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No. ALD-IH/Legis: 3(12)78/Vo1-II//jY

Peshawar, Dated the 16-03-2017

- To
The Secretary,
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
1-Iealth Department.
RULES, 1982.

Dear Sir,

I am directed to refer to your Department letter NO.

SO (Drugs)HD/2-43/2017, dated: 08.03.2017, on the subject noted above
and to enclose herewith draft Notification, duly vetted and stamped by
this Department.

The Administrative Department is advised to

examine the same minutely and to ensure that it is in order and otherwise
serves the purpose.

The Administrative Department is further advised

that the draft Notification, before issuing, must be published in the daily
news papers, as required under sub-section (2) of section 44 of the
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Drugs Act, 1976.

Ten printed Gazette copies of the Notification,

when published be furnished to this Department a1onwith the details of
the Gazette in which it is published. //

Endst:No. & date even:-
Copy is forwarded for information to the:

PS to Secretary, Government of the Khyber Pakiitunkhwa Law

PA to Legal Drafter, Law Department.




Peshawar, dated the .2017.

No. .-The following draft of the amendments

which the Government of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, in exercise of
the powers conferred by section 44 of the Drugs Act, 1976 (Act No. XXXI of
1976) proposes to make in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Drugs Rules, 1982, is
hereby published as required by sub-section (2) of section 44 of the said Act,
for information of the persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is
hereby given that the said draft amendments together with any objections or
suggestion received by the Secretary to the Government of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa, Health Department within a period of 07 days from the date of
publication of this Notification in the official Gazette shall be taken into
consideration. After expiry of the said period:


1. In rule 2, after clause (k), the following new clauses shall be added,

(1) "medical store" means a premises where drugs are stored,

sold or offered for sale, and bear a license on Form 9;

"manufacturer" means a manufacturer of drugs having

valid drug manufacturing license;

"Registered Medical Practitioner" means a medical

practitioner registered under the Pakistan Medical and
Dental Council Ordinance, 1962 (XXXII of 1962);

"seller" means the seller of drugs having valid drug sale


"retail sale" means a direct sale to consumer; and

"whole sale or distributor" means a person who buys

drugs for the purpose of selling the same to retailers(s)
and includes only the authorised agents of manufacturer,
importer, or indenter entitled to issue warranty in
accordance with clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 23
of the Act.".

2. In rule 4,-

in sub-rule (1), the word "Pakistani" shall be deleted;

in sub-rule (2),-

(a) the word "Pakistani" shall be deleted; and

(b) the provisos thereunder shall be deleted; and

(iii) sub-rule (3) shall be deleted.

3. In rule 6, after sub-rule (3), the following new sub-rule shall be added,

"(4) Drugs for which testing facilities are not available in the
laboratory, an Analyst shall conduct test analysis of samples of
drugs in any other laboratory, after its declaration and
authorization by the Board, for the purpose of the Act.".

4 For rule 14, the following shall be substituted, namely:

"14. Application for licence to sell drugs and fees therefor.--

-(1) Application for the grant or renewal of a licence referred to
in rule 15 shall be made on relevant Part A, B, C and D of Form
8 to the Licensing authority alongwith the fee deposit as follows:

four thousand rupees for the grant of a licence

specified in clause (i) and (iii) of rule 13;

five thousands rupees for grant of licence specified

in clause (iv) of rule 13;

eight thousands rupees for grant of licence

specified in clause (ii) of rule 13; and

fee for renewal of such licences shall be half of the

aforesaid fees, subject to fulfilment of licensing

(2) A fee of one thousand rupees shall be paid for any change
of proprietor of qualified persons or a duplicate copy of the
licence, if the original is defected, damaged or lost, and such
copy of the licence shall bear the words "duplicate copy and shall
only be valid for remaining period.".

5. In rule 16, the full stop appearing at the end shall be replaced by a colon
and thereafter the following proviso shall be added, namely:

"Provided that where a licence has been granted in respect

of a place under this rule, then the licence shall also be applicable
to a godown maintained by the licencee for the purpose of
storage of the drugs, subject to meeting of all storage conditions,
and entry with complete address shall be made in the respective

For rule 17, the following shall be substituted, namely:

"(1) A licence issued under these rules shall, unless sooner

suspended or cancelled, remain in force for two years from the
date of issue or until the disposal of the application for renewal
of such licence whichever is later.
An application of renewal of a licence shall be made
within one month of the expiry thereof, if not so made the licence
shall stand cancelled.

