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Serious Injury
and Fatalities
Field Guide

Mechanical Ele
ion ctr
ot ic


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iat ic
ion em
Biological Ch

Applying the Hazard

Identification Tool
This field guide is a quick reference to help
personnel involved in high-risk activities1 to
identify and control the significant potential
hazards unique to each activity and job.
This field guide supplements but does not replace
existing permitting procedures and safe work practices.
To keep it brief, not every potential hazard or prevention
is listed. Apply appropriate local hazard assessment
procedures, along with this guide, to comprehensively
assess each job.

Field Guide Applications

Before beginning your high-risk activity, review
significant potential hazards and associated preventions.
Refer to the field guide in all phases of hazard
assessment: during planning, permitting, implementing
and closeout.
Integrate this tool into local efforts on fatality and
serious injury prevention.
Build awareness among workers, supervisors and work
leaders at meetings, field visits, shift turnovers and any
other opportunity.
Augment Managing Safe Work (MSW) field engagement
and Contractor Health, Environment and Safety
Management (CHESM) activities.
Use during near-miss and incident investigations.
Use as an Operational Excellence (OE) audit or self-audit
tool for high-risk observations.

Preventing serious injuries and fatalities requires

operational discipline. This means performing every task
the right way every time, from initial hazard assessment
through each step of the job, including post-activity review.

Activities, tasks and exposures most frequently associated with serious
injuries and fatalities in Chevron and industry.

Hazard Identification Tool Definitions Abbreviations and Chemical Names
The force caused by the attraction of all other masses to the mass
of the earth.
Examples: falling object, collapsing roof and a body tripping
or falling CHESM Contractor Health, Environment and
Safety Management
The change in position of objects or substances.
Examples: vehicle, vessel or equipment movement; flowing water; CO carbon monoxide
wind and body positioning when lifting, straining or bending
Mechanical CO2 carbon dioxide
The energy of the components of a mechanical system, i.e.,
rotation, vibration or motion within an otherwise stationary piece CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
of equipment or machinery.
Examples: rotating equipment, compressed springs, drive belts, GFCI ground fault circuit interrupter
conveyors and motors
Electrical H2S hydrogen sulfide
The presence and flow of an electric charge.
Examples: power lines, transformers, static charges, lightning,
energized equipment, wiring and batteries
JHA Job Hazard Analysis
Energy applied by a liquid or gas that has been compressed or is
JLA Job Loss Analysis
under a vacuum.
Examples: pressure piping, compressed cylinders, control lines, JSA Job Safety Analysis
vessels, tanks, hoses and pneumatic and hydraulic equipment
Temperature LPSA Loss Prevention Self Assessment
The measurement of differences in the thermal energy of objects
or the environment which the human body senses as either heat MOC Management of Change
or cold.
Examples: open flame; ignition sources; hot or cold surfaces, MSW Managing Safe Work
liquids or gases; steam; friction; and general environmental and
weather conditions
N2 nitrogen gas
The energy present in chemicals that inherently or through
OE Operational Excellence
reaction has the potential to create a physical or health hazard
to people.
Examples: flammable vapors, reactive hazards, carcinogens or OEMS OE Management System
other toxic compounds, corrosives, pyrophorics, combustibles,
oxygen-deficient atmospheres, welding fumes and dusts PFD personal flotation device
Living organisms that can present a hazard. PPE personal protective equipment
Examples: animals, bacteria, viruses, insects, blood-borne
pathogens, improperly handled food and contaminated water PSP Personal Safety Plan
The energy emitted from radioactive elements or sources and PSV pressure safety valve
naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM).
Examples: lighting issues, welding arcs, solar rays, microwaves, RCD residual current device
lasers, X-rays and NORM scale
Sound SWP Safe Work Practices
Sound is produced when a force causes an object or substance to
vibrate and the energy is transferred through the substance
in waves.
TIF Think Incident Free
Examples: equipment noise, impact noise, vibration, high-pressure
release and the impact of noise to communication
3 4
Hazard Analysis, a Requirement for Potential Significant Hazards
All High-Risk Tasks A potential significant hazard is any condition, action or
object that has the potential for an unplanned release
We eliminate or mitigate risks by identifying hazards,
of, or unwanted contact with, an energy source that may
taking actions to reduce them and sharing what we know.
result in a serious or fatal injury.
Hazard analyses must be conducted by qualified people
for the type of work and its potential hazards. Analysis
may include:
Energy Source Hierarchy of Controls
Follow a hierarchy of controls approach to reduce the risk
1. Planning Phase Analysis such as Job Hazard Analysis
of a serious or fatal injury. Where possible, it is always
(JHA), Safety Plan, Safety Instructions, Operating
best to first eliminate the hazard and then apply lower-
Procedures (with a review equivalent to a Planning
level controls as needed. Based on the energy source, the
Hazard Analysis), refinery instructions, review of safety
hierarchy of controls is:
plans, operator checklists or equivalent.
2. Job Safety Analysis (JSA), Job Loss Analysis (JLA) 1. Remove the energy source.
and JHA or equivalent including onsite review. 2. Prevent the release of energy.
3. Personal hazard assessment tools, including Think 3. Protect from the release.
Incident Free (TIF), Personal Safety Plan and Loss 4. Use Stop-Work Authority.
Prevention Self Assessment (LPSA) or equivalent.
Stop-Work Authority
Identify the Hazards and Take Action
All employees and contractors have the authority and
The first safeguard is you. To reduce the odds for human responsibility to stop work that does not comply with the
error, you must address any factors that may interfere Tenets of Operation2 or that presents an imminent hazard
with your readiness to perform well and to react without the threat of reprisal. Perform these steps in
effectively to unexpected events or changes. sequence if you feel your own work or the work of others
Review and follow the procedure for the task. is not safe:
Question what you would do in an emergency and 1. Decide to intervene (take ownership).
include that information in the JSA document.
2. Stop the unsafe act.
Discuss the JSA with your co-workers to ensure it
3. Notify immediate supervisors.
addresses the hazards associated with the work, that you
understand what you will be doing and that you know 4. Resolve the issue.
how to do it safely. 5. Resume work (or stay shut down until risk is mitigated).
If the job changes: Stop, evaluate and revise the JSA as 6. Share what you learned.
needed. Dont make snap decisions.
Do it safely or not at all.
There is always time to do it right.

