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Front cover

Business Process
Management Design Guide
Using IBM Business Process Manager

Dr. Ali Arsanjani

Nakul Bharade
Magnus Borgenstrand
Philipp Schume
J. Keith Wood
Vyacheslav Zheltonogov

In partnership with
Academy of Technology

International Technical Support Organization

Business Process Management Design Guide:

Using IBM Business Process Manager

April 2015

Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in
Notices on page ix.

First Edition (April 2015)

This edition applies to IBM Business Process Manager version 8.5.5.

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2015. All rights reserved.

Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

IBM Redbooks promotions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Now you can become a published author, too . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Stay connected to IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management . . 1

1.1 Introduction to business process management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 What . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.2 When . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1.3 Why: The value of BPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2 Influences on a successful BPM project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.2.1 Project delivery methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.2.2 Center of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.2.3 People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.3 Things to consider before a project starts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.3.1 Access to resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.3.2 Often overlooked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.4 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.1 Why BPM is important. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2 The BPM journey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.3 The six pillars of success for BPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.3.1 Assessments and maturity models: Course corrections . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3.2 A strategic roadmap and tactical plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3.3 Agile methods and processes: Driving skills, predictability,
and consistency within the organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3.4 Reference architecture: A blueprint or template to be
instantiated by various business lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.5 Governance: Institutionalizing consistency through centers of
excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.6 Tools and software platforms: Automating the process with
state-of-the-art capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. All rights reserved. iii

2.4 Business process and Smarter Process Maturity Model: A roadmap . . . . 33
2.4.1 The spectrum of the Smarter Process Maturity Model . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.4.2 The dimensions of maturity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.4.3 Knowledge worker processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.4.4 Automated business processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.4.5 Rules and decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.4.6 Analytics and KPIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.4.7 Services in an SOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.4.8 API management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.4.9 Data, content, and information architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.4.10 Infrastructure and non-functional requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.5 Estimating IBM BPM projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.5.1 Dimensions of complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.5.2 Degrees of complexity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.5.3 BPM artifact complexity: Some indicative samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.6 IBM Smarter Process Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.6.1 Workstreams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.6.2 The IBM Smarter Process Method: Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.6.3 Techniques and phases of the IBM Smarter Process Method . . . . . 52
2.7 IBM component business modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.8 Process inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.9 Process Inventory, Variation Analysis, and Roadmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.9.1 Variation-oriented analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.9.2 Steps in the PIVAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.10 Blueprint or Macro Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.10.1 Breadth and depth of requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.10.2 Integrations and services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.10.3 Explore the tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.11 Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.12 Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.13 Process Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.14 Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.15 Top Down - Bottom Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.16 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations. . . . . . . . . 73

3.1 High-level solution analysis and design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.2 Application architecture considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.2.1 Using IBM BPM Coaches or building custom user interfaces . . . . . . 76
3.2.2 Top Down versus Bottom Up design considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.2.3 IBM BPM Standard or IBM BPM Advanced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.2.4 IBM BPM Advanced or IBM Integration Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3.2.5 IBM BPM rules or IBM Operational Decision Manager . . . . . . . . . . . 87

iv Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
3.3 External system of record considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.3.1 Introducing an external SOR into the IBM BPM process application
solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.3.2 Business entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.3.3 IBM BPM business object model design considerations. . . . . . . . . . 92
3.3.4 Accessing existing system of records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
3.3.5 Locking mechanism for concurrent access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3.3.6 Accessing reference data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3.4 Integration architecture considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3.4.1 Advanced Integration Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.5 Infrastructure architecture considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
3.6 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

4.1 Why BPM security is important . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4.1.1 IBM BPM is part of your corporate DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4.1.2 IBM BPM users have access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4.1.3 IBM BPM has unique security considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4.2 Installation concepts and hardening steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.2.1 BPM and WebSphere concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
4.2.2 Hardening steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
4.3 Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
4.3.1 WebSphere user registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
4.3.2 Flat-file repositories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
4.3.3 LDAP repositories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
4.3.4 Single sign-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
4.4 Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
4.4.1 Group-based authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
4.4.2 Dynamic authorization: Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
4.4.3 Task-based authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
4.5 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

5.1 Product installation considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5.2 Business process design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
5.2.1 Process flow patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
5.2.2 Routing patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
5.3 Service design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
5.3.1 Service complexity and reuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
5.3.2 Human service design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
5.4 Data flow patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
5.4.1 Data flow in processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
5.4.2 Data flow in services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

Contents v
5.4.3 Data flow in Coaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
5.4.4 Integration design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
5.5 Toolkit design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
5.5.1 Categorizing library items into toolkits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
5.5.2 Toolkit maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
5.5.3 Design patterns and performance considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
5.6 Error handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
5.6.1 Error handling concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
5.6.2 Error handling strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
5.7 Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
5.8 Asset maintenance and governance considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
5.8.1 Shared assets in IBM BPM Process Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
5.8.2 Managing IBM Process Designer artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
5.8.3 Managing advanced artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
5.8.4 Deployment governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
5.8.5 Managing tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
5.9 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

Chapter 6. Business-centric visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

6.1 What business-centric visibility is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
6.2 Business-centric visibility in IBM BPM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
6.2.1 Business data and process data reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
6.2.2 IBM BPM Process Optimizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
6.2.3 IBM Business Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
6.3 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230

Chapter 7. Performance and IT-centric visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

7.1 Performance tuning process flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
7.2 IT-centric visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
7.2.1 Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
7.2.2 Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
7.2.3 Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
7.3 Performance diagnostic tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
7.3.1 Nmon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
7.3.2 WebSphere Application Server Performance Tuning Toolkit . . . . . 239
7.3.3 IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Health Center . . . 240
7.3.4 IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Memory Analyzer 241
7.3.5 Pattern Modeling and Analysis Tool for IBM Garbage Collector . . . 242
7.3.6 IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
7.3.7 Database monitoring tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
7.4 Sample use cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
7.5 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

vi Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

Contents vii
viii Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
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x Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager

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IBM Business Process Manager (IBM BPM) is a comprehensive business

process management (BPM) suite that provides visibility and management of
your business processes. IBM BPM supports the whole BPM lifecycle approach:
 Discover and document

Process owners and business owners can use this solution to engage directly in
the improvement of their business processes.

IBM BPM excels in integrating role-based process design, and provides a social
BPM experience. It enables asset sharing and creating versions through its
Process Center. The Process Center acts as a unified repository, making it
possible to manage changes to the business processes with confidence.

IBM BPM supports a wide range of standards for process modeling and
exchange. Built-in analytics and search capabilities help to further improve and
optimize the business processes.

This IBM Redbooks publication provides valuable information for project teams
and business people that are involved in projects using IBM BPM. It describes
the important design decisions that you face as a team. These decisions
invariably have an effect on the success of your project.

These decisions range from the more business-centric decisions, such as which
should be your first process, to the more technical decisions, such as solution
analysis and architectural considerations.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. All rights reserved. xiii

This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working
at the International Technical Support Organization (ITSO), Poughkeepsie

Dr. Ali Arsanjani is an IBM Distinguished

Engineer and member of the IBM Academy of
Technology. He is the Chief Technology Officer
(CTO) of Smarter Process, service-oriented
architecture (SOA), and application programming
interface (API) Management for Software
Services. Ali has over 30 years of experience in
software development and architecture. He holds a
PhD in Computer Science from DeMontefort
University. His areas of expertise include patterns,
component-based and service-oriented software
architecture and methods. He has written
extensively on patterns, SOA, component-based
development and integration, business rules and
dynamically reconfigurable software architecture,
context-awareness, and BPM.

Nakul Bharade is a Senior Managing Consultant

for IBM Software Group (SWG). He assists clients
with requirements and strategies for developing
and deploying BPM solutions. He helps clients
align information technology (IT) to support BPM
strategies by identifying governance and strategy
frameworks. Nakuls current focus is on BPM
methodologies, BPM and SOA governance, BPM
performance, and tools that enable clients to
define, assess, and deploy operational business
processes. Nakul has a Masters degree in
Computer Science and he is a candidate for
Diploma in Strategy and Innovation Program at the
University of Oxford.

xiv Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Magnus Borgenstrand is a Senior Technical
Engineer with IBM North America. He joined IBM
through the Lombardi acquisition in 2010 and
quickly became the go-to person for things relating
to BPM. He has over 16 years of experience
planning and implementing BPM disciplines and
solutions with global clients across many
industries. His work has taken him and his family
to North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. His
particular emphasis has been in bringing together
both business and IT as a part of the methodology
to ensure project success. His approach is to start
with manageable projects and grow into enterprise
solutions. Magnus attended Ume University in
Sweden and has a degree in Space Engineering.
Magnus also studied Math and Computer Science
at Stockholm University.

Philipp Schume is an IBM BPM Solution

Architect. He delivered custom application
development projects for IBM Germany before he
made the transition to the IBM BPM Lab Services
group in North America, where he worked in IBM
BPM development and consulting. Since its
creation in 2013, he has been a core member of
the worldwide Smarter Process Center of
Competency (CoC). Philipp is an expert in IBM
BPM methods and technology, and his main focus
is on delivery excellence. His main area of
expertise is agile development in collaboration with
business stakeholders. Philipp created assets and
has written papers about business process
modeling, design best practices, and BPM

Preface xv
J. Keith Wood is a Systems Architect and Security
Team Lead in the IBM BPM services organization
based in Austin, Texas. After more than 20 years
as a software developer and solutions architect, he
now consults with BPM clients to promote more
secured installations and environments. Before
joining IBM, Keith consulted with a wide variety of
clients in the financial services,
telecommunications, and retail sectors.

Vyacheslav Zheltonogov (Slava) is a Senior

Managing consultant with IBM WebSphere US
Lab Services. Slava focuses on designing scalable
BPM solutions and promoting BPM methodology
and best practices in software architecture and
design. As a member of the Worldwide Smarter
Process CoC group, Slava helps clients with
troubled and challenging implementations as they
make the IBM BPM journey. Slava has over 17
years of experience spanning a range of IT
operations and solution architecture; extensive
background and expertise in SOA, design
patterns, BPM, operational decision management,
and business intelligence. Before joining IBM,
Slava spent several years working as a solution
architect in the area of the US Tax domain on the
Java and Microsoft .NET platforms. In this area, he
was responsible for the architecture and delivery of
custom web-based solutions. Slava is an Expert
Certified IT Specialist and holds Masters degrees
in Mechanical Engineering and Economics from
Volgograd Polytechnic Institute in Russia.

Special thanks go to Brian Petrini, Technical Product Manager IBM BPM, and
Kim Clark, IBM Certified IT Specialist SOA Foundation, for their valuable input to
the overall structure of this Redbooks Publication, and for their course covering
Integration and SOA Design.

xvi Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:

Axel Buecker, Project Manager

ITSO, Austin TX

Sam Antoun, Ayyappan Chandran, Mike Collins, Francis Friedlander, Gab

Gambassi, Steve Lindauer, Paul Pacholski, Jim Pokoj, Martin Ross, and
Jimmy Xu

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Preface xvii
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xviii Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful

business process
This chapter provides a high-level introduction to the difference between
business process management (BPM) and a BPM suite, such as IBM Business
Process Manager (IBM BPM). In addition, it describes the value of a BPM suite,
and where it applies.

We also share our experience regarding the design decisions you face, from a
business perspective, that affect the outcome of your BPM project. This chapter
is targeted at business people and project managers that are new to BPM.

We explain all of these topics in the following sections:

 Introduction to business process management
 Influences on a successful BPM project
 Things to consider before a project starts

Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. All rights reserved. 1

1.1 Introduction to business process management
In this section, we cover the what, when, and why for BPM solutions.

1.1.1 What
First, it is important that we emphasize the following statement: BPM is not a
product or a technology. BPM is a comprehensive management approach to
managing and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes
across the enterprise.

The goal of a BPM suite (a software solution) is to promote effectiveness and

efficiency in your business processes. The BPM suite accomplishes this by using
measurable business value to align all of your projects with your corporate
strategies, alongside the BPM approach.

BPM relies on an iterative, or agile, delivery methodology that creates process

visibility and enables process control in your business. The intention of a
business process initiative is to deliver targeted results that directly support the
strategic goals of the business. Therefore, a successful BPM initiative requires
close collaboration between business operations and technologists. A successful
BPM program ties all BPM projects to core business initiatives.

BPM enables you to manage your processes and support corporate initiatives,
such as improving product quality, reducing time-to-market, expanding to new
markets, raising client satisfaction, increasing profit margins, and so on.

The approach of BPM can be, and many times is, applied without any BPM
software. In fact, as you will see later in this chapter, the management approach
of looking at and improving your business processes are much older than the
software that supports it.

Organizations gain value out of documenting, understanding, and analyzing their

processes for efficiency and effectiveness. This is typically done by business
analysts, who either talk to the people that are involved in the process or get all
stakeholders together in a room for several days to document and analyze the
process to see where it can be improved.

This book is mostly about the technical design decisions that affect the outcome
of implementing BPM solutions.

2 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
As you will see later in this chapter, however, the success of BPM projects is not
affected only by the technical decisions that you make. Other aspects, such as
the involvement of business, aligning project goals to business outcomes, the
methodology chosen, the selection of the first process, cultural change, and so
on, also have a big effect on the success. In this first chapter we examine these
non-technical aspects.

For a more detailed description of how to adopt BPM across your organization
and ensure its success, see the IBM Redbooks publication Scaling BPM
Adoption: From Project to Program with IBM Business Process Manager,

Remember that the main objectives with any project using a BPM suite are
ultimately to gain business agility, reduce risk, save money by removing steps
that do not add value, reduce rework, automate certain steps, and so on.

Before we describe the details, though, we briefly consider the history of BPM.

A brief history of BPM

One of the first people to start looking at process improvement was Frederick
Taylor1 (1856-1915), who in the early 20th century sought to improve the
efficiency of industrial processes. His work was focused on standardizing
processes by studying them from a scientific point of view, first measuring and
then improving.

He was also one of the first to push for employees to be trained and developed as
a way to improve efficiency. This was focused on training the employee to do one
thing only and do it well. Taylors work was focused on efficiency, or to put it
another way, do one thing correctly.

In the mid 1980s, Motorola introduced Six Sigma2, which is a set of techniques
and tools for process improvement. Six Sigma is focused on the improvement of
process output by removing errors and variations in processes.

Lean3 was derived from Toyota Production System in the 1990s, and is
concerned with the elimination of waste. From a business process perspective,
we analyze business processes, classify each step, and remove steps that do not
add value. This business process can lead to savings due to reduced processing
time. This approach targets the effectiveness of business processes, or to put it
another way, do the correct thing.
1 http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/584820/Frederick-W-Taylor
Michael George, David Rowlands, Bill Kastle, What is Lean Six Sigma? (McGraw-Hill Professional
Publishing, October 27, 2003)
3 James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos, The Machine That Changed the World: The
Story of Lean Production Toyota's Secret Weapon in the Global Car Wars That Is Now
Revolutionizing World Industry (Free Press, March 13, 2007)

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management 3

Today, organizations are using BPM together with Six Sigma and Lean to
improve efficiency and effectiveness of business processes. For more
information about how to best apply Lean, Six Sigma, and BPM, see the IBM
Redpaper publication Applying Lean, Six Sigma, BPM, and SOA to Drive
Business Results, REDP-4447.

Enter business process management software

In the 1990s, we saw the emergence of BPM software to help analyze and run
processes. Modern BPM suites have advanced considerably since their infancy
in the 1990s, when they were based around simple modeling and basic workflow
routing. For example, users might be asked to complete a certain task, such as
log in to system x and complete an order. The main benefit was that the process
could be controlled, and that you gained visibility over performance.

Today, BPM suites, such as IBM BPM, are built to support organizations on their
entire BPM journey, from the smallest initial projects to enterprise-wide adoption.
A modern BPM suite covers many different aspects, including workflow, user
interfaces (UIs), reporting, data modeling, integration, and so on. Figure 1-1
shows the different aspects of a modern BPM tool.

Figure 1-1 The different parts of a modern BPM tool

4 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Any modern BPM suite supports the full lifecycle of continuous process
improvement. It is able to support a project through process discovery and
documentation, modeling, execution, and not least process improvement. A key
aspect is also the support of the collaborative nature of BPM, where business
people can easily be engaged. BPM supports the following phases:
 Discovery phase
A key aspect of any project is process discovery, during which the business
user is involved in documenting processes. This phase is typically owned by a
business analyst who involves employees that are part of the process, or
know the process very well.
This phase of a project is very much focused on documenting and
understanding the as-is business process. After that, you look at the to-be
process model, which includes potential improvements that can be made to
the business process.
Process discovery has historically been done by having all the stakeholders
locked in a room for a few days or a week with a stack of post-it notes that is
put on the wall or on a roll of brown paper. The post-it notes are moved
around until you can agree on the correct business process. At the end of the
workshop, you document your process in a modeling tool like Microsoft Visio.
There are several issues with this approach:
To make this a collaborative effort, which is important if you want input
from everybody involved, you really need to be physically in the same
location, which can be costly for organizations that are spread across
several cities or countries.
Much manual effort needs to go into the management of all process
diagrams and their multiple versions.
You also need to manually merge different versions of a process when
somebody creates a copy to make some changes locally.
To make this phase easier and ensure the involvement of business users, it is
key that the selected tool is easy to use. It is also important that business
users can collaborate at any time, no matter where they are located. You
really want business users involved throughout the project, and not just for the
first 3 - 4 days. For ease of access and interaction, therefore, it is advised that
you use a collaborative process discovery tool, such as a cloud-based tool.
The tool should also be socially enabled, to support collaboration and help
with the organization and management of processes as you build your
enterprise process inventory. This is especially important when you take on
BPM from a broader organizational perspective, and start having several
teams or departments documenting their processes.

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management 5

Any BPM tool should not only support the modeling of processes. It is also
important that the tool supports the modeling of other aspects of a process
that is going to be executed, including but not limited to the following aspects:
The tool should support modeling both UIs, where the user interacts with
the process, and the flow of these UIs, designed to guide the user through
the task.
Data model
The tool should also support the modeling of the data model that
describes the business data that flows through the business process.
The BPM suite should also inherently support an iterative approach to
development that involves the business. With this, we mean that it should be
easy to involve business people as you start to develop the process in more
detail, to gain their feedback. This is done by making the development tool
graphical and easy to understand, so that business people can follow the
process, as opposed to showing them business code.
Part of the iterative approach is the need for the tool to support ease of
demonstrating what you are developing with a single click. This enables you
to show what you have done, and to more quickly make changes and play the
process back to the user. At IBM, we call this approach a playback. After each
iteration, you play back the process to stakeholders and business users so
that they can provide feedback.
This is a given with any BPM solution. One important aspect of the execution
is that there is always a 1:1 relationship between what you are modeling and
what you are executing. For human-centric processes, it is preferred that
there not be any need for compiling or coding to make the process run.
The reason for this is that you want to be able to play back what you are
modeling quickly to users, as mentioned in the previous section. However, for
system-centric processes, such as straight through processing (STP),
compiling is preferred due to performance aspects.

6 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 Process improvement
One key aspect of BPM and the use of a BPM suite is that you want to be able
to improve your processes by first modeling them, then executing them and
collecting performance data that enables you to analyze the processes for
improvement. Because you are working with actual performance data that
has been collected during run time, you are no longer estimating or guessing.
What you are really accomplishing is that you are continuously improving your
processes over time. This means that a process is never done and finished.
There are always improvements that you can apply to the process because of
changing competitive pressures, new regulatory requirements, or other
improvements that you find.
With this in mind, it is important that the BPM suite supports ease of
changes to a process. It should also have built-in capability to capture
process performance as the process executes, reporting for viewing
operational real-time reports and historical reports so that you can look at
historical trends.
The tool should also support analysis of historical data to enable you to find
bottlenecks and other historical trends. If you do not have these built-in
capabilities, you have to manually capture and analyze all of this data.

1.1.2 When
Now that we know a little more about BPM and how it can be used with a BPM
suite, the next question is, when is a BPM suite a good fit for a project? This is a
very important question, because in our experience, this can have a big effect on
if your projects are successful or not. We have seen projects fail where a BPM
suite has been used more as an application development tool in isolation without
the iterative approach of BPM.

The issue here is typically that business users are only involved up front when
the initial requirements are captured, and do not see anything until the project
goes live much later. However, requirements change frequently these days. This
does not mean that if you use a BPM suite as a pure application development
tool your project is doomed to fail, but in our experience the risk is higher.

Now, examine what typical problems you would find in a process that is executed
in a manual and unstructured way compared to what a BPM suite offers.

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management 7

Figure 1-2 shows the typical issues that you face without a BPM suite, and the
value that such a suite brings.

Figure 1-2 The effect of BPM

It is amazing how many business-critical processes today are still managed and
run manually. We would even go as far as to say that the most-used tools for
running processes are email and spreadsheets.

There are many issues when you are running a process manually:
Visibility into your processes becomes difficult if not impossible when you
either run your process manually, or the process spans multiple enterprise
systems or departments. One option is to try to manually capture the data
needed, such as processing times and so on.
However, this is typically difficult and error-prone. From an operational
perspective, it becomes challenging for process owners and people working
with the process to get an overview of how they are doing.
For example, from a team managers perspective, it becomes difficult to get
an overview of what the team is working on. Who is working on what, and how
much work do they have? This can have a big effect on client satisfaction.

8 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 Process variation
With manual processes, you are relying on the user to know what they should
do and what the next step in the process is. This invariably leads to many
variations in how the process is executed. In turn, variations increase the risk
from a compliance perspective, because you cannot guarantee the flow of the
process. It also means that it is difficult to measure and improve the process,
because you cannot be sure that you are comparing apples to apples.
 Missing information
One of the biggest issues with manual processes in our experience is rework,
because this is both time-consuming and costly. Rework in manual processes
is made much worse because users have to manually enter or reenter data
into multiple systems. This many times leads to the wrong data being entered
or even missing all together. The outcome of this is rework.
 Hidden or missing work
With manual processes there is always a risk of missing or losing work,
especially if you rely on emails, because these can easily be missed or
deleted. This in turn can lead to work not being completed on time, which in
turn has an effect on client satisfaction.

So, how can a BPM suite help to mitigate these issues? A BPM suite introduces
a layer of abstraction between the user and the back-end systems. The process
interacts with the back-end system, typically with an enterprise service bus
(ESB), and interacts with the users through built-in UIs. Therefore, the user only
has one interface to work with, and it presents the information that the user
needs to complete the task.

The process is modeled and executed within the BPM tool. The benefit here is
that the same process is always executed, minimizing risk. Put in another way,
the processes becomes predictable, repetitive, and easy to measure. The
process also handles the routing of work to make sure that the correct person
always receives the correct task. A BPM suite also gives you end-to-end visibility
across the process.

Describing a business process

Previously, we introduced when to use a BPM suite. Next, we want to focus on
what a business process is. Note that many different types of processes exist,
and not all of them are business processes that are suited for a BPM suite.
Therefore, the type of process that you are planning to implement has an effect
on whether the process is suitable for a BPM system.

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management 9

The following list describes several key aspects that highlight a business process
that is suitable for a BPM suite:
 Performing the process provides value to the business.
 The process follows a relatively structured path.
 The process contains individually business-relevant steps.
 The steps within the process are performed by multiple roles and teams.
 Business-relevant data flows through the process.
 The process changes over time as a result of changes in the business.

1.1.3 Why: The value of BPM

In the previous sections we introduced what a BPM suite is and when you should
use it to gain maximum business value. In this section, we talk about why you
should use it. What is the business value of a BPM solution? We have divided
this section into the following five value points:
 Business agility
 Workforce efficiency
 Process governance

Note that this is not intended to be an exhaustive list of value points.

Business agility
The business world we live in today is changing faster than ever. To stay
competitive, companies have to change quickly or see themselves be overtaken
by competitors that can adapt to new business needs more swiftly. Because of
this, businesses are becoming more and more demanding as to how often and
how quickly they need changes.

This puts extra pressure on information technology (IT) organizations that are
typically already overworked and have limited budgets. It is in this environment
where BPM can help, with its iterative approach of delivering small incremental
releases and value often. IT can also offload some of the work, such as process
discovery, to business. This means they can concentrate on the tasks that add
more value.

The historical approach to application development has been more targeted at a

waterfall methodology with long development cycles. This involves getting all of
the requirements up front and then getting into a longer development cycle of
6 - 12 months or longer. An issue with this is that when the application is
eventually delivered, it is not unusual for the requirements to have changed due
to altered business needs.

10 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Changes have to be done more rapidly to meet the ever-changing competitive
landscape. The effect of this has been that IT struggles to keep up with modified
business requirements.

Not only can you develop new processes and change existing processes quickly.
BPM also helps to align project goals with the business needs, because business
people are involved at all stages during the development cycle.

Figure 1-3 shows the typical phases in the standard playback methodology.

Figure 1-3 Iterative development with BPM

For more information about how to best apply the playback methodology, see the
IBM Redbooks publication Scaling BPM Adoption: From Project to Program with
IBM Business Process Manager, SG24-7973.

One reason many companies start looking at BPM is the need for end-to-end
process visibility. It is key to have reliable performance metrics if you want to start
improving your processes with a degree of certainty. Some clients have
processes that span multiple vertical systems. Each of the systems might have
workflow and reporting built in, which provides visibility into the system. However,
they struggle to get full end-to-end visibility.

This becomes even harder when the process also spans multiple departments. A
simple example to illustrate this would be the onboarding process for a new
employee. One might think that this process mainly involves human resources
(HR). However, it typically touches many other departments and systems, and
this makes visibility across the process difficult without a BPM suite.

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management 11

The following list provides some examples of the departments that the
onboarding process typically touches:
 Security. Enable access to building and issue a badge.
 Human resources. Conduct interview, negotiate contract, get contract signed,
and add new employee to the HR system.
 IT. Provide a notebook and set up in IT systems.
 Facilities. Give desk to sit at, and so on.

From an operational point of view, BPM enables users to review the performance
of processes in real time and take actions. This could be a user reviewing all of
the tasks that she is working on to understand what is the most important item of
work. This can be classified by priority assigned to work, or from a time
perspective, such as what is due today, tomorrow, and so on.

After a business process is automated, a majority of the value that a business

garners out of it is in the understanding of the process, and the ability to improve
it based on that knowledge. Too often, enterprises attempt to optimize processes
in the absence of real performance metrics. A BPM system enables you to
understand where there are issues in the process, and how to improve
the process.

Organizations today must comply with an ever-growing set of government
regulations. Not only is the number of regulations growing, but the current set of
regulations is often not that clearly defined. They also change often. Regulations
are getting increasingly complex, as special cases and exceptions surface.

Moreover, as a consequence of globalization, organizations now have to comply

with multi-country regulations, further increasing complexity. All of this brings a
new set of requirements that organizations must adhere to.

Compliance is not a competitive area for organizations, because all of the

organizations in a specific industry have to adhere to the same set of regulations,
and regulations are not a driver for growth. On the contrary, they can have a
negative effect on business.

For instance, some financial institutions cannot afford to onboard US clients,

because the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FATCA) imposes so
many constraints. With this in mind, organizations are searching for ways to avoid
unnecessary costs related to regulations.

12 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
A BPM tool can help organizations to comply with regulations, because it
enables easy and quick changes. It also helps with auditability and traceability of
processes. From a broader perspective, it helps organizations to keep costs
down when you are required to adhere to many different regulations, because a
BPM solution is a platform where you can implement any process across the
organization to comply with regulations.

We have seen organizations buy a specific application to cover one specific

regulation for example FATCA. This quickly becomes unmanageable and
expensive, because organizations have to cover all applicable regulations. What
clients need is a single platform for addressing all compliance needs, while
enabling auditability, agility, and measurable quality of service.

In fact, we have seen an increase over the last couple of years in organizations
offering business process outsourcing. These organizations offer compliance
processes for many different regulations for example FATCA, The
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Know Your Customer (KYC), Payment Protection
Insurance (PPI) Remediation, and so on. The case is very compelling for both
client organizations and service providers.

Client organizations can focus on their core business, and service providers can
provide compliance as a service and do repeat business, because regulations
are the same for all clients. They can come with a unique value proposition
where they provide high-quality service. Again, service providers need to come
to the market with a uniform platform and practice, and visibility and agility are
strong value points.

The following list includes some of the most important aspects where a BPM
solution helps organizations with regards to compliance with regulations:
Due to the fact that a BPM suite supports quick and iterative development, it
enables organizations to quickly change their processes and adhere to
ever-changing government regulations.
When implementing processes, organizations gain a new level of visibility with
regards to how processes are implemented. This makes it much easier for
organizations and auditors to make sure that they adhere to regulations. Chief
Compliance Officers also need such visibility, because they are getting more
constraints on their agenda. Remember that, with a BPM solution, what you
are modeling is also what you are executing.

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management 13

There are two main aspects about traceability where a BPM system can help:
First, it helps to track who changed a process from a development and
change perspective. Not only that, it also helps to track when the change
was made and what was changed, and link the change to a change in the
regulation. This is key from a traceability perspective.
Secondly, it also enables organizations to review historical process data to
enable you to trace how the outcome or decision in a process was made.
Such capabilities are frequently a requirement expressed in regulations,
for instance for enforcing consumer rights.
By modeling the process in a BPM system that enforces the rule that what
you are modeling is also what you are executing, you can ensure that this is
true for the process that you have modeled. Also, because the process is
executed in a system and not by a user, the process becomes predictable and
repetitive. The same process will always be executed. This means that you
are reducing your risk of being in breach of compliance.
One important aspect of compliance to regulations is the ability to go back in
time to understand who did what, where and when in a process. A BPM
system captures a complete audit trail that enables organizations to do this.

Workforce efficiency
One of the issues with manual processing is that you very much rely on the
individual employee and their knowledge of the process. Every employee makes
slightly different decisions, which means the process isnt exactly repetitive and
predictable, which leads to increased risk.

This also means that it becomes more difficult to improve the efficiency of a
process. One aspect of this is the need to minimize the amount of time in the
process being wasted trying to figure out who should have the work item after
you complete it.

This might not be such a big issue for the heroes in an organization that have
in-depth knowledge and have worked with the process for a long time. This is
often referred to as the hero culture, where a few very knowledgeable people
become the people that do much of the work. These same people help and guide
other employees.

14 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Hero culture often makes it hard for organizations to grow, because they rely on a
few employees with in-depth knowledge of the processes. In fact, a BPM system
can help to encode the knowledge and best practices from these heroes to
enable other users to get up to speed faster and become productive.

The following sections provide information about some of the aspects regarding
workforce efficiency and the benefits of BPM.

With manual processes, it is the employees responsibility to know who to route
the work to next. For a simple process, such as applying for time off, it is typically
reasonably simple. You complete the form and email it to your manager, who
approves (or declines) and then sends it on to HR. However, if you consider more
complex and business-critical processes, such as a claims request, it becomes
more difficult.

The reason for this is that the routing of a specific work item is many times based
on many different attributes, for example the type of claim, client status, severity,
location, priority, and so on. It also depends on the skill and availability of the
employees handling cases.

This leads to wasted time as the employee looks up instructions or sends it to the
person the he thinks should have it. That person in turn passes it on to somebody
else that should have it. Even worse, the person you send the work to might be
out of the office and so cannot do the work. The consequence of this is that the
work sits in an inbox for days or weeks without being actioned.

A BPM suite enables you to encode the routing rules in the process. Two of the
benefits are that you reduce the risk, because you always get the same result
from the routing rule for the same input. You also speed up the process, because
the task is routed to the correct person immediately.

Another benefit with routing rules that are encoded in a BPM suite is that you can
also start using more complex rules based on the skills and workload of
employees. An example of this could be when a claim comes in to the claims
department, the process first executes a routing rule that takes into account the
complexity of the case and what skill is needed.

It can also look at who of the people that can actually handle the claim has the
least work, and then route it to that person. You could even implement the
concept of follow the sun if you have employees in different time zones. An
example of this is the automatic reassignment of work from a call center in New
York to San Francisco at the end of the day in New York.

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management 15

The fact that you can automate the routing rules is great, but it does not cover all
cases. There are always cases when you need to manually assign or reassign
work. This is especially important as you evolve your BPM solution. Remember
that version 1 is typically not the complete end-to-end solution as you deliver
smaller releases faster with BPM.

For example, in version 1 you might have decided to only implement simpler
routing rules that cover 80% of the cases. You refine the rules in version 2 when
you also have some usage data from version 1. This is why you always need the
capability to manually perform overrides.

Because a BPM suite automatically keeps track of all work, it enables the system
to make business dashboards available with information about what is going on.
This enables a business user, like a team manager, to first get an overview of
what the team is working on before deciding how to assign or reassign work.

Parallel work
This one is probably rather obvious, but it is still worth mentioning, because it has
an effect on the efficiency of the process. You can gain process efficiency by
performing work in parallel. If certain work items or tasks do not rely on each
other, you can speed up the end-to-end process by performing them in parallel.

Data entry
Another issue with manual processes is that many times they span multiple
back-end systems. Different tasks in a process need access to different systems.
In addition, users must interact with multiple back-end systems to get all of the
information that they need to complete one single task.

This involves them having to log on to multiple systems to collect all of the data
manually. They do this using what we refer to as the swivel chair approach,
which is looking at one screen and then swiveling over to the other system to
type the data in.

This introduces several issues:

 The users waste time logging in and navigating multiple systems. This
becomes even worse if the user is new to the system, because they have to
try to find their way.
 The windows in the different systems are also typically not designed with the
specific task in mind, so much of the data on the window is not needed. This
might confuse the users, leading to either them spending extra time figuring
out what is needed, or just guessing.
The outcome of this is that many times the user collects the wrong data, or
even misses some of the data altogether. This invariably leads to rework in
the process, which is both time-consuming and costly.

16 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
A BPM solution solves these issues by presenting one consistent interface that
guides the user through the immediate task. This removes the need for the user
to interact directly with multiple back-end systems, because this is handled by the
BPM system.

The window in the BPM system is also designed with the specific task in mind,
and removes any unnecessary data that clutters the window and can confuse the
user. This reduces the chance for errors in the process, which in turn leads to
less rework and in the end quicker completion of processes.

Routing rules are not the only decisions being made in a process. Frequently,
you also have process rules that affect the path that the process takes. An
example of this could be where a claim needs to have extra approval if the
compensation in the claim exceeds a certain value. The benefit here is very
similar to the routing rules. It enables you to encode the rules to ensure the same
outcome every time they are executed with the same input.

Knowledge sharing
In the last couple of years we have seen an increase in the use of social
capabilities within BPM. By socially enabling your processes with capabilities,
such as message feeds, screen sharing, and so on, you enable your more
experienced employees, the heroes, to collaborate and share their knowledge
with other users. The benefit is that new users can complete the work faster and
with less error.

An example could be an employee that is new and does not exactly know what to
do, or it could be that she just wants to ask for help from an experienced user to
make sure that she makes the correct decision. Without a socially enabled BPM
system, they can either sit and try to read online instructions, or use the phone to
call a more experienced user if they know who that is. In both cases, they would
waste time. Also, any communication outside of a tool would not be logged.

Process governance
As we have mentioned before, one of the values of BPM is that you can increase
the quality of your processes by modeling them and then executing them in one
single system. A BPM system can also help to drive commonality in processes
across the enterprise. An example of this could be an approval process that is
the same for many higher-level processes.

With a BPM suite, you would implement the approval process once and reuse it
many times. This speeds up the development of the process, and makes sure
that you handle an approval the same way every time.

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management 17

A big part of the governance aspects in a BPM program is the establishment of a
BPM Center of Excellence. For more information about the value of a Center of
Excellence see 1.2.2, Center of Excellence on page 19.

1.2 Influences on a successful BPM project

As you would imagine, there are several factors that influence the outcome of a
BPM project. Some of these factors are pervasive across IT, and others are more
specific to BPM. Our experience is that it is not only technical aspects that have a
bearing on a BPM project. In this section, we will spend some time describing the
non-technical aspects of successful BPM projects.

1.2.1 Project delivery methodology

One key decision for any successful business process project or program is what
delivery methodology approach to use. To take full advantage of the promise of
BPM such as business agility, it is our strong belief that it is key to use an agile
approach to delivery.

For many clients this is a big step, because they are used to a waterfall-based
methodology in which you spend a fair amount of time up front gathering and
documenting all of the requirements before handing off to IT for the
implementation. The issue with this approach is that internal and external
business requirements change quickly these days.

We believe that it is much better to deliver incremental value in small steps. This
enables you to adjust quickly to new requirements as they come up.

If you are totally new to BPM, there are also some unique challenges that you
should be aware of. The following sections describe some of the common issues
on a higher level.

For a more detailed description of how to approach BPM and ensure its success,
see the IBM Redbooks publication Scaling BPM Adoption: From Project to
Program with IBM Business Process Manager, SG24-7973.

One approach that we have seen that initially can look promising is to document
all of your most business-critical processes and start implementing all of them at
the same time. The idea behind this is typically that organizations are trying for
the maximum effect. However, we would strongly advise against this approach,
because we have seen it fail many times, for several reasons.

18 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
If you are new to BPM, there is a learning curve as you adapt to the new
software, as with any software. Also, if your organization is not used to an agile
and iterative approach to delivery, there is a certain amount of cultural change
that has to take place. Furthermore, it can be difficult to get the full value out of
reusing assets from other projects, and there can be some amount of rewriting
necessary later to cater for reusability.

We advise you to always start small: Do not try to boil the ocean in one attempt.
The first project should always be a process that is smaller in scope but still
delivers business value. It is important that the first project is successful for your
continued rollout of BPM. Success breeds success.

Note also that even if the process that you are planning to implement in a BPM
tool is a large complex process, you can still approach this by breaking it up into
several smaller deliverables or iterations. For example, for the first version you
can still get value by implementing a thin process that just routes the work and
prompts users to complete a task and then report back. From this you would still
get visibility and understand where bottlenecks are, and so on.

Or you might opt to implement a part of the process that is currently causing
issues and go deeper. In iteration 2 you might start plugging in integrations to
automate certain steps.

Remember that it is almost always better to deliver some business value in, for
instance, 90 - 120 days than it is to wait for a more complete solution in 9 - 12
months. Another aspect to remember is that in todays world it is almost certain
that business requirements will have changed anyway in the 9 - 12 months.

One of the positive effects of delivering a project in small incremental steps is

that the change for the user is kept smaller, which means better user adoption.

More information about delivery methodologies and approaches can be found in

Chapter 2, Approaches and process discovery on page 25.

1.2.2 Center of Excellence

Although most BPM projects begin as individual, loosely connected (or entirely
disconnected) efforts, todays operational landscape demands scalability and
enterprise-wide adoption, which eventually necessitates bringing individual BPM
projects together in a consolidated BPM program. To meet the demand of
scalability and enterprise-wide adoption of BPM, many organizations today
implement a BPM Center of Excellence (CoE).

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management 19

A CoE must address the following key focus areas of responsibility:
 Defining a higher business goal or vision, driving BPM initiatives, and aligning
individual projects with that vision
 Executing a scalable delivery resource model for discovering, implementing,
deploying, managing, and supporting BPM initiatives
 Administering a shared infrastructure for hosting and maintaining the
solutions that are the outcomes of BPM initiatives

Through experience with both successful and challenging BPM program

initiatives, we learned that the following aspects are true:
 A BPM initiative can survive only by achieving business value, and business
value must support the strategic objectives of the organization. Business
value must be measured objectively with supporting data and be easily visible
and communicated to leadership. Without demonstrating business value, the
BPM journey will end, or stagnate at best.
 The transformative nature of BPM requires a shared infrastructure, called a
BPM system (BPMS) that scales with a growing demand for BPM projects.
This shared infrastructure must support the collaborative aspects and
governing demands of BPM as a discipline.
 The purpose of a BPM initiative is to create a repeatable delivery model for
improving business performance. Long-term success depends entirely on
establishing a scalable BPM delivery model as a discipline. Focusing on
organizational enablement in BPM methods is essential for an uninterrupted
BPM journey. Without BPM method enablement, even the best BPM suite
achieves no value.

