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[Adm. Case No. 8108. July 15, 2014.]



[Adm. Case No. 10299. July 15, 2014.]


L. VERANO, JR., respondent.



Before this Court is the Resolution 1 of the Board of Governors of the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines (IBP) nding respondent Atty. Felisberto Verano liable for
improper and inappropriate conduct tending to inuence and/or giving the
appearance of inuence upon a public ocial. The Joint Report and
Recommendation submitted by Commissioner Felimon C. Abelita III
recommended that respondent be issued a warning not to repeat the same nor
any similar action, otherwise the Commission will impose a more severe penalty.
The Commission adopted the said ruling on 16 April 2013. 2
The complainants in Administrative Case (A.C.) No. 8108 are Dante La Jimenez
and Lauro G. Vizconde, while complainant in Adm. Case No. 10299 is Atty. Oliver
O. Lozano. At the time of the ling of the complaints, respondent Atty. Verano
was representing his clients Richard S. Brodett and Joseph R. Tecson.
Brodett and Tecson (identied in media reports attached to the Complaint as the
"Alabang Boys") were the accused in cases led by the Philippine Drug
Enforcement Agency (PDEA) for the illegal sale and use of dangerous drugs. 3 In a
Joint Inquest Resolution issued on 2 December 2008, the charges were dropped
for lack of probable cause. 4
Because of the failure of Prosecutor John R. Resado to ask claricatory questions
during the evaluation of the case, several media outlets reported on incidents of
bribery and "cover-up" allegedly prevalent in investigations of the drug trade.
This prompted the House Committee on Illegal Drugs to conduct its own
congressional hearings. It was revealed during one such hearing that respondent
had prepared the release order for his three clients using the letterhead of the
Department of Justice (DOJ) and the stationery of then Secretary Raul Gonzales.

Jimenez and Vizconde, in their capacity as founders of Volunteers Against Crime

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and Corruption (VACC), sent a letter of complaint to Chief Justice Reynato S.
Puno. They stated that respondent had admitted to drafting the release order,
and had thereby committed a highly irregular and unethical act. They argued
that respondent had no authority to use the DOJ letterhead and should be
penalized for acts unbecoming a member of the bar. 6
For his part, Atty. Lozano anchored his Complaint on respondent's alleged
violation of Canon 1 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, which states that
a lawyer shall uphold the Constitution, obey the laws of the land, and promote
respect for legal processes. 7 Atty. Lozano contended that respondent showed
disrespect for the law and legal processes in drafting the said order and sending it
to a high-ranking public ocial, even though the latter was not a government
prosecutor. 8 Atty. Lozano's veried Complaint-Adavit was led with the
Committee on Bar Discipline of the IBP and docketed as CBD Case No. 09-2356. 9
Ocers of the IBP, Cebu City Chapter, issued a Resolution condemning the
unethical conduct of respondent and showing unqualied support for the VACC's
ling of disbarment proceedings. 10 On 27 February 2009, Atty. Lozano withdrew
his Complaint on the ground that a similar action had been led by Dante
J imenez. 11 On 2 June 2009, the Court referred both cases to the IBP for
consolidation, as well as for investigation, report and recommendation. ESDcIA

