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3/21/2017 3:36 PM

ANTONIO CARTER, an individual )

Plaintiff, )
LANE KIFFIN; both in his official capacity as an )
employee of Florida Atlantic University and the State )
of Florida and in his individual capacity; )
university and political subdivision of the State of )
Florida; STATE OF FLORIDA, a state of the )
United States of America. )
Defendants. )


1. Plaintiff, ANTONIO CARTER, is over the age of nineteen (19) years, and is a resident citizen

of Alabaster, Shelby County, Alabama. Plaintiff ANTONIO "A.C." CARTER is a former

college football player at the University of Alabama, with more than ten years of experience as

an assistant football coach, both at the collegiate and high school levels.

2. Defendant LANE KIFFIN is over the age of nineteen (19) years, and is believed to be a

resident citizen of Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida. At all times relevant hereto,

LANE KIFFIN was the head football coach and an employee/ agent of Defendant


3. Defendant FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY is a public university, with its

principal campus located in Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida. At all times relevant

hereto, Defendant FAU was the employer of Defendant LANE KIFFIN and a political

subdivision of Defendant STATE OF FLORIDA.

4. Defendant STATE OF FLORIDA is the 27th state to the United States of America. At all

times thereto, Defendant STATE OF FLORIDA was the employer of Defendant LANE



5. This action arises from tortuous conduct by Defendants LANE KIFFIN and Defendant


CARTER a position to join the football coaching staff at Defendant FAU, under head

football coach Defendant LANE KIFFIN. It is believed that, at the time of the offer,

Defendants knew that Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER had a family friendship with a

coveted football prospect (hereinafter "the prospect" or "the coveted prospect"), and

believed Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER could get the coveted prospect to commit to


6. Defendants offered Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER a one-year employment position as

assistant wide receivers coach and assistant strength and condition coach just one week .

before National Signing Day, February 1, 2017. Such offer was made without any

contingencies. Plaintiff accepted the offer and LANE KIFFIN personally ratified it.

7. Upon his hiring, Defendant LANE KIFFIN immediately tasked Plaintiff ANTONIO

CARTER with the recruitment of the coveted prospect. Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER

diligently carried out his assignment and secured the prospect's commitment. In addition,

Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER participated in the recruitment of two other recruits who

also committed to the FAU football program.

8. Immediately after National Signing Day-and after the coveted recruits had submitted their

executed letters of intent-Defendants LANE KIFFIN and FAU revoked the employment


agreement with Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER on grounds that, as described below, were

pre-textual in nature and not applied to the hiring of other FAU assistant coaches.

9. Despite obviously benefiting from the labors of Plaintiff, Defendants LANE K.IFFIN,

FAU, and, in turn, STATE OF FLORIDA have failed to pay and have refused to pay

Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER for his labor and expenses.


10. On or about December 13, 2016, Defendants STATE OF FLORIDA and FAU hired

Defendant LANE KIFFIN to serve as head football coach for Defendant FAU.

11 . As expected of a newly-hired head collegiate football coach, Defendant LANE KIFFIN

immediately began to recruit and hire assistant coaches to join the football staff at Defendant


12. On or about December 14, 2016, Defendants STATE OF FLORIDA and FAU hired Wilson

Love (hereinafter "Coach Love") as strength and conditioning coach for Defendant FAU.

Coach Love was hired at the request and recommendation of Defendant LANE KIFFIN.

13. Within the same week of Coach Love's hire, Coach Love reached out to Plaintiff ANTONIO

CARTER about possibly joining the football coaching staff at FAU.

14. On January 25, 2017-just seven days before National Signing Day-Defendant LANE

KIFFIN authorized Coach Love to offer Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER a position as

assistant wide receivers coach and assistant strength and conditioning coach at Defendant FAU.

The offer was for a one-year term to begin immediately, consisting of a compensation package

of $40,000 salary, up to $4,000 for relocation expenses, and eligibility for various coaching

bonuses. No contingencies were placed upon said offer. Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER

accepted the offer.