The Licensing authority, shall dispose off an application

for issuance or renewal of licence within forty-five (45) days of
receipt of an application, after fulfilment of requirements under
the Act or these rules:

Provided that if the pre conditions so required are fulfilled

by an applicant, the license shall be issued immediately without
waiting for specified time limit.

If the Licensing authority fails to dispose off the

\ application within the specified time, reasons of failure shall be

\ (5) If in the opinion of Licensing authority, it is not expedient

in public interest to grant a licence, it may reject an application

If the premises of the applicant do not fulfil the

requirements, laid down in these rules, the Licensing authority
shall in writing communicate the shortcomings to the applicant
indicating the time period for the rectification, which shall not
exceed beyond 30 days.

The Licensing authority, shall not issue or renew a licence

without an inspection report of the Inspector concerned.".

7. For rule 18, the following shall be substituted, namely:

"(1) The Licensing authority shall not issue licences, unless,-

the premises have proper and adequate facilities

including refrigeration, air conditioning and for
their protection from direct sunlight, dust or dirt
required for the storage of drugs;

the premises is clean, hygienic and in tidy


in case of Pharmacy, the requirements laid down in

Schedule "F" are complied with;

in case of medical store the covered area shall not

be less than 120 square feet with minimum breadth
of 10 feet and height of 8 feet;

in case of Pharmacy and distribution, the proprietor

has appointed a person registered under clause (a)
of sub-section (1) of section 24 of the Pharmacy
Act 1967 (XI of 1967) while in case of medical
store a qualified person registered under clauses (a)
and (b) of sub-section (1) of section 24 of the
Pharmacy Act, 1967, to personally supervise the
sale of drugs; and
(f) in case of license for distribution by way of whole
sale on Form 10, the applicant is an indenter,
importer, manufacturer or distributor of drugs and
the premises shall fulfil the requirements contained
in Schedule H.

(2) The Licensing authority shall not issue license, if the

applicant has been convicted under sub-section (1) of section 27
of the Act.".

8. In rule 19,-

(i) in sub-rule (1),-

after the figure "9" the figure "10" shall be added;

for clause (c), the following shall be substituted, namely:

"(c) the purchase and sale of any drug specified in

Schedules "B" and "D" by way of retail sale shall
be recorded at the time of purchase and dispensing
in a register specially maintained for the purpose
and the following particulars shall be entered in the
register, namely:

serial number;
date of purchase/sale;
invoice number;
name of the drug;
name of the manufacturer;
batch number;
quantity purchased;
name and age of the patient;
name of the prescriber;
name of the hospital/clinic;
quantity sold;
quantity remained; and
signature of the qualified person;".

(c) after clause (c), as so amended, the following new clauses

shall be added, namely:

"(d) subject to sub rule (1), a medical store, having

licence bearing qualified person registered under
clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 24 of the
Pharmacy Act, shall not sell or store drug(s) as
mentioned in Schedule G; and

(e) in case of a Pharmacy, the person shall display the

word Pharmacy on its outside in a white writing on
red coloured sign board having minimum length 5
feet and width of 2.5 feet. The person shall display
the word Medical Store in white writing on a Green
colour sign board with same minimum dimension
as required in case of Pharmacy, and the person
shall display the word "wholesale/distributor" in
black writing on a Blue Colour sign board with
same minimum dimensions as required for a

for sub rule (4), the following shall be substituted, namely:

"(4) The manufacturer, importer or distributor of a drug shall

maintain record of purchase or sale of a drug and shall preserve
the record for at least three years containing the following
particulars, namely:

the date of purchase and sale;

the name and address of the concern from which

purchased and the concerns to whom sold;

the name of the drugs, their batch number, their

dates of expiry where applicable and the quantities;

the name of the manufacturer."; and

(iii) after sub-rule (9), the following sub-rules shall be added, namely:

"(10) A manufacturer, importer or the distributor of a drug shall

sell the drug only to a holder of a valid drug sale licence or to a
registered medical practitioner and shall issue an invoice and
warranty at the time of sale of the drug.

