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SUBJECT : Subject Pronouns and Verb To Be

A) Fill in the blanks using HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY:

cat and horse Mary Tom

Jack and I .. books . sister .
You and Dave .. plane . sunshine .
cheese cactus parents ..
Pamela news ................ scissors ...................
geese . flowers piano .
school . daughter milk
children .. sugar .. feet ..
bicycle Ann and Kate . tennis .
son . mice sky .
shop . buses .. papers
Mr. Green brother-in-law .. picture ..
friendship . dolphin The Riggs family ..

B) Fill in the blanks using AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISNT, ARENT:

1. It . an onion. (+) 11. zmir .. a city. (+)

2. Jasmine .. a student. (-) 12. He a postman. (+)
3. We .friends. (+) 13. It . nine oclock. (+)
4. I . hungry. (-) 14. Manhattan . an island. (-)
5. Mark ............. 20 years old. (+) 15. Mr. Richards a lawyer. (+)
6. A bee .. a big insect. (-) 16. I ..ill. I . happy. (+ / -)
7. Newsweek a magazine. (+) 17. London .. a big city. (+)
8. I . a professional football 18. Dave and Adrian sisters. They ..
player. (-) brothers. (- / +)
9. I know you. You . in my class. (+) 19. New York . near to New Jersey. (+)
10.Cows insects. They . 20. Susan and I .. teachers. We ..
mammals. (- / +) students. (- / +)

C) Fill in the blanks using AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISNT, ARENT:

1. Germany, England, and Spain cities.

2. A lemon .. sweet. It .. sour.
3. Copper .. cheap. Diamonds expensive.
4. Airplanes .. slow. They . fast.
5. Ice cream and candy .. sweet.
6. Today cloudy. It .. bright.
7. My brother married. He single.
8. I from Turkey. I .. from Canada.
9. Maths hard. It .. easy.
10. Mariah a beautiful girl. She ugly.

D) Rewrite the sentences by using IS, ISNT, AM, AM NOT:

1. London arent a country. .London isnt a country..
2. The United States arent a city. .
3. An elephant am not a small animal. .
4. English and Turkish isnt sister languages. .
5. Mercedes arent a bike. .
6. Is I a student ? .
7. Mrs. Stuart arent a poor woman. .
8. Cigarettes isnt good for people. ..
9. The North Pole am not hot. ..
10. Simon are from United Kingdom. ..

E) Complete this postcard by using AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT , ISNT,ARENT:

My name .is.. Jack, and this .is Sue.
She . my sister. Sue .. twelve years old and I sixteen.
We . adults. We .. students. We Canadians. We .
We .. from Chicago. Chicago .. in the United States.
Best regards,

F) Write short sentences:

(Chris, 9, student, short, not Chinese)
..Chris is nine years old. He is a student. He is short. He isnt Chinese.. .

1. (Leonard and Mike, 25, firemen, tall, American)

2. (Patty and Brian, 12, not electrician, short, not Turkish children)
3. (Natalie and I, nurse, not tall, French)
4. (Mark, 19, accountant, short, British)
5. (Cengiz, 23, lieutenant, not blonde, Turkish)

G) Build up sentences:

1. Mike / drummer (-) ..Mike isnt a drummer...................

2. Charlie and Chris / policemen(+) ..
3. Danny and Rick / singers (-) .
4. Salem and Lucky / puppies (+) .
5. Rome / London / cities (+) .

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