15. At all times relevant to the offer and acceptance of the position with Defendant FAU, Plaintiff


ANTONIO CARTER resided in Shelby County, Alabama, and was physically in Shelby

County, Alabama when such offer was made and accepted.

16. All communications were transmitted to Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER while he was in

Shelby County to entice him to leave the state and take the offered job in Florida.

17. In reliance on said offer, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER immediately began to make initial

plans and arrangements to travel to Boca Raton, Florida.

18. After Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER accepted the offer, Coach Love informed Plaintiff

ANTONIO CARTER that he would be receiving the standard employment "paperwork"

from a representative of Defendant FAD's Human Resources department.

19. On January 27, 2017, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER informed Coach Love that he had not

received an e-mail from FAU Human Resources regarding any "paperwork." Coach Love

reassured Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER that the paperwork was coming and that he was

hired and not to worry.

20. On January 28, 2017, Defendant LANE KIFFIN sent a text message to Plaintiff ANTONIO

CARTER inquiring about why he was not on campus yet.

21. Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER immediately replied to Defendant LANE KIFFIN that he

was waiting on the paperwork and that he could be there as soon as possible. In response,

Defendant LANE KIFFIN reassured Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER that he was hired and

the deal was "done." Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER was also told by Wilson Love to get on

down to campus to get started. Neither coach ever wavered on the finality of the hiring nor

the terms of the deal.

22. In reliance upon Coach Love's and, more importantly, Defendant LANE KIFFIN's

representations that Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER's employment was finalized, Plaintiff and

his wife immediately resigned from their current jobs to facilitate their move to Boca Raton.


Plaintiff and his wife also began the school-transfer process so Plaintiff's school-age children

could leave their current schools and enroll in schools in the Boca Raton area.

23. Immediately after finalizing the hiring of ANTONIO CARTER, Plaintiff ANTONIO

CARTER was assigned by LANE KIFFIN to recruit a junior college prospect from Plaintiff

ANTONIO CARTER's home town. 1

24. Said prospect was a highly-touted, "4-star" athlete that was recruited in high school by

numerous Division I college football programs. Following his senior high school season, the

prospect signed a letter of intent to play football at the University of Florida. However,

academic eligibility concerns resulted in the prospect attending a junior college.

25. Tbis coveted prospect was a close family friend of Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER, and the

prospect's family had just celebrated New Year's Eve together with Plaintiff ANTONIO

CARTER and his family just a few weeks earlier. It is believed that this relationship between

Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER and the coveted prospect was known to the coaches and

defendants at the time he was hired.

26. Pursuant to LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love's requests, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER

immediately began reaching out to and communicating with the prospect.

27. On January 30, 2017, it was stressed by Coach Love that Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER

needed to get down to campus as soon as possible because LANE KIFFIN wanted him down

there. Consequendy, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER immediately booked a flight to arrive in

Boca Raton the following day. Later that day, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER finally received

an e-mail from FAD's Department of Human Resources, stating, in pertinent part, ''Welcome

to Florida Adantic University. Athletics has notified us of your acceptance of a position with

the Football program." The e-mail went on to read, however, "Tbis offer is contingent upon

1This is not the only prospect that Carter was tasked with recruiting. In addition to this prospect, Carter's efforts
successfully secured commitments from two other prospects for FAU on National Signing Day.


the successful completion of a background check."

28. This post-acceptance e-mail was the first mentioning of any contingency upon Plaintiff's

employment This attempted contingency came after Defendant FAD, by and through its

employees/ agents Coach Love (who had actual authority or, at a minimum, apparent

authority to extend such an offer) had already offered the position, without contingency, and

Plaintiff accepted the position. This attempted contingency also came after Defendant LANE

KIFFIN ratified the offer/ acceptance, without contingency, through telling Plaintiff

ANTONIO CARTER his employment was "done" before any paperwork was received.

