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3/18/2017 configurationtransactioncodesinsapMMSapFix

conguration transaction codes in sap MM


Conguration T codes in SAP MM / WM

October 15, 2012 (

Below you will nd most of conguration transaction codes in SAP MM/WM in the areas of Purchasing, MRP, WM, IM, LIV, etc.

Purchasing M/03 Create Conditions Table (Purchasing)

Purchasing M/04 Change Conditions Table (Purchasing)

Purchasing M/05 Displ. Conditions Table (Purchasing)

Purchasing M/06 Condition Type: (Purchasing)

Purchasing M/07 Access: Maintain (Price Purchasing)

Purchasing M/08 Conditions: Schema for Purchasing

Purchasing M/32 Maint. Message Determ. Schema: RFQ

Purchasing M/36 Maintain Message Determ. Schema: PO

Purchasing M/42 Maintain Message Schema: Del. Sched.

Purchasing M/48 Maintain Access Sequences: RFQ

Purchasing M/50 Maintain Access Sequences: PO

Purchasing M/52 Maint. Access Sequences: Outl. Agmt.

Purchasing M/54 Maint. Access Sequences: Del. Sched.

Purchasing M/56 Messages: Create Cond. Table: RFQ

Purchasing M/57 Messages: Change Condition Table

Purchasing M/58 Messages: Display CondTab: RFQ

Purchasing M/59 Messages: Create CondTab: Pur. Order

Purchasing M/60 Messages: Change CondTab: Pur. Order

Purchasing M/61 Messages: Disp. CondTab: Pur. Order

Purchasing M/62 Messages: Create CondTab: Del. Schd.

Purchasing M/63 Messages: Change CondTab: Del. Schd.

Purchasing M/64 Messages: Disp. CondTab: Del. Sched.

Purchasing M/65 Messages: Create CondTab: O. Agmt.

Purchasing M/66 Messages: Change CondTab: O. Agmt.

Purchasing M/67 Messages: Disp. CondTab: Outl. Agmt.

Purchasing M/68 Maintain Message Schema: Outl. Agmt.

Purchasing OLME IMG View: Purchasing

Purchasing OME1 C MM-PUR Purchasing Value Keys

Purchasing OME2 C MM-PUR Terms of Payment

Purchasing OME4 C MM-PUR Purchasing Groups 1/17
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Purchasing OME5 C MM-PUR Activate Plant: Source List

Purchasing OME9 C MM-PUR Acct. Assignment Categories

Purchasing OMEC Copying Control Maintenance

Purchasing OMEE C MM-PUR Reorganization RFQ

Purchasing OMEH C MM-PUR User Maintenance

Purchasing OMEI C MM-PUR User Proles

Purchasing OMEL C MM-PUR Certicate Categories

Purchasing OMEN C MM-PUR Reorg. Sched. Agrmnt Time

Purchasing OMEO C MM-PUR Number Ranges: Info Record

Purchasing OMEP C MM-PUR Number Ranges: Source List

Purchasing OMEQ C MM-PUR Quota Arrangement Rules

Purchasing OMES C MM-PUR Comments on Quotation

Purchasing OMET Settings for Function Authorizations

Purchasing OMEW C MM-PUR Requisition Processing Time

Purchasing OMEX C MM-PUR Reorganization: Requisition

Purchasing OMEY C MM-PUR Reorganization PO

Purchasing OMEZ C MM-PUR Reorg. Contract Time

Purchasing OMF0 C MM-PUR Activate Cond. for Plant

Purchasing OMFI Settings for Default Values

Purchasing OMFJ C MM-PUR Rec. Layout for Batch Input

Purchasing OMFK C MM-PUR Field Selection: Vendor

Purchasing OMFM C MM-PUR Schema Groups: Purch. Org.

Purchasing OMFN C MM-PUR Schema Groups: Vendor

Purchasing OMFO C MM-PUR Find Calculation Schema

Purchasing OMFP C MM-PUR Schema Group <-> Pur. Org.

Purchasing OMFQ C MM-PUR Scope of List: Conditions

Purchasing OMFR C MM-PUR Mkt. Price Schema: P. Org.

