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Alberni Valley Tyees

Operating Policy

Mission Statement
The purpose of Association is to equitably promote, develop, and administer all aspects
of the game of lacrosse in Port Alberni and surrounding areas, and to provide opportunities
for the pursuit of excellence and lifelong participation:

a) To provide the ability for boys and girls to play lacrosse in an association affiliated with
and sanctioned by the British Columbia Lacrosse Association;

b) To foster a greater knowledge of lacrosse and the attributes of organized sport for boys
and girls in the Port Alberni community;

c) To promote, teach and preserve the game of lacrosse;

d) To teach sportsmanship to the participants and to emphasize the necessity of fair play;

e) To teach mutual respect among players, officials and spectators.

The Operating Policy of the Alberni Valley Minor Lacrosse Association has been developed
to ensure consistency in the day-to-day and season-to-season operations of the
Association. The policies contained within are designed to ensure fair and equal
treatment to all our participants (players, coaches, officials and parents) and must always
be consistent with the goals and objectives of the Association as laid down in its
Constitution & By-Laws.

Glossary of Terms

a) Association or AVMLA - Alberni Valley Minor Lacrosse Association

b) BCLA - British Columbia Lacrosse Association, including its Minor Directorate

c) BCLCA - British Columbia Lacrosse Coaches Association

d) BCLOA - British Columbia Lacrosse Officials Association

e) CLA - Canadian Lacrosse Association

f) Constitution & By-Laws - the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association, as adopted
by its membership and registered with the Corporate Registry as per the Society Act
g) Executive is the Executive Committee of Alberni Valley Minor Lacrosse consisting of
elected Executive and appointed Directors

h) Operating Policy - this collection of policies adopted by the Executive to guide in the
on-going operations of Alberni Valley Minor Lacrosse

i) Parent - a parent or guardian of a registered AVMLA Player

j) Players - athletes eligible to play within a playing division and registered by AVMLA in
accordance with the Constitution & By-Laws

k) Senior Teams - teams operated by AVMLA in the BC Intermediate Lacrosse League or

leagues above Intermediate

l) AVMLA Website - the official website:

m) Team Officials - the Head Coach, all Assistant Coaches, Manager and Trainer of
an AVMLA team.

n) VIMLC Vancouver Island Minor Lacrosse Commission

The policies contained within this are subservient to the Constitution & By-Laws of the
Association as well as any policies laid down by the various governing lacrosse bodies
including the CLA, BCLA and its Minor Directorate and, if applicable, the policies of the
VIMLC . If any conflict is found, the Executive will, at its first opportunity, ca
such conflicting policies to be changed to meet or exceed the standards set by
the governing body.

Official Colours, Team Names & Logos

a) The recognized official colours of the Association Box teams shall be predominantly
black in colour, with red and white trim or highlights.(Example)

Pictures to be inserted
b) All Box teams in the Association shall be named and known as the "Tyees".

c) The above logo shall be on all Association letterhead, official documents,

newsletters, notices and player uniforms/jerseys and not be altered in any way.

d) No person shall use or reproduce the current or any past AVMLA logo for any reason,
except by the Executive or anyone granted permission by the Executive. In order
to obtain permission, a letter outlining why and how the logo is to be used must be
sent to the Executive for consideration and possible approval.

a) The Association will provide each player with jerseys. Jerseys are on loan only, and
a refundable deposit will be collected at registration. No refund will be issued if the
jersey is not returned or is returned in a damaged condition (other than normal wear
and tear).

Correspondence, Use of Letterhead/Other Official Business

a) No person shall represent the Association in an official capacity, except for the
Executive (including individual members of the Executive) or anyone granted permission
by the Executive.
b) No one shall use the Association letterhead for any reason, except for the Executive
(including individual members of the Executive) or anyone granted permission by the
c) All official written correspondence (including e-mail) sent by any Association member
must be copied to the Secretary.
d) No person shall conduct any surveys or opinion polls for any reason in relation to
the Association, except for the Executive or anyone granted permission by the Executive.

The Associations catchment is anything west of Cameron Lake to the West Coast
and surrounding areas, as authorized by BCLA.

The Operating Policies of the Association may only be changed at an Annual General Meeting
or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association. No amendments shall be made unless
carried by a simple majority of the Voting Members in attendance at an Annual General
Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting and as long as a quorum is present.

Team Size
The Executive will determine the individual team size for each division after the official
registration has been done.
Team Selection
a) The Association has two distinct team selection and tiering processes to meet the
completely different needs of the Non Competitive and Competitive divisions.
Non Competitive will be Mini-Tyke, Tyke and Novice.
b) Competitive will be, Peewee, Bantam and Midget.
Non Competitive Divisions

(i) At the younger age groups, or where two or more teams will compete at the same
level within a division, the Association will have as its first aim the balancing of all teams
at the particular age group. To ensure this, prior to the season, joint practices will be
held by all coaches of the particular age group. All of the coaches will participate jointly in
the running of these practices to ensure that all coaches have an equal opportunity to work
with the players and evaluate their skills. In conjunction with the Association Head
Coach and Division Coordinator (if applicable), the coaches will jointly rate the relative
skills of all players and make selections by way of rotating draft until all available
players have been selected as defined in the Player Draft Policy.

