they lead to
a masterful, successful result on their first application. Understanding the proper
context and phenomena related to method application we call mindset (Andreasen
2003). In particular this highlights socio-technical aspects and appropriate/timely
application as key challenges.

Definition: A mindset is the proper understanding of a methods use in

accordance with the designers reality (interpretation of task, situation, exe-
cution, validation, etc.), and the methods background and proper use.

Daalhuisen (2014) explains mindset as follows: It is not only knowledge and

experience that allows a designer to use a method beneficially; it is also belief in
its added value, trust in its applicability and preference for its use. Mindset and
method description unite in method application as illustrated in Fig.3.19, together
with the staging of the method (see Chap.4).

Fig.3.19The execution of
a method based on mindset,
method description, and
58 3 Designers and Their Knowing

Application of the House of Quality (QFD) method. The basic idea of
the QFD method is to compare customer reactions (called Voice of the
Customer) to a launched product [(g) in Fig.3.20] with the companys
efforts to build good attributes into that product. Based on this mapping the
aim is to identify improvements for the next generation of products. The
core is the scheme illustrated in Fig.3.20, which has the following elements:
(a)list of customer statements, (b)list of product attributes, (c)cus-
tomers articulation of the issues satisfaction compared to competing prod-
ucts, (d)mapping of relationships answering the question: What is the
influence of the attributes on the customers issues? The strength of this rela-
tionship is graded on three levels. (e) Calculates sum score for each attrib-
ute to show their relative importance for customer satisfaction, based on the
strength of relationships and their importance. Finally, the schemes roof
(f) maps interactions between technical parameters to support assessment of
feasibility and possible trade-off areas (see Chap.12).
QFD is basically a scheme, i.e. a tool plus a method mechanism, for con-
fronting a companys supposed values with the true customer values. This
mechanism is supported by the designers mindset, i.e. understanding the
transformation and confrontation of parameters, and the business effects of
customer values. The staging of the method [combing the actors (q), (r), and
(s) with the rest of the team (t)] aims to foster shared understanding of the
success of past designs and the challenges faced by the new development
and its goal formulation.

Fig.3.20The QFD methods core scheme and the actions around it

3.4 Methods and Tools 59

The heuristic and socio-technical aspects of QFD are also shown in Fig.3.20
through the actors roles. The designers (q) role is to interpret and trans-
late the voice of the customer into the list A. The engineers (r) role is to
map and grade the influences based on their interpretation of what technical
parameters the product (should) possess. The managers (s) role is to ensure
that the goal formulation balances the companys strategy/policies and the
need to create good business.

Bringing these points together leads to the following:

Both design practice in its use of methods and design research in its crea-
tion of design support need to build effective mindsets related to the design

Our focus on mindset underlines the difficulties scholars and consultants face
when articulating proposals for theories, methods, and models such that the
designer can effectively use them. As such, we offer the general advice: Dig one
step deeper!
Methods are fuzzy: they can lead to a result even if used incorrectly, and
often give poor/no results even if used properly.
Methods are narrow: they treat a single issue and require the user to cre-
ate the totality.
Methods are nonlinear (even if many claim to be!): synthesis is funda-
mentally trial and error. Thus even methods like algorithms must respect
Methods must be learned: experience and rich understanding are required
for effective use.
Methods challenge the designers mindset: is the proper insight present?

3.5Competences and Skills

Design is characterized by specific knowledge and ways of thinking. Thus, we

must understand what competencies are required in design and how we can under-
stand design from this perspective. Throughout the book we deal with design
knowledge, and find the following definition from Sim and Duffy (1998) powerful:

Definition: Knowledge is a competence notion that promotes rational

action depending on goal(s) to be achieved for a particular activity.
60 3 Designers and Their Knowing

From this we can see that knowledge is linked to action and understanding. Thus,
it is only via a designers actions that we are able to see their knowledge in the
form of competences and skills.

Definitions: Competences are the ability to actually realize knowledge as

rational actions depending on the goal and the activity.
Definition: Skills are learned abilities and the capacity to carry out a task.

Key to realizing these actions is motivation and attitude. Attitude provides the
driver for turning knowledge, professionalism, abilities, and competences into
value based, rational activities.
A precondition for identifying the specific competences and skills character-
izing designers is observing their behaviour. Developing these competences takes
time and experience in design practice. We find it interesting that competences and
skills seem to be a dimension of knowledge that is different from the tool-ori-
ented dimension of design.
In order to understand these terms in a design context it is helpful to consider
the concrete example of competences in conceptualization:
Show awareness: react to and sympathize with actions and people to build up
insight into needs, values, and problems.
Show synthesis competence: creatively seek solutions and systematically artic-
ulate concepts, embodiments, etc., in order to gradually concretise your ideas.
Show innovative thinking: unfold perceptions of the solution space and seek
out limitations and possibilities.
Show integrative reasoning: balance the various design demands, establish
sensible goals for completeness, and identify possible consequences.
Whenever a persons competences and skills are evaluated the persons creativ-
ity interferes in a way that is difficult to identify and isolate. We treat creativity
in Chap.7 but will comment on the core competences relevant here. First, com-
petence in synthesis is key to design. It brings together creativity, intuition,
systematic thinking, technical insight, and imagination to drive productivity in
problem-solving and synthesis situations. Second, competence in visualization is
key to creativity, sketching, and modelling and thus core to design communication
and understanding.
The combination of competences and skills is not only determined by the
practice of the designer, but also the nature of the tasks. For example, innovative
tasks demand more than the core competences mentioned above. Competence
in innovation is often seen as entrepreneurial and related to individuals, technol-
ogy, organizational interaction, and a companys culture. The nature of innovation
means it relates to new tasks or expanding dimensions such as (Jrgensen 2004),
cooperation (within a team or in wider networks), going beyond products and sys-
tems seen as simple physical entities, and structuring innovative work.
3.5 Competences and Skills 61

Our treatment of competences and skills is an attempt to articulate designerly

competences and contribute to awareness, respect for, and understanding of their
importance in design. It also points to the designer orientated aspects of knowl-
edge management. The richness of design knowledge is channelled into the design
activity through the designers endeavours. This knowledge contains wisdom
which can be descried in terms of design philosophy and principles.

3.6Design Philosophy and Principles

This section aims to answer the question: what is the role of high-level design
insight in the form of philosophy and principles? In the authors experience engi-
neering design has not been heavily influenced by specific philosophers, rather
design philosophy and principles have been developed from the ground up by
designers and design researchers.

3.6.1Design Philosophy

Philosophy generally deals with questions related to our perception of the world,
our thoughts, and our understanding. Philosophers also deal with design and the
basic concepts of designing, for example, in the Centre for Philosophy and Design
(Galle 2010). Their goal has been to bridge philosophy and design research; one
may say to supply design researchers and practitioners with a philosophical under-
standing of designs basic concepts. However, it is a long way from this initiative
to the colloquial understanding of design described by designers or companys
attempts to articulate philosophies in the form of metaphors, one-liners or buz-
zwords. Between these two extremes we find more or less explicit design philoso-
phies. We refrain from trying to give a comprehensive overview but focus on the
questions: What answers do we find in design philosophy; and what answers do
we want? It seems that there are three dimensions of perception and understand-
ing that individually or in combination provide a starting point for articulating a
What the product is and does in itself, i.e. the technical tasks leading to func-
tion and structure.
What the product can be used for and its link to need/purpose, leading to func-
tion and use.
What values are ascribed to the product, its usefulness and the symbolic values
it carries. These are socio-technical dimensions and semiotic articulations.
Form follows function was a design credo formulated by the French architect
Louis Sullivan (1924), who created high-rise buildings using iron, glass, and con-
crete. Sullivan was inspired by the simplicity that was created when engineers
62 3 Designers and Their Knowing

Fig.3.21Function seen as the link between form and value (Roozenburg and Eekels 1996)

dimensioning was used to determined functional form (Faber 1962). Heretically

one might ask if Sullivans credo leads to good solutions. Similarly, Space, con-
struction, form, function is the articulation of the Danish architect Harboes
(2001) design philosophy. Here, form also creates internal and external spaces,
based on a task and composition plan for the totality and the details, social and
economic issues, and the creation of frames for human life.
Current design philosophers use the concepts function and form, e.g. Papanek
(1971) or Roozenburg and Eekels (1996), to build links between a products aims
and value as shown in Fig.3.21.
Here, form determines the products properties and function, while functional-
ity leads to need satisfaction and value perception. This philosophy is built upon in
this books Domain Theory and Link Model (Chaps.1114).
Structure and function are the basic concepts of systems thinking
(Chap. 8). The basic aim is to understand composed products behaviour by
decomposing their ingredients and their relationships. In Geros (1990) FBS
framework (Function, Behaviour, Structure) structure carries a products functions
and behaviour, and is thus synonymous with form. In our book we see this struc-
tural definition of products as the core of design.

Synthesis from function to structure in a bilge pump Progressing from what
we want the product to do, i.e. its function, to its way of doing this, i.e. its
structure, is often described as a creative leap, exemplified here. Sailing
boats that are moored in a harbour collect water from rain and leakage, and
can be damaged or even sink because of this. Thus, there is a desire for a
product with the function remove water or move water out of the boat.
One idea might be to use a type of wick to passively suck up the water
based on wind and warmth as energy sources driving evaporation. Another
structure could be a conventional valve-based pump driven by the boats
3.6 Design Philosophy and Principles 63

Fig.3.22Sketches of a pump driven by forces on the mooring cable

movements or forces in the boats mooring wires, as illustrated in Fig.3.22.

Concretization, detailing, and experiments allow us to determine if the
expected functionality is achieved by either of these ideas.

Next consider semiotics and symbols. A product is both a symbol in itself and
can carry symbols. To read and understand symbols is the domain of semiotics.
This is driven by insight into culture and social context. The values that users
assign to a products symbols can be diverse, including pride of ownership, boast-
ing value, indication of social belonging or political, moral or environmental
position. However, we also find more neutral symbols serving as identification,
operation instructions, and visualization of functions.

Identity of bicycles. Bicycles, even after many years of development and
many digressions (big/small wheels, more wheels, and different transmis-
sions) have not found a single standardized design; customers ask for indi-
vidualization (Fig.3.23). For example, in towns we find that bicycles are
designed to symbolize and signal the owners identity, rather than provide
the optimal transport experience.

Fig.3.23Various bicycles: racer, Christiania bike, and ladys bike

64 3 Designers and Their Knowing

In the bicycle example (Fig.3.23) the products symbolism is carried by their

structure, primarily in the design of the frame. While graphics on the product
might enhance the bicycles symbolic values (speed lines, logos, colour, and text)
they are not the main carrier in this case. Because of the malleability of software
the form of products, such as mobile phones, iPods, PCs, etc., are less influenced
by their internal functionality. Therefore, designers must invent characteristic,
iconic forms while balancing mainstream conformity and originality. This leads us
to design principles.

3.6.2Design Principles

Just as with philosophies design principles are broad, multidimensional concepts

that are fundamentally valid. Principles can be used in practice by confronting
them with design proposals and asking is this principle satisfied? However, prin-
ciples can also address ethical, professional, and practice aspects of design.
The Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK formulates what they call design
principles (Armstrong 1980): Engineering design encompasses three key stages
of realization:
Need: all design begins with a clearly defined need.
Vision: all designs arise from a creative response to a need.
Delivery: all designs result in a system, product or project that meets the need.
These three declarations aim to communicate the essential elements necessary for
design decisions to produce desirable results and have been derived from experi-
ence, practice, and pragmatism. Several scholars have also formulated principles
of design, e.g. Pahl and Beitz (2007) basic rules:
Clarity: Ensure users can reliably predict a designs functionality and
Simplicity: Avoid unnecessary components and production processes to ensure
a simple structure.
Safety: Ensure peoples safety by focusing on strength, accident prevention, and
protection of the environment.
We can elaborate on the simple principles by defining them in terms of a strategy.
Strategy has a more unified meaning than design philosophy or principles because
it describes the way we attack a certain task or problem. It is a situation depend-
ant approach, which can sometimes look similar to philosophy or principles. For
example, many design process models are based on the advice that the problem
be verbally articulated before any search for solutions is undertaken. We see this
as a strategy but it is very close to a principle in nature.
Here we focus on the design strategies related to project and team, which are
subordinate to product development and business strategies. Mastering design
strategies is an important dimension of design knowledge. The many proposals
3.6 Design Philosophy and Principles 65

for design process models can be seen as strategies, claiming that there is a good,
general way to approach a design task. However, these are often of limited valid-
ity despite claims go the contrary. As such, we will revisit principles and strat-
egy throughout the book with the aim to ultimately understand what makes a good
We think that the perception of philosophies, principles, and strategies relates
to reflective practice as defined by Schn (1983): Reflective practice is the capac-
ity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning. Schn
sees this as a core characteristic of professional practice. Bolton (2010) writes that
it involves paying attention to the practical values and theories which inform
everyday actions, by examining practice reflectively and reflexively. This leads to
development insight. We see our treatment of philosophy, principles, and strat-
egies as concrete patterns of insight found in practice and representing valuable
understanding. However, as with all insights, the designers own perception of the
situation affects their interpretation.

3.7Perceptions of Design Activity

The key knowledge element in design is the designers explicit and implicit under-
standing of the design activity. This includes their mental models of the activity
and the pattern of activities that best support their knowledge. Activity models pro-
vide us with methods when we use them in a normative waythey describe struc-
tured ways of proceeding. However, this still does not answer what mindset we
should use when designing and what perspectives we should consider.
Let us start with the researchers explanations. Hubka and Eder (1996) propose
three basic, elements for explaining design:
Theory of Technical Systems: containing descriptive statements on the nature
of the artefact to be designed.
Design knowledge about objects or systems: the branch and domain depend-
ant know-how related to the ways and means for creating technical systems.
Theory of Design Processes: an explanation of the actions of design in a
socio-technical and industrial context. This is coupled with Design Process
Knowledge regarding the operations and means for performing the design pro-
cess, e.g. methods, procedures, strategies, and tactics.
Hubka and Eders (1996) book was epoch-making in defining the existence of
design science, seen as the collection of knowledge about designing in an ency-
clopaedic style. They viewed the design process as a system with activities as
elements. Cross book Designerly ways of Knowing (2006) was just as epoch-
making in its identification of design as a general dimension of human cognition.
Cross combines insights from design processes and design artefacts to describe
ways of thinking unique to design: Design has its own distinct things to know,
66 3 Designers and Their Knowing

ways of knowing, and ways of finding out about them. Here we can take a more
specific look at these insight areas.
Design processes: these integrate strategy (how to tackle a task), finding satis-
factory solutions, coping with the ill-definedness of design situations, and the
designers confidence to define, redefine and change the problem-as-given in
the light of the solution that emerges from their mind and hands (Cross 2006).
Here, Cross describes designers ability to translate ideas concerning individual,
organizational, and social needs into artefacts, as a coding or language.
Design artefacts: Cross states that there is a great wealth of knowledge car-
ried by the objects of our material culture. Learning from past designs is
important and designers are characterized by their ability both to read and
write in our material culture.
Hubka and Eder use system thinking as a framework for their treatment of the
design process, while Cross is more concerned with the designer and how they
tackle specific situations and tasks.

3.7.1A Cybernetic Understanding of Design

Cybernetics is a science that aims to understand natural and artificial systems as

functional, dynamic, and goal oriented. Central to this are control and communica-
tion, the systems ability to observe and react to changes in the surroundings, and
the systems ability to influence the surroundings in a controlled way. We use this
perspective to further explore the machinery, its dynamics and functionality.
Design teams operate in a cybernetic way as highlighted by Wynn etal. (2010)
and Maier etal. (2012). These authors focus on the design activitys methods and
models, and how they can be seen from a utility perspective. A Cybernetic sys-
tems behaviour and functions are described by a set of abilities and functions,
which are comparable to a teams necessary behaviours and functions in solving a
design tasks in dynamic surroundings.
While socio-technical models focus on the actors (human or non-human) as
carriers of knowledge they do not describe what they are doing. Cybernetic mod-
els fill this gap.

From a cybernetic perspective design is as a goal-oriented, perceptive, and

self-governing system, which highlights the active functions to be per-
formed by the team.

The cybernetic parallels with design underline the self-organizing, self-propelling,

and goal-searching nature of design in a team seen as a system. Maier etal. (2012)
highlight the role of models, which the team uses to reflect its perception of the
surroundings, situation, and design.
3.7 Perceptions of Design Activity 67

3.7.2A Coordination Understanding of Design

The socio-technical and cybernetic models of design do not really show what
is synthesized and manipulated when designing. This is instead found in design
coordination, a high level concept for supporting design: The design of com-
plex products involves the coordinated organization of multi disciplinary groups,
activities, and information, which continually evolve and change during the design
activity (Andreasen etal. 1994, 1997). Core to this is the Design Coordination
Framework, which has nine frames each of which can be seen as a coordination
dimension, Fig.3.24. Each frame is a dynamically evolving aspect of design,
which links all the frames. For example, a progression in the design activity may
lead to an added entity in the artefact model, followed by a goal break down, a
new task definition, and a call for new resources.
The linking lines in Fig.3.24 represent the coordination actions required to
manage progression (synthesis) or changes in the frames. The means for coordina-
tion are manifold: teamwork, modelling of the different frames, use of experiences
from past projects, and team members knowledge and imagination. The complex-
ity of coordination relates to the question of design entities, i.e. what should be
designed in a project?

The design coordination perspective describes a high level framework bal-

ancing control and coordinated efforts, underlining of the complex dimen-
sions of results in design.

Fig.3.24Design coordination framework

68 3 Designers and Their Knowing

3.7.3Textbooks Mapping of Knowledge

The cybernetic and coordination views outlined above both build on a systems per-
spective in their mapping. A less systematic insight into design is related to human
cognition and the nature of the object to be designed. Design textbooks normally
aim for an all inclusive understanding of design. These combine knowledge from
design, specific professions, and examples from various branches. Thus, we syn-
thesize these various insights here to get a general understanding of designers
knowledge. This can be understood by looking at the history of design education.
In the mid-1900s design teaching as we know it today did not exist. Instead
students were taught the underlying sciences, e.g. thermodynamics, solid and
fluid mechanics, and control theory. This gave an incomplete view of design. As
engineering design evolved design was split into its own field that shunned many
of these elements. Design textbooks used few, fragmented examples of concrete
products, and generally did not treat the underlying sciences. Thus they also gave
an incomplete view of design. A true and comprehensive understanding of design
brings these views together, combining aspects such as complexity, dynamics,
coordination, cooperation, trade-offs, and the role of practice.

The textbook view of design knowledge is split between design with few
product and science examples, and engineering sciences with a focus on
analysis. Both must be considered.


This chapter deals with our fundamental understanding of design and how it is
practiced. Although this is rarely discussed by designers because they know what
they know the insights in this chapter underpin all of design. In particular without
understanding these elements it is impossible to fully understand and effectively
utilize methods or tools, strategies or design principles.
Scholars compose the elements presented in this chapter into curricula as the
backbone for teaching design. These elements are studied by design researchers
and articulated as insights for practice and teaching. In addition to theory, philoso-
phy, strategies, models and methods, design knowledge is also articulated in the
form of case stories, episodes, examples, and the rich explanations found in many
textbooks. This gives an overwhelmingly rich body of information, making it dif-
ficult to synthesize a specific school, practice or personal philosophy. Our book is
an attempt to help in this task by bringing together our understanding of design.
These elements make designers powerful actors with the ability to create influ-
ential, sustainable, and useful products. Thus, this chapter provides a foundation
for understanding the machinery of designthe designers, their knowledge, and
their staging of the teamwork and design process. The role of staging is to facili-
tate design and support the designer in expressing their competences and skills,
and thus forms the focus for the next chapter.
References 69


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Lindemann U (ed) Human behavior in designindividuals, teams, tools. Springer, Berlin
Andreasen MM (2011) 45 Years with design methodology. J Eng Des 22(5):293332.
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Araujo CS (2001) Acquisition of product development tools in industry:a theoretical contribu-
tion. Ph.D. Dissertation, Technical University of Denmark
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Birkhofer H, Jnsch J, Kloberdanz H (2005) An extensive and detailed view of the application of
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van Boeijen A, Daalhuisen J, Zijlstra J, van der Schoor R (2013) Delft design guide. BIS publish-
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Buur J, Andreasen MM (1989) Design models in mechatronic product development. Des Stud
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Daalhuisen J (2014) Method usage in designhow methods function as mental tools for design-
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Mass, USA
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Harlou U (2006) Development of product family based upon architectures. Contribution to a the-
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70 3 Designers and Their Knowing

Henderson K (1999) On line and paper. Visual representation, visual culture, and computer
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Jensen T (1999) Functional modelling in a design support systemcontribution to a designers
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Mortensen NH (1999) Design modeling in a designers workbench. Contribution to a design lan-
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Proceedings of DESIGN 2010, Dubrovnik
Chapter 4
Staging Conceptualization

Staging describes the process of understanding a teams situation and fitting it to

the project at hand. Both mental models and physical entities in the teams sur-
roundings contribute to this shared and gradually shaped articulation. Staging
builds on, and helps shape, a teams shared understanding, values, and insights.
As such, it is a key element in any community of practice. Core to this is develop-
ing the link between a team and its surroundings to support both awareness and
insight. Finally, we explore how staging also helps build up interaction with users,
often using boundary objects to facilitate understanding and communication.

4.1The Role of Staging

Chapter 3 focused on the designer, however, a lone designer is seldom able to

fully realize a new product without support. Thus, we now expand our view to
consider the team and its composition. Arranging a teams cooperation and project
work is called staging; a relatively overlooked area but an important part of design
nevertheless. Staging has two key dimensions: empowering the team activity and
supporting innovation (Hansen and Andreasen 2006). In this chapter we lay the
groundwork for staging by seeking to answer the following questions: what is the
scope of staging, how is it adapted to specific design situations, and how can it
help a team work with its surroundings?

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 71

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_4
72 4 Staging Conceptualization

A condition for innovation is that things are done differently from rou-
tine, thus we should always seek to reflect on and improve the design for
design, i.e. the staging.

In this chapter we deal with the following topics.

Section4.2 sets out the core concepts underpinning staging and its challenges.
Section 4.3 looks at how designers can use the design space and staging
Section 4.4 applies these insights to design teamwork and how this can be
Section4.5 finally examines how teams can use staging to interact with their

4.2Staging and Its Challenges

The terms staging and space both come from socio-technical design (Bijker 1995).
Space describes how designers work, know, and operate, in a team (Clausen and
Yoshinaka 2007). This deals with both the physical and mental frame in which a
team operates. Staging is the subsequent arrangement of this space to best support
the team.

Definition: Staging is the act of establishing and fitting a teams space to a

project, to best support the design activity.

Staging is closely related to design practice, the process, its conditions, and its sur-
roundings. Here the surroundings describe both the social and technical environ-
ment where the product is produced and deployed. This is also where the designer
might draw information from when solving the task. Interaction with these sur-
roundings is a critical element in design. Conversely, the conditions describe
what the design team controls, including the project, its staff, and the design prac-
tice used.
Staging brings together individual designers into an effective team. This is
achieved by formulating an agenda: setting perspectives, defining contributions,
clarifying roles, and creating motivation. As such, staging is as important for a
teams collaborative work as it is for supporting innovation. Further, staging is on
a level where it is relatively independent of broader organizational efforts, such as
management or productivity approaches, e.g. agile or lean.
The word staging is of course taken from the world of theatre and film. It is
about interpretation of the play, formulation of the script, direction of the actors,
staging the scene, etc. This runs parallel to its meaning in design and is an apt
4.2 Staging and Its Challenges 73

Fig.4.1A product life gallery workshop in Steelcase, USA, courtesy Tim McAloone

metaphor. This similarity is illustrated in Fig.4.1 where a design workshop

is being used to explore a products lifecycle. The staging is here the physical
arrangement of the room, the illustration of the product lifecycle in a poster gal-
lery, and the interaction of the design team and lifecycle actors.
Although staging is relatively independent of management efforts it is still
influenced by the organization. In particular, if a team is not permitted to develop
its own approach to the design project and tasks allocated to it the opportunities
for staging are very limited. However, when a team is allowed to stage effectively,
in harmony with the organizational management, it is possible to realize signifi-
cant benefits. The project leader is a key mediator between these two domains,
interpreting management and project objectives to allow the design team to stage
their work as effectively as possible (Andreasen and Hein 1987).

Staging is most easily realized in small independent teams and is not a natu-
ral consequence of industrial organization. Care should thus be taken to har-
monize the staging and management activities to maximize the benefits in
larger organizations.

4.2.1Key Challenges

Hopefully we have clarified what staging is but we also need to ask: what is it
used for?
74 4 Staging Conceptualization

To support practice by helping to best arrange task, knowledge, and work

To support team interaction in terms of both mindset and physical project
To facilitate the design process by fitting it to the actual situation.
To help develop individuals intellectually, in terms of both design knowledge
and ability.
Staging influences creativity, inspiration, and well-being through the teams sur-
roundings, as discussed by McKim (1972). In a physical sense creative work-
spaces can be extremely valuable in creating a mindset, however, this is only one
(rather static) aspect of staging. A key challenge in the more dynamic aspects of
staging is adapting to each specific project. Here, staging must articulate a spe-
cific agenda, formulate perspectives for the team, identify roles, contributions, and
motivations for each designer, and establish trust. Further, these should be adapted
as the project progresses to ensure each team member is working to their full
potential and doing the right things. An example of this type of evolving staging
comes from a train carriage company. The company was experiencing problems
with quality and timely product delivery. In response to this the design and supply
teams were relocated to the assembly site. Further, their uniforms were changed
to match those of the assembly personnel. This put them in direct contact with
the workers, the product, and problems, resulting in greatly improved quality and
delivery performance.
From this example we can distil some key challenges facing staging. First,
the social process aspect of design work means staging must strike a careful bal-
ance between structure and openness in its community of practice. Structure
is required to help create a common agenda and goals, while openness and rule
breaking can be key to inspiring innovation. However, too much structure kills cre-
ativity and too much rule breaking can cause chaos. Also in this social mix is the
need to support designers in developing their awareness of the situation and task,
through motivation, active and systematic search, and interpretation. Successful
design builds on effective need and value interpretations. Thus staging should
also support interaction with users, and integrate knowledge about them into the
design activity.
Similar to the value interpretation above, staging also plays a key role in the
parallel development of synthesis and clarification (Andreasen and Hein 1987)
by facilitating knowledge flow and productivity. Part of this knowledge comes
from the business dimension. Here, a key challenge is balancing the teams and
companys vision to align time and resource allocation, particularly in ideation
and experimentation. Finally, as design practice is fundamentally a learning pro-
cess, staging is challenged to support the continuous development of the designers.
Thus, although staging can be made the more or less explicit responsibility of a
team or project leader, it is also the responsibility of each designer in their profes-
sional development.
4.3 The Design Space and Staging 75

4.3The Design Space and Staging

The design space is a mental model of the actors and design activities, where
staging is introduced via both humans and artefacts. Figure4.2 shows a model
of space and staging inspired by the works of Clausen and Yoshinaka (2007), and
Andreasen and Clausen (2011).
Here, actors describes the designers and their mental models of the design
and situation. These are influenced by the teams agenda, motivation, and roles.
Further, the designers carry the competences and knowledge used to execute the
actual practice, supported by methods, tools, and staging objects, e.g. mod-
els, plans, and prototypes. In this model we can see staging as the team creating,
arranging, choosing, and deploying these various elements. This gives an idealized
image of the space and the teams interaction with its surroundings, partly through
boundary objects.

Although all these entities (actors, etc.) are brought into a space when a
team is formed they require staging to bring them together to best solve the
actual task.

Space gives us one way of describing a designers world and thus what it takes
to design. However, although this model seems comprehensive there are many
open questions regarding the importance of each actors worldview, the companys

Fig.4.2Staging in a socio-technical design space

76 4 Staging Conceptualization

values and norms, and the influence of design philosophies. In order to better
understand the role of these staging elements we will explore each in turn.

4.3.1Staging: Agenda, Motivation, and Roles

Using the parallel to staging a theatre play, the play should be explained along
with the staging idea and directors interpretation, and the roles distributed. Design
projects need similar clarification of their specific angle of attack, need interpreta-
tion, importance, and ambition. Everyone should agree what we are up against
and be confident that the team can tackle this. These staging dimensions have no
specific carrier or visualization but are realized through goal formulation, activ-
ity planning, and daily work practices. A formal project leader might facilitate the
creation of these entities but they can also grow from the team members and their

4.3.2Staging: Mental Models

Mental models describe our insight into and understanding of something. These
are fundamentally individual but can be partially shared by creating common
models or ways of thinking that the team all understand and agree on. Mental
models can describe any subject imaginable and are similarly widely used in
the design context. Common subjects include: planning, issue prioritization,
idea organization, basic product framing or structure, cost reduction strat-
egy, product properties or features, and competitive strategy. Mental models
describe and articulate our understanding while mindsets describe our attitude
and beliefs.
Typically, project failure can be traced back to a lack of shared mental models
or common understanding of the design space (Kleinsmann 2006). Mental mod-
els provide sense making devices that establish the parameters of a problem
(Valkenburg 2000). In particular, shared mental models are important because
they provide knowledge structures held by members of a team that enable them to
form accurate explanations and expectations of the task, and in turn to coordinate
their actions and adapt their behaviour to demands of the task and other team
members (Cannon-Bowers etal. 1993).
A key element of design is creativity, however, this is hindered by both over
and under constraint (Onarheim 2012). In this context a teams mental models
can be essential in setting their own game rules for creativity, putting them in
the sweet spot of constraint. For example, when a team decides to ignore a major
requirement in order to allow them to brainstorm more freely.
4.3 The Design Space and Staging 77

Just as with creativity different models can be produced and combined to form
a teams overall understanding, empowering all of their design activities. These
collective help to define a teams identity, role, and understanding of its position
in a company. This is usually complemented by reference frames, such as a com-
panys scheme of responsibilities, dependencies between functional areas, and
factors influencing dynamics, reaction time, and results. A larger scale reference
frame is the arena in which a company is operating. This can be defined graphi-
cally, by a companys network, or by the type of product produced; and is popu-
lated by competing companies and products, market mechanisms, advertising,
and sales, as well as customers and their interpretation of brands, product quality,
value, and preferences.

Understanding design
Understanding and creating a model of design that in useful for coordina-
tion, planning, and discussion is a challenging proposition. Many authors
(including the authors of this book) describe design process models. Some
of these models are rhetoric, i.e. they show a mindset or single aspect of
design. Such models can be useful as the basis for mental models. For
example, Fig.4.3 shows one such rhetoric model focusing the gradual con-
cretisation of the final design.

Fig.4.3A rhetoric model of design that could be used as the basis for a shared
mental model, courtesy Eric W. Sponberg
78 4 Staging Conceptualization

4.3.3Staging: Actors

Design is still a fundamentally human centric activity. Even the most detailed pro-
cedural design models only explain a tiny fraction of the insight needed to com-
plete the design. Thus, a key element in staging is effectively organizing the actors
and their insight. Actors come from a range of specialist job roles and it is the
staging that allows them to incorporate their diverse knowledge into a cohesive
wholethe space does not organize itself! Key tasks are (Jrgensen 2004):
Identify and coordinate actors with different knowledge based on their per-
spectives, ideas, and innovative contributions.
Motivate actors to be translators so that relevant contributions and knowledge
are brought into the space.
Balance task composition to take advantage of both detail-oriented and broadly
skilled actors.
Monitor, analyse, reflect on, and improve coordination in the space to increase
In a team both the formal and informal leaders play an important role in creat-
ing and maintaining the community of practice. This typically links to the roles
informally defined by the team, e.g. trainer, idea generator, and entrepreneur (Sant
1988) or the creative product developer, entrepreneur, sponsor, information han-
dler, and project leader (Andreasen and Hein 1987). Team management is critical
to peoples interaction and motivation.

4.3.4Staging: Competences and Knowledge

A first thought would be to build a team based on the members knowledge. In

Chap. 3 we made a distinction between general design knowledge, professional
knowledge, and branch knowledge (related to the product type and industry).
However, we also linked knowledge to competence and skills, and it is these that
allow actors to realize their knowledge, professionalism, and abilities in practice.
Competences are not static but are developed through reflective practice.
Actors competences and skills need to be challenged and applied if they are to
be honed. Therefore, the project leader or stager must balance to what degree an
actor should be seen as a specialist with a specific area or should be brought into
new learning situations. A key staging task is to compose the necessary compe-
tences and skills, arrange the knowledge areas, and promote a constructive a con-
flict of ideas. These should also be weighed against the individual development of
the team members. A planned introduction to company practices and continuous
learning are key means for developing and balancing competences.
4.3 The Design Space and Staging 79

4.3.5Staging: Practice

Practice describes how the team works, i.e. when we observe a team we see its
practice but the practices composition and nature may be hidden to us. Practice
is composed of all the elements in Fig.4.2, as well as being influenced by past
design activities and products, successes, and failures. Practice also points to the
need for mutual understanding and interpretation of goals and results as the cor-
nerstone of strategy.
Practice is developed through what Kolb (1984) calls experiential learning and
Schn (1983) calls reflective practice. Both are learning processes that occur in
parallel with practice in reality (explored further in Chap. 7). Thus, an important
dimension of practice is the designers ability to work with physical artefacts in
their design activity, i.e. working concrete, see Fig.4.4. This concretization
practice is clarified in IDEOs five-step procedure (Brown 2009): Observation,
Brainstorming, Rapid Prototyping, Refining, and Implementing. This builds on
intensive use of visualization, mock-ups, prototypes, and scenarios, particularly in
communication with the client.
The Dutch designer Jan Glas described a characteristic aspect of his practice as
arranging the design process to give the best possible contact with the matters,
i.e. allowing him to work in the workshop, seeing ideas materialized and proto-
types grow. This gives him the feeling of mastering the synthesis and allows an
early dialogue with clients in a co-creative, co-design approach.

Fig.4.4The workspace of mechanical designers, courtesy Jakob Parslov Radiometer Medical

80 4 Staging Conceptualization

A key element in reflective learning and development is to finish a design activ-

ity with a specific closing action where the team reflects on their performance,
results, experiences, cooperation, etc. Some scholars, e.g. Ulrich and Eppinger
(2004), show this explicitly in their design process models.

A planned and consciously reflective closing activity in a project is a power-

ful tool for improving a teams practice.

4.3.6Staging: Methods and Tools

The role of methods in a project varies widely. Sometimes, mastery of a specific

method is required to take part, while at other times the team barely uses meth-
ods at all. In situations where practice is dominated by specific project support
tools, standard procedures, and standard documentation the designer might have
no choice in how to work. Here these tools may arrange the daily work to such
a degree that reflecting on appropriate method use becomes redundant. However,
this is rare and it is typically preferred that design teams are able to stage their
own work practices.
Even when designers plan their own practice the question of method appli-
cation is fuzzy. We discussed this in Chap. 3, where we highlighted the rather
soft nature of methods. Araujo (2001) made several studies of product develop-
ment methods in industry and found that decisions regarding their use were not
easily traceable. It is also typical that nobody is responsible for methods strate-
gic deployment. It is up to the designer and their team to make them work in a
given situation and project. This is in contrast to the false belief that methods are
machines that will automatically create useful results if only the instructions are
followed. Similarly, the design team must also answer how methods are combined
and used in sequence for their specific project. As such, designers should be wary
of texts that claim a rigid application sequence. We compare using design meth-
ods with learning to play a musical instrument. Nobody would expect a reason-
able result on the first try; although most people could probably make a noise on a
piano there is a long way to go before we could tackle Rachmaninoff.

Part of good practice is to master methods, being able to understand

them, and adapt them to the specific project. This almost always builds on
some unsuccessful attempts.
Systematic reflection on method use (successful or not) is a powerful
means for reaching this mastery.

Methods and tools should support the team based on a designer-oriented approach,
i.e. staging the application so that the method is discussed, planned, and reflected
4.3 The Design Space and Staging 81

on. You might note that application is only one small part of the methods pur-
posemethods play a large role in facilitating team dialogue and creating shared
understanding. For example, a checklist was introduced for goal formulation and
requirement documents in a Danish company. Based on this checklist these doc-
uments were semi-automatically created and circulated via email. This replaced
the previous method where the team facilitated a workshop gathering all company
stakeholders. Ultimately, the automated approach created fast and complete docu-
ments, but there was no shared understanding in the team or shared vision of the
project in the company. The key contribution of the method had been lost!

4.3.7Staging: Staging Objects

Staging objects need particular attention. In Chap. 3 we quoted Cross (2006) in

pointing out the great wealth of knowledge carried by objects of our material cul-
ture. A companys and its competitors products are extremely important objects
to confront the design team with. They can be in any form, e.g. drawings, proto-
types, etc., and can be used in any context, e.g. brought into the office. Objects
carry knowledge and help realize the material reality. An aircraft designer said:
In the old days we had so many components in the office that we might assemble
them and fly home. Today I only see computer screens and childrens drawings as
decoration. The statement is a reminder that the design will be realized in the
material world!
Important staging objects are anything that brings past experience into the
design space: drawings, mock-ups, reports, prototypes, explorative results, and
sales numbers from past launches, etc. Sim and Duffy (1998) highlight the poten-
tial for systematic reuse of past solutions in terms of saved man-hours and reduced
risk. Unfortunately, this is more easily said than done as past projects are rarely
completed with reuse in mind and designers are normally reluctant to reuse, seeing
creation from scratch as superior. When creating and choosing staging objects it
is important to look for this learning effect.

4.3.8Staging as Innovation of the Organization

Change and innovation in a companys organization aims to improve capability

and performance. A companys portfolio of competences and capabilities may
be articulated as a radar diagram, where competences are the slices of cake and
capability the radius, see Fig.4.5. Change and innovation can be formulated as
desired lifts and turns, i.e. moving to a new focus and leaving old focus areas
behind (Kirkegrd 1988).
82 4 Staging Conceptualization

Fig.4.5Lifting capability
and turning to a new focus as
dimensions of team related

This type of change requires strategic insight into the areas of professional or
branch knowledge where competitive advantage is to be found. When new areas
are established it is necessary to restructure the staging of the team: new methods,
new competences, new worldview, etc.

Change dimensions
When Bang and Olufsen wanted to launch integrated systems (e.g. a music
system located in one room but with speakers in several other rooms) they
found that they lacked knowledge in software and communications, and that
their existing electronics knowledge was no longer able to deliver the com-
petitive edge they desired. Similarly, when movement became the focus of
a new product lines (e.g. Fig.4.6) mechanical knowledge gained renewed
importance. With each strategic shift they also changed the companies stag-
ing to maximize their competitiveness.

Fig.4.6Bang and Olufsen changed their organization in order to realize these mecha-
nized designs, Beosound 3000 and 9000, courtesy Bang and Olufsen A/S
4.4Teamwork 83


This section explores the nature of teamwork and how staging influences
it. Teamwork is positioned between the organizational and the individual.
The organization provides the team with knowledge, data, human resources,
and managerial guidance sometimes overlapping with teamwork; and at
the individual level designers work with and for the team. It is widely recog-
nized that teams are powerful organizational entities, especially in design and

Definition: A team is a small group of people with complementary

skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance, goals,
and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable
(Katzenbach and Smith 1993).

The organization of teamwork can be characterized as cycles of distributed

design combined with collaborative design phases (DAstous etal. 2004).
DAstous etal. also underline the reciprocal relationship between individual work
and teamwork.

4.4.1A Community of Practice

A teams practice belongs to a wider community of practice that glues the team

Definition: A community of practice is a socio-technical pattern that

evolves in a team and its space as a result of experience, cooperation, learn-
ing, knowledge creation, and sharing.

Historically, practice has been the carrier of abilities from building houses to
brewing beer. This is still true today, where even highly refined, formalized
descriptions of design must be tempered through practice. We authors have expe-
rienced the power of ingenious individuals and of expert teams and respect both.
Thus, we must consider both formalized practice and the development of the
designer. Figures4.4 and 6.13 show how a group of designers have staged their
community of practice.
84 4 Staging Conceptualization

4.4.2Design Dynamics

The cybernetic view of design highlights the active functions actors should per-
form to make the design activity goal-oriented, perceptive, reactive, and self-gov-
erning. Awareness, perception, and reaction are related to several levels: societal
change and development, technological and industrial product development, and
opportunities, possibilities, and conditions relevant to the actual project. This is
reflected in the Design Coordination view, which deals with the complexity of
the design operation and describes the dynamic control and focusing of the many
dimensions required to stop the design work growing out of control. From this
perspective the key object is the synthesis result. This demands staging the teams
perception of the task (goal, plan, and coordination of resources), of the synthe-
sis activity (the pattern of sub-activities and contributions to the design), and of
the teams composition and support (work resources, disciplines and knowledge).
Duffy and Andreasen (1995) uses design coordination to design the design, i.e.
systematically stage all the elements needed to support the best possible process,
see Fig.5.5.

4.4.3The Teams Collaboration Dynamic

Kleinsmann (2006) identifies a set of collaboration elements, Fig.4.7, that are a

useful way of decomposing a teams interaction. These turn basic collaboration
into successful teamwork, if properly supported by the staging.
Collaboration is an act of mutual motivation and joint process. This is the foun-
dation for cooperation, which drives the development of shared understanding and
the realization of collective goals (Kahn 1996). Based on Kleinsmann (2006) we
define collaboration as:

dimensions in organized
teams and projects
4.4Teamwork 85

Definition: Collaborative design is the process through which actors from

different disciplines share their knowledge about the design process and the
design itself. This creates shared understanding related to both process and
artefact, helps integrate their knowledge, and helps them focus on bigger
common objectivesthe final product to be designed.

From this we can distil three building blocks (Kleinsmann 2006):

Knowledge creation and integration between actors from different disciplines
and functions.
Communication between the actors about both the design content and the
design process.
The creation of a shared understanding of both the design content and the
design process.
Kleinsmanns studies have shown that collaboration is most difficult during the
conceptual stage, especially with respect to shared understanding. The barriers
and misunderstandings at this stage are not immediately obvious but grow through
the project to cause serious issues in later stages. Thus the goal of collaboration is
knowledge creation and integration. This can be hampered by actors from differ-
ent disciplines being unable to understand each other. For example, Andreasen and
McAloone (2001) found that many Danish companies found it difficult to articu-
late multidisciplinary concepts, e.g. mechatronics (a mechanical, electronic, and
software-based product). This lack of shared understanding is a problem because
it influences the quality of the design (Valkenburg 2000). Bucciarelli (2003) high-
lights that since no actor has at any stage of the process, a comprehensive, all
encompassing understanding of the design, actors have to share knowledge.


Communication is the more or less direct and synchronous activity of conversa-

tion in the design work. Factors here are what to communicate, how it is done, and
what media to choose. Olson etal. (2001) found that 20% of the time in design
meetings is spent planning and staging the process, 30% discussing progression
(and thus design coordination), and only 40% on the actual design content (goals,
synthesis, evaluations, etc.).
The communication of design content follows from disintegration, i.e. a team
distributes tasks or activities. The challenge here is to create and consolidate the
task understanding, conditions for synthesis, evaluation and choices, and coordi-
nation. Design communication is primarily verbal. Perry and Sanderson (1998)
highlight that the most effective form of communication is face-to-face. The
86 4 Staging Conceptualization

communication process becomes more explicit and challenging when a team

is geographically distributed. A key element here is visual communication, e.g.
text, drawings, slides, posters, reports, models in hardware, photo, video, CAD-
drawings, diagrams, and demonstrations, often followed by verbal explanations.
The importance of effectively communicating design work is highlighted by
Henderson (1999): Sketching and drawing constitutes the communication in the
design world. In particular, the use of drawing-based communication is key in
teamwork, thus we briefly discus their nature and challenges here.
Drawings are often based on conventions, codes, and standards that facili-
tate communication and foster precision but only for those people who know
the standard. This can be a significant barrier to experts from other domains
(Henderson 1999). Another limitation of drawings is that to do not intrinsically
communicate their importance or validity. A computer rendering can be very con-
vincing while at the same time being meaningless.
Even if drawings are basically static, they can still be used in dynamic mod-
elling because the viewer is actually able to see things which are not there,
(McKim 1972). For example, by imagining sequences of assembly, misuse of the
product, failures influencing reliability, number of machining operations, or toler-
ance problems. This is compounded by the fact that designers intentions, ration-
ale for choices, and interpretation of what to design, are not shown in drawings.
Thus, leading to problems when there are frequent changes encountered during
the design activity. Finally, when graphical communication is used the visualiza-
tion defines both what we see and implicitly what there is to see, i.e. in choosing
what to show we also chose what not to show and hint at the scope of the possi-
bilities. As such, although drawing and visual communication are essential tools, a
designer should be familiar with their limitations and possible pitfalls.

4.4.5Interaction and Integration

Interaction can be seen as direct (or not so direct) contact between actors. The
most important mode of interaction is dialogue where opinions, body language,
jokes, irony, and seriousness mix. Integration, on the other hand, has a number of
meanings. At the organizational level integration is the quality of the state of
collaboration that exists among departments that are required to achieve unity by
the demands of the environment (Lawrence and Lorsch 1967). In product devel-
opment Andreasen and Hein (1987) see integration as the kernel of efficiency.
Dorst (1997) defines integration at the team level as: Someone is designing in
an integrated manner when he/she displays a reasoning process building up a
network of decisions concerning a topic (part of the problem or solution), while
taking into account different contents (distinct ways of looking at the problem or
solution). The three types of reasoning discussed in Chaps. 1113 all represent
different aspects of design integrating.
4.4Teamwork 87

Key to good communication and integration is continuous reflection leading to

recognition of goal satisfaction, progression, quality, and goodness in the teams
efforts. Decision-making activities are also closely linked to integration as they
help foster alignment between team members.

4.5Interacting with the Surroundings

The teams interaction with their surroundings is illustrated in Fig.4.2. Key to

this is the flow of information giving insight into opportunities, competition, user
needs, and new technologies. Another type of interaction stems from the team
being embedded in a larger organization. This gives insight into and opportunity
to contribute to, e.g. strategy, policies, plans, and tasks. Underpinning these are
human-to-human interactions between the team, external actors, and users.
Above, we saw how staging draws together actors from different knowledge
domains in order to bring contributions and knowledge into the space. Actors
external to the team can be seen as specialists, contributing specialist and branch
knowledge. Similarly, users contribute composed and detailed articulations of
needs, values, and insights from life conditions. For both, boundary objects are an
important means of facilitating knowledge transfer.

4.5.1Use of Specialists

Specialists are any person who adds to the teams insight, e.g. stakeholders or
consultants. Design and product development has many issues that are most effi-
ciently solved using specialists. An extreme example is car design, which needs
specialists in collision testing, embodiment design, aerodynamic simulation, inter-
nal noise and sound, ergonomics of users and in assembly, environmental impact
analysis, and many more.
Specialists role in design differs from team members. Specialists are not
responsible for or involved in the design, instead they make proposals. It is then
the project leader that decides if the proposals are acceptable, sufficiently clear,
timely, and appropriate for the design progression. Specialists are not design ori-
ented and are therefore outside the teams professional practice.

4.5.2Users in the Design Activity

There are many varieties of user-orientated design (e.g. empathic design, mar-
ket pull, customer oriented, social innovation, co-design, co-creation) but these
all come down to some form of user involvement. The main idea is that users
88 4 Staging Conceptualization

are specialists in the products use. It is interesting to look at the history of user
involvement in design. It was early recognized that understanding user needs
was crucial. This led to the idea of listening to the voice of the customer. Here,
selected groups of users were involved in the design process through, e.g. observ-
ing their behaviour or engaging them in co-creation. Thus, it is now normal to
include users in the design activity or even in the proposal of new products. This
reflects the need to balance technological push and user pull. This balance is dic-
tated by opportunities in the market and the value perception of the company or
The design team does not always appreciate users: If we had involved users
in our product development, no Bang and Olufsen product would have seen the
daylight is a statement from one B&O development manager. However, it is well
known that lead users (users who formulate requirements, demand new features,
and push ideas) are a key source for product innovation.
A novel development in this area is open-source design where companies
offer design documentation to users, allowing customers to create and develop
their own products. Here the idea is that customers form an active group sharing
designs and providing the company with innovative ideas.

3D-printing as open-source design
Consumer 3D printers have become very popular, with more than 180 types
on the market today. One open source printer, Bower (2005), was the result
of researchers tinkering with self-replicating machinesand how they
can evolvewith the first prototype emerging in 2006. The designs were
shared and well documented from the start of the project, allowing the idea
to attract significant public interest and engagement. In particular, the open
source nature of the machine has allowed users to create a huge variety of
new product options. Figure4.8 shows one version of RepRap in operation
together with one of its printed components.

Fig.4.8The RepRap 3D printer in action and an example of a printed component, cour-

tesy Ali Grcan zkil
4.5 Interacting with the Surroundings 89

4.5.3Focus Dimensions in User Involvement

Staging design and innovation is much more than just supporting the team; we
must also integrate the user. In order to simplify the many descriptions and types
of user involvement we propose the following focus areas.
First, system dimensions are commonly part of public projects, e.g. a metro,
where admission, visual design, information system, safety, etc., all need to be
integrated to satisfy both the authorities and individuals. This focus area has sub-
stantial elements of use, societal value, and utility.
Service dimensions are related to supporting a user over time via, e.g. service
offers, professional control or certification programs. This supports service-based
innovation, i.e. the joint development of product and service, and builds on an inti-
mate integrated view of the needs and problems confronting the user.
Socio-technical dimensions deal with the interaction between systems, prod-
ucts, and service, either planned or believed. Clarification of this area can drive
innovation in, for example, the products domestication (acceptance, use, and
deployment), branding, and reputation.
Network dimensions allow collaborative groups of companies to innovate
based on knowledge, technology, cultural/user insight, and closeness to market,
which are not present in the individual companies. Similarly, market dimen-
sions draw insight from access to established markets, customer relationships, cul-
tures, and traditions or by establishing new markets with new sales and service
Finally, user dimensions describe a wide area: user behaviour, man/machine
interaction, usability, use activities, ergonomics, experience, value perception,
cognitive processes, sustainability, social interaction, etc. All of these deal with
features related to user driven design (Janhager 2005).
Based on these areas we can see that user involvement plays a number of roles:
as design strategy, focus area in exploration, and a distinct type of staging. For
example, these three elements are brought together in the design of computer sys-
tems. Here, bad experiences, unsatisfied expectations, and problem understand-
ing led to research by Beyer and Holtzblatt (1998) and van Hippel (1978), and
resulted in a general theory of work space design.

4.5.4Boundary Objects

Boundary objects (also called intermediary objects) describe a concept from soci-
ology related to shared understanding. A boundary object is something that is
understandable to multiple parties, without any one party being required to share
the full understanding. The concept has won popularity in the design domain;
90 4 Staging Conceptualization

being used for communication and translation between, e.g. designers and users,
software and mechanical engineers or engineers and government. Common
boundary objects are models, sketches, drawings, or components that can be inter-
preted by different disciplines whilst maintaining a common identity. Such staging
elements have to be created throughout a project to support coherence, integrity,
coordination, and decision-making.

User involvement with a full-scale boundary object
The Institute of Product Development at the Technical University of
Denmark was asked to design and deliver a test-tube filling machine with
semi-automatic sterilization, filling, and stopper insertion. The machine was
one-of-a-kind and user interaction was a critical criteria. Thus a full-scale
model was produced to gather user feedback before finalizing the design

Fig.4.9A full-scale model used as a boundary object

between designers and laboratory personnel (Tjalve 1979)
4.6Conclusion 91


At the heart of this chapter is the idea that staging is critical to design and an
important skill for the designer to master. Further, by building from team staging
up to product development and company organization we are able to create the
best possible conditions for design success. This is a fundamentally different per-
spective from the top down view of management. With this in mind we are able to
turn our focus to the final aspect of the design machinery: the design process.


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Chapter 5
The Design Process

The third element in the design machinery can be seen as part of the staging, but
has such a major role that it needs its own treatment here in this chapter and fur-
ther detailing in Chaps. 610.
Understanding and mastering an effective sequence of activities normally leads
to a preferred, explicit design process as part of practice. In this chapter we highlight
what really influences the composition of a process fitted for the actual task, context,
and organization. We emphasize its dependency on human thinking and the arte-
facts nature, its role in supporting and managing the design activity, and its shaping
into procedure. Our proposal for a design process, the Encapsulation Design Model,
is a guide to understanding designs nature, a framework for creating a fitted proce-
dure, and a backbone for the application of models, approaches, and methods.

5.1The Design Process Composition

The third element of the design machinery outlined in Part II is the design process.
Here the design processes refers to both the actual activities undertaken by the
designer, and the models used to describe and guide these activities. This domi-
nates the staging activity and is by far the most complex element. However, the
design process itself provides little prescriptive support for the designer.
Taking a step back, the idea of a design process as a support for the designer
originated in the 1950s, but really found its modern form in the 1960s. In 1962
Asimow created the Design Morphology model, providing a rich description of
new product development in the industrial context. Independently, Hansen (1966)
created his model combining problem solving and gradual product synthesis. In
this model Hansen set the foundation for the modern conception of the engineer-
ing design process. However, in order to transform these abstract design processes
into useful support for the designer we need to answer three key questions
explored in this chapter.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 93

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_5
94 5 The Design Process

1. How can the design process support the designer? Here, we seek to under-
stand how the process can support and instruct given a specific task, the nature
of the design problem, and the wider context of the design activity.
2. What do the various design process models tell us? What is their role, are
they valid and how can they be applied?
3. How can designers formulate their own design processes to best fit the
This chapter offers preliminary answers to each of these questions in order to lay
the foundation for a more detailed examination of their implications in Chaps. 6
10. As such, we deal with three main topics. First, Sect.5.2 explores the various
factors influencing the design process. Here we seek to understand how these fac-
tors impact the actual situation, and how the designer can incorporate them in their
design process. Expanding on this multifaceted view of the design process, there
are hundreds of theoretical process models, and even more procedures in indus-
try. As such, Sect.5.3 contrasts these two perspectivesliteratures models and
industrys proceduresin order to help unite insights from theory and practice.
Finally, Sect.5.4 describes the Encapsulation Design Model, which both brings
together a detailed explanation of a design process, and also provides a framework
for the reader to understand design processes and their composition.

5.2Factors Influencing the Design Process

Fundamentally, there are two main sources of influence on the design process: the
nature of the artefact to be designed, and the nature of human problem solving
and cognition. This is reflected in the previous chapters where we described prod-
uct development as about both understanding the design needs, and synthesizing
the product in line with the designers thought process. These dual influences pose
a serious challenge to model creationhow can we decompose the influences
affecting the designer and the design process?
One approach is the use of design process models. These are widely used and
have convincing benefits in practice; however, they often meet strong academic
critique. This originates from a conflict between the sequential view of artefact
development as a series of stages, and the less linear cognitive processes under-
pinning designers creativity. Our philosophy is that we cannot expect models to
prescribe human behaviour, but they are needed for navigation and cooperation.
As such, we see models from two perspectives: one articulating the procedural
and co-coordinative aspects, and one in which the designers drive the process and
operate creatively. Here, we draw an analogy to one of our favoured Wednesday
afternoon pastimes, Jazz and beer in the cafes of Copenhagen. If jazz were to be
modelled, it would also need these two perspectives, respecting the composer
(supported through time signatures, structure, and chord progression) and the
improviser (supported through harmonies, scales, and modes). The beer has no
5.2 Factors Influencing the Design Process 95

Fig.5.1Stepping stone
methodology and creative
freedom together

relevance but has other benefits. Describing this dual-perspective mindset, cap-
tured in Fig.5.1, is our ultimate goal in this chapter.
Reflecting on this dual-perspective we have discussed some of the different
views on design Chaps. 3 and 4. Here we saw four main themes emerge:
1. The how to tackle a task view. This considers how to handle the ill-defined
design situation, the perception and translation of needs and intent into an
artefact, and balancing the interaction between the perceived problem and the
emergent solution.
2. The socio-technical view. This considers the impact of the design on individu-
als and society, as well as understanding the design team as a community of
3. The cybernetic view. This considers a team as a goal-oriented living organiza-
tion that observes, reflects, and reacts to create the best possible conditions for
solving the task.
4. The design coordination view. This considers the complex nature of designing
through the composition of goals, activities, actors, competences, results, etc.
Bearing these views in mind the following sections aim to answer the question:
what other factors influence the design process? Here each section explores one of
the six major factors highlighted in Fig.5.2.

Fig.5.2Factors influencing
the design process
96 5 The Design Process

5.2.1Chain of Results

Design is only one part of the wider product development activity; however,
it forms a key integrating mechanism for the many disparate elements found in
industry. In particular it helps bring together task identification, manufacture,
sales, and business considerationsoutlined below. This results in a process
where design is realized through multiple parallel and sequential tasks, which ulti-
mately produce a timely, integrated solution.
Task identification. Identifying, planning, and coordinating tasks with respect
to a companys aims and overall strategic goals usually falls to specialists or
management. Further, task plans are critically related to a companys existing
portfolio of ideas, projects, products, and procedures. Despite this, a typical task
formulation only vaguely sketches intention, need, opportunity, and relations to
past or future products. As such, the design team plays a key role in enriching
and clarifying these dimensions in order to achieve proper conceptualization
aligned with the wider needs of the company.
Manufacture. Manufacture is normally both geographically, and temporally
distant from the designer in the early stages of the design process. This can
result in substantial misalignment between the product design delivered and the
capabilities of the manufacturing process. As such, the designer is responsible
for having a good understanding of the manufacturing technologies available
and their fit with current products, processes, and capabilities.
Sales. As with manufacturing, sales are often far removed from the core design
activity. However, the successful designer continually seeks to incorporate the
influences of market information, customer analysis, and user needs into his
design process. Further, this integration of sales and design should be mirrored
by feedback from the designer to the specialists determining the sales strategy,
price policy, and follow-up sales.
Business. Here the designer is often detached from the value perception of the
product, seldom being the intended user. As such, the design process provides a
means for integrating usability experience, as well as identifying the true needs
of the user. This is particularly true of approaches where users are actively inte-
grated into the design process as a driver for improved satisfaction and product
One question you might ask yourself here is, how concerned or responsible should
a designer be with achieving this harmonious integration, and where does the
design process end? Unfortunately there is no easy answeralthough we offer the
following heuristic for allocating your limited resources:

The sequence Task/Concept/Design/Business/Use/Life forms the backbone

of the product development process and thus also the priority of concerns for
the designer.
5.2 Factors Influencing the Design Process 97

Based on this, the designers understanding of the design process is critically

linked to these five elements. This is captured by the fact that just as they influence
the design activity and its results, the designer also influences the execution of the
tasks throughout this chain. As such, a designer can have a range of different roles
in completing this chain. As project leader a designer might be involved through-
out the process from idea identification, through product development, to sales and
manufacture (Andreasen and Hein 1987). More usually, however, a designer will
be involved with respect to specific tasks or phases. Despite this, many designers
dream of an ideal where their ideas give them a central position in a company or
even allow them to establish their own. Here, ideas may be the ticket for admis-
sion but the professionalisms needed for manufacture, distribution, and commer-
cialization cannot be omitted or escaped from.
In practice this means that a designers primary concern is his contribution as
a pathway to influencing the whole chain of elements. Designers are valuable and
powerful when they know what matters in the arena where the company operates,
what matters for the company, and what it means to have a good solution:

Conceptualization has two dimensions: creating an idea and understanding

the demand and the relative power of the values, which tell the designer if
this is a good idea!

The goodness of the idea relates to the totality of the conceptintegrating all the
elements discussed in this section to give a holistic understanding of a concepts
merit in a given context.