Tenets of Operation printed on back cover.

5 6
Human Performance Human Performance

Human error has been shown to be a factor in
Assessment Questions
nearly every serious incident and fatality. Your
Individual Factors
focus on improving human performance is
1. Are you feeling stressed,
critical to achieving an incident-free operation. distracted or worried due to work
or personal issues?
2. Are you excessively fatigued or do
you have many things distracting
you from the task at hand?

Task Demands
1. Are the procedures and
instructions for the task unclear?
2. Does the task require high
concentration or multitasking?
3. Does the task require more time
than allowed?

Distractions Can Happen to Anyone 4. Are you capable of performing

the task but feel that you require
more guidance?
In fact, the more familiar we are with the task, the easier
it is to lose focus. Loss of focus can lead to an error. Even
with established worker qualifications and the best tools Organizational Factors
and experience to guide us, we must also be personally 1. Do you feel insecure about
your ability to use Stop-
ready to perform each job at our highest capacity. Work Authority?
The risk for error and injury goes up at all experience 2. Are you unclear about your roles
and responsibilities?
levels when individual or organizational factors, task
3. Are you uncomfortable
demands or the work environment interfere with our communicating with your peers
ability to focus on our tasks. and supervisors?
4. Do you feel pressured to
Assess the Situation and Take Action take shortcuts?

If you can answer yes to any of the assessment Work Environment

questions on the facing page, it may affect incident- 1. Is the environment (temperature,
free job performance. Preventive actions you or your ventilation, room for movement,
supervisor can take to reduce the risks to working egress, lighting or noise level)
safely include: different from what was expected
or planned for?
Get help. 2. Are you in an environment prone
to unanticipated distractions?
Get clarification.
3. Are you working in
Get focused. unpredictable or constantly
changing conditions?
Defer the work.
4. Are labels, signs or
displays inadequate?

7 8
Confined Space Prevention Means Always:
Ask: Is there a safer way to complete the job
ctr without entering the confined space?
ot ic
Comply with permitting requirements. Use of this

field guide is not an equivalent.