Competitive Divisions

ii) At PeeWee and older divisions (where the VIMLC recognizes tiered play), the Association
will try to field a team in the highest possible category. This means, for example, that the
Association would try to field an A1 and a B level team in a division in preference to two
A2 level teams. With this general principle in mind, the Association will recognize that in
some instances it may not have a group of players capable of being competitive at the
A1 level. In this case an exception may be allowed. The important concept is competition,
which does not mean the ability to win the league championship or a Provincial Medal but
rather that the team is able to win a fair share of games in the regular league play.
EvaluationCompetitive Divisions
a) The Association is committed to the athlete having fun first and foremost and believes
that this can best be achieved by having each individual, and thereby collectively the team,
play at the most appropriate level of challenge. Top level players only have fun and are
only able to grow in skill if they are stretched - it is in nobodys best interest for a player
to play either above or below the skill level that is appropriate for him/her.

b) The Association Head Coach will run the evaluation for the Competitive Divisions. Coaches
wanting to coach in a specific division should help with Evaluation.

c) Players skills will be evaluated from 1- 5, with 1 being the highest skill level. The players
will be evaluated on Passing, Catching, Shooting, and Physical Fitness. If there are sufficient

players to form more than one team in a division, then the most highly evaluated players will

go to the team in the higher tier.

d) All evaluators will be completely neutral, no person will be allowed to evaluate with a
child playing in that specific division.

e) Evaluation dates will be determined by the Executive and posted on the web site.

Player Draft Policy - NonCompetitive Divisions

If there are sufficient players registered in one division to form more than one team, all
players will be evaluated as to their skill level and assigned a number from 1 to 5, with 1
being the highest skill level. A majority of the coaches in the division being drafted must
agree to the skill level assigned to each player. The number of players in each skill level
should be divisible by the number of teams, for example:
if there are 2 teams, then there should be 4 to 6 players in each skill level. The coachs name
shall be drawn to determine the order of the draft. If a coach or assistant coach has elected
to protect his/her child, the child is not picked until the draft has reached the skill level
assigned to that child.
For example: if the child is in Skill Level 2, then he/she is not picked until all Skill Level 1
players have been selected. The draft will start at the highest Skill Level (1) and will
proceed in rotation until all players have been picked at all skill levels. The Association
Head Coach, or designate, will supervise the draft of each division, as he/she is
ultimately responsible for balancing the teams. Any trading of players must be
concluded at the time of the draft. The Association Head Coach, or designate,
will record the skill level of each player on each team.

Protecting Players In The Draft Policy

a) While the Association recognizes the convenience sometimes accorded by having friends
or neighbours of one player playing on the same team, it firmly believes that there are
many benefits to be had by each athlete being exposed to a new group of friends and
comrades. This is true not only in one year but also from year to year. No protection of
players shall be allowed on the basis of them playing for a particular coach or with
particular teammates and indeed such a practice will be discouraged.

b) A coach may only "protect" his/her child to the extent described in the Player Draft Policy.
That is, the coach must use one of his/her draft selections to choose his/her child in the
appropriate round of the draft and then the next pick moves to the next teams coach.
There is no unlimited or automatic protection right.

Drafting of Late Registrants

The Association Head Coach, or designate, with the help of the division coaches, will
determine the skill level of each late registered player. The players will be assigned to
the teams as follows:

a) To the teams with the fewest number of players (coachs names will be drawn to
determine order of selection); and

b) After the teams all have the same number of players, the Association Head Coach will
assign players to coaches in the same order they were in the original draft.

Balancing of Non-Competitive Teams

After each team has had the opportunity to practice together, it must have a scrimmage
with other teams to see if the drafting process appears to have worked well. If obvious
inequities exist, the coaches should work with the Associations Head Coach to resolve
them prior to the beginning of league play. If the Association Head Coach deems it wise,
a mini-round robin exhibition game will be played by all teams in the division to test the
balance. The Association Head Coach, with the assistance of the Division Coordinators
(if applicable), and help from the Executive, will transfer as many players as necessary
from team to team to ensure the closest possible balance of all teams in the division
prior to the beginning of league play.

Player Movement Box lacrosse

a) Player movement is governed by the BCLA Minor Directorate Operating Policy and
the VIMLC Operating Policy.

b) Players may play one age group higher than that in which they are registered with
the following restrictions:

A1 players can only play for an A1 team in an older division

A2 players can play A1 in their division or A2 or A1 in an older division

B players can play A2 or A1 in their division or B, A2, or A1 in an older division
C players can play in a higher calibre or in an older division
Novice Advanced players can only play for a B, A2 or A1 in an older division
Novice House players can play for Novice Advanced or in an older division

NOTE: A player's coach must be asked before the player is contacted regarding the
possibility of playing up. The players coach shall not unreasonably withhold
permission for the player to play up. Examples of legitimate refusals may be:
player recuperating from injury, players regular team playing on same day(s) as the team
requesting the call-up, or players regular team playing on the following day as the team
requesting the call-up.

c) After May 15th of the playing year, no player shall be able to be transferred to another
team within its own playing division.

d) After the fifth game playing up, the player is permanently assigned to the team he
played his fifth game with.

e) Players must have played a minimum of four (4) games with that team in order to
qualify for Provincial Championships.

NOTE: A player can only play in one Minor Provincial Championship.

NOTE: A player, who is allowed to play in a LOWER age group, is NOT allowed to play
in the Provincial Championships with that lower age team.

f) Head coaches of higher calibre teams shall not bring a player up from a lower calibre
or age division team for any game or practice without prior approval of the coach of the
lower division or calibre team, the Association Head Coach and the parents or
guardians of that player.

Goaltender Placement
a) At least one experienced goaltender shall be placed on each team within a division before
a senior team can take two experienced goaltenders.

b) In cases whereby the number of teams within a division, exceed the number of
experienced goaltenders, goaltenders will be placed from the senior team (i.e. A1)
down by way of skill level.

c) If teams competing at the same level within the division (i.e. two C teams in Novice)
are left with insufficient experienced goaltenders to enable one per team, the Association
Head Coach shall conduct a lottery to decide which team gets the goaltender. The
unsuccessful teams coach will have to develop a goaltender from within the team roster,
which will be increased by one player over the lottery winner to compensate for the lack of
experienced goaltender.