Purchasing OMFS CC-MM-PUR Chge.-Notice-Relev. Fields

Purchasing OMFT Message Determination Requirements

Purchasing OMFZ C MM-PUR: Stock Transfer Schema

Purchasing OMG0 CS MM-PUR Item Cat./Acc. Assgt. Cat.

Purchasing OMG1 C MM-PUR Commodity Code

Purchasing OMG2 C MM-PUR Customs Oces

Purchasing OMG3 C MM-PUR Modes of Transport

Purchasing OMG4 C MM-PUR Business Transaction Type

Purchasing OMG5 C MM-PUR Default Busn. Trans. Type

Purchasing OMG6 C MM-PUR Import Procedures

Purchasing OMG7 C MM-PUR Authorizations

Purchasing OMG8 C MM-PUR Conditions/Sequence 2/17
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Purchasing OMG9 C MM-PUR Assignment Conditions/TCode

Purchasing OMGA C MM-PUR Texts: Creditor (Central)

Purchasing OMGB C MM-PUR Texts: Creditor (Purch.)

Purchasing OMGF C MM-PUR Output Device: Messages

Purchasing OMGG Settings for Message Determination

Purchasing OMGH C MM-PUR: Transaction/Event Keys

Purchasing OMGM Settings for Subcontracting

Purchasing OMGV Intrastat

Purchasing OMGX MM-PUR Form for Buyers Neg. Sheet

Purchasing OMGY MM-PUR Buyers Neg. Sheet Routines

Purchasing OMH6 Number Ranges for Purch. Documents

Purchasing OMH7 Number Ranges for Purch. Requisition

Purchasing OMH8 Number Ranges for Service Package

Purchasing OMH9 Number Ranges for Entry Sheet

Purchasing OMHJ Purchasing: Condition Index

Purchasing OMHK Batch Input, Purchase Requisitions

Purchasing OMHL C MM-PUR Matchcode Info Record

Purchasing OMHM C MM-PUR Matchcode Requisition

Purchasing OMHN C MM-PUR Matchcode Purch. Document

Purchasing OMHO C MM-PUR Matchcode Source List

Purchasing OMHP Updating of Order Price History

Purchasing OMHS Display Info Record Transfer File

Purchasing OMHT Display Requisition Transfer File

Purchasing OMHU Example File: Batch Input Info Rec.

Purchasing OMHV Example File, Batch Input Requisn.

Purchasing OMI0 Error List for Intrastat Declaration

Purchasing OMKA Conditions: V_T681F for A V

Purchasing OMKE C MM-PUR: Optimize Access

Purchasing OMKF C MM-PUR: Exlusion Indicators

Purchasing OMKG C MM-PUR: Limits

Purchasing OMKH C MM-PUR Reg. Vend. Source of Supply

Purchasing OMKI C MM-PUR Default Purchasing Org.

Purchasing OMKJ C MM-PUR P.Org. Cross-CoCode Release

Purchasing OMKK C MM-PUR Tax Indicators: Material

Purchasing OMKL C MM-PUR Tax Indicators: Acc. Assgt.

Purchasing OMKM C MM-PUR Tax Indicators: Plant

Purchasing OMKN C MM-PUR Assign Tax Inds. to Plant

Purchasing OMKO C MM-PUR Assign Tax Inds. to A. Ass.

Purchasing OMQA C MM-PUR: Take-Back Agreement 3/17
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Purchasing OMQK Fine-Tuned Control: RFQ