5.2.2Stumbling Blocks

The nature of design means that there are many stumbling blocks waiting to
trip the unwary designer; here we begin to explore some of these. The sequence
Task/Concept/Design/Business/Use and Life seems a logical one at first glance,
with each topics clarification and realization being the precondition for the next.
However, in order to totally fulfil each element it is also necessary to draw infor-
mation from those elements following it, making the whole process iterative. For
example, a successful concept incorporates insights from the use activity, but
before this is possible at least some concept is needed for imagined use. Thus, the
designer is continually faced with incomplete knowledge at each step, forcing him
to iterate to successfully fulfil the overall process. In order to understand what this
means for our conception of the design process let us consider the main stumbling
blocks emerging from the above sequence.
The first and most significant stumbling block is that the above sequence, as
well as the majority of design models, portrays a goal-orientated process that
appears to offer a stable and relatively linear path to the top down determination
98 5 The Design Process

of an artefact. In other words, despite some effort to recognize the complex-

ity of actual design activity, process models often fail to adequately portray the
iteration and messiness inherent in real world design work. Decomposing this we
encounter four horsemen: co-evolution, emergent design, ill-definedness, and
First, co-evolution describes a world where task and solution mutually and
gradually clarify each other. This can lead to substantial revisions as well as sig-
nificant uncertainty throughout the process, demanding numerous corrective loops.
Co-evolution is the main reason for the feedback loops often depicted in design
models, although these belie its fundamental relationship with the design activity.
Similar to co-evolution, emergent design describes the process by which a design
emerges from a creative process while displaying properties and values which
could not be predicted from its detailed parts. This can lead to changing of goals
or the redefinition of a problem creating a feedback loop into the design itself.
Although this emergence can be both positive and negative, it ultimately means
that through much of the design process the designer faces an ill-defined prod-
uct. Ill-definedness describes the fact that design essentially concerns products
that do not exist yet. In this context, designing must proceed from sparse insight
and information, gradually establishing the parameters of the design as the pro-
cess progresses. This lack of knowledge is often disguised behind seemingly rel-
evant information, extrapolated from past designs, which presents a danger for a
designer seeking new opportunities. Finally, these stumbling blocks can combine
to make a design problem seem intractable. Intractability is the perception that
there are no feasible solutions or sub-solutions, and that a design will incur unex-
pected or unacceptable problems, such as spiralling costs. This demands careful
consideration to identify when a problem is truly insoluble or merely apparently
so. Ultimately this can lead to substantial changes of goals and plans, or termina-
tion of the project.
Compounding these stumbling blocks is the constraints defining and limiting
the solution space. Constraints are both necessary for and limiting to creativity
(Onarheim 2012). The design activity needs constraints in order to be defined, e.g.
in terms of task and goal formulation, company conditions, and market and soci-
etal limitations. However, where a situation is either over or under constrained cre-
ativity can be stifled. This links to the dynamic nature of design, where changes in
target, markets, and technologies are commonplace. In this context, assumptions,
goals, methods, and decisions all need to be considered dynamically as constraints
propagate; any synthesis step adds to the constraints for those following.
Complexity can be experienced through these constraints, with the designer
perceiving the compound impact from, e.g. problems, effects, criteria, stakehold-
ers, and their various interrelations. As such, the development process demands
flexibility and opportunism, requiring dynamic coordination (Chap. 3) and navi-
gation. This dynamism makes each design project unique in terms of focus, pro-
cedure, strategy, management, staff, decisions, etc. (Andreasen and Hein 1987).
5.2 Factors Influencing the Design Process 99

Thus we warn against blindly adopting a typical design procedure and expecting
the best outcome.

5.2.3Design Entities

The design entity describes the composition of the final design outcome. We sim-
plify this by using the label product when discussing need satisfaction or the
overall aim of the design activity. However, during the course of design activity
several intermediary design entities will inevitably be created in the form of both
artefacts and activities. In order to identify these entities, three perspectives should
be considered, adding to our discussion from Chap. 2:
Design and realization: concepts and issues related to the product. These lead
to new sub-systems or ways of realizing the product, e.g. a new supply chain or
different manufacturing and assembly processes.
Business: concepts and issues related to the distribution, sales, and service. These
lead to entities, such as new service offers, distribution systems, or accessories.
Deployment: concepts and issues related to the use activity, system integration,
maintenance, and renewal of the product. These lead to entities dealing with
a users perception of what they have bought and what the product actually
does, and the need for service.
Figure5.3 shows a simplified model of the design entities that can be envisaged at
the conceptualization stage. Olesen (1992) links conceptualization and design enti-
ties in his model Fig.13.12 via several parallel task activities.
Design entities are the dominant identifiers of design activity. When a design is
based on previous similar projects, design entities are easily identified. However,
in other situations the design process is often made up of entities closely linked to

Fig.5.3Many issues of conceptualization lead to design entities

100 5 The Design Process

experts from other disciplines, such as business. As an example, we can imagine

a company producing canned food. Here, the final product is made up of several
design entities: the prepared food ready to be packaged, a new can type to be man-
ufactured, a new label to be designed and marketed, and the development of all of
these into a refined business plan for the product launch. Further, new sales chan-
nels and advertisement campaigns give rise to additional design entities. In this
example, no one person or expert is able to deal with all of the entities associated
with the project. Instead a wide array of experts need to be involved and managed
in parallel in order to produce a successful outcome.

5.2.4The Right Progression

Many models in the literature articulate the design process as a logical progres-
sion from functions through to detailed design, arguing that this progression is the
right way. This is especially prevalent in the mechanical engineering domain.
However, we argue for a more pragmatic approach, where the designer is not
afraid to challenge this ideal pattern depending on the situation arising in a project.
In particular we highlight four situations that demand a different approach. The
first is where the design strategy is incremental design. Here the design is based
upon substantial reuse of previous work, demanding a more copy and paste type
process. Second, when the design is based on a platform strategy, there is a need
for a configuration approach where the process and the product are aligned with
the wider platform. Third, when the design faces significant changes in either the
problem or solution definitions there is often a need for substantial backwards
steps. Here the designer might revisit earlier process phases in order to re-evaluate
previous decisions or tasks in the light of the changed design parameters. Finally,
some products demand a detail first strategy where the designer must invert parts
of the process in order to set the groundwork for conceptualization.
Overall we advise that design process should be geared towards traceability
and low financial risk. In this context it is important to identify critical issues, e.g.
unreliable technology, and clarify their possible impact up front (Andreasen and
Hein 1987). Here, Baxters (1995) textbook Product design describes a relevant,
if traditional, design process. Baxter explicitly explores the dependency between
decided costs and the progression of the design process, and suggests a shallow
curve in the early design where changes are easy. This leads to an interesting
proposal where financial risk is minimized. Figure5.4 shows the Encapsulation
Design Model together with Baxters cost curve. This illustrates the iterative pro-
cess used at each stage to clarify the concept, check the technology, and finally
approve the product prototype whilst maintaining designer flexibility.
Rather than emphasize a timeline as the main driver for the design process we
instead use a causality line, linking design activities. This focuses the designer on a
preferred sequence of activities without constraining them to a linear time ordering.
5.2 Factors Influencing the Design Process 101

Fig.5.4The development
activity related to cost and
compared to Baxters (1995)
progression for low financial

In a sense the timeline conceptualization of the process only becomes real when
the model is transformed into real tasks undertaken as part of a design procedure.

5.2.5The Company Identity

Let us not forget that the purpose of design, as seen from the company perspec-
tive, is the creation of products that lead to sales, and ultimately profit. Thus,
the identity the company projects has a significant impact on the design process.
Duffy and Andreasen (1995) described the model shown in Fig.5.5 called design
of design. This challenges the designer to change one or more of the four boxes
(normally considered as fixed conditions) in order to better fit the design machin-
ery to the situation. Figure5.5 mirrors the company identity as articulated by its
choices in the four boxes:
The chosen design tasks: the arena in which the company operates and how it
interprets needs and opportunities in order to define its plan of action.
The chosen design strategy: the way the company chooses to tackle the actual
What we are and know: the companys knowledge, experience and access to
technologies, as well as its perceived and real position in the arena.
The way we design: the tacit knowledge and unwritten rules governing how
design is undertaken during new product development at the company.
The message of Fig.5.5 is that the designer has the power to change the space
in which they work; namely the company, organization or teams traditional
way of perceiving and solving design tasks. This mental space is a consequence
of past design activities and emerged practice, meaning that dynamic develop-
ment or innovation in the company will be closely related to changes in product
102 5 The Design Process

Fig.5.5Using design
of design to fit the design
process to the situation
(Duffy and Andreasen 1995)

Changing or innovating company identity means to change the fundamentals

of development: strategy, tasks, knowledge, and way of designing.

From this we can see that innovative changes to a companys identity can have
a strong influence on the design activity. However, the opposite is also true,
these types of identity changes often originate from new product or design

Model for identity design. A consulting company used the model in
Fig. 5.6 in its sales material. This was used to communicate informa-
tion about the procedure for creating a new name, branding, strategic, and
graphic identity for the customer. In the end, although the model was key
to the project and important for the customer, it was not actually used for
planning, with one manager stating that it is in our minds but stays in the
drawer. As such, it is important for understanding the efforts necessary for
changing a companys identity.

Fig.5.6Design model showing the structured progression of a consultancys service,

where customer dialogue is arranged. The figure shows relative time distribution between
the steps
5.2 Factors Influencing the Design Process 103

5.2.6Design Strategies

From the four boxes highlighted in Fig.5.5 company management often focuses
more strongly on design strategy. This defines the approach for managing what is
going on in the development organization. This organizational unit constitutes the
product board, development department, and other functional areas, e.g. market-
ing and distribution (Andreasen etal. 1989). Further, this partially defines how the
companys development portfolio is managed. The development portfolio is the
sum of new development, upgrades, and customer orders, etc. This is a complex
task that is not only about launching the right projects, but also composing these
activities to support short- and long-term innovation and consolidation, resource
optimization, and controlled reuse.
Parallel to the product design strategy are a number of related strategies, such
as marketing and production. These all need to be incorporated in a development
project such that the designer can answer: how will a new product influence sales
and production, and how do sales and production influence the new product?
Roozenburg and Eekels (1996) use this to describe product development as a loop,
depicted in Fig.5.7. Here, the company observes the effects of a product launch on
its market in order to refine its overall goals, strategies, and policies. In particular,
Roozenburg and Eekels distinguish between two levels of development: business
search and strict development.
In general the design strategies outlined above aim to optimize impact on the
market, while also executing the project successfully. In this context, both the
literature and industry agree that generic design models are preferred. For exam-
ple, Ulrich and Eppinger (2004) define six types of generic product development
process, which Oja (2010) have supplemented with two more, shown in Table5.1.
There are two different types of project strategies illustrated in the table: the core
way of creating products called description, and the characteristics of the design
process called distinct features. Ultimately the message of this section is:

If a standard design process model or procedure is applied, we have to care-

fully adjust this to align with the design strategy.

development as a strategy-
driven loop
104 5 The Design Process

Table5.1Generic product development process variants (Oja 2010)

Process Process type Description Distinct features
Generic product Market pull Market opportunity Planning, concept
development recognition and development, system-
process selection of technol- level design, testing and
ogy to meet customer refinement, production
requirements ramp-up
Technology push New technology intro- Matching the technol-
duction and evaluation ogy and market in
of market planning, concept from
Platform products Application of estab- Concept with proven
lished technology technology platform
Process-intensive Production process Utilizing an existing
products constrained product process or development
of a new (process)
Customised products Slight variation of Streamlined and
existing configurations structured development
High-risk products High risk of failure due Early identification,
to technology or market analysis, and testing
Spiral Quick-build products Utilization of rapid Repeated design and
prototyping and testing test phases
Complex systems Complex products System decomposi- Separate parallel teams,
tion into sub-system system integration and
components validation

Section5.2 discussed six factors influencing the design activity and how we can
model this. Next we bring these together with concrete design practices by con-
trasting them with industrial design procedures.

5.3Literatures Models and Industrys Procedures

There are many proposals for design process models in the literature; at the time
of writing a recent article compared 124 (Gericke and Blessing 2012). A key find-
ing from this comparison was that these models fail to integrate the different dis-
ciplines encountered in industry. Although the models share common stages, this
commonality only applies at a very high abstract level. Overall, this leads to a
body of mono-disciplinary models that cannot be fitted to different types of design
processes (Birkhofer 2011). However, despite these shortcomings, models are
an essential part of process management, useful for researchers and practitioners
alike. They support problem solving, aid decision-making, and provide a common
platform for communication (Maier and Strrle 2011).
5.3 Literatures Models and Industrys Procedures 105

One of the major problems here is that these literature models are often mis-
taken for being directly transferable to industry. Clarkson and Eckert (2005) dis-
cuss several literature models and conclude that although they span a range of
design disciplines, they are too general to properly help project planning and daily
decision-making. As such, we argue that in order for literature models to be effec-
tive in practice they must always be adapted to the specific conditions and strategy
necessary for solving the task. This is supported by studies where models have
been successfully adapted in practice. Rckert (1997) sums this up by stating that
A self-determined application of design methodology leads to better results com-
pared to strict application. We also believe this to be true and thus emphasize the
importance of adapting the five modules based on the influences discussed in this
chapter and, more generally, throughout the book.

5.3.1Industrial Procedures

Industrys ideology of cost, quality, and time is believed to encompass the main
challenges in developing and delivering products. However, cost and quality are
often only implicitly dealt with in design process models. In the context of this
book we explicitly discuss their inclusion through design reasoning in Chaps. 11
13. In industry we seldom find literatures models used directly. In practice these
models are changed into practical procedures, which can be seen as an instantia-
tion of the design process model.

Definition: A design procedure is a design process model fitted to a specific

context. It is used as the basis for a procedural plan when a design project is

Creating the procedure is part of a design of design activity and is part of staging
of design. As such, let us explore how this incorporates the influences described in
The chain of results is addressed by defining the scope of the design model,
e.g. creating a new concept versus creating a new business. Here, models can
range from simple problem solving, to product development and engineering
design. We discuss how these differences in scope can be dealt with through our
Encapsulation Design Model described in Sect.5.4.
The stumbling blocks are closely related to the human factor. Here, experi-
ence is often the best approach; however, risks can be reduced through reuse and
the systematic consideration of design rational and information from past projects.
For example, this can be achieved using the sign posting approach (Clarkson and
Hamilton 2000).
106 5 The Design Process

The number and type of design entities to be created determines the number
of synthesis activities needed as well as their nature. Further, the design strategy
determines how they are sequenced, and how many parallel processes need be
The right progression is a core project management problem concerning the
gradual concretization and detailing of, for example, the design entities, need,
opportunities, and legislation. Current practice ranges from specifying all sub-
activities in a project to specifying the expected results of each design phase.
Finally, the company identity deals with the optimal utilization of company
resources to fit the design result and design process to the company identity. Here,
the development of company innovation should also be considered as part of the
design activity.

5.3.2Creating a Procedure

Fitting a process model to the actual circumstances of a company and designers

demands is the core of the procedure creation activity. Here, information tech-
nology plays a dominant role; however, IT should not be seen as a readymade,
ideal solution. Instead care should be taken to tailor IT support to best facilitate
the required design activity. In order to do this, and create a procedure, we need to
answer two key questions:
1. What must be accounted for in order to detail and fit a model to best support a
specific procedure and design project?
2. What is left over and must be understood and dealt with through the design-
ers mindset?
These questions reflect the dual-perspective philosophy illustrated in Fig.5.1. In
reality, industrial design procedures display many different applications and vir-
tues. On one end we find rhetoric models. These inform the design philosophy
used by the designers, and are followed by the company for the benefit of its staff,
as well as communication with clients. On the other end we find procedures pri-
marily intended for management purposes. These define the management of both
project activity and corporate control of the process, resources, and results. As pre-
viously noted, procedures are often articulated as either detailed instructions and
controls, or as expected results. These different articulations are primarily influ-
enced by the maturity of the organization (Andreasen and Hein 1987).
Here you might ask, who makes these decisions and who should be in charge
of installing a particular procedure? Unfortunately this is a rather fuzzy subject as
in most cases it is very difficult to trace a procedures origin. This is compounded
by the fact that procedures are rapidly evolving documents, usually without a sin-
gle responsible person overseeing their development (Araujo 2001; Jensen and
5.3 Literatures Models and Industrys Procedures 107

Andreasen 2010). However, this does not diminish the demand for these proce-
dures, particularly as a company matures as an organization (Andreasen etal.

Installing Integrated Product Development. The book, Integrated Product
Development (IPD), written by Andreasen and Hein in 1987 proposed one
possible remedy for Danish industrys problems: lack of integration and
effectiveness. IPD offered a model showing parallel activities across market-
ing/sales, design, and production. This explicitly developed a parallel strat-
egy, integrating development, and three groups of design entities: business
and sales, design and production, supply and distribution. The problem of
right progression was dealt with by defining milestones based on the ques-
tions: what to clarify, and what to deliver from the three synthesis activities.
Although this could be seen as constraining, the response from marketing
and production was positive: Now we understand our role and contribution
to new product development.
The procedure was fitted to the company through a consultancy driven series
of courses. Typically, a course was arranged with a mix of lectures on the
books topics, and talks on the companys strategies, and plans. In particu-
lar, the different functions expectations for new product development pro-
cess were elicited and incorporated. This focused on what each function
felt it could contribute or perform better(Fig. 5.8). During these courses we
observed how the members of staff involved gradually improved their ability
to articulate an improved product development process. This resulted in the
courses becoming a kind of negotiation with the management about change
initiatives. In this way a new community of practice developed from the bot-
tom up (Andreasen and Hein 1998).

Fig.5.8During his consultancy experience it was not uncommon for the first author to
use cartoons to facilitate discussions (Andreasen and Hein 1987; Andreasen etal. 1989)
108 5 The Design Process

Sections5.2 and 5.3 have laid the foundation for our proposal of a generic design
process model, composed of five distinct modules.

5.4The Encapsulation Design Model

Our aim with the Encapsulation Design Model is not just to create one more
model, but instead to distill out a model that captures the core essence of design.
We do this through five entities, merging two disparate phenomena:
An ideal, partly causal, progression of the design activities: task/concept/
design/business/use and life.
An ideal articulation of the design process encapsulating and embracing
With regard to the second phenomena we emphasize two foundations for our
thinking. First, early design activities are encapsulated through a gradual broaden-
ing view. Second, the activity includes a number of elements concerning goal and
In order to clarify this model we must fully understand each of its five con-
stituent elements. These five interrelated patterns of activity are introduced here,
but are explored in depth in the subsequent chapters. This progression is illus-
trated in Fig.5.9, and the five patterns are summarized here. The first element is
Exploration. This aims to search out and find support for the product justification,
key assumptions, and any prerequisite conditions necessary for project comple-
tion. This then leads into solution exploration where solution elements, product
ideas, and possible tasks are considered in order to formulate the final design task
process to be used. Based on this exploration the next process to be introduced is
Concept Synthesis. This starts to transform the information found by the designer

Fig.5.9The Encapsulation Design Model illustrated as a sequence of design activities. The fol-
lowing chapters explain each sequentially
5.4 The Encapsulation Design Model 109

into concept proposals. These concepts serve a dual purpose. First, they aim to
answer the need, intention, and dreams articulated during exploration. Second,
they help clarify the argumentation for the development activitys tractability,
risks, and consequences. As such, concept synthesis leads to a final concept and an
accompanying clarification of the space.
Based on the idea selected in concept synthesis, Product Synthesis focuses
on establishing the design as a fully detailed and specified output. This activity
alternates between synthesis and justification of the functionality and properties.
Here, the activity can include conceptualization in order to ensure unbroken devel-
opment as well as alignment with production and the other following phases. This
ultimately leads to decisions about realization of production and sales. Based on
this foundation the next activity to consider is Product Development. This estab-
lishes the companys ability to produce and market the product. This encapsulates
product synthesis as the source for the product dimension in the multi-dimensional
synthesis of, at least, sales, production, distribution, finance, and quality assur-
ance. Similarly, the verification and justification activities in product development
concern marketing, sales, production, distribution, competition, branding, main-
tenance, ethical responsibilities, and many more. These activities finally lead to
product launch and thus close the development process.
With the development process concluded we transition to the Product Life
Synthesis where the results from the development are deployed and adapted by
the user. Here, every product experiences its life phase activities. Earlier phases
mirror this by focusing on creating a fit for life. The product life synthesis
embraces everything by being the ultimate result, leading to user satisfaction.
Concept Synthesis, Product Synthesis, and Product Development differ in
scope by respectively creating concept, design, and business. Further, they also
differ in relation to the product, transitioning from the abstract concept, to the
more concrete product definition, to the final business case that encompasses mar-
ket, sales, production distribution, etc. The difficulty in managing these processes
is in setting an appropriate scope. Here, it is necessary to balance narrowing the
focussupporting concretization of the product, against broadeningsupporting
the wider appreciation and integration of secondary issues.
The key to understanding these complexities is to realize the nature of design
activity, as a number of embedded processes. This is captured in the Encapsulation
Design Model where each process is embedded within the subsequent phases as
illustrated via a Russian Doll in Fig.5.10. For example, exploration is both the
basis for all subsequent activities, but also persists throughout the entire project,
supporting the whole process.
The Encapsulation Design Model focuses on each entitys specific role, aim,
professional content, and result; however, the sequence is tied to the overall pro-
gression of the embedded elements. Thus, depending on the type of design work
undertaken, the product, and the organization, the model should be adapted, as
we have discussed in this chapter. The models aim is to serve as an eye-opening
guide for understanding conceptualization and the surrounding design activities,
without prescribing one rigid approach.
110 5 The Design Process

Fig.5.10The encapsulation
design models nature in a

5.4.1It Is not Only About the Product!

All design activities are launched with unknown or uncertain aspects. These fall
into two main groups, on the one hand the arena situation: need, competition,
sales, branding, and market success; and on the other hand the necessary insight,
technology availability, and networking as a condition for the product design.
As such, it is risky to exclusively consider only one part of the five entities. For
example, it is common for product synthesis to be undertaken while forgetting
the clarification, i.e. the key underlying information and justifications. In this
way information needs to flow between all five entities in order to make the over-
all process work. We characterize three types of information flow, which occur
throughout the design activity:
Feed forward flow: This describes the flow from clarification of the earlier
phases into later design elements. This includes task information, decision
rational, and information regarding the business opportunity, and risk reduction.
Situational: This describes the immediate collection of information necessary
to support the progressing synthesis or decision processes.
Feed back flow: This describes the continuous imagination, forecasting, and
consideration of past experience to ensure that the process is progressing in the
correct way and that no anomalous activities have been identified.
Figure 5.11 shows ideal information flows. Here, Fig.5.11 (asituation) shows
the situation during the search and task formulation phase, where the project is
based on the results of the exploration work coupled with foresight, imagination,
and projections based on experience. Figure5.11 (bsituation) shows the gen-
eral clarification situation of continual exploration feeding the design activities.
This also includes research, forecasting, and experiences concerning the remaining
5.4 The Encapsulation Design Model 111

Fig.5.11Information flows in a development project: a feedback of ideas, forecasting, and

experiences, b feedforward of actual clarification and experience

Considering these flows in conjunction with the Encapsulation Model

(Fig.5.10) we emphasize the fact that this only describes part of the situation. We
do not show the designers mental work, reasoning, or decisions, which play a sub-
stantial role in all design activity. As such, we warn against a blind belief in fol-
lowing the model as this is not our intent. As a designer you never want to have to
ask Why do we think the customer will buy our product? and find that no one on
the team knows the answer. Thus, we offer the following heuristic:

The Encapsulation Design Model is a stepping-stone methodology as illus-

trated in Fig.5.1. The stepping stones supply a map, but not the exact route
or decisions to take.


The line of reasoning linking Part II together has been that the team and the
designers efforts can be seen as the machinery of design. We have brought this
to the fore in this final chapter of Part II where we have used models to explain
how this machinery is actually realized in performing the design activity and cre-
ating the desired outcome. In doing this we introduce the importance of position-
ing any model in the actual context, establishing its raison dtre, and its goals
before proceeding with the process. In order to bring this together we propose the
Encapsulation Design Model and its five entities. This is now explored in detail
112 5 The Design Process

over the course of the next five chaptersPart III. Here, five partial design models
are described along with the distinguishing traits linking them together and key to
overall understanding.


Andreasen MM, Hein L (1998) Innovating the product development organisation. In: Birkhofer
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New York
Part III
Design Process
Chapter 6

The design activity is normally based on perception of human needs. However,

other factors from the designers exploration or imagination might provide the ini-
tiator and driver. In this chapter, we discuss the front end of innovation based on
awareness and imagination in our Exploration Design Model. This links five feed
chains, each a potential starting point and all leading into the concept synthesis
activity treated in Chap. 7. Through these feed chains our model brings together
need interpretation, the designers preferences, task, problem formulation, technol-
ogy, and ideas.

6.1Exploration: What and Why

Creating a new product is a synergy of at least three factors: business, need, and
ideas. Someone must have the intent and ability to create a new product or busi-
ness. There must be a need or at least willingness to buy. And there must be some
ideas, knowledge, or technology which, coupled with design competences, can be

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 115

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_6
116 6Exploration

used to create a product. Our Exploration Model, introduced in Sect.6.2, provides

a framework for supporting this synergy. Exploration activity is critical to ensure
that the correct product is developed! This has a number of dimensions:
Right product: a need exists, the market is ready, and company effort is effec-
tively distributed.
Right knowledge and technology: the product is based on thorough accurate
input from the knowledge and technology domains.
Right development: the design process, production, sales, and distribution are
aligned with the product, ensuring alignment between the companys functions
and its resources.
Right lifecycle: the final product is fit for life across its whole lifecycle and
gives the best possible conditions for the actors in these phases.
In dealing with these dimensions, exploration supplies information for the project,
as well as supporting the search for new ideas and opportunities within the compa-
nys domain. Changes in competition, technologies, market conditions, legislation,
and patents must all be included. Exploration ensures awareness of how to react to
changes and what can be utilized in the companys surroundings.

Definition: Exploration is the upfront design activity that leads to the ini-
tiation and argumentation for a project. It is also the continuous process that
supplies data, information, and knowledge.

This is clarified in the example below.

The Post-it. It is often said that Spencer Silver invented the post-it by acci-
dent. The truth is rather by incident, during his process of developing
adhesives for the aerospace industry. Silver focused on the technology for
many years, supported by 3Ms permitted bootlegging policy. Further, he
visited every 3M division in his quest to find a business opportunity. Thus
his colleague, Art Frey, originated the idea of pads for his hymnbook and
introduced the notepad and sticky bulletin board concepts. Finally, a new
production technology was developed for attaching non-sticking adhesive
to paper. This example of technology-based innovation shows the necessary
interaction between resources (money, knowledge), technology develop-
ment, and recognition of an opportunity; Frey was a user with a need (Koen
2004). Figure6.1 shows post-its in action.
6.1 Exploration: What and Why 117

Fig.6.1Post-its used for classification in a professional design project,

courtesy Jakob Parslov radiometer medical ApS

6.1.1The Importance of Exploration

Unique, innovative products are created by individuals and teams, who explore
effectively, finding new ways to, e.g. sell, distribute, or combine service and prod-
uct. This ability is key to a products success. It is not just the composition of the
product that carries innovation.
The role of a goal formulation in pointing to the good product is ambiguous.
In particular, when the goal formulation, rather than the reality, becomes the tar-
get, creativity can be constrained. As such, we distinguish between good ideas
and good solutions, based on the criteria proposed by Tjalve (1979) (detailed
in Chap. 12). This links to the work of Pugh (1991), who describes how design
work should be cyclical in all phases are considered all aspects relevant for the
Many design process models focus on what might be called front end load-
ing. Here, the task is fully clarified and defined, and a supply of information
acquired upfront in a combined technical and marketing operation. However, this
does not fit the reality of what is called the fuzzy front end, i.e. how the process is
initiated. Koen (2004) uses the concept Front End of Innovation defined as activi-
ties that come before the formal and well structured New Product Development
(NPD) portion. Our interpretation of Koens proposal for the creation of concepts
is shown in Fig.6.2. This shows a cyclical search and conceptualization activity
118 6Exploration

Fig.6.2Search and
machinery in the front end
of innovation

incorporating opportunity identification, opportunity analysis, idea genesis and

enrichment, idea selection, and concept definition. There is no sequence merely a
Figure 6.2 highlights the synergistic nature of conceptualization but not the
sources or search areas. We have separated these elements to form the Exploration
Loop and Concept Synthesis. The purpose of Exploration is not only to identify
opportunities but also supply rich information regarding technical conditions,
users belief systems and norms, and constraints (Lehtonen etal. 2011).
Our model, introduced in the next section, has visual similarities with Koens
but is based on a fundamentally different philosophy. Our intention is both to
inspire a broad-spectrum search and to supply the project with necessary knowl-
edge and information.

6.2Our Exploration Model

Our Exploration Model illustrates an idealized view of the exploration work and
its relationship with conceptualization. Our model is shown in Fig.6.3 and illus-
trates how Concept Synthesis (Chap. 7) takes its starting point in this research
This model articulates our perception of idealized exploration work. As such, it
provides a mindset, a model of understanding, focusing on five main feed chains
supporting conceptualization. Most other design models are articulated as activity
models, i.e. they can be realized as a plan of tasks. That is not the aim with our
Exploration Model.
6.2 Our Exploration Model 119

Fig.6.3Our exploration model: an idealized view of the explorative and clarification elements
in the research work

6.2.1The Five Feed Chains

Our model builds on the idea that conceptualization is not only based on product
ideas but can take any of the feed chains as a starting point. These feed chains are
summarized below and then discussed in more detail.
Need interpretation: the designers interpretation of a need can be triggered
by any situation, e.g. tasks and problems, market knowledge, critique of exist-
ing solutions, customer reactions, or statements from critical users. The need
articulation details the users values, use activities, and situational identity. This
insight can be captured through discussion, interviews, or observations of users,
actors, and stakeholders. The end goal is a reliable, original, and insightful need
Perceptions of preferences: what constitutes a good solution should be cap-
tured and agreed amongst all stakeholders. Further, this should be described in
terms of qualities and values related to the solution and articulated in the goal
formulation. It can be productive to foster a constructive conflict between differ-
ent perspectives, solution ideas, and goodness criteria.
Problem statement: the problem describes the kernel of a task or key obstruc-
tion to creating a solution. The perceived problem is often the starting point in
searching for solutions. Although this perception forms a starting point it is dif-
ficult to know, upfront, what the real problem will be or if there are a chain of
problems. Basically, often the problem is a problem.
120 6Exploration

Task perception: when the task is formulated, i.e. its identity and range are
decided, it is difficult to define the degree of clarification required. An appar-
ently promising idea might be locked into the task formulation or the task might
be open to explorative search for new business.
Technology and ideas: a concept is always based on some concrete ideas
regarding how a technology could be applied, fitted, or developed. These tech-
nologies can form the main driver for the project or can be useful solution ele-
ments from previous designs. For example, incremental and platform-based
design intensively re-use elements from previous projects.
These five feed chains are brought together in the Exploration Model, although
there is no causality or sequence related to their arrangement. Thus, how should
the model be interpreted? In the following sections, we will treat each node indi-
vidually. However, we will first give an overview of Concept Synthesis for context.

Our Exploration Model is a palette for idea search and the clarification of
conditions for development and success.

Concept Synthesis is the main user of the output from exploration and ideally
consists of: goal formulation, synthesis, and evaluation and choice. The concept
search is based on someones intention, i.e. decision to do something. The start-
ing point and procedure is explorative, building on experiment, or a belief that you
have identified a great concept or epoch-making idea.

Each of the nodes in the Exploration Model can be seen as a possible initia-
tion point for conceptualization and clarification.

Further to this the utilization of the research loop does not end once a concept is
created. There is an on-going need for information from the feed chains in Product
Synthesis and Product Development. This is needed to clarify and check the cur-
rent state of a projects basic assumptions and consequences.

6.3Feed Chain: Need Interpretation

Need interpretation is the process of identifying and understanding the actors

related to the products life cycle in order to satisfy their quality or value experi-
ences. This interpretation leads to insights and decisions that define the project. In
the following we introduce concepts and phenomena leading to insights that sup-
port productive thoughts on need.
6.3 Feed Chain: Need Interpretation 121

6.3.1The Need Satisfaction Process

The way needs are satisfied by new products takes so many forms that any attempt
to prescribe this activity is almost hopeless. Instead we focus on what actually
happens, Fig.6.4.
Figure6.4 shows an idealized model of the transformation leading to need sat-
isfaction. We use this model to explain key terms and their relationships. Most
importantly need satisfaction describes the new situation where the new product is
offered, bought, and used. As such, the need is relate to the users in the market and
is satisfied by products and/or services that lead to new utilization activities or bet-
ter quality or value. Need recognition is thus a mental construct of the designer that,
together with a client or companys intentions, initiates a product development
project, as articulated in the Link Model. Users can choose substitutions using other
means (bicycle instead of car), buy competitors products or let themselves be sur-
prised or convinced by new products. The need recognition leads to the tasks for-
mulated by the company or client in cooperation with the team. This describes the
activities as a project including the results to be created, the product and/or service,
and the new business. The task is transformed into an activity when it is executed.
The task also articulates the conditions for, and success criteria of, the activity.
Finally, we have the problem, concept, and solution. The problem is a construct
formulated by the team as statements articulating what is perceived to be the key
obstruction to be dissolved, the missing mechanisms to be created or the challenge
to be met. As such, the problem belongs to the designer or team, not the users! The
intermediary results for satisfying this problem and task formulation are described
as concepts. These are justified with respect to tractability and probability of suc-
cessfully leading to a new product and new business. Finally, the solution describes
the final artefacts created: product, service, module, system, component etc.

Fig.6.4From unsatisfied need to satisfaction via new product development

122 6Exploration

6.3.2What Is a Need?

Based on our experience we build on two key works on ideation and need:
Asimow (1962) and Alger and Hayes (1964). These older publications provide the
foundation for much of modern design research; the role of need recognition is
fundamental. In the first line of his book Asimow states that Engineering design
is a purposeful activity directed towards the goal of fulfilling human needs, par-
ticularly those which can be met by the technological factors of our culture. He
concludes his Chap. 1 by formulating 14 principles. We highlight selected princi-
pals relating to need here.
Need: design is a response to an individual or social need that can be satisfied
via technology.
Physical reality: the design or service is materially and physical possible.
Economic worth: the design or service must be of value to the consumer equal
to or greater than the sum of the costs required to create it.
Financial feasibility: design, production, and distribution must be financial
Design criteria: the ideal outcome must be established relative to design cri-
teria that represent the designers compromise between conflicting value judg-
ments, including those of the customer, the producer, the distributor, and his
Based on this we can see that needs are subjective and do not have an objective,
independent existence. Thus, what makes a product attractive can be different
for the various stakeholders: the producer (production, financial feasibility) and
the user (need satisfaction, value, excitement). These two stakeholders have a
mutual interest in what is economically agreeable: the trade. Alger and Hayes
(1964) elaborate this by describing a need as follows: The engineer is con-
cerned with creating material objects to serve human needs Mankind rec-
ognizes a problem of human existence (often prosaicsuch as how to dispose
of garbage!). An engineer (or a person doing engineering work) then attempts
to solve the problem. However, we are left with the question: what quali-
fies a need for a NPD activity? The first response to this is to properly capture
the need, i.e. who has the need, how new, how complex, and how strong is it
(Thomas 1993). At the core is the designer, entrepreneur or producers relation-
ship with the need, i.e. it is sufficient to motive them to action. This motiva-
tion can be urgency in society, desire for new business or personal ambition and
Although this articulation of need is widely adopted another version is
described by Ulrich and Eppinger (2004) who talk about customer needs as sin-
gle statements on product features and properties. We see such statements as
the voice of the customer to be translated into product requirements and goal
6.3 Feed Chain: Need Interpretation 123

formulation. As such, when we talk about need we talk about a total perception of
an unsatisfied situation, e.g. the need for quick textual communication, which may
be satisfied by internet messaging. Needs are satisfied by new or better means in
terms of quality and value.
We can also differentiate between true needs stemming from a basic or fun-
damental need (Maslow 1943) and artificial needs created by marketing or sales
slogans (see Chap. 12 for more). These two types create a contradiction between
an idealistic focus on users actual needs and creating a need for a new product
through sales and advertising. Here, the customer is sold platitudes and exagger-
ations that are so common that they become internalized (spoil yourself, you
deserve it, more car for your money). This type of advertising tries to instruct
you, through life style illustrations, what class or tribe you will belong to if you
buy the product.

Drug reminder device. Remembering to take medicine regularly is essen-
tial to many peoples health. However, may people either forget to take their
drugs or forget that they have just taken their drugs. One way to combat
this is to supply a device that reminds the user to take their drugs and only
dispenses the correct prescription. The aim is to both ensure correct treat-
ment and to save costly home nurse visits. Here, an actor network model is
interesting because it reveals problems of responsibility and financing, see

Fig.6.5An actor network model for a drug reminder device

124 6Exploration

These discussions lead to the following two heuristics regarding needs.

A need is a designers perception of an unsatisfactory situation or solu-
tions related to specific users and use situations. Satisfying these is the
core argument for new product development.
A need can be articulated with respect to the unsatisfactory aspects plus
characteristics of and conditions for their satisfaction.

6.3.3Need Identification

The interaction between Exploration and Concept Synthesis can be seen as a grad-
ual parallel concretization of the need and its satisfaction. The designer imagines,
interprets, and defines ideal users and a speculative market, gradually justified via
contact with actors and market research.
Vagn Aage Jeppesen (the creator of the authors research group and one of the
first design researchers) formulated a design process model in the 1960s. The first
phase of this model was Confrontation with the need situation as illustrated in
Fig.6.6. It was his philosophy that the designer should work in the field, together
with the users, in order to better understand existing products in use and thus be
able to better read a needhere is something that can be changed.

Fig.6.6Vagn Aage Jeppesens process model (Andreasen etal. 1973)

6.3 Feed Chain: Need Interpretation 125

Inventing a casting machine. Vagn Aage Jeppesen was educated as a
mechanic in a machine factory and foundry company. As such, he was
confronted with traditional foundry processes on a daily basis. In particu-
lar, he became familiar with stamped sand moulds in steel flasks, which
required extensive handwork and many manipulations of the flasks. His
invention, patented in 1957, was the principle of using a vertical parting
plane instead of the horizontal, which was translated into a new machine.
This machine produced a string of sand moulds formed with cavities and
cores for the to be founded product, Fig.6.7. This mechanization allows
for high precision and productivity in an automatic process supported
by robots. This automation also led to substantially better work environ-
ment. Today 50% of the worlds cast iron products are produced on these

Fig.6.7Foundry process with vertical parting plane, explained in steps

The philosophy of Vagn Aage Jeppesen is the basic core for our view, retaining the
key idea that someone must have awareness, familiarity, and empathy in order
to see possibilities. The starting point can in the products use and the users value
experience as found in, e.g. Workspace Design (Beyer and Holtzblatt 1998) where
interviews and design games are used to identifying areas of improvement.
126 6Exploration

Dym and Little (2000) identify three roles in the design of a product. Other
than the designer there is the client, the person or the group or company that
wants a design conceived and the user, the person or set of people who will
actually use the device or artefact being designed. There is a tendency to think
about the user as an individual and thus overlook actors belonging to, e.g. a net-
working client, different phases of the product lifecycle or at the societal level in
the form of legislation, ethical rules, communal regulations etc. A key challenge in
need recognition is identifying relevant, specific actors. This can be supported by
actor network analysis, which combines field studies, interviews, questionnaires
etc. On the other hand user behaviour and habits are at core of marketing and
market analysis. This can lead to a market report, i.e. a summary of need inter-
pretation, users, competition, market size, sales, and risk. Finally, we can try and
understand specific users by articulating user characteristics for a group of people
who broadly represent the wider user base.

Personas and user characteristics. The users related to the installation
of a heating system in a house can be represented by the four personas in
Fig. 6.8: the installation manager Hans (left): New technology means
trouble, the young apprentice electrician Benny: It should be a fast job,
the house owner Inga: It is fine as it is, and the house owner Martin: It
should look impressive. Each persona was described together with their
personalities. These descriptions were then used during the development of a
new products interface. Thus instead of relying on the beliefs/preferences of
the design team discourse was based on the personas: what would Inga say
or what would Martin mean?

Fig.6.8Illustration of five personas related to a heating system project (Hede Markus-

sen 1995)
6.3 Feed Chain: Need Interpretation 127

As we shall see in Chap. 7 the use activity is key to design; it is the use of a prod-
uct that satisfies the users need. Scenario techniques of all kinds are useful for
capturing insight into the desired products use, its interaction with the user, and
its use properties. Use process models thus include interaction, functions, instruc-
tions, failure possibilities, and so on. Need interpretation feeds into decisions as
minor as small updates to existing products and as major as need satisfaction in
the various design proposals, i.e. a substantial step of synthesis.

6.4Feed Chain: Perceptions of Preferences

We believe that designers, independent from focus (engineer, architect, industrial,

software etc.), feel that they have a mission. Specifically, that they can solve soci-
etal problems and satisfy and create excitement for users. Thus designers ideals
and interpretation of societys needs has a significant impact on the design pro-
cess. The feed chain Perception of preferences deals with these ideals and how
they relate to the identity of the design team.
The designer and the team stage themselves (see Chap. 4) in a role by formu-
lating a vision and mission. Example roles include arranging citizens involvement
in urban innovation, establishing a network group or creating a service develop-
ment. The task is then attacked based on the teams ambitions. They are aware
of leading figures in their field and have pride in their work but also curiosity and
playfulness. In a team, these ambitions should be balanced to form a shared per-
ception of preference, demanding a dialogue in the team.
These preparatory discussions lead into the design work based on an idea
foundation. This foundation is formed from the teams beliefs, experiences, basic
design philosophy, principles (e.g. simplicity, clarity, integrity), and key values
(e.g. sustainability, ease of operation, excitement). Sometimes design is based on
a fixed idea, by which we mean a key good idea that forms the core of the project.
Many companies have more or less explicit idea foundations, often hidden to the
public or articulated as corporate image and brand.
Based on these ideas, we can see that the perception of the core ambition or
necessity of a project, the framing, can change during development and might not
be shared across an organization or team.

Development of energy-labelled pump. The Danish company Grundfos
is one of the worlds leading pump manufacturers. In 2005, they launched
the Alpha Pro shown in Fig.6.9. This was a pump for water circulation in
heating systems in family homes. Its power consumption is 5W giving it an
energy rating of A, the first one on the market.
128 6Exploration

Fig.6.9The Alpha Pro

pump from Grundfos with its
energy label ranking: A

The history of this project is interesting (Gishand Hansen 2013) because

despite its newness, the core technology can be traced back to 1985. It was
here that the motor division first identified the possibility of using a chip to
control speed and energy consumption. This divisions ambition to deliver
innovation was, however, in conflict with managements cost reduction focus
at the time. Similarly, in 1992 a pump with an integrated frequency con-
verter was proposed to reduce energy consumption. Again this clashed with
the companys focus on manufacturing and a belief that no one would pay
for energy savings. However, a turning point came in the late 1990s when
the company started using lifecycle analysis tools. These revealed that 99%
of the pumps electricity consumption was due to its running phase, opening
the companys eyes to ecology.
Unfortunately, the importance of energy consumption was not yet recog-
nized by the market. Throughout the 1990s the company tried different sales
campaigns but with little result. The breakthrough came at the end of 1990s
when the Grundfos CEO decided to try and ban low-efficiency circulators.
Years of lobbying in the EU resulted (in the mid-2000s) in a voluntary EU
energy label system. The Alpha Pro was then developed based on the tech-
nologies originally rejected to become the first product on the market with
an A label. It became a massive commercial success. This illustrates how
a concept merges multiple possibilities, agendas, intentions, and past prod-
ucts all framed against the companys beliefs. What might seem a quick
and successful development project might actually require a long path of
6.4 Feed Chain: Perceptions of Preferences 129

Focusing on ideals is a key means for taking development beyond mediocre, set-
ting references for ambitions related to needs, market, utilization of resources, and
identification of abilities. Our ideals provide guiding lights.

The perception of ideals takes a project beyond the traditional or me too


Companies report that new development projects often have a fuzzy start
(Andreasen and Hein 1987), beginning life as skunk work and gradually attracting
people and resources to the idea. This is in sharp contrast to correct progression in
the early phases, justifying need, abilities, opportunity, technology etc. However,
articulation of these early initiatives can be formalized via portfolio management
of ideas, concepts, and projects.

6.5Feed Chain: Task Perception and Formulation

Conceptualization starts with somebodys intensions as illustrated in Fig.6.10.

In an architectural competition, the frames of the task are defined but the solution
space is open. Similarly, in a companys product development the driver might be
a business need that demands development effort but of what kind? How should
the task perception and formulation emerge from such situations? The develop-
ment task is closely linked to a web of prerequisites, e.g. situational factors like
economy, resources etc., meaning the task will impact several dimensions. It is
important to identify aspects that might disturb, support, or inspire the develop-
ment. In certain situations, it may even be necessary to remove, change, or create
new preconditions as discussed in Chap. 5.

Fig.6.10Somebodys ideas go into the goal or task formulation document

130 6Exploration

Safety clamp and cutter. Knud Lykke Nielsen had the idea to create a combi-
nation clamp and cutter for severing the umbilical cord of newborn children,
which became the product shown in Fig.6.11. Traditionally, this is cut using
scissors, creating a contamination risk for both child and nurse. Despite
its value, the inventor needed support in the design activity and the trans-
fer to manufacturing when realizing the idea. The task formulation should
balance the transfer of the original idea and its empowerment, the link to
hospital professionals, and the role of the consulting company. The Institute
of Product Development provided a concept, design proposal, detailing, and
support for the start up of production in Lykke Nielsens sales company.
Fig.6.11Safety clamp and
cutter, courtesy Institute for
Product Development

The many situations leading to new products are so diverse that it is impossible
to try and list them all and nave to summarize in a checklist. The core message
is that the task solver must understand the intention, expected result, and tasks
prerequisites, so that they can control the tasks formulation and fit with the condi-
tions, e.g. duration, ambition, resources, time. The task has an understanding ele-
ment: purpose, motive, and consequences (for whom), and a definition element:
what to create, deliver, document, resource requirements, lifecycle focus areas, fit
with the company, and launch plan.

Copenhagen market hall. The architect Hans Peter Hagens positioned
himself at the head of a group of citizens aiming to change a messy, grey
square in Copenhagen into a modern market hall. His ability to articulate
6.5 Feed Chain: Task Perception and Formulation 131

Fig.6.12Left early visualization of the market hall, www.arkitekturvaerkstedet v. archi-

tect Hans Peter Hagens. Right interior from the final market hall

and visualize their ideas became a key driving force, while a person with
political flair and connections became the lever for the citys engagement
in the project. A long period of development finally led to the high profile,
hygienic, and environmentally conscious proposal shown in Fig.6.12.
The proposal removed the existing traders (flower stands and a second
hand market) and a messy parking area. Other traders that can afford the
new (much higher) rent then took over. The project was a composed design
task that changed the urban space, traffic conditions, trade pattern, squares
environment, and life patterns. A question at the design stage was: will the
square be attractive to the local people or tourists? Today the market has won
a reputation as a new, exciting, and popular shopping and recreation area.

Our perception of task formulation can thus be articulated by the following


Task formulation is a mutual agreement between the design team and the
client or manager. It articulates what is to be created, under what conditions,
to be utilized in what way by the user and the company, and leading to what
satisfaction and economic results.

It is vitally important to be aware of unfounded biases or random ideas built into

the task formulation, and thus articulate correctly what is really wanted. The team
should have enough degrees of freedom so that they can produce satisfying and
successful results. The task often needs reformulation during development because
of co-evolution or changing conditions.
132 6Exploration

6.5.1Task Experience

At the start of a development project, a contract-like relationship is created

between the management and the team that will actually undertake the task. This
is often accompanied by a project start seminar to clarify responsibilities and
roles. Here, management or client meet the team, present the task, its mission
and vision, go through the project together, and motivate the team. The idea is to
jointly set the scene and focus the project team on the task at hand. A key support
for these activities is scenario creation, i.e. describing a composed picture of the
future project in a time sequence, based on the participants imagination, experi-
ences, and ideas. Further, scenarios can be used to explore the new product, its
production, application, recycling etc. Another type of scenario is to go through
the project with all the actors from the different phases and discuss the challenges,
cooperation, and coordination issues in a short, total simulation.

There is no reason to let the project progression be dictated by what is

designed. The team should be ahead of this progression in order to use plans
and strategy effectively.

6.5.2Team Identity and Role

A company realizes its role and identity through its mission, vision, and policies.
This also includes logos and branding. The intent here is to focus goals such that
synergy is created between the companys activities (development, production and
sales) and that resources are optimally directed to a well-defined area of attack.
As with a company, the project team may also need to articulate its identity via
a program. Here, the focus falls on defining the teams task, situation interpre-
tation, motivation, need for knowledge, idea approach, working style, goals, and
quality criteria. The difference from a design brief is the teams analysis of its own
abilities and what the team sees as central challenges. Example questions that a
program answers are:
Who? The identity of the company and the project. Interaction and dependen-
cies of the client.
Why? Status in the companys development activities, the motivation of the
company and the team, limits and criteria for good solutions.
How? The nature of the project, role distribution, project strategy, use of meth-
ods, phases, and milestones.
What are we able to contribute? The teams abilities and knowledge in relation
to the challenges of the task.
6.5 Feed Chain: Task Perception and Formulation 133

During conceptualization, when ideas are reasonably concrete, a goal formula-

tion is normally created. This includes a product specification articulating desired
functionality and properties, and a business specification articulating business
expectations, sales, investments etc. (Andreasen and Hein 1987). Together these
documents tell the team about the role and content of marketing and sales efforts,
as well as the core competition. Finally, a mission document may be added to the
goal formulation as proposed by, e.g. Ulrich and Eppinger (2004).
In industrial design, a design brief is also a common tool. The client creates
this for or with the designer, although the designer may also formulate the docu-
ment to articulate their task and vision. This document serves to complement a
goal formulation as it articulates the vision and raison dtre of the proposed idea,
while the goal formulation focuses on individual technical challenges (Keinonen
and Takala 2006).

6.6Feed Chain: Problem Formulation

Some authors make a distinction between problem and task, where problem relates
to design situations and task to routine. There are a number of reasons for why the
term problem is used like this in the design literature. First, the historical per-
spective of the engineering designer as a problem solver, who finds the evils root
(i.e. the technical problem) and solves it (Glegg 1969; Wallace 1952; Harrisberger
1966). Second, the literature has been influenced by creativity research that
focuses on similarities between design and problem solving (Osborne 1963;
Gordon 1961; Guilford and Hoepfner 1971). Finally, design methodology has
evolved from more general models of problem solving (Pahl and Beitz 2007; Roth
1994; Koller 1979). Together, these lead to a divided view of the word problem,
sometimes used to start a work and sometimes to describe a need or root evil.
Thus, we must answer whose problem is it that we speak about: the designers, the
product users, or the inherent traits of design?
Cross (2008) states that design can be seen as the decomposition of an over-
all problem into sub-problems, see Fig.8.2. When solutions are found to sub-
problems, these sub-solutions can be combined into an overall solution. Cross
highlights that the two patterns of problem and solution decomposition are very
different. The importance of Cross model is the separation of the two patterns and
the necessary understanding of the mapping between them. Building on this dual
perspective, we can substitute the word problem with taskused throughout the
book. Many tasks relate to issues of, e.g. cost, reliability, noise, and environmental
effects, which are distributed among a products physical sub-systems. We prefer
the word task and see a key challenge in the complex task identification and break-
down that is a precondition for synthesis and planning.
134 6Exploration

When a need is recognized or formulated and a companys management allo-

cates resources, the design task is born. Asimow describes the design process as
iterative problem-solving including sub-problems: In attending to the solution of
a design problem there is uncovered a substratum of sub problems; the solution of
the original problem is dependent on the solution of the sub problems. Based on
this, we can explore the link between problem and need. Asimow sees this as syn-
thesizing a black box system, where the desired outputs of the system are derived
from the effective needs of the customers. The language of the outputs should be
more precise than that of the needs, and should reflect what the system does or
provides in responses to the eliciting needs. This describes a soft, non-technical
need being translated into a sharper, more technical goal formulation. It is through
this process that engineers recognize their problem, e.g. the control engineer
sees control problems while the solid mechanics engineer sees strength problems.
Unfortunately, the engineers specific challenge does not point to which solutions
might be best.
Many authors look to design strategies with a starting point deep in the prob-
lemidentifying the kernel of the task. The assumption here is that the technical
solution is the core of the development and should be found before anything else
is considered. However, we do not subscribe to this focus; conceptualization is not
always of a technical nature and can include, e.g. service, environmental efforts,
and use. For example, students involved in a Dutch project on flexible office lay-
outs saw the core problem as making the furniture mobile. However, a small group
of students found a different perspective, characterizing the problem as that of
creating personal identity in the office spaceleading to very different solutions
(Restropo 2004).

Task kernel. There are a number of authors who advise that a product prin-
ciple should be articulated. Here a principle describes the kernel of a spe-
cific class of solutions, from which the design activity can be defined and
progress. What principle is selected depends on the designers professional
background: a mechanical engineer may see a mechanism, an electrical
engineer a control system, and an industrial designer the concept of man/
machine interaction. In an experiment on designers reasoning, this type of
interpretative kernel selection was found to be dominant when following this
product principle type of strategy (Dylla 1991). Figure6.13 shows some
of the resulting principles, each mirroring the designers interpretation of
the task. The task was to design a support bracket for sensitive measure-
ment equipment, requiring vertical and horizontal adjustment. In this situ-
ation, there does not seem to be a kernel that is fundamental to the task,
rather its selection reflects the designers interpretation of the task and their
6.6 Feed Chain: Problem Formulation 135

Fig.6.13Six concepts for an adjustable support (Dylla 1991)

Tasks typically contain intrinsic problems that reduce the quality/negate the solu-
tion unless they are solved. Building on this idea, Altschuller (1987) created a
technique based on patents, reasoning that patents are solutions to intrinsic design
conflicts. Thus, by analyzing a huge number of patents, he created a catalogue of
frequent conflicts and a number of principles for their resolution. This is in line
with our own views of problem formulation. To sum up our view on the problem
of the problem, we formulate the following heuristics.

Design starts with human needs, resulting in a task for the designer.
Tasks should be broken down into subtasks, to allow for composed solu-
tions to larger issues.
It can be useful to abstract the core obstacle but the designer should
always think in terms of need, problem, and task.

6.7Feed Chain: Technology and Idea Elements

In Concept Synthesis concept alternatives can be created from new ideas or from
the combination of known solutions. These known idea elements or technologies
are often from other products, the wider company or research and development
136 6Exploration

efforts. One of the key skills of a designer is to effectively build on these know ele-
ments. As such, this feed chain encompasses a companys past experiences, earlier
products, R&D, and future plans. To maintain the integrity of a product range care
must be taken in determining when to use known elements verses new innovations.

Surveillance camera
During the development of a new generation of surveillance cameras it was
found that the cost of launching a range of different sizes was too high. An
example camera is shown in Fig.6.14.
Based on this cost issue it was decided to create a new drive system (motor
and gear) compatible with all sizes variants, and maintaining the mechanical
embodiment and visual design. The development allowed for a new housing,
leading to new possibilities in aesthetic design, and resulted in both reduced
costs and increased sales due to the new more attractive form. This points
to a philosophy where a core idea is fixed in order to harvest rationalization
effects. However, attempts to make things better at the individual product
level may kill the benefits.

Fig.6.14Left, decisions regarding re-use and innovation in a planned development pro-

ject. Right, the final products, courtesy Institute for Product Development

Re-use does not just relate to single parts but can influence variant and assort-
ment decisions because the components should be used as widely as possible to
deliver the greatest cost benefits. Further, re-use can be based on systematic com-
petitor analysis leading to the identification of attractive solutions or components
(Andreasen and Hein 1987). A product concept should consider re-use and carry
over, based on path, assortment, risk, and cost. Because of this design can be seen
as a balance between creating and searching for ideas or solutions. A concept is
seen as a combination of sub-solutions and the new product is realized through a
combination of known principles, existing components, and parts.

6.7.1Research and Development

A special and very important feed element is created when a company arranges its
development activities round the R&D of technological solutions. Here, the fol-
lowing forms are common:
6.7 Feed Chain: Technology and Idea Elements 137

Research: using scientific investigations to identify matters of importance for

products and technologies. When results are matured, they are transferred into
the design activity.
Development: arranging experiments and engineering efforts to bring competi-
tive insight into the products.
External concept and product development: external consulting companies
are used to generate ideas, concepts, or product proposals that feed into the
development process.
Buying patents, licenses or components: the company purchases relevant
technologies to support and shorten the development.
These development activities also relate to the clarification of other aspects, e.g.
market, use, competition, and technology search. Although our treatment of this
feed chain is short it has been and still is the main source of new product develop-
ment. What we want to underline is the following heuristic:

Technological initiation of new product development must be supported by

proper clarification of the need and identification of relevant existing ideas
that can be included.


Sections 6.36.7 have explored the five feed chains in our exploration model
(Fig.6.3), each of which support the dual activities:
Searching for insight leading to new ideas, concepts, products, and new
Searching for knowledge supporting the design activity and the argumentation
for decisions.
Andreasen and Hein (1987) argue that investment in new product development is
rewarded by clarification of: possibilities, solutions, arguments, insight etc., mean-
ing that all activities in development are incrementally devoted to clarification.
Thus we separate Exploration from Concept Synthesis because of the global role
of the search:
The clarification of what to do based on the existing situation.
The preparation of the design process by clarifying what it takes to perform it.
The clarification and prediction of the products lifecycle for ensuring its fit for

The starting point, core idea, or inspiration for development can be related to
any one or combination of the feed chains.
138 6Exploration

New technology and physical ideas are normally seen as the main feed chain for
new development. However, it is important to balance the two idea dimensions:
the idea with and the idea in the product, and thus trace ideas back to users
needs. Only in this way can the best possible argumentation for doing the right
thing be established.

Exploration should serve the full perspective of concept/product/business/

use/life and if necessary be gradually expanded in accordance with the
design progression.
The design activity can expose decisive issues at any point in the process.
Therefore, exploration cannot be seen as finished in this first step.

In Chap. 5, we introduced the Encapsulation Design Model that highlights the

dilemma: how broad and how long should exploration be? From the breadth per-
spective, we suggest the gradual expansion of concern from concept design to
business and life aspects. From the length perspective, we suggest that exploration
should consider and support all phases of development. As such, exploration feeds
into Concept Synthesis, which we will discuss in the next chapter.


Alger JRM, Hayes CV (1964) Creative synthesis in design. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Altschuller GS (1987) Creativity as an exact science: theory of the solution of inventive prob-
lems, 2 edn. Gordon and Breach, Philadelphia
Andreasen MM, Hein L (1987) Integrated product development. IFS Publications/Springer,
Andreasen MM, Tjalve E, Stahl H (1973) Konstruktionsprocessens faser (The phases of the engi-
neering design process). Compendium Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
Asimow M (1962) Introduction to design. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ
Beyer H, Holtzblatt K (1998) Contextual designdefining customer-centered systems. Morgan
Kaufmann publishers, San Fransisco
Cross N (2008) Engineering design methods. Wiley, Chichester, GB
Dylla N (1991) Denk- und Handlungsablufe beim Konstruiren. Carl Hanser Verlag, Mnchen
Dym CL, Little P (2000) Engineering designa project based introduction. Wiley, New York
Gish L, Hansen CT (2013) A socio-technical analysis of work with ideas in NPD: an industrial
case study. Research in engineering design, ISSN 0934-9839, 24:414-427, doi:10.1007/
s00163-013-0159-z, 8 July 2013
Glegg G (1969) The design of design. Cambridge University press, Cambridge
Gordon WJJ (1961) Synectics: the development of creative capacity. Collier, New York
Guilford JP, Hoepfner R (1971) The analysis of intelligence. McGraw-Hill, New York
Harrisberger L (1966) Engineersmanship: a philosophy of design. Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA
Keinonen K, Takala R (eds) (2006) Product concept designa review of the conceptual design
of products in industry. Springer, Berlin
Koen PA. (2004) The fuzzy front end for incremental, platform, and breakthrough products. In:
PDMA Handbook of New Product Development, 2nd edn, pp 8191
Koller R (1979) Konstruktionsmethode fr Maschinen-, Gerte- und Apparatebau (design
method for machine, device and apparatus construction). Springer, Berlin
References 139

Lehtonen T, Juuti T, Oja H, Suistoranta S, Pulkkinen A, Riitahuhta A (2011) A framework for

developing viable design methodologies for industry. In Culley SJ etal (eds) 18th interna-
tional conference on engineering design, impacting society through engineering design,
design society
Markussen TH (1995) Et teoribaseret handlingsgrundlag for betjeningsdesign (A theory
based action plan for interaction design). Ph.D. thesis, Technical University of Denmark,
Maslow A (1943) A theory of human emotion. Psychol Rev 10(4):370396
Osborne AF (1963) Applied imaginationprinciples and procedures of thinking. Schribners,
New York
Pahl G, Beitz W (2007) Engineering design: A systematic approach. Springer, London
Pugh S (1991) Total designintegrated methods for successful product engineering. Addison
Wesley, Wokingham
Restropo J (2004) Information processing in design. Ph. D. thesis, Delft University of Technology,
Roth K (1994) Konstruieren mit Konstruktionskatalogen (designing with design catalogues).
Springer, Berlin
Thomas RJ (1993) New product developmentmanaging and forecasting for strategic success.
Wiley, Hoboken, NY, pp 5057
Tjalve E (1979) A short course in industrial design. Newnes-Butterworths, London. (Facsimile
edition 2003) Systematic design of industrial products. Institute of Product Development,
DTU Copenhagen
Ulrich KT, Eppinger SD (2004) Product design and development, 3rd edn. McGraw-Hill/Irwin,
New York
Wallace PJ (1952) The technique of design. Pittman, London
Chapter 7
Concept Synthesis

A concept both answers a need and intention and is a clarification of tractability in

the realization. Thus, creating the final concept proposal demands the combination
of ideas from multiple dimensions. We call this concept synthesis.
This chapter focuses on exploring the foundations for conceptualisation in
theory, strategy, and models, including human creativity, visualisation, and com-
bination. We subsequently bring these together in a procedural Concept Synthesis
Model, which forms the basis for goal formulation, ideation, evaluation, and deci-
sion-making. Ultimately these lead to the selection of a final concept that becomes
the starting point for Product Synthesis, discussed in Chap.8.