29. The e-mail from FAD's Department of Human Resources went on to explain that Plaintiff

would receive an e-mail from a third-party employment company that would necessitate

Plaintiff completing various credit and criminal background authorizations. Plaintiff

ANTONIO CARTER received the third-party e-mail and immediately completed all

requested authorizations. At no time did Defendants LANE KIFFIN or FAU restrict

Plaintiff's work or services in any way. Instead, Defendant LANE KIFFIN continued to

converse with Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER about his recruiting efforts towards his

assigned prospects.

30. The next day, January 31, 2017, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER flew to Boca Raton to join his

new colleagues on the FAU coaching staff. Coach Love picked him up from the airport and

immediately took Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER to meet the coaches, including Defendant

LANE KIFFIN. Defendant LANE KIFFIN conversed with Plaintiff ANTONIO

CARTER about his efforts to sign the coveted prospect and the team's recruitment strategy

leading into the following morning-National Signing Day.

31. On February 1, 2017-National Signing Day-Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER arrived at the

FAD football facility for the team's morning workouts at 5:00 A.M. Shordy thereafter,


Defendant LANE KIFFIN texted every FAU assistant coach-including Plaintiff

ANTONIO CARTER-and informed them that the first coach to get a recruit to fax in their

letter of intent would get a cash bonus. Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER replied, messaging

Defendant LANE KIFFIN that he was "On it!!" Defendant LANE KIFFIN then messaged

Plaintiff, stating that the coveted prospect could "screen shot u [sic]" his letter of intent.

32. Throughout the course of the day, there were additional texts and communications between

Defendant LANE KIFFIN and Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER about various prospects and

their recruitment and signing.

33. Ultimately the coveted prospect, and two others prospects Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER

was tasked with recruiting, signed and sent their letters of intent in to Defendant FAU.

34. On February 2, 2017, Defendant FAU, by and through their Human Resources Department, e-

mailed Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER asking for clarification of "concerns" with the

background check Defendant FAU had conducted on Plaintiff. Specifically, Defendant FAU

inquired about Plaintiff's credit history, previous minor criminal charges/traffic violations, and

driver's license history. Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER immediately provided a detailed

response to each alleged concern and offered to secure all documentation necessary to verify

that the alleged concerns were unwarranted.

35. Meanwhile, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER continued to work in his role as assistant wide

receivers and assistant strength and conditioning coach. Because Defendant LANE KIFFIN

informed the staff that they had the following week of February 5th through February 10th off,

Plaintiff made travel arrangements to fly back to Birmingham, Alabama, on the aftemoon of

February 3, 2017, to assist his wife in finalizing the family's move to Boca Raton.


36. Later on February 3'd, Defendant FAU contacted Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER and advised

that he would not be hired2 due to two prior minor misdemeanor criminal charges. 3

37. Upon his return to Alabama on February 3, 2017, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER secured

documentation showing the resolution of the minor criminal charges. Plaintiff ANTONIO

CARTER provided these documents to Defendant FAU via e-mail on February 7, 2017.

Defendant FAU never responded to that e-mail.

38. On February 8, 2017, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER e-mailed Patrick Chun, Athletic

Director for Defendant FAU, and provided additional clarification and assurances regarding

Defendant FAD's alleged concerns. Patrick Chun never responded. Plaintiff ANTONIO

CARTER also called Patrick Chun on multiple occasions. Patrick Chun refused to accept or

return Plaintiffs calls.

39. Meanwhile, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER reached out to Defendant LANE KIFFIN for

assistance, reasonably believing that Defendant LANE KIFFIN, as head football coach at

FAU, had the authority and power to influence Defendant FAD's post-acceptance revocation

of Plaintiffs employment. Despite Defendant LANE KIFFIN's clear representations that

Plaintiff need not wait for any "papetwork" from FAU because the hiring of Plaintiff was

"done," Defendant LANE KIFFIN claimed the decision was out of his hands and that he

could not help Plaintiff.

40. On February 13, 2017, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER returned to Boca Raton, Florida, in an

attempt to meet with F AU Athletic Director, Patrick Chun. Mr. Chun refused to meet with

Plaintiff, despite Plaintiff waited outside his office for several hours.