It! Provide supervisory job-site walk-through prior to

S o un

permit approval and periodically during work.


ad Establish a job-specific rescue plan, including

iat ic
ion em
Biological Ch rescue personnel and equipment, before entering
the confined space.
Potential Significant Hazards Keep a trained, CPR-certified entry watch
at the assigned post throughout entry and
Emergency-related entry can be
any emergencies.
hazardous without proper planning, training
and equipment. Maintain an entry log at all times.
Lack of oxygen due to N2, CO2 or other agents Ensure workers entering confined spaces are fit
can incapacitate staff in a confined space. for duty and qualified to work in a confined space.

Flammable vapors may be present or Complete and verify the isolation checklist
build up during the work and create an following approved isolation procedures before
explosive atmosphere. starting work.

Pyrophoric material (ignites on exposure to Assess and eliminate pyrophoric materials

oxygen) may exist in vessels or pipes. prior to opening equipment (using temperature
monitoring and air samples to confirm elimination
Toxic gases such as CO or H2S can be
as the material dries).
hazardous in high concentrations.
Material in the space could shift and
Use adequate ventilation equipment, and follow
all gas testing and monitoring requirements
trap workers.
and procedures.
Converging walls or sloping floors can cause
a fall onto unguarded equipment below.
Provide two-way communication (radios, not cell
phones) for operations group and rescuers.
Unguarded or exposed electrical
equipment in a confined space poses a risk
for electrocution.
Inadequate entry/exit methods (ladders,
stairs and scaffolding) can cause falls and
hinder evacuation.
Extreme temperatures in a non-ventilated
space can lead to heat stress, heat stroke and
other hazards.

9 Assess all of your jobs specific hazards Did you assess for human performance? 10
Electrical Prevention Means Always:
Minimize work on live electrical systems. The first
ctr choice is to de-energize.
ot ic
Comply with permitting requirements and standards

for Electrical Safe Work Practices3 (SWP). Use of this

See field guide is not an equivalent.

Provide supervisory job-site walk-through prior to
S o un


permit approval and periodically during work.


iat ic
Require that only qualified electrical persons work

ion e
Biological Ch

on systems rated 50 volts and above.

Potential Significant Hazards Require a qualified electrical standby person

and use of applicable arc-flash and shock PPE by
Lapses in focus while working on live everyone involved in interactions with exposed
electrical systems can present an energized parts.
electrocution hazard.
De-energize/isolate, lock and tag, test, and
Electrically energized equipment and live ground (if applicable) electrical equipment.
electrical systems can expose workers to Address all points of isolation documented in the
electrocution or arc-flash burns. isolation checklist.
Overhead power lines can cause Assume equipment is live Test Before Touch
electrocution, especially near drilling rigs, every time!
ladders, lifting and other tall equipment. Ensure required clearance when working near
Underground electrical cables can present overhead power lines. (Consider a cranes full
hazards during any excavation, large or small. extension radius.) Use Look up and Live flagging,
warning cones and a spotter for work near
Flammable vapor or material may ignite from
overhead power lines.
sparks generated during electrical work.
Static electricity can ignite flammables
Contact utility providers to locate
underground lines.
during transfer operations.
Inspect equipment and power cords before each
Lightning is a potential hazard to anyone
use. Require ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)
working outdoors, especially when working at
or residual current device (RCD) outlets for outdoor
height or in an open area.
work with portable electrical tools and lighting.
Electrically powered equipment (power
Adhere to grounding, bonding and transfer rates to
tools, extension cords, etc.) presents an prevent static accumulation and discharge during
electrocution hazard if it is improperly wired flammable material transfer operations.
or if a short occurs.
Suspend work and seek safe refuge during threat
of lightning.
See Chevron Corporate Required Standard for Electrical Safe Work
Practice at

11 Assess all of your jobs specific hazards Did you assess for human performance? 12
Excavation Prevention Means Always:
Ask: Is there a safer way to complete the job
ctr without working in the excavation or near
ot ic
heavy equipment?

Comply with permitting requirements. Use of this

See field guide is not an equivalent.

Provide supervisory job-site walk-through prior to
S o un


permit approval and periodically during work.


iat ic
Provide a competent person to assess the soil,
ion e
Biological Ch

plan and permit, to inspect the excavation and to

Potential Significant Hazards engage engineering professionals as needed.