Purchasing OMQL C MM-PUR: Supply Region for Plant

Purchasing OMQN Fine-Tuned Control: Purchase Order

Purchasing OMQO Fine-Tuned Control: Outl. Agreement

Purchasing OMQP Fine-Tuned Ctr.: Sch. Agmt. Schedule

Purchasing OMQQ Fine-Tuned Control: Service Entry

Purchasing OMQR Assign Schema to RFQ

Purchasing OMQS Assign Schema to Purchase Order

Purchasing OMQT Assign Schema to Outline Agreement

Purchasing OMQU Assign Schema to Sch. Agmt. Schedule

Purchasing OMQV Assign Schema to Service Entry Sheet

Purchasing OMQW Entry Aids w/o Material Master

Purchasing OMRO G/L Account Auth. in Requisition

Purchasing OMRP G/L Account Auth. in Purchase Order

Purchasing OMRQ G/L Account Auth. in Contract

Purchasing OMRR Transaction/Event Key Usage

Purchasing OMRS Transaction/Event Key Usage

Purchasing OMRT Transaction/Event Key Usage

Purchasing OMTA Output Program: RFQ

Purchasing OMTB Output Program: Purchase Order

Purchasing OMTC Output Program: Outline Agreement

Purchasing OMTD Output Program: Delivery Schedule

Purchasing OMTE Output Program: Service Entry Sheet

Purchasing OMTF Output Partner: RFQ

Purchasing OMTG Output Partner: Purchase Order

Purchasing OMTH Output Partner: Outline Agreement

Purchasing OMTI Output Partner: Delivery Schedule

Purchasing OMTJ Output Partner: Service Entry

Purchasing OMZE C MM-PUR Reorg. Contract Extra

Purchasing OX01 Company Code -> Purchasing Org.

Purchasing OX08 Dene Purchasing Organization

Purchasing OX17 Plants -> Purchasing organization

Purchasing VOK3 Message Determination: Purchasing

IM MN21 Create Condition: Inventory Mgmt

IM MN22 Change Condition: Inventory Mgmt

IM MN23 Display Condition: Inventory Mgmt

IM MN27 Create message: rough goods receipt

IM MN28 Change message: rough goods receipt

IM MN29 Display message: rough goods receipt 4/17
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IM OLMB IMG Inventory Management

IM OLMW IMG Valuation/Acct Assgt

IM OMB0 List of document types

IM OMB1 Dynamic Availability Check

IM OMB2 Create SLoc. Automatically (GI)

IM OMB3 Create SLoc. Automatically (GR)

IM OMB4 Maintain Print Indicator (GI)

IM OMB5 Maintain Print Indicator (GR)

IM OMB6 Change Manual Account Assgt.

IM OMB7 Test Data: Init.Entry of Stock Balcs

IM OMB8 Test Data: Reservations Transfer

IM OMB9 Change Document Lives

IM OMBA Number Assgmt. for Accounting Docs.

IM OMBB Batch Where-Used List

IM OMBC Set Missing Parts Check

IM OMBD Business Area from MM View

IM OMBF Control BTCI Sessions for Goods Mvmt

IM OMBG Set Stock Balance Display

IM OMBH Phys. Inventory Settings in Plant

IM OMBI Suggest Items Preselected GR

IM OMBJ Suggest Items Preselected GI

IM OMBK Suggest Items Preselected: Reservtn

IM OMBM Control BTCI Sessions for Reserv.

IM OMBN Defaults for Reservation

IM OMBO Assign Forms and Programs

IM OMBP Freeze Book Inventory Balance

IM OMBR General Print Settings

IM OMBS Reasons for Movements

IM OMBU Allocate Layout Sets to Reports

IM OMBV Control BTCI Sessions for Phys. Inv.

IM OMBW Set Screen Layout for Goods Movement

IM OMBX Stock Balance Display

IM OMBZ Rev. GR Despite Invoice

IM OMC0 Tolerance Limits for Goods Receipt

IM OMC1 Goods Receipt/Issue Slip Number

IM OMC2 Number Assignment for Reservations

IM OMC3 Suggest Items Preselected: Phys.Inv.

IM OMC4 BTCI Data Transfer: Inventory Count

IM OMC6 Test Data Transfer: Phys. Inventory 5/17
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IM OMC7 BTCI Data Transfer: Inv.Count Di

IM OMC8 BTCI Data Tranfer: Inv. Doc./Count

IM OMC9 BTCI Data Tfr.: Inv.Doc./Count/Di.

IM OMCC Generate Phys.Inv.Doc.for Goods Mvmt

IM OMCD Suggest Del. Completed Indicator

IM OMCE Dene Batch Level

IM OMCF Print Label

IM OMCG Search Procedures: Batch Determ. MM

IM OMCH Set Manual Account Assignment (GR)

IM OMCJ Screen Layout: Goods Receipt

IM OMCK Inventory Sampling Prole

IM OMCL Inventory Sampling: St. Mgmt Levels

IM OMCM Dynamic Availability Check: GR

IM OMCN Control BTCI Sessions for Phys. Inv.