Provincial Championships Box Lacrosse

To be eligible to play in a Provincial Championship tournament, a player must have played
in a minimum of four league, sanctioned tournament games or play-off games, or
combination of, during the current year with the team they are registered with. In
addition, for call-ups to be eligible, they must have played 4 games in total at a higher
division and/or calibre than the team they are registered with.


Role of the Team Head Coach
a) The Team Head Coach of each AVMLA team is responsible for the team as a whole,
which may consist of:

Assistant Coaches
Team Manager
Parents and Spectators (supporting the team)

All of the above play an important role in the management of the team and coaches
must be made aware of and understand the rules and regulations of the BCLA, VIMLA,
and AVMLA.

b) Team Head Coaches shall sign for and be responsible for all uniforms & equipment issued
to their teams.

c) All Team Head Coaches shall be responsible to forward schedules and changes to
schedules of all activities (i.e. practices, league and playoff games, and fundraising
activities) to the Division Coordinator, Floor Allocator and/or Referee Allocator as

Selection of Coaches
a) Any person who coached in the previous season for the Association may be invited to
apply for a position in the current season. Any other person wishing to apply for a position
is also welcome to do so in writing.

b) After the advertised registration dates have passed, the deadline for coaching
applications will be closed. This restriction will be waived in the event that no one has
applied for a particular position or in the view of the Association Head Coach, no applicant
has the required qualifications.

c) A committee consisting of the Association Head Coach and at least two (2) Executive
members will review all applications received.

d) After reviewing and possibly interviewing the applications, the committee will report their
recommendation to the Executive for approval and/or modifications.

e) The Association Head Coach, who will provide selection criteria upon request, will
inform each applicant of the decision(s).

Coaches Selection Criteria

The selection of AVMLA coaches will be based upon the following criteria:

a) Attainment of the necessary Coaching Certification as specified by the BCLA and a

commitment to self-improvement by taking further coaching clinics or levels.

c) A demonstrative knowledge of the technical aspects of lacrosse

d) Prior successful experience coaching lacrosse or other team sports. Success measured
by: improved skill of Players, player enjoyment and feedback from the Members.

e) Display of the personal skills that exemplify the Associations Code of Conduct.

e) Good organizational skills and personal commitment (e.g. runs and attends regular
practises, enters tournaments, etc.)

f) Other skills (i.e. first aid) that would enable the applicant to better fulfill their
coaching duties.

NOTE: Although the above items are prioritized, it is intended that they be a list
without rigid barriers. For example, if one of the applicants has significantly more
technical knowledge or coaching experience and is committed to attaining his/her
Coaching Certification, then that person should be considered in spite of not presently
having them. Prior to the final placement of an applicant into a coaching position, the
applicant must submit to a Criminal Record Check.

Coaching Qualifications
a) All AVMLA coaches will be expected to be qualified to the Coaching Certification
Program Minimum Standards required by the BCLA, with Form 100BMs and associated
fees submitted to the BCLA office by the Association by no later than May 1st of the
playing year. Potential coaches may be taken on with their commitment to meet these
requirements; however, if they fail to carry through with their commitment, they will be
asked to turn over direction of their team to another qualified coach.

b) All coaches and assistant coaches of the Association must complete the classroom
component portion of the applicable coaching certification program on the clinic dates
offered by the BCLA during the current playing season. No coach or assistant coach will be
allowed to take on responsibility without this level of commitment.

c) All coaches will be encouraged to attend a referee training clinic.

Training Expenses
a) The Association will pay for the course fees for all required Coaching Certification
Programs for individuals committing to coach (or assistant coach) for the Association upon
completion of the course and receiving his/her NCCP number.

b) Requests for reimbursement of fees for higher level and for specialized courses (such as
sport medicine, Level 3) will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Executive.

Criminal Record Check

a) In accordance with BCLA Operating Policy, all head coaches and assistant coaches
are required to download from the AVMLA website, complete, and have processed by
the RCMP a Criminal Record Check every three (3) years before the start of the season.

b) Failure to submit to a criminal record check may result in the individual being suspended
from coaching.

c) Official AVMLA Criminal Record Check forms can be found on the AVMLA website.

The Association will pay the registration and insurance fees levied by the BCLA for all
Team Officials in good standing.

The Association will not reimburse its coaches or other Team Officials for any fines,
penalties or damage costs levied by the BCLA, BCLCA, and VIMLC as a result of
negligence or improper act of their duties.

Team Manager Duties

a) The person in this position is responsible for coordinating team functions and acting
as liaison between the coach(es) and players parents. This allows the coach(es) to
devote their volunteer time to the functions of coaching.

b) Duties which may be allocated to the Team Manager include, but are not limited to:
Distributing of team information
Securing and training scorekeepers and timekeepers for home games
Ensuring all medical forms are completed and filed
Remitting game sheets to league commissioners in a timely manner
Arranging tournaments with Tournament Coordinator
Organizing team volunteers
Team fundraising and banking
Coordinate with game changes with other team and Floor Allocator

c) It is recommended that e-mail is used to send messages to the team as it is a time-

saver and everyone is sure to get the same message. Team Managers must
encourage their players, coach (es) and other team officials to check their e-mail on a
daily basis. This may include: game time and/or place changes, practice time and/or
place changes, or reminders of upcoming activities.

First Aid Attendant

The Association recommends that at least one member of each teams coaching staff
to either hold at least an entry level first aid certification or attend a recognized sport
First Aid Course in any year that this is offered. Pre-approval by the Executive for
reimbursement of course fees is required.


