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Promotion of Bio slurry for Increased

Production in Organic Farming in

Introduction to Tanzania Domestic Biogas
Programme and Bioslurry Use
About SNV
Netherlands based non-profit, international development
organisation, with >40 years of on the ground experience.
Local presence: >800 professionals in 36 developing countries
in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Capacity development services to local public and private
organisations increasing access to basic services, income and
Effectiveness Connection Scalability
leveraging critical mass seeking a systems change
empowering local actors

Market-Based Solutions to Eliminate Poverty

What we do

SNV and domestic biogas programs
Africa Biogas Partnership Programme
To improve living conditions of households in six African countries,
through the multiple benefits of the introduction of 70.550 domestic
biogas digesters for cooking and lighting and lay the foundations for
domestic biogas programmes in three additional countries.

Main funding: DGIS Fund management: Hivos TA: SNV

Tanzania Domestic Biogas
Programme (TDBP)
Tanzania Domestic Biogas Programme (TDBP)
Progress so far:

> 6,000 digesters constructed = > 35,000 beneficiaries. 2,409 digesters

constructed in 2012 only. Target for 2013: 3,258.
> 50 Biogas Construction Enterprises (BCEs) operational, accounting for
78% of total digester construction (2012).
Implementation structure with local partners has been instrumental in
achieving the targets.
Donor strategy evolving towards Results Based Financing and subsidy
reduction -> currently acting as promotion incentive.
Moving towards increased private sector engagement and facilitating
access to credit (MFIs/SACCOs) for further scaling.
Biogas technology has proven to be a good alternative for dairy farmers to
have access to clean energy, improved productivity and increased
What is Domestic Biogas Technology?
Design: fixed dome (4-13m)-MCD Investment cost Tanzania: USD 400-600
Local materials & resources Life: > 20 years
Feeding: livestock manure & Gas use: cooking & lighting
human excreta (> 20 kg daily) Bio-slurry: organic fertiliser
Multiple Benefits of Domestic Biogas Plants

Health &

Agriculture Economy
Clean cooking environment

Cooking energy

Lighting +Production (bioslurry)



/Networking PROMOTION
Like minded


Innovative farming leading to increased yields and

economic returns of the HH
What is Bio-slurry?
Anaerobic decomposed organic material
The residue of the fermentation comes out as sludge which is known as
digested bio-slurry& nutritional value is greatly improved if urine can
also be collected in the digester
Bio-slurry discharged from the reactor retains all nutrients originally
present in the feeding material which makes bio-slurry a potential
organic fertilizer.
Provides a viable solution to nutrient depletion of many agricultural soils
in developing countries.
Bio-slurry boosts agri- and horticultural production and will improve
productivity of fish rearing
Management of Bio slurry
Preservation of Bio slurry

Spread it under shade on the flat

surface and dry for 3-4 days
depending on weather.

Preserve it in bags/drums in a
dry place for future use.
Pile the dry slurry under shade
Use it as input material for
Advantages of Bio slurry

Being fully fermented, it is odorless and does not attract flies.

It repels termites and pests that are attracted to raw dung.
Bio-slurry reduces weed growth (proved to reduce weed growth by up
to 50%).
Bio-slurry is an excellent soil conditioner, adds humus, and enhances
the soils capacity to retain water.
Bio-slurry is pathogen-free. The fermentation of dung in the reactor kills
organisms causing plant disease.
Soil fertility and structure improved through use of bioslurry as an
organic fertilizer resulting in improved crop yields and reduced erosion.
Major plant nutrients (such as NPK) are preserved during fermentation
process & plants can immediately absorb these nutrients.
After being stored for a few days or mixed in a 1:1 composition with
water, bio-slurry can be applied directly to vegetables or fruit crops
around the household.
Advantages of bio-slurry
Bio-slurry application along with installation of regular irrigation channels is
beneficial for the growth of vegetables especially root vegetables, paddy,
sugarcane, fruit trees, and nursery saplings.
Mushroom cultivations also benefits greatly from bio-slurry application.
Spraying bio-slurry (with or without a little addition of pesticide) can
effectively control red spiders and aphids attacking vegetables, wheat and
The effect of bio-slurry with 15- 20% pesticide in pest-control is proven to
produce the same results as using pure pesticides.
Dressing of barley seeds with bio-slurry is an extremely effective way to
control the barley yellow mosaic virus, which is one of the most destructive
diseases in barley growing areas.
biogas process is carbon neutral, thus contributing to the global reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions for better care of Mother Nature. Utilizing bio-
slurry is the next step towards turning waste into benefits.
Different ways of Using Bio slurry
Vegetable garden
Pest control in Coffee
Feeding materials for fish farming
and other livestock
Dried digested slurry has great potential to be used as feed
supplement for cattle, pigs, poultry, and fish
Progress to date
Capacity strengthening to build up the farmers extension agents
5 groups of 15-18 farmers each .
Strategic plan and development-Green Entrepneurship round table
Development of various promotion/ education materials (Brochures,
leaflets, Bio slurry training manuals, posters and banners) to increase
knowledge and understanding among stakeholders.
Partnership with Tanzania Organic agriculture Movement (TOAM)
Partnership with Tutunze Kahawa Ltd-for promotion of Coffee
Collaboration with SUA- Animal Science Department
12 Model villages for Conservation Agriculture in Njombe and Dodoma

Low awareness and acceptance of this type of manure

among biogas users
Slow adoption pace by other stakeholders.
Lack of Bio slurry policy-no support from Govt extension
Bio-slurry use is a new ground. No research results which
underpin the impact of bioslurry in various aspects e.g. soil
The attitude towards business/entrepreneurships in bioslurry
is not sharp
Toilet connection aspect is not in favor as majority of users are
not interested.
Involvement and engagement of other stakeholders in bio slurry takes time
and sometimes need money .
The research results took long time to come out
Most of the farmers have not realized the importance of bio-slurry
because the initial objective to them was energy for cooking.

To strengthen collaborations and invite more organization in promotion

and fundraising for of Biogas for Bio slurry(B-B)

To motivate F-F extension to help in spreading the message

Establish collaboration with market networks to establish commercial

viable market of organic products

Promote organic farming research and provide more information on the

effectiveness of organic fertilizer and proofs on how it can play part in
agriculture production.

Edith Banzi Advisor Renewable Energy, Arusha

Juliana Mmbaga Extension and Training Officer-TDBP-Arusha
[email protected]

Bio slurry for increased productivity

SNV Netherlands Development

Organisation For more information, please contact:
Chole Road Plot 1124 Tanzania Domestic Biogas Program (TDBP)
P.O. Box 3941
Lehada Cyprian Shila, TDBP Coordinator
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel +255-(0)22260340 Tel. +255 27 254 92 14 / Mob. +255 78 95 55 722 [email protected]

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