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The Nature of Reality Posted by James Wallace

Reality can be summed up in two words: Quantum Hologram.

Quantum is an indivisible entity of energy; quanta (plural for quantum) are packets of this sub-
atomic energy. In the future we may uncover even further levels of energy; however, today we
cannot find anything beyond quanta. When we try to look past it, it vanishes. Scientists do not
know where quanta originates. With a little speculation, we understand enough to believe that
quanta comes from the source of everything; a subtle unified energy field that perplexes scholars
as much as it fascinates them.

The study of quantum physics shows us that quanta are waves and particles, mass and non-mass,
matter and non-matter, measurable and immeasurable, real and unreal, visible and invisible all
at the same time! It is the epitome of dualism, completely opposite, in the same place, space and
time. It seems to appear only when we observe it. This dualistic nature of everything was deemed
impossible until we discovered quanta.

The scientific establishment believed wholly in a clockwork universe, where everything could
be measured and analyzed; where cause and effect where perfect. Quantum physics and quantum
mechanics stand classical physics on its ear. The study of quanta is the closest weve ever come
to discovering and quantifying our true origin. Everything, animate and inanimate, is created and
grown from the source and expressed physically through quanta. Quanta pervades and surrounds
everything; everything is made up of quanta. Actually, its not so much made up of energy as it is
just simply, energy. The world around us is nothing more than swirling quanta. We literally live
in a quantum soup.

A Hologram is a three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference. What this

means to you is that the quanta expresses itself in a 3 dimensional manner through an energetic
interference pattern which your brain interprets. In other words, the hologram is what binds the
swirling quanta together and presents it in the manner in which you are familiar the world as
you see it. It interprets the cosmic flow of raw energy around you.

Your brain (also a hologram, as is everything within the master hologram) deciphers and explains
to you, your mind, your consciousness, what it is experiencing. What it experiences is a grand
hologram in a perpetual state of motion; nothing rests, ever. It is actually more like
Holomovement, an ever changing mass hologram.

The Quantum Hologram is, in the most fundamental sense, the matrix of reality. It not only
provides a first hand visual experience, but also a background, complete with our perceptions of
time, dimension and the laws of the physical world consensus perspective. Its a construct of
reality, a combination of physical laws, common perceptions and an underlying collective
unconscious or connection.

We traverse together in a Superhologram, a common structure of experience. A 3 dimensional

view that unfolds and enfolds, opens and collapses, appears and disappears hundreds of times per
second. Everything snaps in and out of the physical world. We all agree that we see the
physical world and this cements the reality further.

However, just like pictures moving at 24 frames per second creates the illusion of motion and
time as we see them at the movie theatre, so the quanta coming in and out of existence, trick the
mind and the eye into believing that the physical world truly, and in the minds of some, solely
exists in a solid state. A subtle field consciousness exists dualistically with all matter. Just like in
the microcosm as we see with sub-atomic particles, the universe exists simultaneously in the
quantum wave realm as it appears in the particle physical world. You simultaneously exist in

Harnessing Reality

We reside in a Quantum Hologram that is completely moulded by our Thoughts. So, essentially
we live in a Quantum Thought Hologram. While there is nothing truly outside of us as we all
stem from the source (literally and scientifically), our experience is localized. One of the effects
of living in the Quantum Hologram matrix is the perception of being separate. The truth is that
there is a distinction between things, giving us the (necessary) illusion of self, but we are not
now, nor have we ever been separate. We are intrinsically connected. The Quantum Hologram,
because of the billions of brains entrenching common reality, has become stiff, and for an
individual, difficult to mould and alter.

The paradigm we live in today, while much more alive than in times past, is still stuck in
limitation, physical laws and individuality. For most people the grand reality is outside of one
persons control, that is, so long as they choose to live entirely within it. Choosing to live
occasionally in the quantum world where everything originates, through meditation, stillness or
quantum thought, allows us to modify reality as it comes into existence and not fight in the
physical world against what is already there. We become creators rather than responders or
reacters to what appears in our world. We are sculptors of our reality at this point, no longer
victims of circumstance. What are we doing when we meditate, are still, and engage in quantum
thought? We are consciously, responsibly thinking (and being).

What is completely under our control, and can never be taken from us, are our thoughts.
Thoughts are power; every single thought is a command. Thoughts are what literally creates the
world around us and molds the Quantum Hologram. Thoughts are cosmic rays that travel at the
speed of light, penetrate everything and span all time and space. They literally change the
substance of our world. Thoughts are vibrations and everything around us, including us, is
vibrating. The Thought vibrations that we release find other things that are vibrating at that level
and attract them back to the sender. The Thoughts that we have are the only true mechanism we
have to control our experience.

The problem here is that most people think, incessantly, all day long, unconsciously almost,
about what they dont want. Then they complain aloud about why what they dont want keeps
showing up in their life. One thing that the ancients understood and the masters today understand
is that thought creates reality, your experience. The masses today are unaware of this
phenomenon and so continue to draw into their life all the things they despise and resist. If they
only knew that what was bringing that into their experience was their very thoughts!

There is a field consciousness that lives in and around us. We have access to the secrets of the
universe; we need only discover the channel on which it plays. Just like turning the knob of a
stereo reveals new stations and new content. The stations do not cease to exist as you move past
the frequency, nor are they born as you move towards them. It is you that tunes in or tunes out. It
is you that decides at which level you vibrate and therefore which channel you are in tune with.
That high vibrational frequency delivers a supreme level of information. Combining the intuition
and wisdom that this deep source reveals with an awakened state of thinking, you will attract
everything youve ever wanted into your life, without fail, no exceptions.

Mastering Reality

Now. There is nothing outside of Now. Time, in either direction, is an illusion of the Quantum
Hologram matrix. It allows us to contemplate. It separates us, for a moment, from our true and
infinite potential, so that we can feel, understand, empathize and review ourselves and our
actions; perhaps that is our purpose in this life, only to consider and create, create and consider.

This Quantum Hologram gives us the ability to manifest anything. It is a gift. For most however,
those who dont understand or use it properly, it feels like a curse. The universe, without
prejudice, delivers exactly what we ask it to deliver. We have lost ourselves in this illusion of
time. Most of us live almost entirely in past or future, always a slave to it and never cemented in
the present.

One of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself is to commit to always being where your
hands are. Experience and control the power of Now, by actually being in it. Can you control or
truly change the past or the future? You may hesitate and say that the future is still malleable.
Well it is, just not by actions and not by your thoughts outside of the moment of now (past or
future). Try thinking about the future. Is your thinking about this future moment changing
anything? You may go even further and say that you must contemplate and review the
possibilities of upcoming events. This also is untrue. The (ancient) brain is designed to analyze
millions of future possibilities to prevent harm or death, which is a complete waste of time as
only one will ever come to pass and that one may not even be one of the millions you had

Your true guidance system and counselor should be your intuition, your cosmic radio. This
source, the source in fact, will provide the information that you need to resolve, exploit or
identify those future situations and it will do so effortlessly. Put your brain on the shelf. While it
is a remarkable organ for survival and processing data, it is a truely unremarkable tool for
creating the life that you want as it interferes at every opportunity and makes you fearful of
everything. Dont do anything, be careful, watch out, it says. And thats its primary job, to
keep you alive. Unfortunately, it has taken over the whole system, you, and for most has
paralyzed them in fear. Put MIND above brain. Place direct knowledge from the source
(intuition) above the inefficient and ultimately ineffective data processing function of the brain
and live confidently in the Now.

Nothing is created outside the moment of Now. Even in the future, every moment is simply
another moment of Now. Nothing at all occurs outside of Now. Even if they couldnt articulate
effectively, the masters through the ages, the avatars, the initiates of secret societies and the men
and women in positions of power today understand this simple truth:

Reality is a Quantum Thought Hologram in the Now

The science has just recently become available to explain most of this. However the sages have
understood its principles for millennia. It is not imperative to understand the science, but for our
western culture and way of thinking, it can propel us towards the application and the being,
rather than get stuck in theory and philosophy. You dont need to be a quantum physicist or a
Buddhist monk. You need only realize that you create your reality in every minute detail and then
learn the ways in which you can consciously create the reality of your dreams.
Youve been brought straight to the destination; your ultimate reality, the Quantum Thought
Hologram in the Now. I trust that rather than being doubtful or discouraged, youll embrace what
may seem like a foreign or complex concept. A profound understanding of the nature of reality,
the nature of yourself, will slowly begin to replace any doubt or uncertainty. Most importantly, a
wisdom will manifest and the knowledge and ability to engineer your very experience, in every
detail, will appear. You will discover the hyper-dimensional realities of your true self. The
importance and relevance of the dense physical reality will diminish and subside. Learning to
live in the physical reality while utilizing and drawing energy from the quantum side is the
masters way.

Continue learning by navigating the rest of the site (left panel or underneath). Start with
whichever topic you find most interesting. Youre on your way!

The X-Factor

What is the X-Factor?

The X-Factor, simply put, is the most important equation regarding manifestation. You should
consider it often. The vast, vast majority of individuals knowingly and more often unwittingly
violate the simple premise of the X-Factor. In doing so, they have reduced substantially, the
majority of manifesting powers or eliminated them entirely. If there is one thing that you should
know, internalize, analyze and ensure balance and the execution of, it is this The X-Factor.