Lack of situational awareness while

Use only qualified and authorized personnel to

operate your excavation equipment.
working in the trench can expose workers to
significant hazards. Contact utility providers to identify, locate and
understand routing of underground utilities.
Underground electrical lines can present a
hazard during excavations, large or small. Establish a job-specific rescue plan, including
rescue personnel and equipment, before entering
Underground pipelines may contain
the excavation.
pressurized, flammable or toxic
materials, creating a hazard if released Select and use appropriate shoring or
during excavation. benching methods as defined in the Safety in
Designs manual.
Cave-ins can crush or suffocate workers if
proper preventive measures arent taken. Provide appropriate means for entering and
exiting excavations, such as ramps, ladders, etc.
Lack of oxygen can incapacitate workers.
Store removed soil away from the edge (at
least 2 ft/0.6 m) to avoid cave-ins or soil falling
Flammable gases can be present or on workers.
build up during the work and create an
explosive atmosphere.
Secure and barricade the work site to prevent
unauthorized access by vehicles and personnel.
Some toxic gases, such as H2S, are heavier
than air and can collect in low spots, resulting
Prohibit standing or working under loads.
in dangerously high concentrations. Follow all gas testing and monitoring requirements
and procedures, especially near running engines.
Drowning is possible if there is a leak or if rain
runoff fills the excavation. Inspect the site at shift start and after any
change or event (such as rain, new equipment or
Excavation equipment can become a hazard
an earthquake).
when it is moved or if it tips over during the
excavation work.

13 Assess all of your jobs specific hazards Did you assess for human performance? 14
Hot Work Prevention Means Always:
Ask: Is there a safer way to complete the job with
ctr cold work?
ot ic
Comply with permitting requirements. Use of this

field guide is not an equivalent.

It! Provide supervisory job-site walk-through prior

S o un

to permit approval and periodically during work.


ad Complete and verify the isolation checklist and

iat ic
ion em
Biological Ch follow approved isolation procedures before
starting work.
Potential Significant Hazards Make sure flammables cant be introduced during
hot-work operations. Seal drain openings, tank
Inadequate surveillance of job site conditions
vents and pressure safety valve (PSV) discharges.
(for example, not monitoring for combustible
gas) may put personnel at risk. Clear hot-work area of combustibles
and flammables.
Flammable gases can be present or
build up during the work and create an Cut vents in underwater equipment where

Hot Work
explosive atmosphere. necessary to allow flammable gases to escape.

Flammable and combustible materials in the Adhere to all gas testing requirements. Test
work area can ignite from transfer of heat, properly to be sure there are no pockets of
sparks or slag. flammable vapors.

Uncontrolled entry into a restricted work Have a dedicated fire watch onsite during the
site by motor vehicles or other engine- work and for at least 30 minutes after hot work.
driven equipment (such as generators and Inspect all equipment, and follow safe handling
welding machines) can ignite a fire or cause procedures for compressed gas cylinders
an explosion. and hoses.
Explosive pockets of gas can build up while Secure and barricade the work site to prevent
performing underwater cutting or welding. unauthorized access of vehicles and personnel.
Compressed gas cylinders may explode if Enforce permits for motorized vehicles operating
hoses catch fire or may become missiles if in classified hazardous areas.
pressure is suddenly released.

15 Assess all of your jobs specific hazards Did you assess for human performance? 16
Lifting and Rigging Prevention Means Always:
Ask: Is there a safer way to complete the job
ctr without lifting and rigging?
ot ic
Comply with permitting requirements. Use of this

field guide is not an equivalent.

It! Provide supervisory job-site walk-through prior

S o un

to permit approval and periodically during work.


ad Use qualified or certified crane operators, riggers

iat ic
ion em
Biological Ch and signalmen with the required experience for
the lift.
Potential Significant Hazards Evaluate any potential to strike process equipment
or to drop a load on it.
Unclear communication between crane
operator and other personnel including Avoid blind lifts. If required, take extra precautions.
standing out of operators line of sight Eliminate uncertified homemade lifting devices.
may increase the risk for incidents.
Use approved binding and chocking equipment for
Complex lifts (dynamic, blind or on unstable loads and pipe racks.
seas) increase the potential for all lift hazards.
Keep signalmen in view of the crane operator, and
Unchocked pipes may become falling objects. make sure they Look up and Live to spot electrical
lines and safely guide their operators.
Use tag lines (non-conductive) to guide loads.