The licensee having licence in Forms 9, 10, 11 and 12

shall ensure that warranty in the Form for every batch of drug so
procured is obtained in accordance with the provisions of the
clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Act;

The licensee holding license on Forms 9, 10, 11 and 12

shall be required to ensure storage of the allopathic drugs
completely segregated from other items, if so stored.

The licensee holding license on Forms 9, 10, 11 and 12

shall ensure storage of expired drugs in a shelf/cupboard reserved
for that purpose and labelled accordingly with red ink as
"Expired Drugs" conspicuously.

The registration certificate from pharmacy council of the

qualified person to whom a drug sale license is issued, shall be
displayed in original along with drug sale license in a
conspicuous place in part of the premises at appropriate level,
open and visible to the public.

The licensee holding a license issued under these rules

shall in no case store, sell or exhibit for sale any item, including
but not limited to tobacco products, which are injurious to

9. In rule 20, in sub-rule (2), for the words "sixty days", the words "thirty
days" shall be substituted.
10. In Schedule A, for the existing Form 8, the following shall be
substituted, namely:

(See rule 14 (1)}

Application for the license to sell, store and exhibit for sale drugs by way of

I/We of M/S hereby

apply for License for Pharmacy;

The sale of drugs shall be under the personal supervision of; (name,
registration No, NIC No & address with qualification).


I/We am/are submitting herewith the following documents;

(A) testimonials of the person (s), registered under section 24(1)(a) of the
Pharmacy Act 1967, who has agreed to personally supervise the sale
of drugs for license in Form 9 (pharmacy), and the proprietor (s),-

three attested copies of registration certificate issued by a

pharmacy council;

four attested copies of National Identity Card & passport size

photographs of the proprietor (s) and person (s) incharge who
has agreed to personally supervise the sale of the drugs;

in case the applicant is a company, all relevant documents

pertaining to its registration;

affidavit of the person who shall supervise the sale of drugs

and the proprietor, duly verified, to the effect that they:

shall comply with the provisions of the Drugs Act,

1976 and rules framed thereunder;

have not been convicted of any offence from any Court

of law;

shall inform the Licensing Authority for any change in

supervisory staff etc;

are not working in any government I semi government

/ autonomous/private organization;

shall not sell / stock any expired, spurious,

substandard, unregistered misbranded, counterfeit or
any drugs in violation to the drugs laws in force; and

(f) No drug sale license in his favour has been issued in

anywhere in Pakistan which is valid till date.
plan indicating the exact location and specification of the premises
including covered area, dimensions, signboard, air conditioning and
refrigeration facilities and addresses of go-down (if any); and

treasury receipt/challan No & dated -------amounting to Rs.------- in

the specified Head of Account.

Dated: Signature: ------------------

Name, address and Permanent Home Address of the person (s) who shall
' \ personally supervise the sale of drugs.

Signature: ------------------

Name, address and Permanent Home Address of the proprietor (s)

FORM NO. 8 (B)

(See rule 14 (1))

Application for the license to sell, store, exhibit for sale drugs excluding the
drugs specified in Schedule "G" by way of Medical Store

I/We of M/S hereby

apply for License of Medical Store;

The sale of drugs shall be under the personal supervision of-,(Name,

registration No, NIC No & address with qualification).


I/We am/are submitting herewith the following documents;

(A) testimonials of the person (s), registered under section 24(1)(a) or (b)
of the Pharmacy Act 1967, who shall supervise the sale of drugs for
license in Form 10 (medical store)and the proprietor (s); and
Testimonials of the person (s), registered under section 24(1) of the
Pharmacy Act, 1967, who shall personally supervise the sale of drugs
for license in Form 10 (medical store)and the proprietor (s).

three attested copies of registration certificate issued by a

pharmacy council;

four attested copies of National Identity Card & passport size

photographs of the proprietor (s) and person (s) incharge who
has agreed to personally supervise the sale of the drugs;

in case the applicant is a company, all relevant documents

pertaining to its registration;

(iv) affidavit of the person who shall supervise the sale of drugs
and the proprietor, duly verified, to the effect that they:
- (a) shall comply with the provision of the Drugs Act, 1976
and rules framed there under;

have not been convicted of any offence from any Court

of law;

shall inform the Licensing Authority for any change in

supervisory staff etc;

are not working in any government / semi government

I autonomous organization;

shall not sell/stock any expired, spurious, substandard,

unregistered misbranded, counterfeit or any drugs in
violation to the drugs laws in force; and

(g) no drug sale license in his favor has been issued

anywhere in Pakistan which is valid till date.

plan indicating the exact location and specification of the premises

including covered area, dimensions, signboard, air conditioning and
refrigeration facilities and addresses of go-down (if any); and

treasury receipt/challan No & dated -------amounting to Rs.-------in

the specified Head of Account.