I sat down to try to come up with the most straightforward, comprehensible analogy and
description for the mechanics of manifestation. I conceded that this analogy had to be subjective;
however, I was determined to make it somewhat practical, allowing the reader to not only
understand, but to enable him/her to utilize the formula and determine their own unique place
on the scale of manifesting power, with the ability to improve it. At first glance this outline may
seem rudimentary, perhaps even silly. The truth is that this outline incorporates a myriad of
ancient teachings, esoteric knowledge, Attraction and Intention principles and most other schools
of thought as they relate to personal creation. While simplified, it remains extremely powerful; I
trust that you will read it and treat it as such. This information and the graphs provided may also
seem a little hard to understand. I promise that with just a little concentration this will all be very
easy to comprehend and internalize.
In this reality, the matrix of the 4th dimension, there are two components to everything: the
physical and the ethereal, the seen and the unseen, the molecular and the quanta. There are things
that you can do in the physical world and there are things that are done, which most often are
observed as happening outside of physical effort, that occur in the ethereal world. You can
manipulate objects and scenarios with your hands and mouth; on the other hand, there are events
that occur outside the physical world that then subsequently manifest within it.

To move forward effectively, we must digress for a moment. Shortly, we will talk of
evolution. It is important to understand exactly what is meant by evolution. First, we are
speaking about evolution as it relates to ones ability to manifest. Theoretically, you could create
a graph like the ones included for every aspect of your life: work, family, spirit, health, money,
etc. There are many individuals that are highly evolved in their ability to manifest in one area
of their life, at the expense of most or all others. Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler are perhaps
two good examples of this; both are/were Master Manifesters. Trump has an extraordinary ability
to create money and opportunities in the business arena, while apparently sacrificing his family,
spirit, etc. Hitler also harnessed the powers of manifestation; he manifested, of course, in a
highly destructive manner, but nonetheless did so very effectively. I strongly suggest you try to
increase your manifesting abilities in each area of your life, eventually collapsing these different
components of life into one, finding and experiencing true and complete balance between all
areas of your experience. Evolution is also amoral; most tend to think of it in a solely positive
light. What we are considering here is the ability to manipulate energy (physical and ethereal) to
manifest things and experiences. Joseph Stalin was by most measurements a wholly wretched
man, yet he was a Master Manifester and therefore highly evolved, in that restricted sense (as
it pertains to ones ability to manifest; in this case, political power). You could not cause to
happen what he caused to happen without a tremendous ability to bring things into being. No
doubt, in many other areas of his life he was a poor Manifester and a complete failure.

The X-Factor Mechanics

How Does the X-Factor Work?

All of the disappointment in your life, all of the failures, all of shortcomings, all of the lack can
be attributed to one thing and ONE thing only: Your X-Factor equation is out of balance. It has a
gap; a gap that swallows, in spite of your efforts, all your dreams, desires and affirmations.

Lets look closely at the X-Factor. Well break it down as we go. First, here it is complete:
The X in X-Factor is actually that, an X. Its an ascending and descending line, the exact same
length, crossing perfectly in the middle. Well look at the descending line first; it represents the
physical effort required to manifest:

Take a close look. Dont worry if it doesnt make complete sense right now. Were going to sort
it all out. If you were totally spiritually asleep it would take 100% effort in the physical realm to
bring about anything. As you wake up and continue to awake further, your physical effort
requirement diminishes; notice how as you move down the line, the numbers (and the effort it
represents) diminishes. Lets next look at the ascending line:
The ascending line represents exactly that your ascension, your evolution with regard to
manifestation. It indicates your spiritual or energetic evolution and subsequently and specifically
with regard to manifestation, what you are able to effortlessly attract, create, cause and manifest.

Lets again take a look at the two together:

Now, when we consider them simultaneously, we can see for a moment a possible
correlation. This correlation does indeed exist; in fact, the Spiritual Evolution or Quantum
Causation ability is directly and conversely proportionate to the physical effort you will have to
make to manifest anything in the physical world. So, for example, if you are 30% evolved
(Noter: I realize this is very subjective and non-exact, but just follow a little longer; it will begin
to make sense), you will be required to make a 70% physical effort. Lets see how that looks:
Conversely, if you are 70% evolved, you will be required to make only a 30% effort on the
physical plane. Take a look:

If youre 60% evolved, 40% physical effort; 80% evolved, 20% physical effort, and so on. And if
you are completely evolved, 100% Ethereal Causation capabilities (0% physical action required),
if you are a walking Buddha, authentic metaphysician, you enter the realm of spontaneous
manifestation, where you require no effort in the physical world, just thought and intention.

Using the X-Factor

How to Use the X-Factor

OK, great idea, now how do I use it?! Good question and thats simple! Well, sort of. First, lets
consider what most everyone does and be conscious of that. Lets look at the reason and
equation for virtually every failure to manifest:

As an example (as outlined above), most people either think theyre at 70% manifester evolution,
while at only 30% evolution and only perform the corresponding 30% physical activity, leaving
an enormous gap; or they are simply unaware of the dual nature of manifestation and simply do
not bother to compensate for low-level evolution with extra effort. In either case the gap between
the two causes chaos; everything falls apart and into the gap. 30% evolution + 30% effort = 60%
energy/results; and we all know that 60% energy/results often eventually leaves you with zero
results; nothing long-term or tangible. In this example, the individual is short 40%. To remedy
this, the person must elevate their manifestation abilities or increase their physical effort, thereby
bridging the gap, healing the 40% missing, and manifesting what the individual set out to create.

To properly and effectively utilize this principle you need only determine where you stand on the
(energetic) evolution scale. This does require some subjectivity (an educated guess) and you may
need to return to this equation from time to time and re-analyze the position youve determined
for yourself. It will increase, perhaps even occasionally decrease, and from time to time you may
(probably will) misinterpret your evolution and place yourself too high or to low. Be honest, be
open, be critical; ask yourself often where you are on that scale and compensate proportionately
with physical activity.
Determine which component of life that you will be creating (work, family, spirit, health, money,
etc.). Then look at that ascending line the most apathetic, disconnected and unconscious person
imaginable is at the bottom left corner; but because you are even reading this, you cant be all the
way at the bottom! Total consciousness, Buddha walking on a cloud, complete cosmic
awareness, quantum unity, is at the top right. You are somewhere in between. Look at it again;
see if you can determine your place:

Now take a best guess. For illustrative purposes, lets say you pick 50. Great! Now you know,
with an obvious margin of error, that you will be required to put in at least 50% effort on the
physical plane and that the other 50% of the effort will be done for you (actually, by you
the ethereal you) by the energy that you exude, the events you attract, the synchronicities
manifested by your thoughts, etc.

Everything you do, think, say, should move you up and toward the Total Consciousness position;
and for every step you make toward that point the physical requirement will descend. Know
where you are in your manifester evolution and youll know what actions youll have to take, or
more specifically the amount of physical activity required everyday to make things happen.

Mastering the X-Factor

Other Things to Consider

I can already hear the questions, so Ill leave you with a couple thoughts in closing. Know this:
Manifestation, more specifically the ability or the power to manifest, is amoral. There is no right
or wrong here. That is why terrible men can do extraordinary things and live seemingly
enchanted lives (my guess is that this is almost always illusion; most evil people manifest well
in one area and neglect all others; and they pay for it in that way). Theyve simply mastered
the ability to manifest. The universe has a non-interference agreement with the quantum-force;
it will never directly interfere with what you manifest. However, it is in your best interest to
bring love and peace into your lives and the lives of the ones around you at every opportunity.
This will eventually lead to balance in all areas of life; to a singularity, a cohesion, an integration
of your power, your mind and your spirit. You manifest at a certain level, at a certain
rate/equation, consciously or unconsciously, every minute of everyday; you have the ability to
engage this reality and orchestrate and command your experience.

Too many get caught up in discussing philosophy and fantasizing about what is possible. Yes,
yes, all very nice; I too like to consider the infinite. But, not at the expense of experience, and
particularly the execution of things that are necessary to create that experience. There is a fine
line between philosophy and disconnection; it is one thing to expand your mind by
philosophizing, and yet another to use that exercise as an excuse, or allow it to be an obstacle to
doing. There is a time and a place to philosophize; I would suggest it is almost entirely outside
the subject of manifestation.

You will not spontaneously manifest without first being proportionately evolved enough to do so.
You must be honest and assess what your real abilities are; not what you wish for, not what is
possible. In doing so you will be able to determine how much effort you will have to make to
manifest what you desire. You can and should always endeavour to move upwards and toward
Total Consciousness. In the meantime, an honest determination of your place will allow you to
create, and enjoy your experience and your evolution while doing so.

The whole purpose of this experience, in this 4 dimensional matrix, is to create events,
experience them, learn and then evolve. So, if you are a conscious creator, you should, in every
thought, decision and action, focus on either moving up the evolutionary scale (increasing your
manifesting abilities) or on taking precise action that will move you, in a physical sense toward
your goal.

Take the chaos, perpetual distress and disappointment out of your life. Find your (accurate)
Quantum Causation position and then pinpoint and discover your physical effort obligations. All
of your stress and disillusionment exists in the gap between your manifester evolution and your
effort. Collapse that gap; bring your mind/spirit into balance with your body, and all that youve
ever desired will be yours. And the best news of all, as you continue your evolution, your
requirements in the physical world will proportionately decrease.

While not an exact science, the X-Factor could be the missing link in your pursuit in becoming a
Master Manifester. It is definitely a secret within the grand secret.

Ideology and The Secret

In the movie The Secret, Joe Vitale says, ["the secret"/the law of attraction is] part of the
overall grand secret. What does he mean by this? Lets investigate.

Avoiding Ideology

There is a virus in the collective unconscious, in my opinion, that instructs people to take on a
viewpoint wholesale. It tells us (often through the mouth of another person) that if we are smart
and/or have faith, we must believe everything that this individual or organization is stating, or
nothing at all. Take it or leave it entirely; there is nothing in between, were told. That is
everyones decision to make, accept an ideology or reject it. But, remember, its a decision
always. If a group was telling me that I had to believe everything they believed, I would
simply say no thanks, and Ive done so countless times. We easily identify the usual suspects
when it comes to ideology, but far to often we ignore all the subtle ones that account for the
majority of group think.