Lifting &
Improper rigging, misidentifying the load or

equipment failure may cause dropped loads. Maintain required clearance when working near
Loads striking personnel, vehicles or overhead power lines. Provide a separate spotter
equipment can result in serious loss. and warning cones to mark power lines. Allow for
a cranes full extension radius in the clearance.
Equipment overloading, overextension
and overturning can result from crane Barricade and secure clear pick-up, lay-down
malfunction, outrigger setup, heavy winds or and crane operating areas at all deck levels, and
the load exceeding capacity due to extended establish clear escape routes for riggers.
use or miscalculations. Make sure to have enough space, proper ground
Shifting loads may cause overloading or conditions and proper outrigger deployment for
falling objects. mobile crane operations.

High-voltage power lines in a cranes Prohibit climbing on or walking under loads.

working area can pose a potential Cease operations during offshore helicopter
electrocution hazard. takeoff and landing.
Congested work area can limit rigger escape.

17 Assess all of your jobs specific hazards Did you assess for human performance? 18
Marine Work Prevention Means Always:
Comply with permitting requirements. Use of this
ctr field guide is not an equivalent.
ot ic
Provide supervisory job-site walk-through prior

to permit approval and periodically during work.

It! Prepare detailed dive plans that include rescue,

S o un

Permit to Work and Simultaneous Operations


plans as appropriate.


iat ic
Complete and verify the isolation checklist and
Biological Ch

follow approved procedures before starting work,

Potential Significant Hazards for example, ensure water pumps are locked out/
tagged out before divers enter the water.
Entering offshore installation safety zones
without notice or permission creates a hazard. Use only certified and inspected lifting, rigging,
diving and personnel transfer equipment.
Improper use or failure to use personal
flotation devices (PFDs) dramatically Establish clear communications and gain
increases the risk of drowning in the event of permission before entering any 500 meter
going overboard. Safety Zone.
Unapproved or poorly maintained equipment Anchor in areas away from pipelines
(such as for lifting and rigging, life safety or obstructions.
or personnel transfer) increases the risk
of accidents.
Stay aware of taut lines, and stay out of the line of
fire for deck lines, ropes and chains.
Diving activities have their own
inherent hazards. Avoid contact with marine wildlife by minimizing
Personnel transfer using crane lifting, swing work in the water, conducting work when wildlife
ropes, transfer bridges and other means can is less active, using barriers (cages, dive bell,
shark guards), and using spotters, alarms

be hazardous.

and procedures, or PPE (protective suits,
Environmental conditions such as fog,
darkness, wind and storms increase risk mesh gloves).
during routine lifts, personnel transfer and Adhere to grounding, bonding and transfer
boat or helicopter operations. rates and related procedures to prevent static
Static accumulation can ignite flammables accumulation and discharge during flammable
during transfer operations. materials transfer.
Anchoring near pipelines increases the risk to Wear PFDs at all times when they are required.
equipment and staff.
Taut deck lines, ropes and chains carry
Adhere to seating assignments on crew boats.
potential energy that can release with strong Adhere to a transfer plan for on- and off-boarding.
force if broken. Use Stop-Work Authority if you feel environmental
Wildlife such as jelly fish, sharks, sea snakes conditions make the risk of continuing work
and crocodiles can endanger staff working in too high.
the water.

19 Assess all of your jobs specific hazards Did you assess for human performance? 20
Motor Vehicle Prevention Means Always:
and Motorized Equipment Question the need for all trips and for moving
equipment in congested construction or work sites.
Comply with permitting requirements. Use of this
ion ctr
ot ic

field guide is not an equivalent.


See Prepare and follow a journey management plan.
It! Address congested work zones, heavy traffic,

S o un

night driving and weather and road conditions.


Perform a walk-around inspection of your vehicle

iat ic
ion em
Biological Ch

before use. Perform recommended maintenance.

