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d 1 = Flange diameter d 4 = Bore diameter l 1 = Through bore
d 2 = Barrel diameter d 5 = Drive hole / Pin diameter l 2 = Traverse
d 3 = Outside diameter of boss e = Drive radius .
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 e l1 l2 Vol. dm3
100 40 80 63 0.42
125 50 50 28 8-16 40 95 80 0.83
160 63 118 100 1.7
80 150 125 3.3
200 71 36 8-16 71
100 125 100 2.35
100 190 160 6.6
250 71 36 8-16 71
125 150 125 4.6
125 236 200 13.1
315 71 36 8-16 71
160 190 160 9.2
140 265 224 18.7
355 112 56 16-28 112
180 215 180 13.2
160 300 250 26.3
400 112 56 16-28 112
200 236 200 18.8
180 335 280 37.4
450 112 56 16-28 112
224 265 224 26.8
200 375 315 51.9
500 112 56 16-28 140
250 300 250 36.8
224 425 355 73.4
560 112 56 16-28 140
280 335 280 51.7
250 475 400 105.1
630 112 56 16-28 140
315 375 315 72.5
710 355 160 80 28-40 160 530 450 133.6
800 400 160 80 28-40 160 600 500 188.5
900 450 160 80 28-40 160 670 560 267.2
1000 500 160 80 28-40 160 750 630 371.1
1120 560 160 80 28-40 160 850 710 524.6
1250 630 160 80 28-40 160 950 800 732.4
d 1 = Flange diameter. l 1 = Overall Width. Ssr = Run out of flange radial.
d 2 = Barrel diameter. l 2 = Traverse. Ssx = Run out of flange axial.
d 3 = Boss diameter. e 1 = Drive radius. Ksr = Run out barrel radial.
d 4 = Bore diameter. K 1 = Width of barrel entry slot.
d 5 = Drive pin diameter. K 2 = Length of barrel entry slot.

STANDARD SIZE RANGE: Generally to DIN 46395

Typ. nr. d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 e1 l1 l2 Ksr Ssr Ssx
FDT / 1000 1000 500 102 80 40 160 750 630 1000 3.0 3.0 3.0
FDT / 1120 1120 560 102 80 40 160 850 710 1500 3.0 4.0 3.0
FDT / 1250 1250 630 102 80 40 160 950 800 2000 4.0 5.0 4.0
FDT / 1400 1400 710 102 80 63 300 1060 900 3000 5.0 5.0 4.0
FDT / 1600 1600 800 102 80 63 300 1180 1000 4000 5.0 5.0 6.0
FDT / 1800 1800 1000 125 100 63 300 1320 1120 5500 6.0 7.0 7.0
FDT /2000 2000 1120 125 100 63 300 1500 1250 7500 7.0 7.0 7.0
FDT / 2240 2240 1250 160 125 63 300 1700 1400 10500 9.0 9.0 9.0
FDT / 2500 2500 1500 160 125 63 300 1900 1600 14000 9.0 9.0 9.0
FDT / 2800 2800 1800 185 140 63 300 2120 1800 18000 9.0 11.0 12.0

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