7.1Synthesis: From Dream to Proposal

Concept Synthesis is the process through which goals are made explicit, alterna-
tive concepts are established, and a final selection is made based on the require-
ments. Thus we define concept synthesis as:

Definition: Concept Synthesis is the phenomenon of creating a kernel of

insight and ideas in the form of concepts. This provides the answer to need
and intention, and is a proposal of the probable tractability and success in its
development, realization, sales, and use.

The nature of Concept Synthesis brings together creativity and methodology i.e.
we need to make creative leaps but also retain a systematic line of reasoning. This
demands an understanding of the balance between the synthesis methodology
and the need for explorative, opportunistic, experimental, and creative behaviour.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 141

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_7
142 7 Concept Synthesis

We will not focus on specific methods of creativity etc. as these are already well
treated in many other works; instead we explore how they can best be deployed in

Conceptualisation of the Handpresso. The Handpresso offers a portable
means for making espresso style coffee using a manual pump (Fig.7.1b).
The inventor, Jul Nielsen, approached this project by varying the character-
istics of existing products at different levels to produce new concepts, illus-
trated in Fig.7.1a.
In order to achieve the final product it was necessary to combine ideas from
several domains: the technical principals in the energy system, the aesthetic
design, a new operational process, and manufacturing ideas. Further, it was
also necessary to establish financing to support development, production,
and sales.
The conceptualization requires several ideas to be combined: technical
principle (e.g. the energy system), visual design, operation, manufacturing
processes, and how to establish financing for development, production, and
sales. Figure7.1c shows the visual form of the different concepts. A con-
dition for financial support is to ensure the ownership of the concept; (d)
shows the patent drawing, which does not actually look like the final product
but contains patent claims covering a broad variety of devices.

Fig.7.1Conceptualising the Handpresso a the inventors approach of varying character-

istics, b the final Handpresso product, c the conceptual proposals of form and use (Kind
permission of Nielsen Innovation, France), d the illustration from the patent application
7.1 Synthesis: From Dream to Proposal 143

7.1.1The Challenges of Concept Synthesis

A concept answers a need, intention, and product identity, as well as offering a

prediction for tracing the success of the project. Successfully combining these
elements requires much more than creative guesswork! Here synthesis describes
the gradual concretisation of the product design from two angles:
The idea with the product: decisions on need, user behaviour, market area,
parameters of competition, and basic ideas for sales, branding, supply etc.
These all lead to constraints that determine the solution space and thus help
define the concept i.e. what and who questions.
The idea in the product: decisions about product type, use, functions, mode
of action, and other aspects like form, embodiment, operation, production pro-
cesses etc. These all lead to a gradual determination of the products structure
i.e. how questions.
The gradual bringing together of these two areas starts in the exploration activity
and develops throughout the process. However, there are a number of significant
challenges that must be addressed. First, the concept is a point of no return; once
the final product concept is under synthesis it is no longer feasible to propose new
core concepts without damaging the progression of the whole project. Further, it
is not possible to solve all the details up frontmaking the concept selection even
more difficult. Thus it is not enough to formulate an abstract, one-dimensional
concept e.g. eggshell, because the following synthesis activities may reveal it to
be flawed. The challenge is to articulate the key dimensions without over detailing.
This ultimately means that the designer must embrace the fact that design deci-
sions are about probability, not yes or no type answers. Thus many projects fail
because the designers were not able to tie their decisions to the goal formulation,
and ensure that the goal formulation actually reflects reality, not just their own
imagination. Finally, the manifestation of these challenges changes from project
to project, and across project types e.g. new product development and platform
Ultimately it is these challenges that give Concept Synthesis its unique impor-
tance in our Encapsulation Design Model. The concept is not just an idea, it must
answer: What will satisfy the users need? What should be developed? Is this fea-
sible? And will the result be successful?
Creating concepts by articulating and combining ideas is almost totally reliant
on human cognition. This is supported by three areas: creativitydealing with
the human element, methodssupporting the systematic requirements, and visual
thinkinghelping the designer bring these together.

Creativity produces ideas, methods deliver the pieces and composition, and
visualization make these tangible.
144 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.2The three-topic structure of this chapter and the icons used in the following for over-

The importance of concept synthesis for this book means that we will discuss the
mentioned topics at length all in one chapter. As such, we have split the chapter by
topic as shown in Fig.7.2: (A) the three factors theories, strategies, and models,
(B) the Concept Synthesis Model and the three phases of conceptualisation, and
(C) reflecting on this module. Furthermore the topic ideation is treated as four
interrelated actions: create, combine, visualise, and complete. Figure7.2 shows the
icons used in this chapter to support the reader.

7.2Theories on Ideation and Conceptualization

Conceptualization not only leads to the development of concepts but also to key
design knowledge. This knowledge clarifies the arguments for a concept and
lays down the rationale for why the selected concept should be successful. This
7.2 Theories on Ideation and Conceptualization 145

builds on both creative and systematic thinking, which can both be supported by

7.2.1Creative Thinking

Creativity has two key meanings: the ability to create unique solutions and the
ability to produce many solutions. This is illustrated in Fig.7.3, which shows, on
one hand the designers level of creativity, and on the other the output from the
creative process in terms of design ideas. Both of these are subjective and can only
be realised with respect to a third part judge.
Many researchers have evaluated design creativity in terms of problem solv-
ing. However, creativity is important throughout the whole design process, as well
as in many other aspects of daily life e.g. jazz improvisation or artistic painting.
Psychologists define creativity as the ability to combine known elements into
something new. This definition contains the relative element new; new to whom?
In the moment of creation, it is difficult to know if something is really new.
In the design context, new is relative to those solutions that already exist on the
market. In order to create something new here a designer must understand the cur-
rent solutions, their elements and their raison dtre. It is not sufficient to function
creatively; you have to have some good pieces to move. A second question that
is relevant in the design context is: should the ideas be useful? We argue that in
the first round the answer to this is no because over constraint can limit creativity.

Fig.7.3Interpretations of creativity
146 7 Concept Synthesis

However, the designers must know the basic needs to be addressed, and existing
solutions, in order to understand what might be valuable for the user. Thus there is
scope to explore wild ideas in these early stages before the focus turns to project
timeline and pragmatic applicability.
Hatchuel and Weil (2003) link creativity and knowledge in C-K Theory to try to
explain ideation. They distinguish two domains: concept (C) and knowledge (K).
Here, concepts are proposals that have no logical status in the knowledge area i.e.
they are things we know nothing about. Thus investigating these concepts leads
to new knowledge and the empowerment of the concept. Ultimately, this develop-
ment results in a new concept and new knowledge, which adds to existing knowl-
edge, see Fig.7.4.
Creativity also depends on attitude. It takes daring to create something new,
believe in the creation, and work towards its realisation in the final solution. As
such, we can learn from children who are creative simply because they have not
yet recognised the barriers of culture, social norms, rules, traditions, and com-
mon sense or their own ego, rationality, and logic. Working to remove these bar-
riers thus has many names e.g. thinking out of the box, lateral thinking or to be
conscious of mental space. When we work to free ourselves of these barriers
we allow our subconscious to produce ideas without our conscious thought. This
is called incubation, which has four phases (Shapiro 1980): preparation, where
the designer recognizes and works on a problem i.e. soaking themselves in the
problem. Incubation, where the subconscious works. This takes time and evi-
dently is most productive when other things occupy us. Illumination, where the

Fig.7.4Model of C-K Theory showing movements in the concept and knowledge domains
7.2 Theories on Ideation and Conceptualization 147

idea occurs as a moment of enlightenment. This is normally a short, critical period

because the idea is easily lost. Confirmation, where the idea is developed and per-
haps shows its potential. Based on this incubation can be trained by attention: Do
you need incubation time? How long, an hour, a day? In what situations do ideas
occur? A surprising fact is that ideas often occur in situations not devoted to cre-
ativity e.g. when walking in nature, while they are more difficult to force using
creative techniques on demand.
Building on this combinatory perspective on creativity, one of the most produc-
tive ways of generating ideas is association:
Similarity: linking the unknown with known things. Here we look for direct
analogies i.e. similar geometry, function, sequence, visual impression, context,
material etc. Alternatively, symbolic analogies focus on verbal similarities e.g.
strong as a bear, fragile as glass.
Contiguity: there is a mutual connection. Here we look for connections
between known ideas, and then try and transfer these connections to the prob-
lem. These connections can be physical or abstract e.g. related in time.
Contrast: linking solutions from the opposite problem to the current problem.
Here we can use real opposites or simply imagine opposing requirements e.g.
start a fire>extinguish a fire. These can then be used to generate ideas for our
given problem e.g. put fuel in a fire extinguisher to start a fire.
As we have discussed design is not just a jigsaw waiting to be assembled. Instead
it evolves through the resolution of the many issues encountered in producing the
final solution, its elements and their interaction. Here, we are often confronted
with paradoxes (Dorst and Hansen 2011; Hansen etal. 2009). A design paradox
is a conflict between two possible, well-argued, interpretations of a design situ-
ation. Here, both interpretations seem valid, and the designer must balance them
by assessing usability, cost or sustainability outcomes. As such, we can see that
design is an almost continuous process of resolving paradoxes where the ideal is
solutions that dissolve these conflicts, based on the values of the designer and the
specific project.

Designing a Copenhagen Market Hall. First year students at the Technical
University of Denmark were asked: How can we make the fruit market
square in Copenhagen more attractive? The students were required to iden-
tify needs and propose solutions. Using a socio-technical approach the stu-
dents identified a network of actors and collected the need statements shown
in Table7.1. The students were surprised to find that many of the statements
were incompatible with each other, making a solution rather challenging.
148 7 Concept Synthesis

Table7.1Important actors perspectives on the market hall

Actor Potential discourses Need statement
Lord mayor A landmark of Copenhagen Being recognized as a visionary politi-
cal leader of Copenhagen
Interest group An integrated part of Copenhagen Do not obstruct the existing
townscape Copenhagen townscape
Food Food hygiene level Avoid contamination of food
administration commodities
Fire brigade Fire safety and rescue Avoid obstacles, which hinder access
for fire engines or evacuation of
Customers Easy shopping, shopping must be A marketplace, which is worth visiting
an experience
Sales persons Good display of fruit, protected A good marketplace, which attracts
against theft, shelter for sales per- many customers
sons and fruit
Design team We have to design an attractive Being acknowledged for creating the
market space right design

Dissolving design paradoxes demands trade-off reasoning i.e. to find a solution

that is suitable for all conflicting criteria, rather than finding a completely alterna-
tive solution by separating the criteria. Solutions of this sort often emerge from
constructive conflict where different designers propose challenging solutions that
force the design team to discuss trade-offs. This is linked to the fact that design is
a learning process, driven by the designers reflections on ideas and goal decisions
(Bucciarelli 1984). This learning is highly dependant on the situation, described as
situatedness. Thus when design paradoxes are encountered we have a number of
ways of dealing with them (Hansen etal. 2009) e.g. reframing the goal formula-
tion and task, deconstructing the assumptions behind need statements, looking for
radical alternative ideas, or creating trade-offs. These are only possible once there
is a good understanding of the problem and possible solutions; as such we explore
trade-off reasoning further in Chap.12.

7.2.2Systematic Thinking

Systematic thinking brings order to our understanding of possible solutions by

considering the whole solution space. This builds on the underlying nature of
design, where we create things by combining their characteristics. A product is
defined by a set of characteristics, thus varying these characteristics can lead to
different products. Systematic thinking gives a structure for this combination and
variation of characteristics.
7.2 Theories on Ideation and Conceptualization 149

Systematic thinking in conceptualization aims to promote awareness of and

collect the pieces from which solutions can be composed.

Product classes can be defined by shared functions or mode of use. Thus these
classes can be described in a systematic model. Figure7.5 shows a systematic
representation of various means of human powered transport (Andreasen 1984).
Here we describe the product in terms of its key characteristics. It is from this type
of systematic thinking that morphologies emerge (Zwicky 1948). Zwicky, origi-
nally demonstrated this by showing that all jet engines could be described by vary-
ing just 11 characteristics linked in a morphology, leading to 36,864 possible jet
engine principals.
Morphology combines a set of characteristics and propositions for variants or
extensional characteristics. These can then be combined to create new solutions,
based on any number of different design perspectives, as illustrated in Fig.7.6.
This can also lead to the search for new principals, and thus use activities or func-
tions based on variation of alternative principles, for example, using catalogues of
physical principles as proposed by Koller (1979) and Roth (Roth 1994). However,
a principle in itself is not a solution until it has an embodiment and an arrange-
ment. As such, variation is key to many systematic approaches.

Fig.7.5A systematic representation of human powered land transport

150 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.6Morphology with systematic variation of an idea for printing on paper, with some
example solutions

Using systematic thinking can help the designer try and imagine all the
solutions and get an overview of the solution space. However, creating a sys-
tematic overview and identifying what to vary and how, are dependent on crea-
tive activities. Thus, we see systematic and creative approaches as necessarily

7.2.3Visual Thinking

Henderson (1999) wrote in her seminal book that In the world of engineers and
designers, sketches and drawing are the basic components of communication;
words are built around them. Visual representations shape the structure of the
work and determine who participates in that work and what its final products will
be. They are a central component of social organization based on collective ways
of knowing. Our knowledge as designers is described and codified in drawings.
These can be free form or linked to more or less standardized symbols, techniques,
and norms. Standardization not only concerns technical items or parts but also the
processes by which drawings are produced. Hence drawing is often described as
the language of designers (Tjalve and Andreasen 1975).
7.2 Theories on Ideation and Conceptualization 151

Drawings not only display information but also support the thinking process in
their production and communication in their sharing. McKim (1972) highlights
this cognitive aspect in his book Visual Thinking, where there is an interaction
between imagination, drawing, and interpretation of this drawing (Fig.7.7). In this
way details emerge from sketching that were not intentionally planned. Perhaps
surprisingly we find that the hand and the brain support each other in a creative
process. This is driven by our ability to imagine and develop ideas in the minds
eye by continuously sketching, reflecting, and modifying. Such imagined pictures
are so important in design and externalizing them is seen as a basic characteristic
of designers. I draw something. Even if it is potty, I draw it. The act of drawing
seems to clarify my mind, Cross (2008) quotes from an interview with a designer
[potty is a British colloquialism for something that is a little bit crazy].
Tjalve emphasizes the importance of work sheets and collecting visualisations
of alternative solutions as a means for what we call self communication i.e. using
visualisations to support ideation and reflection, see Figs.7.8 and 7.9. This tech-
nique can be seen as graphical brainstorming. In a similar way film directors
conceptualise the scenes they will shoot and the flow between them in a continu-
ous storyboard of sketches.
The multifaceted role of visualisations (Fig.7.7) means they can make very
useful boundary objects (Chap. 4) (Henderson 1999). They create a common
understanding by making things explicit allowing people to communicate other-
wise tacit knowledge. This is further supported by the fact that drawings are cre-
ated interactively and can be dynamically shaped and redrawn.
Besides the situations noted above visualisations also play an important role in
development, from idea sketches, to formal drawings describing a products final
embodiment and details for production. In this way visualisation brings together
creative and systematic thinking to support the designer throughout the design
process. The nature of sketching helps keep the design process flexible, sketchy,
experimental and open, covering many possibilities until the final selection of the
best concept. The main question is, what type of visualisation to use in a given
design situation and for a given conceptualisation strategy.

Fig.7.7Sketching in
support of creativity
152 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.8Example of Tjalves (1979) graphical ideation technique

7.3Strategies for Conceptualization

A concept strategy aims to provide the safest and simplest way to get to a fully
detailed concept. Strategic thinking is necessary because of the many conditions
influencing the designer, from optimisation of resource use to risk reduction.
When properly formulated design strategy can have a significant positive impact
on a project. However, this is dependent on the designers ability to match the
strategy to the task, the product, and the skills of the design team.
7.3 Strategies for Conceptualization 153

Fig.7.9Example of a designers sketch for self-communication challenged by finding flexible

concrete, courtesy Thomas Ulrik Christiansen

Although it may appear that the various models of design provide readymade
strategies, in fact, very few really describe strategy or the rational behind the mod-
els strategy. One good example of a model with a strong, embedded strategy can
be found in Ulrich and Eppingers (2004) Five-step Concept Generation Method
(Fig. 7.10). This combines multiple strategic elements: problem oriented search
and solution creation, a systematic overview of the solution space, and reflection
on the learning from concept generation.
A designers selected strategy typically mirrors their interpretation of the main
challenges and possible solutions. This gives rise to three main types of strategies:
cognitive, search, and systematic.
154 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.10A simplified five-step concept generation method, after Ulrich and Eppinger (2004)

7.3.1Cognitive Strategies

Cognitive strategies relate to how we think, learn, and solve problems. This is in
contrast to activity strategies that concern the activities and methods we use to
tackle a situation. These activity strategies are closely related to staging as dis-
cussed in Chap. 4. Decomposing cognitive strategies, four basic types can be iden-
tified (Kruger and Cross 2006):
Problem driven: the designer focuses on understanding and defining the problem.
Solution driven: the designer leaves the problem only roughly defined and
focuses on searching for and subsequently generating solutions.
Information driven: the designer focuses on understanding and searching for
information relevant to the design assignment, and uses this to point to further
relevant information.
Knowledge driven: the designer focuses on relating the current brief to past
experiences and knowledge about similar problems. New aspects are then
explored by gathering information.
These four types form the basis for a strategy space with more specific guidance
on the different approaches (Fig.7.11) (Hansen and Andreasen 2008).
In the context of the traditional design literature the problem driven approach is
dominant. In Chap. 3 we introduced Kleinsmanns Six Images of design, char-
acterized by the drivers: product, solution, value, business, experience, and vision.
Each approach mirrors a designers personality but also their cognitive strategy
and, to a degree, the type of tasks they prefer. The scope and content of these cog-
nitive strategies underlines the diversity of designers, as well as the need to care-
fully fit the strategy to the methods, tasks, problem, and design team.

7.3.2Search Strategies

Search strategies are used when we believe the information or solution is already
out there. This uses broad-spectrum research to identify ideas and insights,
which might trigger or enhance new product development (explored in Chap. 6).
7.3 Strategies for Conceptualization 155

Fig.7.11Four strategic dimensions for attacking a problem

These search strategies typically follow one of the cognitive approaches outlined
above: problem, solution, information or knowledge driven. Search strategies build
on the idea that new technologies are formed from combinations of known tech-
nologies and require existing technologies as a precondition for their manufacture,
distribution, service etc. (Arthur 2009). In this context the dominant search strat-
egy is starting from the knownideas do not come from nothing!

Combinatory development. Arthur (2009) is searching for the mechanisms
behind technological innovation. It is not Darwins mechanisms that pro-
duce radical new technology, but he seeks to understand how heredity
might work in this context i.e. how new technology is established through
the combination of known technologies. He formulates an example: If you
open up a jet engine (or aircraft gas turbine power plant, to give its profes-
sional name), you find components inside compressors, turbines, combus-
tion systems. If you open up other technologies that existed before, you find
some of the same components. Inside electrical power generating systems
of the early twenties century were turbines and combustion systems; inside
industrial blower units of the same period were compressors. Technologies
inherit parts from the technologies that preceded them, so putting such parts
together combining them must have a great deal to do with how technol-
ogies come into being. This makes the abrupt appearance of radically novel
technologies suddenly seem much less abrupt. Technologies somehow must
come into being as fresh combinations of what already exists.
156 7 Concept Synthesis

Search strategies can be articulated as different modes of discovery. These are

often described generally as gradually funnelled divergent (ideation, synthe-
sis) and convergent (evaluation, selection) activities. Here, the belief is that the
remaining solutions are superior, like washing gold out of the sand. The Delft
Design Guide (Boeijen etal. 2013) uses the label Discover for a group of meth-
ods giving insight into the actual situation as a means for change and ideation
including SWOT analysis, morphology, storyboarding, function analysis, and con-
text mapping.
Search strategies are also closely related to navigation i.e. planning the synthe-
sis and composition of the design such that feasible sub-solutions are selected and
composition is productive. Typically this focuses on a goal-oriented exploration in
the part of the solution space where there are potentially good solutions. As such
we are not trying to map the whole solution space and focus on the area that might
benefit us most, just like panning for gold! Here key strategies are the Method of
Controlled Convergence (Pugh 1991), the Design-Build-Test Cycle (Wheelwright
and Clark 1992), and Set Based Design (Ward etal. 1995). The most widely used
is Set Based Design, which comes from Toyotas approach for automobile design.
A set is a range of solutions or alternatives for a sub-system. Sets are explored in
parallel and gradually narrowed concurrently, managing the interactions and inter-
faces between the partial solutions and the total product. The number of alterna-
tives and the depth to which they are clarified is deeper than traditional variation
approaches, however, the subsystems are frozen early by a specification with no
changes permitted later in the process. The power of this approach is reflected by
the many versions that can be found in the design literature e.g. multi component
and multi issues design: How can we most effectively develop components in par-
allel but also rapidly reduce the number of possibilities to a promising design? Set
based design answers this by developing broadly but confronting solutions early in
a kind of elimination race.

Toyota and Nippondenso. Toyotas set-based design included manufactur-
ing concept, styling, manufacturing system design, product design, and
the line of components (Ward etal. 1995). Figure7.12 shows the develop-
ment of an alternator program by Nippondenso. This eight-year project fol-
lowed set-based approaches and intensive design modelling, here called
prototyping. The first years ideas and prototypes were combined, modified,
and improved, and new ideas added. In the 4th year three different designs
were considered with five prototypes each. In the 5th the final solution was
selected as the basis for a product family of 700 alternators ready for multi-
ple car models and clients. Goals were also set for radical breakthroughs e.g.
the performance to weight ratio, leading to a 50% weight reduction.
7.3 Strategies for Conceptualization 157

Fig.7.12Nippondensos research and development process

7.3.3Systematic Strategies

We introduced systematic thinking in Sect.7.1, where solutions are identified

by their characteristics that can be varied to cover the solution space. This pro-
vides the foundation for a structured overview of the solution space, where we can
identify and fill gaps. This is in contrast to solution space blind search strategies
(called point based design). One way of providing a structure for a problem is
the arrangement of goals and means in a hierarchy. Here each element is both a
gaol, when seen from below, and a means, when seen from above, as illustrated
in Fig.7.13. This can help determine at what level a problem should be addressed
and what higher-level elements might contribute to this problem.
Alternatively, the systematic division of the solution space, Fig.7.14, gives
another structure. This example shows the principle options for protecting a
welder from smoke inhalation. Generally, a solution space can be defined by intui-
tively creating a set of solutions with a wide spread. These can then be classified
to find a pattern for dividing further expansion of the space and to help focus the
design activity, Fig.7.15.
Hubkas first law states that the functions and means of a product are related in
a causal, hierarchical structure (explored further in Chap. 11). This can be visu-
alised in the function/means-tree, illustrated in Fig.7.16 based on Buur (1991).
The tree can show not only a single product but also alternative means for cer-
tain solutions. Together, all the possible sub-solutions for all the sub-functions in a
product form the solution space.
Design has a high degree of recursion i.e. patterns at a high level are repeated at
lower levels. As such, many aspects of concept synthesis can also be applied to the
sub-system, component or module level. It also means that strategies like set based
design can evolve during the development activity.
158 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.13A goals/means hierarchy for cleaning a house, intentionally made general to support
the re-evaluation of vacuum cleaner solutions

Fig.7.14Systematic division of the solution space

Fig.7.15Gradual identification of the solution space

7.4 Models of Conceptual Design Activity 159

Fig.7.16An example function/means-tree for transmitting spoken messages over a distance

7.4Models of Conceptual Design Activity

All of the strategies described above build on a foundational model of conceptu-
alisation. There are many different proposals for this, which we will explore here,
before we describe our own model in Sect.7.5.
Conceptual design lacks a clear definition and identity; however, there are three
consistent perspectives: procedural (identifying sequences of activities or tasks),
creative (building on cognitive processes), and strategic (interpreting theoretical
models of design). Design literature contains both descriptive modelstrying to
160 7 Concept Synthesis

explain design activity in practice, and prescriptive modelssetting out instruc-

tions to be followed when designing. Here, we examine a selection of these in
order to lay the foundation for our own model, which seeks to bring together the
disparate threads of conceptualisation into a more cohesive whole.
A basic description that applies to both problem solving and creation is the
TOTE-model (Test, Operate, Test, and Exit), Fig.7.17a. Here the idea is that solu-
tion proposals are formed by the designer and iteratively tested until they work.
The General Problem Solving model, gives a more detailed procedure for this
cycle, Fig.7.17b. Here it is important to clarify the problem and good solution
criteria before seeking solutions (either creatively or through search). Further,
multiple solutions should be created in order to select the best solution through
Problem solving models might seem like linear thinking and an attempt to
apply non-existent rationality to problem solving. However, the strength of these
models is in their ought to aspects. On the other hand their main weakness is
the uncertain understanding the task before we have seen some solutions (co-
evolution, see Chap. 5). Thus it can be difficult or misleading to follow a set of
predefined criteria. This mirrors designs uncertain nature. Based on this Hubka
and Eder (1976) added a set of basic operations to the General Problem Solving
model: providing and preparing information, verifying, checking, communi-
cating solutions, and providing representation (specifying the solution so that it
can be communicated and utilized). Further elaborating on this Lindemann (2007)
proposed the Munich Procedural Model (German: Mnchener Vorgehensmodell)
as an elementary, situation adaptable model of behaviour or action, see Fig.7.18.
This links goal, task, ideation, selection, and consequence considerations. Hear
a unique feature is the integration of use insight into the solutions properties to
align goal, consequence evaluation, and selection. This model helps the designer
to recognise the situation i.e. what aspects should be clarified? Where do I find
new insight or hindering/non-clarified aspects?

Fig.7.17Conceptualisation models a TOTE b general problem solving

7.4 Models of Conceptual Design Activity 161

Fig.7.18The Munich procedural model for problem solving

The same philosophy of supporting the designer in recognising the current situ-
ation and navigating its resolution is found in the C-QuARK method of Ahmed
and Wallace (2004). This very open method takes its name from the eight ques-
tions that it poses to the designer: reasons, optimisation, trade-offs, past designs,
possible issues, validity of specification, limitations, and is the idea worth perus-
ing. This focus on simple clarifying questions aids navigation in complex projects
where others contributions, existing solutions, past designers, and other design-
ers arguments all need to be synthesised. Both the Munich Procedural Model and
the C-QuARK method focus on providing patterns for the designers thinking, nei-
ther model address design activity.
In the context of design activity the General Problem Solving Model can be
applied by adding theoretical design elements e.g. Roozenburg and Eekels (1996)
use form follows function as the basis for their basic Design Cycle, shown in
Fig. 7.19. Here a desired function (from need analysis etc.) forms the starting
point for synthesis, leading to a provisional design. Subsequently, the precondi-
tions for selection are insights into the designs properties from prototyping and

Fig.7.19The basic design cycle, after (Roozenburg and Eekels 1996)

162 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig. 7.20a Model of learning, b the learning process interaction with knowledge utilization
and creation in the design process

simulation. Here simulation is used to broadly describe both simulation tools and
physical drawings/prototypes. Both the Munich Procedural Model and C-QuARK
build on similar efforts to establish insight into the designs properties as the basis
for evaluation.
Underpinning all of these conceptualisation models is the concept of reflec-
tive learning (Kolb 1984). This is shown in Fig.7.20a and explains how designers
recognise and create insight and knowledge. Here design activity not only creates
information but also knowledge. Thus the process becomes an interaction between
problem solving and learning as in Fig.7.20b.
The models introduced in this section both describe conceptual design activ-
ity in a project and form elementary operations occurring at different levels in the
hierarchy of a composed design. This points to the need for a Concept Synthesis
Model able to bring together these disparate elements.

7.5The Concept Synthesis Model

The second major topic we cover in this chapter is our proposed conceptualization
model and its use. Our starting point is the three elements discussed in the previ-
ous sections: theories, strategies, and models i.e. current explanations of concep-
tualization. Two key questions are what constitutes the model, and what insight or
mindset the designer needs to be able to use it successfully.
The model dimension is articulated in three major steps, illustrated in Fig.7.21.
The synthesis is guided by a goal formulation based on the designers understand-
ing of the possible solution space. This in turn builds on understanding about
possible use scenarios, functionality, appearance, similarity to existing products,
features, sub systems, and properties etc. All of these feed from the Explorations
interpretation of need, into the problem and task. However, due to the evolution-
ary nature of conceptualization goal statements can be created when something
7.5 The Concept Synthesis Model 163

Fig.7.21The three steps in our Concept Synthesis model

interesting or important occurs throughout the process. The concepts themselves

are then formed through ideation and externalised as sketched of modelled con-
cept proposals. Finally, the synthesis elements are closed by the selection of the
final concept(s) or as a sequence of evaluation and choices, gradually bringing
the synthesis closer to the goal by iteratively refining solutions.
The mindset dimension is articulated as the knowledge, advice, methods, tools,
and models used in the conceptualization. This has four major traits. First, the
model uses the idea of a solution space delimited by the requirements of the solu-
tion. How this space is populated depends on the available knowledge, the teams
perception of the task and their own limitations. Second, the concept is created
gradually based on intention, ideas, and solution elements from the Exploration.
Concepts are then composed by combining ideas from various domains including
product, use, and issues. Third, we build on the basic strategies of goal formula-
tion before ideation, and concept selection based on evaluation of multiple propos-
als. Other strategies may be added e.g. for strategic search, to best suite the design
team and the specific staging. Finally, the model promotes sketching (and basic
models) as a means of idea documentation, in order to retain the dynamic, creative
freedom most conducive to successful conceptualisation.
Together these lead to the very basic articulation of our model shown in
Goal formulation: the formulation of requirements and criteria for the
expected ideal solution.
Ideation: the creation and combination of idea elements into concept proposals.
Evaluation and choice: decision-making based on comparative evaluation and
The model is shown with the ideal flow from one step to the next. However, we
acknowledge that there are necessary feedback loops (illustrated by the feedback
Here we focus on concepts, rather than ideas, because concepts are answers/
solutions that are sufficiently detailed and clarified that we can judge if they sat-
isfy the need, intention, and task. Further, the concept is a starting point, form-
ing the basis for decisions about the product developments more risky or costly
activities. Thus the concept is at the heart of product development, linking all the
activities described in our Encapsulation Design Model, see Fig.7.22.
164 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.22The concept as the core of the Encapsulation model

7.6Concept Synthesis: Goal Formulation

The goal formulation has a major impact on the activities and results throughout
the design process. This is illustrated repeated in industry where strong market
insight and clear goal formulation are key success factors.
Literature reports about a line of studies on products success and failure.
Baxter (1995) analyzes data from Cooper (1993) and points out that strong market
insight and goal formulation is a success factor. Baxter writes: Products, which
are sharply and well defined in a design specification prior to development, were
3.3 times as likely to be successful as those that were not. The message put lots
of efforts into getting the product right at the start before beginning the design
work. Further, Hollins and Pugh (1990) write: In our research, one of the most
surprising discoveries (and one of the most depressing) was the woeful inade-
quacy of the product design specification in companies. They found that short,
incomplete specifications based on poorly argued market research were all too
common in practice. The importance of goal formulation, and its shocking lack in
industry, is further illustrated by Foxley and Blessing (2000). Here, more than 400
UK companies were asked about their product development abilities. Although
44% identified the need to improve customer focus, analysis of competitors and
market, the majority could not articulate how they were competing! Similar results
were found in Germany by Grabowsky and Geiger (1997) where again, customer
orientation and market insight (in the form of effective goals) were the largest suc-
cess factors, while most companies identified these as their weakest areas. The
successful formulation and utilisation of goals builds on three key elements, illus-
trated in Fig.7.23 (Andreasen and Wallace 2010):
7.6 Concept Synthesis: Goal Formulation 165

Fig.7.23Reliable, functional and valid goal formulation

Reliability: the goals should accurately mirror intention, need, goal perception,
and the idea behind the project. A key issue here is transforming speculative
imaginings into concrete goals that can be agreed by the design team.
Functionality: the goals should be clear and understandable, able to be trans-
formed into tangible design tasks to be addressed.
Validity: goals should be updated to reflect changes in need and context or
because of co-evolution. Thus they form a moving target that balances flex-
ibility with the underlying constraints associated with the project e.g. time or
Successful goal formulations serve two main tasks: they allow management or cli-
ents to follow the projects progress, and they support team in arranging and direct-
ing the project. This leads to six key situations where the goal formulation is a
critical document (Hansen and Andreasen 2004):
Communicating ideas: intention, argumentation, motivation, mission, and
expected results.
Managing the synthesis activity: directing exploration of the solution space and
identification of attractive solutions.
Evaluation of design alternatives: helping to decide what should be kept in the
Navigating between solutions and activities: helping to find a possible solution
within the constraints of resources and time.
Decision making at milestones: helping decide the continuation of the project
and fostering agreement between management and the design team.
Breakdown of the goal formulation: helping identify discreet sub goals and
specifying their associated sub systems.
Mapping these conceptual elements to the real world, the tasks linked to the goal
formulation are illustrated in Fig.7.24. As this mapping is complex, and the role
of goal formulation diverse, it is essential to carefully check if the goal formula-
tion is working as expected in the actual project.
166 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.24Requirements of the goal formulations functionality (Hansen and Andreasen 2004)

To create an effective goal formulation we need to transform the users needs

and the life cycle actors interests into entities to be designed. These entities
should also be coupled with success criteria, again linked to the users and actors.

7.6.1User Needs and Actors Interests

When we dream about owing a new product, be it a car or a kitchen knife, we usu-
ally express our desire as wishes for the product and its characteristics e.g. a big
engine or crafted blade. These paint a patchwork picture of the ideal solution and
reflect the specific personality of a user e.g. one car buyer might only want enough
space for their golf clubs, while another might want to go camping for a week.
These need to be synthesised into a concrete unambiguous ideal solution that
describes the whole productnot just bits. Thus when we create an ideal solution
we bring together many statements and wishes, while also remembering the key
needs that must be addressedno one will buy a car that doesnt move, no mater
how much storage it has!
Satisfying the user means balancing the dream product with an available solu-
tion that meets the demands of the use activities. However, the user is just one
of many actors involved in a products life cycle. Thus the goal formulation must
include criteria for goodness reflecting all the involved actors, not just the user.
This links to what we call universal virtues, illustrated in Fig.7.25. Here, we find
that in each life phase these universal virtues provide criteria for how we can relate
the goal formulation to the actors interests via e.g. cost, efficiency or quality.
The life cycle actors interests can be articulated as values related to the activ-
itys performance but also to the development and utilization of equipment, see
Fig. 7.26, where the products packaging properties radically increase transport
efficiency. Here the products transport properties are determined by the interaction
between product, packaging, and transport means. Focusing on this, Chair number
14 by Thonet can pack 36 units into just one cubic meter (Gleiniger 1998).
7.6 Concept Synthesis: Goal Formulation 167

Fig.7.25The products life cycle and the universal virtues

Fig.7.26Example of a products design fitting with a life phase system: the chair and an old
photo shoving 36 chairs in a glass box for illustration, courtesy Thonet GmbH

Many different entities, like the transport box, appear during the life cycle and
all need to be reflected in the goal formulation. This can range from spare parts
to actual necessary systems. This is particularly important from an environmental
perspective. For example, the materials required to produce, package, protect, and
transport a new car weight ten times more than the car itself. In response to this
example, it is now mandatory for car manufacturers to be able to scrap and recycle
much of their product. Figure7.27 shows recycling initiatives.
Beside the design entities introduced in Chap. 2 there are entities related to
the arena in which the companys products are established, sold, and used. These
include establishing a network, identifying a value chain, and supplying services,
accessories and spare parts. Many products exist with the express purpose of driv-
ing sales of consumable elements. For example, games consoles are sold at a loss
in order to move larger quantities of the profitable games; similarly printers often
generate more income via ink refills than sales of the basic print unit.
168 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.27Demolition scrap sorting and household sorting system

Ultimately the model in Fig.7.28 means that as the design entities in a project
are gradually clarified the goal formulation must be updated. Further, as the project
is detailed it may also be necessary to work out sub documents for components,
especially if they are to be outsourced. In this context, the goal formulation focuses
on use, functionality, and propertiesdefining the performance of the design enti-
ties without necessarily constraining the entities themselves. In order to achieve
this level of cohesive, encompassing goal formulation we must build in value state-
ments tied to tangible elements in the concept (Hansen and Andreasen 2007).

Formulate value statements. Describe the good product from the actors
Relate value statements to the products functions. Describe what the
product should do. A product with high-performance, precision function-
ality is normally better.
While designing, consider the requirements from multiple perspectives.
Statements will be more or less ambiguous in their formulation, thus
interpretation can lead to surprising solutions.

Fig.7.28Examples of design entities that can either be incorporated in conceptualisation or

separated into independent design tasks
7.6 Concept Synthesis: Goal Formulation 169

Fig.7.29Noise and loss distort the goal formulation

These tasks can be supported by the simple exercise of creating an internal sales
brochure linking the product description to emotional points: What the user can
do with the product, supported by a story about a characteristic users experiences,
feelings related to use etc. This is particularly relevant in a business-to-business
setting where user communication is usual neglected.
As highlighted in the third heuristic above interpretation is critical to the reali-
sation of the goal formulation (Jul Nielsen 1990), see Fig.7.29. The complex
information, from Exploration, must be formulated into an idea and intention for
the project leading to the desired goal.

7.6.2Articulating Goodness and Value

A goal formulation can be articulated as statements about what the entities should
do and their desired properties. Statements about properties include the required
functions and functional properties, product properties, and relational properties
concerning a products interface with the user, life phase systems etc. Typically we
distinguish requirements and criteria as in Fig.7.30.

Fig.7.30Illustration of solution space requirements and criteria

170 7 Concept Synthesis

Example goal formulation statements for a production machine are: noise

level lower than 30dB, shall be able to fit through a standard door, use hydraulic
power, and Yield 10kg. These are requirements. They describe both characteris-
tics (size, hydraulic power) and properties (noise, yield), formulated as absolutes.
In order to validate a design proposal these must be satisfied. Some other state-
ments for the same machine are: easy to operate, waterproof, and attractive. These
are criteria. They allow us to compare solutions e.g. assessing ease of operation.
Here, the first and last criteria are subjective, while waterproof can be defined
in technical terms and measured via a prototype. Finally, we also encounter state-
ments such as: show the number of parts completed. These are desired functions.
We discuss how these can be articulated and built into a product in more detail in
Chap. 13. However, it is relevant here to understand that when we synthesise a
product we bring these elements together, reasoning about functions and proper-
ties in parallel.

7.6.3Formulation and Use

In practice a company defines a teams goals and responsibilities in a set of

documents. Of importance here is the product goal specification. In the design
literature there are many proposals for how this can be formulated and used
(Roozenburg and Eekels 1996; Dym and Little 2000; Ulrich and Eppinger 2004).
This core document is usually supported by the design briefclarifying mis-
sion, vision, and ideas, and the business specificationclarifying market strategy
and economical goals (Andreasen and Hein 1987). Although these might seem
straightforward they pose a double-edged sword. First, the more statements we
include the greater the difficulty in articulation and communication, shifting the
focus from useful progress to documentation and formalisation (Almefeldt etal.
2003). Second, the more we work on the goal formulation the more confidence we
place in it, rather than checking the actual results in reality.
Experience from practice suggests that the ideal approach is to create the goal
formulation solution neutral, but to set out the tasks based on what you know. It
is difficult for designers (or anyone else) to imagine goals and tasks without tak-
ing a starting point in known solutions. This leads to the following quote from
Wallace and Andreasen: A goal statement may never be correct, can never be
complete, can never be final, can never represent the views of all stakeholders
and actors, can never prevent incorrect and conflicting interpretations, can never
resolve creative conflict, and it should not!. The moral here is that we should not
let the goal formulation blind us to the need, intention, etc. We must inevitably
move forward with the project and build on the goal formulation through idea-
tion. This provides contrasting drivers for the process, the analytical goals and the
creative ideation.
7.7 Concept Synthesis: Ideation 171

7.7Concept Synthesis: Ideation

In this section we focus on transforming ideas into concepts, where they are ready
for evaluation and choice. This transformation builds on four elements: create
(generate ideas), combine (ideas are combined into concept proposals), visualise
(illustrate and document the concepts key traits), and complete (link concepts to
the most relevant activities and life phase conditions). Figure7.31 shows Concept
Synthesis together with the four conceptualization activities. This is a reminder
that although we will discuss these activities sequentially, they are in fact inter-
connected, with clarifications in one dimension leading to changes in the other
Ideation is extremely open, no approach is out of scope and there are no clear
start or end points. This leads to key challenges, illustrated as questions: I have a
reasonably good solution, should I continue to search for better solutions? I have a
lot of ideas already, how should I proceed? I want to generate a convincing set of
alternatives, what should I do?
Our concept synthesis model and the four activities in Fig.7.21 thus provide
a safety net supporting the designers personal approach to ideation. Together the
four activities help ensure that ideas are articulated and captured in a useful way
for the design process.

We cannot expect ideation to be a single planned and focused activity. Ideas
emerge during Exploration, while goals are formulated, when found ideas are
scrutinized etc. Moreover, ideas continue to be generated throughout the project,
and might even challenge or seem better than the chosen concept. Thus a key ele-
ment in creativity, beyond strategy and methods, is actually capturing ideas, mak-
ing them tangible and combining them into concepts. One way to start this process
is to look at the characteristics of established, successful businesses (Jul Nielsen
1990). New business can then be found by more or less systematic variation of
172 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.31The four-element transformation of ideas into concepts

the relevant characteristics. Here core characteristics can be found in the different
issues related to products, for example:
Usability: ideas that make use easier, more efficient or enjoyable may lead to
other innovations (Hede Markussen 1995).
Environmental characteristics: reducing a products total environmental
impact or influencing users behaviour to be more environmentally friendly can
both yield new innovation (McAloone 2000).
Service: introducing service elements can attract buyers attention, change
behaviour, and increase value perception (Tan etal. 2008).
Business: many companies launch generic products, not daring to do things
differently. Exploring new areas of technology, product functionality, visual
design, sales mode or delivery type etc. can provide a starting point for variation
and innovation (Jul Nielsen 1990).
Business strategy: new ways of operating as a business can spark innovation,
and innovation can point to new ways of operation (Kirkegrd 1988).
These do not cover all the possible areas of innovation, but they do highlight the
need to explore the various perspectives that can be used to raise questions and
thus produce ideas. Figure7.32 gives an example of a systematic mapping of dif-
ferent issues to be explored in ideation. There are many other sources of inspi-
ration including: nature, sport, logistics, games, science fiction, play, and so on.
Similarly, prototyping, working with products, and experimentation provide more
tangible sources for ideas. All of these can be facilitated with a range of methods.
The simplest creative method is to create dialogue. Its staging is simple: one
person seeks help from another in solving a task. The helpers role is to formulate
questions, to provoke new perspectives, and to help develop new lines of through
by bouncing ideas back and forth. The helper is key, as this does not work as a
solitary activity, Fig.7.33.
7.8Combine 173

Fig.7.32One systematic mapping of issues related to ideation (Hansen and Andreasen 2005)

Fig.7.33The dialogue
method and its pitiful

Chapter 2 described the composed nature of concepts, while Chap. 6 showed how
exploration provides the various elements to be combined. Thus the composition
of a concept reflects the various dimensions of the product e.g. realisation, use,
and life. This links to the ideas in the product and ideas with the product. In any
given situation previous products can be used to help clarify these dimensions
simplifying composition as illustrated in Fig.7.34.
174 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.34An idealised representation of a concepts composition

Combinatory design of a hemodialysis machine. The reliability and opera-
tion of hemodialysis equipment is such that it can be operated by patients
at home. This reduces the cost of treatment by over 50% for hospitals.
However, current generation machines are not designed for the home. To
address this user workshops were organised to pinpoint key issues, gain
insight into the functionality required for home use, and identify the criteria
for a good home machine. This was further supported by field studies in hos-
pitals and in patients homes, focusing on the nurses and patients operation
of the machine. These resulted in insights regarding economy, stigmatiza-
tion, aesthetics, safety, and hygiene.
Using these insights four concepts were created based on a building block
approach, combining components from existing machines and arrang-
ing them in new layouts focused on home use. Finally, a concept proposal
was produced that was well received by patients, and could be easily pro-
duced based on past components as shown in Fig.7.35. The project was per-
formed in cooperation with the Association of Kidney Patients in Denmark.
Courtesy Anna Heuschkel and Laura Fokdal.

Fig.7.35A CAD rendering and use scenario illustration for the home dialysis machine
7.8Combine 175

The process of searching for and maturing ideas is often pictured as the narrowing
funnel shown in Fig.7.35a. As the funnel reduces ideas are rejected, combined,
and developed until a concept is selected. This is sometimes called the death
curve (shown in Fig.7.35b) where ideas are rejected until only one remains. Both
of these illustrations highlight the importance of combining ideas and the princi-
pals of set based design (Andreasen and Hein 1987).
Figure7.36a shows the two perspectives on combination: A post mortem view
where it is relatively easy to identify if there are sufficient good ideas, and a pro-
active view where ensuring a flow of potential ideas is an open question. In this
proactive sense a good strategy is to explore as many areas as possible as illus-
trated in Fig.7.32b.

Colostomy pouch. Colostomy pouches are a relatively simple product, how-
ever, maintaining a dominant market position demands expertise in areas
including plastics, gluing, packaging, distribution, disease development and
treatment, and relation with the public health infrastructure. In the context of
conceptualization this highlights the significant challenges faced by design-
ers trying to combine ideas from these very different domains.

7.8.1Organizing the Combination

The difficulty highlighted above raises the question, who should be responsible
for combination? There is no easy answer to this question, although there are a
number of different approaches that can help. These aim to better align the various
areas of innovation: product creation, marketing, sales, and production. Further,
they often demand new organisational structures to work effectively. Below we
highlight five strategies for supporting combination and strategic alignment.

Fig.7.36Two illustrations of idea flow leading to a single, usable idea

176 7 Concept Synthesis

1. Composing a product committee: this brings together function managers

from finance, marketing, distribution, sales, production, and development to
manage the establishment and utilization of new product development.
2. Composing concept proposals: concepts are mapped out and clarified with
respect the various relevant functions in order to mature the idea and identify
possible issues.
3. Composing a project team: a specific team is made responsible for concept
creationusually with a quirky name such as idea land. This team can
access any expert in the company and is empowered to involve employees from
any functional unit.
4. Company theme days: informing about new production technology, network
partners, lead customers etc. is introduced to the whole company to encourage
employees to suggest ideas from any unit.
5. Business-responsible team leader: similar to the project team, a single leader
is appointed who is responsible for ensuring alignment between the business
needs and ideation across the functional areas.

One of the key tools for helping bring together the various actors needed in com-
bination is visualisation. In particular visualisation supports actors from different
backgrounds developing a shared understanding of a concept. There are three gen-
eral visualisation rules in this context.
1. They should illustrate as many different concept perspectives as possible
(Fig.7.22) in order to foster a broad understanding of the concept on display.
2. They should use different mutually supportive modes of communication e.g.
text, figures, data. This should make the visualisations both self-explanatory,
and accessible to actors from different backgrounds.
3. When alternative concept proposals are presented, they should be visualised
in the same style, using the same techniques, and showing the same elements.
This means all the concepts should be detailed to the same level in order to
allow for a more balanced comparison.
It is generally true that well illustrated ideas tend to be more attractive, particularly
when presented to management teams who might be unfamiliar with the details
of the project. This introduces two risks in visualisation. First, care must be taken
7.8Combine 177

to ensure the viewers of a concept illustration understand what they are seeing.
For example, it is quite possible to make a visualisation photorealistic, which can
lead issues where clients get a false sense of certainty and do not understand that
there are many questions left unanswered in the concept, see Figs.7.35 and 7.37.
When we illustrate a concept it does not need to comply with the laws of physics,
as such the transition to final product can produce quite radical changes. Second,
where concepts are visualised at different levels of detail it is common for view-
ers to select based on the quality of the visualisation rather than the quality of the
idea. This is particularly true of sketches where much is open to the interpretation
and imagination of the viewer.

Conceptualisation of a bicycle helmet.

Fig.7.37Example visualisation of a bicycle helmet concept proposal

178 7 Concept Synthesis

During a student project a new bicycle helmet was proposed. First, the main
challenge was identified based on interviews, questionnaires, observations,
and workshops. This resulted in the goal to make a more elegant and com-
fortable helmet suitable for the social bicycling scene in Denmark. Here a
key trade-off was the sizeclosely tied to the perception of eleganceand
the protection offered by the helmet. Several concepts were composed: the
use of conical elements for impulse absorption, the production of absorp-
tion cones on plane sheets to be folded to the tree dimensional form, and
customisable foam inserts allowing helmets to be adapted to the user. Finite
element analysis was used to assess the protection characteristics of each
concept, which were prototyped using vacuum formed absorption cones.
The final concept offered the thinnest helmet on the market and supe-
rior safety performance. The final stage in this process has been bringing
the product to market. Here the concepts were presented as illustrated in
Fig.7.37. This highlights the key elements of the concept and how analysis
has been used in selection and comparison with existing designs. Courtesy
Anders Sund Nielsen and Jakob Filippson Parslov.

Obviously the ultimate aim of idea generation and concept combination is to com-
plete and select a final concept. Preferably this concept should be both innova-
tive and safe, unappealingly contradictory criteria. In seeking innovation we can
often neglect project aspects leading to development risk; while in seeking safety
we can focus too much on clarification and endless research that kills innovation.
Unfortunately there is no specific approach to balancing these and it must be based
on careful case-by-case assessment. However, some areas that are easily addressed
during completion are those related to the business, and not directly related to the
realisation of the product. Some general rules are:
Sales: identifying new or otherwise special sales channels; creating new sales
or advertising approaches; highlighting the products environmental virtues in
special marketing efforts, design elements etc.; creating a history related to the
product or incorporating it into a larger narrative.
Users: focusing on new user or buyer segments; tailoring announcements to
specific user segments; empowering the products graphical or iconic identity.
7.8Combine 179

Distribution: identifying ways to simplify, combine or enhance the distribution;

developing new distribution or logistical approaches.
A particularly effective approach, when used well, is the idea of incorporating the
product or the brand into a larger narrative. This can be used to drive a nostalgic,
romantic imagination of the brands ethics, quality consciousness or other desir-
able attributes. Alternatively it can be used to identify the brand as an underdog
fighting the system and thus more worthy of support. It is worth noting that if such
stories are found to be false or are poorly executed the customer backlash can be
significantuse with care!

Product story. The Danish company Lego was established in 1930 by Ole
Kirk Christiansen, who manufactured wooden toys. The name was made
from the Danish leg godt meaning play good. Later the local priest told
him that the Latin meaning is I collect or I construct. In 1947 wood was
substituted by plastic, and in 1958 the connection concept for current Lego
pieces was patented. The toy range has gradually developed from basic
pieces to functional pieces, thematic toys, and computerized elements.
Today Lego figures are related to a wide range of popular media series and
movies (Fig.7.38).
The Lego brand is so strong that no story need be added. The reputation for
creative play is supported by research, while customers create webpages or
form clubs and other open source networks. However, Lego has still worked
hard to develop a narrative around its ethical standards. Here they have
focused on maintaining quality and fighting inferior imitations. They have
also spent a significant effort in communicating many of their design deci-
sions and product choices to the public in order to support their narrative as
an open and ethical company.

Fig.7.38a Children playing with Lego. b A serious use of Lego for conceptualization,
courtesy Georg Kronborg Christensen
180 7 Concept Synthesis

With the completion phase finished the ideation phase of concept synthesis ends,
leading directly into evaluation and choice of the produced concepts. In reality
there is usually some overlap between these phases as evaluation and ideation are
both continuous processes, and there is often a more gradual selection and devel-
opment of the final concept.

7.9Concept Synthesis: Evaluation and Choice

The main concern in evaluation and choice is the quality of the decision, which
can only be indirectly influenced by methods. The concept decision is the point
of no return in terms of both fulfilling the need, intention, and task, and ensur-
ing a good estimation of tractability, probability of business success, and possible
negative effects. This relates to the five core dimensions to be satisfied by the goal
formulation during decision-making: evaluation, validation, navigation, concern of
totality, and making the decision. Evaluation methods tend to focus on how well
the goal formulation is satisfied by the actual design. In terms of validation we
recommend a broad perspective following five heuristics (Hansen and Andreasen

It is the designers responsibility to consider the full product lifecycle

and identify critical issues or effects that would be caused by the concept
under consideration.
Where identified, these critical effects should be described and avoided
if possiblesuch that the concept has the best possibility for demonstrat-
ing fit for life under all conditions.
The concepts utility should be fully described and enhanced where pos-
sible to give the concept the best possible fit for purpose. Note, this does
not guarantee a competitive edge.
Legal considerations should be documented. Legislation and standards
etc. often demand systematic testing, which can be significant for some
concepts (Alexander and Clarkson 2000).
Similarly, validation should be correct, complete, and clearly documented
in compliance with any legal or systematic requirements (Alexander and
Clarkson 2000).
7.9 Concept Synthesis: Evaluation and Choice 181

Evaluation and choice are inherently uncertainty activities. In particular we

encounter the following paradox: lack of data leads to uncertainty and the desire to
further clarify the concept, however, it is not possible to move forward with con-
ceptualisation if every concept must be fully concrete before a decision is possi-
ble. We cannot bring all our concepts to market just to see which is the best in
the real world! Identifying the balance between our desire for more clarification,
and making an early decision is not simple and relies heavily on experience. Thus
involving more experienced designers and other relevant actors in evaluation and
review is essential. The aim is to strike a balance between the natural optimism
of younger staff and the natural caution and pragmatism of more experienced
An example of where this balance can fail can be taken from our experi-
ence with a Danish design firm. The designers typically presented very detailed,
embodied product proposals to the management team, leading to complaints such
as I know what I get, but not what I could have had. Here, the balance has gone
to far towards concretisation with the design team losing sight of the conceptual
aspects that would have allowed them to identify alternatives.
In general companies make evaluations by formulating a list of criteria by
which to compare alternatives. However, design deviates from these types of
methods due to its dynamic progression. We do not stop the design activity to
perform externalized, systematic presentation of alternatives, unless the situa-
tion is decisive e.g. a review meeting. Typically decisions in the design context
grow organically from the iterative refinement of concepts. Further, this evolving
characteristic means that different decision dimensions become relevant at differ-
ent points, requiring a more flexible evaluation approach. This allows designers to
make tentative decisions that can be later verified.

Tentative decisions. Mortensen and Tichem (1994) analysed integration
decisions at Bang and Olufsen. Here they found that a key goal for the new
product was a clean, silver surface finish (see Fig.7.39). Three solutions
were developed with aluminium machining appearing the most promis-
ing. Thus a tentative decision was made to follow this production solution
and then later verify it based on experiments. This allowed them to further
develop the concept while experiments were carried out. The ultimate result
was that the decision was validated and changed from tentative to final. Thus
the team was able to start purchasing of the machines, tools, and materials in
parallel to the continued development.
182 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.39CD-drawer on
a B&O system, Beosound
9000, courtesy Bang and
Olufsen A/S

The importance of tentative decisions is further highlighted by Badke-Schaub

and Gehrlicher (2003), who found that of 40 decisions recorded in a project 21
were made in the project group, 13 involved management, and 11 involved exter-
nal partners. Less than half of these decisions were planned beforehand i.e. there
was no agenda and preparation. Thus it is critical that designers consider alterna-
tives. Nutt (1999) found a 14% increase in project success rate when companies
actively worked to consider and incorporate alternatives. Further, formal evalua-
tion methods are seldom used in industry, with only 15% using them routinely
in one study (Janhager etal. 2002). Thus a significant responsibility is with the
designer! We recommend the following heuristics.

Make decisions visible. Make alternatives explicit with detailed visualisa-

tions, and record the key criteria, assumptions, and arguments.
Stay focused on the most important criteria: Why do we believe that the
customer will buy our product? Identify the criteria that point to this
Visualize the expected product lifecycle (via e.g. the multi board technique,
see Chap. 10) to help identify consequences and service possibilities.

7.9.1Making the Evaluation

Design concepts are ambiguous in their nature and thus difficult to evalu-
ate. Evaluation and choice can be based on guesswork, gut feeling or intuition.
However, it is normally better to use a rational method or at least an open proce-
dure (Cross 2008). Here the starting point is always the goal formulation, or part
of it. This can then be confronted with the concept.
7.9 Concept Synthesis: Evaluation and Choice 183

Does the proposal satisfy the requirements? If not is it actually a

Criteria from the goal formulation can be used to compare alternatives,
leading to a ranking.
One traceable evaluation approach is to link each criterion to a scale rep-
resenting goodness, and then to sum the scores.
Key criteria can then be recognised by weighting the scores before they
are summed.
Criteria related to different stakeholders should be treated separately as
they cannot be summed i.e. a benefit for one doesnt necessarily balance
out problems for another.
Despite the apparent rationality of using a scoring system it is important
to also apply common senseno system is free of bias!

Many authors recommend using measurable criteria by setting a metric and/or

measurement method. This technique can be valuable for judging detailed compo-
nent alternatives or choosing between components from suppliers. However, value
aspects are always subjective as they are related to user perceptions. A metric may
lead to a technically good product, but cannot guide us to products with competi-
tive advantage, value, and utility.

7.9.2Evaluation Criteria

It is important to underline that the criteria for concept evaluation and choice must
be found in the goal formulation. This is important because we often see that spe-
cial criteria are invented for final selection (fitted to the intended winner?), or
arbitrary lists of advantages and disadvantages are applied.

Telephone standard. An architectural competition was launched in 1980 to
create a new standard for public telephones. The winner became a sculptural
standard in stainless steel (Fig.7.40). This was widely considered to have
won because the proposing architect was relatively famous at the time. Key
to the competition requirements was that the standard should be accessible
to those with disabilities, including wheelchair users. In this context many
claimed that the winning design was in fact a non-solution, causing signifi-
cant public backlash. The key here is to always respect the goal formulation,
inventing new criteria to favour a particular person or concept is unprofes-
sional design practice.
184 7 Concept Synthesis

Fig.7.40The winning
standard for public phones
called the question mark
from 1980

There are stakeholders related to many criteria. For example, management aim
to reduce risk, while the design team try to ensure tractability of the project
technically and economically; or the project and its marketing should generate
profit, while the user desires utility and good value. How to treat such con-
flicts? One way is the use of multiple successive levels of evaluation criteria.
Here the first level might focus on the products raison dtre e.g. possible,
profitable, desirable, and sensible (Blessing 2014). A new product might be key
to the survival of the company if it is actually profitable. The dimension sen-
sible is more difficult to describe. From one perspective it is that the product
has a raison dtre for both user and producer. From another perspective, the
product should be sustainable and respect legislative, ethical, and moral crite-
ria. A set of superior criteria is economy, tractability, and attractiveness, as in
Once these high level criteria have been considered the goal formulation can be
used for a more careful evaluation of need, value, and competitive advantage.
7.9 Concept Synthesis: Evaluation and Choice 185

Fig.7.41Visualization of a decision with four alternatives and the criteria: attractiveness for
the customer, economy for the company, and tractability for the design team

Remember that a goal formulation cant be fully correct, complete, and

Check if user preferences have changed since the goal formulation was
Identify the criteria key to competitive advantage and ensure they are
Aim for impartiality when evaluating design alternatives.
Aim for the same level of detail describing the same aspects for each

Evaluation will reveal both strengths and weaknesses in individual concepts. As

such, a good strategy is to combine concepts. Remember that the task is to find the
best concept, not necessarily the perfect or optimal concept.