Potential Significant Hazards Secure all inside cargo and any cargo to be hauled.
Distracted driving due to reaching for Wear your seatbelt, and make sure passenger
something, eating, or phone/radio/computer seatbelts are fastened before the car is started.
use is hazardous. Make driving your sole task while operating
Recklessness (speeding, unplanned routes, a vehicle: Dont use a cell phone, and avoid
seatbelts off, ignoring conditions) increases other distractions.
risk of crashes.
Drive drug- and alcohol-free.
Impaired driving (fatigue, medications,
substance abuse) slows reaction time and Pull off the road in a safe place at signs of fatigue.
hinders judgment. Rest before proceeding, or have someone
Poor visibility from weather or poor lighting, else drive.
mirrors or obstructed view (dirty windows, Use Smith System (or similar) defensive
load or vehicle structure) increase driver risk. driving principles.
Road conditions (slick, potholes, loose gravel,
Maintain the recommended speed and following
soft shoulders) may cause loss of control distance. Adjust for traffic, road and weather.
or rollovers.
Oncoming traffic and speeds over 25 mph Pay attention to road conditions, pedestrians,
(40 kph) raise impact severity in collisions. animals and other vehicles.
Unsecured cargo can strike occupants and Use caution lights, traffic cones, barricades or

Motor Vehicle
& Equipment
cause loss of driver control. flaggers to control vehicular traffic in work areas.
Large loads in congested work sites may Use flaggers or trained spotters, and maintain
strike equipment and personnel. two-way communication with equipment
Uncontrolled vehicle entry may cause operators, especially when backing heavy
ignition in classified areas and higher risk of motorized equipment.
struck-by injuries.
Make eye contact with equipment operators when
Pedestrian traffic and large-animal you are on foot to be sure the operator sees you.
crossings can be unpredictable and present
extra hazards.
Equipment failure (brakes, tires, lights) can
lead to crashes.

21 Assess all of your jobs specific hazards Did you assess for human performance? 22
Work at Heights Prevention Means Always:
Ask: Is there a safer way to complete the job
ctr without working at heights?
ot ic
Comply with permitting requirements. Use of this

field guide is not an equivalent.

It! Provide supervisory job-site walk-through prior

S o un

to permit approval and periodically during work.


ad Use trained qualified personnel for working

iat ic
ion em
Biological at heights.
Inspect fall prevention (harnesses, ropes,
Potential Significant Hazards anchor points, arrest systems) for wear and tear
before use.
Inadequate equipment, improper use or non-
use of fall protection, barricades, ladders and Equip scaffolding and elevated platforms with
scaffolding increases the risk of serious harm. appropriate guardrails, toe-boards and netting,
and have a qualified person inspect daily.
Falling to a lower level without protection can
lead to death or serious injury. Barricade, cover or guard surface openings.
Caution tape is not a substitute for barricades.
Falling objects (tools, equipment, etc.) can
Maintain an exclusion zone beneath the work area.
create serious hazards.
Environmental conditions (wind, rain, etc.)
Set ladders on a firm base, correctly angled and
tied off. Avoid overhead lines Look up and Live
can present hazards when working at height.
when moving ladders and scaffolding.
Live electrical lines can pose an electrocution
hazard to staff working at heights or
Avoid storing tools in high places when not in
use. If using elevated storage, tie off tools to
positioning ladders.
prevent falling.
Inadequately supported surfaces such
as building or tank roofs, interior ceilings,
Use mechanical assist devices like ropes and
pulleys to securely transport tools from grade
decking and grating can lead to a fall.
to work level.
Lightning is a potential hazard when working
at height in an open area.
Use full-body harness protection with 100%
tie-off. Never rely on just a fall-protection belt.
Suspension trauma is a hazard for any worker
suspended too long in a fall-protection harness.
Use anchor points that are strong enough
and high enough so that a fall will clear
any obstructions.

Work at
Have a plan to quickly rescue fallen or
suspended staff.
Be aware of electrical lines and weather
conditions; use Stop-Work Authority if necessary.

23 Assess all of your jobs specific hazards Did you assess for human performance? 24
Process Safety Safeguards4
Operate in accordance with procedures, and
maintain the primary layers of protection.