The previously mentioned points illustrate why strong executive sponsorship and
effective working relationships between all departments in an organization are
essential. The charter of the BPM CoE is to ensure that these conditions exist.

The CoE has representatives from both business and IT. This is especially
important when it comes to project selection, and when deciding the scope of a
project or iteration.

For a more detailed description on how to create a BPM Center of Excellence

see the IBM Redbooks publication Creating a BPM Center of Excellence (CoE),

20 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
1.2.3 People
One key aspect of any successful BPM project is the active involvement of
business users and stakeholders throughout the length of the project.

An often under-appreciated factor in the success of BPM projects is the people

that are involved. Frequently, if stakeholders are more used to a waterfall
approach, they are rather keen to get all of the requirements into the first release.
They expect that the likelihood of it being delivered in a later release is slim, or
that it takes a long time for it to be realized. There is therefore always a tendency
for business people to try to fit as much as possible into the first release.

The big risk with this is that very quickly the scope starts to swell and the delivery
date moves. It falls on the project manager to control scope. It is therefore
important that the project manager or the executive sponsor have the power to
make the final decision about what is in or out of scope for the current release.

1.3 Things to consider before a project starts

In this final section of the first chapter we want to raise some issues that we have
seen in projects where we have been involved. These points might seem trivial
but they have a real effect on projects. If you can avoid them, you can save
yourself from additional headaches.

The first set of points are about getting the people that are involved in the project
access to the correct resources so that they can do their work. The second
section describes things that are typically not thought about at the start of a
project, but invariably affect the success of the project.

1.3.1 Access to resources

We are keen to highlight these seemingly simple administrative points because
we have seen our fair share of projects being delayed by them.

The first thing is to make sure that all developers that are involved in the project
have access to all of the correct resources so that they can do their job. This
includes but is not limited to the following resources:
 Access to logs on servers for debugging
 Access to servers where your BPM server is installed for eventual server
configuration changes, for example, log level

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management 21

Access problems can typically be avoided by having a good onboarding process
in place, especially if you are using external consultants that need access to
resources. The onboarding process would also need to make sure that the
external consultants have access to the following components:
 Development machine
 Server access

1.3.2 Often overlooked

In this section we are going to have a quick look at certain aspects of a BPM
project that might be overlooked. In the case of reporting, it is often the first thing
that gets cut when the project is running out of time.

Believe it or not, a project aspect that sometimes gets overlooked is
performance. This can, for obvious reasons, have a massive effect on the
acceptance of a new process that you deploy. Business users are not going to be
happy if the system is slow. There are many aspects that you must look at during
the project regarding the performance of a BPM system:
 Architecture best practices
For a more detailed description about best practices for IBM Business
Process Manager topologies, see the IBM Redbooks publication IBM
Business Process Manager Version 8.0 Production Topologies, SG24-8135.
For more details about architecture best practices, see Chapter 3, Solution
analysis and architecture considerations on page 73.
 Development best practices
For a more detailed description about best practices for developing Coaches
with IBM BPM, see the IBM Redbooks publication Leveraging the IBM BPM
Coach Framework in Your Organization, SG24-8210.
For a more detailed description about best practices for developing mobile
user interfaces with IBM BPM, see the IBM Redbooks publication Extending
IBM Business Process Manager to the Mobile Enterprise with IBM Worklight,
For more best practices for IBM BPM, see the BPM section on IBM

22 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 Performance tuning and configuration
For a more detailed description about best practices for performance with IBM
BPM, see the IBM Redpaper publication IBM Business Process Manager
V8.0 Performance Tuning and Best Practices, REDP-4935 and the IBM
Redbooks publication IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance
Tuning and Best Practices, SG24-8216.
 Database configuration, tuning, and best practices
For a more detailed description about best practices for database tuning with
IBM BPM, see the IBM Redpaper publication IBM Business Process Manager
V8.0 Performance Tuning and Best Practices, REDP-4935 and the IBM
Redbooks publication IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance
Tuning and Best Practices, SG24-8216.

Considering these aspects of performance, we strongly suggest that you

remember them from the beginning of the project, and plan accordingly as you
build your solution.

Many organizations overlook the importance of business reporting when they
begin their process discovery phase in a new BPM project. It is either this, or
reporting is the first thing that gets cut when a project is running out of time.

The lack of business-focused reporting can have a large effect on the success
and acceptance of your project. Therefore, it is important to make reporting a key
aspect of your project. Never implement a BPM project without planning for
business reports.

1.4 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have introduced you to the concept of BPM and the benefits of
a BPM suite. The success of a BPM project is not only affected by technical
decisions that the team makes. Therefore, we have highlighted some of the more
business-focused decisions that you as a team must make, because invariably
they affect the outcome of your project. These decisions have an even bigger
effect if you as an organization have started on a wider enterprise BPM journey.

In the following chapters, we go into more details about the more technical
design decisions that you might face.

Chapter 1. Introduction to successful business process management 23

24 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager

Chapter 2. Approaches and process

This chapter provides an overview of approaches for business process
management (BPM) with IBM Business Process Manager (IBM BPM), and
explores the main aspects of BPM success:
 Why BPM is important
 The BPM journey
 The six pillars of success for BPM
 Business process and Smarter Process Maturity Model: A roadmap
 Estimating IBM BPM projects
 IBM Smarter Process Method
 IBM component business modeling
 Process inventory
 Process Inventory, Variation Analysis, and Roadmap
 Blueprint or Macro Design
 Process Factory
 Top Down - Bottom Up

Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. All rights reserved. 25

2.1 Why BPM is important
Each organization might have a different entry point into its BPM initiative. Each
business unit might be at a different point in the journey of adopting BPM, or in its
maturity of using BPM after it is adopted.

Our experience indicates certain important considerations for success in the

BPM journey. We share these considerations, which we call the pillars of success
for BPM. Each of these pillars can become an initiative of its own as your
organization grows and evolves in their use of BPM.

Many times, we are asked, What do we do next? Although the answer can vary
depending on the current state of maturity, there are important concepts,
initiatives, and considerations that need to be taken into account regardless of
how much progress you have made to date. Sometimes, the next best action in
your BPM journey implies that there is an order to those steps.

Completing the second step first, or ignoring a step, might make your project
falter or fail, because project risks elevate. Because we do not want you to do
either, it is important for you to know what the next step is, and when the correct
time to implement it is.

Next, we address some common situations to see what the next logical step
might be:
 You are trying to identify which part of your organization can benefit most from
Next step: Define a heatmap using an IBM Component Business Model, as
explained in 2.7, IBM component business modeling on page 52.
 You are considering your first BPM project, but do not know what your
processes really are.
Next step: Conduct a process inventory, as explained in 2.8, Process
inventory on page 56.
 You know that you have several processes in your business area, but do not
know which one you should start with. You would like to extract commonality
and reuse subprocesses. You are wondering if there is a way to consolidate
and reuse processes. What about the variations in your processes? How do
you handle them?
Next step: Conduct a Process Inventory, Variation Analysis, and Roadmap
(PIVAR), as explained in 2.9, Process Inventory, Variation Analysis, and
Roadmap on page 57.

26 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 You are working on a project and want to get an idea of what it would take to
implement the processes for the project.
Next step: Start blueprinting, as explained in 2.10, Blueprint or Macro
Design on page 62.
 You are ready to implement your first IBM BPM application.
Next step: Start your project, as explained in 2.11, Project on page 64.
 You have already implemented your first IBM BPM application successfully,
and you are thinking of taking the next big step. You have many processes,
often in different domains.
Next step: Start a BPM program, as explained in 2.12, Program on page 65.
 You have many processes that you want to make use of commonality and
implement them in parallel, or you want to deliver large complex processes
more cost-efficiently.
Next step: Set up an IBM BPM Factory, as explained in 2.13, Process
Factory on page 67.
 You are using an existing platform for BPM, and want to make the most of the
modern capabilities and features provided by IBM BPM.
Next step: Plan for migration, as explained in 2.14, Migration on page 69.

2.2 The BPM journey

BPM, like many other trends that combine business and technology, is a journey.
We start from early adoption and lower levels of maturity, and move toward
higher levels of maturity. This journey, called the business process maturity
spectrum, is described in the next section.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 27

This overall BPM journey is depicted in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 The BPM journey

There are three areas, all based on a foundation of governance and enablement:
 Method and approach as a progression
 Skills and capabilities

The method and approaches show a progression of discovery workshops, quick

wins, macro design, PIVAR, and then moving toward a factory-based approach.

A business case for automation of one or more business processes provides the
motivating factor. We would like to be able to break out of tightly constrained,
siloed applications, and start building applications from loosely coupled
process steps. Loosely coupled steps enable you to rework the process without
having to completely rewrite the application.

28 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
We want to somewhat mirror the way work is done in the business, but with more
automation and efficiency. To accomplish this, we complete the following stages:
1. The first step in the journey typically starts with a discovery workshop of a few
days that explores the details of single process.
2. Later, we move on to a quick win project, which delivers tangible business
value in a short time frame.
3. As we gain more confidence, we map out the project using macro design or
blueprinting, identifying the processes to automate. You also identify the
integrations that need to take place, and the information architecture that
underlies the integrations.
4. If a larger number of processes is involved, we engage in PIVAR so that
we can capitalize on commonality and create a roadmap for automating
multiple processes.
5. With continued success, we can elevate the effort to that of a program level of
sophistication, and involve a Factory model for BPM development that scales
to very large programs involving multiple projects.

2.3 The six pillars of success for BPM

Through our projects and across industries, we have accumulated leading
practices that significantly increase project success rates and decrease risks.
Among them are the six pillars of success for Smarter Process. Smarter Process
consists of an intelligent (pun intended) combination of process, rules, integration
using services, underlying data, and analytics combined to make a business
process smarter, more capable of adaptation to business needs.

To increase success rates and decrease project or program risks, we suggest

that you consider looking at starting the following tracks or initiatives. Often these
streams of activities can be started somewhat independently of one another:
 Assessments and maturity models: Course corrections
 A strategic roadmap and tactical plan
 Agile methods and processes: Driving skills, predictability, and consistency
within the organization
 Reference architecture: A blueprint or template to be instantiated by various
business lines
 Governance: Institutionalizing consistency through centers of excellence
 Tools and software platforms: Automating the process with state-of-the-art

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 29

2.3.1 Assessments and maturity models: Course corrections
A first important step is to agree on the features that characterize your current
processes, and then decide which set of capabilities you need to have in a future
or to-be state. This assessment needs to be predicated on some kind of a
maturity model. We provide a high-level view of such a maturity model in the
following paragraphs.

Course corrections are then made possible by assessing deviations from the
roadmap that you have created. The roadmap consists of a set of initiatives,
projects that are implemented to get you to your wanted future state in each of
the dimensions defined by the maturity model that you use.

For example, the following dimensions describe the BPM maturity model:
 Knowledge worker processes (less predictable, ad hoc, and case-centric)
 Automated business processes (more predictable, straight through
processing (STP), and deterministic)
 Rules and decisions
 Analytics and key performance indicators (KPIs)
 Services and integrations
 API management
 Data or Information Architecture (as it relates to the BPM initiative)

2.3.2 A strategic roadmap and tactical plan

You can create a strategic roadmap (often as a program consisting of multiple
projects and initiatives), and a tactical plan. This plan is based on an evaluation
of the as-is state, and a determination of the wanted to-be state that you have
worked out in your maturity assessment.

A tactical project plan is created for the shorter term, and a longer-term plan is
crafted with schedules, initiatives, and objectives to be attained. Resources are
trained and allocated to meet these objectives and timelines.

30 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
2.3.3 Agile methods and processes: Driving skills, predictability,
and consistency within the organization
Paramount to large-scale software development across an organization is
consistency and prescriptiveness. This involves large groups of distributed staff
working from the same templates so that activities converge and outputs are
relevant across the organization. Prescriptiveness is important to help guide
technical and business resources to engage in the correct activities to produce
the wanted artifacts and deliverables.

IBM provides a Smarter Process Method for use on BPM and Smarter Process
projects in general, depicted in the following section. It is advised that in the early
stages of the project or program, a Method Adoption Workshop of 1 - 2 days is
convened to decide which aspects of the method will be used for this project
type. Determine which roles, artifacts, and activities are chosen to be delivered
and executed for this project type.

We suggest defining a few project types as the baseline. Map other projects in
terms of size, complexity, and domain (for example, private sector or public
sector, each with their own specific needs) to these base types. The outcome is a
work breakdown structure that can serve as a guide for future projects.

Remember that agile methods are appropriate for smaller projects. As project
size and complexity increase, a tailoring of the agile method needs to be
conducted. For example, it is tempting to assume that, after a quick win pilot or
an initial working prototype, we can continue onward into the full-fledged project
using the same approach.

Often we need to pause after the initial pilot or prototype and look holistically at
the macro level of the project:
 The integrations
 The architecture as a whole
 Database considerations
 Infrastructure issues
 Configurations for the various development, staging, testing, and production

This Blueprinting or macro design phase is advised to alleviate problems and

mitigate risks. You see examples and more details in the following sections.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 31

2.3.4 Reference architecture: A blueprint or template to be
instantiated by various business lines
Reference architectures, such as service-oriented architecture (SOA), can
provide a blueprint for the logical and physical manifestations of the components
and architectural building blocks that are agreed-upon standards within an
organization. Often, different lines of business instantiate or realize the reference
architecture using different products, or choose to alter one or more architectural
building blocks to suit their specific needs.

The key point is that you ensure that it is not an ad hoc architecture that gets built
every time a new project comes along. A basis is established as a standard in
effect, which is adhered to by using governance and management.

Start with an industry-standard reference architecture, and then customize key

aspects for your organization or line of business. This practice helps establish
uniformity and consistency that can aid in the governance of enterprise
initiatives. The SOA Reference Architecture from the Open Group
(http://opengroup.org) provides the basis for a BPM layer of architectural
building blocks that enable refinements needed to support business processes.

2.3.5 Governance: Institutionalizing consistency through centers of

All of the standards and leading practices and methods that are agreed upon by
one group of people at a given point in time fade from organizational memory
unless they are institutionalized. Usually, a construct such as a CoE or a center
of competency (CoC) is established as a steward and focal point for best
practices and standards. It also facilitates the enforcement of the standards, or
the appeal for exceptions should the need arise.

Governance defines the policies, and the management function enforces those
policies in practice.

2.3.6 Tools and software platforms: Automating the process with

state-of-the-art capabilities
IBM BPM can provide various configurations based on operational and
development needs. Disaster recovery, redundancy, failover, monitoring of
performance characteristics, security monitoring, and so on, are non-functional
requirements. These requirements can be met through the combination of
products, platforms, and policies, including monitoring and management of the
design time and runtime environments.

32 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
2.4 Business process and Smarter Process Maturity
Model: A roadmap
Most organizations are on a journey of adopting BPM. If you want to increase
your capabilities and BPM area, it is important to understand the current state of
the organization or the section of business that is attempting to use IBM BPM.
You should also define the capabilities wanted to be achieved in a future state.

Figure 2-2 depicts the anatomy of a Smarter Process. The concept of a Smarter
Process is one that combines business rules and decisions within the process,
and integrates with existing and back-end applications and systems of record.

In addition, a Smarter Process is one that can connect and integrate with case
management capabilities, and with structured and unstructured content that
provides context to the knowledge worker who is handling a case. Often, data
and analytics are gathered or monitored as part of metrics and KPIs within the
context of a business process.

Figure 2-2 The anatomy of a Smarter Process

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 33

2.4.1 The spectrum of the Smarter Process Maturity Model
Although our primary focus is on IBM BPM, or the business process workstream
within IBM BPM projects, there are several other dimensions of maturity that
have a direct effect on the success of your BPM projects. Figure 2-3 depicts the
overall Smarter Process Maturity Model.

Figure 2-3 The Smarter Process Maturity Model

The Smarter Process Maturity Model includes the following dimensions:

 Knowledge worker processes (less predictable ad hoc, and case-centric)
 Automated business processes (more predictable, STP, and deterministic)
 Rules and decisions
 Analytics and KPIs
 Services and integrations
 API management
 Data or information architecture (as it relates to the BPM initiative)

34 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Next, we describe the key capabilities that need to be maturing for typical IBM
BPM projects. This approach provides a planning framework to assess where
you are, and where you want to take the next step and enhance existing
organizational capabilities in IBM BPM projects.

The maturity model can also be seen as one of adoption, in which certain
capabilities start to appear, or should be expected to appear at a certain point in
the growth and evolution of BPM within your organization.

In Figure 2-3 on page 34 we show seven dimensions in the rows, starting from
manual processes, to automated business processes, to the rules and decisions
needed to run those processes. It also shows the analytics and KPIs that are
used to define, measure, and ultimately create a feedback loop for improvement
and optimization of the business process.

The next dimension is the all-important SOA, the set of services that will be
started when an activity is activated during a business process. Services grow
into the Representational State Transfer (RESTful) application programming
interface (APIs) that can be made available inside or outside the enterprise.
These APIs ultimately rely on data and information in the systems of record.

The maturity of BPM describes more of a journey within BPM. Although there are
many entry points and possible paths to take within BPM, the maturity model
provides a reference point around which you can plan your journey for BPM. This
model defines the underlying dependencies and possibilities that need to be
considered to arrive at a higher level of maturity or capability in the adoption and
capitalization process of using BPM.

2.4.2 The dimensions of maturity

The concept of aspects or dimensions of maturity covers the spectrum from the
day-to-day operations of the business down to the details of the information
technology (IT) infrastructure required to support it. Dimensions of maturity
typically involve an analysis of the following aspects of your business processes:
 STP versus manual or knowledge worker processes
 Automated business processes
 Rules and decisions
 Analytics and KPIs
 Services (of an SOA) used to reflect the portfolio of services required to
support a business

This often manifests in the area of service integrations that denote the
connectivity to back-end systems, which often supply these services or business
capabilities that help run a business.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 35

As we delve into more cloud-based and software as a service (SaaS)
capabilities, we enter into the API for RESTful web services, or API management
functions and capabilities. Most importantly, we have data or information
architecture and analytics that forms the backbone and cornerstone of an
organization, and supports its processes, services, rules, and components.

Note that the fields in each of the dimensions running horizontally are not an
exhaustive list of the aspects of maturity. Rather, they form categories in which
you can perform the following BPM activities:
 Consider more details.
 Conduct assessments to determine the as-is state.
 Designate and agree upon a wanted target or to-be state.
 Based on these source and destination points, plot a set of initiatives that
collectively fulfills the requirements and implements the capabilities required
by arriving at a to-be state.

The following sections outline a few representative questions that should be

asked, and an assessment made of the capabilities that are wanted to be
achieved within that domain. Note that a formal assessment has a more detailed
set of questions.

2.4.3 Knowledge worker processes

Processes cover a spectrum ranging from an uncertain set of steps that depend
on the context of the case that you are dealing with, to a series of well-known
steps in an automated business process. To model the problem space accurately
so that you can create an appropriate solution, it is important to understand and
outline the process in terms of its activities or steps:
 How much of the process is prescriptive? How well-known are the steps?
 Are we fairly certain about the structure and sequence of the steps in the
process? Can they be mapped out before the process actually starts?
 How much of the process can be automated deterministically, as in an
automated STP? Alternatively, is the process more of a case management
scenario requiring more knowledge worker participation, investigation, and
decision making that is up to the discretion of a person?
 What are the steps in the process?
 Who is deciding each step?
 Can the decisions be automated? Can the steps be automated? To what
extent can they be automated?
 How much is a knowledge worker involved? How much is this STP?

36 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
2.4.4 Automated business processes
Map out the process, its activities and steps, the swimlanes, and branching logic
as we go from one activity to the next. Examine the degree of certainty that you
have in each branch or scenario of the process, and who needs to be involved to
make it flow (who decides). Examine the efficiency and effectiveness of the
process in trying to accomplish its goals. Examine the roles within the
organization that participate in the process.

Business processes consist of activities that often use back-end systems for
information, to process the current step and decide what the next step in the
process is. Examine the degree of maturity of those integrations. Are they
currently hard wired, or are they web services calls?

Examine the flow within the business process, the routing that is required
between activities. Sometimes we might require more than routing logic. We
might need a business analyst (BA) or business subject matter expert (SME) to
model the rules separately and the process can use those rules.

We need to evaluate how much data we currently have about a process, to

continue optimizing it:
 Certainty of steps
What is the degree of certainty we have in the sequence and flow of the
activities and the steps within the business process?
Of the activities that can be automated, what level of automation is feasible?
That is, can we make the decisions at each step, or do we require further
information? Do we need an integration with a system of record to pull data?
Do we need to request a human to check something?
Are we currently in the beginning stages of maturity of automation of
processes? Do we want to start the automation by initially imitating the
manual process, measuring it, and gradually getting rid of the unnecessary
knowledge worker interactions that can begin to become more automated?
Are we in a position to model a swivel-chair automation, to help the
knowledge worker automate auditing, communication, and work
queue-related tasks?

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 37

 Process flow logic
What level of business rules governs each step in the process? Can we
introduce routing logic in the process, or do we require a more elaborate set
of business rules?
 Process simulation
We can simulate the flow of the process to find bottlenecks and run what-if
scenarios in an automated business process. Do we have the metrics about
how long each activity is taking? Alternatively, do we want to run the process
a few times to obtain those metrics?

2.4.5 Rules and decisions

Decisions points are often embedded within the process flow. At each of these
decision points, business rules need to be applied so that the process can decide
what action to take. Start data mining and discovering the rules and decision
points by interviewing the knowledge workers and gathering existing
spreadsheet information.

This helps you determine how much of the decision can be put in the business
process itself, and how much of it is probably better served by externalizing it into
a rules engine, such as IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM).
 Mine the rules
Where are the rules and decisions today? Are they in spreadsheets? Inside
the organizational tribal knowledge?
 Externalize business rules
Are they externalized or embedded within the process?
 Model the rules
Do they have a series of filters that needs to be applied for multiple rules, or
are they less complex rules?
 Differentiate rule types
Are the rules that you encounter mostly routing rules? Alternatively, are they
true business rules that decide how the business operates? Do they
contribute to the decision of what action to take next, and what back-end
system to pull data from or submit data to, for processing?

38 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
2.4.6 Analytics and KPIs
You can record known performance metrics within the process and run
simulations. At other times, if information about a process flow is outdated or
questionable, you might want to start by simulating the existing process in a
swivel chair model:
 Current metrics and KPIs
What, if any, measurements do we currently have in place that can be used as
a benchmark? Do we need to make an educated guess based on current
trends and feedback, and run the process first to gather this information?
 Measuring the process
What aspects of the process do we want to measure? How can we help the
kanban, kaizen, Six Sigma, lean, or lean Six Sigma efforts through automated
measurements and simulation of the process?
What aspects of the process do we want to constrain and limit in terms of
acceptable execution time of each step, or of the entire process?

2.4.7 Services in an SOA

A business process consists of a set of steps or activities. Each of these activities
might request a person (human task through a Coach or user interface) to do
something, such as approve a step in the process.

Each activity might also access a back-end system of record. Connection to a

back-end system requires integration capabilities that are best suited for an SOA.
The SOA consists of a portfolio of business-aligned services that implement the
business capabilities required within the context of a business process.
 Identify the portfolio of services that support key business capabilities.
What are the list of business capabilities required to produce business
outcomes? What are the services that need to be in place to support the
capabilities required by each line of business?
 Specify the integrations required with the back-end systems.
What back-end systems, applications, and systems of record are required to
integrate with the automated process?

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 39

 Differentiate between data integrations and application integration.
What are the data integrations required with systems of record or analytics
data warehouses? What are the integration points with applications such as
existing applications, commercial off the shelf (COTS) packages, and more
customized packages (such as SAP, PeopleSoft, and so on)?
 Determine the phases that a service goes through.
What is the lifecycle of the services?

2.4.8 API management

Consumers expect to access data at any time, across multiple devices. Provider
companies can reinvent interactions with clients, suppliers, and partners.
Explosive growth of potential clients increases opportunity, risk, and innovation.
As APIs emerge within multiple industries, the ability to make APIs available to
the value chain, and to capitalize on them, becomes a strategic advantage.

This dimension assesses the degree of preparedness or, if in place, the degree
of evolution and growth of the API management effort within the organization to
support key industry trends, such as mobile, social, and analytics:
 Mobile strategy
Is there a need for RESTful web services? How are you planning to deliver
mobile solutions, if any?
 Factor competitors in technology adoption
Is there a need for competitive advantage through making APIs available, or
using existing APIs, to compose applications that support a cloud-based or
SaaS-based model?
 Management of new delivery models
How are we planning to manage the SaaS aspect of the portfolio?

40 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
2.4.9 Data, content, and information architecture
A significant portion of a process is predicated on the data on which it relies, both
structured and unstructured. The necessary data is often gathered through
analytics, and stored in systems of record that must be accessed using services:
 Data and access
Is the data structured or unstructured? What parts of the process need
access to this content?
 Status of standardized data models for information exchange
Is a canonical data model in place? Is a canonical message model in place?
 Level of master data management (MDM) adoption
Is an MDM effort in place to consolidate systems of record?
 Information lifecycle governance
What is the lifecycle of data and information in connection with the domain
under study, and as it relates to the BPM processes? What data is to be used
within the context of the process?
 Data for decisions
Is there data that needs to be used to support rules and decisions? Are they

2.4.10 Infrastructure and non-functional requirements

The previous considerations are a snapshot of some of the key questions that
must be asked and answered within the context of a BPM project to assign
actions to support the project over its lifetime. Extrapolate these snippets to a
larger-scale assessment effort, and you have a picture of what the assessment
involves and what the output looks like.

The assessment includes as-is capabilities and wanted to-be capabilities that we
need to put in place for the successful execution of BPM projects:
What are the specifications for the environments? Install and configure the
development, testing, staging, and production environments.
 Monitoring and management
What are the required monitoring and management capabilities?
 Support for non-functional requirements
What kind of redundancies and disaster recovery capabilities are required?

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 41

2.5 Estimating IBM BPM projects
As a project manager or a technical staff member, the estimation that you
participate in defining significantly contributes to the success of your project.
Estimating a project provides the technical team and the business stakeholders
with visibility into the viability of the projects success. Estimation is a measure of
expectation for planning purposes.

Estimation also provides insight into skills, resources, and timelines for budgets
and commitments. One of the initial hurdles to surmount is that of assessing
complexity, which helps estimate the level of effort associated with the project.
There are various levels of estimation, including rough order of magnitude,
detailed estimations, and so on.

2.5.1 Dimensions of complexity

Project complexity has a direct influence on project duration. Next, We look at
how the complexity of the BPM artifacts that we intend to build influences the
project duration and level of effort. There are various dimensions to complexity,
such as the degree of complexity (for example, low, medium, and high). Another
aspect of complexity runs across a spectrum, which we describe in more detail in
the following section.

Next, We start with the concept of the BPM artifact. The following list includes the
six main IBM BPM artifacts:
 Business process definitions (BPDs).
 Activities that occur with the business process.
 User interfaces or Coaches, as they are called in IBM BPM.
 Services. Activities call services that connect to or integrate with back-end
systems of record or applications.
 Business rules.

So, how many of these will you have on your project? And how long will it take to
build each one?

First, you need to estimate how many of each of these you need to build. Then,
estimate what the level of complexity of each is going to be, within the project
context. Finally, estimate how long each takes to build. Then you can integrate
these three steps into your estimation for additional project activities beyond
development, construction, and testing. Next, we look at this process.

42 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
2.5.2 Degrees of complexity
In this section, we describe the aspects of project complexity and provide insight
into how these aspects affect your BPM project estimation and scheduling.

Figure 2-4 depicts several key areas of consideration for your projects. They
consist of a spectrum running from a value on the left to a value or attribution
on the right, which encompasses the range of options or scale associated with
that spectrum.

Figure 2-4 Factors and spectrums of scale and complexity

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 43

The scale of five: Low to ultrahigh complexity
Before we get into the spectrums of scale and complexity, we calibrate our
measurements. It would seem intuitive to map the level of project or artifact
complexity to the traditional low, medium, and high levels of complexity.

Statistical analysis of BPM projects shows that there are, in fact, five tiers of
complexity rather than the simplistic three, as shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5 The scale of complexity

For a rudimentary order of magnitude, an estimation of low, medium, and high

levels of complexity might suffice. But for a more accurate estimation, a scale of
1 - 5 is suggested. The corresponding English language designation might be
1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high, 4 = very high, and 5 = ultra high complexity.

You can name them whatever you want. However, note that there is a range that
exceeds the intuitive and commonly held belief, a range that goes far beyond
traditional levels of complexity.

As we cover the spectrums of complexity, consider where your project falls within
each of them. This helps create a more realistic estimate and project plan.

Speed of delivery level or transformation scale

The first spectrum shown on Figure 2-4 on page 43, pertains to the speed at
which the business is expecting results to be delivered. A typical way of initiating
an IBM BPM project is to start with a quick win. The quick win provides the
business with a working prototype that provides tangible business outcomes,
often focused on showing how fast something of business value can
be implemented.

The intent of such a quick win is more a proof of concept (POC) than something
that goes straight into production. The other end of the speed of delivery
spectrum is a program with multiple projects, and possibly the means of
industrializing the development process.

44 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Integration using services (SOA)
Many projects start with the assumption that the underlying integrations are
available, and that the services only have to be connected and called. Therefore,
no further design or construction is required. Often, upon closer scrutiny, this
assumption is found to be false: The services are not ready.

Therefore, during estimation, a reasonable amount of time should be allocated to

the design and implementation of the web services or other integration
mechanisms that are relevant and appropriate for IBM BPM to access existing
back-end systems or systems of record.

Front end versus back end

Some projects are focused primarily on the visual user interface (UI) and
interaction with users, such as a workflow that supports allocation of human
tasks in a work queue. These UIs (front-end) are called Coaches in IBM BPM.

At the other end of the spectrum, we find systems whose requirements are
heavily focused on the back office (back end). These systems have relatively few
human interfaces, and a substantial number of integrations and interactions with
existing systems, COTS applications, or systems of record. A consideration of
the nature of where your project falls within this spectrum helps create a more
realistic estimation and project plan.

Geographic distribution of the development team or SMEs

A key factor in assessing complexity and planning for your BPM project is the
selection of the number of iterations, and the duration of each iteration, in your
agile software development lifecycle. Geographical location or geographic
distribution of collaborating technical teams and business SMEs also plays an
essential role in managing the interactions and collaborations that are necessary
for making agile software development successful.

An agile software development process is predicated on a close collaboration

between the development team and business SMEs. Geographic dispersion
creates resource usage that you need to take into account for your project
estimation and project plan execution. For example, consider scrum meetings.
What does a virtual scrum mean for your organization and your team?

Line of business involvement

Insufficient business involvement in the project is a major risk factor. This forms
the basis of an important consideration for your project. Estimation, planning, and
the resources necessary to discover, automate, improve, or optimize business
processes requires active BA participation.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 45

In fact, we suggest the use of a metaphor of two in a boat: The architect and BA
rowing together to take the project forward. What this implies is the connected
collaboration and joint ownership of artifacts and decisions, with each role
contributing to and leading pieces of the project that are related to their domains
of expertise. This also helps in instituting governance, or the BPM CoE.

2.5.3 BPM artifact complexity: Some indicative samples

Another important consideration in estimation and planning of BPM projects is
the level of effort required to develop the solution. Having historical data
becomes increasingly important. Start by making it a discipline to gather data
pertaining to how much time each role is spending on tasks.

This historical data is gathered and analyzed across multiple projects, and can
facilitate, and provide a reference point for, estimation and planning efforts within
the context of your BPM projects. We encourage you to do so, often in the
context of the BPM CoE, which consolidates activities around leading practices
for BPM within your organization.

In gathering and analyzing this data, note that the velocity of each new team will
differ based on skill levels, domain experience, amount of past team experience,
and fundamental complexity of the problem domain, as outlined in 2.5.2,
Degrees of complexity on page 43.

Table 2-1 provides an indicative sample of statistical distribution based on the

five tiers of complexity.

Table 2-1 Sample statistical distribution: Indicative only

Sample Complexity Spectrum - Indicative Only
BPM artifacts
Low Medium High Very High Ultrahigh

BPD 58.80% 29.40% 11.70% 0.00% 0.00%

Activity 38.96% 33.77% 16.88% 7.79% 2.60%

Coach 62.96% 11.11% 14.81% 7.41% 3.70%

Integration 17.50% 20.00% 20.00% 30.00% 12.50%

The first column in Table 2-1 represents the BPM artifacts. BPDs are business
process definitions, which contain activities. Coaches refer to the UIs.
Integrations refer to web services-based integrations, where database
integrations pertain to integrations with systems of record.

46 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
The complexity spectrum indicates the statistical distribution of each of the BPM
artifacts. For example, about 63% of Coaches are low complexity, about 11% are
medium complexity, and 15% are high complexity. Interestingly, about 7% of
Coaches are very high complexity and about 4% are ultrahigh complexity.

Does that mean that we advocate creating an ultrahigh complexity Coach or

integration or activity? Clearly not. What this means is that despite advice and
leading practices, there are a statistically significant number of cases where
existing projects and business requires you to create or update a UI, integration,
or activity that does fall within the very high or ultrahigh scale. If you want realistic
estimates, you might want to consider this fact for your estimation.

2.6 IBM Smarter Process Method

In this section, we explore the IBM Smarter Process Method, a BPM method that
provides prescriptive guidance of leading practices for consistently successful
BPM projects.

Figure 2-6 shows the IBM Smarter Process Method.

Figure 2-6 IBM Smarter Process Method

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 47

The IBM Smarter Process Method provides prescriptive guidance on leading
practices for each phase within a BPM project or program. We have several
phases, some optional. We often begin with a discovery workshop that delves
deeper into one representative process and establishes some initial estimates.

Then we engage in one or more quick win pilots that demonstrate the execution
speed of a project, and its technological possibilities, while providing some basic
value to the business.

If we implement larger projects, we embark on a blueprinting activity that looks at

the global and holistic technical details of the overall project or program. If we
have several processes and think there is value in combining efforts and
factoring out commonality, we engage in a PIVAR activity. The result of the
PIVAR is not only to analyze commonality and variability, and to factor out the
commonalities, but also to condense the total number of processes.

Processes are grouped and started in parallel based on their business affinity or
technical cohesion. They are implemented together in multiple groups.

2.6.1 Workstreams
There are two main workstreams for us to consider on BPM projects:
 Business Process workstream
The major workstream in a BPM project is the Business Process workstream,
which includes the Coaches, the BPDs, and the activities that comprise
the process.
 Services and Integration workstream
An IBM BPM application also needs to access systems of record, and
possibly different sorts of established back-end systems or COTS
applications. To provide this access, we need to have integrations. The
Services and Integration workstream uses a set of services within the context
of an underlying SOA to connect to these resources.

48 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Figure 2-7 shows the two main workstreams for a typical (low-to-medium
complexity) BPM project. If we have a high complexity project with higher levels
of complexity of the artifacts, we can add more workstreams to deal with that
complexity. But on 80% of projects, the two workstreams, business process and
services and integration, are more than adequate.

Figure 2-7 IBM BPM: Two major workstreams

These two workstreams are the ones to start with on smaller, lower complexity
projects, such as those that can be designated as quick wins. As the duration,
complexity, and number of processes to be implemented increases, we can
decompose each of the major two workstreams into a set of subworkstreams.

This enables us to address the issues encountered on larger projects, such as

the need to develop new databases, gather analytics, and deploy significant
infrastructure. These activities apply to both functional and non-functional (such
as disaster recovery) requirements.

Therefore, the BPM workstream can be divided into several workstreams

covering business processes, rules, and business events. When required, the
integration workstream can correspondingly be subdivided into services and
integration, information or data, and infrastructure workstreams.

Coordination among these workstreams is essential. This coordination is

especially critical at the end of an iteration, where we typically have a playback
for the business.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 49

2.6.2 The IBM Smarter Process Method: Details
The internal structure of the method is depicted in Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8 Internal structure of the IBM Smarter Process Method

A blueprint phase or activity is designed to help provide a holistic picture, set the
landscape and pace for the project, and rework the estimates. The results of this
phase increase your probability of being on time and on budget.

A PIVAR, which is covered in more detail in 2.9, Process Inventory, Variation

Analysis, and Roadmap on page 57, deals with variation, factoring out
commonality and reuse, and decreasing the number of processes to build.

50 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
We typically work in at least two workstreams, BPM and services and integration.
We can possibly expand them into substreams as the complexity and richness of
the project increases. This might be true, for example, when requirements exist
for more explicit business rules, databases, or infrastructure considerations.

Within these workstreams, we have iterations. In an agile software development

lifecycle, we have the following activities and entities during an iteration, shown in
Figure 2-9. An iteration can include one or more sprints, and iterations can be
grouped under a release.

Figure 2-9 Iterations

The agile lifecycle starts with the identification of user-stories, for example, as a
<role>, I want to be able to <action>, in order to <goal>. The total sum for the
entire project is called the product backlog. A prioritized selection is allocated for
each iteration or sprint.

During that iteration, we conduct a micro design activity, where the design is
refined for that release. We build and test the user-stories in scope. Then, if a
planned business significant milestone is achieved, as in most iterations, we
conduct a playback. During the playback, business and IT stakeholders get to
review the running program up to this point, provide comments and feedback,
and decide on the priorities for the next iteration.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 51

2.6.3 Techniques and phases of the IBM Smarter Process Method
In the subsequent sections, we describe a phase or pattern within the IBM
Smarter Process Method that can be used to solve a typical problem or address
a specific area within an IBM BPM project or program:
 Quick wins
 Blueprinting and macro design
 Construction using IBM BPM

We approach this by describing a technique called component business modeling

that helps identify areas of greatest potential for transformation.

2.7 IBM component business modeling

Component Business Modeling (CBM) is a partitioning of the business capabilities
of an organization into a set of business components. Each business component
view focuses on regrouping business activities into components. This is a
technique for modeling an enterprise to identify opportunities for innovation and
improvement by highlighting them in a heatmap fashion.

52 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
As shown in Figure 2-10, a CBM is a matrix visualization of an organizations
business components.

Figure 2-10 CBM overview

The columns represent the business competencies, defined as large business

areas with characteristic skills and capabilities, for example, product
development or supply chain.

The rows represent the level of accountability. They characterize the scope and
intent of activity and decision making. The three levels used in CBM are
directing, controlling, and executing:
 Directing is about strategy, overall direction, and policy.
 Controlling is about monitoring, managing exceptions, and tactical decision
 Executing is about performing the work.

A business component is a part of an organization that has the potential to

operate independently, in the extreme as a separate company, or as part of
another company. A component represents a business in a microcosm. It
contains activities, resources, applications, and an infrastructure. It uses a
governance model and provides goods and services (business services) to
other components.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 53

Figure 2-11 depicts the details of a CBM component.

Figure 2-11 CBM component

Every business component has the following attributes:

 It has differentiated capabilities.
 It defines and decides on the use of all resources needed to perform the
defined activities.
 It has a governance structure, which is used to manage its activities.
 It has business services, which form the interface to other business

A business component is the essential, unique, and non-overlapping building

block of services, the collection of which represent the enterprise. Its resources
create distinct value and are evaluated by specific measures. Each component
acts independently, but in harmony with the rest.

CBM in one sentence: CBM enables visualization of the organization,

strategy, and performance from a common perspective, facilitating business
transformation by improving decision-making and decreasing resistance
to change.