Dated: Signature:

Name, address and Permanent Home Address of the person (s) who
shall personally supervise the sale of drugs; and

Name, address and Permanent Home Address of the person (s) who
shall supervise the sale of drugs (if different from (i) above.

Signature: ------------------

Name, address and Permanent Home Address of the proprietor (s).


{See rule 14 (l))
Application for the license to sell, store and exhibit for sale drugs by way of

I/We of M/S hereby

apply for License of who lesal e/Distribution;

The sale of drugs shall be under the personal supervision of; (name,
registration No, NIC No & address with qualification).


3. I/We am/are submitting herewith the following documents;

(A) testimonials of the person (s), registered under section 24(1)(a) of the
Pharmacy Act 1967, who has agreed to personally supervise the sale
of drugs for license in Form 11 and the proprietor (s);

three attested copies of registration certificate issued by a pharmacy


four attested copies of National Identity Card & passport size

photographs of the proprietor (s) and person (s) incharge who has
agreed to personally supervise the sale of the drugs;

in case the applicant is a company, all relevant documents

pertaining to its registration; and

affidavit of the person who shall supervise the sale of drugs

and the proprietor, duly verified, to the effect that they,-

shall comply with the provision of the Drugs Act, 1976

and rules framed there under;

have not been convicted of any offence from any Court

of law;

shall inform the Licensing Authority for any change in

supervisory staff etc;

are not working in any government/semi government/

autonomous organization;

shall not sell/stock any expired, spurious, substandard,

unregistered misbranded, counterfeit or any drugs in
violation to the drugs laws in force; and

no drug sale license in his favor has been issued in

anywhere in Pakistan which is valid till date.

plan indicating the exact location and specification of the premises

including covered area, dimensions, signboard, air conditioning and
refrigeration facilities and addresses of go-down (if any) and also
provide authority letter of the manufacturer(s);

authority letter of the manufacturer(s); and

treasury receipt/challan No & dated -------amounting to Rs.-------in

the specified Head of Account.

Dated: Signature:---------

Name, address and Permanent Home Address of the person (s) who shall
personally supervise the sale of drugs.

Signature: ------------------

Name, address and Permanent Home Address of the proprietor (s).

{See rule 14 (1)}
Application for the license to sell, store, exhibit for sale drugs specified in
Schedule "B"

I/We of M/S hereby

apply for License of Medical Store;

The sale of drugs shall be under the personal supervision of, (Name,
registration No, NIC No & address with qualification).

I/We am/are submitting herewith the following documents;

(A) testimonials of the person (s), registered under section 24(1)(a) or (b)
of the Pharmacy Act 1967, who shall supervise the sale of drugs for
license in Form 10 (medical store)and the proprietor (s); and
Testimonials of the person (s), registered under section 24(1) of the
\ Pharmacy Act, 1967, who shall personally supervise the sale of drugs
for license in Form 10 (medical store)and the proprietor (s)

three attested copies of registration certificate issued by a pharmacy


four attested copies of National Identity Card & passport size

photographs of the proprietor (s) and person (s) incharge who has
3 agreed to personally supervise the sale of the drugs;

in case the applicant is a company, all relevant documents

pertaining to its registration; and

affidavit of the person who shall supervise the sale of drugs and the
proprietor, duly verified, to the effect that they,-

shall comply with the provision of the Drugs Act, 1976

and rules framed there under;

have not been convicted of any offence from any Court

of law;

shall inform the Licensing Authority for any change in

supervisory staff etc;

are not working in any government I semi government

/ autonomous organization;

shall not sell/stock any expired, spurious, substandard,

unregistered misbranded, counterfeit or any drugs in
violation to the drugs laws in force ; and

(f) no drug sale license in his favor has been issued

anywhere in Pakistan which is valid till date.
(B) Plan indicating the exact location and specification of the premises
including covered area, dimensions, signboard, air conditioning and
refrigeration facilities and addresses of godown (if any); and

(C) treasury receipt/challan No & dated -------amounting to Rs.-------in

the specified Head of Account.

