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ALIEN. What a perfectly appropriate title for a film in which H.R. Giger displays his uniquely gripping style. It
is the word which. in a sense, best describes this Swiss artist's masterful design work.

Giger's ALIEN is a journey. It is. however. not a journey for the overly sensitive. Take a deep breath and find a
comfortable seat as the Charon-Giger poles through the black. murky depths of his nightmare imagination and
shines his lantern light of paint and brush onto the mysterious and unsettling images that only he could conceive
and illuminate.

Follow along with Giger as he describes the genesis. gestation. and final cinematic birth of the bizarrely brilliant
creations of his singular imagination and talent. The result is one of the most successful marriages of design. art
and film in the history of cinema: A marriage that culminated in Giger receiving the Academy Award for his

Since the first elegantly baroque Alien crept from the dank shadows of the original 1979 film. there have been
three sequels presented to an eagerly anticipating audience. Different films all. save for the one thread that binds
them together - the captivating imagery and style of Swiss designer H.R. Giger. Although he was not asked to
work on ALIENS or ALIEN RESURRECTION and had very little input into ALIEN3. the power of that unique
imagery is still more than sufficient to bug eyes and slack jaws. It is not just the potent horror that the film's
milieu presents. It is the effect of such intense gracefulness and grotesqueness synthesized into a strangely corn-
pelling new form. From the landscape of that remote world to the derelict craft and its bizarre. hungry secrets.
Giger's art and craft have given us something very special indeed. One can only wonder as to the amazing level
the visual impact those subsequent films could have reached were the creator of the original magic given the free
reign so many would have loved him to have had. However. such a thing is rare in Hollywood. Perhaps one
should be grateful for whatever this Promethean fantasist was allowed to create under the encouraging auspices
of director Ridley Scott. whose self-confidence and artistic eye gave him the vision to permit genius to romp

-jarncs R. Cowan

H.R. Giger books, calendars. posters, signed limited edition prints and original works available from

Phone: (702) 233-3339
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