54 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
You can use CBM to create a heatmap to highlight which component is
particularly good or bad at something, for example, the following business areas:
 Strategic criticality
 Industry leadership
 Degree of investments

Using CBM, you can answer the following questions (and other similar
 How well are our investments aligned with our strategy?
You might learn that, for example, that a business component gets a high
degree of investment (funding), however, it is only of low strategic criticality. Of
course, many other kinds of analysis can be made with CBM, too.
For our business process improvement initiative, we can use CBM to highlight
which business component has the highest inefficiencies, most potential for
improvement, most value to the corporate strategy, and so on. We can use
this information to select this area of the enterprise to start looking more
closely into business processes.
Every component has several business processes. Some processes can
even go across several business components. Even though this is the case,
the ownership of the process might lie within one particular business
 How do you look closer into the business processes of a particular business
Well, you start with a process inventory, or a PIVAR activity, to identify the
processes that exist, and evaluate which ones to improve or automate to
provide the highest value for the business component.

For more information about CBM, see the following resources:

 Executive brief of component business models by the IBM Institute for
Business Value:
 Information about IBM component business modeling services, which can
help you gain significant new insights into the strategy, technology,
operations, and investment alignment of your organization:

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 55

Another method: Another method that is similar to CBM is called business
capability analysis.

Although it is a good idea to use a formal method like CBM or business

capability analysis, it is not a strict requirement to start a BPM project.

2.8 Process inventory

Maintaining an inventory of business processes improves the likelihood of
meeting business objectives by providing traceability between the process and
the business goals. With an inventory, you can plan and trace your process
discovery activities to core business objectives. This situation improves your
visibility, and helps determine what processes to work on and when. You want to
work on the correct processes at the correct time.

A process inventory exercise quickly generates a list of business processes (or

process areas) that can be categorized by business unit, size, business effect,
risk, and pain. In a brief interview, you gather enough details for each process to
map it to the value chain and help prioritize processes for further assessment,
discovery, and analysis.

Details include the process owner, a three - five sentence description of the
process, a rough estimate of size and complexity, the risk associated with the
process, and the level of pain experienced in the as-is process.

The following process details are needed for identification and prioritization for
further assessment and discovery:
 Process owner
 Short description (three - five sentences)
 Size and complexity

For more information about process inventories and process discovery best
practices, read the following IBM Redbooks and Redpaper publications:
 Scaling BPM Adoption: From Project to Program with IBM Business Process
Manager, SG24-7973
 Process Discovery Best Practices Using IBM Blueworks Live, REDP-5111

56 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
2.9 Process Inventory, Variation Analysis, and Roadmap
PIVAR examines the processes in scope, analyzes their variations, and creates a
prioritized roadmap for process implementation.

After or during an initial gathering of an inventory of processes relevant to the

scope and focus of the current project, an analysis is conducted called
variation-oriented analysis (VOA).

2.9.1 Variation-oriented analysis

Analyzing the business domain for commonalities and gradually separating out
and externalizing variations is an important analysis activity that saves time and
resources by consolidation and reuse of common elements (processes,
subprocesses, rules, information, and so on). This activity is called
variation-oriented analysis or variation analysis for short.

Information: Variations occur in three main versions:

 Type, or data
 Rules and decisions

Variations in type or data can be the information we store about clients when
we have different types of clients. Platinum, gold, and silver level clients have
some common attributes, but also might have attributes that are unique to each
client type.

When you arrive at a rental car facility, for example, and you are designated as a
gold client versus a silver client, the process flow can differ. You do not have to
go the counter, submit identification, credit card, pick a car, and so on. With a
gold client, a profile is maintained and reused, a certain class of car is specified
as a default and rented. The gold client can go straight to the car, versus the
client service counter, and pick up the car. They might be eligible for upgrades.

The rules pertaining to a gold client might differ from a silver client. They might
get a free weekend extension, or a grace period for returning the car, and so on.

Therefore, processes typically branches at a client type into multiple

subprocesses (process variation), and in each branch can have different rules
that apply (rule variations).

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 57

Externalize Variations: Separate changing from less changing aspects of the
business domain. Factor the common aspects into a super class, or a
high-level process, rule, or data item. The variations become subclasses,
interface implementations, or subprocesses, subordinate rules, or
related data.

2.9.2 Steps in the PIVAR

Here is a summary of the different steps involved in PIVAR:
1. Define the scope of the effort (transformation, improvement, or optimization).
2. Construct an inventory of processes, categorized.
3. Analyze and categorize the commonalities in type and data, process, and
rules and decisions. This helps decrease or compress the number of total
processes, decisions, and data by consolidating like and similar ones into a
common superclass or in a common process, common data store, and
common decision or rule set.
4. Externalize the variations in type and data, process, and rules and decisions
into reusable elements such as subprocesses or new rules and decisions.

Next, we take a close look at these steps.

Defining the scope of the effort

First, we define the scope of the transformation. Defining the scope of
transformation can range from informal to formal. This can be a semi-informal
activity, or a more formal one involving CBM or business capability analysis.

This is done by identifying and documenting which business components are

most relevant and important to us in terms of the achievement of the goals of the
effort: The hot components or business capabilities.

The hot components are business areas or components that are most relevant to
the subject of our attribution. They are either exceeding a cost threshold or, for
example, exceeding a revenue threshold. They might also be below a certain
threshold that is defined by the attribute with which we are assessing that
business component or capability.

If this follows a CBM analysis, it is referred to as a heatmap. More specifically, the

business components people, processes, and resources, such as IT systems,
are analyzed. Also, the business component as a whole is designated to have a
certain degree of an attribute, such as cost higher than a certain threshold, or
sales below a threshold, and so on.

58 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
These components are tagged as hot components. If you are using alternative
business analysis methods, such as business capability analysis, a similar
technique might be used, now applied to the business capability.

The purpose is to find a subset of the business components or capabilities

that should be the focus of the business transformation, improvement, or
optimization effort.

Constructing a categorized process inventory

Now we inventory the business processes. These processes can either be inside
the business component, or involve that business component as a process that
cuts across two or more components.

We want to consolidate and reuse as many subprocesses as possible. We also

want to opportunistically decrease the number of processes that are changed or
automated by factoring out the commonality that exists between similar
processes and their underlying subprocesses and activities.

These elements often fall into three broad categories:

 Variations in type or information
 Variations in process or activities
 Variations in rules or decisions

Analyzing commonalities and externalizing variations

From the overall inventory of processes, we analyze the variations and factor out
the commonalities. We then create a roadmap consisting of a prioritized order of
processes to implement, with a specific emphasis on those relevant for process
improvement projects.

Figure 2-12 on page 60 shows the different tools that are part of PIVAR:
 Group As-Is processes.
 Categorize the As-Is processes into baskets based on commonalities and
 Prioritize the processes considering effect, effort, and reuse (for example,
decision points).
 Develop variation analysis to define compression opportunities.
 Establish a roadmap for To-Be processes implementations.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 59

Figure 2-12 depicts the PIVAR tools.

Figure 2-12 PIVAR tools

The following list describes the PIVAR tools in more detail:

 Process Inventory
Also described in 2.8, Process inventory on page 56, an inventory creates
an overview of all known and unknown processes of the companys business
area. It can be done on a high level, simply by describing the key points
(process owner, value, pain points, KPIs, and so on) of it, or on a lower level,
by creating process maps (for example in IBM Blueworks Live. See Process
Discovery Best Practices Using IBM Blueworks Live, REDP-5111).

60 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 Variation Analysis
Figure 2-13 depicts the variation analysis of PIVAR. Common components
across the portfolio of business processes are identified. With this, potential
for reuse can be revealed, an opportunity for reuse identified, and the chance
for alignment of operational procedures created.

Figure 2-13 Variation Analysis explores the potential for reuse by separating variations

To create the roadmap, the outcomes of the previous stages, process
inventory, and variation analysis are used to create a sequence of which it is
most beneficial for the company to implement the processes. The sequencing
takes into account what the effect of each process is:
Business value
Pain points
Financial effect

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 61

The effect gets assessed against the complexity to realize such a
process implementation:
Implementation complexity in IBM BPM
Implementation complexity of systems in the context of IBM BPM (systems
that IBM BPM integrates with)

2.10 Blueprint or Macro Design

Before we embark on the development aspect of a project, even though we
typically conduct it in an agile fashion, with planned iterations, it is a good idea to
spend some time looking at the holistic aspects of the project:
 The overall breadth and depth of requirements
 The overall architecture and underlying infrastructure
 The integrations needed with back-end systems and systems of record
 Exploration of risks
 Exploration of releases

During blueprinting or, as it is also sometimes called, Macro Design, we complete

the following activities:
 Explore the broader implications of architectural considerations
and decisions.
 Discover integrations with back-end systems and databases:
Connectivity to existing systems, packaged applications, and web services
Information integration to systems of record
 Identify hidden requirements through more detailed analysis.
 Reassess initial estimations for the project.
 Set expectations of release dates.
 Ensure mutual understanding of shared responsibilities for various testing to
production release efforts.

2.10.1 Breadth and depth of requirements

Requirements are often stated vaguely in the earlier stages of the software
development lifecycle, and BPM projects are no exception. Explore the breadth
and depth of requirements in terms of expected business outcomes by taking
business requirements to a greater level of detail. This provides a more accurate
representation of requirements, and enables us to validate our estimates of
project schedule and cost.

62 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
2.10.2 Integrations and services
Integrations with back-end systems and systems of record are often not
uncovered until later in the project. This often leads to rework and project timeline
extensions, because the effort to integrate surpasses initial, often
underestimated expectations. Verify the understanding that the result of
integrations indeed meets the business goals. Look at the overall requirements,
specifically focusing on integration:
1. Discover integration requirements and dig into the existing integration
requirements to acquire better understanding of a state of the existing
systems and services that are going to be integrated with IBM BPM.
2. Determine the nature and complexity of integration services:
Are existing services truly ready to be used for integration with back-end
systems? Do we need to build new services, or are the existing ones
Is the service specification that describes the details of the
services available?
Identify skill set requirements and resource availability to support the
integration effort.
3. Explore the architectural implications of integration with backend systems and
with systems of record (databases).
4. Analyze the wanted future state process and to-be solution architecture, and
identify what needs to be in place to ready the integration points for
implementation with IBM BPM and IBM ODM.
5. Identify dependencies between integration points and processes.
6. Identify the dependencies and cadence of iterations between the IBM BPM
and the integration tracks.
7. Identify the business priorities for the integration points and BPDs. This
affects the release schedule.

2.10.3 Explore the tracks

BPM is the main driving track or workstream for the project. But the Integration
and Services workstream is almost as important. Without the back-end
integrations to be called from the BPDs, the system does not provide business
value. Therefore, adequate planning (project management and iteration
cadence) and technical dependencies must be considered for each of the two
main tracks (the BPM and integration tracks).

Coordination between these two tracks is also keenly important.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 63

2.11 Project
Business process implementation is a critical step in the lifecycle of BPM. In this
phase, business processes are implemented iteratively, from a business idea to a
practical and executable business process application. It is important to keep the
business part of BPM in focus during the implementation phase.

Often, the development team reverts to more traditional development styles,

focusing a disproportionate effort on technical details. This situation is a common
failure point for BPM projects, in which a constant vision for business value and
ownership is required. Business roles are heavily involved in the discovery and
documenting phases. Now is not the time to end their involvement.

Many of the benefits associated with successful BPM projects, such as reduced
time to market, realized business value, and shortened test cycles, rely on an
iterative development lifecycle to achieve them. In preparation for the iteration,
we prioritize the remaining user stories in the product backlog (the total features
and user stories that need to be implemented for the project) that have been left
from the previous iteration.

For the implementation phase to fulfill the iterative methodology, we use a

paradigm called playbacks. A playback is an event at the end of an iteration
where the work done to date is integrated and demonstrated to the business and
IT stakeholders for discussion, consensus building, and approval.

Playbacks give stakeholders the opportunities to provide feedback that drives the
next iterations of process development. To perform the playback, we must agree
that there is enough business-significant content to warrant the meeting.

Also key to the playback is to converge the integration stream with the BPM
stream of work.

IBM BPM enables rapid playbacks of the process definition at any point in the
development lifecycle. In the Process Designer tool, you develop a model for
discussion and visualization, but also an actual model-driven, runtime solution.
At any point in development, you can run the process, its subprocesses, and its
services to validate your design.

For more information about how to set up or run a project and playbacks, read
the IBM Redbooks publication Scaling BPM Adoption: From Project to Program
with IBM Business Process Manager, SG24-7973.

64 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
2.12 Program
You have been successful with implementing one or two quick win process
deployments that have a measurable effect on your enterprise value chain. Now
it is important to scale this up into a program, so you can automate more
processes, capitalize on commonality and reuse, and have a more standardized
approach across the line of business or ideally, the enterprise.

IBM BPM is most effective and valuable when deployed at an enterprise level,
integrating all processes with the value chain and extending the reach and effect
of shared processes and process assets. It should be no surprise that the same
principles used to improve a business process can improve a BPM program:
 Measurable business effect
 Incremental delivery
 Transparency and visibility
 Control over your business

Measure the value and effect of BPM by proving business value in short iterative
cycles. Market that value early and often by providing visibility into that value for
stakeholders and management. Repeat these procedures and prove that the
value of BPM is not unique to a single process, department, or delivery team.

For more information about how to implement a BPM program, refer to the IBM
Redbooks publication Scaling BPM Adoption: From Project to Program with IBM
Business Process Manager, SG24-7973.

Connecting the corporate strategy with KPIs

Although monitoring your process is important on its own, processes do not
exist on their own. They are part of a larger set of interconnected processes that
make up the core business of a company. If you consider monitoring at a project
or process level, you are missing the real power of BPM and process visibility.
Your goal should be going from a single process up the value chain to the
enterprise level.

Rolling up a process KPI to the corporate value chain is one way to achieve the
goal of elevating all the way from project to process to enterprise level. To begin
with, you look for common metrics between different processes. Your best
candidates are metrics, such as cost and time, because they are almost always
measured in any process.

This situation assumes that your first business process is running in production
for a few months. You are now starting to work on your next business processes,
and trying to extend the visibility across all processes, using common
performance indicators.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 65

Figure 2-14 illustrates the three levels of metrics. The way to determine what
metrics to capture does not change.

Figure 2-14 Rolling up metrics

You must start by evaluating what is important to measure across multiple

processes, and not just the one process or project:
 The process metrics (M3) level represents the process metrics that roll up to
metrics that are shared by multiple processes.
 The subprocess metrics (M4) level represents the metrics that you need to
capture in each of your subprocesses to roll up to your process metrics. This
metric can be represented by the time needed to execute the subprocess
 The same is valid for the activity metrics (M3) level. You need to capture the
key metrics at the activity level to be able to roll these metrics up to your
subprocess and process metrics.

For more information, see the IBM Redbooks publication Scaling BPM Adoption:
From Project to Program with IBM Business Process Manager, SG24-7973.

66 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
2.13 Process Factory
You have successfully started your IBM BPM adoption, and you successfully
delivered one or more processes of different complexities. The maturity of BPM
in your company increased, and youre ready to move to the high end of the
adoption journey. Then, you want to consider to make use of the approach of an
IBM BPM Factory.

The IBM BPM Factory, also sometimes called Process Industrialization, can
include projects of any complexity. In this approach, you externalize parts of your
projects into a factory, which for example can be a remote development team
with a focus on particular capabilities:
 Implementation of human-centric processes
 Implementation of system-centric processes
 Implementation of business services
 Implementation of business rules

Because you have these different development streams, you have to make sure
to account for them in your project planning activities. It is of course important to
keep the interdependencies of the development streams in mind.

Here the standardization of the six pillars of BPM outlined in 2.3, The six pillars
of success for BPM on page 29 become even more important. Using a standard
method such as the Smarter Process Method becomes a critical success factor.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 67

Figure 2-15 shows an overview of the Process Factory model.

Figure 2-15 Process Factory

With the objective of lowering costs and supporting geographical distribution as

we grow from projects to programs, we use standard methods to package the
artifacts under a governance model with a CoE in place. The artifacts are sent to
the factory for creation or assembly as work packets, and product subsets are
sent back to the onshore team.

The intent of the development streams is that you can use lower-cost resources
in a distributed fashion, and define concise delivery packages to deliver
functionality fast and cost-efficient.

Next, We consider how this might look in a standard human-centric process

development project.

Because we want to stay as agile as possible, and because when were agile
collaboration is key, we would have our process analyst team on site with the
process owner and subject matter experts to define the process and its
requirements (user stories).

68 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
While this happens, the solution architect defines implementation guidelines and
patterns, and helps break down the requirements in concise development
packages that can be handed off to the off-shore development team. The
offshore development team realize the requirements that will be played back to
the business by the end of the iteration.

Typically, you keep key resources, such as the analyst and architect (at least at
the beginning), closer to the business to get feedback and gain understanding.
However, as your project progresses and communication models and refinement
cycles got established, an even larger portion of the onsite staff can be shifted
toward the factory location.

Process industrialization is an effective approach to lower the amount of

high-cost resources and therefore decrease the overall cost of your
development team.

2.14 Migration
Concepts of BPM or workflow management have been around for quite some
time. Therefore, many organizations have a certain degree of technology support
or automation for their processes implemented. But as the business changes,
technology changes as well. So it often happens that the current process
technology becomes outdated and must be modernized.

To get your outdated processes onto the new platform, you have to perform a
migration. The following are typical types of migrations:
 Version-to-version migration
Migrating from any old IBM BPM version (Teamworks, Lombardi,
WebSphere Lombardi Edition) to IBM BPM.
For more information, see the IBM Redbooks publications IBM Business
Process Manager V8.5 Performance Tuning and Best Practices, SG24-8216
and Business Process Management Deployment Guide Using IBM Business
Process Manager V8.5, SG24-8175.
 Instance migration
Migrating a running instance from an older snapshot to a new snapshot
 Platform migration
Migrating from a non-IBM BPM platform to IBM Business Process Manager.
Platform migration is often a migration from either third-party products or
internally developed process applications, to IBM BPM.

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 69

One thing that is absolutely key to remember is that every platform has
different strengths and weaknesses. This doesnt necessarily mean that one
is better than the other one, it all depends on your preferences and business
needs. However, because platforms have their differences, it is rarely ever
possible to simply take process A from platform P1, put it on platform P2 and
have it running in no time.
Nevertheless, the hurdles are usually lower if you migrate between leading
industry vendors than if you migrate from niche or custom solutions.
Why is migration so hard?
In most cases, you decide to go with a certain solution because it supports
your business needs better than the other solution. In order for one solution to
be better than the other, they have to be different. The differences often lie
within key aspects of such a platform. Those can be of a technical nature,
including but not limited to the following differences:
The notation, such as Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
versus Architecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS)
The interaction channels (for example, web client versus fat client)
The type of processes (human-centric versus system-centric)
Additionally, solutions also differ in the way they recommend designing things:
Routing patterns
Decision logic
Task automation
Looking at the previously mentioned factors that influence a migration,
you can already see that you dont only migrate a platform, but you also
migrate concepts.
How do I approach it the best?
You have to have an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of both
platforms, existing and next generation:
Analyze the differences and evaluate the effect of them.
You can often realize the same business value in each of the platforms, by
using approaches that they support the best.
It is important at this point to focus on the business value, and not on the
technological realization of the business requirement. This is another
reason why we like to make use of the concept of user stories. They tell
you who needs what and why. It is up to the technology to decide the how.

What to consider for migration: Migrate the who, what, and why, not
necessarily the how.

70 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Use the opportunity to perform process optimization.
BPM is a discipline that is based on continuous improvement. Chances
are that you havent had an improvement cycle in a while. In this case, use
this opportunity to revisit the process requirements, pain points, KPIs, and
service level agreements (SLAs) with your business. In this case, you can
approach the migration almost like a reimplementation.
That means, you have a discovery phase that leads into
(re)implementation or migration. During the migration, you use as much as
you can from the old application (for example integration services), but
also implement new or changed requirements. Do this by using the
information of the old application in combination with the new findings of
the discovery phase.

Migrations are often underestimated. Do not make the mistake of thinking,

metaphorically, that youre simply changing the tires of your car. In a migration,
you are changing the tires, engine, interior, and so on.

2.15 Top Down - Bottom Up

To conclude the chapter about project approaches with IBM BPM, we want to
briefly consider Top Down versus Bottom Up approaches.

In this section, we look at Top Down versus Bottom Up from a high-level or

project approach point of view:
 Top Down
Top Down is the business-driven approach to address BPM. It focuses around
process improvement, and often starts without any IT involvement. In this
approach, you start to formalize and improve your operational procedures
using methodologies, such as Lean or Six Sigma, often supported by process
modeling tools, such as IBM Blueworks Live.
Top down initiatives tend to include automation step-by-step, as described in
Process automation on page 149, and often gain great value out of simple
technology support to enable prioritization, measurement, and visibility.
One way to combine Lean Six Sigma with IBM BPM is described in the
following IBM developerWorks article:

Chapter 2. Approaches and process discovery 71

Common drawbacks of the Top Down approach are to neglect the power of
service integrations and a deeper level of automation. Of course, little things
(like prioritization) can have a big effect. However, often with even a little more
effort (integration of existing services), you can gain much more.
Therefore, when you start to think about including a tool, also think big. You
can always create a user story backlog that fits your wanted project timeline to
maximize the value that your process improvement project can achieve.
 Bottom Up
Bottom Up initiatives are often IT-driven approaches to BPM. This can be to
consolidate multiple platforms (bring IBM FileNet, Microsoft SharePoint, and
IBM Domino processes onto one single environment), migrate from existing
applications, and so on.
In this scenario, services (as defined in SOA governance) exist already. New
ways to initiate them (for example revealed human services) or new user
interaction patterns (usage of Coaches and modeled page flows, also see
Process flow, page flow, and service orchestration on page 150)
get established.
For Bottom Up approaches, it is important to keep collaborating with the line
of business, and define business value to be realized. Any IBM BPM initiative
follows the agile principles, which include collaboration and business value.
A common drawback of the Bottom Up approach are that the key aspect of
agile development, business value, is neglected. This can result in costly
projects that create applications that are not wanted by the users. Overall, do
not forget, IT is only there to help (improve) the business.

In 3.2.2, Top Down versus Bottom Up design considerations on page 81, we

look at this topic from a more technical perspective.

2.16 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have described some of the key concepts and approaches to
making BPM a success. We described the pillars of success that are important
workstreams that we need to start working on. Among them is a roadmap for
BPM supported and informed by a BPM maturity assessment.

Next, we described a consistent method or approach to apply BPM. We also

described the various aspects (phases, activities, techniques and so on) within
IBM Smarter Process Method. We looked at how we can identify the scope and
focus of a business process transformation effort, how to conduct the various
phases of a BPM or Smarter Process lifecycle, and suggested practices that help
us along the way.

72 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and

architecture considerations
In this chapter we provide an overview of approaches and practical
considerations for several areas associated with high-level solution analysis and
architecture of various aspects of a business process management (BPM)
solution design.

We outline the most common challenges that BPM solution architects can come
across during the initial stage of the project.

We share good practices and considerations that aim to help the IBM Business
Process Manager (IBM BPM) practitioners create scalable designs for robust
BPM solutions, using the IBM BPM product suite.

This chapter covers the following topics:

 High-level solution analysis and design
 Application architecture considerations
 External system of record considerations
 Integration architecture considerations
 Infrastructure architecture considerations

Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. All rights reserved. 73

3.1 High-level solution analysis and design
Before you start to create your solution architecture or solution design, you need
to know what this solution is all about. To do this, you must have identified your
process and have been through process discovery activities:
 Identify as-is process
 Analyze pain points
 Identify To-Be process
 Capture KPIs and SLAs

The previously mentioned information helps you formulate the goal of the
business process initiative, and with this, the goals of your architecture. (More
information about process analysis can be found in the IBM Redpaper
publication Process Discovery Best Practices Using IBM Blueworks Live,

Another result of your process analysis phase is the user stories, which are your
functional requirements. Every element of the process (the process itself,
process steps, decisions, and so on) has a least one, but mostly many user
stories. The importance of user stories is that they can be prioritized and
estimated, which is key for successful solving and planning of a project.

More information about user stories can be found in Scaling BPM Adoption:
From Project to Program with IBM Business Process Manager, SG24-7973.

Most often, process goals concern saving time, and saving cost by being more
efficient or having more automation. This is exactly where your architecture
comes into play.

By analyzing your As-Is process, you can identify process activities that can be
executed more efficiently:
 You can increase the level of automation by integrating with the correct
system, to gather information, store information, externalize decisions, and
so on.
 You are able to learn whether additional services must be created, or whether
the current portfolio is sufficient.
 You can improve the level of data aggregation or service orchestration, and
make sure that its being done at the correct level (service versus process).

As you can see from these points, were starting to touch the broader context of
our application (app). Therefore, as you are creating the solution architecture,
you need to make sure that you position it on the correct level.

74 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Therefore, learn which other applications are calling IBM BPM (inbound
integrations), which ones are getting called (outbound integrations), and which
technology is used to do both calls. The commonly known architecture artifact
called System Context Diagram is your best option to create such an overview.

As in most IBM BPM projects, integrations are on the critical path, so you want to
get clarity about them early on.

Also, dont forget that your application itself might require a data store, rule
services, or other externalized components to be created. In sum, you have to
consider components that are part of your application, and consider components
that interface with your application. Based on this information, you can create the
architecture overview. Mostly it is visualized in a layered architecture design, but
the service provider - service consumer pattern is also widespread.

As you look closer into the process model, in addition to integration services from
all components, you can start to design your business object model (BOM).
Details about how to do this using either a Top Down or Bottom Up approach can
be found in 3.3.3, IBM BPM business object model design considerations on
page 92.

In sum, because you are in the phase of creating a high-level solution design and
architecture, the following five artifacts have been demonstrated to be important:
 Process model
 User stories
 System context
 Architecture overview
 Business object model

All of these artifacts can help to define the scope of your application, and to
create reliable estimates and plans to further the progress of your IBM BPM
implementation project.

The following sections and chapters help you to make the correct architectural
and design decision, so that the goals of the solution can be achieved.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 75

3.2 Application architecture considerations
In this section, we describe the commonly encountered high-level architectural
challenges that process architects come across on most projects while
architecting IBM BPM solutions. The goal of this section is to depict items that
are critical for the initial foundation of the process application solution.

Being high-level in nature, each of the following items addresses one aspect of
an overall architecture. Each item can potentially have a significant effect on the
solution if overlooked or not properly addressed.

We show examples, where applicable, to demonstrate each individual point as

we progress through this section, covering the following topics:
 Using IBM BPM Coaches or building custom user interfaces
 Top Down versus Bottom Up design considerations
 IBM BPM Standard or IBM BPM Advanced
 IBM BPM Advanced or IBM Integration Bus
 IBM BPM rules or IBM Operational Decision Manager

3.2.1 Using IBM BPM Coaches or building custom user interfaces

Coaches are the user interfaces (UIs) for human services. Human services use
Coaches to build the web pages that users see. Coaches are composed from UI
controls called Coach Views. You can create Coach Views in IBM Process
Designer. Heritage Coaches, used only in heritage human services, are
composed from a fixed set of UI controls.

They are primarily for compatibility with IBM BPM before version 8.0. For
processes created with IBM BPM version 8.5 5.0 and later, Coaches are advised.

For more information about Coaches, see the following IBM Knowledge Center:


For more information about Coach Views, see the following IBM Knowledge


Another suggested resource to learn more about Coaches and Coach Views is
the IBM Redbooks publication Leveraging the IBM BPM Coach Framework in
Your Organization, SG24-8210.

76 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
In IBM BPM, human services provide the logic and user interface through
which users can view and interact with business processes, cases, data, or
process instances.

Figure 3-1 provides a high-level overview of the design and runtime Coach
View structure.

Figure 3-1 Coach Views structure

Some organizations consider not using IBM BPM Coach technology for building
UIs for their process applications:
 Organizations with corporate information technology (IT) policies that limit the
number of UI technologies permitted to be used
 Organizations that have invested in a single UI framework with employees
skilled in the platforms specific technology

Although some organizations decide to stay with their corporate UI platform

technologies, they still want to automate their business processes using

IBM BPM provides a set of application programming interfaces (API) that are
implemented based on Representational State Transfer (REST) services. A set
of REST resources is available to access IBM BPM artifacts, including business
processes and tasks.

Because there are many resources available for development using REST API at
the following IBM Knowledge Center, there is no need to cover that content here:


Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 77

Instead, we highlight some key benefits of using Coaches in an IBM BPM
process application solution:
 Providing a single uniform platform for process applications, services, and UI
assets source code management.
The platform provides consistent mechanisms for managing development
artifacts and a common source code repository.
 Providing a single platform for the entire process development and
management lifecycle.
The following list describes the main benefits of having a single platform:
Integrated runtime environment for end-to-end development of
process applications.
Processes and human services provide debugging capabilities.
Integrated process optimization.
Use of tracking points for tracking business reporting, service level
agreements (SLAs), and key performance indicators (KPIs).
Built-in functionality for service caching and advanced team assignment
Uniform and consistent development environment for process applications
and human services development.
Integrated process application playback capabilities, following the agile
IBM BPM methodology.

Considerations for headless processes

A headless process refers to a process definition with tasks that is controlled
externally by a third-party controller, where regular processes are controlled by
the IBM BPM process engine.

You can create external implementations for activities that are handled by
applications outside of IBM BPM. For example, you can model an activity that is
run by a custom Eclipse rich client platform (RCP) or Microsoft .NET application.

78 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Figure 3-2 shows how external human tasks can be implemented in the IBM
Process Designer in IBM BPM 8.5.5. In a similar fashion, the external system
tasks can be implemented by using the System Task artifact available from the
same Implementation combination box.

Figure 3-2 External tasks implementation in IBM BPM 8.5.5

For more information about using external implementations, see the following
IBM Knowledge Center:


Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 79

Speaking of execution mechanics for a process with external implementations,
the process instance can be started from the IBM Process Designer or IBM
Process Portal at run time. However, developers or users cannot start tasks from
either IBM Process Designer or IBM Process Portal. A token from the active task
can only be moved to the next task, using an IBM BPM API, for example the

The controller can be an implementation of a third-party UI technology

framework, or even a server-side implementation. When considering the
server-side implementation for a controller logic, the implementation can be
realized either by a third-party server-side framework or inside IBM BPM
Advanced. For example, the controller can be a part of the Business Process
Execution Language (BPEL) implementation.

Organizations who decide to go with a third-party UI technology for their IBM

BPM process applications have two main approaches to consider:
 Control the headless process externally.
In this approach, you start the process instance, read active tasks payload,
and move process tokens from the external controller or a UI framework. This
approach assumes that the external controller drives the entire process from
outside of that process.
Such control separation can add complexity, and can introduce certain
ambiguity to an overall design. Specifically, the ambiguity is due to the
presence of the process flow, as defined in the IBM Process Designer, and a
secondary third-party controller driving the flow from outside of the process.
In other words, the decision about when to finish the current task and move
the token to the next one is made by the external controller. However, the
controller might have its own processing to run in addition to the process logic
defined in the process in the IBM Process Designer. As you can see, an
additional complexity and splitting of control over the process logic is a
trade-off for choosing this approach.
 The controlling function of the token movement can remain inside the process
in IBM Process Designer.
The IBM BPM process engine moves the token, but UI functions are
outsourced to the external UI framework. Following this approach can be
considered a better alignment with the model view controller (MVC) pattern
as a good practice to adopt. Because you receive no benefits of a Coach
integrated development environment (IDE), this approach can still be more
advantageous and can yield more control over the overall process execution.

80 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
As an additional design option for the second approach, the IBM BPM
Coaches can be built in such a manner that they can be executed both within
and outside of the process context. This essentially turns this design into a
hybrid approach, where the same Coaches are executed in a regular and a
headless fashion in the same process application.
For example, a client wants to be able to start tasks from the portal and, at the
same time, to have a UI that provides visibility into business data, including
process-related business objects. The client wants to be able to start these
tasks at any time, without owning any tasks, and with no respect to the
statuses of the currently running processes.

3.2.2 Top Down versus Bottom Up design considerations

In this section we describe the technical design aspects of the Top Down versus
Bottom Up approaches, and highlight some common challenges and
considerations. When developing business processes that use services to
integrate functionality from other systems, there are several different routes that
can be taken.

In the following sections, we cover two conceptual approaches for integrating

services. We use the IBM BPM Advanced edition as a more complex and distinct
example of integrating third-party systems into your human-centric business
processes. That said, the Top Down versus Bottom Up concepts are still
applicable for integrations built with IBM BPM Standard.

Here we focus on use of the IBM BPM Advanced Integration Services (AIS)
artifact that IBM BPM offers for advanced integrations.

Top Down process design

Under a Top Down approach, the process developer defines the interface for the
service to be called, and the integration developer then creates the
implementation based on the interface provided. After the integration developers
complete the implementation, it is published and saved in the IBM BPM Process
Center (Process Center) repository.

A Top Down approach is driven by the process developer, and reflects on the
nature of process development, using IBM Process Designer. This approach
places the focus on the process definition and UI design. More specifically, the
design of both business object types and service interfaces starts in IBM Process
Designer, addressing the requirements for the business processes and Coaches.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 81

As a result, the same object type definitions are used in the interface definitions
that are designed to support integration services on the IBM Process Designer
side. In its turn, mapping between object types originated on the IBM Process
Designer and IBM Integration Designer sides takes place in the IBM
Integration Designer.

More information about BOM design considerations can be found in BOM Top
Down approach on page 93.

Next, we highlight some of the benefits of the Top Down approach:
 Support for data types and interfaces that originate in IBM Process Designer.
 Keeping the mapping effort to a minimum on the IBM Process Designer side.
 Keeping most of the mapping effort on the IBM Integration Designer side,
which is equipped with more tooling options that are better suited for mapping
heterogeneous data types.

In most cases, service interfaces built in IBM Process Designer turn out to be
different from the interfaces used in the integration layer on the IBM Integration
Designer side. These services generally serve the purpose of the facade pattern,
primarily supporting needs of the processes and UI. As a result, additional work
is required to produce services definitions that exist on the IBM Integration
Designer side and interact with the facade services.

This might not be a bad thing because, after all, such differentiation supports
loose coupling between the process application and data layer tiers.

The key idea behind the Top Down approach is to keep the process layer focused
on the processes and Coaches design. Business objects and system and
integration services created on the IBM Process Designer side should have the
sole purpose of supporting corresponding type and service definitions, which
reflect business requirements set for the organizations processes and UI.

From this perspective, Top Down is considered a preferred approach that

enables you to define services and data types, which ability supports the process
and UI layer, on the IBM Process Designer side. The Top Down approach also
ensures that the most suitable and effective tool, which is IBM Integration
Designer, is used for data type mapping purposes.

82 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Bottom Up process design
The Bottom Up approach is defined for the scenario where the integration
developer creates the service interface and the service implementation, and then
makes them available to the process developer in an IBM BPM toolkit.

The Bottom Up approach can be considered for practical use in a scenario when
the organizations canonical data model closely resembles data types and
services that exist in the process layer on the IBM Process Designer side. The
main goal here is to reduce the effort on the IBM Integration Designer side while
keeping the mapping effort, which takes place on the IBM Process Designer side,
to a minimum.

One of the major downsides of this approach is shifting the data mapping effort to
the IBM Process Designer side. Business objects created on the IBM Integration
Designer side need to be mapped to their corresponding counterparts on the
IBM Process Designer side.

Because this mapping is implemented in the Server Script assets in IBM Process
Designer, it is quite a challenging exercise for more complex type definitions. This
is also true for troubleshooting and maintenance efforts down the road, when the
project progresses, and changes to the originally built interfaces are introduced.

Other considerations
You should make a final design decision based on your projects specific
requirements and circumstances, using the leading practices and considerations
mentioned previously. We advise you to apply the facade pattern when using the
IBM BPM AIS artifact.

For more information about the facade pattern implementation, usage, and
strategies, see 5.5.3, Design patterns and performance considerations on
page 190.

Several leading practices regarding use of the AIS artifact have been developed
over the last several years. These practices are a result of real life business
process engagements with complex system integration implementations.
Lessons learned have been collected and thoroughly analyzed for every
engagements specific scenario.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 83

The following leading practices are some of those that resulted from that effort:
 Use the facade pattern implementation to minimize the effect of changes on
the process and integration layers.
 Collaborate before defining an IBM BPM AIS:
Have both the process developer and the integration developer engaged
during the AIS design.
The result from the design can extend beyond this particular process
application if the AIS is intended for organization-wide reuse purposes.
In addition, the AIS design can have a direct effect on the toolkit design.
For more information, see 5.5, Toolkit design on page 188.
 Connect to only one Process Center repository from an IBM
Integration Designer.
 Import only necessary artifacts to the IBM Integration Designer environment.
 Protect mirrored IBM Integration Designer artifacts in dedicated toolkits.
 Frequently verify the code synchronization between the IBM Process
Designer and the IBM Integration Designer development environments.
 Manage artifact dependencies in IBM Integration Designer.
 Make corresponding changes in both IBM Process Designer and the IBM
Integration Designer development environments at the same time.

In addition, thoroughly analyze non-functional and integration requirements

before making final design decision. Given the specifics of the AIS approach it is
worth considering alternatives to AIS integration options.

For example, using web services clients can provide a lesser degree of coupling
between the IBM Process Designer and IBM Integration Designer environment
due to its different deployment model. Based on your projects requirements, this
can be a fair trade-off option to consider if the requirements enable such flexibility
in functionality.

For more information about the IBM BPM Advanced Integration service usage
see the IBM developerWorks site:


In this section we covered the two main conceptual integration approaches in

IBM BPM. For each approach, we outlined benefits and disadvantages along
with advice about leading practices. Additionally, we talked about alternative
options outside of IBM BPM AIS, worth considering after fully analyzing
integration and non-functional requirements.

84 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
3.2.3 IBM BPM Standard or IBM BPM Advanced
This topic highlights the design considerations that typically influence the choice
between IBM BPM Standard and IBM BPM Advanced product configurations.

IBM BPM Standard can be considered when the following requirements exist:
 Need for high business involvement in modeling business processes, and
rapid deployment of business processes.
 Need to implement human-centric business processes in a highly
collaborative business environment.
 Ability to use business rules to drive decisions in business processes.
 Ability to proactively monitor business process performance and
team performance.
 Need for basic system integration support.

IBM BPM Advanced can be considered when the following requirements exist in
addition to all or some of those that apply to IBM BPM Standard:
 Need for basic case management capabilities in business processes.
 Need for straight through processing (STP) of business processes with no
human interaction, and the ability to maintain process state between steps.
 Need for advanced integration support with external systems.

IBM BPM Advanced supports a variety of integration bindings, including Service

Component Architecture (SCA), Java Message Service (JMS), HTTP, and web
services, which are instrumental in providing complex integration features:
 Need for interaction with popular external applications having complex
interfaces and arcane integration styles.
IBM BPM Advanced provides a set of inbound and outbound adapters to ease
the challenges of accessing popular application environments, such as SAP,
Siebel, and so on.
 Need for domain-specific industry content packs.
These packs are designed to integrate seamlessly with IBM BPM, providing a
set of prebuilt assets based on industry standards like Society for Worldwide
Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) 20022, Information Framework (IFW), and so on.
These packs help accelerate delivery of standards-based industry solutions
for the banking, telecommunications, and healthcare industries, ensuring
consistency and compliance across multiple lines of businesses and
geographical areas.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 85

For more information about the differences between the IBM BPM Standard and
IBM BPM Advanced configurations, see the following IBM Knowledge Center:

3.2.4 IBM BPM Advanced or IBM Integration Bus

This topic highlights the design considerations that typically influence the choice
between IBM BPM Advanced and IBM Integration Bus.

IBM BPM Advanced should be considered when the following requirements exist:
 STP of business processes with no human interaction involving business
results and business outcomes. Such processes typically require maintaining
process state.
 Business processes providing services externally, for example, making a web
API available.