Cynicism and Skepticism

Im not a big fan of opinions and belief; forget about ideologies, organizational thinking and
dogma I have no use for them whatsoever. Thats why, as often as possible, I say things like
my thoughts are, as far as we can see, evidence indicates, at this time, etc.; I do this
deliberately and consciously. So, I refrain as often as possible from writing opinion articles and
Blogs. While I discriminate regarding the information that I research and review and from that,
the ideas and concepts that I give weight to, I am not a cynic or a skeptic. Cynics and skeptics
already have a belief before considering anything. Their intention from the start is to to view
negatively the information before them and if at all possible to disprove what theyre viewing,
rather than sit back and inquire and see if it does make sense (on some level). Theres a subtle,
yet tremendous difference between approaching something cautiously and conversely, being
cynical or skeptical. The irony is cynicism and skepticism are themselves ideologies, themselves
a category of thought and opinion; fundamentally hypocritical and inherently paradoxical.

Finding Balance in Your Views

So, how do we heal the gap between intellectual pursuit and gullibility, without falling into the
skeptic or cynic camp?; themselves a graveyard of despair and blind arrogance. I think it comes
with staying open to any thought, without feeling the need to disprove it or commit to it fully.
Those that find the balance, review all information and then take from it what they like and what
they believe will allow them to evolve further. They leap over the trappings of ideology and
position themselves in a manner that permits them to create their own perspective, free from the
chains of carbon copy association or, on the other extreme, total disdain for everyone elses
thoughts or ideas. (Note: I implore you, now and in the future, not to entirely accept or reject
what I write; instead find some or most of the content agreeable, never all or none.)

Understanding The Secret

How People Can Misinterpret The Secret
If any of what was written in Ideology and The Secret made sense to you, then you should
consider whether youve done this with the documentary The Secret. Have you rejected it or
accepted it entirely? I have met many who simply state that its self-help rubbish with an
inappropriate emphasis on getting money; I dont think thats fair, but to each his/her own. But,
more alarming and completely polar, I find masses of people that believe that The Secret and
the law of attraction (LOA) are everything; perfect in definition and in scope. This troubles me. I
think that the creator and the contributors would be (perhaps, are) a touch concerned by this
trend as well. However, I also think that the creator and the contributors need to share some of
the responsibility for this; but the viewers, the people, must take most of it on.

Why are the creator and the contributors at all responsible? Because they directed, produced and
packaged the DVD in such a way that presented the law of attraction as the end all, be all. What
they did, most likely unintentionally and unwittingly, is they brought everyone into the middle of
the game and presented it as the end. In other words, they skipped a bunch of steps, dropped the
viewer into the middle of spiritual evolution and then told them, thats it!. This is, from my
view, just not accurate.

The Law of Attraction is not everything to all people. If we think for a moment that it is the
whole truth, we oppose the infinite, by making reality and creation through the Law of
Attraction, as outlined in The Secret, finite. It is not, theres more to it; and that should be
exciting, to know that there is and to set out to explore the rest. If it was perfect and it was
complete, as many think, how could there be a sequel? I suggest that you beware the trappings of
cult following, that you honour the tremendous gift that The Secret offers to its viewers and
that you take this gift, personalize it and incorporate it into your own unique view on life and
strategy for creating the reality that you desire.

The Secret is fantastic; no doubt about it. The creator and the contributors did a phenomenal
job in effectively describing the Law of Attraction and illustrating how to apply it in your own
life. The challenge here in this writing should not tarnish their effort one bit; in fact, it honours
their effort by considering how and where it may be incomplete. Its appropriate to always
consider how something can be improved and/or corrected, even in minor ways; its also a guard
against fanaticism, and The Secret has bred its fair share (fortunately, LOA is not exactly a
horrible thing to be fanatical about). And finally, their video has done tremendous good and
provided incredible value to many (exponentially more than it may have misguided). Keep
watching The Secret and continue to practice the Law of Attraction; just remember that theres
more, much more.

The law of attraction is a component of manifestation, albeit a powerful one, perhaps even the
prime component; but it is still simply a component of a complete, fulfilling, happy experience.
It is a tool of manifestation, not the key to the universe. There is much that needs to be addressed
leading up to effectively using the Law of Attraction and there is much more to be discovered
after mastering it; look on either side, theres personal evolution to be had in both places!

Be excited that you know about the Law of Attraction and are attempting to use it in creating
your reality; be most excited that theres so much more to learn and master. And always, be your
own person, with unique views and beliefs.
Limitations of The Secret
The Secret, of course, is not directly responsible for what you are about to read. However, it is
the latest popular product that fails to effectively outline the 4th dimension reality and to set a
clear course to correct it. Id like to properly outline it here for your consideration; more
information that will eventually allow you/us to correct this. Our focus should remain on our
next and better reality. However, Id like to air it all out, so to speak, leave it behind and then
get on with the task at hand personal evolution; the only thing we truly have any control over.

My advice to you now is to hear these words; be conscious of them (always), but do not focus on
them afterwards. Instead focus on the solutions. Your new perspective may be to attract into
your life, not just whats good for you and your family, but whats good for the planet and every
person on it. You must be aware of what you dont want, to know what you do want. Be
conscious of the current state of affairs on this planet, in this dimension, and then if you are
compelled, set out to fix it. Otherwise, focus entirely on expanding your own conscious, which
will indirectly help remedy this situation by expanding global consciousness. I hope you carry
forward just a little of this. I bring this awareness (not a focus) into every one of my days so that
I might be able to identify, when it appears, a way in which I can help to quicken this new and
better paradigms arrival. My goal here, and in general, is to acknowledge this elephant standing
in the room with us; and then gently and quietly lead it out the door.

Are There Forces Working Against Conscious Wealth?

Are there individuals, groups and organizations that are attempting to deter, delay and prevent
conscious wealth? Of course; just flip on the cable news and watch for a half hour and youll see
countless references to these individuals, groups and organizations (this is, in part, why I never
watch the news). Is there anything we can do about it? Again, yes; however, instead of fighting
against it, we must acknowledge what exists and place our attention, wholly, on what we want to
create not what we wish to remove from our experience. Lets get on with exploring this

Westerners generally pretend that the rest of the world does not exist, or at least not in a way that
matters to us anyway. The politicians and the corporate leaders at home may never effectively
address the inherent global implications and consequences of our actions (its really not in their
interest to do so). The rest of us seemed too uninformed, misinformed or indifferent to do
anything about it. Then, is it not especially incumbent upon those who focus on teaching
prosperity, equality, happiness and wealth to at least acknowledge such things and perhaps even
put some energy into a complete and final resolution?

(Note: Youre probably not going to like what you are about to read; perhaps you need to hear it
anyway. If you are offended or disturbed by any of this, please keep in mind, it is most likely
because you are resisting an element of truth. Ive tried to sugar coat it as much as I can,
without losing the message.)

True Wealth and The Secret

Shhh, Dont Talk About It!

Ive been inspired, in part by some of the comments Ive received regarding The Secret, to drop
the gloves (I do love hockey, although I dont like fighting, so Ill just shadow box here) and get
down to my real challenge to The Secret and most other self-help, new age, philosophical
pursuits. No one, not Chopra, not Proctor, not Dyer, not anyone, talks about what Im about to
share with you; and I really dont know why. Since the turn of the century there has never been
so many gurus that have released so much (great) information. Then why is there more terror,
more control, less freedom, more unhappiness than there has ever been? (Note: our
consciousness has actually grown and expanded as outlined by David Hawkins in Power vs.
Force; however, today, fewer people are doing more of the work. If we brought more people into
this type of thinking and feeling, our reality would change almost overnight). The divide between
the haves and the have nots has grown considerably, and not just with regard to material
wealth. Is it not time to heal that gap? We teeter on the edge of the abyss, when the bridge to the
new reality is only a step away. I think first we must acknowledge that it exists and perhaps
consider whether we are a part of it and how to cease, entirely, in that participation.

True Wealth

Most of us should know by now that money is only a small component of true wealth. Again
(and this seems to be almost a mantra at this point), there is so much more, and most of it is, of
course, much more valuable, individually and collectively. To be complete in wealth you must
experience inner peace, have happy relationships, give away a sizeable portion of what you earn
and your work must be so enjoyable that you would do it for free, among many other attributes
of conscious wealth (refer back to Chopra, Proctor and Dyer; all of that is there, and well talk
more about it in the future).

Money is an important aspect of wealth, no doubt. But, it is only truly important because we
have made it so (Note: the paper money that we take so seriously is actually worth nothing its
simply paper; it appears to have value because we take it so seriously, and only for as long as we
do). Yes, you can give more money away when you have more money. You can do more of what
you love to do when you have more money. You can experience more and subsequently evolve
more (perhaps) when you have more money. OK, then whats the problem? Ill tell you

There are two ways to attract money; by capturing it or by creating, more specifically,
originating it. We must endeavor, always, if we are to live consciously and create authentic
prosperity, to originate our wealth. We must actually bring wealth into existence where it never
existed before. If we do this it will increase wealth globally, and when you put it back into
circulation by spending it or giving it, the world will have more to share. The more wealth we
originate, the higher the standard of living, globally (practically speaking, money tends to flow
out of the west after its earned; just ask the 10s of millions of immigrants where the majority of
their earnings go). Wouldnt you feel better about accumulating wealth if you knew that you
took it from no one and in fact, created more for everyone? Was The Secret, or any others,
specific in this regard?
Misusing The Secret
Who Are The Real Perpetrators Then?