7.9.3Organizing Concept Decisions

Arranging formal, methodical decision-making processes will empower the deci-

sion-making but are not sufficient in isolation. Reliable decision makers use both
logic and intuition (Patton 2003). Concept decisions should be based on input
from different functional areas e.g. market, economy, and production. Kihlander
etal. (2008) identify five factors influencing concept decisions, which say a lot
about the context and culture for decision-making.
1. Project and goal: the project specification and goal formulation are the basis
for choice but can reflect specific requirements regarding e.g. features that are
seen as sales arguments. There may also be cross-organizational links to other
projects on re-use, resource sharing, coordinating launches etc.
2. Procedures and support: the various organizational levels and functional
areas related to a project can paralyze a decision making in meetings via lack
of clear leadership or responsibility and unwieldy documentation. Care should
be taken to efficiently manage those involved.
186 7 Concept Synthesis

3. Individuals competences and motives: technical insight concerning products

and competition is important but a products multidisciplinary nature makes it
difficult for specialists to work outside their area. As such, it is important to
focus on the goals and market needs. Experience is important but can be based
on out-dated insights or be fixated on a particular favourite area. Thus lead-
ers must take responsibility for decisions and also ensure that procedures are
followed. It is important to note that if a company has bonus arrangements, or
other incentives, these can easily twist concept decisions towards these systems
rather than the real goals or needs.
4. Teamwork and company culture: unwritten rules, forces in the informal
organization, and power struggles regarding whose ideas and areas should be
supported often come to the fore in concept choice situations. Thus procedures
and methods can be used to try and defuse political decision-making by focus-
ing on the goal formulation.
5. External aspects: a companys robustness relies on its ability to operate over
a long period, and maintain its resources in the face of changing market and
economic conditions. Systematic methods are key to ensuring these long-term
factors are considered in concept evaluation.

7.10The Module Concept Synthesis

We distinguish Concept Synthesis as a separate module because it can be seen

as an independent activity performed by professional concept makers or idea
makers. This feeds into Product Synthesis, Product Development, and ultimately
Product Planning, as in Fig.5.9, and illustrated in more detail here (Fig.7.42).
Together with the Exploration module concept synthesis leads to a definitive
concept. Thus the concept synthesis module is a significant decision milestone in
both Product Synthesis and Product Development.
The six dimensions shown in Table7.2 illustrate the forward-looking aspect of
conceptualization (Belliveau etal. 2002). These all deal with future situations
ensuring product tractability, risk reduction, and positive economic outcome.
These provide a checklist for things to be considered in a concept proposal. They
are critical to success or failure but it is a matter of judgement how they are related
or should be weighted in a given situation. This underlines the fact that a concept
is much more than a sketch or rendering, it is a comprehensive clarification and
documentation of the Exploration and Concept Synthesis activities.

7.10.1The Milestone Meeting

Dym and Little (2000) highlight the many stakeholders associated with con-
cept choice. This might be because of special knowledge, because they will
be influenced by the consequences of the choice, or because they have some
7.10 The Module Concept Synthesis 187

Fig.7.42Concept synthesis as a module in a conceptualization b product planning c product


responsibilities related to the decision. Thus each part brings different levels of
interest and input. Empirical research on milestone behaviour shows significant
deviations from what is seen as good decision-making. Christensen and Varnes
(2006) report that few decisions taken at milestone meetings build on rational
methods, instead these meetings simply become a rubber stamp for decisions
which have already been made, or a forum for political argument. Thus there is no
general practice for a milestone meeting.
This rubber stamp approach is actually in line with recommendations from
Andreasen and Hein (1987): management should not evaluate and choose, but
sanction the proposed choice. Here, the managements task is to judge the quality
of the analysis and synthesis with respect to strategy, resources, competences, risk,
and business creation (Jensen and Andreasen 2010). Together these make mile-
stone activities an ambiguous, multifaceted phenomenon.

7.10.2Reflecting on Concept Synthesis

It is critical that projects and activities like Concept Synthesis be finalized by

reflection. We must learn from our own experiences if we are to improve! Dym
and Little (2000) write: The second kick of a horse has no real educational
value. Reflections lead to better practice based on:
188 7 Concept Synthesis

Table7.2Example of evaluation criteria for choice of concepts (Belliveau etal. 2002)

Factors Specific issues Attractive Unattractive
Market Market size >$100million <$10million
Market growth >20% <5%
Market drivers Satisfy all Meets at least one
Market access Existing Needed
Potential market share >20% <5%
Competency Business infrastructure In place Needed
Customer familiarity Current base Few
Core competency Recognized None
Competitive Proprietary position Yes No
issues Leadership position #1 by year 5 No lead
Cost position Lowest Highest
Key competitive advantage Proprietary None
Sustainability of position High Low
Time factors Time to sales <2years >5years
Full commercialization <5years >5years
Competitive time advantage >2years <1year
Operating at break-even <3years >5years
Technology Technology availability In place Needed
Technology readiness Proven Discovery still
Technology skill base (people Available Needed
and time)
Financial After-tax operating income >12% <8%
Maximum cash hole <$20million >$50million
Revenue stream >1 product line 1 product
Business potential >$100million <$20million

1. Review of the projects goal: was the goal formulation a good interpretation
of the situation and our abilities or were there substantial adjustments? Did we
actually end up with a different project and product from what we expected?
2. Review of the process: was the project goal oriented or chaotic? Would the
same process make sense for the next project? Did the process fit the task? Did
we waste time on methods we did not understand or properly integrate? Were
there too many blind roads?
3. Review of plan and budget: did our planning help? What could be improved
for next time? We authors have seen companies with 17years of experiences
not being able to keep plans.
4. Review of result creation: effectiveness and efficiency are two strong criteria
for evaluating the results. Were the results unique and influential? Were our
efforts efficient?
7.10 The Module Concept Synthesis 189

The aim of reflection is not to point to scapegoats, but help to make steps in
improving support and community of practice i.e. the teams way of working.
Other mechanisms like peer review, mentoring, and coaching give individual feed-
back, but this is secondary to the teams performance.


The chapter Concept Synthesis deals with the unique challenge of creating
a concept; in its simplest form: finding something yet unknown. In Topic A we
discussed theories, strategies, and models of conceptualization before Topic
B introduced our three step Concept Synthesis model, which emphasizes the
methodical aspects of conceptualization. Finally, we sought to formalise our dis-
cussions of evaluation and choice with respect to the concept: it must answer the
need, intention, and task; and provide a convincing starting point for the concre-
tization, production, and launch of the product. The importance of formalized
evaluation is also highlighted by our reflections on the problems of company poli-
tics and conflict.
The following three chapters describe the continuation of the design process
and its dependency on Exploration and Concept Synthesis. The Russian Doll
metaphor tells us that Product Synthesis, Product Development, and Product Life
Synthesis all build on these early activities.


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Chapter 8
Product Synthesis

The Product Synthesis activity, the third module in our Encapsulation Design
Model, leads to the definition of how the product will be materialized, i.e. the
composition of the design and its parts. The starting point is a selected concept,
and the results are a full specification of the product. Parallel to this product syn-
thesis also justifies the realization. The product related activities and the func-
tions of product and activities need special care, with a focus on the search for
proper solutions. Materialization means the definition of producible parts and their
assembly, normally called embodiment design.
The core concept in this chapter is Domain Theory, which explains three inter-
acting domains: activity, organ, and part. This theory serves as a backbone for
explaining products nature, the nature of their use, and the synthesis of these. This
chapter explores how conceptualization is found in the details and how the concept
synthesis actually leads into Product Synthesis activity.

8.1Understanding Products Nature and Synthesis

We use the sequence Task/Concept/Design/Business/Use and Life as the backbone

for our model. The element design is the topic of this chapter. Following tradi-
tional terminology, however, we will talk about product and product synthesis,
even though the real output is a specification of the product. Actual products only
appear in the Product Development activity as a result of manufacture and sales,

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 193

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_8
194 8 Product Synthesis

see Chap. 9. Before we come to that, we must ask what is a design and what does
Product Synthesis mean?
Product Synthesis is core to all types of design practice including, architectural
design, food design, textile design, software design, and so on. Although we focus
on engineering design, and mechanical products in particular, we use the general
label Product Synthesis to underline the generic nature of the discussions in this
chapter. In order to understand this we use Domain Theory (Andreasen 1980) as a
foundation. This leads to a concept for spelling the structure of the product and
use activity. This allows the designer (and the reader) to decompose the degrees
of freedom in which to search for solutions and compose the design. As such, we
address the following topics in this chapter:
Section8.2 explores the nature of Product Synthesis.
Section 8.3 examines how Product Synthesis merges knowledge about the
nature of the product and about how people reason about a products
Sections8.48.7 show how Domain Theory can be used to spell the product
and use activity in three different domains: activity, organ, and part.
Section8.8 looks at how Product Synthesis is achieved by progressing through
these domains.
Section 8.9 examines how this gradual concretization and definition of the
design can be captured in a final product model using Domain Theory.

8.2The Nature of Product Synthesis

Product Synthesis is traditionally called engineering design (German:

Konstruieren) but offers substantial insight for all areas of design application as
noted above. Although many of the examples used here focus on products our
treatment of Product Synthesis is such that translation into their other areas is fea-
sible for the reader.
Historically, design was separated from production and sales resulting in almost
all design starting with a goal statement (from management) and ending with a set
of drawings (handed over to production). This is similar to our framing of Product
Synthesis. However, as explained in our Encapsulation Design Model, Product
Synthesis flows from Exploration and Concept Synthesis, and is part of the wider
Product Development organization including marketing, sales, distribution, and
service. Creating a concept can be seen as the core of new product development
but Product Synthesis is the unavoidable craftsmanship needed to realize these
conceptual dreams.
Product Synthesis is generally complex due to the numerous layers of sub-func-
tions and the various interactions needing to be solved in the embodiment of the
product. This leads to multiple part design and interface clarifications. Figure8.1
illustrates the complexity of even a seemingly simple product, a bicycle. At the
8.2 The Nature of Product Synthesis 195

Fig.8.1The result of product synthesis is a complete determination of the designs parts, here
illustrated as an exploded view of a Royal Enfield Revelation from the 1960s

end of Product Synthesis all these loose ends will be tied up with an unambiguous
definition of the products composition, ready for production.
Even when using powerful CAD and product data management (PDM) tools
the complexity of product synthesis results in a number of commonly experi-
enced problems. First, rework, corrections, and changes often result from failures
in cross-disciplinary communication or vague goal statements. These continu-
ous changes result in significant difficulty in managing change propagation. For
example incrementally new products aim for 1020% changes from the previous
version, but often end up with 70% or more. In this changing context remaining
focused is a difficult proposition and results in the loss of the designers intent,
i.e. the traceability of experiences and decisions. Here rework and incremental
design are almost equivalent to start from scratch. Finally, these issues combine to
reveal the limitations of CAD. In this context CADs geometry focus means it is
of little help when reasoning about, e.g. functions, interactions, and activities. As
such, product synthesis must be addressed through design tools.
Our focus can be illustrated using Cross (2008) model which highlights the
layers of synthesis shown in Fig.8.2. The internal layer defines eight stages in
the design process, which are similar to concept synthesis. The core traits are goal
formulation, search for solutions, and selection based on criteria. The outer layer
is the symmetrical problem/solution model that concerns the composition of the
solution. We can substitute problem with function in Cross model without
196 8 Product Synthesis

Fig.8.2The eight design process stages in the problem/solution model (Cross 2008)

changing its validity. As such, we focus on this outer layer, using sub-functions
and their solutions as the key elements to be addressed when creating an integrated
Product synthesis is a design activity determined both from the nature of the
artifact being designed and the designers cognitive abilities. We focus on the arte-
fact dimension in what we call spelling the product.

8.3Differences and Identities in Synthesis

Until now, we have discussed conceptualization generally, i.e. independent of dis-

cipline or the products nature. However, here we narrow the scope to physical
products, which are realized in industrial settings. This is a very broad field where
each product area has its own synthesis theory, or at least practice. For example
mechanical engineering works with machine elements and parts, electronics with
circuits and components, food with recipes and ingredients, and so on. Each has
their own language, way of reasoning, and rules.
The lack of a bridging, general synthesis theory is seen as a weakness of design
methodology and is visible in the problems of multidisciplinary design. How far
can we go in articulating a common ground? Which core aspects are common
across products? There are commonalities related to the activities in which a prod-
uct is used, the functions it realizes, and its material manifestation. This brings
us to Domain Theory, which uses function as a bridging concept in order to help
develop a shared understanding of product realization, relevant across product
8.3 Differences and Identities in Synthesis 197

areas. It corresponds with our view that good design support is obtained by creat-
ing a common articulation of the design entities, i.e. being able to create, model,
and talk about the design in a cohesive waywhat we call the spelling.
Our advice is to focus on approaches that primarily support the overview and
progression of the design, and secondarily management and coordination. How
specific designs in the shoe industry, in health care, in the food industry, etc.
should be articulated requires special insight and is left to the reader. What we
supply is the basic pattern of reasoning.

8.3.1A General Foundation: Systems Theory

Before we explore Domain Theory, we first need to briefly discuss Systems

Theory. This is an approach to the analysis and synthesis of complex artefacts,
preferably composed of discrete, well-defined elements. Its development started in
the 1950s to help deal with complex dynamic systems, such as strategic defence or
airport control. Figure8.3 illustrates the core elements of Systems Theory. Here a
system is modelled as an object with respect to its composite elements and their
relations. Together these form a structure with certain behaviours. The definition
of elements and relations, and level of resolution is left up to the observer. The
basic rules for system modelling are that elements should be of the same kind (e.g.
not mixing devices and activities), and that relations should also be consistent (e.g.
not mixing flow and time relations).
In daily language system has a broad meaning but in Systems Engineering
(Blanchard and Fabrychy 1998; Ashby 1968; Hubka 1973) a system describes
a model of a given object and its elements as outlined above. As such, Systems
Theory forms a foundation that is used in many design theories (Pahl and Beitz
2007; Gero 1990; Suh 1990; Cross 2008) where a products components are seen
as elements. However, one thing Systems Theory does not describe is how to
proceed in synthesizing a design, instead it offers analytical insight. In order to

Fig.8.3The basic concepts of systems theory

198 8 Product Synthesis

address this synthesis aspect we look to Domain Theory, which utilizes Systems
Theory in order to articulate its core concepts. We define a system as follows:

Definition: A system is a model of an object (a real or conceived product

or activity) based on a certain viewpoint, which defines the elements of the
system and their relations. A system carries structure, i.e. the elements and
their relations (arrangement, architecture) and behaviour, i.e. the systems
response to a stimulus depending on stimuli, structure, and state.

The game rules for system modelling are: elements should be of the same kind
(not mixing, e.g. devices and activities), and the same with relations (not mixing,
e.g. flow, kind of, and time relations). The power of Systems Engineering is that
the basic features can be combined with technical theories and models (control
theory, physics modelling, flow theories, etc.) to create more powerful models. Its
strength is in analytical applications, not in synthesis. In the following, we show
how Domain Theory utilizes Systems Engineering to articulate its basic concepts
and add the nature of artefacts to Systems Theory.

8.4Domain Theory and the Three Ways of Spelling

Domain Theory is a development from an earlier theory originally formulated by

Hubka in 1973 (Hubka and Eder 1988). In 1980 Andreasen transformed Hubkas
theory into a model based design theoryDomain Theory. This provides a com-
prehensive set of concepts that allow the designer to model and synthesize prod-
ucts. These concepts are similar to those originally proposed by Hubka but have
been developed to better support educational and practical application (Andreasen
1980). Domain Theory uses three domains (activities, organs, and parts) to
cohesively articulate the nature of activities and products, providing a synthesis
approach. It is a theory teaching us to spell a product in different ways using the
different domains, illustrated in Fig.8.4.
By departing from Systems Theorys general view where everything can be
seen as an element, Domain Theory prescribes three views: one focusing on the
activity, and two focusing on the product (technical system). We propose a vocab-
ulary of different languages associated with each of these three domains. We
illustrate each with an example of a drilling machine.
The activity domain focuses on how the product is used (drilling machine: how
it is used for drilling holes), including the products lifecycle.
The organ domain focuses on what the product is able to do, i.e. how the func-
tional elements interact to create the effects necessary for the activity (drilling
machine: motor, transmission, and clutch transmit force, momentum, and rota-
tion to the drill).
8.4 Domain Theory and the Three Ways of Spelling 199

Fig.8.4Domain theorys
three perspectives

The part domain focuses on the products parts and their interfaces. This is real-
ized in manufacturing and brought together in the assembly process (drilling
machine: the housing of the drill carries the components and creates a hand grip).
How are these domains related? Basically, each is an independent explanation of
the product: how it is used, how it functions, and how it is built. This is illus-
trated in Fig.8.5 with respect to a classic Moka Pot. Here we can explain the pot
via each domain: activities, e.g. to prepare the Moka Pot and put it on the stove;

Fig.8.5Symbolic illustration of the relationships between domains

200 8 Product Synthesis

organs, e.g. the brewing organ, and parts, e.g. the threaded connector linking the
boiling and serving pots. We can now consider the links between the domains.
For example the organ structure (the product) should deliver the effects neces-
sary for the activity, and the part structure should realize the organs as a viable
product. These relationships underpin Domain Theory and its role in Product
In the following sections, we will examine each domain, their contribution to
conceptualization, and their role in synthesis.

8.5The Activity Domain: How the Product Is Used

The activity domain describes how the designer imagines or observes a product
being used in practice. Our main interests are what the product can be used for and
what the product can do. This close relationship between product and use activity
is articulated in the definition:

Definition: Product is any kind of materialized and executable artefact, i.e.

able to carry behaviour and properties in order to realize functions and be
deployed in a use activity.

The link between product and use activity can be decomposed with respect to a
number of operators. These were originally proposed by Hubka and Eder (1988)
but have been adapted here for clarity. The four main operators are outlined here
and illustrated in Fig.8.6.
Products are tools or machines and deliver effects in the form of material,
energy, information or biological entities interacting with the operands (the sub-
ject of the operation).
Humans that operator directly or indirectly through the product.
Methods are the work patterns, knowledge, information, and data necessary to
control the product or humans action. These can be seen as a procedure that
directs the activity.
Active surroundings are the environmental influences (gravity, water, wind,
etc.), as well as given systems, e.g. energy supply, waste removal, cooling air.
All activities are based on natural phenomenon, e.g. the cutting of paper with scis-
sors or brewing beer based upon yeast culture. Utilization of natural phenomena is
also found within the products themselves and is core to their operation, e.g. elec-
tromagnetism in a drilling machines motor. In the following example, we explore
how these elements are combined in a real product.
8.5 The Activity Domain: How the Product Is Used 201

Fig.8.6The fundamental interaction between product and activity explained by operators and

A grill as a technical system. When a grill is used to prepare food the grill
can be considered as a technical system where the operands are the food.
The operator controls the process, as well as preparing the grill (positioning,
lighting the charcoal) and closing it after use (disposal of ashes, cleaning,
storing). The charcoal provides the energy input, while the grill transmits
heat and supports the food. Further, environmental preconditions for grilling
are available, oxygen, gravity, and air movement. Figure8.7 shows a model
of the activities related to preparing and finishing the overall grill activity
including the food preparation.

Fig.8.7Activity model of grilling. The operators method and active surroundings are
not shown
202 8 Product Synthesis

The grill example highlights the two main patterns of activity. The first is the core
operation activity, where the product is the operand and the food is grilled. The
second is the use activity where the product, i.e. the grill itself, is the operand
being influenced by the human and other products, e.g. cleaning devices. The use
activity normally contains many single applications that together constitute the
products service period. As such, this can be formulated with respect to the lifecy-
cle: The product lifecycle includes all activities related to the product from manu-
facture through to disposal. These are explained in Fig.8.8, again using the Moka
Pot example.
In an activity there are four different types of operands that are transformed:
material, e.g. liquids or gases, energy, e.g. electricity or inertia, information,
e.g. control data or speech, and biological objects, e.g. active bacteria or humans.
Output from the activity is described by the operands in their final state, see
Fig.8.4, and constitute the outcome of the products use. For example a final state
operand of the grill is grilled food, or brewed coffee in the Moka Pot. The value
and utility of the product is connected to these outputs. The satisfaction of needs is
established when the product is applied, not when it is sold.

The operation activity is related to a products use. The product, together

with the user, leads to the result of the operation activity, which (hopefully)
satisfies the initially unsatisfied need.

Fig.8.8A product lifecycle for a Moka Pot

8.5 The Activity Domain: How the Product Is Used 203

8.5.1The Activity System

The activities related to a product can be seen as a system of activities. The ele-
ments of this system are single activities and the relations are the operands. In
the examples above we find simple linear, material-oriented systems. These are
derived from a products mode of action based on its key principles. In the same
way an activitys underlying principles create its mode of operation. A drills
mode of action is the transformation of electrical energy into rotation of the clutch;
its mode of operation is drilling via the rotating bore, which creates the desired
holes. Here, technology describes the physical way in which this is achieved.
There exist an enormous number of technologies like harvesting-, food-, tel-
ecommunication- and manufacturing-, all characterized by a great number of
machines, products, and tools. A technology is the sum or interaction between a
product, the activity, and its result. For example one role of riveting technology
is the use of riveting machines to insert rivets when assembling metal plates in
the aircraft industry. However, the designer may see the connecting rivets them-
selves as a technology. Figure8.9 shows some simple examples of technologies
described in our terminology.

8.5.2Designing an Activity

Here we can look back on a classic question: which came first, the chicken or the
egg or perhaps in our context, cycling or the bicycle? This leads us to the idea
of dual synthesis, which in some situations is obvious: a can opener design starts
with the activity of use. However, a chair designer rarely starts by asking, what is
sitting? Fundamentally, when we aim to produce something that is a radically new
way of satisfying a recognized need we must first understand what ultimately sat-
isfies that need. In doing this we must answer the following questions:
What shall be transformed into what final state? What is the operand and what
should its final state be, e.g. opening a can.

Fig.8.9The mode of operation for wire drawing and hole cutting activities
204 8 Product Synthesis

What natural phenomenon, principle or mode of operation can be used to create

this transformation? For example a traditional can opener uses a cutting knife
that proceeds along the cans rim.
What environmental conditions are necessary for the proposed mode of opera-
tion? For example an electrical power supply.
These raise the more philosophical question: can an activity be designed inde-
pendently from the product? Typically, the relationship between a product and
its associated activity is fundamental. For example the bicycle and cycling are
innately linked, cycling alone is hard to imagine as an independent invention. As
such, it typically requires more than one idea or design in order to invent a new
product: one concerning its use activity and one concerning its functionality. For
example the Segway builds on a novel use activity in its steering, coupled with a
new application of existing technologies in order to provide its motor and stability
A general approach to finding new solutions is to systematically modify the
characteristics of known solutions, leading to the following heuristics:

New concepts related to activity may be found by varying how the technical
activity is characterized:
The mode of use or mode of life.
The nature of the operand or alternative operands.
The sequence of activities.
The allocation of tasks between the user and the product.
The type of effects from the operators.

New designs often build on known technologies, frequently with the existence of
production technologies as a precondition (Arthur 2009). As such, one strategy
when searching for new ideas is to focus on understanding the underlying phe-
nomena and subsequently find means to solve, or bypass, inherent technical prob-
lems. For example consider the problem of generating continuous suction when
vacuuming. The apparently inherent problem of the waste bag becoming clogged
was bypassed by using bagless technology. An alternative strategy is to search
for novel applications or use activities for existing or emerging technologies. For
example laser cutters combine well-established technologies to give a new output.
In either case ideas can be developed that idea require experiments to be clarified,
and both strategies can yield concrete current solutions and more conceptual prin-
cipals to be incorporated in totally new designs.

8.5.3Models in the Activity Domain

The synthesis of product and use activity is often overlooked in the creation of
new products simply because an underlying assumption is that the use shall auto-
matically be derived from the way a product works. This not only results in the
8.5 The Activity Domain: How the Product Is Used 205

potential poor performance of the design but also reduces the possibilities for
identifying original ideas in the use dimension. As such, we recommend explicitly
modelling the use activity as a support for the creative process, focusing on the
following criteria:
The temporal and/or physical sequence of activities leading to the transforma-
tion of the operands.
The state change of the operand. In particular, what the input operands should
be and what steps are required in their state changes.
The mode of use or natural phenomenon to be utilized in the transformation
and its arrangement in space and time.
The allocation of tasks between the product(s) and the operator(s).
There is a rich palette of modelling types able to support the designer in this syn-
thesis activity ranging from less formal sketches, computer animations or verbal
presentation to more formal models, such as use cases and Function Analysis
Diagrams. Here, pictures are easily understood, informal text is instructive, and
formal models may be sharp but can be difficult to relate to reality. Together with
spelling the activity these serve a key role in creating activity concepts.

8.5.4Spelling an Activity

When creating a new concept there are several elements in the activity domain
that demand clarification. This provides a core for the concept and can provide
inspiration for its solution. The following heuristics provide guidance for using
the activity domain in practice. These elements are all potential starting points for
conceptualization. Considering these activity elements ensures that an idea can
address what the product will actually do as well as its overall function.

The human need is satisfied by the output from the use activity. Therefore,
the design and explicit articulation of the use activity are critically
When new technologies are needed to realize the use activity the search for,
or design of, these new technologies can form the core conceptualization
The role allocation between the product and the user must link to the use
activity. As such, new concepts can be created through novel allocation.
When the use activity is expanded to include the whole lifecycle the
designer must also conceptualize the lifecycle elements, e.g. service,
upgrade, reuse, and disposal.
206 8 Product Synthesis

8.6The Organ Domain: How the Product Functions

As illustrated in Fig.8.5 two of the domains in Domain Theory are internal con-
siderations related to the products functional unitsthe organs and its physical
elementsthe parts. To clarify, the organ domain describes the functions in a
product, while the part domain describes the parts and their assemblies. In order to
identify organs a different type of reasoning and abstraction is required from what
we might use to identify simple parts. Returning to the bicycle as a common frame
of reference we can explore this reasoning further.

A bicycles organs. Figure8.10 shows the basic structure of a bicycle and
below we outline one possible proposal for the bicycles organs:
Rolling organs: This organ provides the ability to move with low resistance
via the wheels and their interaction with the road.
Force take-up organ: This organ transfers the forces from the user through
the pedal arrangement and the crankshaft to the transmission organ.
Transmission organ: This organ consists of two chain wheels, the chain,
and the stiff connection between their bearings in the frame. The front chain
wheel shares the crank bearing with the pedal arrangement, while the rear
chain wheel shares the rear wheel bearing.
Drive organ: This organ transforms rotation energy to a force on the road,
driving the bicycle forward. It consists of a driven wheel and output via the
tire surface in contact with the road.

Fig.8.10Bicycle terminology, courtesy Daniel Barreneche

8.6 The Organ Domain: How the Product Functions 207

Steering organ: This organ directs the bicycle through the front wheel, head
tube axis, and handles. Its output is a force on the road and a counterforce
on the front wheel. A precondition is force take-up from the road and force
transfer through the headset containing a bearing system.
Structural organ: This organ supports the user and transmits their weight
through the frame and wheels to the earth. This also positions and supports
all the other organs.

From this example we can draw some general points:

Singular organs necessarily interact with other organs to achieve their function-
ality as well as contribute to the overall functionality.
Entities can serve more than one organ, e.g. the rear wheel contributes to the
rolling organ and the drive organ.
Individual parts do not follow the organ composition. The individual parts
shown in Fig.8.10 do not offer a full explanation of the bicycle.
When identifying functions we ask: what are entities doing? And answer with
action words, such as drive, force, transfer, etc. In contrast, during synthesis we
start with a function and ask: what could do this? In this way we can use func-
tional statements as a basis for finding solutions, i.e. organs. As such, we can
define an organ as follows.

Definition: An organ is a system element of a product (when we see the

product as a system from the function perspective). An organ is character-
ized by its function and mode of action, i.e. what it does and how it works.

In order to identify organs we must take a dynamic perspective on the product,

examining what happens over time, i.e. what state transitions occur (see Chap. 12
for more). As organs are based on natural phenomena, the organ interacts with the
surroundings when external effects (stimuli) act on it. Some of these effects can
then be utilized as functions.
Organs are the functional building blocks of a product. They are the solutions
that the designer constructs such that their interactions lead to the desired over-
all function. These interactions are normally chains of effects. The composition of
organs is called an organ structure.

Definition: From a functional perspective a product is a system of organs.

As such, a products organ structure is defined by the organs (its elements)
and their interaction (its relations).
208 8 Product Synthesis

Using this logic we can re-examine the bicycle example from earlier. Here, the
interactions between the organs can be easily identified in the example: rotational
force from the feet is transmitted through the transmission organ to the bicycles
drive organ and then to a force on the road, driving the bicycle forward. The
organs functionality depends on these interactions.
In order to realize these functions organs build on natural phenomena, such as
physical, chemical or biological effects. Thus, the kernel of product synthesis is
in the identification and arrangement of such phenomena (via the organs) into a
whole that is able to realize the necessary functions.

A corkscrews mode of action. Wine bottle corks can be removed by pen-
etrating the cork with a needle and pumping air into the bottle until the
pressure is so high that the cork pops out. The product is similar to a small
bicycle pump. Its main functions are to create air pressure and give access to
the air space under the cork. These are realized by the pump and the hollow
needle respectively. Another concept for a corkscrew is to press a thin steel
plate between the bottles neck and the cork. This changes the friction and
when the plate is pulled out the cork follows. The physical effects utilized in
the two products are thus pressure increase and changing the coefficient of

8.6.1Models in the Organ Domain

In Fig.8.2 we saw Cross illustration of the problematic mapping from sub-

functions to sub-systems, i.e. organs. Composition models in the organ domain
thus describe both the organs and their interactions. There is again a range of
approaches to modelling this system; however, they should typically aim to clarify
the mode of action. Ultimately, considerations from the organ domain are linked
to progress in the parts domain and it is thus typical for these to progress in par-
allel. Although organs are fundamental to product synthesis, they are much more
difficult to immediately imagine in comparison to parts. In an effort to help miti-
gate this we will present a number of different organ models in order to help the
reader get used to thinking in terms of organs.
One possibility is using function language. Here, instead of focusing on the
organ as a concrete solution we focus on the organs functions. Functions are the
useful effect delivered by the organ. As such, we define the product via a system
of function labels, e.g. create force, conduct current, create closure, and position
needle. Figure8.11 shows one such model, where a products organ composition
is articulated via functions.
8.6 The Organ Domain: How the Product Functions 209

Function labels. Bang and Olufsen sponsored project aimed to design a multi-
store CD player (Hede Markussen 1990). Discs to be played are brought into
the device (a), clamped (b), and transferred to the player (c). Alternatively,
discs can be loaded without being immediately played. Here they continue
from the clamping (c) into a circular store where the disc is secured (d). The
functions related to these activities are described in the spatial arrangement
illustrated in Fig.8.11. Here, a, b, and c each represent an organ.

Fig.8.11An example visualization of a products organs using function labels

An organs mode of action (German: Wirkungsweise) can be articulated using

simple symbols to describe a product diagrammatically. This technique is typically
used for diagrams in, for example electronic or pneumatics circuits and train sys-
tems. Figure8.12 describes the functions of a Tea maker in symbolic language.
Another way of modelling the organ domain is illustrated in Fig.8.13. This
shows the layout of an actuator with the parts and their relations. On the left is the
technical layout drawing and on the right is the same assembly represented as a
symbolic mechanism. This shows three arms that transmit force and move relative to
each other about a central pivot. In this way the symbolic mechanism representation
can be used to describe the organ (Courtesy Troels Petersen and Jens Peter Poulsen).
In electrical engineering there is a standard language for components (composi-
tions of parts) that allows organ structures to be modelled at a generic level (circuit
solutions) and at a quantitative level. In mechanical engineering it is more difficult to
use similar standard representations because solutions are often superimposed over
each other such that components serve multiple purposes, e.g. the frame in a bicycle.
210 8 Product Synthesis

Fig.8.12Symbolic representation of the organs and their interaction in a tea maker

Fig.8.13Reading an organ structure from a part structure drawing

8.6.2The Organ Domain as Concept Inspiration

Any technical idea actually describes organs by finding the mode of action based
on natural phenomena. Therefore, many of the approaches mentioned in Chap.
7 (Concept Synthesis) can also be applied in organ synthesis. Organ thinking
includes both of those organs hidden in the interior of a product and those that
interact with the environment, e.g. interacting with the user or tool organs like a
robots gripper. When we articulate or spell a product concept several organ heu-
ristics should be considered.
8.6 The Organ Domain: How the Product Functions 211

One starting point for synthesis is in the search for appropriate organs that
deliver the effects demanded by the use activity.
Articulating functions in a solution neutral form forces us to consider
Articulating functions focuses the search for solutions by providing
abstractions that lead to organ classes, e.g. motor or operating organs.
Organs should be composed with respect to the sub-tasks and sub-func-
tions of the product (Fig.8.2).
Ultimately, the model of the organ structure should provide sufficient detail that it
can be handed to another designer who could reasonably be expected to complete
the detailing with minimal further input. As such, organs need to be described
in detail where their characteristics are specified with respect to the principle of
the organ. Tjalve (1979) illustrates the transition to part structure in the example
below, showing the qualitative and early quantitative considerations.

Tilting mirror. In an optical device, e.g. a periscope, a mechanism is needed
such that an operators input movement tilts a mirror in order to change the
angle of the reflected light. Figure8.14 shows alternative principles (a),
a selected principle (b) and its variations (c), and the variant that leads to
the illustrated part structure (d). The transmission mechanism is one single
organ. The final picture shows how this is attached in the device, as well as
its input lever.

Fig.8.14Tilting mechanisms organ design and materialization illustrated by Tjalve (1979)

212 8 Product Synthesis

8.6.3Spelling the Organs

One of the key reasons for the three domains of Domain Theory is to allow the
designer to identify and utilize different design perspectives or degrees of free-
dom. The following heuristics articulate the degrees of freedom in the organ

The organs define a products functions and properties. Therefore, it is

important to understand their physics and mode of action.
Understanding an organs operating principle allows for assessment of
alternatives, as well as providing a foundation for materialization.
The organ structure describes how the effects necessary for the activity are
achieved. However, do not aim at completeness; move to the part domain
when concretization is needed.
Although some designers prefer to design based on part reasoning we rec-
ommend that at least a rough organ structure be described. This is because
in the part structures complexity the function aspects of organs are easily
The organ domain provides a common ground between different disci-
plines. Using function reasoning allows actors from all disciplines to con-
tribute to the product synthesis discussion.

We see reasoning about functions and organs as a necessary precondition for a

deeper understanding of how a product functions and thus how to generate alter-
natives, to reuse or steal solutions, and to empower their performance. In order
to complete this understanding organs and their functions must be materialized as
parts. The part domain, explored in the next section, addresses this materialization.

8.7The Part Domain: How the Product Is Materialized

Many designers feel themselves most comfortable working in the part domain.
Working with specific parts gives a tangible basis for reasoning resulting in
sketches and concepts that focus on the part structure. The limitation of this
approach is that the parts do not necessarily explain the functionality and interac-
tion of the organs. In this sense the part orientated approach does not support the
search for alternative solutions because it is always limited to a search for substi-
tute parts rather than entirely new approaches or phenomena. In the mirror exam-
ple above (Fig.8.14) consideration of organs allows us to search for entirely new
8.7 The Part Domain: How the Product Is Materialized 213

ways to transmit the light, which could include video or other alternative means.
In contrast considering only the parts might allow us to refine the current assembly
e.g. replacing the mirror with a new material but does not allow us to re-examine
the fundamental function of the mechanism. As such, the part and organ domains
should be used in complement to each other throughout Product Synthesis.
As with organs, parts behaviour is based on natural phenomena, e.g. stiffness
or conductivity. In this way specific parts can help achieve the desired effects, e.g.
piezoelectrical crystals can be used to create electric current. These characteristics
link the parts to the organ domain. Here, the organ domain explains behaviour and
functionality, while the part domain explains how this is built, i.e. the embodi-
ment of the parts and their relationships in the assembly. This leads to the follow-
ing definition of a part.

Definition: A part is a system element of a product (when we see the prod-

uct from the embodiment perspective). A part is characterized by its physical
properties, e.g. form, material, dimensions, and surface qualities.

In order to identify parts we need to consider how a product will be created via
individual produced and assembled parts. This can be derived from the organs
(which are themselves determined by the desired functions). As such, the part
structure is primarily dictated by the organs but also takes into account how the
product will be manufactured. This composition of parts, or part structure, is also
referred to as architecture in the US. For clarity, we use the following definition.

Definition: From an embodiment viewpoint a product is a system of parts.

This part structure consists of parts, seen as elements, and their assembly
interfacing, seen as relationships.

This is illustrated in the example below.

Toy torch. The toy torch in Fig.8.15 can be viewed from both the organ and
part perspectives. In image (a) we see the organ for transmitting the finger
forces (the housing also belongs to this organ) and the organ for creating
rotation. In image (b) we see the finger grip part and how its details con-
tribute to the organs: for returning, for end stop, and for locking. As such,
this one part integrates the two main organs as well as contributing to other
organs through its additional features.
214 8 Product Synthesis

Fig.8.15A hand-driven toy torch: a Two organs integrated through the part b The part
used for additional organs: end stop, locking, and returning

A key challenge for designers thus lies in successfully merging conditions from
the organ domain with those from the part domain to make an integrated part
structure. In this context each part can have multiple modes of action, contribut-
ing to multiple organs, and have many of its physical characteristics determined by
production and assembly.

Electric lighter. An electric lighter based on a piezoelectric crystal creates
an electrical spark to ignite the gas when a force is applied to the crystal.
As such, the crystal is a single part, which requires another part to act on
it in order to generate the spark, as well as a circuit leading the current to
where the spark is delivered. Here, the crystal is a component specific to the
lighter, while the housing and fuel delivery parts are generic to the whole
range of lighters produced by the company. This is how the create current
organ works.

Certain parts and compositions of parts are found identically in many products
and therefore available as off-the-shelf products or standard components (machine
elements). Compositions may be defined from production point of view as sub-
assemblies or from development point of view as modules in product family archi-
tectures. Some parts are serving specialized tasks, for instance, where the part is
8.7 The Part Domain: How the Product Is Materialized 215

active as a tool in an activity: The sewing machines needle, a scissors two sharp
edged parts cutting paper, the propeller giving propulsion to a boat, etc. Such parts
normally serve or realize organs operating directly on the activitys operands.
In particular, parts and sub-assemblies are often designed such that they can be
used in multiple different products to form either off-the-shelf products or parts
of larger product family architectures. Where parts are specialized for a particular
product they often realize those organs operating directly on the activitys oper-
ands as illustrated below.
It is important to try and articulate an organs mode of action, as well as pre-
cisely define a parts characteristics. From the organ perspective we might ask in
which direction the lighter actuator (see above example) must transfer force and
how it moves with regard to the desired degrees of freedom. From the part per-
spective we might ask what form should the actuator take to fit in the operators
hand and interface with the rest of the lighter. These two perspectives are merged
in the following part characteristics developed from Hubka (1973):
Form which can be modelled or interpreted as geometry
Material, which determine properties like elasticity, strength, conductivity, etc.
Surface quality, which determine properties as wear, smoothness and
Dimension in the meaning size and measure; slightly unsystematically can tol-
erances be seen as dimension also.
State like tension, magnetic, warm, etc. necessary for its task in the organs.
In order to complete the part structure it is also necessary to take into account the
relationships between the parts, e.g. positioning, fixing, and movability (rotation,
sliding). This is generally achieved via the addition of specific interface surfaces,
e.g. threads, grooves, and chamfers.
Traditionally, the output from this product synthesis process is a set of drawings
specifying the parts characteristics as well as how they are assembled. These use a
standardized language for projections, cross sections, symbols, etc. However, these
only give a partial explanation of the design: we cannot see the liquid in a pump,
the current in a circuit, the actions of the user or the use activity when applying
the product. As such, we need to more closely consider the overall synthesis of the
part structure.

8.7.1Conceptualization and Models in the Part Domain

When developing the final product it is important to remember that most mod-
els or representations of the design are evolving and do not generally describe
the final model that will be brought to market. This is important because design
is recursive, i.e. we find the same pattern of activity on all levels of the designs
resolution into main functions, sub-functions, and so on. However, all these levels
216 8 Product Synthesis

relate to the organs and parts. As such, the designer may use the same concept
synthesis and product synthesis operations again and again. Thus, these evolv-
ing models allow the designer to flexibly bring together the three domains in an
iterative evolution of the final product. This is exemplified by the fact that the
visual elements are often the last to be considered. For example, the overall vis-
ual impression of the product emerges late in Tjalves development of the Tea
machine seen in Fig.8.17. This stems from the need for an overall understand-
ing of the major parts before aesthetic form can be defined. This means that in
incremental design it is often possible to start with a visual design, into which
the organs and parts are forced to fit. This is also related to the use of pattern
thinking in the design to create similarities in a family of products, giving a visual
identity and style to support a brand. Similarly, modular design aims to create a
varied product family by combining common modules. This can give a high level
of diversity whilst retaining visual and functional commonality between products.
Alternatively, developing new concepts for parts can create different product
solutions. Here, the manufacture of the product incurs significant cost and is there-
fore worth optimizing were possible. A second alternative is structural variation,
which changes the spatial position of organs and parts, and varies their interfaces.
This can again be undertaken from different perspectives, such as optimizing the
product structure or reducing space and material use. These can all be realized
using building method thinking to support the choice of production method. If
we consider, for example gearboxes, door hinges, bicycles, and wristwatches, we
find that there is a limited set of preferred alternatives. As such, it can be highly
beneficial to start with a known building structure, instead of trying to be innova-
tive in such a constrained environment.

8.7.2Spelling the Parts

The part domain concerns the products realization: how can we produce and
assemble parts so that the overall functionality is achieved? Conceptualization
proceeds from abstract considerations about need, use, functions, and organs to
parts, but it is also possible to reason from given components. The argument for
the longer reasoning path via functions and organ domains is that it allows the
possibility of innovation and utilizes all the design degrees of freedom. Further, it
ensures a more systematic fit between need, task, and solution. However, in order
to be successful it is necessary to remember the parallel need for clarification
activities in conjunction with the synthesis of the design. The many choices made
in embodiment are based on argumentation that needs documentation in order to
support a companies future development, as well as for legal reasons.

The composition of clarification activities is just as complex as the products

exploded view. However, it is not obviously visible and thus easily forgotten.
8.7 The Part Domain: How the Product Is Materialized 217

Our treatment of the part domain may give the impression that synthesis is just
completing a jigsaw puzzle with a mix of new and reused pieces. It looks like this
because we have not discussed the need to create the products goodness as part
of the synthesis. This goodness comes from attractive functionality, fulfilment of
the required properties, and a balance between quality, cost, manufacturability, and

8.8Product Synthesis: A Three-Domain Progression

Proposals for how to progress with Product Synthesis are rare outside of concre-
tization and detailing of the part structure. Here, the conceptual core can come
from many different areas, e.g. new business ideas, a novel way of using an exist-
ing product or new features of organs. However, whichever path is chosen there
are certain characteristic patterns that describe the progression of the design activ-
ity. One major example of this is that the significance of decisions follows two
defined progressions. First, the significance rapidly decreases from the early stages
where quality of need satisfaction and business cases are considered. Second, the
detailed decisions become more important towards the end of the process with the
increasing importance of quality and, e.g. manufacture of the product. These two
curves describe the importance of keeping focus on both the need satisfaction and
business matters, and the details of realization (Andreasen and Hein 1987), illus-
trated in Fig.8.16a.
A second characteristic is the start and finish of design. Here, the end is given
by a fully specified part structure, ready to go to production. In contrast, the start
can be found in any step, although the causality chain must be respected. For
example the use activitys result satisfies the need>realized via the use activ-
ity>facilitated by the products effects and functions>delivered by the products
organ structure>and materialized in the part structure. We call this a causality
chain because each levels goal is defined by the level above, as illustrated in

Fig.8.16Two characteristic patterns of product synthesis: a the importance of decisions b the

causal chain
218 8 Product Synthesis

This causality chain is not articulated in the literature except by Hubkas

General Procedural Model of the design process (1976) and implicitly by Tjalve
(1979). However, Tjalve does give an exemplary articulation of product synthesis
beginning with problem analysis. Tjalve takes four further steps: function think-
ing, search for solutions, defining the basic structure, and the quantitative struc-
ture. These steps are illustrated in Fig.8.17. Basic structure describes organs and

Fig.8.17Product synthesis as proposed by Tjalve (1979), illustrated using a copy of Tjalves

figures of the design of a tea machine. The numbers of the sketches refers to Tjalves model of
product synthesis at the top
8.8 Product Synthesis: A Three-Domain Progression 219

their functional relations giving the principle of the product. Here, alternative solu-
tions or combinations lead to different basic structures. Quantitative structure
describes the transition from organ to part structure. The organs physical volume
and physical interactions are determined, and alternative spatial structures are con-
sidered. These determine the operation of the product, production, assembly, and

8.8.1Top Down or Bottom up?

Product synthesis models mirror the artefacts nature. For example Tjalves model
generally points to many of the design degrees of freedom that also exist in the
design of non-mechanical products, while most models from literature concern
mechanical products. All these models describe a top down sequence of activi-
ties from a functional perspective, where the authors note that feedback loops may
occur. These models tend to be visually sequential with the feedback loops or deri-
vations from the sequence poorly described. However, as we saw in Chap. 5 these
loops are almost unavoidable because of co-evolution and intrinsic features of
design. For example co-evolution shows how increasing insight into possible solu-
tions gives better insight into the problem and thus forces the designer to refine
their approach. We explore some of these issues in the following example.

Egg sausage machine. In the late 1960s a Danish egg producer came up with
the idea of producing hardboiled egg in the form of a sausage. The aim was
partly to deal with the needs of its catering business and partly to better uti-
lize its raw materials in producing a refined product. Hubka and Andreasen
worked together on the development of the machine. After a number of
unsuccessful attempts to find a principle for a continuous process it was
decided to use discontinuous forming and coagulation. Here, a set amount
of yolk and white were combined and heated, causing coagulation from the
outside in. Once this process was complete the forming tube was removed.
The end result was an egg sausage that gave well-proportioned identical
slices. This is illustrated in Fig.8.18.
Experiments showed that the originally expected machine layout, using a
hinged form, was impossible because the white stuck to the form surface. This
problem was solved using a spring-form, however, this changed the design of
the form parts, demanding a new layout. A second change based on experi-
mentation was that the original concept, with a forming tube surrounded by
the heating chamber, was not as simple as first imagined. Here it was found
that it was necessary to interrupt coagulation by cooling. As such, cooling
chambers were defined and the form with the coagulated sausage moved from
220 8 Product Synthesis

Fig.8.18Opportunistic considerations in the design of an egg sausage machine

heating to cooling zone. Finally, in order to achieve the desired level of pro-
ductivity it was necessary to arrange 48 tube subassemblies in a carrousel.
This leads to two realizations. First, something that was originally thought
to be a minor detail, the separation of the sausage from the form, ended up
being decisive in the machines layout. Second, the physical realization of
the organs via the part structure solved multiple functions. For example, the
spring-form not only solved the separation issue but also was also integral to
the transport system moving the sausage between heating and cooling zones.
Further, the heating and cooling chambers became an integral part of the
larger production carrousel.
Necessary organ materializations were utilized for the through flow func-
tions: the spring-form becomes a transport system, the form tube becomes
part of the heating and cooling chambers and part of the transport system,
the heating and cooling chambers becomes a carrousel.

This example shows how detailed considerations can have significant effects on
the overall product synthesis and that this is realized by moving between the three
domains. This is illustrated in the three parallel activity patterns in Fig.8.19. In
all three domains there is progression from abstract to concrete and from unde-
tailed to detailed. Further, both the satisfaction of the need via the final use activity
and the complete specification of the part structure can be seen as end points. This
is idealized in the cause chain shown in Fig.8.16 and the example progression
shown in Fig.8.19.
Many factors influence the design of the product. Broadly speaking any single
factor or issues can from the basis for new product conceptualization. A typical
example of such an influential issue is sustainability. A company may see redesign
for sustainability as an opportunity to develop a more sustainable brand image and
increase its market share. However, sustainability can be linked to almost eve-
rything in the company, e.g. product range, suppliers, manufacture, product life
8.8 Product Synthesis: A Three-Domain Progression 221

Fig.8.19Interrelation between the three domains in a product synthesis case. The arrows illus-
trate the progression from the egg sausage example: 1 spring-form>2 activity considerations>3
sub-system functions and 4 organs>gradual detailing of new sub-activities 5 and new organs 6

aspects, and material consumption. Thus, it is up to the companys ecological con-

science and its creativity to select a focus area and perform innovation.
We postulated a three domain progression as being a fruitful understanding
of product synthesis in this section. Although this can seem complex it is a recog-
nition that all three aspects need to be considered if freedom and potential solu-
tions are not to be lost. As such, we propose some heuristics to help the designer
with this progression.

There is no reason to follow or expect a strict sequence in the product syn-

thesis activity. It can be much more powerful, in terms of innovation and
value creation, to be able to fluidly focus on ideas in each domain as they
Even though Exploration and Concept Synthesis create the conceptual
core it is never too late in product synthesis to add new dimensions if they
enhance the product, value or business. These can also reveal new perspec-
tives and thus change the conceptual core.

Product synthesis takes different forms depending on the type of design being
undertaken. For example consider the three types introduced in Chap. 1: new,
incremental, and platform. In new product design synthesis is dependent on
Exploration and Concept Synthesis for confirming the need is valid and for ensur-
ing the tractability of the innovation project. In incremental design past designs
are used as a starting point and thus substantial contextual and design information
can be brought forward into the new product. However, this should be balanced
against a strong description of the new product concept, ensuring it has a raison
dtre in and of itself. Finally, in platform-based design each relevant product
variant belongs to a family of products. The definition of variation and commonal-
ity between the family members is designed to ensure broad market coverage, as
well as good utilization of company assets. Thus, the individual product is bound
to certain game rules, dictated by the characteristic activities, organs, and parts,
associated with the product family.
222 8 Product Synthesis

8.9Product Modelling: The Products Chromosome

Many models are created during the design activity, each with different purposes
and techniques as discussed in Chap. 3. As many of these models relate to the syn-
thesis of the design we propose the following distinction:
Design models: intermediate models that support synthesis, communication,
and verification activities via, e.g. simulation.
Product models: models that support the progression and final specification of
the design via, e.g. technical drawings for manufacturing purpose.
Roth (1988) noted that many partial models, not necessarily linked to each other,
characterize design work. Figure8.20 illustrates how design activity can be seen
as levels of functional decomposition leading to a growing number of related
models, and how Roths imagination of scattered models might look. In order to
bring these views together we developed what could be seen as a genetic design
model system (Mortensen 1999). As proposed by Ferreirinha etal. (1990) we call
this core product-defining model a Chromosome Model, shown in Fig.8.21. The
Chromosome Model is intended to give a generic descriptive model of the product,
mirroring Domain Theory. The composition of activities, organs, and parts is mod-
elled in hierarchical patterns and interrelated as shown in Fig.8.21. The model
has gradually been changed (Andreasen 1990; Jensen 1999; Mortensen 1999). As

Fig.8.20A scattered pattern of design models in product synthesis. The top picture shows
the top-down determination of functions and synthesis, while the bottom picture shows Roths
description of scattered models in time and coverage
8.9 Product Modelling: The Products Chromosome 223

Fig.8.21The chromosome

such, the model captures the gradually synthesized design entities. When we want
to clarify a certain sub solution we may sketch and detail it in a design model until
its characteristics can be added to the overall product model.
In contrast to clarifying a certain sub solution we can explore and justify cer-
tain properties of the design via a view model. This is composed of the design
characteristics, parameters related to the surroundings and the influences (stimuli).
Figure 8.22 shows these relations with respect to the product model and other
intermediate design models.

Fig.8.22Ideal application of the chromosome model for creating a structural product model in
the three domains. The product model gradually builds up from design considerations and deliv-
ers characteristics to view models of certain properties
224 8 Product Synthesis

Definition: A view model is a model derived from the product model able to
articulate a certain product property.

In order to work effectively there are three major preconditions for these models
Design language, i.e. a vocabulary for thinking, reasoning, conceptualizing,
and specifying solutions in all three domains based on semantics and syntax.
This should be applicable for human reasoning and computer operations.
Design models, i.e. models for structures of activities, organs, and parts, carry-
ing the specification of these structures. This also allows for more or less for-
malized specification of the relationships inside and between domains, as well
as the property statements of entities.
Design operations, i.e. methodologies to support gradual synthesis in all
domains, e.g. via methods for synthesizing, composing, evaluating, and
The application of the Chromosome Models structure in the definition of the
product means that the following basic views are present in the design of the prod-
uct: Its use activity, its functionality (described by the organs), and its embodiment
(described by the parts).

8.9.1Applying Product Synthesis Models

Domain Theory is a model-based theory, which means that it is based on words

and concepts taken from the description of the domains and the phenomena
related to the domains. However, other concepts are also plausible and therefore
we find several other proposals for models of product synthesis (Pahl and Beitz
2007; Hubka 1976; French 1985; Pugh 1991 and many others). What we think is
most important for a designer though, is how productive a theory is when used in
The concepts outlined in this chapter have been chosen because they have
shown time and again to be highly relevant and useful in practice in, e.g. concep-
tualization, Design for X, dispositions, modularization, and platform thinking.
Further, because modules are both linked to organs and composed of part domain
entities Domain Theory is very suitable for supporting design reasoning (Chap.
11) and modelling modular systems (Mortensen 1999; Harlou 2006). We return to
the some of these topics later in this book, including the view model and property
reasoning in Chap. 12.
8.10Conclusion 225


The module Product Synthesis is the design activity we find described in the
textbooks as engineering design. Our approach here is to use Domain Theory as
the basis for explaining, modelling, and articulating the design process. This leads
to a pattern quite different from traditional sequential engineering design models,
rather Domain Theory provides the basis for spelling the product. This theory
has shown its worth in a large number of industrial modularization and platform
projects, as well as in supporting new design and management procedures in many
Nordic companies.
In Chap. 3 we introduced Cross designerly ways of knowing and the con-
structive mode of thinking as core characteristics of design. In complement to this
we see Domain Theory as articulating basic constructive traits of designing, i.e.
the need to consider the three views, each with their own properties but all neces-
sarily integrated in the final design. Thus, product synthesis is based on theories
about the nature of products and the relationships between activities and products.
As such, Product Synthesis encapsulates Exploration and Concept Synthesis in a
development project, practicalities and the nature of the project determine what is
most appropriate. In the following chapters we encapsulate Product Synthesis in
the larger modules, Product Development and Product Life Synthesis and thus add
the organizational conditions for utilization and realization of Product Synthesis


Andreasen MM (1980) Syntesemetoder p systemgrundlag (synthesis methods based upon sys-

tem theory). Ph.D. Dissertation, Lund University, Sweden
Andreasen MM (1990) Designing on a designers workbench. Unpublished notes from WDK
Workshop Rigi
Andreasen MM, Hein L (1987) Integrated product development, IFS (Publications)/Springer,
Berlin Facsimile edition (2000). Institute of Product Development, Technical University of
Denmark Copenhagen
Arthur WB (2009) The nature of technologywhat it is and how it evolves. Penguin Press,
Ashby WR (1968) An introduction to cybernetics. Methuen Press, London
Blanchard BS, Fabrycky WJ (1998) Systems engineering and analysis. Prentice Hall, New Jersey
Cross N (2008) Engineering design methods. Wiley, Chichester, GB
Ferreirinha P, Grothe-Mller T, Hansen CT (1990) TEKLA, a language for developing knowl-
edge based design systems. In: Proceedings of ICED 1990 Dubrovnik, Heurista, Zrich
French MJ (1985) Conceptual design for engineers, 2nd edn. Design Council and Berlin/
Heidelberg, Springer, London
Gero JS (1990) Design prototypes: a knowledge representation schema for design. AI Magazin
Harlou U (2006) Development of product family based upon architectures. Contribution to a the-
ory of product families. Ph.D. Dissertation, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
226 8 Product Synthesis

Hede Markussen T (1990) Betragtninger over metoder i menneske/maskin-samspil (Considerations

on Man/Machine interaction). Instituttet for Konstruktionsteknik, DTU Copenhagen
Hubka V (1973) Theorie der Maschinensysteme (Theory of machine systems). Springer, Berlin
Hubka V (1976) Theorie der Konstruktionsprozesse (Theory of the design process). Springer,
Hubka V, Eder WE (1988) Theory of technical systems. Springer, Berlin
Jensen T (1999) Functional modelling in a design support systemcontribution to a designers
workbench. Ph.D. Dissertation, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
Mortensen NH (1999) Design modeling in a designers workbench. Contribution to a Design
Language. Ph.D. Dissertation, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
Pahl G, Beitz W (2007) Engineering design: a systematic approach, 3rd edn. Springer, London
(First edition 1977)
Pugh S (1991) Total designintegrated methods for successful product engineering. Addison
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edition (2003) Systematic design of industrial products. Institute of Product Development
Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
Chapter 9
Product Development

Abstract The encapsulation element Product Development is normally organized

as a procedure in companies. It is seen as an all inclusive perception of design
but often misses the emphasis on exploration, conceptualization, product synthe-
sis, and lifecycle.
The encapsulation element Product Development is normally organized as a
procedure in companies. It is seen as an all inclusive perception of design but
often misses the emphasis on exploration, conceptualization, product synthesis,
and lifecycle.
Product Development leads to the establishment of sales and production, i.e.
new business ready to be exploited. Because the synthesis of sales system and
production are closely related to product synthesis, the question of integration
becomes central to this activity. For conceptualization this means added complex-
ity of concerns and influences, and more generally that the complex organization
of the product development should be established. We bring an understanding of
conceptualizations relations to this complex organization.

9.1Expansion to a Complete Company

Product development is the fourth module in our Encapsulation Design Model
introduced in Fig.5.8. Product development describes the linking activity that
draws together market research, product synthesis, manufacture, and sales. In this

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 227

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_9
228 9 Product Development

module user needs are actually satisfied. Seen from the conceptualization perspec-
tive, the aim of this chapter is to explore the organizational implications and pro-
cedures underpinning successful product development, and especially how they
influence conceptualization. In particular we explore two major elements:
Where is conceptualization positioned in relation to the product development
How does product development influence conceptualization and vice versa?
Dissolving these points, we will emphasize the role of conceptualization in
supporting integration. This is not only organizational but also intrinsic to the
concepts and wider design process. This multifaceted role demands what we
call dispositional thinking. We deal with this at length in Chap.13 but here it is
sufficient to understand this type of thinking as the ability to arrange the prod-
uct, its realization, and its use activities to best satisfy the user and lifecycle
Product development is normally used to describe everything from project ini-
tiation to product launch. This means that conceptualization is implicitly found in
companies procedures or scholars modelsoften described as integrated product
development. In this chapter we use this integrated model in order to better under-
stand the link between product development and conceptualization (Fig.9.1). This
is achieved in three steps. First, Sect.9.2 explores the nature of product devel-
opment. Second, Sect.9.3 identifies the game rules for conceptualization by
explicitly splitting out conceptualization. Finally, Sect.9.4 brings these together
by explaining the organizational dimension that we call the product development

Fig.9.1The model of integrated product development used to structure the chapter

9.2 The Nature of Product Development 229

9.2The Nature of Product Development

Broadly, new product development is concerned with the creation of new products.
Here we refine this scope as follows:

Definition: Product development is a companys activity associated with

creating new business based on developing and launching new products. The
activity is initiated by need and market research, as well as ideation, and
ends with production, distribution, and sales.