Association Fundraising
a) Association fundraising shall be conducted on an ongoing basis throughout each playing

b) The type and extent of the fundraising shall be determined by the Executive, based on
recommendations from the Director of Sponsorship & Fundraising, to best suit the financial
and philosophical needs of the Association; and

c) The Association shall apply for Gaming Funds on a yearly basis. The application should be
completed by the Treasurer with help from the Executive with regards to budget needs.

Team Fundraising
a) All funds required for team use are to be raised by individual team efforts. Teams that
undertake fundraising, such as car washes, bottle drives, raffles, bingo and similar
programs shall apply to the Fundraising Coordinator and do so only with the written
consent of the Executive;

b) All fundraising programs must have prior approval from the Executive (in order to avoid
conflicts with other fundraising activities). An exception is made for 50/50 draws;

c) Each team involved must supply the Executive with the name and telephone number of
the person coordinating the fundraising activities for the team;

d) Any funds not expended by the team, for the team at the end of the year are to be paid
to the Association and they will not be carried over to the following year in any way;

e) Each team is to provide the Treasurer with a detailed accounting within a

reasonable period of time upon request by the Treasurer;

f) All raffles must be undertaken in accordance with the rules of the Gaming Branch. This
will involve an application to the Gaming Branch for each raffle and further requires that
tickets used in such raffles be numbered. It is the Gamin Coordinator's responsibility to
apply to the Gaming Branch and all paperwork must be handed in to the Executive;

g) Anyone may donate funds, services or gifts to the team of his or her choosing instead of,
or as part of, the seasons fundraising activity, and

h) Failure of any team to comply with this policy in its entirety will be subject to discipline by
the Executive at its discretion. The teams Head Coach and Manager will exercise control of
this team function.

a) Teams under the auspices of the Association will be assigned annual sponsorships by the
Association. These sponsorships will be retained with the funds from them going directly
into the Associations general revenue. With the exception of the Intermediate team, no
team will be allowed to solicit their own sponsorships with the idea of retaining the
revenue for their own purposes. The Fundraising Coordinator will make every effort to
assign sponsorships as requested by the Sponsors, if possible (i.e. parents
business/childs team).

b) In addition to sponsoring a team, an official sponsor may make separate donations to the
teams of the Association if it chooses to do so.

c) Sponsors will be provided a team picture (which will be provided by the Association to the
team) by Team Managers. Sponsors will be recognized on the AVMLA website.

Player Eligibility
All boys and girls residing in the Association catchment area between the ages of 5
and 18, based on their age as of December 31 of the year in which the season begins in
compliance with the provincial directive of age requirements, shall be eligible to
register, subject to box availability and volunteer support. It is the Associations policy and
practice to treat all of our members with equality, regardless of gender, and in all respects
including, but not limited to the following:

a) ensuring that the achievement of equal opportunity is a key consideration when

developing, updating or delivering lacrosse programs;

b) ensuring that the needs and concerns of both genders are identified, promoted and
supported on an equitable basis. Identify the specific needs of female athletes participating
in our program and make all reasonable accommodations to ensure that such needs are
satisfied; and

c) co-operating with lacrosses governing bodies, all levels of government and other sports
organizations to promote and encourage the increased participation of female
and male athletes in our programs.

a) Registration will be on a first come first served basis. Every attempt will be made
to place all applications received each year. All registrations received by mail, at drop-off
locations, and at any official registration sessions (as set by the Registrar and approved by
the Executive each year) will be accepted. Applications for registrations received after the
advance registration deadline will be on a space available basis as defined in the team size

b) Registration fees shall be set each year by the Executive and posted on the AVMLA

c) Applications for refunds shall be processed as per the most current policy posted on the
AVMLA Website.

d) Only registered Players may participate in AVMLA team games and practices. Athletes
not yet registered are not allowed to participate until officially registered by the
Registrar with all forms submitted to the Registrar. Team Officials cannot accept
registrations in order to circumvent this rule. The practice of Team Officials recruiting
Players registered with other associations to play on AVMLA teams is not condoned by the

Waiting Lists
a) Waiting lists shall be established after:
the optimum number of players have been registered (in each division) at the advanced
player registration; the optimum number is to be established on a yearly basis, determined
by factors such as available floor time, availability of coaches, etc.

b) A sibling, whose family is currently a member of the Association, shall have priority on
any waiting lists and will be accepted into the membership at the time of registration.

a) The Association endeavours to provide all levels of teams (i.e. A1, A2, B & C) in all age
groups/divisions and thus does not voluntarily release players.

b) Any Players requesting a release from their home association in order to register
with the Association (or vice-versa) must adhere to VIMLC Operating Policy.
Non-resident Players considering a move to the AVMLA are advised to make written
application to the President prior to requesting a release from their home association.
Written approval by the home association and the VIMLC is required before the Player can
be registered with the Association.

c) Requests for Player releases to other associations must be forwarded in writing to the
Executive stating the Players rationale for requesting the release. Each release will be
evaluated on its individual merits. Generally speaking, a release will only be
considered when the Association cannot field a team in the current playing
season or there are extenuating circumstances. No Player residing within the
Association catchment may play for another association without prior written release by
the Association and approval/placement by the VIMLC.