IM OMCO Set Cycle Counting

IM OMCP Dynamic Availability Check: GI

IM OMCQ Settings for System Messages

IM OMCR Inventory Sampling: St.Mgmt Lvl: WM

IM OMCS Activate Batch Status Management

IM OMCT Batch Denition

IM OMCU Batch Status Management in Plant

IM OMCV Classify Batches

IM OMJ1 Allow Negative Stocks

IM OMJ2 Maintain Phys.Inv.Tolrnce->Employee

IM OMJ3 Printer Determination Plant/SLoc.

IM OMJ4 Printer Determ: Plant/SLoc./User Grp

IM OMJ7 Plant/Val.Area Divis. -> Busin.Ar.

IM OMJH Maintain Dataset for Phys. Inventory

IM OMJI Set Material Block

IM OMJJ Customizing: New Movement Types

IM OMJK Number Ranges for Reservations

IM OMJL Maintain Print Indicator (autom.MvT)

IM OMJM Comprn plnt/val.area divis.->BusAr

IM OMJN General eld selection: goods mvmnt

IM OMJR Printer Determin.: Message Type/User

IM OMJS Check expiration date at goods issue

IM OMJU Gen. eld selection, physical inv.

IM OMJV Subsequent Calculation of Value

IM OMJW Create Purchase Order Automatically 6/17
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IM OMJX GR Field Selection From Procurement

IM OMJY GR Field Selec. Fr. Procment (Table)

IM OMSB C MM-BD Special Stock Description

IM OMSK C MM-BD Valuation Classes T025

IM OMT1 C MM-BD Consistency Check Updating

IM OMW0 C MM-IV Control Valuation

IM OMW1 C RM-MAT MW Price Control

IM OMW9 C RM-MAT MW Doc.Type/F-u.Csts.Pr.Ch.

IM OMWA C RM-MAT MW Doc.Type/F-up Csts.D/C

IM OMWB C MM-IV Autom. Acct. Assgt. (Simu.)

IM OMWC C MM-IV Split Material Valuation

IM OMWD C RM-MAT MB Grouping Valuation Area

IM OMWF C MM-IV User Maintenance


IM OMWK C MM-IV Authorizations

IM OMWM C MM IV Control: Accnt Determination

IM OMWN MM-IM: Acct Group. Code for Mvt.Type

IM OMWO C MM-PUR: Purchase Account Mgmt

IM OMXL Congure empties processing

IM OX09 Customize storage locations

IM OX10 Customize plant

IM OX14 C MM-IV Valuation area val. level

IM OX18 Assignment Plants -> Company Code

LIV M804 Message Processing Program (IV)

LIV M806 Message Types (Invoice Verication)

LIV M808 Message Schema (Inv. Verication)

LIV M810 Message Access Sequence (Inv. Ver.)

LIV OLMR IMG Invoice Verication

LIV OMR0 C MM-IV Autom. Acct. Assgt. (Simu.)

LIV OMR14 Dene Variant Name

LIV OMR2 C RM-MAT MR Default Incoming Invoice

LIV OMR3 C MM-IV Default Account Maintenance

LIV OMR4 MM-IV Doc.Type/NK Incoming Invoice

LIV OMR5 MM-IV Doc.Type/NR Acct Maintenance

LIV OMR6 Tolerance limits: Inv.Verication

LIV OMR8 C RM-MAT MR PO Supplement

LIV OMR9 C RM-MAT MR Payment Block Reasons

LIV OMRA C MM-IV Val.Cat./Subs.Debit/Credit

LIV OMRB C MR Tolerance Groups 7/17
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LIV OMRC C MR Alloc. User/Tolerance Group

LIV OMRDC Congure Duplicate Invoice Check

LIV OMRF C MM_IV Activate Stochastic Block

LIV OMRG C MM-IV Stochastic Block Values

LIV OMRH C MM-IV Activate Item Amount Check

LIV OMRI C MM-IV Item Amount Check Parameters

LIV OMRK Mail to Purchasing

LIV OMRL Tax Version

LIV OMRMA Screen Selection Initial Screen

LIV OMRMB Screen Selection Header Data Screen

LIV OMRU Sender Texts, Form

LIV OMRV Invoice Status Change

LIV OMRX Vendor-Specic Tolerances

LIV OMRY EDI Program Parameters

LIV OMRZ Runtime Invoice Document Archiving

WM LN09 Number Range Maintenance: LVS_LBELN

WM LS10 Generate Storage Bins

WM OL19 Generate Distribution Model

WM OL20 Consistency Check (Centr.Processing)

WM OL21 Consistency Check (Decentr.Process.)