2This announcement to "not hire" Plaintiff is in spite of the fact that Plaintiff already had a legally binding agreement in
place. Therefore, FAU's claim that they would not "hire" Plaintiff is best described as a revocation of Plaintiffs

3 One charge was deemed a ''No Information" (refusal to prosecute) by the Assistant State Attorney of Florida more
than 7 years ago. The other charge was resolved via unsupervised probation.


41. After being refused a meeting with Mr. Chun, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER approached

and met with a representative of Defendant F AU's Human Resources Department, providing

details, assurances, and documentation to alleviate any of their alleged concerns. Plaintiff

ANTONIO CARTER received a phone call from the Human Resources representative later

that day informing him that they refused to reverse their decision.

42. Although Defendant FAU represented to Plaintiff that his two minor criminal charges were the

basis of his revocation of employment, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER has since learned that

Defendant FAU and, in turn, Defendant STATE OF FLORIDA, hired numerous assistant

football coaches at the request of Defendant LANE KIFFIN despite significant publicized

criminal and ethic charges and allegations against them.

43. Defendant FAU has failed to compensate Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER for the hours he

worked on the behalf of Defendant FAU and, in turn, Defendant STATE OF FLORIDA, as

an assistant wide receivers and strength and conditioning coach. Defendants LANE KIFFIN,

FAU, and STATE OF FLORIDA have been unjusdy enriched from the unpaid work of


44. At all times relevant hereto, Coach Wilson Love and Defendant LANE KIFFIN were

agents/employees of Defendant FAU and, in turn, Defendant STATE OF FLORIDA, and

acted within the line and scope of their employment with said Defendants.

45. At all times relevant hereto, Coach Wilson Love and Defendant LANE KIFFIN had actual

and/ or apparent authority to extend the non-contingent employment offer to Plaintiff

ANTONIO CARTER, which Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER accepted without

contingency. Defendant LANE KIFFIN had actual and/ or apparent authority to ratify the

non-contingent employment agreement of Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER.

46. As a result, Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER has been damaged as oudined below.


47. Although the full nature and extent of the knowledge and scienter of Defendant LANE

KIFFIN and Coach Love is not fully known, the circumstantial evidence of their knowledge

strongly suggests, at the least, mistaken fraud and, at the worst, promissory or legal fraud.

Consequently, the Fraud counts below are pled in the aggregate and in the alternative as the full

extent of knowledge and intent will be thoroughly explored during discovery.


48. Plaintiff adopts and re-alleges all previous paragraphs as if set out in full herein.

49. Defendant LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love while acting in the course and scope of their

employment with FAU recklessly represented to Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER that he was

employed, without contingency, as an assistant wide receivers coach and assistant strength and

conditioning coach at FAU. These representations included all terms of the employment,

confirmation of hiring, and action by plaintiff in reliance. The representations included

Defendant LANE KIFFIN on January 28, 2017, confirming that the hiring of Plaintiff

ANTONIO CARTER was a "done" deal. This was done while Defendant LANE KIFFIN

knew that paperwork was required by F AU and had not been completed much less approved.

50. When making such representations, Defendant LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love did not

know whether or not such representations were true. Defendant LANE KIFFIN and Coach

Love made such false representations to Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER in order to induce

Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER to immediately begin to recruit and secure the coveted

prospect that Defendant LANE KIFFIN, and Coach Love, upon information and belief,

knew was a close family friend with Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER.

51. Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER did not know that such representations were false. Instead,

Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER reasonably relied on Defendant LANE KIFFIN's and


Coach Love's representations to his detriment.

52. Furthermore, Defendant LANE KIFFIN, as head football coach at Defendant FAU, and

Coach Love had actual and/ or apparent authority to make such representations about the

employment of Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER.

53. At all times relevant hereto, Defendant LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love were

employees/agents of Defendant FAU and Defendant STATE OF FLORIDA, acting within

the line and scope of their employment/agency with Defendants. As such, Defendants FAU

and STATE OF FLORIDA are vicariously liable to Plaintiff for the conduct of Defendant

LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love under the doctrine of respondeat superior.