Serious Identify critical process parameters, and stay

Initiating within defined safe operating limits.
Event Injury or
Maintain the integrity of protective systems
such as detectors, alarms, shut-ins, interlocks,
Safeguards over-speed trips, relief devices and fire
protection systems.
We always assure safeguards Assure proper isolation when opening process
equipment or piping.
are in place and functioning
Follow documented maintenance procedures.
We process, handle and transport hazardous
materials every day. To do this safely, we must
Provide onsite supervisory control, including
pre-job walk-through and during work activities.
always maintain containment and control of these
materials. Maintaining effective barriers, systems Communicate effectively when issuing or
receiving permits so that everybody understands
and safeguards is critical to preventing loss of
the process hazards and how to safely transfer
process containment. equipment custody between work crews
and operations.
Significant Loss of Address condition changes that may affect
Containment Events process operations and equipment.

Fires and vapor cloud explosions can be Recognize process changes and follow
Management of Change (MOC) procedures
fatal to workers in the immediate vicinity or
when appropriate.
surrounding area.
Toxic and hazardous releases in sufficient
Conduct pre-startup safety reviews before
introducing hazardous material or energy to verify
quantities can be fatal to anyone who is exposed. equipment is safe to start up.
Release of hazardous energy or material can
Identify abnormal conditions and report them
cause significant equipment damage and endanger to supervision.
nearby workers.
Make certain that emergency procedures are well-
understood and rescue drills conducted regularly.
Key Preventive Activities
Report all loss of containment events; investigate
Maintain operation within safe limits. to determine root causes and prevent recurrence.
Follow operating procedures. 4
The Swiss Cheese Model describes how accidents may be caused.
Follow Management of Change procedures. It proposes that incidents are the result of a series of failures or
flaws in existing safeguards (procedures, training, inspection,
Follow isolation procedures. alarms, etc.). The slices of Swiss cheese represent the safeguards,
and the holes are the failures or flaws in each safeguard. Having
Perform inspections and preventive maintenance. multiple safeguards in place is analogous to a stack of different slices
of Swiss cheese. Its when the holes line up and allow successive
Follow maintenance procedures. failures to go unchecked that a serious incident occurs.

James Reason (1990-10-26). Human Error. Cambridge University
Maintain process safety information.
Press. ISBN 0521314194

25 Assess all of your jobs specific hazards Did you assess for human performance? 26

Please note that the Human Performance Tool, the Hazard

Identification Tool and related job aids and training materials
(collectively, the Tool) are copyrighted. This copyright does
not preclude sharing the Tool with Chevron employees, Chevron-
operated joint ventures (JVs), non-operated JV partners and our
contractor community. Unaffiliated third parties may use the Tool
only with permission from Chevron. For the Tool to be effective and
to avoid confusion, it is imperative that it be presented consistently.
By applying the copyright, we indicate that the graphic, text,
shape, aspect ratio, colors, etc., are to be maintained as a unit.
No commercial use, modifications, alterations or derivatives of
the Tool may be made without express written permission from
Chevron. Please contact your Chevron representative or the Hazard
Identification Tool Content Contact in the HES department of
Chevron Energy Technology Company with permission requests.
The Tool may be shared with our contractor workforce in the form
of hard-copy materials and electronic files so they may conduct
their business safely on Chevron projects. However, contractors
may not post the Tool on their website or modify the materials in
any manner without express written permission from Chevron.
Contractors may subsequently use the Tool to train their
personnel who work on Chevron projects and activities.
Contact the Hazard Identification Tool Content Contact in the
HES department of Chevron Energy Technology Company with
permission requests before sharing the Tool with non-contractor,
unaffiliated third parties.

27 Assess all of your jobs specific hazards

Preventing Serious Injury
and Fatalities
Field Guide

Tenets of Operation
Do it safely or not at all.
There is always time to do it right.
1. Always operate within design and
environmental limits.
2. Always operate in a safe and controlled condition.
3. Always ensure safety devices are in place
and functioning.
4. Always follow safe work practices
and procedures.
5. Always meet or exceed customers requirements.
6. Always maintain integrity of dedicated systems.
7. Always comply with all applicable rules
and regulations.
8. Always address abnormal conditions.
9. Always follow written procedures for high-risk or
unusual situations.
10. Always involve the right people in decisions that
affect procedures and equipment.
2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. All rights reserved.

GO-1965 (2-12)

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