We are. Africa is burning because we set it afire. The Middle East is in chaos and we are the fan
that feeds that flame. In virtually every other large dispute, we (westerners) have had our hands
in it, to one degree or another; most often to ensure that our properties and corporate interests are
protected and continue to grow. Every time we purchase a cheap can of coffee, for example, we
set off a ripple effect, a chain of events, that perpetuates this chaos. We (often unwittingly)
vote on foreign policy with our purchases; we must become more conscious of what we
endorse. What is the cost of cheap?! What is ultimate cost of continued ignorance and
indifference? Most of the wealth in the western countries has been captured, off the backs of
Hondurans, Indonesians, Africans, etc, etc, etc. (Note: My wife is Mexican and has seen this
firsthand. Talk to some of your immigrant friends; you may be shocked by their stories. Watch
the documentary, The Corporation for a more comprehensive understanding.) Today we live in
an de facto economic dichotomy. You are either being pillaged or you are a citizen of a country
that is doing the plundering; you are a modern day Viking or a victim; you choose, were told, or
at least led to believe. But, theres a third option: Originate!

Hypocrisy and the Art of Avoiding Blame

The Secret was created by and for Americans, Australians, Canadians, the British, etc. Most of
the wars, economic destruction and general subjugation of the people of all countries is caused
by elites in government, NGOs and corporations in which countries?: America, Australia,
Canada, the UK, etc. The citizens of those countries, whether aware or unaware, are actually the
fuel for most of these horrors. And we, as Americans, Australians, Canadians and Brits (etc.) are
being encouraged to attract more (in this way)?! If history is any indication, the citizens of these
other countries (if it is possible for them to even be aware) must be terrified right now as the
machine is gearing up to plunder, exponentially. Stop the machine! Dont capture and
accumulate; create and originate!

While The Secret failed to discuss this reality, perhaps, in the end, it will have helped to serve up
the answer to all this. However, we must be aware and conscious of our current dilemma. Lets
consider attracting a profound increase in global wealth and not focus (at least entirely) on
attracting personal gain through continuing to capture wealth. How?; Ill tell you

Originating with The Secret

How to Participate in Originating Wealth

The first step: If you need to be informed, turn off conventional news and find online
alternative news sources. The second step: Wake up! Wake up to the (uncomfortable) reality and
then immediately focus on The third step: Avoid putting energy (and money) into the
organizations that perpetrate these things. The fourth step: Avoid capturing wealth, instead
choose to originate it.

The final and most important step: Focus on peace and prosperity for the world (Miss
Universe was on to something!).

The western mechanisms of destruction are, collectively, a house of cards. While we built that
house and prop it up, we can just as easily, perhaps with even less effort, bring it down. We only
need to look at it (acknowledge it), blow on it (by not supporting it) and it will fall down and in
its place we can build a world where everyone is indeed created with equal opportunities and
actually experiences the reality of a such often misused, yet profound statement.

The quantum principles of non-locality and entanglement, the mystic principle of karma and the
holographic principle of projection all clearly and emphatically tell us that not only will we
receive back the horror and terror that we commit (even if its perpetrated on the other side of the
planet, by organizations in which we have no direct ties), but that, in every sense of the word, we
are doing it to ourselves! We are connected in the deepest sense and on every level. The pain
inflicted on a child in war torn country resonates and affects, to some degree, every person on the
planet. Have you considered that some of your own suffering, your own low level anxiety,
feelings of desperation and confused thoughts are a result of things happening in distant
places, well outside your cozy suburban community? I think it is very real, it is happening to all
of us and most of us feel it; we just dont know why. Now you do.

Perhaps then the pain, grief and disillusionment that is being experienced in many parts of the
world is invading our (by most accounts, enchanted western) lives and making us, in turn, feel
unhappy, dissatisfied, disconnected and nearly spiritually devoid; as is most westerners
experience. So, like the Buddhists say, it matters not how you get there, so long as you get there.
If you step up to the challenge and relieve the suffering overseas, simply to relieve your own
suffering, so be it. Know that this is going on and then immediately sharpen your focus and make
your intention to resolve it here, at home in the west, or across the oceans in the regions that have
experienced seemingly endless horror and perpetual terror.

Heres to the freedom and prosperity of all the people in all the countries across the globe and not
just the ones fortunate enough to be able to buy a DVD and watch it in their (cheap) DVD player
(made in sweatshops in China, Thailand, etc.). Heres to taking responsibility for what weve
done. Heres to acting compassionately and passionately to resolve it.

Heres to true equality. Heres to true peace. Heres to true wealth. Heres to everyone on the
planet experiencing these things in the way that they choose. Heres to love; for thats all that
will remain when the veil is finally and completely lifted.

Will you be a part of creating this new world? Or will you only attempt to claim ownership of it
when it arrives? Creation is fun; be a part of it.

Quantum Reality and Mind Power

Quantum physics, quantum mechanics, quantum theory, unified quantum field. To scholars and
scientists these words indicate a curious set of facts a little more than ho hum. To deep
thinkers, metaphysicians, philosophers, those dedicated to introspection and asking the bigger
questions in life, these words conjure a powerful and enthusiastic response. Why the tremendous
difference in reactions?

Most scientists are unwilling to consider the possible conclusions and probable implications
surrounding quantum theory. The rest of us curious about this phenomenon are able to,
unmolested by the scientific establishment, consider the what ifs.

One of those considerations is the possibility of the minds affect on quanta; a very good
question indeed. To contemplate this properly, you must consider the nature of quanta and
separately, the nature of the mind then compare notes. Both areas are equally mystifying,
equally inspiring, and equally confusing. Well start with quanta.

What is the scientific nature of Quanta? Quantum is an indivisible entity of energy. Quanta
(plural for quantum) are packets of this sub-atomic energy. When we try to look past quanta, it
vanishes. Quanta are waves and particles, mass and non-mass, matter and non-matter. It is
measurable and immeasurable, real and not real, visible and not visible all at the same time
inherently dualistic. It is completely opposite, physical and non-physcial, in the same place,
space and time, contrary to the current classical (and still widely accepted) laws of physics.

What in the world does any of that have to do with the mind? Well, theres one other point:
Quanta, the building blocks of everything in the universe, appear only when we observe it. The
very act of observation brings it to life; again standing popular physics on its side. To bring the
mind into context, we first must briefly comment on brain function.

The brain, as we all know, is an organ, a collection of neural networks processing information, a
mass of molecules performing assessments and sending signals to other areas of the body
countless and endless computations. The question is, computations of what, exactly? Stimulus.
What then is stimulus? Generally speaking, if we follow logic, all stimuli are things impressing
themselves upon the brain and all things are made up of quanta. Quanta are wave and particle,
energetic and physical. If we stick with the particle and physical component of quanta (half the
equation), we can see that the brain interprets, translates, defines and directs the body to respond
to the stimulus of the physical expression of quanta.

The next question then would be what is the difference between brain and mind? The answer,
although unscientific, is simple. The brain is a computer. The mind is the thing, or more
specifically the person, the true self, operating the computer. You are not your brain; it is only an
organ and a tool. The mind is the operator. You are your mind.

This leads us to our final question and answer then: what then does the wave, non-material, non-
physical and invisible side (the other half) of quanta impact? It must impact something. It must
be in concert with some thing. Or is it someone?
This is where, in theory, the mind (you) and the quantum world meet. Our brains are observing
physical quanta and in turn, physical quanta are impacting a thing called the brain. Our minds are
in tune with the energy side of quanta which is influencing the person called the mind (or
consciousness, if that helps). Actually, our minds are influencing quanta, not the other way
around. The natural state of quanta is in pure energy form. It is our brains that collapse the
energy form to something we can feel, smell, see, touch and taste in the physical world. The
brain interprets it much like a hologram. Our minds always commune with quanta in its energy
form. While the brain translates and presents it in a 3 dimensional interpretation, the mind and
quantum energy are in contact, simultaneously. There are two worlds around you, operating at
the same time. You are in both, even now.

The big question then is: Can the mind change the arrangement of quanta before it is collapsed
into physical form by the brain? In other words, can we change what comes into our life; can we
alter, completely, our reality and experience? The answer is yes. The quantum world creates the
physical world. Rearranging the energy there will unquestionably rearrange the physical world
alter the source, alter the flow. The mind communicates directly with quanta; it actually directs
quanta, and quanta responds precisely and entirely, without reluctance or delay, to the
instructions of the mind. How does the mind actually instruct Quanta? It does this with energized
thoughts; thoughts that are infused with emotion. Your thought feelings are forming quanta;
quanta are creating your reality. Change your energized thoughts, change your world.

That is truly Quantum Mind Power.

Activating Your Quantum Mind

Quantum Summary

Wave (or energy) quanta collapses into particle form creating the world as you see it. Quanta
respond to the minds direction; more accurately, the mind directs quanta. The mind, through
energized thoughts, arranges and rearranges quantum form in its energy state. The mind
orchestrates your experience; quantum is the instrument. The observer (mind) and the observed
(quanta) are wholly entangled.

When a brain detects quanta it instantly (faster than we can perceive) collapses it to physical
form, this is what creates our holographic matrix, the illusion of a 3 dimensional physical world
as we see it. Your brain sees the result of the quantum form that youve manipulated with your
mind. Without a brain to observe, quanta remain in their natural state of pure energy (Note: So,
this sense, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, it doesnt make a sound).

You are and always have been directly and entirely engineering every detail of your experience.
However, most are doing this unconsciously, completely unaware of their extraordinary powers
of creation. How then does one do this consciously and deliberately?

To interpret this concept, science must take a back seat (but well still bring it along for the ride
and ask it for perspective as we go). And we must do two things before we consider actually
using our Quantum Mind Power. One, truly understand what Quantum Mind Power isnt. Two,
disengage habitual and unconscious quantum creations.