WM OL22 Check LE /HU Number Assignment

WM OLML IMG structure Warehouse Management

WM OMK0 Link to PP interface

WM OMK1 Batch search method for Whse Mgmt

WM OMK2 Customer exits for strategies

WM OMK7 Batch WM.. (will be ( deleted)

WM OMKW Stock removal strategy SLED

WM OMKX Automatic Transfer Orders

WM OMKY Link to External System via ALE

WM OMKZ Automatic Transfer Orders

WM OML1 Overview of Criticl Whse Monitor Obj

WM OML2 Var. Report RLLL01SE: TOs

WM OML3 Var. Report RLLL02SE: TR Items

WM OML4 Var. Report RLLL03SE: Post.Chge Doc.

WM OML5 Var. Report RLLL04SE: Deliveries

WM OML6 Var. Report RLLL05SE: Negative Stock

WM OML7 Var. Report RLLL06SE: Interim Stock

WM OML8 Var. Report RLLL07SE: Stock Product.

WM OML9 Customizing MOB Interface 8/17
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WM OMLA Putaway Near Picking Bin

WM OMLB MObj.01: Critical TOs

WM OMLC MObj.02: Critical TRs

WM OMLD MObj.03: Critical Post. Chge Notices

WM OMLE M.Obj.04: Critical Deliveries

WM OMLF M.Obj.05: Negative Stocks

WM OMLG M.Obj.06: Stocks Interim Stor.Bins

WM OMLH M.Obj.07: Critical Stocks in Prod.

WM OMLI Report Variant: Single Entry ActData

WM OMLJ Movement Types for Whse Management

WM OMLK Default Values for Inventory

WM OMLL WM Movement Type: Clear Invent.Di.

WM OMLM Denition Empty Bin Index

WM OMLN Warehouse Control Link

WM OMLO Sectioning of Storage Bins

WM OMLP Plan Jobs for Whse Activity Monitor

WM OMLQ Stock Removal Strategy FIFO

WM OMLR WM Interface to Inventory Management

WM OMLS Stock Removal Strategy LIFO

WM OMLT Stock Removal Strat. Partial Qty

WM OMLU Stock Placement Strategy Empty Bin

WM OMLV Print Control for Whse Management

WM OMLW Number Ranges for Whse Management

WM OMLX Conrmation

WM OMLY Storage Type Search

WM OMLZ Storage Section Search

WM OMM1 Storage Bin Type Search

WM OMM2 Haz.Material Stock Placement

WM OMM3 Stock Placement Strat.for Pallets

WM OMM4 Putaway Strategy for Bulk Storage

WM OMM5 Storage Type Denition

WM OMM6 Storage Type Denition

WM OMM7 Storage Type Maintenance

WM OMM8 Stock Removal Strat. Stringent FIFO

WM OMM9 Stock Removal Strat. Large/Small

WM OMMA Print Assignment per Storage Type

WM OMMB Inventory No.Ranges for Whse Mgmt

WM OMMC Printer Assignment per WM Mov.Type

WM OMMD Conrmation Ctrl per Storage Type 9/17
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WM OMME Conrmation Ctrl per Movement Type

WM OMMF Number Ranges per Warehouse

WM OMMG Number ranges physical inventory

WM OMMH Type Search per Movement

WM OMMI Section Check per Storage Type

WM OMMJ Storage Unit Check per Storage Type

WM OMMK Putaway Strategies

WM OMML Hazardous Materials Storage Type

WM OMMM Storage Type Maintenance

WM OMMN Stringent FIFO Storage Type

WM OMMO Consistency Check for MM-WM Tables

WM OMMP Decentralized Warehouse Management

WM OMMQ Pre-allocated stock

WM OMMR Group numbers

WM OMMS Reference Number Documents

WM OMMT Reference Number Documents 2

WM OMMU Link to Decentralized Unit

WM OMMV Accumulation Decentralized

WM OMMW Error Recovery Decentralized

WM OMMX Printer Determination

WM OMMY Print Code

WM OMMZ Spool Parameters for WM Print Ctrl

WM OMN0 Control of Transaction Codes (MM-WM)

