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109976; G.R. No. 112800 April 26, 2005

This is a consolidation of two Petitions for Review on Certiorari filed by the Philippine
National Oil Company (PNOC)1 and the Philippine National Bank (PNB),<2 assailing
the decisions of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 295833 and CA-G.R. SP No.
29526,4 respectively, which both affirmed the decision of the Court of Tax Appeals
(CTA) in CTA Case No. 4249.5
The Petitions before this Court originated from a sworn statement submitted by
private respondent Tirso B. Savellano (Savellano) to the Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR) on 24 June 1986. Through his sworn statement, private respondent Savellano
informed the BIR that PNB had failed to withhold the 15% final tax on interest
earnings and/or yields from the money placements of PNOC with the said bank, in
violation of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1931. P.D. 3 MAS

No. 1931, which took effect on 11 June 1984, withdrew all tax exemptions of
government-owned and controlled corporations.
In a letter, dated 08 August 1986, the BIR requested PNOC to settle its liability for
taxes on the interests earned by its money placements with PNB and which PNB did
not withhold.6 PNOC wrote the BIR on 25 September 1986, and made an offer to
compromise its tax liability, which it estimated to be in the sum of P304,419,396.83,
excluding interest and surcharges, as of 31 July 1986. PNOC proposed to set-off its
tax liability against a claim for tax refund/credit of the National Power Corporation
(NAPOCOR), then pending with the BIR, in the amount of P335,259,450.21. The
amount of the claim for tax refund/credit was supposedly a receivable account of
On 08 October 1986, the BIR sent a demand letter to PNB, as withholding agent, for
the payment of the final tax on the interest earnings and/or yields from PNOC's
money placements with the bank, from 15 October 1984 to 15 October 1986, in the
total amount of P376,301,133.33.8 On the same date, the BIR also mailed a letter to
PNOC informing it of the demand letter sent to PNB.9
PNOC, in another letter, dated 14 October 1986, reiterated its proposal to settle its
tax liability through the set-off of the said tax liability against NAPOCOR'S pending
claim for tax refund/credit.10 The BIR replied on 11 November 1986 that the
proposal for set-off was premature since NAPOCOR's claim was still under process.
Once more, BIR requested PNOC to settle its tax liability in the total amount of
P385,961,580.82, consisting of P303,343,765.32 final tax, plus P82,617,815.50
interest computed until 15 November 1986.11
On 09 June 1987, PNOC made another offer to the BIR to settle its tax liability. This
time, however, PNOC proposed a compromise by paying P91,003,129.89,
representing 30% of the P303,343,766.29 basic tax, in accordance with the
provisions of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 44.12
Then BIR Commissioner P 2,952,349.23
Bienvenido A. Tan, in a
letter, dated 22 June 1987,
accepted the compromise.
The BIR received a total
tax payment on the
interest earnings and/or
yields from PNOC's money
placements with PNB in
the amount of
P93,955,479.12, broken
down as follows: Previous
payment made by PNB
Add: Payment made by P 91,003,129.89
PNOC pursuant to the
compromise agreement of
June 22, 1987
Total tax payment P 93,955,479.1213
Private respondent Savellano, through four installments, was paid the informer's
reward in the total amount of P14,093,321.89, representing 15% of the
P93,955,479.12 tax collected by the BIR from PNOC and PNB. He received the last
installment on 01 December 1987.14 4 MAS

On 07 January 1988, P 385,961,580.82

private respondent
Savellano, through his
legal counsel, wrote the
BIR to demand payment of
the balance of his
informer's reward,
computed as follows: BIR
tax assessment
Final tax rate 0.15
Informer's reward due (BIR P 57,894,237.12
deficiency tax assessment
x Final tax rate)
Less: Payment received by P 14,093,321.89
private respondent
Outstanding balance P 43,800,915.2515
BIR Commissioner Tan replied through a letter, dated 08 March 1988, that private
respondent Savellano was already fully paid the informer's reward equivalent to
15% of the amount of tax actually collected by the BIR pursuant to its compromise
agreement with PNOC. BIR Commissioner Tan further explained that the
compromise was in accordance with the provisions of E.O. No. 44, Revenue
Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 39-86, and RMO No. 4-87.16
Private respondent Savellano submitted another letter, dated 24 March 1988, to BIR
Commissioner Tan, seeking reconsideration of his decision to compromise the tax
liability of PNOC. In the same letter, private respondent Savellano questioned the
legality of the compromise agreement entered into by the BIR and PNOC and
claimed that the tax liability should have been collected in full.17
On 08 April 1988, while the aforesaid Motion for Reconsideration was still pending
with the BIR, private respondent Savellano filed a Petition for Review ad cautelam
with the CTA, docketed as CTA Case No. 4249. He claimed therein that BIR
Commissioner Tan acted "with grave abuse of discretion and/or whimsical exercise
of jurisdiction" in entering into a compromise agreement that resulted in "a gross
and unconscionable diminution" of his reward. Private respondent Savellano prayed
for the enforcement and collection of the total tax assessment against taxpayer
PNOC and/or withholding agent PNB; and the payment to him by the BIR
Commissioner of the 15% informer's reward on the total tax collected.18 He would
later amend his Petition to implead PNOC and PNB as necessary and indispensable
parties since they were parties to the compromise agreement.19
In his Answer filed with the CTA, BIR Commissioner Tan asserted that the Petition
stated no cause of action against him, and that private respondent Savellano was
already paid the informer's reward due him. Alleging that the Petition was baseless
and malicious, BIR Commissioner Tan filed a counterclaim for exemplary damages
against private respondent Savellano.20
PNOC and PNB filed separate Motions to Dismiss, both arguing that the CTA lacked
jurisdiction to decide the case.21 In its Resolution, dated 28 November 1988, the
CTA denied the Motions to Dismiss since the question of lack of jurisdiction and/or
cause of action do not appear to be indubitable.22 5 MAS

After their Motions to Dismiss were denied by the CTA, PNOC and PNB filed their
respective Answers to the amended Petition. PNOC averred, among other things,
that (1) it had no privity with private respondent Savellano; (2) the BIR
Commissioner's discretionary act in entering into the compromise agreement had
legal basis under E.O. No. 44 and RMO No. 39-86 and RMO No. 4-87; and (3) the CTA
had no jurisdiction to resolve the case against it.23 On the other hand, PNB asserted
that (1) the CTA lacked jurisdiction over the case; and (2) the BIR Commissioner's
decision to accept the compromise was discretionary on his part and, therefore,
cannot be reviewed or interfered with by the courts.24 PNOC and PNB later filed
their amended Answer invoking an opinion of the Commission on Audit (COA)
disallowing the payment by the BIR of informer's reward to private respondent
The CTA, thereafter, ordered the parties to submit their evidence,26 to be followed
by their respective Memoranda.27
On 23 November 1990, private respondent Savellano, filed a Manifestation with
Motion for Suspension of Proceedings, claiming that his pending Motion for
Reconsideration with the BIR Commissioner may soon be resolved.28 Both PNOC
and PNB opposed the said Motion.29
Subsequently, the new BIR P 385,961,580.82
Commissioner, Jose U. Ong,
in a letter to PNB, dated 16
January 1991, demanded
that PNB pay deficiency
withholding tax on the
interest earnings and/or
yields from PNOC's money
placements, in the amount
of P294,958,450.73,
computed as follows:
Withholding tax, plus
interest under the letter of
demand dated November
11, 1986
Less: Amount paid under P 91,003,129.89
E.O. No. 44
Amount still due and P 294,958,450.7330

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