What Quantum Mind Power Isnt

Be one with the universe; I love myself; I have one million dollars; I live in a villa in
Costa Rica; this is not Quantum Mind Power (most of the time). These are almost always just
affirmations, wishes and even pleas. These do not contain any energy; they are not creations;
quanta will not respond. Most individuals do not even understand these words, let alone intend
them and feel them when the speak them. This is where the self-help movement falls flat; it
doesnt go deep enough. Its not the power of positive thinking; its actually the power of positive
feeling, or quantum direction.

Words and thoughts are nothings. Feelings or energized thoughts are actually things; powerful
living entities, traveling outwards from you faster than the speed of light, searching to connect
with energy existing at the same vibration, and then, to arrange it and draw it back toward the
sender. All energized thoughts have vibrations; these vibrations have frequencies. The
frequencies of those vibrations depend on whether the charged thoughts are positive or negative.
The frequency is the speed at which your thoughts vibrate, or repeat themselves. It is your
vibrational frequency that your mind creates through thought feelings that generates your
experience. Everything else is neutral, unable to influence or create anything.

Disengaging your limiting, habitual Quantum Mind

Just because you didnt consciously intend it, doesnt mean that you didnt create it. Our
unconscious and subconscious are the bridge from brain to mind. Unconscious and subconscious
are more subtle, distinctly more powerful than the brain, yet less so than the true mind. Ponder
for a moment the prefix un- and sub-. Have you ever wondered why these levels of
consciousness are at un- and sub- levels? Have you considered that they dont have to be?

Quantum Mind Power Obstacles

The true Quantum Mind Power master will reorganize his multiple levels of consciousness into
one. Some speculate that we have, over time, fractured our consciousnesses, in an attempt to
cope with being energetic entities living in a physical world. I believe that in this universe, in this
existence, in this dimension, collectively, we have never merged them. We are, perhaps for the
first time, considering the possibility of collapsing our fragmented consciousness into one. This
may be our next evolutionary step. There have been many that have come before us who have
been able to do this. Our sacred texts tell stories of such men and women. And if you decipher
the parables in these teachings you will find a common theme, the instructions to do just that; to
merge many minds into one, creating a harmonious, pure and supreme Quantum Mind.

Before we wield our mind power, we must correct its unconscious abuses, its unwitting quantum
causations. Our subconscious and unconscious minds are constantly manifesting, mostly chaos.
It is the repetitions of the ancient and fearful reptilian brain that impress upon and affect our
subconscious and unconscious. A comedian once commented, I always thought that the brain
was the most important thing. Then I remembered what told me that.

While the brain itself is unable to do anything but analyze and send signals to the body, its
messages, normally of fear and lack and judgment, register over time and through repetition,
with the higher consciousness. The result is that these levels of consciousness, impacted by the
ranting of the brain, order the sub-atomic possibilities to organize and manifest to bring us more
fear and lack and judgment. While thoughts themselves are not important, repetitive thoughts
will eventually lead to energized thoughts and the cycle continues; the creator unaware that
he/she is creating.

If you thought nothing at all, ever, nothing would happen. Think about that: If you thought
nothing, nothing would happen. That means that all the suffering, lack, hate, fear and panic
would vanish, if you just stopped thinking. Your brain, trying to figure out a problem, for which
it is 99.9% wrong about things that are not actually problems 99% of the time, sooner or later
gives that problem energy, which ultimately creates more of same, perpetuating the original
problem (that probably wasnt actually a problem to begin with). Sound insane? Yes you are!

Do you really want Quantum Mind Power? If so, you must first take responsibility for what you
do currently, mostly unconsciously. Its not so much that you dont create what you want, its that
you often create exactly what you dont want, proportionate to the energy you give it,

Stop thinking (as much)!

The Quantum Wonder

Quantum Summary

Quantum is an indivisible entity of energy. Quanta (plural for quantum) are packets of this sub-
atomic energy. Quanta are waves and particles, mass and non-mass, matter and non-matter. It is
measurable and immeasurable, real and not real, visible and not visible all at the same time
inherently dualistic. It is completely opposite, physical and non-physical, in the same place,
space and time, contrary to the current classical laws of physics. The quantum world creates the
physical world.

The mind communicates directly with quanta; it actually directs quanta, and quanta responds
precisely and entirely, without reluctance or delay, to the instructions of the mind. How does the
mind actually instruct Quanta? It does this with energized thoughts; thoughts that are infused
with emotion. Your thought feelings are forming quanta; quanta are creating your reality.
Indirectly, yet completely, you are designing your experience in every minute detail.

How fast is fast and how far is far?

The speed of light in a vacuum (a volume of space that is essentially void of matter) is more than
186,000 miles per second or about 700 million miles an hour. This speed, quantified by Einstein
and accepted by classical physics, is the fastest speed at which anything can travel. 700 million
miles an hour is pretty fast; or is it? Relative to the size of the earth, its very fast. Relate it to the
universe and its another story.

Scientists have stated that the diameter of the universe is somewhere between 20 billion light
years and trillions of light years! So, traveling at the speed of light, 700 million miles an hour,
it would take 20 billion to several trillion years to traverse the universe, from one side to the
other (thats if the diameter of the universe is in fact finite). NASA reported that in 1999 the
Hubble Space Telescope estimated that there are more than 125 billion galaxies in the universe.
The closest galaxy to ours is Andromeda, 2.5 million light years away. If we were able to put a
person in a space craft and send them at near the speed of light (which is not physically possible
with todays technology), it would take almost 3 million years for that person to leave our own
galaxy and enter Andromeda, the closest of more than 125 billion galaxies. Still think the speed
of light is fast?

Now, youre ready for The Quantum Wonder.

Non-locality and Quantum Entanglement

Speed is a calculation of distance over time in the physical world. So, what if something is not
physical? Does it move across space? Does it always and only move across space? Does space
even exist, or exist in the way that we think it does, on the pure energy side of things?

Experiments have indicated that standard quantum mechanics exhibits the property of non-
locality. Non-locality, by definition, is the correlation between separated parts of an entangle
quantum system across space-like separations. In lay terms it means, communications between
two quantum objects appear to happen at faster than the speed of light, or superluminally;
impossible in the classic physics model.

John G. Cramer of the University of Washington wrote:

[non-locality is] the mysterious ability of nature to enforce correlations between separated but
entangled parts of a quantum system that are out of speed-of-light contact, to reach faster-than-
light across vast spatial distances or even across time itself to ensure that the parts of a quantum
system are made to match.

Albert Einstein despised quantum theory; he dismissed it and argued against it mostly because it
contradicted many of his theories and generally speaking, how he felt a proper physical universe
ought to behave. Over many years he constructed a list of objections to quantum mechanics; one
of those objections is what he called spooky actions at a distance. This spookiness Einstein
spoke of is now commonly referred to as non-locality.

As strange as non-locality may be, it is a fact of quantum systems which has been demonstrated
repeatedly in lab experiments.
Quanta are entangled; everything is quanta; everything is entangled. Quantum entanglement is a
quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects are
connected even though the objects are spatially separated. This allows for faster-than-light and/or
backward-in-time communication.

Scientists have been able to create a scenario where two particles in a single quantum state, when
one is observed to spin-up, the other one will always be observed to spin-down and vice versa.
They took the particles over a short distance and changed the spin of one and the other reversed
its spin instantly. They enlarged the distance to miles, then hundreds of miles, then thousands of
miles; the results were the same. When they reversed the spin of one, the other particle
responded in kind, in faster-than-light or backward-in-time fashion.

Theoretically, non-locality and quantum entanglement principles permit that if we placed one
particle on one side of the universe and the other on the other side, and flicked the rotation of
one in the opposite direction, the other would reverse its spin instantly. In other words, the
particles would communicate with each other, over potentially trillions of light years, faster than
we could detect. Still think light is fast?

Using Your Quantum Mind

Activating Conscious Quantum Mind Power

Youre not actually activating your mind power. Its already active; its just out of control.

In 1975 Adam Smith wrote in Powers of Mind:

The critics of the quantum physicists, fifty years ago [in 1925], used to call it atomysticism.
The atom had been the building block of our universe, and Heisenberg wrote: An atom is not a
[physical] thing. When we get down to the atomic level, the objective world in space and time no
longer exists, and the mathematical symbols of theoretical physics refer merely to possibilities,
not facts an atom is not a [physical] thing, it is only a possibility, and we are all made up of

Sub-atomic energies are not physical things, but possibilities. And we can move these
possibilities with our minds, which in turn will reconstruct the physical expression of quanta on
this side of reality. If sub-atomic energies are truly (infinite) possibilities, which science has
proven, then it is we that decide which possibility will occur. You activate Quantum Mind Power
by merely being aware that it exists.

Using Your Quantum Mind

To apply this science personally, to use your Conscious Quantum Mind Power follow these 4
steps: 1) Stop practicing affirmations (this should stop 90%+ of people in their tracks) 2) Stop
thinking about what you dont want and generally reduce the number of thoughts you have
(whats so important anyway?; plus, know that often youre creating what you dont want) 3)
Know what you do want and focus on it, charge those thoughts with emotion. 4) Then, the
masters step: Embrace the reality! Take the words, concepts and images in this message and
make them part of your experience. All thats been described is swirling around you right now;
you choose whether to engage it or not. You cant see it (yet), but you can still control it.
Understand and believe that you are inextricably entangled with the energy that you need to
create anything, in this moment. The only limitation is your belief of whats possible and whats
not. Quanta does not understand time, nor comprehend the limitations of a physical world with
physical laws. It is infinite energy, in infinite dimensions, in infinite space, in the absence of
time, simply waiting to be directed by you.

So, in your prayers or meditations or visualizations or holocreations, simply take the pictures you
now have of this reality, the quantum reality, and move them into what you imagine now. Re-
read these words (and read other writings on the subject) and build the images with more and
more clarity and vibrancy; images of the quantum world, you as director. Imagine engaging and
directing quanta while entangled with it. Quanta will collapse to physical form and you will
experience, in every detail, the life youve always dreamt of.