Dated: Signature:-----------

Name, address and Permanent Home Address of the person(s) who

shall personally supervise the sale of drugs; and

Name, address and Permanent Home Address of the person (s) who
shall supervise the sale of drugs (if different from (i) above.


Name, address and Permanent Home Address of the proprietor (s).

11. For the existing Schedule C, the following shall be substituted, namely:

[See Rule 11]

I. Short conclusion/judgment (without experimentation) Rs.50

2. Preliminary examination of character e.g. color taste smell form

solubility, miscibility, etc. 115
3. Clarity of solution,
Physical Examination 70
Chemical Examination 115
4. Completeness of solution 150
Ui 5. Identity test, chemical

(a) Inorganic substance 120

(b) Organic substances 125

Unknown sample

Inorganic 170
Organic 225
(i) Element each 150
(i) group each 130
6. Leakage test Injectable 140

7. Disintegration test, dissolution test, weight variation

(uniformity of weight) uniformity of diameter, etc. 340

8. Determination of solubility quantitatively in one solvent 260

9. Determination of melting point
In-capillary 130
In non declared substances 240
10. Micro melting point in non-declared substance 250
11. Crystallizing point, freezing point, setting point and
solidifying point each 200

Distillation range and boiling point, etc. 140

Determination of water/humidity
In ointments. 140
In other material 230
14. Residue after evaporation or loss on drying Quantitatively 130
15. Weight per ml, density, specific gravity, etc. 240
16. Determination of viscosity 250
17. Determination of jelly strength. 240
18. Determination of ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble
ash suiphated ash, alcohol soluble extractive total solids,
etch each. 240
19. Readily carbonisable substances test 225
20. Determination of alcohol in the preparations. 160
21. Extraction with organic solvents 290
22. Continuous extraction of drugs 385
23. Isolation by distillation 260
24. Steam distillation 240
25. Vacuum distillation 350
26. Determination of unsaponifiabe matter free menthol,
cineol, total balsamicacids, etc. Each 250
27. Determination of Acid value, Iodine value,
saponfication value Acetyl value, eaters value, etc, each 150
28. Determination of volatile oils in drugs 170
29. Test for the absence of
a rachis oil in other oils 230
cotton seeds oil in other oils 230
seas am oil in other oil 230
similar other tests 230
30. Determination of Nitrogen Kieldahi 270
f ' 31. Determination of water Karl Fischer 285
32. Impurity Limit test for the presence of
ions each 250
Organic substances each 250
33. Quantitative tests for Lead, Arsenic, Heavy metals etc. 300
34. Determination of Foreign organic matter 250
35. Determination of acidity or alkalinity chemical 180
36. Determination of P.H. electrometrically. 280
37. Test for alkalinity of glass 170
38. Determination of
Sulphur dioxide 160
Methoxyl 160
Absorption of carbon dioxide by soda lime 160
similar other tests 160
39. Assay Chemical
gravimetric each 160
Titrirnetric each 260
Non aqueous titration each 260
Coinplexornetric titration each 290
40. Gasemetric assay 160
41. Potentionmetric titration 150
42. Oxygen Combustion method 150
43. Refractomotry 230
44. Polarimetry 140
45. Spectrophotometery in
(A) Visible region
Sample determination 360
sample Quantitative determination 390
Absorption Curves 320
Flame and atomic absorption 350
(B) UV-Region
Simple Determination 270
simple Quantitative determination 250
Absorption curves 240
(C) IR-Region. 220
46. Fluorirnetry assay 390
47. Naphelometry Assay 250
48. Polarography every component 250
49. Chromatography
paper or ion-exchange or TLC 570
Gas 460
50. Zone Electrophoresis 270
51. Paper Electrophoresis 310
52. Proteolytic, amylolytic activity 270
53. Activity of trypsin or chymotrysin 370
54. Disinfectants/Insecticides.
Complete chemical test 470
Bacteriostatic / bactericidal activity 320
55. Test for complete extraction of alkaloids 630
56. Test for complete extraction of dextrants 440
57. Saponification 250
58. Surgical ligatures and sutures
Measurement of length 130
Measurement of Diameter 130
Tensile strength 140
Softening point 130
other test 250
59. Surgical dressing etc.
determination of Yarn number each 220
Thread count (warp and weft) etc. 120
Elasticity 120
Wt. Per unit area 130
determination of content of wool 230
setting time 120
other chemical test each 230
c) Absorbency 220
Naps etc. 120
Adhesive strength of plasters 120
other tests 150
60. Determination of starch in dressing 230
61. Identity test in vegetable drugs 530
Pharmacopoeial each -
Non official each -
62. Identity test in Pulverized drugs in mixture 550
Official drugs each -
Non official each -
63. Un known vegetable drugs -
64. Microscopic evaluation 250
65. Syringability test 220
66. Air Tightness 250
67. Microbiological tests -
Sterility of Antibiotics, plasma and
other blood preparations 770
sterility test -
sterility of sutures -
Vaccines and Sera etc. -
test for presence of fungi etc. -
68. Test for infusion bags microbiological 790
69. Activity, potency test. 250
Antibiotics per ingredients 330
vitamin etc. 350
70. Other bacteriological examination 370
71. Toxicity/abnormal toxicity /undue, toxicity safety test 320
72. Depressor substances test 320
73. Presser substance test 360
Biological adequacy test 400
Biological assay 360
Pyrogen test 360
Other pharmacological test 250
Clinical pharmacological trials 250
Note: 1. The exact fee by the Incharge of the Laboratory on the basis of time
spent, reagents/chemicals etc used for the conduct of test and analysis