In his Comment, respondent alludes to the Joint Inquest Resolution dropping the
charges against his clients for lack of probable cause, arguing that the resolution
also ordered the immediate release of Brodett and Tecson. He reasoned that the
high hopes of the accused, together with their families, came crashing down
when the PDEA still refused to release his clients. 12 Sheer faith in the innocence
of his clients and delity to their cause prompted him to prepare and draft the
release order. Respondent admits that perhaps he was overzealous; yet, "if the
Secretary of Justice approves it, then everything may be expedited." 13 In any
case, respondent continues, the drafted release order was not signed by the
Secretary and therefore remained "a mere scrap of paper with no eect at all." 14
The Commissioner noted that both complaints remained unsubstantiated, while
the letter-complaint of Jimenez and Vizconde had not been veried. Therefore, no
evidence was adduced to prove the charges.
However, by his own admissions in paragraphs 11 and 12 of his Comment,
respondent drafted the release order specically for the signature of the DOJ
Secretary. This act of "feeding" the draft order to the latter was found to be
highly irregular, as it tended to inuence a public ocial. Hence, Commissioner
Abelita found respondent guilty of violating Canon 13 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility and recommended that he be issued a warning not to repeat the
same or any similar action. 15
We emphasize at the outset that the Court may conduct its own investigation
into charges against members of the bar, irrespective of the form of initiatory
complaints brought before it. Thus, a complainant in a disbarment case is not a
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direct party to the case, but a witness who brought the matter to the attention of
the Court. 16 By now, it is basic that there is neither a plainti nor a prosecutor in
disciplinary proceedings against lawyers. The real question for determination in
these proceedings is whether or not the attorney is still a t person to be allowed
the privileges of a member of the bar. 17
As to Atty. Lozano's withdrawal of his veried Complaint, we reiterate our ruling
in Rayos-Ombac v. Rayos:
The adavit of withdrawal of the disbarment case allegedly executed by
complainant does not, in any way, exonerate the respondent. A case of
suspension or disbarment may proceed regardless of interest or lack of
interest of the complainant. What matters is whether, on the basis of the
facts borne out by the record, the charge of deceit and grossly immoral
conduct has been duly proven . . . . The complainant or the person who
called the attention of the court to the attorney's alleged misconduct is in
no sense a party, and has generally no interest in the outcome except as
all good citizens may have in the proper administration of justice. Hence,
if the evidence on record warrants, the respondent may be
suspended or disbarred despite the desistance of complainant
or his withdrawal of the charges. 18 (Emphasis supplied)

After a careful review of the records, we agree with the IBP in nding reasonable
grounds to hold respondent administratively liable. Canon 13, the provision
applied by the Investigating Commissioner, states that "a lawyer shall rely upon
the merits of his cause and refrain from any impropriety which tends to
inuence, or gives the appearance of inuencing the court." We believe that
other provisions in the Code of Professional Responsibility likewise prohibit acts
of inuence-peddling not limited to the regular courts, but even in all other
venues in the justice sector, where respect for the rule of law is at all times
demanded from a member of the bar.
During the mandatory hearing conducted by the Committee on Bar Discipline,
respondent stated that the PDEA refused to release his clients unless it received a
direct order from the DOJ Secretary. This refusal purportedly impelled him to take
more serious action, viz.:
ATTY. VERANO: . . . By Monday December 22 I think my only recourse
was to see the Secretary himself personally. The Secretary is the type of
a person who opens his [sic] kasi he is very political also so he opens his
oce. If I'm not mistaken that day because of the timing we will afraid
[sic] that Christmas time is coming and that baka nga sila maipit sa loob
ng Christmas time. So the family was very sad . . . kung pwede ko raw
gawan ng paraan na total na-dismissed na ang kaso. So, what I did was
thinking as a lawyer now. . . I prepared the sta to make it easy, to make
it convenient for signing authority that if he agrees with our appeal he will
just sign it and send it over to PDEA. So hinanda ko ho yon. And then I
sent it rst to the Oce of the other Secretary si Blancaor.

xxx xxx xxx

So I think it's a Tuesday I had to do something and I said I will see the
Secretary rst with the parents of Rodette, yong nanay at saka tatay, so
we went to see him after 1:00 o'clock or 1:30 in the afternoon. By then,
that draft was still with Blancaor. Andon ho ang Secretary tinanggap
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naman kami, so we sat down with him . . . Pinaliwanag ho namin in-explain
. . . Anyway, sabi niya what can I do if I move on this, they will think that
kasama rin ako dyan sa Fifty Million na yan. Sabi ko, Your Honor, wala
akong Fifty Million, hindi naman ho milyonaryo ang mga pamilyang ito. So,
sabi ko pwede ho bang maki-usap. . . sabi niya okay I will see what I can
do. I will study the matter, those particular words, I will study the matter.
Tumuloy pa ho ang kwentuhan, as a matter of fact, 2 oras ho kami ron
eh. They were not pushing us away, he was entertaining us, and we were
discussing the case. 19