The Projection Principle

Holographic Summary

Reality can be summed up in two words: Quantum Hologram. So what then is the hologram
component of the equation? Lets see

A Hologram is a three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference (click

here for images and more info). What this means to you is that the quanta expresses itself in a 3
dimensional manner through an energetic interference pattern (much like waves of energy
colliding) which your brain interprets. In other words, the hologram is what binds the swirling
quanta together and presents it in the manner in which you are familiar the world as you see
it. Add to that the 4th dimension projection of space and time and we then have movement in our
holographic experience.

Your brain (also a hologram, as is everything within the master hologram) deciphers, processes
and interprets what it is experiencing. What it experiences is a grand hologram in a perpetual
state of motion; nothing rests, ever. It is actually more like Holomovement, an ever changing
mass hologram.

The mind exists within and outside the Superhologram; it overlaps two worlds. It is the element
(the mind) that integrates the infinite source (up and through quanta) with the finite (but
expanding) 4th dimension Superhologram. The mind is the conduit between your experience and
source energy; it allows us to draw from that source and push out the edges of this reality;
without it the Superhologram would cease to expand nothing more would be possible.
There are many mysteries and phenomenon that can be explained with the Holographic
model. They come into sharp focus when you understand the model in general and further
understand the subtle, yet profound implications of the Holographic reality. So, lets start with a

The Most Powerful Principle of the Hologram

It is the Principle of Projection; things appearing where they are not. We know now what is
being projected; it is the world around you, in every detail. The question then becomes, what is
projecting it, or more specifically, from where is it being projected?

If you were to take a piece of holographic film containing the image of, say an elephant, and cut
it in two and then illuminate the pieces with a laser you find that each half would contain the
whole image of the elephant. Divide them again, and again, and again, and then as many more
times as you like, and then illuminate any or all of the pieces with a laser and youll find every
piece contains the entire image. What this tells us is that every piece of a hologram, no matter
how small, contains the information of the whole. (Side Bar: The common hologram you can
find at a magic store or corner store is not a true hologram; cut that into pieces and you get what
youd get if you cut a simple picture into pieces. A true hologram that was born of lasers and
utilizes lasers to project itself, is necessary to perform this experiment.)

So, drag that thought into the model of your holographic brain and you are left with two
questions 1) Is there actually anything out there 2) From where is the hologram projected?

The answer to the first question is, Yes and No. Refer back to the question of quanta; is it wave
or particle, physical or non-physical? The answer, as we know, is Yes and Yes. It is both wave
and particle, physical and non-physical. So too is the hologram, it is both within and without; it is
in here and out there; the features or functions being somewhat different. What we have then
is a matter of perception and interpretation through observation. In this conversation, as well as
many others, we must separate what we see from what is actually there. The visible spectrum
of light is microscopic in comparison to the entire spectrum of light. We know that the other
types of light exist, but we cannot see them. So too is the reality of the brains interpretation of
the hologram; there is much that it does not perceive. However, we can, over time and with
practice, begin to heal that gap and bring more of the holographic reality into our experience.

The answer to question number two is, at the moment, from Quanta. Why only at the moment?
Because we have not discovered, measured and quantified anything beyond (or lower, closer to
source) than Quanta. So, in this moment we attribute holographic projection to Quanta.
However, if there is another level of energy, closer to source (which there most likely is) then
this energy is projecting our holographic experience through quanta and up into what we see.

The most profound implication of the Holographic model is that, in theory, not only the
blueprint, but all the information, of the entire universe, exists within the tiniest particle and the
most minute entity of energy; similiar, in some sense, to DNA as it affects biology. This tiny
particle and minute energy, by itself, is capable of (re)creating and illuminating, through
projection, every last bit of the universe. Now, thats power; the power of projection by source

The Holographic Brain

The Brain As a Hologram

Decades ago it was widely believed that memories were held in certain places in the brain; in
fact, it was believed, that if you removed a portion of the brain you would/could remove an
entire memory or memories. Biologist Paul Pietsch (Indiana University), in the 1960s, did
studies on salamanders in an attempt to disprove the distributed nature of memories (as found in
the Holographic model). Pietsch removed the brains of salamanders and while they were in a
stupor without their brains (fantastic in and of itself) they returned to their normal behaviour
when the brain was returned. Focusing his tests on analyzing the salamanders feeding behaviour,
Pietsch decided that if this behaviour (of feeding) was in fact not confined to any certain portion
of the brain (instead distributed, like a hologram) then it shouldnt matter how the brain was
positioned in the head; the salamander should return to normal function. So, he set out once
again, more focused, to disprove a holographic scenario. First he flip-flopped the brain and
returned it to the salamander who quickly returned to its regular behaviour; he then turned it
upside down with the same result. Then in a series of 700 operations he sliced, flipped, shuffled,
subtracted and even minced the brains and still their behaviour normalized once it (what was left
at least) was returned to the salamander! (Note: Accounts and further explanation can be found in
Pietschs book Shufflebrain.)

Further phenomenon associated with the brain can be explained with the Holographic model
such as the ability to remember and forget, the ability to recognize familiar things, photographic
memory, associative memory, the transference of learned skills, the vastness of our memory, etc.
Your brain is truly and completely of a holographic nature.

Explaining General Phenomenon

The Holographic model explains many general phenomenon not yet fully understood by
conventional science; phenomenon such as out of body experiences, near death experiences,
multiple personality disorder, dreams, lucid dreams, placebo effect, psychokinesis, auras and
human energy fields and on and on and on. All of which are outside the scope of this message,

Well leave this portion of the subject with an example of phenomenon understood and explained
through hologram phantom limb sensations (the reports of people feeling somewhat normal
sensations of amputated limbs; limbs that are no longer there). Most of us think of reality as the
world out there. However, science is certain, yet unwillingly to highlight and expand on the fact
that everything we see, touch, smell and hear are actually interpretations of chemical,
neurological and energetic processes in the brain (Noter: when you slam your hand in the car
door, the pain (signal) is created by your brain, even though you feel it in your hand). So, while it
appears out there, its all happening in here. The illusion of appearances of things being in
places they are not is the prime feature of a hologram, so it is with phantom limb pains.

Bringing forward the example of the holographic paper cut in two, if we were to cut off a piece
of a human, the remaining piece(s) would still project (energetically, not visually) the piece that
was removed, complete with the sensations of the piece as it would normally function. Nobel
prize-winning physiologist Georg van Bekesy, in a series of experiments, placed vibrators on the
knees of test subjects and then varied the rate of vibration. He discovered that by doing so he
could get his test subjects to feel the point of vibration between the knees; he was ultimately
able to show that we can experience feeling or stimulation outside our physical bodies, in areas
in which there are obviously no sensory receptors. Returning to phantom limb pains, it is the
holographic memory of the limb that still plays out in recorded patterns of interference in the
brain of the amputee; it is, for many amputees, as if the limb were still there, and in many
regards, in the holographic paradigm, it still is.

Look around you right now, at the picture on the wall, the computer, the desk; youre observing a
hologram, projected by and through interference patterns within your brain and then, in return,
perceived by the very thing (your brain) that produced the projection.

Now imagine what is possible when you choose to consciously participate in the creation and
construction of that hologram before it is projected.

The Superhologram
Holographic Reminder

Reality can be summed up in two words: Quantum Hologram.

A Hologram is a three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference (click

here for images and more info). What this means to you is that the quanta expresses itself in a 3
dimensional manner through an energetic interference pattern (much like waves of energy
colliding) which your brain interprets. In other words, the hologram is what binds the swirling
quanta together and presents it in the manner in which you are familiar the world as you see
it. Add to that the 4th dimension projection of space and time and we then have movement in our
holographic experience.

The Quantum Hologram is, in the most fundamental sense, the matrix of our reality. It not only
provides a first hand visual experience, but also a background, complete with our perceptions of
time, dimension and the laws of the physical world. Its a construct of reality, a combination of
physical laws, common perceptions and an underlying collective unconscious.

We traverse together in a Superhologram, a common structure of experience. A 3 dimensional

view that unfolds and enfolds, opens and collapses, appears and disappears hundreds of times per
second. Everything snaps in and out of the physical world. We all agree that we see the
physical world and this cements the reality even further.
The Superhologram

You are in the Superhologram right now; its all around you. Nothing that can be perceived
within the 5 common senses, exists outside the Superhologram. Much like quanta, the hologram
enfolds into the implicate (collapses) and unfolds into the explicate (projects) where we can
sense it and see it. The source or the implicate, unfolds or projects our reality. If thats hard to
comprehend and accept, try this: The past is also a hologram; your future is holographic as well.

Michael Talbot in The Holographic Universe writes, [David] Bohms notion that the flow of
time is the product of a constant series of unfoldings and enfoldings suggests that as the present
enfolds and becomes part of the past, it does not cease to exist, but simply returns to the cosmic
storehouse of the implicate. Or as Bohm puts it, The past is active in the present as a kind of
implicate order. The past exists wholly, and in this moment; it is our attention to and belief in
linear time that distorts its place and perpetuates the illusion (Note: photographic memory,
minute and perfectly accurate details of past events reported under hypnosis (etc.) are evidence
of people seeing and/or actually being in the holographic past, in the moment). The memory and
holographic projection of the past is in your brain, just next door to what you would suggest is
occurring now; it is only your brain that separates the memories, thoughts and projections as
distinctly different. The experience of the past is just outside this moment of now; but it exists
nonetheless in this moment, and just as fully as the present, or the future

The future is similarly holographic; it too exists in the implicate. This concept is even more
confusing and alarming than imagining the past as a hologram. Our current understanding of the
universe and common logic and rational thought make it very hard to even imagine. However,
from studies utilizing random number generators (physicist Helmut Schmidt, Boeing Aircraft,
etc.) to dreams that demonstrate foreknowledge of future events (Montague Ullman, Dream
Laboratory at Maimonides Medical Center, etc.) to remote-viewing experiments (Puthoff and
Targ, Stanford Research Institute, etc.), we see the future is only one step removed from our
experience only by our perception, and inextricably linked to our reality. The future, all possible
scenarios of it, exist now (Note: deja vu and astral travel (etc.) into the future are evidence of the
future as hologram).