WM OMN1 Print Reference Number

WM OMN2 Stor.Type Control, Block Storage

WM OMN3 Storage Classes Allowed

WM OMN4 Storage Section Search

WM OMN5 Storage Units Allowed

WM OMN6 Storage Bin Type Search

WM OMN7 Storage Type Search

WM OMN8 Dierence Indicators

WM OMN9 Block Sectioning

WM OMNA Assignment for Bin Sectioning

WM OMNB Assignment PF Status

WM OMNC Control of Subsequent Screen

WM OMND Field Selection for Whse Mgmt

WM OMNE Control of Transactions in MM-WM

WM OMNF Requirement Types for Whse Mgmt

WM OMNG Queues Warehouse Management System 10/17
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WM OMNH APPC Interface per Warehouse Number

WM OMNI Print Program per Warehouse Number

WM OMNJ Link to Warehouse Control Unit

WM OMNK Inventory Control per Storage Type

WM OMNL Warehouse Number Maint./Inventory

WM OMNM Dene Mail Recipient

WM OMNN Conversion Exit SU Number

WM OMNO Dene Mail Recipient

WM OMNQ Special Movement Indicators

WM OMNR TO Print Control with SU Management

WM OMNS Print Code for TOs with SU Mgmt

WM OMNT Printer Pool for SU Management

WM OMNU Print Control with SU Management

WM OMNV Number Range Intervals for Whse Mgmt

WM OMNW System Parameters for Dec.Whse Mgmt

WM OMNX Bulk Storage Indicators

WM OMNY Access Strategy for Stor.Type Search

WM OMNZ Parameters for Activity in WM

CBP MD93 Maintain Number Range: MDSM

CBP OLMD Customizing For MRP

CBP OM0A Storage Mode for MRP Lists

CBP OM0C Requirements Grouping

CBP OM0D Period Prole for Safety Time

CBP OM0E Dene Scope of Planning

CBP OM0F Convert MDVM/MDVL for MRP Areas

CBP OM0I Declaration Selection Rule

CBP OM0J Declaration Display Filter

CBP OM0K Dene Navigation Prole

CBP OM0L Texts for Exception Groups

CBP OM0M Dene MRP Views

CBP OM0N Activate Parallel Reading of SRL

CBP OM0O Evaln Prole Ranges of Coverage

CBP OM0P Dene Extraction Mode

CBP OM0R Activate Material Groupings

CBP OMD0 C RM-MAT MRP Controllers

CBP OMD2 C RM-MAT MD Weighting Groups

CBP OMD3 C RM-MAT MD Exception Message T458A


CBP OMDR C MD Run Time Statistics 11/17
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CBP OMDS C MD Number of Planned Orders

CBP OMDT C MM-MRP External Procurement


CBP OMDV C MD Convert Planning Run

CBP OMDW C MD Rescheduling

CBP OMDX C MD Planning Horizon

CBP OMDY C MD Planning Run Abend

CBP OMDZ C MD MRP Creation Indicator

CBP OMI1 C MD Safety Stock

CBP OMI2 C MM-MRP Number Ranges: Mat. plg.

CBP OMI3 C MM-MRP No. Ranges for Pld Ords

CBP OMI4 C MD Lot Sizes

CBP OMI5 C MD Item Numbers

CBP OMI7 C MM-MRP No. Ranges for Pld Ords

CBP OMI8 Plant Parameters

CBP OMI9 PP MRP C Direct Procurement

CBP OMIA C MRP Range of Coverage Prole

CBP OMIB C MRP Start Times Background Jobs

CBP OMIC MatMasterCust.:Batch Job Start Times

CBP OMIG MRP Group per Material Type

CBP OMIH Check. rule for updating backorders

CBP OMII Missing Parts Controller

CBP OMIL Sel. Receipt Elements for Coverage

CBP OMIM Maximum MRP Period

CBP OMIN Firming Scheduling Agreements

CBP OMIO Screen Seq. MRP List ; Ext.Header

CBP OMIP Reference Plant for MRP Master Data

CBP OMIQ Destinations Parallel MRP

CBP OMIR Storage Location MRP

CBP OMIS Convert Planned Order -> Prod. Order

CBP OMIT Start Date in the Past

CBP OMIU Action Code Planned Order Control

CBP OMIV Action Control Planned Order

CBP OMIW BOM Explosion

CBP OMIX Text: User Exit Planning Run

CBP OMIY Plng File Entries for Goods Mvmts

CBP OMPG Maintain Consumption Mode

CBP OPP1 Customizing MRP

CBP OPP3 Customizing Repetitive Manufacturing 12/17
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CBP OPPA PP/MRP Customizing Explosion