Playing Up

Minor Division to Minor Division

a) Player movement is governed by the BCLA Minor Directorate Operating Policy, and
VIMLC Operating Policy.

b) A Player may permanently play up one division or calibre higher than that in which
he/she is registered, with the written permission of the Executive.

c) The Association does not believe it to be in a Player's long-term best interest to

permanently play in a division older than their own age. Requests by the parents will
not be considered sufficient cause for the Association to allow players to permanently play
for a team of higher age. In rare instances, where a player has obviously
outclassed his/her peers throughout the season just over, a coach may, with the
parents approval and most importantly the players desire, make a recommendation to the
Executive that for the next season the player be allowed to register with the next highest
age group.

d) In no case will a player be allowed to advance more than one division past his/her peers.
In subsequent years, the situation must be reviewed by the Executive to determine if the
player should continue to advance ahead of his/her peers of if he/she should remain in the
division for an additional year and be reunited with players his/her own age. The latter
should be the normal decision of the Executive barring substantial evidence of the player's
ability to continue to outclass his/her peers.

Minor Division to Senior Division (Intermediate)

a) Player movement is governed by the BCLA Minor Directorate Operating Policy

and the League Agreement of the Senior Division team in question.

BCLA Minor Directorate Operating Policy, Regulation 6 states:

6.01 No player qualified to play within the jurisdiction of the Minor

Directorate shall sign a Senior player registration form.

6.02 Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Minor Directorate player of Midget age may
play up in a higher league with the permission of the Minor player's coach. There
is no limit to the number of games a midget aged player may play under the Senior
Directorate. The Minor coach or Minor Association designate must ensure the players
Minor obligations, including practices, league games, tournament games and
Summer Games, are fulfilled before signing a one-game permit.

6.03 Violation of any of the above shall result in suspension of the player and the
coach of the Senior Directorate team for whom he/she played.

b) One-Game Permits are required for all Minor Division players to play up throughout the
extent of the lacrosse season (even if their teams are eliminated from the playoffs). The
only exceptions are graduating midget players whose teams have been eliminated from
playoffs, who do not require permission from their coaches to play up.

c) Should an AVMLA Senior Team require the services of a Minor Division player, the Head
Coach or Manager of the Senior Team must first contact the Minor Division Head Coach for
permission to contact the player. Upon agreement of the player to play up for the Senior
Team, the Head Coach or Manager of the Senior Team must obtain a signed BCLA One-
Game Permit (form can be found on AVMLA Website) from the Minor Team Head Coach
prior to game time to submit to the scorekeeper. Should the Minor Team Head Coach be
unavailable, he/she may delegate authorization to a registered Assistant Coach or Team


All AVMLA referees must be members of the BCLOA and must be carded in accordance
with its regulations in order to officiate at any Association tournament, league or
playoff game.

Training Expenses
The Association will pay for Level 1 and level 2 training, the Executive will consider
requests for reimbursement of fees for high level (Level 3) and for specialized courses
on a case-by-case basis upon certification.

The Association will pay the registration and insurance fees levied by the BCLA for all its
referees in good standing.

The Association will not reimburse its Referees for any fines or penalties levied by their
associations or the BCLA,BCLOA, or VIMLC as a result of non- or improper performance of
their duties.

All referees must wear the proper uniform as specified by the BCLOA. Referees will pay for
their own uniforms.

Communication with Officials

a) In the event that a game situation arises during play, any person wishing to
make a complaint, comment or query must wait 24 hours as a general rule to make
comments regarding a specific call, play or event occurrence (exceptions apply
in the 24 hour rule if there is a Code of Conduct violation, or if a player is
considered in harms way).These complaints will be directed to the team's Head Coach
for clarification. If the Head Coach is unable to clarify or rectify the query, he will pass
it on to the Head Referee. A written copy will be sent to the Association Head Coach. At
no time is there to be direct correspondence between the official in question and
persons making inquiries.

b) In the event that the Head Referee has a conflict of interest with the query, the
complaint can be directly addressed to the President.

c) All complaints, questions or clarifications must be in writing and signed by the member
making the query and can be presented in e-mail or written hard copy form.


Bench Officials
AVMLA teams playing on home floor shall ensure that the following bench
officials are present prior to the start of the game:

Two properly carded Referees (provided by the Referee Allocator Note: Mini-Tyke only
requires one referee)
Scorekeeper (parent volunteer arranged in advance by the Head Coach and/or Manager)
Timekeeper (parent volunteer arranged in advance by the Head Coach and/or Manager)
30 second timekeeper, if applicable (provided by the Referee Allocator)
Two penalty box volunteers (parent volunteer arranged in advance by the Head Coach
and/or Manager

No other people, except the duly appointed bench officials, shall be allowed in the
bench officials boxes.

Game Start and End Times

AVMLA teams playing on home floor shall ensure that games end on-time to ensure the
next scheduled game in the facility is not delayed, in accordance with VIMLC Operating

Should unforeseen circumstances (i.e. prior scheduled game running over, major injury
requiring emergency medical team treatment, lateness of referees, act of God) force a
situation that a 60 minute game cannot be completed within the 90 minute time
allotment, the following measures must be considered:

the period breaks shortened, but to not less than two (2) minutes; and/or
the first, second and/or third period(s) shortened, but to not less than fifteen (15) minutes
running time duration each.
The referees shall ensure agreement by both coaches of the revised game duration and
shall enter such agreement on the game sheet. Under no circumstances shall the face-off
of next game booked at the facility be delayed by more than ten (10) minutes.

Game Equipment
AVMLA teams playing on home floor shall ensure that:

Goals are set-up and secured in place;

The scoreboard and shot clock controls are in place and operational;
The game sheet is completed and given to the visiting team not late than 15 minutes prior
to scheduled game start time;
All players helmets and equipment is checked for necessary compliance, including removal
of jewellery (applies to away games as well);
A minimum three (3) good quality CLA-approved game balls are given to the
Referees prior to the start of the game.