54. The aforementioned fraudulent conduct of Defendant LANE KIFFIN combined and

concurred with the tortious and wrongful conduct of all other named and fictitious defendants

to cause Plaintiff to sustain the following damages:

(a) Plaintiff was not provided the compensation promised to him under said contract;

(b) Plaintiff and his wife were caused to resign from their then-current employment,
thereby sustaining a loss of income;

(c) Plaintiff has suffered mental anguish and emotional distress;

(d) Plaintiff has expended sums of money in the form of travel expenses, lodging
expenses, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff therefore demands judgment against each of the Defendants, joindy

and severally, including the fictitious party Defendants, in a sum in excess of the jurisdictional limits of

this court, to be determined by a jury, which will fairly and adequately compensate the Plaintiff for

damages sustained. Further, Plaintiff requests that the jury selected to hear this case render a verdict for

Plaintiff and against each Defendant, and that it award punitive damages in an amount which will

adequately reflect the enormity of the Defendants' wrongful acts and which will effectively prevent

other similar wrongful acts.



55. Plaintiff adopts and re-alleges all previous paragraphs as if set out in full herein.

56. Defendant LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love while acting in the course and scope of their

employment with FAU mistakenly and/or negligently represented to Plaintiff ANTONIO

CARTER that he was employed, without contingency, as an assistant wide receivers coach and

assistant strength and conditioning coach at F AU. These representations included all terms of

the employment, confirmation of hiring, and action by plaintiff in reliance. The representations

included Defendant LANE KIFFIN on January 28, 2017, confirming that the hiring of

Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER was a "done" deal. This was done while Defendant LANE

KIFFIN knew that paperwork was required by F AU and had not been completed much less


57. When making such representations, Defendant LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love mistakenly

and/ or negligently did not know whether or not such representations were ttue. Defendant

LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love made such false representations to Plaintiff ANTONIO

CARTER in order to induce Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER to immediately begin to recruit

and secure the coveted prospect that Defendant LANE KIFFIN, and Coach Love, upon

information and belief, knew was a close family friend with Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER.

58. Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER did not know that such representations were false. Instead,

Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER reasonably relied on Defendant LANE KIFFIN's and

Coach Love's representations to his detriment.

59. Furthermore, Defendant LANE KIFFIN, as head football coach at Defendant FAU, and

Coach Love had actual and/ or apparent authority to make such representations about the

employment of Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER.

60. At all times relevant hereto, Defendant LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love were


employees/agents of Defendant FAU and Defendant STATE OF FLORIDA, acting within

the line and scope of their employment/ agency with Defendants. As such, Defendants FAU

and STATE OF FLORIDA are vicariously liable to Plaintiff for the conduct ofDefendant

LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love under the doctrine of respondeat superior.

61. The aforementioned fraudulent conduct of Defendant LANE KIFFIN combined and

concurred with the tortious and wrongful conduct of all other named and fictitious defendants

to cause Plaintiff to sustain the following damages:

(a) Plaintiff was not provided the compensation promised to him under said contract;

(b) Plaintiff and his wife were caused to resign from their then-current employment,
thereby sustaining a loss of income;

(c) Plaintiff has suffered mental anguish and emotional distress;

(d) Plaintiff has expended sums of money in the form of travel expenses, lodging
expenses, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff therefore demands judgment against each of the Defendants, joindy

and severally, including the fictitious party Defendants, in a sum in excess of the jurisdictional limits of

this court, to be determined by a jury, which will fairly and adequately compensate the Plaintiff for

damages sustained. Further, Plaintiff requests that the jury selected to hear this case render a verdict for

Plaintiff and against each Defendant, and that it award punitive damages in an amount which will

adequately reflect the enormity of the Defendants' wrongful acts and which will effectively prevent

other similar wrongful acts.


62. Plaintiff adopts and re-alleges all previous paragraphs as if set out in full herein.

63. Defendant LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love intentionally represented to Plaintiff

ANTONIO CARTER that he was employed, without contingency, as an assistant wide

receivers coach and assistant strength and conditioning coach at FAU. These representations


included all terms of the employment, confumation of hiring, and action by Plaintiff in reliance.