In addition to new product development there is a range of alternative approaches

to developing new business including copying products, buying patents, licences,
designs or consultant support, and buying other companies. Although these can be
lucrative, they are less concerned with conceptualization, hence our focus on prod-
uct development. Here, product development is composed of elements incorporat-
ing both innovation and operational activities. Ultimately, in order to successfully
produce and sell products the development activity needs to utilize knowledge
from across a company. The complexity of this organizational perspective is illus-
trated by Hales and Gooch (2004) model of a development project as part of a
much wider context. Hales layered model of project context is given as an exam-
ple of this in Fig.9.2. Here, the core design activities are depicted as the vertical
sequence starting with competition. These activities are nested within six layers:
design, project, management, company, market, and environment. This graphically
depicts the many conflicting influences on the design activities and product devel-
opment. In summary, the design process and the organization are fundamentally
interconnected and need to be managed holistically if a successful outcome is to
be reached. As such, this section explores how that can be achieved from a design

9.2.1Integrated Product Development

In order to understand the advantage of thinking about product development as

integrated with the wider organization let us consider disintegration. We have
already discussed the many incremental steps towards specialization and depart-
mentalization in industry. Here, manufacture can be achieved with almost no con-
tact with development, or recycling with no contact to sales. When this type of
disconnect occurs, we do not need to look far to find product and business fail-
ures. In order to combat this organizational disintegration, product development
actively integrates methods and procedures such that relevant issues from all
stages are taken into account during the design activity. This manifests in product
development through the explicit integration of two other development activities,
230 9 Product Development

Fig.9.2Model of product development activity and organization in context (Hales 1993;Hales

and Gooch 2004)

establishing the production and sales requirements or needs. Where these activi-
ties are fully integrated, the best business result is possible. This is the reasoning
underpinning the Integrated Product Development model advanced by Andreasen
and Hein (1987) (Fig.9.3). The models terminology differs slightly from this
books terminology.
9.2 The Nature of Product Development 231

Fig.9.3An ideal model of integrated product development combing the three development
activities: sales, product, and production, Andreasen and Hein (1987)

We see this model as exemplary in its clear progression and therefore use it as
the basis for our explanation of product development. The model explicitly brings
integration to the fore as a core part of product development where no one ele-
ment can succeed alone if the best result is to be achieved. The model spans from
need to execution and is widely represented in industry. The main virtue of this
approach at a practical level is that it defines the roles of marketing and produc-
tion in the early design phases, helps in aligning the milestones of each activity,
and shifts the focus to the process as a totality where all aspects must perform

9.2.2Use of Procedures

There are many proposals for models of product development, comprehensively

reviewed by Clarkson and Eckert (2005). These include descriptive models, e.g.
Hales and Gooch (2004), prescriptive models, e.g. Cooper (1984), and combined
models, e.g. Ulrich and Eppinger (2004). The models are widely used in industry,
although for different purposes and in different forms. Here, model use can range
from setting a common mindset to specific procedures. Such procedures typically
form the basis for developing a project plan, as well as detailing activity and time
plans. We have already introduced procedures in Chap.5 but revisit them here in
order to explore their use in product development.
Development project procedures serve several roles: they become carriers of
best practice, they help transfer experiences from past projects, and they support
more cohesive management across projects. In the organizational context they help
to highlight input from marketing, sales, and production, as well as other special-
ist areas, such as finance, quality or environmental experts. This can facilitate the
232 9 Product Development

distribution of electronic and mechanical tasks, the planning of special milestones

associated with regulatory approval or the management of relationships with other
companies in a network. In a company, procedures are usually thought of as uni-
versal and exceptions are avoided. However, as discussed in Chap.5, to be most
effective, procedures should be adapted to each projects specific context. Part of
this adaption is tailoring the specific methods associated with a procedure. For
example, one project may demand a greater focus on design for manufacture,
while another may need more extensive ideation and coordination.

A companys design procedures mirror its practice and should be tailored to

the issues and context affecting the specific company.

An example procedure is shown in Fig.9.4 from the company Bang and Olufsen.
This procedure reflects changes made after a new development strategy, focusing
on lead-time reduction, was introduced. The main adaptions from more generic
procedures are the increased focus on prototyping and the reduced number of
phases. In particular, the start of each phase is carefully managed with a critical
review of requirements. Overall these changes reduced the lead-time from 127 to
Of particular note in the Bang and Olufsen case is their recognition of the
importance of concept definition and subsequently product design. This enabled
them to more effectively judge project progress and plan the related organization
processes accordingly. This key relationship between conceptualization and devel-
opment is expanded on in the next section.

Fig.9.4Bang and Olufsens product development procedure. Horizontal lines depict activities
while vertical bars denote milestones (Kirkegrd etal. 1996)
9.2 The Nature of Product Development 233

Fig.9.5Two product development cultures: ideation and execution (Andreasen etal. 1989)

9.2.3Conceptualization in Product Development

Although it is typically advised that conceptualization be integrated into proce-

dures, many companies resist this. Here, the decision to initiate a new project is
considered so important and ill-defined that companies often prefer to isolate these
front end activities in order to reduce risk and attempt to ensure quality in the
scoping work before initiation. This tendency leads to our description of two dis-
tinct activities Exploration and Concept Synthesiseach addressing one aspect of
concept integration in product development.
Depending on how these activities are included in a companys procedures,
two cultures appear (Andreasen etal. 1989). The first is an innovation culture
where conceptualization thinking is fully integrated. This type of culture is char-
acterized by its ability to create new business potential, address user needs at a
low cost, create tractable concepts, and best utilize a companys strengths and
weaknesses. The second culture is more execution- and sales-focused. Here, real-
ization of the product is primarily achieved through production and marketing.
As such, this type of culture relies on its ability to identify the basic idea under-
pinning a product and leverage this through marketing. Overall the focus is on
cost reduction and optimization of overall work processes including quality and
Both of these cultures provide advantages at different stages of the project and
thus should be integrated as suggested in Fig.9.5. For example, the first culture is
poorly suited to logistical optimization while the second can stifle technical inno-
vation. As such, design teams sometimes attempt to shift culture during a project,
often through staff exchange and tightly controlled milestone reviews. Alternative
structures include the use of specialist conceptualization teams who consult on a
number of projects. This conditional dependency between conceptualization and
product development is one of the key rules when developing your product devel-
opment game plan.
234 9 Product Development

9.3Game Rules for Conceptualization

There is a growing recognition of the huge influence new products have on the
composition and operation of a company. As such, it is key that we understand
these influences and the basic rules by which they affect a company. In particular,
we seek to answer: how can management ensure a positive, successful direction?
In this section we discuss the main rules to be considered in the conceptualiza-
tion and how they impact company success.
First, it is critical that a products identity aligns with that of the companys
wider corporate and design identity. This includes aspects, such as quality, service,
and warranty support. Without this alignment new products can damage not just
their own sales but the wider brand and perceived integrity of all the companys
products. In particular this requires close collaboration between the designer, pro-
ject manager, and top management. The major exception to this is where a com-
pany is specifically trying to change its identity through, for example, rebranding
a new product. An excellent example of this type of alignment is outlined below
in order to demonstrate the real world impact of these ruleswhen successfully
employed they impact every aspect of a companies operations.

The Philips corporate identity. A case in point is the way Philips manages its
brand identity throughout their product portfolio. Philips is a large manufactur-
ing company of products in the area of healthcare, lighting, and consumer life-
style. Their corporate identity is focused on three core values (Philips 2013):
Philips is a caring brand that puts people and their needs first.
For Philips, innovation is the lifeblood of the company.
At Philips, innovation is about making meaningful impact on peoples lives.
The Philips brand identity is intended to be recognizable throughout their
portfolio by Philips consumers and users and includes graphical elements,
the products, and services that form the brand line, as well as communi-
cation in terms of photography and tone of voice. Philips uses the brand
identity to celebrate the companys longstanding heritage as a leading inter-
national technology company and reconfirm its passion for delivering mean-
ingful innovations that matter to people, says Thomas Marzano, Head of
Brand Design, Philips. For product developers who work in or for a corpo-
rate environment it is imperative to not only design to serve human needs,
but to do so in a way that fits the corporate identity. Modern organizations
want their products to be perceived as part of the brand and its correspond-
ing values. This also works the other way around; through good design,
products serve to express and communicate an organizations brand identity
and increase its perceived value by the customer. Figure9.6 shows Philips
humanized environments for a hospitals scanning equipment.
9.3 Game Rules for Conceptualization 235

Fig.9.6Establishing a friendly environment for a hospitals

scanning activities, Courtesy Philips Healthcare

Building on this, new product launches heavily influence the strategy of a com-
pany. As such, product development must account for the overall strategy it is
contribution. This is typically characterized by the development of strong links
between top management and the design teams. In practical terms, design teams
bear a responsibility for understanding and addressing the strategic areas discussed
in Chap.2. This is particularly important with regard to market and production
in an increasingly global product development domain. Closely related to this is
policy alignment. Here, company integrity, goals, and performance are realized
through direct action. These can include employee conduct, equal rights, and
human relations considerations. In the context of conceptualization policies related
to, e.g. branding, product testing, quality assurance, and supplier relations need to
be considered as a core part of product development.
Finally, effective product development exploits a companys resources to their
limits. Essentially, the ambition of new development should be to leverage the
knowledge available in the company in order to outperform competitors. Bringing
in external resources can also play a key role where networking or open source
strategies are favoured. An important consideration here is knowledge manage-
ment and the ability to monitor and adapt to changes in the technological state-
of-the-art or developments by competitors. If this is effective, new innovation
opportunities can be identified early.
Innovation not only concerns new products but also company identity, busi-
ness, production, marketing, and sales. Product innovation can be an important
driver for wider company level innovation and, as such, should be aligned with
corporate strategy. However, this is a two-way relationship: strategy should inform
development but at the same time designers and their managers have the responsi-
bility to articulate new possibilities or potential innovations. This give and take is
illustrated in the following example.
236 9 Product Development

Organizational innovation. As part of a wider consultancy project Andreasen
etal. (1989) developed a new approach for fostering innovation, illustrated
in Fig.9.7. This dealt with four main areas: the frames and surroundings,
i.e. the companys situation in the market, legislation, etc.; the goals that the
company wanted to achieve; the tasks that are currently executed or planned;
the development system, where product development took place. The aim of
this approach was to explicitly identify the interdependencies between these
four elements in order to better align them with respect to the companys
overall innovation strategy.
In order to realize the aim of improved innovation, four steps were pro-
posed: believe, is, should be, and became. The first step describes the cur-
rent official picture of the company. This is labelled believe because the
official picture is often far from reality. Here, this picture was developed
from organizational diagrams and interviews with management. The next
step focuses on establishing what is or the true picture of the company. This
true picture was built up by empirically mapping the surroundings, goals,
tasks, and development system, based on analysis of current projects and
interviews. Next, the should be step was used to define the ideal outcome
desired by the company based on the previous analysis. This included the
identification of key performance and product portfolio gaps. Finally, the
became step closes the loop and acts as a measure of what actually changed
in the company after the consultancy process was complete. Ultimately this
process was widely used and resulted in three key conclusions:
Diagnosis of company issues is possible through empirical analysis and
offers a robust basis for proposing improvements to both the company and
development system.
The main management tools rely on alignment between vision and goals,
which are then supported by specific, actionable tasks.
Any changes to the development system should be associated with
explicit measures so that the feedback and improvement loop is integrated
in the development process.
Fig.9.7Basic pattern
for an organizational
innovation process
9.3 Game Rules for Conceptualization 237

Product life thinking focuses on alignment between new product development

and product life elements including after-sales service, maintenance, and dis-
posal. Although this sounds simple on paper, in reality the stakeholders later in a
products life are often unknown at the product development stage and thus sig-
nificant care should be taken in considering these elements. We discuss this fur-
ther in Chap.13, but suffice to say here, product lifecycle considerations cannot be
ignored in a successful development process.
Finally, the last factor we will highlight here is integration. This is both crucial
and multifacetedlinking to all the other points in this section. Ultimately, effec-
tive integration and alignment of these factors is what makes or breaks a success-
ful product development process. As such, this brings us back to the concept of
integrated product development. In this integrated paradigm the designer plays a
central role summarized in the following:

One of a designers key roles is as an integrator and aligner of design effort.

The rules outlined in this section serve to guide designers thinking when they
are planning how conceptualization should be best integrated with the wider pro-
cess and company organization. Integration is a challenge for the staging, not only
on a team level, treated in Sect.4.4, but also on the level of the whole product
development machinery, which describes the tangible structure of the product
development process.

9.4The Product Development Machinery

As we have discussed throughout this book many parts of a company contribute

to the development of new products, not just the development department. Instead
the development function can be seen as an amalgamation of inputs as illustrated
in Fig.9.9a (Andreasen etal. 1989). These inputs can be further decomposed into
seven distinct sub-systems as shown in Fig.9.8b (Sant 1988) and summarized
Organization structure defines the arrangement of tasks, responsibilities, and
Decision structure links strategy, tactics, and operational decisions to the tasks
to be carried out and the associated organizational units and results.
Social system defines the formal and informal goals, norms, and values, under-
pinning staffs activities and cooperation.
Methods and tools define the approaches used to complete the product devel-
opment tasks.
The knowledge structure collects and develops knowledge by connecting the
internal and external knowledge sources used during development.
238 9 Product Development

Fig.9.8A companys development function (a) and the seven sub systems in the development
system or machinery (b)

The measurement system is the means by which strategies, goals, and sub-
goals are monitored. This includes and integrates operations level key perfor-
mance indicators.
Physical frames denote the environment where the development activity takes
These seven subsystems form the machinery through which product development
is realized. As such, we now explore the implications of each one in greater depth.
The first subsystem to consider is the organizational structure as this is the
core around which tasks and staff are arranged. In the context of a project, organi-
zational structure is dynamic, changing as the company matures. For example,
companies often start with an entrepreneurial approach before becoming more
specialized as functions are split into decentralized divisions. Typical steps in busi-
ness development are: introduction, growth, maturing, and liquidation. At each
step there are certain high-level goals related to company output and competitive
advantage that are reflected in its organization.
Traditionally, companies execute product development in the form of a pro-
ject. This means that tasks are defined with respect to time and output, often in a
cross-functional organization. A well-known example of this approach is the matrix
organization; where the companys various functions deliver staff to teams that
each has a project leader. A quirk of this structure is that staff often experience con-
flicting management between the function leader and the project leader. A number
of other approaches are also found at different steps in company development. For
example, experimental, opportunistic activities are more common in the entrepre-
neurial stages, while splitting research and development into specialist groups is
usually adopted when the product is mature and optimization is the main driver.
Closely tied to the organizational structure is the decision structure. Decisions
typically follow the formal hierarchy in a company and, as such, are closely
related to organizational approach. The decision structure is what transforms goals
and strategies into concrete plans to be realized as specific product development
tasks. A strategy group or a product committee usually manages product develop-
ment, while new products are dealt with by thorough product planning activities
9.4 The Product Development Machinery 239

Fig.9.9The product committee plans and coordinates the development activities

(Andreasen etal. 1989). In order to support new product planning there is typi-
cally a following group (sometimes made up of top management) that is responsi-
ble for ultimate approval of concepts and launch decisions. A key concern here is
in the effective integration of exploration and concept synthesis activities between
product planning and product development. The relationship between these vari-
ous bodies is illustrated in Fig.9.9.
Although the formal structures outlined above play a core role in shaping prod-
uct development, one of the most important sub-systems is the social system
linking people. The social system describes relationships, competences, politi-
cal power, and collegial networks in the company. These relationships are often
invisible to outsiders and transcend formal role descriptions. The success of the
social system is critical to effective performance and cannot be underestimated.
For example, consider the shear volume of books written on company culture and
winning teams.
While the social system may dominate staff interaction, methods and tools
dominate the technical aspect of product development. This is also true of models
to a lesser degree. As we discussed in Chap.4 these elements are inseparable from
a companys problem solving approach and knowledge. Tools provide supporting
procedures for engineering, integration, and management tasks. Methods and tools
affect every aspect of product development from planning to environmental impact
analysis. As such, they need to be carefully tailored to each project in order to be
combined and executed effectively in the wider community of practice. In particu-
lar conceptualization is dependant on creative mindset, and communication tools.
The knowledge structure is a mental construct describing the knowledge ele-
ments of product development. This includes how knowledge is collected, struc-
tured, communicated, and utilized in development. It is not enough simply to store
knowledge, if it is to be used it must be easily available, readily applicable, and
concrete. In particular it is important to consider how knowledge should be articu-
lated in procedures and methods. For example, in the conceptual part of new prod-
uct development, application knowledge is closely related to a designers awareness
240 9 Product Development

of creativity in a tacit form. This is then transformed into ideas and concepts that
can be challenged and assessed. In a company, knowledge structures are interre-
lated with organization structures, development approach (from scientific to crafts-
manship), and with the marketing focus (from broad branch to customer insight).
Finally, all of these subsystems are in some way reflected by changes in a com-
panys performance. As such, the last subsystem we will deal with is the meas-
urement system. This is often treated as a simple measure of economic balances,
frequently made with ridiculous precision in comparison the large number of ele-
ments not measured or controlled, e.g. development cost in relation to turn over,
number of new products, and innovation. In this sense the vitality of a new product
can be seen as a balance between the projects business results in the first three
years after launch, the actual person-hours used, the number of corrections to com-
ponents or production, and the estimated production performance verses reality.
Successful measurement takes into account both individuals and teams perfor-
mance without losing sight of the overall strategic goals. In particular measure-
ment should be used as a feedback mechanism for directing changes and ensuring
that things are in fact improving. However, a word of caution is that measurement
must always be considered holistically. For example, design influences all aspects
of the product lifecycle. As such, using design-focused measurement might cut
costs at the design stage only to incur serious problems in, e.g. product quality
during production, resulting in extra costs exceeding those savings made during
development. In the conceptualization context measurement is about alignment
with strategy and the overall plan for innovation. This concerns the amount of
effort to be invested in conceptualization activities and how the outputs of these
can be assessed. This dimension is normally related to the goal formulation for the
product but can be expanded to reflect the teams performance in order to account
for more social dimensions.
Ultimately, the model shown in Fig.9.8b should be used to develop a deeper
understanding of the many factors influencing the successful progression of prod-
uct development. However, the nature of the culture in each company will deter-
mine the magnitude of influence each element exerts on the overall process, e.g. a
focus on strong staff performance measurement or the promotion of certain design
support tools. As such, the designer must weigh these sub-systems against both the
company and the type of product development to be undertaken.

9.4.1Types of Product Development

In the context of conceptualization, the main aspects of product development we

must consider are the types of concepts, products, and development projects we
find in industry. In this regard we group projects into the three types described
here for simplicity.
9.4 The Product Development Machinery 241

In the development of new products, often called innovative design, concep-

tualization takes the form of an explorative, experimental activity. This applies
in both entrepreneurial and established contexts. Here exploration and concept
synthesis are in focus and, depending on the situation, are augmented by product
design and product development in the realization of the concept.
More usually a project will build on past solutions or technologies via incre-
mental design. Even in novel new product development elements of this type of
design are almost unavoidable, as all technologies build on some established ele-
ments in their realization (Arthur 2009). Here, the main challenge facing companies
is in establishing a sufficient competitive advantage. This could be through product
branding, reduction in resource use or in reduction of risk through the use of past
partial solutions. In this context conceptualization requires insights from the exist-
ing product catalogue, company assets, and precise market information. Although
these elements are needed to allow the conceptualization activity to remain tar-
geted, care should be taken that creativity is not stifled. The key risk here is that
product development becomes a non-reflective upgrade process of mindlessly cus-
tomer-driven design, leaving no room for innovation or significant change.
The final type of project we deal with is the platform-based design. In the
broadest sense platforms describe a common core from which multiple variants can
be created. This core can be anything from a specific technology, key design prin-
cipal or specific visual design. The main challenge in this context is developing a
sufficiently innovative platform such that its lifespan is adequate to develop a range
of products without being overtaken by competitors. Further, it is necessary to con-
strain the compatibility of new products to the common platform in order to reap
the benefits of platform rationalization. This constraint must be balanced against
the demand for innovation in the company. Here it is easy to lose sight of the plat-
forms competitive power, when its dominant influence on the designer is constrain-
ing their work, especially where there is a conflicting demand for innovation. Thus
communication and alignment of expectations in project execution are key.

Handpressos development. Following up on the examples related to
Figs. 3.8 and 7.1, we want to explore the established business. Nielsen
Innovation is a consulting company, which decided to establish production
and sales of their new product. In order to do this they established a network
of producers and market organizations. The product was launched at a show
in Milano 2008 and 300,000 have now been sold in more than 50countries.
The brand is supported by the basic innovative idea and by winning seven
international design prizes. Today the company launches new products like
their device for making coffee in a car (Fig.9.10a). The inventors approach
to design is inspired by Leonardo da Vincis statement: Simplicity is the
ultimate sophistication. Early in conceptualization the innovation company
had the dream: A Handpresso integrated in a Swiss army knife (Fig.9.10b).
242 9 Product Development

Fig.9.10a The new car espresso maker b The inventors ultimate dream:
a Swiss army knife with integrated Handpresso, courtesy Nielsen Innova-
tion, France

Although it is beyond the scope of this book to further explore product develop-
ment by its self, we do dissolve the question of how functions, properties, and
dispositional reasoning can be aligned with these different types of development


Product development forms the fourth module in our Encapsulation Design Model
and has been extensively discussed in textbooks, such as Ulrich and Eppinger
(2004). However, this discussion has had a tendency to focus more exclusively on
product developments engineering aspect. As such, our view of product develop-
ment, as part of a wider process and underpinned by conceptualization, takes a
broader perspective, including those elements which cannot be engineered yet
are still inarguably part of product development, e.g. market, customers or sales.
In particular, our view of product development coupled explicitly with the explo-
ration and concept synthesis modules allows us to more fully explore the prod-
uct life synthesis and the creation of products that are fit for life. In doing this
our discussion of product development has focused on its wider relationship with
conceptualization and the other aspects needed to tailor development activity for
a products whole life. In the next chapter we bring these elements together in the
final module of the Encapsulation Design Model, Product Life Synthesis. This
brings a products lifecycle to the fore and explicitly integrates this with the design
References 243


Andreasen MM, Hein L (1987) Integrated product development, IFS (Publications)/Springer,

Berlin. Facsimile edn. (2000) Institute of product development, Technical University of
Denmark, Copenhagen
Andreasen MM, Hein L, Kirkegrd L, Sant K (1989) Udviklingsfunktionen basis for
fornyelse (English: The development functionthe foundation of innovation). Jernets
Arbejdsgiverforening, Kbenhavn
Brian AW (2009) The nature of technologywhat it is and how it evolves. Penguin Press,
Clarkson J, Eckert C (eds) (2005) Design process improvement, a review of current practice.
Springer, London
Cooper RG (1984) Third generation new development processes. J Prod Innovation Manage
Hales C (1993) Managing engineering design, Longman Scientific and Technial UK
Hales C, Gooch S (2004) Managing engineering design, 2nd edn. Springer, London
Kirkegrd L, Ryding OJ, Aagaard NP (1996) Produktudvikling med Bang & Olufsen som
eksempel (Product developmentwith Bang & Olussfsen as an example) Brsens Bger,
Philips (2013) Refreshing philips brand identity.
design/designnews/ (Accessed on 20 Nov 2014)
Sant K (1988) Fastlggelse af Udviklingssystemet (Determination of the product development
system). Institute of Product Development, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
Ulrich KT, Eppinger SD (2004) Product design and development, 3rd edn. McGraw-Hill/Irwin,
New York
Chapter 10
Product Life Synthesis

Product Life Synthesis is not only determined by the design activity but also by the
context in which the product is deployed. This type of synthesis also takes place
during the products lifecycle activities where life systems are established and uti-
lized. In this last design phase we identify three key influences from the finalized
product development activity: need satisfaction and new business are established,
and the products manufacture and utilization leads to environmental impacts.
When these are better than earlier effects we have innovation. Understanding inno-
vation has its roots in understanding lifecycle conditions. In this chapter we focus
on these effects and how designers are able to influence them.

10.1The Lifecycle: Where Innovation Happens

The Product Life Synthesis describes the lifecycle of a product created during the
design activity. The lifecycle is the ultimate result anticipated during exploration
and goal formulation. Product Life Synthesis encapsulates the entire design activ-
ity, at first as ideas, goals, and design entities, and after launch as sales and real-
ity. There are two main foci for the designers efforts: creating the best possible
fit between the product and the life conditions; and establishing new, specific life
conditions, e.g. a disassembly system. The core of Product Life Synthesis is of
course the users deployment of the actual product, where the need satisfaction is
now observable and where users gradually develop their perception of the prod-
ucts value.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 245

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_10
246 10 Product Life Synthesis

Lifecycle insight provides the data necessary for creating the products fit
for life.

During the lifecycle, users add contextual conditions that fit the product to their
aims and ideas for use. This can range from small practicalities to complex life con-
ditions developed over time. For example, a new car is confronted with societys
road system, companies supply of fuel, public parking possibilities, and govern-
ment taxation. Other products are launched with fewer concerns, only being modi-
fied as negative effects are observed as a result of their use. For example, mobile
phones have created unforeseen demands for rare materials, as well as social prob-
lems where parents and children struggle to manage access to phones. The impact
of a new product typically becomes evident relatively early in the lifecycle, giving
rise to substantial remedial efforts to mitigate failures or support successconsider
the patching typical of computer games. The lifecycle supports synthesis through
opportunities related to utilization, sales, and need satisfaction, e.g. service, reuse,
and leasing.
Eekels (1994) proposed a model that highlights three important consequences
of a new products launch, sale, and deployment, here in our illustration using
Eekels terminology (Fig.10.1) (compare with Fig.3.21): business results, need
satisfaction, and negative side effects and waste.

Fig.10.1A products effects: business, need satisfaction, and negative side-effects

10.1 The Lifecycle: Where Innovation Happens 247

10.1.1The Design Process Paradox

When we consider the complexity of the lifecycle with its use activity, activity
chain, life phase systems, and stakeholders, we find a design process paradox: the
logical direction for reasoning would be following the arrows in Fig.10.2 (life-
cycle and need insight>deployment process>business, balancing user need and
market size>design feasibility>concept consideration>ability to cope with the
task), however, current models advise that we start with the task and progress from
there (i.e. we try and predict the ideal solution and design activity). In this way the
goal formulation can easily become a substitute for finding real insight.
We dissolve this paradox using the Encapsulation Design Model where life-
cycle is the result, rather than the product. The Link Model allows us to balance
the designers goal perception and the users value perception (see Chaps.1113).
This is reflected in Jeppesens (Andreasen etal. 1973) encouragement for design-
ers to personally confront the need situation as a condition for the design activ-
ity, Fig.6.6. Understanding and focusing on the really important conditions helps
the designer deal with the lifecycles complexity. Unfortunately, we have seen too
many projects start with a concept that is believed to be good but ends in disaster
due to poor understanding of users needs and values. As such, this chapter will
explore the nature of the lifecycle and its relationship with conceptualization and
product design.
Section10.2 seeks to answer: what is the nature of a products lifecycle?
Section10.3 then looks at the relationship between a product and its lifecycle.
We use fit for life and the theory of dispositions to discus how we can create
the ideal product lifecycle.
Section 10.4 finally deals with design of, and for, the lifecycle. This activ-
ity helps us establish a balance between established lifecycle patterns and new

Fig.10.2The flow of ideal

insight from lifecycle to task
248 10 Product Life Synthesis

10.2The Nature of a Products Lifecycle

The activity in which a product performs its role is at the heart of the relationship
between product and activity perspectives, e.g. cycling to and from work or the
cooks use of an oven. From this specific operation activity we can expand our
scope to include use activities, and ultimately, the totality of the product lifecycle.

Definition: A product lifecycle is the totality of activities related to an indi-

vidual products life, from its establishment through its deployment to its

During most lifecycle activities the product is not passive, instead lifecycle sys-
tems are acting: production, assembly, distribution, sales, maintenance, reuse,
and disposal. This gives us a key characteristic of a lifecycle: it is populated by
actors with overlapping areas of interest. For example, users focus on the quality
of the use activities while manufacturers focus on the buyers need satisfaction
and value perception. Further, many actors are focused on specific activities with
respect to the product and its use: distribution, installation, maintenance, acces-
sories, and so on. Finally, in the closing phases of the products lifecycle, actors
focus on, e.g. upgrade, remanufacture, partial reuse, recovery and recycling of raw
materials, safe disposal, etc.
Traditionally we only consider a single products destiny in the hands of a
single user. However, from the designers perspective this is an idealization.
Designers must also consider variations in products destiny and satisfaction of
customers needs. Although our discussion here may make these activities seem
well known and easily understood the reality is far murkier. This is driven by
interfaces with many other products and systems lifecycles. For example, a tele-
visions lifecycle interfaces with various broadcast services using a range of distri-
bution channels (e.g. satellite, cable, internet), with repair shops, and with public
disposal systems, all seen as lifecycles.

Food supply network. Figure10.3 shows a service network where meals are
delivered either ready-to-eat or with hot components. This system interacts
with a system for providing appliances, e.g. vending machines, microwave
ovens, software for meal configuration, packaging facilities, and distribution.
The identity and variety of the food is related to the organic food manager
and delivery requests are partially linked to a system for dietary manage-
ment based on individual patients prescribed diets.
10.2 The Nature of a Products Lifecycle 249

Fig.10.3Interacting lifecycles: food delivery, appliances, and medicine courtesy Luisa

Collina(Manzini etal. 2004)

The lifecycle is distinct from a value chain, which is the chain of activities lead-
ing to value from suppliers, manufacturers, and service companies (Porter 1985).
Value is related to company activities and functions linked to clarification, product
synthesis, production, sales, distribution, and after sales service. The value chain
view can be expanded to the composed value chain leading to customer satisfac-
tion. Key questions for a designer are how their company contributes to this chain
and how they can best profit from it.

Food value chain. One value chain in the example above (Fig.10.3) is the
food. Here, key links are production, packaging, delivery, and the combina-
tion of prepared meals and customer information. However, the illustration
has several value chains, for example, where one institution is composed of
furniture supply, system design, and supply coupled to the food delivery.

It is interesting to compare the value chain perspective with the normal concern
fraction of the total lifecycle cost, see Fig.10.4. The additional cost elements are
all linked to service dimensions, where there is potential for new business for the
product supplier.
250 10 Product Life Synthesis

Fig.10.4The composition of activities on a tanker ship, showing the activities where the ship
owners themselves take care of costs, and the activities where a service supplier has the oppor-
tunity to offer a service. Courtesy Christian Palm and Lars Balstrup with permission from Torm

Another chain phenomenon is a products lifecycle, seen as the total aggre-

gated volume of a specific type of product, from the first launched to the last
produced, mirroring supply and demand. This cycle typically follows the charac-
teristic phases: introduction (infancy), growth, maturity, and decline. This can be
described in terms of volume versus time and is called an S-curve, similar to the
development of new technologies.

10.2.1A Typical Lifecycle Activity

Each element in a lifecycle is an activity where there is interaction between

the product and the activity. Only in the use activity is the product the operator
(Chap. 8); in all other activities the product is the operand and specific lifecycle
systems are the operators. Olesen etal. (1996) highlight this interaction between
product, life phase system, and actor (responsible for, and interested in its proper,
efficient execution). Activity results are primarily outputs from the activity, e.g.
distributed product, efficiency, environmental effects, and cost. This is illustrated
in Fig.10.5 where service is also included. It is important to note that these four
interacting entities can be related to more or less composed systems. For example,
a distribution activity might be made using a lorry with a local driver (actor) that
crosses international borders and pays tax (system), while carrying compressors
(product). However, the delivered service might be the shipping, operated by a
company responsible for export, insurance, and transport taxes.
A new products effects, i.e. activity results, can be difficult to assess but
serve as important pointers for both product and business innovation. For exam-
ple, a business partnership could be established with the lorry company above
to improve efficiency or the distribution system could allow the development of
improved packing technologies.
10.2 The Nature of a Products Lifecycle 251

Fig.10.5Lifecycle activities as interactions between product, life phase system, service, and

Understanding a products life activity networks can be a key driver for

innovation and can empower business opportunities through new service

10.2.2Actors and Users

In a basic sense, products are closely related to a user who operates it during an
activity. Further, when we follow a product from production to disposal many
actors influence, or are influenced, by the products destiny. These actors should
be considered customers, i.e. people who react to the products appropriateness
and help form product perception. Understanding the activities and values of these
actors has a major impact on the success of the design work and the product.
When we use actor it not only refers to people related to a products exist-
ence but also represents a personification of multiple issues and concerns related
to this, e.g. ethics of suppliers, use of natural resources, strength of network alli-
ances. In product life synthesis and therefore also exploration it is important to
identify these actors and take their situation and views into account during prod-
uct development (see Chap.4). As noted in Chap.4 socio-technical and actor net-
work approaches are key supports here. These aim to analyse the actors related to
a certain task or system by describing a network of interactions. Actors can also be
non-human, e.g., companies, legislation or artefacts that define relationships (e.g.
dependency on petrol).

An actor network for incontinence care. Incontinence (bladder and bowel
weakness) affects 57% of the population worldwide and up to 80% of res-
idents in nursing homes. Therefore organizing care in a community involves
a complex web of suppliers, distribution, nurses, doctors, supervisors, and
252 10 Product Life Synthesis

Fig.10.6The actor network for incontinence care in a Danish community (Tan 2010)
municipal staff, as illustrated in Fig.10.6. The company SCA, Hygiene
Products A/S aims to become a core supplier in this area. Here, incontinence
products account for 1% of costs in a nursing home but 13% of all opera-
tional costs. The actor network shows the companys intended interaction
with the area. It is interesting that the model differentiates products, ser-
vice, information, and money, as well as the interactions nature (text on the
arrows) (Tan 2010).

10.2.3The Expanded Business View: Service

Over the last half of the twentieth century the backbone of development (task/con-
cept/design/business/deployment) has expanded the scope of product development
to include marketing and sales viewpoints. Key to this are the lifecycle activities
and the life systems that define the arena for new business. Many of these activi-
ties are services, i.e. actions supporting the products use, McAloone (2011).
10.2 The Nature of a Products Lifecycle 253

Service has received less interest in engineering design and product develop-
ment companies who have traditionally seen themselves as product suppliers. This
is despite services dominant role in society, employing 75% of the workforce
(ILO 2007). Service industries comprise wholesale and retail trade, restaurants
and hotels, transport, storage and communications, finance, insurance, real estate
and business services, and community, social and personal services (Tan 2010;
ILO 2007). Such services have research and development processes comparable
to new product development. Further, we can see service as the core entity where
product delivery is only one part. These two features set the stage for combining
product and service development into Product Service Systems (PSS), defined as
follows and inspired by Goodkoop etal. (1999).

Definition: A product service system is a marketable set of products and

services able to jointly fulfil a users need. One company or a network can
provide PSS.

Many industries recognize the business potential of this service-oriented perspec-

tive or PSS strategy. For example, the aircraft industry has been service-focused
for many years. More recently, SKF (a ball-bearing producer) has shifted to
include engineering consultancy services, e.g. condition monitoring, industrial
sealing, lubrication, and vibration analysis. Similarly, Electrolux delivers profes-
sional washing machines and supplies laundry systems, helping to start new
launderettes or upgrade old ones, installing, training, financing, etc.
Service primarily describes the non-material part of a customer offering.
Tomiyama (2005) identified the key elements: A service receiver receives service
contents from a service provider through a service channel. Service sent by the
service provider changes the state of the service receiver, which is the most impor-
tant feature of service as [an] activity. A services mode of operation is affected
by the activity in which the service acts, leading to the model in Fig.10.7 (Matzen
etal. 2005). Service is executed in parallel to the users activity (a) and is supplied
via service channels related to an operators products (Ts), manpower (Hu), infor-
mation (I), and management (M). These could be, e.g. helping materials delivery,
data base information for analysis, and quality management. Modelling service as
an activity chain (b) can build on this books activity modelling but alternatives
exist, e.g. service blueprints.
Many products are characterized by a repeating deployment pattern in the
form of production or use cycles, frequent similar utilizations (e.g. car use) or
repeated preparation, upgrading, adjustment, and maintenance. Thus activity, from
a service perspective, should be seen as cyclical, i.e. a Customer Activity Cycle
(Vandermerve 2000; Matzen 2009), see Fig.10.8. A distinction is made between
activities related to Pre: the customer is deciding what to do, During: the cus-
tomer is doing it, and Post: the customer is sustaining it.
254 10 Product Life Synthesis

Fig.10.7Adapted transformation system model showing service parallel to the users activity

The customer activity cycle

Fig.10.8An example of a customer activity cycle for a ship owners

activities (Matzen 2009)
10.2 The Nature of a Products Lifecycle 255

Figure 10.8 shows a model of a merchant ships activity cycle, where the
ship owner is the core actor. The sequence of activities follows the lifecy-
cle from contracting, commissioning, and operation to re-approval for sales
or wrecking. The network of actors related to the activities is identified
and plotted, here with the aim to identify a service-oriented actor network
(Matzen 2009).

In Chap.5 we identified several design entities that interact during need satisfac-
tion. Lifecycle and service activities are also related to these in an interwoven
pattern of activities by the customer and service provider; containing the design
The life phase activity including actors and users tasks, as realized by the
The life phase system in the customers staging.
The service executing activity where the service is delivered in the customers
The service channel via which the service provider delivers the service.
The service offer seen both as the delivered service and the financial agreement.
A service-oriented approach to design means the designer must consider two life-
cycles: the product lifecycle and the customers activity cycle, Fig.10.9. Based
on these patterns, services are identified to support the product business and cus-
tomers actions. These two lifecycle chains form the landscape for identifying ser-
vices in a PSS approach.
Adding service to the product-oriented approach described in this book means
adding new design degrees of freedom. The designer now has the opportunity to
enhance the products utility and value through service. Further, ideas for service
can point to products that satisfy needs in new ways. Key questions here are: how
can the design predict these lifecycle elements and how can they be influenced?

Fig.10.9The two lifecycle

256 10 Product Life Synthesis

Service-thinking supports innovative thinking and allows for a bigger influ-

ence on the designs proper use and its effects.

10.3Between Product and Lifecycle

Lifecycle synthesis, from the designers perspective, means to identify and judge
how to make a product best fit for life. This is tricky as many actors have
opinions on the degree of fit. The user pays for the product and expects a long,
problem free service period as well as ethical, problem free disposal. The man-
ufacturer is focused on sales, determined by how well a product fits the users
need and financial situation. Adding service can enhance attractiveness, show eth-
ical and sustainable responsibility, and influence the users buying decision, but
also comes with its own cost and complexity issues. The actors include compet-
ing companies ready to replace the product, service suppliers, material suppliers,
repair companies, re-manufacturers, etc. All these must be respected during the
products development.
It is the designers task to understand this pattern of interests and issues to iden-
tify the nature of lifecycle activities and their actors, and translate their needs into
a balanced goal formulation.

Many aspects are only gradually revealed through the design activity and
can thus lead to new directions and design results.

The key question is how fit for life can be identified as a product-lifecycle relation-
ship. This has two fundamental relationships: operator and operand. In the first the
product is the operator. Here, the product serves the use activity and relationships
are defined by the products functions in line with Domain Theory. The main stake-
holder is the user and their focus on utility, usefulness, and value. This relationship
is dealt with during the product design activity. In the second the product is the
operand. Here, the product is the subject of numerous activities, e.g. being assem-
bled, distributed, sold, maintained, and disposed. The product is linked to multiple
life phase systems and actors. These relationships are core to product life synthesis.
When a product enters a lifecycle activity there are three aspects of fit to be
considered. Type or identity fit determines the activitys feasibility and meaning.
The products composition determines its fit with a range of supply and manufac-
turing activities, e.g. product disposal might not fit established disposal systems
due to the use of new components. Functional fit links the product and the life
activity system. For example, the product might demand a certain diagnostic tool
during repair or transport might demand an eyebolt for hoisting. Finally, property
fit can be more or less ideal and influences the efficiency of the life activities. This
fit is articulated as, e.g. ease of manufacture, assembly, transport, installation, and
minimal environmental effects.
10.3 Between Product and Lifecycle 257

Fit is not an absolute state; it depends on soft human systems that either com-
pensate for or hinder fit. In response designed artefacts carry affordances, i.e. a
range of functions that can be activated or utilized by the users (see Chap.11).
Similarly, the systems against which fit is judged dynamically change over time.
The Theory of Dispositions (Olesen 1992) gives an essential understanding of
these fits between product and lifecycle. Olesen defines a disposition as:

Definition: A disposition is the part of a decision taken in one functional

area that influences the type, content, efficiency or progress of activities
within other functional areas.

Decisions regarding product characteristics and their influence on the activities

are primarily based on considerations of fit. For example, if a design is tailored
for robotic assembly, it will have few assembly axes and have prepared surfaces
for grippers; these can then be assessed by the efficiency of the assembly activ-
ity. If manual assembly is used instead the misfit will reduce efficiency. Thus, the
designer disposes the choice of assembly method. In Chap.13 we explore disposi-
tional reasoning further, as such, we merely introduce it here.
Olesen etal. (1996) propose a model where product elements are related to life
activities and effects or consequences are identified. The aim of the model is to
identify ecological effects but it is also useful for other types of relationship influ-
encing the life activity. Figure10.10 illustrates the model, in which a products
composition is confronted with the lifecycle activities. This raises the question:
what components cause the effects in this life phase? Effects can both add value or
be harmful negative effects, and relate to the activitys elements: life phase system,
product, actor network, and service. The example composition illustrated here
comes from Fig.10.6.

Fig.10.10Product composition confronted with lifecycle and potential effects

258 10 Product Life Synthesis

10.3.1Actor Roles

Lifecycle synthesis introduces many different actors each influencing the life
activities. As such, fit to actors is just as challenging as the fit to life phase sys-
tems. At the heart of the product lifecycle is the use activity, with the user as actor.
In this activity we see a composed articulation of the products goodness with
contributions from the product (its functions and properties), the activity (its pro-
gression and properties), and the user (their experience, wellbeing, and perception
of the result). A key problem area is recovery, e.g. a familys daily consumption,
leading to problematic amounts of waste. Here, waste represents consumption
of natural resources that should be recovered and reused. However, recycling
depends on sorting, collection, and industrial support, where consumer sorting is
the critical link. Recovery is key to reducing material consumption and the nega-
tive effects of waste disposal. Common recovery loops are shown in Fig.10.11:
Revitalization of products based on repair and exchange of parts.
Remanufacture based on partial reuse and exchange of worn out or out-dated
components. This aims to re-establish the products initial quality state.
Cannibalization of used components to re-compose products, leading to a sec-
ond service period. These products typically have a lower quality than before.
Recycling based on separation, recovery, and reuse of materials.
It is important to realize that users are relatively independent, meaning the product
has a limited influence on their use and life activities. One response to this can be
to design products with a meaning, e.g. by adding specific signs, narratives, style
elements or user societies highlighting ecological concern. This type of thinking
can lead to both improved user activity, as well as inspiring new product perspec-
tives and innovation.

Fig.10.11Recovery loops related to lifecycle

10.4 Design of, and for, the Lifecycle 259

10.4Design of, and for, the Lifecycle

Fundamental to the nature of a product lifecycle is the relationship between prod-

uct and lifecycle. A key question: is the lifecycle designed, i.e. as a product entity,
or simply existing, i.e. the product life synthesis just fits the product to this life-
cycle? In either case we must understand the lifecycle, particularly with respect
to sustainable behaviour. This is highlighted by Kimura and Suzuki (1996): For
sustainable product development, it is essential, to first design total lifecycle in
order to make reuse/recycling activities, more visible and controllable, and then
to design products appropriate, to be embedded in the lifecycle. This seemingly
crazy idea points to the moral that designers who do not know how the product
will solve its tasks, what is necessary for creation and disposal, etc., should not
be designing new products. Thus we need product life insight; ideally early in the
design activity but in practice this comes gradually.
The activities change their nature across the chain because the product is an
active operator during its operation activities and a passive operand during the rest
of the lifecycle. Of particular interest for the user is the products service period,
i.e. the period over which it maintains its productivity, usability, and value for the
user before disposal. Together with the influences discussed in Sect.10.3 we find
the following heuristics useful.
The most probable ideal lifecycle should be identified together with the
subsequent changes required in the life systems.
Based on this ideal lifecycle the product should be designed for best pos-
sible fit and effects.
It is important to remember that there are many possible lifecycles and thus the
designer has the chance to direct the product into a preferable cycle. We call this
lifecycle composition mode of life.

10.4.1Mode of Life

When we discuss mode of life we are dealing with the high level characteristics
of the lifecycle activity as a design entity. This is composed of a number of key
Customers and markets, e.g. product users, customer segments, offers, pris-
ing, and dynamics.
Sales and distribution channels, e.g. outsourced, geographically determined,
physical shop- or web-based shop.
Offering types, e.g. sales, leasing, return agreements, upgrade, and combina-
tions of offers, such as, availability guaranties or renewal arrangements.
Position in the value chain, e.g. component sales, systems sales, OEM agree-
ments, and contracting total solutions.
260 10 Product Life Synthesis

Product portfolio policy, e.g. offering broad combined programs, customer

specific products (one-of-a-kind), and systems based on standard components.
Competitive advantage: key sales arguments, e.g. price, quality, environmental
properties, delivery, service, and customer support.
Recycling strategy, e.g. arranging internal disassembly, upgrade, and recovery
of materials.
These elements are generic and mode of life must be adapted for each company,
project, and situation. In particular, the adoption of a PSS strategy can lead to new
opportunities (Matzen 2009) because of the added design degrees of freedom.
Specifically, McAloone and Andreasen (2002) identify five opportunity areas in
PSS: re-invention of core business, increased competitive advantage, greater con-
trol over the product lifecycle, increased insight into the product and its use, and
alternative approaches to sustainability.
Identification and development of new services is a key part of designing the
design (see Chap.5). Here, the early development stages mirror those of prod-
uct design, i.e. they build on exploration and concept synthesis. However, the
nature of a service is different from that of a product and therefore concretization
diverges from the typical product design stages. Tomiyama (2005) describes the
Service Engineering process as led by service goal requirements and with the
aim to create new services. For both products and service the designer must imag-
ine the lifecycle and identify specific aspects that can be formed into assets.

10.4.2Lifecycle Identification

Key to this imagining and understanding of the lifecycle is creating the fit for life.
This has two roles in this context. First, to identify similarities with possible,
existing lifecycles to help inform the fit between product and lifecycle. Second, to
identify the products effects in each life phase and compare these to the company
and actors goals and values. For example, consider the effect of exceeding weight
or size requirements on distribution.
The first role is key to reducing risk and uncertainty in new projects! It is hard
to imagine any new product being so unique that it can not be related to existing
lifecycle patterns, either in terms of functions and use, existing market offers and
customer segments or sales patterns. This gives the designer a foundation for con-
sidering a wide range of alternative concepts or life phase systems. For example,
an external distributor, responsible for packaging and distribution, might replace a
traditional distribution system.

Identifying and modelling products lifecycle is a key driver for innovation

and finding new possibilities.
10.4 Design of, and for, the Lifecycle 261

Olesen etal. (1996) highlight how both the product and the lifecycle contain mul-
tiple design degrees of freedom and thus a high degree of uncertainty. It takes a
disciplined approach to map the many potential fit problems, identify disposi-
tions, and judge their pros and cons. Here, Olesen warns against a component-
oriented approach because this hides higher-level design degrees of freedom and
their effects. Modelling is an important support for lifecycle identification (see
Chap.8), providing an overview and helping clarification, comparison, stakeholder
identification, etc. When the lifecycle is unclear scenario techniques can support
understanding an imagination.

Product life gallery. Besides the use activity there is a long line of activities
related to the products life phases. In order to create innovative products we
must understand how the product behaves in and influences each life phase.
We can use insights from the ideal activity to create products and services
with competitive edge. Based on this philosophy we teach an exercise where
students create a product life gallery for a piece of luggage. Using this they
then propose new products, e.g. disposable case, luggage-detecting system, a
case financed by advertisements, etc.

A comprehensive modelling technique is shown in Fig.10.12 (Tan 2010) in the

form of a lifecycle poster. Besides the lifecycle model this brings together actor
network, activity cycles, key meetings, interpretation of customer values, trade-
offs, and analysis of environmental effects.
Product life galleries and lifecycle posters are useful tools for supporting a
lifecycle approach, helping identify service opportunities and establish product
service systems. These models can be used at any level of concretization from
speculative scenarios to detailed operational models.

Fig.10.12An example of a lifecycle poster (real size A0) for an offset printing machine, (Tan
262 10 Product Life Synthesis

10.4.3Product Life Synthesis

A key outcome of product life synthesis is the comparison between the design
result and the ideal description of the lifecycle. This closes the total design activity
as described in the Encapsulation Design Model. However, activities after launch
are also the focus of the companys sales, marketing, and service departments.
These are key to interpreting user activities and supporting the search for new
product development opportunities.
A good outcome for product life synthesis is a balanced understanding and
utilization of the possibilities surrounding the fit between product and lifecycle.
However, it should be noted that this utilization can only be partial because of the
complexity and scope of variation between the lifecycles of individual products.
The problems companies face are the identification, utilization, and documentation
of this search.


Our discussion of Product Life Synthesis gives a new perspective on product crea-
tion and its relationship with the users deployment and appreciation of the prod-
uct. We return to these topics in Chap.13 in our discussion of Design for X,
which links to lifecycle issues such as production costs, usability, and disposal.
Successful lifecycles depend on the products fit for life, linked to the designers
dispositions. Further, successful product deployment brings together all elements
in the Encapsulation Design Model. This chapter has explored how a product ser-
vice approach can help link users and companies and support a holistic approach
to user orientation and satisfaction, including sustainability. This is substantially
beyond what we find in traditional product launches.
In closing this chapter we also close Part III and the design process. Until
now we have focused on the process of need identification, concept, product, and
service. In Part IV we consider the question: how to create a good product? In
solving this we build on three fundamental types of design reasoning: functions,
properties, and dispositions.


Andreasen MM, Tjalve E, Stahl H (1973) Konstruktionsprocessens faser (The phases of the engi-
neering design process). Compendium. Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Eekels J (1994) The engineer as designer and as a morally responsible individual. J Eng Des
Goodkoop MJ, Halen CJG van, Riele HRM, Rommens PJM (1999) Product service systems,
ecology and economic basics. VROM/EZ, Dutch Ministries of Environment (VROM) and
Economic Affairs (EZ), No 132
References 263

ILO (2007) Key indicators of the labor market. International Labor Organization (ILO)
Kimura F, Suzuki H (1996) Design of right quality products for total life cycle support. In:
3rd international seminar on life cycle engineering, CIRP Eco-performance 96, Zrich,
Switzerland, pp 127133
Manzini E, Collina L, Evans L (eds) (2004) Solution oriented partnerships. University Cranfield,
Matzen D (2009) A systematic approach to service oriented product development. Ph.D. thesis,
Technical University of Denmark
Matzen D, Tan AR, Andreasen MM (2005) Product/service-systems: proposal for models
and terminology. In: Meerkamp H (ed) Proceedings of 16th symposium Design for X,
Neukirchen, Lehrstuhl fr Konstruktionstechnik, TU Erlangen-Nrnberg
McAloone TC (2011) Boundary conditions for a new type of design task: understanding product/
service-systems. In: Birkhofer H (ed) The future of design methodology, vol 10. Springer,
Berlin, pp 113124
McAloone TC, Andreasen MM (2002) Defining product service systems In: Beitrge zum 13th
Symposium Design for X, Lehrstuhl fr Konstruktionstechnik, TU Erlangen, pp 5160.
Olesen J (1992) Concurrent development in manufacturingbased upon dispositional mecha-
nisms. Ph.D. thesis, Technical University of Denmark
Olesen J, Wenzel H, Hein L, Andreasen MM (1996) Miljrigtig Konstruktion (design for envi-
ronment). Institute of product development. Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
Porter ME (1985) Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance. Simon
and Schuster, New York
Tan AR (2010) Service-oriented product development strategies. Ph.D. dissertation, Technical
University of Denmark
Tomiyama T (2005) A design methodology of services. In: Samuel A, Lewis W (eds)
Proceedings of ICED 2005, engineering design and global economy, Melbourne
Vandermerve S (2000) How increasing value to customers improve business results. Sloan
Manag Rev 42(1):2737
Part IV
Reasoning About the Good Product
Chapter 11
Function Reasoning

This chapter opens Part IV: reasoning about the good product. In this part we deal
with function, property, and dispositional reasoning. Goodness is first and fore-
most related to the user and need satisfaction, but also to actors in the lifecycle and
to the manufacturers perception of good business.
Both activities and products carry functions and in the composed product we
find functions related to organs as introduced in Chap.8. Ultimately, these all
build on the users perception in order to assess functions appropriateness and
value. This is illustrated in the Link Model, which is the reference model for all
three chapters in Part IV. Creating proper functionality in a product has a huge
influence on users perceived value.


A products functions determine its identity and are key to satisfying users needs.
The starting point for function reasoning is thus in the need, intention, and goal for
what the product should do and what the user can do with the product. This allows
us to identify solutions that we can use to realize these functions and compose the
product. Thus, functions determine a products utility, usability, excitement, pro-
ductivity, and value. It is critically important to be able to identify and build in
functions; we call this competence function reasoning.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 267

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_11
268 11 Function Reasoning

We have already met the term function: as the core of product ideas, as part of
creating concepts, and as the label for organs during product synthesis. In prac-
tice identifying a products functions is a major task. A balance must be struck
between the users/clients wishes, future actors related to the life cycle, the prod-
ucts use and life cycle activities. Faulty composition of functions can negatively
impact goal satisfaction, and where additional functions must be added late in the
design process can have a major negative impact on overall project progression.

Rescue lift. When fires strike large buildings it is essential that most occu-
pants are able to quickly rescue themselves by evacuating the building.
However, wheelchair users or people with walking difficulties are often not
able to manage the many stairs involved. Thus, a device is needed to help
rescue these people. We can imagine devices such as a sledge, operated by
volunteers, which can slide safely downstairs. Early ideas might focus on
analogies, e.g. sledges, tracked vehicles, multi-wheel vehicles, multi-leg-
ged walkers, people with straps at both end of the device, or people link-
ing hands to collaboratively carry someone, Fig.11.1. Based on these we
can start to identify sub-functions: able to navigate corners, support a range
of possible occupants, etc. Further, we might ask who should reset the
device ready for the next rescue? How? Identifying these use functions is
thus related to both the users and the helpers roles. Gradually we can refine
these elements to describe detailed use activities and product characteris-
tics. Thus, our reasoning on functions is closely linked to our reasoning on

Fig.11.1Design sketches for rescuedevices

11.1Functions 269

This example highlights the difference between our imagined use of a device and
the functionality built into the real product. This dualism is central to this chapter
and links to our previously stated design philosophy: both the product and its use
activity are carriers of functionality and thus both are something to be synthesized
(being design entities). Vermaas (2014) explains this as a confrontation between
the traditional engineering-based rational view and the user-oriented intentional
view. In the terminology of this book we distinguish between the idea with the
product and the idea in the product:

We must distinguish what we want to do with the product, its use function,
and what we want the product to do, its action function.

The main entities that carry a products functions are the activity and the
organs. These functions are achieved using natural phenomena to create effects.
Understanding these building blocks from a functional viewpoint is essential. As
such, we base our understanding in the concepts mode of action and mode of
use introduced in Chap.8, which build on natural phenomenon creating effects
via state changes.

At the heart of understanding functionality is understanding mode of action

and mode of use, i.e. the behaviour and its effects.

Creating a composed product is based on cause/effect reasoning about the interac-

tion of its elements, i.e. the activities and organs. Understanding these interactions
is the prerequisite for creating a network of functions, which forms the foundation
for composing activities and organs.

The network of functions based on cause/effect patterns leads to the iden-

tification of the products composition, i.e. its structure of activities and
organs, and their interaction.

In daily language the term function is vague. When we say that something is a
function, we focus on behaviour not the organ or activity realizing the function.
Thus, what we call a function in daily language is in fact the apparent effect of
an artefacts properties.

Functions are not artefacts; they are the artefacts properties.

Effects are not functions; they are how functions influence the world.
270 11 Function Reasoning

Functions are ubiquitous in design methodology because, as designers, we must

be able to describe a concept all the way from vague idea to concrete product.
Functions are one of the few elements that are able to be described at any level
of precision and thus can form a foundation for the whole process; from a single
idea to a network of functions, and from simple on/off statements to questions
of good functional properties. Despite this flexibility many approaches use highly
constrained functional models, meaning that many possibilities are lost (Eisenbart
2014). We adopt a fundamentally different approach in this chapter.
Section 11.2 first explores how functions can be used to link task and
Section11.3 outlines functions role in cause/effect reasoning based on under-
standing the core elements: activities and organs.
Section11.4 shows how functional interaction can be determined and leads to
the composition of the organ structure: the function network and product
Section11.5 focuses on production by looking at creating the part structure:
from function to embodiment.
Section11.6 looks at how cross-disciplinary function reasoning is supported
by the discipline independence of functional language.
Section11.7 examines the consequences of function reasoning during synthe-
sis: design-type dependency.

11.2Functions for Linking Task and Product

From one perspective function is simply a label we use to discuss an artefacts

abilities, action, deployment, etc. Alternatively, functions are objective things
carried by an artefact.

Definition: Functions are a product or activitys ability to do something

actively or be used for something, i.e. deliver an effect.

Based on this definition there is no such thing as a passive function. Thus iden-
tifying the active element is key to function reasoning. This means that we can
differentiate two function types: use and action. A use function describes when
effects are obtained through a products use, while action functions describe
when the product or its organs deliver effects. There are only four types of effect:
material, energy, information, and/or biological. It is through these effects that an
artefact interacts with its environment, as illustrated in Fig.11.2.
11.2 Functions for Linking Task and Product 271

Fig.11.2Use functions and action functions, all based on effects

Electric drill. An electric drill is typically used to drill holes using a spiral
bore. In daily language we might say the drills function is to drill holes,
but as designers we must be more specific. First, we can define the tech-
nical elements: the spiral bore coupled with feed force and rotation is able
to make holes. Here, the drills motor/gearing delivers the rotation, but an
operator is required to position the device, activate it, and deliver the feed
force, which is transmitted through the machine. This means we have two
functions: the use function bore holes, and the action functions create
rotation and transmit feed force. We can also expand these if we consider
alternative uses for the electric drill, e.g. mixing paint or polishing surfaces,
where other tools replace the spiral bore.

11.2.1Other Types of Functions

Vermaas (2014) describes two perspectives on functions: structural/behavioural

and intentional. The structural/behavioural interpretation focuses on product com-
position, while the intentional interpretation focuses on aim, use, and value. In
addition to these, three other major interpretations of function exist. First, poten-
tial or latent functions describe when alternative product interpretations create
effects linked to action functions (using a coffee brewer to make tea) or use func-
tions (using a toy torch to charge a mobile phone). Second, emergent functions
describe when effects emerge for users exceeding the designers intended product
functionality, e.g. repurposing an old phone as an interactive childs toy. Finally,
affordances describe the complete set of a products use functions, including both
unforeseen and planned functions (Brown and Blessing 2005).
272 11 Function Reasoning

The product should be designed such that it is used as planned for its
intended purpose, where additional uses and possible harmful effects are

We see functions as active and thus they determine the utility and deployment of
the product. As such, we do not consider the following features to truly be func-
tions: aesthetic, semantic, social, economic, status, ideological or related to life
activities like maintenance (Mon 1997). Although these terms relate to func-
tions, properties, features, or patterns they actually describe the value perception
viewpoint (Miles 1972) where they link the product to certain conformities. For
example, cars are taxable objects in the eyes of the tax authorities, but this is not
a function of a car. Similarly, a car motors function is to create force. Due to
its mode of action it gets hot, creates exhaust gases, consumes fuel, etc. but none
of these can be described as functions unless their state changes are utilized, e.g.
using the heat to warm the passenger cabin. Instead the motor has properties,
e.g. efficiency or rotational speed that define its suitability for a given task. In
our definition products manifest themselves through their properties, effects, and
functions. As noted above (Fig.11.2) these effects can be material, energy, infor-
mation, and/or biological.

Danger signals. In most Danish railway stations there are marker lines
denoting a safe distance from the platform edge. This is created using plas-
tic yellow discs that are glued to the platform (Fig.11.3). What is their
function? Is it a passive effect? Is there an activity and an output? From an
Fig.11.3Platform with
warning sign (saying: The
yellow dots may not be
passed if there is no train)
and marked risk area
11.2 Functions for Linking Task and Product 273

information perspective, the signs programme the passengers to connect

the discs and their colour with danger. This changes the behaviour of the
passengers, who are less likely to move into the danger area. Thus, the active
effect is of an information nature created by the discs, but the generated
effect is found in the passengers mind and subsequent behaviour.

Functions are at the core of peoples perception of products and activities and link to
their usability, utilization, operation, and purpose. This is the foundation for the Link
Model, which helps us answer the question: What functions should we build in?

11.2.2Link Model

The Link Model is illustrated in Fig.11.4. This describes the situation when the
user actually uses the final product and forms a perception of its value. On the
left we show the designer imagining a users need and value perception to create
a goal formulation. The key assumption described in this model is that the users
perception of value must be closely linked to the designers reasoning from goal
to synthesis. In this way the model presents an idealized interpretation of practice;
the designer can add valuable new dimensions but can also make nave or wrong
goal formulations.

A users perception of need satisfaction and value is based on the recogni-

tion of functions in the product and use activity.