Referee Fees
The Association will pay referee fees for any regularly scheduled tiering, regular season,
home tournament or playoff game. Exhibition games will be the responsibility of the teams
participating in those games.

Floor Fees
a) The Association will be responsible for the arena floor charges for any regularly scheduled
pre-season, league, playoff or tournament game as well as any Association scheduled
practice or evaluation sessions.

b) Teams utilizing arena floor time for any exhibition game, team practices or other self-
scheduled purpose will be expected to reimburse the Association, unless the Association
has waived the floor fees.

c) Teams that fail to notify the Floor Allocator of any floor time to be cancelled may be
responsible to reimburse the Association for that floor time, using their own
team funds.

Maintenance of Order
a) Maintenance of Order within the auspices of the Associations facilities shall be the
responsibility of the home teams coach/coaches and/or any Executive member that is
present at the time. They shall have the authority to request that the person/persons
responsible for any disruption should cease and desist or be asked to vacant the
premises of the Association. If an Association member is responsible for the disruption,
he/she shall face the possibility of suspension from the Association.

b) Maintenance of Order outside of Association facilities shall be the responsibility of every

Association member. Any member reported for disruption of order shall face the possibility
of suspension from the Association


The Presidents duites include:

a) shall be responsible for the overall administration of the Association;

b) shall be a full signing officer for the Association;

c) may at any time convene a meeting of the Executive;

d) shall preside at all meetings of the Association and its Executive;

e) shall ensure that all members of the Executive are aware of their duties and hold
the members of the Executive accountable for the execution of their duties;

f) shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Executive;

g) shall be the official spokesperson for the Association; and

h) may attend VIMLC, BCLA and any other mandatory minor lacrosse meetings.

1st Vice President

The 1st Vice President:

a) may carry out all functions of the President whenever the President is unavailable,
resigns or not be able to carry on for any reason;
b) may be a full signing officer for the Association;

c) may be responsible for recruiting and supervising a tournament chair and


d) may be responsible for the facilities;

e) shall serve on any committee of the Association at the discretion of the President;

f) shall provide leadership and direction to increase the visibility of the Association;

g) shall perform other related duties as required.

2nd Vice President as above

The Treasurer shall:

a) keep financial records, including books of account, necessary to comply with the
Society Act; these books shall be kept accurately, up to date and readily available for
audit when necessary;

b) report financial status of the Association at each Executive meeting;

c) have custody of all funds, securities, evidence of indebtedness and other valuable

d) ensure that all funds received in the name of the Association are deposited into
accounts held at a financial institution approved by the Executive;

e) ensure that all bills owed by the Association are paid. Outstanding accounts shall be
paid by cheque, signed by the Treasurer and one other signing officer;

f) be a full signing officer for the Association;

g) present a detailed statement of the finances to date of the Association at the Annual
General Meeting;

h) arrange for financial audits by a recognized firm of chartered accountants, certified

general accountants or others as required by the Constitution & By-Laws;

i) submit and monitor all Direct Access Gaming, and other grant and fundraising
applications applying to the Association as a whole; and

j) perform other related duties as required

The Secretary shall:
a) conduct the correspondence of the Association which is to be promptly and properly
actioned and file copies made readily available to the Executive;

b) issue notices of all meetings of the Association to appropriate members;

c) keep and distribute minutes of all meetings of the Association and Executive;

d) be responsible for issuing bulletins to Head Coaches and Managers of all items and
discussions affecting them;

e) have custody of all records and documents of the Association except those required
to be kept by the Treasurer;

f) have custody of the common seal of the Association;

g) have the membership roll available at all general and special meetings to confirm
membership status;

h) ensure that Association activities are communicated to all members;

i) may be a full signing officer for the Association;

j) on completion of the term of office turn over:

(i) completed documents ready to file for annual report of the Association; and

(ii) all files, communications and documents pertaining to the affairs of the
Association to a successor; and

k) perform other related duties as required.

The Registrar shall:

a) be responsible for the annual registration of all playing members, including holding
registration sessions, and receiving mailed-in registration forms and supporting
documents and cheques;

b) review all registration cards for completeness and correctness, enter player
information into the BCLA database and submit completed registration cards and team
lists to the BCLA by the date set by the VIMLC;

c) maintain the register of all members;

d) advise the Treasurer of any cancellations of memberships and refunds to be made;

e) provide player lists for each division to the Director of Coaching;

f) may be a full signing officer for the Association;and

g) perform other related duties as required.

Appointed Positions
Appointed positions are known as Directors, they are: Floor Allocator, Referee Allocator,
Association Head Coach, Head Referee, Fundraising/Sponsorship Coordinator, Discipline
Committee, Appeals Committee, Tournament Coordinator, Equipment Coordinator, and
additional appointed Officers.

Head Coach
The Head Coach shall:

a) receive all applications submitted by potential coaching candidates;

b) prepare a list of persons recommended to coach specific teams and submit this list to
the Executive for approval prior to assignment and commencement of league play;

c) ensure that all coaches submit to criminal background checks;

d) in the event of a team losing its Head Coach, take over as interim Head Coach until a
suitable replacement is in place;

e) coordinate a training program for all coaches and Team Officials, including arranging
for coaching clinics prior to the commencement of league play;

f) ensure that all coaches are made aware of the certification requirements set out by
the BCLA and that they complete the necessary courses to attain the qualification to
coach at the level to which they are assigned;

g) receive all Form 100BMs, maintain a record of coaches and their National Coaching
Certification Program (NCCP) certification levels, and submit the necessary documents
to the BCLA;

h) oversee any player drafts;

i) counsel any Coach, Manager or Trainer who displays conduct unbecoming a Team
Official while representing the Association;

j) recommend to the Executive, with explanation, any Team Official who should be
removed from position with cause;

k) maintain a coaching manual for Team Officials reference at all levels;

l) attend all coaching coordinators meetings of the BCLA Minor Directorate and all
meetings of the BCLCA, as required;

m) ensure that all coaches maintain a high calibre of coaching throughout the season;
n) maintain an effective line of communication between coaches, AVMLA and NCCP; and

o) perform other related duties as required.

