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Summary of commands in OC

Bo Sundman January 10, 2016

THIS DOCUMENTATION is superseded by other manuals

I have made an effort to summarize all commands in OC with a short explanation. Now is
the time to change or rearrange the commands to be more obvious and easy to understand.
In a year or so it may be more difficult.
Please send suggestions to me as soon as possible and I may circulate them and make

1 All top level commands

One restriction I have applied to commands and subcommands is that one should not need
to type more than 3 characters to have a unique abbreviation.
Directly after a command the user can give some options preceded by a slash like /out-
put=filename or /append=filename. The output that would normally appear on the screen
will instead be listed on this file with extension DAT. The output will delete any previous
content on the file but the append will add the new output at the end of the file. The output
is reset to the screen after the command.
A frequent Thermo-Calc user must disable his tendency to put hyphens or underscore
characters between the command and subcommand.

2 Commands without subcommands

ABOUT the software
BACK to calling software (or exit) after confirmation
EXIT, terminate the software after confirmation
FIN, terminate the software without confirmation
HELP gives explanations about a (few) commands from the user guide

HPCALC use the inverse polish calculator

INFORMATION is not implemented yet

MACRO asks for name of macro file and exectutes it

MAP a phase diagram with 2 or more independent axis.

NEW asks for confirmation and if so removes all data.

OPTIMIZE asks for the number of iteration and the tries to adjust the specified model
parameters to the best least square fit.

QUIT terminates the software after confirmation

3 Commands with subcommands

Many subcommands are not implemented, I have indicated some but not all.

AMEND should change something already entered or set. But sometimes it creates
something so one should be careful if it should be an ENTER or SET command.

PHASE (default) asks for phase name and amends data for this phase like:
COMPOSITION SET (default) adds or deletes a composition set. Compo-
sition sets are needed for miscibility gaps when a phase can be stable with
two or more compositions. A composition set can be identified with a hash
symbol # followed by a number or by a user specified prefix or suffix.
Deleting a set will always be the one with the highest number. When adding
a set the user can provide a prefix and suffix and the default constitution for
this set.
MAGNETIC CONTRIB adds an Inden-Hillert magnetic model.
DISORDERED FRACS adds a disordered fraction set for an ordered phase.
This replaces AMEND ... DISORDERED PART in Thermo-Calc.
GLASS TRANSITION adds a glass transition model (not implemented).
QUIT You did not want to amend anything.
DEFAULT CONSTIT amends the default constitution for a composition set
of the phase. Same as SET PHASE name DEFAULT CONSTITU.
DEBYE CP MODEL adds a Debye Cp model (not implemented).
EINSTEIN CP MDL adds a Einstein Cp model (not implemented).
INDEN WEI MAGMOD adds a magnetic model according to Wei (not im-

ELASTIC MODEL A adds an elastic model (not implemented). Note the
LIST MODEL PARAM ID how to enter T, P and composition dependent
elastic constants and lattice parameters.
ALL OPTIM COEFF the user can rescale or recover values of coefficients that
are assessed.
BIBLIOGRAPHY asks for a bibliographic id and amends its text.
COMPONENTS changes the set of components (not implemented).
CONSTITUTION asks for a phase and the user can amend the amount and
current constitution of a phase. I have put this here and not as part of AMEND
PHASE to avoid confusion with adding a composition set.
CP MODEL not implemented and probably redundant.
ELEMENT amends data for an element (not implemented).
EQUILIBRIUM not implemented yet
GENERAL can name of current equilibrium, the user can specify if he is a begin-
ner (the software can provide more help (not implemented)), or expert, if global
gridminimizer should be used and if it can merge composition sets, if composition
sets can be created automatically and if redundant composition set can be deleted
after an equilibrium calculation. The latter questions are mainly interesting for
PARAMETER amends a parameter expression for a phase (not implemented).
QUIT you did not want to amend anything
SPECIES amends data for a species (not implemented).
SYMBOL the user can specify if the symbol can only be calculated when explicitly
named (usually all symbols are evaluated when any symbol is evaluated as they
can depend on each other). This is needed for symbols used as conditions.
The user can also specify that a symbol should be local to a specific equilibrium.
In this way one can store the value of a symbol from one quilibrium and calculate
differences with respect to other equilibria.
The value of symbols that are constants can be changed
TPFUN SYMBOL amends a TPfun expression.

CALCULATE various things like:

EQUILIBRIUM (default) is the normal equilibrium calculation command which

first calls the grid minimizer (if the conditions allow) and then the iterative min-
ALL QUILIBRIA all equilibra specified by a SET RANGE command and have
non-zero weight are calculated.