The model shows how the designer sees the product and the use activity as sys-
tems with structure and behaviour. Although the actual workings of a product are

Fig.11.4The link model showing the users value perception and the designers reasoning
274 11 Function Reasoning

often a black box the user still experiences the functions as tacit insights. The
key here is the activity result, i.e. how the output from the use activity satisfies
the need. At the core of a products deployment is how the user interprets its use.
With respect to the previous danger signals example, the authors have seen chil-
dren jumping from one plastic disc to another as a gamequite a different inter-
pretation of the product from the intended safety warning. This leaves us with two
perspectives when designing the product.
The idea with is use and user dependant leading to multiple, ambiguousness
functions linked to the actors, situations, and life phases. For example, in the
egg sausage machine (Chap.8) the idea with is the sausage delivered to the
consumer. The user is the sausage producer and the key qualities should be in
accordance with the customers taste.
The idea in is based on the designers intent. For example, the egg sausage
producer might instruct the design team in how the manufacturing machine
should function, e.g. automatic operations or how the sausage should be packed
and delivered. This leads to a certain composition of the machines functions.
These different perspectives allow us to consider both the known degrees of design
freedom and to propose new ideas where the product creates a need unknown to
the user. For example, text messaging on mobile phones was originally designed
so that operating companies could notify users of important information, e.g. pay-
ment options. Accordingly, text messaging was initially a free service. However,
users found that they could also use the service to send messages to other users,
something that has become extremely populareven superseding tradition voice
calling. Thus, a new need was discovered together with many new market opportu-
nities. The demarcation between what the product is able to do and what the prod-
uct is actually used for is essential.

A product cannot be understood without use and context. Remember that

both the bicycle and bicycling are inventions. Both the product and its use
activity carry functions that are asking for original solutions.
A key to successful synthesis is being able to articulate the ideal products
functions but also being able to adapt to the uncontrollable effects created
by the user after launch.
Function reasoning can lead to the feeling that a concept is complete once
the functions are identified. This is only the tip of the iceberg, it is impor-
tant to fully explore the action functions and their realization before con-
sidering a concept complete.

11.3Understanding the Core Elements: Activities and Organs

As highlighted by the final heuristic above we must understand how things work
and how their functions are realized. This comes back to state changes as the fun-
damental means for understanding design, i.e. creating a products functions and
11.3 Understanding the Core Elements: Activities and Organs 275

properties, and understanding the processes of need satisfaction and product reali-
zation. More practically, we can describe this in terms of function, behaviour, and

11.3.1Products and Activities

Artefacts describe objects created by humans, while products include additional

ideas such as sales and fulfilment of a need.

Definition: Product is a general denominator for materialized, executable

artefacts, i.e. artefacts able to carry behaviours and realize functions and
properties through a use activity.

Activities (with the synonyms: processes, operations, and transformations)

describe a sequence of related state changes over time, resulting from a products
use and mode of action.

11.3.2The Core of Everything: Mode of Action and State


Design is focused on creating products that help us achieve desired results, e.g.
making a cup of coffee. State changes are the mechanisms that underpin these
results, e.g. brewing coffee.
Designers core activities are understanding natural phenomena, reasoning
about cause and effect, and designing things that utilize these.
A precondition for effective reasoning is to understand what creates state
changes. In design this is realized through mode of use and mode of action.
Figure 11.5 gives an overview of these phenomena: mode of use and mode of
action are arranged about a natural phenomenon, where external effects and inter-
actions between action conditions (in the form of bodies) occur. These interac-
tions create state changes that define the activity or organs behaviour, observable
from the outside as functions. Certain state changes create effects that influence the
The term body should not be interpreted too mechanically. Natural phe-
nomena occur in certain media, fields, and materializations that are linked to the
mode of action and the action conditions. Bodies and their interactions become the
link to the part structure, which mirrors and realizes the action. Further, the media
themselves (e.g. liquids, gases, or fields) also belong to the part structure. In this
model actions link activities, organs, and parts. An example of this is illustrated
276 11 Function Reasoning

Fig.11.5Mode of use and mode of action in an organ (contrast with Fig.11.7)

Fig.11.6Mode of use in a wire drawing machine

in Fig.11.6 where a wire is plastically drawn. Here the action conditions are the
matrix, the wire, and the effects (the forces), and the wire as operand.
In order to understand action we need to understand effect. Here there are
three elements. First, state changes do not happen spontaneously, they need trig-
gering effects. Second, once the state change occurs it delivers the desired effect.
This can then go on to trigger subsequent state changes. In this way we make up a
cause/effect chain, where mode of use and mode of action interactions correspond
to cause/effect chains.

Definition: An effect is a state change in a mode of action or mode of use,

which leads to interaction with other entities.

A condition for interaction is that there is something for the effect to act on. In
Sect.11.2 we defined function as the ability to deliver an effect and now we can
complete that definition in terms of mode of action and mode of use.

Definition: Mode of action and mode of use are phenomena where effects
from the surroundings and interactions between the action conditions real-
ize natural phenomena resulting in a desired effect. One or more effects
trigger the activity or organ.
11.3 Understanding the Core Elements: Activities and Organs 277

Hans Christian rsted placed a magnetic needle in an electrical current and

observed the effect: the needle turned. Through this action condition he discov-
ered the natural phenomenon of electromagnetism. From here, the develop-
ment of a modern electric motor is a matter of creating better action conditions,
as determined by the designer. One natural phenomenon can lead to many applica-
tions as shown in Fig.11.7: (a) producing plastic foil, (b) melting, (c) pump for
evacuating, (d) bearing, and (e) centralization and lacquering (Rodenacker 1970).
Natural phenomena are bound to activities and organs bodies, e.g. the wire and
the matrix in Fig.11.6, and thus link to the part structure. Simply put, all patents
are really about arranging actions.

Definition: Action conditions are the arrangement of external effects and

interactions between bodies, which create the physical conditions for utiliz-
ing a natural phenomenon to create state changes, and subsequently effects.

Although Domain Theory claims that materialization only belongs to the part
domain we must also consider materialization in the activity and organ domains.
Natural phenomena like physical effects do not exist without a materialization,
here in form of bodies.

Fig.11.7Applying Bernoullis flow phenomena to various rotating and fixed bodies. a Produc-
ing plastic foil. b Melting. c Pump for evacuating. d Bearing. e Centralization and lacquering
278 11 Function Reasoning

In nature state changes happen autonomously in complex processes that are

influenced by their environment, e.g. weathering and erosion of mountains. In a
societal context we find that state changes are driven by human intervention and
are related to technological rather than natural systems, e.g. agriculture. Further,
these are linked to products and tools. These differences are found in both how a
product is used and in its entities, organs, and parts. For example, petrol can burn
in a natural process but it takes human intervention to burn petrol in a car. Air and
fuel injection is controlled together with the ignition mechanism to produce the
maximum amount of mechanical rotational energy.

Definition: State is a description of an entity in terms of parameters (phys-

ical quantities), e.g. temperature, pressure, composition, phase, momentum,

All state changes are related to natural phenomena, while human involvement is
based on insight into natural phenomena. In a car engine the state change is obvi-
ous: petrol and air are combusted to create pressure on the pistons. The movement
of the pistons ultimately drives the rotation of the wheels (the action function)
through mechanical transmission. This is a precondition for the cars use function,
i.e. moving people from A to B. While effects concern the behaviour of physical
objects, functions concern human perception. Both the designer and user are rea-
soning about functionality.

Definition: Behaviour is the complex of state changes that occur in an

activity or device based on natural phenomena.

Using this understanding of action and its elements (action conditions, state,
effect, and behaviour) we find that they are not simply LEGO pieces but active
entities with complex interactions.

11.3.3How Activities Work

Activities are influenced by operators that drive the state change in the oper-
and. Operators can be humans, products, methods, or active surroundings (see
Chap.8), and operands can be material, energy, information, or biological entities.

Microwave oven. The use activity of a microwave oven is based on a mode
of use, in which food entities are under the influence of electromagnetic
radiation creating thermal energy by dielectric heating. The heating requires
11.3 Understanding the Core Elements: Activities and Organs 279

Fig.11.8The mode of use, use activity, and effects in a microwave oven

the entities to move in order to achieve an even heat distribution. The prod-
uct creates the wave effect via a magnetron, with the waves being guided to
the food entities. The whole system is enclosed by a Faraday cage to avoid
irradiating the surroundings. Figure11.8 shows the use activitys mode
of use, its interactions, and the products affects, i.e. the products action

At the core of an activitys action is the interaction between the operation and the
product. This interaction is facilitated by an interface organ, which is typically a
combination of action conditions from the product and the operand, e.g. the rotat-
ing plate in a microwave is an organ together with the food. The result of the activ-
ity is the operand in its output state, e.g. the microwave has the output hot food
and the use activity has the function deliver food. Thus cause/effect and function
reasoning are used to synthesize activities. First, the cause/effect chain starts from
the activity result, e.g. brewed coffee, drawn wire, or hot food. Here, it is neces-
sary to identify the relevant natural phenomena linking input and output via state
changes, and subsequently create the action. Based on our interpretation of action
we are now able to define the use activity more precisely.

Definition: The use activity is an arrangement of mode of use. This brings

together natural phenomena and state changes, effects from the product,
humans, and active surroundings, and action conditions.

Let us explore this definition using the example of shoe making. A key activity is
sewing the upper shoe to the sole, where the upper and the sole are the operands.
The natural phenomena are a combination of penetration and positioning, respec-
tively, materialized in the interaction organs of the needle and the tooth rack (to
move and position the sole). One effect of the product (the sewing machine) is the
reciprocal movement of these interacting organs. The effect of the user (the opera-
tor) is the supporting movement of the shoe assembly by the operators hands. The
effect of the active surroundings is simply that gravity helps position and drives
280 11 Function Reasoning

the shoe parts. Based on this reasoning the design of an activity can be supported
by the following heuristics:
Mode of use and the activity result (the activitys primary use function)
must be explicitly articulated.
Identification of the state change in the activity helps define the role of the
natural phenomenon, and therefore directs the search for solutions.
The mode of use defines the effects to be delivered by the product, as well
as the effects to be delivered by humans and/or the active surroundings.
When the use of the product is determined the goal formulation can be
expanded to include additional desired action functions.

In Chap.8 we saw that the operation activity has the product as operator while
all other product life activities have the product or its components as operands. In
effect, during product life activities the wider product life systems take the role of
the primary operator. This illustrates the close relationship between activities and
products, which is fundamentally created by the products organs.

11.3.4How Organs Work

Most products are composed of several organs, each realizing a certain function,
and all interacting in a cause/effect structure. Further, some organs interact with
the operator, the surroundings or other products and systems. Thus, although the
final product is composed of parts we must understand its functional composition
in order to allocate the parts. Organs explain this functionality and the reasoning
behind organs mode of action. Only very simple products carry a single func-
tion, e.g. hand tools, typically several organs are interacting. The final product is
therefore seen as a structure of interacting organs. Taking the microwave example
(Fig.11.8) the interface organs are shared by the product and the activity. From a
product perspective these are half organs, where we only see the other half in the
deployment of the product. Going deeper into understanding organs composition
consider the pencil sharpener in Fig.11.9.
In Fig.11.9 interface organs cutting and guiding are interacting with the
pencil, while a third gripping organ is interacting with the user. These half
organs depend on external effects and therefore the functions are termed allow
cutting, allow guiding, and allow gripping. The body of the sharpener interacts
with all three interface organs and positions the pencil relative to the knife. This
embodiment requires an additional connecting organ hold knife, which could be
realized by a screw.
In order to understand an organs mode of action we can look at organs inter-
action and the action conditions using the Moka Pot example, Fig.11.10. The
brewing organs mode of action is composed by its action conditions: the two fil-
ters and chamber walls that enclose the ground coffee, which together with the top
filter raise the pressure. The organ requires effects from the boiler chamber: hot
water and pressure, and delivers effects to the serving chamber: coffee flow.
11.3 Understanding the Core Elements: Activities and Organs 281

Fig.11.9A pencil sharpener delivering cutting and guiding effects to the use activity

Fig.11.10A Moka Pots boiling and brewing chambers with the brewing organ highlighted

In the pots deployment the organs undergo state changes as shown in

Fig. 11.10. It is notable that the brewing organ creates the effect counter pres-
sure allowing the pressure to build up, as well as the pressure for transporting the
coffee to the serving pot. This cause/effect chain of interactions is illustrated in
Fig.11.11. Parallel to our definition of activity we can define an organ as follows:

Definition: An organ is a functional unit of a product where the arrange-

ment of mode of action is based on effects from other organs, action condi-
tions, and interactions, by which it creates functions.
282 11 Function Reasoning

Fig.11.11A Moka Pots brewing organ and its cause/effect interaction with other organs

Based on these elements we propose a number of heuristics to guide the determi-

nation of organs from function reasoning:

The reasoning should follow the progression: label the organs pur-
pose>identify the nature of the organs>arrange the interactions via the
cause/effect chain.
We can articulate functions via statements about effects: transmit move-
ment, behaviour: when I, then the product should, and conditions:
allow blind users to choose a setting.
Organs often require supporting functions, see Sect.11.4.

This section explains the core of functionality, i.e. the arrangement of interactions
to realize natural phenomena and create functions. As such, we can broadly char-
acterize function reasoning:
The progression from labelling what things do to identifying the nature of
things, specifically organs and their interaction.
A solution neutral form of reasoning, focusing on function rather than embodi-
ment and allowing for alternatives to be considered.

11.4The Function Network and Product Composition

A function describes what a thing should do, e.g. create force and an organ is a
concrete solution able to deliver this effect. Thus, reasoning from function to organ
keeps the solution space open, i.e. it allows us to articulate what we want before
we jump to a solution. This makes it extremely worthwhile to alternate between
finding solutions and reasoning about functions. In this way product composition
(the organ and part structure) is supported by the following patterns:
Domain Theory explores horizontal and vertical causality.
The organ structure follows the rules function/means tree and supporting
function types.
11.4 The Function Network and Product Composition 283

The logic of cause/effect relations follows rules including structural state

transitions, flow reasoning, and interaction.
Although this section focuses on determining functional synthesis the designer
must also consider inputs from property and dispositional reasoning, which we
deal with in the following chapters.

11.4.1Horizontal and Vertical Causality

Hubka and Eder (1988) identify two types of causal chains that determine the
scope of a products abilities, illustrated in Fig.11.12.
1. Horizontal causal chain: this describes activities related to the product,
including the activity result, the operation activity, the use activity, and product
life activities; see also Fig.8.8.
2. Vertical causal chain: this describes the interactions between a products
organs that create the active effects necessary for a products use activities.
Between these two chains and the task allocation (to the product, the human, or
the active surroundings) necessary for the activity chain we can fully define a
product. To illustrate this task allocation and product delimitation we translate the
general pattern in Fig.11.12 (a) to the specific case of a printer. (b) Here, the line
of activities shows the users tasks: adding paper and removing completed print-
ing. The task of controlling the printing is allocated to a computer. Between the
interface organs (concerning feed, data transfer, etc.) and the products interaction
with the activity chain there is a causal pattern of functions to be determined in the
design activities.
The focus on a products primary purpose raises the question of how many
additional functions can be added, e.g. the many different roles served by a smart-
phone. The simple answer is that as long as these functions are perceived as value
adding by the customer there is no limit. Note, this must be considered holisti-
cally, as at some point a device becomes hopelessly complex with the individual
functions ceasing to add value. These functions are called auxiliary functions.

Fig.11.12Horizontal and vertical causality (a) a generic model (b) printer example
284 11 Function Reasoning

An extreme example is found in various software-based smart devices, where the

average user only sees a fraction of the devices true functionality.
Derive the products task and action functions from the use function and
activity. Additionally, check the proposed action functions are able to per-
form the desired use activities.
The users perception of a products value is related to the activity result,
interaction with the user, the user operations in the use activity, and the
function properties.

11.4.2The Function/Means Tree: A Hierarchy of Functions

Functions point to organs that must be arranged in an interacting pattern, i.e. organ
structure. Typically, this is based on a main function as the foundation. For exam-
ple, a can openers main use function is open can but what is the main action
function? If we imagine successive cutting operation along the rim of the can we
need the product to realize the functions position cutter, progress cutter, and
move cutter. In this situation we cannot identify one main function that deter-
mines all additional functions, rather a set of functions to be realized. We can also
see that main functions are seldom sufficient, additional functions must be added.
It is important to distinguish between the causal reasons for additional func-
tions and the nature of the functions themselves, which also affects the organs
Hubka and Eder (1988) observe that when the existing sub-solutions are insuf-
ficient there is a need for more functions. Thus, composition becomes a pattern
of alternating functions and solutions in a causal hierarchy. Andreasen (1980)
described this as Hubkas first Law and identified two types of solutions: activ-
ity chains (related to, e.g. flow of materials) and part detailing. Hence, why we
use means as a general denominator for solutions to a function. Hubkas
first Law can be visualized as a hierarchical tree of functions and means, the
function/means tree, e.g. Fig.11.13 (Tjalve 1979; Andreasen 1980).

Toy torch. Consider the various solutions in a toy torch as illustrated in
Fig. 11.13. At the highest level the principle is selecteda hand-driven
dynamo supported by a battery. Other top-level principles can thus be con-
sidered, e.g. a solar-powered battery. At the next level LED lamps and a
dynamo are selected. However, we can again look for alternatives, especially
because the selected mechanical systems are costly. Going further down we
decompose the rack and gear system. Here , an alternative is a crank input
that simplifies the transmission. New concepts are created by combining
means and adding functions as necessary. We can explore alternative prod-
ucts at any level of the tree, depending on the level of change desired.
11.4 The Function Network and Product Composition 285

Fig.11.13The functions/means tree for a toy torch with illustrative alternatives

The primary role of the functions/means tree is analytical, however, it is also use-
ful in synthesizing a new product. Here the tree is gradually built up in conjunc-
tion with synthesis. This helps structure the design process and gives an overview
of the products progression but does not fundamentally explain or directly support

The strength of the function/means tree is in helping order solutions and

point to possible alternatives.

When we are focused on adjusting or improving existing solutions the func-

tions/means tree is a good starting point for deciding which branches should be
kept and which should be renewed. The tree structure shows causality (the rea-
son for a means) but ideation methods are needed to actually create the means.
In this way we can use the tree structure to identify the impact of alternative
decisions on lower levels. However, causality does not give a complete picture
of the organ structure, as such, we need to consider supporting special function
286 11 Function Reasoning

11.4.3Supporting Function Types

Due to the nature of organs (i.e. built on natural phenomena) there is normally
a need for a structure of supportive functions as described by Hubkas second
Law (Andreasen 1980). The role of these supporting functions is illustrated in
Fig.11.14. This leads to five distinct types of supportive functions: work functions
concern the delivery of the products effects; energy functions concern energy and
signal distribution; control functions concern sequencing, monitoring, regulation,
and interaction with the operator and/or other systems; Help functions concern the
management of supply and supporting tasks; frame functions concern the creation
of a body, frame, support, encapsulation, etc. for the product. The function/means
tree does not describe non-causal relationships between functions. Thus, the exist-
ence of these support functions depends on the nature of the means. If the means
are self-contained then there is no need for sub-functions and sub-means.
Typically, there are also special functions for interaction with surroundings and
linked to the product life cycle. First, interaction functions concern the users
operation and control of the product. This includes input functions, e.g. the user
pressing control buttons, and output functions, e.g. a display informing the user
about the current setting. In some situations this can also include functions for
carrying, sitting on, or storing the product. Second, life cycle functions concern
specific life activities, e.g. transport (an eyebolt for a crane lift), storing (partial
disassembly for stacking), installation (changeable connectors, feet), maintenance
(diagnostic support, exchange of components), and disposal (material identifica-
tion labels). Identifying these life cycle functions is a borderline problem involv-
ing different competences. This brings us back to the importance of visualization
as a means for bringing together different inputs (Chap.7). Functions identified
by life cycle thinking cannot normally be fitted into a hierarchy or flow pattern of
product functions but may be linked to specific organs or sub-systems where they
act, e.g. an eyebolt is fixed to a products frame.

Fig.11.14A function in a product supported by a family of secondary functions

11.4 The Function Network and Product Composition 287

11.4.4Structural State Transition

We saw in the Moka Pot example (Fig.11.11) that a precondition for brewing coffee
is the loading and assembly of the pot. Further, after use the pot needs to be disas-
sembled for cleaning. Thus, the pot goes through two structural state transitions
during use. These transitions require features such as connecting threads, sealing
gasket, and detachable brewing chamber. Structural state transitions can be modelled
as illustrated in Fig.11.15. Here, a traditional car gear set is shown in four states.
This state transition diagram shows a typical gearshift sequence, where gears 4 and
6 can slide but are fixed rotationally. In each state an arrow is used to denote the
part of the gear that is active. Generally, state transitions play an important role in
menu-based products (i.e. products with multiple selectable structures). In the soft-
ware domain much of a products functionality can be achieved via state transitions.
When structural state transitions are used to create multifunctionality or as nec-
essary conditions for preparing the product for its use activity, the question is: how
should the user be informed about the transition and what should trigger it? This again
highlights the importance of respecting cause/effect relationships and task allocation.

Fig.11.15Example of structural state transitions in a gearbox

288 11 Function Reasoning

11.4.5Flow Pattern Reasoning

Some operands (material, energy, information, or biological) create a flow pattern

in the organ structure, i.e. a chain of organs bound together by one operand. Here
the similarity between activities and organs is clearly illustrated. Dym and Little
(2000) explore this with respect to internal signal and energy transformations in a
radio, Fig.11.16. Here, the flow pattern is a consequence of the necessary signal
transformations linking the functions.


One consequence of using Domain Theory and its three system types is that we
are confronted with two types of interactions: between activities, organs, and
parts; and inside activities, organs, and parts, described by actions and leading to
mode of use and mode of action. This dual nature means their definition is quite

Definition: Interactions are the propagation of effects between and inside

organs, explaining the behaviour of the organ structure and each organs
mode of action.

All of these interactions are defined by effects (material, energy, information,

and/or biological), the product composition, and its activity. At the core of these
interactions are the natural phenomena deployed in the product via the chain of

Fig.11.16Modelling signal and energy transformations in a radio (Dym and Little 2000)
11.4 The Function Network and Product Composition 289

state changes and tasks. Unfortunately, distinguishing what is inside the product
(organs) and what is outside (activities) is seldom straightforward. However, oper-
ands and operators are of a fundamentally different nature: operands are passive
and are changed, operators drive the changes in the operands. Finally, organs are
realized in the part domain where the interactions are materialized. Still this does
not give a simple mapping, i.e. an organ can be based on many parts and a part can
contribute to several organs.
In this chapter there are several examples of interactions between and inside
activities, organs, and parts. In Fig.11.9 we examined a simple concretization of
an organ structure in a pencil sharpener. The interactions, in the form of forces,
were managed by merging all the bodies except the knife, which required an addi-
tional function and an assembly organ. This example also demonstrated interac-
tions with the surroundings: the operators finger and the pencil. Finally, this also
illustrated how a function can be necessitated by the embodiment: the requirement
for connecting the metal knife to the main body.

Combustion engine. At the heart of a car engine is the cylinder where pet-
rol is burned. The piston head and its assembly to the crankshaft make it
possible to transform combustion energy into rotational momentum in the
shaft. The action conditions in the combustion chamber organ are linked
to the design of the cylinder and its interaction with the organs: air supply,
ignition, exhaust, etc., see Fig.11.17. It is also important to realize that
of these interactions the link with the transmission organ is bidirectional,
i.e. the piston can drive the crankshaft but the crankshaft can also drive the
Fig.11.17A car engines
combustion chamber
organ and its interactions
290 11 Function Reasoning

In addition to the complexity highlighted above the effect can also be composed,
e.g. the interaction between the brewing organ and the serving organ in the Moka
Pot is a mix of water and steam, where the water contains coffee oil. Here the user
observes that the transfer has started via the boiling sound, i.e. they are informed
about the brewing. As such, this effect is composed of material, energy, and infor-
mation interactions. An interaction is what is happening not how it is happen-
ing, thus we need something to carry the effects that compose the interactions.
This something is realized in the creation of the part structure.

11.5Creating the Part Structure: From Function to


Organs and parts were introduced in Chap.8 where we defined a part as the basic
material element of a product. Now we consider how parts are synthesized. Parts
have their origin in organs bodies, i.e. the action conditions are brought into one
or more parts. Again consider the pencil sharpener (Fig.11.9), the guiding and
gripping bodies are merged into one part to which the knife body is attached to
create a three-part structure.
Domain Theory gives a three-dimensional understanding of how products are
used, work, and built. Thus a part is characterized by form, material, dimensions,
and surface qualities (and sometimes also state when this influences how a part is

Toy torch finger grip. In a toy torch we find force take up and rack organs
(introduced in Fig.8.15). The part structure related to these organs is shown in
Fig.11.18, which can be used to identify the bodies of the two organs. (a) Shows

Fig.11.18Two organs in a toy torch and their merging into one part
11.5 Creating the Part Structure: From Function to Embodiment 291

the force take-up organ, which has two bodies that interact with the user and
each other via a rotational relation. (b) Shows the rack organ, which has four
bodies that create the rotation force on Part 4 and the required fix-points 5 and 6.
We can explain the actual part structure by merging these bodies (c). It is pos-
sible for the two organs to share the rotational relationship by using Part 2 as
the frame for the device and integrating bodies 1 and 3 into one part. Here, we
have decided to transmit movement further down the effect chain, from Part
1 via Part 3 to the rack mechanism. Part 1+3 also carries bodies related to a
number of other functions (return spring, end stop, and locking (Fig.8.15)).

The example shows how a part can materialize the bodies from one or more
organs. This is one of the reasons why parts are not fundamental elements of
organs or organs themselves. Rather, the organs natural phenomena and action
conditions define what each part does, e.g. transmit force, conduct current, or
keep position. Then the interaction pattern of the action conditions defines how
the parts relate and interact, e.g. creating a hinge or sliding against each other. The
result of this synthesis is parts defined by their characteristics.

Definition: A part is a material element of a product. The part materializes

the bodies and their interactions and is characterized by its form, material,
dimensions, and surface qualities.

The form and material characteristics are key. For completeness in the transforma-
tion from organs to parts we must include the operands as parts, e.g. the water in a
pump or the air in a fan. Without these entities we are not able to explain the prod-
uct and its embodiment.

11.5.1The Embodiment Activity

The Encapsulation Design Model shows the sequence: Concept Synthesis, Product
Synthesis, and Product Development. In order for transition from organs to parts
we must consider both conceptualization and product development perspectives.
Pahl and Beitz (2007) give a comprehensive treatment of the embodiment activity,
starting with a concept and ending with what they call overall layout and defini-
tions of the components shapes and materials, i.e. the part structure.
The transition from organ to part view depends on the degree of concretiza-
tion required to verify the concepts/solutions used in the products composition.
During product synthesis the detailing of the organs can reach such a level that
292 11 Function Reasoning

it is appropriate to start the part detailing, i.e. the activity changes from function
reasoning to reasoning about manufacture. This typically happens heterogeneously
following the set-based description of the sub-systems (see Chap.7).

Definition: Embodiment is the design activity that determines the complete

part structure of a product. This is based on the organ structure and the satis-
faction of manufacturing requirements. This activity results in a full justifi-
cation of the products functionality and properties in its final manufactured

It is outside the scope of this book to go deeper into the many principles and issues
of the embodiment activity but we will cover the main synthesis aspects: the crea-
tion of the part structure and defining the parts and their interfaces.

11.5.2Part Structure Considerations

The following help us understand how function reasoning can be used to deter-
mine parts:

Understanding the organs mode of action is a precondition for determin-

ing parts.
Several design and realization conditions can emerge from the transition
from organs to parts, e.g. additional supporting functions and part fea-
tures. These originate in organs mode of action and manufacture.
Reasoning should alternatively focus on understanding the organs func-
tionality and the parts materialization.

The use of bodies to structure reasoning is an idealization. Hubka advised that we

should work out manufacturing neutral, geometric solutions, i.e. creating the
necessary bodies but giving them an unfinished form that can be gradually concre-
tized. Tjalve believes the opposite, that one should identify preferred manufactur-
ing means, e.g. thin plate forming, to give direction to the neutral solution, which
he argued could otherwise be misleading. This is then gradually resolved through
the creation, selection, and synthesis of variants to produce the final embodiment.
Complexity is a key cost driver because it has a wide-ranging impact on the
number of operations, controls, suppliers, etc. Complexity reflects both the num-
ber of entities and their relationships, and the designers perception of composition
and difficulty. An important means of reducing complexity or more specifically
weight, space, cost, etc., is to create parts that contribute to multiple organs. This
11.5 Creating the Part Structure: From Function to Embodiment 293

can either be planned or happen opportunistically during the process. We showed a

simple example of this in the toy torch (Fig.11.18) but we also offer these general

Seek to materialize functions such that they are independent, eliminating

constraints from the organ structure.
Seek to integrate opportunistically by letting parts contribute to more
organs or functions but remember to check for negative consequences of
removing independence.

Balancing the contradicting demands of functional independence and integration

is a key design challenge and care should be taken to avoid contradictions or sac-
rificing the products properties. This contributes to the complexity of mapping
organs and parts: one organ may be realized by many parts and one part may con-
tribute to many organs. When parts (or sets of parts) contribute to multiple organs
the design needs to be integrated, influencing how we determine the product prop-
erties. We discuss this further in Chap.12 but highlight here that when we talk
about function integration or differentiation it is critically related to the mate-
rialization of the organs. In particular independence is a virtue when we seek to
optimize and operate each organ separately; however, many of the most elegant
products are based on effective integration.

Injection-moulding machine. In an injection-moulding machine plastic gran-
ules follow a continuous path from mixing, through the screw feed, heating,
pressure increase, to injection into the mould where the product is formed.
The only moving part in this machine is the rotating screw that drives the
granules through this process. This is illustrated in Fig.11.19 where we see
elegant function integration.

Fig.11.19Cross-section of an injection-moulding machine

294 11 Function Reasoning

The main problem facing the designer in materialization is its non-ideal nature,
i.e. proper functionality is highly dependent on the parts characteristics.
Unfortunately, these characteristics can easily diverge from their intended val-
ues due to tolerances on dimensions, material heterogeneity, surface quality
deviations, etc. Further, manufacture often demands additional functions or part
features, e.g. assembly interfaces or splitting a single part into sub-components,
which further move the materialization away from the ideal case.

The composition of organs should be detailed until the interactions and

interfaces can be defined with respect to the various solution alternatives.

The final result of product synthesis is the description of the part structure to be
manufactured. Each part is specified with respect to form, material, dimensions,
and surface qualities, as well as the assembly relationships. A traditional example
is shown in Fig.11.20, a fixture for milling. Although this model belongs to the
part domain it also gives information on the activity and organ. Of note is that the
features needed for manufacture (e) necessitate separating some parts. The compo-
nent to be milled (shown with thin lines) is positioned such that the milling surface
(denoted by a triangle) is in the correct position relative to the parts cylindrical
bore. It is fixed in this position and transmits forces to the milling machine body
(not shown) during operation.

Fig.11.20Assembly drawing of a milling fixture, which can be read as activity, organ, or part
structure. It shows the superimposed issues: a milling operation, b positioning, c fixation, d
adjustment, e the sub-functions required for manufacture
11.5 Creating the Part Structure: From Function to Embodiment 295

Three overlapping issues complicate understanding of the devices functional-

ity: positioning and fixation, fixture adjustment, and the fixtures composition (due
to manufacturing practicalities). This follows the line of reasoning: what activities
occur>what functions are required>how are these materialized. In this way the
core functionality is retained while additional functions are included for adjust-
ment, securing, and ease of manufacture.

Domain Theory helps us distinguish between the products design in the

three domains, each of which offer design degrees of freedom to be utilized
in creating a good design.


There is no sharp distinction between interaction and interface in everyday lan-

guage. However, we can differentiate them as follows: interactions are something
that happens, while interfaces are something that is there.

Interfaces describe features found in the part structure that have functions
and therefore correspond to interface organs.

Interfaces are important in two situations. In the first, they are integral to creating a
multi-part product that cannot be fully integrated, e.g. using standard components
or creating independent modules. In the second, they are established after a prod-
ucts realization as part of its deployment, e.g. connecting a trailer to a car.
Interface between activity and product. Typically certain organs interact
with the activity. In the pencil sharpener example the knife and the guide interact
with the operand (the pencil). These interface organs are shared between product
and activity. A boats propeller is its main interface organ. The mode of use in the
boating activity thus relies on interaction between the rotating propeller and the
water to create propulsive force. The effects from the boat are rotate propeller
and form propeller, i.e. deliver the form and effects to the water.
Interface with the user. Interaction between the user and product can take
many forms but normally aims to transfer energy and/or information to con-
trol the products mode of action. Information can be both input and output (see
Chap. 13). In the toy torch example this interaction is in the transformation of
forces from the users fingers and hand into power for the torch (Fig.11.18). Here,
the housing and force uptake part create an interface with the user. These interface
organs can also be seen as half organs, i.e. the hand is an action condition in
these organs.
296 11 Function Reasoning

Interface with the surroundings. During the product lifecycle various func-
tions interact with operators and life systems specific to each phase, e.g. mainte-
nance, transport, or disassembly. For example, a phone has a specific power port
(or wireless charging function) for charging during the use phase. More generally,
typical interfaces include feet, hooks, and electrical connections.
All of these interfaces are designed as part of a products functionality.
However, when we move to the part domain we typically need to add interface
organs to facilitate materialization, i.e. interfaces in the product. This connects
the organ structure by adding the interface organs required for materialization, e.g.
for transmitting liquid, current, or movement. For example, production processes
mean that a car engine cannot be made in one piece but needs slicing and there-
fore gaskets and bolts.
Industry has a number of preferred approaches for dividing products into sub-
assemblies to allow parallel manufacture, easier handling, installation, etc. This
is illustrated by the trend towards mass customization using modularization and
combinatory composition of product variants (see Chap.8). A module is a prod-
uct component containing one main function and all the necessary supporting
functions, arranged such that it is independent of the rest of the product. Further,
modules interfaces are designed so that a range of alternative modules can inter-
act with the base module. However, these must all respect a common interaction
and interface protocol, e.g. the USB connector type. When we interface different
devices we often focus on connections that can be opened and closed to provide a
more or less permanent interface.
The interaction between parts is the core focus of almost all machine element
textbooks because of their general importance in realizing organs and creating
standard product elements, e.g. Bluetooth. This is usually treated as classes of
pairs (German: Elementepaar): movable (e.g. bearings, sliding elements), con-
nections (e.g. bolts, rivets, welding, gluing), transmissions (e.g. gears, chains,
belts, couplings), and natural phenomena (e.g. friction).

11.6Cross-Disciplinary Function Reasoning

Many products are created in multidisciplinary teams combining, e.g. mechanics,

electronics, IT, chemistry, or biology. However, integrating specialists effectively
is beset by communication issues.
The natural phenomena may be such that the design team has problems under-
standing and translating the phenomena into a design.
Integrating natural phenomena from different disciplines can cause difficulties
in creating the interaction and interfaces between organs and between parts.
The specialist who has insight into the products application area often has little
insight into design or the products mode of action.
11.6 Cross-Disciplinary Function Reasoning 297

A function can be realized by organs from different disciplines and thus solu-
tions can be hard to compare and evaluate. It can also be difficult to predict the
consequences of integration.
Companies typically have problems cutting the cake, i.e. deciding how to com-
pose a new product with the best balance between solutions from different dis-
ciplines. McAloone and Andreasen (2001) found that companies had an inability
to articulate mechatronic concepts leading to a lack of coordination between con-
cretization in the software, electronics, and mechanical teams. The problem was
described as integrating the three heads. Salminen and Verho (1989) made an
early diagnosis of this type of problem, which is still valid:
Lack of common language between expert groups.
Risk of clique formation among expert groups.
Lack of overview understanding beyond disciplinary borders.
Lack of responsibility definition and poor interfaces between areas.
Numerous authors have highlighted these issues as a problem of shared models
and model integration. As such, function reasoning is a key means for supporting
integration, and handling interaction and interface problems.

11.6.1Function Reasoning as a Common Ground

Buur (1990) showed how the composition of mechanics, electronics, and infor-
mation technology could be described via common use functions. Further,
mechatronic products respect Domain Theory and can be modelled using Hubkas
first Law in a function/means tree. Buur identifies structural state transitions as
a core characteristic of mechatronic products. Creating a mechatronic concept is
based on a negotiation between specialists, each able to offer potential organs for
a product. Focusing on these entities as functional organs allows the team to com-
pare highly diverse sets of proposals.

Interdisciplinary dialogue. The company Radiometer Medical ApS produces
blood gas measurement instruments for a global market. Figure11.21 shows
the sequence of operations for one such instrument. During operation the
instrument consumes sensor cassettes inserted by the user. It was found that
a safety organ was needed to prevent the user from trapping their fingers in
the closing lid. Different domain experts suggested solutions for this organ.
The mechanical expert suggested a spring damping solution that would pas-
sively adapt the closing force if the lid were blocked. The electronics expert
suggested an organ with active functions to sense blockages and then stop
298 11 Function Reasoning

Fig.11.21Safe insertion of cassette into a blood gas analyser, courtesy Radiometer

Medical ApS
the actuators. Finally, the software expert suggested a tap when ready but-
ton on the screen interface, to allow the user to decide when to close the lid.
All suggested solutions had different problems including cost, weight, vol-
ume, complexity, and reliability. Ultimately, a decision was made to focus
on the user experience and thus create a fully automated active sensing solu-
tion. This would (hopefully) minimize error rate and user risk at the expense
of cost and complexity. Articulating the functions and alternatives allowed
the different domain experts to create solutions that would meet the function
of the safety organ.

The design activity becomes more difficult when boundaries between disciplines
are core to the details of the design synthesis. Torry-Smith (2013) focuses on what
he calls dependencies between the organs and parts: relationships that occur in
the design activity as the consequence of design synthesis. Dependences are
found between structural elements and the parameters related to these elements.
Identifying and respecting these dependencies is key to effectively managing
interactions and interfaces. In particular they allow the designer to identify failure
modes and effects, identify the need for integrated design efforts, and judge trade-
offs. Further, they can provide important insight into functional details. Inspired
by Torry-Smith we propose the following checklist for avoiding dependency
The organ structure should be complete. In order to identify dependencies
all relevant and necessary functions need to be defined: from the causal hierar-
chy, the products delimitation and interactions, product life activities, and from
properties realization.
The causal chain linking organ to organ should be complete in terms of type
(material, energy, information, or biological), parameters and their values.
11.6 Cross-Disciplinary Function Reasoning 299

Interfaces should be fully mapped and their effects understood in terms of

The logic of structural state transitions should be complete from a functional
perspective. If users are involved in the transitions these should also be explic-
itly articulated.
Activity sequencing and modes of action should be articulated and complete.
When organs are integrated at lower levels in the function/means tree this
can cause problems especially when the supporting lower level organs are of a
cross-disciplinary nature.
Some organs can create harmful effects disturbing other organs functionality,
e.g. vibrations, humidity, or electrical fields.
Some organs require effects from the surroundings that can disturb other
organs functionality, e.g. cooling, heating, or humidity.
The spatial arrangement of organs can cause problems when multiple organs
require specific positioning for, e.g. accessibility.
Dependencies highlight the need for a coevolutionary approach to synthesis and
analysis, not only for identifying dependencies but also for refinement and correc-
tion. This closes function reasoning and brings us to how it can be used to support
different types of synthesis.

11.7Function Reasoning During Synthesis: Design Type


Function reasoning concerns a products functionality and fit for life and is a deci-
sive influence on product success. Finding solutions that realize the functions is a
critical part; with innovative products often characterized by building in radically
new solutions. We treat function reasonings role in these considerations but start
by getting to grips with function modelling.

11.7.1Function Modelling

The current literature is very vague in its definition of function modelling

(Eisenbart 2014). We counter this by focusing on the actual refinement of func-
tions during the synthesis activity. At the start of the chapter we characterized
functional descriptions as verb/noun statements, e.g. create heat and show tem-
perature. When we come to composing a network of functions we face a recipro-
cal interaction between organ synthesis and function reasoning. The labels are still
verb/noun but the effects are formulated as quantifiable parameters.
300 11 Function Reasoning

Some authors give a different interpretation of functions as how something

is done, i.e. the same definition as the mode of action! We reject this usage and
focus of modelling functions linked to a specific set of properties and function
properties that describe behaviour. In contrast, modelling the mode of action deals
with the natural phenomenon, action conditions, and influencing effects and uses
the goal conditions to verify the resulting behaviours or effects.
One of the risks in design is that the product does not work as expected and
does not satisfy its specifications, normally driving in intensive testing and simula-
tion. This verification activity creates feedback loops in the design process, allow-
ing for corrective redesign and refinement. Function reasoning does not magically
make design a linear activity. Coevolution of goal and solution and the unknowns
in problem and solution spaces cannot be avoided. In Chap.3 we introduced three
basic design types where we can examine the impact of function reasoning.

11.7.2Designing a New Product

In this situation the designer metaphorically starts with a blank sheet of paper
and a basic nucleolus of an idea, intention, purpose, or functionality. In particular
Chap.7 is relevant here. The additional concepts we have introduced in this chap-
ter help the designer identify and manage the various degrees of design freedom.
These support both the search for solutions and the concretisation of the product
In this gradual concretisation the following functional questions must be
answered: do the functions align with the goal? Can the action functions real-
ize the use activity? and do the action functions create a logical, causal pattern
that allows the product to work? During product design a pattern of functions is
derived from the use activity, as well as from elements of property and disposi-
tional reasoning (Chaps.12 and 13). Function reasoning links the design to the
desired properties. However, aiming to model every function in a product is almost
impossible, instead we can draw on known solutions for lower level functions and
progressively map the function/means tree as we concretise the design.

It is important to verify the relevance and performance of the functions

and their properties during the design process. Superfluous functions
should be identified and removed.
The value added by each function should be a key reflection point in
learning from the design cycle: were they valuable and were they used?
11.7 Function Reasoning During Synthesis: Design Type Dependency 301

11.7.3Incremental Design

Incremental design builds on existing products, renewing sub-systems, or rede-

signing elements for higher performance and value. Starting with an existing
design allows us to follow the strategy of Oja (2010), which we summarize as:
Secure a products value by identifying if it is possible to increase user value/
reduce costs.
Clarify the existing products behaviour and its relationship with the current
Build on this clarification and function/means tree to identify potential alterna-
tives solutions.
Identify and select sub-concepts but retain an overview of interfaces in the
Synthesize the final solution by building on the structures described in this
The kernel in Ojas approach is to identify new value goals and map these to
existing function chains and their properties. It is often necessary to clarify these
properties via simulation or measurement for the new value goal. Ojas approach
allows us to identify areas to be removed, substituted, or improved, perfectly suit-
ing an incremental strategy. This also promotes the idea that better solutions are to
be found through the integration of disciplines, e.g. mechatronic approaches. One
of the risks of this type of strategy is that we impact many of the functional inter-
actions between organs and change interfaces in the part structure. As such, addi-
tional care must be taken in tracking these changes. A structured way of achieving
this is using encapsulated sub-systems (Andreasen 1998) where protocols are
defined for interactions and interfaces. This prevents changes in one subsystem
propagating across the whole product.

Product models for reuse. In Chap.8 we introduced product models, i.e.
the final specification of the total product including activities, organs, and
parts. A functional overview of a products composition is a good starting
point when creating an incremental design. Harlou (2006) uses a modu-
lar view of products to create a product architecture. Modules are defined
by their function and interaction with other modules. Harlou distinguishes
between standard designs to be reused, new elements to be designed, and
potential future standard designs. Figure11.22 shows an example product
architecture for BeoCentre 2 together with two new products to be added.
302 11 Function Reasoning

Fig.11.22A product family architecture used to define two new members (Harlou 2006)

The following mindset for incremental innovation emerges from these discussions.

A key advantage of incremental design is identifying and realizing value

enhancements based on careful evaluation and maximal reuse.
It is crucial to make clear decisions about the focus of the new prod-
uct, i.e. limiting the new sub-systems such that change propagation is
Function identification and clarification of organ structure are key to lim-
iting the propagation of change activities.

11.7.4Platform-Based Design

The core of platform based design is a modular product structure, i.e. a product
family definition where each member is a configuration of modules. A module is
a functional sub-system, ideally with one distinct function but often containing
additional support functions. Modules also comprise a composition of parts based
on the functions scope and its defined protocol-based interactions and interfaces.
Using this approach it is easy to configure product variants or new products. Each
11.7 Function Reasoning During Synthesis: Design Type Dependency 303

product is spelled by its modules, with distinct functions, module variants, and
performance values (Hvam etal. 2008).
A modular product family becomes a platform when we can reasonably claim
that there is sufficient diversity in the modules that the family effectively covers
the market. This is supported by customer-oriented individualization of products
and a developmental focus on technological evolution and planned, incremen-
tal product innovation. Finally, modules can be aligned with company functions
to rationalize internal resource use (Erixon 1998). This allows for module orien-
tated: selection of suppliers, manufacture and quality control, logistics, repair and
upgrade, and design development.
A generic product model controls the addition of members to a product plat-
form. This generic model can be developed from the Chromosome Model intro-
duced in Chap.8, which can be used to create a Product Family Master Plan, see
Fig. 11.23 (Harlou 2006). The illustration uses Harlous terminology, however,
these views are synonymous with the activity view, organ view, and part view used
in this book.
In platform-based design the design activity is on the one hand strongly con-
strained by the chosen modular composition and the strict interface rules, while
on the other hand having a high degree of freedom in the design of individual

The core approach to platform- based design is function/organ identifica-

tion and mapping, making function reasoning central.
Platform-based design is a new type of design professionalism. Specific
training and methods are needed if this strategy is to be executed

Fig.11.23Three views on modelling variety in a product family (Harlou 2006)

304 11 Function Reasoning


Function reasoning delves deep into the concerns of an engineer, answering the
questions: what is this and how can it be used? The credo of past designers has
been form follows function, but unfortunately there was no reason to believe this
led to good and valuable products. Similarly, past engineers have focused on the
idea in, i.e. developing good technical solutions. However, this does not ensure
the product has a raison dtre.
Our approach balances the idea in and the idea with, strengthening our abil-
ity to identify means that satisfy needs, give greater value and satisfaction, and
ultimately improve the design. This is supported by function reasoning, which
describes the totality of a products synthesis:
To determine what the product will be used forits use functions.
To determine what the product in itself is able to doits action functions.
To determine the organs and their functional interactions to realize the action
functions, in parallel with the synthesis.
To determine which functions should be added to achieve the products desired
To determine which functions should be added to achieve good properties in
each life phase.
To verify, during the synthesis, that the desired functions can be realized with
respect to reliability and the desired functional properties.

Functions are mental constructs that always require interpretation but are
key to design reasoning.

As we shall see in the following two chapters on property reasoning and disposi-
tional reasoning we are not finished with function reasoning, because functions are
actually part of property reasoning and dispositions.


Andreasen MM (1980) Syntesemetoder p systemgrundlag (Synthesis Methods based upon

System theory). Ph.D. Dissertation, Lund University, Sweden
Andreasen MM (1998) Reduction of complexity of product modeling by modularization. In:
Conference Produktmodeller, Linkping, Sweden
Brown D, Blessing L (2005) The relationship between function and affordance. In:
Proceedings of ASME design theory and methodology conference, longview CA. Paper No
Buur J (1990) A theoretical approach to mechatronics design. Ph.D. dissertation, Technical
University of Denmark
Dym CL, Little P (2000) Engineering designa project based Introduction. Wiley, New York
References 305

Eisenbart B (2014) Supporting interdisciplinary system development through integrated function

modelling. Ph.D. thesis, University of Luxembourg
Erixon G (1998) Modular function deploymenta method for product modularization. Ph.D.
thesis KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Harlou U (2006) Development of product family based upon architectures. Contribution to a the-
ory of product families. Ph.D. Dissertation, Technical University of Denmark
Hubka V, Eder WE (1988) Theory of technical systems. Springer, Berlin
Hvam L, Mortensen NH, Riis J (2008) Product customization. Springer, Berlin
McAloone TC, Andreasen MM (2001) Joining three headsexperiences from mechatronic
projects. In: Meerkamm H (ed) Proceedings of symposium design for X. Lehrstuhl fr
Konstruktionstechnik TU Erlangen Nrnberg
Miles LD (1972) Techniques of value analysis and engineering, 2nd edn. McGraw-Hill, New
Mon R (1997) Design for product understanding. Liber Stockholm
Oja H (2010) Incremental innovation method for technical concept development with multi-dis-
ciplinary products. Ph.D. thesis, Tampere University of Technology Finland
Pahl G, Beitz W (2007) Engineering design. A systematic approach, 3rd edn. Springer, London
(First edition 1977)
Rodenacker W (1970) Methodisches Konstruiren (design methodology). Springer, Berlin
Salminen V, Verho AJ (1989) Multi-disciplinary design problems in mechatronics and some
suggestions to its methodical solution in conceptual design phase. In: Proceedings of inter-
national conference on engineering design ICED89 mechanical engineering publications,
London, pp 533544
Tjalve E (1979) A short course in industrial design. Newnes-Butterworths, London Facsimile
edition (2003). Systematic design of industrial products. Institute of product development
technical. University of Denmark, Copenhagen
Torry-Smith JM (2013) Designing mechatronic productsachieving integration by means of
modeling dependencies. Ph.D. Dissertation, Technical University of Denmark
Vermaas PE (2014) Design theories, models and their testing. On the scientific status of design
research. In: Chakrabarti A, Blessing LTM (eds) An anthology of theories and models of
design. Springer, London
Chapter 12
Property Reasoning

If design is not to end up based on guesswork, we need to articulate goodness and

know how it is related to the products characteristics. The relationship between
properties and characteristics is soft and difficult to reason about. Our approach is
to confront these behavioural and structural descriptions. The Link Model points
to the origin of property and value statements. Further, the Property Model, intro-
duced here, articulates the property breakdown and the relationship with the prod-
uct and use activity characteristics.

12.1The Property Design Challenge

In general, the properties of an entity determine its value in the eyes of the user.
In this way, users are able to articulate their opinion about a products value
via descriptions of its desired properties. However, these properties are the

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 307

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_12
308 12 Property Reasoning

consequence of the products characteristics (introduced in Chap. 7) and thus the

main challenge in design becomes: how to determine the characteristics such that
the desired properties are achieved? To answer this question, we use property
reasoning. In this chapter, we explore what elements make up property reasoning
and how we can use this in the conceptualization of a product in practice.
Functions are the basic conditions for utility but properties use a broader defini-
tion, being influenced by many other factors, e.g. efficiency, durability, robustness,
environmental effects, and cost. The users perception of properties is subjective,
reflecting a combined view of the whole product rather than individual properties.
This is further complicated by the fact that the user is not the only stakeholder and
property perceptions are also affected by the way in which the product interacts
with other products, such as accessories, spare parts or other systems. For exam-
ple, much of users perception of a phones properties come from how it interacts
with other systems, e.g. synchronizing with a computer, fitting power chargers,
achieving good Wi-Fi reception. The Link Model provides a useful foundation for
property reasoning. Here, we use it to help align the users experience and value
perception, with the designers interpretation of how the product should satisfy the
need through the properties.
Our explanation of the design machinery (Chaps. 510) describe the design
activity, which from a property perspective has three main elements:
Exploration forms the foundation for the task and goal formulation, which
define the desired properties and product requirements. This provides a target
for the development activity.
Concept and Product Synthesis support the designer in building the desired
properties into the proposed design. These are continually refined during syn-
thesis via user and market testing to confirm this is the right product; and anal-
ysis, modelling, simulation, and experimentation to confirm this is the right
Production, Sales and Refinement form the feedback loop of product improve-
ment based on real-world experience of the products properties. Here, rapid
response to identified problems and the gathering of feedback and insight for
future product generations is key.

Injection pen. The company Novo Nordisk A/S develops injection pens for
insulin and growth hormone. When using these pens the patient sets the
required dose and makes the injection. The company has a long history of
similar products where the Norditropin Flexpro represents one of the lat-
est generations. The Novo Flexpro has five main elements illustrated in
Fig.12.1: (1) thread for mounting the needle, (2) glass container for growth
hormone, (3) driving springwhen the dose is set the spring is compressed,
(4) activation switchwhen the pen is activated the spring is released and
forces the liquid out via an injection mechanism, and (5) push-button to
reset the spring.
12.1 The Property Design Challenge 309

Fig.12.1The growth hormone pen, courtesy Novo Nordisk A/S

A key issue for this type of device is the users trust in the precision of the
pen. This is not just a mechanical issue but is also affected by embedded
properties, such as how easy the device is to use, the perception of safety,
how intuitive the learning process is, and ergonomics. These directly relate
to the products features including the mechanism for setting the dose, the
push button, and the click feedback telling the user the injection is com-
plete. The actual mechanical precision of the device is not listed above
because the user does not perceive it. However, this is still a critical design
elementparticularly in the medical contextand must be addressed in
order to achieve statutory approval. Precision and control of production
variability are key drivers for cost in the manufacturing process. Thus the
designer must bring together the users perception of the products proper-
ties without neglecting the other design elements. This is particularly impor-
tant as managements overall concern typically focuses on the risks of the
development project, both in terms of unforeseen production problems and
risks to the patient. Thus, although the user only perceives a small number of
properties as important these are embedded in a large number of design ele-
ments both at the surface, e.g. the ergonomics of the device, and internally,
e.g. the reliability of the spring mechanism.

From the above example, we see how user-oriented properties are embedded in
and integral to the design at the surface level and internally. Technical issues and
properties hidden from the user internally are still core to the expected functional-
ity. In Chap. 7, we dealt with users perception of a products activities and func-
tions, while Chap. 11 discussed behaviour and state changes as the fundamental
carriers of functions and properties. Thus, we focus here on two questions that
bring these chapters together and form the foundation for property reasoning.
What do users and stakeholders articulate when they talk about properties?
How are these points related to the products and activities that carry the
Users and stakeholders articulation of properties is traditionally translated into
goal formulations describing desirable and necessary functions together with
their required properties. These are then modified or corrected as the design
evolves and unforeseen problems are encountered (see Chap. 5). The properties
310 12 Property Reasoning

link the nature of the product and its related activities, i.e. their structural char-
acteristics as seen in the Link Model. The challenge for the designer is to under-
stand how the composition of characteristicscalled the property modelleads
to the properties. The core of property reasoning is the identification of ways to
realize properties via composition of property models. Property models represent
a company or designers insight into a products nature, its materialization, and
Although the idealized conclusion of Product Synthesis is in the production of
design documentation, this is obviously not the end of the process. A key charac-
teristic of successful design work is following up the realization phases in order to
get real insight into the products properties. This property verification takes two
main forms. In the first, the designers interpretation of the properties is checked
by confronting models, prototypes, and test products with real users. In the sec-
ond, the properties designed into the product are checked against their realization
in the actual produced product via experimentation and testing of prototypes. The
aim of these is to reduce the risk of product failure by identifying flaws or oppor-
tunities prior to product launch. In addressing these various elements, the designer
will encounter trade-off situations where two (or more) requirements cannot be
simultaneously satisfied by the current design. The designer can try to dissolve the
trade-off, find a different solution altogether or make a competitive trade-off. In
order to help the designer deal with these challenges, Chapter 12 will discuss the
following topics with the underlying logic that the secret of good product design
lies in effective property reasoning:
Section 12.2 talks about properties where we discuss how to interpret users
articulations about a products properties and how these can be captured as
requirements and proposed characteristic properties.
Section 12.3 deals with how a products properties link characteristics to
value and explores the nature of this link.
Section 12.4 details how property models can be used to link issues, proper-
ties, and characteristics.
Section12.5 discusses how to deal with trade-offs where two properties depend
on shared characteristics.
Section12.6 deals with property reasoning during synthesis, linking the prior
sections back to practical design.

12.2Talking About Properties

When a new product is launched it is not just the main use activity that deter-
mines its success. Products also interact with, e.g. services, other products, exter-
nal systems, recycling, and reuse. Further, products are tied into a wider family
of artefacts including the sales material, user manual, spare parts, and utilities.
Collectively, these interface with similar elements in competing products, making
12.2 Talking About Properties 311

Fig.12.2Issues raised by various actors are linked to the different parts of the product and the
design progression

the attention of the user a difficult commodity to command effectively. This atten-
tion concerns many design issues, such as functionality, properties, and features,
as well as larger issues, such as brand and ethics. The Link Model allows for sim-
plification and clarification of these issues. This is illustrated in Fig.12.2 where
some of the design issues raised by various actors are linked to the design enti-
ties. This allows the designer to focus on those issues relevant to the issue they are
working on without losing sight of the overall aim.
Properties become concrete when we focus on a specific stakeholder, e.g. the
manager responsible for product distribution. Here, the property of interest might
be the cost of transportation and the associated product properties of weight, vol-
ume, and fragility. Other concerns might be the environmental impacts of trans-
port, how the brand is supported by the distribution system, and what ethical
issues might be encountered in the target market.
When talking about properties, a certain care needs to be taken in the terminol-
ogy that is used. Each group of stakeholders use a wide range of articulations and
terms to describe their perceptions and wishes. These articulations can, and often
do, overlap or have conflicting meanings in different stakeholder groups. Thus
the designer must take care when transforming these articulations into technical
properties. For example, the issue might be efficiency and the type of property
operational performance. In order to ensure these are properly addressed, they are
formulated as a requirement with both an indicator, e.g. ease of operation, and a
metric, e.g. operation time less that 5s. Once the design is complete and the prod-
uct is on the market, the issue can be assessed in reality: do the users actually find
the product easy to use and is it efficient in practice? Overall, these factors feed
into the goal formulation.
The goal formulation is developed from the designers interpretation of need,
user statements, and their own perceptions and experience. The goal formulation
312 12 Property Reasoning

forms a guiding star for the project, being produced in the early stages and evolv-
ing with the project. This helps the designers remain focused while allowing new
ideas to be incorporated as the project evolves, giving the following heuristic:

An effective goal formulation incorporates both the ideas and wishes

of the various stakeholders, and those new interpretations of issues that
emerge as the project progresses, all of which are transformed into concrete

Goal formulations are thus composed of multiple individual requirements. In

practice, requirements simply describe what is needed, whether it is characteristics
(e.g. the size of the product being less than a standard door) or solution focused
(e.g. re-use of components from previous projects). As such, requirements can be
defined with respect to product properties.

Definition: A requirement is a statement about a desirable property of a

device or activity formulated as a value statement with an indicator and

In industry, it is common to refer to qualities, normally defined as the degree of

customer satisfaction. Our concept of quality and its relationship with properties is
explained in the following example.

Razor quality. When using a razor, users find weight a key aspect because
it influences the shaving activity and also signals something about the
razors sturdiness. As such, we might define a requirement low weight,
composed of the property weight and the indicator low (as perceived
by the user). However, without insight into customers reactions to weight
the qualityit is not possible to operationalize this requirement with a
metric, i.e. why weight is actually low and is that positively perceived
by the customer? This is illustrated in Fig.12.3. Based on this assessment,
the requirement can be made more concrete via a metric: weight must be
between 200 and 250g or if this is not possible for the company 250g
should be seen as the target or ideal goal. Thus by introducing quality to
our indicator, we are able to formulate a much more nuanced understanding
of the requirement. In fact, if we only followed the low weight aim (as
supposed by the original indicator), the requirement becomes unhelpful as
customer perception of quality also drops when the weight is below 150g.
12.2 Talking About Properties 313

Fig.12.3The relationship between a razors weight and customer reac-

tions visualized as an imaginary curve of customers reactions to a range of
razor weights

In the above example, we use the term quality to describe the range of reactions
idealized by the curve shown in Fig.12.3. For each point on the curve, we can
link weight to perceive quality, e.g. 300g gives 0.5 on the quality axis. This
represents the satisfaction of that razor (300g) for a generic user. Note that this
satisfaction value drops in both directions, with both too light and too heavy being
undesirable. The designer can use quality assessment to help find the sweet spot
which best satisfies the customers.
Although we propose a number of terms and their relationships above, there are
many open questions with regards to goal formulation, which are not answered by
theories in the literature. In particular, should requirements also describe functions?
And should we distinguish between levels of desirability, e.g. demands and wishes
(Pahl and Beitz 2007), or need, target, specification and value metric (Ulrich and
Eppinger 2004)? Overall, we suggest the comprehensive and helpful discussion of
goal formulation in terms of functional specifications, performance specifications,
and metrics described by Dym and Little (2000), which we use in our own teaching.
As with goal formulation, property reasoning in general has little theory
described in the literature. The fundamental description of property theory is made
by Hubka and Eder (1988), while Andreasen (1980) highlights the importance
of distinguishing between properties and characteristics. Because of this lack of
theory, we propose the property model as a means for understanding how to
formulate and satisfy goals. Fundamentally, this builds on an ability to describe
issues and properties, which we deal with next.