2. Fee for the other tests not given above is to be calculated by the incharge
of the Laboratory.

12. For the existing Schedule F, the following shall be substituted, namely:

[See Rule 18(1) (c)1


Covered Area: The covered area of the premises of a Pharmacy shall

not be less than 300 square feet with minimum breadth of 12 feet in
front and height of 8 feet. In case dispensing/compounding is carried
out, the sign board of pharmacy shall beer an inscription
"Dispensing/Compounding Facility".

Premises: The premises shall be separated from room for private use.
The premises shall be built dry, well lit and ventilated and shall of
sufficient dimensions to allow the goods in stock, especially drugs
and poison to be kept in a clearly visible and appropriate manner. The
area of the section to be used at dispensing department shall not be
less than 6 sq Meters for one person working therein with additional 2
sq Meters for each additional person. The height of the premises shall
at least be 2.5 sq Meters. The floor shall be smooth and washable. The
walls shall be plastered or tiled or oil painted so as to maintain smooth
durable and washable surface devoid of holes cracks. A facility shall
be provided with good quality of water. The dispensing department
shall be separated by a barrier to prevent the entry of public.

Furniture & Apparatus: The furniture and apparatus shall be

adapted to the uses for which they are intended and correspond to the
size to the size and requirement of the establishment.
The drugs and chemicals shall be kept in separate almirahlcupboard
or a room appropriate to their properties and in such special
containers as shall prevent any deterioration of contents or of contents
of containers kept near them. Drawer glasses and other containers
used for keeping medicaments shall be of suitable size and capable of
being closed tightly to prevent the entry of dust.
Every container shall bear label of appropriate size, easily readable,
with names of medicaments as given in Pharmacopoeias.
A facility shall be provided with a dispensing bench, the top of which
shall be covered with washable and impervious material like stainless
steel, laminated or plastics etc. The containers of concentrated
solutions shall bear special label or marked with the word 'Poison" in
red letters on a white background. A Pharmacy shall be provided with
the following minimum apparatus and books necessary for masking of
official preparation and prescriptions:

Extent of dispensing/compounding: The facility shall be used only

for compounding/dispensing of topical preparations including creams,
ointments, lotions etc in quantities as required in the prescription
issued by the registered medical practitioner.
Apparatus: Balances with dispensing sensitivity of 30 mg Balances
Counter, capacity 3 kg, sensitivity 1 gm Beakers lipped, assorted sizes
Bottles prescription, un graduated assorted size Choric extractors
Evaporating dishes, porcelain Filter papers, Funnels, Glasses Litmus
papers, blue and red Measure glasses cylindrical lOml, 25m1, lOOm!
and 500m1 Mortar and pestle glass Ointment slab, porcelain, Ointment
pot with bakelite or suitable cap. Pipettes graduated, 2ml, 5m1 and 10
ml Ring stand (retort) iron, complete with rings Rubber stamps and
pad, scissors, spatula Spirit lamp or gas burner Glass stirring rods,
Thermometers, 0 to 200C Tripot stand, Watch glasses, Water bath
Water distillation still in case eye drops are prepared Weight metric,
1mg to 100mg Wire gauze, Pill finisher, Boxwood Pills Machine, Pill
box and suppository mould.