Head Referee
The Head Referee shall:

a) provide a register of all qualified officials and their levels to the Referee Allocator and
the Executive;

b) coordinate a continuous training program, including arranging for referees clinics, to

ensure a high calibre of officiating in the Association;

c) maintain an effective line of communication between referees, AVMLA, and the

National Referee Certification Program;

d) ensure adequate supervision and evaluation of officials in game situations;

e) act as a role model for other officials by adhering to the Official's Code of Ethics;

f) receive referees reports, conduct investigations, or refuse to assign any referee who
displays any conduct unbecoming an official while representing the Association;

g) conduct training sessions for Team Officials and volunteers to ensure proper
timekeeping and scorekeeping at home games;

h) attend all meetings of the BCLOA, as required;

i) ensure that all rule changes are disseminated to all Team Officials; and

j) perform other related duties as required.

Equipment Director
The Equipment Director shall:

a) procure, maintain inventory records, and arrange for maintenance, repair and storage
of all uniforms and equipment owned by the Association;

b) distribute and ensure that all teams have an adequate supply of uniforms and
equipment to enable them to conduct practice sessions and games, and coordinate
the return of such uniforms and equipment with Team Officials at the end of the
c) bring to the attention of the Executive any uniforms or equipment which is damaged,
worn or in need of replacement;

d) prepare and furnish reports of the uniforms and equipment purchases, inventory
levels and equipment needed, at the Annual General Meeting or upon request by the
Executive; and

e) perform other related duties as required.

Sponsorship & Fundraising Coordinator

The Sponsorship & Fundraising Coordinator shall:

a) recruit and maintain sponsorships for the Association from businesses, private
individuals or groups;

b) ensure that a letter of appreciation and an official receipt are sent to each sponsor,
and that the Secretary arranges for recognition through advertising of such

c) procure AVMLA souvenirs in the promotion of the sport of lacrosse;

d) organize fundraising events; and

e) perform other related duties, as required.

Communication With The Executive

Members can address and/or communicate to Executive through the following means:

a) Addressing the Executive Members of the Association may request to be scheduled to

address the Executive at an Executive meeting. They must make a request in writing to
the President and accompany it with background information on the issue they wish to
address. This written request must be submitted at least one week in advance of the
meeting and will only be approved if time permits on the agenda for that meeting.
The delegation will be allowed a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes. The delegation may
consist of a maximum of three (3) persons unless prior approval has been obtained from
the President. A maximum of two (2) delegations will be heard at any one meeting.
Presentations from persons who appear at the Executive meeting without prior
approval shall not be accepted by the Executive.

b) Written Submissions Members may also contact the Executive in writing via e-mail to
the President (email address is posted on the AVMLA Website). All correspondence
addressed to President and Executive is received and routed appropriately.

Complaints about AVMLA referees are to be made in writing to the Head Referee with a
copy to the President. If the outcome is not satisfactory to the petitioner, then the
President should be advised and the Executive will deal with the matter. If still not
satisfied, the complainant may send a letter to the BCLOA Chairperson
(contact the BCLA Office for name and address).Complaints about referees of other
associations are to be made in writing to the Head Referee of that association,
with copies to the President and to the BCLOA Chairperson.

Complaints about AVMLA coaches are to be made in writing to the Association Head Coach
with a copy to the President. If the outcome is not satisfactory to the petitioner, then the
President should be advised and the Executive will deal with the matter. If still not satisfied
the complainer may send a letter to the BCLCA Chairperson (contact the BCLA Office for
name and address).Complaints about coaches of other associations are to be made in
writing to the Director of Coaching of that association, with copies to the President and the
BCLCA Chairperson.

Complaints about any of the Executive members are to be made in writing to the President
(or the Vice President if the President is directly involved in the dispute).

Other Complaints
Complaints about any other matter concerning lacrosse are to be made in writing to the
President. The Executive will review and either deal with the complaint if within its
jurisdiction, or will direct the complaint to the appropriate governing bodies.


Inappropriate Behaviour
Swearing, vulgar or other abusive language, making lewd gestures, uttering threats,
throwing debris or other inappropriate behaviour whether directed towards officials,
coaches, players or fans by any participants or spectators at AVMLA functions will not be
tolerated by the Association. Such action will result in the offending individual(s) being
asked to leave the facility for the remainder of the game or event, with further
disciplinary action considered by the Executive upon receipt of the BCLA or VIMLC
review of the referees report. Repeat offences will result in the permanent barring of the
individual(s) from AVMLA events.

General Code of Conduct

a) All AVMLA Team Officials, Players, Parents, members of the Executive and fans are bound
by the rules and regulations of the BCLA and its Minor Directorate and VIMLC. All
individuals affiliated with the Association shall:

refrain from using foul or negative language;

refrain from verbally or physically abusing any game official, participant or spectator,
regardless of association or circumstance;
demonstrate courtesy, respect and good sportsmanship towards all game officials,
participants and spectators, regardless of association or circumstance;
attempt to develop community spirit and pride in our Association, while representing
the Association and minor lacrosse in the best possible light;
respect all facilities utilized by our Association, as well as any staff of those facilities;
emphasize sportsmanship and fair play while trying to keep the word FUN in
treat the game of lacrosse with the respect that it deserves, and
take the necessary steps to report, in writing, any incidents that may shed bad
light on our great game to ensure that they are not repeated.