12.2.1Issues and Properties

How many issues or properties are there? Kesselring (1951) described more than
a thousand types, which is perhaps an unhelpfully large number! One way to gain
an overview of these is to consider the factors influencing a products design. To
314 12 Property Reasoning

Fig.12.4Factors across the products life to be respected in the products design (Tjalve 1979)

this end, models related to total design were proposed by both Pugh (1991) and
Tjalve (1979). We use Tjalves model, which is illustrated in Fig.12.4 showing
factors affecting the product design from across the product life. Tjalve (1979)
uses a part-oriented terminology with structure, form, material, dimension, and
surface as characteristics of the product. We prefer the broader term design enti-
ties, which includes product, use, service etc. as well as the activities in the prod-
ucts deployment. Based on this distinction (Fig.12.4) and that by Hubka and Eder
(1988), we propose a classification, which starts by distinguishing between char-
acteristics and properties, after Domain Theory (Andreasen 1980).
12.2 Talking About Properties 315

Characteristics define identity, i.e. decisions made about mode of use, mode
of action, organ structure, part structure, and parts.
Properties define goodness, i.e. the impression the user gets of the products
behaviour through its deployment.
We use the term issue to link statements to properties, i.e. issues are design-related
aspects brought up by users, actors, and designers. Ultimately, some of these
issues may result in design work or decisions concerning the properties of the
To help clarify the distinction between properties and characteristics, con-
sider the razor example used above. The weight of the razor is a property, which
depends on the characteristics: number of parts and mass of the materials used.
Similarly, noise is a property that depends on the characteristics of the motor,
structure of the moving parts, and action of the razor.
Although both characteristics and properties are used in everyday language,
we refine their definitions with regard to the products attributes. Here, attribute is
a collective term for all the characteristics, properties, and features of an artefact.

Definition: Characteristics are a class of structural attributes of products

and activities determined by the synthesis of the design.

Similarly, we draw inspiration from Smith and Clarkson (2005) and Eder and
Hosnedl (2007) to propose the following definition of properties. Note that
properties are behavioural, not structural. This is different from everyday usage
where, for example, form and dimension would be described as properties. In
design, form and dimension are characteristics because they are related to structure.

Definition: Properties are a behavioural class of devices and activities

attributes, by which they show their appearance in the widest sense and
create their relation to the surroundings.

In both definitions, we are concerned with the holistic view of the product
including functionality, use activity, distribution and sales, maintenance, and so
on. With this in mind, we offer an (rather fanciful) example to help differentiate
the two termsFrankenstein and his monster (Fig.12.5). Here, Frankenstein has
designed his monster, assembled the parts, and is prepared for the lightening!
At this point, the monster is still dead and only has the characteristics that
Frankenstein has designed via the assembled parts, e.g. the monster is two metres
tall. Once the lightening strikes and the monster comes to life, it suddenly carries
the properties Frankenstein imagined (hopefully), by being able to interact with
the surroundings. Finally, Frankenstein looks upon his creation and assess its
goodness based on both its characteristics, e.g. height, and properties, e.g. ability
to react to the surroundings (Igor is not required). Put simply, characteristics are
determined before and properties are seen after the moment of ignition.
316 12 Property Reasoning

Fig.12.5The designer is calling the product to life

Fig.12.6A products attributes with a focus on properties

Domain Theory allows us to relate the nature of activities, organs, and parts to
characteristics and properties as illustrated in Fig.12.6. Behaviour is a property
because although the designer can define mode of action, i.e. how things work,
behaviour describes how the product actually acts. In the following sections, we
explore the three classes of properties introduced in Fig.12.6: functional, rela-
tional, and allocated.

12.2.2Function Properties

A products organs and their composition carry the functions and realize certain
properties related to those functions, called function properties. Figure12.7
shows the function properties related to the function show temperature, using the
example of a traditional liquid/glass thermometer. The figure also shows the func-
tion properties related to the function punch holes, using the example of a paper
punchs punching organ.
12.2 Talking About Properties 317

Fig.12.7Two examples of functions and their related function properties

Although function properties are closely related to product performance, they

are seldom explicitly articulated in a goal formulation. Therefore, we propose the
following heuristic.

In order to understand the goodness of the functions realization and

be able to create better solutions it is necessary to describe the relevant
function properties.

12.2.3Relational Properties

The properties of interest for users are those that they perceive when they actu-
ally use (or misuse) the product. As such, property statements from users cover not
only the products behaviour but also how it behaves in context. It is this behav-
iour in context that we refer to in relational properties.
The relational aspect of a property is considered when we ask: under what
conditions can I observe the property? Or at the design stage: what conditions do
I imagine will be necessary to create the situation where the property is apparent?
In answering these questions, we must consider aspects not just related to the
product. To clarify, we offer the following examples:
Both the product and its surroundings determine a products temperature sensi-
tivity. This can be simulated based on testing or prototyping different situations.
Ease of use can only be observed when a user actually tries to use the product,
i.e. the ease of use is determined by the interaction between user and product.
Production cost is related to the manufacturing tasks defined by product and,
e.g. their fit with available production equipment, i.e. the interaction between
product and production system.
318 12 Property Reasoning

Fig.12.8The designer considering the products fit to its life phases

In Chap. 8, we introduced View Models for obtaining insight into specific product
properties. Such view models cover properties related to the products use activ-
ity or to specific lifecycle situations. These situations are referred to as meetings,
after Olesen (1992). An actors perception of goodness, related to successfully per-
forming an activity, can be described in terms of seven types of universal virtues
(Olesen 1992): cost, quality, flexibility, risk, time, efficiency, and environmen-
tal effects. Looking closer at the issues in Fig.12.4 many are related to lifecy-
cle activities and can thus be translated into properties related to the product (its
fit) and the activity (its performance), Fig.12.8. An important group of properties
related to lifecycle activities are relational:

It is necessary to get actual, relevant insight into the lifecycle activities

and the meetings in order to create the products fit for life and satisfy the
product life actors.

12.2.4Allocated Properties

The final group of properties we will treat here are allocated properties, i.e.
properties that customers, users, stakeholders, and society relate to products
in a symbolic or devotional way. These properties have to do with ideas, such
12.2 Talking About Properties 319

as excitement (e.g. attractiveness, need to own, au vogue, bad taste, group

pressure), style (e.g. Scandinavian, neo classical, retro), trend (e.g. this years
colour is blue, seen on TV, trend magazines), hobbies (e.g. gardening, extreme
sport, sailing), origin (e.g. fair trade, ethnical, Made in Germany), and brand.
Buyers, companies, and individuals have an influential position that Papanek
(1971) visualized in the 1970s. Today, there are many other elements influencing
us but the basic premise remains true. In this context, socio-technical design
theories deal with allocated properties.
There is a tendency to see properties as being objectively and decisively created
by the designer. However, properties seen as representative of the product are
really determined by the interaction between people and the wider system. Put
simply, without an observer, utilizer, or customer, the product has no properties.
A researcher, Mrup (1993), visited the Harley-Davidson Company and found
that its designers were scared to make changes that might disturb the customers
perception of a real Harley: the sound? the leaking oil? As such, we see the role
of allocated properties in the following heuristic.

The designer should be conscious of potential allocated properties related to

the customer and/or user. In particular, these can often be far from the main
focus of the design work.

This section aimed to help answer: how to understand products properties? This
leads to the following heuristic.

Things get their properties when deployed in context, in a stakeholders

eyes. Functions are necessarily built in but their appreciation depends on the

This means that when the used context changes, a new set of properties will be

12.3Linking Characteristics to Value

This section uses the Link Model to explore characteristics and value. From the
users perspective, need satisfaction and value are the results of their perception
of function, activity result, and properties. How these aspects contribute to
overall value perception and thus the buy-decision is very individual and context
dependant. From the designers perspective, the Link Model states that the
designer should articulate the mentioned aspects as goals for the design activity.
Using property reasoning can give a competitive advantage by satisfying multiple
users perception of value. In order to do this, we need to answer two questions:
what in the activity and product is carrying a specific property and how are
properties composed?
320 12 Property Reasoning

12.3.1Properties Dependency on Behaviour

Most properties, and typically the important ones, are related to behaviour, both of
the use activity and the product itself. Thus we can link state changes to properties.

The Moka Pot. The Moka pot brews espresso type coffee as the result of the
use activity shown in Fig.12.9. Let us try to trace some of the user-oriented
properties in this example. First, overall value can be decomposed to reflect
ease of operation, quality of coffee, and pride of ownership.
Ease of operation is related to the activity structure, i.e. the basic tasks, dose,
assemble, disassemble, clean, and the users tasks, stop heating or move the
pot off the stove. The ease of operation property can be decomposed into
properties associated with each of the operations listed above. For example,
consider the pots assembly characteristics (Fig.12.10), where the ease of
operation property is decomposed into (ease of) gripping, (ease of) catching

Fig.12.9The use activity of a Moka pot

Fig.12.10Operations associated with pot assembly

12.3 Linking Characteristics to Value 321

the threads, and (ease of) tightening the screw. This property is determined by
the design of the connection element (form of tread, number of turns, material
pairing), as well as the way the tightening is designed (elasticity of the gasket).
The quality of the coffee is closely related to the chosen technology and the
quality of the ground coffee beans (which is beyond our concern). The technol-
ogy and the quality relate to the brewing organs mode of action (proper dosing
of water and coffee, temperature, and the build up of pressure in the brewing
chamber). However, we see that these conditions do not actually come from
the brewing organ but are affects from the boiler organs mode of action (heat
transfer from stove via thermal conductivity). Thus the brewing chambers per-
formance is dependent on a combination of temperature, pressure, and dura-
tion of contact between beans and water. Of particular interest is the build up
of pressure, which depends on the dimensions of the holes in the filter and the
granularity of the coffee. These are both characteristics but are related, respec-
tively to the product and the operand (the coffee).
Pride of ownership may be related to owing a product in the original design
created by Bialetti in 1933, i.e. aluminium pots with orthogonal forms.
These parameters are characteristics of the pot.
To sum up, we have linked three properties (ease of operation, coffee
quality, and pride of ownership) to specific characteristics of the pot. These
three user properties give various patterns of composition as shown in

Fig.12.11Partial composition pattern for three of the Moka Pots properties, leading to
overall value. The pattern is not complete as more cross relations are to be expected
322 12 Property Reasoning

This example serves to explain the origin of a products properties as articulated in

the Link Model:
Product structure deals with organs and parts and thus the mode of action and
specific characteristics of organs and parts.
Activity structure deals with the mode of use and specific characteristics of
operands, and delivers the use result, e.g. the finished coffee in the Moka pot.
Certain properties relate to the user as operator and the relationship between
the user, product, and use activity.
Each property has its own explanation in, for example, an organs mode of action
or the users interaction with an assembly operation. We call such an explanation
a property model. However, before we can discuss this, we need to understand
properties composition.

12.3.2Properties Composition

Here, we focus on how a property can be composed of contributions from multiple

entities. In the literature, this is called a mapping (Suh 1990) or transformation,
when requirements or properties are linked to characteristics. However, this link-
ing is so complex that these works tend to over-simplify the real situation. We use
a detailed example to illustrate the identification of relationships between proper-
ties and the organ and part structures.

Design of a platform. Imagine an indoor lifting platform for raising a
craftsman to ceiling level. The platform is manually positioned but raised
electrically to the desired height as in Fig.12.12. A chain of effects goes
from the electrical motor, via a transmission, to a bar mechanism that
supports the platform. In addition, there is a brake and locking system.
The organs for movement, transmission, positioning, and operator support
function together in a causal chain to create the organ structure.
Each organ carries a set of function properties contributing to the products
overall properties. For example, the transmission is a wire system with
mechanical efficiency, play, and elasticity. For the overall platform, some of
these properties contribute to the platforms stiffness, positioning speed, and
smoothness of movement, which all add to its mechanical properties.
Similarly, the platforms size, weight, and manoeuvrability impact its overall
usability. The wheel arrangement and turning mechanism create a composed
organism. The property reliability is linked to many elements but can also
be determined by a single weak point. Other properties like weight or cost
are easily summed for the finished product but difficult to distribute to parts
before completion.
12.3 Linking Characteristics to Value 323

Fig.12.12Lifting platform
used for painting a ceiling

In this example, we imagined a synthesis situation and identified various proper-

ties and their relationships to the organs. We also saw how the interaction between
organs can carry certain properties. The properties identified above are generally
desirable, in the example, and will thus form part of the goal statement as require-
ments with indicators and metrics. If we switch to an analytical approach, where
the platform is known, this interrelation between organs, properties, requirements,
and issues can be modelled as in Fig.12.13 (based on the Link Model). For clarity,
we do not distinguish between properties and requirements in this illustration.

Design of a platform continued. Figure12.13 illustrates some of the prop-
erties we discussed above. The issue utility is composed of the properties:
ease of access, ease of moving/re-positioning, and speed of positioning the
operator in the work position. These properties relate to the operator support
organ, platform mechanism organ, and movement/steering organ. Further,
the issue reliability is denoted by a question mark indicating that the entities
that critically influence reliability are non-specific, i.e. for a particular design
solution, we will be able to point to a specific part, e.g. motor, that is the
cause of reliability concern, but any one of many parts could fulfil this role
in a general sense.
324 12 Property Reasoning

Fig.12.13Links between organs, properties, requirements, and issues in the platform example

Our tracing of properties to organs in Fig.12.13 is qualitative, being based on

experience and expectations. However, in Chap. 8 we explained how parts formed
building blocks of the organs. Thus, when we need full quantitative explanations
for the causes of properties we have to investigate the part structure.

Design of a platform continued. Certain properties do not appear before
the part structure is determined. For example, the issue of overall size is
determined by parts and their spatial arrangement, which can be derived
from a layout drawing. In contrast, reliability can depend of a single critical
organ or part and thus needs closer study of the structures different failure
modes. Similarly, appearance is determined by major parts and assemblies
to give a total form (Tjalve 1979). This total form can be modelled in a
layout drawing and compared to the brief.
The example in Fig.12.14 relates utility to the stiffness of the platform
mechanism. Inherent stiffness is primarily determined by the two scissor-
like mechanisms carrying the platform. An alternative mechanism principle,
e.g. a hydraulic cylinder, would give a different inherent stiffness profile.
Add to this the stiffness of the bars and their jointsthe rotational and slid-
ing bearings. Together, these two details of the part structure determine stiff-
ness. Of particular importance in this design are the joints, where play is
damaging, and the traversal beams, which determine lateral stiffness.
12.3 Linking Characteristics to Value 325

Fig.12.14Linking the property stiffness to the part structure: bearings and traversal beams

From this example, we can see that tracking certain properties can require some
detective work because the sources and propagation is dependant on the specific
product composition. For example, if we try and trace the main sources of noise in
the lifting platform it is far from simple. We find multiple sources of vibration in
the electric motors and lift mechanisms, as well as possible amplification from the
platforms structure. A model can be established using a noise simulation program
or via a prototype but clearly experimentation and refinement are needed.
Based on the elements discussed in this section, we propose the following
heuristic for articulating properties composition.

When tracing or synthesizing properties be aware that properties can relate

to entities joint contribution (organisms, assemblies) and internal conditions
can influence these properties.

Finally, we can answer what in the activity and product is carrying a specific prop-
erty and how are properties composed?
Properties relate to use activity, product, and user as shown in the Link Model.
This relation originates in the characteristics of activities and organs.
Specific properties, e.g. coffee quality, can be decomposed in a breakdown
The breakdown and origin depend on the actual design solutions in the product.
Certain properties can be understood from just the organ structure while others
require materialization in the part structure.
326 12 Property Reasoning

Until now we have discussed qualitative relationships between properties and

entities related to the product. In the following, we go one step further in finding
the parameters of the entities that influence the properties via the property model.

12.4Linking Issues, Properties, and Characteristics

In this section, we illustrate how certain desirable properties are created as

synthesis progresses and in doing so illustrate the key elements of property
reasoning, i.e. thinking properties into the product.

Creating a bow. When children decide to make a toy bow they look for suit-
able branches and string. When they test the branches strength by bending,
they discover that some branches break without any deformation while oth-
ers bend to easily. In this range they find the interesting branches, which
store energy from bending and do not break. These branches then form the
foundation for the childs tests, which give insight into the design, pointing
to the desirability of high stiffness and low weight. The codification of this
insight is what we call a property model.

Reasoning about properties in practice is normally related to requirements.

This leaves the question: how to model the relationship between properties and
characteristics quantitatively? Let us start with an example property breakdown.

Projector. The principle of a projector is shown in Fig.12.15 where: (a) is a
lamp, (b) a reflector, (c) a condenser lens, (d) a filter to reduce heat transfer,
(e) and (g) are Fresnel lenses, and (f) is a LCD panel on which the image is
created and projected through the lens system (h) to the screen (j).
The core property of the projector is the contrast of the image on the screen.
This has a number of influences. First, it is dependant on the quality of
the screen it is projected on. Second, technical elements such as the LCD
panel, filter, and the precision of the lenses affect colour dispersion as
well as contrast. The projector also contains a cooling fan that creates
vibrations seen on the screen as blur. Finally, operational elements, such as
the precision with which the operator sets the focus (or choses auto-focus)
also affect performance. As such, there is a wide range of elements that feed
into the property of contrast shown in Fig.12.15. This also points towards
possible causes, e.g. the characteristics of product and operation.
12.4 Linking Issues, Properties, and Characteristics 327

Fig.12.15The composition of a projector with a breakdown for the property contrast

A key feature of this example is that the various decomposed properties contribute
to different aspects of the overall contrast property via different natural phenom-
ena. For example, the quality of the image produced by the lenses is largely deter-
mined by their material properties and finishing. In contrast, the vibration effects
from the cooling fan are more closely related to production quality and design tol-
erances. Thus, we need to be careful in assessing the various characteristics influ-
ences and their combination. This carries us to the property model where we bring
together the decomposition pattern and link it to the characteristics of the design

Definition: A property model describes the insight into the realization of a

certain property via certain design entities characteristics.

A general illustration of the elements in a property model is given in Fig.12.16.

The composition of a products deployment (activities, organs, and parts) on the
left is linked to certain issues of interest on the right. Requirements (where indica-
tors are known) are linked to characteristics via the properties. A distinction is also
made between activity (A), organ (O), and part (P) characteristics.
328 12 Property Reasoning

Fig.12.16The link model used to create a product model linking design entities, characteristics
(CActivity, COrgan, CPart), properties P, requirements R, and issues I

With respect to the product, model customers and users tend to focus on certain
issues and properties related to their perception of what the company has prom-
ised in terms of, e.g. performance or durability. There is a risk that the company
is not able to (or never planned to) actually realize these properties. As such, the
company needs to have insight into both its product and also the environment into
which it plans to launch. The companys property insight typically comes from
partial simulation models, testing, data collected from past or running projects,
and tacit experience of staff. This type of insight is illustrated in the following

Safe car. A critical issue in car design is passenger safety. This issue is
complex, being related to road properties, tire performance, the cars drive
and steering systems, braking properties, collision safety, and so on. Some
of these properties are distributed across subsystems, e.g. anti-lock brakes,
while other properties are achieved through combination, e.g. safety belts,
airbags, and role cages work together to protect the passenger (Fig.12.17).

Fig.12.17Entities related to a car's safety

12.4 Linking Issues, Properties, and Characteristics 329

For the manufacturer, this means that multiple property models are needed
to capture all of the knowledge related to these properties, e.g. ergonomic
information, computer simulations of chassis energy absorption design, and
the results of crash tests. All of these elements make it necessary to couple
the design activity with careful knowledge management.

Many of a products properties like dynamic response, temperature sensitivity,

ease of operation, and robustness can be derived from specific theories, models,
or calculation methods. It is the designers task to handle such property dimen-
sions, combining characteristics from the actual design with the conditions of the
products use context. In this respect, these are relational properties, as illustrated
in Fig.12.18. The focus here is on the important role engineering knowledge and
scientific insight play in building properties into the product.

The designer should seek out scientifically grounded best possible

knowledge when building in functions and properties.

A property model is best supported when models of the design are described
for all three domains (Mortensen 1999), e.g. following the Chromosome
Model. Creating a view model points to the conditions necessary for an organs

Fig.12.18Properties determined from engineering theories (property models) where the prod-
uct characteristics are determined
330 12 Property Reasoning

functionality to be described and its properties determined. Weber (2014)

describes a similar approach in his property driven-development theory where
he introduces Characteristics-Property Modelling (CPM) to articulate models of
properties realization. In both approaches the question remains: how are proper-
ties decomposed?

12.4.1Property Decomposition Patterns

Product synthesis can be seen as a progressive concretization and detailing

following a composition/decomposition pattern (Svendsen 1994). Organs and
parts are added to the structure and gradually the products behaviour emerges,
first functions, then properties. This growth of the structure is followed by a
gradual decomposition of the goal structure, which allows the designer to choose
between alternatives at increasing levels of detail. This links to the functions/
means tree (Chap. 11) where lower levels of functions/means are a consequence
of choices that do not satisfy complete solutions. In the same way, fulfilling
requirements leads to adjustments in the product structure. This progression gives
insight into functions and properties, as well as highlighting where new properties
are needed in response to new problem insights.
Many authors recommend an illustrated objective tree, e.g. Cross (2008) and
Pahl and Beitz (2007). An example of such a tree is found in Fig.12.19, which
shows objectives for the design of a convenient, safe, and attractive new transport
system. Interestingly, the tree brings together issues related to the journey, safety
situations, and transport. Two transport-related attractiveness issues are: being
a user of the system, and being a neighbour of the system. However, this tree
structure is not growing in detail parallel to the design process progression.
Instead, the tree is based on prior knowledge of the issues related to transport.

Fig.12.19Objectives tree for a new transport system (Cross 2008)

12.4 Linking Issues, Properties, and Characteristics 331

Based on these discussions, we can take two main approaches to making a

property decomposition pattern. First, we can create a pattern governed by grad-
ual synthesis and thus merge the properties of sub-systems into the overall prop-
erty decomposition. Second, we can establish a logical pattern of issues based on
our understanding of how the deployed product will interact with actors and its

The proper composition of objectives or requirements related to a product

depends on the users concerns and insights into the nature of the solutions.

Here the requirements can change depending on what level of the decomposi-
tion we are looking at and with respect to the sub-solution being considered
(Fig.12.19) (Svendsen 1994).
The requirement becomes one piece of the overall satisfaction, e.g. a weight or
cost contribution.
The requirement changes nature compared to the higher levels, e.g. time
changes to probability or accessibility changes to service.
The requirement is unchanged in the decomposition, e.g. reliability or lifetime
requirements are necessarily similar across levels.
The requirement is decomposed into sub-requirements, e.g. the delay
probability in Fig.12.19 having three independent contributions all increasing
the overall probability.
The requirement may lead to additional functions, e.g. the car safety example
Design can be easily understood as creating ideas and composing a product from
many sub-solutions. However, what really matters is the products ultimate func-
tionality and properties. These depend on the choices made by the designer and
thus require a deep understanding of the sub-solutions, the requirements, and their
relation to the users interpretations. This complex web of factors needs suitable
visualization models in order to properly stage this design activity. It is this role
that is filled by property decomposition patterns. Without them there is little basis
for making trade-off decisions in anything other than an ad hoc fashion.


When we analyze a product and the origin of its properties we find that certain
properties share characteristics. Here, the properties involved might all be satisfied
or one (or more) may be sub-optimal because of the need to give priority to other
properties. Finding a balanced solution to such a conflict is called a trade-off.
Designers often describe this in terms of conflicting requirements. However, in
reality the root cause is likely that they have simply not found solutions where this
negative dependency is absent.
332 12 Property Reasoning

In engineering, trade-offs are common phenomena in complex decision situa-

tions, e.g. balancing development time or product quality against rising costs in a
project. We can thus draw on decision-support concepts, such as, sensitivity analy-
sis (Ulrich and Eppinger 2004). Sensitivity analysis seeks to tell us what effect
changing one parameter will have on the other parameters, e.g. the effect of delay-
ing product launch on product finish and market confidence.
In designing, trade-offs are typically formulated in terms of pairs of
requirements that cannot be simultaneously satisfied (with the current proposed
solutions). This situation can be illustrated as in Fig.12.20, where two properties
are compared and the positions for alternative solutions and competing products
are shown. In this example, both properties should be minimized for the best
product outcome. We can use parameter variation for the property models (A and
B) to create the trade-off curves shown. From this analysis, we see that a specific
value for concept A gives the best trade-off. Here, the best solutions are situated
in the window of ideal values, although solutions in the marginal area are also

Hand dryer. In many public toilets, electric hand dryers are provided as an
alternative to, e.g. paper towels. The most common types combine heated
air and high airflow rates to dry the hands. These were characterized by a
trade-off between airflow and heating elements. This usually resulted in a
poor hand drying experience due to the fact that this combination takes a
relatively long time to actually dry hands. The Dyson hand dryer radically
changed this by using only high-speed airflow. The trade-off is now reduced
to: energy consumption v. drying speed. This is generally perceived to
be superior because elimination of the heating trade-off means that all
the energy can be directed into airflow and thus dry the users hands
significantly faster than the traditional approach.

Fig.12.20Trade-off space
for two properties mapped
against existing products and
12.5Trade-Offs 333

Ulrich and Eppinger (2004) write about trade-offs: An airplane can be made
lighter, but this action will probably increase manufacturing costs. One of the most
difficult aspects of product development is recognizing, understanding, and man-
aging such trade-offs in a way that maximizes the success of the product. The key
to successfully resolving trade-offs is maintaining focus on those properties of the
product that give a competitive edge.

12.5.1Function Trade-off

Properties in a trade-off situation can belong to different sets of function

properties, meaning that one or more functions cannot achieve the desired
properties. We call this a function trade-off. For example, consider the
combination pocketknife or multi-tool. There is a trade-off between functionality,
space, and usability.
In Axiomatic Design Theory (Suh 1990), it is advised that products should be
designed such that the functions are independent, i.e. not depending on common
characteristics. This allows for optimal conditions for each function to achieve
its ideal solution. In reality, this is rarely possible for all functions, and as such,
we offer a more pragmatic version: core functions should be independent. Many
products are designed with some independent core functions and some integrated
functions. For example, the core function of the springform (from the egg sausage
example in Chap. 11) is to loosen the sausage from the form but also works as
integrated part of the transport.

12.5.2Institutionalized Properties

In an effort to eliminate certain issues important to users, many companies

institutionalize properties by arranging persons, teams, or departments to be
solely responsible for certain issues, becoming issue specialists. Andreasen
and Hein (1987) reported this type of change in Volvo (a car manufacturer).
Volvo transitioned from a component-structured organization to a properties-
structured organization with groups responsible for comfort, safety, operation,
and ergonomics. Today, new institutionalized properties include sustainability and
user-oriented issues.
Property models show that issues that are broadly distributed in the products
characteristics structure, e.g. cost, safety, and sustainability, are highly
interdependent because they share many common characteristics. For example,
design for sustainability highlights how some considerations can also lead to cost
and reliability benefits. In contrast, many companies struggle to manage quality
and design because the quality group is not involved in the main product design.
334 12 Property Reasoning

The interwoven pattern of property models does not allow the separation
of single-issue responsibilities. The project leader has the responsibility for
ensuring integration.

12.6Property Reasoning During Synthesis

When designing, there are a number of critical situations where we encounter

problems linked to property reasoning:
Identifying and understanding the relevant properties: the necessary, the
important, and the decisive.
Creating new solutions whose properties and property models lead to new, com-
petitive products.
Contributing to incremental development of known solutions properties so that
they dynamically fit with the new context and demands.
Handling trade-off situations as introduced above.
Treating properties in the development of product families.
In this section, we offer some advice on how to manage these situations with
respect to new product design, incremental design, and platform-based design. In
all three types of design goal formulation, especially as a list of requirements, is

12.6.1Designing a New Product: Into the Unknown

Many innovative designs start with new technology, i.e. the idea in. Therefore,
their properties are often a consequence of the technology and the subsequent
design solutions. These properties can sometimes be unexpected or even harmful.
This is due to the fact that the design is based on the designers ability to predict
a products properties via, e.g. imagination or computational modelling. However,
when technologies are unknown, this prediction can be extremely difficult.
History is full of products that were predicted to be successful but never found
any utilization or market. Conversely, there are many good products that have been
developed through a chain of trial and error, where insights from failures became
the driver for the next step in development e.g. steam engines or aeroplanes.
Innovation is based on imagination, thus new solutions should be received with
scepticism and reactions based on their nature and properties. For example, when
it was clear that trains would exceed horse-riding speed, some people believed that
the extreme speed might kill the passengers.
12.6 Property Reasoning During Synthesis 335

Two-person bicycle. In their teaching, one of the books authors has for
years shown the principal sketch of the bike in Fig.12.21 and asked: Are
you able to balance on a bike with a person on each side? In each year, about
half the students believe it is impossible, forgetting their tacit knowledge of
balancing the bicycle via the front wheel. In fact, the illustrated bike was
very popular between lovers in the 1890s. The moral is that innovation not
only comes from the ability to visualize a concept but also the ability to
interpret and predict.

Fig.12.21Two-seat bicycle sketch and modern prototype courtesy Folker Silge, Budy

In Chap. 7, we identified four cognitive strategies: problem driven, solution driven,

information driven, and knowledge driven (Kruger and Cross 2006). We also
quoted the C-K Theory of Hachuel and Weil (2003), linking concepts (new things
we do not know about) and the related knowledge to be developed in realizing the
concepts. Both of these point to situations where the design and the insight are
born together, i.e. the concept and its property models co-evolve.
Innovative solutions may appear as strokes of insight but they typically
emerge from extensive information gathering, experimentation, and study of
a phenomenons nature. A challenge of innovation is to what degree we need to
know explicitly what we are doing. For example, the invention of the steam
engine was the cause for study of machine elements, kinematics, thermodynamics,
and design, not the other way round. Thus, property reasoning, i.e. knowledge
of certain properties realization and enhancement (e.g. longer, faster, higher) is
a precondition for innovative solutions in many cases and a consequence of the
designs characteristics in others. However, as new products are typically based
on, as yet, poorly understood phenomenon:

Making things work is a virtue. Supplying the explanation for why they
work is a consolidation.
336 12 Property Reasoning

What is the actual role of goal statements in innovative design? We see two
extremes. The first is where the attempt to formulate goals harms creative activity.
The second is where the creative discussion of goals forms the kernel of creative
Goal formulations based on requirements originate in knowledge of existing
products, predictions, and imagination, thus goals often mirror the past. Where
concepts are substantially new most requirements are ultimately superfluous,
invalid, or misleading. We have observed that companies often claim to support
innovation and make goal formulation open (as prescribed by, e.g. Andreasen and
Hein 1987) but gradually restrict the goal to the safe side resulting in extremely
traditional products and disappointed designers. This sad situation was also
found by Hansen and Andreasen (2007), which raises the question: how can we
formulate goals to support innovation?
Use value statements in goal formulation. Describe a good product from
the actors perspective.
Formulate goals as desired functions, i.e. what the product has to do and
what it will improve.
Do not take requirements for granted. Make interpretations, explore
them, and see what happens if they are neglected.
The mechanisms of creative work are only partially understood. Dorst and Hansen
(Dorst and Hansen 2011) explored how we create and dissolve paradoxes using
discussion to enhance the creative process. Such paradoxes can be conflicting
statements or trade-offs regarding the properties of a concept, leading to new
ambitions and innovative ideas.

In innovative design, property reasoning can take the form of creative

discussion or constructive conflict based on challenging property statements.

12.6.2Incremental Design: Learning from History

Incremental design is based on known patterns of how the product works, how it is
used, how it is produced etc. Relevant issues or desired properties are known and
the design characteristics defined. Incremental design describes both combining
existing solutions into new products, and the enhancement, adaption, variation or
scaling of established products. For example, the design of the RMS Titanic was
created by scaling existing designs. For todays designers, incremental design is
referred to as drawing on dirty chalkboards, using the old lines and knowledge.
Incremental design is driven by cost reduction and customer demands for bet-
ter performance and is often bound by severe constraints on the solution space
(McMahon 1994). The design is defined by known property models and thus has
12.6 Property Reasoning During Synthesis 337

established guideposts. McMahon identified five modes of incremental design,

here articulated in our terminology:
Exploring the characteristics of the organs and parts, i.e. searching for better
solutions by focusing on key parameters.
Improving understanding of property models via new theory, analysis, or
experimental insight. This can give improved properties or the ability to survive
new, more demanding, conditions.
Changing requirements, e.g. new market or legal requirements, changes in
utility perception, or the addition of function properties.
Modifying the feasible design space by searching for new conditions for the
design, e.g. related to its manufacture, choice of materials, assembly mode, or
new functions like self-adjustment.
Changing to new design principles, at least in sub-solutions, to enhance spe-
cific functions, e.g. cooling, lubrication, or wear reduction in a motor.
In incremental design, a new product can be described using goal formula-
tions adapted from previous products. Further, the goal formulation only needs
to address part of the product when substantial parts of the design are reused.
However, it is critical that if a goal formulation is re-used, the new product still
satisfies the actual requirements. It is necessary to check that new requirements are
satisfied and that the product decomposition is still valid.

Car safety. In an earlier example, we discussed the issue of safety in car
design. Over time, there has been a changing focus on car safety. In 1965,
the American Ralph Nader published the book unsafe at any speed (1965)
pointing to the horrifying calculations of production costs versus human
injuries for optimal profit. The book dramatically changed public and
legislative perception of safety and its regulation. Since then, car safety
legislation has focused on reducing the risks involved in car accidents,
making the safety issue one of the main factors in car design.

12.6.3Platform-Based Innovation: Distributed Properties

The basic idea of platform thinking is to best utilize a given sum of company
assets to manufacture and sell a variety of customized products, sharing common
elements. Customization is typically based on combining standard modules and/
or parts. We have already discussed how a products properties are not just based
on the organs and parts but also on their structure. Thus it is not always feasible
to create a product configuration where the custom properties depend only on the
modules and/or partstheir interaction also plays a role.
In Chap. 11, we introduced modularity based on function reasoning, because
the combinatory nature of modular product families has the precondition that each
338 12 Property Reasoning

module has a distinct function and standardized interaction interface with other
modules. However, transforming a range of products into a true modular family
(which takes substantial re-design effort) can encounter issues in managing prod-
uct properties. Out of several module drivers highlighted by Erixon (1998), the
following relate to the modules properties:
Carry over: key modules are used identically in all variants carrying the main
functions and properties of the product.
Technology evolution: certain modules are kept under development to give the
best possible properties (see incremental design approaches).
Planned product changes: modularity is used to support a partial development
strategy focusing on certain modules and enhancement of their properties.
Different specifications: module variants carry specific ranges or values of
properties for customization of products.
Styling: The modules are arranged so that styling/identity is preserved across a
range of product variants.
Modularization demands and supports a tight focus on modules function prop-
erties and property models. This is because properties are key to the creation of
a modular family architecture and because configuration (selecting and combin-
ing modules) relies on both functions and properties as criteria. Configuration is
rule based, with rules relating functions, properties, and module characteristics to
ensure compatibility and the desired properties.

Modular bicycles. Based on radical simplification by design by Mortensen
etal. (2012), we can see how modular architecture can yield a product
program with a wide range of features and properties mirroring market
demands. Several issues need to be defined, e.g. market range high-end,
mid, and low-end, and the key features that determine price and performance
perception. The customers divide by gender and each group has a specific
size and weight range, styles, and features. A detailed map of these
dimensions is then confronted with business questions: what variants are
economically viable? What market segments should be addressed? What
performance and features lead to success?
A modular architecture creates a bicycle from function-determined modules,
each carrying certain performances and features. Combinations of module
variants can be used to satisfy the programs needs but at the same time it is
important to retain high commonality for economic reasons. In particular,
the elements of the part structure that interface between modules are crucial.
Figure12.22 shows the modules and four female-type bicycles from the pro-
gram. Here, modularization led to significant changes, respectively, before
and after: frame components: 68036; possible frame variants: 72504;
possible bike variants: 722000+.
12.6 Property Reasoning During Synthesis 339

Fig.12.22Modular architecture for a bicycle program (Mortensen etal. 2012)

Platform and modular approaches have, to date, been primarily used by compa-
nies with large product ranges and sales volume or with expensive products where
reduction of development costs via reuse is critical. However, there is no doubt
that many companies can benefit from substituting their wildly growing product
portfolio with more manageable modular designs where customization, upgrade,
and specification are brought together in a structured way.


This chapter deals with one aspect of creating a good product based on the Link
Models postulate that users and designers interpretation of need satisfaction and
product value should be identical. Property reasoning is based on clarifying the
basic terms and the nature of properties. These have their origin in the behaviour
of the use activity and product but are also related users perceptions. In particular,
developing a competitive advantage relies on strong, original insight into the
Property reasoning applies throughout the Encapsulation Design Model. In
the early stages, the reasoning is projection, expectation, and guesswork; later
it becomes a matter of synthesis and analysis, and after product realization it
becomes verification from sales and user feedback.
This chapter adds to the reasoning about what makes a good product, opened
by function reasoning in Chap. 11. However, goodness is not only related to the
product and the users; the final element to consider is the many stakeholders
who interact with the product throughout its lifecycle. This can be dealt with via
dispositional reasoning, which we will explore in the next chapter.
340 12 Property Reasoning


Andreasen MM (1980) Syntesemetoder p systemgrundlag (Synthesis methods based upon sys-

tem theory). Ph.D. Dissertation, Lund University, Sweden
Andreasen MM, Hein, L (1987) Integrated product development. IFS (Publications)/Springer,
Berlin (Facsimile edition (2000) Institute of product development. Technical University of
Denmark Copenhagen)
Cross N (2008) Engineering design methods. Wiley, Chichester
Dorst K, Hansen CT (2011) Modelling paradoxes in novice and expert design. In: Proceedings of
ICED11, Copenhagen
Dym CL, Little, P (2000) Engineering designa project based introduction. Wiley, New York
Eder W, Hosnedl S (2007) A manual for enhanced creativity. Taylor and Francis Group Boca
Erixon G (1998) Modular function deploymenta method for product modularization. Ph.D.-
Dissertation Royal Institute of Technology KTH Stockholm Sweden
Hachuel A, Weil B (2003) A new approach of innovative design: and introduction to C-K theory.
In Proceedings of international conference on engineering design, ICED03, Stockholm
Hansen CT, Andreasen MM (2007) Specifications in early conceptual design work. Proceedings
of 16th international conference ICED07
Hubka V, Eder WE (1988) Theory of technical systems. Springer, Berlin
Kesselring F (1951) Bewertung von Konstruktionen. VDI-Verlag, Dsseldorf
Kruger C, Cross N (2006) Solution driven versus problem driven design: strategies and out-
comes. Des Stud 27(5):527548
McMahon CA (1994) Observations of modes of incremental design. J Eng Des 5(3):195209.
Mortensen NH, Gamillscheg B, Bruun HPL, Hansen CL, Cleeman KK, Hendrich K (2012)
Radikal forenkling via design (Radical simplification by design). Technical University of
Denmark Mekanik, Copenhagen
Mortensen NH (1999) Design modeling in a designers Workbench. Contribution to a Design
Language. PhD-Dissertation, Technical University of Denmark
Mrup M (1993) Design for quality. Ph.D.-Dissertation Technical University of Denmark,
Nader R (1965) Unsafe at any speed. Grossman Publishers, New York
Olesen J (1992) Concurrent development in manufacturingbased upon dispositionalmecha-
nisms. Ph.D.-thesis, Technical University of Denmark
Pahl G, Beitz W (2007) Engineering design. A systematic approach, 3rd edn. Springer, London
(1st edn. 1977)
Papanek V (1971) Design for the real world. Pantheon Books, New York
Pugh S (1991) Total designintegrated methods for successful product engineering. Addison
Wesley, Wokingham
Smith J, Clarkson PJ (2005) Design concept modelling to improve reliability. J Eng Des 16(5):
Suh NP (1990) The principles of design. Oxford University Press, Oxford
Svendsen K-H (1994) Diskretoptimering af sammensatte maskinsystemer (Discrete optimization
of composed machine systems). Ph.D.-Dissertation, Technical University of Denmark
Tjalve E (1979) A short course in industrial design. Newnes-Butterworths, London (Faximile
edition (2003) Systematic design of industrial products. Institute of product development
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Ulrich KT, Eppinger SD (2004) Product design and development, 3rd edn. McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Weber C (2014) Modelling products and product development based on characteristics and prop-
erties. In: Chakrabarti A, Blessing LTM (eds) An anthology of theories and models in design.
Springer, Berlin
Chapter 13
Dispositional Reasoning

Dispositions are the effects of the designers decisions about the products char-
acteristics, which are positively or negatively influential downstream, i.e. on the
products realization and life cycle. Through reasoning on and utilizing informa-
tion and methods related to dispositions the designer can exert an influence that is
highly rewarded in later activities.
We introduce a theory of dispositions and show how this theory governs the
areas called design for X. Arranging dispositional reasoning in the design pro-
cess is important because this is normally outside designers responsibility and

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 341

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_13
342 13 Dispositional Reasoning

13.1Designers Dispositions

In all life phases we find actors who are responsible for, or involved in activities,
related to the product, e.g. supply, assembly, distribution, or disposal. These actors
see the effects of the product first hand, e.g. problematic maintenance. We call
these effects dispositions, i.e. the designer disposes these activities conditions
through the products design. When designers are able to reason about the relation-
ship between their product designs and the actual effects in the various life phases
they are better able to mitigate negative effects and accentuate positive. We call
this type of thinking dispositional reasoning.
Dispositional reasoning complements the previously discussed function and
property reasoning approaches (Chaps. 11 and 12). As such, reasoning in design
has two aims:
To identify those actors influenced by the product and how this relates to the
products design.
To fit the products design to the life activities such that the positive dispositions
are emphasized in the eyes of the actors.
Traditionally, functions and properties form the basis for formulating a projects
goals. However, dispositional requirements are often difficult to define because of
questions regarding who the actors might be and how they might interact with the
product. Thus, it is highly likely that not all aspects or consequences can be fore-
seen. As such, dispositional reasoning provides a key tool in setting goals for dis-
positions and addressing the challenges outlined above.
The idea of dispositional reasoning, as a specific topic, was developed by
Olesen (Olesen 1992) in his Theory of Dispositions. However, elements of this
type of reasoning have been a part of certain DFX approaches for many years.
Ultimately, dispositional reasoning underpins all DFX approaches. As such, we
focus on the theory behind dispositions and the nature of the relationship between
products and activities. In doing this we also implicitly deal with methods and
their staging.

A disposition describes how a products characteristics influence the activi-

ties expected to be performed during the products lifecycle, e.g. assembly,
supply, or disposal.

13.1.1Industrial Practice

Organizational structure can easily lead to an over the wall culture where designs
and decisions are disconnected from insight into subsequent tasks and ultimately
the design outcome itself, illustrated in Fig.13.1a. Another important feature is
the power of influences (Fig.13.1b), i.e. the actual organizational functions cost
13.1 Designers Dispositions 343

Fig.13.1Traditional cost discussions: a blind dispositions in the over the wall culture (Ehr-
lenspiel etal. 2013). b Who throws the biggest shadow? the cost of functional areas and the
associated portion of the total cost they influence

influences and dispositions compared to their costs, shown as shadows. These fea-
tures point to the need for integration across the design process and the importance
of creating effective dispositions.
Although effective organization and management can solve many of the issues
highlighted in Fig.13.1, dispositional reasoning and certain DFX tools are still
necessary for successful design. In particular, these are needed to support the
design of dispositions when the designer is not familiar with the user. Thus, we
can define a number of key concepts that underpin dispositional reasoning.
When a design characteristic influences a lifecycle activity we face a disposi-
tion. This influence is described as a principle linking product characteristics to
activity characteristics. Together a set of principles related to either a specific life-
cycle activity or a general virtue forms a DFX methodology. Here, X can stand,
for e.g., manufacture, assembly (i.e. lifecycle activities) or cost, time, quality (i.e.
general virtues). These DFX principles are conditionally true with no immutable
correct answer. In each case the designer must verify that the applied rule leads
to actual improvement in the specific design situation. For example, if a standard
assembly principle, e.g. one-directional assembly, does not lead to cost or time
reductions then there is little point investing design effort in this and a more appro-
priate principle should be sought.
The breadth of DFX principles comes from the fact that many actors are linked
to the various product life activities and each has their own values and issues
defining what they see as a good lifecycle activity. Thus it is the designers task to
identify, articulate, and satisfy the requirements that are most important to product
success. Ultimately, this comes from an effective goal formulation that not only
considers the users perception of a good product but also includes the companys
business goals, the necessary product functions, and properties. All of these ele-
ments should then be traceably linked to goodness in the product life activities.
As such, handling dispositions is a question of combing specific knowledge and
underlying principles. Because of this we first outline the basic theory before
exploring a specific set of important DFX areas. Finally, we bring these together to
344 13 Dispositional Reasoning

explore how dispositions can be used throughout the design activity. As such, we
address the following topics in this chapter:
Section13.2 explains the fundamentals of dispositional effects and how dispo-
sitions link products and life activities.
Section13.3 explores the various areas of insight dealt with by Design for X as
actor orientated design.
Section13.4 deals with five key DFX areas in terms of DFX methods and the
links between characteristics: manufacture, cost, quality, and environment.
Section13.5 deals with the different roles of dispositional reasoning depending
on the type of development project undertaken in dispositional reasoning dur-
ing synthesis.

13.2Dispositions Link Products and Life Activities

Each of the main lifecycle activities were introduced in Chap. 10 as interactions

between the product and the life system, actors, and actor network. As such, the
Link Model can be applied to dispositions as shown in Fig.13.2. This highlights
the connection between a specific life phase activity, the designers goal formula-
tion, and the users perception of goodness. We can further link these to the wider
actor network and life phase systems.
In this model there are two perspectives on goodness: the experience of the
actors involved in the activity, and the business in which the designer operates. In
particular the business perspective ensures that company aims are not ignored, e.g.
competition, efficiency, and ethics. In response to these perspectives the designer
has three means for influencing the actual life activity. First, they influence the
products design and therefore its fit to the system and activity, e.g. a products
compatibility with an assembly systems grippers and manual operations. Second,
they influence the activity itself through the operations required in product use.
Finally, they can sometimes influence the life phase system to be more suited to
the product, although this is often a given and thus not accessible to the designer.

Fig.13.2The Link Model applied to dispositional reasoning

13.2 Dispositions Link Products and Life Activities 345


Dispositions are conscious or unconscious results of the designers influence on

the lifecycle activities as illustrated in Fig.13.3. For example, decisions regard-
ing the part structure and materials used for specific parts impact the production
machinery required in manufacture. Thus we can define a disposition as follows:

Definition: A disposition is a decision concerning a products design that

influences the type, content, and efficiency of activities in the products life
phase activities.

Based on the model in Fig.13.3 we can see that dispositions are not a separate
entity but are implicitly embedded in the links between the design and life phases
activities. For example, a design layout might be optimized for manual assembly
but perform poorly on a robotic assembly linein this case we face a negative dis-
position. A key question here is what is the extent of the designers responsibility?
Is the designers task limited to the product or should they also design the produc-
tion/distribution systems, the users interaction with the product, and the disposal
and reuse systems? Simplistically, the answer is yes because it is necessary for the
designer to show due diligence in a general sense. A more sophisticated answer is
that task delimitation is a matter of management decisions and project staging.
The dispositions resulting from design decisions are usually easy to identify in
hindsight. However, they are much less clear in the design situation and are eas-
ily overlooked or misinterpreted. Figure13.4 shows an idealized design process
where potential influences are related to multiple issues. If the actors and design-
ers cannot imagine these dispositions then the risk of later problems is high. For
example, in the handover from design to production it is common for problems to
occur because the design documents are wrong, not understandable or poorly fitted
to the equipment, see the chapter vignette. Therefore, we suggest the following.

If you cannot see the dispositions caused by your design then ask your

Fig.13.3A general model

of dispositions, linking the
design activity to the life
phase activity
346 13 Dispositional Reasoning

Fig.13.4Important issues and dispositional areas in the interaction between the main activities
in a products development, after (Andreasen etal. 1989)

13.2.2Dispositional Relationships

If we imagine dissecting a companys activities we find that a surprisingly large

number are related to the results of the latest product development: purchase, man-
ufacture, assembly, quality control, distribution, sales, installation, and use. In the
context of dispositions this leads to a number of effects (Andreasen 1988).
Strategy effect: are we developing the right things? Good dispositions support
corporate strategy in both business and innovation. This can take many forms
including, machinery, processes, knowledge, sales networks or specific disposi-
tions that give attractive conditions linked to future strategic goals.
Group effect: dispositions unify new products and existing activities via groups
like methods, tools, control, service, sales channels, etc. This effect also relates
13.2 Dispositions Link Products and Life Activities 347

to the reuse of experiences and supporting learning. Any unnecessary deviation

from what the machinery sees as normal is a dispositional disturbance.
Standardization effect: reuse and reduction of variants via standard, e.g. mod-
ules, components, materials, suppliers or methods. Standardization aims to
reduce cost and increase quality by following rules in disposition creation.
Optimization effect: the analysis and optimization of selected operations,
particularly when these are influenced by the products characteristics. For
example, refining the modularization of a product so that it optimally supports
assembly line testing.
Resource effect: the optimal utilization or minimization of key resources, e.g.
staff or machinery. This effect is illustrated in the computer-supported composi-
tion of modular products, which leaves staff free for other tasks.
Correctness effect: the above-mentioned effects disappear if there are faults
in the data or information transferred, i.e. it is not correct. For example, when
erroneous or insufficient information is transferred from conceptual design to
embodiment design flaws can occur.
The examples above focus on effects within a company, however, these types of
effects are also found in activities external to the company.

Strategic materials. Bang and Olufsen decided to adopt aluminium as strate-
gic material to give greater freedom to its designers and to reduce a number
of negative environmental effects from previous materials. Design and pro-
duction possibilities were subsequently clarified and proposed by production
staff and then taken up in the product development teams to create a new
range of designs (Fig.13.5).

Fig.13.5Bang and Olufsen products with aluminium as strategic material, Beocentre 2

and Beolab 8000, courtesy Bang and Olufsen A/S
348 13 Dispositional Reasoning

13.3Design for X: Actor-Oriented Design

One way to simplify the various actors interests is to focus on universal virtues,
i.e. fundamental dimensions of an activitys goodness (Olesen 1992): quality, cost,
time, efficiency, flexibility, risk, and environmental effects (Fig.13.6). In specific
situations we might also add criteria related to the operators wellbeing or work
Design for X or DFX methods aim to answer the question: how can the
designer, at the design stage, best fit the product to its life activities? DFX consti-
tutes a large number of methods and guidelines for mastering the issues related to
a products realization and its utilization in the widest sense. Most DFX areas are
governed by principles that guide proposals for beneficial courses of action. These
principles are often mistaken for criteria, i.e. the belief that simply following the
principle will result in a good outcome. Instead, the activities that occur as a result
of applying the principles must be assessed with respect to the universal virtues
(Fig.13.7). For example, Design for Assembly efforts might be measured by cost
and time of the assembly activity. Linking the DFX areas to the universal virtues
two types of DFX approach emerge:
Product life phase DFX topics. These link to activities undertaken during the
product lifecycle, e.g. Design for Assembly. Here the universal virtues provide
criteria assessing the execution of the activity.
Universal virtue DFX topics. These see the virtues as lifecycle concerns with
the virtues specific criteria providing the associated measure of goodness. For
example, Design for Cost is linked to life cost optimization.
Although the initial contributions to Design for Manufacture were made in the
1950s the true birth of DFX methodologies came in the 1990s. DFX approaches
are traditionally viewed as confronting the principles of an X-area with an actual
design proposal. The issues dealt with by DFX can take both product and life
activity foci. Thus a broader definition of DFX is:

Fig.13.6Universal virtues
composing the goodness of
an activity
13.3 Design for X: Actor-Oriented Design 349

Fig.13.7The DFX matrix

linking product life phases
and universal virtues. The
marked squares show
example areas of interest
highlighted in a real project

Definition: Design for X is a set of product synthesis methods and guide-

lines that serve to enhance the product life activities by addressing key
issues related to the product and its activities.

It can be confusing to distinguish if a DFX effort is focused on the product or the

activities. For example, Design for Cost aims to reduce costs associated with the
activities, e.g. production or distribution, however, cost is normally seen as a prod-
uct property. It is even possible that DFX efforts do not make this focus explicit.
Figure 13.8 formulates this question as a functional area. For example, should

Fig.13.8The design
manager a measured on his
results versus the production
manager, b measured on
his contribution to good
350 13 Dispositional Reasoning

production be measured on something disposed by others or should those people

making the dispositions be responsible for measurement?

13.3.1Dispositions: A Theory Behind DFX

Dispositions and Design for X methods are most clearly explained with respect
to Tjalves design degrees of freedom illustrated in Fig.13.9a. This gives a prag-
matic hierarchy of product characteristics, each representing a design degree of
freedom. Here the hierarchy follows the general rule that each level respects the
characteristics defined by the levels above it. However, this becomes more flexible
in the lower levels because the products complexity, and the range of alternatives
available, makes the pyramid extremely broad at the lowest levels where we define
the detailed characteristics.
This pyramid can be used for any life phase system and thus it is possible to
examine the links between two pyramids as shown in Fig.13.9b (Andreasen and
Mortensen 1997). In this case the fact that the design is fit for production means that
these cross-links have been arranged successfully. These cross-links can be seen as
beneficial rules (Fig.13.9c). For example, a Design for Assembly rule states that
stacked product structure allows for pick and place assembly, reducing assembly
costs. This links the product and assembly pyramids via the stacking rule.
DFX rules can be articulated in a number of ways depending on what is most
beneficial for the designer in a given situation, shown in Fig.13.10. For example,
rules be can communicated as tacit experiences from within the team or via more
formal documents like a lessons learned database, textbooks, archive software,
etc. This is represented by the shared box in Fig.13.10, i.e. by their nature meth-
ods are carried in the human mind.

Fig.13.9Tjalves design degrees of freedom a general links between the design and life phase
system, b an example of links with production, c a general articulation of a DFA-rule
13.3 Design for X: Actor-Oriented Design 351

Fig.13.10DFX visualized
as an interaction managed
by a set of rules, which can
be realized through, e.g.
teamwork, internal rules,
general literature, and

As we mentioned earlier in the chapter the rules governing DFX methods

are conditionally valid, i.e. they are dependant on the designer and the overall
situation in order to actually lead to the promised effects. For example, the rule
stacked assembly requires interpretation by the designer in the context of the real
product in order to deliver assembly line cost savings. As discussed by Fabricius
(1994), and shown in Fig.13.9, there are rules at different levels. These not only
relate to parts or structure but also to more composed characteristics of products
and systems. In this context, matching higher-level rules typically has a greater
impact than matching lower-level rules (Fig.13.9).
Bringing together these features we propose that there is fundamental theory
underpinning all DFX types: A disposition (i.e. a design decision influencing
an issue belonging to the X area) can be articulated as a rule that links certain
design characteristics to certain X-area characteristics, which influence cer-
tain properties related to the universal virtues. In some DFX areas, e.g. Design
for Assembly, these rules are found explicitly in textbooks. However, most areas
are so context dependant that pure rule following is not applicable and thus they
require effective staging.

13.3.2Staging DFX

When we compare todays designers with the artificers of the past, e.g. traditional
wooden shoemakers, the many stakeholders and DFX areas are striking. The
shoemaker created the design, obtained the materials for manufacture, carved the
shoes, and sold them. Today, all of these activities are allocated to different spe-
cialists or organizational units. As such, dispositional reasoning has become cru-
cial in creating integration across the design process. To illustrate how these DFX
efforts are typically distributed Fig.13.11 shows how cost and resources are com-
mitted over time (Andreasen and Hein 1987).

Substantial dispositional influences are established early in the conceptual

stages of product development. Thus this must be accounted for when plan-
ning the project.
352 13 Dispositional Reasoning

Fig.13.11Cost versus
resource dispositions in a
development project

Olesen (1992) created the Score Model, shown in Fig.13.12, to support disposi-
tional reasoning. Here the product development progression (top) drives the grow-
ing dispositional influence on the DFX areas: planning, production, assembly, etc.
This then relates to their positive or negative effects on the product lifecycle activi-
ties (right). For example, a project has identified key lifecycle activities where a
DFX effort might improve the products attractiveness. This has lead to the def-
inition of metrics linking the universal virtues to give a measure of goodness.
Finally this has resulted in the selection of DFX methods, noted in the matrix on
the left.
Olesens idea is that the project leader acts as a conductor using the DFX
matrix as a score, giving the following heuristic.

Fig.13.12The Score Model directs the designers attention during a development project
13.3 Design for X: Actor-Oriented Design 353

If a DFX effort is to be really influential it must be considered conceptually,

i.e. key concepts should be explicitly articulated early in the project and con-
sidered throughout in order to have an impact.

In Chap. 3 we highlighted the key role of the team in effective use of design
methodsDFX is no different. DFX methods are essential for Integrated Product
Development (Chap. 9) and must thus be staged in an integrating manner. For
example, they might involve key stakeholders in the team or use gallery techniques
to direct discussion of dispositions and the use of knowledge from past projects.
Thus DFX methods bring the effects of the design work directly into the design
team. This is illustrated by two examples. In the first a consultant counted the
number of different screws used in a product, leading to discussions on the cost
of purchasing and storage. In the second a company surveyed the various elec-
trical motors used in its product range over time. This resulted in the realization
that the variety was much larger than necessary for the producttype suppliers,
and specificationsleading to striking price differences between products. How
had this happened? On investigation a project leader found that none of the design
team had ever visited the production site. They were subsequently amazed by the
huge investments in machinery resulting from small changes in their design.
Based on this we might ask in what order DFX methods should be applied to
avoid these issues? Although some books suggest preferred orderings for prac-
ticality or impact, DFX methods are really corrective in nature. This perspective
of DFX methods as a corrective feedback loop is illustrated in Fig.13.13. Using
this conceptualization we can better understand why DFX methods are normally
a combination of analytical and improvement approaches. This DFX loop links to
the iterative nature of design activity where focus is continually shifting from issue
to issue (Hubka and Eder 1988; Pugh 1991; Chap. 4).

Fig.13.13The DFX loop:

analysis, diagnosis, and
advice, leading to design
354 13 Dispositional Reasoning

13.4DFX Methods and Links Between Characteristics

In this section we will look at a range of DFX methods in order to distil out the
underlying mechanisms linking the dispositions and the rules related to the actual
X area.

13.4.1Design for Manufacture and Assembly

Old engineering design textbooks give rules for right and wrong design based
a manufacturing perspective (Matousek 1957). From this DFMA (Design for
Manufacture and Assembly) emerged in the 1970s and 1980s as the most influ-
ential DFX area. Applications in the automotive industry resulted in part counts
being reduced by 50% and substantially reduced costs. However, the diversity of
production methods has changed. What started out as a limited number of man-
ufacturing and design rules exploded into a huge number of special production
methods. Unfortunately, it is easy to identify good solutions but difficult to find a
way of articulating the problems and actually guiding the designer. Thus we must
consider the fundamental dispositional mechanisms.
In the assembly area the assembly activities, available equipment, and key prin-
ciples (e.g. Fig.13.9b) can be characterised in two ways (Andreasen etal. 1988):
To guide the designer to principles and solutions for designing and assembly
management based on a set of criteria for optimal assembly (high product qual-
ity, high productivity, high profitability, and good working conditions).
To guide the designer to an assembly friendly design by highlighting princi-
ples related to the products structure and its connections, as well as the indi-
vidual parts designs.
Even with such guides the effect of a DFA method is fundamentally dependant of
the designers ability to see possibilities. Re-design of existing products follows
the analysis>diagnosis>advice sequence (Fig.13.13) (Boothroyd etal. 2002).
A more structured approach is to create an overview of a products cost structure,
big Q and little q quality challenges (see Design for Quality below), its func-
tions, and production processes. Based on this overview (called Know your prod-
uct! (Andreasen and Stren 1993) postulates can be formulated for possible better
ways to realize the product. Subsequent design efforts focusing on these can result
in partial or total solutions.

Do not expect as a designer that they will find out how to produce it. You
must understand the processes and find out how to design to fit them.
13.4 DFX Methods and Links Between Characteristics 355

Fig.13.14Rationalization of a part: machining (left) versus deep drawing (right) (Ehrlenspiel

etal. 2013)

In contrast to DFA production processes do not have structured DFM methods.

Here, the aim is to establish a design that is detailed enough to support analyti-
cal approaches for fitting it to the processes, equipment, and tooling, measured via
costs, time, quality, and productivity. A typical example is shown in Fig.13.14.
Here deep drawing saves 50% weight and 50% cost (Ehrlenspiel etal. 2013).