The Superhologram and You

The Superhologram and You

Even more challenging, possibly even shocking and disconcerting for many, is the idea that
space is also an illusion and a result of holographic projection. Try to imagine spacelessness; try
to form a picture in your mind of no space. Its nearly impossible, as we live in a 4 dimensional
reality that supports and perpetuates this space concept throughout every minute of our lives
(except during sleep). Perhaps you have never, in your entire life, imagined what a spaceless
existence would be like; that would be normal, I would think. However, the reality is that
everything around you is a spatial illusion, a projection or unfolding of the implicate (or source
energy or the unified quantum field its all the same). Source energy, where time, weight and
space do not exist are projecting this 4 dimensional illusion; we act out and experience it. We
could say that super sub-atomic particles, with no weight or space, and outside time, are creating
this experience of dimension. Which then would be more real, the created or the creator? In other
words, if something that does not have or require dimension or time is creating dimension and
time, then which environment is illusion? I would think that the created, the experience of
dimension and time, must be the illusion.

If you were to see a hologram (a true one, utilizing lasers), and run your hand through it, you
would admit that there was nothing there, inside the projected image. You would further
explain that the space the hologram encompassed was an optical illusion. It appeared 3
dimensional, but there was nothing there (as evidenced by your hand running straight through it
unobstructed). Other than the fact that your brain interprets objects in 3 dimensions and feels and
perceives things as solid in our collective reality, there is nothing different from the realities of
the hologram, as outlined above, and the world you see around you. The global projection, the
world around us, is simply a little more illusory than the holograms we humans have created
within the Superhologram.

Just as quantum theory states that the ideas of past, present and future are non-scientific and non-
quantifiable, but based on perception and created by the observer, so too does the holographic
model indicate that space and time are nothing more than constructs of this matrix or experience
(Note: Quantum theory, remarkably, states that the idea that we cannot affect and/or change the
past, as we commonly believe that we can with the future, is contradictory; if we can affect the
future, then we should be able to equally and proportionately alter the past so says quantum
theory) .

Space and time are projected from source energy, that does not itself contain space or time. The
purpose it seems (if I may speculate) is to provide an arena for experience; by projecting things
in 3 dimension and allowing for events to play out over time (4th dimension), individuals can
experience and (hopefully) learn and grow. Without dimension, space, time and
individualization, it is not possible to experience. This reality is likely a thought experiment in a
spatial, timelined and individualized environment allowing us to experience ourselves. It
appears as though its been constructed just for us, and just for that purpose.

Think about that for a minute.

Exploring the Superhologram

Exploring the Superhologram

Out-of-body experiences (OBE) can be explained, to a great extent, with the holographic model;
the spacelessness that we spoke of earlier finds meaning in OBEs. In the holographic
universe, space, places and location are part of the illusion; everything is non-local (as explained
completely in the quantum theory of non-locality). While similiar to near-death-experiences
(NDEs), you can shed the weight of the body and the 4th dimension without dying. OBEs can
be experienced during sleep, meditation, anesthesia and traumatic events, among a list of other
scenarios. Virtually every culture in every region on the planet throughout all of recorded history
contains myths and writings that discuss the phenomenon most contain instructions on how to
experience it. OBEs are nothing more than traveling within the Superhologram without your
body; perfectly inline with the Holographic paradigm.

Reports of those who have died and returned (an NDE), detail not only the past (the famous life
review), but many see and report the future, called personal flashforwards. More accurately
they explain that they see several possible futures or parallel time tracks; they saw forks in the
road enabling them to see how their lives would develop depending on the decision made at that
critical point. Additionally, many NDEs contain the insight of having actually created their life
plan before their birth or in between lives source or the implicate (you outside the
Superhologram) deciding which hologram or experience to create (for you inside the
Superhologram) in the explicate or projection (the Superhologram).

Be in the Now; just know that the Now contains everything that ever was and ever will be,
including the past and every possible future already manifest in the Superhologram. Focus
on whats directly in front of you; be where your hands are, enjoying this experience and then the
next, and every one after that. Trust that the experience (each one, one at a time) and the learning
and growing from that experience is the supreme purpose of this life. Enjoy it. If you do, the
Superhologram will effortlessly bring to this moment the wisdom of the past and open up the
most incredible time track of future events you could possibly imagine.

Be in the Now; everything that is contained in the Superhologram is illusion, except for this
moment It is real. Choose your focus and your experience wisely; be happy, be peaceful, in this
moment. Remember: This moment, more specifically how you feel in this moment, is the only
thing that is real. The rest of it is just an illusion to give you the opportunity to experience and
grow, so that you can eventually learn to feel good in the real, perpetual and eternal moment of

(Note: the implicate you creates the explicate you, the source energy you creates the
holographic you; while the Superhologram is eternal, a traumatic event for example can be
removed from it by the implicate you, the source energy you. Always remember that the
creator (the implicate you), makes the rules for (the explicate you) and within the
Superhologram. You are bound only by what you accept, most often unwittingly and by default.
In other writings we will further discuss molding our individual piece(s) of the Superhologram.)

Life Holographic
Holographic Reminder

Reality can be summed up in two words: Quantum Hologram.

A hologram is a three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference (click

here for an image). What this means to you is that the quanta expresses itself in a 3 dimensional
manner through an energetic interference pattern (much like waves of energy colliding) which
your brain interprets. In other words, the hologram is what binds the swirling quanta together and
presents it in the manner in which you are familiar the world as you see it. Add to that the 4th
dimension projection of space and time and we then have movement in our holographic

Just like pictures moving at 24 frames per second creates the illusion of motion and time as we
see them at the movie theatre, so the quanta coming in and out of existence, trick the mind and
the eye into believing that the physical world truly, and in the minds of most, solely exists in a
solid state. This is then projected forward as a hologram; infinite holograms within the
Superhologram. You are an individualized master hologram; your mind projects a unique,
personalized hologram and orchestrates all other projections/matter/events that make up what we
commonly call life.

A subtle field consciousness exists dualistically with all matter. Just like in the microcosm as we
see with sub-atomic particles, the universe exists simultaneously in the quantum wave realm as it
appears in the particle physical world. You simultaneously exist in both. You are participating in
projecting from source energy and into the Superhologram, consciously or unconsciously,
deliberately or unwittingly.

Holographic Feelings

If I was to say a word or a name that you knew, you would immediately react with a global
feeling. If I say hotdog, or your mother-in-laws name, or your boss name, or Hollywood,
you will almost instantly get a general feeling about that word, without immediately associating
it to any event or scenario. How is this? Why is this? The Holographic reality can explain it.
Imagine the waves of energy (or waves on a lake, if that helps) colliding and forming an
interference pattern (as the ripples move out from the center and collide with each other, creating
this interference) that once hit by a laser, projects a feeling, thought or experience. While the
information of the projection is contained in the interference pattern, it is the laser that brings the
specific information to life.

John Welwood in his article The Holographic Paradigm and the Structure of Experience,
published in The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes (edited by Ken Wilber) writes, If
you ask yourself how you feel now, what you get when you first refer inwardly to your felt sense
of your present situation, is a blurry whole. Or try referring to your inner felt sense of a person
in your life. What is your overall feeling about your father, your whole sense of him? Notice
that this whole sense has no definite form, but is a very global feel quality. We feel our
situations in this global way before we can articulate or delineate them. Felt meaning is like a
network of interference patterns formed in our relating to the world This felt sense is like a
holographic record of all the aspects of your relationship to him (interference patterns). All of
your joys, hurts, disappointments, appreciations, angers all of your whole experience with him
is holographically compressed in this one felt sensethe felt sense is blurry in that it includes all
of this implicitly. This implicit is not focal or sharply defined, but always functions as a global

Now, think again about hotdogs, or your mother-in-laws name, or your boss name, or
Hollywood. The instant global feelings that are created by hearing those words are much like
the waves and interference patterns in the outline above. The laser in this analogy (its actually
more than a analogy, but for lack of a better word), is the mind, or more specifically its choice to
recollect a memory of an event; we fire this laser at an interference pattern, locating that
particular memory which brings into reality a specific, usually super-charged feeling, replacing
or expanding on the global feeling that we had earlier when we had only heard the word. We
now associate specific information, a thought or a memory, with that feeling and normally the
feeling grows, often exponentially. The time you ate that hotdog at a World Series game, or your
bossed yelled at you in front of your co-workers, or your wife praised you in public, or even a
visit to The Viper Club in Hollywood, can greatly enhance the feeling of the original global
feeling of this person or thing. The memory or focus is the laser fired upon the waves of
information on those very subjects, in a very exacting manner. This laser draws perspective
(most often flawed) and precise information and associated feeling(s), out of of the blurry mess
of data contained holographically in the brain in massive numbers of interference patterns,
constantly moving, perpetually colliding.

The waves are every thought youve had, every thing youve been told or read or saw
everything youve ever experienced. The laser is your attention or your focus; your mind points,
directs and manipulates the laser, moving it and searching for the information that you wish to
see and experience. It brings forth, not usually the experience that you think you wish to have,
but normally the ones that support the life youve lived, the life youve habitually created,
incessantly and unconsciously, since you were a child; similiar thoughts, events and experiences
that have created everything in your life up to now. Most likely your laser, your mind, is
unconscious, on cruise control, focusing and creating by default.