An individuals conduct shall be in question when they:

breach any of the above;

use their position with the Association for unauthorized personal and/or material gains;

wilfully circulate false or malicious statements, derogatory to any other member of our or
any other Association;

wilfully ignore or break the by-laws, policies and/or rules or regulations of our Association,

counsel others to ignore or break the by-laws, policies and/or rules or regulations of
our Association.

Coaches Code of Conduct

All AVMLA Coaches and Team Officials shall:

treat everyone fairly within the context of his or her activity, regardless of gender, ethnic
background, color, sexual orientation, religion, political belief or economic status;

direct comments at the performance rather than the person;

consistently display high personal standards and project a favourable image of your sport
and of coaching;

refrain from public criticism of fellow coaches;

abstain from and discourage the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products in conjunction
with sport;

refrain from the use of profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language while

ensure that the activity being undertaken is suitable for their age, experience, ability
and fitness level of the athletes and educate athletes as to their responsibilities in
contributing to a safe environment;

cooperate with registered medical practitioners in the overall management of your

athletes medical and psychological problems; consider the athletes future health and
well-being foremost;

recognize and accept when to refer athletes to other coaches or sport specialists. Allow
athletes future health and well-being for most;

regularly seek ways of increasing professional develop and self-awareness

treat opponents and officials with respect both in victory and defeat and encourage
athletes to act accordingly;

cooperate with the athletes parents or legal guardians, involving them in their childs

be aware of the academic pressures placed on student athletes and conduct practices and
games in a manner so as to allow academic success;

ensure the safety of the athletes with whom you work;

at no time become intimately and/or sexually involved with your athletes; this includes
requests for sexual favours or threat of reprisal for the rejection of such requests;

respect athletes dignity; verbal or physical behaviours that constitute harassment or

abuse are unacceptable;

never advocate or condone the use of drugs or other banned performance enhancing
substances; and

never provide underage athletes with drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products.

ensure that there are always two adults present in the dressing room with players

never lock the dressing room door with players present inside

avoid leaving players unsupervised in dressing room

Players Code of Conduct

a) For insurance purposes, players must have at least helmets/face masks and gloves on at
all times they are playing or practicing. This rule is necessary for compliance with the
Associations insurance policy regulations and will be enforced by coaches, referees, and
all other Association members at all games and practices of the Association.

b) For insurance purposes, only registered Players, Coaches, Referees, Team Managers or
Trainers may enter the playing surface during the duration of the game.

Referees Code of Conduct

a) Referees must be at the arena a minimum of 15 minutes before the scheduled
face-off time.

b) Referees will ensure that individuals not participating in the game not be permitted on
the floor from start to finish of the game, including during the warm-up and between

c) Referees will not practice on the floor before or after the game, or between periods.

d) AVMLA referees are permitted to officiate outside of the Association so long as it does not
interfere with scheduling for the Associations games.

e) All AVMLA Referees are bound by the rules and regulations of the BCLA, BCLCA and
VIMLC. Specific policies of the BCLOA relating to conduct are listed here as a matter of

Regulation Ten

It shall be the duty of every referee of this organization to conduct himself at all times in
such a manner as to further the best interests of the membership; to assist his fellow
members whenever possible to improve our standard of officiating; and to ensure the
respect of all participants and fans alike. It shall be considered an offence against the
membership to do otherwise. Any negligence by a referee in his duties shall be thoroughly
investigated by the Committee who shall report and recommend to the Chairman of the
BCLOA the action to be taken.

Violation of any of the following shall be subject to disciplinary action:

Reporting for an assignment under the influence of alcohol.

Failure to report for any assignment when properly notified and
without sufficient excuse.
Failure to maintain the standard of cleanliness and dress prescribed by
the organization
Engaging in controversial discussions with coaches, officials or players. Should any
coach, official or player act in any manner towards a member of this organization so
as to provoke such controversial discussion, the referee or referees involved shall
report such incident immediately to the Chairman of the BCLOA, who shall discuss
and settle with the organization involved.
Failure to officiate according to the CLA Rule Book and its interpretations.
Social Networking
All AVMLA Team Officials, Players, Parents and members of the Executive must be
concerned with any behaviour that might embarrass themselves, their teams, their
families, and the sport of Lacrosse and/or the Association. This includes any activities
conducted online through social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and
YouTube), podcasting, blog sites or chat rooms.

The posting of any comments, photos or other information by a member online that in any
way could be regarded as intimidating, demeaning, harassing, derogatory or violent will
not be tolerated by the Association, even if such information is posted by others on the
members page. This includes, but is not limited to: trash-talking, boasting, bullying,
threatening, or posting of potentially embarrassing information which could negatively

teammates, other AVMLA players or opposing players;

any AVMLA or opponent teams or team officials;
any referees or other game officials;
the Association or its Executive;
any lacrosse governing bodies and their executive members (VIMLC,BCLA, CLA);
family members of the above; and/or
the sport of lacrosse.

Any actions violating this policy and brought to the attention of the Executive may
be subject to discipline by the Association.

a) The Association will pay the registration fee for any team/teams wishing to participate in
a Provincial or Zone Championship;

b) Some travel funds may be available and must be applied for;

c) Any other expenses incurred during participation are the responsibility of the competing
team, and

d) Teams not competing in, but entered in Provincials by the Association, will be expected to
reimburse the Association the full cost of the Provincial fee

Other Tournaments
a) Individual teams are responsible for the costs to enter and participate, and

b) The Association will submit a cheque for a team wanting to enter a tournament, to hold a
spot, but the full amount must be paid by the end of the year.

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