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1) Discuss the eight principles of the ISO 9000 standard.

Ans: The ISO 9000 standard is based on eight principles:

Customer Focus: Understand the customers needs, meet the customers requirements, and
strive to exceed the customers expectations.
Leadership: Establish unity of purpose and organizational direction and provide an
environment that promotes employee involvement and achievement of objectives.
Involvement of People: Take advantage of fully involved employees, using all their abilities for
the benefit of the organization
Process Approach: Recognize that things accomplished are the results of processes and that
processes along with related activities and resources must be managed.
System Approach to Management: The multiple interrelated processes that contribute to the
organizations effectiveness are a system and should be managed as a system.
Continual Improvement: Continual improvement should be a permanent objective applied to
the organization and to its people, processes, systems, and products.
Factual Approach to Decision Making: Decisions must be based on the analysis of accurate,
relevant, and reliable data and information.
Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships: Both the organization and the supplier benefiting
from one anothers resources and knowledge results in value for all.

2) Discuss Pareto Charts.

Ans: A Pareto chart is a type of chart that contains both bars and a line graph, where individual
values are represented in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is represented by the

The left vertical axis is the frequency of occurrence, but it can alternatively represent cost or
another important unit of measure. The right vertical axis is the cumulative percentage of the
total number of occurrences, total cost, or total of the particular unit of measure. The purpose of
the Pareto chart is to highlight the most important among a (typically large) set of
factors. In quality control, it often represents the most common sources of defects, the highest
occurring type of defect, or the most frequent reasons for customer complaints, and so on.
3) Discuss fishbone diagrams.

Ans: Fishbone diagrams are also called as Cause-And-Effect Diagrams. Fish bone diagrams are
used determine the causes of problems and isolate them from the process.

This technique also focuses on particular group to eliminate irrelevant discussions and can be
used on any problem in real time. This is the only Total Quality Tool, which in not based on
statistics. The cornerstone of this tool is visualizing how the different factors associated with a
process affect the process's output. Fish bone diagram provides a graphical view of the total
process which can be easily interpreted by our brain.

Benefits of using Fish-bone or Cause-and-Effect Diagrams:

- The process of creating the diagram is an instructive process

- The diagrams enable to focus on group of factors in order to reduce the irrelevant discussions

- separates causes from symptoms and force the issue of data collection

- Fishbone diagrams can be used to solve any kind of problem.

4) Discuss histograms.

Ans: Histograms are utilized to graph the recurrence of occurrences. Traits and variables are
information as they speak to courses of action. Characteristics is information, for example, pass
or fizzle and variable information are measured values, for example, results from estimations.
The variable information connected to the qualities information can uncover more data around a
procedure, for example, the methodology modification that are creating a methodology to fizzle
or out of breaking point scrap or reject rate. The recurrence of the reject or fizzles identified with
the variables can bail find rejects as well as inefficiencies.

5) Discuss control charts for variables.

Ans: Control Charts helps in differentiating the special causes and common causes of problems
to evaluate the problems being faced and finding the appropriate solution for them. Here special
causes refer to change in material used, machine problems or lack of employee training and
common causes refers to the random occurrences of problems.

The data related to the process are plotted over time and two limits are set from the center line as
Upper Control Limit (UCL) and

Lower Control Limit (LCL). The data is kept between the UCL and LCL and when a special
cause impacts the process the data plots a point penetrating either UCL or LCL or a group of plot
points above or below the center line. When the plot shows a point penetrating the UCL or LCL
or a long run of points deviated from the center line indicates that something is wrong and needs
immediate attention.

Control Charts are the appropriate tool for monitoring the processes. As long as the plot points
stay between the UCL and LCL and stay on the process average line, it can be considered that the
process is in statistical control. The properly used Control Chart will alert the operator
immediately if the data or the plot point deviates from the centerline or UCL and LCL.

6) Discuss flowcharts and give a simple example.

Ans: Flowcharts are a graphic representation of a process. This shows the sequence of the entire
process. Graphically depicts the logical steps to carry out a task and shows how the steps relate
to each other. They help visualize what is going on and thereby help the people to understand a
process, and perhaps also find flaws, bottlenecks, and other less-obvious features within it.
Example: A simple example of process shown through flowchart. First Reading the temperature,
then if the temperature is less than 32 degree Celsius, then it will show Below Freezing. If its
not then it will show Above Freezing.

7) Explain what is an FMEA.

Ans: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis(FMEA) is an analytical technique to determine all
possible failures of a process or a product and designating them according to their risk factors
and setting up a motion action to reduce the probability or frequency of their occurrence. FMEA
will point towards the problems which need to be solved by using appropriate tools.