Re-design of a welding machine. Here we draw on the well-known con-
sultant work of Fabricius (1994) due its excellent fit with our argument. In
the 1990s Migatronic was the first company in Denmark to launch portable
welding machines. These products were in demand but suffered significant
quality problems. In particular these stemmed from the fact that, in the orig-
inal design, functionality could not be tested before final assembly. At the
same time Finnish and German companies were developing similar products
with 4050% lower production costs. Thus a re-design was initiated by an
analysis of the type illustrated in Fig.13.15.
Based on this the following postulates for better approaches were produced:
using a stacked structure, using pick and place units for assembly, and
reducing wiring complexity via a PCB (poly carbonate boards). This last
element would also involve heavy coverings and direct connections between
the electrical components to enhance reliability. Based on these ideas the
new machine was modularised as shown in Fig.13.16: low current board,
high current board, and an extruded aluminium body for housing and cool-
ing the components.
These changes collectively reduced assembly time by 18%, part count from
1179 to 520, wires from 52 to 0, and the number of machined parts from
356 13 Dispositional Reasoning

Fig.13.15Fabricius sketch of the new product structure

102 to 10. This resulted in individual parts that were more expensive but
gave an overall significant price reduction. In particular this suggests that the
Design for Cost approach might not have been as useful here due to the need
to increase the cost of some parts. Further, an additional effect was noticed
once production of the new design had started: the individual welding
machines could be grouped to make larger machines consisting of between
two and six combined modules. Thus, products could be better fitted to the
customers needs and provided a basis for new platform orientated designs.

Fig.13.16The modular design of the new welding machine (Fabricius 1994)

13.4 DFX Methods and Links Between Characteristics 357

DFM covers a wide range of situations from simply fitting the product and manu-
facturing process to specialized production technologies that the designer needs to
understand deeply. Typically, design students are advised to create a production
neutral design at first, allowing them to exploit different manufacturing processes.
However, we argue that a better approach is to start with a plausible way of build-
ing in mind (German: Bauweise), i.e. a commonly used way of realizing certain
functions (Andreasen and Mortensen 1997). These approaches (and DFM efforts
in general) are typically measure by cost. As such, Design for Cost naturally links
to the DFMA areas.

13.4.2Design for Cost

Cost reduction and value creation are key factors in competition. Ehrlenspiel etal.
(2013) states that cost reduction are a societal task necessary for ensuring trade
and welfare. Although many actors influence cost three main elements can be
identified in a company.
Manufacturing costs: the manufacturing process, and purchase of materials
and components. These costs are variable and related to sales volume.
Fixed costs: the production means, staff, and organizational activities related to
the product.
Product life costs: the cost of, e.g. installation, application, maintenance, and
disposal. Both the buyer and producer carry these costs.
The designers influence on cost is relatively easy to trace when considering man-
ufacturing because the costs originate in the definition of the parts and processes
needed to create the product. On the other hand fixed costs are related to the oper-
ation and utilization of equipment, routines, and practice, which are less directly
influenced by the product. Examples of these more complex effects are purchase
routines, spare part routines, product modularization, distribution equipment, qual-
ity tests, repair routines, etc. Finally, the product life costs are split between the
producer and the buyer. Here the designer must decide how this should be distrib-
uted, e.g. should the producer spend more on a longer lasting part, or shift the cost
to the buyer by forcing them to carry out regular maintenance (this is explored
further in Chap. 10).
DFC methods do not have an agreed scope. Some authors see a life cost focus
as a virtue while others focus only on Design to Cost, i.e. designing to hit the cost
goal based on the market price. Pahl and Beitz (2007) recommend interdiscipli-
nary dialogue to identify a broad spectrum of cost influences, as well as Value
Analysis to ensure costs are used appropriate. Different cost structures can be
established. For example, one might distribute costs to functions/organs based on
358 13 Dispositional Reasoning

the importance of these to the user, with unbalanced costly organs being replaced
by cheaper alternatives. Conversely, cost distribution based on the parts might
focus on materials costs, wages, and machining cost, with the aim to redesign of
unbalanced operations. These structures are often associated with cost drivers,
i.e. modes of action, functionality, or materials that directly cause higher costs and
thus form areas of specific focus.
As we noted at the start of this section DFX areas are not independent. It is
well known that efforts to create environmentally friendly products often lead to
reduced costs. Further, in the welding machine example above the DFM effort
lead to substantial cost reductions. Similarly a DFC effort in the welding machine
example would likely lead to a different solution and thus influence manufacture.
Many of the cost dispositions made by the designer are routine because they
concern commonly occurring, well understood, topics, e.g. connections, welding
or choice of electrical motor. As such, few designers expend substantial analytical
effort on such common areas.

Designers often claim that Design for Cost is what we do every day but
it is important to question the effects of these efforts in the wider design

13.4.3Design for Quality

Design for Quality is closely related property reasoning (Chap. 12) due to the fact
that DFQ aims to understand how users appreciate properties, and to thus ensure
these properties are enhanced in the product. Quality is the customers reaction
to products properties and can be divided into five main elements (Mrup 1993).
Company-orientated properties are:
Q-properties (big Q): properties satisfying external stakeholders, the user
being the most important. The challenge here is to identify the most important
qualities, leading to successful, competitive products.
q-properties (little q): properties related to internal efforts to reach appropri-
ate big-Q values. These can be seen as quality efficiency. The challenge here is
to minimize quality efforts (e.g. measured in cost) whilst ensuring full param-
eter control: all products identical.
Customer-oriented properties are:
Position properties: properties linked to the products raison dtre, by posi-
tioning the product between the best on the market and satisfying customers.
These properties can be related to what buyers see as innovative or when they
have specialists knowledge that allows them to appreciate the products peak
performance. Specific properties or features are often enhanced to give the
product its individual character.
13.4 DFX Methods and Links Between Characteristics 359

Expectation properties: properties promised by the companys reputation or

advertising. These might not be explicitly articulated by the customers but can
have a major impact on how products are received. These properties relate to
buyers basic expectations, such as safety, reliability, eco-responsibility, etc.
Superior performance in this category does not necessarily increase customer
satisfaction (Mrup 1993).
Obligatory properties: properties following the state of the art in a class of
products. These qualities are not promised but are instead conditions for being
able to enter the market. The customer expects these properties based on, e.g.
experience, expectation or legal regulations. Omission of obligatory properties
results in negative customer reactions.
All these properties dynamically follow a products evolution, i.e. over time a
property might gradually become common across all products, moving from
expected to obligatory. As such, qualities are not only considered at the point of
sale but are also experienced throughout a products service life. Here, Robust
Design (Matthiassen 1997) aims to make the product inherently impervious to the
many types of variation that occur in the products realization, e.g. changing mate-
rial properties, poorly toleranced dimensions, or new assembly conditions. This
focuses on ensuring undisturbed functionality despite variation. Similarly Design
for Reliability, (Crowe and Feinberg 2014; Blanchard and Fabrycky 1990) aims
to maintain the Q-properties throughout the products life despite disturbances
from use. The mindset model in Fig.13.17 illustrates this reliability challenge.
Here, the products quality composition is described as layers of big-Q qualities
supported by technical qualities, such as robustness and reliability. Further, prod-
uct life qualities, q-qualities, occur in distinct life phases, e.g. production and
maintenance. As such, these underpin the pyramid of big Q qualities.
The dispositional mechanisms behind the quality properties link them to the
products characteristics, behaviours, and state changes (Chap. 12). Mrup (1993)
identifies three types of methods related to DFQ: goal formulation, synthesis
(manipulating the characteristics to obtain good properties), and verification. A
unique aspect of quality is that users are required for verification through, e.g. cus-
tomer dialogues, workshops or field tests.

Fig.13.17Mindset model for the composed quality pattern (Andreasen and Hein 1998)
360 13 Dispositional Reasoning

Design for Q and q. The Bang and Olufsen CD player illustrated below has
two sliding doors that open when you approach the device to get access for
CD loading and the control panel (see Fig.13.18). In particular customers
like the quick, soundless movement, while the producer knows that this Q
property should be maintained for 17years. The supporting technical prop-
erties Q# include: low wear, robustness in the man/machine interface
(for instance when one of this books authors just want to see what hap-
pens when you obstruct the doors with a pencil), robust to environmental
input (e.g. different cleaning sprays), and robust to changing parameters
(e.g. when the plastic guides shrink over time). Little q efforts relate to easy
alignment of the guides and doors, adjustment of individual products, and
successfully debugging early generations of the software.

Fig.13.18Quality aspects in a Bang and Olufsen CD player

13.4.4Design for Use

At its core design aims to create useful products, however, the use activity has
its own particular nature in terms of interaction between human and device.
Therefore, Design for Use has been developed with the aim to create products
that are problem free, flexible, socially acceptable, practically acceptable, and ulti-
mately useful for the user.
13.4 DFX Methods and Links Between Characteristics 361

Fig.13.19Four dimensions
of interaction

The dispositional mechanisms in DFU link the product characteristics to the

intended/executed use activity and the users characteristics. For example, Hede
Markussen (1995) used interaction design to identify the key operational charac-
teristics or design degrees of freedom that determined the quality of a products
use. Hede Markussen aimed to balance engineering understanding (products
causal effects on the use activity) and experience-based understanding (the users
experience of and reaction to the design and its use). To do this he described the
four dimensions shown in Fig.13.19.

Interaction is a living, dynamic process. It is invisible and complex, and it

claims the use of a special language in the design and articulation of the user

Examples of advice from interaction design not surprisingly focus on behaviour:

Give the user control over the product, It must be easy to give up an operation
procedure and escape the action, Make shortcuts for experienced users, All
interaction operations should give an information response.

Manual control of a bed. User involvement in the design of a controllable
bed resulted in the interface shown in Fig.13.20. Here the main challenge
was to link the users own position and intentions to the beds response
when a button was pressed. In order to achieve this, the beds four motors
were required to activate safely, in unison, and without disturbing the user.
362 13 Dispositional Reasoning

instructions for use
scenarios controlling
the beds four motors,
courtesy Institute for
Product Development,

Users personality, motivation, intellect, experience, and cultural background all

influence the success of product interactions. Capturing the core identity of poten-
tial users and effectively mapping user groups that need special attention is thus
central to DFU. Closely related to this is Inclusive Design (Keates and Clarkson
2003). Here design interaction efforts specifically aim to include those users who
are excluded for whatever reason, e.g. too young/old, less able or having func-
tional impairments. The effects of such a focus can lead to greater social inclusion,
higher user satisfaction, and growth in sales volume.

13.4.5Design for Environment

The question of sustainability, i.e. maintaining the Earth in a functioning con-

dition for future generations, poses two significant questions to industry. First,
industry is one of the main sources of pollution and users of natural resources.
Second, the flood of new products produced by industry leads users to consume
even more resources and pollute in the form of product waste. Efforts to combat
this can be found on many levels, from international initiatives down to policies
that effect individual designers. This has resulted in a huge number of environ-
mental methods and buzzwords. Bringing some order to this profusion a distinc-
tion can be made between (Dusch etal. 2010):
Green Design: individual product features are optimized for environmental
13.4 DFX Methods and Links Between Characteristics 363

Eco-Design (DFEn): the entire product lifecycle is optimized for environmental

performance (McAloone and Bey 2009).
Sustainable Product Design: social aspects are also considered.
Design for Sustainability: complex societal systems are also considered.
Transformative Design: totally new scenarios are envisioned.
One of the main approaches in this area is to quantify the environmental good-
ness of a product by creating an ideal reference model. This uses Life Cycle
Analysis (LCA) to model the resources used, the emissions caused, and the end
of life deposition related to the products composition. These quantitative models
are complexmeaning that it is difficult to assess the veracity of their predictions
in the real product context. In retrospect it is not difficult to create an LCA and to
map the use of resources and harmful effects on the surroundings, i.e. nature and
humans. However, from the designers perspective it is difficult to integrate these
complexities when also pressured by the more tangible aspects of product design,
e.g. DFMA. As such, it is beneficial to design based on real situations or scenarios
that allow for more direct reasoning.
The dispositional mechanisms in Design for Environment link the composi-
tional elements of the product to the activities in its life phases, including its use
(Olesen etal. 1996). Environmental effects are created in each of the products life
phases. These effects can thus be identified by confronting the product and its ele-
ments with the life phase activities; what we call meetings. Figure13.21 shows an
example of such a mapping, linking a products composition to its life phases to
identify key meetings and their environmental effects. This leads to the following
heuristic, which is illustrated in Fig.13.22.

Fig.13.21Environmental effects stemming from interactions between the product, actor and a
product life system, after (Olesen etal. 1996)
364 13 Dispositional Reasoning

Fig.13.22Mindset model
for Design for Environment
(Olesen etal. 1996)

Environmental effects, the product, and the meeting should all be con-
fronted; these are the key dimensions to be manipulated.

The questions that drive the search for alternatives are shown in the illustration.
These are based on the idea that a design result is available, at least as a concept,
or that past products and their life phases can be used for finding viable design
directions. This leads to the identification of several basic design principles that
link the product characteristics to the meetings, i.e. the interaction of product,
operator, and lifecycle system in a life activity. Such principles point to positive or
negative environmental effects. Some examples are highlighted below.
Reduce energy consumption by avoiding functions that require energy through-
out the products use. For example, typical televisions contain numerous
components that remain active when on stand-by, consuming power while
providing little utility for the user.
Empower the user to act sustainably. For example, washing machines typically
use visual indicators to give information about energy and water consumption
associated with the selected program.
Let the product act sustainably. For example, televisions are often left on in
rooms that the users have left. Thus it might be possible to install a movement
sensor to switch off the TV.
Although Design for Environment may seem very product oriented Olesen etal.
(1996) highlights the fact that substantial effects are related to the use activi-
ties and the influence of the user. Thus a critical factor in the sustainability area
is human behaviour. In particular changing user behaviour is a precondition for
designing systems that better balance consumption and production or creating
totally new scenarios.
13.5 Dispositional Reasoning During Synthesis 365

13.5Dispositional Reasoning During Synthesis

Although DFX methods are both corrective and generally rule or principle based
it is still important to consider how best to integrate them in product synthesis.
For example, the general roles of DFX methodology are in making the product fit
for life, enhancing competitive aspects, and supporting the idea with the prod-
uct. However, there are many more roles to be respected in product development.
Thus, we take a closer look at dispositional reasoning in the three design situa-
tions: designing a new product, incremental design, and platform based design.

13.5.1Designing a New Product

When a company decides to create a new product the focus is on innovation in the
design. In this situation The designer and the team may see the project as aim-
ing at an innovative product and may be too focused upon the product, forgetting
its use, users and product life stakeholders (Dorst 2006). The fact that a product
exists based on its interaction with the context is easily missed in such a situa-
tion. To repeat Chap. 10: the life cycle should be designed before the product!, i.e.
the designer should not blindly create a new product without knowing its effects,
especially its environmental effects.

Efforts are needed to bring product life realities into designing a new

These efforts include a greater focus on finding product life information in the
research phase, describing the actual product types, their users and lifecycle. One
strategy is to launch the product as early as possible, in order to learn from real-
world experience. Another is to arrange design reviews combined with DFX loops
to give the product the best possible start conditions.
In new product design DFX can be mirrored as XFD: efforts in the X area
support the product design. In an earlier example we described the selection
of aluminium as a strategic material, based on feedback from the production
(Sect. 13.3). Other examples include the development of service efforts support-
ing the product, radical cost efforts to make the product in its own class, creating
scoping projects to find new products utilizing a unique production technology, or
utilizing new reuse technologies. Just as designing can start from users needs it
can also begin with stakeholders needs in a specific life phase.
366 13 Dispositional Reasoning

13.5.2Incremental Design

In incremental design the products main function, its application, and a major part
of the product are unchanged. Thus the new design aims to enhanced performance
and add features or new forms. We are able to use insights from past products
and their dispositional links as starting points for enhancement or innovation in
the new products fit for life. Here, the Score Model (Fig.13.12) can be used as
a framework for describing concrete insights, supported by stakeholders percep-
tions of fit and criteria for goodness.
Another practical approach is to introduce a formal concept design report,
where all relevant life phases are treated and proposals made for re-designallow-
ing clarification of possible new designs. Unfortunately current industrial prac-
tice has a weak definition of what requires innovation and what should be reused,
resulting in extremely wasteful redesign efforts where new components, new pro-
cesses, and new spare parts are created with no value for the business.

Scania heavy vehicles: The Swedish company Scania follows an interest-
ing incremental design strategy. Here, the basic idea is not to launch distinct
lorry models but to create continuous enhancements, and offer the customers
highly individualized products. The preconditions for this are dynamic and
precise reactions to the market, respect for key requirements, and tight con-
trol over quality and cost. The designers priority in executing a customers
order is safety, environment, quality, and cost. As such, the strategy demands
high levels of dispositional insight to avoid decreasing volumes by, e.g. over
production of new components.

13.5.3Platform-Based Design

In platform based design products have many variants with high commonality,
with the aim to satisfying individual customers wishes whilst also reducing design
and manufacture effort. This requires alignment across the whole product lifecy-
cle. Alignment is established when the different structures in the product life sys-
tems are coordinated and fitted for a total optimization, i.e. positive dispositional
effects are successfully utilized and managed. This is illustrated in Fig.13.23,
which shows the alignment challenges for a modular product family. Alignment
requires the optimization of commonality, as well as controlled variation to man-
age the down stream effects on the product life phases. Further, this also builds on
optimal fit between the products, their supply, manufacture, quality control, distri-
bution, etc.
13.5 Dispositional Reasoning During Synthesis 367

Fig.13.23Advantageous alignment between the structures of product life systems

Several types of DFX can be used in alignment. For example, Design for
Assembly has rules regarding modularization and improving manufacture, supply,
and distribution; and Design for Manufacture has rules for creating commonality
between variants. As such, platform based design generally demands a modular


Dispositions provide an underlying pattern in design supporting the identification

of flaws and weaknesses but also innovative possibilities related to the product
life and the complex systems in which the product exists. Modularization brings
these dispositions to the surface by seeking to answer: who should benefit from
the modular structure? To answer this we must understand the dependencies and
possibilities linking the modules in order to create the best conditions, for e.g.,
quality control or recycling.
Dispositions point to important questions about the organization of tasks and
responsibilities in a company. Should the design manager be measured on their
design for manufacture effort? How should design for environment be weighed
against cost reduction or production deadlines? Answering these with reasonably
valid statements demands experience from previous designs, competitors prod-
ucts, and best practice because not every issue can be considered for each new
The three topics function-, property-, and dispositional reasoning together deal
with the difficult matter of creating good products. They collectively highlight
how, if we wish to succeed, we must understand the mechanisms underpinning
design, their interaction, and how they can be arranged. This leaves one final ques-
tion: What is a good product?
368 13 Dispositional Reasoning


Andreasen MM (1988) Udviklingsfunktionens disponeringer (The development functions dis-

positions). Institute of Product Development, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
Andreasen MM, Hein L (1998) Quality-oriented efforts in IPDa framework. Integrated product
development workshop IPD, vol 1. Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Andreasen MM, Khler S, Lund T, Swift K (1988) Design for assembly. IFS (Publishing)/
Springer, Berlin
Andreasen MM, Stren S (1993) Produktfornyelsebaseret p Kend dit produkt-filosof-
ien (Innovating productsbased upon the Know your productphilosophy). Lyngby,
Department of Mechanical engineering, Technical University of Denmark
Andreasen MM, Hein L, Kirkegrd L, Sant K (1989) Udviklingsfunktionenbasis for fornyelse
(The development functionseed of innovation). Jernets Arbejdsgiverforening, Kbenhavn
Andreasen MM, Mortensen NH (1997) Basic thinking patterns and working methods for multi-
ple DFX. In: Meerkamm H (ed) Report on Beitrge zum 7. Symposium Fertigungsgerechtes
Konstruieren, Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg
Andreasen MM, Hein L (1987) Integrated product development. IFS (Publications)/Springer,
Berlin. Facsimile edition (2000). Institute of Product Development, Technical University of
Denmark, Copenhagen
Blanchard BS, Fabrycky WJ (1990) Systems engineering and analysis, vol 4. Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs
Boothroyd G, Dewhurst P, Knight W (2002) Product design for manufacture and assembly, 2nd
edn. Marcel Dekker, New York
Crowe D, Feinberg A (eds) (2014) Design for reliability. CRC Press, Boca Raton
Dorst CH (2006) Design problems and design paradoxes. Des Issues 22(3):417
Dusch B, Crilly N, Moultric J (2010) Developing a framework for mapping sustainable design
activities. In: Design research society conference 2010, Montreal Canada (unpublished)
Ehrlenspiel K, Kiewert A, Lindemann U (2013) Kostengnstig Entwickeln und Konstruieren,
(Cost beneficial development and engineering design), 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin
Fabricius F (1994) Design for manufacture (DFM). Institute for product Development, Technical
University of Denmark, Copenhagen
Hede Markussen T (1995) A theoretical basis for creating interaction design (in Danish). Ph.D
thesis, Technical University of Denmark
Hubka V, Eder WE (1988) Theory of technical systems. Springer, Berlin
Keates S, Clarkson J (2003) Countering design exclusivenessan introduction to inclusive
design. Springer, London
Matousek R (1957) Konstruktionslehre des allgemeinen Maschinenbaues (Study of design in
general mechanical engineering). Springer, Berlin
Matthiassen B (1997) Design for robustness and reliability. Ph.D dissertation, Technical
University of Denmark
McAloone TC, Bey N (2009) Environmental improvement through product developmenta
guide. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. ISBN 978-87-7052-950-1
Mrup M (1993) Design for quality. Ph.D thesis, Technical University of Denmark
Olesen J (1992) Concurrent development in manufacturingbased on dispositional mechanisms.
Ph.D dissertation, Technical University of Denmark
Olesen J, Wenzel J, Hein L, Andreasen MM (1996) Miljrigtig konstruktion (Design for environ-
ment). Technical University of Denmark, Institute for Product Development
Pahl G, Beitz W (2007) Engineering design. A systematic approach, 3rd edn. Springer, London
Pugh S (1991) Total designintegrated methods for successful product engineering. Addison
Wesley, Wokingham
Chapter 14
Good Design

This chapter closes this book by bringing together our exploration of conceptual-
ization. This needs one final element to meet our ultimate goal of empowering the
creation of influential, sustainable, and useful products. We must answer: what is
a good product; and what composes good practice, research, and education? This
last chapter knits together all the threads into a comprehensive worldview of design
that supports the readers activities as practitioners, researchers, and students.

14.1Effects of Design

The Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) department at Delft University of

Technology uses the mission statement Creating successful products people love
to use. They highlight products role in both satisfying needs and creating suc-
cessful business, all in a sustainable way. We started this book by setting the scene
for conceptualization before exploring the product development process and life-
cycle. Seen in this broad perspective, what is a good design?
As we noted in Chap. 1 good design practice also fundamentally links to
research and education. We therefore see good design (at the highest level) as an
interaction between four elements:
1. Design results as satisfiers of human and societal needs, and as statements of
what matters in society and how problems are solved.
2. Design practice as a driver for innovation and creator of new products.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 369

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2_14
370 14 Good Design

3. Design research as a supplier of design knowledge for practice and education.

4. Design education as a supplier of innovators and skilled designers able to uti-
lize new technologies and stage groundbreaking new companies and social
In the following sections we examine each of these four dimensions of good
design, before combining them in Sect.14.4 to discuss the designers challenge:
the necessary, the important and the decisive. Finally, Sect.14.5 discusses good-
ness in practice, research, and education.

14.2Good Products: The Idea with and Idea in

A good product is created as the the strong concept, i.e. it successfully con-
nects market opportunities, new technology, a companys resources (development,
production, distribution, and sales), and sales success. It provides an outstanding
answer to the need, either through quality or by creating a new way of articulating
the question.
Regardless of the markets demand for a product we should always strive for
the good product; one with the best possible design, functionality, and proper-
ties. This can only be realized by staging conceptualization so that need, business,
market, and value dimensions are balanced against the technical elements related
to the physical product, shown in Fig.14.1. On the one hand we deal with the
products utility. Here, conceptualization helps us create the idea with the prod-
uct, i.e. new, important conditions for the products use, utility, social importance,
need satisfaction, and marketing. On the other hand we deal with the creation of
the product. Here conceptualization helps us create the idea in the product, i.e.
the products mode of action, structure, and form in accordance with the desired
functions. As such, conceptualization leads to the design of concepts with strong
ideas both with and in the product.

Fig.14.1Two sides of a
product concept (Hansen and
Andreasen 2002)
14.2 Good Products: The Idea with and Idea in 371

The Danish train system. The Danish intercity rail network is characterized
by a large number of lines with short distances between stations. Trains are
expected to cover longer distances as well as smaller lines. The established
solution shown in Fig.14.2 is the IC3, which has a lightweight aluminium
chassis and standard diesel engines on each bogie. This gives, together with
automatic couplings, a modular train. The idea with the trains is to serve the
traffic need, i.e. they are flexible, have short travel times between stations,
and support frequent service. The idea in the trains is to support this flexibil-
ity through low weight, high acceleration, modular design, and easy coupling.

Fig.14.2The IC3 train and the net of lines it covers

In our Encapsulation Design Model conceptualization captures the multiple

issues identified during Exploration and gradually brings these into the design activ-
ity. Historically, conceptualization has started from the technical problem and goal
formulations, where the ideal product and technical considerations are key. In reality
new products success is also dependant on launch strategy, market share, financial
result, and technical performance (Hultink etal. 2000). However, we might still ask:
what makes customers buy a product? The user appreciates utility and performance,
particularly when buying technical rational products, e.g. washing machines.
For less rational products users and buyers value perception is derived from
the products utility, yield, users excitement, visual appearance, brand, reputation,
and technical features. The buyer often focuses on secondary features in contrast
to the concentration of the design effort. In particular, price can outweigh a buyers
quality evaluation. Often, price perception is governed by brand and a nave belief
in a relationship between price and quality. Thus we must ask: how to bring the
idea with into design? Chapter 6s five feed chains give us a basis for interpreting
need and balancing task and idea elements against insights from the use situation.
This gives the idea with the design.
The mindset idea with/idea in allows us to fundamentally question the prod-
ucts right to exist, no discussions of goodness can exist without it.
372 14 Good Design

A concept proposal should always contain, and argue for, both the idea in
and the idea with. Here the idea in deals with the technical aspects and
the idea with utility and market.

14.3Stakeholders for Goodness

The good product is one with positive effects in terms of sales success, high market
share, good fit with the companys functions (e.g. manufacture, distribution), and
setting a new innovation paradigm (e.g. the transition from normal to smart phones).
Obviously this presents us with a multidimensional problem; the designer faces
multiple actors, must balance multiple wishes for properties and functions, and must
deal with multiple design entities. Further, all this is underpinned by the products
lifecycle and the subsequent actor interactions. From this we can identify the four key
stakeholder groups shown in Fig.14.3, inspired by Tan and McAloone (2006).
1. Users whose application of the product leads to the need satisfaction and value
perception. Successful products balance these effectively against their price.
2. Manufacturers who see the product in a business light and appraise its con-
tribution to the companys profits. Successful products drive profits and effec-
tively utilize company resources.
3. Society where the product (and companys activities) are observed as resource
consumption and value creation. Successful products create value while
respecting ethics and sustainability.
4. Lifecycle actors who interact with the product in a line of different roles, from
suppliers to disposal. Successful products balance lifecycle needs with immedi-
ate demands for profit.
When searching for a unifying view on good design these four groups are key.
Thus we explore each in turn.

14.3.1The Users Perception

Products only truly show their utility and value when someone actually uses them.
Thus it is the user who primarily determines if a product is a good one, but we
Fig.14.3Key stakeholder
groups related to a product,
its realization, and its
14.3 Stakeholders for Goodness 373

should remember buyer and user are not always the same person. When users buy a
product they bring it into a distinct context that is more or less related to the inten-
tions of the designer and manufacturer. Each utilization is uniquely determined by
product, use, time, and place. This individualization of the product is a problem for
the designer at the conceptual stage: what will the product encounter in the hands
of the user; and what will the user experience and value in this context?
A traditional, if slightly bizarre, example for illustrating this context depend-
ency is the Penny-farthing (a type of bicycle with an extremely large front wheel),
which was popular in the 1870s. It was mainly bought by rich young men and used
for Sunday performances in parks observed by young ladies. It took high elegance
to mount and part of the sport was to fall off gracefully. Thus, the manufacturers
promised in their advertising that the bicycles could withstand a certain number of
falls. In this context the Penny-farthing reminds us of skateboards today. Neither
product is really intended as a means of transport in the traditional sense.
This brings us to the idea that a concept is not something inherent to a product,
instead it is composed of a products functionality, form, and performance, as well
as the products use, meaning, and utility in relation to existing solutions, tradition,
reputation, value, etc.

A concept description should identify users and context as two sides of the
same coin.

In the Link Model we find that the users appreciation of a product is composed of
the use result, the users experience of owing and using the product, and the prod-
ucts functions and properties. These are further supplemented by properties such
as esteem as discussed in Chap. 12. The value concept describes the ideal product
and use based on the users situation and the context in which the product is used.

A products use and (use related) value is determined by the users experi-
ence. This value is determined by the products properties, use process, output,
and need satisfaction, but is also dependant on the users situation and context.

Throughout this book we have used value as a general denominator for goodness
and perceived utility in a broad sense. It is well known that the human percep-
tion of value is a gestalt, i.e. it is perceived as a totality that cannot be explained
by its composition. However, this is not very helpful for the designer. As such,
we have discussed a number of value dimensions that can be addressed through
design. Here, other terms like usability and applicability merge.
Usability describes how well a product supports the user in achieving
their tasks or goals, quickly and easily. Nielsen (1993) states that: To some
extent usability is a narrow concern compared to the larger issues of systems
acceptability, which basically is the question of whether the system is good
enough to satisfy all the needs and requirements of the users and other potential
stakeholders such as the users clients and managers.
374 14 Good Design

Fig.14.4Usability as part of system acceptability

Nielsens breakdown of acceptability is shown in Fig.14.4, to which we have

added accessibility (Keates and Clarkson 2003). It is interesting to read the illustra-
tion from left to right and focus on barriers. For example, acceptability is judged with
respect to the users preferences, as well as cultural or social norms and economic or
technical elements. Accessibility describes barriers to product use related to the user.
For example, if users are excluded from using the product because its specification
does not respect their abilities or deviation from normal: sight, hearing, mobility,
strength, etc., or the chosen technologies exclude users unfamiliar with them.
The Link Model highlights the challenge of obtaining reliable insight into
users perception of goodness, and the Encapsulation Design Model highlights the
importance of early need and problem exploration. However, true insight can only
come from users interactions with models, prototypes, and test products. This
leads us to a summary checklist for exploring users perception.

The product should be acceptable. This should consider the total system
including, suppliers of accessories, components or knowledge, services
and upgrade, disposal, and economy. Further, there should be no social,
cost, or technical barriers to accessibility.
The product should be useful (and show it). This includes quality, an
exciting use activity and result, good need satisfaction, and high usability,
i.e. ease, efficiency, reliability, and robustness (quality).
The product should bring esteem and pleasure to the user. This includes
pride of ownership, pleasure in the appearance, social esteem, and the
enhancement of a users identity.
The product should allow the user to show their responsibility. This
includes ethical and ecological responsibility (all the way down to sup-
plier), as well as supporting the user in ecological behaviour.
14.3 Stakeholders for Goodness 375

14.3.2The Manufacturers Perception

In the eyes of the manufacturer product goodness looks radically different from
the users perception; the user can choose between many products with only the
price at stake. In contrast the manufacturer is reliant on their need interpreta-
tion being accurate and the product being able to carry the investment and risk of
development, i.e. actually sell! Although we focus on the product as physical arte-
fact the manufacturer sees the product and business as closely linked, as illustrated
in Fig.14.5. This highlights the socio-economic function and need satisfaction as
the basic value interpretations of the user, and the business economy and company
income as the core value interpretations of the manufacturer.
In the context of Fig.14.5 it is worth distinguishing several product types: com-
modities, normally natural bulk products offered through market trade; goods,
which are produced, standardized, tangible, and offered to multiple users; services,
which are intangible, delivered on demand, and offered to specific clients; and
experiences, which are staged, memorable and personal (Tan 2010). Our discus-
sions of conceptualization are generally applicable but should always be adapted
to the specific project context.
Satisfying user need in a new or better way is the core of all new product devel-
opment (Andreasen and Hein 1987). Thus, the manufacturers challenge is to be
aware of and identify new interpretations of need, to find new means of satisfac-
tion, and to convey these virtues to potential buyers. Typically value chains are
established, where competing products are offered but each manufacturer utilizes
many degrees of freedom to create its own approach to need satisfaction and sales.
Examples include offering trucks that help reduce the lifecycle transportation
costs, offering fasteners that reduce operational costs, and offering lubricants
that increase machine performance and uptime (Tan 2010).

Fig.14.5The dual function of a product, after Roozenburg and Eekels (Roozenburg and Eekels
376 14 Good Design

For the manufacturer need articulation, need satisfaction, value proposition,

and holistic product performance are key to the good product.

Our advice is to follow the Encapsulation Design Model and invest in Exploration.
In particular, it is important to continue the clarification of user and market aspects
throughout the design process. It is critical to understand what actually delivers
value and competitive advantage. At stake are the resources invested in the pro-
ject. It is not enough to simply record costs during the project; the designer must
balance cost and income in real time. Figure14.6 illustrates this with respect to a
projects decisions on technology, investment, resources, and time, as well as the
cost of designing itself. Here, dispositional effects are crucial to a sound econ-
omy (Chap. 13). Ultimately, investment should lead to profit mediated by market
share, sales, and product price. The role of design is to identify and justify the
need, articulate the design, clarify the situation, and build in added value directed
at increasing price and sales.
In a company new products are a means for expanding business and market.
Therefore, the good product is often described in terms of both a product goal
statement and a business goal statement (Andreasen and Hein 1987). These set
goals for the ideal product and the ideal business. Again we summarize these fac-
tors in a checklist:

The product should create new markets and increase market share via
strong sales arguments, high added value for the customer, precise need
satisfaction, and high, controlled quality.
The product should support alignment between it, the business, and the
companys efforts. This includes supporting company vision and strategy,
manufacture, sales, quality, sustainability, etc., as well as maximizing the
companys network relations.
The product should minimize development costs and maximize resource
The product should enhance the company brand, identity, and reputation
with regard to ethics and sustainability, etc.

14.3.3Societys Perception

Society and design are interwoven in the supply of food, communication, schools
and hospitals, energy, and so on. New products can be introduced to this web with
positive and/or negative effects. Thus, we can put societys interests on the same
footing as citizens interests, i.e. maintaining and developing welfare in a balance
between creation of value and consumption. For the designer this societal web is
not only where products end up but also where their responsibility and ethics will
14.3 Stakeholders for Goodness 377

Fig.14.6A simplified model of project economy and the designers responsibilities

be realized in terms of sustainable effects. It is also important to remember that the

designer can take advantage of this web by creating concepts based on establish-
ing new links between existing activities. In the societal context the good product
has several dimensions distinct from the user or manufacturer:
Products and services create value in a society via trade and are thus vital eco-
nomic elements.
Products and services support societal structures and act as a means of taxation.
Products and services lead to employment and thus support individual welfare.
Society frames industrial activity economically, socially, and environmentally,
representing the publics interests.
Society sets the game rules by protecting intellectual property and at the same
time giving designers responsibility for the safety and consequences of their
products. In particular ethical, environmental, and societal standards must be
Sustainability is influenced by the need and task formulation, as well as the nature
of the concept and the final products context. Our philosophy is that serious atten-
tion should be given to ecology and sustainability up-front in the goal formulation.
This is discussed with respect to dispositional reasoning in Chap. 13, which high-
lights the need to consider environmental consequences.
When a new product is created a spider web of influences is established across
environmental, economic, social, and cultural dimensions. Here, effects can be dif-
ficult to trace and assess. In particular, the users and other actors utilization of the
product can create unexpected positive and negative effects. In societal terms it is
the designers responsibility to map this spider web.

Society sees a good product as one where environmental, economic, social,

and cultural effects are understood, controllable, and sustainable.
378 14 Good Design

Societys expectations concerning sustainability are enormously complex and it

can seem impossible for the designer to see the possibilities and influences emerg-
ing from their product. However, this does not mean efforts should not be made to
establish an understanding, for example through modelling the product lifecycle to
capture sustainability issues.

14.3.4Lifecycle Actors Perception

In Chap. 10 we introduced the products lifecycle as a design entity, i.e. some-

thing that can be designed or at least influenced by the designer. In each life phase
meetings happen between the product, life phase systems, and actors. The actors
roles can be, e.g. operator, supplier of accessories, or consultant. Here, the com-
pany is interested in the goodness of the activities performed in these meetings.
This is linked to the actors satisfaction, affects business and reputation, and can
expose issues that the company is responsible for, e.g. concerning environmental
effects or recovery of materials. In Chap. 13 we explored how products interact
with the lifecycle and how designers dispositions can understood and managed.

The product should be fit for life. This includes, good task execution, i.e.
the activities properties and effects on lifecycle actors, and the activities
impact on the product.

14.4The Designers Challenge

These four types of actor collectively create an apparently unmanageably complex

web of issues and properties linked to the good product. However, we can make
this mess manageable by asking: what is important? Our understanding is that the
products primary function is king: a knife must be able to cut; a car must be able
to move. Products should be stable, safe to use, function every time, and support
environmentally responsible deployment. But in the end it is in the need and the
real situation where the few, primary properties are decisive, leading to product
sales. We bring together these multiple issues and actors through a focused under-
standing of value, illustrated by the mindset in Fig.14.7. This highlights three
types of property: necessary, important, and decisive.

14.4.1What Is Necessary?

Synthesis starts on the inside, i.e. to create something functioning, useful, and
tractable. These properties (functionality, usefulness, and tractability) all belong to
the necessary. They are critical and require gradual refinement throughout concept
14.4 The Designers Challenge 379

Fig.14.7The goal formulation exploring what is necessary, important, and decisive

synthesis to ensure their alignment with the goal formulation. If the necessary
cannot be addressed then solutions are rejected or projects abandoned. This
links to Pughs (1991) warning to avoid conceptual vulnerability, which usually
manifests itself in two ways: Either the chosen concept is weak due to lack of
thoroughness in the conceptual approach, or the chosen concept is strong, but due
to lack of thoroughness in the conceptual approach the reasons for its strength are
not known or understood.
An important task in concept selection is thus choosing appropriate criteria to
ensure a competitive product. In the Link Model we emphasize how the technical
criteria must be confronted with the business and user criteria to predict the com-
petitive power of a concept. However, an explicit statement of the idea with the
product is seldom asked for.
In order to identify necessary elements we must consider the different aspects
of design reasoning, in particular, functionality: the product must actually func-
tion! The principles simplicity, clarity, and totality proposed by Aguirre (Pahl
and Beitz 2007) help keep synthesis on track, at all levels of detail. The neces-
sary is the foundation of the conceptualization.

The necessary are the core of a concept, the designs principal function. We
should strive for simplicity, clarity, and totality, as the necessary are key to
projects tractability and results.
380 14 Good Design

The necessary can also be found in a goal formulations requirements, e.g.

the desire to reach a new level of performance. If no solution is found with the
required level of performance, this necessary requirement is not satisfied and the
project will be stopped.

14.4.2What Is Important?

Independent of what function a product offers it has no meaning if the function is

not followed by yield, reliability, and economy, which Wallace (2014) describes
as a key set of properties. This means that the product should perform as prom-
ised, reliably, and economically throughout its service period. The important are
the properties that the product reveals in the hands of an unprepared user. As
such, they are at the root of success or failure, as well as personal safety (not be
confused with reliable function). Lifecycle actors and society should also be con-
sidered with respect to the important. Specifically, major negative effects should
be avoided at a personal level (noise, pollution, waste, etc.) and at a societal level
in the form of ethics and sustainability (unethical production conditions, neglect-
ing environmental and resource restrictions, etc.).
The key question when considering the important is: does it really give the
user utility, in a sustainable way?

The important satisfies the need as promised, reliably, safely, and


It is interesting to observe that users experience the important during deployment

and thus these factors are not necessarily decisive arguments when purchasing a

14.4.3What Is Decisive?

The credo of this book is that a concept should create a difference that matters.
The idea being that the designer should be conscious of the properties that set
their product apart from the mainstream and above the companys past products.
This difference should be key to the concept proposal; it will not be created in the
design work following conceptualization. Further, the difference can be anywhere
in the product, its use, or its related entities. A major problem here is communicat-
ing the concepts virtues to the customer because these virtues can be radically
new ways of seeing a need, use or utility.
Although some textbooks describe decisive as functionality, safety, aesthetic,
ergonomic, and timeliness, It is evident that these are a mix of necessities
14.4 The Designers Challenge 381

(functionality, safety), means (aesthetic, ergonomic), and what might be decisive,

e.g. timeliness. In our view the decisive belong to the use activity: what does the
product do for the user, and how do they see the utility of this when buying? This
dimension is emphasized in the Link Model and our articulation of the universal
virtues. However, it also relates to the products timeliness with respect to trends,
seasons, emerging needs, etc. Therefore, our advice is limited to the following:

The decisive lie in the products sales, use, and reputation dimensions. It is
important to build the decisive into the design work so that potential buyers
can identify it at point of purchase.

Bringing these three elements together we might ask in what order these proper-
ties should be considered. The simple answer is necessity comes first (something
must be synthesized before we can judge its properties), second important (a con-
cept which is not robust and tractable should be rejected at an early stage), and
third decisive. However, decisive elements should be identified early and be incor-
porated during all stages of design. Unfortunately design is not so simple, and in
order to clarify these properties we need to progress iteratively because they are
not all obvious from the start. This demands prototyping, experiments, and user
This closes our discussion of good design with respect to the product. Next
we turn our attention to good design with respect to the process.

14.5Goodness in Practice, Research, and Education

Design practice is central to the creation of powerful products and also the sub-
ject of design research and education. Although we focus on good design there
are many other factors that affect success, e.g. management, which each have their
respective research fields and professional practices. In design there is an interac-
tion between practice, research, and education as shown in Fig.14.8. The figure
also highlights the ideal nature of these interactions.
With respect to this interaction we are interested in how these three elements
can reach a high level of yield and support societal welfare through good design.

14.5.1What Is Good Practice?

The most pragmatic answer is that only the results count, i.e. success on the mar-
ket. Designers are not measured on their use of procedures or methods, but on
their productivity. However, this effectiveness dimension is closely related to the
382 14 Good Design

Fig.14.8The interaction between practice, research, and education

efficiency dimension, i.e. the designer optimizes their use of company resources
by identifying opportunities to improve the business while controlling potential.
We need to be perfect in all aspects said a manager, referring to quality assur-
ance, distribution efficiency, environmental certificates, ergonomics, supply, leg-
islation, and many other issues. In this domain dispositional thinking is essential.
In terms of good design in a team, three dimensions are important: profession-
alism, skills, and knowledge. A designer must be able to adapt to a wide range of
tasks, from explorative and creative to analytical, corrective, optimization. No one
can master all of these but a professional can adapt and perform as needed (using,
e.g. this book for support). There are many buzzwords for describing best practice
in companies, e.g. agility, voice of the customer, set based or lean. However, these
all come back to different perspectives on efficiency and design professionalism as
discussed in this book.
Industrial practice is rapidly evolving and highly complex, although some fun-
damental characteristics remain constant. This makes the ability to adapt and build
on these fundamentals key attributes of effective design practicehence why we
dedicate so much of this book to design reasoning. This is particularly important
because practice often leads research, meaning designers often encounter situa-
tions where there is little formal guidance. Wallace (2014) noted, Products these
days are much better much cheaper Many companies and design teams are
doing an excellent jobeven if they are not using the specific new methods pro-
posed by design researchers. Is Good Design Research?

As noted above many design situations are encountered for the first time in prac-
tice, leading to the rather unscientific origin of many models, methods, tools, and
principles. Design research seeks to understand the core of these insights and sub-
sequently synthesize fundamental design knowledge to give back to the designer.
Blessing (2002) defines design research as:
14.5 Goodness in Practice, Research, and Education 383

Definition: Engineering design research involves: the formulation and

validation of models and theories of the design phenomenon; and the devel-
opment and validation of knowledge, methods, and tools (based on these
models and theories) to improve the design process (i.e. support industry
producing successful products).

This definition reflects our aim in this book and highlights the questions funda-
mental to design research: what is a successful product; how can it be created; and
how can we improve the chances of being successful? (Blessing 2002). We have
addressed these throughout this book and bring their answers to the fore in this
chapter. Throughout, we have built on the fundamentals of design as defined by
design research. Thus, this text provides the reader with a foundation for further
reading. In particular we recommend the works of Roozenburg and Eekels (1996),
Dym and Little (2000), and Andreasen and Hein (1987) to the interested reader.
In Chap. 3 we discussed designers and their knowledge, and pointed to three
types of knowledge: design, professional, and branch. Here, design knowledge is
the type of insight found throughout this book. This is fundamental and applies to
all aspects of design, independent of discipline. In particular, our Encapsulation
Design Model, the Link Model, and the three modes of design reasoning fall into
this category. When we consider good design research we have three thoughts in
mind: radical, relevant, and rigorous. Radical denotes importance, i.e. contribut-
ing to one aspect of design knowledge. Relevant denotes how the research links to
industrial practice, problems, and situations, in a timely way. Rigour denotes the
quality of the research and the researchers line of reasoning. Here we might focus
on clarity of research question, proper use of concepts and theories, and proper
handling of methods, data, and argumentation, Blessing and Andreasen (2005).
Finger and Dixon (1989) state that: An ideal research institution should be based
upon a solid basis and should master best practice. However, design is com-
plex and the designer cannot hope to simply pick up research and apply it without
adapting its lessons to the context of their own projectjust as with design meth-
ods and staging.
Habermas (1998) discusses how research supports practice by providing under-
lying truths that are explainable via subjective decision making, e.g. concern-
ing industrial experiences and attitudes. As such, design research results support
design by providing insight, models, and methods. In practice these contribute to
higher productivity and increased probability of success. Wallace (2014) sums this
up as Any design theory is worth precisely little until it has been applied and
validated in practice. This means that the research taken up by industry is some-
times radically different from what is praised by other researchers. In particular
we see that clarity, impact, and ready applicability are winning criteria for indus-
trial adoption, with rigour not necessarily considered. This leads to the situation
where industry uses an eclectic mix of research results (Araujo 2001; Grabowsky
and Geiger 1997). In particular successful research (from an industrial perspec-
tive) must be applicable for new products, with relevant goals, effective use of
384 14 Good Design

resources, appropriate results for practice, and contribution to design knowledge

and innovation (Andreasen and Wallace 2011). This is illustrated in Fig.14.9,
showing the link between research and practice, as well as their different goals.
Based on this we can see that there is a transfer problem, the missing link
between researcher and designer. Although, when researchers and designers work
together directly there is often a very profitable synergypossible because this
becomes a joint learning experience.

Researchers should demonstrate the real world utility and benefits of their
results if they wish designers to adopt them.
Designers can gain substantially from involving researchers as specialist
contributors in their design staging.
There is much to be gained from an up to date understanding of design
research findings and methods, although the rules of staging still apply:
they must be understood and adapted to the specific situation faced by the

14.5.2What Is Good Design Education?

Design is taught in engineering schools, architecture schools, and industrial design

schools (which focus on aesthetics, use, form, and materials, aimed at non-techni-
cal products and sometimes even non-industrial products). The background of the
authors is in teaching Bachelors and Masters degrees in design and innovation,
producing design engineers. Their role is to be skilled designers who are also able
to stage design, coordinate, and integrate (McAloone etal. 2006; Jrgensen and
Boelskifte 2005).

Fig.14.9The link between research and practice

14.5 Goodness in Practice, Research, and Education 385

Designers knowledge and competences are realized in practice and moderated

by their skills and attitude. Many knowledge areas contribute to understanding the
nature of artefacts, context, and social environments, but not necessarily design
knowledge. As such, the key characteristic of education is learning to bring these
competences together effectively. In particular, awareness, synthesis, innovative
thinking, and integrative reasoning. These must be trained as skills through pro-
ject work tied to real design practice. In part, this balance between fundamental
training and practical work helps designers to address the transfer problem we dis-
cussed in the good research section. Further, this realization illustrates the impor-
tance of designers challenging their own learning by integrating design research
in their practice. As such, we can summarize our thoughts on good education as

Design education should reflect design practice in bringing together both

technical and social elements into the broad multidisciplinary endeavour
described throughout this book.
In order to improve in design it is not possible to just read or just practice.
Design education builds on expanded knowledge, application in practice,
and reflective learning. This is as true for designers in practice as it is for
students in more formal education.

These heuristics apply to both formal design education and designers seeking to
educate themselves. Design is fundamentally a discipline that is learned through
reading, practice, reflection, and improvementno one operates at 100% capacity
on day one! This comes back to the need to develop the three different aspects of
design knowledge, in conjunction with softer skills and attitudes. A strong com-
munity of practice supports this, with other designers help facilitate the read, prac-
tice, reflect, and improve cycle, reflected in Fig.14.10.

Fig.14.10Practice and its relation to theory and education (Andreasen 2009)

386 14 Good Design

Key to building on this learning cycle is encountering different projects and

situations. In particular we highlight a number of differentiating dimensions that
should be considered.
Design focus: which element of the Encapsulation Design Model is the learn-
ing focused on, e.g. exploration or product development. Further, what spe-
cific issues are to be addressed in the product domain, e.g. technical (material
strength, mechatronics, etc.) or social (user perception, actor interaction, etc.).
Competences and skills focus: reflecting the design focus, what skills are to be
developed, e.g. analysis, synthesis, visualization, communication, etc.
Project context: which elements define the current project and how can they
be learned from, e.g. different managers, team composition, goals and require-
ments, etc.
This composition of project variety mirrors our Encapsulation Design Model
and its stages, the treatment of issues and design entities, and the reasoning
approaches. Together Practice, Research, and Education

Based on our discussions above we see that design practice, research, and educa-
tion are fundamentally related. This is reflected in Fig.14.11 where these worlds
collide. Here, design practice is both the source for potential research insight
(through empirical study) and the receiver of this refined reflection (in the form of
theories, models, and methods).
Based on this holistic perspective we strongly believe in the need for designers
to understand the totality of design, envisaged in the Encapsulation Design Model,
as well as the social and ethical considerations involved. Risk taking and a belief
in ones own abilities is the foundation for daring to create new companies and
products. Design is much more than a simple technical challenge, it is also a per-
sonal, intellectual, and innovative one.

If we want the best designers we should recognize design as the intellectual

challenge that it is, and promote designers freedom, reflection, and learning.


A driver behind this book has been to create a holistic understanding of design
from which we can empower conceptualization. In this chapter we have focused
on the ultimate goal of designthe creation of good products. To this we have
added the creation of good designers and good design practice. As such, we
have not discussed methods at length, not only because they are well addressed
14.6Conclusion 387

Fig.14.11Design science as four interrelated worlds (Andreasen 2008)

elsewhere, but because our focus is an understanding the underlying nature of

design. With this understanding we stand ready to tackle design problems in many
disciplines or situations, with many different goals or needs, under many different
types of constraint, and (almost incidentally) are able to adapt and apply methods
as needed for our situation. This is in contrast to the method and tool focus
where we might have the equipment but not the understanding or mindset required
to adapt and use it. This is jokingly illustrated in Fig.14.12, and in the common
phrase all gear, no idea.
In bringing this book to a close we look to the future.
In Chap. 1 of this book we illustrated our stepping stone metaphor for design.
In this we can reflect on the composed nature of design, related to artefacts, peo-
ple, and process. Further, it helps us realize that there are many ways to under-
stand ones own role and work as a designer. Many approaches and compositions
can be created that will prove powerful for the next generations culture and
The issues brought together in this chapter challenge our perception of the
practitioner, researcher, and student as totally distinct. Rather, each draws on
and reciprocally strengths the others. As complexity and project scope increase
this relationship can only grow in importance. In particular, practitioners face
an ever-growing challenge in maintaining an overview and planning where best
to spend their limited resources. Thus, practitioners, researchers, and students
share a common future of increasing design complexity. This brings us back
the dimensions of change highlighted in Chap. 2: globally distributed design,
increasing social responsibility, the need to address both the lifecycle and the
product, the shift towards service, and the growing responsibility of the designer.
388 14 Good Design

Fig.14.12A well prepared

designer with all the methods
and tools he might need

Today we are preoccupied with innovation and creativity as the conjuring tricks
that will solve all our problems, creating new industry, employment, and welfare.
However, these are only possible when coupled with professional designers who
understand design and conceptualization as the real drivers of new product devel-
opment. Design efforts are the seeds of our future; our challenge is to create value,
sustainability, and ultimately the future we want!


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Wallace KM (2014) Personal correspondence

List of definitions

This list is composed of the definitions used in this book. The concepts related
to the nature of products and activities are defined in relation to other definitions,
indicated by bold text. The definitions location in the book is also shown.
Action conditions are the arrangement of external effects and interactions
between bodies, which create the physical conditions for utilizing a natural phe-
nomenon to create state changes, and subsequently effects (Sect. 11.3).
Behaviour is the complex of state changes that occur in an activity or device
based on natural phenomena (Sect. 11.3).
Characteristics are a class of structural attributes of products and activities
determined by the synthesis of the design (Sect. 12.2).
Collaborative design is the process through which actors from different disci-
plines share their knowledge about the design process and the design itself. This
creates shared understanding related to both process and artefact, helps integrate
their knowledge, and helps them focus on bigger common objectivesthe final
product to be designed (Sect. 4.4).
Community of practice is a socio-technical pattern that evolves in a team and
its space as a result of experience, cooperation, learning, knowledge creation, and
sharing (Sect. 4.4).
Competences are the ability to actually realize knowledge as rational actions
depending on the goal and the activity (Sect. 3.5).
Concept (1) is a design proposal that is detailed enough to justify if it is a good
answer to the task and intention, and show a high probability of realisation and
success (Sect. 2.6).
Concept (2) is a proposal for a products composition and issues that is
detailed enough to justify it as a good answer to the task and intention. Further, the
task and intention are justified with respect to the conceptual need satisfaction and
the knowledge required, i.e. the probability of successful realization, need satisfac-
tion, and success in the widest sense (Sect. 2.6).

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 391

M.M. Andreasen et al., Conceptual Design, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19839-2
392 Appendix

Concept Synthesis is the phenomenon of creating a kernel of insight and ideas

in the form of concepts. This provides the answer to need and intention, and is a
proposal of the probable tractability and success in its development, realization,
sales, and use (Sect. 7.1).
Design for X is a set of product synthesis methods and guidelines that serve to
enhance the product life activities by addressing key issues related to the product
and its activities (Sect. 13.3).
Design practice is a work pattern based on the type of product to be designed,
the companyits past design activities and future aspirations, and an understand-
ing of which approach leads to the highest probability of success. (Sect. 3.2)
Design procedure is a design process model fitted to a specific context.
It is used as the basis for a procedural plan when a design project is executed
(Sect. 5.3).
Disposition (1) is a decision concerning a products design that influences
the type, content, and efficiency of activities in the products life phase activities
(Sect. 13.2).
Disposition (2) is the part of a decision taken in one functional area that influ-
ences the type, content, efficiency or progress of activities within other functional
areas (Olesen 1992) (Sect. 10.3).
Effect is a state change in a mode of action or mode of use, which leads to
interaction with other entities (Sect. 11.3).
Embodiment is the design activity that determines the complete part structure of
a product. This is based on the organ structure and the satisfaction of manufacturing
requirements. This activity results in a full justification of the products functionality
and properties in its final manufactured state (Sect. 11.5).
Engineering design research involves: the formulation and validation of mod-
els and theories of the design phenomenon; and the development and validation of
knowledge, methods, and tools (based on these models and theories) to improve
the design process (i.e. support industry producing successful products), (Blessing
2002) (Sect. 14.5).
Exploration is the upfront design activity that leads to the initiation and
argumentation for a project. It is also the continuous process that supplies data,
information, and knowledge (Sect. 6.1).
Functions are a product or activitys ability to do something actively or be used
for something, i.e. deliver an effect (Sect. 11.2).
Interactions are the propagation of effects between and inside organs,
explaining the behaviour of the organ structure and each organs mode of action
(Sect. 11.4).
Knowledge is a competence notion that promotes rational action depending on
goal(s) to be achieved for a particular activity (Sim and Duffy 1998) (Sect. 3.5).
Method is a goal-oriented rationalization or simplification of engineering work
in the form of a standardized work description (Sect. 3.4).
Mindset is the proper understanding of a methods use in accordance with the
designers reality (interpretation of task, situation, execution, validation, etc.), and
the methods background and proper use (Sect. 3.4).
Appendix 393

Mode of action and mode of use are phenomena where effects from the sur-
roundings and interactions between the action conditions realise natural phe-
nomena resulting in a desired effect. One or more effects trigger the activity or
organ (Sect. 11.3).
Model is a human creation that carries attributes similar to the modelled phe-
nomenon or object (Sect. 3.3).
Organ (1) is a functional unit of a product where the arrangement of mode of
action is based on effects from other organs, action conditions, and interactions,
by which it creates functions (Sect. 11.3).
Organ (2) is a system element of a product (when we see the product as a sys-
tem from the function perspective). An organ is characterized by its function and
mode of action, i.e. what it does and how it works (Sect. 8.6).
Part (1) is a material element of a product. The part materialises the bodies and
their interactions and is characterized by its form, material, dimensions, and sur-
face qualities (Sect. 11.5).
Part (2) is a system element of a product (when we see the product from the
embodiment perspective). A part is characterized by its physical properties, e.g.
form, material, dimensions, and surface qualities (Sect. 8.7).
Product development (company perspective) is the use of exploration,
design, manufacture, and marketing/sales to launch new, product-based business
utilizing the companys resources (Sect. 2.4).
Product development (user perspective) is the creation and launch of prod-
ucts with new or different functions and/or properties, which offer new or added
value to the customer/user (Sect. 2.4).
Product development is a companys activity associated with creating new
business based on developing and launching new products. The activity is initiated
by need and market research, as well as ideation, and ends with production, distri-
bution, and sales (Sect. 9.2).
Product (1) is a general denominator for materialised, executable artefacts, i.e.
artefacts able to carry behaviours and realize functions and properties through a
use activity (Sect. 11.3).
Product (2) is any kind of materialized and executable artefactm i.e. able to
carry behaviour and properties in order to realize functions and be deployed in a
use activity (Sect. 8.5).
Product life cycle is the totality of activities related to an individual products
life, from its establishment through its deployment to its disposal (Sect. 10.2).
Product service system is a marketable set of products and services able
to jointly fulfil a users need. One company or a network can provide PSS
(Sect. 10.2).
Properties are a behavioural class of devices and activities attributes, by
which they show their appearance in the widest sense and create their relation to
the surroundings (Sect. 12.2).
Property model describes the insight into the realization of a certain property
via certain design entities characteristics (Sect. 12.4).
394 Appendix

Requirement is a statement about a desirable property of a device or activity

formulated as a value statement with an indicator and metric (Sect. 12.2).
Skills are learned abilities and the capacity to carry out a task (Sect. 3.5).
Staging is the act of establishing and fitting a teams space to a project, to best
support the design activity (Sect. 4.2).
State is a description of an entity in terms of parameters (physical quantities),
e.g. temperature, pressure, composition, phase, momentum etc. (Sect. 11.3).
System (1) is a model of an object (a real or conceived product or activity)
based on a certain viewpoint, which defines the elements of the system and their
relations. A system carries structure i.e. the elements and their relations (arrange-
ment, architecture), and behaviour, i.e. the systems response to a stimulus
depending on stimuli, structure, and state (Sect. 8.3).
System (2): From a functional perspective a product is a system of organs. As
such, a products organ structure is defined by the organs (its elements) and their
interaction (its relations) (Sect. 8.6).
System (3): From an embodiment viewpoint a product is a system of parts.
This part structure consists of parts, seen as elements, and their assembly
interfacing, seen as relationships (Sect. 8.7).
Team is a small group of people with complementary skills who are c ommitted
to a common purpose, performance, goals, and approach for which they hold
themselves mutually accountable (Katzenbach and Smith 1993) (Sect. 4.4).
Technology is a combination of material devices, procedural prescriptions, and
intentions that are interwoven with humans work and social activities, a rticulating
and structuring humans behaviour and life in society [after Jrgensen (2008)]
(Sect. 2.3).
Use activity is an arrangement of mode of use. This brings together natu-
ral phenomena and state changes, effects from the product, humans, and active
surroundings, and action conditions (Sect. 11.3).
View model is a model derived from the product model able to articulate a
certain product property (Sect. 8.9).

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