Respondent likewise stated that his "experience with Secretary Gonzales is, he is
very open;" and that "because of my practice and well, candidly I belong also to a
political family, my father was a Congressman. So, he (Gonzalez) knows of the
family and he knows my sister was a Congresswoman of Pasay and they were
together in Congress. In other words, I am not a complete stranger to him." 20
Upon questioning by Commissioner Rico A. Limpingco, respondent admitted that
he was personally acquainted with the Secretary; however, they were not that
close. 21
These statements and others made during the hearing establish respondent's
admission that 1) he personally approached the DOJ Secretary despite the fact
that the case was still pending before the latter; and 2) respondent caused the
preparation of the draft release order on ocial DOJ stationery despite being
unauthorized to do so, with the end in view of "expediting the case."
The way respondent conducted himself manifested a clear intent to gain special
treatment and consideration from a government agency. This is precisely the
type of improper behavior sought to be regulated by the codied norms for the
bar. Respondent is duty-bound to actively avoid any act that tends to inuence,
or may be seen to inuence, the outcome of an ongoing case, lest the people's
faith in the judicial process is diluted. ADHaTC

The primary duty of lawyers is not to their clients but to the administration of
justice. To that end, their clients' success is wholly subordinate. The conduct of a
member of the bar ought to and must always be scrupulously observant of the
law and ethics. Any means, not honorable, fair and honest which is resorted to
by the lawyer, even in the pursuit of his devotion to his client's cause, is
condemnable and unethical. 22
Rule 1.02 states: "A lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities aimed at deance
of the law or at lessening condence in the legal system." Further, according to
Rule 15.06, "a lawyer shall not state or imply that he is able to inuence any
public ocial, tribunal or legislative body." The succeeding rule, Rule 15.07,
mandates a lawyer "to impress upon his client compliance with the laws and the
principles of fairness."
Zeal and persistence in advancing a client's cause must always be within the
bounds of the law. 23 A self-respecting independence in the exercise of the
profession is expected if an attorney is to remain a member of the bar. In the
present case, we nd that respondent fell short of these exacting standards.
Given the import of the case, a warning is a mere slap on the wrist that would
not serve as commensurate penalty for the oense.
I n Sylvia Santos vs. Judge Evelyn S. Arcaya-Chua, the Court saw t to impose a
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six-month suspension against a judge who likewise committed acts of inuence
peddling when she solicited PhP100,000.00 from complainant Santos when the
latter asked for her help in the case of her friend Emerita Muoz, who had a
pending case with the Supreme Court, because respondent judge was a former
court attorney of the high court. 24 We nd that the same penalty is appropriate
in the present case.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, Atty. Felisberto L. Verano, Jr. is found
GUILTY of violating Rules 1.02 and 15.07, in relation to Canon 13 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility, for which he is SUSPENDED from the practice of law
for six (6) months eective immediately. This also serves as an emphatic
WARNING that repetition of any similar oense shall be dealt with more
Let copies of this Decision be appended to the respondent's bar records. The
Court Administrator is hereby directed to inform the dierent courts of this
Carpio, Leonardo-de Castro, Bersamin, Del Castillo, Villarama, Jr., Perez,
Mendoza, Reyes, Perlas-Bernabe and Leonen, JJ., concur.
Velasco, Jr. and Peralta, JJ., are on ocial leave.
Brion, J., is on leave.
1. Rollo (A.C. No. 8108), pp. 200-203.

2. Id. at 200.
3. In violation of Sections 5 and 11 of Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.

4. Rollo (A.C. No. 8108), pp. 57-79.

5. Id. at 8-9; Resolution Condemning the Improper and Highly Unethical Conduct of
Lawyer Felisberto Verano, Jr. issued by the IBP, Cebu City Chapter.
6. Id. at 1.

7. Rollo (A.C. No. 10299), p. 2.

8. Id. at 3.

9. Rollo (A.C. No. 8108), p. 201.

10. Supra note 5.
11. Rollo (A.C. No. 10299), p. 39.

12. Rollo (A.C. No. 8108), pp. 43-53; Comment.

13. Id. at 46-47.

14. Id.

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15. Id. at 201-203; Joint Report and Recommendation.

16. Ylaya v. Gacott, A.C. No. 6475, 30 January 2013, 689 SCRA 452.
17. Pena v. Aparicio, 552 Phil. 512 (2007).
18. 349 Phil. 7, 15-16 (1998).

19. Rollo (A.C. No. 8108), pp. 171-175; Transcript of Stenographic Notes, 4 November

20. Id. at 155-156.

21. Id. at 156.

22. Rural Bank of Calape, Inc. (RBCI) Bohol v. Florido , A.C. No. 5736, June 18, 2010,
621 SCRA 182, 187.

23. Code of Professional Responsibility, Canon 19.

24. A.M. No. RTJ-07-2093 (Formerly OCA IPI No. 05-2312-RTJ), February 13, 2009.

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