IBM Integration Bus should be considered when the following requirements exist:
 Complex data mapping for messages.
 Need for high-throughput messaging.
 Support for a wide range of messaging and integration patterns. IBM
Integration Bus offers a patterns framework with the ability to use both built-in
and user-defined patterns.
 Need to implement common industry standard message formats, such as
SWIFT, Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and
Transport (EDIFACT), Accredited Standards Committee X12 (X12), Financial
Information eXchange (FIX) Protocol, Health Level Seven (HL7), and
point-of-sale (POS) transaction log (TLOG).
 Need for a service exposure gateway.
 Connectivity between systems using a special type of protocol, such as
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) or IBM WebSphere
MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT).
 Default message throttling capability.
 Business processes using services offered by external systems.

For more information about features available in IBM Integration Bus, see the
IBM Integration Bus Knowledge Center:

86 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
3.2.5 IBM BPM rules or IBM Operational Decision Manager
In any BPM project, you implement rules to handle decisions, such as
application-specific decisions, task routing, process routing, and so on. In most
cases, the built-in rules capability in IBM BPM is sufficient for what you need.

However, there are cases when you can benefit from using an external rules
engine, such as IBM Operational Decision Manager, to manage some of your
rules. Note that you seldom externalize all of the decisions in a process. Simpler
process rules tend to remain in IBM BPM. An example of this could be a simple
process routing rule, such as if the value of the order is more than $50,000 you
need extra approval.

It is important that you review and decide if you are going to use an external rules
engine from the beginning of your project, because any change later can be both
time-consuming and costly.

Ask yourself the following questions:

 How often do the rules change?
If the change cycle of your rules is faster than your processes, you should
consider using IBM Operational Decision Manager. The reason for this is that
if you want to change one rule in your process, you have to redeploy the
whole process application, and this is not always feasible. IBM Operational
Decision Manager enables you to deploy changes to individual rules quickly,
and independently of the process.
 Who changes the rules?
IBM Operational Decision Manager empowers business users to change
rules. If in your project the business users need to make changes often, you
should look at using IBM Operational Decision Manager.
 Will other applications use the rules?
If the rules you are building are also going to be used by other applications
there are benefits to using IBM Operational Decision Manager. In this case,
IBM Operational Decision Manager acts as the central repository for all of
your rules. In addition, you can ensure that all applications use the same rule,
which is important from a compliance and traceability perspective.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 87

 Are the rules complex?
The complexity of the rules that you are planning to implement has a bearing
on whether an external rule engine can add value. The more complex the
rules are, the more value IBM Operational Decision Manager can add.
There are two aspects to the complexity of rules:
The complexity of each rule in itself:
How many entities does it involve (the client, the product, the channel,
the time, and so on)?
How many conditions does it involve?
More importantly, the complexity of the rule set:
How many rules in total are you planning to create?
How many variations (per line of business (LOB), per country, and so
on) require overriding?
How many steps are in the decision?
How complex is the rule flow?

The answers to these questions have an effect on whether you should use an
external rules engine, such as IBM Operational Decision Manager.

3.3 External system of record considerations

As one of the key aspects of the IBM BPM solution design, an external system of
record (SOR) can play an important role in the overall IBM BPM process
application solution environment. In this section, we cover common use cases,
and highlight points to consider while designing your IBM BPM process
application data persistence layer.

The following topics are covered in this section:

 Introducing an external SOR into the IBM BPM process application solution
 Business entities
 IBM BPM business object model design considerations
 Accessing existing system of records
 Locking mechanism for concurrent access
 Accessing reference data

88 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
3.3.1 Introducing an external SOR into the IBM BPM process
application solution
Before we get started, we define a few terms that we use as the fundamental
terminology in our description of the IBM BPM solution:
 A system of record is a data store, hosting information in a structured fashion,
enabling retrieval and updates as needed for its purpose. In most cases, an
SOR is a database-based repository.
 The term process data refers to the body of information pertaining to the basic
lifecycle functions of any business process, including but not limited to the
following examples:
Task start time
Wait time
The process data SOR is intrinsic to the process system. In general, this data
is of most use to improving the business process when it is viewed in
aggregate, rather than the specific details of one instance of the process. The
values of the process data differ for each solution, although the types of data
collected for a process remain the same across all process applications.
 The term business data refers to any information related to the specific and
detailed attributes of the particular business process. These attributes are
generic building-blocks of any process system, such as tasks, business
process model, KPIs, SLAs, escalations, and so on, that are used to
accomplish the process.
For example, in a Submit Time Off Request process, business data includes
attributes, such as Employee ID, Type of Time Off, Number of Time Off Days,
and so on. The business data SOR should be distinct and disconnected from
the process data SOR, because it needs to support various other consumers
and subscribers to its data. This data is generally needed to determine the
specifics of a particular instance of a process.
 The execution context includes the state of the human service while it is being
run, including the current state of the variables and the position in the service
flow. Effectively, the execution context, as defined previously, includes among
other things the business data that is being carried through the process. For
the purpose of our example here, we use the execution context and the
business data interchangeably.
Although some processes might use similar business data, it is much more
common that each process has its own set of data collected as part of the
interaction with the process.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 89

Next, we continue your consideration with the following question that could be
reasonably asked next. Why do we need an external SOR in the first place if IBM
BPM includes an internal process database that transparently persists an
execution context?

To answer this question, several aspects should be considered while conducting

analysis of both functional and non-functional requirements:
 Is process business data going to be shared with other consumer systems?
If the answer to this question is yes, introducing an external SOR into the IBM
BPM solution becomes a good implementation option. For example, to make
process execution context available for the external system, the process
payload needs to be persisted at certain steps that represent specific
milestones in the process. The most recent data becomes available for the
external systems.
If the external systems are allowed to make changes to the business entities
that are part of the execution context, this scenario adds additional
complexity. Now the process context needs to be read at the same steps to
ensure that the process operates on the current shared data set.
As you can see, the execution context is being persisted by the IBM BPM
engine, and by our custom logic into the external SOR. This is not an
uncommon real life scenario. That said, it is always important to analyze the
requirements and weigh the benefits of this approach against the cost of an
such implementation. Specifically, the following items are examples of things
to consider:
Performance implications
Potential concurrent data access challenges
Complexity of the service layer services
As a good practical approach in this case, you can discuss with the client a
scenario in which the shared execution context is being persisted into the
external SOR only for a subset of steps. Continuing to work with the client on
identifying this subset of steps might surprisingly lead you to a realization
about what the client really wants.
The client wants the data for a particular singular activity to be shared, and
not necessarily the data for the entire process duration.
 Are there any requirements to update business entities related to the inflight
process instances from the external consumer systems?
This requirement is not uncommon:
Clients build an external UI.
Clients use headless Coaches (UI outside the process context).
Clients use IBM BPM Coaches that run inside and outside of process
context, or a combination of both.

90 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
For more information about headless processes and Coaches, see
Considerations for headless processes on page 78.
 Are there requirements to track and report on inflight process instances with a
significant amount of business-specific attributes?
For example, reporting on complex attributes, such as lists or maps, requires
either adding extra variables or persisting data in an external SOR:
Adding extra variables of simple data types usually involves manipulating
the data to populate those variables for reporting purposes.
More often, such manipulation is not a feasible option. In those cases
persisting data in an external SOR becomes an attractive option.

Separating the business process from its data has been a long-standing topic in
BPM architectures. This approach enables strong decoupling between the
respective lifecycles, which yields the benefit of managing each side
independently without impacting the other side. A model of separate ownership
of the process and business data enables a fairly straightforward mechanism.

This section described various scenarios that require introducing an external

SOR. BPM practitioners should carefully analyze and consider each scenario,
because there are implications associated with accessing the external SOR from
the process application. The cost should be carefully estimated and weighed
against the business benefits claimed by the business.

Such discussions usually involve IBM BPM solution architects, senior

representatives of the clients architecture team, and business owners. You want
to include these roles because the decision has the following consequences:
 A direct effect on the process application design
 A potential effect on how the process application interacts with the external

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 91

3.3.2 Business entities
While considering external SOR for the IBM BPM process application, it is
important to look into and analyze key business entities that are involved in the
process. More specifically, answering the following questions helps us to better
understand the nature of the process, the data that it operates with, and the best
way that this data can be retrieved and persisted:
 Does the life of a business entity extend beyond the process lifecycle?
A business entity that continues after the process completes requires
persistence outside of the processs execution context. If reporting is required
on process data that includes attributes of the business entity, it is worth
considering persisting the business entity in the external transitory SOR.
 What are the different states that the business entity goes through?
Understanding various states that the business entity could be in is an
important aspect of the process itself.
 Where is the business entity originated, and what is its main repository
The origin and home repository of the business entity need to be
well-understood. In addition to the business entity lifecycle, business entity
origin should clarify the main purpose and duration that the business entity is
going to be in the external process application-specific SOR.
 How much of a business entity needs to be stored and carry through the
process execution context?
If the client uses industry-specific canonical models, the main business
entities can be quite large and complex. Sometimes it is not necessary and
not advised to carry the entire business entity from the integration layer into
the process. Analyzing business requirements for the UI, business reporting,
and data persistence helps better understanding of whether only a subset of
the business entity is sufficient to bring into the process application.

3.3.3 IBM BPM business object model design considerations

A BOM is a logical representation of a hierarchical data structure of an
organizations corresponding data model in an IBM BPM process application.

If an IBM BPM Advanced configuration is used, there often can be two separate
BOMs maintained in the solution. One BOM supports UI and human-based
processes, and another BOM is implemented in the integration layer in IBM BPM
Advanced. In addition to these two logical object models, clients usually maintain
their own enterprise-level BOM.

92 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
There are several reasons for separating and maintaining different BOMs for
process, integration, and data layers:
 Each BOM serves its own purpose.
A BOM supporting UI and process execution context can be quite different
from a BOM that supports integration with the clients back-end systems,
because separate business and system requirements attributed to each side.
Usually, a BOM supporting UIs and processes is a subset of a more complete
and complex BOM that is required to interface with the clients external
back-end systems.
 Each BOM is intended to support its domain with the most efficiency possible.
To ensure the most responsive UI from a data exchange prospective, a BOM
should only contain data that is necessary to present the content to the users
and support processes execution. Anything else in addition to that affects UI
performance, and places an unnecessary load on the runtime server.

Next, we consider some challenges that result from BOM separation, and
discuss approaches and design options.

Business object model ownership

If a single BOM representation is shared between IBM Process Designer and
IBM Integration Designer, it is important to establish ownership and approach:
 Where changes to the BOM originate from
 Where changes to the BOM propagate to the other participating party

We choose to reuse the Top Down and Bottom Up naming convention for the
BOM design description. It emphasizes concept similarities. It also helps draw a
parallel between the Top Down and Bottom Up approaches described earlier in
3.2.2, Top Down versus Bottom Up design considerations on page 81:
 Under the Top Down approach, the data is originated in and flows from the
IBM Process Designer to IBM Integration Designer.
 Under the Bottom Up approach the data moves in the opposite direction.

BOM Top Down approach

The BOM Top Down approach suggests that the BOM is originated and
maintained on the IBM Process Designer side. Maintaining the BOM during
development iterations means that changes occur in the IBM Process Designer
side, and are subsequently propagated to the IBM Integration Designer side.

One of the major benefits of the BOM Top Down approach is that it mostly
eliminates the complexity associated with the mapping between the IBM Process
Designer-based BOM and the IBM Integration Designer-based BOM.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 93

Mapping required: Depending on how changes from the IBM Process
Designer side get propagated to the IBM Integration Designer side, it might be
necessary to perform some mapping on the IBM Process Designer side.

There are several possible variations on the BOM Top Down approach.
Figure 3-3 depicts an example of the BOM Top Down implementation option.

Figure 3-3 BOM Top Down approach implementation option

BOM Bottom Up approach

Under the BOM Bottom Up approach, from an IBM Process Designer and IBM
Integration Designer relationship prospective, the BOM is originated in, and
maintained on, the IBM Integration Designer side. The business objects library is
being created and shared across various integration components on the IBM
Integration Designer side. The following list describes the main benefits of
this approach:
 Integration types, with some exceptions, can be pushed to the IBM Process
Designer side with minimum effort.
 The BOM uses many-low complexity entities, which are expected to change
frequently during development on the IBM Integration Designer side.

94 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
The following list describes the main drawbacks of the BOM Bottom Up
 Data type mapping is necessary on the IBM Process Designer side. Because
mapping is performed inside the JavaScript code, it can result in development
resource demands. Depending on the nature of the changes, the resource
cost can be significant, and it can affect code maintenance and potential
further extension.
 Due to limitations on the IBM Process Designer side, certain type definitions
cannot be successfully propagated from IBM Integration Designer to IBM
Process Designer. The workaround can require using alternative compatible
types, which in turn requires an extra mapping effort to populate data into
these compatible types.
Figure 3-4 outlines Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema limitations in
IBM Process Designer.

Figure 3-4 XML Schema limitations in IBM Process Designer

There are different implementations possible of the BOM Bottom Up approach

where changes get propagated from IBM Integration Designer to IBM Process
Designer. All these implementations share the same drawbacks as
depicted previously.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 95

Data mapping across different business object models
One approach to mitigate the mapping effort is for the IBM Integration Designer
to maintain two separate BOMs. One is an IBM Process Designer-oriented BOM
and another is the organizations canonical BOM.

The most difficult mapping between the IBM Process Designer-oriented BOM
and canonical BOM is performed on the IBM Integration Designer side. Although
there is still a mapping that has to be done in IBM Process Designer, from IBM
Process Designer-oriented to actual IBM Process Designer model, the level of
effort and complexity can be drastically reduced.

The second approach, in addition to placing mapping complexity on the IBM

Integration Designer side adds another mapping to be developed and maintained
on the IBM Integration Designer side. Although this workaround still seems like
a reasonable option, the new mapping, just added to the IBM Integration
Designer side, highly couples IBM Process Designer and IBM Integration
Designer sides together.

Considering that the IBM Process Designer represents a UI and business

processes side, where the IBM Integration Designer side represents the
integration layer, tight coupling between the two layers is not considered a
good practice.

3.3.4 Accessing existing system of records

It is common for BPM projects to have requirements to integrate with an existing
SOR. The clients existing SOR usually is another integration point in addition to
the external SOR that we described in 3.3, External system of record
considerations on page 88. The reason it is an additional integration point is
that, generally, the IBM BPM external SOR serves very specific purposes
governed by the project requirements.

As opposed to the project-specific requirements, an existing SOR, as a rule, is

built to support a specific business domain or the entire enterprise. If it is the
enterprise, the existing SOR is shared within the organization by other systems.

Several important questions need to be answered while considering access to

the clients existing SOR. Answers to these questions affect the architecture of
the data access layer of the overall IBM BPM solution:
 How often does the IBM BPM application need to read data from SOR?
 Does the IBM BPM application need to write data back to the SOR?

96 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 Do the other systems consumers require the most recent IBM BPM content to
be available at all times, or at some periodicity?
 Does the clients SOR require transactionality while performing data

Each of these items has a direct effect on the process applications integration
layer design. In addition, performance implications need to be considered as a
potential side effect of the chosen design and implementation approach.

3.3.5 Locking mechanism for concurrent access

When we talk about concurrent access for the IBM BPM process application, we
more often mean writing data, whether it is a process or business domain data,
into the external SOR. Locking implementation strategies are varied, and
selecting the correct one is highly dependent on both clients requirements and
the use case.

As a result, implementation of the specific strategy can also vary in effort and
complexity. For this reason, it is important to analyze any related requirements on
the subject of concurrent data access early in the project, because the access
locking implementation has a direct effect on the data access services design.

In general, the same locking strategies are applicable for IBM BPM solutions as
for any other enterprise-level application that requires concurrent data access.
For more information and an overview of locking strategies, see the following IBM
developerWorks article:


3.3.6 Accessing reference data

Integrating IBM BPM with the clients reference data is another common task.
Reference data usually consists of data sets that do not change often, and serve
the purpose of a quick lookup of the information from a specific business domain.
A simple example of this is a list of states or provinces for a given country.
Drop-down and combination list HTML controls are usually used to represent the
content of the reference data on the UI.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 97

When designing and implementing reference data integration points, the
following implementation aspects are worth considering:
 Who owns the reference data and controls access to it?
Establishing ownership is always important, because it sets a proper attitude
toward responsibilities and dependencies for providing various resources and
access to the reference data.
 How often, if ever, is the reference data expected to change?
 Is the mechanism for updating the content of the reference data owned by the
client, or is it expected to be built by the project team?
 How is the reference data going to be fetched?
As a BPM solution architect, you can ask several questions here. When
designing a mechanism for retrieving the reference data, it is important to
consider (among other things) the performance effect on the process
application and user experience. The answer depends on several factors
specific to use of the reference data in a given process application.
For example, if the process application has many Coaches, and each of them
presents a combination box or more with the reference data, fetching the
reference data using an Ajax service might not be the most efficient approach
to take. The following questions help to guide the decision and identify an
approach that better suits the current process application:
Is the reference data going to be fetched for every Coach, or be passed as
a payload to the human service along with the business entities?
Is the reference data going to be retrieved inside the human service
before the Coach, or dynamically during the Coach load time through an
Ajax service?
 How critical is it to instantly update the reference data on the UI when it is
changed in the SOR?
For example, if the reference data is of such a nature that it is expected only
to have new items added to it, it might not be necessary to have a runtime
refresh mechanism. Instead, you can let the cache expire in order to see
the additions.
 Given the nature of the reference data, can its contents be cached?
When accessing reference data from the clients external systems, it is often
expensive to retrieve. An additional effort might be necessary to manipulate
and compute the data to bring it to the form presentable on the UI. If the
reference data does not change over time, caching can be used to maximize
the performance and minimize the workload of each application tier, resulting
in substantial performance improvements.

98 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
The IBM BPM default caching service results option was introduced in IBM
BPM 8.0 and later. For the setting to enable caching of service results, see
Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5 Configuring service cache

For more information about enabling caching of service results, see the
following IBM Knowledge Center:
In addition to caching of service results, there are several options that can be
considered for reference data caching in the IBM BPM process application:
IBM DynaCache as a preferred custom option.
For more information about using IBM BPM with IBM DynaCache see the
developerWorks site at:
jsCache community toolkit.
 Are there existing enterprise services available to access the reference data?
Building services from scratch requires additional time, in terms of
development effort and design time. These required resources need to be
properly estimated and accounted for in the project schedule.
 Is the reference data a shared resource in the clients organization?
If the answer is yes, designing enterprise-level services requires more
considerations and potentially more effort, which again needs to be properly
reflected in the project schedule.

In addition to these points, a reference data lookup mechanism can be quite

sophisticated, depending on the hierarchical structure of the reference data itself.
In that case, the data access service needs to be able to accept specific
parameters to filter out the data to a certain branch of the entire reference tree.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 99

3.4 Integration architecture considerations
Developing a new business process often involves varying degrees of process
integration complexity. Requirements for process integration can range from
simple web service-based connectivity with an external system to an extremely
complex orchestration component.

This component must start the services in the correct order, and also handle
failure, errors, and any other challenges that come along. Further complexity may
be added by potentially many services on many different platforms in many
different locations. Next, we share some examples of the different types of
integration requirements associated with a business process, and the IBM
products that can be used to address those requirements:
 Brokerage and connectivity requirements can typically be implemented using
IBM Integration Bus or IBM BPM Advanced Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
The following list includes brokerage and connectivity requirement examples:
Message routing
Message transformation
Connectivity across platforms and protocols
Application-specific connectivity using adapters
Content-based message routing
 Enterprise application integration requirements can typically be implemented
using IBM BPM Advanced BPEL and IBM BPM Advanced ESB. The following
list includes examples of enterprise application integration requirements:
Event-driven data synchronization
Asynchronous data aggregation
 Service exposition requirements can include the following items:
Business processes providing services externally (acting as a service
provider) can be handled using IBM BPM Advanced SCA, BPEL, and IBM
BPM Advanced ESB.
Business processes acting as service requesters can typically use
services implemented using IBM Integration Bus or IBM BPM
Advanced ESB.
 Service orchestration and choreography requirements can include the
following items:
STP of business processes with the ability to maintain process state and
provide support for transactionality. This functionality can be implemented
using IBM BPM Advanced BPEL.
STP of stateless services can be implemented using IBM Integration Bus
or IBM BPM Advanced ESB.

100 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
After the process integration requirements have been identified, we suggest that
you use the Service Integration and Maturity Model (SIMM), shown in Figure 3-6.
The SIMM was developed by IBM to understand the level of maturity that is
wanted for your integration initiative.

Figure 3-6 Service Integration and Maturity Model

For more information about SIMM, see the following IBM developerWorks article:

Understanding the level of maturity that is wanted from your integration initiative
is important, because it can affect your design considerations:
 When designing a service so that it meets maturity level 3, your design
considerations seek to answer the question, how do I satisfy the multiple
known service requesters? In this example, the requesters and providers are
not assumed to be able to talk in a common protocol. Adapters are used to
bridge the protocol or data format gap, and enable communication to the hub.
Adding a new requester requires adding a new adapter.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 101

 When designing a service so that it meets maturity level 4, your design
considerations seek to answer the question, how do I satisfy any potential
service requester? In this example, the following service design
considerations are typically included:
Defining a standardized service exposure for protocol and transport
Defining performance concerns, such as expected response time and
expected throughput
Defining exception handling behavior
Defining a versioning strategy
Ensuring high availability (HA)
Ensuring scalable design
Ensuring appropriate capacity
Addressing the ownership concerns of the service
Having an agreed-upon funding model
Defining a service governance strategy
Addressing IT-centric visibility concerns
 When designing a service so that it meets maturity level 5, your design
considerations seek to answer the question, how do I satisfy any potential
requester using some fully mature and consumable services? In this example,
the following design considerations are typically included:
Deciding between implementing a composite service or a
business process
Addressing transactionality concerns
Addressing business-centric visibility and IT-centric visibility concerns
Defining performance concerns, such as expected response time,
expected throughput, and expected concurrency
Deciding when the business process typically ends
Defining exception handling behavior for your services and processes
Defining business process change management strategy and
governance strategy
Addressing the ownership concerns of a composite service or a
business process
Having an agreed-on funding model

102 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
From these examples, it is clear that your wanted service maturity level impacts
your integration design considerations. Those considerations, in turn, can affect
your selection of IBM products. For example, the connectivity use cases can be
covered by products implementing the ESB pattern, where services composition
and business process orchestration can be covered by the BPM products.

Figure 3-7 shows product usage types over two dimensions:

 Horizontally, the graph shows how the usage can often be correlated with
your service maturity level. It becomes immediately clear from which part of
the product the capabilities are drawn, with the ESB capabilities toward the
left and the BPM capabilities toward the right.
 The vertical axis shows to what extent the Usage Types are
message-oriented (throughput based) or synchronous (response time
based). Many of the products preceding IBM BPM were one type or the other.
IBM BPM supports both types of usage, but each comes with very different
architectural, design, and operational considerations. Therefore, it is useful to
know on which of the two styles the solution is predominantly focused.

Figure 3-7 Product usage types in SIMM

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 103

3.4.1 Advanced Integration Services
No matter which kind of integration you have, if you are using IBM BPM
Advanced, chances are high that you use AIS components for it. It seems natural
to use the IBM BPM internal AIS interface to communicate between the Business
Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) model and BPEL integration flow. However,
other options are possible, too. As with any good architecture decision, you want
to consider all arguments and alternatives to come to your preferred solution:
 What are the alternatives that we have?
The most common alternatives are to use the internal AIS interface, or web
services, to communicate between the service consumer and provider.
Figure 3-8 shows both components (SCA binding as direct IBM BPM
Standard to IBM BPM Advanced integration, and web services component).
IBM BPM Standard calls IBM BPM Advanced as an external application.

Figure 3-8 Web services and AIS

 How are they different?

Although it might make sense to use SCA at first glance, when we look at it in
detail, the preferable approach doesnt appear to be that obvious:
Use of AIS with SCA binding
In this case, IBM BPM communicates internally between its components.
You can create the service interface Top Down, so you can define it inside
IBM Process Designer and make it available in IBM Integration Designer
for the integration team to implement.
It is important to know that with traditional AIS implementations (using
SCA binding) the deployment artifacts of IBM BPM Standard and IBM
BPM Advanced have a dependency, so, version compatibility must
be ensured.

104 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Use of AIS with web service binding
The integration service is simply made available as a web service. For IBM
Process Designer, it doesnt make a difference at this point whether the
web services are provided by an external application or by IBM
BPM Advanced.
Due to the loose coupling through web services, IBM BPM Standard and
IBM BPM Advanced are also free from deployment or versioning
dependencies. However, extra resource use might be caused by going
through the HTTP Server, possibly the load balancer, and serializations.
 Which option should you chose?
In summary, SCA binding creates version dependencies, where web service
binding puts an additional load on the web server. It is important to evaluate
both alternatives thoroughly, and create a well-defined architecture decision
to create a common understanding of why either approach has been chosen.

3.5 Infrastructure architecture considerations

The key architectural considerations in building your IBM BPM infrastructure are
HA, sizing, scalability, disaster recovery, security, ease of maintenance and
administration, optimal use of system resources, and optimization of licensing
fees. It is important that you align your infrastructure requirements with these
considerations individually, as described in the following sections:
 The important components on which IBM BPM is built that provide
redundancy for failover and high availability include:
WebSphere Application Server
Messaging engines
Web servers
Network infrastructure
Your infrastructure architecture considerations typically include a strategy to
address each of these components with your HA requirements in mind. For
example, your HA requirements might lead you to pick an active/passive
configuration for your database.
We suggest that you review the IBM Redbooks publication Business Process
Management Deployment Guide Using IBM Business Process Manager V8.5,
SG24-8175, for more information about these key components.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 105

 The sizing of your platform can be driven by your requirements, which can
include the number of concurrent users at peak load, the number of users
logged in to the system during peak hours of the day, contingency
requirements, the maximum number of active process instances at any given
time, and so on. It is important that the estimates you use for your sizing
exercise align closely with the expected production load.
For sizing your IBM BPM environment, see the IBM Techline Software Sizing
service on the following website:
As future projects are added, we suggest re-evaluating the sizing estimates
as part of the capacity planning exercise.
 The scalability considerations for your platform can be driven by your
requirement to start with a few users and then expand to support many users
over time. To meet this requirement, your scalability design must include the
ability to easily add resources, such as hardware, network capacity, memory,
and so on.
 Your requirement to recover the environment, even if part or all of the original
system is lost, typically drives your disaster recovery considerations. For an
example of how your disaster recovery requirement can affect your IBM BPM
topology, see the following IBM developerWorks article:
 Your security requirements can have a significant effect on your infrastructure
architecture design. We suggest that you review Chapter 4, Security
architecture considerations on page 109.

Often, you can find yourself in a conflicting situation where you are required to
keep the licensing cost down, yet provide a larger, scalable topology.

We suggest that you review the IBM Redbooks publication Business Process
Management Deployment Guide Using IBM Business Process Manager V8.5,
SG24-8175, to help you choose the optimal topology that meets your budget for
licensing costs.

106 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
3.6 Conclusion
In this chapter, we described the importance of high-level solution analysis and
design by laying out a sound foundation for your IBM BPM process solution.

We described the architectural considerations, and described how a successful

process solution design can be achieved using IBM BPM, by addressing the
following aspects:
 Analyzing key business entities that become a foundation of the BPMN BOM.
The decision has a direct effect on data pass-through within the process
application, and on the success of the integration effort with external systems.
 Choosing between Top Down and Bottom Up approaches while designing a
BOM that has a significant effect on the rest of the design, and on the overall
development process.
 Covering practical considerations for introducing a transitory SOR into the
IBM BPM process application solution that stores process data beyond the life
span of the process. This makes the data available to third-party systems,
and for complex reporting purposes.
 Making the correct decision in choosing between IBM BPM Standard and IBM
BPM Advanced integrations, which results in the most efficient tooling choice
for complex integrations.
 Sharing integration architecture considerations that have implications on the
development, deployment, and runtime aspects of the final solution.

Chapter 3. Solution analysis and architecture considerations 107

108 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager

Chapter 4. Security architecture

In this chapter, we describe security concerns for an organization that wants to
use IBM Business Process Manager (IBM BPM). We talk about common security
holes that often occur in this field, and describe techniques for rectifying these
holes. We show preferred practices and common security hardening exercises
that you can use to achieve a reasonably well-secured IBM BPM installation.

Many of the practices described in this chapter apply equally to generic Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications (apps), in addition to IBM
BPM. However, we focus on aspects that typically do not receive adequate
consideration in actual practice. Also, we address IBM BPM Standard and IBM
BPM Advanced editions, although there are topics inherent to IBM BPM
Advanced that we consider to be out of scope for this book.

This chapter is not meant as an in-depth technical review of any one topic,
technology, or philosophy. IBM offers various training and consulting services
that can help you understand and evaluate the implications in your organization.

This chapter includes the following sections:

 Why BPM security is important
 Installation concepts and hardening steps

Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. All rights reserved. 109

4.1 Why BPM security is important
These days, security is considered generally important in every IT-related
project that you embark on. To shine a spotlight on IBM BPM we look at the
following aspects:
 IBM BPM is part of your corporate DNA
 IBM BPM users have access
 IBM BPM has unique security considerations

4.1.1 IBM BPM is part of your corporate DNA

Consider the fundamental need for securing your IBM BPM systems. First of all,
IBM BPM is based on Java EE technologies, and is delivered largely through
HTTP protocols. It therefore has the same security requirements as any other
Java EE enterprise-ready application. Authentication, authorization, and
sensitive data protection are all topics that are common to any Java EE
application, so many casual observers might stop their inquiry there.

However, in many ways IBM BPM is not just another Java EE application. When
you look at an organizations existing software systems, you typically find
applications that are built for a single-purpose.

The successful attack and penetration of these applications can reveal the
process data, but it is hard to conceive of how such a breach might reveal the
actual business steps, decision points, or overall operational strategy of a
departments business functions.

110 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Figure 4-1 depicts a single-purpose application.

Figure 4-1 Single-purpose applications

This is not true for IBM BPM, which encapsulates more than just process data.
IBM BPM process applications capture the very essence and details of a
departments way of doing business. IBM BPM provides easy-to-understand
flowcharts of process steps. These flowcharts show which employee groups are
entitled to execute particular steps, the decision points, and details of how those
decisions are evaluated.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 111

The IBM BPM flowchart model is depicted in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2 Incorporating IBM BPM

4.1.2 IBM BPM users have access

Furthermore, consider the universe of users who have access to IBM BPM. As
IBM BPM spreads throughout your organization, thousands of users, possibly
tens of thousands of users, might be expected to use some aspect of IBM BPM.

These users have network access and valid credentials.

They know which processes, if compromised, would be most disruptive to your

business. They know which data, if delivered outside of the corporate firewalls,
would be most valuable.

They might also want to bypass security policies for their personal benefit (for
example, when claiming travel expenses).

112 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
The most common security hole we see is an overreliance, or faith, in corporate
firewalls. It is very common to hear the phrase our IBM BPM network is internal,
so it is secured. Yet several sources have stated that most security breaches are
instigated from within an organization.

Rethink your attitude toward security. Even if you decide to trust 100% of the
employees who have access to your internal networks, can you be certain that all
actions they take are consistent with your security policies?

What about email or browser exploits, which could serve as an entry point to your
corporate network? What about no-charge software, which could include
non-trusted code?

What about CDs, DVDs, or Universal Serial Bus (USB) drives, which your
employees might insert into their notebook computers? What about external
consultants connecting to your corporate network? Can you ensure that 100% of
these devices have been thoroughly scrutinized?

Remember that there is no way that anyone can guarantee a 100% secure
environment. Notwithstanding, considering the issues that are detailed in this
chapter will, at the very least, eliminate the low-hanging fruit and drastically
reduce the universe of potential attacks against your IBM BPM systems.

4.1.3 IBM BPM has unique security considerations

In addition to these philosophical arguments, there are some practical
considerations that need to be addressed concerning IBM BPM security. IBM
BPM uses a unique hub and spoke deployment model that is built upon the
normal Java EE deployment model, but extends it in ways that are specific to IBM
BPM, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 IBM BPM deployment model

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 113

IBM BPM uses a unique instance-based authorization model that adds
significant functionality beyond the normal Java EE authorization techniques.
IBM BPM is delivered with IBM WebSphere Application Server, which includes a
very sophisticated Virtual Member Manager (VMM). The VMM enables you to
access corporate Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and other user
and group repositories.

Many applications use this group information to perform a high-level

authorization. However, the IBM BPM model extends this in ways that need to be
understood in order for you to fully evaluate the security implications.

Finally, the ways in which IBM BPM connects to external systems (web services,
message queues, and so on) differ depending on many factors:
 Which IBM BPM product you are running (IBM BPM Standard or IBM BPM
 Which version you are running (V7.5, V7.5.1, V8.0, V8.0.1, V8.5, and so on)
 What type of integration you are describing (outbound versus inbound web
service calls)

All of these topics are addressed in detail in the IBM Redbooks publication IBM
Business Process Manager Security: Concepts and Guidance, SG24-8027.

4.2 Installation concepts and hardening steps

Proper security begins before the software gets installed. How your IBM BPM
servers fit into your organization requires careful consideration, with an eye
toward security implications at every touch point. Next, we look at some
common questions:
 How many IBM BPM deployment environments will you have? Are each
protected by firewalls?
 Which of your deployment environments will be protected by a firewall
configuration (DMZ) for securing local area networks (LANs)? Will they be
protected by proxies or dedicated web servers?
 How will you secure your network traffic?
 How many certificate authorities will you trust?
 How will you secure your data at rest?
 How will you secure web service calls?

114 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
In addition to these generic questions, you also have to consider IBM
BPM-specific questions:
 How many user repositories will the IBM BPM servers access?
 Does each deployment environment support different user repositories?

The installation of your IBM BPM software, including the decisions surrounding
that installation, is one of the first steps in security. This is the foundation on
which your IBM BPM installations security relies.

4.2.1 BPM and WebSphere concepts

Portions of the IBM BPM suite originally came from a product acquired by IBM
called Lombardi Teamworks, and others from what had been previously called
IBM WebSphere Process Server. Although both products shared a common goal
of automating and facilitating the management of business processes, they had
different focuses. The similarities have been mostly encapsulated in what we call
IBM BPM Standard, and the differences packaged in IBM BPM Advanced.

With each new version of the IBM BPM software, these two disparate origins
become more tightly integrated. Portions of the software stack that served
Lombardis need to support a wide variety of Java EE application servers are
being replaced with more security-hardened IBM WebSphere counterparts.
Similarly, WebSphere Process Servers user interface (UI) has greatly benefited
from the joining of the two products.

IBM BPM is built upon, and is included with, WebSphere Application Server.
Many security tasks are best thought of from the perspective of WebSphere, but
others from the perspective of IBM BPM. Therefore, it is useful to spend a
moment to consider the terminology of the two perspectives.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 115

WebSphere concepts
Next, we begin by looking at the basic WebSphere concepts, depicted in
Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4 Basic WebSphere concepts

The following list explains some of the important concepts in more detail:
Profile A set of Extensible Markup Language (XML) files and
application artifacts that describe and facilitate the
installation of WebSphere and associated Java EE apps.
Cell The overall security context for centralized management
of a WebSphere Application Server.
Node The virtual machine (VM) image (or hardware server) that
hosts Java application servers. Each WebSphere
instance can have multiple nodes.
App Server Java virtual machines (JVMs) where Java EE enterprise
applications execute. These are software constructs.

116 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Cluster A set of application servers, potentially distributed across
more than one node, that provide failover and
high-availability (HA).
Deployment Manager and Node Agents
Lightweight processes that keep the clusters in sync.
There is one Deployment Manager for each WebSphere
cell, and one Node Agent for each Node.

IBM BPM concepts

In almost all corporate environments, there are distinct functional (and often
physical) differences between servers used for software development, testing
(both by the developers and by the users) and their production servers. IBM BPM
supports this common pattern with the mechanism of deployment environments.

We have already seen that business process applications are developed within
the Process Center. The Process Center is also commonly referred to as the IBM
BPM development environment. When the process application authors are
satisfied with their current iteration of the process application, they can take a
snapshot of that process application and deploy it to another environment. This
next stage is typically called testing.

Among the benefits of this redeployment is that you separate the execution of the
process application from the dependencies that might have been present in your
companys development environment. Therefore, at a first glance you get the
chance to ensure that the process application has been bundled with all of the
underlying software and toolkits that it needs to execute.

When all parties are convinced that the process application is free of these
dependencies and is ready for wider distribution, it is then typically promoted to
another environment. This step is called staging or user acceptance testing
(UAT). The UAT environment is where a wider group of users is given access to
the process application. It is their job to ensure that the process application
satisfies all business requirements and is bug-free.

When the testing is complete, this staged application is eligible for promotion to
the production environment, with confidence that the application is ready for use.

Mapping WebSphere Application Server to BPM

Each of these IBM BPM environments is their own WebSphere cell. This is not
universally true, because there are special occasions where you might require a
cell to span BPM environments. However, that topic is an exception described in
the IBM Redbooks publication IBM Business Process Manager Version 8.0
Production Topologies, SG24-8135.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 117

In Figure 4-5 you can see the dotted boxes as defining a cells boundary, and you
can also see that each cell has a Deployment Manager and one or more nodes.

Figure 4-5 Mapping WebSphere to BPM concepts

The Deployment Manager is a WebSphere construct that doesnt map into the
IBM BPM lexicon, but the nodes are where the important part of the process
takes place. A node contains one or more servers, which are JVMs dedicated to
a specific set of IBM BPM tasks.

Depending upon the type of IBM BPM topology that you choose, each node
might have one - five servers that map directly to the IBM BPM concepts of
AppTarget (where the IBM BPM runtime engine executes), Support (which is
where the IBM BPM Performance Data Warehouse executes), and others. These
servers are then clustered together across node boundaries.

118 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
In this diagram, we have named the cells according to their role as
deployment environments:
bpmDevCell This cell contains the IBM BPM Process Center and
central development repository. This deployment
environment is often referred to as development, PC, or
the dev environment.
bpmTestCell This cell contains an IBM BPM Process Server runtime
deployment environment. This environment is where
process application authors can ensure that their process
applications are free from any dependencies upon
development tools or artifacts. This deployment
environment is often referred to as testing.
bpmStageCell This cell contains an IBM BPM Process Server runtime
deployment environment where process application
stakeholders can ensure that the process applications are
isolated completely from the development environment.
Typically, the staging environments closely mimic the
production deployment environment.
The environments are similar because the expectation is
that when the staging testing is completed, the process
applications can be installed into production environments
with no issues. This deployment environment is often
referred to as staging or UAT.
bpmProdCell This cell contains an IBM BPM Process Server runtime
deployment environment where process applications are
deployed for use in the enterprise. Often, these
environments are behind strict firewalls, and have special
deployment considerations. This deployment environment
is often referred to as prod or production.

These distinctions between test and staging are largely superficial. There is no
difference in functionality between them. Often, organizations have distinct ideas
about how test and staging are treated. Some organizations incorporate yet
another stage environment, called pre-production.

By having each deployment environment hosted within a unique WebSphere

Application Server cell, the cells security configuration can be differentiated from
that of other deployment environments or cells. For example, you would almost
certainly want the staging LDAP server and the production LDAP server
completely isolated from those of the development and testing environments.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 119

In addition, in Figure 4-5 on page 118 you can see that the dev and test
environments share a common LDAP server (ldap-dev). However, staging and
production each have their own LDAP servers (ldap-stage and ldap-prod).
Furthermore, both stage and production are four-cluster topologies, where dev
and test are only three clusters. The production environment is also the only
environment where the deployment manager (dMgr) is broken out onto its own
server (physical or virtual).