CBP OPPB Direct Procurement

CBP OPPC Period Grouping

CBP OPPD Customizing Planning Time Fence

CBP OPPE Conversion Plnnd Order -> Prod.Order

CBP OPPF Customizing for Order Report

CBP OPPH Customizing Purchase Req. Conversion

CBP OPPI Available Stock

CBP OPPJ MRP Checking Rule

CBP OPPK Hierarchy Element

CBP OPPM Evaluation Proles


CBP OPPP Customizing Direct Procurement

CBP OPPS Strategy

CBP OPPT Strategy Group

CBP OPPU Strategy Group for MRP Group


CBP OSPN Background Job: Adjmt. of Dep. Reqs

Services AC10 Class Hierarchy with Services

Services M/10 Condition Type: Services

Services M/11 Access: Maintain (Price Services)

Services M/12 Conditions: Schema for Services

Services M/13 Create Condition Table (Service)

Services M/14 Change Condition Table (Services)

Services M/15 Display Condition Table (Services)

Services M/16 Conditions: Var. Schema for Service

Services M/70 Messages: Create CondTab.: Entry Sh.

Services M/71 Messages: Change CondTab.: Entry Sh.

Services M/72 Messages: Disp. CondTab.: Entry Sh.

Services M/73 Maintain Access Sequences: Entry

Services M/74 Maintain Access Sequences: Entry

Services M/75 Maintain Messages: Serv. Entry Sheet

Services M/76 Display Messages: Entry

Services M/77 Maintain Message Schema: Entry Sheet

Services M/78 Disp. Message Determ. Schema: Entry

Services ME2S Services per Purchase Order

Services ME3S Service List for Contract

Services MEDL Price Change: Contract

Services MEW10 Service Entry in Web 13/17
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Services MEW7 Release of Service Entry Sheets

Services MEW8 Release of Service Entry Sheet

Services MEWS Service Entry (Component)

Services ML01 Create Standard Service Catalog

Services ML02 Maintain Standard Service Catalog

Services ML03 Display Standard Service Catalog

Services ML05 Purchasing Object for Service

Services ML10 Create Model Service Specications

Services ML100 Calculate Taxes at Service Level

Services ML11 Change Model Service Specications

Services ML12 Display Model Service Specications

Services ML15 List of Model Service Specications

Services ML20 Create Conditions

Services ML30 Create Vendor Conditions

Services ML31 Change Vendor Conditions

Services ML32 Display Vendor Conditions

Services ML33 Create Vendor Conditions

Services ML34 Change Vendor Conditions

Services ML35 Display Vendor Conditions

Services ML36 Create Vendor Conditions

Services ML37 Change Vendor Conditions

Services ML38 Display Vendor Conditions

Services ML39 Create Vendor Conditions

Services ML40 Change Vendor Conditions

Services ML41 Display Vendor Conditions

Services ML42 Create Service Conditions

Services ML43 Change Vendor Conditions

Services ML44 Display Vendor Conditions

Services ML45 Display Service Conditions

Services ML46 Change Service Conditions

Services ML47 Display Service Conditions

Services ML48 Create Conditions

Services ML49 Change Conditions

Services ML50 Display Conditions

Services ML51 Create Conditions

Services ML52 Change Conditions

Services ML53 Create Conditions

Services ML81 Maintain Service Entry Sheet

Services ML81N Service Entry Sheet 14/17
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Services ML82 Display Service Entry Sheet

Services ML83 Message Processing: Service Entry

Services ML84 List of Service Entry Sheets

Services ML85 Collective Release of Entry Sheets

Services ML86 Import Service Data

Services ML87 Export Service Data

Services ML89 Denition of Formulas

Services ML90 Field Selection for Services

Services ML91 Stand. Values f. Ext.Services Mgmt.