GLOBAL GRIDMIN Only the grid minimizer is called to find the gridpoints
that represent the lowest Gibbs energy. These are normally used by the iterative
minimizer to find the real equilibrium. If followed by COMPUTE NO GRDMIN
one will have the same result as COMPUTE EQUILIBRIUM.
NO GLOBAL calculates the equilibrium for the current set of conditions starting
from the current set of stable phases and their constitutions. No grid minimizer
PHASE ask for phase name, amount and constitution and at current T and P
calculates either:
ONLY G Gibbs energy and first and second derivatives with respect to T and
G AND DGDY calculates also all first derivatives with respect to the phase
ALL DERIVATIVES Also all second derivatives with respect to the phase
CONSTITUTION ADJUST will calculate G and all derivatives after adjust-
ing the constitution of the phase to have the minimum Gibbs energy for the
same overall composition as the original constitution. It is only interesting
when one or more components are parts of several constituents.
QUIT if you did not really want to calculate anything.
SYMBOL Calculate the value of one or all symbols at the current equilibrium.
TPFUN SYMBOLS all TP functions values and their first and second derivatives
with respect to T and P (6 values).
TRANSITION asks for a phase to be stable with zero amount and a condition to
be released to calculates the equilibrium. The phase must not have the FIX status.
After the calculation the phase is set to be entered and the released condition set
to the calculated value. If calculation fails the status is not reset (sorry I have
not had time to do all). No grid minimizer called.

DEBUG Nothing of this works


DELETE Only composition sets can be deleted. To delete a parameter you can amend
its expression to be zero.

PHASE (default) but not allowed

ELEMENTS not allowed

SPECIES not allowed
QUIT you did not want to delete anything
COMPOSITION SET The highest set is deleted (one cannot delete all).
EQUILIBRIUM deletes the equilibrium with the specified name. Fragile, handle
with care.
ENTER is the main command to enter data interactivly. Note that in most cases data
are read from a TDB file.
SYMBOL (default) name and expression of a state variable function.
BIBLIOGRAPHY enter a bibliographic reference id and text.
COMMENT a text line as added to the current equilibrium. Useful to specify the
source if experimental data for example.
CONSTITUTION to enter the constitution of a phase (same as AMEND CON-
COPY OF EQUILIB the current equilibrium is coped to a new one with a name
specified by the user.
ELEMENT an element with data.
EQUILIBRIUM an equilibrium record with the specified name is created. Each
equilibrium record has an independent set of conditions. Will be used for assess-
ments and is already used to store node points during step and map.
EXPERIMENT for assessments.
MANY EQUILIBRIA allows the user to enter many equilibria of the same type.
Useful for assessments. There is a shorthand way of specifying the phase status
(by default all phases are suspended) and the conditions and experimental data.
It is possible also to specify comments, symbols that should be calculated and
state variables and properties that should be listed.
OPTIMIZE COEFF creates symbols for coefficients to be optimized. They have
the name A00 to Aij where ij is one less than the value specified by the user.
Maximum 100.
PARAMETER the expression of a parameter of a phase. The phase, the con-
stituent array and degree must be specified.
PHASE a phase with sublattices, site ratios and constituents. The parameters
are entered individually with ENTER PARAMETER.
QUIT you did not want to enter anything.
SPECIES a species with name and stoichiometry. Its name must be unique but
one can have several with the same stoichiometry.
TPFUN SYMBOL The name and expression of a function of T and P that can
be used in parameters.

LIST of many things ...
Note the possibility to direct output to a file using /output=filename or /append=filename
directly after the basic command, as mentioned in the beginning.

RESULTS (default) from an equilibrium calculation. the program asks for a

number how to format the phase information.
1. means stable phases and composition in mole fractions in value order
2. means stable phases and composition in mole fractions and constitution in
value order
3. means stable phases and composition in mole fractions and constitution in
alphabetical order
4. means stable phases and composition in mass fractions in value order
5. means stable phases and composition in mass fractions in alphabetical order
6. means stable phases and composition in mass fractions and constitution in
value order
7. means all phases and composition in mass fractions in value order
8. means all phases and composition in mole fractions and constitutions in al-
phabetical order
9. means all phases and composition in mole fractions and alphabetical order
AXIS lists current axis set by the user.
BIBLIOGRAPHY lists bibliographic text for specific id or all.
CONDITIONS lists all conditions in current equilibrium.
DATA lists all parameters on different devices and ways:
SCREEN (default) Writes all parameters for all phases on the screen including
the bibliographic information.
MACRO Writes all parameters on file as a macro file (not implemented).
LATEX Writes all parameters on file as a LaTeX file (not implemented).
ODB Writes all parameters on file in the OC specific TDB format.
TDB Writes all parameters on file in Thermo-Calc TDB format.
EQUILIBRIA lists all entered equilibria with name and number (no results).
LINE EQUILIBRIA lists all equilibria stored during STEP or MAP. With the
SET ADVANCED command one can copy one of these to the current equilibrium.
MODEL PARAM ID lists all implemented model parameter identifiers like G,
TC, BMAGN, elastic constants etc. that can depend on T, P and constitution of
a phase. The use of such parameters require implementation of the model in the
OPTIMIZATION list results from an optimization.
PARAMETER lists the expression for a single parameter.