This is not a strict requirement, but simply an example. IBM BPM and
WebSphere enable a great deal of flexibility in how you define your IBM
BPM environment.

For more information about this topic, see the IBM Redbooks publication IBM
Business Process Manager Version 8.0 Production Topologies, SG24-8135.

Complex realities
However, actual environments are rarely as orderly as the example in the
diagram in Figure 4-5 on page 118. The complications multiply when you
consider the environment into which IBM BPM is being deployed. Each IBM BPM
deployment environment typically has the following components:
 Its own database server
 A front-end web server
 Hardware load balancers
 Single sign-on (SSO) solutions (which might also be hardware)
 Servers that host web services
 Any number of corporate enterprise information system (EIS) servers

120 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
An example IBM BPM deployment environment is depicted in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6 Complex realities of an IBM BPM solution

All of these components communicate with each other, and each line of
communication introduces another touch point that needs to be scrutinized from
a security point of view. Complexity breeds fragility, which in turn breeds
opportunity for exploitation.

The antithesis, of course, is simplicity. But how can you achieve simplicity when
faced with so many product components, each one speaking to another over
different protocols?

Complexity is tamed through decomposition. This is achieved by breaking down

the universe of connection points and possible security holes into easily
understood components, with an overall framework for management.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 121

Architectural documentation: We strongly advise that your organization
invests in architectural documentation that describes the nature of each
communication point, together with a discussion of communication options
and a rationale for choosing one option over another.

Documentation of this nature provides an excellent repository of knowledge

and expertise, which can enable all interested parties to understand the
security choices that have been employed at each connection point.

4.2.2 Hardening steps

To get started in hardening your IBM BPM deployment, you need to consider the
following steps:
 Secure Sockets Layer everywhere
 Using a DMZ
 Securing your database
 SSL certificate host name verification
 Hardening steps are specific to an organization

Secure Sockets Layer everywhere

Beyond a doubt, the biggest security hole we see is an overly optimistic belief in
the security of a corporate, perimeter-wide firewall. Time and time again we hear
the phrase it is the internal network, so it is secure. This is a very dangerous and
precarious posture to take. It is akin to placing all of your eggs in one basket.

Can you trust with 100% certainty that your firewall vendors will never release a
software update that has a security hole in it? How often is your notebooks
operating system updated with security fixes?

The simple fact is that many studies, from Gartner, Ponemon, the US Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and others, have determined the following facts
about security:
 The majority of attacks originate from within.
 The attackers identity is rarely known or discovered.
 Security breaches are equally likely to be caused by employees as by
external agents.
 An overwhelming majority of attacks are the result of an exploitation of a
misconfiguration, or a failure to follow leading practices.

122 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Security breaches do not have to be the result of malice. They could be the result
of simple, honest mistakes. But in the end, the intent does not matter. The
security breach occurred, and you must deal with the consequences.

Notwithstanding, it is still prudent to consider the following question:

Is it safe to believe that not one of your employees would ever steal data?

The problem we face with hacker activist (hactivist) groups like Anonymous is
that they are, in fact, anonymous. Until an arrest is made, these people remain
nameless. Estimates on the number of arrests (and therefore name disclosures)
as a percentage of security attacks are hard to come by.

However, it is reasonable to assume that more attacks occur than arrests. This
leaves us with the realization that most security breaches are instigated by
individuals who remain anonymous. They could be anyone.

Furthermore, even if you choose to trust that there is not one employee within
your ranks who sympathizes with hactivists, can you ensure that 100% of your
employees always follow corporate security guidelines? What about email or
browser exploits that could serve as an entry point to your corporate network?

What about no-charge software that could include non-trusted code?

What about CDs, DVDs, or USB drives that your employees might insert into
their notebooks? Can you ensure that 100% of these devices have been
thoroughly scrutinized?

The bottom line on firewall security is this: It is necessary, it is very helpful, but it
is not a stand-alone solution to enterprise security. Firewalls are necessary, yes,
but they are not sufficient.

Our goal is to secure each touch point, ensuring that the low hanging fruit is
eliminated, thereby radically reducing the potential number of attackers by
simultaneously increasing the skills required to exploit a security hole.

Next, we provide you with an example of an overly optimistic faith in firewalls.

During the installation of a Process Server, you (or your IBM consultant) used the
WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console and executed a
wizard to create the Deployment Environment. This wizard includes a step where
the Process Server specifies the host name of the Process Center that it will be
using as its repository.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 123

This step is illustrated in Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7 Specifying HTTPS during profile creation

Note that the Protocol defaults to http://. During Process Server startup, the
runtime environment uses this information to communicate back to the Process
Center, notifying the Process Center of the runtime Process Servers availability
to receive deployments of process application snapshots. This communication
between Process Server and Process Center includes a URL, a user account,
and the corresponding password.

This information is all an attacker needs to know to deploy new snapshots of

process applications, effectively changing the way you do business. An attacker
could also deploy his favorite malware application. This malware monitors the
network, carries out denial of service attacks, and spreads other types of
malware to other systems in the same network (not only systems that your
process applications connect to, but basically any systems that can be reached).

124 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
If you do not take the extra step to specify the https:// protocol in the preceding
figure, you will be sending your IBM BPM administrator account name and
password in clear text. There is simply no substitution for taking the time to
ensure that all IBM BPM product components communicate with each other, and
with all external systems, over Secure Sockets Layers (SSL).

Using a DMZ
We advise that you install the web server or reverse proxy physically in front of
the WebSphere clusters. Specifically, the web server or reverse proxy server
should be installed on a physical server that sits between two firewalls, in what is
commonly called a DMZ.

The outer firewall enables only SSL port traffic (typically 443, but this can be
customized). The web server or reverse proxy server then communicates with
the IBM BPM servers over a different SSL port through the inner firewall.

This accomplishes three things:

 This arrangement adds another layer of obfuscation between the potential
attacker on the outside of the firewall, and the ports that are exposed to
receive the actual IBM BPM traffic.
 It eliminates the need for a node agent on the web server or reverse proxy
server, further simplifying what these servers have to do. The simpler the
server, the easier to keep it free from security vulnerabilities. Note, therefore,
that the installation team needs to use unmanaged web servers and ensure
that the plugin.xml file gets kept up to date on the web server as a
manual process.
 It eliminates the need for a JVM on the web server or reverse proxy server.
This is a huge consideration for many organizations. The thought behind this
is again that it is keeping the web server or reverse proxy server simpler, and
therefore less likely to create a security vulnerability.

Securing your database

Everyone recognizes that database user accounts should be protected with
passwords. What most fail to recognize is how incredibly easy it is to observe
database traffic while it is in transit. If attackers can view unencrypted text on its
way to the database, they also have the opportunity to store this data in their own
systems. They can also gain knowledge of how your Structured Query Language
(SQL) statements are formed, possibly leading to SQL injection attacks.

The solution to this is simple: SSL.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 125

The specific steps to ensure SSL between your IBM BPM and database servers
will be, of course, unique to the database vendor that you have selected, and to
your organizations certificate management strategy. Notwithstanding, the
concept is simple enough, and should be familiar to your database analysts and
administration team.

Furthermore, IBM BPM is highly database-driven, and much of the user-facing

code executes within a web browser as JavaScript. Without disparaging
JavaScript as a language, it is safe to say that any meaningful encryption
algorithm is almost certainly going to overpower the runtime JavaScript engines
found within any browser.

Although it might be possible to overcome some of this by performing the

encryption and decryption on the server, and then sending the data to the
browser in clear text, the fact remains that this is a moot point. Whether it is
because of performance concerns, compatibility constraints, or simple design
decisions, IBM BPM does not offer this strategy for encrypting data at rest for any
data elements that are intrinsic to the inner workings of the product.

Encryption in the client is very rare. Typically, you want the server to work with the
data, so the server needs the data in clear text.

It might be possible to design your business process applications to encrypt and

decrypt data using the extension points provided by IBM BPM, but again, this is
most likely just a theoretical consideration. The computational resources required
to do so within the confines of a runtime JavaScript engine are formidable.

Perhaps even more important is that you cannot know with absolute certainty
what percentage of your data might be cached somewhere within the IBM BPM
database tables. This caching effectively nullifies your encryption.

Therefore, it is prudent to consider two other strategies for effecting the

encryption of your data while at rest:
 Operating system and file system encryption
 Database encryption

A more complete description of these topics can be found in the IBM Redbooks
publication IBM Business Process Manager Security: Concepts and Guidance,

126 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
SSL certificate host name verification
More recent versions of the IBM BPM applications (including V8.0 and later)
include extra hardening steps that were not present in previous versions. For
example, previously, it was possible to create the IBM BPM profiles using
localhost as the name for the BPM server.

There are many scenarios where BPM talks to itself (heartbeats, deployment of
process apps from Process Center to Process Servers, the WebInspector REST
facade, the federated Representational State Transfer (REST) application
programming interfaces (APIs), and so on). The product now requires that the
host names of each part of these communications match the names in the
SSL certificates.

In general, we advise that great care should be taken to ensure that the
certificates common name (CN) matches the actual fully qualified name of the
IBM BPM servers.

Hardening steps are specific to an organization

Each new release of the IBM BPM application incorporates more hardening
steps by default than previous versions. However, given the fact that most IBM
BPM installations are integrated into complex corporate environments over so
many different touch points, it is highly advised that the securing of your
installations be the topic of a dedicated effort.

It would be impossible to detail every hardening step that anticipates every

corporate integration possibility. The IBM services organization has various
mechanisms by which they can help you to evaluate the security of your IBM
BPM installation.

4.3 Authentication
Authentication is the process of proving the identity of the user who (or even
another computer system that) is requesting access to software. The most
common type of authentication is, of course, the user ID and password. However,
there are other methods of authenticating to a server.

Simply put, there are three categories of authentication:

 What you know: Passwords, session IDs
 What you have: Digital certificates, hardware passcode generators
 What you are: Biometrics, such as fingerprints and retinal scans

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 127

For each of these types of authentication, you need to consider the
following questions:
 Where is the system of record that holds user accounts?
 How will the authentication information communicate with this system?
 How will you detect a compromise?
 How will you revoke access?

In light of recent research showing the high incidence of security attacks that
originate from employees or contractors, the choice of how users authenticate to
your corporate systems should be evaluated carefully. Often, the choice of how
users authenticate to corporate systems is decades old, and it might well be
worth reviewing the policies at your organization.

Regardless of which authentication mechanism (or combination of them) your

organization uses, the ensuing steps are the same:
1. The user (or other computer system) presents some authentication
2. WebSphere Application Server validates that this information is correct and
3. WebSphere Application Server creates a security context (a subject and
principal) on behalf of the user that accompanies all future requests during
the session.

After focusing on installation and foundational issues in 4.2, Installation

concepts and hardening steps on page 114, this section should be considered
your second step in securing your IBM BPM environments. In this section, we
investigate who has access to your IBM BPM applications.

4.3.1 WebSphere user registry

IBM BPM relies entirely on the WebSphere Application Server mechanism for
user authentication. When a user attempts to access IBM BPM, the underlying
WebSphere security context recognizes that this is a protected resource, and the
process of identifying the user begins. The user must already be defined using a
mechanism that WebSphere can access.

First, a word about repositories and registries. These two terms are often
confused. A repository is a concrete set of items (in this case, the list of user
accounts). A registry is a reference to something (in this case, the repositories
within the user registry). It might be helpful to visualize this as an analogy: A
librarys card catalog is a registry, and the librarys stacks of books is a repository.

128 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
You can configure WebSphere Application Servers user registry to use any of
several authentication mechanisms:
 A flat-file repository (not recommended)
 A corporate LDAP repository (most common)
 A set of corporate LDAP repositories (enables complexity)
 Windows Integrated Authentication, such as Simple and Protected Generic
Security Services API Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) or Kerberos
 SSO (very popular), including CA SiteMinder, IBM Access Manager, and
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

4.3.2 Flat-file repositories

IBM BPM includes and installs with a single federated registry, which is called
Federated Repositories. At installation time for Network Deployment
environments, it consists of just one single flat-file repository, called the
defaultWIMFileBasedRealm, depicted in Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8 Default user repository

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 129

The flat-file repository was originally provided as a mechanism to facilitate the
immediate securing of a WebSphere Application Server environment at
installation time. The repository provides user IDs and passwords for
administrative accounts and associated functionality.

Without such a mechanism, there would be a gap in security before the

WebSphere Application Server installation could be integrated into an
organizations existing security infrastructure.

The flat-file repository is not intended to scale beyond 200-300 users, but it does
provide usefulness even in large-scale production environments, where it might
be wanted to maintain the BPM administrative accounts locally, so that the BPM
environment can be administered in the case of a failure to reach the
main repository.

4.3.3 LDAP repositories

By far the most common type of user list in use by corporations today is the
LDAP repository. It is also commonly called a directory of user information. It is
often described as a database, but be aware that LDAPs are a specialized type
of database, with characteristics that set them apart from general-purpose
relational databases.

Optimized for read-only access

One of the most important specialized characteristics is that an LDAP
repository is read much more often than it is updated. Applications and other
users might frequently look up an employees user ID, name, or phone number,
but these values rarely change for this employee. This fact gives rise to the
following generalizations:
 LDAP is optimized for read-access.
 LDAP stores static information.
 LDAP does not store application-specific data.

Unlike a general-purpose database, which might be used for any number of

high-volume, high-update applications (such as an airline reservation system),
an LDAP server can be optimized for read (and search) access. In fact, it is fairly
common for the administrators of the LDAP repository to have strict guidelines
over which software applications are even allowed to write to the repository.

Often, corporate LDAP systems are considered the system of record for
employee data. Because of this, LDAP administrators are typically very careful
about what type of data should be stored in the LDAP. This is an important
consideration for using an LDAP with IBM BPM. Every IBM BPM user has an
inbox that receives business process tasks during a typical work day.

130 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
However, even in an organization whose IBM BPM adoption is mature, where
potentially every employee listed in the corporate LDAP might share this same
requirement, still it is not a good idea to store the inbox or process application
task lists in the LDAP. Even though they all share the same requirements, the
tasks themselves vary from person to person, and will most likely require
updating several times per day. This requirement violates the LDAP concept.

Therefore, we consider LDAP to be a source of user authentication, and only

occasionally a source of more generic user data.

LDAP groups and access control lists

Many organizations also have grouping information stored in the LDAP
repository. These groups can be along geographic, organizational, or business
functional lines. Perhaps the groups reflect other business-meaningful
parameters, such as employees who joined as a result of an acquisition.

In each of these cases, the presupposition is that the individual employees are
not likely to change their group affiliations frequently. Therefore, this information
is appropriate for an employee system of record, such as the LDAP repository.

Furthermore, some LDAP repositories support the concept of an access control

list (ACL). However, the use of LDAP groups and ACLs is also relatively
constrained by the nature of the LDAP read-only access. Specifically, IBM BPM
is a tool that is built on and promotes the idea of rapid iterative development. The
tool empowers business subject matter experts (SMEs) with the ability to define
groups of individuals who are eligible to perform some business process task.

We strongly encourage that these groups be defined to be as small as possible,

so that only relevant tasks are delivered to any given employee. Furthermore, as
is the case with all iterative development methodologies, the structure and
content of these small groups could change with any given new iteration, as the
business process is either refined or improved.

To ask a centralized LDAP administrator to change their LDAP group definition to

match the latest iteration of a process application would quickly get onerous for
the LDAP administrator. Remember that these corporate LDAPs are supporting
dozens, if not hundreds, of other applications.

LDAP for authentication: Consider LDAP to be a source of user

authentication, and not of authorization. The way that IBM BPM handles
authorization is described in 4.4, Authorization on page 138.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 131

Federated repositories
IBM BPMs preferred user registry is called Federated Repositories to point out
the fact that it is a collection of independent repositories. It is built upon a
sophisticated software layer, the VMM. The VMM enables tremendous flexibility.
Multiple repositories, of various types, can be joined together in the federation,
and they act as one, as shown in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9 A more common federated user registry, including an LDAP

Figure 4-9 depicts a very simple case of one federated registry consisting of one
flat-file repository and one LDAP repository. As mentioned before, WebSphere
Application Server is compatible with various LDAP vendors products.

Each LDAP vendor might define a different reserved word to access a particular
function, but the IBM BPM VMM can be configured to abstract these differences
and therefore work with any LDAP server that is LDAP V3-compliant. WebSphere
Application Server also includes several LDAP templates to facilitate installation.

132 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
It is equally common for clients to have more than one LDAP server. This is often
the case due to acquisitions or geographical dispersion. The acquired companies
might well have a host of software systems that rely upon their existing LDAP
structures, and there is always a period of integration where old systems are
updated or replaced. WebSphere Application Server enables this by federating
LDAP repositories together.

Figure 4-10 shows an example where the VMM federated registry is composed
of a single flat-file repository, one generic LDAP V3 server, plus a series of
Microsoft Active Domain repositories arranged in a tree structure.

Figure 4-10 A complex user registry, including several LDAPs

Even more complicated arrangements are possible, but a complete treatment of

this topic is not relevant to the purpose of this chapter.

For more information, refer to the IBM Redbooks publication Understanding

LDAP - Design and Implementation, SG24-4986.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 133

Custom software repository
Although the overwhelming majority of clients use an LDAP repository, situations
can exist where a corporations user and group data is in other repositories or
custom user registries, such as a database. In such cases, moving this
information to either a local operating system registry or a dedicated LDAP
registry implementation might not be feasible.

For these situations, WebSphere Application Server security does provide a

service provider interface (SPI) that you can implement to interact with your
current registry. This custom registry feature can be developed to support
virtually any user registry that is not implemented by WebSphere Application
Server. However, note that developing a custom software registry is decidedly
non-trivial, and developing one that is truly secure is far more complex.

There are several reasons for this, but chief among them is that the WebSphere
Application Server security mechanisms are initialized and enabled well before
other WebSphere Application Server services, such as data sources and
enterprise beans. There is, therefore, a great deal of software that you need to
write on your own, effectively reinventing the wheel.

In addition, consider the following requirements:

 The SPI must be completely implemented, including error scenarios.
 You need to consider and implement your own mechanisms for availability
and failover.
 Portions of IBM BPM require additional security extensions that are above
and beyond the WebSphere custom user registry SPI.
 Any custom registry should undergo extensive and rigorous third-party
penetration and security vulnerability testing.

The need to secure LDAP

Most people think of LDAP as a server, but remember that LDAP is a protocol.
Yes, there are LDAP servers, but because it is a protocol, in effect, this is a
conversation between two servers.

As another specific example of how an overabundant faith in firewalls can

become a security hole, we examine the LDAP connection.

134 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Figure 4-11 depicts the actual network communications as captured by the
freeware network protocol analyzer, WireShark, during the normal boot-up
process of the IBM BPM Process Center.

Figure 4-11 Using a network analyzer to sniff admin passwords

If you have never used a network packet analyzer before, all you need to know for
the purposes of this example is that each line is a summary of the Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) traffic. You can watch this list in real
time. The lower portion of the panel here is showing the contents of the selected
TCP/IP packet.

This highlighted summary clearly shows that this packet is an LDAP bindRequest
on the account uid=admin, ou=system. The packet is a request to bind the IBM
BPM servers to the LDAP database to make a query. If you know the account
name and password used to bind, you can browse the LDAP for any information
that it contains. You can see, in the packets content area, that the password for
this account is secret.

Yes, it really is that easy.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 135

The bind account name and password are exchanged at each step of the IBM
BPM to LDAP conversation. The WebSphere Deployment Manager and Node
Agents, the IBM BPM application servers (including /ProcessAdmin,
/ProcessCenter, and /portal), and the IBM Process Designer, all communicate
with the LDAP server and issue this same bindRequest.

Unless you secure your LDAP server using encryption (SSL), you are leaving
your corporate LDAP server open to browsing every time an IBM BPM user logs
in to their /portal Inbox.

We advise that you:

 Enforce encryption using SSL over the communications channel between the
IBM BPM servers and your LDAP servers.
 Be sure to disable non-SSL traffic.
 Create a specific SSL truststore and alias for the LDAP.

4.3.4 Single sign-on

SSO is the ability to share credentials across systems. There are many SSO
solutions that can be purchased and integrated into IBM BPM:
 IBM Security Access Manager
 CA SiteMinder
 Microsoft Windows Integrated Authentication
 UNIX and Linux Kerberos-based authentication protocols
 SAML (IdProvider Initiated use case)
 WebSphere custom Trust Association Interceptors

Many SSO technologies rely upon cookies or HTTP headers to carry the users
credentials with each HTTP request. Often, these credentials are encrypted.
Unfortunately, the fact that these credentials are encrypted does not matter. An
encrypted header can still be sniffed, copied, and injected into an attackers
browser HTTP requests.

The fact that the human attacker cannot read the contents of the encrypted
header in no way diminishes the opportunity for attack. She can just paste the
contents of this encrypted header into her browser, thereby impersonating the
original SSO credentials.

What must occur for any SSO solution to be considered secure is that the
destination server must take the extra steps to ensure that the SSO headers
originated from a known good, trusted server. Simple strategies like inspecting
the IP address of the HTTP request are not sufficient. IP addresses (as in this
case) can be spoofed.

136 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
The correct, proper, and secure implementation of an SSO solution employs a
mechanism for ensuring that the origination of the SSO credentials is valid,
thereby eliminating the type of injection attack described previously. This is
especially true if you are writing a custom trust association interceptor (TAI) to
integrate an in-house developed custom authentication system into the
WebSphere Application Server security mechanisms.

The TAI API is shown in Example 4-1.

Example 4-1 Trust Association Interceptor API

public class Simple_TAI implements TrustAssociationInterceptor {
public String getType() {}
public String getVersion() {}
public int initialize(Properties props)
throws WebTrustAssociationFailedException {}
public void cleanup() {}
public booleanisTargetInterceptor(HttpServletRequest request)
throws WebTrustAssociationException {}
public TAIResult negotiateValidateandEstablishTrust(
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws WebTrustAssociationFailedException {}

As you can see, this is deceptively simple. Six methods, two of which are simple
get() functions that return (typically) hard-coded strings. Two more are just
initialize() and cleanup() functions. This leaves us with only two methods to
do the heavy lifting.

Software developers must overcome many challenges when designing an

SSO solution:
 Time constraints
 Other project pressures
 Gaining access to the custom authentication system
 Getting firewall ports opened for their use
 Updating ACLs
 Software development and debugging required to enable the TAI to work

It is very common for us to see software developers celebrate that final change,
which ultimately allowed their SSO solution to function, by simply moving on to
the next overdue project task. However, it is not enough that your SSO solution
works. It must work securely. This is another common security hole that we see:
An in-house developed TAI that fails to take the additional step of ensuring that
the origination source of the SSO header comes from a trusted source.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 137

Techniques for establishing trust with the origination system include (but are not
limited to) the following processes:
 Validating the SSL certificates serial number
 Validating the SHA1 digests fingerprint

SSO solution: We advise that you bring in an outside security professional to

review your SSO solution to ensure that it meets all leading security practices
before you put any such code into use.

4.4 Authorization
Authorization is the process of ensuring that a user (or other computer system)
has permission to perform a given act.

In general, authorization can be enforced in several ways:

 LDAP groups
 Role-based access control (RBAC), such as LDAP groups in Java EE
 Attribute-based access control (ABAC)

4.4.1 Group-based authorization

By far the most common conceptualization of user authentication has to do with
group membership. Managers are authorized to perform some tasks, sales staff
are authorized to view certain reports, purchasing agents are allowed to issue
purchase orders, and so on. It is easy to conceive of a corporate LDAP with
groups for managers, sales, and purchasing, and it is trivial for the business
process designers to use groups such as these.

However, in a typical organization, there can be tens of thousands, even

hundreds of thousands, of users, and thousands of groups. These numbers can
grow quite large, and so it is common to see an LDAP vendor restrict the number
of users or groups returned by generic queries.

For example, Microsoft Active Directory returns only the first 4,500 users or
groups, truncating the rest from the results. This can obviously cause havoc for a
business process application that simply uses LDAP groups for its authorization.

138 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
In addition, because LDAP products are optimized for read-only and static data, it
is very common that the structure and content of the LDAP repository be under
the strict control of an LDAP administration team. Furthermore, these groups
might have been defined for existing applications. It is not uncommon for these
existing applications to no longer be in use, and yet their LDAP groups remain.
This can be contrary to the core value proposition of IBM BPM.

One of the most significant benefits of IBM BPM is its ability to model business
processes to gain some perspective and, hopefully, to use this to effect business
process improvement. The entire approach to IBM BPM, from process
documentation, to process application development, to process improvement, is
based on agile principles.

It is quite common for a team of process designers to decide that a process can
be improved if the roles are reexamined, possibly creating new roles and
combining others. To rely on the LDAP administration team to make these
changes to the corporate LDAP is almost always untenable from both
 The process designers want immediate turnaround.
 The LDAP administrators need to ensure that changes will not break other
enterprise applications that rely on the LDAP structure.

To address this concern, IBM BPM goes much further than simply referring to
LDAP groups. IBM BPM provides a product component called the
/ProcessAdmin, and this component has a section called Group Management.
Within this section, business process designers can create groups that go
beyond what is presented by the corporate LDAP.

Consider the case where an organization might have grown as the result of
acquiring a competing company in a different geographical region. Each region
would have almost certainly had different LDAP structures.

Perhaps region 1 called their IT department ldapIT, and region 2 called theirs
adBPMDevelopers. IBM BPM enables a unified view of these two LDAP groups
under a single group called, for example, devAuthors.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 139

These nested groups are depicted in Figure 4-12.

Figure 4-12 Nested LDAP Groups

This is a very powerful feature. LDAP browsers are not typically capable of
merging two LDAP sources to provide a unified view. In Figure 4-12, you can see
that the two LDAP groups are combined in devAuthors. Furthermore, another
user has been added to devAuthors. When the business process executes, any
user who appears in devAuthors is eligible to perform this business task.

In addition to combining two groups into one, IBM BPM also enables the
inclusion of groups within groups (nested groups). Therefore, the entire
management of the groups is handled by the business process designers and
SMEs. These professionals are not bound to the LDAP administrator
organization, because all of this grouping information is in IBM BPM.

Another important point that is worth considering about your business analysts
(BAs) taking control of the BPM groups is that the corporate LDAP groups might
have very little, or absolutely nothing, to do with the business processes that you
are currently modeling.

140 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
In the diagram in Figure 4-12 on page 140, the simple fact that ldapUsers 7 and
8, and adUsers 8 and 9 are all considered developers tells you nothing about
which applications they should be granted access to. Perhaps ldapUser7 is
working on a highly confidential application that only he should have access to.

Going to the LDAP administrator organization to request a new group just for
ldapUser7 is unwieldy at best. The /ProcssAdmin component gives your business
process designers and SMEs control of your business group authorizations.

Proper group management: We advise that you ensure that your groups are
tightly coupled to the business process functions. Use /ProcessAdmin to define
groups, and use LDAP groups rarely.

4.4.2 Dynamic authorization: Teams

In the previous section, we described the capability in /ProcessAdmin to define
groups independently of the corporate LDAP. In earlier versions of IBM BPM,
these were called Participant Groups. In IBM BPM V8.5 and later, the set of
users who can start or end processes, work on tasks, complete tasks, or
administer processes and tasks, are now called Teams.

Although Participant Groups have been deprecated with IBM BPM V8.5, old
definitions are 100% compatible with, and automatically migrated to, BPM V8.5.
Teams introduce three new major features:
 Teams can now have Managers (identified and modeled within IBM
Process Designer).
 Teams can now be specified dynamically (with the members being
determined by a web service call).
 Teams can now be refined dynamically (with non-applicable team members
now being filtered away).

You define teams in IBM Process Designer as a part of a process application (or
even a toolkit). You can specify that teams be one of two types:
 Static. All users are defined using either LDAP groups or /ProcessAdmin
groups in the same way that Participant Groups had been defined.
 Dynamic. All users are determined at run time using a Team Retrieval

Team Retrieval Services can be built using the IBM BPM JavaScript API,
or they can be built as standard Integration Services. The JavaScript API
provides functionality identical to that found in the /ProcessAdmin group
management component.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 141

When built as standard Integration Services, they include all of the integration
service capabilities. In either case, there is a mandatory input parameter (Name)
and one output parameter of type Team. The Team object can contain both
individual user IDs and group names. Whenever a process application uses the
Team Retrieval Services, IBM BPM starts the associated service and updates
the team membership (and its Manager) with the web service result.

4.4.3 Task-based authorization

Authorization can also be defined for any given application along a continuum of
granularity. For example, the following list of theoretical authorizations goes from
coarse-grained to fine-grained:
 Everyone is authorized to view this web page.
 A user must be logged in to view this web page.
 A logged in user must also exist in an ACL in order to update this web page.
 A logged in user must be a member of a specific LDAP group in order to have
certain sections of this web page made visible.
 A logged in user must be known to the underlying application that generates
this web page. In addition, before any data is displayed or any button is drawn
on the web page, the application programmatically checks isUserInRole() to
determine if this user has been granted the appropriate role associations.
 A logged in IBM BPM user can only execute this task if they a) are included in
the list of Team members as determined by this specific web service, b) were
not the last user to touch this task, c) belong to a level of management that
has authority to perform this task, and d) the task has not been unattended for
more than four hours.

As you can see, IBM BPM defines a very fine-grained authorization model, and
does so in product-specific terms (for example, you are not authorized to run this
task if you were also the last user to update this task). This is a strong argument
for not simply considering the groups defined in your corporate LDAP as a
source of user authorization.

Authorization is being mentioned in this book simply because it is commonly

overlooked. Many organizations believe that because they have groups defined
within their corporate LDAP, thats all that really needs to be considered. A
description of IBM BPM, together with an agile business process improvement
methodology, is outside of the scope of this chapter. Notwithstanding, we
encourage you to investigate this topic further.

For a more complete description of these topics, see IBM Business Process
Manager Security: Concepts and Guidance, SG24-8027.

142 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
4.5 Conclusion
In this chapter, we described the importance of security to, and the hardening of,
your IBM BPM installation.

We described how IBM BPM and WebSphere Application Server concepts map
to each other, and identified specific hardening steps, including the use of SSL,
DMZs, and database security.

We described user authentication, how LDAP repositories can be federated

together, and how the IBM BPM /ProcessAdmin component can be used to
provide a true organization-wide view of your employee repositories.

We described user and task authorization, how IBM BPM enables fine-grained
groups that identify the set of individuals who should be allowed to execute
specific tasks within a business process, and how these teams can be defined
dynamically at run time using web services.

Chapter 4. Security architecture considerations 143

144 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager

Chapter 5. Design considerations and

In this chapter, we describe the following topics and take a practical look into
applying certain design considerations and patterns:
 Product installation considerations
 Business process design
 Service design
 Data flow patterns
 Toolkit design
 Error handling
 Asset maintenance and governance considerations

Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. All rights reserved. 145

5.1 Product installation considerations
In this section, we describe important points to consider as you install IBM
Business Process Manager (IBM BPM):
 Define your IBM BPM topology in advance by completing the product sizing
exercise using production load estimates. As future projects are added, we
suggest that you reevaluate the sizing estimates as part of the capacity
planning exercise.
 Develop a product installation and configuration checklist for each IBM BPM
environment before carrying out the installation activity. This checklist can
include information, such as server names, deployment environment names,
profile names, cluster names, cluster member names, database names, port
numbers, external security registry information, installation username on the
servers, and so on.
The checklist can also include the post-installation verification steps. The
advantage of having such a checklist is that all of the information that is
required to install and configure the product is maintained in one source. This
makes it easier to review this information and make changes as appropriate.
 Automate the product installation and configuration steps by using response
files and wsadmin scripts. Automation reduces the likelihood of errors. For
more information about using response files, see the IBM BPM V8.5.5
Knowledge Center:
 Start the product installation and configuration process by building a small
topology. This gives you the opportunity to address any glitches in the
installation and configuration scripts before using them for additional
product installations.
 Verify your IBM BPM installation, and back up the installation data and the
topology configuration data before deploying your applications in the IBM
BPM environment. For instructions about verifying your IBM BPM
environment, see the IBM BPM V8.5.5 Knowledge Center:

146 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
5.2 Business process design
In this section, we describe different types of business processes, such as
structured and unstructured ones, and give you an overview of patterns and
anti-patterns for process design.

With any business process, we want to consider the following points to determine
whether what we have is a viable business process:
 Performing the process provides value to the business.
 The process contains individual business-relevant steps.
 Business-relevant data flows through the process.
 The process follows a relatively structured path.
 The steps within the process are performed by multiple roles or teams.
 The process changes over time as a result of changes in the business.

If the previously mentioned factors are not given, you might want to rethink your
decision whether to implement your requirements as a business process, or use
a different approach.

5.2.1 Process flow patterns

Processes can be of structured or unstructured nature. Structured processes are
flows that follow a common path with some defined exceptions or alternative
paths. Unstructured processes are more state-driven processes. You dont define
a flow, rather than action-reaction patterns.

The key to structured processes is that they have the following characteristics:

Unstructured, or case-style processes, alternatively, work more like a

state machine.

We address more details about the process types in the following sections:
 Structured processes
 Generic process model
 Unstructured processes

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 147

Structured processes
Structured processes can be divided into two categories of human-centric and
system-centric processes:
 Human-centric processes
Human-centric processes are processes that focus on the coordination of
work between human participants. This includes notifying about work items,
measuring work, providing information to execute and complete work, and
so on. That means the human interacts with the process throughout its
complete lifetime.
In IBM BPM, human-centric processes are implemented in Business Process
Modeling Notation (BPMN) language. For more information about BPMN, see
the following website:
 System-centric processes
A system-centric process usually has no, or very limited, human interaction. If
it doesnt have any human participant, it can be classified as a service. Often
however, it has an individual initiating the process or using the outcome of the
process. The human interacts only at the beginning or the end of the process.
In IBM BPM, system-centric processes are usually implemented in the
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). One advantage of BPEL is
that it supports advanced integrations, which require transactionality or
non-HTTP bindings.
If the integration logic is more complex (for example, in terms of lines of code),
IBM BPM Advanced can be faster, because it provides pre-complied code.
Alternatively, IBM BPM Standard operates on JavaScript, which has to be
interpreted at run time.
More information about system-centric process can be found in 5.4.4,
Integration design on page 183.

In this section, we focus mainly on human-centric processes, and describe the

following topics:
 Process automation
 Process flow, page flow, and service orchestration
 Levels of task automation (progressive task optimization)
 Patterns, anti-patterns, and modeling risks
 Divide and conquer business processes

148 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Process automation
Besides the process types, there are different levels of automation for each
process, as shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1 Automation hierarchy

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 149

The following section describes the different levels of automation:
 Unmanaged processes are often the ones that are either not discovered or
that have not been formalized yet. Formalization means that the processes
have been described either through words or diagrams to define an order of
activities and tools.
 Modeled processes are the ones that have been identified and formalized.
Many different tools can be used for this. One example of a process model
tool is IBM Blueworks Live. To learn more about this tool, see the IBM
Redbooks publication Process Discovery Best Practices Using IBM
Blueworks Live, REDP-5111.
 Process Flow automation means that the process is running in an IBM BPM
runtime environment, and that every task is executed by a human being.
Many activities or integrations with other systems are achieved through a
swivel chair approach, which means that a user switches back and forth
between the process application and other systems.
 Task automation is the next level of automation after flow automation. Besides
the previously mentioned capabilities, the process can execute tasks
independently of humans, in an automated way. Tasks include such things as
notifications, integrations (to gather or distribute information), and so on. You
can find more information about task automation in Levels of task automation
(progressive task optimization) on page 152.
 Straight through processing (STP) describes the full automation of a process.
No human interaction is necessary in this stage. A process like this is usually
executed in a matter of seconds.

Process flow, page flow, and service orchestration

It is a common mistake to create a process model that contains a mix of multiple
levels of process design (for example, as defined by the American Productivity
and Quality Center1 (APQC)) within one single process model. It is very
important that you know the answers to the following questions:
 Where to include service orchestration?
 Where to include page navigation?

The answer to both is not in the process model, although this is often done
incorrectly. Next, we look into why this is the case.

The easiest way to describe this is by looking at the process-level definitions of

the APQC or its Process Classification Framework (PCF) at the following link:

More information about the American Productivity and Quality Center can be found at:

150 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Additional information about this topic can also be found in the IBM Redbooks
publication Process Discovery Best Practices Using IBM Blueworks Live,

Figure 5-2 shows how Level 4 processes belong in the business process layer,
where Level 5 processes are part of the consumer layer.

Figure 5-2 Level4 - Level5 Process Diagram

The following reasons explain this distribution:

 Level 4 includes the definitions of an activity.
 Level 5 specifies the Task (one activity can have multiple tasks).

In a process model, we always stay above Level 5. Page flows (or page
navigation) and service orchestration are part of the definition of the task (not the
activity), and are therefore modeled differently.

Rule: If you have a sequence of more than one activity in a row in one
swimlane, chances are that you mixed up different levels of process design.

Multiple steps in the same swimlane of a process diagram imply that they could
have been performed by the same entity (system or person) in one activity.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 151

Levels of task automation (progressive task optimization)
Figure 5-3 shows different levels of task automations. From manual (swivel chair)
tasks to fully automated ones.

Figure 5-3 Levels of task automation

Next, we examine each level:

1. Assisted Swivel Chair means that only the process is controlled by the
system. You get a task telling you what you must do. However, you perform
the work in a different system. The process model is implemented in the
simplest form in a business process management system (BPMS):
Work is prioritized and transferred between the participants automatically.
Workload distribution is managed automatically.
Managers can focus on assistance rather than distribution of work.
For example, you get an IBM BPM task, telling you to update the client
address in the SAP system. The changed address is part of the Coach, but
you have to manually open SAP and execute the change address operation.

152 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Why does it make sense?
Using swivel chair integrations or automations, you can track, compare,
measure, prioritize, and complete many more tasks using IBM BPM features.
Only the integration has to be done manually. Because integrations are
usually drivers of implementation effort and time, it helps you to deliver
value faster.
2. Linked external window with request context is similar to Assisted Swivel
Chair, with the addition of a link to the external application where the action
has to be performed. The link already contains case-related information, so
the fields in the external application are pre-completed as much as possible.
For example, the task contains a link into the SAP system that opens the
page where you need to update the clients information. All address
information has been completed automatically, but the user has to log in
manually and might have to complete some additional information.
Why does it make sense?
Similar to 1) with the difference that the user does not have to know where to
perform the action.
3. Linked external window with request context and callback is similar to 2), with
the addition that the external system can notify IBM BPM about the results.
For example, the IBM BPM task contains a link to the SAP system to update
the clients address. Upon selecting that link, SAP opens, the user has to log
in, and the update client information window displays with all of the address
information completed automatically. The user simply has to select Submit,
and SAP notifies IBM BPM through callback if the update was successful.
The IBM BPM Coach now contains a status message update successful.
Why does this make sense?
This is a simple and fast way to create an integration without causing too
much duplication of work through swivel chair activities.
4. Integrated linked external window is similar to 3) with the difference that the
external application does not open in a separate window, but is directly
integrated into the IBM BPM application. From a user perspective, it looks like
one single application.
For example, the IBM BPM task includes a user interface (UI) to change the
client information. All the user has to do is to submit it in the Coach. The SAP
update client information UI is opened there.
Why does this make sense?
From a user experience point of view, this feels fully integrated.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 153

5. Decision-supported subprocess (task) automation looks at subprocesses or
task flows (Level 5) and improves the behavior about who does what and
when, and whether it needs human interaction at all. Arguably, this can be
considered process flow optimization. However, in this context, the process
can be a task.
For example, if the opportunity value is > USD 1,000,000 the task must be
executed by a senior person. If the opportunity value is < USD 1,000,000 and
> USD 1000 a junior person can do it. Otherwise (< USD 1000), the
opportunity gets automatically approved.
Why does this make sense?
Decision-supported subprocess automation can ensure that only tasks that
really require human interaction are created for someones inbox.
6. Custom UI calling services means that a window has been created
specifically to execute this task. This is unlike the previous points, where an
external UI was integrated, or only links or instructions were included.
For example, the IBM BPM task includes a UI to update the client information.
Why does this make sense?
The user does not have to go to various external systems anymore, but can
use one UI to execute all necessary actions.
7. External UI calling IBM BPM API means that the user does not execute the
task in IBM BPM anymore, but from another system in order to seamlessly
integrate different systems with each other. The external system then calls
IBM BPM using application programming interfaces (APIs) to work with the
task (for example, task re-assignments, task completions, and so on).
For example, the SAP system gets the notification that client information must
be updated. The user updates the information directly in SAP. SAP calls IBM
BPM to inform the system of the task completion.
Why does this make sense?
Users do not have to get familiar with another system. However, task
execution, service level agreements (SLAs), key performance indicators
(KPIs), and so on, can still be tracked in the IBM BPM application.
8. Fully automated task means that the system can execute the task without
human interaction.
For example, the IBM BPM system can automatically update the address
information within SAP by calling an exposed web service.
Why does this make sense?
Fully automated tasks enable the users to focus on other high-value activities.