Be careful, be conscious of where you point that laser, on what you place your attention.
Eventually, you will be extraordinary in your precision and with your results.

So, what is possible within the Superhologram? What can the laser/mind bring out and into the
world? Lets take a quick look

Holographic Miracles
Holographic Miracles

Appearances of the virgin Mary, UFO sightings, memories of alien abductions, stigmata,
liquefaction of saints blood from statues, convulsions and contortions in religiously inspired
trance (that would/could/should kill), floating objects, levitation, teleporting, fire immunity
(people unscathed by inferno or burning objects), antics while under hypnosis, hallucinations,
spontaneous healing, psychic surgery, etc., etc., etc.; not only can all of these be easily described
within the Holographic Paradigm, theyre really not all that fantastic within it, when you
consider them.

They seem like childs play when you suspend the classical model of the universe and allow for
the observer to be the creator, unbound by physical laws. To explain further, regarding fire
immunity, Michael Talbot says in The Holographic Universe, the ability of consciousness to
shift from one entire reality to another suggests that the usually inviolate rule that fire burns
human flesh may only be one program in the cosmic computer, but a program that has been
repeated so often it has become one of natures habits. There appear to be infinite programs in
the cosmic computer. So does fire burn or does it not? Yes! It does if you believe it does, it does
not if you believe it doesnt. This does not mean that you should get up now, walk over to the
stove, place your hand on the hot burner saying I will not burn, and you will not get burned.
We are talking about a much deeper level of understanding and conviction, not a flickering and
fleeting moment of thought.

But, you can choose the program you wish to run your life, in every minute detail. It is your
beliefs that dictate which programs run. Consider, modify and deepen your beliefs; and only do
so consciously with the ones that will reinforce the program you wish to run and subsequently
experience. Be clear in your intentions and laser-like on where you place your attention, as this
will activate the information contained within the interference patterns and draw out that
information, and into your experience.

You are responsible, for every last detail of how you feel and what you experience. You control
the laser; use it well.

Using Your Holographic Mind

Holographic Reminder

Reality can be summed up in two words: Quantum Hologram.

A Hologram is a three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference (click

here for images and more info). What this means to you is that the quanta expresses itself in a 3
dimensional manner through an energetic interference pattern (much like waves of energy
colliding) which your brain interprets. In other words, the hologram is what binds the swirling
quanta together and presents it in the manner in which you are familiar the world as you see
it. Add to that the 4th dimension projection of space and time and we then have movement in our
holographic experience.

Just like pictures moving at 24 frames per second creates the illusion of motion and time as we
see them at the movie theatre, so the quanta coming in and out of existence, trick the mind and
the eye into believing that the physical world truly, and in the minds of most, solely exists in a
solid state and moves through time. This is then projected forward as a hologram; infinite
holograms within the Superhologram. You are an individualized master hologram; your mind
projects a unique, personalized hologram and orchestrates all other projections/matter/events that
make up what we commonly call life.

A subtle field consciousness exists dualistically with all matter. Just like in the microcosm as we
see with sub-atomic particles, the universe exists simultaneously in the quantum wave realm as it
appears in the particle physical world. You simultaneously exist in both. You are participating in
projecting from source energy and into the Superhologram.

Holographic Creation or Holocreation

Holographic Creation is the conscious operating of your holographic projection mechanisms and
abilities. You highjack, or more appropriately take back the power of projection and begin to
create your own reality; otherwise, everything is created for you by default, much of it surely not
to your liking. Holographic creation is different than visualization; you are not merely focusing
on images, you are actually creating matter, creating life, you are bringing something into

Christopher Westra states in I Create Reality, Your intent [with Holographic Creation] is to
create incipient matter, not merely to visualize an image. Thoughts, feeling, and images
(HoloCreations) are made of matter, just a very subtle kind of matter. The term incipient
describes it well. Incipient is defined as beginning to exist or appear; so incipient matter is a
substance that is beginning to appear or matter in its initial stages of development.

You must breathe life into your desires, and not just think, imagine and picture in your brain, as
if it is outside of you and your world. So, then what do you do? Here we go

Holocreate Life

You must first create the full picture of what you wish to experience; lets say that its to own a
Bengal cat breeding facility, with a home, on the edge of town (Note: Dont ask!). At the moment
that you have that clear picture, eliminate time it does not exist at the source of projection. You
have what you imagine now, in the most literal sense; this is not fiction, this is not imaginary. On
some level, in some dimension you do have it, in this moment (I mean that literally, in every
sense). You have it, now you simply wish to experience it, in this moment, in this dimension, in
this life; so you draw it forward, you gently attract it into the here and now. (Note: substitute
your own desire for this one if you like; however, I recommend you go through the one provided
first to get the full affect, so that you may understand better and carry it forward in a more
complete way).

After youve created that static picture of what you want and suspended every belief or
inclination of time, you begin to actually create this incipient matter; the life you desire.
Staying with the Bengal cat breeding facility, you see it the building, the land, the roads that
box it in, the bags of food, the play areas, etc. Now this is as far as most visualization techniques
or creative meditations will take you. Well go further, much further. (Note: with what you are
about to read, Hollywood has done us a favour. Think of animation, think of special effects, think
of the action sequences, not the violence of course. Think of movies like The Matrix; even
actions and activities in movies like Disneys Aladdin can give you some material; there are no
rules in this place. Got an idea?; ok lets go).
Now heres where we actually, literally, scientifically, begin to create. Now imagine that you
have superpowers like Neo in the Matrix or Aladdin, and zoom around the piece of property, do a
complete 360 yes, pick up your feet, fly, levitate, ride a magic carpet, whatever. Then rise
above it, float or fly a few hundred feet above the property, look down on it, take in the features
the building, the playpens, the driveway, the house, the streets nearby. Remember to feel that it
is yours, now how ridiculous could that thought be, youre flying for crying out loud! (Note:
throughout your HoloCreation, use your superpowers anytime you like, to do anything you

Fly around, circle the perimeter for as long as you like, then drop down onto the foot of the
driveway. Walk up the driveway, scanning 180 degrees all the way to the front door. Reach out
and touch the metal door handle, feel the cold metal against your hand. Turn the handle and walk
into the foyer; look around, take in the features, smell the Sandalwood incense burning on the
table beside the entrance (Note: at first youll imagine smelling it, then youll actually smell it,
just like you smell the stir-fry cooking on the stove stick with it, sense it, dont imagine sensing
it). Walk through the foyer and down the hallway into the large kitchen, taking in every picture
hanging on the walls of that passage. Once inside the kitchen, you again take in every detail, the
countertop youve always wanted, the stainless steel appliances, the kitchen table that feeds 10,
the redwood cupboards, etc., etc., etc. every detail. You reach over and pick up a spoon off the
counter, stir the spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove and steal a taste its brilliant (actually
taste it). As you complete this image, you hear someone making noises in the office, off the
kitchen. Its your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, father, business partner, pet (whatever makes you
happy, and you want to place there). Theyre carrying on, performing some task. Say hello, give
a kiss, an affectionate stroke, some kind of recognition; notice how you feel. Feel good,
complete, excited, peaceful, content. Ask this person to join you on your exploration. Continue
this into every room, every nook and cranny of this home that you now own. Walk out to the
playpens in the back of the complex; see all the kitties? There romping and playing, begging for
food, molesting their mother for attention. You feel good watching these simple pleasures; you
recognize that youve created a mini-utopia for these cats, a reflection of the home you just
stepped out of. Everyone is happy, everything is perfect, just as you desire.

Always, whenever possible, feel and notice how you feel. Do whatever you want, go wherever
you wish, see whatever you like. The key, in this world (which is just as real as this one just
unchartered and not as accessible, due mostly to your beliefs), is to touch, smell, hear, speak
and taste as much as you can; to move around, to live in it just as you would in this life. This is a
creation; this is incipient matter. You are literally and fully breathing life into this thought, this
wish, demand, desire. The natural mechanics of this thought universe automatically begins to
pull in this living image, closer and closer, and then effectively into this reality.

Ultimate Holocreation
Advanced Step: Recall all the images created in your minds eye from the previous writing
(Holocreate Life) and other resources on Quantum and Holographic realities. Imagine
manipulating quanta, with your hand or just on command, to spring forth out of the quantum
energetic field and into particle and object form. See the quantum waves forming matter, in the
shape of a pot, or a desk, or a house, or a person, or even a stack of cash. Imagine the quantum
holographic projection materializing right in front of your eyes; see the two worlds collide. See
the implicate, source energy, unified quantum field arranging and rearranging in the form that
you desire, at the will of your mind. Realize that you control the energy and therefore control the
matter; you create your environment and this series of events in every detail. Nothing happens
without your participation. (Note: Google some of the words contained in this series of
writings, to form more clear and descriptive images of quantum causation and deliberate
holographic projection). If you engage the quanta, command the projection, you will quicken its
arrival and it will come to you exactly as you demand.

In the implicate, at source energy, within the unified quantum field, with god (whatever that
means), and through the wormhole we call the mind, create your reality, in every detail; in those
places, at those points, anything is possible.

Come and visit with me in the realm of Holographic Creation; stop being a victim of the
collective hologram or someone elses overwhelming projection and own fully your inherent
power to create. Project and live the life you always dreamed and knew possible. Its your
decision; its well within your potential. Stop being manipulated and created by the holograms
and projections around you and start originating and projecting a unique life; one that honours
your passions, your true self (first and foremost) and also positively impacts your family,
community and the planet.

Dont waste another day on the old program. Create a new one; become the deliberate creator
you where always meant to be.

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