FMEA helps to identify all the possible modes of failure that are possible to occur in a process or
a cycle. After identifying the problems, the "effects analysis" takes place and analyzes the
consequences of every possible potential failures and then the consequences are ranked using:

- seriousness of the customer

- probability of the occurrence of the problem or failure

- probability of detecting the problem in order to prevent the defect from happening.

FMEA can be involved and implemented at the following points:

- during design or redesign of a process or product

- when the existing process need to be improved

- when trying to use the existing process in new style

- when safety is an issue

8) Provide an overview of the Toyota practical problem solving process.

Ans: Whether you are trying to prevent your present faults or future faults you need to follow a
methodology to solve the problem. The figure below shows the flow chart of the Toyota practical
problem solving process has seven main steps. Step 2 is divided into several sub categories.
Step 1: Perceive the initial problem
Step 2: Clarify the problem:
2a) Observe with open mind
2b) Compare the situation to the standard
2c) Variance exists?
2d) More than 1 variance?
2e) Prioritize
2f) Set an improvement objective
Step 3: Determine the POC
Step 4: Determine the root cause
Step 5: Develop an implement countermeasure
Step 6: Countermeasure effective?
Step 7: Change the standard.
9) Explain a total quality decision making process.

Ans: Decision making is the process of selecting one course of action from among two or more
alternatives. Decision making is a critical task in a total quality setting. Decisions play the same
role in an organization that fuel plays in an automobile engine: They keep it running. The work
of an organization cannot proceed until decisions are made. In Difficult situations, Managers
should be prepared to have their decisions evaluated and even criticized after the fact. Although
it may seem unfair to conduct a retrospective critique of decisions that were made during the
heat of battle, having ones decisions evaluated is part of accountability, and it can be an
effective way to improve a managers decision-making skills.

10) Explain why quality tools are important.

Ans: Total Quality Tools can be used by employee at any level in the organization to take
advantage and to serve better for the organization and future prospects.
Importance of Quality Tools:
-Assessment of customer needs
-Predicting the market trends
- Market Analysis
- Brainstorming of ideas to select the best option
- statistical analysis
- competitive analysis
- incorporating changes to existing process
- Performance sustainability to with stand set up standards for the process or product

11) Social Networking Content.

Re: Robust vs. robot learning
by Swapnil Bamne - Tuesday, March 21, 2017, 12:43 PM
The article focuses on the differences between Machines and Humans. Machines can be
found in daily lives and can finish a particular activity in very less time. The article clearly
states that the working capacity of a machine is far superior to a human. But it also says
that humans ability to take decisions. In any business environment team work is the key
to success. Every member of a team brings his own distinct expertise which when pooled
together in a specific topic can lead to a innovative idea. Leaders today are fully aware of
the advantages a machine has, but they also understand the importance of humans. As the
world is moving towards more automation, more reliability on machines. It also needs to
understand how having different perspectives to solving a problem can be advantageous. A
team with different cultures and background and with sufficient reliability on machines can
make an organization one of a kind.

- by Swapnil Bamne (sbb27)

Re: 5 sustainable packaging trends to watch in 2017
by Swapnil Bamne - Monday, March 20, 2017, 4:47 PM
The writer through this article brings to our attention that companies in 2017 are more
foucussed on sustainibilty
rather than just simple brand building. Companies are thinking of new ways to create less
impact on the planet by
incorporating sustainable materials and practices in their packaging processes. Some of the
trends we may get to
see in the coming year are discussed with respective advantages and disadvantages.
Clear Labelling - This trend aims at informing the customers on how to recycle the product
by mentioning the steps to recycle clearly on the lable.
Lightweight Packaging - Lightweight packaging can reduce the number of products used in
the packaging process and
ultimately reduce the cost and also reducing the environmental impact.
Using recyclable materials - This is one of the most important meausres to ensure minimal
environmental impact
Other trends like edible packaging and slimming down packages are set to impact the
packaging industry worldwide. Packaging
is geared to get smarter and more environmental friendly.
- by Swapnil Bamne (sbb27)

Re: EFF warily applauds Windows 10's data collection changes
by Swapnil Bamne - Monday, March 20, 2017, 9:53 PM
Since the operating system's debut, Microsoft has been embroiled in an ongoing row over
how much data Windows 10 sends on its users to the company's headquarters.

Microsoft still hasn't said exactly what gets collected as part of the basic level of collection,
except that the data is used to improve its software and services down the line; a
reasonable ask --but one that nonetheless lacks specifics. Microsoft said it wants users to
"trust" it. And while the likelihood that the company is doing anything nefarious with users'
information is frankly unlikely, the running risk is that the data could somehow be turned
over to a government agency or even stolen by hackers is inescapable.

While changing the privacy controls is a move in the right direction, it's still short of what
many have called for.By ignoring the biggest privacy complaint from its consumer users --
the ability to switch off data collection altogether Microsoft has favored the "just enough"
approach to appease the regulators.

- by Swapnil Bamne (sbb27)

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