154 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Patterns, anti-patterns, and modeling risks
Basic information about process patterns can be found on the following website:

These patterns are to be considered basic process flow patterns. As you read
through the website you discover that in the product evaluation section for each
pattern, there is a scoring for BPMN and BPEL whether it is supported in the
particular functionality.

Before we go into the details of how to model a process, and which patterns are
good and which are not, we have to ask ourselves questions to determine
whether this is a process at all.

Determine if this is a process:

 If the flow has only one activity, this is not a process.
 If the flow has only one participant, this is not a process.
 If the flow is different every time (unstructured) or follows the
Anywhere-To-Anywhere pattern, this is not a process.

If it is not a process, it is most likely a service that you want to manage using your
service-oriented architecture (SOA) governance. In case the outcome is that this
service should still be implemented within IBM BPM, the following
implementation options must be considered:
 Expose as IBM BPM Standard service
Services in the IBM BPM Standard Edition can be exposed in different ways.
In this case, exposing it as a Human Service or Startable Service makes the
most sense.
Exposing as a Human Service means that it can be started and executed by
an individual, either through the process portal or a link. The service is
non-persistent. Therefore, if the user abandons it, information is lost, unless
that information is manually saved to a system of record (SOR).
Typical cases, where human services without process context are exposed,
are simple maintenance services, such as create, retrieve, update, and delete
operations to a database.
Exposing as a System Service means that it can be called by other systems.
The other systems can be other process instances or even external
applications. System services can be exposed so that they can be called
either through web services (SOAP over HTTP) or Representational State
Transfer (RESTful) protocol services.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 155

 Expose as IBM BPM Advanced Service
Services in IBM BPM Advanced Edition can be implemented as either BPEL
or mediation flows. For more information about BPEL and mediation flows,
see 5.4.4, Integration design on page 183.

To further evaluate whether your requirements should be implemented as a

business process, consider the following benefits:
 It provides value to the business.
 It follows a structured path.
 It is repeatable and measurable.
 It contains individually business-relevant steps.
 The steps are performed by multiple roles or teams.
 Business-relevant data flows through it.
 The flow changes with the change of the business.

When we have identified that there is an actual business process, it can be

implemented using different patterns. The following sections include descriptions
of patterns and anti-patterns:
 Rule of Seven
The Rule of Seven is a non-binding guideline used in IBM BPM to provide a
clear and concise communication tool.
Every process can be decomposed into a beginning, a middle, and an end
milestone, with logical transitions in between each of them. Therefore, a
process should have no less than three milestones. A process should also be
decomposed into no more than seven milestones to keep the communication
clear and concise.
Within each milestone, there should be between three and seven tasks or
subprocesses. If more than seven obvious tasks are present, consider
breaking down some activities into sub processes. As the process continues
to be broken down, always keep the division between three and seven. By
following this guideline, all activities at the same level should be similar
in scope.
This rule enables the creation of a model overview that is digestible as a
whole, and explainable in less than 5 minutes.
In summary, for processes and services, you want to have not more than
seven activities in a diagram. If it is more, break it down into subprocesses.
A description about the rule of seven can be found in the BPM community
Wiki on the following website:

156 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Consider the following situations as they apply to the Rule of Seven:
When to use?
The approach should always be used.
When not to use?
The approach should always be used.
For more information, see Divide and conquer business processes on
page 163.
Escalations are important to ensure that SLAs are held, or to react or report
upon the breaking of them.
As indicated previously, SLAs do not contain any functionality to ensure that
they are being met. In IBM BPM, the purpose of SLA consequences is to
either report and react upon their breaking after they were not met.
Consider a task that has an SLA that defines that the execution time must not
be longer than one day. However, nobody executes the task for two days, yet
still nothing will happen. Only after the task has been completed is the SLA
evaluated, and the defined consequences are triggered.
To create escalations that serve the purpose of ensuring that an SLA is being
held, we suggest using timer events. The most common use is to attach a
timer and reroute the task to itself while changing the assignment logic to the
next higher lever in the management chain.
Another common pattern is to escalate to a separate task for a manager to
make sure that whoever has the task currently assigned either executes it or
reassigns the task to another member or group.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 157

Figure 5-4 depicts the implementation of this in IBM BPM.

Figure 5-4 Timed Escalation

Consider the following situations as they apply to Escalations:

When to use?
Use this approach to enforce that a task is executed in time.
When not to use?
Do not use this approach if it is likely that the timer triggers while someone
is working on the task. If this happens, the data entered is lost.
 String of Pearls
A String of Pearls is being created if there are multiple activities in a sequence
in the same swimlane, as depicted in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5 String of Pearls

158 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Having a multi-instance loop (MIL) in the system lane is the same as having n
number of tasks in a sequence. Particularly when talking about the system
lane, the string of pearls anti-pattern can have a tremendous effect on the
performance of the system. The effect even multiplies if the activities are MIL
sub-BPDs or sequential or nested sub-business process definitions (BPDs)
that are of system-centric nature.

Avoid: There must never be a multi-instance loop in the system lane.

Whether it is a System or a Team Lane, having multiple activities in a row

suggests that the level of decomposition is wrong (see Process automation
on page 149).
For human tasks, their is a disadvantage from a user experience perspective.
Because it is modeled as separate activities (as opposed to screen flow or
page flow), the user has to make extra clicks to claim and start each of
the activities.
For the sequential system lane steps, the sequence affects the performance
of the BPM event manager, because the creation of tasks uses more
resources than the creation of subservices within a task.
If you need to have multiple activities performed by the system at the same
time, put them one level below, into the service level. Consider calling the
service logic iteratively (by implementing a loop) rather than in parallel (MIL
in BPD).
Consider the following situations as they apply to String of Pearls:
When to use?
The approach should never be used.
When not to use?
The approach should never be used.
 Process lifetime considerations

Note: A process should be processing, and not be stagnant.

If a process spends a significant amount of its time paused on one step, and
during this time there are many interactions with the process data, it is likely
that we have reached a natural process end state.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 159

In this case, the process should be ended, and the data should instead be
stored in an operational system (existing if possible, new if necessary):
Reasons to break up the process
Elapsed time of months represents a significant process break. If most
instances would be held up for a week or more, this also should be seen
as a process break.
If a process design appears to expect that tasks will be in queues for
weeks before being addressed, this suggests that there is an issue with
the process design, or with the resource distribution. During this time it is
likely that the most common activities are to view, report on, and maybe
even update the data, which implies that a more traditional operational
system would be more appropriate.
Reasons to retain the process
If processes are only held up due to system outages, whether for brief
maintenance windows, or awaiting overnight batch processing, but are
otherwise continuous, this is not necessarily a process break.
If processes are occasionally held up at human task steps for some days
because workload is high and there are no workers available, this is part of
what the human task management system is there to assist with. However,
the aim of workflow management is to level out these peaks of activity, and
enable redistribution of work.
If tasks are constantly waiting for more than a few days to be worked, this
represents a serious backlog. The task distribution or process flow needs
to be addressed to reduce these delays.
Monitoring the high-level status across process breaks
If we break up a very long-running process into separate pieces, how can
we monitor the whole?
It is important to recognize that monitoring of the larger scale end-to-end
process does not necessarily require a runtime implementation of the
process to be present from end to end. Monitoring events can be emitted
by the parts of the broken up process, and gathered into a monitoring
model that represents a logical high-level process, even though there is no
physical runtime process.
Consider the following situations as they apply to process lifetime:
When to use?
The approach should always be used.
When not to use?
The approach should always be used.

160 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
For more information about process lifetime considerations, see Divide and
conquer business processes on page 163.
 Event-driven processes
We use events in a process if we only need to know that it will be done, not
that it has been done.
Messages are placed in several queues within a single transaction:
This action is useful for updates to systems that are not expected to be
instantaneously up to date, such as data warehouses and audit logs.
This action is useful for notification type requests, such as Short Message
Service (SMS), email, and so on.
Event-driven processes provide the following benefits:
They provide a fast answer to the caller.
With persistent queues, the messages should never be lost, and will be
applied to their destinations eventually.
Event-driven processes pose the following challenges:
Destination systems have not received the data when the response
is given.
The time taken for destinations to receive the update is not in the control of
the composition.
Should problems occur while processing the messages, the composition
and therefore also the caller are unaware of them. Event-driven processes
are reliant on external exception handling.
Consider the following situations as they apply to event-driven processes:
When to use?
Use this approach if you dont need to know the result immediately.
When not to use?
Do not use this approach if you need to act (for example, make a decision)
based on the response of a call.
 Multiple system swimlanes
A system swimlane in a business process defines what the IBM BPM system
is doing. It does not define the systems that it is integrating with. Therefore, a
process can always have a maximum of only one system swimlane.

Note: Every BPD has a maximum of one system lane.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 161

Next, we assume that a business process integrated with SAP and Salesforce
to retrieve or to store information. In this case, each of the integration steps
might be a separate activity, executed at different times in the process.
However, each integration is executed by the business process management
(BPM) system.
Consider the following situations as they apply to multiple system swimlanes:
When to use?
Multiple system swimlanes should never be used.
When not to use?
Multiple system swimlanes should never be used.
 Exposed service to initiate process
In the previous sections, we described how you can expose services.
Similarly, you can expose a process to be able to start it (for example, from
the IBM BPM Portal). However, if you expose a process, start it, and then
abandon it, you will have an orphaned process instance. This is something
that happens quite frequently.
For example, a user starts to complete the form for a credit card application.
He starts the process, but gets interrupted by his coworker. He closes the
browser. Later, he goes back in and starts another credit card application
instance, because he has not completed the form before.
This example is a scenario that applies mostly if external users are part of the
application. However, even internal or trained staff might act in a similar way.
To avoid abandoned process instances, you can take the first task of the
process and externalize it into a stand-alone human service. The process
gets instantiated only after all of the information has been entered and the
task has been completed.
Figure 5-6 depicts the exposing of the process on the left side, and the
exposure of the starter human service on the right side.

Figure 5-6 Types of process instantiation

162 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Consider the following situations as they apply to exposed services initiating
the processes:
When to use?
Use this approach when there is a chance that users who initiate the
process will end their activity and simply close the browser (abandon
the instance).
Use this approach if the start of the process does not happen through the
IBM BPM Process Portal, so that if a process was started and a task
created, the user is not able to resume the task (for example, a form that is
available on an Internet page).
When not to use?
Do not use this approach if the initial task takes a long time, and it is
expected that the user can jump in and out of the human service as he
completes the task.

Divide and conquer business processes

The Rule of Seven on page 156 describes when a business process has to be
broken down due to its complexity. The Process lifetime considerations on
page 159 describe when a process should be broken down due to its extensive
run time. In this section, we want to take a close look into the how and what when
it comes to breaking down a process:
 A complex process where we apply the Rule of Seven should be broken down
into subprocesses or linked processes. In IBM BPM, it is often easier to use
linked processes, because they are a separate artifact and can thereby
be reused.
The subprocess artifact belongs to its parent process, and only exists in the
context of its parent process. It is mostly used if the subprocess cannot stand
alone by itself or cannot be reused, but is there to manage the complexity of
the super process.
Processes that are broken down into linked processes can be put into a
Toolkit. With that, they can be reused by multiple process applications.
However, when this is the case, it important to know that the lifecycle of the
linked process and its consumers might start to diverge. Integrating a Toolkit
by adding it to a process application is effectively tight coupling, which
means, if one changes, the other one has to be changed (redeployed) as well.
To create a looser coupling, as required by the principles of an SOA,
linked processes can also be exposed as a service, and thereby be called
through web services or the REST API. To expose and deploy a process, it
needs to be part of a process application. Toolkits cannot be deployed in a
stand-alone manner.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 163

Toolkit implications: A process application or its deployment artifact (.twx
file) contain a copy of all the Toolkits that have been associated with it. This
means, if one Toolkit is reused across many process applications, there are
many copies of this Toolkit. This can result in a versioning problem.

In short, breaking down a process into more atomic pieces can be done
through different levels of decoupling. In any case, at the end there remains a
master process that controls the complete process instance lifecycle. This is
depicted in Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7 Breaking down a complex process

 Extensively long-running processes have long periods of time where the

process is dormant but the data of the process is still relevant to the business.
This can be because there is either a long waiting period, or a particular task
that can be executed within an extensively long period of time.
One example for this can be a mortgage process, where only once a year an
action has to be taken. In this case, the business information must be
persisted in an SOR, and the process instance is not kept alive for the whole
lifetime of the process.
Rather than keeping each process instance alive, we complete the process
when it reaches its waiting point. Using batch process approaches, such as
scheduled undercover agents (UCAs), queries can be executed to the SOR to
determine whether any of the long-running processes have to become active.

164 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
If so, the respective process gets instantiated and executed until it reaches
the next long waiting point. This activity is depicted in Figure 5-8.

Figure 5-8 Chained process

Generic process model

Since the release of the IBM Redpaper publication Empowering your Ad Hoc
Business with IBM Business Process Manager, REDP-4995, more and more
organizations are interested in stronger support for simple processes to reduce
time-to-market or on-demand process modeling to production.

This IBM Redpaper publication can provide more detailed information about how
this can be achieved with ad hoc processes.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 165

First, creating a generic process model represents the application of a particular
design pattern. As you can see in Figure 5-9, this approach consists of three
conceptual pieces.

Figure 5-9 Generic process application design

The following phases take place in a generic process:

1. Implementation
A one-time implementation of a generic process application that can be
customized at run time to execute any kind of process.
2. Configuration
After the generic process application is deployed, you can create
configurations that define your actual business process alongside its
elements, such as teams and data.
3. Execution
After the configuration is created, it can be executed. Physically, a version of
the abstract process implementation is running. Virtually, a functional
business process gets executed.

166 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
The following list include some of the advantages of this approach:
 Instant availability of processes
No development lifecycle, no change management, and no negotiations with
the information technology (IT) department are necessary. The configuration
platform is provided to the line of business (LOB), which can model processes
as they want. Making it available for execution after it has been configured
happens with the push of a button.
 Reporting and visibility
Reporting and measurement, tracking of KPIs and SLAs are possible in the
same way that it works with a standard BPMN process application.
 Increase of return on investment (ROI)
The initial investment (for example, in license, platform and services) into your
IBM BPM initiative is returned much faster, because the generic approach
does not deliver only one process, but potentially hundreds of processes.

Although there is much value to the generic process approach, there are also
some limitations:
Integration with an SOR, rules, or other services is generally possible.
However, integration is only reasonable if a large number of processes that
are expected to run on the generic platform require those. To support a
generic process model, you need to have well-defined and standardized
object models and interface definitions.
A large variety of process flow patterns can be applied, but not all of them.
The intent of a generic process pattern is to support low-complexity
The generic process pattern solely supports human-centric processes with a
low level of automation. The intent is to implement process flow automation
(see Process automation on page 149) as opposed to task automation.

Unstructured processes
A non-structured, or unstructured, process can be defined as a process where
each instance of the process differs from another instance by its execution path
and its lifetime. Process improvements cannot be easily, or at all, identified for a
non-structured process.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 167

A case is a good example of a non-structured process. Case management is a
separate discipline from the process management because of the fundamental
difference between the nature of cases and structured processes.

The IBM BPM case management system can simplify the job of designing and
building cases. It also provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for caseworkers
to manage cases. With IBM BPM, you design a case management application
that is based on closely related cases, and then deploy that solution into a
production environment. Caseworkers can then complete work items that are
associated with cases.

For example, if you want to design an application for resolving credit card
disputes, IBM BPM provides tools to design and create an application that the
caseworker can then use to process the cases that are created.

IBM BPM unifies information, processes, and people by providing you with the
following functions:
 An active-content infrastructure that manages the persisted case object
model and enables content-based events for case activities. For example, the
addition of a document or a field change triggers a case activity.
 Enterprise Content Management (ECM) integration that includes complete
document lifecycle capabilities. These capabilities include creating a version
and security. Some licensing restrictions might apply.
 True content management functions to store document metadata that you can
modify and search on.
 A process that manages the logic for running a sequence of activities.
 A flexible and customizable UI that is ready for immediate use. You can use
the UI to create a team-based experience that can provide caseworker with
the information they must work on.

Case management concepts and typical scenario

Case management applications consist of case types, document types, human
services, and other components. A case management application is an
application that caseworkers use to process cases.

Case types define the activities, and might use document types to support the
activity. Case types also specify the teams (human services) that must complete
the activities to solve a business problem. The case type also includes properties
that are shown to a caseworker in the IBM BPM Process Portal. Case types
make up a case management application. A case is an instance of a case type.

168 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Figure 5-10 provides an overview of the structure of the IBM BPM basic case
management feature.

Figure 5-10 IBM BPM basic management feature structure

Business process management (BPM) and case management are

complementary ways of solving business problems. The type of business
situation that you are addressing determines which approach you use.

Consider the following scenario. The activities are unordered because the
sequence of activities is unpredictable. The events determine the order in which
the activities in the process are followed. People rather than programs interact to
resolve the dispute. External documents are needed for verification. In this
scenario, a case would most likely be your implementation choice.

Consider another case scenario that handles credit card billing complaints. The
activities are not wired. No predetermined sequence is set at development time.
A worker would likely start by describing the complaint, and finish by resolving
the dispute. However, whether the worker receives the client information before
the vendor information would likely be determined by what data the worker
receives in the complaint.

The information that is retrieved about the client determines whether the worker
checks with the people who handle the client records. The information that is
retrieved about the vendor determines whether the worker checks with the
people who handle vendor records. The information that is retrieved about either
the client or the vendor might lead to investigating the computer billing system
for problems.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 169

The activities are not in a swimlane that determines their type. Although the
worker controls the process at run time, the process is dynamic, and is
influenced by current events. As in a business process, the required activities
must be completed. However, optional activities do not need to be completed.

People who interact with other people, rather than automated programs,
determine the activities. To verify the complaint, receipts and invoices (which are
external documents independent of the case) must be captured. To implement
these activities with human services, subprocesses, services, and teams, you
use the same set of tools as you do to implement a business process.

Figure 5-11 outlines the BPM basic case management activities design for a
credit card billing complaint system.

Figure 5-11 Basic case management activities design

170 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Key differences between BPM and case management

Considering the previous scenarios, Table 5-1 summarizes the characteristics of

BPM and case management. By examining these characteristics, you can select
the type of process that best suits your situation.

Table 5-1 Characteristics of BPM and case management

BPM Case management

You can define an ordered sequence of activities that You can define an unordered set of activities that
can be completed to solve a business challenge. can be completed to solve a business challenge.

The sequence of activities is stable and seldom The activities occur in an unpredictable order.
changes. The process is predicable and repeatable.

The process determines the events. The first activity The events determine the process. As events
determines the first set of events, which then leads to occur, a worker selects the appropriate activity.
the next activity and the next set of events. The The resulting process can vary depending on
activities are wired to one another, which determines the current event and the subsequent selection
the sequence. by the worker. Activities are not wired to each

The activities are often programmatic. A repeatable People primarily determine the activities.
sequence, such as selecting a set of potential credit Handling a client with a billing error is done by a
card owners from a database, can be automated. person who uses judgment to determine the
best resolution of this particular case.

External documents are not an essential part of External documents play a key role. For
the process. example, receipts provide a record for how the
problem that must be resolved began.

5.2.2 Routing patterns

Routing patterns apply for non-structured and structured processes. In either
case, you need to define who performs the work that needs to be done. The
following list describes the most popular routing patterns:
 Attribute-based routing

One example everyone is familiar with, is supermarket check-out lines. The most
commonly used system is that buyers line up at any line they like. This can be
compared to the push pattern. Work (a cart full of items) gets pushed to a
particular system or user (the cashier) to be completed.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 171

The more full a cart is, the more complex is the task (or activity), and the larger
the likelihood that this job takes longer than others. Naturally, everyone is looking
for the shortest line with the least number of items. However, unanticipated
events can cause the process to deviate from expected behavior:
 Consider that you are in a line where the person in front of you has only two
items, but takes a long time to count every penny he has in his pocket?
 In addition, suppose you are next in line, but suddenly the cashiers shift ends
and you have to wait until the next one is ready to go?

This is exactly where inefficiencies come into play. Many supermarkets have
realized that this effect can cause frustration with their clients, and they optimized
their check-out system, from a push pattern to a pull pattern.

Using the pull pattern, there is only one single line for all registers. As soon as a
cashier is ready for the next client, he indicates this, the client moves forward and
proceeds with the check-out. Although the line appears longer, the overall
checkout time has been proven to be shorter and therefore more efficient.

Figure 5-12 illustrates the supermarket example with the push versus pull model.

Figure 5-12 Push versus Pull model

We can apply the same pattern to a BPM system.

172 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Pull correlates to the supermarket example where we have one line for
all registers.

In the context of IBM BPM, pull means that activities get assigned to a group of
people (team) rather than the individual (user). Everyone in the group is allowed
to execute the task. As soon as someone starts the task, it gets claimed, which
means, that this task is only visible and available for this one person. Nobody
else can work on it. If we now make sure that the queue of work items is
prioritized, we have a very efficient way to work on tasks with a group of people.

Push correlates to the supermarket example where people line up at the register
with the shortest line.

In the context of IBM BPM, push means that activities get directly assigned to an
individual (user). The assignment can be based on many different factors,
including but not limited to the following options:
 Number of open work items
 Round Robin methodology
 Shortest estimated completion time

This is a pattern that we often see in established applications. Sometimes, the

process is as inefficient as having one person (for example, a supervisor) assign
the work items to individuals. Other times, the process uses more or less
sophisticated assignment algorithms.

Attribute-based routing
Attribute-based routing can be applied for push and pull systems. In both cases,
the user information includes attributes that are used for filtering. The following
list includes some of the more often-used attributes:

However, other attributes are possible as well. Using these attributes as routing
criteria, so-called dynamic groups are created inside IBM BPM. Note that
dynamic groups are not editable through the process admin console.

In the pull system, the user attributes are used to create the group of users that
receive the task. In the push system, the user attributes plus additional routing or
distribution information (such as load-balanced, round robin, or others) are used
to assign a task directly to a particular user.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 173

5.3 Service design
Service design consists of human services and system services. At this point, we
are talking about the implementation artifacts in IBM BPM that are called services
(human services and system services). These are not necessarily services in the
sense of a service-oriented architecture. Integration services are described in
5.4.4, Integration design on page 183.

5.3.1 Service complexity and reuse

Dont be afraid of wrapper services. There is no harm in nesting services or
creating wrapper services. Even the other way around, the smaller you cut the
complexity of services, the easier they are understood by the development or
maintenance team, and the easier it is to reuse them.

The larger services are, the harder they are to understand. This may sound
trivial. However, try to apply the following rules (they are not hard rules) to make
it easier to reuse your services and change code artifacts:
 Never copy and paste
If you are about to copy and paste something, do not do it. Put it in a service
and reuse it.
 Do not cross lines
If you cross lines, you most likely reach a complexity that is worth breaking up
into smaller pieces. Also, do not forget the Rule of Seven (as described in
Patterns, anti-patterns, and modeling risks on page 155).
 One Coach per service
If you have many Coaches within one service, all the navigation, data
initialization, and validation can cause much inconvenience for anyone who
tries to change the service. Wrap the Coach into a separate human service.
You might want to reuse it stand-alone anyways.

With anything that you are implementing, always remember that you potentially
want to reuse it. Avoid large JavaScript blocks, because JavaScript (client-side
and server-side) is interpreted at run time and therefore slower to process than
compiled artifacts, such as Java code. Large client-side JavaScript blocks can
also produce very large Document Object Model (DOM) trees, which are
expensive for browsers to process and render.

Finally, large JavaScript blocks are often indicative of too much logic being
placed in the IBM BPM layer. As a general guideline, limit a JavaScript block to
50 lines. If your implementation exceeds this value, reevaluate the design and
refactor the implementation to use smaller JavaScript blocks.

174 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
5.3.2 Human service design
The IBM Coach Framework is a key element of the IBM BPM product suite. With
the Coach Framework, process authors can create and maintain custom
web-based UIs that are embedded in their business process solutions. This
ability to create and maintain custom UIs is a key factor in the successful
deployment of business process solutions.

There are several design considerations that you should remember when
working with Coaches. This section covers the following topics:
 Client-side versus server-side human services
 Coach View design
 Responsive design

For a more detailed description about how to build Coaches, see the IBM
Redbooks publication Leveraging the IBM BPM Coach Framework in Your
Organization, SG24-8210.

Client-side versus server-side human services

IBM BPM was from the start designed to make it as simple as possible to
implement changes to processes, Coaches, and so on. The thinking behind this
was that speed of change is critical, because business requirements change at
an ever-faster rate. IBM BPM was designed with this in mind, and part of this was
also to make it easy to deploy newer versions of a process. This means that
inflight processes can be upgraded to a newer version.

Historically, a service is executed on the server until a Coach is encountered.

The Coach is then generated, and the data is bound to the variable and served
up to the browser. When the user selects a button, the control is returned to the
server, where the service continues to execute until it encounters the next Coach.
This is what we refer to as a server-side human service.

IBM BPM 8.5.5 introduced the new client-side human services. With the new
client-side human service, the service is downloaded to the browser and
executed. When a Coach is encountered in this case, it is rendered in the same
browser. Client-side coaches provide the following key benefits:
 Enable the use of client-side capabilities, such as client-side validation.
 Help offload the server by executing services in the local browser.
 Reduce the communication between the browser and the server.
 Reduce the number of server requests and size of data on Coach transitions.
 Reduce server-side resource use (more concurrent users with less
performance effect).

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 175

When you start to think about using either server-side or client-side human
services, consider the points listed in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2 Differences between server-side and client-side human services

Heritage human services Client-side human

Authoring Eclipse Web editor

Runtime On BPM server Client-side, in the web

browser, with calls for data
to the server only when

Case Management Not available Available


Collaboration support Available Not available

Supported Coach types Available for both new Available for new Coaches
Coaches and heritage only (heritage Coaches are
Coaches not supported)

Usage of JavaScript Server scripts that use Client-side scripts that use
server script syntax standard JavaScript syntax

Coach View design

Coach Views are the reusable UI building blocks that authors use to compose
their UIs.

Coach Views can be divided into atomic and composite views:

 Atomic Coach views are authored by programmers who have a deep
understanding of HTML, JavaScript, and Ajax services. They often use
third-party JavaScript libraries to provide sophisticated behaviors.
Most atomic Coach Views are general-purpose components that are reused
across a wide variety of UIs. An example of an Atomic Coach View is the
components that are included with IBM BPM, such as buttons or text fields.
 Composite Coach views are authored by business subject matter experts
(SMEs). Most Coach Views that present and manipulate specific business
object types are Composite Coach Views.
Composite Coach Views are often created when many of the Coaches of a
solution include a common section of UI components. A common header that
contains overview information about a process is an example of a section that
is often implemented with a Composite Coach View.

176 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
By using the Coach Framework in IBM BPM with atomic and composite Coach
views, you have many possibilities to create UIs that meet your business needs
the best.

As you design your Coaches, you have to consider the implications or trade-offs
that the design includes. The two most prominent considerations are
performance and business agility:
Generally speaking, the older the browser you are using and the more
complicated the Coach UI, the longer the Coach will take to render. The
following specific issues affect performance:
Large DOM trees
Business objects that are bound to Coach views, such as
industry-standard schemas including Association for Cooperative
Operations Research and Development (ACORD) for insurance, Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and so on, are
persisted when boundary events occur.
This can be a costly operation, especially for large businesses. if the
business object used in the process flow is large and complex, you can
reduce this cost. To do so, create a separate business object that only
contains fields that are relevant to the Coach UI, and bind that business
object to the Coach View.
Large JavaScript scripts
Deeply nested Coach Views
For better performance, make as few network requests as possible to the
process server. This is particularly important if the runtime environment has
high network latency, or if it uses a relatively low-bandwidth network.
The following techniques minimize network requests:
Combine multiple JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files into
one (or a few).
Design coarse-grained API calls that minimize the number of API calls
that flow over the network.
Perform create, retrieve, update, and delete operations to external
systems of record (SORs) before or after the Coach, rather than
using Ajax.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 177

 Business agility
Supporting business agility enables your organization to react to the changes
of the business as fast as possible, adjusting to the demands of the market. In
IBM BPM, we want to be able to understand, maintain, and change pieces of
code (such as Coaches) as easily and quickly as possible. The following
Coach design factors impair business agility:
Many or deeply nested Coach Views
Besides affecting the performance of a Coach, having many Coach Views
can also affect the ability to change the UI easily. Make sure that the
Coach has only the information that the business user needs at this
moment, as opposed to all of the information that he can possibly have.
You can also consider breaking up a Coach into multiple Coaches.
Complex flow of Coach View to Coach View calls
Using JavaScript, it is possible to create a sequence of Coach View calls
inside a Coach. You can even add conditionality to it. For example, a rule
might state that if the loan amount is greater than USD 1,000,000, call the
simple loan Coach view. Otherwise, call the complex loan Coach view.
This enables you to put much business logic into a Coach View. However,
it can take a developer a long time to understand all of the dependencies.
Button indirection
One of the advantages of the way that IBM BPM is built is that it is visual.
Business logic can be understood by looking at the flow of processes and
services. In a human service, you usually have a 1:1 correlation between
the buttons that exist on the Coach and the flows (boundary events) that
leave the Coach widget.
However, the same way other Coach Views can call each other, buttons
can call several other Coach Views out of which one implements the
boundary event. Looking at a human service, you might have difficulty
correlating the button that you pressed on your rendered Coach in the
browser with the flow that left the Coach widget on the server.
Create, retrieve, update, and delete on the Coach
It is tempting to perform many Ajax operations on a Coach. After all, this
way you can even more easily reuse it in other Coaches. However, besides
the performance effect that the network requests can have, at design time
it is harder to understand which service depends on which control.

To summarize, the Coach development framework in IBM BPM is a powerful tool

to create UIs of all complexities. As with most things, design decisions about
Coach Views also have consequences. Make sure that you are aware of the
implications, and ensure that the value of the design decision is bigger than the

178 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Responsive design
Responsive Coach Views can adapt to different form factors in a flexible way. You
can build UIs that are responsive to a users runtime environment by using the
new responsive settings for Coach Views available with IBM BPM V8.5.5. You
can configure properties, such as visibility, formatting, or presentation style, for
different screen sizes. Therefore, you can design one interface that changes in
appearance and behavior based on the users screen size.

The same code is rendered on IBM Worklight mobile applications, default IBM
BPM Coaches, mobile browsers. The code can even be embedded in other
applications, such as IBM Notes and IBM Connections.

Figure 5-13 provides an overview of the environments where a single dynamic

Coach View can be displayed.

Figure 5-13 Responsive Coach design: Single Coach for multiple form factors

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 179

The responsive Coach design feature enables you to accomplish the
following tasks:
 Create mobile parts of the Coach design.
 Build and maintain several form factor designs at the same time for every
Coach View.
 Play back Coaches in the IBM BPM development environment
before deployment.
 Use responsive Coaches in any external UI frameworks, including IBM
Worklight and custom mobile applications.

5.4 Data flow patterns

A process without data is barely a process. However, you must consider how
much data must be in the process. Too much data can affect performance, but
too little data decreases the value for the business. In this section, we describe
the different data management options to help you make the correct decision
about how to handle data in your business process application.

5.4.1 Data flow in processes

Variables are persisted to the database when execution contexts are saved,
which happens fairly frequently (for example, when changing from BPD to
service execution). These persistence operations use resources. Minimize the
persistence cost in the following ways:
 Minimize the number of variables used.
 Minimize the size of each variable.
 Minimize the number and size of variables that are passed to and from each
task (human task or system task).

A common misconception is that the complete business object model exists in

the process (in this case, the BPD layer). In fact, the process layer must only
have the information that is necessary to execute this process.

180 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
To manage the data flow of objects that are required inside the process, two
major approaches are used. Call by reference and call by value:
 Call by reference
With call by reference, the object model on the process layer contains only
the bare minimum information, which is required for the following items:
Naming process and task instances
Routing tasks
Searching process and task instances
Tracking process information
The SOR IDs are passed into the services (human or system) so that they
can retrieve the complete information by themselves from an external
data source.
The advantage of this approach is that it is the most lightweight approach.
The disadvantage is that every service has to perform resource-intensive
integrations to retrieve and save data.
 Call by value
With call by value, the object model on the process layer contains the sum of
all information that is necessary to perform the tasks. The process passes all
required information to the task, and the task returns all changed information.
This data handling approach uses the most resources.
The advantage of this approach is that it can theoretically exist without an
SOR. However, it is advised to create an SOR for auditing, reporting, and
other reasons. The disadvantages are that this is the most expensive
approach because large data objects are persisted in the runtime
environment and database, and therefore this approach uses the largest
amount of resources.

5.4.2 Data flow in services

Similarly to the data flow in the process layer, the service layer has a different
implementation when reference or value has been chosen as the wanted data
flow pattern:
 If you chose the reference data flow pattern for the process, the service has to
perform create, retrieve, update, and delete operations to an SOR. These
operations are usually performed at the very beginning and the very end of
the service implementation.
To reduce the footprint (consumption of resources) that the service leaves on
the server, you want to clear out (set null) all variables, particularly large
business objects, when they are not used anymore.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 181

Try to minimize the number of requests to an SOR:
Rather than writing multiple Structured Query Language (SQL)
statements, create a stored procedure on the database that returns all of
the necessary information.
Rather than calling multiple web services, have a IBM BPM Advanced or
enterprise service bus (ESB) service collect all of the required information
for you.
Make sure that you only request information that you need to perform
the task.
 If you chose the value data flow pattern for the process, you have to make
sure that the following conditions are true:
Only the subobjects that are required for the service are passed into it.
Any additional object creates unnecessary resource use.
Only objects that potentially could have been changed in the service are
passed back to the process. Any additional object is considered
unnecessary resource use.
You do not update the object model with information from an SOR. If
information could have been updated by another system, use call
by reference.
If you had to create helper objects (complete drop-down menus, and so
on) make sure that you clear them on exit.

5.4.3 Data flow in Coaches

The rules that apply for data flow on the process and service level apply similarly
for Coaches.
 The larger the business object, the slower the Coach renders.
 The more network calls (for example, Ajax) that are executed on the Coach,
the more the UI performance is affected.

Important information about how to handle data on Coach Views can be found in
the following sources:
 Coach View design on page 176
 IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance Tuning and Best
Practices, SG24-8216
 Leveraging the IBM BPM Coach Framework in Your Organization,

182 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
5.4.4 Integration design
In this section, we describe the following topics:
 Service orchestration and choreography implementation types
 Difference between mediation flow component and short-running BPEL
 When IBM BPM Advanced Integration Service should be used

Service orchestration and choreography implementation types

The following list describes the common styles of solutions suggested for
process integration initiatives associated with Service Integration and Maturity
Model (SIMM) maturity level 5 using IBM BPM Advanced:
 GUI-intensive process
This represents the navigational flow and data aggregation. Typically a single
user flow, through collaborative GUIs, might transfer flow. IBM BPM Process
Server can be used in the background to provide swiftly responding
synchronous services to the UI. GUI-intensive processes are also less linear,
enabling the user to hop backwards and forwards.
Also see Process flow, page flow, and service orchestration on page 150.
 Synchronous transactional process
This is a typical use of a short-running BPEL processes. It is often used for
real-time responses to GUIs, or for transactional subprocesses.
 Asynchronously initiated transactional process
The caller waits only for a one-way request to be accepted. An actual
transactional process occurs in the background. This process is used to
improve apparent response time where the caller only requires an
acknowledgment, as opposed to a completion.
 Briefly persisted process
This is a special use of a long-running process, where the process completes
relatively swiftly. The process lifespan is deliberately short (seconds, maybe
minutes), such that issues created by process versions can be avoided. No
human tasks or in-process events can be present. The process is commonly
used to manage parallel aggregation. The process must be easily quiesced
without significant business effect to enable new versions to be deployed.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 183

 Versioned, long-lived process
A true long-running process that can last a relatively long time (days, weeks,
and more). Notice that hours are the gray area here, between these and
briefly persisted processes. Process instances are always present in the
system, so that complex issues of creating process versions must be
considered. This process type can contain human tasks and complex error
handling, such as compensation. It can receive in-process events.
 Task-based process
This process type is used to balance multiple tasks between several different
users, possibly in different teams or departments. It requires long-lived
processes, so you must also consider issues creating process versions.

For more information about these solutions styles, see the following IBM
developerWorks article:

IBM BPM Standard provides integration features, such as non-transactional

database interactions, SOAP web services (SOAPWS), REST web services
(RESTWS), and Java integration services. For more information about IBM BPM
Standard integration services, see the following IBM developerWorks article:

Difference between mediation flow component and

short-running BPEL
In this section we describe the differences between mediation flow components
and short-running BPEL flows.

Mediation flow component

The mediation flow component provides the mediation function on messages
between service requesters and service providers. It provides low-level technical
implementation for brokerage and connectivity functions, including the
following features:
Message routing, transformation, and enrichment
Connectivity across platforms and protocols
Content or header-based routing of messages

The mediation flows can be used to start the back-end systems in which
business context does not change.

184 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Short-running BPEL flow
The short-running BPEL, also called a microflow, is a synchronous or stateless
service that is used when the corresponding business transaction is fully
automated and completes within a short time frame. Microflows run in a single
physical transaction, and they are non-interruptible.

Microflows can include the integration logic that entails the invocation of one or
more mediation flow components. They provide a complex choreography of
sequences of requests to mature exposed services in a single transaction. In
IBM BPM, looping constructs, such as foreach, while, and repeat until, are
much easier to implement in a microflow than in a mediation flow component.

The choice between the mediation flow component and the microflow is driven by
the pattern that you want to implement. For example, consider using the
mediation flow component for service virtualization and brokerage patterns.
Nevertheless, microflow would be appropriate for implementing composition
patterns, such as state-free orchestration. We suggest that you refrain from
implementing business logic in a mediation flow component.
When IBM BPM Advanced Integration Service should be used
In IBM BPM, IBM BPM Advanced Integration Service (AIS) is used to implement
business services that are to be used by a business process. Business services
are steps in a business process that are not apparent to the business users.

These are steps that business users are typically not interested in monitoring. In
other words, a business service is a low-level technical implementation that
updates the business context but is not of much interest to the business users.

In IBM BPM, an AIS implementation is a collaboration between a process

developer working with IBM Process Designer and an integration developer
working with IBM Integration Designer. The process developer designs the AIS
by defining the input and output interfaces of the AIS. The process developer
does not need to know the technical details about the implementation of the
business service.