PHASE asks for phase name and then lists for option
CONSTITUTION (DEFAULT) lists constitution for this phase.
DATA lists parameter for this phase (no bibliography).
MODEL lists some model information for this phase.
QUIT You do not want to list anything.
A writes one line for all elements, species and phases.
P writes one line for all phases sorted with stable first, then max 10 entered
phases in decreasing stability, finally the dormant in decreasing stability.
STATE VARIABLES asks for state variable symbol and lists it value. Can also be
used for the current value of model parameters as Curie temperature (TC(BCC),
I will try to merge list state variables and compute symbol to a SHOW
SYMBOLS lists all entered state variable symbols (same in all equilibria). To
calculate the value of a symbol use CALCULATE.
TPFUN SYMBOLS lists one or all TP function symbols and expressions (same
in all equilibria).

PLOT asks for state variables or symbols for x and y axis and after that the user can
plot directly or change anything in the submenu below.
OC generates a command file for GNUPLOT and a data file with the values to plot
and then executes this in a separate shell. The user can edit the command file to add
options and execute it again inside gnuplot. But beware not to overwrite the files you
want to edit. There are 10 colors for the lines to plot. If more than 10 lines to plot the
colors are repeated cyclically.
OC keeps the previous values set of all options set (except the scaling of an axis with
a new variable and the output file which is always reset to the default ocgnu) unless
an option is explicitly changed.

RENDER (default) finally plot when all options set.

GIBBS TRIANGLE set diagram to be a Gibbs triangle (not implemented).
GRAPHICS FORMAT set type of terminal (P for postscript, G for gif). You will
also be asked for output file.
OUTPUT FILE set name of plot file (default is ocgnu.dat).
POSITION OF KEYS select position of the labels (identification) of the lines in
the plot. The labels can be placed inside/outside of the plot, to the left/center/right
and top/bottom. See the explanation of set key in GNUPLOT.

QUIT you do not want to plot.
TITLE set title of plot.
XRANGE set plot range (default or min and max) on x axis.
YRANGE set plot range (default or min and max) on y axis.
XTEXT set text on x axis.
YTEXT set text on y axis.
More options will be added when I understand GNUPLOT better

READ At present only TDB and UNFORMATTED implemented.

TDB (default) an unencrypted TDB file can be read. Many TYPE DEFS are not
handled correctly and warning are given. For partitioned phases you may have
to edit the parameters.
DIRECT will save results from STEP and MAP on a random acess file (not
QUIT you did not want to read anything.
UNFORMATTED an unformatted file with model parameters and results for a
single equilibrium calculation. This is very fragile as any change in the data
structure may make it impossible to read.

SAVE The only save option (partially) implemented is unformatted.

UNFORMATTED (default) A file is written with unformatted data for all ther-
modynamic data and conditions and results for a single equilibrium. There is no
guarantee an unformatted file will be readable in a later version of OC.
DIRECT not implemented yet (for STEP and MAP results).
QUIT do not save anything.
TDB the data will be written in the TDB format on a file. Same as the LIST
DATA TDB command.

SELECT a few things.

EQUILIBRIUM (default) change the current equilibrium to the selected one

(number or name or next or previous).
GRAPHICS there is only one (GNUPLOT)
LANGUAGE there is only one (English).
MINIMIZER there is only one (HMS).
OPTIMIZER there is only one (LMDIF).

SET can be used for many things. The most important is conditions.