Services ML92 Entry Sheets for Service

Services ML93 Purchasing Object for Service

Services ML94 External Services Mgmt.: Direct Call

Services ML95 List Display: Contracts for Service

Services ML96 Purchase Requisitions for Service

Services ML97 Recompile Index

Services ML98 Std. EKORG Values f. Ext. Srv. Mgmt.

Services ML99 Formula Variable IDs

Services MLRP Periodic Invoicing Plans

Services MLS5 Import Standard Service Type

Services MLS6 Report for Standard Service Catalog

Services MLV1 Conditions: Services

Services MLV2 Create Total Price (PRS)

Services MLV3 Create Total Price (PRS)

Services MLV4 Create Total Price (PRS)

Services MLV5 Change Currency (Contracts)

Services MLV6 Create Other

Services MN13 Create Message: Service Entry Sheet

Services MN14 Change Message: Service Entry Sheet

Services MN15 Display Message: Service Entry Sheet

Services MSRV1 List for Service

Services MSRV2 Service List for Requisition

Services MSRV3 Service List for Purchase Order

Services MSRV4 Service List for RFQ

Services MSRV5 Service List for Contract

Services MSRV6 Service List for Entry Sheet

Services OLMSRV Customizing MM-SRV

Services OM1R Maint. Periodic Invoicing Plan Types

Services OM2R Maint. partial invoicing plan types

Services OM3R Maintain Date IDs 15/17
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Services OM4R Maint. Date Cat. for Invoicing Plan

Services OM5R Default Date Category for Inv. Plan

Services OM6R Maintain Dates

Services OM7R Rule Table for Date Determination

Services OM8R Invoicing Plan: Blocking Reasons

Services OM9R Purch. Order: Reasons for Rejection

Services OMCB Service Lists

Services OMCI Scope of List: Service Lists

Services OMH0 Interface to Activity Allocation

Services OMK8 Services: Exclusion Indicator

Services OMQM C MM-PUR Matchcode: Entry Sheet

LoGen OMS1 Units of Measure Grouping

LoGen OMS2 Maintain Material Types

LoGen OMS2OLD C MM-BD Material Types

LoGen OMS3 Congure Industry Sectors

LoGen OMS4 C MM-BD Material Status

LoGen OMS5 C MM-BD Set Up Laboratory

LoGen OMS6 C MM-BD Storage Condition(s)

LoGen OMS7 C MM-BD Temperature Condition(s)

LoGen OMS8 C MM-BD Container Requirement(s)

LoGen OMS9 Congure Field/Screen Selection

LoGen OMSA C MM-BD T130W Plant-Specic

LoGen OMSD C MM-BD F. Sel. Spec. T148G

LoGen OMSE C MM-BD F. Sel. Reference T148W

LoGen OMSF C MM-BD Material Groups

LoGen OMSH C MM-BD Matchcode for Material

LoGen OMSM CS MM Set Up Administrative Data

LoGen OMSR C MM-BD Field Groups

LoGen OMSS C MM-BD Field Groups: Special Stocks

LoGen OMST C MM-BD Record Layout f. BATCH INPUT

LoGen OMSU C MM-BD Mat. Master Data Transfer

LoGen OMSW C MM-BD Record Layout f. BATCH INPUT

LoGen OMSY C MM-BD Company Code for Matl Master

LoGen OMT0 C MM-BD Global Setting

LoGen OMT5 Auth. Group MatMaster (Inactive)

LoGen OMT8 Transfer Material Master Data by DI

LoGen OMY1 Create Input File from Material 16/17
3/18/2017 configurationtransactioncodesinsapMMSapFix


Services for Object Icon is missing in VA22/VA23/VA32/VA33/VA42/VA43/VA02/VA03 (


No open billing quantity has been determined (

Duplicate Customer Check in SAP (

Material Substitution Table in SAP (

One Step Procedure for STO between storage locations (


November 2013 (

October 2013 (

September 2013 (

August 2013 (

July 2013 (

June 2013 (

May 2013 (

April 2013 (

March 2013 (

February 2013 (

January 2013 (

December 2012 ( 17/17

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