Technical details, such as Service Component Architecture (SCA), Java

programming, transactional qualifiers, and so on, are left to the integration
developer. In doing so, AIS offers a good separation of business and
technical considerations.

In IBM BPM, an AIS interface corresponds to a single operation of a Web

Services Description Language (WSDL) definition, and is exposed by an SCA
export of an implementation module.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 185

These components can use the full power of SOA through BPEL-based micro
and macro flow constructs, ESB-based mediation flows, integration with IBM
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) Connector Architecture (JCA)-based
connectors, interface and data mapping, relationships, and other advanced
process choreography capabilities.

AIS can be a good match in a scenario that involves STP of business steps that
are triggered by a business user. In this situation, the human interaction required
to start the business steps is implemented by the process developer in IBM
Process Designer.

The business steps are implemented as a business service in IBM Integration

Designer. In this example, if the SCA module that implements the business
service is returning values back to the human service, it is important to ensure
that the SCA module is synchronous. This is because the human service is not
allowed to suspend. For design considerations regarding using AIS, see 3.2.2,
Top Down versus Bottom Up design considerations on page 81.

In this section, we describe the following aspects of transactionality:
 Transaction types in IBM BPM
 Synchronous versus asynchronous transactions

Transaction types in IBM BPM

The following transaction types are available in IBM BPM:
 Local transaction is a single phase transaction that cannot be combined in a
two-phase commit.
 Global transaction is a transaction that can coordinate two phase transactions
to multiple XA-compliant targets.
 Web Services Atomic Transaction (WS-AT) protocol enables transactional
requests exposed through a web service to take part in a two-phase commit
coordinated by the caller. For more information about WS-AT, see the
following developerWorks article:
 Activity sessions extend the concept of transactions by grouping multiple
related transactions. They dont provide rollback facility in the way two-phase
commit does. Generally, it would be better to handle calls to multiple
one-phase resources using a long-running process, which would provide
clearer error handling, persistence of partially complete processes,
resubmission mechanisms, and more. Activity sessions can provide better
performance, but you have to implement the previous transaction yourself.

186 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Synchronous versus asynchronous transactions
Services provided over a controlled local infrastructure can make design
assumptions that enable true transactionality, and therefore synchronous
interaction patterns can be used in such situations. As a result of the unreliable
medium between consumer and provider, enterprise services can only provide
true reliability when using an asynchronous pattern of behavior. Truly
asynchronous interaction provides the following benefits:
 Requesting thread is not blocked.
 System non-availability problems associated with a provider are naturally
handled with the implicit store and forward pattern, therefore removing the
need for more coding.

Consider the following points in context of reliability in enterprise services:

 If you are looking for assured delivery, you must include instances where
delivery is tried again, and consider how to manage the errors if those
tries fail.
 If duplicates matter, your design must account for idempotence, or produce
errors on duplicates.

In summary, if you need assured delivery and idempotence, your error handling
pattern is typically asynchronous.

In BPM Advanced, we suggest that you avoid designs where a component

synchronously calls another component that has an asynchronous
implementation (also called deferred response) for the following reasons:
 Any synchronous to asynchronous switch, regardless of the technology,
introduces the chance of in-doubt transactions, and as a result, also the
possibility of duplicates. This is caused by the mismatch of single-transaction
expectations of the caller, and the multi-transaction nature of asynchronous
 The performance expectations of an asynchronous system are based around
throughput. It does not guarantee quick response time on individual
transactions. For example, if the response time of the asynchronous
transaction is greater than the global transaction timeout of the synchronous
call, the asynchronous request completes, but the synchronous request
receives a timeout exception.
 Synchronous calls hold a thread open throughout the duration of synchronous
calls. Asynchronous calls, conversely, do not hold the threads open, because
the focus is on overall throughout. This behavior can result in several blocked
threads, and therefore thread pool depletion over time.
 Switching from a synchronous innovation to an asynchronous invocation
typically involves a protocol transaction, which is inherently complex.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 187

5.5 Toolkit design
Toolkit is an IBM BPM mechanism for sharing library items across different
process applications and other libraries. Although toolkits can contain the same
type of artifacts as process applications, toolkits are non-executable assets and
cannot be deployed on their own to the runtime server.

Toolkit design has significant effect on the maintainability, serviceability, and

scalability of the process application. Toolkit design should be carefully
considered during initial process and integration solution architecture.

Toolkits, per design, are meant for reuse purposes. The most common
challenges during the initial process application design are classification and
grouping library items into respective toolkits. In addition to those challenges,
ongoing maintenance of toolkit artifacts during active development processes
can also be a demanding exercise.

Next, we look at some typical challenges accompanying the toolkit design:

 Categorizing library items into toolkits
 Toolkit maintenance
 Design patterns and performance considerations

5.5.1 Categorizing library items into toolkits

The most common practice is to group library items into toolkits by their types or
application purposes. For example, reusable business object types are placed
into a Business Objects toolkit. Integration services related to a single system
can be placed into a separate toolkit if this library is intended to be reused by
other process applications, or by another toolkit.

This approach seems simple and straightforward. However, as the number of

shared libraries grow along with the toolkits, it can soon become apparent that
you need further thorough analysis, and a more extendable toolkit design
approach. It is especially difficult to see this upcoming challenge at the beginning
of a project when the development team adds only one or two process-
related toolkits.

188 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Analyzing the following areas can help to outline a list of potential toolkits:
 Business objects libraries
It is not uncommon for the business objects toolkit to include integration
services that use those objects definitions. This approach can provide a
certain degree of encapsulation for integration services and their respective
business objects.
 Integration-specific related toolkits
Bringing together integration services related to persisting data in the existing
repository that includes several existing software solutions can be an example
of an integration-specific toolkit. It might not make much sense to create
individual toolkits for each existing system, but rather to place all existing
system-related integrations into a single toolkit.
Such an approach will keep all existing related integrations in a single library,
enabling easy disassociation of the existing integration services from the next
generation of services when the former are fully decommissioned.
 System-specific or business purpose-specific
For example, an IBM FileNet toolkit can include client-owned FileNet related
integration services. In addition, business objects supporting the IBM FileNet-
specific operations can also be defined in this toolkit. This classification might
work better if there are fewer integration systems that the IBM BPM solution
needs to interact with. A client solution with a larger number of integrations
might, otherwise, have to deal with many dependant toolkits.
 User interface library items
This is a good way to share reusable UI-related items, such as common
libraries of JavaScipt code, CSS style sheets, or Coach Views, across
multiple process applications.
 Third-party libraries
Keeping a toolkits size to a minimum is a worthy goal. When using third-party
toolkits, there are not that many options to achieve such a goal. There is
generally no documentation that comes with the toolkit that describes the
toolkits internal dependencies. Refactoring a third-party toolkits code, in an
attempt to break it down into smaller libraries, can prove costly and often yield
no guarantee that the final result is as stable as the original toolkit version.
In cases when you strongly want to reduce the size of the toolkit, one safe
option that can be used is to contact the toolkit vendor with a request to
refactor the toolkit code. There is a good chance that the toolkit vendor will
cooperate and offer an acceptable alternative toolkit implementation. After all,
it is in the toolkit vendors best interest to keep their clients happy.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 189

5.5.2 Toolkit maintenance
We advise you to regularly clean up and keep your list of toolkits to only ones that
you actually use. If you no longer need a toolkit, you can delete it from the
repository. Deleting a toolkit removes all of the files and other artifacts associated
with the toolkit. You can delete any toolkit except the system toolkits.

Before you delete a toolkit, perform the following tasks:

 Archive the toolkit. Archiving deactivates all snapshots. If the toolkit contains
artifacts specific to IBM BPM Advanced (for example, AIS), the snapshots on
the IBM BPM Process Center (Process Center) server are also stopped
and removed.
 Ensure that no process application or toolkit references the toolkit that you
want to delete. If any process application or toolkit ever referenced this toolkit,
those process applications or toolkits need to be deleted first. This is the only
way to remove the references.

For more information about toolkit dependencies and archiving, see the IBM
Knowledge Center that describes deleting toolkits:


If the number of library items that are actually being used grows to the point
where they affect deployment timing, you can revisit the initial toolkit
categorization choice that was originally made at the beginning of the project.

Before proceeding with the refactoring exercise, we advise you to assess and
analyze the overall effort to be spent on refactoring and testing against the
potential benefits of the refactoring. We also advise you to thoroughly analyze
toolkit dependencies and hierarchy at the initial design phase of the project, to
avoid potentially troublesome refactoring activities.

5.5.3 Design patterns and performance considerations

Applying software design patterns in IBM BPM process solutions is considered a
good practice, and is highly encouraged.

IBM BPM Advanced provides two separate integrated development

environments (IDE), namely IBM Process Designer and IBM Integration
Designer. They both interact with the Process Center, which provides a shared
code artifacts repository and the development runtime environment.

190 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
When designing toolkits for integration services using IBM BPM AIS artifacts, we
advise you to use a facade pattern. This is a good pattern, because it avoids
excessive or accidental breakages by shielding the data types and the interfaces,
and isolating the models from changes introduced through other tools.

For information about specifics of the facade pattern implementation in IBM

BPM, see the IBM developerWorks site:


For more general information about the facade pattern definition, see Martin
Fowlerss site:


Given the separated development environment landscape, when implementing

the facade pattern in IBM BPM Advanced, you should be aware of design
choices and the corresponding consequences.

Reuse: At deployment time, toolkits are reused by the process applications by

copy and not by reference. A new copy of the toolkit is created for every
process application that references it.

Toolkits are reused by process applications and other toolkits by copy. To take
advantage of new changes made in a toolkit, you need to create and deploy a
new snapshot of the toolkit where the change was made.

As a result of the snapshots proliferation, when frequent changes are made

during an active development cycle, there is a potential negative effect on the
performance of the runtime environment. Such a negative effect can be mitigated
by removing unused snapshots from the runtime environment. Keeping the
toolkits size to a minimum when designing the toolkit is also a leading practice.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 191

Figure 5-14 provides an illustration of how toolkits get referenced by different
process applications.

Figure 5-14 Toolkits reuse by copy

In addition to cleaning the runtime environment from the unused snapshots, the
potential negative effect can be mitigated by using the Service facade pattern.
Next, we look at the main benefits of applying the Service facade pattern during
integrations development:
 To limit an excessive number of runtime artifacts deployed onto the
Process Center
 To promote isolation of private service interfaces defined in IBM AIS
 To promote and support loose coupling between business objects definitions
made in the IBM Process Designer and IBM Integration Designer
For more information about business object model design considerations, see
3.3.3, IBM BPM business object model design considerations on page 92.

192 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
When applying the Service facade pattern to the IBM AIS implementation, it is
important to consider the different types of facade implementations, and
recognize their strengths and limitations:
 Managed implementation option
For the facade pattern implementation with IBM AIS, you can consider placing
the AIS implementation in the process application to reduce multiple
implementation copies of it. This approach is often referred to as managed
implementation, because all related facade interfaces and their
implementation are managed in the Process Center.
Note that you still get multiple copies of the facade toolkit every time it is being
referenced. On the positive side, it is a relatively thin deployment asset,
because the facade contains interface definitions only.
On the negative side, the code is deployed in three locations:
The facade interface definition in the toolkit
The process application with the facade implementation
The corresponding service code in IBM Integration Designer
All of these copies need to be in sync. In some cases of frequently changing
integration services during development, keeping these three parts in sync
can become an additional maintenance challenge.
 Unmanaged implementation option
In this facade version, services are implemented as SCA assets on the IBM
Integration Designer side. The difference between the managed and
unmanaged options is that there is no process application asset that is
managed by the Process Center. Service implementation code is relatively
decoupled from its interface definition, which is part of the facade toolkit.
 Unmanaged implementation with dynamic end-point location
When end-point location is unknown or inaccessible at design time, it is
worth considering a dynamic endpoint selection (DES) pattern inside the
facade implementation.
For more information about the DES pattern, see the IBM Knowledge Center
about creating DES patterns:

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 193

For a complex routing logic, or when you have many endpoints, you can
consider using IBM Operational Decision Management (ODM) as a
rule-based DES pattern implementation.
Figure 5-15 represents a typical rule-based endpoint selection scenario.

Figure 5-15 Rule-based endpoint selection scenario

For more information about the rule-based DES pattern implementation, see
the following IBM Knowledge Center:

In this section, we looked at the various aspects of toolkit design. We covered

toolkit classification and grouping approaches. In addition, we described toolkit
maintenance aspects and performance considerations. We outlined strategies
related to usage of IBM AIS in advanced integration scenarios.

As the number of scenarios and specific circumstances vary, it is always a good

practice to look at the toolkit design as a critical part of the overall process
solution design. The toolkit design touches, and has the potential to affect, many
important aspects of the solution, such as development, maintenance,
deployment, and solution performance.

194 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
5.6 Error handling
The subject of error handling comes up on every IBM BPM engagement, and
should be considered one of the key areas to be carefully designed and
implemented. In this section, we describe the main error handling concepts, and
cover strategies that can be applied in real life solution implementations:
 Error handling concepts
 Error handling strategies

5.6.1 Error handling concepts

To start, it is important to understand the overall error handling concept.
Figure 5-16 provides an example of an abstract process landscape, depicting
various application architecture layers. It delivers an idea of what errors can
occur where in the process application.

Figure 5-16 Abstract process landscape diagram

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 195

The following three perspectives matter the most to the design of error handling:
 What kind of errors can occur?
Rather than look at every possible error, we need to categorize the errors into
logical error types, so that we can come up with the smallest possible number
of design decisions about how to handle them.
 Where will the errors show up?
We need to understand how changes in the system state are controlled. More
specifically, we need to understand the transactional behavior of the system.
The errors end up on the edges of the transactional boundaries.
 How should we manage them?
The combination of our system, the infrastructure, and the external systems
provide us with a myriad of options. We need to define an error handling
strategy that is appropriate to the solution.

Next, we take a close look at each of those perspectives individually.

The kind of errors that can occur

Listing errors by their causes doesnt always help to identify patterns in the way
that we should handle them. By looking at each cause in detail, however, we
begin to see recurring themes in the error type and behavior.

Next, we take a look at examples of different error types, and how they can
be categorized.

Application alternative paths

A service call cannot be satisfied in the way that it was requested, for a reason
that is understandable at the business logic level. A typical example of such are
errors occurring when an entity is not found or the entity already exists. Usually,
this error can be summarized as an attempted invalid state transition.

These errors are business meaningful and are known at design time, so there is
an option to handle them programmatically, or as part of the surrounding
business process. Hoverer, if such errors occurred at run time, they are typically
permanent in nature.

Application logic bugs

Application logic bugs are errors within the application code that dont cause
exceptions, but produce incorrect results. These differ from application exception
bugs only in that they are harder to spot, and can only be found through testing or
feedback from experienced users. These are typically permanent for a specific
set of application data. They can only be resolved through a code change and a
new release of the application.

196 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Application exception bugs
Exception bugs are errors within application code that result in unplanned
exceptions. Poor handing of non-populated data and incorrect creation or parsing
of data formats are examples of such errors. These types of errors are typically
permanent for a specific set of application data. They can only be resolved
through a code change and new release of the application.

Application validation errors

Validation errors are returned by the rules engine, such as IBM Operational
Decision Manager.

Infrastructure capacity errors

Capacity errors are related to insufficient hard disk space, out of memory errors,
exhausting processor capacity, or network bandwidth. Errors are typically
transient, but can be permanent. Such errors are typically only resolvable by
upgrading components. Resolution often requires downtime.

Infrastructure downtime errors

Examples of infrastructure downtime errors can be server down, application
down, router down, and security service down. These errors include failures of
physical components, and therefore also cover disaster recovery. These errors
are typically transient, but it could be a long time before another try succeeds.
Resolution requires logical or physical replacement of a failing component.

Product bugs
These errors occur when the underlying product does not behave as
documented. They can only be resolved through a new release or fix pack of
product code, or by coding a workaround in application code. Such errors are
typically permanent, although more rarely they can be intermittent.

Analyzing different types of errors helps you classify them into logical categories
that further help you to understand what the clients expectations for error
handling are.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 197

These same error categories can be presented from a different prospective:
Business errors These occur when an action could not be completed for a
reason that is meaningful to the caller. By meaningful, we
mean that the caller would benefit from the information,
and might choose a different course of action. Examples
of these errors include a unique constraint, no record
found, and user not authorized to perform action.
The error should be at a logical level. It should not refer to
specific systems or implementations on the back end.
Separate codes should be agreed upon for each
meaningful condition. Human readable text should be
provided as a part of the error message.
Business rules validation errors can potentially be
considered to be a part of this category, because they
clearly fall into the definition of meaningful errors that
users can be expected to respond to on the UI.
Non-business errors Transient errors are defined as a temporary system fault.
For example, input/output (I/O) failure, or out of
connections or threads. The only sensible action that a
caller can take is to possibly try again over a time period
appropriate to the caller. The algorithm used to try again
should be meaningful to the SLA.
For example, 10 tries with 1-minute intervals would be
pointless for a transactional synchronous caller, because
the caller would have timed out long before. A single
high-level error code should be provided, simply
representing that a generic transient error has occurred
and the full error logged by the service implementation.
If the back end is known to be unreliable (transient errors
are common or the transport is unreliable), it might be
necessary to wrap the service with attempts to achieve
the SLA.
Permanent errors are fundamental errors, occurring in
such a manner that the request cannot be processed in its
current form. The caller can take no meaningful course of
action, and cannot proceed. A typical cause can be a
fundamentally incorrect structure or format of the data. A
programmatic change is typically required to resolve.

As shown previously, classifying errors by meaningful aspects can provide you

with greater insight about how these errors can be handled in a solution,
including UI behavior.

198 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Where the errors will show up
Now that we described the types of errors, we look at some of the concepts
related to the mechanics of error origins:
 Request-response, blocking transport
A two-way call with an SLA suited to online users (so the task completes in
seconds rather than minutes). All errors are passed back to the caller:
Caller can be confident of the end state if a transactional protocol is used.
Needs to be transactional for updates.
The consumer can initiate a transaction, and the provider can participate.
If the communication medium is unreliable, or the consumer is not
transactional, there is a possibility for data loss or duplication. In this
situation, we lose the benefits of transactionality, because we must
implement asynchronous error handling anyway.
 Request-response, non-blocking transport, real time
A call that involves asynchronous transport, but with an SLA equivalent to
synchronous invocation:
Most errors are passed back to the caller. If the call succeeds, the caller
can be confident of the end state. If the call fails, especially for timeout, the
end state can be in doubt. Even brief system outages can result in an
in-doubt state.
Because this is not a single transaction, there is an opportunity for the
caller to be left in an in-doubt state. You must therefore implement an
asynchronous error handling pattern to manage the in-doubt state.
 Request-response, non-blocking transport, non-real-time
A call made over an asynchronous medium whose response is not
guaranteed in a time frame appropriate for real-time consumers:
Caller can be confident of the delivery of the request. On receipt of a
response, success is assured. Any time in-between, the state is unknown.
On timeout, the end state is unknown. Transient errors should be rare,
because there is time for tries to be made again.
The in-doubt state should be treated as an expected in-progress state,
and the surrounding systems should be able to query for, and act upon,
that state. All error handling is fundamentally asynchronous.
 Fire and forget, non-blocking transport
A call made over an asynchronous medium that requires no response:
Caller can be confident of delivery of the request.
In theory, no error handling is required, but you might need more analysis
of requirements and circumstances to make the final judgment about
whether a response is not truly necessary.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 199

How to manage errors
Choosing and following error handling strategies is a suggested approach that
should be considered for managing error handling in the process solution. The
following section provides an overview of the error handling strategies, and some
implementation examples specific to the IBM BPM process applications.

5.6.2 Error handling strategies

Keeping to the following agenda is a good way to approach defining an error
handling strategy for your IBM BPM project or an overall program:
 Produce a stated preference for the ways that errors are managed if
they occur.
 Provide a recommendation to use specific error handling-related
design patterns.
 Produce a resultant specific set of coding guidelines that ensure that the
strategy is upheld.

A real error handling strategy requires more effort to analyze the clients
requirements and overall solution landscape in order to produce the detailed
content for the first two items in the previous list. On a project, more than one
error handling strategy might be required. For example, it is common to have a
different strategy for asynchronous and synchronous interactions, and a specific
approach defined for presenting different types of errors on a UI.

The following list describes general guidelines for error handling strategies:
 Where concurrent access to data is probable, all users of the data must be
taken into account when considering the locking strategy.
 Solutions should only leave behind failed events that represent a problem to
be resolved. Errors that are automatically resolved should be cleaned up. It is
also acceptable that they leave an audit trail or log.

Example error handling strategies can be divided into the following categories:
 Strategy for STP
The strategy assumes no long-lived processes or human tasks on the happy
path (the ideal version of the process). Rather, consider chained mediations
or asynchronously started, briefly persisted processes.
Error handling would occur offline from the main path in a separate
component to the main processing. This might contain long-lived

200 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 Strategy for generic offline error handling
Errors are outsourced to a generic component that enables processes to
complete rather than clog up the system. Error handling can be progressively
automated, rather than having to be built into all of the processes from
the beginning.
A good implementation example of this strategy in IBM BPM, applicable for
both BPMN process and SLA exception handling, is the General Exception
Handler toolkit. It is a community-based asset available on the IBM BPM
Community Wiki site:
 Strategy for failure point resubmission
This strategy is predominantly relevant to long-running and asynchronous
scenarios. All errors are resolved at their failure point, and resubmitted if
possible. It works well for ensuring that processes continue to completion
wherever possible. All points where errors can occur are provided with a
mechanism to store the current error state in a resubmittable form.
 Progressive error handling strategies
It is not uncommon when a client, due to various reasons, has no input about
how their want errors to be handled in the process application. For example,
the client can have security-based constraints to provide access to the
server-side resources. In such cases, an approach that makes much sense is
to follow a progressive error handling strategy.
You start from the basic approach, which is assuming that all errors are
returned to a caller, whether it is a user or a calling system. As the project
progresses, more information gets collected, knowledge about the process
evolves, and the error handling approach evolves along with it.
The following list provides a summary of progressive error handling strategies
for synchronous transactions:
Basic All Errors are passed back to the caller.
Automated Permanent errors are passed back to the caller.
For transient errors, perform additional tries according
to static policy, then behave as for permanent errors.
For business errors, handle according to agreed on
static business rules. In case of non-conforming logic,
respond as for permanent errors.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 201

Autonomic For permanent errors, search for and apply known
solutions to data errors. On further failure, behave
according to automated error handling rules.
For transient errors, perform historically informed
additional tries based on similar transactions.
For business errors, make historically informed
business decisions where possible. Where no
decisions exist, respond as for permanent errors.
 Alerting of system errors strategies
The alerting of system errors strategy is a good strategy when it is necessary
to proactively alert the system administrator staff about specific errors, or
about an abnormal frequency of errors occurring in the logs. When it is used
with another strategy (for example, generic offline strategy), it compliments
that one with additional capabilities of monitoring log files for the most
hazardous error that can potentially occur.
Usually, this strategy is chosen when clients already own respective software
tooling, and want to use them for the IBM BPM logs monitoring. Custom
implementation can also be considered as a suitable option if this is a
required behavior for an error handling implementation.

As we have shown, the error handling implementation in a business process

solution can be quite complex. It is a leading practice to follow these suggestions
while approaching the error handling design:
 Error handling discussions in an organization should start with workshops to
ensure a common understanding of the key concepts. Error handling
discussions should never start with the technology.
 It is important to understand the increased complexity in IBM BPM
distributed solutions, integrating with the organizations established and
SOA-based solutions.
 Error handling strategies should be a product of the top-down requirements,
further honed by knowledge of the technology, not the other way round.
 Apply leading practices and take advantage of the information, expertise,
and existing assets available on the IBM Community wiki site and other IBM
online resources.

202 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
5.7 Logging
As one of the aspects of runtime system visibility, logging should be considered
an important part of every IBM BPM solution. The overall solution visibility aspect
is covered in more detail in Chapter 6, Business-centric visibility on page 217,
and Chapter 7, Performance and IT-centric visibility on page 231 of this book.

In this section, we want to describe logging as a stand-alone topic, because often

solution architects come from different backgrounds and have various platform
skills, and ask the question whether they can use traditional logging tools with

There are several options that can be used for logging purposes in the IBM BPM
process application, including the ones that come with the product.

Logging and tracing: It is important to realize the difference between logging

and tracing, as described by the following key differentiating points:
 Logging can be switched on or off permanently, and should generally not
affect system performance. Logging often operates with info, warn, and
err levels, and is implemented as a combination of system input and
output configurations.
 Tracing is only switched on for detailed diagnosis, showing the exact path
through the code. Tracing is used for low-level diagnostics, and typically
has a detrimental effect on performance. It is largely systemic (not defined
by the implementor).

Before committing to a particular option, it is important to understand from the

client requirements perspective what is the specific purpose of logging, and how
the logging results are used. More specifically, determine how logging output is
going to be accessed, analyzed, and presented. Another aspect that can affect
the development scope is whether local logging output is required. In that case,
additional design and development effort is required to support local output.

The following sections describe options that you can consider for various types of
logging within IBM BPM.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 203

IBM BPM Standard default logging capabilities
Typical use is calling the log.error() command in the Server script asset in IBM
Process Designer, as shown in Figure 5-17.

Figure 5-17 Calling the log.error() command

The appropriate logging level can be set in the WebSphere Application Server
Administrative Console, as described in the following IBM Knowledge Center:


Using an alternative logging mechanism in IBM BPM

Use of the Jakarta Common Logging (JCL) API is covered in the following
technote on the IBM developerWorks website:


The Apache Log4j framework (Log4j) can be configured as an underlying

logging component in JCL if specific requirements for logging exist that cannot be
met with IBM BPM standard logging tools.

Alternatively, Log4j can be implemented in the IBM BPM Standard configuration,

using the Log4j binary files included with IBM BPM, or by importing a specific
version of the Log4J binary files. A complete Log4j 1.x implementation example
with runtime configuration option is available as a community asset on the IBM
BPM Community Wiki:


For typical performance considerations and recommendations while using

logging in the IBM BPM process applications, see 7.2.1, Logging on page 234.

204 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
5.8 Asset maintenance and governance considerations
Considering the fact that the vast majority of the lifetime of process assets lies in
a post-development phase, asset maintenance becomes an increasingly
important aspect of the process lifecycle. Governance around deployment and
source code maintenance are other integral parts of the overall solution that
require careful consideration and planning.

In this section, we cover common aspects in process asset management

and governance:
 Shared assets in IBM BPM Process Center
 Managing IBM Process Designer artifacts
 Managing advanced artifacts
 Deployment governance
 Managing tracks

5.8.1 Shared assets in IBM BPM Process Center

The IBM BPM Process Center (Process Center) includes a repository for all
processes, services, and other assets created in IBM Process Designer and IBM
Integration Designer. For geographically distributed teams, collaborative
development can become challenging as team size, and the distance between
the teams, increases. Poor performance can be the result of network latency and
disperse topologies induced network failures.

Starting with the version 8.0 release, IBM BPM enables you to federate remote
process centers through the Process Center self-registering mechanism. When
you register two Process Centers with each other, you can share toolkits with
other users, or subscribe to toolkits that other users share.

You can share toolkits with other users, even if those users are working in a
different Process Center. You no longer need to first export the toolkits from one
Process Center and then import them into another Process Center.

After a toolkit is shared, events are synchronized, and snapshots are released
automatically once every 24 hours. The sharing Process Center is notified when
a shared toolkit is being used on a registered Process Center. The subscribing
Process Center is notified of new released snapshots and of the state of the
shared toolkits.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 205

For more information about registering Process Centers and sharing toolkits, see
the following IBM Knowledge Center:


Table 5-3 describes the specific rules that you must consider when you
share toolkits.

Table 5-3 Rules for sharing a toolkit

Action Rule

Sharing a toolkit  There is at least one active registration to a remote Process

 The toolkit has dependent toolkits, and they are all marked for
 The toolkit has at least one released snapshot.
 If one or more toolkits are dependencies of a parent toolkit, all
dependent toolkits must be shared before sharing the parent
 If one or more snapshots are dependencies of a parent snapshot,
all dependent snapshots must be released before releasing the
parent snapshot.

Stop sharing a toolkit  The toolkit does not participate in a dependency.

 The toolkit does not have a parent toolkit that is marked as

Sharing a toolkit when the  The toolkit does not have child dependencies.
snapshot status is set to  The toolkit has dependencies, but all snapshots that are used
Released from children are set to Released.

Sharing a toolkit when the  The toolkit is not marked as Shared.

snapshot status is changed from  The toolkit contains at least one other snapshot that is marked
Released to another status as Released.
 The toolkit does not participate in dependencies.
 The toolkit participates in a dependency, but none of the parent
snapshots are marked as Released.

For more information about rules for sharing toolkits, see the following IBM
Knowledge Center:


Sharing process artifacts encapsulated in toolkits provides an opportunity for a

truly distributed form of development.

206 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Figure 5-18 provides an example of a distributed development environment
across multiple geographically dispersed Process Centers.

Figure 5-18 Distributed development Process Centers environment

When this form of development environment is selected, you must carefully

design your toolkits and plan for a shared distributed development environment.
Each provider Process Center supplies the consumer Process Center with a
self-contained piece of functionality that should be fully tested.

The functionality should be ready for integration testing with the rest of the parts
of an overall process solution. This approach further encourages component
design and code reuse, following leading practices in software design.

For more information about toolkit design considerations, see 5.5, Toolkit
design on page 188.

When working with process applications or toolkits, you might need to provide a
link to related information that is available outside of the IBM BPM environment.
For example, you might want to link to a website or a wiki page. You can also
reference a change request stored in a change management system, or a test
case in a quality management system.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 207

These kinds of links can be used to achieve traceability or provide details about
the fixes and features that went into a new asset. IBM BPM uses the Open
Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) standard, which enables linking
across products for the purposes of lifecycle management and traceability.

For more information about using remote assets in IBM Process Designer, see
the following IBM Knowledge Center:


5.8.2 Managing IBM Process Designer artifacts

Users in IBM Process Designer create process models, services, and other
assets in process applications and toolkits. IBM Process Designer is an
easy-to-use, graphics-oriented tool that enables you to model and implement
your BPMN-based business processes. You can use it to easily demonstrate
process design and functionality during development efforts.

All development artifacts created in IBM Process Designer get managed by the
Process Center, and get implicitly persisted in the Process Center repository. No
external source control tool is necessary for assets created in IBM Process
Designer. No additional effort for persisting and managing process applications
and toolkits is required, because the Process Center does it for you transparently.

Multiple users can simultaneously access and change process applications and
library items in IBM Process Designer. When you edit concurrently, you
collaborate with other team members to create the library items that you need for
your project. For example, you can communicate about your ideas and edits
using instant messaging, and see the results in the Designer view as
they happen.

When multiple users work on the same library item, such as a human service,
each user can see the changes when edits are saved. To ensure that all users
are aware of which library items are open and what changes are being made,
IBM Process Designer provides the following notifications:
 Notifies you when another user opens a library item, by showing a user icon.
You can hover over the icon to see who that user is.
 Notifies you when another user is editing a library item, by displaying the
words Read Only next to the library item. When users save their work, the
library item is available to edit.

208 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 Notifies you when another user has saved changes while you are editing a
library item, by displaying the words Read Only next to the library item. When
you click Save, a Save conflict message displays. You are prompted either to
save your changes and override the other users changes, or discard the
changes and accept the other users changes.
 Notifies you when multiple users start to edit a library item at the same time,
before the Read Only text appears, by displaying a warning icon and
message. The message prompts each user to either immediately save their
changes or discard them.

You can enable IBM Process Designer users to share library items across
process applications. Process applications can share library items from one or
more toolkits, and toolkits can share library items from other toolkits.

Users who have access to a toolkit can create a dependency on the toolkit, and
use the library items within it for their process development efforts. See 5.8.1,
Shared assets in IBM BPM Process Center on page 205 for more information
about sharing library items across Process Centers.

For more information about an overall Process Center repository management,

see the following IBM Knowledge Center:


The IBM Process Designer view offers several tools to ensure that you can
access items that you work with regularly. With IBM Process Designer, you can
move or copy items between existing or new process applications and toolkits.
You can also revert to previous versions of individual library items using

We advise you to organize the development artifacts in smart folders, and take
advantage of tagging capabilities in IBM Process Designer. As practice shows,
using these organizational features of IBM Process Designer increases the
productivity of development teams, and improves code maintenance.
Improvement in code maintenance is especially visible, and material for the
long-term projects with periodic team member rotations.

For more information about managing library items in IBM Process Designer, see
the following IBM Knowledge Center:


Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 209

5.8.3 Managing advanced artifacts
IBM Integration Designer provides editors that enable developers to create
complex automated business processes and business services. Developers can
use available assets, such as medication modules, SCA modules, Extensible
Markup Language (XML) Schema Definitions (XSDs), WSDLs, Java archive
(JAR) files, and so on. Unlike IBM Process Designer, the IBM Integration
Designer does not need to be connected to the Process Center at all times.

Artifacts developed in IBM Integration Designer are typically retained in an

Eclipse workspace that is local to the server hosting the IBM Integration
Designer. Developers can choose to make the artifacts available to, or refrain
from publishing them to, the Process Center:
 Associate these artifacts with the process application for use with the Process
Center. In such situations, an initial connection with the Process Center is
needed. This connection enables you to retrieve the process application from
the Process Center, retrieve updates made by other developers, or publish
local workspace updates to the Process Center, as shown in Figure 5-19.

Figure 5-19 Management of the IBM Integration Designer artifacts

210 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
These artifacts can be deployed to the IBM Process Server with the process
application. An example of such an artifact is an AIS implemented in IBM
Integration Designer and published in the Process Center for consumption by
activities defined in the business process diagram. For details about how to
synchronize IBM Integration Designer with the Process Center, see the
following IBM Knowledge Center:
 Refrain from publishing these artifacts to the Process Center. In such
situations, the modules and libraries implemented in IBM Integration
Designer can be managed using an external source control system, and
deployed directly to the IBM Process Server. For more information about
deploying assets to the IBM Process Server, see the following IBM
developerWorks article:

5.8.4 Deployment governance

In IBM BPM V8.0, a new governance process feature was released that enables
you to follow a custom governance process to change the status of a snapshot,
or to enable the deployment into any process server environment (online
and offline).

Figure 5-20 illustrates the Process Center with a process application that has the
status of Waiting for approval. When approved, a snapshot is installed.

Figure 5-20 Governance process

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 211

The process that gets executed implements a template that is provided by the
System Governance toolkit, which comes with IBM BPM. The governance
process itself can have any kind of flow patterns, human tasks, rules, or any
other BPM artifact. when completed, the snapshot gets deployed. Having a
governance process in place and formalized in IBM BPM has the great
advantage that you can ensure that all necessary preconditions are met.

Consider the following aspects of a governance process:

 Release Notes
A list of new features and fixed defects that describe the new version.
Instructions for configurations or installations that must take place before
the installation of a snapshot, such as setting up groups, databases, or
firewall configurations.
 Test Results (number of open defects, test cases, and so on)
Test statistics that help an approver to gain an overview of the quality of the
new snapshot (which could be a new release).
Route the tasks to all necessary approvers. These can be, for example,
Process Owners, Project Managers, Infrastructure Division, Support and
Maintenance, and so on.
 Other deployment artifacts
The deployment process can make sure that all of the artifacts that are
required for a successful installation are created and delivered. Examples of
these artifacts can include property files, JAR file dependencies, information
to create required database schemas, and so on.

The governance process will be executed whether you deploy online from a
connected process center environment or chose to have an offline deployment.

Remember: The governance process works for both online and offline
deployment models.

5.8.5 Managing tracks

A Process Center can create different tracks for each process application. A track
is a duplicate of a process application (similar to a snapshot) that can be edited.
There is always one main track, which marks the default.

212 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
In addition to this, there can be many non-main tracks. All tracks (default and
non-default) run under the umbrella of the process application. Therefore, they
are not true duplicates.

When a track is the default track, the library items within it run by default when an
event or other trigger that applies to items in more than one track is received by
the Process Center server. For example, when you are executing a service using
a URL, and that service exists in more than one track, the service in the default
track is run.

When to use tracks?

Tracks can be used similarly to branching in traditional version management

systems. The following use cases are common:
 Tracks for release support
As you go into production, you might see the need to create branches that
can be used in the following ways:
To support the production release
To continue development on the main code branch
 Tracks for continuous improvement
Because the purpose of BPM initiatives is to continuously improve the
business, tracks are often used so that business analysts (BAs) can focus on
improving the process flow based on data gathered during run time.
This can, for example, happen through the use of the optimizer, but also other
process improvement tools and methodologies. By creating a separate track,
the BA has all necessary freedom to change the process, and eventually copy
it back into the main track. The BA can do this without causing any unwanted
side effects of changing it in parallel to the development.

Restriction: IBM BPM has limited functionality to merge contents of different

tracks, or to show the differences (changes) between them. Therefore, it
requires mature governance procedures to manage artifact changes and
control their merge back into the main track.

When not to use tracks?

If you create a snapshot that is being used for testing or demonstrations, you
usually dont want to use tracks to manage this snapshot. The value of tracks can
be reduced by the resources required to manage them and their functionality,
and to ensure that changes are properly propagated among all necessary tracks
and environments. Try to keep the number of tracks as low as possible. The most
common usage for tracks is to support a production release.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 213

Track-based branching and merging
As mentioned previously, tracks are a good tool to manage changes, such as hot
fixes for releases. Figure 5-21 illustrates how a base version can branch into a
production support track while continuing to be developed in the main track.

Figure 5-21 Managing changes with tracks

V1.0 marks the snapshot that will be deployed into production. At this point, it
makes sense to create a track for this. In Figure 5-21, this track is called
Production Support Track.

As the Production Support Track goes into production, on the Main Track the
development continues as normal, and further versions or releases (V2.0) are
being created.

Generally, the release cycles should be short enough that required changes or
fixes can be deployed directly from the main track into production (of course,
while respecting all required quality assurance phases). However, on occasion,
there might be a requirement for an interim fix to the production environment.

An interim fix is a high-effect fix that is required to keep the currently deployed
version usable. This fix can be created in the Production Support Track, because
no other changes, such as the ones that might already be part of the continuous
development track, must be deployed yet. After the fix is created, it has to be
merged into the main track. IBM BPM provides a set of capabilities to support
this, which leaves us with two approaches for merging, automated and manual:
The IBM BPM process center provides the ability to compare tracks, visualize
the changes, and merge changes between track versions.

214 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Figure 5-22 shows the Process Center view that highlights whether there
were conflicts or new items.

Figure 5-22 Process Center copy between tracks

On the upper left corner, Process Center provides you the option to filter by
All, New, Updated, and Conflict. The list of items is highlighted as such. In
Figure 5-22, you see the orange highlighting of updates. If you open the list
item, you see a visual representation of the changes. In this case, an activity
has been deleted (on the diagram on the left side).
Now you can decide whether you want to copy this change. On the upper right
corner, there is a button that you can click to proceed with this operation.

Chapter 5. Design considerations and patterns 215

A very common approach is to manage the merge of changes in a rather
manual fashion.
Capture all details for the fix that you created:
What was the root cause of the problem?
What changes have been applied?
Where (which artifacts) have changes been applied?
Any recommendation (if different) about how to fix the problem in the
main track.
The ticket with all of the fix-related information is then added to the backlog of
requirements for the main track. The development team estimates and
schedules the development of the fix then accordingly.

5.9 Conclusion
In this chapter, we described the difference between processes and services,
and what to remember when creating either of them. We talked about routing
patterns and the difference between pushing and pulling tasks for user execution.

We also introduced four different types of data flow patterns:


We described how to manage the development environment and code base

through proper design of toolkits and error handling concepts. We also how to
manage them using other features, such as shared Process Center assets,
deployment governance, or tracks.