Books: The United State Pharmacopoeia or British Pharmacopoeia

(Current Edition) National Formulary of Pakistan (Current Edition)
The Drugs Act, 1976 and rules framed there under The Pharmacy Act,
1967 The Dangerous Drug Act and CNS Act, 1997 Any other
relevant book.

General Provisions: Dispensing/compounding of drugs shall be

conducted under the continuous personal supervision of a qualified
person referred to in rule 19 whose name shall be displayed
conspicuously in the premises and his registration certificate issued by
the phariiiacy council shall be displayed in the premises. The qualified
person shall always put on clean white overalls. The premises and the
fittings of the facility shall be properly kept and maintained and
everything must be in good order and clean. All records and register
shall be maintained in accordance with the laws in force. Any
container taken from the poison cupboard shall be replaced therein
immediately after use and the cupboard locked. The keys of the
poison cupboard shall be kept in the personal custody of the
responsible person. Drugs when supplied shall have labels
conforming to the provisions of laws in force.

Note: The above requirements are subject to modification or the

directions of the Licensing Authority, if the Authority is of the
opinion that having regards to the nature of drugs dispensed,
compounded or prepared by the licensee it is necessary to relax the
above requirements in the circumstances of a particular case.

13. After Schedule F, the following new Schedules shall be added, namely:

Schedule G
[See rule 19(1)(d)]

Drugs Not To Be Sold/Stored By Licensee In Form No.10;

1. Antileprosy

i. Rifampicin Injection ii. Dapsone iii. Clofamazine

iv. Ethionamide V. Prothionemide

2. immunological products, Vaccines, Sera / Anti Sera

i.. Anthrax Vaccine Ix Rubella Vaccine

ii. BCG Vaccine X Pneumococcal vaccine
iii Botulisms Antitoxin Xi Poliomyelitis Vaccine
iv. Cholera Vaccine xii Smallpox Vaccine
V. Diphtheria Vaccine xiii Typhoid Vaccine
Influenza Vaccine xiv Immunoglobulins
Measles Vaccine xv Rabies Vaccine
MMR Vaccine xvi Homophiles Influenza Type B Vaccine

Products Related with Malignant Diseases and


i. Folinic Acid ii. Doxorubicin HCl iii. Mercaptopurine

iv. Thioguanine v. Vincristine vi. Cisplastin vii. Busuiphan
viii. Carmustine ix. Lornustine x. Cyclophosphamide
xi. Meiphalan xii. Fluorouracil xiii. Mitozantrone
xiv. Methotrexate xv. Vinbiastine xv. Carboplatin
xvii. Bleoimycin xviii. Dactinomycin xix. Chiorambucil
xx. Dacarbazine xxi. Amasascrine xxii. Azathioprine
xxiii. Cyclosporin etc

Drugs of Anesthesia and Inhalation Anesthetics

i. Propofol Mitazolam
ii, Enfluran Naloxone HCl
iii . Isofluran xv. Vancuroniurn
iv. Halothane xi. Pancuronium
V. Bupivacain xii. Tubocuraine
vi. Thiopentone xiii. Suxarnethonium
vii. Benzodiazepine xiv. Neostigmine