The representations included Defendant LANE KIFFIN on January 28, 2017, confirming that

the hiring of Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER was a "done" deal. This was done while

Defendant LANE KIFFIN knew that Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER was not an employee

and had not been hired by FAU.

64. Defendant LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love conspired to and made such false representations

to Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER in order to induce Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER to

immediately begin to rectuit and secure the coveted prospect that Defendant LANE KIFFIN

and Coach Love knew was a close family friend with Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER.

65. Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER did not know that such representations were false. Instead,

Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER reasonably relied on Defendant LANE KIFFIN's and

Coach Love's representations to his detriment.

66. Defendant LANE KIFFIN never intended to retain Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER.

Instead, Defendant LANE KIFFIN engaged in a ''bait and switch" scheme to secure the

commitment of a coveted prospect at the expense of Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER.

67. Furthermore, Defendant LANE KIFFIN, as head football coach at Defendant FAU, and

Coach Love had actual and/ or apparent authority to make such representations about the

employment of Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER.

68. At all times relevant hereto, Defendant LANE KIFFIN and Coach Love were an

employee/agent of Defendant FAU and Defendant STATE OF FLORIDA, acting within the

line and scope of his employment/ agency with Defendants. As such, Defendants FAU and

STATE OF FLORIDA are vicariously liable to Plaintiff for the conduct of Defendant LANE

KIFFIN and Coach Love under the doctrine of respondeat superior.


69. The aforementioned fraudulent conduct of Defendant LANE KIFFIN combined and

concurred with the tortious and wrongful conduct of all other named and fictitious defendants

to cause Plaintiff to sustain the following damages:

(a) Plaintiff was not provided the compensation promised to him under said contract;

(b) Plaintiff and his wife were caused to resign from their then-current employment,
thereby sustaining a loss of income;

(c) Plaintiff has suffered mental anguish and emotional distress;

(d) Plaintiff has expended sums of money in the form of travel expenses, lodging
expenses, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff therefore demands judgment against each of the Defendants, jointly

and severally, including the fictitious party Defendants, in a sum in excess of the jurisdictional limits of

this court, to be determined by a jury, which will fairly and adequately compensate the Plaintiff for

damages sustained. Further, Plaintiff requests that the jury selected to hear this case render a verdict for

Plaintiff and against each Defendant, and that it award punitive damages in an amount which will

adequately reflect the enormity of the Defendants' wrongful acts and which will effectively prevent

other similar wrongful acts.


70. Plaintiff adopts andre-alleges all previous paragraphs as if set out in full herein.

71. Coach Wilson Love, as an employee/agent of Defendant LANE KIFFIN, Defendant FAU,

and Defendant STATE OF FLORIDA offered to Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER a

position of assistant wide receivers and assistant strength and conditioning coach with FAU at

the instruction of Defendant LANE KIFFIN.

72. At all times relevant hereto, Coach Wilson Love was acting within the line and scope of his

employment/agency with Defendant LANE KIFFIN, Defendant FAD, and Defendant



73. Said offer was for a specified term of one year, calling for a $40,000 salary, up to $4,000.00 in

relocation expense reimbursement, and eligibility for various bonuses. No other contingency or

condition was placed on such offer.

74. Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER accepted the offer, without modification or contingency.

There was a binding legal contract upon such acceptance.

75. Defendant LANE KIFFIN subsequendy ratified the aforementioned contract, representing to

Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER that his employment was "done" without concern for any

future paperwork.

76. As head football coach of Defendant FAD, Defendant LANE KIFFIN had the authority

and/ or apparent authority to ratify such contract.

77. Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER carried out his duties pursuant to said contract. However,

Defendants LANE KIFFIN, FAD, and STATE OF FLORIDA breached said contract with


78. The aforementioned breach by Defendants LANE KIFFIN, FAD, and STATE OF

FLORIDA combined and concurred with the tortious and wrongful conduct of all other

named and fictitious defendants to cause Plaintiff to sustain the following damages:

(a) Plaintiff was not provided the compensation promised to him under said contract;

(b) Plaintiff and his wife were caused to resign from their then-current employment,
thereby sustaining a loss of income;

(c) Plaintiff has suffered mental anguish and emotional distress;

(d) Plaintiff has expended sums of money in the form of travel expenses, lodging
expenses, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff therefore demands judgment against each of the Defendants, jointly

and severally, including the fictitious party Defendants, in a sum in excess of the jurisdictional limits of

this court, to be determined by a jury, which will fairly and adequately compensate the Plaintiff for


damages sustained, including all consequential damages.


79. Plaintiff adopts and re-alleges all previous paragraphs as if set out in full herein.

80. Defendants LANE KIFFIN, FAU, and STATE OF FLORIDA have been unjustly enriched

from the fruits of Plaintiff's labor. Despite the receipt and enjoyment of such benefits,

Defendants LANE KIFFIN, FAU, and STATE OF FLORIDA have refused to compensate

Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER for his work, services, and expenses associated with his

employment as assistant \vide receivers coach and assistant strength and conditioning coach.

81. Plaintiff is entitled to equitable relief from Defendants LANE KIFFIN, FAU, and STATE

OF FLORIDA in the form of reimbursement of his time, services, and expenses associated

with his work to which Defendants reaped benefits.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff therefore demands judgment against each of the Defendants, jointly

and severally, including the fictitious party Defendants, in a sum in excess of the jurisdictional limits of

this court, to be determined by a jury, which will fairly and adequately compensate the Plaintiff for his

work, services, and expenses associated with his employment as assistant wide receivers coach and

assistant strength and conditioning coach. Further, Plaintiff further demands judgment as to any and all

other equitable relief available to Plaintiff under Alabama law, including but not limited to reasonable

attorney's fees associated with the prosecution of this action.


82. Plaintiff adopts and re-alleges all previous paragraphs as if set out in full herein.

83. Defendants LANE KIFFIN, FAU, and STATE OF FLORIDA took action to entice

Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER to work on their behalf, resulting in Defendants reaping

benefits from the fmits of Plaintiff's labor.

84. Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER undertook such work with a reasonable expectation for


compensation of his services.

85. Defendants LANE KIFFIN, FAU, and STATE OF FLORIDA knowingly accepted

services rendered by Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER and the benefit and result thereof, and

therefore the law implies a promise on the part of the defendant to pay the reasonable value

of such services rendered.

86. Despite the receipt and enjoyment of such benefits, Defendants LANE KIFFIN, FAU, and

STATE OF FLORIDA have refused to compensate Plaintiff ANTONIO CARTER for his

work, services, and expenses associated with his employment as assistant wide receivers coach

and assistant strength and conditioning coach.

87. Plaintiff is entided to equitable relief from Defendants LANE KIFFIN, FAU, and STATE

OF FLORIDA in the form of reimbursement of his time, services, and expenses associated

with his work to which Defendants reaped benefits.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff therefore demands judgment against each of the Defendants, joindy

and severally, including the fictitious party Defendants, in a sum in excess of the jurisdictional limits of

this court, to be determined by a jury, which will fairly and adequately compensate the Plaintiff for his

work, services, and expenses associated with his employment as assistant wide receivers coach and

assistant strength and conditioning coach. Further, Plaintiff further demands judgment as to any and all

other equitable relief available to Plaintiff under Alabama law, including but not limited to reasonable

attorney's fees associated with the prosecution of this action.


880 Montclair Road, Suite 300
Birmingham, AL 35213
Phone: (205) 933-1500
Fax: (205) 933-5500
E-Mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Pursuant to Alabama Rules of Civil Proced~~~huntiff , .e / C. jury on .n coun"

herein in this action. / ~ ~-



The plaintiff hereby requests that the clerk serve the following Defendant be served by certified
mail, return receipt requested.

c/o FAU Athletics Department
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, Florida 33431


c/o President John W. Kelly
777 Glades Road
Administration Building, Room 339
Boca Raton, Florida 33431

c/o Governor Rick Scott
400 S. Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399



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