216 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager

Chapter 6. Business-centric visibility

This chapter describes the concepts of business-centric visibility, and describes
how business-centric visibility is achieved in IBM Business Process Manager

This chapter includes the following sections:

 What business-centric visibility is
 Business-centric visibility in IBM BPM

Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. All rights reserved. 217

6.1 What business-centric visibility is
Business-centric visibility is one of the most important considerations for
companies looking to adopt the business process management (BPM) discipline,
because it offers the following benefits in context of a business process:
 Ability to view the business data to make smarter business decisions through
proper exposure of business data to business participants and process
owners. Business data is specific to the company or companies involved in a
business process, and can include the following examples:
Type of service requested by a potential client
Type of client
Clients billing and service address
Typically, business data is in a system of record (SOR) outside the BPM
software. Business data can be particularly useful to process owners and
process participants. For example, process owners and process participants
can view the business data associated with outstanding tasks, and make
business decisions based on the available information.
 Ability to view the process data to get a high-level performance overview of a
business process, to make improvements to a business process, and to audit
business processes to identify any violations to the stated business policies.
The following list includes some examples of process data:
Time taken to complete a task or an activity
Time spent on a particular activity in the process
Average time to complete a process
Process performance data is also tied to the key performance indicators
(KPIs) and service level agreements (SLAs) associated with a business
process. Both of these are commonly overlooked dimensions of the process
performance data. Process data is captured by the BPM system, and is
typically in one or more data sources that are internal to that system.
This information can be particularly useful to executives, process owners, and
process analysts:
Executives that are not involved in the day-to-day running of a business
process can use this process data to get a high-level performance
summary of a business process.
Process owners can use the process data to track process task cycle time,
high priority tasks, assigned task owners, process participant
performance, and so on. Knowledge of this process data can be
particularly useful in improving client experience and maximizing staff use.

218 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Process analysts can use the process data, such as KPIs and SLAs, to
make improvements to a business process to meet and exceed the
process performance targets. They can use this process performance
information to make tangible process improvements to the process. It is
important to state that the process analysts must not make any process
improvements without first consulting with the process owner.

To achieve any meaningful business-centric visibility, it is important to have

access to both the business data and the process data.

6.2 Business-centric visibility in IBM BPM

In IBM BPM, the business data is typically retained in one or more external
SORs. It is represented as business objects in a business process definition
(BPD) contained in the process application. The process data is captured by
configuring tracking groups, KPIs, SLAs, and timing intervals. It includes
statistics about the performance of the BPD, such as KPIs, SLAs, and
team performance1.

This process data can be generated from a runtime instance of a business

process, and stored in both IBM BPM Process Server and Performance Data
Warehouse components. The Process Server retains inflight process data, and
the Performance Data Warehouse retains the historical process data. Historical
process data is collected by the Process Server and sent to the Performance
Data Warehouse. Business-centric visibility can be achieved in IBM BPM:
 Business data and process data reports
 IBM BPM Process Optimizer
 IBM Business Monitor2.

6.2.1 Business data and process data reports

The business data and the process data reports, called dashboards in IBM BPM,
provide business-centric visibility through the business data and the process data
that is generated, captured, and retrieved in IBM BPM.

For more information about how to collect and use process performance data,
see the IBM BPM 8.5.5 Knowledge Center on the following website:
1 An initial effort must be carried out to identify the process data that must be tracked, and to ensure
that the tracked data offers business value.
It is important to note that the use of IBM Business Monitor can require additional licenses.

Chapter 6. Business-centric visibility 219

IBM BPM provides the following capabilities:
 Ready-to-use process data dashboards that provide real-time performance
reports in the IBM Process Portal. Examples of such dashboards include My
Performance, Team Performance, Process Performance, and My SLA
overview for the SLAs that have been defined and made available. For more
information about these ready-to-use dashboards in IBM BPM, see the IBM
BPM 8.5.5 Knowledge Center on the following website:
The information presented in these reports is retained in the Process Server
 Ability to create dynamic ad hoc reports in the IBM Process Portal beyond the
standard dashboards. The information required for these reports can be
derived from the tracked data that is retained in the Performance Data
Warehouse database. For more information about creating ad hoc reports in
IBM Process Portal, see the IBM BPM 8.5.5. Knowledge Center:
 Ability to develop custom reports using Coaches with the help of toolkits such
as the Dojo toolkit or the Dashboard toolkit. For more information about the
Dashboard toolkit, see the IBM BPM 8.5.5 Knowledge Center:
These reports enable process participants to make informed decisions about
the process tasks. The data for these reports typically comes from sources
that are internal and external to the IBM BPM.
 Ability to create custom dashboards using historical and inflight process data
retained in the IBM BPM. Using these dashboards, developers can build a
framework of custom reports and charts that together provide meaningful
process values. Developers can also choose to use the Dashboard toolkit to
implement such reports. For more information about creating custom
dashboards in IBM BPM, see the IBM BPM 8.5.5 Knowledge Center:

220 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
These reports in IBM BPM can be used to get a high-level overview of the
business process, including but not limited to the following information:
 Process performance
 Team performance
 Task status

The following subsections describe the steps to create reports from external and
internal data sources:
 High-level steps to create custom reports that display data retrieved from
external data sources in IBM BPM. We also describe important points to
consider before implementing these reports in IBM BPM.
 High-level steps to create custom reports that display data retrieved from data
sources that are internal to IBM BPM. We also describe important points to
consider if you have a requirement to retain large volumes of process data in
the Performance Data Warehouse database.

Custom reports using external data sources

It is important to note that IBM BPM is not a reporting tool for implementing
complex reports involving large volumes of application data retrieved from an
external data source. We suggest that you implement such reports outside of
IBM BPM, typically in a data warehousing environment in your organization.

Consider implementing such reports in IBM BPM when they meet the
following criteria:
 They present vital application data information that is critical to making quick
and informed decisions in a business process task.
 They require joining of the business data and the inflight process data
retained in the Process Server database.
These custom reports involve presenting the application data, retained in an
external SOR, to the process owners and the process participants in the IBM
Process Portal. Before developing these custom reports, it is important to
analyze the external SOR to understand how the information is stored, and how it
is retrieved and presented to the process owners and the process participants.

Chapter 6. Business-centric visibility 221

Figure 6-1 depicts the high-level steps to implement these reports in IBM BPM.

Figure 6-1 Custom reports using external data sources

Next, we examine this flow in more detail:

1. Design and develop the user interfaces (UIs) for these reports in the process
application using the IBM Process Designer. These UIs are typically
implemented using Coach views in Coach designer Coaches.
2. Design and develop the integration services in the process application using
the IBM Process Designer, to retrieve the application data from the external
SORs. The integration service is typically implemented using Structured
Query Language (SQL) queries, stored procedures, SOAP web services
(SOAPWS), or Representational State Transfer web services (RESTWS).
3. Deploy the process application containing these reports to the
Process Server.

222 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
4. At run time, when these reports are started by the business users or the
process participants in the IBM Process Portal, the application data required
for these reports is retrieved from the external SOR using the integration
services. This data can also be combined with the inflight data (retained in the
Process Server database) retrieved using application programming interfaces
(APIs) defined in IBM BPM.
5. Present the data retrieved in the previous step (step 4) in the UIs displayed in
IBM Process Portal.

Custom reports using IBM BPM-generated process data

These reports involve presenting the inflight process data and the historical
process data in the IBM Process Portal. Figure 6-2 depicts high-level steps to
implement these reports in IBM BPM.

Figure 6-2 Custom reports using IBM BPM-generated process data

Chapter 6. Business-centric visibility 223

To create reports using internal data from IBM BPM, follow these steps:
1. Define the tracking points, tracking groups, timing intervals, and so on in the
process application using the IBM Process Designer. Carefully review
the potential performance effect outlined in the IBM Redbooks publication,
IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance Tuning and Best
Practices, SG24-8216, before enabling auto-tracking in your business
process diagrams.
Develop the UIs for these reports in the process application using IBM
Process Designer, and develop the integration services to retrieve the
historical process data from the Performance Data Warehouse database.
2. Update the tracking definitions in IBM Process Designer. Updating the
tracking definitions sends the new tracking requirements to the Performance
Data Warehouse of the runtime Process Server environment.
3. Deploy the process application containing the tracking points and the tracking
groups to the Process Server. At run time, the process data is generated by
executed process instances, captured by the Process Server, and retained in
the Performance Data Warehouse database for retrieval.
4. At run time, when the executives, the process owners, or the process analysts
start these reports in IBM Process Portal, the process data required for these
reports is retrieved from the Process Server database (inflight data) and the
Performance Data Warehouse database (historical data).
5. Present the data retrieved from the previous step (step 4) in the UIs displayed
in IBM Process Portal.

It is important to carefully consider the amount of process data that is being

tracked and persisted in the Performance Data Warehouse database. We suggest
that you carefully consider the business value that you get from the data that you
plan on tracking. For example, consider enabling auto-tracking only if you see
significant value in doing so. Persisting excessive or unnecessary process data
information can lead to performance degradation under significant loads.

Consider the following points if you need to retain large volumes of process data:
 Manually archive the process data from the Performance Data Warehouse
database to an external database3 regularly. The frequency of the process
data archives is typically driven by your business requirements. This
approach provides the following advantages:
Requests to retrieve the historical process data can be offloaded to an
external data store, as shown in Figure 6-3 on page 225.
Reports to display the historical process data from an external data source
can be hosted outside IBM BPM.
Approach can typically involve additional license, design, implementation, and operational costs.

224 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 Define a purging strategy for the Performance Data Warehouse database.
Regularly purging the process data can lead to better response time on
process data retrieval requests made to the Performance Data Warehouse
database. For information about purging data in Performance Data
Warehouse database, see the following IBM developerWorks article:

Figure 6-3 Custom reports using process data archived to an external data source

6.2.2 IBM BPM Process Optimizer

Often it is assumed that the bottlenecks in a business process can be addressed
reactively, by either allocating more time to accomplish the required tasks, or
allocating more resources to perform these tasks. In many situations, though,
neither solution is a viable option. Knowing how to address bottlenecks, or more
formally, optimize your business processes, is a complicated effort.

Chapter 6. Business-centric visibility 225

If you add or remove steps, streamline individual steps, or make organizational
changes, every step in the process and every path taken by a process instance
can be affected. Business analysts, business process owners, and business
process participants need the ability to combine process data in the context of
diverse scenarios.

They need the ability to perform path and segment analyses of their processes,
and then optimize accordingly. To accomplish this, they need to be able to bring
rich performance and business data (beyond just, for example, average task
duration) into the context of their business process model.

Bringing this data into context is what IBM BPM Process Optimizer is designed to
do. IBM BPM Process Optimizer helps the business analysts to improve
processes by showing where and how to change the process model. The IBM
BPM Process Optimizer enables the business analysts to perform a wide range
of analysis and optimization scenarios.

These scenarios range from simple simulations to validate the overall process
modeling strategy, to advanced what-if comparative analyses using historical,
inflight, or simulated data (or any combination of the three). IBM BPM Process
Optimizer also gives the business analysts the ability to analyze KPIs and SLAs
tracked and stored from a process instance at run time.

In the following sections, we describe some examples of how the IBM BPM
Process Optimizer can be used to drive valuable process and business insight:
 Simulation of a business process
 Optimization analysis using historical performance data
 Optimization analysis using inflight performance data
 Guided optimization

Simulation of a business process

Process models can be directly simulated using the IBM BPM Process Optimizer.
Simulations are driven by user-provided parameters:
 Time distribution
 Resource consumption
 Activity costs
 Branching probabilities
 Resource constraints

The resulting simulation reports provide detailed predictions of process costs,

durations, and resource consumption based on simulation results. Different
simulation scenarios can be compared side-by-side on a single screen, or
exported for offline analysis or sharing.

226 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Optimization analysis using historical performance data
Simulation is a powerful mechanism to identify potential bottlenecks and potential
cost reductions, to cost-justify resource allocations based on expected volumes,
and to optimize process designs. However, the fundamental flaw in any process
simulation of meaningful complexity is that all of the properties that need to be
completed are often based on assumptions rather than real-world data.

The outcome is a simulation model and results that are themselves only best
guesses at possible performance. IBM BPM provides closed-loop simulation that
can automatically populate the property sheets with real-world performance data
on the existing process from the Performance Data Warehouse, making the
simulation accurate and meaningful.

It is important to ensure that the data collected for such simulations is proper in
order to make the simulation accurate and meaningful. For example, you are
considering the addition of an approval step that is conditional based on the type
of account. How would the addition of that step affect the process based on past
history? With IBM BPM, all of the simulation parameters from existing steps can
be automatically populated by historical data from any period of time you choose.

How often and in what specific cases is this conditional step taken? To answer
this question, you must be able to run historical process data through your
proposed process changes. IBM BPM enables you to do exactly this.
Furthermore, you can create scenarios that filter the analysis based on specific
business data.

Optimization analysis using inflight performance data

IBM BPM Process Optimizer enables you to make changes to the process and
affect inflight tasks through task priority management. For example, you might
want to adjust a business rule, such as a threshold, or you might want to change
the process, as shown previously, by adding new steps.

In the same way that you want realistic parameters for simulation based on
historical data, you also want to know how these changes are going to affect your
current inflight processes. The IBM BPM Process Optimizer can run the same
type of performance analysis using the business and process data of inflight
tasks, such as the current numbers of active tasks, overdue tasks, and the
metadata associated with each instance.

The IBM BPM Process Optimizer can tell you what is going to happen in the
future using current data. In addition, with heat map animation and a time scale
as a slider, IBM BPM can tell you where a bottleneck will occur in the future, and
when it will occur as well. For the real-time enterprise reacting to business
events, such an analysis is essential.

Chapter 6. Business-centric visibility 227

Guided optimization
The IBM BPM Process Optimizer also provides a powerful feature, called Guided
Optimization, which guides you through a series of steps that help identify
problem areas and potential solutions. IBM BPM Process Optimizer performs
complex calculations and makes structural change recommendations, including
adding Rule Services and Decision Gateways to your process.

Therefore, the IBM BPM Process Optimizer not only tells you what will happen if
you make a change, but can also suggest what changes to make based on the
same real-world data.

For more information about simulating and optimizing business processes using
IBM BPM Process Optimizer, see the IBM BPM 8.5.5. Knowledge Center:

6.2.3 IBM Business Monitor

IBM Business Monitor provides near real-time visibility into the performance of
business activities by processing events from various sources, calculating
business metrics, and presenting KPIs through role-based business dashboards.
Users with appropriate roles can track current business performance against
expectations, and analyze trends over time.

It enables you to understand business performance so that you can compare

performance with defined results. You can use the dashboards to see if KPIs are
tracking to their wanted targets, and to determine if you have any unforeseen
bottlenecks in your business process, such as inactivities involving human tasks.
It can also help when something goes wrong, and in situations when
expectations are not met.

IBM Business Monitor can also help make an organization aware of potential
problems proactively, enabling a directed action to be planned and carried out.
Organizations are empowered with the capability of taking the correct action at
the correct time, helping to realize more value from IT. IBM Business Monitor is
relevant in all areas of the business, across both the functional and process

A financial institution, for example, might use it to manage and track loan
processes in real-time, combining information about human and automated
elements of the process into a single view.

A government could use IBM Business Monitor to gain visibility into operations of
the social services agency department.

228 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
In health care, IBM Business Monitor can be used to have an overview of all
operations within a hospital, including management of insurance claims
processing, scheduling of testing equipment needs and staff assignments.

The following key features are offered by IBM Business Monitor:

 A company-wide view of end-to-end business processes, some of which
might exist outside the IBM BPM software. For example, the ability to monitor
processes implemented with a combination of the IBM BPM application and
other existing applications, such as mediation services hosted in the IBM
Integration Bus.
Such a monitoring and reporting ability can give you visibility into multiple
business process applications spread across different systems that are part
of the same business process. This ability can also help you make informed
business decisions.
 Ability to define and view the KPIs and process metrics using the web and
mobile interfaces.
 Business users ability to set and control the conditions under which alerts are
sent, without ongoing IT involvement.
 Ability to create custom monitor models in IBM WebSphere Integration
Developer using events from business process definition, Business Process
Definition Language, or other IBM middleware and third-party systems.
 Ability to include IBM Business Monitor models in the Process Center
repository for collaboration, creating versions, and governance.
 Ability to create and view dimensional reports using data collected by IBM
Business Monitor. The dimensional model is made available to IBM Cognos
Business Intelligence Server, which is included with IBM Business Monitor.
 Ability to see what is happening as it occurs dynamically using several
prebuilt business space widgets. These widgets can be customized by users
in their own IBM BPM Business Space.

For more information about IBM Business Monitor, see the IBM Business Monitor
8.5.5 Knowledge Center:


Chapter 6. Business-centric visibility 229

6.3 Conclusion
In this chapter we described the concepts of business-centric visibility, and
described how business-centric visibility is achieved in IBM BPM:
 Business and process data reports that can be used to make informed
business decisions, and to get measurable insight into process performance.
These reports can also be used by compliance team members to spot any
violations to the stated business policies.
 IBM BPM Process Optimizer, which gives the ability to simulate business
processes, analyze the results of simulation, and make recommendations
about optimizing these business processes.
 IBM Business Monitor, which facilitates monitoring of end-to-end business
processes, some of which might exist outside the IBM BPM software.
End-to-end process monitoring can be key to ensuring corporate and
regulatory compliance.

230 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager

Chapter 7. Performance and IT-centric

In this chapter, we describe the performance tuning process flow in IBM
Business Process Manager (IBM BPM), cover the concepts of information
technology (IT)-centric visibility, and describe the performance diagnostic tools
that can be used with IBM BPM.

This chapter includes the following sections:

 Performance tuning process flow
 IT-centric visibility
 Performance diagnostic tools
 Sample use cases

Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. All rights reserved. 231

7.1 Performance tuning process flow
Because performance tuning is an ongoing activity in IBM BPM, it is important to
document the performance tuning process and use it as a reference for ongoing
tuning activities. The performance tuning process flow, shown in Figure 7-1,
outlines the activities performed for tuning the specific parameters within the
environment and the application.

Figure 7-1 Performance tuning process flow

The following section provides details about the steps shown in Figure 7-1:
1. Start with initial IBM BPM system settings based on best practices outlined in
the IBM Redbooks publication IBM Business Process Manager V8.5
Performance Tuning and Best Practices, SG24-8216.
2. Initiate a performance test with the intended target load to determine if the
current configuration can meet the performance target, including the
throughput and response time target. If the target can be met, no further
performance tuning is required.

232 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
3. If the IBM BPM system cannot handle the intended target load, verify the
current system topology with a suggested configuration based on estimated
sizing values1.
4. If the current environment settings are lower than the configuration settings
suggested in the sizing exercise, the current topology should be remediated
to increase the system capacity.
5. If the current environment settings match the configuration settings suggested
in the sizing exercise, the saturation point test should be conducted to
evaluate the current capacity. The load that drives the system to its saturation
point can be used as the baseline load (also called the saturation load) for
performance tuning.
6. Monitor the system under the baseline load using performance diagnostic
tools described in 7.3, Performance diagnostic tools on page 238. We
suggest that you start monitoring the system using the following tools:
Nmon analyzer
IBM WebSphere Performance Tuning Toolkit
IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Health Center
7. Analyze the performance data captured using the monitoring tools described
in step 6 previously.
8. Tune the system parameters as necessary. We suggest tuning one parameter
at a time before rerunning the performance test to analyze the effect of
parameter change on the performance of the system. It is important to note
that tuning can involve updating the components that are outside the servers
hosting IBM BPM. When tuning such components, we suggest that you follow
the appropriate tuning guidelines.
9. Rerun the performance test under baseline load, and monitor the system
using performance diagnostic tools described in 7.3, Performance diagnostic
tools on page 238. If the IBM BPM system does not meet the performance
target, repeat steps 7 - 9 until the system performance aligns with the
performance target at baseline load.
10.If the system performance meets the performance target at baseline load,
increase the load and rerun the performance test again. If the system
performance does not meet the performance target at increased load, repeat
steps 7-10 until the system performance meets the performance target at
expected production load.

We assume that sizing estimates are based on expected production load. As future projects are
added, we suggest re-evaluating the sizing estimates as part of capacity planning exercise.

Chapter 7. Performance and IT-centric visibility 233

7.2 IT-centric visibility
IT-centric visibility is a capability that gives an overall view of what is happening in
a runtime solution. IT-centric visibility includes:
 Ability to audit systems for compliance.
 Ability to ensure that services meet service level agreements.
 Ability to proactively monitor system, subsystem, and application health.
 Ability to diagnose and resolve application issues as soon as possible.

IT-centric visibility encompasses logging, auditing, and monitoring activities.

Decisions made on logging, auditing, and monitoring strategies can often have a
significant effect on the reliability, availability, and scalability of the system. This
section describes the following concepts:

7.2.1 Logging
Logging involves recording the behavior of a running program for debugging,
monitoring, and troubleshooting purposes. For example, when troubleshooting
problems, logged messages can be used to isolate and make problem
determination local. Logged data can also be used by monitoring tools to analyze
the health of an application, and generate alerts when predetermined error
situations or resource usage limits are encountered.

The granularity of the information to log is often determined by several factors:

 Applications interacting with external systems often require more logging to
track the flow of information between systems.
 The complexity of an application adds to the amount of data being logged.
 Certain service types typically have additional logging requirements to
expedite the problem determination, analysis, and resolution process. For
example, credit card transaction processing services often have extensive
logging requirements, as compared to logging requirements for services
retrieving address information.

IBM BPM offers the following logging options:

 Built-in logging options offered by the underlying WebSphere Application
Server. For more information, see the following IBM developerWorks article:

234 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 Apache Log4j2 (Log4j) logging framework. Organizations typically choose to
use Log4j when they are looking for a highly configurable logging utility with
the ability to change configuration values with external files at run time. For
information about using Log4j to create a logging framework in IBM BPM, see
the following IBM developerWorks article:
The following list includes typical performance considerations when using
Log4j in an IBM BPM application include the following:
The amount of data being logged at each Log4j log level. For example, the
decision to log an entire message payload or a business object should be
made only after much deliberation, because logging excessive data can
lead to performance degradation.
Enabling logging at the entry point, the exit point, and the exception trace
on application services, as a starting point. More logging points are
typically required during the development phase, but these should be
removed before production release. Therefore, you only take forward
those logging points that are necessary.
Using Log4j asynchronous loggers, where possible. These asynchronous
loggers can offer lower logging latency and higher throughput as
compared to synchronous loggers. For more information about
asynchronous loggers and considerations for choosing between
synchronous and asynchronous loggers, see the following website:
Guarding Log4j object creation and log message parsing at run time by
first checking for the logging level enabled in Log4j configuration settings.
Ensure that complex strings are not prepared until the logging level has
been checked. This can help reduce the resource use associated with
creating objects and building strings that will not be logged.
Using common code when implementing common logging logic.
Sensible use of Log4j trace levels for logging information. For example,
information that can prove useful at DEBUG trace level must not be logged
under INFO, WARN, or ERROR trace levels.

For more information about application logging in IBM BPM, see 5.7, Logging
on page 203.

For more information about Apache Log4j, visit their website at

Chapter 7. Performance and IT-centric visibility 235

It is important to consider the amount of data being logged, and its effect on the
performance of the application. This is especially true for systems operating
under significant load. If there is a requirement for a large amount of application
logging that can stress the disk system, consider placing these application logs
on a faster disk, potentially separate from other product logging.

In the production environment, we suggest restricting write access to log files, to

ensure the integrity of these files. We also suggest that you consider defining a
strategy for the maintenance of log files generated by IBM BPM Java virtual
machines (JVMs), node agents, deployment manager, and any
application-specific log files created using the Log4j logging framework.

7.2.2 Auditing
IT-centric auditing is the practice of recording user actions or a certain type of
transactions, performed in context of a software system or service, for purposes
of compliance. Reliable audit trails can help answer the following questions in
context of user actions performed in an application, or when starting a service:
 What was changed in a system or by a service?
 Who made the change in a system, or who started the service that triggered
the change?
 When were the changes made in a system or by a service?
 Was the change performed in the realm of authorization granted to the user?

The amount of data captured for an audit trail and the retention period for an
audit trail is typically dictated by the compliance department in an organization.
For example, financial institutions typically enforce strict requirements for
establishing an audit trail in their software systems and services.

In IBM BPM, an audit trail can be captured for applications and services using
the following tools:
 IBM WebSphere Application Server system log files.
 Message logger primitive (in IBM BPM Advanced) to store audit messages in
a relational database.
 Log4j logging framework. Performance considerations shared in 7.2.1,
Logging on page 234 apply when audit information is captured using Log4j.

It is important to carefully consider the amount of data being audited. Auditing

excessive or unnecessary information can lead to performance degradation
under significant load. Because audit trails can play an important role in a legal
situation, it is important to prevent their tampering, unauthorized access,
or destruction.

236 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
7.2.3 Monitoring
IT-centric monitoring is the real-time scrutiny of systems, applications, or services
to proactively identify potential failures, or to detect problems as soon as they
manifest. Monitoring is essential to ensure that the systems, applications, or
services meet their stated goal within the organization. Different categories of
monitoring that must be considered when implementing IBM BPM include:
 System health monitoring
System health monitoring encompasses monitoring the health of the physical
and operational systems. It typically includes monitoring the connection pools,
thread pools, queue sizes, memory, processor, network traffic, and disk and
file input/output (I/O). System health monitoring can also include monitoring
the runtime dependencies of supporting subsystem resources, such as file
systems, databases, messaging systems, and a security registry, such as the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
 Application health monitoring
Application health monitoring encompasses monitoring the health of
functional components that typically include failed events, running
components, and adapters.
 Compliance monitoring
Compliance monitoring encompasses monitoring the audit trail to ensure that
the systems, applications, and services are adhering to regulatory and
corporate policies.
 Service-level monitoring
Service-level monitoring encompasses monitoring the service level
agreements of exposed services. It typically includes tracking the service
response times, number of service requests from a consumer, and service
request rate on a per-consumer basis. This information can be used to
improve offered services by ensuring that services meet the response times
agreed on between service consumers and service providers.
It can also be used to throttle requests from a consumer during peak load to
ensure that all consumers get their share of the agreed service by way of SLA
between service consumer and service provider.
 Problem diagnostics monitoring
This includes drilling down to the details of issues highlighted in each of the
previous monitoring categories, such as deadlocks, hung threads, memory
leaks, and performance bottlenecks. For more details about problem
diagnostic monitoring in IBM BPM, see the IBM Redbooks publication IBM
Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance Tuning and Best Practices,

Chapter 7. Performance and IT-centric visibility 237

Consider the following important questions before monitoring in each of the
previous categories:
 Do you know what you are monitoring? For example, what information does
the compliance team in your organization need from your IT-centric
 Have you established thresholds to monitor and, more importantly, have you
considered how to get alerted when those thresholds are exceeded? This is
particularly important with system monitoring and service-level monitoring.
 Can you tie the information captured from one category of monitoring with
other categories? For example, high processor use can lead to missed SLAs.

7.3 Performance diagnostic tools

In IBM BPM, some of the key performance metrics, such as processor usage,
memory usage, thread pool size, connection pool size, and disk I/O, can be
collected and analyzed using different tools. In this section, we list some of the
tools that can be used to diagnose performance issues, and we explain how the
tools can be used to collect the data and diagnose the issues in IBM BPM:
 WebSphere Application Server Performance Tuning Toolkit
 IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Health Center
 IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Memory Analyzer
 Pattern Modeling and Analysis Tool for IBM Garbage Collector
 IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java
 Database monitoring tools

7.3.1 Nmon3
The nmon tool can be used to monitor system metrics on IBM AIX and
Linux systems:
 Processor use
 Memory use
 Kernel statistics and run queue information
 Disk I/O rates, transfers, and read/write ratios
 Free space on file systems
 Disk adapters
 Network I/O rates, transfers, and read/write ratios
3 We suggest that you consider using utilities, such as Task Manager and Perfmon, for monitoring the Windows servers.
If you are hosting IBM BPM on virtual servers, contact your operational team for suggestions about monitoring tools that
can be used to monitor those servers.

238 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 Paging space and paging rates
 Processor and AIX specification
 Top processors
 IBM HTTP web cache
 User-defined disk groups
 Machine details and resources
 Asynchronous I/O: AIX only
 Workload Manager: AIX only
 Network File System (NFS)
 Dynamic logical partition (LPAR) changes: Only IBM pSeries (IBM System
p5) and IBM OpenPower for either AIX or Linux

For more information about nmon, see the following IBM developerWorks article:

7.3.2 WebSphere Application Server Performance Tuning Toolkit

WebSphere Application Server Performance Tuning Toolkit (PTT) is an
Eclipse-based tool used to collect real-time performance metrics from the
WebSphere Application Server used by IBM BPM.

Using Java Management Extensions (JMX) application programming interface

(API), PTT captures data from basic Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI)
of the WebSphere Application Server, and presents it in the form of charts and
graphs. PTT requires the PMI to be enabled on WebSphere Application Server
used by IBM BPM. When enabling PMI tracking points, take care to only activate
those that are needed, because there is runtime resource use associated with
each tracking point.

For information about enabling PMI in IBM BPM, see the IBM BPM 8.5.5
Knowledge Center at:

A configured PTT tool captures the following key performance metrics:

 IBM JVM processor use.
 JVM memory (heap size and used memory) use.
 Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) and servlet throughput and response times. The
name of the EJB or servlet can normally be used to locate the Service
Component Architecture (SCA) modules in the development tool.
 Discarded Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) statement cache.
 Connection pool usage of JDBC data sources.

Chapter 7. Performance and IT-centric visibility 239

 Connection pool usage of Java Message Service (JMS) connection factory.
 Rolled back transactions.
 Timed out transactions.
 Used and available thread pool counts for WebSphere Application Server
thread pools, such as web container, default, and Object Request Broker
(ORB) thread pools.

In addition to capturing the key performance metrics, PTT also shows the
topology retrieved after connecting to the IBM BPM cell, and a list of servers
configured in the IBM BPM cell. For more information about PTT, see the
following IBM developerWorks article:

7.3.3 IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Health Center
The IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Health Center (IBM Health
Center) provides a no-charge, low-resource diagnostic tool and API for
monitoring an application running on a JVM. IBM Health Center gives the ability
to assess the current status of a running Java application. IBM Health Center
continuous monitoring provides the following information to identify and help
resolve problems with your application:
 Identify if JVM native memory or JVM heap memory is leaking. When
memory leaks are identified, they can be investigated further using IBM
Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Memory Analyzer to identify the
source of the memory leak.
 IBM Health Center can be used with PTT and nmon to identify methods that
lead to high processor usage.
 Identify I/O bottlenecks.
 Visualize garbage collection statistics. Concerns highlighted in garbage
collection statistics can be investigated further using verbose garbage
collection (verbose GC) traces in WebSphere Application Server. We suggest
using the pattern modeling and analysis tool (PMAT) for IBM Garbage
Collector for analysis of the verbose GC trace files.
 View any lock contentions.
 Analyze unusual WebSphere real-time events.
 Monitor application thread activity.
 Detect deadlock conditions in an application.
 Gather class histogram data.

240 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
In an IBM BPM production environment, we suggest configuring the IBM Health
Center agent in headless mode. In headless mode, the IBM Health Center agent
writes data to the local files on the JVM system, and the resulting .hcd files can
be loaded to the IBM Health Center client on a different system.

This eliminates the need for changes in the firewall rules to establish connectivity
between IBM Health Center client and IBM Health Center agent, assuming that
the client and agent run on different systems.

For more information about IBM Health Center, see the IBM Knowledge Center:

7.3.4 IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Memory

IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Memory Analyzer (IBM Memory
Analyzer) is a feature-rich Java heap analyzer that can help find memory leaks
and reduce memory consumption. IBM Memory Analyzer provides both
high-level understanding and analysis summaries using several standard
reports. IBM Memory Analyzer enables users to perform in-depth analysis
through browsing and querying the Java objects present on the Java heap.

The following features are offered by IBM Memory Analyzer:

 Standard report that uses built-in capabilities to look for probable
leak suspects.
 In-depth leak identification capabilities that look for collections with a large
numbers of entries, single large objects, or groups of objects of the
same class.
 Overview report that provides information about the Java heap usage,
system property settings, threads present, and a class histogram of the
memory usage.
 Top memory consumers report that gives a breakdown of the Java heap
usage by the largest objects, and also which class loaders and classes are
responsible for using the most memory.
 Reports outlining the top memory consumers, and providing information
about potential memory inefficiencies in any selected component.
 Ability to browse the Java heap using a reference tree-based view. This
makes it possible to understand the relationships between Java objects, and
to develop a greater understanding of the Java object interactions and the
memory requirements of the application code.

Chapter 7. Performance and IT-centric visibility 241

For more information about IBM Memory Analyzer, see the IBM Support
Assistant 5.0 Knowledge Center:

7.3.5 Pattern Modeling and Analysis Tool for IBM Garbage Collector
PMAT analyzes verbose GC traces by parsing the traces and building pattern
models. PMAT suggests key configurations by executing a diagnostic engine and
pattern modeling algorithm. If there are any errors related with Java heap
exhaustion or fragmentation in the verbose GC trace, PMAT can diagnose the
root cause of failures. PMAT provides rich chart features that graphically display
Java heap usage.

The following features are offered by PMAT:

 Garbage collection analysis
 Garbage collection table view
 Allocation failure summary
 Garbage collection usage summary
 Garbage collection duration summary
 Garbage collection graph view
 Garbage collection pattern analysis
 Zoom in or zoom out or selection or center of chart view

For more information about PMAT, see the IBM Support Assistant 5.0 Knowledge
Center on the following website:

7.3.6 IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java

IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java (IBM Thread and Monitor
Dump Analyzer) enables identification of hangs, deadlocks, resource contention,
and bottlenecks in Java threads. IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer offers
the following features:
 Java heap information, such as maximum heap size, initial heap size,
garbage collection counter, free heap size, and allocated heap size.
 Ability to report on the number of runnable threads, number of blocked and
waiting threads, and total number of threads in the JVM.
 Ability to report on number of locked monitors.

242 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
 Ability to identify deadlocks between threads.
 Ability to compare multiple thread dumps (also called Java dumps or Java
core files).

For more information about IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer, see the
IBM Support Assistant 5.0 Knowledge Center at:

7.3.7 Database monitoring tools

We suggest using database monitoring tools, such as IBM Data Studio web
console, to view the database health information. This information can indicate
the overall health of the databases used by IBM BPM, and provide details about
specific database-related health indicators. For more information about IBM Data
Studio web console, see the IBM Data Studio Knowledge Center:

7.4 Sample use cases

In this section, we describe sample use cases, highlighting the usage of
performance diagnostic tools in addressing some of the commonly seen
performance issues in IBM BPM. For the sake of this description, we assume
that IBM BPM is installed on an AIX operating system:
 High processor use:
Use the nmon tool to identify the process that causes high processor
resource use.
If the high processor use is attributed to an IBM BPM JVM process,
configure the IBM Health Center tool on that JVM to identify the methods
that lead to high processor usage in the JVM.
 High memory use:
Use the nmon tool to identify the process that consumes high memory.
If the high memory use is attributed to an IBM BPM JVM process,
configure the IBM Health Center tool on that JVM to identify if the issue is
related to high native memory use or high heap memory use. If the IBM
Health Center tool points to high native memory usage, we suggest raising
a problem management record with IBM Support.

Chapter 7. Performance and IT-centric visibility 243

If the issue is related to high heap memory usage, try the
following actions:
Enable verbose GC on this JVM, and use the PMAT tool to identify any
potential issues in the JVM configuration. JVM tuning is typically
required to address JVM configuration issues. We suggest that you
enable verbose GC in the production environment.
There is no measurable resource use associated with letting verbose
GC run in production. However, consider a file management strategy
for output files generated by verbose GC, because these files will
typically grow over time if left unmanaged.
Use the IBM Memory Analyzer tool to spot any memory leaks, and
analyze the application footprint for anomalies in heap memory usage.
 Exhaustion of WebSphere Application Server container resources, such as
thread pools, database connection pool, discard statement cache, and so on.
As an example, one of the common areas to monitor is the web container
thread pool. Use the PTT tool to monitor the web container thread pool count.
If the used thread pool count continues to rise over time, we suggest taking
multiple thread dumps. Analyze and compare the Java core files in the IBM
Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer tool for hung threads, resource
contentions, or deadlocks.
Increase in a web containers used thread pool count over time can also
indicate increased workload during peak hours. Multiple thread dumps taken
over time can also be used to see if active threads were reaching the
maximum thread limit, and whether the thread pool settings needed
addressing to enable increased concurrency.
The PTT tool can be used to monitor other container resources, such as
database connection pool, discard statement cache, and so on.
 Delayed response time.
Delayed response times in IBM BPM can be a symptom of several factors in
the underlying system or application:
Use the nmon tool to spot high processor or memory use issues, I/O
issues, and network issues.
Use the PTT tool to monitor the IBM BPM system for alerts associated
with thread pool count, used connection pool size, cache statement
discard count, servlet and EJB response times, and transaction
rollback count.
Use the IBM Health Center tool to identify any resource locking issues.
Use a database monitoring tool to identify any issues associated with the
health of databases used by IBM BPM.

244 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
In IBM BPM Advanced, use the WebSphere Application Server PMI tool to
monitor the service integration bus (SIBus) queue depth. Because SIBus
is used by IBM BPM Advanced, it is important to monitor the SIBus
exception queues for error messages. A large accumulation of error
messages on the exception queue can lead to performance degradation in
IBM BPM Advanced.
For instructions on enabling automatic monitoring of the WebSphere
Application Server SIBus queue depth, see the following web document:
When IBM BPM is interfacing with external systems, monitor the network
traffic between these systems for potential response time delays. We
suggest that you consider using packet tracing tools (approved by your
company) for monitoring the network traffic. We also suggest that you
consult with the team monitoring the external systems themselves, to see
if there are any issues with those systems.

7.5 Conclusion
In this chapter, we described the following topics:
 Performance tuning process flow that can be used as a reference for ongoing
performance tuning activity in IBM BPM
 Concepts of IT-centric visibility and important considerations of IT-centric
visibility that can affect reliability, availability, and scalability (RAS) of systems
or applications
 Performance diagnostic tools that can be used for collecting and analyzing
key performance metrics in IBM BPM
 Sample use cases highlighting the use of performance diagnostic tools in
addressing some of the commonly reported performance issues in IBM BPM

Chapter 7. Performance and IT-centric visibility 245

246 Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process Manager
Related publications

The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a
more detailed description of the topics covered in this book.

IBM Redbooks
The following IBM Redbooks publications provide additional information about
the topics in this document. Note that some publications referenced in this list
might be available in softcopy only:
 Scaling BPM Adoption: From Project to Program with IBM Business Process
Manager, SG24-7973
 Applying Lean, Six Sigma, BPM, and SOA to Drive Business Results,
 Business Process Management Deployment Guide Using IBM Business
Process Manager V8.5, SG24-8175
 Creating a BPM Center of Excellence (CoE), REDP-4898
 IBM Business Process Manager V8.0 Performance Tuning and Best
Practices, REDP-4935
 IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance Tuning and Best
Practices, SG24-8216
 Process Discovery Best Practices Using IBM Blueworks Live, REDP-5111
 Leveraging the IBM BPM Coach Framework in Your Organization,
 IBM Business Process Manager Security: Concepts and Guidance,
 IBM Business Process Manager Version 8.0 Production Topologies,
 Understanding LDAP - Design and Implementation, SG24-4986
 Empowering your Ad Hoc Business with IBM Business Process Manager,

Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. All rights reserved. 247

You can search for, view, download or order these documents and other
Redbooks, Redpapers, Web Docs, draft and additional materials, at the
following website:

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