i. Spectinomycin ii. Vancomycin iii. Teicoplanon

iv. Colistin v. Sodium Fusidate vi. Imipenern


i. Primacor ii. Milrinone iii. Enoximone

Injection Prostaglandins

i. Dinoprostone ii. Carboprost iii. Gerneprost

Alpha Blocker

i. Prazosin HCI ii. Indoramine iii. Daxazosing

iv. Alfuzosin

Biotechnological Products

i. Interferon ii. Erythropoetin

Narcotics, Psychotropic / Tri Cyclic Anti Depressant

i. Morphine xviii. Chlorpromazine

ii. B uprenorphine xix. Meprobamate
iii. Nalbuphine xx. Chlordiazepoxide
iv. Fantanil xxi. Aiprozolam
V. Pethidine xxii. Clonazepam
vi. Lorazeparn xxiii. Flurazepam
vii. Ternazepam xxiv. Loprazolarn
viii. Oxazepam xxv. Dothiepin
ix. Amoxapine xxvi. Doxepin
X. Iprine Dole Codeine xxvii. Nortriptyline
xi. Pentazocine xxviii. Trimiprarnine
Pheneizine xxix. Tranycypromine
Lithium xxx. Flupenthixol
Dextropropoxyphene xxxi Tryptophan
Clornipramine xxxii. Imipramine
Mianserin xxxiii. Amipriptyline etc

11. Antiviral
Acyclovir vii. Idoxuridine
Amantadjne HC! viii. Ribavirin
Famciclovir ix. Vidarabin
Inosine Pranolsex X. Trifluridine
V. Zidovudine xi Methisozone etc
;i vi. Ganciclovir

\ - 12. Thrombolytic Enzymes

\ ' i. Alteplase ii. Anisireplase iii. Streptokinase
iv. Urokinase

13. Product Used in Dialysis

Peritoneal Dialysis & Haemodialysis
Lysine Solution (Irrigation Solution)
Hyper tonic Solution Iv Isotonic Solution

14. Creams and aerosols Steroidal Preparations

i. Predni solone ii. Methylprednislone
iii. Triamcinolone iv. . Dexamethasone
V. Beclornethasone vi. 1-lydrocortisone

15. Hormones
Vasopressin Finasteriode
Desmopressin Finasteriode
Stanozolol Somatropin
Nandrolone Testosterone
V. Mestero lone X. Progesterone's

Note: The Secretary to Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Health

Department may, on the recommendations of the Provincial Quality Control
Board, by notification in the official gazette, declare any drug to be schedule
G drug for the purposes of these rules.

Schedule H
[See Rule 18(1)(t)]



The person (s) registered under section 24(1)(a) of the Pharmacy Act
1967 (XI of 1967) shall personally supervise the sale of drugs;

A sign board having minimum length 5 feet and width of 2.5 feet in
black writing on a yellow colored shall be displayed on the front side;

The licensee shall maintain area sufficient for the storage of the drugs
intended to be sold/distributed but shall in no case be less than 144 Sq
Ft with minimum breath of 12 feet;

Steel racks/pellets shall be made available for the storage of drugs;

(v) Drugs shall be stored in a way that suitable distance shall be

maintained form the walls and floor;
Air conditioner/air handling unit shall be provided for the maintaining
room temperature, however, cold storage arrangements shall have to
be put in place in case the licensee is dealing with drugs requiring
temperature 2 to 8 C;

Accounts/admin office shall be established with computer facility for

updated record of sale/purchase of pharmaceuticals.

Authority letter of the manufacturer(s) must be displayed.

For the safe delivery of drugs to the sale outlets, the delivery van must
be air conditioned for preserving the properties of the content
throughout the period during which it remained in possession of the

The premises should be located in commercial arealbuilding at

preferably be at ground floor.

The sale/supply should be according to the Rules/Act and

notifications issued from time to time.

For drugs requiring special storage condition, proper storage must be


This license and registration certificate (from pharmacy council) of

the person(s), personally supervising the sale of drugs shall be
displayed in a prominent place in part of the premises at appropriate
level, open and visible to the public.

The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Drugs Act, 1976
and the rules framed there under for the time being in force.

The licensee shall report forthwith to the Licensing Authority and

Drug Inspector, in case of any change in person (s) incharge,
personally supervising the sale of drugs.

No drug requiring special storage conditions of temperature and

humidity shall be stored or sold unless the precautions necessary for
preserving the properties of the contents have been observed
throughout the period during which it remained in possession of the

The supply of a drug shall be recorded suitably and the records, the
bills or the counterfoils shall be preserved for a period of at least three
years from the date of the sale;

The licensee shall ensure that warranty in the prescribed form is

issued to the purchaser for every batch of drug in compliance with the
provisions of the section 23(1)(i) of the Drug Act, 1976.

The licensee shall ensure that warranty in the prescribed form is

obtained from the manufacturer or importer for every batch of drug so
procured in compliance with the provisions of the section 23(1)(i) of
the Drug Act, 1976.


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