CONDITION (default) the state variable and value of a condition. Only single
values are allowed, expressions not yet implemented.
ADVANCED This command for very special things.
EQUILIB TRANSF transfer an equilibrium calculated along a line in STEP
or MAP to current equilibrium.
this is probably the most awkward command of all. But I do not
want to have a TRANSFER or COPY command on the top level
as that will certainly be misunderstood and misused
QUIT you did not want to set anything advanced.
AS START EQUILIB use current equilibrium as start for step or map. Not nec-
essary if there is only one start equilibrium.
AXIS axis number to an independent variable (must be a condition).
BIT some global bits can be set. Never change these unless you are an expert.
0 set if you are a beginner
1 set if you are an frequent user
2 set if you are an expert
3 set if gridminimizer not allowed
4 set if gridminimizer must not merge comp.sets
5 set if these is no data
6 set if there is no phases
7 set if not allowed to create comp.sets automatically
8 set if not allowed to delete comp.sets automatically
9 set if data changed since last save
10 set if verbose
11 set if explicit verbose
12 set if very silent
13 set if no cleanup after an equilibrium calculation
14 set if dense grid in grid minimizer
15 set if parallel execution not allowed
ECHO echo of the input from macro files on the screen.
FIXED COEFF to set an optimizing coefficient to a fixed value.
INPUT AMOUNTS amount of species. These will be added together and used
for conditions of the components.
INTERACTIVE at the end of macro files.
LEVEL I am not sure what this was intended for.

LOG FILE the name of a file with a copy of all input and defaults.
NUMERIC OPTIONS maximum number of iterations (default 500) and conver-
gence limit (default 106 ).
OPTIMIZING CONFITION some criteria for the least square routine cab be set.
PHASE the user must specify a phase name and can then ...
STATUS (default) the status of a single phase, or all using an asterisk *,
can be set. See also SET STATUS PHASE with a more flexible way to specify
DEFAULT CONSTITU the default constitution of the phase can be set.
AMOUNT the amount of the phase (redundant).
QUIT nothing is set for the phase.
BITS some special bits for a phase can be set. At present there is no way to
UNSET these bits ... so be careful.
QUIT (default) no bit is changed.
FCC PERMUTATIONS to indicate 4 sublattice fcc or hcp permutations.
Only one parameter stored for each unique permutatation. Must be set
before any parameters are entered.
BCC PERMUTATIONS to indicate 4 sublattice bcc permutations. Must
be set before any parameters are entered (when implemented).
IONIC LIQUID MDL to indicate ionic liquid model. A phase with the
ionic liquid model that is entered interactively must currently have the
name ionic liquid and this bit is automatically set. If read from a TDB
file the :Y after the phase name assigns this model. Setting this bit
interactivley has no function at present.
AQUEOUS MODEL to indicate aqueus model (not impemented).
QUASICHEMICAL to indicate quasichemical model (not implemented).
FCC CVM TETRADRN to indicate CVM fcc tetrahedon model (not im-
FACT QUASICHEMCL to indicate FACT quasichemical model (not im-
NO AUTO COMP SET to prevent automatic creations of composition
sets for this phase. One can forbid creating automatic composition sets
(by the grid minimizer) for all phases with the AMEND GENERAL com-
QUIT you did not want to set anything.
RANGE EXP EQUIL the first and last equilibrium number of equilibria with
experiments. Can also be used for equilibria that shoyld be calculated with CAL-

REFERENCE STATE the reference state of a component. The phase, T and P
must be specified. The phase must exist with the component as its only compo-
nent. When the phase can exist with the component in different ways, like O in
a gas can be O, O2 or O3 the most stable is selected.
SCALED COEFF a min and max for an optimizing coefficient can be set.
PHASE (default) one or more phases can be set as suspended, dormant,
entered or fixed. You can use * to mean all phases, *S for all suspended, *D
for all dormant and *E for all entered and *U for all entered and unstable.
The list of phases is terminated by an equal sign = or an empty line.
If the new status is not already given after the equal sign it is asked for. If
the new status is entered or fixed the amount is asked for.
ELEMENT an element can be entered or suspended.
SPECIES a species can be entered or suspended.
CONSTITUENT not implemented.
UNITS like energy Joule/cal or mass kg/lb ... but not implemented yet.
VARIABLE COEFF a start value for an optimizing coefficient is set.
VERBOSE the software will write extra output.
WEIGHT of an equilibria with experiments is set. If zero the equilibrium will
be ignored. An asterisk, *, means all equilibria and abbreviations of equilibrium
names can be used.

STEP is used to calculate along a single independent axis variable.

NORMAL (default) follow the axis variable from low to high limit.
CONDITIONAL follow the axis variable and update s symbol after each step (to
be used for Scheil-Gulliver simulations, not yet implemented).
QUIT do not step.
SEPARATE calculate each phase separately.

That is all. You are welcome to suggest more options or rearrangements of the commands
that seems more easy or obvious.


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